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27, 1980 (Usps 402420) Tw En Ty

27, 1980 (Usps 402420) Tw En Ty

w e p t u n e t im e s a n d 105 Years Old Public Legal

• ... and l^W : Notices Every Thursday Pages 7 & 8

OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, THURS., NOV. 27, 1980 (USPS 402420) TW EN TY . C E N T~S DEP Disregards 'Fire Destroys Quest Night At Homecoming At Neptune Senior High Whittaker Corp. I The Woman’s Club Tjliank8giving Day State Legislature Boat Showroom Game At 1Q:30 Promotes Stoll I OCEAN : GROVE — The. ASBURY PARK — The . LOS ANGELES. Oal. - O t ­ TRENTON — Lejdalative. ; NEPTUNE — The former 'annual Guest Night of th e traditional Thanksgiving Shark River Hills Club House 'Woman’s Club of O c e a n to G. Stoll III of Santa Moni­ approval of any beachfront Day football game Nep- ca and formerly of Ocean ■protection and. restoration and Yacht Club,. which has 1 Grove was chaired by M rs. tune and Asbury: Park plan to be used for the basis been used: as a boat show­ Ralph P. Hunt, president, Grove, N. J., has been pro­ High Schools will be play­ moted by the Whittaker Cor­ o(f awarding (bond issue room and sales office by the and Mrs. Richard E. Reith, j ed this year at the Asbury funds would be required irn- Shark River Marina for the 1 st. Vice president, assisted j poration, here, to the position Park Stadium. Kick - off of Marketing Communica­ der a bill introduced by" As­ past 10 years, was totally de­ 'by the following hostesses: j tim e is 10:30 A.M. Asbury semblyman Anthony M. Vil- stroyed by fire last Friday Mrs. Miklos Laszlo; S. New-: tions Coordinator for the Do­ Park is favored this year mestic Life Sciences Group. lane; R-Monmouth, Ocean. night. | ton Post; Sinclair Suther- j but past performances don’t “I am opposed to' giving .The -flames also engulfed land; Ernest D. Sparks; necessarily determine the He lias been serving with the department of . Environ­ three new Chris" Craft sport ■George Froehlijj.} Jeane Wal- the Corporate Communica- winner in this twiri - icity tiodns Staff, devoting an in­ mental Protection' exclusive modal boats a n d a classic ' ton; James Ross: Mrs. D. C. classic. See page six for authority to determine what 1927 Chris Craft speedboat. 'Lippincott, and Hospitality, creasing amount of time to rosters and other informa- trade shows and other mar­ projects along the coastline All that-s left of the building Mrs. James McCulloch. ’ tion. •■•v ■ . ahall be funded on the basis and contents is the large ] “Two for the Show” was the keting outlets for th e Life of a plan which it develops on stone fireplace. program given last Thurs- Sciences units. i}*_own,” Villane said. 1 : ; . ' Neptune Fire Chief Joseph ; day. . The artists presenting Models At Boat Show The sCoast Model Ship Exposition has completed some graduate He pointed o u t th at the All ’ fire ' rigs from Shark Ms. Norman has made ’ap­ from February 14th through SHOW BOAT ■—.Senior Class Float — ‘“The Winner” study at the Woodrow Wilson Legislature directed t h o de­ River Hills and Hamilton, pearances in .opera and op­ ; 22nd. The event will be a spe­ School of Public and Intierna- velopment of a comprehen­ plus .one from Liberty and erettas and both have sung cial attraction to pleasure ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, Neptune Senior High tional Affairs, Princeton sive beacfh protection plan Unexcelled, and eauipment in oratorios and musical com­ boatinc buffs who attend the School held its annual Homecoming Activities, high­ University.- . , more than two years ago from Neptune City fought edy. They have appeared at 28th • Annual Jersev ‘Coast lighted by the parade from the high school to Summer- Prior to joining Whittaker when it enacted legislation the blaze, which was report­ the Bam Theatre in Mont- Boat Show, during.;;the same field. The theme for this year’s floats was “Broadway early this year, he had ser­ to award sta te ’aid funds to ed to police at 7 :20 P.M. Fire dates • in Asbury Park’s fam­ villft and at the Hnlfrtam” ' Comes to Neptune.” Students representing the four ved as assistant director for municipalities on a 75-25 ba­ swept rapidly through th e Plavlinnoo iti TCeai*nv. ous oceanfront. Convention Community .; Services. N. J- sis, rather than an ' eaual wooden structure. (Co'ilhni’il on na«c 41 Hall. '^ -O ' classes were responsible for building the floats displayed State Public Television Net- - ■matching basis. during- the parade. . J;' ' '■' . ’ work, and later owned, and ■ “At that time, the DEP Andersen-Goodison Nuptials Aug.'16 . The. half time ceremonies .during the football game nianaged his own film, video­ was ordered to develop a Christmas Block tape and photographic pro­ five - year comprehensive included the crowning of the Homecoming Queen,; Kris duction; firms. His fims have ■plan within 90 days and sub­ Parly December 6 Davis, and th e Homecoming Princesses, Lori Jones, won several awards, among’ mit it to the Legislature.” Tammy Wilson and Dawn Rhinehardt.. The winner of them the Special Judy Gold . , Villane said. Two years la­ the ‘Best Float Award” , was the Senior Class for their Medal from the Atlanta In- ' ter, there is no such plan OCEAN GROVE — An ev­ entry, “Showboat”. The winner of the footbal game was tem tional: Film Festival and. land grants are still being en ibigger. and -better version the International Broadcast­ I made on a 50-50 basis, both of ■ the: annual ; Christmas ing Award. I directly contrary to clear block iparty is being planned In addition, he has served' I lesrTslative direction.” for Saturday, Dec. 6 from 10 ‘If- is altogether - proper. two terms as a member o f a.m / to; 2 p.m./This year the the Regional Advisory Board , Pane two, please event is. heing, organized and of the National Association sponsored by Stokes Fire Co. of Broadcast Employees and [ Karen Hamilton and is expected to draw over i Technicians and is a past 40 tables of Christinas fare. | president and executive board ; Miiin:AyehUe\\sriH be:closed ‘member of two, of that un- Engaged to Wed * to':' tra ffi^ n n d s>*ilTSn'Sformed ...... , ion’s local chanters. He is a into a; pedestrian mall bc: member of the National Ac­ MIDLAND PARK — May- tween Central''A ve/'ahd, Pil­ and Mrs. Robert J. Ham­ ademy of Television Arts and- grim Pathway-/ There will be Sciences and has served as a ilton, 13 Donna Lane, a n d fables selling hot dogs, hot jBummer residents ? of 69. communications consultant to and. c

AMERICA.S FINEST SURGEON - PODIATRIST Durnleigh Hotel b a s e m e n t D O O R Home of The VILLAGE TEA ROOM WE TREAT FOOT DISORDERS AND Open to the Public ARTISTS RENDERING Homo Cooking — Delicious Cakes & Plos Standard luxury features: ’ MAKE HOUSE CALLS ' ouildings, 116 units STERNER v: .- / 1 , '• .. 'A * ■. -- . _ .-- Winter Specials — Complete Dinner Embury Arms, luxury arranged around an open \/ Insulated sliding glass doors Vv?.' From ,'$3.58'" leading to balcony ; Whirlpool Included in Treatment where past and present court. You have your t LUMBER CO. Soup - Entree - Dessert & Bovorago converge. choice of six, one or two '] Tel. 681-1900 modem comforts. Here the v, control led, private storage V Custom bathroom vanities ' . luxurious Victorian replica ( B o s e o l i e l for each apartment. f V Custom kitchen cabinets j. For All Your 45 Pilgrim Pathway, architecture and relaxing, V Air conditioning and heat j atmosphere of a bygone I The boardwalk and ^ Rre alarm system . -v.! Ocean Grove, N. J. 07756 Floorcovcring w m era merges with modern } bathing at the Atlantic Telephone outlets - v - . . demands of the twentieth Ocean is just 3/IOths of a • V Master television antenna > century for the most mile away. Embury Arms Needs 62A M ain Ave. - 775-8341 a/- Security system -• , {.£■ - SB - B;'—■' ; gratifying year-round living offers easy access to recre­ • Clean, Reasonable Ttcwms V Elevator ^ , i Cost* at Minimum Deposit of: with exciting vacation . ational and shopping ( V Storage '' • Davison Rugs The rare opportufiity'tb buV line gold11 6-Mdnth Certificate. If you wish to buy a sec- Daily, $6.00-?12.00v;weekly, $3rt-$60.00' atmosphere. > centers of the shore area. , Elegant i Addl jewelry aV fai'UetoW 58 yours "Whtiri ond pifee of jewehy.'you can do so with an \ S* Pilgrim Pathmy Description of Htm $500 $2500 $5000 $10,000 $100 OPEffflr'ALli YEJSR5-'; There are many famous Single bedrooms starting from ycw im ^V iirt'a R irkj^r^C trtittdaife'of £' additicihal deposit dl S^ftW.or more to your I The authentic Victorian/ OCEAN GROVE, N. J. S M f Deposit or Regular Savings AiccdOnt. Owners, Richard A Marilyn Bengtson restaurants in the vicinity. DINING A. iB* Serpentino Necklace $ 6.75 FREE FREE $ 7.00 Regular Sayings Amount; The chart pro- design of Embury Arms t , TeL 775-7S71 ANY TWO Modem transportation and fl $43,900.00 I a 15* Herringbone Necklace . , 6.50: .FREE FREE 0.00 vidcS'all the detailsJTherMire16 gold ’ subtly blends with th e m - C. Balls Sorpentine Bracelet 6.75 FREE FREEFREE 8.00 highway systems place l O cajpancy to begin late nact sprirtg. at Popular sible jeWfihyiiieces tochcjcterfromrasvlvtll as surrounding of Ocean Ocean Grove approxi- < Tt^.b afi^snstiuction price aod.to . Prices . Goid ’/ items ih q'uahtit^kiid arer|iasslHglJ)e co stL thrte that are crafted'irf3lhter{fn< sh6wn). Grove. Four; three story siijtocttachaoge.flrstcomeflfstsave. * O. Se^ontine Brocetot S 11.00 $ 10.00 FREE FREE S 12.00 saving oh to you. Select from a stunning Afew of the iteiro%i« ^ l a b k ‘6e^tltiei,:>' ____ ;■ >•, • • • J&* mately 65 miles from New, Conserve •DAILY E. 20* Serpentino Necklace 32.95 31.95 $ 29.95' S 19.95 35.00 York and Philadelphia. i*. F. Plaque Bracelet 32.95 31.95 29 95 19.95 35.00 array of gold'riecklat^ arid brat!elets. Enjoy pending on the amOunttikf&stt&i:1 w'-4 Energy! LUNCHEONS Q. Herringbono Bracolet 38.95 37.95 3595 25.95 • 40.95 w earin^ne!bf tHfee'credtidns yoiirsielf.'Gr, Gold jewelry has an elegance all its y H . W Plaque Necklace 79.00 .75.95 71.95 .61.95 82.95 with Christrricis approaching, choose the own. It’s always in style. Always special. • AComplete Line of New Chevy Cars & Trucks >#'•> ■with f, i5"Ccbr6 Nccklaco , 76.95 73.95 69.95 5995 81.00 DINNER SPECIALTIES J. t8* Cobra Necklaco 87.95 83.95 79.95 69.95 91.95 , perfect gift Tdr a special person in your life. Come to one of the 22 participating First- • “OK?’-'Used'Cars’ and Transportation Specials s+'\ Mileski Home K. 18'' Foxtail Necklaco *>' • •95.95 91.95' 86.96. 76.95 100.00 Mahufactured in Italy by a leading Jersey offices and we'll offer a glittering op- • Service and Shop Facilities -for any Rooair Needs • Steak Margarita • Bracloula 140 00 t. 16" Herringbono Necklace •' • 134.95 128.95 121.95 111.95 company famed for its quality creations, all portunit^ou can’t turn down. “SERVING THE SHORE SINCI' IMS’ Vi'4>V- Experts M. 18" Herringbone Necklace 148.95 141.95 134.95 ' 124.95 155,95 • Boneless Breast of Chicken Parmlglana H. Ropo Bracolet •‘■i 159.95* ?. .152.95 ‘.;144.9S^ 134.9&*' 166.95 of these lovely pieces are 14 karat plumb ..Vs.. We model a n d maintain • Chicken Cacdatora, Mushrooms O.- 18* Serpentino Necklaco 216.95 206.95 19695 186.95 _ . 226 95 gold. (Plumb gold consists of 59% pure P. Herringbone Bracelet !*? 219.95' 209.95* 199.951 189.95; 229.95 the home. Call now for • Steaks • Chops • Ala Carte O. t8" Rope Necklaco 22?. C3 309.95 294.95 284.95 339 00 gold—a minimum of 14 karats.) free estimates and expert CLOSED TUESDAY - EXCEPT HOLIDAYS p. 20’Uniquo Necklaco 1 I' 280.95, r i 267.951 < 255.00 245.00 293.95 The precise cost of the gold jewelry SINCE 1864 j m r NATIONAL BANK advice on roofing, siding, S. Cleopatra Necklaco * 1094.95 1044.95 994.95 984.95 1144.00 you select is determined by the amount of 18th Avenue at CHIVROIET windows, doors a iid addi­ 'S ales Tax additional. Prices 6ubj6dopo5d recefveft bitty that ilem corresponding to deposit tevet. Qrfts not avauaWo tof irarster to partiC'ipate'With a deposit of as little as Wall Tbwnship.NJ. 07715 c ■ Sales Office: Pitman Avenue, Ocean Grove, •IV.' We’re Licensed & Insured 1129-— 5th Ave., Neptune — Phone 775-4823 of r/itfwo tho bank. Funds must remain on depoert foroneyear. TImjcom ol tt>e jewefry will be Route^6,‘'(Jusl'vveslol 50 ;NJ. 07756 , derf-^dtfed oo all piamaturcKWhdrawata. ^utelanttai Interest penalty Js requuwJ fpf ea«>y withdrawal of $500 to a new oi^existing Regular Savings (201) 681-4000 - For more information and a free brochure, please call 201/774-4464 funds trofn &*4onth and 3ns profwba tho compound og ot (merest Asbmy'Cirde) Neptune; N4. Call 775-5212 Take Out Orders • Freezer Size Pizza Specialties 0:>&-h*i0rttttC«ttiKcatss.-. Account, or with as much as $10,000 for a Man^w TO)C*n0 F K n tM m RraKBv L'1.-;;, ;»! ?i*s-2i ^u'&Uu&G«&A.fc : rAUK roirn OCEAN GROVE and NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE. NEW JERSEY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1980 WomanV Club jday-cElie^witVi i00 f‘cindles.' ‘ wdre enjoyed By all. Holl. Othbr prizes were .ciward- Holt, Edward Moran, William ‘7 S n ^ * ~ $ riR j .rom r»Be .J Entertainment was provid- ( . Mrs. Terhune, of English sd to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grelin, Sanford Flint, H. C-‘- J M p I I i > * W tPaUJPPDPg/ialittgS M ' : appearances have been i ed by Jimmy Queen, w h o , descent, was bom November Sherwood, Mrs. Norman Cole- Moore, Phineaa Proctor, an Brickmah* Hotel Yib'the;& ,1 \ ° : Russell Hulse, Reuben Thom­ Catskills and in Applesauce Serenaded Mrs. Terhune with . daughter of Thomas and Har- and .-Mrs. Harold VcmBenscho- as John Syms, Russell. Eddie- r ^ r t l and NEPTUNF. TIMES 1 in• New York City. j his violin, Her personal m il-. riet Burtt. Mrs. Terhune has ten. man, Lewis • Mulford & David ■/. • Published Thursday . ■ Telephone TJ5-UOW sic selection was ft favorite lived in the Shore area all her O’Reilly. r: , WILLIAM T. KRESQE, Editor and Publisher 1 Announcement was m a d e . Jean Williamson and Ruth IJancox, Local Editors of t h e Christmas luncheon hymn and the old time songs life, The, contract for pa via# Al)V.F«Hn.Sl£MENTS: Rates \vill be lurished by us 'on request. Ocean Avenue, Ocean Grove, . THE TIMES-Is on sale at the following newsstands: Ocean Grove—Etliel'i and sale . • A to be held . Dec. 4th. . —------.-t—__-rq rr^r.. — - ■ : Statlone ^ and Ruth’s Stationery and Eddie's Market, 125 Heck Ave.; AsbUry at 12:30 P.M. Please contact (From the Nov. 7, 1930 for a width of twenty-nine Park — Flo's-Luncheonette, 440 Oookman Ave.; Neptune—Warner Drug, C u e - n n^..'v-„ i j ~ i currullo Grocery, Muller's Delicatessen, Colonial House, Fumllv Store, Cracker M IS. W & rry liE U S tlO r reser- ‘ Issue of The Times) fleet its entire length was a- Sarrel^o. 2 in Hamilton; Gables Drug. Kicks Store, Cracker'Barrel In Shark vjiHnnq flnH tiVlfptq C.hnir. A son was bom to Mr. and wiairded Ito Edward T. Mc- River Hills; Neptune City^-Tommy's; Bradley Beach—Mary Ann Shoo; Avon— vatl0“s ana . V , DOWN gaffeUo’s;.HflMAttrt O’ ’ TheT’VlO fllniyAI*Ginger ’ Snap£lnnn Luntflieonette,T.I1nrf{rtAhAf4n. Oi.orlln,.Bradley Dn'n^uBeach. Mnnv,men for 4*the U A ftaffair I • n ^ n«Anare ‘ l,vwlunch nn Mrs. Haley Hemphill at t h e Nieraey, Bradley Beach. Hi's WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR. PAPER FOR THE EXPIRATION OF -1 YOUR SUBSCRIPTION eon, Mrs. Libby Hall, and Long Branch Hospital. Mtb, bid, the lowest of five sub­ HlXTir-FOUR MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY 07756 Hemphill i's the former Miss mitted, was $28,254.85. Sneered as seconi class mail In the Post Office, Ocean Grove, New Jersey sale, Mrs. Mary Buckman. MEMORY •j SUBSCRIPTION $10.00 yearly, $8.00 semi-annually. Single copies 35c eacii. Those attending were Ethel Wainwright of Ocean Persons received as new ADDRESSES changed on request ... always give former address. - Mrs. Mary Buckman; Miss D. ’ Grove. members of St. Paul’s E. Gordon; Mr. Richard E. ' .y»qjiyu.au ■ ■ LANE The Senitor and Junior Wo- Church, Ocean Grove, were Reith; Mrs, E. R. Deuchar; Ei;:-.vi';.n:jv :'.iz± u .»rr r. -I'vVfL-3 man’s Clubs of Ocean Grove Mrs. Irene F. Swain, .79% Take Five Mrs. Beth Tennant, guest ; ' '=——— —■■ — ————----- held a fashion revue a t t h e Cookman Ave., Miss Emma Mrs. E. T. Devonshire: Mra. 1 , A. r . . high sohool. Costumes w ere[R idler, 74 Cookman Avenue, Ocean Grove, prizes w e r e byFredW .Ko kej Ira O. Myers; Mrs. J. E. For- f l l t e e i l t e S T S itffO furnished by Macy, New, and, Mrs* Burton Wellman. guson; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred | « awarded to Mrs. Lelia Vechhl- York. A musical program was 99 Broadway, Ocean Grove; one, • prettiest costume; Mrs. given by Charles Piezonki, and Newell R. Mount. 609 Fabian; Mrs. Charles Ah- (From the November 5, 1965 Robert Holbrook, funniest' and LONG AFTER LONGFELLOW 1 tens; M r s. Irene Dredger; | Issue of The Times) cellist; Mrs. Dorothy W. Grrf- Summerfield. Avenue, Asbury Between the dark and the daylight, Miss Barbara Feldman, most vatt and Helen Clark Hummel Park. 'guest Miss Marian Kresge, | The annual Halloween »ar- original. No one recognized Ed­ When we all felt like sacks of flour ; ; guest; Mrs. Libby Hall; Mr. ty sponsored by the Ocean pianists and Earl Pyle, vio­ At a meeting qf the Mon- Came a pause in the day’s feasting, .., y mund : L. Thompson, Sr., who linist. nouth - Ocean County Phar­ '& Mrs. Harry Knust; Mr, & Grove Recreation Commis- came dresed as a woman and That is known as ‘The Logy Hour.”, !Mrs. Horace Baldwin; Mrs. ‘sion w a s attended by over Ushers on duty at St. Paul’s maceutical Association in became the mystery of. the Church, Ocean Grove, were Toms River, C. M- Nagle’s ' Solveig Hagstrom; Mr. a n d 200 children. Judges w e r e grand march.. . What a spot for a commercial for a product to relieve Mrs. Harold Gilman: M i s s Miss Gladys Gravatt and Mr. Clarence Lyle, Charles Miller, Pharmacy, Ocean Grove, was that stuffy feeling. Hey Madison Avenue, get with- it! Mrs. Carl J. Meyer, president Ruteer Stirling, Ernest F. awarded second prize for the Phyllfs Schultz; Mrs. Maude ar.d Mrs. Howard K. Riley. of the Ocean Grove Pareiit- Say, Oldtimers, remembers that song from No, No, Nan­ Schultz; Mrs. A/T. Holloway; Prize winners were Nora Cot- Woolston, Wilfred Pine, .Rob-. beat window trim In the two ette, entitled, “Too many rings around Rosie, will never get Teacher, association, . , was elect- ert Coonev, Gerard Marshall,' counties , during Pharmacy Mrs. Roberta II. Thatcher; frell, Barbara Wilson, Step- ed program chairman for the i Philip Kirkpatrick, Chauncev i Well, Moronica Mary who i's an outer-space Mrs. Florence R. Griffith, hanie Shebell, . Sharon Nor- Week. ■biX.itS around singing,‘‘Too many, rings around Sat-,W ™ e"^ 1» S ' s S e l Monmouth County Council of I- ■ —------— —-;------. _•______:__ v. uni Pctrent-Teachers at tho board w w w w w rw n w • , will never get Voyager 1, a look. .Rudge; Rude-e: Mrs. M. G. Lee; Bea Holmes, . Karen and John .. of managers meeting. ■ •' ' » ,, , ^ , :;Shafer guest; Eleanor Ma- 1 Niedenstein, Nancy Hannah, ■ , Ainong those attenling' the The Hot Line . - . The . experts ■ say - that sugar . is bad .,. for youi- Pocketbook. 1 ’iH'twi'i ^uest; . Mrs. Carl Asch- Denise Denbigh, Bill Denbigh, Princeton-Comeli ! o o t.b a l 1 4 ^ 4 V jth ^ S u g a r650e ”°m a ^ enu’ thls Coffee ‘ |enbach; Mrs. Ci H. Bewkes______; Lori Pazienaa, "'»"»» Rose r“ Mary “”" game were Mr. and Mrs. R. C. I Mrs. L.W. Asay; Mr. and Woodruff. Jeffrey Kins, Paul Bergen, 87 Asbury Avenue, :v CURRIER & IVES (Circa - 1980) • Mrs. Charles Hartmann; Mcs; { ^ n> Jimmy Tice, Robert Ocean Grove; their' son and i Hilda MacPherson; Mr. Sin- Wilson. Donna Strasser, Kim his, wife, Mr.. and1 Mrs. Philip JOURNEY’S END. I clair Sutherland ; Mrs. Fred Mwner, Jeff Blanchard. Ken- . .’. you are just a phone call away from'probably ob­ Under the river, through the tube, N. Bergen, New York; Mr. and rEcke. . ■ • , ... J _i “aH,- Carolyn, and Katheen Mrs. Norraan G. DeGroot, 91 taining the home you have always wanted. Right now From Grandfather’s 'house we crawl; And Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kelly, Susan Jones, Dee -Dee we’re down to precious few listings in single family With cars bumper-to-bumper, Asbury. Avenue, Dr. and Mrs.' E. -Quier; Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wilhamson, Edgar & Ellen Theodore A. Schlossbach, 94 homes. At present the demand far exceeds available Wr:MV:? i’v * Only hope that mine doesn’t stall. Nielsen; Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kroeze, Glen Cuttrell. Dan;en South Main Street and Dr. arid properties. We still have three very, very good list­ Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Betz Diane . Michak. Lisa Mrs. William VanOehsen, 147 ings that we are trying to fit to the right party—you Original 1 LaPenna; Mr. and Mrs. W. Jfockridgc, Susan Morra, Stockton Avenue, all of Ocean could be that party I E. Qerner ; Mrs. Frank ■ H. i/L'et>oie Kesse, Jeannine Lam- Grove. , Cards | Clark; Miss Elsie Wa3ser- Richie Hendrickson and Miss Gloria Niedenstein, TWO BUNGALOWS FOR ONE PRICE :OIIR OWN DESIGN, man; Mrs. Mary B; Newman; 1 SherrieJVIockndge. . . daughter of Mr.and Mrs. ( | ■ $44,900.J 25' Cars for $10.00 f Mrs. P.C. Com esM rs;* H. h,To“ =a W jduate of Henry W. Niedenstein, of New Boughey; Mr. Ralph p , Woodrow Wilson School. Neo- York : City, and Kenneth V/. TWO UNIT DWELLING - NEAR BEACH Hunt; Mrs. Joseph, H, Bla^k- ®,n , MacWhlnney, son of Mrs. ley; Mrs. Joseph Fitting; H ^h Sdiool;’ class^ of. 1963, Marjorie ■ . MacWhlnney, '110 $59,900 Mrs. J. N, 'F e m e r; Mrs.^■ fTa? 8t«d.vmg at iher Belfast Embury A venue, Ocean ONE BEDROOM BUNGALOW George Froehlig;-noWi


... Thanksgiving Day Special •. ROAST TURKEY w-dresslng and Crartherry sauce Frozen Foods - Fresh Cold Cuts l& unlap LIMOUSINE • BAKED VIRGINIA HAM Deliveries After 3 P.M. Monday Through Friday • BROILED FILET OF SOLE Y SALADS MADE DAILY w-lcmon butter sauce. ;V.I.; V ':Y Look for Dally Soup and Sandwich Specials • ROAST SIRLOIN OF BEEF ‘There’s more than air between our 2 pieces of bread!' MAINAVE.DEU AIRPORT — J W r. Matt and Sue Carrera, Proprietors SERVICE Includes: ******* NEWARK Tossed Salad - Choice of 54 MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE — 774-6488 3 ^ * * 4 ^ IA GUARXMA Sweet, Baked or. Mashed Open 8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M., Monday thru Saturday 24 HOUK g ’ 'STy ^ a (Potatoes or French Fries Home Made Bread-Butter Vegetables Dessert & Coffee The Wishing you and your VICTORIAN loved ones a blessed & Dial Care’Way In Ocean Grovo Complete - $6 . 2 5 EAGLE Discouraged? . Thanksgiving . Need tf splrli-llfler? (201) 775-7775 ,41'AKTMENTS FOR KJENT 127 Heck Ave., Ocean Grove, N .J.; CaU anytime for axecorded S K H V lC K ij dally friendly telephone visit 988-4139—Open Tues.-Sat. 10:30 to 5, Closed Mon. You aron't asked to xospond. Out-of-slate callers use oil-hour reduced-irate times. "Just Uk« hearing from a friend."

“Everything for the Table" EDDIE’S QUALITY MARKET Cor. Pilgrim Pathway & Olin St. OCEAN GROVE PHONE 774-1749 Store Hours—8:00-5:30 P.M Hot Coffee, and Buns MbNDAY thru SAT. ir Homemade Sausage a Specialty!!!! ; : w e e k e n d s p e c ia l s 9 First Quality Cold Cuts • Homemade Salads • Sandwiches - Meats, Groceries and Frozen Foods CLOSED TUESDAYS, USDA CHOICE ' WE NOW HAVE MORNING PAjPERS Bottom Round Roasts - • $2.29 lb. 332 Cookman Ave. 125 Heck Aye., Ocean Grove, N. J., • 774-0968 Asbury Park, N. J. FANCY : ^ ... ■■ J. •Store;Hours 8 A.M.-5-P;M. - incl. Saturday Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner Western - Shoulder 6 A.M. - 7 P.M. PORK Loin - - ROASTS Center ■ OCEAN GROVE FLOWER THE g f l l l ^ and GIFT SHOPPE SHELL Loose FRANKS - Vi lb.>min. 1.69 lb, BEAUTY Order Your Thanksgiving SALON FRESH. FLOUNDER FILLETS & COD STEAKS 72’ Main Ave. * ■ ■.Flowers & Candy Now. S tylin g : 17 OZ. BOTTLE Ocean Grove, N.J. WE HAVE RUSSELL STOVER CANDY Tel. 775-4461 Downey Fabric Softener - WANTED TO RENT • We Wire Flower* Eraywhcr*' V • personauzed s e r v ic e MONTCO 5 LB . ~ ~ ~ GENTLEMAN-desires ant. In Ocean • Bank Amerlcard & Master Charge Accepted • ; Grove. Dependable;-" honest, sincere. Wild Bird Food - - - - R hone 774-3776. : —4Q* *4 Main Ave, Ocean Grave - Ted Trouwborst, Prop. 1 WANTED—ADartraent for ONE ner- son - year round — handv — heloful ERA — 32 OZ. Hours: 8:30 A.M. — 6 P.M. — 988-7900 MAR-RITZ . r r«ItebI« — senior dttren — disabled veteran* Robert Boos Box 331. Liquid Laundry Detergent Beauty Salon Ocean Grove. —44* CHOCK FULL O’ NUTS ~~ HELP WANTED Eliminate Your Plumbing 560 COOKMAN AVE. Frozen Pound Cake and Heating Problems' ASBURY PARK (opposite Steintiach’s) Guaranteed - Electric Sewer ROOMS FOR RENT Fresh Broccoli Cleaning No appointment necessary- Idaho Potatoes Senior Citizen Discount . : MON. ana TOES. ’ ;A M 9 M Residents & Commercial . . . Free Fresh Raked Hard Rolls - Rice Pudding and Shrimp Mary, Rita, Charles, Lil, O Estimates . . All Work Guaranteed and Barbara . : V Salad - Hopiemade Salads . Free parking Phyjno*:, t !n re a r/ r77B-087flf PARR SIX OCEAN; GROVE and fJEPTUNE, TIMES.(,TOWN3H1RIOF, NEPTUNE^ NEW- JERSEY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1980

NeptiuieHigJiSchwi CUSTOM T m E < % * i Sc* yvT-tf' No. Ham* HercfflSr-^nd-GitfQ^^ Of{S&g$3if iii . the annual 1200 MAIN STREET, BRADLEY BEACH, »N.^ 3.X \ . 5 ■ ..Ttoj . QK^r- 5'JfT^ Fleet Service Brake and P>no^;E^Ei£erte_ 6 Rich Katun; H8 - , 6’0" ».? 1ohH?Stnmnoa H&J 5‘f^ ., Alt 11 Gfloigo lojafcrfi Sp.iE.tO S'll'". 12 UaU CaUkroa QB 5W‘ ; 14 f Bfi&nmfffiffv" QB 5"rw: ■HARRY G. FABY, A G E N ^ y > 15 JtMixjr Washington QB', 6'1'V, It MdWo K Swrrr . KB V. W „ 17‘.\ Da*Id Htfbtewer HB . 6'ff.'; J I :S y Y v ; ■■■■■ ■ 18 MmfililodEKiliV HBX; 51®*! 116 FORTUNATO DRIVE ' C’°■ ? ^ f t >V- NEPTUNE. JO Dave Wright.,,. HB 57ft' 22 Greg Schmmxel' HB 5'5',' - GO, FUERS1. vr '■■■ .23, Reggie Floyd HB, S’9'.'.,. 25, G»fl9.HIcK»,.. HBrt, 6'0" 26 Seaa Cronin HBi_, S^'1 27' RusSett Baker HB 57«, 28 Troy FlIchiH.': HB” 57V. EDGAR PHILLIPS & SON, INC 30 Robblo Folkem HB 5'6" 31 . Byron Shaw HB 5'9" PLUMBING AND HEATING 32 Todd.Newland HB 57" 3 3 CborlioMor^nn HB 6'0" • . CSias. C. Phillips, Pres. 34 CharUeYounq HB 5'8" — Tel. 775-1676 — 35 ’ . Al Ayers HB 5'10" 36 Goorgo Williams HB 5'6'' 1420|.$th AVENUE NEPTUNE, N. J. 38 AUrod Ellington HB . 5*8" 40 Rodnoy Williams HQ 5*3" *41 . Tim Blanoy QB S'll" 43 D v/ayno Pipkin HB 57" HOWARD L. SMITH 44 Ivory Smith1 HB 5'8" 45 Jell. Williams HB S'll" The Hardware Store of Ocean Grove 47 Denick William* HB 57" 48 Mllco Wallace Sp. E 8'0" 51 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove 49 Dwight Rogers HB 5*7** 50 Mike Brema LB 5'10". 774-4741 51 Al Johnson HB . 5'I0“‘ 52 Kevin Brawn LB 5'10" 54 Victor Gardner MG. 5*10" 55 ~ Lamont Brinson DE.. 5*10" BEST OF LUCK *58 Rich Bose ' LB 5'8" 57 Rick Hosendove DE 5*5" - B. FEDDES 58 Shawn Bennett C 5’S" 59 Dave Henderson G S'll" •The Jewelry Store of Ocean Grov'e” 60 Davel Wright HB 5’9” Jewelry - Watches - Gifts i.J V 61 Stove Robertson HB 57" 62 Gerard Taylor HB 57" 5W7 MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE '63 Harold Gibbons T 6’0" 64 . Video Sotteducato G 57" 65 Dong Endeo G 5'8" 68 Terry Blanoy G S'll" PREVIOUS, scores: 87 Jell White T 5'11" THE RALSTON AGENCY Year A.P, Nep. 68 Don Darby T 6 0" 1915 38 0 70 Bruce DlUolan T 5'10" . ' Real Estate - Insurance 1916 no came 71 Loren Watson T 6'1" 1917 6 40 72 Ron Grant T 6'3" 10U Fortunate Placc, Neptune 73 Bon Ayers T 6'1" 1918 - 7 9 74 John Maxxa MG S'll" . Phone 775-8800 1919 ' 0 2 75 John NUdensteln LB 6'0“ 1920 14 0 77 Kevin Gartley T 6*0" at ASBURY PARK STADIUM" 1921 0 0 78 : WUUe Aplcelll T 6'0" 79 Daryl Reid G 5'8" 'telephone 775-0428 . A ; 5 1922 0 25 80 Lem Walker E 6'1" 1923 0 13 81 Loren Kelsey E 6'0" RUSHTON’S, INC. 1924 26 , : 0 ’82.; Kevin Rogers E B'O" Benito* ft Repairing a Specialty 1925 83 0 84 ; Erle>L4ckland.: ■' E S lff? 85 Kevin, Cooper Sp.E 5'11" • Typewriters - OfUce Equipment 1926 7 12 66 Dodg'Weedon Sp, * S'll" r. Stationery - Adding Machines 1927 « IS 87 Mlk*.BaooB- E i i " A Turkey 0%; Tif'aditional 1928 IB t» *18 MatUson Ave.. A abury P a rk . N J . 1943' . 1944 30 - 6 HAPPY THAMSGIVEVG 11: 1945 12 ‘ 6 93 L. Elllnqton NAGLE’S MAIN 1948 40,. 0 'lodlcoted : cbo t^i m >p h a r m a c y o 1947 t 6 194$,, • • Kirsch Office Equipment ETHEL’S STATIONERY Botany "so&r cjomos - Petmew JohnR.P. I Asbury Park High School . , / ixmtap'Fag Oats------1957 24 6 r f ir Eagio Opthea 1958 37 12 48 Main Ave. at Central Ave. SENIORS NUMBER HEIGHT WEIGH) / v ' BOB « iuVWGPt 1959 41 0 32 5’8" OCEAN GROVE, N. J.. Evcpfe:£ruce 1M. ISie Oorfies Ave., N 'GOOD LUCK, NEPTUNE"- 173 Mato Agui? Part ' 1962. 27 13 Henry. Louis 59 5'9”; 163 GOOD LUCK; FLIERS! 1963 7 13 Johnson...Doug 33 5*9'' 169 May the Better Team W n- 1964 . 0 26 Johnson. Herb,-. 47 6 W 173 _ 1965m 7 20 Mamlon,.BlU.r. 89 .... 5*10" HO. Fnmtain 9 Maly-State Hwy. 85 Telephone 774-2124 OCEAN GROVE FLOWER McDanliL Darryl 73 ’ 5'11" M»ti ASBURY PARK FLOWEJ 1966 0 47 THE ‘BILLS AGENCY and GIFT SHOPPE : 198J.-.1. o;- «i Mootden. PhU 89 5*11" 1391 - Sea Girt, NewtAersey 08750 196*' O'. 6 Murchison. Charles 57 5'9" 184 REAL ESTATE '' j S88-7900 1969 6 7 Newton. Bibber! " : 75 6 T aKPU PAClfaa MAIN AVE. DELI 1975 • I Trlguoro.'' D ave 82 5'10" 180.. FRANKLIN SUNOCO ADRAIN S. CLAYTON gg|||pPQodtat>Fresi! Salads ' 1976 IS I Wilson, Zach 40 5*8" 183 63 5*10" 170 s e r v ic e St a t io n j . Realtor' ( DeUelons C o B h ^ rfa ^ 1977 20 4 Hickman. Gerald m t ■ ■■$: M.C.MX.S. ^ Meats - Frovdftqna - PmO&jr}/ .” . 54 Main Ave. ; ^ JUNIORS Grtddle Franks >ttun!mr»e»» _ U7» * Williams. Ramon ASBURY, 47% Main Ave.,' Ocean Grove OCEAN GROVE, ^ Bass, Damel TeleihcM o/r.775-41(K^7S4flni . 111 “ Blrchett Martin 775-6040 • Eyes. 774-2055 Ttiantegtvtng GrecthWff-' 774-6488 Fletcher. Grey .. GO FUERSi Foster.. Rodney. Jackson. Cecil CHARLES P. SAVOra Johnson. Tim S. ’MARTUSpELU & SONS Lemer. Jon . BR0NSON & BLAJR \ Samuels. vKen MABON CONa4tACTO! BANANAS1 C"\ Sims. ^M«in« " B eia E state?1 .ln$up»ce... Smith, -Tooy ' ' 490 W, >i Place ■J 112S.,Elfth: Axet?~ < l a t u S * as M ate-Ave., oceaii G rove. White, r Wynn. WlDUm Helen,BJnir ’33,-nStatBlaSr ’20 Bax*«K*«mB > * ’

»»»' Oil Burner Scrvicc Enftf!y tfleT ay ' J- p ia n c o ^ : ; « ^ ; Hi P ATllWAY m ARKFT 604-Mala-fit. . HanipioK John 14» LARRISON Ocean Grove Times Meats. US COAL&-RUEL-OIL BERXAj/MA3QNE ' Braflejr Beichiii Ni J. NkboUon, Don :««« / .and,'"'?. 775-4870. BlehardMoA Oliver JM.r.' Hlgjuwy^atl. at 3m1 Awif Pilgrim Pathway & Olla SC Taylor, ‘ X « C P T ? U « E rC n !V » Neptune Times 'ASKEY GOLDSTEIN BUFFET^ CATOBBMK TlMaap#on>* (Jemld j OCEAN G B O m - Trtadwoll. Strvon Tel. 7744352 O. KUKER' GOOD LUCK". EMIL’S GARAGE \ BoblxuotL Zstae PETE LA VANCE«*5i»a Enhl FopjupoKJ, Proprietor JEWELER Q , IRV’S DELICATESSEN AIUbotr-^Jw Y, Wheel Alignment - Mufflers ^ gbnerAe. a u t6 RE?Ams r 614 Mnliti St. V 2040 OORIJES ,‘AVE.A Brown. Drums Cat Pins Fitted ( > Body- ft renaer-Wtrffc— V_ Simmons# Darral “■ UaetU Cars for Sale - Bradley Beach V NEPTUNE' V Brake Service - Shock* / Oas. OflJflPiwa &. B atter^ HMNP-Y ; 77^5690 ' • General Repairs / 180Q Oorlics Ave., Neptune 604 Hwy. 35. Neptune, f i / 3 . Tel? 7744&44r. This Twin City footbaH toeseage, ia Phone• 17«jM»*- ‘ ■'•:.. Try the Best.Now,•, sponsored.by thri adverUseiBjifricnda/< TEMPO HAIRRESSERS 7W*96H*X~ 0 ^ 'C of Asbury P a rt JanAt&Nepfento JiHfth^ 44W MAJW'?AVOTOE * School^ a t I h OCEAN.GROVE . ’ gt^sfojianviai^.fiv. te4>}F^SK«Bv

S10. .No person ; shal^^remoye. or duties, nor shall, any person wilfully once, ...... refuse or neglect to assist any Borough "4xj^?jf . , S7. ; Nb ip i rifehrih a ll - seirre, selb'•fr^faL ., lower*ec. l l '':at ^S2. Nopersonshall be under the police officer when lawfully called up­ p e n s e .j lr in l u cjm sum e .o* re ta in; 1 or vrMe on tho:b

jiiipii'ert J.-and Eileen.; Jour Lumrnel will present the 1 wishi* * 8 day's thereafter. , wJJJ B 1"® U th e chim ney. Tho 1 ownonilp ol a licensed hlcycloAVON-BY-THS-SEA shall I , I uivtiiers, ltouert J. Jr., Thom- communion meditation. ' 11. d. Who.o, .subsequent lo thc hot water b^boafS he“ lng^?S Sltt “.port tho sale or IranslcrNotice lo U Ihohereby Police given : tli£t the fonot** transfer ol title, tne succosslul iiltmer thermostatic controls; the heating s.vs- Department along with the name and _____ 'as, Terrence and Michael, all ing ordinanco was introduced anal The Bible Study Fellowship foils to comjalato ;the renovations .as sot tem Is to be desljrned to maintain a address lo whom the bicycle has been Mnc DAHmT fl n'RBiFw co . *u. JioinCj msp uternai j»rand~ forth-In Paragraph 9 above; or .shall 70 degree .indoor’ temperature when sold or .transferred,-passed on* first reading; at 'W: roqmlar will meet on Tuesday to dis­ mooting oi tho Board ol Commissioners' • cuss Numbers 12-14,16, 20 abandon or substantially suspend con* I . S67-4. License mutilation, ^EAN CTOVE - 'L S l1 % ' * }“*• sln icikm vratk vand «ny «uch failure on \HscelIaneous of the Borough of Avon'By-The^itoa; services wcrv held Monday {or! ^ iU10n' ere;.ilnd ^ s matern- and..31:1-5). I . It shall be unlawful lor ohy person held on Noy ember 24, 19801 and (ftufcf % with Tkhe.> J,d' nf1ed construction contractor to wilfully or maliciously remove, do- said oftlnance will~be take^'up ior Geraldine A.,O'Brien, 74. with ,«ranamother, Mrs. Anno TlvJ Consistory will meet not be cured, ended or reoedlod wllh-.?h«U tasUH 2 each combination alnm- stroy. mutUale or altar tho license iurlher consldetallon Ior final M ass o{ Christian Burial in St. Ultle^ Fanwood. on Thursday, December 4 at in ninftty .(80) -days xttiei wrUien vde- lniun storm doors and all necessary t “ conBiuoiauon „ “ pawwimi* mand by ihe Township oi ffoptune, cr alumbium storm windows on entire s,^ ed d »Cm° ? aQm^‘j"g 1 ®°<^ oa Doa>m- Elizabeth's Chxirch, Avon. Mrs.j . 8;15in-m.,t the Finance Com­ i « u j j building. fitamped pa sola hlcyclo al any, time. ’ her 8. 1980 at 81QQ P.M.. n» nm Mn mittee' at 7:30 . p.m. The b. b lW « « r sttcce^ The: Ucensed construction contractor SB7-S. Illumination. ! Slroot, Aron.By-The-Sea. or as O'Brien died last Wednesday. | iLeglO U A llx illiU ’V ta x .| in Interest, shall fall io p a y real shall Install one ( l j each 30 Kallon All bicycles, when in use in the ihefealtor as said matter can be She was bom in Philadelphia: A7 , . . “ Gleaners Circle will meet' on real taxes w.assossmpnis on^tho ^ 5Uc s a s B o r o u 9h ol Avon-bylho^oa at nlghl- odal which lime and place aBp property^ or any part thereof when due> ucensea . construction contractor . 1 l. j ... • « . r and lived in.Awn before m ov-liaU S I U1C lill'IV 'Wednesday, December 3. at will renlaee all wooden gutters with timo' 8“ al1 ho equipped with a iamp^^ who may be Interested will bo qiv( Ing here 10 years ago. I ______12. noon in' Fellowship Hall. or h place *teroon any , white aluminum Eutters. anff Install on Iho Jront ol said bicycle which shall an opporlunily lo bo heard. Mrs. O'Brien \w»is acommuni- There will be a discussion on 'S Z Z L Z % J Z -“j* .necessary ■ leaders anfl reptac. “ while Ugh t visible fromORDINANCE d dls-; ' NO. 20-1980 NEPTUNE — The month- . Agreement, or shall iuHer any levy or splash blocks, tanco of at leasi 500- feet lo the from, i r 1 Roman ]y meeting of American Lejr- Hiuinukah. , attachment ,«lo bom » made, » » . O, or »any I »>»»■-mater- Iherile licensed construction contractor and with a lamp on Ihe roar which ! AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING REGIS­ mochaalcs Hen. or any Shall Install one Cl) each Bllco door Ccrtholic Church. A\von. il0„ auxiliary, Unit 346. was The Fellowship Circle will lalmon “ 01 shall omit a red light. In addition to' TRATION FOR CANVASSING AND meet on December 4th at ! encumbrance or Uen «n rear of house: Ihe red lamp, a. reflector may be! to attach, and such laices or asseM-] SOLICITING AND TO PROTECT IHE * ? 118 held November 20 with Mrs. DETAILED REHABILITATION mounted'on the rear, of a typo ap.! « ^ Z Walter Armstrona. president, p.m. at the Cvpress Inn. ments shall cat have been paid. SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL WELFARE IN THE BOB- cutivo director Of ;#ie Jersey .... Ihe encumbrance or lien removed or Exterior. • M^ior^Vnhir ill OOGH OF AVON-BY-THE^EA. City Board ol TaxnQipniinission- pi.,ns ’ . , n o t i c e , . discharged.'or provision satisfactory to Heplaca front and rear exterior en- hom all distanced fr^m t . > , ■ I I.JT J ’L i . < °V BF ORDAINED by: the Hoard c t payment, removal or discharge wllhln front han'’- ot lawMuoo^bTar, I ? , Commissioners oi Iho Borough ol A tosv. ixbriGW- is Jiereby , »iyen • that' tile Briona So wi£eJjn*l!i: Board of Adjustment o£ the, Towt>- nlnely 190) day. after wrille» demand n Z g ir rear steps and InstaU handr^I 1 a veUde, ^ 'a m p on by-lheSoa that the foUowlng Cfiapta. ' daughters, Mrs.. Paul yfcrahney, ?-' , !a' Ellison DonBleyker ship of Neptune at its, ixjjailar public by the Township ol Weptune so to do. Replace 36 square feet of cedar shake i • - : is, hereby adopted as Chapter 139 of ineetinB: bn N ovem ber 12. 1U80 or# . ' ■- sidinir "• * S87*u. A larm belL Ihe Code of the Borough of Avra-bv^ Spring Lake Heights, and Mrs. 18 < * ™ n ot the+paid - up at 7:30 P.M. ajjproved the application I ,u 'rn (rl lTto Install all necessary Installation under 1 All -. bicycles when in use on any • ll.#v the^Sea* C An. . ' ' • . . of ‘ Key.stone. Savings , and Loan Asso- ’„ c, there is, . ln violation of the ----- William O'Bome. AUenhurst; a membership dinner to be held house and In attic public highway, road, stroot. or lane S139.1. Hogtalratlon requlroi ciaUon for. a variance from .the wrovi-; Agieemont. any iranisier of. tho proper- utility Room brother. Leroy I Bupcrtui^. Un- Pnor'to. the party and Mrs, sloiis:.’ of- the zoning ordinance of the ty or.any part thereof, or any change rnn#V • ln tho Borough of Avon-by-lheSea shall 2fo person shall canvass, solicit, fflstil- ion Beach, nine ^randchiWren Lawrence Holmes a n d Mrs. Township of m Ptiuw 'te Dfrmit conr- in ,h0 ownership or distribution of the ro?" ( ) Sh°etS °* % Bheet* cany a suitable alarm boll atlached bute drcular. or other matter, ar caB tojhe handlebar of each machine. No from door ta door or place lo placo. is cmd twi great-graodchildreru. J°h" Hanley “ * « /h arg e Xurtlie^o^said BMid . s,ock «llh gJSSf . sirens or whistles shall bo used. ______ot the entertainment for the waived the reaulrements of■ - tlie or-, respect- to the identity of the parties Repair and paint^atl walls and celltnKs the Borough, of A v o n -b y » th o ^ » c ____ ; party. rtlntihce of the T^ownshib of Ne*t>lunc In control or the successful bidder or Insta11 asphalt tile on entire floor area SB7-7. Brakes j out first registering with tho Chief of for full site ''plan, review for the prop­ the degree thereof, and such violation Ktchen 10 * x 1 1 * '. Every bicycle shall be equipped with - Police, or In his absence, the officer te ROBERT ARMSTRONG :SB I '(Donations were made to e r ty ltreowai as Block 278. Lots IA, shall not be cured within sixty.. (60) jHstott two (2) sheets of W* ’sheetrock a brake which will onablo tho operator * charge of the Police Department. '3A. ' 3A. 20, 21 and 22 on the Tax OCEAN GROVE — Robert auxiliary programs and proj- Map o f the Toy/nshto of, N entune .lo* days allor written demand by . Iho I moko lho braltod wheols Bkid op 1 13 9 .2. ExompUons Armstronpr Sr., 01, died last eels. An educational pro- cated on State Hlsliway 05 between Township ot Noptune to Iho successful, '"'o^til""* room'aCl, S°Ua 'OI' l300r I dry' cloan pavcmonl- The requiroments of this Chapiter ;____ Sunday at home. gram, presented by Mrs. jra,wthorne- and Hamilton Av.enties. bidder, then tho Township of Noptuno install one ( 1 ) ca 8 stove S67-8. Riding on boardwalk not apply to childron under the age of KEYSTONE SAVINGS AND .7 shall havo the right to ro*entor and Install one (1) stainless steel sink I prohibited, I sixteen years engaged in activities on. He was born in Taylor. Pa.. James Smith, chairman, in LOAN ASSN. • v • jake possession of the land and prem* Install . six - linear feet of base cabinet No blcyclo shall bo ridden on any behalf of recognixod civic organisations BY: Carton. Nar.v. Wilt, .and and lived there and in Clark commemoration of the month Arvanitls,. attorneys for jses“ OO and to miiiuiiuiu'terminate VUHU (and latcoirevest in In erf ill nUUf ®nF. IlnnV.V.—T .^uctless ,hood----■ „ ' portion of the boardwalkwn. ah in themt; Borv based uusou in 0 or 1 nuuuiunUUiiysubstantially carrying 1 oat Summit, Pa., before moving of November was interesting Applicant .'. ‘ •. • .: the Township, , . of Neptune), j .. . i, the •estate Repair and —*• paint ail-waUsall walls Indand ceilings ^IuSm ?U9e °/ ^v6n*^-th£^ e w are upon the, streets, highways, roads or '• S139-3. Purpose, vina A. Noaek, both here: a place on Saturday, January NOTICE is hereby given that; on or other action or! inKrctlon by the sue- Repair and paint all walls and ceiltnes lanos and public places, as well as for Tho purpose of this ordinance Is to pro. Monday^ the Blh d a y of December, cesslul bidder speclHed in Paragraph tnst^ 1 carpet on entire his own or her own safety, and shall vent fraud, crime and. unethical aw l grandson, two great - grand- 17th. 1980.. at 2 P.M., in the Township Com- 1 1 . sdb-dlvlslons a,’ b, and c. ol Ihhl”0” “rCa v'.:’:: - - al all times, under all conditions, yield dishonest business practices and' lax . children, and several nieces Hostesses for the evening ralitee Meeting Room. Neptune Munici­ Notice oi Public Sale. faUuro :on the ”aUliroom :-’- tho right of way to pedestrians on tho Ihe general protection, health and wol- pal Complex. 25 Noptune Boulevard.^ part of . tho successful bidder to rem- ,| uoT°%” ^ e etrock^ ^ ree C3) sheets stroets, highways, roads or lanes, pub- ’ faro of the rosldonts of the Borough oi and nephews. were Mrs. William Brady, Noptune, the Township of Noptune, in ’ edy. ond or abrogate such default, iail* ' install* W^sqmires of ceramic tile lie placos and on all crosswalks. • Avon-by-the-Sea. tho County of Morimbuth. -.will offer at j. ure,' violation or other action or ; In-1 : Avails Funeral services and inter- iyfvs. Mary Dougherty. Mrs. (b) In complianco with aU. traffic ' S I39-4. Registration. -h ment will be at the convejn- jfoonev and Mrs. Jos- public sale, to th® highest bidder, at| action, within, the period . and In tbe Clean and; repair floor : laws which apply to bicycles and all Any porson Intending to perform ox ence of the family. :PT)v p(*ne a minimum sale price of Twelve Thou- manner stated in such subdivisions. rac^ «a?tf'paper hold®'*: vehlclos traffic signs and signals erec- undertako any aclivlty of the Idnd des> Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500.00). the Township of Nepluno at its dptlon Reptjce 'vSfityC°and^aint entire wall area tho pedals, nor with both hands ro- *hat purposo,.sotting forth’the lollowtagr Reformed Church Clean and install carpet on entire moved from the handlebars, nor shall information: AU those certain plots, pieces, or and interests oi the successful bidder, AVON — Jeffrey W. Ma-i ---- — . floor-' .area ' \ , ' - V ho or she practlco any trick or fancy (1) Name, homo address, age. physft- parcels of ground; known and desig­ and any assigns or successore In In­ hon. . of Jefferson Ave..' ASBURY PARK — There terest to and in the land and premises, ; Bedroom ^ riding In a street. No bicycle shall be; cal description and driver's Be- • 20 nated as: Block .265, Lots I IB,’ 119 and usod to carry more persons at one' enso number of the applicant, also .known as 1918 Rutherford Ave-) rpvort to the Township of Nep; | w indows and replace broken died last Sunday at Atchison ■ wjjj twa services of Thank- timo than Ihe number for which it is (2) Nam0 and addrosfl of o rg a n ix a a m nue, upon Iho following terma and Provided, that such condition sub- Replace closet shelves and poles ' , (Kan.) Hospital from mjur- on Wednesday": one esignod and oqulppod. I Arm or porson for whom applicant • conditions! sequent and any revesting of title as Repair and repaint all walls and cell- (d) ies suffered in an automobile ;t 2 ;00 p.m. and the other a t j ci result thoroof in the Township off incs complete, Without attaching Iho blcyclo or wSU porform or undertake the at*-' l i . Said. , lands .and premises winot Neptune r |Relace one (*) entry, floor himself to - any vehicle u p ona ' road­ tlvity. accident. •; ^ ,8:00 p.m; Mrs. Ruth Gilbert needed for public use are to bo sold» * ' clean and Install carpet on entire way and no operator of any vehicle (3) Description of the n atu re o< th o at public sale to the highest bidder Ul shall always bo sublect to and- noor area shall knowingly allow, any person rid­ He was a communicant of j)e S0i0iat at the after- activity and, if goods, services ax St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic for a minimum price of Twolve Thou- limited by. and shaU not defeat. *en- * ing upon any bicycle to attach the noon service. She will sing sand Five Hundred Dollars (S12.500.00). der invalid or limit in any way (l) tbe Repair ^ ll windols and reolace same or himself to the vehicle. wares are involved, the natere thereof. Church, Avon. Longs “I Asked the Lord”. 2, At Ihe timo of said salo there isj H°n any mortgage.authorized by the. broken class (e) In compliance, with and .bbed* (4) Two (2) photographs of th e a p p li­ He was a grac uate T Jl( c l l 0 jr wi|| sjnfr “p nlyer to bo paid a deposit In tbo sum^ of, Agreemont. and (U) any rights or in- Repair and paint all walls, and cell- ianco to. all traffic regulations as estab­ cant approximately 2% inches by Avon Elementary School and of Thanksf?iving, at the eve. Two Thousand Dollars (S2,000.00) in provided In the Agreemont for1 incs complete lished by R5. 39t4;l, ©t seq. of -the 1 tho form of cash or cerilfiod chock. Ii,the Protoction of tho holders of such .-,nsta,! carpefc on entlre ZVz , Inches in size showing the .. I j floor Now jorsey Revised Statutes and the.! : ning. service. Pastor Arnold the requisite deposit is not paid at morlgages? and. . head and shouldertf of the appQ- Red ^Bank Catholic High nin" sprvi"e' Pastov Arno,t 'Bedroom No. 3 ,9*6" x 9*9” amendments and 'supplements thereto,! , that time; the. property may be put up (2) shall not apply to said land and and all. ordinances passed by the',Borr cant in a clear and distinguished van Lummel’s topic will be Repair iili windows and replace broken m anner. acnooi,School, Wfierewhere hetie was waa «a iusupmem- „T . rphft „ Th-inW iv- and re-sold immediately.: Within sixty. premises on which 'the renovations | c|aggVi ough of Avon-by-the^ea as to the reg- ' ter Of varsity basketball jgis8 (60) d ay s from the date of the sale, and/or rehabilitations have been com- Repair one ■ (1) closet, door ulatlon of traffic on stop streets; one- A statomont as to whether or not the successful bidder, shall; tender the pleled. In: accordance with the Agree* VRepair’ and paint all walls and ceil- way slreets and through streets. , v ; I: • tho applicant has ever been con­ victed of a crime; U so, when* and football teams. ^ iBeatrice Shafer will play balance of said purchase price and menl and for. which: a Certificate pf1^*’?^ complete■ (f) ' Before turning or. changing the whore and the details thorod. .He was a lifeguard ^Spring ,n1ow \ye All Our accept the delivery of a Bargain and O ccupancy te Issued. ; | no*or a ? 4 carpet on enUre direction upon any street, highway,' Salo. Peed without covenants. - 12.: The sale of these lands and —48 tiOGAO road or lane, and public places, It ^ A description of any motor vehi­ Lake Bath and Tennis ^ .Go(]., (arr |-,y Whitney), 3, <3n the d a te of the. sale, the sUc? premises is subject to i confirmation by shall be the duty; of the ride.* to: give cles to be utilized by tho appBctxnl for the last three ^mmers , ,Thank- B - io cossful bWdw In o^dltion to.ine ^epos- for tho said .activity. Including , - , , . .... - , the Township Coradilteo who .may--re- AVON-BV-THE-SEA' a signal, by the extension of the hand Surviving are h 1 s parents and Bailey-S <«a Song It, Unrequited is submll a wrl!!6n COM- ,oc( a „d a,i tid3. Ilo indicate the direction (n which it is license plate number, make, tnodeL mUmoiti from, a mortgage, company li* . Dated; November 18, . 1980 Notice is hereby given that the. follow­ intended to procQod. ,' yoar and color. 'of Thanksgiving”, consed to do business in the State of ing ordinanco was introduced and SI39-5. Registration compliance^ Joseph E. Bennett !J S67-10. Police inspection and New Jersey indicating its intent to en­ passed on' first reading at a regular Upon compliance with the requirements i Advent Communion will be ''.Townshlpl Clerk •• impounding of bicycles. tertain an application for a . sum of meeting of the Board of Commissioners j Farry M em orial celebrated on Sunday at 11 TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE Any police offlcor may inspect any forogolng section, tho Chid ol money ; sufficient, to cover the cost of of the Borough - ol Avon-By-The-Sed bicycle at any timo If he has reason P°^ce shall, within 72 hours o l receipt a.m. Tho choir will sing renovating and/or rehabUitatlng said •. > TERMS OF, SALE■ held on November 24,. 1980' and that . SCHEDULE I ; to believo that thoro is non-compllanco of a completed application, endow o^- j i- H o m e Hammerschmidt’s “Lift Up promises in accordance with the "Scope said ordinance will bo lakon up, for with Iho requirements of thU. Chapter on Ao application iho legond 'REGIS- ol Work and Estimated Costs' 5 attached REHABIIJVATION CONTRACT further consideration for final passage Your Heads, Ye Gates’^ a mo­ v .O U T L I N E or a mechanical defect which renders TERED" and the date and one-copy Earb 120.4-7. bn tho properly known as Block successful bidder also shall bo requir- 21. Insulation -w here required. this Chapter shall moan a device hav* to bo Bold and ^o timo of public auc- 0X1 .. Doaald R. Newman, Mgr. ' 19 5 , I.ol 1382A; Block 126, Lot 1403H; od to - pay as an additional purchase | TOWNSniP OF NEPTUNE ing a wheel or wheels with llros Ion Hon shall bo published ln tho olliclal “P .tf" ' Luon <^d shall d b ^ S | Block 115, to t 976A an d Block 116. price, a sum equal to tho amount of GENERAL REHABILITATION . . 774-1758 SPECIFICATIONS l o t 1333'. ' > ' ■ ' tax, baBied .on the last assessed v alu a­ •i a,, lsaf ' *°n U0Ldar ^ ° r foreome'nl X d a L qU°Bl tion from the first of tho month nart General Construction Notes other similar. material cmd arranged to the date of sale. Proceeds of said auc- , . ■ >■■ ■ Street Address: . lion shall be remitted to tho Borough tt S139-9. Distrtt)uted materials. Embury, an d ‘WW.toIleld Avenuos: alter ‘the' dalo oT^le until iho end of'^V verifTall' TS^enrtosed^sp'ecm ! I ^ o p o lle d by human power. "BICY- tho year together with the cations with the Neptune Township (CLE includes uni cycles, tricycles, dou- Clerk by the Police Department to be All. circulars, handbills, samples, leajk, Geographical Location: sewor rental for that period and all Administrator,, his. representatives and | bio bicycles cmd all other similar de- used to flnanco blcyclo programs in >ol». Pofors or other matter used by Ocoan Grove, Neptune Township iegal conveyancing fees. Any- success- any^ future owner confirmed by the vices but does not include toys and the Borough. . Ihe applicant In Iho activities roforrod A hearing ■will be hold on this- ap­ ful bidder who falls to complete his Neptune. Township ^Committee* . other similar, items used by small chil- to in this ordlAaoco shall bo hand od plication by the Planning Board oi tho a Violallons andponaltles. occupanl of Ibe premlsoe or Ioh purchase^ will forfeit: its dopol ;.... ^ Any porson violallng any oi Iho ^ Q 8ocure p|ac0 teMeat go aj3 n ot to(a) Township of Nepluno. in . the Board Further, the.successlul biddor.onjqyirefl to Receive new materials. ! wauc u*eas. provisions of this Chapter shall,' upon Meeting Boom. Second Floor. Nepluno Jittar. tho date of closing shall submit to tbe The licensed construction cpntractor i (b) The tom "PERSON' as used in cunv4liMMMconviction thereof, be; punished uumauou by , «a . Municipal Complex, 25 Nepluno Boulo- Township of Neptune, a contract exe* will waterproof and f^slrany and all thts chapter shall moan a natural p er-'|ino nol lo oxceod Fifty Dollars ($501- S139-10. Violation ana penaltlos. vard; . N eptune. Now lers'ey', on W ed­ cutod with a contractor licensed by •“« « to malnUIn a waterproof son, firm, business or corporation and anj/or by confiscation o\ tho bicycle Any person violating any of tho pnv nesday, Pecom ber 10. 1980 al 8:00 tho Township of Neptune which... . con- . - e«nSXn.condition ® ; • j shall Includo d commercial enterprise as foUows: Vvisions of this Chapter, or filing P.M. All Interested. parlies will be tract shall includeb thoso ropalrs out* Ncw WOrk shall conform to all local , which leasos or ronts bicycles for pub- , application boroundor containing matdr- For Iho first olfense: up lo Ion ^ fal>0 or frauduion, information. b e a rd lined in Schedule 1 aforesaid. ' code and utility company ..require- |jc uao> Plans, of the proposal may bo in* 7. On the .date of closing, the sue* ments, S67-2. Roglsiratlon and days- 1 shall upon convicttDn be punlshad by ' For the socond oliensr: up lo a jin0 0j not orcooding S500 (a b y spectod in tho office of the Secretary cossful bidder shall pay to the Town* The licensed construction ^contractor licensing; procedure. . Iwonly (20) days. Imprisonmonl nol excooding 90 days or of the Nepluno Planning Board, Nop­ ship ol Nepluno an amount equal to .^’^ “.I^anlnK ^ T to ’^ tesfraWe Appllcallon for llconso number stamp tune Municipal Coinplox. 25 Nepluno tho difference botwoen tho deposit of ic.vcj acceptable to the Neptune j municipal namo stamp may be For the third and subsequent both. • rUNERAL HOME Boulevard, Noptune, Now Jersey, . dur­ Two Thousand Dollars (S2.000.00) and Township Code Enforcement Depart- mado )Q ,ho BoIough PoUco Dcpart- offonses: up to thirty (30) days, j $139*11. Inconslslent ordinances ing regular business rhouis.,: tho lull purchaso price. .ment. *■ ‘ menruPonaform'DVovido^ thoVol-' (b) In addition,addition,, in thetbe cas caso of a repealed. DATED: November 7.1,.’ 1380 8. It, is understood and agreed that The licensed construction contractor . n , Th licenso number violation of this Chapter by a .porson AU ordlnancos or parts of ordinances: FROMBAL, INC., Applicant iho Township Ol Neptune has no ro- .T0*f * ' stamp ond Iho'municipal name s t a m p .Iho age^of eighteen (18) years, inconsistent with the -pmyUImm ol^Mite By: LESTER FBOMKIN. Secretary sponslbility for- nor obligation to sc©., FRANCIONI — 48 - S0.62 to thio com pletion of til's renovation lined in Schedule 1. The completion ...... TAYLOR and j sa id renovation, is and s h a ll; b o ' the.; coats of ;oIl paint, Dcparlmont and lound to bo in a sclo the particulars ol the violation and Ihe olher ordinance establishing «** * Love increases with time solo. responsibilily' of the' purcliaser,'.j/|cctricaj \• d ;.. >:v .• ;* mechanical condition and proof ol own- reguiromenls lor correction or remedy, censes or other requuorren s Ior Ihe LOPEZ, Inc.; contractor if any, and tho mortgage new electrical wiring Is to be In- 0rship • tho said bicycle ..has .been Ing thoroof. nf conducttMislnnaa ofnriivittm business activities within to those who avoid the fate of company. stalled In^^ strlcl ^ordance with st^jte . ducod. The llcensos' shall bo por-1; SG7-13. Inconsistent ordinances tho Borough of Avon-by-the-Sea. ■; ° Tho • successful ' blddor shall not ai»d local codes. Repairs and'Installs- * FUNERAL HOME selfishness. Hons will be*bv a New Jersey licensed manent until ihe blcyclo is transferred I repealed. S139-12. Severability. Success cycle: Farm boy occupy the structure being renovated or sold. The llconso number and namo I All ordlnancos or parts of ordinances If any part of this ordinanco Bhall be until all of said renovations have been stamped by tho Police Department shall inconsistent with the provisions of this declared invalid, such invalidity shaU DANIEL L. FRANCIONI goes to the city, makes en­ completed as outlined in Schedule 1> Pluinbine . -X- i j ^ .U S lo to be located on the bottom portion of the ordinance are hereby repealed as to not affect tho remainder of this ordin­ THOMAS, W. TAYLOR ough money to retire and live ins pec tod andapprovodbythoTown. exl^nc frntnn nBm- »hA oedalfl and such Inconsistencies. D . JOSEPH LOPEZ be removed and all new necessary frame located near tho pedals and ance which shall continue in full force- in the country. ship of Neptune and Certificate of Oc­ pipes and fixtures will be Installed bv shall be at all times sublect to inspec- This ordinance shall take effect Upon and effect; This ’ ordinance shall taka IM-nh An. Asbnry Park Many a thing said in haste cupancy Is^ issued. . '1 a New Jersey licensed plumber. tlon by any mombor oi the Police Do- final passage and publication accord* effect upon final passage and publica- 10. The successful bidder is to bo* ’■paitmeni. ing to law. j tlon according to law* # m 77MK1 ans forgotten by the speaker gin renovations within thirty (30) days : H eating JUDITH BRAMHALL, Clerk I JUDITH A . BRAMHALL, Cleric from the date el the d^lv’.T ol the ™ e, 5 T »nTBin,'™ w| ' S»7J. TmuUr. ' 1M A AtUM Ave. Neptn* remains in the heart of the I -48 • • ; . MSLM, U L n u m listener for years. ond compute sold Ntm lou “ V rSllt? rSZ iftfl ■ Pe~on who .ells or Uonslers -4B