Welcome to Huila, a land of promise and beautiful natural sceneries which have incredible contrasts. Here, you can travel from north to south with very varied geography; you will have the chance of going through the arid zone of and live an unforgettable experience to the magical mountains.

This guide allows us to marvel at the incredible natural textures carved by the wind in La Tatacoa. Neiva, a commercial city hub for events, congresses, and joyful traditional festivals; enjoy the hot springs in Rivera or even practice water sports in Betania and Quimbo dams.

The natural setting between plains sown with rice and charming towns, full of history and legends. It is the prelude to the majestic Colombian Massif, where canyons and cliffs crossed by the waters of the . In the middle of quiet hills, one of the most significant archaeological treasures of pre- Columbian America appears as a gift to the senses: the Augustinian culture's incredible sculpture in San Agustín and .

You can reach the Benito Salas National Airport in Neiva by the leading airlines in the country, Easyfly, and Avianca, who operate direct flights from and Cali. Likewise, you can directly get to the Contador Airport in through Satena airline that serves direct flights from Bogotá and Medellín.

You can also get by bus to the Neiva Transportation Terminal, which has routes to and from different areas of the national territory. Between Bogotá, the Capital of , and Neiva, there are 292 kilometers or five and a half hours of distance in comfortable transport lines with regional companies such as Coomotor, Cootranshuila, and Taxis Verdes.

2021 Demonym: Huilense - Opita Luis Enrique Dussán López Population: 1’154.777 Habitantes Huila's Governor Temperature: 24 C to 35 C Daniel Leonardo Sanz Perdomo Culture and Tourism manager

Luz Stella Cárdenas Calderón Huila Tourism chief

Texts and Research María José Garrido Trujillo - Translation Jorge Melo Valderrama Andrés Parra Montealegre

Editing and Style Ana Patricia Collazos Quiñones

Design Andrés Parra Montealegre

Photographs Huila's Culture and Tourism office photo gallery Jorge Melo Valderrama The Augustinian culture's legacy supported the Huila Department history, located between 1000 BC and 1650 AD. UNESCO recognized the importance of this culture and conferred on the Archaeological Parks of San Agustín, Alto de Los Ídolos, and Alto de Las Piedras, the Cultural Heritage of Humanity category, in 1995.

When the Spanish conquerors arrived in 1538, numerous indigenous communities populated the region of the current department who tenaciously and courageously opposed the invaders; in the north lived the Pijaos, in the south the Andaquíes and Yalcones, in the west the Paeces and the east the Tamas. This historical tradition feeds the intangible cultural heritage through legends as significant as La Gaitana, an indigenous heroine who in the 16th century left her legacy with her warrior leadership.

Gentilicio:Huilense - Opita Población: 1’154.777 Habitantes (Proyección DANE 2015) Temperatura: Entre 24 C a 35 C

2021 A window to the universe Now you have the privilege of being in this undiscovered paradise, we invite you to start this magical journey at the Tatacoa Desert.

More than a desert, this majestic place is a Tropical, Very Dry Forest, with a total area of 330 km2 in La Tatacoa Ecoregion. Fauna and flora were once abundant in this place, which dried up to become what we know today. That desert landscape full of mystery evokes the lunar steppes and has served as a cinematographic location for its unique settings.

In addition to being the second largest arid zone in Colombia, it is a privileged setting for astronomical observation where you can appreciate the 88 constellations or the frequent stars shower as a gift from the universe.

Distance: 37 km from Neiva (One hour approx.) Temperature: 28°C – 40°C Altitude: 430 MASL

Travel Tips: ✓ Bring sunscreen, hydrating drinks, and comfortable clothing. ✓ Hire a local agency or local guide to elevate and guarantee your experience. ✓ The fossils extraction and plant material you may find during the 2021tour are prohibited because they are part of the attraction essence.

COVID 19: The local administration has adopted measures during the health emergency derived by Covid19; for this reason, keep in mind that, although entry to the desert is free, is not allowed the access of people who do not have a hotel reservation or a guided tour that controls the capacity of the place. SANTA BARBARA CHAPEL It is the oldest chapel in the Huila Department. Its building represents a valuable testimony in the national architecture history, representing its exaltation as a National Monument in 1982

PALEONTOLOGICAL MUSEUM In 1984, The Paleontological Museum of Villavieja opened its doors to find pieces from the Middle Miocene period, 15 million years ago approximately. About 950 original fossils are exposed in this place, such as giant tortoises, sloths, crabs, and fish that inhabited this Gentilicio:Huilense - Opita territory.Located in the heart of the town, you Población: 1’154.777 can visit the three rooms dedicated to mammals, Habitantes reptiles, and the environment. (Proyección DANE 2015) Temperatura: Entre 24 C a 35 C CUZCO AREA In the middle of the Tatacoa Desert, you will find the Cuzco area, characteristic of its formations due to erosion caused by the wind and the rains with a clay substrate of ocher and reddish color, showing its high mineral content.

In the middle of this landscape, you will find imposing formations such as La Torre, the highest point in this area, and where you can see the Cuzco labyrinths where you can watch birds.

LOS HOYOS AREA The clayey and sandy formations characteristic of Los Hoyos has been eroded by the combined action of wind and water, generating landscapes with a high scenic value where the white coloration of the Gentilicio:Huilense - Opita substrate is the most striking. Población: 1’154.777 Habitantes (Proyección DANE 2015) Temperatura: Entre 24 C a 35 C

Los Hoyos landscape transports us to another world, where the Ghosts Valley rises, showing its natural formations. XILOPALOS VALLEY This place is one of the most visited by researchers and scientists worldwide due to the academic interest that its geological and paleontological wealth arouses. There, you will be able to know the Xylopals, giant fossil remains of trees that were buried by the earth, and due to the heat, the oxygen and minerals' lack turned into stones.

ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY Schedule 6 30 p m to 9 30 p m.

The Astronomical Observatory is a place in the Tatacoa Desert that has spaces for viewing the sky. Due to its geographical position, this area does not present light Gentilicio:Huilense - Opita pollution and has a room used as an Población: 1’154.777 external classroom with telescopes for all Habitantes visitors. (Proyección DANE 2015) Temperatura: Entre 24 C a 35 All over the year, there are some dates C where it is easier to appreciate the incredible Meteor Shower in the Tatacoa Desert:  Perseid meteor shower from July 17 to August 24  Geminid Meteor Shower December 4 17 CASA DEL TOTUMO CRAFT MUSEUM Schedule: Tuesday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

This museum is a tribute to Huila's artisan creativity, where you find all traditional peasant house items manufactured with Totumos (Crescentia Cujete).

Casa del Totumo Craft Museum opened its doors in 2014, and its creator works with the wood, pulp, and leaves of this plant known as Totumo, which is considered one of the most typical plant species in the region.

DRINKS AND CANDIES BASED ON CACTI AND ACHIRAS When it comes to appreciating the culture of a place, the local gastronomy is fundamental. that is why we invite you to enjoy the drinks and the various candies artisanal made, based on cacti and achira representative products of our region.

GOAT STEW Typical dish due to the goat is the meat most consumed by the Tatacoa Desert inhabitants. This tradition comes from preparing goat meat for several generations, marinated with spices and cooked with beer and white wine. ACCOMMODATION The Tatacoa Desert offers its visitors an extensive list of accommodation options that adapt to all travel needs; From the most luxurious hotel in the middle of the desert, passing through hostels, and ending in camps to sleep in a hammock or camping.

Hotel Casa del Angel http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelcasadelangel

Hostal El Ruby http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hostalruby-villavieja

Diomatal Eco Resort http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/diomatalecoresort-villavieja

Hospedaje Merkezi http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hospedajemerkezisaray Saray

La Villa De Marquez http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/lavillademarquez

Hotel Villa Paraiso http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelvillaparaisovillavieja Villavieja Hotel Boutique http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelboutiqueyararaka Yararaka

Hotel y Piscina Paraíso http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelypiscinaparaiso

Bethel Bio Luxury Hotel http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/bethelbioluxuryhotel

http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/laberintosdelcuzcoalojamientorur Laberintos del Cuzco al

Flor de Liz Casa Hotel http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/villadelsolhotelyrestaurante

Villa del Sol Hotel y http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/villadelsolhotelyrestaurante Restaurante

Hospedaje Villa Cecilia http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hospedajevillacecilia Cradle of Rajaleñas CIVIL SOCIETY RESERVE ASSOCIATION OF THE DRY FOREST This reserve is a landscaped territory that allows the enjoyment of interpretive trails of the tropical dry forest as an opportunity to sensitize the community about the importance of this ecosystem.

PIEDRA PINTADA Piedra Pintada is a way to see the history written in a landscape. It is a stone carved in situ by pre-Columbian cultures that inhabited or passed through the region hundreds of years ago. Its prominent face points to the geographical east with human and animal figures, objects of use, and symbols of an unknown worldview.

The triangular prismatic-shaped stone has a width of 720 meters, a depth of 445 meters, and 36 meters. This marine sedimentary rock formed thousands of years ago shows how the stone quartz and microfossil shells are grains.

Distance: 38 km from Neiva (43 minutos approx.) Temperature: 24°C – 40°C

Travel Tips: ✓ Bring sunscreen, hydrating drinks, and comfortable clothing. ✓ Hire a local agency or local guide to elevate your experience. The Magdalena River Capital Neiva is the capital of Huila's department. It has been one of the most important and strategic places for the economy, tourism, and development of southern Colombia, becoming the region's commercial hub.

Located in the Alto Magdalena Valley, one of the warmest regions of the department, where desert areas and fertile lands combined landscape and climatic contrast. The Magdalena, Las Ceibas, and El Oro rivers cross a city full of trees. You can find buildings such as The Malecón, La Gaitana Monument, and the Immaculate Conception Cathedral

Neiva is an important agricultural, livestock, and oil development city that offers excellent tourist services and has an airport where national airlines provide their services. In addition, places such as José Eustasio Rivera Convention Center, La Vorágine Fairgrounds, or the Jorge Villamil Cordovez Music Park where the Folklore Festival and the International Folklore Show take place in June.


Distance: 306 Km from Bogotá (5 horas approx.) Temperature: 28°C – 40°C

Travel Tips: ✓ sunscreen, hydration drinks, and comfortable clothing. ✓ Hire a local agency or local guide to elevate your experience FOLKLORE FESTIVAL, BAMBUCO DANCING CONTEST, AND INTERNATIONAL FOLKLORE SHOW In Colombia, talking about Sampedrear or going to San Pedro is synonymous with enjoying the party. For this reason, our traditional festival, commonly called San Pedro, is one of the main destinations in June.

These festivals held in the Huila's department since colonial times in honor of San Pedro and San Juan have become, over time, a civil and pagan festival that brings together countless musical, dance, folkloric, and gastronomic expressions.

Locals and visitors wear costumes representing the peasant origin, with dark pants and a white shirt with a decorated front, accompanied by a hat woven in the Pindo palm, a poncho, and a raboegallo or a red scarf tied around the neck. At the same time, the women wear skirts painted or decorated with die-cut flowers over a lace skirt and blouses with lace and sequined necklines.

Families sacrificed a pig for these days to roast it in the oven with a special marinade of aromatic plants and spices, called Asado Huilense, accompanied by the typical traditional drinks such as brandy, Chicha, and Mistela. On December 7, 1959, the Huila's Departmental Assembly approved Ordinance No. 44, promoting the Huila's Traditional Festival and creating the Departmental Folklore Council. On the other hand, ordinance No. 064 of 1960 "Give to the tourism management of the Bambuco's dance contest the organization, contests, and prizes to the best musical groups, dances, and floats." along with the event, the National Craftsmen and the Inés García de Durán National and International Encounter are held. MOHÁN VIEWPOINT Emiro Garzón Correa includes a tower and the embarkation site for a cable car that connects the Malecón.

The sculpture and the tower are 25 meters high; it was built in synthetic steel reinforced with fiberglass and represented a mythological character in charge of taking care of the water sources. Legend is about a mythical being called El Mohán, who takes care of the Magdalena River. He influenced fishing and took away the beautiful women who went alone to wash on the shore

ACHIRA A typical Huila gastronomy product is cooked and toasted in a clay oven. Its recipe has been passed from generation to generation since the 18th century. At first, this preparation was for home consumption.

Later, due to the peasant dwellings' distance, this product began to be commercialized in places of passage or crossroads. Nowadays, Achiras has become a prosperous export industry due to its quality and its gluten-free nutritional qualities. Found it in very varied artisan and commercial presentations.

ACHIRA’S TOUR It is a 16 km route along the Magdalena River that begins in the Neiva urban area and ends in Puerto Remolinos, a rural area of Fortalecillas. On this tour, you can live the experience of making off the Achiras and enjoy an incredible river tour in the middle of recreational activities and lots of fun. LA MISTELA Around the celebrations of the traditional festivals and as a peasant tradition, you will enjoy and taste the Mistela, an alcoholic drink handmade with brandy, herbs, fruits, and sugar syrup.

Women used to prepared because the brandy flavor was too strong, and it is traditionally served with Biscochuelo or Huila traditional cake.

HUILENSE ROAST One of the must-sees, if you are in Huila, is the Huilense Roast. This traditional and representative dish of the local gastronomy has a preparation that is almost a ritual associated with San Pedro and San Juan festivities. Families gather around a pig sacrifice, the arrangement of the meat, and then roast in a clay oven while drinking Chicha or aniseed Aguardiente.

Its ingredients are pork; and marinade with fresh thyme, bay leaf, oregano, onion, garlic, ground guava, cloves, mustard seed, coriander seeds, striped nutmeg, ground cumin, salt, sour orange juice, sugar, and water; to finally marinate with beer. ACCOMMODATION Neiva offers its visitors an extensive list of accommodation options that adapt to all travel needs.

Hotel Pacande http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelpacande

Hotel Sulicam http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelsulicam

Hotel Neiva Plaza http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelneivaplaza

Hotel Khalifa http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelkhalifa

Hotel Tumburagua Inn http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hoteltumburaguainn

Hotel Casa Pablo http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelcasapablo http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/Hotel%20%20Americano%2 Hotel Americano Neiva 0Neiva Hotel Boutique El Poblado http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelboutiqueelpoblado

Hotel Abadia Resort http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelabadiaresort

La Cabrera Hotel Boutique http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/lacabrerahotelboutique

Hotel Chicalá S.A.S http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelchicalaltda.

Hotel Boutique Sofia http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelboutiquesofia

Apartahotel Los Cerezos http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/apartahotelloscerezos

Hotel Casa Blanca Neiva http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelcasablancaneiva

Hosteria Matamundo http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hosteriamatamundo

Hotel Rosales http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelrosalesneiva

Hotel Marazul http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelmarazulneiva

Hotel Metropolitano http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelmetropolitano-neiva

Ghl Style Neiva http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/ghlstyleneiva

Hotel Milan Boutique http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelmilanboutique ACCOMMODATION Neiva offers its visitors an extensive list of accommodation options that adapt to all travel needs.

Hotel Neiva Meridian http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelneivameridian

Hotel Panama Neiva http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelpanamaneiva

Hostería Los Dujos http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hoster%C3%Adalosdujos

Hotel Onix http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelonix

Hotel Resort de Kaley http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelresortdekaley

Hotel Kahoba http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelkahoba

Massay hotel http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/massayhotel

Hotel Septima Avenida http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelseptimaavenida

Vesta Hotel Boutique http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/vestahotelboutiqueneiva

Hotel Casa Murano http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelcasamurano Hostal Backpackers & http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hostalbackpackers&travellers Travellers Hotel El Barcino http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/HOTEL%20EL%20BARCINO Casa Dorada Hotel http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/casadoradahotelboutique Boutique Hotel Boutique San Juan http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelboutiquesanjuan

Hotel Madrid Deluxe Neiva http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelmadriddeluxeneiva

Hotel San Pedro Neiva http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelsanpedroneiva

Hotel Orquidea Neiva http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelorquideaneiva

Hotel Luna Verde http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotellunaverde

Casa Campo Villa Magally http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/casacampovillamagally

Hotel Sion Real http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/HOTEL%20SION%20REAL Huila's green territory RIVERA HOT SPRINGS

A few minutes from Neiva, you can reach Rivera. Both the landscape and the climate have a drastic change; Rivera offers you a wide range of places to enjoy the hot springs coming from underground waters.

These are mineralized magmatic waters with 48 degrees and the pool at 42 degrees temperature.

The medicinal properties of thermal water act on rheumatic, cardiovascular, arteriosclerosis, metabolic processes, muscular system, and joints. Thanks to minerals, such as arsenic, boron bromine, copper and nitrogen, chlorides, bicarbonates, and lime salts.

EL TAMBILLO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE Almost 2000 meters above sea level, more than fifty stones are carved with petroglyphs and cabalistic signs. This relic is presumed to belong to the indigenous Tame or Tama. This population resisted the Spanish invasion and inhabited the Caguán River banks in the Caquetá and the eastern mountain range up to Huila. ANGEL FALLS WATERFALL It is a waterfall approximately fifteen meters high, formed by the Quebrada Río Frío and surrounded by abundant vegetation typical of the dry forest. Therefore, it is ideal for hiking and bird watching, and enjoying the ecosystem formed mainly by trees from the region, such as the mouse-killer, the Naranjuelo, and the myrtles.

Distance: 22 km from Neiva (30 minutos approx.) Temperature: 25°C 686 MASL

Travel Tips: ✓ Bring sunscreen, hydrating drinks, and comfortable clothing. ✓ Hire a local agency or local guide to elevate your experience. ACCOMMODATION Rivera offers its visitors an extensive list of accommodation options that adapt to all travel needs.

Hotel Campestre Los http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelcampestrelosgabrieles Gabrieles

Casa Constantino http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/casaconstantino

Estancia Casa Real http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/estanciacasareal

Hotel El Peaje Rivera http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelelpeajerivera

Hotel y Spa Club http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelyspaclubcampestre Campestre

Hotel Campestre http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelcampestresantiagodelalmal Santiago del Alma aulloa-rivera

Hotel Casa Mateo Riverahttp://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelcasamateorivera

Casa de Campo Villa http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/casadecampovillastefany Stefany

Hotel San Angel Rivera http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/angelrivera Water sports, fishing and more! TIGER CAVE The Tiger Cave is a natural formation that testifies what this territory was like when the sea covered it. Caverns with rooms and galleries; stalactites and stalagmite formations. The principal Wildlife is bats, spiders, and crabs. Likewise, you can find fossils of marine mollusks and crustaceans, rock formations, natural water currents where you can find typical fish from the environment.

BETANIA DAM The Betania Dam is an excellent work of hydroelectric engineering built for power generation, carried out between 1981 and 1987.

It is a water mirror of approximately 7,400 hectares. The Magdalena River and the Yaguará River were dammed at its mouth. Its water mirror is used mainly for recreational activities such as boat or worm rides and the practice of nautical sports such as the sky and swimming with fins.

Nowadays, you can find about 220 country houses and several hotel and gastronomy establishments. Other activities generated and maintained were industrial fish production, artisanal fishing, and irrigation of agricultural holdings.

Yaguará has 77% of the dam territory, 5,722 hectares, and the rest belongs to Hobo and . YAGUARÀ BOARDWALK The boardwalk is around the right bank of the dam above the populated center of Yaguará.

It has 10 kilometers, a wooded reserve area, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, sports centers, and a 3- kilometer ecological path. This path is suitable for bird observation, such as the woodpecker ibis herons, among others.

LA MARÍA WATERFALL About 20 meters long waterfall, which falls on a sloping rock wall that forms a natural pool when it falls.

It is located in the middle of a tropical dry forest ecosystem with trees and a rocky topography

BEJUCO PUDDLE Puddles and waterfalls are located in Los Ramos creek; the water force has carved natural pools in the rock.

The route begins in the main pool fed by a waterfall. You can walk through the rock top and descend through the water, passing from one pool to other through a natural rut, a tunnel underwater, or jumping off rocks. The site has a view of the Betania dam and Yaguará productive areas CAVE OF LOVE Karst formation is located in the middle of the Betania dam, surrounded by cliffs and rock formations. Herons and ospreys are occasionally seen.

Its name is because, according to history, the Italian engineers who participated in the construction of the Betania Reservoir powerhouse used the site to fall in love and have romantic moments.

MOYAS DE CHICHAYACO Karst formation is located in the middle of the Betania dam, surrounded by cliffs and rock formations. Herons and ospreys are occasionally seen. Its name is because, according to history, the Italian engineers who participated in the construction of the Betania Reservoir powerhouse used the site to fall in love and have romantic moments.

YAGUAREÑO CHEESE The Yaguará cheese is a natural and artisan product belonging to spun cheeses characterized by its made. When you visit Yaguará, do not forget to go to the cheese factories, where you will be able to appreciate its production process.

Still, you will also be able to enjoy all the delicious products.

Distance: 53 Km from Neiva (1 hora approx.) 28°C 650 MASL

Travel Tips: ✓ Bring sunscreen, hydrating drinks, and comfortable clothing. ✓ Hire a local agency or local guide to elevate your experience. Huila's rice capital POTOSÍ RANCH The agricultural tradition has become a patrimonial charm, as evidenced in the Potosí Ranch, a Californian-style house with high ceilings supported by columns and elongated windows.

Touring the extensive gardens and stone fences is an invitation to evoke country life in perfect harmony with agricultural production.

CERAMIC BACKYARD It is a Workshop and showroom for the artisan elaboration of very high- quality vitrified ceramics, designs that express traditional values and lifestyle in Huila.

Visitors can learn about the design process, the making off, painting, and vitrification. This artisan proposal gathers traditional values of the brickmakers and potters of the Vega de Oriente region in Campoalegre. OTÁS DOCTRINERA CHAPEL Otas was one of the places where Neiva tried to be founded before its current location. Ufology fans recognize otás as a place where sightings of unidentified flying objects.

In Otás, there is a place of high heritage and historical value. The Doctrinera Chapel of Jesús de Nazaret, located on the eastern side of the village square and is built in a single body. There is a reference to the chapel since 1769.

CASA BOHEMIA Casa Bohemia is a magical place to enjoy with the family or couple, where you can find a good wine or homemade craft beer, an exquisite menu, and green landscapes. Unique craft beer spa and own wine cellar.

A whole circuit of activities to disconnect from the routine with your Beer and wine tour.At Casa Bohemia, you can visit the vineyard with varieties such as Tempanillo Shiraz, Macabeo, White Moscato, and super Jupiter grape.

Distance: 30 Km from Neiva (45 min approx.) 27°C 666 MASL Travel Tips: ✓ Bring sunscreen, hydrating drinks, and comfortable clothing. ✓ Hire a local agency or local guide to elevate your experience. Giant's Semblance Gigante is a mountainous enclave that offers the most varied landscapes among its vast coffee and cocoa crops. It seems that its name comes from Matambo hill, which, seen from a distance, offers the image of a giant that rests on the Western mountain range. There is also a widespread belief the fossil of a mastodon was found there; animals inhabited the Andean region more than ten thousand years ago and became extinct.

LA MANO DEL GIGANTE La Mano del Gigante, or giant's hand viewpoint over the foothills of the eastern mountain range in the lower marginal coffee zone, of Gigante with a truly spectacular panoramic view of the Magdalena valley, , and the Central mountain range.

The viewpoint is the sculpture of a giant hand that holds the visitor in its palm for its contemplation and landscape photography activities. In addition, the site has installed services of restaurants, coffee bars, lodging in glamping, and warehouses of handicrafts.

In strategic places, it has other viewpoints, a swing towards a canyon in the middle of the mountains and a mesh in the shape of a dream catcher with very colorful decoration.

Distance: 84 Km from Neiva (1 h 45 min approx.) 24°C 860 MASL Travel Tips: ✓ Bring sunscreen, hydrating drinks, and comfortable clothing. ✓ Hire a local agency or local guide to elevate your experience. The wind's gate RAFTING AT PAEZ RIVER The Páez River is born in the Cauca's volcanic complex, north of , in a pre-glacial valley at 4500 meters above sea level. Hydric resource for several towns in Cauca's department and and in Huila, ending its journey in the Magdalena River.

You can see different landscape units, ravines, canyons, cultivation areas, and forests enriched by the biological diversity of flora and fauna of the tropical forest and tropical dry forest, with various species belonging to the Fabaceae family.

You can find a variety of birds, including flocks of red-fronted parakeets and coclís. White sand rocks characterize this river, and banks had been intervened for years, so it is common to find spaces for livestock

CAJA DE AGUA CAVE It is a cave with various galleries with an approximate distance of 600 meters.

It has a main route following the Quebrada Santa Inés, which forms wells and waterfalls inside the cave.

Some gallery routes, some of which are so low that they must be in a trailing position.

It has a biological diversity in which the most incredible abundance and density of bat species characterized in Huila stand out and diversity of fossils among mother-of-pearl shells, ammonites, ferns, and other petrified fossils trees. There is a biological variety in its surroundings, and you can easily see Guacharacas Loras and some other birds LA MOTILONA La Motilona stands out for its cleans water currents that, along its route, are fed by several rivers, increasing its flow. The geomorphological area characteristics form waterfalls and caves easily.

It is approximately 8 kilometers long from its primary sources. It is born in La Cumbre. It is protected by the natural regeneration of the tropical dry forest. It shows flora and fauna diversity, highlighting bird species such as the Colombian guacharaca, the Mirla, flytrap, and parrots.

ACCOMMODATION Paicol offers its visitors an extensive list of accommodation options that adapt to all travel needs.

Posada Camino http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/posadacaminoguanacas Guanacas

Hotel Borbon http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/hotelborbon

Cabañas Campestre http://turismo.huila.gov.co/hotel/caba%C3%B1ascampestresbue Buena Vista navista

Distance: 101 Km de Neiva (2 h aprox) Temperature: 28°C Altitude: 865 MSNMM Travel Tips: ✓ Bring sunscreen, hydrating drinks, and comfortable clothing. ✓ Hire a local agency or local guide to elevate your experience.