Section 3A.1, “Aesthetics – Land”

California Department of Transportation. 2008. Scenic Highway Routes: Caltrans Landscape Architecture Program. Available: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LandArch/scenic/cahisys.htm. Last updated May 19, 2008. Accessed February 18, 2008.

City of Folsom. 1993. City of Folsom General Plan. January 1993 update.

County of El Dorado. 2004. El Dorado County General Plan. Adopted July 19, 2004. Placerville, CA.

U.S. Forest Service. 1974. National Forest Landscape Management. Chapter 1, Volume 2: The Visual Management System. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook Number 462.

Federal Highway Administration. 1981. Visual Impact Assessment for Highway Projects. Publication Number: FHWA-HI-88-054. Washington, DC.

Sacramento County. 1993. Sacramento County General Plan. Adopted December 15, 1993. Sacramento, CA.

Section 3A.2, “Air Quality – Land”

Anderson, Charles. Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, Sacramento, CA. September 9, 2009―e-mail correspondence with Joseph Hurley of SMAQMD and Austin Kerr of AECOM regarding the status of the Sacramento Regional 8-Hour Ozone Attainment and Reasonable Further Progress Plan.

ARB. See Air Resources Board.

ARCADIS. 2007 (November 29). Draft Ambient Air Evaluation of Aerojet Area 40. Petaluma, CA. Letter memorandum from Steve Huntley, to Bruce Cline and David Miller, City of Folsom, Folsom, CA.

California Air Resources Board. 1994 (June). California Surface Wind Climatology. Sacramento, CA.

———. 2003. HARP User Guide. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/toxics/harp/harpug.htm. Updated: July 29, 2008. Accessed August 2009.

———. 2005 (March). Air Quality and Land Use Handbook: A Community Health Perspective. Sacramento, CA. Available: www.arb.ca.gov/ch/landuse.htm. Last updated [April 2005].

———. 2006 (November 1). Motor Vehicle Emissions Inventory (EMFAC2007), Version 2.3. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/html/soft.htm#modeling. Last reviewed February 5, 2009. Accessed August 17, 2009.

———. 2008a. Ambient Air Quality Standards. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/research/aaqs/aaqs2.pdf. Accessed July 2009.

———. 2008b. Area Designation Maps/State and National. Available: www.arb.ca.gov/desig/adm/adm.htm/. Accessed June 2009.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-1 References ———. 2008c. The California Almanac of Emissions and Air Quality. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/aqd/almanac/almanac08/almanac08.htm. Accessed August 12, 2009.

———. 2008d. State Implementation Plan. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/planning/sip/sip.htm. Accessed September 2008.

———. 2008e. Asbestos Airborne Toxic Control Measure for Construction, Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/toxics/atcm/asb2atcm.htm. Last updated July 29, 2008. Accessed March 2009.

———. 2009a. California Ambient Air Quality Standards. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/research/ aaqs/caaqs/caaqs.htm. Last updated: November 24, 2009. Accessed December 22, 2009.

———. 2009b. Air Resources Board Emissions Inventory. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/ei/maps/ statemap/cntymap.htm. Last updated April 14, 2009. Accessed August 19, 2009.

———. 2009c. Air Quality Data Statistics. Available: www.arb.ca.gov/adam/welcome.html. Accessed August 2009.

———. 2009d. 2002-07-29 Asbestos ATCM for Construction, Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/toxics/atcm/asb2atcm.htm. Last updated on July 29, 2008. Accessed August 26, 2009.

Churchill, R. K., C. T. Higgins, and B. Hill. 2000. Areas More Likely to Contain Natural Occurrences of Asbestos in Western El Dorado County, California. California Geologic Survey Open File Report 2000-2002. Sacramento, CA. Available: ftp://ftp.consrv.ca.gov/pub/dmg/pubs/ofr/ofr_2000-002_Report.pdf. Accessed August 27, 2009.

Churchill, R. K., and R. L. Hill. 2000. A General Location Guide for Ultramafic Rocks in California—Areas More Likely to Contain Naturally Occurring Asbestos. California Division of Mines and Geology Open- File Report 2000-19. Available: ftp://ftp.consrv.ca.gov/pub/dmg/pubs/ofr/ofr_2000-019.pdf. Accessed August 26, 2009.

City of Folsom. 1993 (January). City of Folsom General Plan. Folsom, CA.

Clinkenbeard, J., R. Churchill, and K. Lee. 2002. Guidelines for Geologic Investigations of Naturally Occurring Asbestos in California. Special Publication 124. Available: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/minerals/ hazardous_minerals/asbestos/Asbestos_Guidelines_SP124.pdf. Accessed April 2007.

County of Sacramento Department of Environmental Review and Assessment. 2008 (August). Draft EIR for the Teichert Quarry General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Use Permit, Reclamation Plan and Development Agreement. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.dera.saccounty.net/PublicNotices/SQLView/ ProjectDetails/tabid/71/Default.aspx?ProjectID=31691. Accessed August 26, 2009.

DKS Associates. 2009. Traffic data prepared for the Folsom South of 50 Specific Plan. Sacramento, CA.

DuBose, Rachel. Air quality Planner/Analyst. Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, Land Use and Transportation Section, Sacramento, CA. March 19, 20, and 25, 2009―phone conversations with Austin Kerr of AECOM, regarding the application of SMAQMD’s Recommended Protocol for Evaluating the Location of Sensitive Land Uses Adjacent to Major Roadways to high-traffic volume arterial roadways.

EDCAQMD. See El Dorado County Air Quality Management District.

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-2 City of Folsom and USACE El Dorado County. 2004 (July 19). 2004 El Dorado County General Plan. Placerville, CA. Available; http://www.co.el-dorado.ca.us/Planning/GeneralPlanAdopted.html/. Accessed August 19, 2009.

El Dorado County Air Quality Management District. 2002 (February). Guide to Air Quality Assessment: Determining Significance of Air Quality Impacts Under the California Environmental Quality Act. Available: http://www.edcgov.us/emd/apcd/guide_airquality.htm. Accessed September 7, 2009.

EPA. See U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Garza, V., P. Graney, and D. Sperling. 1997. University of California, Davis (UC Davis) Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) Transportation Project-Level Carbon Monoxide Protocol. California Department of Transportation. Available: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/env/air/pages/coprot.htm. Last modified May 5, 2008. Accessed August 21, 2009.

Godish, T. 2004. Air Quality. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton, FL.

Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. 2008 (July). Technical Advisory: CEQA and Asbestos: Addressing Naturally Occurring Asbestos in CEQA Documents. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.opr.ca.gov/planning/publications/asbestos_advisory.pdf. Accessed August 26, 2009.

Higgins, C. T., and J. P. Clinkenbeard. 2006. Relative Likelihood for the Presence of Naturally Occurring Asbestos in Eastern Sacramento County, California. California Geologic Survey Special Report 192. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/minerals/hazardous_minerals/ asbestos/Pages/east_sacramento.aspx. Accessed March 23, 2009.

Hurley, Joseph. Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, Sacramento, CA. September 2, 2009―e-mail correspondence with Austin Kerr of AECOM regarding the appropriateness of performing detailed dispersion modeling to estimate PM10 concentrations for a program-level analysis.

Rimpo and Associates. 2008. URBEMIS2007 for Windows, Version 9.2.4. Available: www.urbemis.com. Accessed June 2008.

Sacramento County. 1993 (December). Sacramento County General Plan. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.planning.saccounty.net/general-plan/. Accessed August 19, 2009.

Sacramento County Planning and Community Development Department. 2009. General Plan Update Web Site. Available: http://www.planning.saccounty.net/gpupdate/gpu-index.html. Accessed August 2009.

Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District. 2007a (March). Construction Mitigation Calculator. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.airquality.org/ceqa/mitigation.shtml. Accessed December 2009.

———. 2007b (August). Guidance for Land Use Emission Reductions, Version 2.4. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.airquality.org/ceqa/GuidanceLUEmissionReductions.pdf.

———. 2008a (December 19). Sacramento Regional 8-Hour Ozone Attainment and Reasonable Further Progress Plan. Sacramento, CA. Prepared as a joint project with the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District, Placerville, CA; Feather River Air Quality Management District, Marysville, CA; Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Auburn, CA; Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, Davis, CA; and Sacramento Area Council of Governments, Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/planning/sip/planarea/sacsip/ sacplanozone2009.pdf. Accessed September 9, 2009.

———. 2008b. Sacramento Regional Clean Air Plan Update. Available: http://www.airquality.org/ cleanairplan. Modified June 5, 2009. Accessed August 2009.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-3 References ———. 2008c (July). Construction Emissions Mitigation Fee Calculation. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.airquality.org/ceqa/mitigation.shtml. Accessed September 8, 2009.

———. 2009a (December). Guide to Air Quality Assessment in Sacramento County. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.airquality.org/ceqa/ceqaguideupdate.shtml.

———. 2009b. Mitigation Fee Calculator. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.airquality.org/ceqa/mitigation.shtml. Accessed August 12, 2009.

———. 2009c (July). Road Construction Emissions Model, Version 6.3.2. Available: http://www.airquality.org/ceqa/index.shtml l. Last updated July 2009. Accessed August 31, 2009.

———. 2010 (January). Recommended Protocol for Evaluating the Location of Sensitive Land Uses Adjacent to Major Roadways, Version 2.3.

Salinas, Julio. Staff Toxicologist. Office of Health Hazard Assessment, Sacramento, CA. August 3, 2004―telephone conversation with Kurt Legleiter of AECOM regarding exposure period for determining heath risk.

SMAQMD. See Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District.

Stankiewicz, Kevin. Senior Transportation Engineer. DKS Associates, Sacramento, CA. July 22, 2009a―e-mail correspondence with Austin Kerr of AECOM regarding Folsom South of U.S. 50 Specific Plan change in VMT, Trips and Trip Generation.

Stankiewicz, Kevin. Senior Transportation Engineer. DKS Associates, Sacramento, CA. August 24, 2009―e-mail correspondence with Austin Kerr of AECOM regarding peak hour traffic volumes at intersections in the Folsom South of U.S. 50 Specific Plan study area.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2009a. Criteria Air Pollutant Information. Available: http:// www.epa.gov/air/urbanair/6poll.html. Last updated June 29, 2009. Accessed August 19, 2009.

———. 2009b. Monitor Value Report (NAAQS). Available: www.epa.gov/air/data/geosel.html. Accessed May 2009.

Western Regional Climate Center. 2009. Monthly Climate Summary (1955–1993) for Folsom Dam, California (043113). Available: http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/cliMAIN.pl?ca3113. Accessed August 2009.

Zhu, Y., W. C. Hinds, S. Kim, and S. Shen. 2002. Study of Ultrafine Particles Near a Major Highway with Heavy-duty Diesel Traffic. In Atmospheric Environment 36:4323–4335.

Section 3A.3, “Biological Resources – Land”

Barbour, M. G., A. I. Solomeshch, and J. J. Buck. 2007. Classification, Ecological Characterization, and Presence of Listed Plant Taxa of Vernal Pool Associations in California. United States Fish and Wildlife Service Agreement/Study No. 814205G238. University of California Davis.

Barry, S. J. and H. B. Shaffer. 1994. The status of the California tiger salamander (Ambystoma californiense) at Lagunita: a 50-year update. Journal of Herpetology 28:159–164.

California Native Plant Society. 2008. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants (online edition, v7-08c 7-09-08). California Native Plant Society. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.cnps.org/inventory. Accessed July 22, 2008.

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-4 City of Folsom and USACE California Natural Diversity Database. 2008 (August). Rarefind (Version 3.1.0): A Database Application for the Use of the California Department of Fish and Game’s Natural Diversity Database. California Natural Heritage Division, California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA.

California Oaks Foundation. Undated. Oak Woodland Mitigation Program. Available: http://www.californiaoaks.org/ExtAssets/OakWdlandMitigationProg.pdf. Accessed February 15, 2009.

Carpenter Ranch, LP. 2006. Carpenter Ranch – Folsom Sphere of Influence Project Site Initial Arborist Report and Inventory Summary. Prepared by Sierra Nevada Arborists. Loomis, CA.

Centex Homes. 2006a. Draft Biological Resources Assessment Report, Centex – Folsom Heights Property. Prepared by AECOM. Sacramento, CA.

———. 2006b. Tree Survey for the Centex – Folsom Heights Property. Prepared by AECOM. Sacramento, CA.

City of Folsom, Hospitality Consultants, MJM Properties, Folsom White Rock Investors, FPA Land Development, GenCorp Realty Investments. 2008. Comprehensive Clean Water Act Section 404 Application, Folsom Plan Area Specific Plan. Prepared by ECORP Consulting, Foothill Associates, Gibson and Skordal LLC, MacKay and Somps, Sheppard Mullin LLP. Sacramento, CA.

City of Folsom. 2009. City of Folsom Municipal Code (Current through Ord. 1117, passed January 13, 2009) Views 4.3 Infobase. Chapter 12.16 Tree Preservation. Created by Code Publishing Company. Seattle, WA. Available: http://nt5.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=5950592&infobase=folsom.nfo& jump=12.16&softpage=PL_frame#JUMPDEST_12.16. Accessed February 13, 2009.

Colliers International. 2006. Jurisdictional Delineation and Special-status Species Evaluation, Carpenter Ranch Property, Sacramento County, California. Prepared by Gibson & Skordal, LLC, Sacramento, CA.

———. 2007a. Listed Vernal Pool Branchiopod Wet Season Survey 90-Day Report, Carpenter Ranch. Prepared by Gibson and Skordal. Sacramento, CA.

———. 2007b. Revised Jurisdictional Delineation and Special-status Species Evaluation, Carpenter Ranch Property. Prepared by Gibson and Skordal. Sacramento, CA.

Collins, J. N., E. D. Stein, M. Sutula, R. Clark, A. E. Fletscher, L. Grenier, C. Grosso, and A. Wiskind. 2008. California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) for Wetlands, v. 5.0.2 157 pp.

CNDDB. See California Natural Diversity Database.

CNPS. See California Native Plant Society.

ECORP Consulting. 2009a. Biological Surveys of the Off-site Infrastructure and Waterline Alternatives. Letter report dated January 22, 2009. Addressed to Wendy Copeland of AECOM.

———. 2009b. Folsom Specific Plan Area Bio Survey Status Report (Wet Season, Rare Plant, Elderberry, and other). Prepared by Richard O’Neal, April 13, 2009.

Environmental Laboratory. 2006. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Arid West Region. (Technical Report ERDC/EL TR-06-16) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, MS.

FHK Companies. 2003. Biological Resources Report, Sacramento Country Day School. Prepared by Gibson and Skordall. Sacramento, CA.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-5 References Folsom Heights LLC. 2008. Preliminary Delineation of Waters of the United States Folsom Heights Property. Prepared by AECOM. Sacramento, CA.

GenCorp Realty Investments. 2006a. Wetland Delineation for Folsom 560. Prepared by ECORP Consulting. Rocklin, CA.

———. 2006b. Wetland Delineation for Prairie City Road Business Park. Prepared by ECORP Consulting. Rocklin, CA.

———. 2007a. Folsom 560, Sacramento County, California – Revised Wetland Delineation (ACOE Reg. File No. 200600561). Prepared by ECORP Consulting. Rocklin, CA.

———. 2007b. Prairie City Road Business Park, Sacramento County, California – Revised Wetland Delineation (ACOE Reg. File No. 200600538). Prepared by ECORP Consulting. Rocklin, CA.

———. 2007c. GenCorp Easton Resource Conservation Management Plan. Prepared by ECORP Consulting. Rocklin, CA.

———. 2007d. Draft Special-status Species Assessment for Folsom 560, Sacramento County, California. Prepared by ECORP Consulting, Rocklin CA.

———. 2007e. Draft Special-status Species Assessment for Prairie City Road Business Park, Sacramento County, California. Prepared by ECORP Consulting, Rocklin CA.

———. 2009a. Special-status Plant Survey for Prairie City Business Park, Sacramento County, California. Prepared by ECORP Consulting. Rocklin, CA.

———. 2009b. Special-status Plant Survey for Hillsborough, Sacramento County, California. Prepared by ECORP Consulting. Rocklin, CA.

Gibson and Skordal, LLC. 2009. Carpenter Ranch Vernal Pool Branchiopod Survey Results and Summary. Memorandum prepared by Ginger Fodge for Kent MacDiarmid, April 10, 2009.

Helm, B. P. 1998. Biogeography of eight large branchiopods endemic to California. Pages 124–139 in: C. W. Witham, E. T. Bauder, D. Belk, W. R. Ferren Jr., and R. Ornduff (Editors). Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Vernal Pool Ecosystems – Proceedings from a 1996 Conference. California Native Plant Society. Sacramento, CA.

The Hodgson Company. 2007a. Draft Special-status Species Assessment for Folsom South Area Group, Javanifard and Zhargami Parcel, Sacramento County, California. Prepared by ECORP Consulting. Rocklin, CA.

———. 2007b. Wetland Delineation for Folsom South Owners Group Javanifard and Zhargami Parcel. Prepared by ECORP Consulting. Rocklin, CA.

Holloway Rassmusson Molondanof. 2005. Special-status Plant and Wildlife Report, Sacramento Day School, White Rock Road. Prepared by Virginia Daines in association with Susan Sanders Biological Consulting. Sacramento, CA.

Jennings, M. R., and M. P. Hayes. 1994. Amphibian and reptile species of special concern in California. Final Report to the California Department of Fish and Game, Inland Fisheries Division, Rancho Cordova, CA.

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-6 City of Folsom and USACE Katz Kitpatrick Properties. 2007. Arborist Report for Sacramento Country Day School. Prepared by Tree Technology, Inc. Sacramento, CA.

Loredo, I., D. Van Vuren, and M. L. Morrison. 1996. Habitat use and migration behavior of the California tiger salamander. Journal of Herpetology 30:282–285.

Marty, J. T. 2005. Effects of cattle grazing on diversity in ephemeral wetlands. Conservation Biology 19:1626– 1632.

Matus, M. J. 1981 (September 4). Vertebrate Inventory and Species Diversity of the Aerojet-General Sacramento Facility. Cited in ECORP 2007d, pages 22–23.

MJM Properties, LLC. 2005. Folsom South Sphere of Influence Project Site Native Oak and Non Oak Tree Tabulation for Grid Areas 1–7. Prepared by Sierra Nevada Arborists. Loomis, CA.

———. 2006a. Results of a Focused Plant Survey on the Folsom South Site. Prepared by Foothill Associates. Rocklin, CA.

———. 2006b. Biological Resources Assessment, Folsom South +- 1,400-acre Site. Prepared by Foothill Associates. Rocklin, CA.

———. 2006c. Delineation of Waters of the United States, Folsom South 1,400-acre Site. Prepared by Foothill Associates. Rocklin, CA.

———. 2006d. Special-status Amphibian and Reptile Surveys on the Folsom South Site. CA. Prepared by Foothill Associates, Rocklin, CA.

———. 2007a. 90-Day Report, 2006–2007 Wet-Season Survey for Listed Vernal Pool Branchiopods, Folsom South Property, Sacramento County, California. Prepared by Foothill Associates, Rocklin, CA.

———. 2007b. Results of Analyses of Soil Samples Collected from the Proposed Folsom South Project Site. Prepared by Christopher Rogers of EcoAnalysts, Inc, Woodland, CA, for Foothill Associates, Rocklin, CA.

Morey, S. R. 1998. Pool duration influences age and body mass at metamorphosis in the Western spadefoot toad: implications for vernal pool conservation. Pages 86–91 in C. W. Witham, E. T. Bauder, D. Belk, W. R. Ferren Jr., and R. Ornduff, editors. Ecology, conservation and management of vernal pool ecosystems– Proceedings from a 1996 conference. California Native plant Society, Sacramento, CA. Cited in Marty 2005.

PDF Development Company. 2003. Arborist Report for 14005 White Rock Road. Prepared by Tree Technology, Inc. Sacramento, CA.

Pierson, E. D., W. E. Rainey, and C. Corben. 2004 (April 15). Distribution and Status of Western Red Bats (Lasiurus blossevillii) in California. California Department of Fish and Game, Habitat Conservation Planning Branch, Species Conservation and Recovery Program Report 2006–04, Sacramento, CA 45 pp.

Sacramento County. 1990. Sacramento County Vernal Pools; Their Distribution, Classification, Ecology, and Management. Prepared for Sacramento County Planning and Community Development Department. Prepared by Jones and Stokes Associates. Sacramento, CA.

———. 2006. Swainson’s Hawk: Environmental Impacts and Issues. A Guide for the Unincorporated Areas of Sacramento County.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-7 References Sacramento Valley View. 1993. Arborist Report on Trees on the White Rock Springs Golf Course Project. Prepared by R-B Enterprises. Sacramento, CA.

Sacramento Stormwater Quality Control Partnership. 2007. Stormwater Quality Design Manual for Sacramento and South Placer Regions. Integrated Design Solutions for Urban Development; Protecting our Water Quality. Available: http://www.sacramentostormwater.org/SSQP/development.asp. Accessed January 5, 2009.

Semlitsch, R. D. and J. R. Bodie. 2003. Biological criteria for buffer zones around wetlands and riparian habitats for amphibians and reptiles. Conservation Biology 17:1219–1228.

Shaffer, H. B., and R. Fisher. 1991. Final report to the California Department of Fish and Game: California tiger salamander surveys, 1990. Contract (FG9422). Rancho Cordova, CA: California Department of Fish and Game, Inland Fisheries Division.

Shaffer, H. B., R. N. Fisher, and S. E. Stanley. 1993. Status report: the California tiger salamander (Ambystoma californiense). Final report. Contracts (FG9422 and FG1383). Rancho Cordova, CA: California Department of Fish and Game, Inland Fisheries Division.

Shaffer, H. B., and S. Stanley. 1992. Final report to California Department of Fish and Game: California tiger salamander surveys, 1991. Contract (FG9422). Rancho Cordova, CA: California Department of Fish and Game, Inland Fisheries Division.

Shaffer, H. B., and P. C. Trenham. 2004. Ambystoma californiense. Pages 1093–1102 in M. J. Lannoo, editor. Status and conservation of U.S. amphibians. University of California Press, Berkeley. Cited in Marty 2005.

Shuford, W. D. and T. Gardali (Editors). 2008. California Bird Species of Special Concern: A ranked assessment of species, subspecies, and distinct populations of birds of immediate conservation concern in California. Studies of Western Birds No. 1. Western Field Ornithologists, Camarillo, CA and California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Environmental Protection Agency. 2008. Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources; Final Rule. Federal Register 33 CFR Parts 325 and 332 and 40 CFR Part 230.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1999. Conservation Guidelines for the Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle. Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office. Sacramento, CA.

———. 2003a (August 6). Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Designation of Critical Habitat for Four Vernal Pool Crustaceans and Eleven Vernal Pool Plants in California and Southern Oregon; Final Rule. Federal Register 68:46684–46782. Available: http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/.

———. 2003b (October). Interim Guidance on Site Assessment and Field Surveys for Determining Presence or a Negative Finding of the California Tiger Salamander.

———. 2004 (August 4). Determination of Threatened Status for the California Tiger Salamander; and Special Rule Exemption for Existing Routine Ranching Activities. Final Rule. Federal Register 69: 47212-47248.

———. 2005 (December 15). Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon.

———. 2008. Federal endangered and threatened species that occur in or may be affected by projects in requested USGS 7.5-minute quadrangles. Online document number 081214091220. Available:

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-8 City of Folsom and USACE http://www.fws.gov/sacramento/es/spp_list.htm. Database updated September 11, 2008. Accessed December 14, 2008.

USFWS. See U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Woodside Homes. 2004. Biological Resources Assessment, +- 130-acre Folsom 138 Property. Prepared by Foothill Associates. Rocklin, CA.

Zeiner, D. C., W. F. Laudenslayer, and K. E. Mayer (eds.). 1990, with online updates through 2008. California’s Wildlife. Volume I: Amphibians and Reptiles; Volume II: Birds; and Volume III: Mammals. California Statewide Wildlife Habitat Relationships System. California Department of Fish and Game. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/biogeodata/cwhr/cawildlife.asp.

Section 3A.4, “Climate Change – Land”

Ahrens, D. C. 2003. Meteorology Today; an Introduction to Weather, Climate, & the Environment. Brooks Cole, Inc. Pacific Grove, CA.

ARB. See California Air Resources Board.

Backlund, P., A. Janetos, and D. Schimel. 2008. The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Washington, DC.

Barnett, T. P., R. Malone, W. Pennell, D. Stammer, A. Semtner, and W. Washington. In preparation. The Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources in the West: Introduction and Overview. Climatic Change.

Brekke, L. D., N. L. Miller, K. E. Bashford, N. W. T. Quinn, and J. A. Dracup. 2004. Climate Change Impacts Uncertainty for Water Resources in the Basin, California. Journal of the American Water Resources 40(1):149–164.

California Air Pollution Control Officers Association. 2009a (June). CEQA & Climate Change. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.capcoa.org/ceqa/CAPCOA%20White%20Paper%20- %20CEQA%20and%20Climate%20Change.pdf. Accessed September 14, 2009.

———. 2009b (January). Model Policies for Greenhouse Gases in General Plans. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.capcoa.org/modelpolicies/ CAPCOA%20Model%20Policies%20for%20Greenhouse%20Gases%20in%20General%20Plans%20- %20June%202009.pdf. Accessed September 14, 2009.

California Air Resources Board. 1994 (June). California Surface Wind Climatology. Sacramento, CA.

———. 2008 (December). Climate Change Proposed Scoping Plan. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/scopingplan/document/scopingplandocument.htm. Last updated December 2008. Accessed September 10, 2009.

———. 2009a. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Summary for Years 2000–2006. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/inventory/data/tables/ghg_inventory_ipcc_00-06_sum_2009-03-13.pdf. Accessed September 10, 2009.

———. 2009b. Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/ fuels/lcfs/lcfs.htm. Last updated: July 20, 2009. Accessed September 12, 2009.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-9 References ———. 2009c. Heavy-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Measure. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/hdghg/hdghg.htm. Accessed September 12, 2009.

California Attorney General’s Office. 2008 (September 26). The California Environmental Quality Act: Addressing Global Warming Impacts at the Local Agency Level. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.ag.ca.gov/globalwarming/pdf/GW_mitigation_measures.pdf. Accessed September 14, 2009.

California Climate Action Registry. 2008 (August). Urban Forest Project Reporting Protocol, Version 1.0. Los Angeles, CA. Accessed September 14, 2009.

———. 2009 (January). California Climate Action Registry General Reporting Protocol, Version 3.1. Los Angeles, CA. Available: http://www.climateregistry.org/resources/docs/protocols/grp/ GRP_3.1_January2009.pdf. Last updated January 2009. Accessed September 10, 2009.

California Department of Water Resources. 1993. The California Water Plan Update. Bulletin 160-93. Sacramento, CA.

———. 2005. California Water Plan, Update 2005 (Draft). Final draft. Sacramento, CA.

———. 2006. Progress on Incorporating Climate Change into Planning and Management of California’s Water Resources, Technical Memorandum Report. Sacramento, CA.

California Energy Commission. 2003. Climate Change and California Staff Report. Prepared in Support of the 2003 Integrated Energy Policy Report Proceeding (Docket #02—IEO-01).

———. 2006. Inventory of California Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks:1990 to 2004. (Staff Final Report). Publication CEC-600-2006-013-SF. Available: http://www.climatechange.ca.gov/inventory/ index.html. Last updated [July 31, 2008year]. Last updated March 13, 2009. Accessed September 10, 2009.

———. 2007 (February 20). Water Related Energy Use in California. Available: http://www.energy.ca.gov/ 2007publications/CEC-999-2007-008/CEC-999-2007-008.pdf. Accessed September 10, 2009.

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CAPCOA. See California Air Pollution Control Officers Association.

Cayan, D. R., S. A. Kammerdiener, M. D. Dettinger, J. M. Caprio, and D. H. Peterson. 2001. Changes in the Onset of Spring in the Western United States. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 82(3).

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CEC. See California Energy Commission.

CNRA. See California Natural Resources Agency.

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AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-10 City of Folsom and USACE ———. 2005b (March). From Climate-Change Spaghetti to Climate-Change Distributions for 21st Century California. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 3(1), Article 4.

DWR. See California Department of Water Resources.

Freeman, G. J. 2002. Looking for Recent Climatic Trends and Patterns in California’s Central Sierra. 2002 PACLIM Conference Proceedings.

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Hidalgo, H. G., D. R. Cayan, and M. D. Dettinger. 2005. Sources of Variability of Evapotranspiration in California. Journal of Hydrometerology 6:3–19.

Howitt, R. E., M. Tauber, and E. Pienaar. 2003. Impacts of Global Climate Change on California’s Agricultural Demand. Department of Agricultural Resource Economics. University of California, Davis. Davis, CA.

IPCC. See United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Jacoby, H. D. 1990. Water Quality. In P. E. Waggoner (ed.), Climate Change and U.S. Water Resources. John Wiley & Sons. New York, NY.

Kim, J., T. K. Kim, R. W. Arritt, and N. L. Miller. 2002. Impacts of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on the Hydroclimate of the Western United States. Journal of Climate 15:1926–1943.

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Lettenmaier, D. P., and T. Y. Gan. 1990. Hydrologic Sensitivities of the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Basin, California, to Global Warming. Water Resources Research 26(1):69–86.

Lettenmaier, D. P., and D. P. Sheer. 1991. Climatic Sensitivity of California Water Resources. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 117(1):108–125.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-11 References Long, S. P., E. A. Ainsworth, A. Rogers, and D. R. Ort. 2004. Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: Plants Face the Future. Annual Review of Plant Biology 55:591–628.

Lund, J. R., R. E. Howitt, M. W. Jenkins, T. Zhu, S. K. Tanaka, M. Pulido, M. Tauber, R. Ritzema, and I. Ferriera. 2003. “Climate Warming and California’s Water Future,” Center for Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Report No. 03-1 Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, California. Available: http://cee.engr.ucdavis.edu/faculty/lund/CALVIN/. Accessed June 2007.

Medellin, J., J. Harou, M. Olivares, J. Lund, R. Howitt, S. Tanaka, M. Jenkins, K. Madani, T. Zhu. 2006 (March). Climate Warming and Water Supply Management in California. White Paper CEC-500-2005-195-SF. California Climate Change Center. Sacramento, CA.

Meehl, G. A., F. Zwiers, J. Evans, T. Knutson, L. Mearns, and P. Whetton. 2000. Trends in Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Issues Related to Modeling Extremes in Projections of Future Climate Change. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 81(3):427–436.

Miller, N., J. W. Kim, and M. D. Dettinger. 1999. California Streamflow Evaluation Based on a Dynamically Downscaled 8-Year Hindcast (1988–1995), Observations, and Physically Based Hydrologic Models. EOS, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Supplement 80:F406.

Moore, M. V., M. L. Pace, J. R. Mather, P. S. Murdoch, R. W. Howarth, C. L. Folt, C. Y. Chen, H. F. Hemond, P. A. Flebbe, and C. T. Driscoll. 1997. Potential Effects of Climate Change on Freshwater Ecosystems of the New England/Mid Atlantic Region. Hydrological Processes. Hydrological Processes 11(8):925–947.

Mote, P. W., A. F. Hamlet, M. Clark, and D. P. Lettenmaier. 2005. Declining Mountain Snowpack in Western North America. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 86(1):39–49.

Mulholland, P. J., G. R. Best, C. C. Coutant, G. M. Hornberger, J. L. Meyer, P. J. Robinson, J. R. Stenberg, R. E. Turner, F. Vera-Herrera, and R. G. Wetzel. 1997. Effects of Climate Change on Freshwater Ecosystems of the Southeastern United States and the Gulf of Mexico. Hydrological Processes 11(8):949–970.

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Nash, L. L., and P. H. Gleick. 1991a. The Sensitivity of Streamflow in the Colorado Basin to Climatic Changes. Journal of Hydrology 125:221–241.

———. 1991b. The Implications of Climate Change for Water Resources in the Colorado River Basin. First National Conference on Climate Change and Water Resources Management. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Albuquerque, NM.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2005 (January 5). National Weather Service. Climate Prediction Center. Available: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/charts.shtml.

NOAA. See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Office of the Governor. 2008 (November 17). Press Release: Governor Schwarzenegger Advances State’s Renewable Energy Development. Available: http://gov.ca.gov/index.php?/press-release/11073. Accessed September 10, 2009.

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-12 City of Folsom and USACE Office of the White House. 2009. Memorandum for the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Available: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Presidential_Memorandum_EPA_Waiver/. Accessed September 10, 2009.

Rimpo and Associates. 2008. URBEMIS2007 for Windows, Version 9.2.4. Available: www.urbemis.com. Accessed June 2008.

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Tanaka, S. K., T. Zhu, J. R. Lund, R. E. Howitt, M. W. Jenkins, M. A. Pulido, M. Tauber, R. S. Ritzema, and I. C. Ferreira. 2006. Climate Warming and Water Management Adaptation for California. Climatic Change 76:3–4.

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Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute. 2009. Urban Wood Program. San Luis Obispo, CA. Available: http://www.ufei.org/. Accessed September 14, 2009.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-13 References U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2009. SmartWay. Available: http://www.epa.gov/smartway/. Last updated: September 1, 2009. Accessed September 12, 2009.

VanRheenen, N. T., A. W. Wood, R. N. Palmer, and D. P. Lettenmaier. 2004. Potential Implications of PCM Climate Change Scenarios for Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basin Hydrology and Water Resources. Climatic Change 72:257–281.

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Zhu, T., M. W. Jenkins, and J. R. Lund. 2005 (October). Estimated Impacts of Climate Warming on California Water Availability under Twelve Future Climate Scenarios. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Paper No. 03139.

Section 3A.5, “Cultural Resources – Land”

AECOM. 2006. Cultural Resources Inventory–Folsom Heights Property Development Project, Sacramento County, California. Cultural resources report prepared for Centex Homes, Roseville, CA. Prepared by AECOM, Inc. Sacramento, CA.

Castaneda, Antonia, Robert Docken, Edith Pitti, Chandler Ide, and John H. Wells. 1984. Natomas Company, 1851–1984. On file: Sacramento Archives and museum Collection Center, Sacramento and Folsom Historical Society Museum, Folsom, CA.

City of Folsom. 1993. City of Folsom General Plan. January 1993 update.

Crawford, J. J. 1894. Sacramento County. State mineralogist, Twelfth Annual Report. California State Mining Bureau, San Francisco, CA.

County of El Dorado. 2004. El Dorado County General Plan. Adopted July 19, 2004. Placerville, CA.

Fredrickson, D. A. 1974. Cultural Diversity in Early Central California: A View from the North Coast Ranges. Journal of California Anthropology 1(1):41–53.

Gudde, Erwin G. 1975. California Gold Camps. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Hathaway, A, and J. McKenna. 1987. Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey for the Santa Fe Center, Folsom, California. Cultural resources report submitted to the City of Folsom Planning Department. Copy on file at the North Central Information Center, California State University, Sacramento, CA.

Hoover, M. B., H. E. Rensch, E. G. Rensch, and Wm. Abeloe. 1990. Historic Spots in California. Revised by Douglas E. Kyle. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.

Kroeber, Alfred. 1925. Handbook of Indians of California. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 78.

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-14 City of Folsom and USACE Lillard, J. B., R. F. Heizer and F. Fenenga. 1939. An Introduction to the Archaeology of Central California. Sacramento: Sacramento Junior College, Department of Anthropology Bulletin 2.

Lindstrom, Susan G. 1988. A Comparative Evaluation of the Natoma Ground Sluice Diggings Folsom, California. Report on file, North Central Information Center, California State University Sacramento, Sacramento, CA.

————. 1989. A Cultural Resource Evaluation of Aerojet General Corporation, Sacramento Plant Sacramento County. Report on file, North Central Information Center, California State University Sacramento, Sacramento, CA.

Maniery, Mary L. 1992. Historic Study Report and Historic Resource Evaluation Report for 16 Sites, Highway 50 Interchange Project, Sacramento County, California, Final Report. PAR Environmental Services, Sacramento, CA.

————. 1993. Phase II Investigations for the American River Bridge Crossing Project, City of Folsom, Sacramento County, California. PAR Environmental Services, Sacramento, CA.

Moratto, Michael J. 1984. California Archaeology. Academic Press, New York, NY.

Sacramento County. 1993. Sacramento County General Plan. Adopted December 15, 1993. Sacramento, CA.

PAR Environmental Services. 1991. Archaeological Survey Report, Highway 50 Interchange Project, Post Mile 15.8 to 23.1, Sacramento County, California. Sacramento, CA.

Tordoff. 1994. Historic Study Report, Proposed Interchange and Auxiliary Lanes on Highway 50, Eastern Sacramento County, California. Sacramento, CA.

Werner, R. H., J. M. Flaherty, J. W. Dougherty, and D. Davis. 1994. Cultural Resources study, Broadstone II Master Plan Area, City of Folsom, Sacramento County California, Vol. I: Inventory and National Register Assessments. ASI Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management, Inc. Copy on file at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division, Sacramento, CA.

Wilson, J. N. 1986. These Lonely Hills. Folsom Historical Society, Folsom, CA.

Wilson, N. L. and A. H. Towne. 1978. Nisenan. In R.F. Heizer (vol. ed.), Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 8: California. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Windmiller. 2005. Sacramento Country Day School, Folsom Campus, Archaeological Resources Inventory, Folsom, Sacramento County, California. Sacramento, CA.

Section 3A.6, “Environmental Justice – Land”

Cal/EPA. See California Environmental Protection Agency.

California Environmental Protection Agency. 2004 (August). Inter-Agency Environmental Justice Strategy. Available: http://www.calepa.ca.gov/EnvJustice/Documents/2004/Strategy/Final.pdf. Accessed September 2008.

CEQ. See Council on Environmental Quality.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-15 References City of Folsom. 2008 (June). City of Folsom Housing Element. HCD Review Draft. Available: http://www.folsom.ca.us/depts/redevelopment_and_housing/housing/housing_element.asp. Accessed January 2009.

Council on Environmental Quality. 1997 (December). Environmental Justice Guidance under the National Environmental Policy Act. Available: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/ej/ ej_guidance_nepa_ceq1297.pdf. Accessed September 2008.

EPA. See U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

NEPAnet. 2008 (September). Regulations for Implementing NEPA from CEQ. Available: http://ceq.hss.doe.gov/nepa/nepanet.htm. Accessed September 2008.

Sacramento County. 2008 (December). Public Hearing Draft. County of Sacramento 2008–2013 Housing Element. Available: http://www.planning.saccounty.net/housing-element/housing-element-update/HE- project-documents.html. Accessed January 2009.

U.S. Census Bureau. 2000. American FactFinder. Folsom and Sacramento County, California. Census 2000 Demographic Profile. Available: http://factfinder.census.gov/home/saff/main.html?_lang=en. Accessed January 2009.

————. 2007. 2005–2007 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates Data Profile Highlights. Folsom and Sacramento County, California. Available: http://factfinder.census.gov/home/saff/main.html?_ lang=en. Accessed January 2009.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1998 (April). Final Guidance for Incorporating Environmental Justice Concerns in EPA’s NEPA Compliance Analysis. Available: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/ policies/ej/ej_guidance_nepa_epa0498.pdf. Accessed September 2008.

Section 3A.7, “Geology, Soils, Minerals, and Paleontological Resources – Land”

California Department of Water Resources. 1979. The August 1, 1975 Oroville Earthquake Investigations. DWR Bulletin 203-78.

CGS. See California Geological Survey.

California Geological Survey. 2000. Areas more Likely to contain Natural Occurrences of Asbestos in Western El Dorado County, California. Open-File Report 2000-002. Available: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/CGS/minerals/hazardous_minerals/asbestos/Pages/el_dorado.aspx.

———. 2006. Relative Likelihood For The Presence Of Naturally Occurring Asbestos In Eastern Sacramento County, California. Special Report 192. Available: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/minerals/ hazardous_minerals/asbestos/Pages/east_sacramento.aspx.

———.2007. Index to Official Maps of Earthquake Fault Zones. Available: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/CGS/rghm/ap/Map_index/index.htm.

———. 2008. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Mapping Ground Motion Page. Available: http://redirect.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/pshamap/pshamap.asp.

Cao, T., W. A. Bryant, B. Rowshandel, D. Branum, and C. J. Wills. 2003. The Revised 2002 California Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps. Available: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/psha/ fault_parameters/pdf/2002_CA_Hazard_Maps.pdf.

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-16 City of Folsom and USACE Day, H. W. 1992. Tectonic Setting and Metamorphism of the Sierra Nevada, California. In Field Guide to the Geology and Metamorphism of the Franciscan Complex and Western Metamorphic Belt of Northern California. P. Schiffman and D. Wagner, eds. California Division of Mines and Geology. Special Publication 114.

Dupras, D. 1999. Mineral Land Classification: Portland Cement Concrete-Grade Aggregate and Kaolin Clay Resources in Sacramento County, California. California Division of Mines and Geology. Open-File Report 99-09.

DWR. See California Department of Water Resources.

French, S. L. Senior Engineer. Wallace Kuhl & Associates, Inc. June 24, 2009—telephone call with Wendy Copeland of AECOM regarding liquefaction potential at the project site.

Galloway, D., D. R. Jones, and S. E. Ingebritsen. 1999. Land Subsidence in the United States. USGS Circular 1182. Reston, VA.

Hart, E. W., and W. A. Bryant. 1999. Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act with Index to Earthquake Fault Zone Maps. Special Publication 42. California Division of Mines and Geology. Sacramento, CA. Available: ftp://ftp.consrv.ca.gov/pub/dmg/pubs/sp/Sp42.pdf.

Ichinose, G. A., Kenji, S., Anderson, J. G., Schweickert, R. A., and Lahren, M. M. 1999. The Potential Hazard from Tsunami and Seiche Waves Generated by Future Large Earthquakes within the Lake Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 27, pgs. 1203–1206 April 15, 2000. Available: http://www.seismo.unr.edu/htdocs/WGB/LakeTahoeTsunami/.

Jennings, C. W. 1994. Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas. California Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Data Map No. 6. Sacramento, CA.

Lloyd, R. C. 1984. Generalized Geology of the Folsom 15-Minute Quadrangle. In Mineral Land Classification of the Folsom 15-Minute Quadrangle, Sacramento, El Dorado, Placer, and Amador Counties, California. Plate 1. California Division of Mines and Geology. Open-File Report 84-50.

MacKay & Somps. 2008 (December). Conceptual Grading Exhibits, Folsom Plan Area, Sheets 1 and 2.

Mualchin, L. 1996 (July). A Technical Report to Accompany the Caltrans California Seismic Hazard Map. Prepared by: California Department of Transportation, Office of Earthquake Engineering. Available: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/earthquake_engineering/Seismology/MapReport.pdf.

NRCS. See U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Petersen, M. D., W. A. Bryant, C. H. Cramer, T. Cao, M. S. Reichle, A. D. Frankel, J. J. Lienkaemper, P. A. McCrory, and D. P. Schwartz. 1996. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of California. California Division of Mines and Geology and U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-706. Available: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/psha/ofr9608/Pages/index.aspx.

Sierra College. 2006. Sierra Nevada Virtual Museum of Natural History, Fossils of the Sierra Nevada. Available: http://www.sierranevadavirtualmuseum.com/docs/galleries/nathist/paleontology/fossils.htm.

Springer, R. K. and H. W. Day. 2005. Birth and Death of a Late Jurassic Volcanic Arc Terrane, Western Sierra Nevada Foothills, California. Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section. 101st Annual Meeting (April 29–May 1, 2005). San Jose, CA. Paper No. 22-1. Available: http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2005CD/finalprogram/abstract_85093.htm.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-17 References Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. 1995. Assessment and mitigation of adverse impacts to nonrenewable paleontologic resources-standard guidelines. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology News Bulletin, vol. 163, pp. 22–27.

———. 1996. Conditions of receivership for paleontologic salvage collections (final draft). Society of Vertebrate Paleontology News Bulletin, vol. 166, pp. 31–32.

University of California Museum of Paleontology. 2009. Museum of Paleontology Database. Accessed August 2009.

U.S. Geological Survey. 2000. Database of Potential Sources for Earthquakes Larger than Magnitude 6 in Northern California. Prepared by: The Working Group on Northern California Earthquake Potential. USGS Open-File Report 96-705. Available: http://quake.usgs.gov/prepare/ncep/a_northeastern.html.

U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2007 (December 11). GIS soil data for Sacramento and San Joaquin Counties in Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) format. Available: http://SoilDataMart.nrcs.usda.gov. Fort Worth, TX.

———. 2009. Web Soil Survey. Available: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm.

USGS. See U.S. Geological Survey.

Wagner, D. L., C. W. Jennings, T. L. Bedrossian, and E. J. Bortugno. 1987. Geologic Map of the Sacramento Quadrangle. California Division of Mines and Geology. Regional Geologic Map Series, Map No. 1A.

Wallace Kuhl & Associates, Inc. 2004 (August). Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report, Folsom 138 Property.

———. 2005 (August). Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report, Folsom Heights.

———. 2008 (January). Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report, Gencorp South Folsom Sphere of Influence Property.

Youngdahl Consulting Group, Inc. 2003 (August). Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Study, Sacramento Country Day School.

———. 2007 (May). Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Study, White Rock Road/Scott Road 1,400 Acres.

Section 3A.8, “Hazards and Hazardous Materials – Land”

Aerojet General Corporation. 2007 (July 20). Supplemental Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Field Sampling Plan, Island Operable Unit, Aerojet Superfund Site. Rancho Cordova, CA.

Aerojet General Corporation. 2008 (September 30). Supplemental Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Field Sampling Plan, Eastern Operable Unit, Aerojet Superfund Site. Rancho Cordova, CA.

ARCADIS. 2007 (November 29). Draft Ambient Air Evaluation of Aerojet Area 40. Petaluma, CA. Letter memorandum from Steve Huntley, to Bruce Cline and David Miller, City of Folsom, Folsom, CA.

California Department of Public Health. 2009. 2008 WNV Activity by County. Available: http://westnile.ca.gov/case_counts.php?option=print&year=2008. Accessed March 17, 2009.

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-18 City of Folsom and USACE Capitol Utility Specialists, Inc. 2009 (April 2). Folsom Area Specific Plan Technical Dry Utilities Study. Folsom, CA.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2004. Blasting Injuries in Surface Mining with Emphasis on Flyrock and Blast Area Security. Available: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/pubs/pubreference/ outputid204.htm. Accessed May 2009.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2008. What is Flyrock. Tool Box Lesson A. Available: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/products/pdfs/blasting-safety-toolbox-complete.pdf. Accessed May 1, 2009.

City of Folsom. 1993. City of Folsom General Plan. January 1993 update.

County of El Dorado. 2004. El Dorado County General Plan. Adopted July 19, 2004. Placerville, CA.

EPA. See U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

ERM. 2008. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Folsom Sphere of Influence, Northern and Southern Lots, Folsom, CA. Sacramento, CA.

National Cancer Institute. 2005 (April). Magnetic Field Exposure and Cancer: Questions and Answers. Available: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/magnetic-fields.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Institutes of Health. 2002 (June). EMF: Electric and Magnetic Fields Associated with the Use of Electric Power. Questions and Answers. Sponsored by the NIEHS and Department of Energy EMF RAPID Program. Available: http://www.niehs.nih.gov/ emfrapid/booklet/home.htm.

NIEHS. See National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Ramcon. 2003a. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Approximate 80-Acre Property Portion of APN 072- 0060-029, White Rock Road, East of Prairie City Road. Sacramento County, California. Sacramento, CA.

———. 2003b. Addendum – Prospect Pit Investigation, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Approximate 80- Acre Property Portion of APN 072-0060-029, White Rock Road, East of Prairie City Road. Sacramento County, California. Sacramento, CA.

Sacramento County. 2007. Sacramento County General Plan. County of Sacramento, Planning and Community Development Department. Draft, May 30, 2007.

Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission. 1998. Final Environmental Impact Report for the City of Folsom Sphere of Influence Amendment. State Clearinghouse Number 97042050.

Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District. 2005. Mosquito and Mosquito-Borne Disease Management Plan. Available: http://www.fightthebite.net/download/Mosquito_Management_Plan.pdf. Accessed May 2009.

———. 2008. Mosquito Reduction Best Management Practices. Available: http://www.fightthebite.net/download/ecomanagement/SYMVCD_BMP_Manual.pdf. Accessed February 2009.

———. 2009. West Nile Virus. Available: http://www.fightthebite.net/west-nile-virus/. Accessed February 2009.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-19 References State Water Resources Control Board. 2008. Geotracker Database. Available: http://geotracker.swrcb.ca.gov/map. Accessed February 26, 2009.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1998. Hamilton Wetland Restoration Plan Final EIR/EIS. San Francisco District. San Francisco, CA.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2002. Permethrin, Resmethrin, Sumithrin: Synthetic Pyrethroids for Mosquito Control. Available: http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/health/mosquitoes/ pyrethroids4mosquitoes.htm. Accessed February 2009.

———. 2007a. Larvicides for Mosquito Control. Available: http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/health/mosquitoes/larvicides4mosquitoes.htm. Accessed February 2009.

———. 2007b. Mosquito Control. Available: http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/health/mosquitoes/. Accessed February 2009.

———. 2009. An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality. Organic Gases (Volatile Organic Compounds – VOCs). Available: http://www.epa.gov/iaq/voc.html. Accessed February 2009.

Versar. 2006. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Carpenter Ranch, Three Additional Parcels, US Highway 50 and Scott Road, Sacramento County, California. Sacramento, CA.

Wallace, Kuhl & Associates. 2004. Environmental Site Assessment Folsom 138 Property. Sacramento, CA.

———. 2005. Environmental Site Assessment Folsom Heights Property. Sacramento, CA.

Youngdahl & Associates, Inc. 1995. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for Russell Ranch South El Dorado Hills Area. Sacramento, CA.

Section 3A.9, “Hydrology and Water Quality – Land”

Bevan and Cline. 2000. Climate of Sacramento, California. NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS WR-272. Revised by Laura A. Bevan George Cline. Revised June 2005.

California Department of Water Resources. 2003. California’s Groundwater. Bulletin 118. Update 2003. October 2003.

————. 2004. California Department of Water Resources. California’s Groundwater Bulletin 118. Sacramento Valley Groundwater Basin, South American Subbasin (5-21.65). 2004 (February 27).

————. 2008. Preliminary 100- and 200-Year Floodplains Based Upon Best Available Data. Page B4, Sacramento County. State of California Department of Water Resources. October 15, 2008. Available: http://www.water.ca.gov/floodmgmt/lrafmo/fmb/fes/best_available_maps/sacramento/sac_b4.pdf. Accessed February 25, 2009.

————. 2009. California Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams. Available http://www.water.ca.gov/damsafety/index.cfm. Last modified March, 24, 2009. Accessed April 16, 2009.

California Stormwater Quality Association. 2003 (January ). California Stormwater Quality Association Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbook. Menlo Park, CA.

Central Valley RWQCB. See Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board.

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-20 City of Folsom and USACE ————. 2007a (August). A Compilation of Water Quality Goals.

————. 2007b. The Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region. Fourth Edition. Revised October 2007 (with Approved Amendments).

City and County of Sacramento. 1996. Sacramento City/County Drainage Manual. Volume 2: Hydrology Standards. December 1996.

City of Folsom. 1993. City of Folsom General Plan. January 1993 update.

————. 2008. Folsom Plan Area Specific Plan. Administrative Review Draft. December 15, 2008. Prepared for City of Folsom Community Development Department. Folsom, CA.

————. 2010. Alder Creek Watershed Management Action Plan. Prepared for City of Folsom Public Works Department. Folsom, CA.

City of Sacramento. 2005. City of Sacramento General Plan Update: Technical Background Report. Development Services Department, Sacramento, CA. Prepared by EIP Associates and Mintier & Associates in association with Fehr & Peers, Economic & Planning Systems, Nolte Associates, Inc., and Wallace Roberts & Todd. June, 2005.

County of Placer. 2007. Truckee River Basin Stormwater Management Program. Program Years 2007–2012. Prepared for Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board Phase II Municipal Stormwater Program General Permit No. CAS000004 & Board Order No. 2003-0005-DWQ. Prepared by Placer County Department of Public Works, Stormwater Quality Division. Auburn, CA 95603. December 14, 2007.

Domenichelli & Associates Civil Engineering. 2007 (October). Folsom Sphere of Influence Storm Drainage Master Plan. Draft.

DWR See California Department of Water Resources.

El Dorado County. 2004. Stormwater Management Plan For Western El Dorado County (Updated May 2004). Placerville, CA.

EPA. See U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

————. 1999. Preliminary Data Summary of Urban Storm Water Best Management Practices. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA-821-R-99-012. August 1999. United States Environmental Protection Agency.

GenCorp Realty Investments, LLC. 2008. Preliminary Geotechical Engineering Report, GenCorp South Folsom Sphere of Influence Property. Prepared for GenCorp Realty Investments, LLC. Folsom, CA. Prepared by Wallace Kuhl and Associates, Inc. West Sacramento, CA.

Geosyntec Consultants. 2007. A Technical Study of Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Water Quality in the Laguna Creek Watershed. Final Report. Prepared for Laguna Creek Watershed Council, and Upper Laguna Creek Collaborative. October 2007.

MacKay & Somps. 2007. Folsom Sphere of Influence Storm Drainage Master Plan. Draft. Prepared for: MacKay & Somps Civil Engineering, Inc. Sacramento, CA. Prepared by: Domenichelli & Associates Civil Engineering, El Dorado Hills, CA. October 19, 2007.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-21 References NHC. See Northwest Hydraulic Consultants.

Northwest Hydraulic Consultants. 2008. Alder Creek Watershed Assessment and Management Plan River Geomorphology and Hydrology Section. Preliminary Draft Report. Prepared for: AECOM, Inc. Sacramento, CA. July 25, 2008.

Placer County. 2007. Truckee River Basin Stormwater Management Program. Program Years 2007–2012. Prepared for Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board Phase II Municipal Stormwater Program General Permit No. CAS000004 & Board Order No. 2003-0005-DWQ. Prepared by Placer County Department of Public Works, Stormwater Quality Division. Auburn, CA 95603. December 14, 2007.

Sacramento County. 2007a. Sacramento County General Plan. County of Sacramento, Planning and Community Development Department. Draft, May 30, 2007. December 15, 1993, includes revisions as of August 29, 2007.

————. 2007b. Sacramento County General Plan. Background to the 1993 General Plan as Amended. County of Sacramento, Planning and Community Development Department. Draft, May 30, 2007.

Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership. 2007a. Stormwater Quality Improvement Plan (SQIP). For the County of Sacramento and the Cities of Citrus heights, Elk Grove, Folsom, Galt, and Rancho Cordova. June 2007 (Draft).

————. 2007b. Stormwater Quality Design Manual for the Sacramento and South Placer Regions. Integrated Design Solutions for Urban Development Protecting Our Water Quality, Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership and City of Roseville. 2007 (May).

————. 2007c. Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership Annual Report, 2006/2007. October 2007.

————. 2008. Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership Annual Report, 2007/2008. October 2008.

————. 2009a. Stormwater Quality Improvement Plan (SQIP). For the County of Sacramento and the Cities of Citrus heights, Elk Grove, Folsom, Galt, and Rancho Cordova. November 2009.

————. 2009b. Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership Annual Report, 2008/2009. October 2009.

State Water Resources Control Board. 2007. Section 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments. Available http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/tmdl/303d_lists2006_epa.shtml. Updated 06/28/2007. Accessed February 26 2008.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1983. Results of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program. EPA Water Planning Division Washington, DC.

Youngdahl Consulting Group, Ltd. 2003. Sacramento County Day School, White Rock Road, Folsom California. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Study. August 28, 2003.

Section 3A.10, “Land Use and Agricultural Resources – Land”

California Department of Conservation. 2004. Important Farmland Categories. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/DLRP/fmmp/mccu/map_categories.htm. Last updated May 30, 2007. Accessed May 10, 2009.

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-22 City of Folsom and USACE ———. 2009a. Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Data. Sacramento County. Available: http://redirect.conservation.ca.gov/DLRP/fmmp/pubs/2004–2006/conversion_tables/saccon06.xls. Accessed May 10, 2009.

———. 2009b. Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Data. El Dorado County. Available: http://redirect.conservation.ca.gov/DLRP/fmmp/pubs/2004–2006/conversion_tables/eldcon06.xls. Accessed May 10, 2009.

———. 2009c (February). California Conservation (Williamson) Act Status Report 2008. Available: http://www.conservation.ca.gov/dlrp/lca/stats_reports/Pages/index.aspx. Accessed August 12, 2009.

———. 2009d. Sacramento County Williamson Act Lands 2008. Available: ftp://ftp.consrv.ca.gov/pub/dlrp/wa/Map%20and%20PDF/Sacramento/SacramentoWA_08_09.pdf. Accessed August 12, 2009.

City of Folsom. 1988. City of Folsom General Plan. Folsom, CA.

———. 2006 (October). City of Folsom Zoning Code. Available: http://www.folsom.ca.us/depts/ community_development/planning/zoning.asp. Accessed April 28, 2009.

———. 2007 (June). Sphere of Influence South of Hwy 50. June 12, 2007 City Council Presentation. Available: http://ci.folsom.ca.us/about/whats_new/sphere.asp. Accessed August 19, 2009.

DOC. See California Department of Conservation.

El Dorado County General Plan. July (2004). 2004 El Dorado County General Plan. A Plan for Managed Growth And Open Roads; A Plan For Quality Neighborhoods And Traffic Relief. Placerville, CA.

———. 2009 (March). El Dorado County Zoning Ordinance. Available: http://www.co.el- dorado.ca.us/Planning/ZOchap.htm. Accessed June 3, 2009.

Master, Danya. Real Property Appraiser, Sacramento County Office of the Assessor. Email with Drew Sutton of AECOM regarding properties under Williamson Act Contracts. August 5, 2009.

Michael Brandman and Associates. 1992 (April). Joerger Ranch Project, Draft Environmental Impact Report.

Sacramento Area Council of Governments and Valley Vision. 2004a. Preferred Blueprint Scenario for 2050. Sacramento, CA. http://www.sacregionblueprint.org/sacregionblueprint/the_project/principles.pdf.

———. 2004b. City of Folsom Preferred Blueprint Scenario Summary Statistics. Available: http://www.sacregionblueprint.org/sacregionblueprint/the_project/stats/folsom.pdf. Accessed August 19, 2009.

Sacramento County. 1993 (December). Sacramento County General Plan. Available: http:// www.planning.saccounty.net/general-plan/index.html. Accessed October 2008.

———. 2007a (May). Sacramento County General Plan of 2005–2030. Draft. General Plan Land Use Element Background to the 1993 General Plan and 2007 General Plan Update. Sacramento County, CA.

———. 2007b (December). Sacramento County Zoning Code. Available: http://www.planning.saccounty.net/zc/index.html. Accessed April 27, 2009.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-23 References ———. 2009 (May). Sacramento County General Plan Update. Draft Environmental Impact Report. Available: http://www.dera.saccounty.net/PublicNotices/SQLView/ProjectDetails/tabid/71/Default.aspx?ProjectID= 31418. Accessed July 1, 2009.

———. 2010. Sacramento County General Plan of 2005–2030. Draft. General Plan Land Use Element Background to the 1993 General Plan and 2007 General Plan Update. Sacramento County, CA.

Section 3A.11, “Noise – Land”

California Building Standards Commission. 2002. California Code of Regulations, Title 24. Pages 143–148. Sacramento, CA. Published by: International Conference of Building Officials, Whittier, CA.

California Department of Transportation. 1998 (October). Technical Noise Supplement. Sacramento, CA.

————. 2004 (June). Transportation and Construction Induced Vibration Guidance Manual. Sacramento, CA.

————. 2007 (December). 2006 Average Annual Daily Truck Traffic on the California State Highway System. Sacramento, CA.

Caltrans. See California Department of Transportation.

City of Folsom. 2008 (September). Notice of Preparation of a Joint Draft Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Impact Statement for the Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan Project. Folsom, CA.

————. 1988 (October). General Plan Section 26.0 Noise Element, Folsom CA.

County of El Dorado. 2004. County of El Dorado General Plan Public Health, Safety, and Noise Element. Originally adopted July, 2004.

County of Sacramento 1993 (December). General Plan Noise Element, Sacramento CA.

EPA. See U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

FAA. See Federal Aviation Administration.

Federal Aviation Administration. 1985 (March) Aviation Noise Effects. Available: http://www.nonoise.org/library/ane/ane.htm. Accessed May 17, 2010.

Federal Highway Administration. 1978 (December). Federal Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model FHWA RD 77-108. Washington DC.

Federal Transit Administration. 2006 (May). Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. Washington, DC. Prepared by: Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc., Burlington, MA.

FHWA. See Federal Highway Administration.

FTA. See Federal Transit Administration.

Harris Miller Miller & Hanson. 2002 (November 12). Noise Measurements and Analysis Along the Approach Corridor to Mather Airport. Technical memorandum from Steve Alverson to Rob Leonard of Sacramento County Airport System.

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-24 City of Folsom and USACE U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1971 (December). Noise from Construction Equipment and Operations, Building Equipment, and Home Appliances. Washington, DC.

Veneklasen, Paul S. 1973. Noise Insulation Problems in Buildings.

Wyle Labs. 2005 (September). California Off-Highway Vehicle Noise Study – a Report to the California Legislature as Required by Public Resources Code Section 5090.32(o). El Segundo, CA.

————. (1993) Noise Control Ordinance, Sacramento CA.

Section 3A.12, “Parks and Recreation – Land”

California Department of Finance. 2008. E-1: City/County Population Estimates with Annual Percent Change. Available: http://www.dof.ca.gov/HTML/DEMOGRAP/ReportsPapers/Estimates/E1/E-1text.asp. Accessed January 2009.

California Department of Parks and Recreation. 2004. Prairie City State Vehicular Recreation Area. Available: http://ohv.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=1221. Last updated 2004. Accessed May 18, 2005.

California Department of Water Resources. 1995. Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta Atlas. Available: http://rubicon.water.ca.gov/delta_atlas.fdr/daindex.html. Last updated August 8, 1995. Accessed June 2, 2005.

City of Folsom. 2008. Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update, Park Inventory Summary. May 16, 2008

City of Folsom. 1993 (January). City of Folsom General Plan. Folsom, CA.

County of El Dorado. 2004. El Dorado County General Plan. Adopted July 19, 2004. Placerville, CA.

County of Sacramento. 2008. American River Parkway Plan Update. Available: http://www.planning. saccounty.net/american-river-parkway/index.html. Accessed on February 23, 2009.

County of Sacramento. 1998. Sacramento County General Plan. Available: http://www.planning.saccounty.net/general-plan/index.html. Accessed on March 3, 2009.

Delta Protection Commission. 2002. Recreation Atlas. Available: http://www.delta.ca.gov/recatlas.asp. Accessed May 18, 2005.

Moffitt, Leighann. January 16, 2009—email from Leighann Moffitt at Sacramento County to Melinda Rivasplata at AECOM regarding the status of the American River Parkway Plan.

National Park Service. 2005. Wild and Scenic Rivers by State. Available: http://www.nps.gov/rivers/. Last updated January 7, 2005. Accessed June 7, 2005.

Simpson, James. February 3, 2009—email from James Simpson at the City of Folsom to Melinda Rivasplata at AECOM regarding the status of the City of Folsom’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update.

Section 3A.13, “Population, Employment, and Housing – Land”

California Department of Finance. 2008. E-1: City/County Population Estimates with Annual Percent Change. Available: http://www.dof.ca.gov/HTML/DEMOGRAP/ReportsPapers/Estimates/E1/E-1text.asp. Accessed January 2009.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-25 References California Department of Housing and Community Development. 2000 (May 22). Raising the Roof—California Housing Development Projections and Constraints 1997–2020. Sacramento, CA. Available: http://www.hcd.ca.gov/hpd/hrc/rtr/index.html Accessed January 2009.

City of Folsom. 2002. 2002–2007 Housing Element Policy Document and Housing Element Background Report. Available: http://www.folsom.ca.us/depts/redevelopment_and_housing/housing/housing_element.asp. Accessed January 2009.

———. 2008. 2006–2013 Housing Element – HCD Review Draft. Available: http://www.folsom.ca.us/ depts/redevelopment_and_housing/housing/housing_element.asp. Accessed January 2009.

———. 2009 (January). City of Folsom Housing Element HCD Review Draft. Attachment A: Final Changes to Residential Sites Inventory. Available: http://www.folsom.ca.us/depts/redevelopment_and_housing/ housing/housing_element.asp. Accessed April 15, 2009.

El Dorado County. 2003 (May). El Dorado County General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report. Available: http://www.co.el-dorado.ca.us/Planning/GeneralPlanDraftEIR.htm. Accessed April 21, 2009.

———. 2008 (July). El Dorado County 2008 Housing Element. Available: http://www.co.el- dorado.ca.us/planning/2008–2013HousingElementUpdate.html. Accessed April 21, 2009.

Sacramento Area Council of Governments. 2001. SACOG Projections. Sacramento County and City of Folsom. Available: http://www.sacog.org/demographics/projections/cities/sac.pdf. Accessed January 2009.

———. 2007. SACOG Updated Projection Data for the Year 2035. Available: http://www.sacog.org/demographics/projections/. Accessed January 2009.

———. 2008 (February). 2006–2013 Regional Housing Needs Plan. Available: http://www.sacog.org/rhnp/rhnp.pdf. Accessed January 2009.

Sacramento County. 2004. Sacramento County Housing Element Update. July. Available: http://www.planning.saccounty.net/general-plan/. Accessed January 2009.

SACOG. See Sacramento Area Council of Governments.

U.S. Census Bureau. 2000. American FactFinder. Sacramento County, California. Census 2000 Demographic Profile. Available: http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFFacts?_event=Search&geo_id=05000US06067&_geoContext=0 1000US|04000US06|05000US06067&_street=&_county=Sacramento+County&_cityTown=Sacramento+ County&_state=04000US06&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=geoSelect&_useEV=&pctxt=f ph&pgsl=050&_submenuId=factsheet_1&ds_name=DEC_2000_SAFF&_ci_nbr=null&qr_name=null&re g=null%3Anull&_keyword=&_industry=. Accessed January 2009.

———. 2000. American FactFinder. Folsom City, California. Census 2000. Demographic Profile. Available: http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFFacts?_event=Search&geo_id=05000US06067&_geoContext=0 1000US|04000US06|05000US06067&_street=&_county=Folsom+CIty&_cityTown=Folsom+CIty&_stat e=04000US06&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=geoSelect&_useEV=&pctxt=fph&pgsl=050 &_submenuId=factsheet_1&ds_name=DEC_2000_SAFF&_ci_nbr=null&qr_name=null®=null%3An ull&_keyword=&_industry=. Accessed January 2009.

———. 2005–2007. American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates. Sacramento County, California. Available: http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/ACSSAFFFacts?_event=Search&geo_id=16000US0624638&_geoCo ntext=01000US|04000US06|16000US0624638&_street=&_county=Sacramento+County&_cityTown=Sa

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-26 City of Folsom and USACE cramento+County&_state=04000US06&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=geoSelect&_useEV =&pctxt=fph&pgsl=160&_submenuId=factsheet_1&ds_name=ACS_2007_3YR_SAFF&_ci_nbr=null&q r_name=null®=null%3Anull&_keyword=&_industry=. Accessed January 2009.

———. 2005–2007. American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates. Folsom City, California. Available: http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/ACSSAFFFacts?_event=&geo_id=16000US0624638&_geoContext= 01000US|04000US06|16000US0624638&_street=&_county=Folsom+CIty&_cityTown=Folsom+CIty&_ state=04000US06&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=geoSelect&_useEV=. Accessed January 2009.

Section 3A.14, “Public Services – Land”

California Department of Education. 2009 (April). California Public Schools - Schools Report. Available: http://data1.cde.ca.gov/dataquest/page2.asp?Level=School&Subject=Enrollment. Accessed May 13, 2009.

California Highway Patrol. 2008. Valley Division Quick Facts. Available: http://www.chp.ca.gov/depts_divs_offs/201.html. Accessed March 2009.

————. 2009. City of Folsom Police Department. Available: http://ci.folsom.ca.us/depts/police/default.asp. Accessed March 2009.

CHP. See California Highway Patrol.

City of Folsom Fire Department. 2009a. Department Staffing. Available: http://www.folsom.ca.us/depts/ fire/about_folsom_fire/staff.asp. Accessed February 2009.

————. 2009b. Fire Station Locations/Maps. Available: http://www.folsom.ca.us/depts/fire/locations.asp. Accessed February 2009.

City of Folsom Police Department. 2006. City of Folsom Police Department 2006 Annual Report. Available http://ci.folsom.ca.us/depts/police/administration/annual_report.asp. Accessed March 2009.

Education Data Partnership. 2009a (January). District Profile. Fiscal Year 2007–2008. Available: http://www.ed- data.k12.ca.us/Navigation/fsTwoPanel.asp?bottom=%2Fprofile%2Easp%3Flevel%3D06%26reportNumb er%3D16. Accessed February 2009.

————. 2009b (January). School Reports. Fiscal Year 2007–2008. Available: http://www.ed- data.k12.ca.us/Navigation/fsTwoPanel.asp?bottom=%2Fprofile%2Easp%3Flevel%3D06%26reportNumb er%3D16. Accessed February 2009.

El Dorado Hills Fire Department. 2008. El Dorado Hills Fire Department 2008 Annual Report. Available: http://www.edhfire.com/documents. Accessed February 4, 2010.

————. 2009. El Dorado Hills Fire Department Brochure. Available: http://www.edhfire.com/images/stories/Documents/Brochure.pdf. Accessed February 4, 2010.

El Dorado Hills Fire Prevention Officers. 2009 (April). El Dorado County Regional Fire Protection Standards. Available: http://www.edhfire.com/prevention-safety/fire-prevention/el-dorado-county-standards. Accessed February 4, 2010.

FCUSD. See Folsom Cordova Unified School District.

Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS AECOM City of Folsom and USACE 5-27 References Folsom Cordova Unified School District. 2008a (August). Revised Facility Needs Assessment. Available: http://www.fcusd.org/FacWeb/DF/RevSFNA%202008.pdf. Accessed February 2009.

————. 2008b (October). Folsom Cordova Unified School District Facility Master Plan. Available: http://www.fcusd.org/FacWeb/MP/MP.htm. Accessed February 2009.

————. 2009. Department of Facilities Planning and Development. Developer Impact Fees. Available: http://www.fcusd.org/facweb/DF/index.htm. Accessed February 2009.

Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department. 2009. Fair Oaks/Orangevale Service Center. Available http://www.sacsheriff.com/organization/field_services/garfield_station/service_centers.cfm. Accessed March 2009.

Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District. 2007. Facts about the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District. Statistics 2006–2007. Available: http://www.smfd.ca.gov/Dept%20Stats.htm. Accessed February 2009.

————. 2008. Fire and Rescue Operations. Available: http://www.smfd.ca.gov/fire_%26_rescue.htm. Accessed February 2009.

Section 3A.15, “Traffic and Transportation – Land”

California Department of Transportation. 2002. Guide for the Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies. Available: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/developserv/operationalsystems/reports/tisguide.pdf.

Sacramento Area Council of Governments. 2008. Metropolitan Transportation Plan for 2035. Available: http://www.sacog.org/mtp/2035/final-mtp/.

Transportation Research Board. 2000. Highway Capacity Manual 2000. Washington, D.C.

———. 1980. Circular 212: Interim Materials on Highway Capacity. Washington, D.C.

Section 3A.16, “Utilities – Land”

California Energy Commission. 2007. California Energy Demand 2008–2018, Staff Revised Forecast November 2007. Available: http://www.energy.ca.gov/2007publications/CEC-200-2007-015/CEC-200-2007-015- SF2.PDF. Accessed October 2008.

———. 2008a. 2006 Electricity Consumption by Planning Area. SMUD. http://www.ecdms.energy.ca.gov/ elecbyplan.asp#results. Accessed October 2008.

———. 2008b. 2006 Natural Gas Consumption by Planning Area. PG&E. Available: http://www.ecdms.energy.ca.gov/GasByPlan.asp#results. Access October 2008.

California Integrated Waste Management Board. 2008a. Solid Waste Information System. Facility/Site Summary Details: Sacramento County Landfill (Kiefer) (34-AA-0001). Available: http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/SWIS/34-AA-0001/Detail/. Accessed October 2008.

———. 2008b. Solid Waste Characterization Database. Residential Waste Disposal Rates. Available: http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/WasteChar/ResDisp.htm.

———. 2008c. Solid Waste Characterization Database. Waste Disposal Rates for Business Types. http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/WasteChar/DispRate.htm.

AECOM Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan DEIR/DEIS References 5-28 City of Folsom and USACE ———. 2008d. Countywide, Regionwide, and Statewide Jurisdiction Diversion Progress Report. Sacramento County. Available: http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/LGTools/mars/JurDrSta.asp?VW=In. Accessed October 2008.

———. 2008e. Overall Commercial Waste Stream by Business Group. Available: http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/ WasteChar/wcabscrn.asp?Sector=BizOverall&J=641&SortBy=Disposal. Accessed August 18, 2009.

Capitol Utilities Specialists, Inc. 2009 (April). Folsom Plan Area Specific Plan. Technical Dry Utilities Study. Folsom, CA.

Caulfield, Vickie. Division Manager, Wastewater/Recycle Water Operations. El Dorado Irrigation District. Email to Jenifer King from AECOM regarding El Dorado Wastewater Treatment Plant capacity. April 21, 2009.

CEC. See California Energy Commission.

Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. 2007 (January). Waste Discharge Requirements for El Dorado Irrigation District Deer Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant El Dorado County. Order No. R5- 2002-0210 (Amendment No. 2) (As Amended By Resolution No. R5-2005-0028 (Amendment No. 1). NPDES No. Ca0078662. Available: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb5/board_decisions/ adopted_orders/el_dorado/r5-2002-0210-amend-2.pdf. Accessed May 18, 2009.

City of Folsom. 1998 (October). City of Folsom General Plan. Folsom, CA.

———. 2006. Construction & Demolition Recycling Program Building Contractor’s Resource Guide & FAQ. Available: http://www.folsom.ca.us/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=6534.

City of Sacramento. 2009a (March). Sacramento 2030 General Plan Final Master Environmental Impact Report. Available: http://www.cityofsacramento.org/dsd/planning/environmental-review/eirs/documents/ Part1_GPMasterEIR.pdf. Accessed July 28, 2009.

CIWMB. See California Integrated Waste Management Board.

El Dorado County. 2003 (May) El Dorado County General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report. Available: http://www.co.el-dorado.ca.us/Planning/GeneralPlanDraftEIR.htm. Accessed August 19, 2009.

———. 2009. Guidelines for Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling within the County of El Dorado. Available: http://www.edcgov.us/emd/solidwaste/c_d_debris.html.

El Dorado Irrigation District. 2007 (April). El Dorado Hills Draft Wastewater Treatment Plan Phase III Expansion. Initial Study and Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. Available: http://www.eid.org/doc_lib/05_do_busi/IS-MND_complete.pdf.

HDR. 2000 (December). Recycled Water Master Plan. Available: http://www.eid.org/doc_lib/02_dist_info/RecycledWaterMasterPlan.pdf. Accessed May 18, 2009.

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