Diakris, the Inland Tris of Leontis
DIAKRIS, THE INLAND TRIS OF LEONTIS (PLATE 32) W rHILE in Athens during the summerof 1975 I had the opportunityto study a new prytany list of Leontis published by P. A. Pantos in 'ApXa&oXoy&K7c 'E0,qbept9, 1973, pp. 180-185, no. 3, pls. 87a, 88/3.1 This inscription, part of a Pen- telic marble base inscribed on the front and right side, must join on its broken left side a smaller fragment published by S. N. Koumanoudes in 'ApXatoXOyLKOV AeXnrtov25, 1970, pp. 84-85, no. 1 (no photograph), of which a revised text appearedin Meritt and Traill, The Athenian Agora, XV, Inscriptions: The Athenian Councillors, Princeton 1974, no. 13a.2 A combined text with improvements in readings and over-all dating is offered here. The document provides the name of the inland trittys of Leontis, Diakris, and prompts a re-examination of the composition and represen- tation of the trittyes of Leontis and of the other phylai during the 4th century B.C. An appendix discusses the identification of the Potamos demes in the Macedonian period. At present the inscription is stored in the apotheke of the Third Ephoreia in the Library of Hadrian and bears the number M. 741. Special thanks are due Miss 0. Alexandri, ephor, and her kind staff for facilitating study of the stone. I wish also to thank the following scholars: E. Van- derpool, who first drew my attention to this inscription, C. W. J. Eliot, who helped with topo- graphical problems, and D. M. Lewis, who made several improvements in the Greek text and suggested the correction dealt with in the Appendix.
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