Isthmus CHICAGO, Juno 22
8UOAR ilfi A WEATHER Cuio: 3.60c por lb., $77:20 Thor., mln., 74. por ton, liar., 8 a. m., S0.0S. Ucota, 11b. Co', por cwt., Rain, 24h, a. m., tnth 188.60 por ton. Star Wind, 12m., MB, .jjj Telephone 2365 Star RmnriPM office The Largest Daily Paper in The Territory SECOND EDITION. vol. xx TWENTY PAQES. HONOLULU. HAWAII. S. rURDAY, JUNK 22, VH2. TWENTY PAGES, - THE TAFT PLATFORM ADOPTED 1 (Associated Press Cable to the Star.) j he Isthmus CHICAGO, Juno 22. The vote on ihe nooption of r the Taft platform was 6C6 ayes, 53 noes, absent 10. Three hundred and forty-thre- e delegates fol- lowing the Roosevelt lead refused to vote, Inc uding twenty-fou- r California "My visit to the Hawaiian Islands things. delegates. The entire delegation of Maine, Nebraska, South Dakota and is entirely duo to tho "I was in Culebra cut when a land' enthusiastic Miflsourl solidly aye." Illinois voted forty-si- x aye, nine not voting; Ohio boosting of Major Winslow tho slide occurred. These slides of are not voted fourteen nyo, thirty-fou- r not v ting; Massachusetts twenty aye, four- army, formerly stationed here," said as you would suppose from tho out- teen not voting. tJoorgo B. Thayer, a lawyer of Hart- side,- but arc caused by the hills on California Declines to Vote. ford, Conn., this morning. Mr. Thayer, tho sides of the cut settling, causing When California was called Meyer Lissner of Lai Angeles, chairman of 60 years jaunti- up. although old, walked the arth in tho cut to buck tho delegation announced that California declined to vote and a storm of ly across the Isthmus of Panama on "The men were at their noon lunch applause fo'.lowed.
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