CTHE TUFTS DAILY1 by EMANUEL BARDANIS ticipants expected while Tufts Daily Editorial Board students are still on campus. She JERUSALEM (AP)-- Labor Celebrating “Earth Day” and said that Jackson Gym and the leader Shimon Peres on Thursday the beginning of “Earth Decade,” Campus Center will be occupied won a parliamentary vote to topple the New England Environmental with various exhibits for the con- Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s Network, which is headquartered ference. right-wing government and said in the Lincoln Filene Center, will Approximately 1500 people he had created “momentum to- sponsor the 12th New England “from all walks of life” are ex- ward peace.” Environmental Conference,to be pected to attend the conference, “Parliament has shown that held on campus tomorrow and according to Anderson. The con- there is a majority for peace,” said Peres, who is likely to be picked to form a new govern- ment. “I believe we can form a Y Despite Peres’ pledge to move ’ ’ as the dining halls cannot acco- forward,there is llkelyto be little modate the large number of par- CONFERENCE, page2 headway in peace efforts as long Elections Board stands as Israel is consumed with inter- nal politics. Putting together a bv referendum results new coalition government is a by? ONSTANTINE ATHANAS she voted twice and five others daunting assignment that is cer- Daily Editorial Board said they had the opportunity to tain to take weeks if not months. TheElections Board, standing vote twice. Peres won OR a 60-55 vote by the results of the March 6 According to Elections Board after a vitriolic debate and in- referendum vote on Massachu- member Howard Sklar, MASS- tense behind-the-scenes bargain- setts Public Interest Research PIRG Chapter Chair Ginny ing that stretched over 10 hours. Group funding, is hoping that the Hamilton had complained to the The victory came from a major- Committee on Student Life will board before the results were ity of those present and voting in here its appeal of the Tufts declared, saying shedid not think the 120-memberKnesset, or par- Community Union Judiciary’s the election was conducted fairly liament. decision to nullify the referen- since she knew of at least one ’ Shamir, who became the first dum results in later this month. student who could have voted premier in Israel’s 42-year his- Elections Board Chair Melanie twice. tory to be turned out of office by Nirken said she talked to Student Hamilton then asked theTCUJ a no-confidence vote. listened to Activities Director Marcia Kelley to declare the election null and the vote tally with-hishead down, about putting the appeal on ihe void after the Elections hoard Sophia Stefanidis, one of the thirty students employed to work on glumly shuffling papers on his agenda for the next CSLmeeting. stood by theirresults,Vitale said. this weekend’s environmental conference, makes a poster to desk. “I hope that we will be able to Vide said the TCUJ has no advertise the event. “We are not surprised... and I be on the agenda for March 26,” jurisdiction over the way an elec- am not sorry,” he told reporters Nirken said. tion is run as long as the results later. TCUJ Chair Karen Vitale said are fair. She pointed out that Ar- Gadhafi threatens As a result of Thursday’s loss, that although she thinks theTCUJ ticle V, sect& E.l of the TCU Shamir, 74, a former underground decision to nullify the election Constitution reads, “The Elec- leader and spymaster for the was correct, she agreed that the tions Board shall insure fair elec- retaliation over fire Mossad secret service, could face TCU constitution is very unclear tions,” Vitale quoted from a pre- ROME (AP)-- A fne caused miles southwest of Tripoli, was an uprising in his own Likud bloc. over which organizationhas what pared statement. extensive damage to a Libyan designed to produce only phar- Trade Minister Ariel Sharon power. Sklar said he does not think chemical plant suspected of pro- maceuticals. But he said Libya and Housing Minister David Levy, “There are a lot of problems the TCUJ can arbitrate any dis- ducing poison gas, and Libyan would pay millions of dollars to both hawks who want to abandon with the constitution; there are a putes over the results of an elec- leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi any company willing to build it a the U.S. peace effort, have re- lot of loopholes. In a way, ELBO tion. on Thursday threatened to punish chemical weapons facility. peatedly sought to oust Shamir is right because they do have the “The constitution says that we, West Germany if its agents set the “In such eveqtuality, I will sign from the party leadership, which power to arbitrate all election the Elections Board, are the final blaze. the contract myself unhesitat- he assumed in 1983. disputes, but in a way we’re right arbiters of any disputes that arise West Germany, whose com- ingly,” Gadhafi was quoted as Starting Sunday, aides said, because it says in the constitution out of the election... if the TCUJ panies helped build the plant, saying by Libya’s officia! JANA President Chaim Herzog will that ELBO has to run a fair elec- were supposed to be the final denied the accusation and filed a news agency, which was moni- canvass parliament members as tion,’’ Vitale said. arbiters then the constitution would protest with Libya over an angry tored in Rome. to who should form the next At ameetingTuesday between have said that,” Sklar said. demonstration outside Bonn’s The plant, once described by government. He is expected to the Elections Board, TCUJ, and Wale argued that the embassy in the Libyan capital, CIADirectorWilliam Webster as give the nod to Peres, who would MASSPIRG, the TCUJ declared constitution is very vague, but Tripoli. the world’s largest chemical have a maximum of six weeks to that the election results had to be Gadhafi insisted that the heav- weapons factory, caught fire assemble a coalition. nulled because one student said see APPEAL, page 2 ily guarded plant in Rabta, 60 Wednesday. THIS IS NOT WATER FBI agent- testifies ut Poindexter triul WASHINGTON (AP)-- John Hawk missiles to Iran. dent Reagan’s national security Poindexter told the FBI three days Glasser, in her testimony, spoke adviser, and aide Oliver North after resigning his White House of a “massive destruction” of concealed the U.S. role in the post that he had “no working computer messages and provided missile shipment. knowledge” of early Iran arms details of the heretofore undis- shipments and “no direct knowl- closed Poindexter interview that Asked whether the documents edge” profits had been diverted she and another FBI agent con- were ‘‘re- to the Nicaraguan Contras, an ducted. plied that they were,” Glasser said. FBI agent tectified at his trial She said that during that inter- Thursday. view Poindexter was asked Agent Ellen Glasser also testi- whether he knew of any destruc- Inside fied that more than 5,000 files tion of documentspertinentto the Features .......................... p.3 were erased from Poindexter’s investigation of the Iran-Contra On our combination ArtsFeatures computer system just before the affair. page, Bret Thom wishes you all farewell national security adviser resigned He “replied that he did not,” as you head off to sunny places. Photo by Karl Schaf. as the Iran-Contra affair was the agent recalled. Many campus buildings went without water for several hour5 coming to light. Concerning the diversion to Arts .................................. P.3 yesterday afternoon. The situation was apparently caused bj Six months after the Nov. 28, the Contras, Glasser testified that On the Arts half of that same page, we maintenance work on the water mains, according to an employet 1986, FBI interview at his home, Poindexter said he knew “Ollie have some reviews: the Sugar Cubes. of the Public Affairs office at Massachusetts Water Resources Poindexter told Congress -- in North ... was up to something.” Blue Aeroplane, and Biue Steel. who said that mains were shut down for work in Medford and testimony that cannot be used at She said she showed Poindexter Somerville starting at about 9:OO a.m. The employee speculated his trial -- that he a2pro:red t!e copiesof chronologies on the Iran Sports .......................... p.4-5 Yes, taking up two whole pages, one that service might still be affected tomorrow. diversion to the Conm at North’s initiative. The final version com- fourth of the paper, with men’s squad request and had been involved in piled by Robert McFarlane,Poin- Ed Gilbert, director of Tufts BuildingsI and Grounds, war and men’s swimming season reviews. unavailable for comment. a November 1985 shipment of dexter’s predecessor as then-Presi- page two THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, March 16,1990 THE TUFTSDAIL’I Letters to the Editor sue, and that is appropriate for a situation reason, a usual occurrence at this school, Bob Goodman Both pro-choice and that affects so many women, men, and MASSPIRG got what it wanted and was Editor-in-Chief pro-life groups unborn children in such a profound way. not punished. Managing Editor: Lauren Keefe Students should support their beliefs by MASSPIRG showed its obvious cow- Associate Editors: Anna George, Geoff Lepper should be heard joining the groups, by speaking out -but ardice by not at least requesting another Editorial Page Editor: Christopher Ball To the Editor: not by attempting to deny people they vote sometime after Spring Break. But ’roduction Managers: Beth Geller, Markus Muelle Most people are aware by now that a disagree with their right to be heard.
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