w e p t u n e t im e s a n d 105 Years Old Public Legal • ... and l^W : Notices Every Thursday Pages 7 & 8 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, THURS., NOV. 27, 1980 (USPS 402420) TW EN TY . C E N T~S DEP Disregards 'Fire Destroys Quest Night At Homecoming At Neptune Senior High Whittaker Corp. I The Woman’s Club Tjliank8giving Day State Legislature Boat Showroom Game At 1Q:30 Promotes Stoll I OCEAN : GROVE — The. ASBURY PARK — The . LOS ANGELES. Oal. - O t ­ TRENTON — Lejdalative. ; NEPTUNE — The former 'annual Guest Night of th e traditional Thanksgiving Shark River Hills Club House 'Woman’s Club of O c e a n to G. Stoll III of Santa Moni­ approval of any beachfront Day football game Nep- ca and formerly of Ocean ■protection and. restoration and Yacht Club,. which has 1 Grove was chaired by M rs. tune and Asbury: Park plan to be used for the basis been used: as a boat show­ Ralph P. Hunt, president, Grove, N. J., has been pro­ High Schools will be play­ moted by the Whittaker Cor­ o(f awarding (bond issue room and sales office by the and Mrs. Richard E. Reith, j ed this year at the Asbury funds would be required irn- Shark River Marina for the 1 st. Vice president, assisted j poration, here, to the position Park Stadium. Kick - off of Marketing Communica­ der a bill introduced by" As­ past 10 years, was totally de­ 'by the following hostesses: j tim e is 10:30 A.M. Asbury semblyman Anthony M. Vil- stroyed by fire last Friday Mrs. Miklos Laszlo; S. New-: tions Coordinator for the Do­ Park is favored this year mestic Life Sciences Group. lane; R-Monmouth, Ocean. night. | ton Post; Sinclair Suther- j but past performances don’t “I am opposed to' giving .The -flames also engulfed land; Ernest D. Sparks; necessarily determine the He lias been serving with the department of . Environ­ three new Chris" Craft sport ■George Froehlijj.} Jeane Wal- the Corporate Communica- winner in this twiri - icity tiodns Staff, devoting an in­ mental Protection' exclusive modal boats a n d a classic ' ton; James Ross: Mrs. D. C. classic. See page six for authority to determine what 1927 Chris Craft speedboat. 'Lippincott, and Hospitality, creasing amount of time to rosters and other informa- trade shows and other mar­ projects along the coastline All that-s left of the building Mrs. James McCulloch. ’ tion. •■•v ■ . ahall be funded on the basis and contents is the large ] “Two for the Show” was the keting outlets for th e Life of a plan which it develops on stone fireplace. program given last Thurs- Sciences units. i}*_own,” Villane said. 1 : ; . ' Neptune Fire Chief Joseph ; day. The artists presenting Models At Boat Show The s<?ri Of Mr. , and Mrs. " '‘Such a’ -system prevents A. Shafto, Jr., said that the 'the program were Ma. Man- ASBURY: PARK — Model Otto G. Stoll, Jr., 110 Embury the Legislature from express cause of the fire is under in­ on Norman and Mr. Christo­ ship builders and owners are Ave., Ocean Grove, he holds any view or exerting any in­ vestigation. No one Was pher Williams from Mont­ alerted to prepare their ves­ a bachelor’s degree in Eng­ fluence over our coastal res­ hurt and the boats that are clair. They were soprano sels for a nine day showing lish and American Literature toration and protection proj­ drydocked on the surround­ and tenor soloists at St. in the 9th Annual Jersey from Brown Universityr and ects," the Assemblyman said. ing lawn area were .saved. John’s Church in Elizabeth. Coast Model Ship Exposition has completed some graduate He pointed o u t th at the All ’ fire ' rigs from Shark Ms. Norman has made ’ap­ from February 14th through SHOW BOAT ■—.Senior Class Float — ‘“The Winner” study at the Woodrow Wilson Legislature directed t h o de­ River Hills and Hamilton, pearances in .opera and op­ ; 22nd. The event will be a spe­ School of Public and Intierna- velopment of a comprehen­ plus .one from Liberty and erettas and both have sung cial attraction to pleasure ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, Neptune Senior High tional Affairs, Princeton sive beacfh protection plan Unexcelled, and eauipment in oratorios and musical com­ boatinc buffs who attend the School held its annual Homecoming Activities, high­ University.- . , more than two years ago from Neptune City fought edy. They have appeared at 28th • Annual Jersev ‘Coast lighted by the parade from the high school to Summer- Prior to joining Whittaker when it enacted legislation the blaze, which was report­ the Bam Theatre in Mont- Boat Show, during.;;the same field. The theme for this year’s floats was “Broadway early this year, he had ser­ to award sta te ’aid funds to ed to police at 7 :20 P.M. Fire dates • in Asbury Park’s fam­ villft and at the Hnlfrtam” ' Comes to Neptune.” Students representing the four ved as assistant director for municipalities on a 75-25 ba­ swept rapidly through th e Plavlinnoo iti TCeai*nv. ous oceanfront. Convention Community .; Services. N. J- sis, rather than an ' eaual wooden structure. (Co'ilhni’il on na«c 41 Hall. '^ -O ' classes were responsible for building the floats displayed State Public Television Net- - ■matching basis. during- the parade. J;' ' '■' . ’ work, and later owned, and ■ “At that time, the DEP Andersen-Goodison Nuptials Aug.'16 . The. half time ceremonies .during the football game nianaged his own film, video­ was ordered to develop a Christmas Block tape and photographic pro­ five - year comprehensive included the crowning of the Homecoming Queen,; Kris duction; firms. His fims have ■plan within 90 days and sub­ Parly December 6 Davis, and th e Homecoming Princesses, Lori Jones, won several awards, among’ mit it to the Legislature.” Tammy Wilson and Dawn Rhinehardt.. The winner of them the Special Judy Gold . , Villane said. Two years la­ the ‘Best Float Award” , was the Senior Class for their Medal from the Atlanta In- ' ter, there is no such plan OCEAN GROVE — An ev­ entry, “Showboat”. The winner of the footbal game was tem tional: Film Festival and. land grants are still being en ibigger. and -better version the International Broadcast­ I made on a 50-50 basis, both of ■ the: annual ; Christmas ing Award. I directly contrary to clear block iparty is being planned In addition, he has served' I lesrTslative direction.” for Saturday, Dec. 6 from 10 ‘If- is altogether - proper. two terms as a member o f a.m / to; 2 p.m./This year the the Regional Advisory Board , Pane two, please event is. heing, organized and of the National Association sponsored by Stokes Fire Co. of Broadcast Employees and [ Karen Hamilton and is expected to draw over i Technicians and is a past 40 tables of Christinas fare. | president and executive board ; Miiin:AyehUe\\sriH be:closed ‘member of two, of that un- Engaged to Wed * to':' tra ffi^ n n d s>*ilTSn'Sformed . ........................................................................... , ion’s local chanters. He is a into a; pedestrian mall bc: member of the National Ac­ MIDLAND PARK — May- tween Central''A ve/'ahd, Pil­ and Mrs. Robert J. Ham­ ademy of Television Arts and- grim Pathway-/ There will be Sciences and has served as a ilton, 13 Donna Lane, a n d fables selling hot dogs, hot jBummer residents ? of 69. communications consultant to and. c<Md drinks; chowders |Whttaiker since 1977. lin Ave., Ocean Grove :md sbdps. an$< either season­ nnced the engagement of al treats. The' remaining ta­ I Broadly speaking, Otto’s hoir daughter Karen- Nancy bles Will be offering craft ! task -is to provide coordina- . |to JWSchael Edwin Rau, son of items as well as. handmade , tion and assistance to domes- % and Mrs. Edwin J. Rau Christmas decorations and | tic Life Sciences units and to |pf Hackensack, at a family ornftments. T h e ' response , develop a team approach to arty this last Saturday at frflm area craftsmen assures marketing communications in $hear home. »/ trreat selection of holidav the areas of corporate iden­ ..The future bride is a grad­ novelties.: This is not a .“flea. tification. marketin'? litera­ uate of Midland Park High. Market”. ture. adio visuals, signs, ex­ School and a 1980 graduate 1 Entertainment and Christ­ hibits and seminar, advertis­ bf._ Fairieigh Dickinson Uni-:. mas music will fill the air, ing and pubic relations, and &eraity. She is employed by' outside airencv management. as local soloists and the Sal-, ESSEX FELLS — Arlene Toshiba America. Inc., in vatidn Army Brass Ensemble bridesmaids. TTis objective is to develop Payne. ■ ■ / M. Andersen, daughter . of William Goodison, Jr.. bro­ and implement a logical. | will be performing continu­ Mr; and Mrs. Anders Ander­ ther of the groom,, was best I" Her fiance is a graduate of ously. Santa Claus will, hold | planned and coordinated sys­ iackenSack High School'and sen of the “Norway ." House”, man. Garth Collins and Kevin PETER PAN — Junior Class Float tem of marketing communi­ court with young people from 11 .Broadway, Ocean Grove, Lary, friends of the groom, Attended Bergen Community 10 until 2. -As an added at­ cations that projects the im­ oDejps. He i8 employed by and: Carl C. Goodison, son of ushered. GFWC Activities P.M. December 11. Regular age of Whittaker Life Sci­ traction this year fire truck Mr. and Mrs. William D. The bride was graduated Ip-Right Scaffolds. r 'rides, will be - available. Brimr Meeting at 1:15 P.M. w iii ences as a maior supplier »f Goodison, of Moosup, Connec­ from West Oransre Mountain “Sights & Sounds of Christ­ .
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