Aborigines, Taiwanese, Koxinga's Cheng Ch'eng-kung (Koxinga): as dealings with, 41, 72 hero, 1; evolution of apotheosis, Amoy, 13, 21; seizure of, 14; re­ 4-5; primary sources for life of, named, 15; Koxinga's son driven 6-11; "bare bones" of life of, from, 16; account of Koxinga's 11-17; problems in biograhy of, death in, 27; magic cannon at, 17-27; loyalty to Ming, 19-21; 38; celebrations at, 73 negotiations with Ch'ing, 22; Anti-Manchu resistance: Koxinga's plans for , 22-23; per­ role in, 17-18, 34, 56, 71; sonal qualities of, 23-25; death Koxinga honored by present of, 25-27; as model figure, 33-35; revolutionaries of, 79, 80 popular image of, 36-43; "hero Anvil Mountain, statue of Koxinga with a thousand faces," 43-46; at, 64-65 Freudian undertones of, 46-49; Apotheosis: Confucian, 33-35; and anti-Manchu nationalism, popular, 36-43 50-56; Kuomintang use of, 63-70; Communists on, 70-74; Battles of Koxinga (Chikamatsu and Taiwan Independence, Monzaemon), 32 74-78; irony in portrayal of, 79-80; as political symbol, 80-84; Campbell, Joseph, 43-44 changed qualities of, as hero, 86 Campbell, Reverend William, 31 Cheng Ch'eng-kung chuan (Cheng Careri,]. F. G., 30 Chu-chung), 7; on Koxinga's Chan kuo fs'e (Intrigues of the War­ loyalty to the Ming, 20 ring States), 7 Cheng Ch' eng-kung chuan ( Chang Hsun, 82 Tsung-hsi?), 8 Chang Huan-yen, 15, 22, 86; a self­ Cheng Chih-lung (Nicholas Iquan; sacrificing martyr, 80; national father of Koxinga), 11; career of, hero, 82, 84 11-12; and the Ch'ing, 13; death Chang I-p'ing, 58 of, 16,47,53; relationship with Chang Ming-chen, 15 Koxinga, 22; as "false" father, Chang Ping-lin, 56 46-47; Communists on, 71 Changchou, 24 Cheng Ching (son of Koxinga), 16, , statue of Buddha in, 21, 27; Koxinga's rage at, 47 64-65 Cheng Chu-chung, 7; biography of Ch'en Ch'u-ping, 55 Koxinga by, 7-8 Ch'en Yi, 73 Cheng K'e-shuang (Koxinga's Ch'en Yung-hua, 59, 67 grandson),16-17

111 112

Cheng Lien (uncle of Koxinga): 3, 85; apotheosis of Koxinga in Amoy taken from 14; murder of, style of, 35, 79-80; lack of physi­ 25 cal prowess in model of, 45 c.heng Sen, infant name of Conquistas de las Islas Filipinas (Diaz), Koxinga, 11 30 Ch'i Chi-kuang, 57; temple to, 81 Coxinga. See Cheng Ch'eng-kung Chiang Ching-kuo, 70 Coyett, Frederic, on Koxinga, 10,29 Chiang Jih-sheng, Taiwan wai chi, 7 Cultural Revolution, 73; effect on Chiang Kai-shek, 64, 68; on Yueh historiography, 4, 85 Fei, 3, 81 Chiang Wei-kuo, 64 Davidson, James W., 31 Chiang Yin, 86 Deity: progression from folk hero Ch'ien Ch'ien-i, 12 to, 41; Koxinga as, 76 Chikamatsu Monzaemon, 32, 60 Diaz, on death of Koxinga, 30 Ch'in Shih Huang-ti, 3, 85 d'Orleans, Henri, 30 Review, article on Koxinga in, Du Halde, P. F. B., 30 31 Dutch, the: as sources on Koxinga, Ching hai chi shih (Shih Lang), 10 10, 26; defeated on Taiwan, 16, Ch'ing court: teaching of national 19; attitude of toward Koxinga, history in, 3; information on 28; and Taiwanese aborigines, 72 Koxinga, 10; Ming resistance to, Dutch East Indies Co., 10 13-14; defeat of Koxinga by, 16; centers of resistance to, 17-18; Education, and nationalistic pride, 3 restoration of Koxinga by, 35, 79 Europe: sources for history of Chiukiang, Koxinga's victory at, 15 Koxinga in, 10; attitude toward Chu Chieh-chin, 71-72 Koxinga in, 28-31 Chu Hsi, 38 Chu I-kuei rebellion, 67 Fairbank, J. K., 31 Chu-ko Liang, 23, 66 Fan Wen-Ian, 63, 73 Chu Shun-shui, 32 Father of a hero, 46, 48-49 Ch'u Yuan, 4 Fei Shih (pseudonym), biography Chuanchou: siege of, 13-14, 24; by, 51-53 "city of bricks," 39 feng-shui, legends about Koxinga, Class affiliation of national hero, 38-39,44 84-85; and Shih K'o-fa, 84-85 Ferrando, 30 Communists, Chinese, 68; heroes Feudalism: and national heroes, 71; of, 3-4, 82-83; use of Koxinga by, of Shih K'o-fa, 85 80. See also Cultural Revolution; Foochow, 24; temple to Ch'i Chi­ People's Republic kuang in, 81 Confucius: as "nationalized" hero, Formosan Independence Move-