LOCAL NEWS SPORTS Photo Bridge Fall contest closings sports PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 7 AGAWAM ADVERTISER NEWS A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ www.turley.com October 8, 2020 ❙ Vol. 42, No. 32 ❙ $1.00 www.agawamadvertisernews.turley.com Schools Animals blessed at annual event By Shelby Macri also live streamed for those stay-
[email protected] ing at home. The church held the receive blessing of the animals was held AGAWAM – The Sacred Heart on Sunday Oct. 4, it was held Parish held its sixth annual bless- at noon in honor of the feast of ing of the animals, where people Saint Francis of Assisi. The bless- energy were able to bring their pets to ing celebrates the important be blessed by Father Steve Amo. place that pets hold in families The blessing required masks and and their lives, and reminds peo- six feet of social distancing. ple of the blessing of all God’s grants A large group of people creatures. Each dog in atten- showed up with their pets and dance stayed sitting with their By Gregory A. Scibelli gathered around in a circle while family and each pet got a sprin-
[email protected] staying six feet or more apart. kle of holy water by Father Amo. Father Amo stood in front of the While talking to a few fam- AGAWAM – The Town of Aga- crowd and read a passage from ilies after the blessing; another wam continues to make small the bible, then said a prayer and family arrived and Father Amo improvements to its schools, and sprinkled each pet in attendance said that they could stay in the will now improve energy efficiency with holy water.