Pump up the Volume
PUMP UP THE VOLUME BRIngIng down costs and IncReasIng JoBs In the offshoRe wInd sectoR report Clare McNeil, Mark Rowney and Will Straw July 2013 © IPPR 2013 Institute for Public Policy Research AbOUT THE AUTHOrs Clare McNeil is a senior research fellow at IPPR. Mark rowney is a research fellow at IPPR. Will Straw is associate director for climate change, energy and transport at IPPR. AcknOwLEdgMEnTs the authors would like to thank Richard howard and adrian fox of the crown estate, Paul Reynolds from gL garrad hassan, Bruce Valpy from BVg associates, and aram w ood at statkraft for comments on an earlier draft of the report. we are also grateful to our IPPR colleagues graeme cooke, tony dolphin, Rick Muir, nick Pearce and Reg Platt for their comments. all of the views contained in this report are those of the authors and any errors remain ours alone. we owe a debt of gratitude to people at many organisations with whom we spoke over the course of the research. this includes alstom, the carbon trust, climate change capital, the committee on climate change, the crown estate, the danish wind Industry association, the danish embassy in London, dong energy, the energy technologies Institute, the german offshore wind energy foundation, greenpeace, Mainstream Renewable Power, Rwe, siemens UK, tata steel, the tUc, Vestas, and gL garrad hassan. thanks also to a number of civil servants across the government who engaged with us over the course of the project. thanks finally to sian ferguson at ashden trust and to gordon edge, nick Medic, Maf smith and Jennifer webber at RenewableUK for their kind sponsorship of this project and guidance throughout.
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