M25 Junction 28 Improvements
Road Investment Programme M25 Junction 28 Improvements Technical Appraisal Report November 2016 Registered office Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford GU1 4LZ Highways England Company Limited registered in England and Wales number 09346363 M25 Junction 28 Improvements - Technical Appraisal Report Notice This document and its contents have been prepared and are intended solely for Highway England’s information and use in relation to the M25 Junction 28 Technical Appraisal Report. Atkins Ltd assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in connection with this document and/or its contents. Document control Document Title Technical Appraisal Report Author Pete George, Yogesh Patel, Steve Connors, Sarah Wallis, Tamsin MacMillan Owner Piotr Grabowiecki Distribution Highways England Consultees, Atkins Team Document Status Draft Revision History Version Date Description Author Pete George, Yogesh Patel, Steve Connors, Sarah Wallis, 1.1 2/9/2016 Draft Tamsin MacMillan 1.2 24/10/2016 Final Draft Yogesh Patel, Sarah Wallis 1.3 01/11/2016 Final Yogesh Patel, Sarah Wallis 1.4 25/11/2016 Final Yogesh Patel Reviewer List Name Role Piotr Grabowiecki Highways England MP Project Manager Pete George Atkins Project Manager Henry Penner Highways England PTS Environmental Lead Raphael Lung Highways England PTS Geotechnical Lead Russell Martin Highways England PTS TAME Nicholas Bentall Highways England PTS Safer Roads Group Approvals Name Signature Title Date of Issue Version Andy Salmon Senior Responsible Owner Working
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