EMBEDDED SOFTWARE WHITEPAPER Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

INTRODUCTION Power management on embedded devices boils down to an amazingly simple principle “turn-off anything you don’t use.” Though this sounds fairly simple, the actual implementation can be quite complex. The Nucleus® real-time attempts to minimize the complexity by taking care of as many of the nitty-gritty details as possible, allowing the software developer to make high-level decisions, but also giving the developer the option of full control if desired.

This paper covers a few of the power management techniques that define device static power consumption. Dynamic CPU power savings utilizing CPU_Idle functionality and the automatic tick suppression feature available in Nucleus will also be discussed. Lastly, the concept of Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) will be covered as it applies to both static and dynamic power savings. All of the discussed techniques are analyzed when applied to the Atmel reference platform AT91SAM9M10-EKES.

(IMPORTANT NOTE ON POWER MANAGEMENT USING EVALUATION BOARDS) In this document we are using the AT91SAM9M10-EKES development board. It is important to note that only relative power measurements are meaningful on most evaluation boards. You can compare two different software approaches on the same board, even figure out the power savings (total mA but not percentage of total power), the total power measured will likely be very different on optimized hardware vs. the evaluation board. Evaluation boards are often not at all optimized for power, they often have debug circuitry, LEDs/light, include inefficient voltage converters (linear regulators), and lack the ability to properly disable and/or power down external peripherals, etc. Hard wiring on an evaluation hardware makes it easier for the evaluation board since the user can use the peripheral without writing code to turn it on. It may make the evaluation board simpler and less expensive, but it also makes it not possible to save power by turning off the peripheral. In our measurements using the AT91SAM9M10-EKES development board there was a constant current of ~130mA, which in optimized hardware could be significantly reduced.

STATIC POWER CONSUMPTION Static power dissipation for a specific device refers to the constant rate at which power is consumed by the device regardless of the device activity. The main factor1 that determines the static power consumption is the number of modules and peripherals that are powered on. Embedded hardware designed for power management and optimizations should allow the CPU to independently control power to as many different blocks, modules, or peripherals of the design as possible.

PERIPHERAL (DRIVER) POWER STATES Within the Nucleus OS, each peripheral typically has a driver that exposes the peripheral functionality to the OS and the applications. Each such peripheral driver registers with the OS informing the OS of its capabilities. One such capability in Nucleus is the support of peripheral power states. A Peripheral Power State is a power consumption limit that is set by the operating system. Up to 256 states can be defined for each driver with minimum requirement to support 2 states – OFF and ON. Such states impose the “minimum power consumption possible, no functionality required” and “no power consumption limit, full functionality” respectively. Each driver must initialize in the OFF state which means the lowest possible power consumption without any functionality enabled.

SYSTEM POWER STATES To aid the optimization of static power consumption, Nucleus OS defines a concept of a System Power State. A System Power State comprises a set of states for each peripheral in the system. An example definition of system power states for a simple MP3 player is shown in Figure 1 on the following page.

1 The other big factor is the DVFS operating point also discussed in this paper. 2 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS


Figure 1: Example System Power States definition.

It’s always a good rule of thumb to prioritize system states in order of their functionality and power consumption. The higher the state, the higher the functionality and the higher the power consumption. This type of organization allows applications to request minimum system power states required for their proper operation.

For example, in our hypothetical MP3 player scenario, the task responsible for playback of music would call

NU_PM_Request_Min_System_State (PLAYBACK);

whenever audio files are being played. Conversely, when playback is stopped, the playback task would call


to inform the system that the requirement is no longer needed. Other tasks/applications can also make such requests. For example, a GUI application may request the USER_ACTIVE state while the user is interacting with the device, then relinquish that request once the user has gone idle2. Once an application makes a request for a minimum system power state, the OS will not allow the system power state to drop below the requested state. When multiple requests are in effect, the highest requested state becomes the lowest possible system power state. Such a system allows each task to request what it needs from the system without any awareness from other tasks in the system.

For example, if the playback task requests a minimum system state of PLAYBACK and then the GUI task requests USER_ACTIVE, the system will be in USER_ACTIVE state until the GUI releases the request at which point the system state will drop to PLAYBACK. All this will happen without the playback task having any need to know about the GUI application.

2 Nucleus OS power services includes ‘Watchdog services’ to assist with implementation of timeouts based on user inactivity. See the Reference Power Controller provided with Nucleus for more details. 3 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

EXAMPLE IMPLEMENTATION To illustrate the static power consumption savings let’s take a look at an example implementation using the AT91SAM9M10-EKES platform. In this example, we have defined four system power states and wrote a simple application that transitions between the states every second. The resulting power consumption graph is shown in figure 2. The code to define the states and the test application is shown in Figure 3. To define the system power states NU_PM_Map_System_Power_State API was used (not shown here).

Power Values


Calculated Average


Figure 2: Static power consumption in four different system power states.

static VOID PMF_Task_Entry(UNSIGNED argc, VOID *argv) { PM_STATUS pm_status;

while (1) { pm_status = NU_PM_Set_System_State(eLCD_ON_USBH_ON); NU_Sleep(1*NU_PLUS_TICKS_PER_SEC); SS3

pm_status = NU_PM_Set_System_State(eLCD_DIM_USBH_ON); NU_Sleep(1*NU_PLUS_TICKS_PER_SEC); SS2

pm_status = NU_PM_Set_System_State(eLCD_OFF_USBH_ON); NU_Sleep(1*NU_PLUS_TICKS_PER_SEC); SS1

pm_status = NU_PM_Set_System_State(eLCD_OFF_USBH_OFF); NU_Sleep(1*NU_PLUS_TICKS_PER_SEC); } SS0 }

Figure 3: Changing system states application example. 4 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

DRIVER POWER MANAGEMENT Each peripheral driver has to actively and aggressively manage power consumption while obeying the peripheral power state (limit) set by the OS. Let us consider a serial driver example. A serial driver may have three supported peripheral states which are listed below in order of ascending power consumption:

1. “OFF” – The serial port is not functional, all available circuitry that can be controlled (clocks, transmitter, receiver, any RS232 level converters) is powered down and any that may come from the serial port are disabled.

2. “SLEEP” – In this state the serial power is powered off as in the OFF state, however it can receive a RING signal and pass it up to the applications or power controller. The power controller (or another application) at that point, may raise the power state of the serial port directly or by raising the system power state.

3. “ON” – In this state the serial port is expected to be fully functional and circuitry powered on as needed basis.

The states OFF and SLEEP are fairly straightforward, however the ON state needs to implement logic to dynamically control the power consumption. Here are some considerations:

■■ If the serial port is not opened by any applications, even though its power state is ON, the hardware should stay powered down and Rx interrupts disabled just as if it was in the SLEEP state since there is no user of the serial port. There is no requirement to burn power. A peripheral state is defined as the limit, or maximum power to be consumed, not the minimum. ■■ If there is a separate control of transmitter or transmit clock, it should be disabled if there is no out- going activity on the serial port for some pre-determined amount of time. Other drivers should be implementing a similarly aggressive power management strategy. All power-aware drivers shipped as part of the Mentor® Embedded Nucleus® ReadyStart™ BSP have such algorithms implemented (limited by the abilities of the particular hardware).

DYNAMIC POWER CONSUMPTION Dynamic power consumption refers to power that is consumed depending on the activity in the system. Though different activity can affect the power consumed by the peripherals (e.g. if the device transmits data using a radio interface) we are going to focus here on the CPU activity related power consumption.

When no tasks are scheduled in the system, Nucleus allows for the processor and related hardware to enter low power modes. To accomplish this, the CPU driver for a particular platform registers two functions:

1. CPU_Idle(UINT32 expected_idle_time, UINT32 wakeup_constraint)

2. VOID CPU_Wakeup(VOID)

The CPU_Idle function is called every time there is no task to be scheduled, while CPU_Wakeup() function is called whenever the CPU becomes active again -- due to pre-scheduled task or an external interrupt. 5 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

SIMPLEST CPU_IDLE/WAKEUP The simplest CPU_Idle function simply puts the CPU into a CPU Idle state. For our reference platform this code is shown Figure 4 below.

static VOID CPU_Idle(UINT32 expected_idle_time, UINT32 wakeup_constraint) { /* Disable the PMC forcing idle state */ ESAL_GE_MEM_WRITE32((CPU_PMC_REGISTER + CPU_PMC_CLOCK_DISABLE), CPU_PMC_SCDR_PCK);

/* Wait for interrupt */ ESAL_TS_RTE_CP_WRITE(ESAL_TS_RTE_CP15, 0, 0, ESAL_TS_RTE_C7, ESAL_TS_RTE_C0, 4); }

static VOID CPU_Wakeup(VOID) { /* Note that PCK auto re-enables */ } Figure 4: Example CPU_Idle and CPU_Wakeup implementation.

The CPU_Wakeup() function is empty for this implementation as the CPU automatically exits the “Wait For Interrupt” state without any software setup requirements.

To illustrate the power savings gained we have implemented a simple test program that keeps the CPU busy for 1 second, then sleeps for 1 second, repeating the pattern indefinitely. The results without and with our simple CPU_Idle function are shown in Figure 5 below.

Power Values


Calculated Average


Figure 5: CPU_Idle power savings.

As we can see in Figure 5, the simple CPU_Idle saves ~190mA of current whenever the CPU is idle. Without CPU_Idle implementation the power consumption would stay at ~460mA regardless of the CPU utilization3. 6 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

ADVANCED CPU_IDLE While the CPU Idle implemented in the previous section shows demonstrable results, Idle power consumption can be further reduced to take advantage of specific hardware features. Our reference platform, for example, offers the capability to put SDRAM into self-refresh mode at the cost of the power and time to enter and exit such low power mode. Our CPU_Idle function can be modified to allow the SDRAM to enter self-refresh mode if the expected idle time (passed to the CPU_Idle function as a parameter) is greater than a given threshold. This value is experimentally determined by performing measurements of the cost and benefits. Figure 6 below illustrates the principle behind this determination4.

Figure 6: Determining the threshold of whether to put SDRAM in self-refresh mode.

The new CPU_Idle for our reference platform now looks like this:

static VOID CPU_Idle(UINT32 expected_idle_time, UINT32 wakeup_constraint) { /* Disable the PMC forcing idle state */ ESAL_GE_MEM_WRITE32((CPU_PMC_REGISTER + CPU_PMC_CLOCK_DISABLE), CPU_PMC_SCDR_PCK);


/* Wait for interupt */ ESAL_TS_RTE_CP_WRITE(ESAL_TS_RTE_CP15, 0, 0, ESAL_TS_RTE_C7, ESAL_TS_RTE_C0, 4); }

3 In some cases when CPU_Idle is not implemented the current can even increase during times when there is nothing to be scheduled, since when CPU_Idle is not implemented, the scheduler enters an infinite loop while waiting for the next interrupt and that infinite loop can cause the CPU to consume even more power than during typical application operations.

4 In this specific reference platform the threshold is enforced by an automatic hardware timer measuring “idle DRAM time,” therefore, it is not necessary to make this determination in CPU_Idle function. 7 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

static VOID CPU_Wakeup(VOID) { /* Note that PCK auto re-enables */


Please note that this time the CPU_Wakeup function is no longer empty – in this function, we disable the ability for SDRAM to go so self-refresh low power mode so that it doesn’t affect performance as needed. Power savings realized by going to self-refresh mode on our reference platform are on the order of 70mA in addition to the initial idle mode savings with the grand total of ~260mA savings at the highest CPU operating point. The resulting power consumption using the test code from the previous section as shown in Figure 8.

Power Values


Calculated Average


Figure 8: Dynamic Power Consumption with more advanced CPU_Idle.

Other more advanced techniques can be used to further reduce dynamic CPU idle power consumption when using tick suppression (see next section) to allow longer duration idle times. In some situations where idle times are really long (and hardware allows for such long duration hardware timers) it may even be worth your while to consider attempting to transition to a lower Operating Point and restore the original in CPU_Wakeup. Please see the following section on Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) for more details.

Please note that basing your CPU idle on the expected idle time pays off in systems that do not have a large number of asynchronous external interrupts. Whenever the system receives such an external interrupt while it is idle, the expected idle time is not met, therefore any calculated power savings will not be fully utilized. 8 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

TICK SUPPRESSION The Nucleus OS task scheduler has a regular tick timer interrupt occurring at a fixed interval in order to perform task scheduling. This interval is typically 10ms. In order to allow the CPU idle time to be longer than this interval, tick suppression must be enabled. Tick Suppression in Nucleus is fully automatic and requires only that the software developer enable it. To enable tick suppression, all that is required is generate a call to an API:

NU_PM_Start_Tick_Suppress ();

And to disable it:

NU_PM_Stop_Tick_Suppress ();

Tick suppression can generally be enabled and left enabled without any drawbacks. The way tick suppression works is that whenever the scheduler sees an expected idle time (no tasks to be scheduled) longer than the time remaining to the next scheduled timer interrupt, it reschedules the next tick/interval timer interrupt to a much later time (either when the next known tasks are scheduled to run or to a maximum possible tick timer value). Upon coming out of the idle state, whether the exit was caused by the scheduled interval timer interrupt or an asynchronous external interrupt, the system time and other state information is properly adjusted so that any running tasks are not affected – they see “the world” the same regardless if tick suppression happened or not.

To illustrate how tick suppression works, Figure 9 shows the power consumption of a system running a test pattern of busy and idle times with tick suppression disabled.

Power Values


Calculated Average


Figure 9: Tick supression disabled. 9 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

In Figure 10 below, we show the very same test pattern but with tick suppression enabled. As you can see in this graph a large number of power spikes are gone since the tick processing never actually happened.

Power Values


Calculated Average


Figure 10: Tick suppression enabled power consumption.

(IMPORTANT NOTE ON TICK SUPPRESSION AND POWER SAVINGS) Nucleus ticks are very short in duration and therefore use very little power. This means that just suppressing the ticks can have a very small effect on power consumption. For example at 400MHz on the reference platform a single tick only runs for ~2us, which means that at a rate of 100 ticks per second (10ms interval) suppressing ticks alone will at most save 0.02% CPU utilization which is not very significant. The obvious question here is why do tick suppression at all? The answer is because tick suppression allows the CPU to stay idle for a much longer time, multiplying savings from such techniques as DRAM self-refresh mode or changing operating points in idle. This multiplication of savings can be significant. To illustrate this let’s revisit Figure 6 – in this diagram, tick suppression allows the energy saved (red area) to be increased multiple times (100’s of times in some situations) by simply lengthening the contiguous time duration that CPU spends in idle.

One other point worth mentioning is that in order to capture power spikes due to ticks on a power graph, measured current needs to be sampled at a sufficiently enough rate to capture such short duration “blips.” 10 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

DYNAMIC VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY SCALING (DVFS) The benefit of scaling voltage and frequency is reduced power consumption of the CPU and the attached peripherals. The cost is reduced peak performance. An Operating Point is a set voltage and frequency in which the CPU and/or the system can operate5. Typically, the voltage is determined by the minimum voltage that can sustain a set CPU frequency, therefore it usually doesn’t make sense to have two different operating points at the same frequency, but at different voltages. There are exceptions to this when a specific peripheral requires different voltages for a specified frequency and the voltage is chosen to meet the requirements of the highest voltage peripheral enabled.

Nucleus abstracts DVFS in terms of operating points. The number of supported operating points can be obtained from the Nucleus Power Services by calling the NU_PM_Get_OP_Count () API. Information about each operating point, including frequency (or frequencies if there are multiple clocks in the system) and voltage can be obtained by calling such as NU_PM_Get_Freq_Info(), NU_PM_Get_Voltage_Info() and NU_PM_Get_OP_Specific_Info(). For more information on this topic please see the Nucleus power reference manual6.

Determining the optimal operating point for a particular functionality is best done using measurements. Ideally, power can be measured at different operating points on the final hardware design while performing the desired function (e.g. playing music). The optimal operating point is the one that fulfills the performance requirement and consumes the least power to complete the job.

The problem of finding the optimal operating point can alternatively be approached by a combination of some simpler measurements and calculations. Since the total power consumed by the device can be divided between static and dynamic utilization, we can measure each component independently. Both the static and dynamic power consumption components are typically a function of an operating point. Let’s start by re-measuring the static power consumption measured in the “System Power States” section earlier in this paper for each operating point of interest. For our purposes, we’ll pick three different operating points shown in table below (Figure 11). Note that this reference platform does not support voltage scaling and therefore only the frequency varies between operating points.

Operating Point Frequency (MHz) OP1 400 OP2 200 OP3 133

Figure 11: Table of operating points (OP) tested.

5 In Nucleus, an operating point can also define additional independent clocks and such as DRAM clock and other parameters such as clock divider settings, etc. Use NU_PM_Get_OP_Specific_Info() API to retrieve the additional information.

6 A Nucleus® Power Management Services Reference Manual is available with Nucleus OS. 11 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

Since we want to measure the static power consumption we made sure that the test application is idle (sleeping) after setting the system power state and the operating point. A simple application shown in Figure 12 below accomplishes this task.

#define eMHZ_133 1 #define eMHZ_200 2 #define eMHZ_400 3

static VOID PMF_Task_Entry(UNSIGNED argc, VOID *argv) { PM_STATUS pm_status;

pm_status = NU_PM_Set_System_State(eLCD_OFF_USBH_OFF); pm_status = NU_PM_Start_Tick_Suppress();

while (1) { pm_status = NU_PM_Set_Current_OP(eMHZ_400); NU_Sleep(1*NU_PLUS_TICKS_PER_SEC);

pm_status = NU_PM_Set_Current_OP(eMHZ_200); NU_Sleep(1*NU_PLUS_TICKS_PER_SEC);

pm_status = NU_PM_Set_Current_OP(eMHZ_133); NU_Sleep(1*NU_PLUS_TICKS_PER_SEC); } } Figure 12: Operating point test application.

The resulting power consumption is shown in Figure 13 below.

Power Values


Calculated Average


Figure 13: Power consumption at different operating points. 12 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

Next, we repeated these measurement for each system state and we the resulting power consumption is shown in the table below (Figure 14).

System State Operating Power Consumption (Idle) Point [mA] STATE 1 OP1 162 OP2 185 OP3 202 STATE 2 OP1 190 OP2 212 OP3 232 STATE 3 OP1 PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN OP2 PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN OP3 325 STATE 4 OP1 PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN OP2 PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN OP3 402

Figure 14: Idle static power measurements.

Notice that for states 3 and 4 OP1 and OP2 do not show results. PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN code is returned by the NU_PM_Set_Current_OP() API indicating that some entity has requested that the operating point not transition below OP3. In our case it’s the LCD driver that cannot operate properly at the lower operating points and therefore it issues a minimum operating point request preventing the system from transitioning any lower. As soon as the LCD driver is turned off, the operating point transitions are allowed again. 13 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

Once we have the idle power consumption measured, we can modify our application to loop for a specified period of time instead of sleeping. This will allow us to measure the 100% CPU utilization power consumption. The results for our reference platform are shown in the table below (Figure 15).

System State Operating Power Consumption (P_Idle) Power Consumption (P_Busy) Point [mA] [mA] STATE 1 OP1 162 295 OP2 185 365 OP3 202 455 STATE 2 OP1 190 298 OP2 212 370 OP3 232 460 STATE 3 OP1 PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN OP2 PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN OP3 325 472 STATE 4 OP1 PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN OP2 PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN PM_REQUEST_BELOW_MIN OP3 402 551 Figure 15: Matrix of complete power measurement results.

Now that we have the complete measurement results we can proceed to calculating the estimated power consumption given a system state, the operating point, and an estimated average CPU utilization. CPU utilization should be measured at a lowest operating point that allows it to be under 100%. What that means is a minimum operating point has to be picked that satisfies the performance requirements and the time duration of the measurement so the average CPU utilization is under 100%.

For example, if you have a function to be performed that takes 100% CPU utilization for 1.2 seconds at 100MHz, every 2 seconds, then the average CPU utilization is 60% at 100MHz. For remaining operating points the measured utilization can be scaled linearly with the frequency (e.g. 60% utilization at 100MHz will scale to 20% utilization at 300MHz).

The estimated power consumption can be calculated using the following equation:

Power = P_Busy(STATE,OP) * CPU_UTIL + P_Idle(STATE,OP) * (1-CPU_UTIL)

where P_Busy and P_Idle come from in Figure 15 above and CPU_UTIL is the estimated average CPU utilization normalized to 100% = 1.00. Please note that it’s extremely important to scale the CPU utilization properly in order to get the accurate estimated result. Given the results, one can pick the most optimal operating point in which to attempt a switch.

So why go through all of these calculations if hardware is available to have power measured for any particular function at any operating point? Well, with a large number of measurements, sometimes it may be easier to calculate a large number of data points instead of measuring them, especially if every desired point is now known at the start and hardware is not available all the time. This is where this estimation method can help. 14 Implementing Power Management Features on the Nucleus RTOS

That said, the most exciting application for these calculations is the ability to automatically determine the most optimal OP. Suppose that one has measured the data in Figure 15 and there exists a task that monitors the current CPU utilization. Such a task can notice that CPU utilization is holding a steady average over some time while the power state does not change, and attempt transitions to the most optimal calculated operating point.

APPLICATION PROGRAMMING When programming applications for a power-optimized system running the Nucleus RTOS, it’s important to keep the following in mind:

1. Yield the processor (sleep, suspend on event or mutex, etc.) whenever possible. This will allow the operating system to transition the CPU to the most optimal idle mode automatically.

2. When needing a specific system state, request it via the NU_PM_Request_Min_System_State() API only, then release that request promptly using the NU_PM_Release_Min_System_State() API when its no longer needed. This will allow the operating system to automatically fall back to the minimum required state as requested by all applications in the system.

3. Avoid polled algorithms. Event interrupt and/or message driven systems should be implemented to allow the CPU to stay Idle as long as possible. As the events get more and more frequent, there exists a point at which the implementation should switch to polled operation in order to reduce the number of interrupts and therefore context switches. This reduces the average CPU utilization (and therefore power consumption) for the same load.

CONCLUSION As embedded device deployments are growing exponentially, an ever increasing number of those devices rely on batteries or other limited capacity power sources. Modern chipsets offer more and more power saving features, but most of them require software complexity to fully utilize. A competitive embedded OS today must address power management in order to simplify the design , speed up time to market, and increase reusability of code between different platforms by abstracting the power saving features from the designer.

About the Author: Adam Kaiser is a Nucleus RTOS Architect for the Mentor Embedded team at . He has an extensive expertise in embedded power management and is responsible for architecture of the Nucleus Power Management Framework. Prior to joining Mentor Graphics, Adam worked as a software architect for (OMAP) as well as Microsoft (Windows Mobile) where he worked closely with various and other embedded device manufacturers focusing on power management.

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