by EMANUEL BARDANIS ticipants expected while Tufts Daily Editorial Board students are still on campus. She JERUSALEM (AP)-- Labor Celebrating “Earth Day” and said that Jackson Gym and the leader Shimon Peres on Thursday the beginning of “Earth Decade,” Campus Center will be occupied won a parliamentary vote to topple the New England Environmental with various exhibits for the con- Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s Network, which is headquartered ference. right-wing government and said in the Lincoln Filene Center, will Approximately 1500 people he had created “momentum to- sponsor the 12th New England “from all walks of life” are ex- ward peace.” Environmental Conference,to be pected to attend the conference, “Parliament has shown that held on campus tomorrow and according to Anderson. The con- there is a majority for peace,” said Peres, who is likely to be picked to form a new govern- ment. “I believe we can form a

Y Despite Peres’ pledge to move ’ ’ as the dining halls cannot acco- forward,there is llkelyto be little modate the large number of par- CONFERENCE, page2 headway in peace efforts as long Elections Board stands as Israel is consumed with inter- nal politics. Putting together a bv referendum results new coalition government is a by? ONSTANTINE ATHANAS she voted twice and five others daunting assignment that is cer- Daily Editorial Board said they had the opportunity to tain to take weeks if not months. TheElections Board, standing vote twice. Peres won OR a 60-55 vote by the results of the March 6 According to Elections Board after a vitriolic debate and in- referendum vote on Massachu- member Howard Sklar, MASS- tense behind-the-scenes bargain- setts Public Interest Research PIRG Chapter Chair Ginny ing that stretched over 10 hours. Group funding, is hoping that the Hamilton had complained to the The victory came from a major- Committee on Student Life will board before the results were ity of those present and voting in here its appeal of the Tufts declared, saying shedid not think the 120-memberKnesset, or par- Community Union Judiciary’s the election was conducted fairly liament. decision to nullify the referen- since she knew of at least one ’ Shamir, who became the first dum results in later this month. student who could have voted premier in Israel’s 42-year his- Elections Board Chair Melanie twice. tory to be turned out of office by Nirken said she talked to Student Hamilton then asked theTCUJ a no-confidence vote. listened to Activities Director Marcia Kelley to declare the election null and the vote tally with-hishead down, about putting the appeal on ihe void after the Elections hoard Sophia Stefanidis, one of the thirty students employed to work on glumly shuffling papers on his agenda for the next CSLmeeting. stood by theirresults,Vitale said. this weekend’s environmental conference, makes a poster to desk. “I hope that we will be able to Vide said the TCUJ has no advertise the event. “We are not surprised... and I be on the agenda for March 26,” jurisdiction over the way an elec- am not sorry,” he told reporters Nirken said. tion is run as long as the results later. TCUJ Chair Karen Vitale said are fair. She pointed out that Ar- Gadhafi threatens As a result of Thursday’s loss, that although she thinks theTCUJ ticle V, sect& E.l of the TCU Shamir, 74, a former underground decision to nullify the election Constitution reads, “The Elec- leader and spymaster for the was correct, she agreed that the tions Board shall insure fair elec- retaliation over fire Mossad secret service, could face TCU constitution is very unclear tions,” Vitale quoted from a pre- ROME (AP)-- A fne caused miles southwest of Tripoli, was an uprising in his own Likud bloc. over which organizationhas what pared statement. extensive damage to a Libyan designed to produce only phar- Trade Minister Ariel Sharon power. Sklar said he does not think chemical plant suspected of pro- maceuticals. But he said Libya and Housing Minister David Levy, “There are a lot of problems the TCUJ can arbitrate any dis- ducing poison gas, and Libyan would pay millions of dollars to both hawks who want to abandon with the constitution; there are a putes over the results of an elec- leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi any company willing to build it a the U.S. peace effort, have re- lot of loopholes. In a way, ELBO tion. on Thursday threatened to punish chemical weapons facility. peatedly sought to oust Shamir is right because they do have the “The constitution says that we, West Germany if its agents set the “In such eveqtuality, I will sign from the party leadership, which power to arbitrate all election the Elections Board, are the final blaze. the contract myself unhesitat- he assumed in 1983. disputes, but in a way we’re right arbiters of any disputes that arise West Germany, whose com- ingly,” Gadhafi was quoted as Starting Sunday, aides said, because it says in the constitution out of the election... if the TCUJ panies helped build the plant, saying by Libya’s officia! JANA President Chaim Herzog will that ELBO has to run a fair elec- were supposed to be the final denied the accusation and filed a news agency, which was moni- canvass parliament members as tion,’’ Vitale said. arbiters then the constitution would protest with Libya over an angry tored in Rome. to who should form the next At ameetingTuesday between have said that,” Sklar said. demonstration outside Bonn’s The plant, once described by government. He is expected to the Elections Board, TCUJ, and Wale argued that the embassy in the Libyan capital, CIADirectorWilliam Webster as give the nod to Peres, who would MASSPIRG, the TCUJ declared constitution is very vague, but Tripoli. the world’s largest chemical have a maximum of six weeks to that the election results had to be Gadhafi insisted that the heav- weapons factory, caught fire assemble a coalition. nulled because one student said see APPEAL, page 2 ily guarded plant in Rabta, 60 Wednesday. THIS IS NOT WATER FBI agent- testifies ut Poindexter triul WASHINGTON (AP)-- John Hawk missiles to Iran. dent Reagan’s national security Poindexter told the FBI three days Glasser, in her testimony, spoke adviser, and aide Oliver North after resigning his White House of a “massive destruction” of concealed the U.S. role in the post that he had “no working computer messages and provided missile shipment. knowledge” of early Iran arms details of the heretofore undis- shipments and “no direct knowl- closed Poindexter interview that Asked whether the documents edge” profits had been diverted she and another FBI agent con- were ‘‘re- to the Nicaraguan Contras, an ducted. plied that they were,” Glasser said. FBI agent tectified at his trial She said that during that inter- Thursday. view Poindexter was asked Agent Ellen Glasser also testi- whether he knew of any destruc- Inside fied that more than 5,000 files tion of documentspertinentto the Features ...... p.3 were erased from Poindexter’s investigation of the Iran-Contra On our combination ArtsFeatures computer system just before the affair. page, Bret Thom wishes you all farewell national security adviser resigned He “replied that he did not,” as you head off to sunny places. Photo by Karl Schaf. as the Iran-Contra affair was the agent recalled. Many campus buildings went without water for several hour5 coming to light. Concerning the diversion to Arts ...... P.3 yesterday afternoon. The situation was apparently caused bj Six months after the Nov. 28, the Contras, Glasser testified that On the Arts half of that same page, we maintenance work on the water mains, according to an employet 1986, FBI interview at his home, Poindexter said he knew “Ollie have some reviews: the Sugar Cubes. of the Public Affairs office at Massachusetts Water Resources Poindexter told Congress -- in North ... was up to something.” Blue Aeroplane, and Biue Steel. who said that mains were shut down for work in Medford and testimony that cannot be used at She said she showed Poindexter Somerville starting at about 9:OO a.m. The employee speculated his trial -- that he a2pro:red t!e copiesof chronologieson the Iran Sports ...... p.4-5 Yes, taking up two whole pages, one that service might still be affected tomorrow. diversion to the Conm at North’s initiative. The final version com- fourth of the paper, with men’s squad request and had been involved in piled by Robert McFarlane,Poin- Ed Gilbert, director of Tufts BuildingsI and Grounds, war and men’s swimming season reviews. unavailable for comment. a November 1985 shipment of dexter’s predecessor as then-Presi- page two THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, March 16,1990 THE TUFTSDAIL’I Letters to the Editor sue, and that is appropriate for a situation reason, a usual occurrence at this school, Bob Goodman Both pro-choice and that affects so many women, men, and MASSPIRG got what it wanted and was Editor-in-Chief pro-life groups unborn children in such a profound way. not punished. Managing Editor: Lauren Keefe Students should support their beliefs by MASSPIRG showed its obvious cow- Associate Editors: Anna George, Geoff Lepper should be heard joining the groups, by speaking out -but ardice by not at least requesting another Editorial Page Editor: Christopher Ball To the Editor: not by attempting to deny people they vote sometime after Spring Break. But ’roduction Managers: Beth Geller, Markus Muelle Most people are aware by now that a disagree with their right to be heard. considering MASSPIRG was defeated by NEWS pro-choice group is currently forming on a clear mandate and considering how Editors: Stephen Newman, Colin Woodard Jerilyn E. Carter J’90 MASSPIRG, with its manipulative tac- Assistant Editors: Athanas, campus. What fewer people may know is Emanuel Bardanis that preliminary meetings have also been tics, probably alienated any support the Wire Editor: Ron Graber held over the last month for the formation (The writer is a member of the pro-life organization had on campus, if I were in Assistant Wire Editor: Jason Salgo of a pro-life group. This group is inde- group.) MASSPIRG I sure would not want an- OF-ED pendent of any religious affiliation or other ,vote. Editor: David Rothenstein beliefs. It is comprised of women and men MASSPIRG knows it does not have Assistant Editor: Eric Hirsch MASSPIRG was who oppose human abortion for a variety the support of the majority of the students FEATURES of reasons: personal, religious or moral, rejected by students on campus, and therefore is afraid to put Editors: Jena Gerstel, Jamie Bronstein its existence on the ballot. But I hope the Assistant FAitor: Dan Ferat political or feminist. The group’s first To the Editor: major objcctivc is to raise awarcncss of The Massachusetts Public Interest people will be given the opportunity to ARKS decide whcrc thcir Studcnt Activities Fec Editors: Jill Grinberg, Laurie Jakobsen and support for the Rally For Life being Research Group showed their true colors Assistant Editor: Jason George held in Washington on April 28, and to by rejecting the clear mandate against gocs and whcther MASSPIRG should continue to exist on campus and extort SPOH7S join pro-life groups from other Massdchu- them and used manipulative tactics to Editors: Mike Friedman, David Saltunan, setts colleges in attending the rally. have the referendum declared void by the money from students’ pockets for their Kelley Alessi With the concurrent formation of these Tufts Community Union Judiciary. Ac- off-campus political activities. Assistant Editor: Geoff Edgers two groups, there is an abundance of “pro- cording to The Tufts Daily, one member But another vote is not necessary for PHOTOGRAPHY life” and “pro-choice” posters appearing of MASSPIRG claimed she was able to MASSPIRG was clearly defeated in the Editor: Karl Schatz March 6 referendum and should at least Assistant Editors: Jonathan Grauer, on campus. I recognize that this is a very vote twice while five other students testi- Nathalie Desbiez, Julio Mota, Mara Riemer personal issue, and it arouses powerful fying on MASSPIRG’s behalf said that have the self-dignity to leave campus Special Assignments Editor: Denise Drower feelings of personal violations on both her bursar’s label was not marked. (news quietly and peacefully. So far, MASS- PRODl/cTION sides. However, it is disturbing that the story, “MASSPIRG referendum fails,” PIRG has acted like a spoiled child whose Layout Editors: Janine Billy, Michelle Frayman posters of both groups have been tom March 7). allowance has ended, and not the rcspect- Graphics Editor: Rich Auerbach down regularly. For example, a Rally For Considering the persons who attempted able organization it attempts to portray lassifieds Editors: Laura Walker, Michele Pennell itself as. Assistant Classifieds Editor: Lisa Moorehead Life poster has been vandalized or tom to vote more than once so far have been Copy Editors: Julie l’rimost, Julie Comell, down from Wren Hall six times in two identified as members or friends of Young Chung days. Likewise, the pro-choice group’s MASSPIRG, this clearly indicates that Michael J. Kim A’90 posters have been slashed and removed MASSPIRGwas nothurtby theattempted Correction Javier Macaya repeatedly. Silencing a voice that you do ballot-stuffing, but actually benefitted from Yesterday’s news article, “Tufts cor- Executive Business Director not agree with is not acceptable. Every- it. MASSPIRG claimed the election was poration proposing a $700 million re- Business Manager: Larry Amr one at this University has the right to unfair. If anything the elections was un- search complex,” incorrectly reported Office Manager: Heather Paddock . Receivables Manager: Sandra Giordano express and support his or her own point fair in MASSPIRG’s favor for they were that University President Jean Mayer of view, especially on an issue as politi- the ones identified as attempting to stuff had served as a senior director of re- The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper, published cally relevant and emotionally charged as the ballot box. Thus, the TCTJJ should searchatMonsanto.Mayerinfactserved mday‘ttkough Friday duritig the.akadetdc yea+ and @s- human abqrtion. have actually uunished MASSPIRG for on the company’s Board of Directors wted free to the Tufts cdmmunity: The DaiIy~isent;ell ’ Ident-run, and there are no paid editorial positions. The Few ukdi~leaie neutral about this is- electod imp&&eties,But for some twisted I from 1970 to 1988. lily is printed at Charles River Publishing, Charlestown, -. A. The Daily is located at the back entrance of Miller Hall Lt. Gov. Evelyn Murphy to speak at symposium today- Tufts University. Our phone number is (617) 381-3090. COJVFFFENCE peop e,” Goldsmith sad. save the environment. piness hours are 9:00 a.m. ~ 600 pm.. Myday through continue rom paage1 This year will mark the sixth time that “This will not be a time to celebrate,” ,dayand .PO0 pm--’6:00 p.&. &ti Suridsy: I ’ Subscriptions are $15 for a semester and $25 for a full open’toeveiyone,” Anderson said, adding Goldsmith has patticipated in the confer- Anderson said, add& that “we have done ar. (hr mailing address is: The Tufts Daily, Rack En- that “it’s not a conference that’s exclu- ence. In addition to speaking at the con- nothing but move backwards [in environ- ince, Miller Hall, Tufts University, Medford MA 02155. bscriptions are mailed in weekly packages. sive... Our goal is to increase the environ- ference, Goldsmith will also be offering mental protection] in the last 12 years.”’ The policies of The Tufts Daily are established by a mental awareness of all citizens.” workshops on coastal pollution. . She said that thecelebration will come at ijority of the editorial board. Editorials are established by According to Anderson, students from Earth Day the end of the decade, “when we have im- otating editorial hoard designated to represent a majority editors. Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. Individ- colleges nationwide will bc attending the Anderson said that Earth Day, which proved the environment.” I editors are not necessarily responsibile for, or in agree- conference. She said that many of the 150 falls on April 22, was founded 1970. She Anderson said that the price of the two- nt with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. said that it was “primarilyastudent move- day The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, expected students will stay on campus for conferenceis $40 for students and $65 noons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opin- the duration of the conference. ment” started by Wisconsin Senator Gay- for adults. She said that students inter- I of The Tufts Daily editorial board. The conference will consist of 200 lord Nelson. Earth Day was “one of the ested in attending the conference must Letters to the Editor Pdicy exhibits by various organizations,over 60 largest movements our country has ever register with the Lincoln Filene Center by workshops, some of which will be led by known,” and it led to the creation of the today. The Tufu Daily welcomes letters fmm the readers. The the conference participants, and a series National Environmental Policy Act, she Environmental Symposia ten page is an open forum for campus issues and com- ats about the Daily’s coverage. of speakers. said. Two symposia, one entitled “A Goal: I~ttersmust include the writer’s name and a phone num- The speakers for the event include A representative from Hayes’ Califor- Pollution Discharge By 2000,” and the r where the writer can be reached. All letters must be actor Dennis Weaver, Earth Day Chair nia office said that Earth Day is cele- other “Source Reduction and Recycling: rilied with the writcr berorc thcy can bc puhlishcd. ‘Thc dcadlinc lorlcttcrj to bc considcmd for publication Dcnis Hayes, Vermont Senator Jamcs bratcci by Environmcntid Consciousness Solid Waste Challenges Tor New Eig- the ~ollowingday’s issue is 400 p.m. Jeffords, and Soviet Union EPA Deputy Outrcach fairs, rallies and marches world- land,” will be held today in Cabot Audito- Due to space limitations,letters should be no longer than D words. Lcttcrs should be accompanicd by no more than Dircctor Yuri Abovian, who Anderson wide. rium. ,ht signaurres. invited during her trip to the Soviet Union Andcrson said that she would bc spcnd- The first symposium, dealing with The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity. last fall. ing Earth Day in Washington, D.C. in an pollution discharge,will feature addresses blicaiion of letters is subject to the discretion of the fOls. New England Program Director of Clean effort to “tell the seat of power we’re by Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Murphy Imters should be typed or printed from an IBM or IBM- Water Action Amy Goldsmith, who will here.” andAttorney General James Shannon.The npatible computer in letter-quality or near-letter-quality also be a speaker at this year’s conference, “I decided that it was going to be an event will run from 9 a.m. to 12: 15 p.m. de. I.eelten written on Macintosh computers should be ught in on disk - files should be saved in “text-only” said that she hopes that the conference Earth Decade,” Anderson said, explain- The second symposium, which is co- mat. and disks should be brought in with a copy of the participants “can gain information and be ing that environmentalists“think we have sponsored by the Lincoln Fiiene Center GI. Disks can be picked up in The Daily business office the lowing day. better equipped to deal with environmental about a decade to save the Earth.” She and the Center for Environmental Man- Istters should address the editor and not a panicular in- problems.” predicted that this decade will be charac- agement,willrunfrom 1:30p.m. to5p.m. idual. While ldters can be critical of an individual‘s “It’s a way to motivate and insuire terized by “a great deal more activity” to ions, they should not attack someone’s personality traits. The Daily will not accept anonymous letters or pen nes except in extreme circumstances if the Executive TCU constitution unclear ard determines that there is a clear and present danger to Nirken said that she does not believe run, adding that there has always been a author. The Daily will not accept letters regarding the APPEAL reragc of other publications, unless their coverage itself continued from page 1 the TCUJ made the right decision, adding chance that students can vote twice. become a newsworthy issue that has ap7eared in The said that she does not want to take power that she does not feel the TCUJ should “The people who take the votes can ily.lhe Daily will accept letters of thanks, if space per- have been involved in the first place. vote as many times they like. People s, but will not run letters whose sole purpme is to adver- away from Elections Board. as ;an event. “The TCUJ does not want to take Elec- “We’re appealing the power the TCUJ can get another bursar’s label -- that’s When writers have group affiliations or hold titles or PO- tions Board power -- that’s the last thing has and does not have. We’re not appeal- really easy to do,”.Sklar said, adding that ons related to the topic of their letter, The Daily will note t in italics following the letter. This is to provide addi- we’d want to do,” Vitale said, adding, ing to make the TCUJ look bad. Our main the members of the Elections Board could ial information to the readers and is not intended to “This whole mess mainly has to do with goal is to define what our Dowers are,” even vote as manv times as they liked fact from the letter. interpreting the constitkon ... There’s kirken said. while they countei the ballots. * Classifieds Information something very unclear about the According to Sklar, the election was constitution.” run the same way all elections have been All Tufts studmts must submit classifieds in person, paid with cash or check. All classifieds must be submitted 3 pm. thc day bcforepublication. Classifieds may alsobe Anyone interested in compiling “Off the Hill,” a column of ight at the infomation booth at the Campus Center. All rsifieds suhmittcd by mail must be accompanied by a news briefs from other universities, should contact the Tufts ck. Classifieds may not be submitted over the phone. Noticas and Lost & Founds are free and mn onTuesdays I Thursdays only. Notices are limited to two per week per Daily news department. Ask for Stephen, Colin, Emanuel, or anization and run space permitting. Notices must be tten on Daily fotms and submitted in person. Notices Constantine. Call now at 381-3090 and receive a free set of not beused todmerchandiseoradvenisemajorevents. The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due to ographical errors or misprintings except the cost of the double-edged, stainless steel knives (this is a limited, no- ertion. u~hicliis l‘ully refundable. monev-back offer). Friday, March 16,1990 THE TUFTS DAILY page three FEATURESlARTS Sugar Cubes a tasty treat, but Random thoughts Blue Aeroplanes crash and burn for Spring Break by COLIN WOODARD the tracks like an enraged ban- stings, storms, passion and diesel I’d just like to share a few thoughts, questions, observations, Daily Editorial Board shee, singing about her passions, fuel. The Sugar Cubes allusions’ suggestions and confessions with the 11 people still on campus on Here Today, Tomorrow,Nexr Week desires, and restaurantdilemmas. are free to personal interpreta- this, the first day of Spring Break, and with those of you who The Sugar Cubes Then Einar will belch out some tion, and laid onto the surface of picked up a Daily before catch- Elektra caustic aside in an atonal yell. the vinyl with a garden trowel. Bret Thorn ing your flights to Cancun, Ja- The vocal contrasts are but- Looks like the Sugar Cubes maica, Daytona Beach, San Di- Not only are the Sugar Cubes tressed by the lyrics, unpredict- will be here tomorrow, next week, Havoc On the Hj// ego, Aruba or Vail - oh, I mean unique, they are extremely bi- able, biting, and a shade disturb- and for a long time to come. Sure Aspen; I hear Vail’s “out” this zarre. Their follow-up to last year’s ing. A case in point, the lyrical are a weird bunch, though. rear, so you wouldn’t want to be caught dead there. You can give much-acclaimed LP Life’s too interaction between Bjork and his column your perusal while sipping margaritas and pina coladas Good is at least as powerful as its Einar in “Pump”: Swagger tnd trying desperately not to worry about the work you brought Bjork: consume me my love/I The Blue Aeroplanes ilong with you even though you knew there wasn’t a non-diverse want you to inhale me/all of me/ Ensign/Chrysalis nrson’s chance at Tufts that you were going to touch any of it for drown me love/in a bottomless he entire break. pond/I’11 never retum/swallow me, The Blue Aeroplanes aren’t I think fraternitiesare essentially benign organizations that don’t

~~ all of me doing any barnstorming in their isually hurt anybody, and the people who join them seem to enjoy predecessor. Here Today, Tomor- Einar: I prefer you in a form of major-label debut. They sound t. Silly and stupid things would happen whether they were here or row, Next Week blends contradic- a love letterb don’t like you/I like a genericized parody of al- lot. I don’t think their parties are very fun, though. tions and perplexes the listener - hate you, your smug little smile ternative rock where everything If you’re going to Southern California don’t be the same kind of - there’s no sense pretending to makes me sick... is predictable, “mature,” and iedestrian you are here in Boston. In Southern California if you know for sure what they’re driv- Bjork: ...y ou gulp me/then “deep.” walk out into the street and try to weave your way between the rows ing at. down your gulledin the stomach The album just isn’t very if traffic like most people do in, say, Harvard Square:all of the cars This sextet from Iceland has a you splash acid on men travel imaginative. There’s no gripping Nil1 stop and politely wait for you to cross. I did this over Winter rock and roll foundation, and down the intestines/through the quality and no real energy. In- 3reak. Imagine walking out into the middle of a street and having members insist they are a main- bowels/and out/eat me my love stead, a tepid soup of worn-out he cars you were planning on letting pass come to a screeching halt stream pop band, but they make a Einar (screaming): I hate you. guitar licks and bass lines have while the impassive and perhaps even friendly faces of the drivers radical departure from there. Most Not “Pop as usual.” Similar been re-heated to back lead singer watch as you walk by. It’s very embarrassing. of the album’s thirteen tracks focus interactions occur in other tracks Gerard Langley’s chit-chat deliv- Did you ever notice that Channel 56 in Boston is WLVI? Get it? on vocal interplay between Bjork which discuss synthetic materi- ery of the album’s overtly deep ,VI? 56? Gudmundsottir and Einar als and alchemy, passions and Those of you going to and exotic places, why are you Om. see REVIEWS, page 7 warm Bjork will fly and soar through drowning, automobiles and bee ;oing so far if all you’re going to do is lay in the sun to get a nice an to come back to Boston where it will probably be too cold to ;how off much anyway? I mean everyone here at Tufts knows that qou’re not really a dark-complexioned persgn, We. know that it’s lust a temprary facade,and that underneath that gorgeous but often mificidly orange tan you’re just as pale as those people who stayed iere to work on theses or are broke or went to visit people in upstate Vew York or Toronto or Montreal. Why do we find artificially darkened skin attractive while most 4sians and Latin Americans consider pallor $aprerequisite for 3eauty? ‘ - Political science majors dress better than history majors. If you’re going to someplace like Mexico to drink, I have another pestion. Why is it that in America it’s legal and generally accept- ible to inhale the poisonous and chemically addictive smoke of obacco in public and generally encouraged to drink alcohol, which

L The other major contributor will be Porter, who is the team’s Men’s captain-elect. After playing sev- Squash enth a year ago, Porter was forced to move up four spots. Although lot has changed since 10 years he got off to a rough start, Porter ago, and the squash team’s rank- was able to turn his game around ing has been steadily dropping. and finish with a respectable 6-8 The 1989-90 version of the record on the year. men’s squash team fell another One major key to next year’s two spots in the rankings from success will be getting in another eleventh to thirteenth during their couple of players to take the team’s 6-8 season, but the team showed top spots. Although the team was encouraging signs that will help very competitive in the top three reverse the slide in the future. positions, the team didn’t have Over the last two years, the team the depth to compete with higher has built a nucleus of five play- ranked teams in the fourth and ers, all sophomores and fresh- fifth positions. men, and with another player or Fifth-seeded senior Steve Filosa two the team will be poised to explained,“I think that other teams returntothetop lointhe 1990-91 had much deeper lineups. We season. Filosa and fourth seed Tad Hbgan] At the heart of the team are weren’t as bad as our records do have some good players and sophomores Trip Navaro and indicated.” some not-so-good players, and James Porter, the squad’sfirst and At the beginning of the sea- our schedule has to reflect a more third playerj, respectively. Navaro, son, the team stumbled to a 1-4 wcll-roundedgroupof opponents who has been the team’s top player record with losses to Navy, Wil- than we have now.” since he came to Tufts, show- liams, Trinity and Amherst. While Fortunately for Tufts, many of cased the type of play that will beA the losses to the first three were those good players will be return- necessary for next year when he expected,’the5-4 lo3s&Amher9t - ing next season. .Forming. the competed two weeks ago at the hurt the team the most bemuse team’s nucleus with Navaro and National Singles Championship. that match sealed the Jumbos’ Porter will be freshmen Tad Hogan, After losing in the first round descent in the rankings. A bright Marco Caicedo and Briggs. Each of the championship bracket, spot for the team was the play of of the three showed flashes of Navaro showed much tenacity in senior captain JoshLebowitz (see L .brilliance -through the ’season. the consolation bracket, winning side story), who showed the rest Those five players represent the 3-2. In four of the five matches, of the team that he would be a two best recruiting classes that the sophomore fell behind early, leader by example, winning all Tufts has had under Summers, and if one of equal caliber can be added, then the Jumbos will be a tcam to watch next season. “I’m optimistic for the team next year if they can get some good recruits,” saidFilosa.“They have an excellent captain in Doc [Porter],three experienced fresh- men, and Trip [Navaro] retum- ing. If they can get one or two freshmen [next year], they’ll be tough.” The senior went on to say, “If Porter plays fourth or fifth next year, then it will be a very com- petitive team against Dartmouth, Williams and maybeeven Navy.” Although Tufts lost to Wil- liams by 8- l and 7-2 scores, there was only a few points difference in each of the nine spots, and any player who can move Navaro and Porter down a notch could make

Furthermore, only one junior, Mark Elman, really made a sig- nificant contribution to the team this year, so the next two years are looking bright indeed for Tub squash. As for Summers, he is very enthusiastic about the next sea- son. ‘With the new practice sched- ule and with some of the new kids who are interested in coming to Tufts, we’ve got a very enthusi- The men’s squash team’s dark days have passed, and thefuture astic group. Aid we shbuld be as looks extremely bright. good, if not better than what we were this year.” Eat all your meals in Carmichael I tndnv- Thp nthpr dinina hnllc nrp I dosed. Have a great break. page five Friday, March 16,1990 THE TUFTS DAILY SPORTS Tufts’ swimmers go all the way, close out season at 7-3 Men’s swimming races through the season to place third in Division I11 New England by JAMES POWERS the Jumbos were ready to take on Megerle. “Take your eight best ships while the distance swim- was 128-100. For the 16 Jumbos Senior Staff Writer the first half of their schedule. guys and split them.” mers started to “come around,” who would be going to the New Men’s swimming coach Don Before the winter break, the swim- The plan worked as the relay according to Megerle. Freshmen Englands, this was their chance Megerle wasn’t sure how far his mers faced the University of team of senior Mike Cichello, Matt Nolan and Larry O’Connell to shine. Freshmen Ali Ettenhad- team could go. The swimmers Massachusetts (Amherst), Clark, sophomore Jon Sackea, and fresh- led the way in the 1000 freestyle ieh and Peter Conovitz were were young and untested. So many Bowdoin, and the University of men Reed Meyer and Ben Mi- while John Hurley and Nolan also impressive in the freestyle sprints. top seniors were gone. At the New Hampshire. The loss in the nard easily claimed second place. improved their 500 freestyletimes. Freshman Michael Humphrey also beginning of the season, way back first dual meet was not unexpected. After the meet, Megerle ex- Next, the Jumbos clubbed the swam very well, recording a sec- The Division I Minutemen of claimed, “Our backs were up Bates Bobcats, 163-80. At this ond place finish in the 200 indi- UMass have one of the top teams e against the wall, so nothing can Point, mYOf the swimmas began vidual medley. Men’s in New England, but the Jumbos scare us now.” posting their best times of the Finally, the Jumbos ended the Swimming were happy to get their feet wet. A close loss to Bowdoin at the season. The highlight of the meet regular season with a convincing I - I One of the bright spots in that end of the semester set the Jum- was in the400-yard medley relay. 174-63 win over Lowell Univer- in early November, Megerle was meet, as well as the whole the bos’ record at 2-2 going into winter There, Bobbin, Ingardia, Silver- sity. Ending with a 7-3 record, stressing that he expected mental season, were the divers. Under break. The Polar Bears, who were man and Todd Hurley established emphasis was again put on the toughness from his team. Return- coach Ben Snodgrass, the group much stronger than last year, fig- a Bbtes’ pool record with their swimmers not going to the New ing to the form that the Jumbos consisted of three experienced ured to place high in the New time of 3:45. But Megerle was Englands. After having shaved had achieved last season would seniors -- Kirk Kolligian, Dennis Englands. The swimmers’ winter cautious after the victory, saying, down, many of the younger be a daunting task. Repeating as Hamilton and Paul Wolstencroft break was to be a shprt one after “they don’t give any awards out members of the team swam im- runners-up in the New England -- and sophomore Jon Sackett. 29 members of the team travelled at m idseason.” pressively. Championships would be diffi- The senior triumvirate swept the to Florida. Thm, the Jumbos could Southern Massachusetts Uni- Two weeks still remained be- cult. top three spots in the one-meter expect two weeks of grueling versity was the fourth straight fore the Jumbos would travel to It seems a long time ago that board competition with regular- training. The upside of the trip victory, raising the Jumbos’ rec- Williams College for the season Megerle was saying, “This year’s ity. Sackea was often the top divcr was that the team came back as a ord to 6-2. The focus, however, finale. In the meantime, the swim- teams can’t just sit back and expect in the three-meter event. close-knit unit, ready to improve was increasingly placed on the mers continued to prepare them- to recapture their form [from last The next meet against the Clark on their previous results. upcoming New England Division : selves mentally and physically year].” The coach looked to the Cougars was a confidence-builder. The Jumbos returned from I11 Championships, so the Jum- ’ for the New Englands. Nervous- team’s co-captains, seniors Jeff ’ The end result was a 190-79 win Florida to rattle off four straight bos began to train differently. It ness set in, but the season was Seery and Todd Hurley, to lead and “a lot of good feeling,” said wins. MIT was the first to fall, involved swimming fewer yards already four months old. What the team. Leadership was crucial Megerle. The first victory of the 142-99,followed by the Wesleyan in practice, rehearsing races, was another week or two? Then for a team dominated by fresh- season could not have come at a Cardinals. Bogged down with polishing up fine points, and get- 1 came the shave down and the men and sophomores. Neverthe- Setter time, for the UNH Wild- sicknesses and injuries, Tufts tin9 more rest between practices. 1 Jumbos were as ready as they less, said Megerle, “it’s my prom- cats were next on Tufts’ sched- overcame a quick Wesleyan start It was the Division I1 Southern would be. ise to them that they will be achiev- ule. However, the Jumbos’ depth to win, 152-133. Kolligian quali- Connecticut Owls that snapped ing their goals [by the end of the enabled them to surpass Division fied for the National Champion- the Jumbos’win streak.The score ’ see page ’ season].” I UNH, 123-120. The talented trio of sopho- The divers were as much a key mores, Mark Bobbin, Mike In- to the victory as anyone else. The cotumn th.at won’t’be’read‘ gardia, and Adam Silverman, Kolligian, Wolstencroft and wofild lead the team in ability Hamilton scored some very im- I don’t really know how I’m going to pull off an bad (5-11 last season), but they’re also really throughout the season. All three portant points to keep the Jumbos mire column of pretending. You see, I have abso- boring and tactless. Two recent developments qualified for the Division I11 close. Swimmers Bobbin and lutely no subject today. Not that I couldn’t find bring this to mind. First, the Pats had decided to me, but I have this feeling that nobody-will be National Championships last year Silverman held their own in the keep Reverend Raymond *ascoach because they as freshmen. 200-yard backstroke and the 200 :motionally into The Edge of Sports with vacation couldn’t find anyone better. This wasn’t exactly a beckoning. Out qf the freshmen ranks, a butterfly. The meet eventually vote of confidence. Finally they find that Rod great deal was expected of Ben came down to the final event, the It’s virtually “You can trust” Rust is available to coach, so they Minard, John Hurley and Matt. 400 freestyle relay, and the Jum- Geoff Edgers spring break, and sack Berry. Why did they have him around in the I don’t want to Nolan. But other freshmen would bos needed to take both first and first place after he singlehandedly destroyed a second place to win the meet. The Edge of Sports do any work, yet Super Bowl team? His head is so full of mush that make their presence known; eight the Daily reminds of them would go on to the New “So we had to put up not our the most angry response h3 delivered in response best relay, but our two best com- me of all the work I’ve had to do. It works against to his firing was a shrug and the comment, “that’s Englands. the desire to relax which many of us will satisfy by After over a month of training, posite relays,” stated coach America.” going home and sedating ourselves with the wm Yesterday, 14-year Patriot veteran Raymond weather, real meals and smiling parents that we Clayborn signed with the Cleveland Browns. It’s welcome so saon after nidterms. This is not a apathetic development that once again harks back slight to the paper; it’s to the Daily’s credit that it to racism. Why was Clayborn, a top-notch veteran is becoming synonymous with Tufts. who’d been with the Pats since the beginning of Rather than sliming out of my personal pledge his career, left unprotected while back-up quarter- to always have a column out on Friday, I will back Steve Grogan was protected? sacrifice any personal integrity I may have thought Did the Pats only keep Grogan because he was had and pretty much babble on until the page is white? Grogan has had a fine career, but he’s 37 filled. Just keep in mind that I could have taken the years old and nobody would have taken him. really easy way out and randomly chosen the name In one final show of dedication, Clayborn almost of a city out of a hat and written a sequel to the “I didn’t take the Browns offer of over $1.5 million hate New York” column that is already a crowd because he felt the compassion to give the Pats favorite. another chance. In a gutless move, general man- Here are a few random observances: ager Pat Sullivan, that same man who started a Poor kids who play sports will never get fight with ex-Raiders lineman Matt Millen five anywhere. years ago, came out and pretty much said that he I can vouch for this personally, because be- didn’t think Clayborn was worth the money that tween the ages of seven and 10, nobody could have the Browns were offering, the near equivalent that . Men’s swimming dove in head first against the competition this the defensive back made last year. No guts. vear. played sports as much as I did. Playing stickball, basketball, street hockey and soccer were only the The situation with Jim Rice and the Red Sox start. Among the other “sports” me and my friends last season provides a healthy contrast to the loss had were variations of bicycle jumping, and of of Clayborn. Rice was making $2.4 million for the course, that vastly popular game of “Vietnam,” 1988 and 1989 seasons while playing sparingly. where pre-teens run around in the woods with The Red Sox had proof that Rice wasn’t worth the unsafe amounts of fireworks. money and decided not to exercise the option on In the end, I wasted all this time that could have his high-salaried contract. Instead of banishing Rice in a way that would hurt his pride, they Two swimmers who were particularly outstanding throughout been used for more useful things, like learning French. (Yeah, right) The basic fact is, to get offered him a ceremony with retiring Sox veteran the season were sophomores Mark Bobbin and Mike Ingardia. Bob Stanley to recognize his long career with However, co-captain Todd Hurley has been selected as the Daily’s anywhere in the sporting world, it takes a combi- nation of 10 percent talent, 10 percent desire and Boston. MVP in a decision made nearly impossible by the fine work of the The fact is, Raymond Clayborn deserved more other co-captain, Jeff Seary. “They [Hurley and Seary] have done work ethic and about 80 percent financing. Yes, while my friends and I were busy looking for wood than Jim Rice. Rice went on to accuse the Red Sox a lot for the team,” said teammate Jude Grimley. and the city of Boston of racism after his contract Hurley, though, “did a lot to keep us together, and he also did objects to hone into bats for stickball or really unstable bicycle jumps, atinletes like current USC wasn’t renewed. Rice had gone on to symbolize very well at the New Englands,” said Grimley. The senior co- the “country-club” attitude on the Red Sox, gain- captain swam in the short freestyle events alWilliams and was the quarterback Todd Maranovitch were hooked up to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of com- ing 30 pounds during the 1989 season. Raymond anchor in many of the relays. Clayborn has always been in playing shape. He “He was our big guy in the relays,” said Michael Cichello, puter equipment to help the pre-teen become the quarterback that his father had always wanted him deserved to be given a proper sendoff instead of another senior. “It came down to him every time.” hearing his boss question his ability to perform. “He inspires me a lot,” Grimley said of Hurley’s leadership to be ever since the elder Maranovitch played for USC in the mid-60s. Jim Rice Gas a fat-cat and he was treated with skills. respect. Raymond Clayborn was a true team player “When it came down to it, Todd [Hurley] really came through The New England Patriots are really bad and he was treated like dirt. for us,” Cichello added. Not that anyone cares, but the Pats arenot only page six THE TUmS DAILY Friday, March 16,1990 I Get In The Right Working Environment At The Coop! Save It With Sony.


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.. Friday, March 16,1990 page seven THE TUFTS DAILY - Bobbin and Ingardia qualify for Nationals - SEASON because the meet began with amount of time that the team STUDENT’SSPECZAL .continued from page 5 several freestyle events, which members were taking off their (Tufts Campus Only, Ask for Studcnt’s Special) It’s what the entire season are not the team’s forte. By Satur- swims. Many previous personal comes down to. Said Megerle at day, the Jumbos moved into fifth bests were shattered. “When it the time, “We’ve been getting place. But a furious charge on the came down to it, we came ready all year. The kids are rested last day of the competition put through,” said junior Jude Grim- and excited.” the jubilant Jumbos in third. It ley. “It’s been a long season,” said was miraculous in many ways Through it all, Bobbin and 12” Cheese Pizza John Hurley. “I’m psyched for that the Jumbos barely held off Ingardia made the cuts for the Plus one topping the New Englands.” Coast Guard while finishing upcoming Nationals again. In Plus a Tough competition was ex- closely behind Bowdoin and addition, Wolstencroft was named FREE pected from Bowdoin, Amherst Williams. Tufts’ Diver of the Year as the and Williams, while Coast Guard “It was incredibleto get third,” senior who scored the most points also posed a threat. A fourth place said Matt Nolan, who swam well during the season. SO0 finish seemed likely. in the 1650 and 500 freestyle Coach Megerle could ~ly Expires May 31, I990 However, even a fourth-place events. smile. Much of his worrying and no coupon needed ’finish seemed in doubt as the “We were very together the fretting was gladly without justi- Jumbos got off to a slow start on whole meet,” he said indicating fication. At mid-season, he pro- ‘Friday. The team was in eighth that as being one of the reasons fewd concern that the team might OUR SUPERIORTM place after that day’s competition for the Jumbos’ success. not have been getting the most “You didn’t see other teams do Out Of its workouts. He urged the Cheese Pizza Y what our team did,” said Mike team to go through practices with = 12“ Cheese $5.70 LLb Cichello. “Not even last year’s “a winning philosophy.” In the LLL LbL team did as well as we did at the end, the team managed to “get 16” Cheese $8.19 LLb championships.” itself up where positive things” Additional Rems What was so impressive, ex- could happen. Pepperoni, Ground beef, Mush- plained Cichello, was the great rooms, Sausage, Ham, Onions, Anchovies, Green Peppers, Green Group is too conventional- Olives, Double Cheese, Black REVIEWS Aeroplanes toured with REM on Olives, Pineapple, Extra Thick 629-2400 continued from page 3 their British Tour. REM’s influ- Crust, Extra Sauce (Free) 514 A Medford St. LONDON $338 lyrics. Langley just speak-sings, ences pop up on several occa- 12” item $.95 BERLIN 438 Somerville trying to sound deep and knowl- sions, and Michael Stipe contrib- 16” item $1 .I 0 BRUSSELS 398 VIENNA 438 edgeable,but coming off as being Utes to the banal track “What it TOKYO 749 conventional and inexperienced. is.” CARACAS 350 RIO 778 But the Blue Aeroplanes aren’t “Cat Scan Hist’ry” is the al- Taxes not included Restricttonsap ly One ways available.WorWStu Abroacf new to the music scene. They’ve bum’s most bizarre track. It’s an HOURS pr rams lntl Student iD%uRAiL been playing the same stuff for all anarchic tune, and like all the COKE, DIET COKE PZSES ISSUED ON THE SPOT1 album’s tracks, is bloated with Mon. - Sun. 11 AM til 12 AM of their eight years, have gone Cans $.65 through 20 musicians and have poetic lyrics, too deep to pene- Limited delivery area produced sjx albums on independ- trate with sonar, radar, or expen- Boston HatvardSq MIT ent labels in their native England._- sive hi-fi equipment. 2664926 491-4497 225-2555 _..I . . The ament incarnation of Blue Classif iedsclassif iedsclassif iedsclassif iedsclassifiedsclassif ieds HELP US Excellent Summer Sublet, Anyone going to WORD PROCESSING ‘Responsible College 2 housemates needed for the most Close to Campus, Ball Square & T. SYRACUSE HARVARD SQUARE 661- S.1 u:d ent gorgeous 3 bdrm apt around. Fully 4 spacious bdrms. 2 bath, washer/ or north (Watertown area?): 7 2622 for part time daycare in our home. and newly furnished, washerf dryer.. driveway, porch, living rm, need a ride & will share expenses Emeigency service: Student pa- 1 loveable baby boy, 2 loveable dryer, TV. large rooms, cheap kitchen. More Info call Dave & Leaving Thurs, Fri, or Sat, & re- pers, resumes, letters and more. mutts. Flexible hours. Close to Housing heat, 5 min. walk, great house- Noel 629-8740. turning anytime during Spring Desktop publishing, laser print- Tufts. Nice folks & benefits!! Bike mates. $340/mo. Considerate Break Call Susan 629-7944. ers. VisalMasterCards accepted. over!! Call Barb or Steve at 395 non-smokers call 776-9528. ONE MINUTE Bette James & Associates, 1430 5248 FROM CAMPUS Mass Ave. (over CVS) 7 room apt for rent FULLY FURNISHED Bright and very clean 3 bdrm apt In Washington, D.C. Curtis Ave 1 112 baths 4 or 5 SINGLE!! with living rm and kitchen. Avail TYPlNGlWORD Live and work there this summer. bdrms. Washer and dryer. Off in spacious, bright 2 bdrm apt. June 1. One month’s rent deposit Services PROC ESSlNG Earn $3-$6,000 working outside. street parking. $150O/mo not incl Very close to campus, parking req’d. Rent reasonable, parking For typing, word processing. & Good experience for future em- utils. Call Ray or Karyn 623-7901 avail. Great price for civilized liv- avail, 2 garages and driveway. Call laser printing of letters, resumes, ployment with $10-$20,000 sum- ing! for ‘90-’91. Call 391-8426 - 3-7pm, 776-5467. papers, or theses, call Ellen after mer income. Call Dan at 624-8998 Behind LATIN ,WAY! Lise 5:30pm at 488-3901. 2 rms available in spacious 4 bdrm Two 3 Bdrm Apts Cancun Jamaica WANTED: FRENCH Your LAST chance. There are ac- “‘RESUMES”’ RESEARCH ASSISTANT apt full kitchen, bath, living rm. COME SEE FOR YOURSELF avail for rent June 1. Bright and LASER TYPESET sound-proof rec rm, driveway. You won’t believe what a fantastic very clean, well maint., partially tually a few spots left if you book NEAR TUFTS IN JULY & AUG. Art furnished. rent VERY reasonable. today or tomorrow. Don’t be jeal- $15, 395-5921 History Prof. writing book on porch, hdwd floors, storage summer sublet only 100 yds. to Impressive Laser Typeset Resu- space. Partially furnished. $350 both Campus & the bus you can 1 m dep. req’d. Parking avail. Call ous of your friends, Join them! Call Renoir and Impressionism seeks mo/ and cheap utils. Call Lisa or 3-7pm. 776-5467. Monica 629-8362 mes With Semester-Long Com- French native or bilingual student have. Fully furnished room, puter Storage. One Day Service Justin 629-8763 washer, hardwood floors, lots of as research assistant. Job is 10 FREE ROOM AND BOARD Day Care Avail. Five Minutes From min from Tufts by car or 30 min by windows, driveway, & awesome Tufts.Also. Word Processing and 3 and 4 Bdrm Apts... housemates. Female non-smok- in exchange for 1520 hours per Have opening for part time or full bus. $7 per hour. Job incl typing, Near Engineering School, 3 bdrm week of babysitting. light house- time. Clean house & big back yard. Typing Services. Student Papers. word processing, library re- ers call Lori at 391-9252 or 396- Grad School Applications, Per- avail 411. short or long term $829 9666. hold chores, cleaning or cooking Call 322-2164 Anna search, correspondence, and mo.; 4 bdrm avail 611 $ll99m. convenient to school. Call now for sonal Statements, Theses, Mul- translation. Call Prof. White 381- Excellent condition. Like new, FALL placement SUMMER place- CHILD CARE provided tiole Letters. Tams Transcribed. 3567 MEDFORD-DESIRE ABLE iaser Printin’ etc. CALL must sea. 864-2437 -Bob CONDO FOR RENT. ments also avail. 277-6420. in your home by experienced young woman who loves teaching and FRANCES ANdiME- 3955921. WANTED: FRENCH 2nd flr, 2 bdrms, 2 baths, spacious Thm 3 Bdrrn Apts 3-4 bdrm, kitchen & closets, livingdining caring -for children. Excellent ref- RESEARCH ASSISTANT IN House is Large & Clean. Near CMT PROCESSING near sch and trans, no util. no pets rms, w/w rugs, AC, balcony. in- erences, Please call 623-2324 af- WORD PARIS Tufts 3 Edrms. Large Eat-in- ter 5pm SERVICES IN JUNE. Art History Prof. writ- ref. $400 per person. aft 4:30 776- door pool, racquet ball, full time Kitchen. Modem Bath. Nice Yard. DO09 will input thesis, personalized let- ing book on Renoir & Impression- security. plus other amenities. Storage. Near Laundry & Stores. ters, manuscripts and term pa- Parking. Near Rt. 93, MBTA. Avail- *Therapeutic Massage’ ism seeks French native or bilin- June to June. Summer Sublet OK Makes a great birthday gift for a pers into an IBM Computer and gual student as research assis- Summer Sublet able 6/1/90 Call: (617) 391-3387 81080-No Fee. Call 861-7954 1 rm avail in a spacious 3 bdrm apt friend. Therapies include Swedish, print text out letter quality. Vari- tant in Paris in June. $7 per hour. behind Miller on FairmontAve. Lge Neuromuscular, foot reflexology ous software used. $2.00/dslpg. Job incl research, xeroxing etc. Apt for Rent: Apts for rent: FREE on campus delivery. Call eat in kitchen, new bath and a deck Packard Av-1 block from Campus. and more. Together we can work Call Prof. White 381-3567 Two 8 nn apts. washers 8 dryers to make you healthier and pain CHER at 62&5439 for barbecuing. Call Julie 629- 3 Big Bdrms, Modern Kitchen/ incl. One 5 room apt, washer 8 9106 Bath, Hardwood Floors, Refrig- free. Group rates, free consulta- Asian American Center dryer incl. Location: on Winthrop tion 666-8821 Iv. mess. Peer Advising Program wants erator, Laundry, Porch. Storage. St near Campus, no fees reason- Bad luck No fee. $112Ymo + utils. Avail fun-loving, dedicated, dynamic, able price negotiable. Call 395 THE PROCESSED WORD responsible people for =?---,. .. in the Junior housing lottery? We Immed. Call Bill or Liz 625-6021. 2463. know how it feels. We‘re looking 395-0004 - 395-1013(FAX) as advisors next year. Come pick for 1 or 2 nonsmoking females to 2 Bdrm Apt for Rent: 2 nns avail for summer (FAX IN YOURTERM PAPERSOR Wanted up an application at the Asian share an apt next year. Please call Packard Ave. 1 block from Cam- sublet RESUME FOR QUICK TURN- House now. Allison 629-8518 or Mara 629- pus. New Kitchen. Hdwd flrs. re- Excellent location-VERY CHEAP! AROUND)! Full service, profes- 8322. frigerator, laundry, porch, stor- Call Joely at 396-9218 or Sabrina sional word processing service LOOKING for at 391-8101. a Fraternity, Sorority, or Student age. No fee. $750/mo + util. Call Liz offering typeset quality resumes, Attn: Pre-Mad Students Summer Sublet- or Bill -625-6021 term papers, tape transcription, Org that would like to make $500- ACROSS FROM LEWIS looking for Research Experience $1000 for one week on-campus One room available in a 4 bdrm apt. mail forwardinglreceiving, notary, (Soph, Jun. Sen) lab position avail Only 4 houses from camws on HALL FAX service. MCIVISA. Conven- marketing project. Must be organ- 3 BDRM APTS Cheap, “ON CAMPUS,” fully fur- in downtown Bio Lab Start Imme- Cuitis Av. If interested call Sara Across from Tufts in 3 fam, $1050 iently located in Medford Square ized and hardworking. Call Eliza- nished. summer and sprlnq ’91 diately - must work thru summer beth or Myra at 800-592-2121. 629-9747 ($350/person), HDWD floors, at 15 Forest Street (opposite At least 15 hrs1wk (weekdays) sublet. avail. New appliances. Post Office). CALL JANICE - 395- mod K & B, porch & yard. Sunny & lovely backyard and BBO. Great call Jayne for info 628-3862 Summer Sublet Available quiet. 547-8926 0004 DRIVERS NEEDED Landlord, Call now 629-8939. for gourmet food delivery in Lex- Beautiful 3 or 4 bdrm apt close to Camp Counselor campus and T. $1 IOOlmo or neg. Housernate for 2 bdrrn apt 2 rooms needed The $99 DJ SPECIAL ington and Arlington. Flexible -IAVE THE SUMMER OF YOUR hours, great people, and $9-$12 Call 629-9480 for info. Large Apt with living rm, dining rm, We’re looking to sublet 2 rooms for Laser Sound brings life to your on- -1FEANDGETPAlDFOR IT TOPS- the fall of ‘90. Please help us! Call campus party with a huge variety per hour. Must have your own car. eat-in kitchen, porches. Only :amp organization in the Pocono Call Gourmet-to-go at 863-0178. On Powderhouse Blvd. $250/mo. Avail 6/90 or 9/90. Jim Abby or llysa @ 629-8516. of music and massive sound sys- dountains of NE PA Our 59th 5 Rooms 2 bedrooms - 3rd floor. All 321-0452 tem. Lighting also available. Call tear Positions in all areas-water utilities included. Available 6-1-90, Jim at 489-2142. WANTED: Your work md land SDO~~S.Fine Arts and on Latin America and/or the Carib- $975.00 Call Pat 508-664-6140. 3 bdrm apt for rent 3utdoor Adventure. Please call 1- lncl living rm, dining rm, eat in “‘EARS FOR PEERS”’ 300-533-CAMP (215-887-9700 in bean! PERFILES needs your class One enormous, kitchen, porches, off street park- Rides A confidential, anonymous peer ’A) or write 407 Benson East, papers, your poetry, your photos sunny bdrm avail in house close to ing, and refrigerator. All rms in support hotline run by and for stu- lenkintown, PA 19046 from trios - and we need it all be- campus. Only $275/mo. Call 629- excellent condition. Rent $1050 dents. 7 days a week, 7PM to 7AM. fore Mar 30! Drop off at the Cam- No problem is too big or too small, pus Ctr info booth. or call Ellen at 9480 anytime for details. without utils. Call Anne 3954587. , RIDE. WANTED Occasional analor regular to Scarsdale, NY or Westchester ”‘381 -3888”’ babysitter 666-0695. HOUSEMATE NEEDED! 2-3-4 BDRM APTS. areaanytimeon Fri 3/16. Will share or 2 girls ages 3yrs and lyr. Pre- One room avail in 3 bdrm apt. Per- avail for June lst-$670, 2 bdrms- usual expenses. Please contact “TYPING OR WORD” er student who will be avail during Get a. jump on a summer PROCESSING SERVICE job! fect location right across from $870.3 bdrm-$1 100 4 bdrm. Heat Michael at 629-9128. he summer and possibly next I Latin Way. June to June lease. and-water incl in the rent. No fees. 395-5921 3ept. Good salary. 729-2805 Customer Service Representa- $32O/mo+util. Female only. Call Pearl and Main St. Call 396-8386 Anyone driving through or Student Papers, Theses, Grad tives. Full-time positions. Outgo- 625-4260 days or 483-1045 evenings. Best to Philadelphia School Applications, Personal SUMMER JOBS TO SAVE ing individuals needed to answer for Spring Break? I need a ride on Statements, Graduate/ Faculty phones, data entry (Lotus 1,2,3), Large 3 Bdnn price!!! ENVIRONMENT 3/16 or 3/17. Will share all ex- Projects, Tape Transcription, Earn $2500-$3500, National cam- varied office responsibilities. with parking. Safe neighborhood penses. Call Megan at 629-8689. Resumes, Multiple Letters, etc on Great office experience. No ex- near Tufts. Beautiful 3 Bdrm. Free rm and board saign positions to pass clean air IBM. Laser Printing. Reasonable xt. stop toxic pollution, tighten perience necessary. We will train modern kitchen & bath. Nice yard. in beautiful house in exchange for Rates, Quick Turnaround, Park- babysitting. Walking distance to Ride needed to pesticide controls, promote recy- you. Close to Campus. Call Liz at Storage. Driveway Parking. Washington D.C. ing. Serving Tufts students and 391-7366. 91200. No Fee. June to June Sum- campus. Private rm, washer, cling, avail 18 states/D.C. lntvs on on March 15, 16 or 17. will share faculty for 10 years. 5 minutes campus 3/13, 3/20. Call Kate toll mer Sublet OK. Call for appoint- dryer, 112 bath, use of car. Start from Tufts. CALL 395-5921 ANY- Buy Classifiedswhen you get back summer or fall. Call 391-1971. expenses. Please call Karen at free: 1-800-75-EARTH -. . nent 861-7954 629-8166. TIME. ASK FOR FRAN. from 9rim Break. Please!! page eight THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, March 16,199 ClassifiedsCla9sifiedsClassifi !dsClassifiedsclassif iedsClas sif iedsclassif iedsclassif ieds Person selling the $99 Scam- I 1 yr old microwave, 'I ticket to Davtona 3/17-24: Happy 19th on the 19th, it only microwave stand, computer desk, Please call Doug at 629-9860-Vm happens once! Love, Dork and file cabinet w/lock, 2 air condition- Personals I interested in purchasing it. Bocce Master ers, 1 yr old Kenmore wash & dryer, 1 yr old Coleman canoe, mini TO: SCRATCH (part I) row night! ***SNUFFY"*. TV-radio. 2 dish set w/silvetware. You wrote me & told me that possi- Sorry we can't celebrate this B\O call Lisa at 623-5977 bilities exist, But as always w/our Wayne, Pat and Dave: "PATRICK JOHNSTON" , weekend. 1'11 think of you over GOOSTER Get psyched for the best 28 hours 1 Pair Stereo Speakers Welcome to Boston! I still can't relationship, there is a twist. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Don't break and fondly remember the' Spring Break is upon us & soon of your lives! At least we have worry, there are worse ways to chaos we've created while trav- 125 Watts per channel. Must hear believe you're hall here Looking good magazines! The who to appreciate. Paid will sell forward to lots of run! I iove you Matt will be too. So I throw up my one spend a birthday than riding in a elling together ,(Planes, Trains, $500, this much. Love, Tammy arms cause there's nothing I can counts the most purple cows car with Teal for 28 hours. I just and Automobiles ...) Have an for b\o. Cali Greg 391-8457 do. Just don't forget the times we wins... can't think of any right now. -Mo AMAZING 21st! Love always, laughed& sharedandrememberall Fozzie AIR MAYER ... KAREN 'JULIE DIGIACOMO' Just dew eet. Get the t-shirt that To my super-charged 12 cylinder the ways that I have cared... STEPHEN WELLER- you were AWESOME Wednesday Hi. Me again! Guess what! I love JEAN! everyone wants. Limited supply. BIG SISTER. You are incredible! night! Do I get an encore?! Have a YOU! Have an INCREDIBLE Only $10. Call 629-8913 or 629- No. Never normal always over TO: SCRATCH (part II) Happy 19th on the 19th!! Spring I love you with all my heart, of this great break and remember: He BIRTHDAY tomorrow. 1'11 make Break birthdays are the best, 8247 committed but to all the right some stories in Jamaica I can tell things and done with a smile! (In- I am sure, so after this break, who steals Purple COW always have a great one! Love, Vickie YOU about! Have a great break! FOR SALE: verting Ballou-How do you do please don't slam the door. I've gets caught... and punished! Love you! -A Fan Love, Sandra (Slick) Used stove burners get'em while that?) We'll figure it out together! loved others, though not as much, thev're hot. Call 629-BURN I really got lucky-You are my ideal and I've been hurt before but re- member I'm a bit wacked in the 'KIM DONAHUE' big sister! Love, Joyce ' JAMAICA head, and 1'11 be back for more NiceZeta try Psiguys, and We Sigknow Ep!!! who's Happy 21 St! A long distance birth- Events I for $550 you can go to Jamaica for "Nothing compares 2 U." Noth- best! -The Alpha Phi Pledge Class day greeting. I only wish I could be 'AOPi Sisters & Pledges" there to celebrate but I'm thinking Spring Break. Price includes air Have a oreat break and look for- ing. FROM: KILLER To the Stud with the Black Of you. As they would say in Vi- ATTN! ALL ENGINEERS!! fare, transportation. and hotel ward to lot more fun this semes- a Jen Doyle!!! Love Pants: enna, "Herzlichen Gluckwunsch Interested in iob shadowina? for the whole week. Contact Otto ter. Love, AOPi Learn more aboh your career f6Id at 547-9847 (Price is- negotiable) Thanks 50 much for looking out for 'Close your eyes and I kiss you zum Geburtstag!" Love and miss I by observing a professional in the (one space available) tomorrow 1'11 miss VOU" VO; YOU, Mara 340 POSSE me4 can't tell you how great it Eon career of your choice. Call Stacy feels! I'm so glad I know you Jen. age and Happy Bdthday-- IVZI;!! You don't shove you finger up Love-T SARA "SMELL-EM" this week!! 623-2853 BRAND NEW TV somebody's... Thanks for the gra- you're a wonderful person! Much love, Jessica WOODRING IwonaTVinaraffleandI'mlooking cious B-Day message (especially Since we'll all be awav when Satan The Department of Religion to sell it. It's an unused Sylvania Roomie Finkie) You guys are Nice! is pleased to announce a lecture by Hey all you Air Supply turns twenty We wa'nted to-wLh 19 inch remote control color TV. Your fellow Possemember, you a happy one, honey Hope it's Mr. Roy Costa, Assoc. Dir, The Selling for $250. Call 629-8418 GOOSE fans! MA Council of Churches, on "Lib- Get osvched for co-ed naked a Birthdays the NUTS. .You've got the right I stuff, baby-The New Kids eration Theology-Case Studies: Plane ticket capeila' fun-in-the-sun Try not TRlClA REED Cuba and Nicaragua." on Mon Mar from Boston to Pittsburgh. March is disappointed that her birthday is to throw up In the Idark 26, 7pm Crane Room. Paige Hall. We've got to look and ERICA! SARA WOODRING 16th 8:30pm. Price negotiable. dunng Spring Break again, so give Happy Birthday! Maybe now that Happy Birthday (over break)!!! All Welcome. 629-9322. her a big hug when you see herand Some for Mickey and Minnie O' Amalgalorin' Eric I' you're 20, you can give up your We hope you have fun skiing in trv to fool her into thinkina that squished teddy bear and move on Colorado. Celebrate for usj!! Sweet new Columbia she is still as good as the hst of to more mature toys (like Love, AOPi us. Happy Birthday, Tricia. -Dave Math Kids! (and 340's Wren) kooshes). Love, the 440's For Sa/e I "Powder SportswearKea" Darka for sale. We rock! Let's do it again (Ace our Julie DiGiacomo Barely used. Blue and black exter- Amee- Erica- Happy 22nd!! We're psyched to nal shell, with zip out medium Have a GREAT break!! 1'11 miss tests, that is). I hope ya'll have a great break! Love, Nai ("Kim+ Happy 20th Birthday! Geez. party with you tonight! We hope For Sale: weight liner. It's the latest you! See you in a week. Lot's of. you're pretty old now. I wonder you have an amazing birthday. love!! -Your adoring little sister, by" Kid) PS When are we staang our Escort service? where the nearest junior high Love, the 8 other wild animals of Jess school is Love?. Josh 185 ... I

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson CLASSIFIEDS INFORMATION MTuhstudents must submit classifieds in person.prepaid, in cash. All classifiedsmus >e submittedby 3 pmtheday beforepublication. All classifieds submittedby mail mus JC accompanied by a check. Classifieds may not be submittcd over the phonc. Notice ind Lost& Founds are free and run on Tuesdays and7hursdays only. Notices arc limitci o two per week per organization and must be written only on Daily forms and submittec n person. Notices cannot be used to sell merchandiseor advertise major events. 'Th TuCts Daily is not liable for any damages due to lypographical errors or misprinting :xcept the cost of the insertion, which is fully refundable. For more information, call 381-3090 Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m. -6 p.m. Mlller Hall, Rear Entrance Medford. MA 02155 Subscriptions Hundreds of parents and alumni currently receive The Tufts Daily mailed home in a weekly package. Doonesbury 9 BYGARRYTRUDEAU NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP The Tuffs Daily Enclose check payable to the Subscription Dept. Tufts Daily. $15 through 6/90 P.O. Box 18 or $25 through 1/91. Medford, MA 02153 The Daily Commuter Puzzle

ACROSS 1 Make very dry 6 Sting 10 Weakens 'HE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME 14 Run away to by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee marry 15 Cut of meat Unscramble these four Jumbles 16 SEheme one letter to each square, to fod 17 Bogart movie four ordinary words 19 Seagirt land 20 Opener 21 Operates 22 Strand

e:?&-* e:?&-* LI.a 24 Retained WhI 25 Ms Anderson 26 Spread out 29 Biscuit 33 Bosc and Seckei %FECI 34 Own 35 Bird 36 Sarcastic 37 Passe 38 Monster EEb 39 Impetuous 40 Angers 41 Porridge Now arrange the circled letters to 42 Patellae 0 1990 Tribune Media Ser vices. Inc. 03116190 form the surpnse answer, as sup 44 Most ashen Ail Rights Reserved gested by the above cartoon. 45 Car Yesterday's Puzzle Solved mkl 46 Certificate of 7 Charged Print answer here: " . debt particles [TI-m'' 47 Safari member 8 Spasm (Answers tomomw) 50 Counterfeit 9 Charmed coin 10 Great beyond 1.16 Jumbles: DECAY QUEEN FLORID ELIXIR c t~t..-."YP....S"*L.l. Yesterday's 51 Corgi or 11 Too . a- I Answer: What the stag did when the hunters arnW- RAN FOR "DEER UFE Basenji 12 Game of God creates the animals. 54 Formerly chukkers once 13 Machine gun 55 Braid 18 Calm interval 58 Author James 23 Furthermore Quote of the Day 59 Large snakes 24 Unfeeling 60 USSR 25 Washes "We live in a male supremist shitpile. At its most basic level this cooperative 26 Flash 61 Amphibian 27 Nut shitpile is upheld by fucking, marraige, and breeding... 62 Sins 28 Lift 63 Long time 29 Detests Lesbians reject [this system] by saying we won't fuck, we won't 30 Debate DOWN 31 Goddess of 03116190 marry, we won't breed and we'll damn well do as we please." ' 1 Casual kiss agriculture 2 Wing- Ii ke 32 Genuflected parts 34 A Marx 43 Hint 50 Headliner -- Barbara Solomon, from her essay "Taking the bullshit by the horns" 3 Optimistic brother 44 Teem 51 Information 4 Auditor at 37 Bitter 46 Hallow 52 Above times criticism 47 Thresh 5653 CongealsNegative The Crafts House 5 Israelites 41 Ship's 48 Therefore 6 Mild passage 49 Voyaging 57 Before