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\, - '-. r ~ F-,;mqc Nnrt4uille OLD NORTHVILLE SPRING FOT 84 Years - .. Friend, Companion and KiTldly Counselor Volume '84, Number 12 12 PAGES Northville, Michigan, Thursday, August 19, 1954 $2.50 Per Year,in Advance- ~ tki<eeMd by G. H. C. , ' (For the past two illsues, the supervisors of NorthviJle Village Will and Novi townships have outlined some of the prob. lems facing them. In this issue, Northville Mayor Paint Steeple - Claude Ely w-rites about the. Northville community.) by Mayor Claude N. Ely - Guest Editor One More Time -- The Village of Northville is a village mostly of ,li~me NorthvIlle taxpayers will foot the blll for painting the steeple owners, and has been from its start. Many o£ its present housing the town clock,but when citizens are the descendants of the founders of the villiige. next it needs repair or refurbish- There are many new residents in the Village. We wel, Ing, no more public funds will c-ome them to our,community. We, the so-called old-timers, be expended, if Conun.-JohnStu- The best interests of the citizens of Northville would which we begin to realize we are, hope that you too think benvoll has his way, be served through adoption of a city form of government, of the Village as your home, and will take an active part in The conunisslOnagreed to ap- a special committee reported to the Village commission the community. propriate $290 Monday evening Monday night. to accept the bid of a steeplejack The committee, composed of Chairman Tom R. Car- The Village held its Centennial in the summer of 1927, company which is engaged in rington, Robert B. Coolman, John Canterbury, Cy Frid with appropriate speeches and ceremonies at the Village sUnJlarwork throughout southern I and Levi Eaton, recommended unanimously that the issue park. There was a parade consisting of many of the old Michigan. The Vlllage also will be placed before the electorate at the regular spring elec- methods of travel loaned by the Ford Motor Co. from ha,:,eto foot the bill for the paint, Ition next April. ' Greenfield Village. estimated at approximately $25, '" '" * '" a~d for mmor repairs which may Its report described the present Village charter as The census, of 1950 gives the Village of Northville a be determined once the work is "of doubtful quality at the time population of 3;240. In 1953 there were several new homes started. Bo~tACceldent of adoption". It suggested that built. The 1954 tax roll for property value is. $4,682,000, Bid Is Smaller U even though Northville were to personal tax value $1,477,675. The tax rate for 1954 is The $290 bid is considerably remain a Village "it would be nn I • smaller than those receIved pre- advisable to adopt a modern $14 .90 per $1,0•.", va uabon.' At Walled Lake charter." * '" * '" viously. One of these was for' e . $600,and another for.around $4{)0, T k T L Few Taxpayers Appear In the' last few ye~rs there have been many of the and the bidders indicated they • a es wo Ives Although the meeting had been streets curbed and. guttered and surface drains put in. did not care whether they got the I designed as a public affair, with Some of the streets have been surfaced with rolled black bid or not. Two members of Detroit faml- citizens invited to "speak their top and others have been graded to the new gutter height Although the work will now I lies. both children, drowned in minds" if they chose, only 12 ap- and treated with oil. The contract to curb and gutter Rog- be done at Village expense, Stu- MEMBERSof Northville's First Presbyterian church, oldest Protestant suucture in the Delroit Walled Lake Sunday when the ~ea~ed. None of these :h~d ob- ers St. north of Dunlap St.; Dubuar St. to Linden St. i and benvoll was outspoken in his area, will be agreeably surprised when the remodeled building is reopened to them soon. Above, overcrowded boat in which they jechons to ~ake or opmloll5 to Linden St. from Dubuar St. to Randolph St. will be com- opinion that the steeple and its the Rev. Dr. Harold F. FredselL now director of Church Extension of the Detroit Presbytery. were enjoying an outing was \ offer. They hstened to the com- pleted this fall. fairly ancient rlock constitutes talks to a workman engaged rn cleaning off the attractively tiled new floor. swamped by a large wave mittee's report and the discus- something of a millstone around i D d h . d sion between committee members The Village commission has believed in doing this the Village's financial neck. ea ,are Rut Couch, 13, an and con'unissionersthat followed, work on a pay-as-you-go basis. When this work has been "The nem time something has S hiT U Restoratleon of Oldest Protestant ~lay~e Nunnery, 6, whose fami- and then left when the regular completed, it has been paid fur without a bond issue or to be done to it," he said "I think C 00 0 se ' ~esl11.I~e~ the ~e ,~dd~~ on business of the council was tak~ ~pecial assessment to the property owner for the streets it shou~dbe turned ov~r to the e w:r: d::edg"::gth: ~~~~Mo~~e:; up.. 1mproved. MethodIStchurch. If they won't SCOUt 8 UIeld log 'Church In Area Near Completl-on in an effort to recover the bodies In preser:tmg the report, ChaU"- '" • • • accept it, then I think we should ". - , . man Carrmgton proposed that Th C -'t b 'ld" "'. tell them it will be torn down." F ell Northville's First Presbyterian Ipreach at the rededication of the Leslie K. Coucll, rat!J,erof the Ithe current Village area"only be ed n;~. ~~munJJ '::1 l~ was co~g.!e~~d th~B Odd ",~rangement or ' assroom church the oldest Protestant churc~ Sunday, sept. 1~ follow- dead girl, told police tllat 11 per- considered for incorporation into Y~l!'r••an e ]c~ e on ay • e constru~\olon. of t~ By some singular arrangement _ " church' building in the Detroit I~g the closeof.the summer union sons had. crowded int6 the 12- a~city.He said the .oommitteewas bUlldmg ~,WhIC~ yve ~eed for the c~mmunJty, a.J.ld ~1I_ ellitered into many years'llgQ, a,. ... B,~cause of the shortage, ' ea, is approaching the comple-f,;vices at the Methodist chureh.\foot alu~um boat he had rent- a.~~ed t~a~ t~ ~xpa!1dcorporate be .used.by ,tn~~sldepts Df the..C{)nun,\I!l!ty,)~e hope. :-:-.)~,f.~~an named- Gardner built th,e cl~rOQms ~ NoJ1hvi1le,.theV ,tion of itS.:extended -restoratiDn ~ • ,ed; M:0stof.them ~~re me~bers liriiLts a~t;l:IStune mIght prove to bUllt,' witlrout cost to:~he taxpayers of the e.ommumtY:. It steeple ~n the church, instaUe<I:']age commissionMonday ~v~ :'program:Members and.a host of ". = o!Jl~!1ghbormgfanWies haVIng a' 'be econonuca.UYunsoutJd and too was financed througH' an agreement by the VilIAge' c6m:' the clocKf."~nddeeded.-i1l;;;to thel granted the Northville· school friends have made,possible .the :"5 ',' f. F' " -ll:CI!1'!: ~t the lake, bu: two :--:ere costly, . part.lcul.arly fr°lll the mis~,()n, The Northville Driving club and the "Northville Village. Village taxpayifrs' since' board pennission to utilize the work on the -109-year-oldbuild-' ummer Ot un gIrl swunmers ~ho chmbed mto 'st:mdpomt '01 {axpayeTS'Of the Downs. ." ~ " h~ve been p~~~g ~urance pre- present Boy Scout building at ~g:; . _. the boat for a nde. VIIlpge. ,. .., .;;. '" '" '* '*', mJU~ and tlje ~~~ of needeji Dunlap and Rays~>nstreets. .Erected in' 1845,the red brick .• Couch, who cannot sWJm,~Id \ . Anne~atiOnl,Later Program Success he . The Village haa-'no bonded debt at this time. The com- repairs. dNoWPhrovl~~~thapPVar.ellntlYSupt. of Schools Russell Alp.er-' ~p.u!chshares honors with the old I . ~ ,hedbReg~d tt f °tthhersottOb bletthrm t Whdldil~t·hedlldtno~tCIOSeht~edoor '. • I' -h h' - was ma e ereuY e 1 age man made the request sayIng ''Ml1riners'' church at the foot of C e --T Id an u" ou 0 e oa, u was 0 a IOna errl ory, IS sug- mllblonerS rea IZeh~ at t ere are Improvements that ~eed ir.t;;rests were protected in' the that use of the building would WoOdwardAve in Detroit which' ommlUee 10 told not to worry. Suddenly a big gestion that outlying areas should to e m~ de ,an d ,ope to make them as soon all pOSSible. event church authorities decide somewhat alleviate the shortage was erected in i848 Both ~hurch-l ' wave tipped the boat over, trap- be eXCludednow, to be annexed The,:, make- many i~provemen~s which they a!"e no~ given they no .longer want the steeple of available space until the new es were recognized'at the time of Northville's annual "Summer ping Ruth ~nde~eath. Vfayne lat~r i{ residents so desired. Wllf c~dlt for, but try to accomphll~ what they can With the (Contmued on Back Page) grade school on N. Center St. is the 250th Birthday festival of the of Fun" program, which has end-! came up several times, b~t 10 the objecteo to by Corom.Ed Welch finances they have to work With. And not burden the completed and ready for occu- Cl'tyof ""-trol't mad scrambleand hystena-no one Welchremarked that he though! • .ue • !....ed after rone weeKSof actiVIty ld h h' C h'd 't d' bl tIll .