Molecular Genetic Confirmation of the Subspecies Status of Blues Agriades Orbitulus Pheretimus (Staudinger, 1892) and A
Russian Entomol. J. 28(2): 186–188 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2019 Molecular genetic confirmation of the subspecies status of blues Agriades orbitulus pheretimus (Staudinger, 1892) and A. orbitulus jugnei Churkin, 2004 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Polyommatinae) Ìîëåêóëÿðíî-ãåíåòè÷åñêîå ïîäòâåðæäåíèå ïîäâèäîâîãî ñòàòóñà ãîëóáÿíîê Agriades orbitulus pheretimus (Staudinger, 1892) è A. orbitulus jugnei Churkin, 2004 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Polyommatinae) B.V. Stradomsky1, R.V. Yakovlev2, 3, E.S. Fomina4 Á.Â. Ñòðàäîìñêèé1, Ð.Â. ßêîâëåâ2, 3, Å.Ñ. Ôîìèíà4 1 Rostov branch of Russian Entomological Society, PO Box 3318, 344092 Rostov-na-Donu, Russia. E-mail: 2 Altai State University, Prospect Lenina 61, 656049 Barnaul, Russia. E-mail: 3 Tomsk State University, Prospect Lenina, 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia. 4 Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chekhov str. 41, Rostov-on-Don 344006, Russia. 1 Ростовское отделение Русского энтомологического общества, а/я 3318, 344092 Ростов-на-Дону, Россия. 2 Алтайский государственный университет, пр. Ленина 61, Барнаул 656049, Россия. 3 Томский государственный университет, пр. Ленина 36, Томск 634050, Россия. 4 Южный научный центр РАН, пр. Чехова 41, Ростов-на-Дону 344006, Россия KEY WORDS: fauna, COI, ITS2, entomology, South Siberia, Mongolia. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: фауна, COI, ITS2, энтомология, Южная Сибирь, Монголия. ABSTRACT. When analyzing gene sequences COI simple. The described later A. atys (Hübner, 1805) and and ITS2, we revealed minor differences (in COI) be- A. pheretes (Hübner, 1805), both as Papilio, are syn- tween the following taxa: Agriades orbitulus orbitulus onyms of the nominative subspecies. From the Asian (de Prunner, 1798), A. orbitulus pheretimus (Staudinger, part of the habitat, three taxa of the subspecies level 1892) and A.
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