103 Tanah Merah Coast Road #02-01, Singapore 498750
[email protected] +65 6594 5734 www.ifc.org.sg +65 6594 5705 http://bit.ly/Information_Fusion_Centre RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY MARSEC Incidents in IFC AOI Number of Incidents (2018-2020) 300 250 188 200 173 169 165 170 131 150 126 115 100 50 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL August August August 2020 2020 2019 2018 Theft, Robbery and Piracy at Sea (TRAPS) 7 76 10 11 Maritime Terrorism (MT) 02 0 0 Maritime Incident (MI) 77 553 89 58 Illegal, Unreported & Unregulated Fishing (IUU) 34 341 33 24 Contraband Smuggling (CS) 39 212 24 30 Irregular Human Migration (IHM) 13 69 4 7 Others 00 2 1 Total Number 170 1253 162 131 RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY Theft, Robbery and Piracy At Sea – Maritime Terrorism (TRAPS-MT) Number of Incidents (2018-2020) Location of Incidents Observations 16 15 • IFC recorded seven TRAPS incidents in total for August 2020. In detail, Sea Robbery (2), Sea Theft (1), Attempted Action (4). The 14 number of incidents were lower than in Aug 2019 (10) and Aug 12 12 11 11 2018 (11). 10 • Two incidents occurred while the vessels were underway and five 8 8 7 7 7 incidents while the vessel were either anchored or berthed. All of the incidents occurred during Period of Darkness (PoD). 6 4 • Two Sea Robbery incidents occurred in Batangas Bay, Philippines involving a berthed tanker and an anchored bulk carrier. The total 2 of three incidents recorded in the area this year.