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The original document from which this microfiche has been prepared has these imperfections: | I missing pages/figures numbered: ( i J wrong pagination | 1 poor overall printing quality | 1 combinations of the above • ^_^ IWIS Clearinghouse POO} other; pages 34» 35 cut IAEA during preparation.. P. 0. Box 100 A-1400, Vienna, Austria Applications for the use of ILL facilities All research proposals have to be submitted to the Scientific Council for approval The Council meel twice each year a; cd the closing dates fnr the acceptance of applications are February 15 and August 31. The completed research proposal lorms should be sent to : The Office of the Scientific Secretary Institut Max von Uaue - Paul Langevin 156X 38042 Grenoble Cedex France Tel. : (76) 97.41.11 Ext. : 82 44 Telex . 320621 F (Appropriate application forms may be obtained on request from the abo/e office). Under normal circumstances the ILL makes ^o charge lor the use of lis iacihties. However special equipment, (other than the existing instruments, counters, staridard cryostals and shielding requirement) must be provided by the user. This applies particularly to the expérimental samples which musl. in all cases, be provided by the user. Chemistry aid Biology laboratory facilities are available for any necessary sample preparation. The ILL makes a limited contribution towards the travel and subsistance expenses foi experimen talists coming from approved laboratories in the ihree member counines.(Details on request) FRONT-COVER DESIGN based en a ihree-Oimensional display ol [he counting rates obtained from poly styrene latex (SLJG4 in 90 "0 0,O . 0 5 Jo ''k-\ . mean d;ameter 1320 A] en the Small Angle Scattering Camera D11 [RH Otlewill.JW Goodwin. NM Hams) fd % ooiz ^} )LL- RA-KHI BH r Institut von Laue • Langevin Grenoble • France 156X38042 grenoble cedexfrance tel.(76)97-41H content/ N ORGANISATIONOFTHEILLIn1979 page 4 THE INSTITUT LAUE-LANGEVIN 7 INTRODUCTION, DIRECTOR'S REPORT 13 DEUXIEME SOUFFLE 25 1 Instrumentation Introduction 33 Statistics and instrument tables 34 Instruments which became operational In 1979 40 New experimental techniques 44 2 Instrument operation department Introduction 48 Fundamental and nuclear physics 49 Three-axis 54 Time of flight, high resolution and diffuse scattering 57 Diffraction 66 Moncchromator group 73 Ce^algroup 77 3 Colleges College 2 : Theory 81 College 3 : Fundamental and Nuclear Physics 83 College 4 : Excitations 91 College 5 : Structures 96 College 6 : Liquids, gases and amorphous materials 102 College 7 : Imperfections 106 College 8 : Structural Biology 109 College 9 : Chemistry 113 European Molecular Biology Laboratory 116 Map showing the country of origin of experimenters 120 4 Sections with special tasks Project office 122 Safety and health physics 123 5 Technical department 125 6 Reactor operation department 133 7 Computing and electronics department 137 8 Administration 143 INFORMATION 1979 Experiments performed 161 Theses 178 Conferences at ILL 182 Publications 194 Author Index 199J External Organisation of the Institut Laue-Langevin 1979 Associates of the Institut Great Britain France Germany COMMISSARIAT A L'ÉNERGIE ATOMIQUE (CEA) SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL KERNFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM (SRC) CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE KARLSRUHE (KFK) SCIENTIFIQUE (CNHS) Steering Committee (at its last meeting) s N Hobbis - (SRC) Winter - (CNRS) Huber - (Univ. Eriangen) Enderby - (Univ. of Bristol) Roux - (CNRS) Hofbauer - (BMF) Beattie - (SRC) Horowitz - (CEA) Schôtt - (BMFT) EggingtoM - (SRC) ) Pascal - (CEA) Klose (Chairman) - (KFK) Audit Commission r Mead Gouzien Riess Millington Auffret Dorn V J V Scientific Council (at its last meeting) Bertaut — CNRS Grenoble Faissner — TH Aachen Mitchell — Univ. Reading 1 Blow — Imperial College Fender — Univ. Oxford Rigny — CENSaclay Challis — Univ. Nottingham Fulde — MPI Stuttgart Schelten — KFAJulich Coles — Imperial College Glàser — TUMiinchen Stiller — KFAJulich Comes — Fac. Se. Orsay Guinier — Univ. Paris Sud Stuhrmann — DESY Hamburg Dachs — HMI Berlin Kienle — TUMùnchen Wegner — Univ. Freiburg Ebel — Strasbourg Leadbetter — Univ. Exeter White — ILL-Chairman Elliott — Univ. Oxford Voccoz — IN2P3. Paris SUBCOMMITTEES OF THE SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL r Crystal Physics Crystal Structure Nuclear Physics Excitations and Magnetism Determination Liquids Imperfections Biochemistry Phys. Chemistry Instruments Faissner Coles Dachs Dachs Cowley Alefeld Biow Ballard Armbruster Gizon Comes Delapalme Galy Cyrot Elliott Fuller Bienfait Dachs Leroux Fulde Goodenough Lucas Gôtze Gautier Holmes Brenig Famoux Lynn Landwehr Lemaire Milledge Hansen Kleitz North Higgins Forsyth Sandars Schofield Prandl Pawiey Mitchell Rainford Parello Kirste Glàser Schult Villain Wilkinson Rees Powles Saada Stuhrmann Leadbetter Rainford Smith von Schnering Ruppersberg Schmatz Tardieu Menzel Rossat-Mignot Zeidler Wittmann Monnerie Schmatz Witz Ottewill Windsor Renouprez Rivail Schelten Stiller Weill Weiss V J Internal Organisation of the Institut Laue-Langevin at 1.12.79 ' DIRECTORATE ^ ( SCIENCE BOARD \ White - Director r" MANAGEMENT BOARD \ Brown Jacrot Jofîfin - Co-Director Grillo Dorner Joflrin Springer - Co-Director I Jacquemain Faudou Springer Joffrjn Gonnenuvein White Springer Maier White V J v / ( SCIENTIFIC SECRETARIAT AND *) PROJECT OFFICE^ (SAFETY AND HEALTH^) ^ DELEGUE TECHNIQUE \ LIBRARY PHYSICS Maier Faudou I Bureau du Colombier Jacquemain / f S COLLEGES (College Secretaries! > INSTRUMENT GROUPS ^ DEPARTMENTS College 2: THEORY 3-AXIS SPECTROMETERS INSTRUMENT OPERATION Schuck Dorner - Escribe DEPARTMENT College 3 : FUNDAMENTAL AND INSTRUMENTS FOR FUNDAMENTAL Brown NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS Borner Gonnenwein - Mampe REACTOR DEPARTMENT College 4: EXCITATIONS DIFFRACTOMETERS Franzetti Pynn Brown - Ziebeck TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT College 5: STRUCTURES DIFFUSE SCATTERING AND TIME Lehm&nn/Vettier OF FLIGHT SPECTROMETERS College 6: LIQUIDS, GASES, Jacrot - Heidemann COMPUTING AND ELECTRONICS AND AMORPHOUS MONOCHROMATORS DEPARTMENT MATERIALS Freund Rimmer Suck College 7: IMPERFECTIONS ADMINISTRATION Zeyen Grillo College 8: STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY Ibel College 9: CHEMISTRY Beaulils Th« ln/U(ut flkiK von Loua* Paul Longeyln The Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL) at Grenoble was formally founded in January 1967, with the signature of an intergovernmental convention between France and the Federal Republic of Germany. The aim was to provide the scientific comunity of the affiliated countries with a unique neutron beam facility applicable in fields such as the physics of condensed matter, chemistry, biology, nuclear physics and materials sciences. The construction of the Institut an. "•* high flux reactor was undertaken as a joint French-German project, with a total capital investment of 335 million FF. The reactor went critical in August 1971 and reached its full power of 57 MW for first time in December 197i. The year 1972 saw the start-up of the cold and hot sources, the first instruments and the beginning of the experimental programme. On January 1, 1973, the United Kingdom joined the Institut a? a third equal partner, contributing its share to the total capital investment. The corresponding intergovernmental convention was formally signed in July 1974 by the pertinent ministers from the three affiliated countries. The ILL is a non-trading company under French civil law. The three countries are represented by the following Associates : — Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany (formerly GfK) — Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France — Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, France — Science Research Council, United Kingdom. These Associates