Florissant, Colorado

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Florissant, Colorado 3/18/2019 “Roses Are For Everyone” Denver Rose Society Joan Franson • Learn more about growing roses • Meet other rose growers and gardeners of every skill level • Ten monthly meetings, other events and shows • Great newsletter • Indispensable book – “Growing Roses in Colorado” • $20.00 yearly dues • Super website-www.denverrosesociety.org Dave Ingram Master Rosarian, American Rose Society Free ARS Trial Membership Offer!! Growing Roses In Colorado Answer: Question: • Where was the oldest • Newly revised know rose fossil found? • 2019 Edition Florissant, Colorado • Other rose fossils – • Geared toward the Front – Oregon Range – Montana • Recommended Roses • Pests / Diseases • $ 20.00 • Network of Consulting Rosarians ‘Rosa acicularis’ Rosa woodsii Zone 3, 3 to 4’ Rosa rubrifolia Species, zone 2 Toughest Natives ‘The Red Leaf Rose’ American Rose Society rating: 8.8 • Native Species Roses: – Rosa acicularis – Rosa arkansana – Rosa woodsii Most of these roses are single and bloom once. Plant Select, 2010 ‘Rosa arkansana’ 1 3/18/2019 Right rose, right place 7 Habits A rose is a rose... of Highly Successful Local Rosarians! • 3 Groups: – Species • → Choose a good site - 6 hours SUN! – Old Garden Roses • Prepare your soil, plant properly - Soil test – Modern ‘La France’ • Mulch - small bark chips 1st Hybrid Tea 1867 • Classes: • Water - Consistent - Winter water – Damasks, Alba, Hybrid Tea, • Fertilize - organic - 3 X year - last time late Aug Floribunda, Minis, Shrubs • Choose the best varieties (hardy, disease and pest resistant); see DRS website list - Right rose, right place Varieties (names): • • → Be observant and use gentle intervention for pests –‘Peace’ or ‘Iceber g’ and diseases - Integrated Pest Management Pore Space Soil No-No’s Soil Preparation AVOID: • Very good soil is • Soil Test • working soils when wet composed of up to • Provide good drainage 50% air & water • soil compaction - use • Add organic matter stepping stones/paths • Access beds from – 1 to 3” mix 6 to 8” deep outside, or use • 50 % Pore space stepping stones • 45% Mineral • Good rose soil is never • 5% Organic matter compacted • No regulation of compost – beware salt content in commercial compost Good Soil Is Alive Key to Planting Roses! Grafted rose, planted incorrectly • Microflora – Bacteria • Plant grafted roses 2-4” – Fungi below ground – Archea level – Actinomycetes – Algae • Microfauna • Plant own-root roses 1-2” below – Nematodes ground level – Protozoa – Rotifers 2 3/18/2019 Planting Container Grown Winter Protection Watering • Plant after last frost • Each garden is different • Keep root ball intact • Water early so foliage can dry • Always remove from pot! – Reduces disease • First 3 days • Winter water – Water every day • Check soil moisture before watering Key # 1: - Be consistent • Next 2 weeks Mounded Compost or Soil • – Water every 2 days • Key # 2 : - Slow, deep watering is better than fast shallow watering • Mound mulch to protect Christmas Tree Boughs Fertilizing Mulch Pruning Basics • No “perfect” fertilizer A Good Organic Mulch: • First Rule: Pruning • Chemical (feeds plant directly) • Maintains consistent soil stimulates growth – Often washes through Quickly temperature • Second Rule: Do Not Be Afraid! – May leave salt residue • Allows air/water in/out Third Rule: First prune • Organic (feeds soil, plant) • Reduces water needs • around last frost – May take time to show results • Lessens weeds • Eases soil compaction • Encourage roses to grow • Water, fertilize, water when it is safe • Key: Last time – end of August “Good Things Happen To People Who Mulch” Tetanus shot up to date ! Equipment Repeat Bloom Canadian Hardy Explorer Roses Climbers • Climbing canes • Lateral (blooming canes) • Train (tie up) to support structure • Arch climbing canes to promote more bloom • Prune laterals to promote Saw, Loppers, Glue, Pruning Bypass Pruners bloom Shears ‘Improved Blaze’ 3 3/18/2019 More Canadians: Medium Shrubs ‘Cherry Frost’™ ‘Rose de Rescht’ Old Garden Rose zone 4 8.7 • New !!! • Shrub/Climber – To 6.5 ft. • “Repeat bloom throughout the season in abundance” • Own root, Zone 3b • Bred by Julie Overom ‘Morden Blush,’ 8.0, zone 3, 4’x4’ – Lake Nebagamon, WI ‘Morden Sunrise,’ 8.0, zone 3, 3’x3’ ‘Sunrise Sunset’ 3-6’ x 4-7’ 8.2 Miniatures / Minifloras New! From David Austin • ‘Vanessa Bell’ • Class determined by size of flower – Bushy, upright ‘James L. Austin’ • Plants vary in height • – Tidy, upright – Miniatures: 6-24” H x W – Minifloras: 2½-4½’ • ‘Dame Judy Dench’ • All own root – Apricot/orange – Arching stems ‘Jeanne Lajoie,’ 8.9 Climbing Miniature ‘Easy Does It’ 7.9 ‘Easy Going’ 8.0 Floribundas “Easy To Love” Series ‘Julia Child’ 8.3 ‘Cinco de Mayo’ 7.8 From Weeks Roses • Clusters of blooms on each stem “Easy To Love” Series • Blooming machines From Weeks Roses • Splash of landscape color • Bushy, 2 to 4 feet tall ‘Livin Easy’ 8.2 ‘Iceberg,’ 8.4 ‘Playboy,’ 8.4 ‘Easy to Please’ NR ‘Take it Easy’ (8.0) ‘Easy Spirit’ NR ‘Easy on the Eyes’ NR 4 3/18/2019 Grandifloras ‘All Dressed Up’™ Hybrid Teas • Classic bloom shape • Season long repeat • New !!! • Queen of Show contenders ‘Ingrid Bergman’ 8.0 • Grandiflora • 3-5’ tall x 2-3’ wide ‘St. Patrick’ 7.9 • Hybrid tea x floribunda • Upright growth • Classic blooms singly and • Disease resistant ‘Firefighter’ 7.8 in clusters ‘Fragrant Cloud’ 8.1 • Mild tea & apple • Bushier than hybrid teas fragrance ‘Queen Elizabeth’ 8.1 ‘Pinkerbelle’™ Integrated Pest Management Identifying A System Of Checks & Balances • New !!! Good Insects • Hybrid Tea • Observe your garden in the • Own root • Correctly identify a Garden • Upright growth problem • Decide whether • Strong, spicy verbena Lady Beetles scent treatment is necessary • Disease resistant • Start with least toxic – Black spot treatment – Mildew • Evaluate the results – Rust Japanese Beetle Damage Japanese Beetles DBG Classes Control • Istocheta aldrichi Battling the Japanese Beetle • Hand-picking: knock off – Tachinid fly adults into soapy water (“Winsome fly”) With Betty Cahill • Try to keep plants damage- – Attacks adults free • Tiphia vernalis (CDA) • All things Japanese Beetle • Okay to crush them! – Parasitoid wasp • Tuesday, April 02, 2019 - 6:30 pm • BeetleJUS™ – Attacks larvae • Saturday, April 27, 2019 - 10 am – Strain of bacterium: BTG • Ovavesicula Popilliae • Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - 6:30 pm – Fungus • Saturday, August 10, 2019 - 10 am (microsporidium) – Attacks larvae 5 3/18/2019 Denver Rose Society Classes 2019 Rose Show Hands-on Pruning Demo at Denver Botanic Gardens, 2019 The Galactic Rose Show • Sun, April 28, 2019: • Growing Roses in Colorado 9:30a –12:30p − Sat, April 6, 10 am • Saturday, June 15 • Pruning and Training Your Roses • Jeffco Detention Center • Mitchell Hall Rose Garden in Golden – Sat, April 20, 10 am • Putting Your Rose Garden to Bed • Free! – Sat, October 12, 10 am The 2019 Denver Rose Society Rose Show • Bring pruners and gloves June 15, 2019 Denver Botanic Gardens High Country Roses Consulting Rosarians Thank you ! • Front Range based mail- order rose nursery • Free, experienced • Started in 1970’s advice • Specializes in hardy • By phone, e-mail roses • Certified by American • Over 300 varieties Rose Society • Plus 55+ new 2019 introductions! ‘Peace’, Hybrid Tea, 1945 6.
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