Polish Journal for American Studies Yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies and the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw
Polish Journal for American Studies Yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies and the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw Vol. 8 (2014) Julia Fiedorczuk Can Poetry Save the Earth? An Interview with Gary Snyder Zoe Detsi-Diamanti Sarah Pogson’s The Female Enthusiast and American Republican Virtue Tunde Adeleke The Political Pragmatism of Martin R. Delany Zbigniew Maszewski Homesickness for the Wild and Hemingway’s African Dressing Gown Alicja Piechucka Andy Warhol and the Dawn of Modern-Day Celebrity Culture TYTUŁ ARTYKUŁU 1 Polish Journal for American Studies Yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies and the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw Vol. 8 (2014) Warsaw 2014 2 IMIĘ NAZWISKO MANAGING EDITOR Marek Paryż EDITORIAL BOARD Paulina Ambroży, Patrycja Antoszek, Zofia Kolbuszewska, Karolina Krasuska, Zuzanna Ładyga ADVISORY BOARD Andrzej Dakowski, Jerzy Durczak, Joanna Durczak, Andrew S. Gross, Andrea O’Reilly Herrera, Jerzy Kutnik, John R. Leo, Zbigniew Lewicki, Eliud Martínez, Elżbieta Oleksy, Agata Preis-Smith, Tadeusz Rachwał, Agnieszka Salska, Tadeusz Sławek, Marek Wilczyński REVIEWERS FOR VOL. 8 Tomasz Basiuk, Mirosława Buchholtz, Jerzy Durczak, Joanna Durczak, Dominika Ferens, Paweł Jędrzejko, Ewa Łuczak, Zbigniew Mazur, Tadeusz Pióro, Agata Preis-Smith, Justyna Wierzchowska, Beata Williamson, Justyna Włodarczyk ISSN 1733–9154 Copyright by the authors 2014 Polish Association for American Studies, Al. Niepodległości 22, 02–653 Warsaw www.paas.org.pl Publisher: Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw ul. Nowy Świat 4, 00–497 Warsaw www. angli.uw.edu.pl Typesetting, cover design by Bartosz Mierzyński Cover Image: “Martin R. Delany,” National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C.
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