Canadian Adventist Messenger for 1978

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Canadian Adventist Messenger for 1978 eessseseliesse timl~ * #NOWIRVZ# 0 to C O to _cto 0 co Crs sCs' O. 0 LV X me lu Community Services Evangelism Day Sabbath. May 6 Vo Community Services Evangelism by W. Walter Rogers, Lay Activities Director, British Columbia Conference The Community Services Health Van related materials which we hand out. British Columbia so as to correlate the is proving to be an effective public The van is used primarily in the dates in any effective way. relations and soul-winning tool. At the metropolitan areas. In fact, it could be Staffing is a critical part of the pro- present time, we are only doing hyper- used in what you could call the "inner gram. It would be preferable if the van tension screening, which includes chec- city" continuously and we would not be could be operated by a full-time husband king age, weight and height. At the same able to keep up with the demands. and wife team. Although the van has time we are giving nutritional information Shopping malls are especially appreciative sleeping accommodations and a kitchen and receiving applications for future of this kind of service. In some of the unit, periodic use of motels and restau- Five-Day Plans to Stop Smoking. larger malls, we take the van inside the rants have to be made, thus it becomes rather expensive. Currently we have been This summer, we hope to add a com- building and set up in the main con- relying quite extensively on volunteer puterized lifespan projection unit whose course. Sometimes the nurses are so busy service. At present, we are looking for a projection is based on lifestyle facts. We with the blood pressure testing and re- retired couple, one of whom is an RN and also have a computerized pulmonary lated activities that they find it a real would be interested in this type of function analyzer. This is not used in our struggle to complete their shifts. The service. regular screening, but it is an effective people form a long line outside the door The evangelistic outreach is the most tool in providing an incentive to stop and just feed through the van from front attractive part of the program. Each smoking. to back as quickly as they can be pro- cessed. person screened completes a form which These units have been used in the includes their name, address, height, During the midsummer months we try United States for a number of years and weight, age, and other pertinent medical to have the van do one complete circuit are rapidly increasing. They do basically facts. Some of the items to be checked around the province. In situations like the same type of screening that we do. off on this chart include nutritional infor- this we have an agreement with a large Some have the pulmonary function analy- mation, Five-Day Plans to Stop Smoking, supermarket chain to use their parking zers. Others are doing diabetes testing. weight control, stress control, and spiri- lots. It would be best if we could spend One of the Unions has several vans and a tual living guides to be sent by mail. This two or three days in a lot but due to the doctor to travel with them continually. year we hope, with proper procedures, to number of towns to cover, we have only Of course, with a program like this, one considerably increase the sign-up ratio for can offer a much wider range of services. been allowing one day thus far. This year, the Bible course. In some areas, the ratio The general screening for hypertension is however, it looks as though we will have is as high as one in three of those the one that is most appreciated by the to make it a two-day stand in each place. screened. public. We were somewhat concerned Otherwise, the service rendered in the In a society where people are as health about the use of a van like this in Canada community does not compensate for the conscious and interested in a lifestyle that because of the free medical coverage driving. will produce both health and happiness, which we all have. However, our fears Last year we covered a few fall and the right arm of the message has unprece- were unfounded for we found that the summer fairs. This was much appreciated dented opportunities. We believe that this average person just doesn't take the time by the sponsoring churches and general program is going to be an increasingly to avail himself of these checkups. We public. Almost impossible is the task of valuable tool in opening doors and build- make no charge for services or health- arranging a schedule over the wide area of ing bridges to the Kingdom of God. Meet the Secretaries "The Great Advent Movement" ap- Canadian Union Conference office in Elder How, secretary. She is responsible plies so directly to the officers and Oshawa: for the monthly baptismal report, a pic- departmental directors of the confer- Evelyn Bowles: Assistant treasurer, has ture of which appears in the MESSEN- ences that they spend a lot of their time worked with several treasurers, including GER, as well as assisting with regular away from their offices. As a result much Elders E. L. Green, Carl Klam and at the MESSENGER copy and Review notes, of the work of the conference devolves moment, R. W. Wilmot. Evelyn prepares does all the letters, executive committee upon the faithful secretaries who "stay the monthly pay cheques for the staff, minutes, makes plane reservations (for by the stuff" during their absences. So does the accounting and banking, pays the boss and visitors, too), does the filing, that you may know who these hard- the bills and takes charge of the office and finds time to carry on a project that working people are this new feature is when the men are away. supports missionary work within the Un- being presented. Esther Davis: Takes care of two men ion. First of all, meet the ladies of the in the office, Elder Reile, president, and Lorine Graham: Looks after the Edu- Official Organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. Address all inquiries to: 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 1H8. Editor, A. N. How, Associate Editor, June Polishuk, President, L. L. Reile; Secretary, A. N. How; Treasurer, R. W. Wilmot; Auditor, L. D. Dunn. Departmental Directors: Communication, L. R. Krenzler; Education, N. 0. Matthews, Ph.D., Associate, M. S. Graham; Health, R. Matiko, M.D.; Lay Activities and Sabbath School, L. A. Shipowick; Ministerial, L. G. Lowe; Public Affairs, D. L. Michael; Publishing, Walter Ruba; Revivalist, J. W. Lehman; Stewardship, G. E. Maxson; Trust Services, R. A. Matthews; Youth and Temperance, ISSN 0702-5084 Bill Edsell; Consultant to Health Care Institutions, A. George Rodgers. Issued semimonthly. Annual subscription price $2.00. Second-class mail registration number 0912. Printed by Maracle Press Limited. 2 Canadian Adventist Messenger cation Department of which her hus- band, Malcolm, is associate director. Lor- ine takes care of the correspondence, prepares Educational Code books, does research on educational items, files tran- scripts for all the teachers in Canada, mails out education year calendars, and in her spare time helps It Is Written. Nancy Kyte: Does all the usual secre- tarial work for the Director of Steward- ship, Elder G. Maxson. In addition to this Nancy helps in the It Is Written office, sending out books to viewers, typing lists of names and preparing input for the Computer where the thousands of names of viewers are filed. Esther Lowe: Secretary in the Minis- terial Department and Trust and Building Departments. Besides carrying out the usual secretarial responsibilities she types sermons and runs off thousands of copies for distribution at meetings conducted by Meet the ladies of the Canadian Union Conference office. Rear, left to right: Beverly Penner, the Ministerial Department Director, El- Marilyn Michael, Nancy Kyte, Carol Penner, Marilyn Pazitka. Front, left to right: Evelyn Bowles, Esther Davis, Donalea Strunk, Esther Lowe, Lorine Graham. der Lawton Lowe. The latest building project, Kingsway Pioneer Home, is tak- Beverly Penner: Bev is the computer ment, Radio and TV. This means that she ing a lot of her time as Elder Ray operator in the Computer Service which is responsible for all the program tapes Matthews cares for the project. is located in the headquarters' office. She and cassettes being sent out to the various Marilyn Michael: Secretary to the trea- also does secretarial work when required TV stations, seeing that they are returned surer, Elder Wilmot, to the Consultant of for the director, Kenneth Chan, and takes on time, maintaining a stock of books to Health Care Institutions, A. George Rod- care of the books for the department. be sent out to It Is Written viewers on gers, and to the Public Affairs Depart- request, and answering the many letters Carol Penner: Another secretary with ment Director, Darren L. Michael. Mari- that interested viewers write in, and two departmental directors to care for, lyn goes steady with the dictionary as she caring for the many donations that come Elders Bill Edsell and Lewis Shipowick. transcribes letters dictated by at least two in with these letters, receipting them, and These two men care for Youth, Temper- of her bosses, then becomes well versed in turning them over to the assistant trea- ance, Pathfinders, Lay Activities, Sabbath figures as she cares for the other one. surer. School, Community Services, and this Marilyn Pazitka: Receptionist, switch- includes Ingathering. Carol puts out the Naomi Wilmot and Ruth Schaber board operator and secretary to Elder assist Ingathering bulletin each week during the in the Treasury Department part-time, Walter Ruba, Publishing Department Di- campaign, takes care of Pathfinder uni- but were not present for the picture.
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