Ciencia Ergo Sum ISSN: 1405-0269
[email protected] Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México México Armony, Victor; Lamy, Paul Latin American Culture and the Challenge of Globalization Ciencia Ergo Sum, vol. 6, núm. 3, noviembre, 1999 Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México Toluca, México Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Latin American Culture and the Challenge of Globalization VICTOR ARMONY AND PAUL LAMY* Recepción: 18 de mayo de 1999 Aceptación: 14 de junio de 1999 Abstract. This articlearticle dealsdeals withwith thethe culturalcultural impactimpact ofof manner. This paper deals with one specific aspect of globalization on Latin American culture. We describe the the “impact” of globalization on Latin America: the globalization processes which are bringing about profound changes cultural dimension. The question we wish to raise here in the cultural experienceexperience ofof LatinLatin Americans,Americans, eveneven inin thethe mostmost is: should we regard Latin America as a mere passive traditional communities. We warn that it must not be concluded player, left with the sole alternative of “resisting or too hastily that Americanized standards now tend to prevail surrendering” to cultural globalization, or can we depict