


British Geological Survey, Murchison House, , UK

Golledge, N.R., Finlayson, A., Bradwell, T. and Everest, J.D., ly maritime location in the North Atlantic north of 2008: The last glaciation of Shetland, North Atlantic. Geogr. the UK mainland at 60–61°N, roughly comparable Ann., 90 A (1): 37–53. to southern or the southern tip of Green- ABSTRACT. Evidence relating to the extent, dynam- land, and consequently the region is highly sensi- ics, and relative chronology of the last glaciation of tive to climatic changes that may result from fluc- the Shetland , North Atlantic, is presented tuations in atmospheric or oceanic polar fronts here, in an attempt to better illuminate some of the (Gordon et al. 1993). The climate is wet and controversies that still surround the glacial history of the . We appraise previous interpre- moderately cool, with an annual precipitation of tations and compare these earlier results with new more than 1000 mm and a mean annual air evidence gleaned from the interpretation of a high temperature of around 7°C (Birnie 1993). Geologi- resolution digital terrain model and from field re- cally the islands are extremely complex and host a connaissance. By employing a landsystems ap- considerable diversity of bedrock lithologies, pre- proach, we identify and describe three quite differ- ent assemblages of landscape features across the dominantly metamorphic rocks but with plutonic main islands of Mainland, Yell and . Using the igneous and sedimentary rocks also present. The spatial interrelationship of these landsystems, an relief of Mainland is largely governed by the resist- assessment of their constituent elements, and com- ant, approximately north–south trending, Scatsta parisons with similar features in other glaciated en- Quartzitic Group (Mykura 1976), but the highest vironments, we propose a simple model for the last point of the archipelago is the granitic glaciation of Shetland. During an early glacial phase, a coalescent British (450 m) (Fig. 1). and Scandinavian sheet flowed approximately east to west across Shetland. The terrestrial land- forms created by this in the north of Shet- Previous research land suggest that it had corridors of relatively fast- Despite more than a century of glacial research in flowing ice that were partially directed by bed to- pography, and that subsequent deglaciation was in- Shetland, the pattern and chronology of former ice terrupted by at least one major stillstand. Evidence flow is still widely debated (Ross et al. 1993). Pre- in the south of Shetland indicates the growth of a lo- vious studies (Peach and Horne 1879, 1880; Hoppe cal of restricted extent that fed numerous ra- 1965; Mykura 1976; Flinn 1983; Boulton et al. dial outlet during, or after, ice-sheet degla- 1977, 1985; Carr et al. 2006) have employed - ciation. Whilst the absolute age of these three morphological observations, stratigraphical rela- landsystems remains uncertain, these new geo- morphological and palaeoglaciological insights rec- tionships of glacial deposits, the directions of er- oncile many of the ideas of earlier workers, and al- ratic carry and orientations of striations, and ice- low wider speculation regarding the dynamics of sheet modelling, but the wealth of such evidence the former British ice sheet. has led to highly divergent reconstructions and no clear agreement (Fig. 2A–F). Radiocarbon dates Key words: glaciation, Shetland, glacial landsystems, , North Atlantic relating to deglaciation have done little to clarify the timing of glacial oscillations ( 1991), but recent uranium series disequilibrium Introduction and luminescence dates from Fugla Ness and Sel The Shetland archipelago of Northern Scotland respectively appear to indicate that both lo- comprises over 100 islands, of which three main is- calities preserve deposits of early or pre-Devensian lands – Mainland, Yell, and Unst – account for the age (Hall et al. 2002) (Fig. 1). majority of land area. The islands occupy a distinct- Initial mapping by Peach and Horne (1879)

British Geological Survey © NERC Journal compilation © 2008 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography 37 N.R. GOLLEDGE, A. FINLAYSON, T. BRADWELL AND J.D. EVEREST

Fig. 1. The Shetland Islands, showing principal settlements and places mentioned in the text. Boxes show areas covered by subsequent figures. Inset shows context and proximity to southern Norway. Dates at Fugla Ness and Sel Ayre from Hall et al. (2002).

British Geological Survey © NERC 38 Journal compilation © 2008 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography THE LAST GLACIATION OF SHETLAND, NORTH ATLANTIC

Fig. 2. Previous ice-flow reconstructions for Shetland: (A) Peach and Horne (1879, 1880); (B) Hoppe (1965); (C) Mykura (1976); (D) Flinn (1983); (E) Boulton et al. (1977, 1985); (F) Carr et al. (2006) identified evidence for generally east-to-west flow most a century later led Hoppe (1965, 1974) to the of ice across the Shetland Islands, which was con- conclusion that a local ice cap had been the more sequently interpreted as resulting from Scandina- dominant agent in forming the glacial features of vian ice crossing the North Sea. The presence of at the landscape, and that radial flow from its centre least one erratic of probable Norwegian origin, the on Mainland effectively erased most of the evi- Dalsetter tönsbergite erratic (Fig. 1), lent credence dence of any earlier presence of Scandinavian ice to this idea (Finlay 1928). This major ice sheet co- (Fig. 2B). alesced with that sourced from the Scottish main- Perhaps in an attempt to reconcile these differing land, the interplay between the ice masses giving views, Mykura (1976) presented a flowline recon- rise to variations in local flow direction (Fig. 2A). struction that incorporated elements of the radial, Peach and Horne (1879) also noted local accumu- local ice flow with convergence of Scandinavian lations of , and invoked these as evidence ice in the North Sea and east-to-west flow only for a more restricted growth of ice subsequent to the across the northernmost part of Unst and the south- ice-sheet phase. A reinterpretation of the area al- ern portion of Mainland (Fig. 2C). Early attempts

British Geological Survey © NERC Journal compilation © 2008 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography 39 N.R. GOLLEDGE, A. FINLAYSON, T. BRADWELL AND J.D. EVEREST

Fig. 3. A: Streamlined bedforms characteristic of Landsystem 1: note the strong, elongate features in the west and the more muted stream- lining in the east. B: Digitally captured bedform crestlines from interpretation of the DTM. See Fig. 1 for context of location. NEXTMap hillshade DTM derived from Intermap Technologies high-resolution terrain data

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Fig. 4. A. Low roches moutonnée in southwest Unst, iceflow to northwest. B: Glacially disaggregated bedrock, Hill of Clibberswick, Unst. C: Subglacial till beneath , Mainland. D: ‘Hummocky ’ near , Mainland. See Fig. 1 for locations at ice-sheet modelling initially favoured a great (1991) used seismic data to propose an extensive thickness of northwestward flowing ice over Shet- Late Devensian glaciation of the North Sea, most land, sourced from and confluent with likely involving confluent British and Scandinavi- the BRITISH ICE SHEET (BIS) (Boulton et al. an ice, whilst Stoker and Holmes (1991) also pre- 1977). Evidence for such extensive ice-sheet glaci- sented compelling seismostratigraphic evidence ation, as opposed to localized ice-cap glaciation, for Late Devensian glaciation to near the shelf edge was dismissed by Flinn (1983), who instead pro- west of Shetland. Radiocarbon dates from shells posed a local ice cap whose ice divides stretched and benthic foraminifera retrieved from boreholes the entire length of the three main islands (Fig. 2D). in the North Sea subsequently constrained glacia- Further numerical modelling subsequently repro- tion of the area to sometime prior to c. 22 ka 14C BP, duced Flinn’s empirical ice-cap reconstruction with subsequent open-water glacimarine condi- (Boulton et al. 1985), but positioned the former ice tions in the latter part of the Late Devensian (Sejrup divide slightly to the east of the main axis of the is- et al. 1994). However, on the basis of numerous ter- land chain (Fig. 2E). A thorough study by Ross restrial and marine dates, Bowen et al. (2002) ar- (1996) proposed that this eastward migration of the gued that any confluence of the British and Scan- took place during the latter stages of gla- dinavian ice sheets must have occurred around 40 ciation, when ice sheet recession was at least partly ka BP, and that during the widely accepted Last influenced by calving losses associated with a ris- Glacial Maximum (LGM; c. 22 ka BP) the BIS ing sea level. was considerably more restricted and certainly did Marine studies have similarly provided a pleth- not extend as far north as the Shetland Islands. Re- ora of glacial reconstructions. Ehlers and Wingfield cent micromorphological evidence from glacigen-

British Geological Survey © NERC Journal compilation © 2008 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography 41 N.R. GOLLEDGE, A. FINLAYSON, T. BRADWELL AND J.D. EVEREST

Fig. 5. Morphometric data for the 186 elements of Landsystem 1 (Fig. 3). A: Lengths (a); B: Widths (b); C: Elongation ratio a/b; D: relationship of elongation ratios of bedforms to bedform length ic deposits of the North Sea (Carr et al. 2006) ap- vian ice. Here we present new interpretations for pears to question such a reconstruction, however, these problems, based on the interpretation of and indicates instead that Scandinavian ice over- NEXTMap high-resolution (5 m × 5 m horizontal, rode Shetland c. 29–20 ka BP, whilst later, radial 1.5 m vertical) digitial terrain model (DTM) for flow of a local ice cap took place c. 18–16 ka BP the whole archipelago, together with targetted field (Fig. 2F). Perhaps the most convincing argument observations (‘ground truthing’) in parts of Main- for an extensive, and probably confluent, Scandi- land, Yell and Unst. Given the existing geological navian ice sheet, however, comes from recent in- detail available in published maps, our primary em- terpretations of 3D-seismic reflection data showing phasis was on improving the geomorphological that the central North Sea hosted a major north- component of the dataset through the use of this west-flowing during the Last Glacial new topographic data. Maximum (Graham et al. 2007). Digital manipulation of the DTM in ESRI Arc- GIS, particularly with respect to the angle of its il- lumination, has enabled clearer landform identifi- Methods cation than hitherto possible, and allowed the cap- In summarizing much of the earlier research, Ross ture of principal features in a spatially attributed et al. (1993) highlighted the lingering uncertainties geodatabase. This permits use of the DTM to derive of Shetland’s glaciation and noted that any future vectorial and geometric data for individual fea- research would have to address the pattern and tures, which subsequently allow morphometric chronology of ice flow, and the relative importance analyses to be employed in distinguishing between and style of glaciation of both local and Scandina- landform types and population groups. This ap-

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Fig. 6. (A) Key elements of Landsystem 2 in Unst; (B) interpreted ice-marginal positions. See Fig. 1 for context of location. Tick marks on western and southern borders show British National Grid coordinates; Latitude/Longitude shown on eastern and northern borders proach to geomorphological mapping has been obtain specific lithological data for the mapped fea- much advanced by the detailed and extensive work tures, to take photographs and samples where ap- of e.g. Boulton and Clark (1990a,b) Clark (1993) propriate, and to record any additional information and Clark (2005). It is not without problems, that might inform the geological and palaeoglaci- however, particularly with respect to the azimuth ological interpretations. Where available, pub- bias introduced by angled illumination (Smith and lished 1:50 000 scale geological maps of Shetland Clark 2005). In an attempt to overcome this issue, (Institute of Geological Sciences 1978, 1982; Brit- we used both northwest and northeast-illuminated ish Geological Survey 1994, 2002) were interrogat- DTM’s to identify and interpret glacial , ed, together with the unpublished larger scale field and endeavoured to avoid misidentification of bed- maps from which the published maps were derived. rock structural features by following an approach Large parts of Shetland are peat-covered (especial- similar to that employed elsewhere in Scotland ly in Yell), and in such areas, ground truthing was (Golledge and Stoker 2006). Lineations interpreted restricted to point observations where glacial de- from the DTM’s are then used to reconstruct former posits were exposed beneath the peat, or where ice flow patterns and ice marginal positions by landforms were sufficiently large not to be masked process-form analogy with modern systems by it. Thick peat cover also hampered survey in (e.g. Evans 2003) and glaciological theory (e.g. Pa- large parts of Mainland, and in many areas few gla- terson 1994). cial landforms could be discerned. By contrast, the With the above in mind, the field mapping com- of Unst revealed an abundance of glacial ponent of our investigations aimed primarily to val- sediments and landforms, so field observations idate the interpretation of the DTM, as well as to were more detailed and extensive.

British Geological Survey © NERC Journal compilation © 2008 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography 43 N.R. GOLLEDGE, A. FINLAYSON, T. BRADWELL AND J.D. EVEREST

Fig. 7. (A) Moraine map of study area near Brae, Mainland. (B) In- terpreted palaeoice fronts. See Fig. 1 for context of location. Tick marks on western and southern borders show British National Grid coordinates; Latitude/Longitude show on eastern and northern bor- ders

Results outcrops is oblique to the generally north-north- Elongate landforms (elongation ratios (ER) east to southsouth-west strike of the principal bed- >5:1) and extensive areas of strongly ice-moulded, rock schistocity. streamlined topography are evident in many areas One hundred and eighty-six crestlines were of the Shetland archipelago. The hills that form the mapped in this area (Fig. 3), and their morpho- west of Unst show signs of streamlining along metries analysed in the GIS. Lengths range from c. much of their length, but the largest areas, and 200–1500 m with a mode of 300 m (Fig. 5A), best-developed individual features, occur mainly whereas widths range from approximately 40–140 in the southwest of Unst, flanking Bluemull m with a modal value of 70 m (Fig. 5B). Elongation (Fig. 3). Considerable streamlining also occurs on ratios (a/b) of these features range from c. 1.5:1 to the western side of the sound, on Yell. In both areas 11:1, with the majority clustering around 4:1 (Fig. a sharp boundary to the streamlined terrain is 5C). Figure 5D shows that a positive correlation ex- clearly evident, which together with variations in ists between ER and long axis length. feature alignments gives an impression of conver- Strongly streamlined bedrock also occurs along gent flow in this area. Field survey identified nu- the western margin of Yell, and in the northern merous roches moutonnée both on high ground (c. coastal fringes of Mainland flanking , 200 m a.s.l.) and near to sea level (Fig. 4A). The but is conspicuously absent from most of Main- northwesterly alignment of these streamlined rock land. More subdued streamlined bedrock is appar-

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Fig. 8. (A) Profile data across LS2 moraines in Unst; shaded area shows envelope of maximum/minimum height and breadth of features; dashed line shows median profile. (B) Profile data across LS3 moraines in Mainland; shaded area shows envelope of maximum/mini- mum height and breadth of features; dashed line shows median profile. (C) Combined plot of LS2 and LS3 moraine profiles at same scale. (D) Median profiles of LS2 and LS3 moraines at same scale ent in the east of Unst (Fig. 6), the southeast of Yell, from [HP645 065] southwestwards to [HP600 and in scattered areas across Mainland. Glacially 040]. These ‘morainic boulder ridges’ (British disturbed bedrock was seen in abundance on Hill of Geological Survey 2002) were recently verified at Clibberswick, Unst (Fig. 4B), where dislodged Clibberswick. The previous mapping also identi- blocks appeared to show offset to the southwest. fied meltwater channels, laminated sediments (in- Erratics of this ultramafic bedrock also occur in the terpreted as lacustrine deposits), and a glaciola- southwest of the island (British Geological Survey custrine delta in Unst. Our fieldwork verified that 2002). the meltwater channels commonly trend approxi- Exposures of massive, matrix-supported diamic- mately normal to the overall alignment of the mo- ton up to 3 m thick, commonly overlying bedrock, raines, and identified laminated sediments be- were seen in scattered localities across Unst, Yell tween two of the morainic mounds at [HP6387 and Mainland, consistent with recent geological 1404]. Ice-marginal benches forming a disconti- mapping (British Geological Survey 2002) (Fig. nous north–south aligned subhorizontal ridge on 4C). In Unst, roundcrested ridges up to 15 m high, the hillside below the delta were identified from several hundred metres long, and composed of the DTM. diamicton are present around [HP635 135], [HP620 Assemblages of smaller, closely spaced ridges 130], [HP600 090] and [HP603 074], some of and mounds (Fig. 4D) occur in glens entering Dury which were formerly mapped as possible Voe, Voe, Gon , Olna Firth, Voe (British Geological Survey 2002). Collectively the and in northern central Mainland. Many mounds form an elongate, locally multiridged as- of these landforms form arcuate chains that are semblage extending more than 10 km from north to convex down-, with the exception of those on south (Fig. 6); several have scattered subangular to the western side of , where ridges arc subrounded erratics of vein quartz and on up-valley. Particularly good examples of this land- their crests. form-type are observed flanking the Skelladale Whereas other large moraines are generally ab- Burn near Brae, where an extensive area of densely sent, glacial disaggregation of bedrock outcrops packed sharp-crested hummocks and ridges extend in the east of Unst has produced abundant mounds from near sea-level up to a col at approximately 200 of edge-rounded boulders of local lithologies m a.s.l. linking Skella Dale with the deep north– around [HP660 125] (Hill of Clibberswick) and south trending Sandgarth Valley to the east (Fig. 7

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Fig. 9. Spatial distribution of landsystem elements across Shetland, based on published maps, recent mapping, and interpretation of a high-resolution DTM

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Fig. 10. Bedform data from Fig. 5 overlain on classification chart modified from Everest et al. (2005). Line separates drumlinoid forms from more elongate ‘flute’ type landforms.

A and C). The westernmost of the Skella Dale mo- terrain attributes’ are delimited (Clark 1997; raines form a coherent outer chain on the northern Stokes and Clark 1999; Evans 2003; Benn and Lu- side of the valley, inside which morainic mounds kas 2006; Golledge 2007a). The recognition of ar- and ridges are abundant and are separated by inter- eas exhibiting different terrain attributes – landsys- vening meltwater channels. A number of scattered tems – also enables a relative event chronology to glacially transported boulders are present within be proposed. We suggest that the landform–sedi- the assemblage, in some instances lying perched on ment assemblages described above can be classi- individual hummocks. A series of small transverse fied into three different landsystems, defined by ridges, forming at least one cross-valley pair, are their contrasting geomorphological signatures. also evident trending downslope from higher Landsystem 1 (LS1) is principally manifest as ground towards Mill in the south. Interpreta- highly streamlined topography, Landsystem 2 tion of the hill-shaded DTM identified that the Brae (LS2) exhibits large-scale ice-marginal landforms moraine assemblages occur within a larger area of and sediments as well as areas of muted streamlin- muted streamlined terrain. ing, and Landsystem 3 (LS3) is mostly distin- Cross-profile analysis (measured perpendicular guished by locally concentrated nested groups of to ridge axes) of a selection of the more elongate ‘hummocky moraine’, considerably smaller than landforms in the Brae area reveals relatively con- the moraines of LS2. The general distribution of the sistent morphometry to the population. The width landforms and sediments constituting each of individual elongated features discernable from landsystem is summarized in Fig. 9. the DTM ranges from 20 to 55 m, with a mean of c. 40 m, whereas their heights range from 2 to 7 m with a mean of c. 4.5 m (Fig. 8B). The mounds form Landsystem 1 a distinctly separate population from those de- Highly elongate landforms composed of bedrock scribed above from Unst, whose average width and or unconsolidated substrate are widely accepted as height is c. 200 m and 12 m respectively. Figures 8C indicators of either prolonged or fast former ice and D illustrate respectively: individual feature flow (Hart 1999; Stokes and Clark 1999, 2002, morphometries for both groups, and the mean ge- 2003; Bradwell et al. 2007). Individual ‘elements’ ometry of the two populations, each plotted at the of a large-scale streamlined landscape are com- same scale for comparison. monly used to derive generalized flowlines that al- low a regional ice-flow interpretation to be present- ed (Stokes and Clark 1999, 2001; Clark and Stokes Interpretation 2003). Recognition and interpretation of such fea- In attempting to interpret the data we adopt a tures in previously glaciated terrains is therefore landsystems approach, in which areas of ‘common highly instructive with respect to former ice-sheet

British Geological Survey © NERC Journal compilation © 2008 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography 47 N.R. GOLLEDGE, A. FINLAYSON, T. BRADWELL AND J.D. EVEREST

Fig. 11. (A) Interpreted streamlined bedforms; (B) generalized flowlines across Shetland during latter stages of ice-sheet overriding. Note localized topographically controlled deflection of general east–west flow. Nextmap hillshade DTM derived from Intermap Tech- nologies high-resolution digital elevation data behaviour, enabling new interpretations to be made Areas of convergent flow (Figs 3 and 11A, B) ap- in areas where controversies over the direction and pear to be largely associated with the location of style of ice flow still remain. A number of such topographic troughs, whereas divergent flow oc- studies have already focused on dynamic sectors of curs around higher ground. Variability in flow di- the former BIS (e.g. Everest et al. 2005; Jansson rection is greatest in the north and least in the and Glasser 2005; Stoker and Bradwell 2005; south, although this interpretation may partly be Golledge and Stoker 2006), but none have yet spe- conditioned by the more limited evidence in the cifically addressed Shetland. south. Nonetheless, it seems that the underlying Since the streamlined features in Shetland occur topography, particularly that now below sea level, across different bedrock lithologies, trend oblique exerted at least some influence on former ice flow. to primary foliation or strike, and form landsystem Since the reconstructed flowsets cross the entire geometries consistent with those formed by archipelago, the ice divide must have lain to the streaming ice (Stokes and Clark 1999), we propose east of Shetland during this episode, as suggested that the landforms reflect glacial genesis rather than by Ross (1996), with the former ice sheet surface inherited bedrock control. The elongate bedforms declining towards the northwest. Formation of typical of LS1 show ERs typical of drumlins and LS1 probably took place during a period of exten- megaflutes (Fig. 10), and thus we interpret this sive glaciation when the overriding ice sheet was landform assemblage as indicative of relatively dy- thick enough to cover the majority of hills in Shet- namic zones within the former ice sheet. land, requiring a minimum ice surface altitude of Streamlined landforms are best preserved in the 200–300 m. Much of the streamlining generated north and west, but more subtle features in other during this stage is now muted, perhaps indicating areas show alignments consistent with their being further glacial or cover by glacial sub- part of the same episode, and enable a regional strates, suggesting that this episode was relatively palaeoflow pattern to be approximated (Fig. 11). early.

British Geological Survey © NERC 48 Journal compilation © 2008 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography THE LAST GLACIATION OF SHETLAND, NORTH ATLANTIC

eastern Unst, reflecting a period of formation after Landsystem 2 the pervasive streamlining phase of LS1, when ice The landforms and sediments typical of LS2 (large was less extensive. Streamlining directions and the moraines, meltwater channels, glaciolacustrine de- orientation of the moraine complex indicate that, posits) share similarities with those identified at the although the ice sheet had receded by this time, the fringes of former ice sheets, such as the Laurentide former ice divide still lay to the east of Shetland. Ice Sheet (Colgan et al. 2003). Such environments are characterized by: (1) sediment delivery to the proglacial zones via subglacial pathways, produc- Landsystem 3 ing low, broad moraines and edge-rounded erratics; The moraines typical of Landsystem 3 are morpho- (2) limited accumulation and input of supraglacial metrically of a very different scale from those in debris; (3) ice movement through sliding, plough- Landsystem 2, and are thus considered to represent ing and deformation of an unconsolidated bed, and; a separate population (Fig. 8). The assemblages of (4) active recession of the ice margin. mounds and ridges in northern central Mainland Additionally, Golledge (2007b) demonstrated are comparable in pattern and morphology to that populations of moraines that can be differenti- ‘hummocky moraine’ described elsewhere in Brit- ated on both morphological and sedimentological ain (e.g. Benn 1992; Bennett and Boulton 1993; grounds most probably relate to quite different pal- Lukas 2005; Benn and Lukas 2006). While early aeoglaciological environments, which in most cas- studies of these steep-sided moundy deposits fa- es reflect the chronology of their formation. voured formation by in situ ice stagnation (Sissons The morphometries of moraines identified in 1967, 1974, 1976), more recent research has shown LS2 show consistency of height and breadth that is that this landform type is characteristic of deposi- clearly distinct from those of LS3 moraines (Fig. tion by active, oscillating glacier margins (Lukas 8), and the former are, without doubt, of an entirely 2005; Benn and Lukas 2006). Such studies demon- different scale. In addition, the moraines in Unst strate that individual chains of moraine mounds can (Fig. 6) form an arcuate complex that extends ap- be used to approximate palaeo-icefronts. If the mo- proximately 10 km from north to south. By analogy raines in our study area can be interpreted in a sim- with moraines elsewhere in Scotland, and the cri- ilar way, they indicate that the Brae moraines were teria described in Golledge (2007b), we consider produced during a period of active glacier retreat the cohesive diamicton-composed moraines incor- with numerous small oscillations (Fig. 7B). This porating subangular and subrounded clasts in Unst active retreat continued up-valley onto higher to be best interpreted as representative of a terres- ground and through the col towards the deep - trial ice-marginal position demarcating the edge of garth Valley. A similar pattern of incremental ice- a retreating ice sheet. Although few exposures were retreat occurred in several locations in northern seen in the Unst moraines, we may infer from the central mainland (Fig. 9), perhaps indicating that studies described above that features were proba- these glens supported outlet glaciers sourced from bly formed primarily by meltout of debris-rich ba- a small, central source. The presence of moraines sal ice. The presence of scattered subangular and arcing up into the valley of Sealt Burn, on the west- subrounded boulders on their crests may indicate ern side of Sullom Voe, perhaps suggests that this subaerial deposition of englacial debris elevated landsystem may be more extensive below current from the bed to the glacier margin via compressive sea-level. flow and associated thrusting (Sugden and John 1976; Colgan et al. 2003). Meltwater channels draining subglacially towards, and proglacially Discussion away from the ice margin attest to at least partially Comparison of the three landsystems described warm-based conditions during this stage. Glaciol- above with relict and modern glacial landsystems acustrine deposits are commonly juxtaposed with elsewhere permits glaciological inferences to be moraines, and larger landforms such as the previ- made about the style and relative timing of former ously mapped delta (British Geological Survey ice-flow events in Shetland. 2002) may suggest that recession of the ice sheet Streamlined landforms shown by LS1 imply the was sufficiently gradual to allow ice-marginal lake former presence in parts of Shetland of relatively formation. Preservation of LS2 landforms and sed- fast flowing portions of the former BIS, although iments appears to be largely confined to central and little evidence exists to infer the presence of dis-

British Geological Survey © NERC Journal compilation © 2008 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography 49 N.R. GOLLEDGE, A. FINLAYSON, T. BRADWELL AND J.D. EVEREST crete ice streams sensu stricto. The reconstructed would be likely for ephemeral ice marginal ponds pattern of ice flow indicates that the ice sheet was to develop. The laminated sediments seen in close sourced to the east of Shetland and flowed to the proximity to the Unst moraine may therefore be west and northwest. This general pattern, and the glaciolacustrine in origin, rather than lacustrine, as implied thickness of ice necessary to overwhelm previously inferred (British Geological Survey much of the topography, points to a former ice sheet 2002). Meltwater channels flowing subglacially to- margin well beyond the present of Shetland, wards, and proglacially away from the former ice probably near the edge. A margin- margin may have fed and drained these lakes, re- al position on the West Shetland Shelf is entirely spectively. Subsequent recession of the ice margin, consistent with seismostratigraphic reconstructions particularly its thinning over higher ground, may be for the area (Stoker and Holmes 1991). The direc- recorded in the extensive areas of disaggregated tion of flow is most easily accounted for by conflu- bedrock in the east of Unst. The detached blocks re- ence of the BIS with the Scandinavian ice sheet, the flect the very limited transport efficacy of the thin- latter deflecting the flow of the former. Whilst there ning ice during it last movements in the area. Evi- is some support for such a scenario, the timing of dence for LS2 elsewhere in Shetland is far more this configuration is widely debated ranging from limited, represented solely by a small number of Last Glacial Maximum (c. 22 ka BP; Ehlers and ice-sheet moraines in the north and east of Main- Wingfield 1991; Graham et al. 2007) to MIS 2 (ear- land. Whether the restricted occurrence of LS2 fea- ly Late Devensian, c. 25–29 ka BP; Sejrup et al. tures reflects localized formation or subsequent re- 2003, 2005; Carr et al. 2006) to Mid-Devensian (c. moval is unclear. 40 ka BP; Bowen et al. 2002) to pre-Devensian Landsystem 3 is limited in its distribution, and (Lonergan et al. 2006). Despite lingering uncertain- probably reflects moraine formation at the margins ty regarding the absolute age of this confluence, it of outlet glaciers from a local ice cap on Shetland nonetheless seems reasonable to infer that LS1 Mainland (Ross 1996). This ice cap would need to records the earliest of the glacial events described have been >200 m thick in order to overwhelm the here. north–south bedrock ridges that dominate the topog- Partial masking of LS1 in many areas, either by raphy. No plateaux exist in this area of Mainland, erosion of features or by deposition of covering thus its seems unlikely that a plateau icefield could substrate, suggests that Landsystem 2 relates to a develop. Instead, we propose that the linear hills of later event. Not all elements of LS1 are overprinted, northern Mainland supported a relatively thick ice however, and the distribution of both the highly cap whose surface was sufficiently high to enable streamlined and the more subdued streamlined ter- non-topographic ice flow even during deglaciation. rain appears to be governed more by the horizontal Abundant moraines formed by outlet glaciers from extent of ice during the later episode, rather than by this ice cap suggest the presence of a large volume the vertical extent. LS2 also includes the large, of material (per unit area) available for transport. diamicton-composed mounds seen most clearly in Ballantyne (2002) suggested that large volumes of Unst (Fig. 6). Their size, composition, morphome- debris would be more likely to occur following pro- try and presence of edge-rounded surface erratics longed interstadial weathering, rather than at the are consistent with an interpretation as moraines closing stages of a glaciation, thus implying forma- formed at the margin of an ice sheet, rather than an tion of these features during a readvance, such as ice cap or valley glacier (Colgan et al. 2003; took place during the Younger Dryas. Golledge 2007a). We suggest that the multiridged Benn and Lukas (2006) argue that such land- moraine complex in Unst therefore marks the forms reflect palaeoclimatic and palaeoglaciologi- former position of an ice sheet margin, perhaps dur- cal conditions that were unique to the high mass ing a stillstand or minor readvance that punctuated turnover scenario that is thought to have character- overall recession. The ice was topographically con- ized the Younger Dryas in Scotland. The extent of strained by the hills on the west side of Unst, im- ice in Shetland during the Younger Dryas has pre- plying thinner ice than gave rise to LS1. Pinned in viously been assumed to have been very restricted, this way, the ice would have flowed with consider- however, and limited to only a small number of cor- ably reduced velocity and may, as a consequence, rie glaciers (Mykura 1976; Sutherland 1991). Fur- have infilled or smoothed the older LS1 stream- thermore, hummocky moraine assemblages similar lined bedforms. to LS3 described here have been shown elsewhere During this period of margin stabilization it in Britain to have formed both during the Younger

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Dryas (or ) Stadial (Walker et al. Conclusions 1988; Ballantyne 1989), and also during Late De- Interpretation of new datasets and the application vensian glacier advances or stillstands (Clapperton of a ‘landsystem’ method to an area of Scotland et al. 1975; Everest and Kubik 2006). Although no that has a widely debated glacial history has al- absolute dates have yet been published for the hum- lowed new insights to be presented with regard to mocky moraine landsystem in Shetland, the rela- both the style, and the chronology, of its former gla- tive sharpness of the moraines compared to the ciation. Three contrasting glacial landsystems are muted streamlined terrain that dominates the sur- present on the Shetland archipelago, reflecting the rounding area strongly suggests that formation of different stages in its most recent glaciation as well these features was nonetheless the most recent of as the contrasting roles of British and Scandinavian the events described here. ice. The earliest set of features comprises stream- In summary, it is clear that three separate groups lined landforms typical of zones of relatively fast of associated landforms and sediments exist in ice flow, which appear to cross the landmass from Shetland, and can be interpreted as reflecting (1) an approximately east to west. A second landsystem early, extensive, glaciation that flowed across the composed of ice-marginal drainage features, large archipelago from east to west, (2) a stillstand of the rounded moraines, and subdued - ice sheet as it retreated to the southeast, and (3) the lining dominates much of Unst, and probably re- later regrowth or readvance of an independent ice lates to a stage of ice-sheet stillstand or readvance cap on Mainland. This reconstructed event chro- during overall recession. The third landsystem oc- nology, based on a morphometric landsystems ap- curs only on Mainland, and is characterized by proach, casts new light on previous theories. Peach landform assemblages typical of local ice-cap- and Horne (1879) accurately identified the flow style glaciation. pattern of the earliest, most expansive phase of gla- ciation, whilst Hoppe (1965) provided more de- tailed information with regard to directions of later Acknowledgements ice flow. Mykura (1976) attempted to resolve the We are particularly grateful to Martin Smith for two dominant flow patterns into one episode, but in supporting the work. Constructive reviews by Jon failing to appreciate the diachroneity of landform Merritt and Alan Stevenson, Krister Jansson and an genesis, produced a glacier reconstruction that in anonymous referee improved the paper. This paper some areas lacks plausibility. Likewise the radial is published with the permission of the Executive LGM ice-flow pattern proposed by Flinn (1983) is, Director of BGS (NERC). in part, inconsistent with the field evidence de- scribed above, and also with his own mapping N.R. Golledge, British Geological Survey, Mur- (British Geological Survey 2002) in which land- chison House, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH9 forms mapped as drumlins lie directly beneath, and 3LA, UK parallel to, his reconstructed ice divide. Although E-mail: [email protected] ice divide migration might vindicate such an inter- pretation, the ice cap described by Flinn (1983) is A. Finlayson, British Geological Survey, Mur- so narrow that this seems unlikely. Previously re- chison House, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH9 ported evidence of eastward ice flow in Shetland 3LA, UK therefore seems most likely to be a combination of misinterpreted ice flow direction in the north (par- T. Bradwell, British Geological Survey, Murchison ticularly in Unst), and correctly interpreted east- House, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3LA, ward erratic dispersal further south. This latter UK event probably took place not at LGM, as formerly proposed, but instead during the last of the three J.D. Everest, British Geological Survey, Murchison stages described here. The interpretation presented House, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3LA, here, based on new datasets and the application of UK new techniques, largely agrees with conclusions presented by Ross (1996). In this paper we have References built on these and other ideas and have developed Ballantyne, C.K., 1989: The Loch Lomond Readvance on the Isle a coherent and testable event chronology for the of Skye, Scotland: glacier reconstruction and palaeoclimatic last glaciation of Shetland. implications. Journal of Quaternary Science, 4: 95–108.

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