October 23, 2020

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October 23, 2020 LOCAL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS THE Presorted Standard ECRWSS U.S. Postage Paid Sunbury, PA Snyder County Times 17801 The Area’s Largest Weekly Newspaper! Permit No. #17 A DIRECT MAIL PUBLICATION - 23RD YEAR - NO. 43 Friday, October 23, 2020 MIDDLEBURG, PA 17842 Sunbury Generation Plant: Brookdale Grayson View Halloween In The Park Hosts Haunted Drive Thru By Kay Poeth Going, Going, Gone By Kay Poeth By Kay Poeth These spooktacular creatures led the parade through the town of Paxtonville to kick off the Halloween in the Park festivities. In a matter of 8 seconds, the two remaining 300 foot The community of Paxtonville celebrated the bewitch- Brookdale Grayson View will host a Haunted Halloween ing hour with Halloween in the Park on Sunday, Octo- smokestacks of the former Sunbury Generation Plant Drive Thru on October 28 from 6-8 pm. were gone. On Friday, October 16, 2020, spectators gath- ber 18. Approximately 60 costumed creatures of all ages On Wednesday, October 28 from 6-8 pm Brookdale paraded around the block and then enjoyed snacks and ered along the route to see the controlled implosion. The Grayson View will host a Haunted Halloween Drive warning siren wailed and the 9:07 am implosion was activities at the park. Each child received a treat bags Thru. This safe drive thru trail allows for both the com- and could participate in a variety of activities such as over in a blink of the eye. The 425 pounds of explosives munity and residents to enjoy the festivities. People will collapsed the smokestacks into a ruble and encircled the an engaging obstacle course, Halloween ring toss, and be directed to drive around the community receiving coloring pages. In between bites of hot dogs and chips, complex with dust. The Snyder County landmark and the candy at various stations (safely packaged using all pre- skyline is forever changed. the youngsters enjoyed an afternoon of playing on the cautions – gloves, mask, shield while having a front seat park equipment. The imploded smokestacks are part of the process to view of all the animatronics, Halloween scenes, lighting demolish coal-fi red plant in Shamokin Dam. In October and special eff ects! 2019 the eastern portion of the plant was demolished. “Halloween is normally one of our largest events. Due A year later the remaining two smokestacks were im- to COVID-19 restrictions, we needed to fi nd a safe way ploded. to still hold this event for our community to enjoy and for The demolish work was performed by crews from Pet- the residents to still be able to view it at a safe distance tigrew Inc. and F.R. Beinnke Inc from Swedesboro, New from their windows,” says Stephanie Wuerdeman. Jersey. LR Costanzo from Scranton was the general con- Mark your calendars for October 28. Don your cos- tractor. Operating engineers and ironworkers from Local tumes. Then come and enjoy the ghosts and goblins at 542 and 404 also assisted with the implosion. It will take this Spooktacular event. Located at 29 Grayson View Start your Christmas Shopping nearly 4 months to clean up the debris. Court in Selinsgrove. Rain date is October 29 from 6-8 Early with this Great Deal! Derick Shambach, Snyder County Emergency Man- pm. agement Coordinator, stated, “I would like to thank the fi rst responders from Hummels Wharf Fire Company, B33 - BERNETTE Shamokin Dam Fire Company, MICU 70, Snyder Coun- Special Marching Band ty Sheriff ’s Department, Shamokin Dam Police Depart- ment, Selinsgrove State Police, and the PA Fish and Boat Performance-October 23 Commission for their help during this event. From an By Kay Poeth emergency management perspective everything went perfect and all the people that I worked with from Pet- The Midd-West Marching Mustangs are proud to in- tigrew Inc. were very professional.” vite parents, staff , and the community for a special per- Built in 1949, the Sunbury Generation coal-powered formance of this season’s fi eld show featuring selections plant closed in 2014. Sunbury Generation operated a four from the Shrek Movies. During this evening there will unit, 400-MW coal-fi red power plant in Shamokin Dam. also be a special honor for marching band seniors and ad- $199.00 Units 1 and 2 were commissioned in 1949, Unit 3 in 1951 ditional performances that will feature diff erent sections Mechanical Sewing Machine, Perfect for Beginners! and Unit 4 in 1953. The Sunbury station closed its coal- of the marching band. Easy to learn the basics. Durable & Robust, fi red operations in March of 2014 and was offi cially de- Come and support the band on Friday, October 23 at Excellent Stitch Quality. activated in July 2014. It was replaced by the combined- 7 pm at the Midd-West High School Stadium for a free • Semi-Automatic Needle Threader cycle natural gas-powered Panda Hummel Station. performance of the Marching Mustangs performance • Manual Thread Cutter • Large Accessory Box featuring selections from the Shrek movies. Donations • Stable Presser Foot Shank & Bobbin Rods will be taken to help the marching band raise money for • Swiss Design • Simple Knobs new uniforms. This Week’s Inserts: Weis in Select Areas! We got your floors covered! Evendale Specializing in, Many in Stock Tire Sales • Carpet • Tile • Vinyl SPECIALS! 265 End Rd., Richfi eld, PA 17086 • Laminate • Hardwood 717-694-3525 • 888-211-1771 Professional Installation Available FREE ESTIMATES! REBATE: 2.6 miles south of Selinsgrove (RT 35 & RT 11-15). No Interest Turn right onto Schrey Hollow Rd. Mon., Wed., Thur., 8 to 5 • Tues., Fri., 8 to 7 • Sat., 8 to 1 Financing Formerly known as DISCOUNT LINOLEUM Up to $200 604 Schrey Hollow Road • Port Trevorton, PA 17864 Available Until Sept. 30th 570-374-5787 If Paid In Full Up to $100 My Office Within 6 Months Until Sept. 14th on Purchase of Upgrade! $299.00 or more! Mon. - Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8-12 www.evendaletire.com Customized Convenient Quiet Rent to Own Classic Craft 888-539-4606 By: Palace Creek Ent. DER RI LW Feed & Seed HUN DGE 252 St. Thomas Road Mt Pleasant Mills T 570-539-2026 TREE SERVICE Custom Food Plot Kits Free Estimates Fully Insured Lawn Seed • Fertilizer PA Black Oil Sun ower Tree R val, imming & Grinding 570-898-9293 W E B S I T E : www.thesnydercountytimes.com EMAIL US: scuc@ptd.net 2- Snyder County Times, October 23, 2020 Email:Articles and Community Calendar Neighborhood News Photos to scuc@ptd.net Food Give-Away VFW Post 6631 Selinsgrove By Kay Poeth October 23rd, 3pm- ?? Rt. 522 Apple Dumpling Sale Beaver Springs Fire Co. Paxtonville News October 24th, 10-2pm, Proceeds benefi t Fire Co. A Trail of Treats event will be held on Friday, Oc- FALL FUN FEST Annual Appleburtter & Benefi t Meal tober 30 from 4-6 pm hosted by the Paxtonville United October 24th, 10:30-4, Stauff ers Produce Selinsgrove Methodist Church Connections Team. This will be a safe Come out to Grace Covenant Community Selinsgrove Farmers Market every Saturday community event, taking place along PUMC’s wooded Oct. 24th, 9-1pm. Commons Downtown Selinsgrove walking trail. All attendees are asked to be mindful of Church, 99 Cafe Lane, Middleburg Rooster’s Corner Sportsmans ClubTurkey Shoot state and CDC guidelines for outdoor activities. Children Wednesday, October 28th October 25th, 1pm should also bring their own buckets or bags. Decatur Sportsmans Club Ham/Turkey Shoots from 4-7 pm October 25th, 1pm, Every Sunday thru Nov. 22nd Middleburg News MJHS Class of 1966 Monthly Breakfast Halloween/Safety Open House will be held at Reliance Lots of Indoor and Outdoor Fall Fun for October 28th, 9am, Middlecreek Cafe’ Hose Company on Saturday, October 31 from 6-8 pm. Kids and Teens! There will be Food, In- Five Barley Loaves Monthly Food Distribution Middleburg Borough Trick or Treating will be held on flatables, Hayrides, Games, Crafts, Door October 30th, 10-12, Specht St. McClure Saturday, October 31 from 6-8 pm. Prizes and More. Everyone is invited, Selinsgrove Farmers Market every Saturday Sherry Hostetler joined the Foxy 50 Club on October Oct. 31st, 9-1pm. Commons Downtown Selinsgrove 2 and celebrated with a beach themed party to mark her and everything is Free! Decatur Sportsmans Club Ham/Turkey Shoots making waves for another decade! Call 570-837-5809 for more November 1st, 1pm, Every Sunday thru Nov. 22nd Beavertown News Rooster’s Corner Sportsmans ClubTurkey Shoot Drive-Thru Trick-or-Treat at Beaver Lutheran Church information, or visit www.g3c.net. November 1st, 1pm - On October 31 from 5-7 pm, Beaver Lutheran Church Midd West Football Annual Chinese Auction will be handing out candy at the church. All are invited November 7th, 11am, Drawing 5pm, Grace Covenant to come by! Remember to come in costume! Community Church, 99 Cafe Lane Middleburg welcome. CDC guidelines followed. Kratzerville Fire Co. Chicken/Pork BBQ On Oct. 24 Beaver Lutheran Church is hosting their Erik Herrold November 7th, 11:30am. Route 204 monthly food giveaway from 8-10 am with pre-bagged 23rd Annual Filled Basket & Craft Auction Richfi eld food given to people from the porch of the church. This 3127 Rt. 35, November 7th, 6pm, Richfi eld Fire House month Beaver Lutheran Church is also re-opening the Selinsgrove, PA 17870 VFW Post 5640 Middleburg Pulled Pork Dinner clothing giveaway. It will be outside as well. 570.809.9707 November 7th, 11-3pm, Beaver Springs News erik@shootingsupplyusa.com Drive-Thru Ham & Beef Potpie Sale Beavertown The Beaver Springs Fire Company is holding an Apple www.shootingsupplyusa.com November 7th, 4pm, Rescue Hose Co.

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