Held at the County Administrative Building On Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 9:05 A.M.

Board Members Present: Councillor Roger Houghton (Chair) Reeve Jim Bester Councillor Royce Leavitt Farm Rep Nick Barfuss Farm Rep Jason Hartley Farm Rep Al Kormos

Administration Present: Rod Foggin, Agricultural Fieldman Joseph Hutter, Legislative Clerk

Also Present:

Cody Metheral, Agriculture — Key Contact

Absent: Deputy Reeve Kevin Quinton Stephen Bevans, Assistant Agricultural Fieldman

1. Call to Order

l.l Councillor I-Ioughtoncalled the meeting to order at 9:05 A.M.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

2.1 Adoption of the January 29th, 2019 Agricultural Services Board Meeting Agenda.

Reeve Bester moved that the agenda be adopted with the following additional item:

1) Discussion on Glenwood Weigh Scale


3. Adoption of the Minutes

3.1 Adoption of the November 27th, 2018 Agricultural Services Board Meeting Minutes.

- Chair Q‘: - C‘A,0_ Cardston County ASB Meeting Minutes Tuestlay, January 29, 2019

Farm Rep Al Kormos moved that the minutes be approved as presented.


4. Business Arising from the Minutes

There was no business arising from the minutes.

5. Un?nished Business

5.1 Stampede Farm Family Award:

Deferred from the November 27th, 2018 ASB Meeting, the ASB discussed a nominee for the Calgary Stampede Farm Family Award.

Councillor Leavitt moved that the McKenzie Family be nominated for the Calgary Stampede Farm Family Award.


Clubroot Policy:

The ASB reviewed a draft Clubroot Policy for approval.

Farm Rep Nick Barfuss moved that the Clubroot Policy be approved as amended.


6. Reports to the Board

6.1 Assistant Agricultural Fieldman's Report:

The Assistant Agricultural Fieldman provided a repoit on the recent CAP workshop and future workshops.

Farm Rep Al Kormos moved that the report be ?led as information.


6.2 Cody Metheral, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry - Key Contact:

Cody provided a recap ofthe CAP workshop to the ASB.

Farm Rep Jason Hartley moved that the report be filed as information.


7. Reguests for Decision

7.] ASB Rental Rates for 2019: The ASB to discussed Rental Rates for 2019.

- Chair - C.A.O. Cardston County ASB Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Farm Rep Al Komios moved that the ASB Rental Rates for 2019 be approved as presented.


7.2 ASB Face-to-Face Meetings:

The ASB discussed appointing two members to attend “face-to-face” meetings with Alberta Agriculture on February 6, 2019 in .

Farm Rep Jason Hartley moved that Councillor 1-Ioughtonand Councillor Leavitt attend the face—to-facemeetings with Alberta Agriculture.


7.3 Sponsorship Request from Alberta Invasive Species Council (AISC):

The ASB Discussed a sponsorship request from the Alberta Invasive Species Council (AISC).

Councillor Lcavitt moved that the request be filed as information.


8. Additional Items

8.1 Glenwood Weigh Scale Discussion:

The ASB discussed the possibility ofinstalling a weigh scale in the Glenwood area.

Farm Rep Jason Hartley moved that the ASB endorse the installation of a weigh scale in the Glenwood area and that Administration research grant funding oppoitunities.


9. Adjournment

9.1 Adjoumment ofthe January 29th, 2019 Agricultural Services Board Meeting.

Farm Rep Nick Barfuss moved that the meeting be adjourned at 11:13 A.M.

Carried Lei Chief Administrative Officer

‘2 - C.A.O.