Brain Aneurysm
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Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, July 10, 2014 OUR 124th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 28-2014 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Lance Talks Healthcare, Gun Control, Environment at Meeting By LISA HAGEN crat, Independent, or choose not to “I do think that [a carbon tax] would Specially Written for The Westfield Leader participate in the political process,” lead to fewer jobs than would other- MOUNTAINSIDE — While mem- he said. “We conduct our office re- wise be the case, but I certainly favor bers of Congress were back in their garding constituent issues in a com- moving in the direction of cleaner districts for the Independence Day pletely nonpartisan basis.” sources of energy because this will holiday, U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance Meara Nigro of Berkeley Heights be better for the environment,” he (R-7th) held a town hall meeting on asked about his position on climate said. July 2 to give his constituents the change as a reality and the use of Although President Barack chance to ask him questions and share natural gas. She noted that the cost Obama’s administration has not is- their views on current issues. and destruction from natural disas- sued a position on construction of the Recently winning a Primary for his ters caused by greenhouse gases will Keystone Pipeline, which would run House seat reelection, Mr. Lance an- “threaten our long-term economic through Canada and the U.S., Mr. swered questions regarding his posi- security.” Lance said he supports the oil tions on issues including the environ- Acknowledging that natural gas is pipeline’s expansion. He believes this ment, gun control, healthcare and not perfect, Mr. Lance said this source project would temporarily create immigration. has fewer pollutants than ones the some jobs. “I try to serve all of my constitu- U.S. gets from the Middle East and After the meeting, Roslyn Harrison ents, regardless of political views, Venezuela. He also said he does not of Westfield also expressed her con- whether you’re Republican, Demo- support a carbon tax. cerns about the country’s reliance on natural gas. She works with Organiz- ing for Action, the non-profit for- merly known as Obama for America, to educate people about the effects of climate change. “[Natural Gas] is not the choice of what to do to control the problem,” said Ms. Harrison, who said there should be a shift to solar and wind energy. Another popular topic at the meet- ing related to gun control legislation. Leslie Dickstein of Westfield asked why the Congressman has not sup- ported the Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act Brooks Crandall for The Westfield Leader of 2013, which would expand back- HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA...The weather cleared up in time for the traditional Fourth of July fireworks display, ground checks and improve the crimi- which brought out the crowds Friday night at Nomahegan Park in Cranford. nal record system. “I think that if you are law-abiding, if you follow the rules and regula- Proposed Pilgrim Oil Pipeline to Lisa Hagen for The Westfield Leader tions of your state, the number of HEARING FROM CONSTITUENTS...Maria Santiago of Clark questions U.S. weapons you have is a personal opin- Rep. Leonard Lance's (R-7th) position on healthcare during his town hall ion and personal right,” Mr. Lance meeting held at Mountainside Borough Hall on July 2. said. He added, “I would not limit the Pass Through Local Area number of weapons a person has so By LANCE TUPPER the ire of local environmental dent of development at Pilgrim SP Man’s Aneurysm Story long as the person legitimately pur- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader groups. Pipeline Holdings, LLC, wrote that chases and permits them.” REGION — A proposal to build a In a telephone interview with The relying “on river barges leaves New Although he supports the Second new oil pipeline stretching from Westfield Leader, Kate Millsaps, Jersey residents susceptible to short- Saved WF Woman’s Life Amendment, Mr. Lance said he has Albany, N.Y. to Linden, and pass- conservation program coordinator ages of critical fuels after severe By LISA HAGEN dios in Summit on June 23, Mr. supported legislation that would in- ing through parts of Union County, for the New Jersey chapter of the weather events that freeze rivers Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Styler met Jeff Mueller, a Westfield crease funding for the FBI’s federal including Fanwood, Scotch Plains, Sierra Club, said that a two-state and harbors or cause damage.” He SUMMIT — After suffering from native who resides in Ringwood with CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 Cranford and Westfield, has roused coalition, consisting of 39 environ- added that pipelines are the safest a brain aneurysm at age 27, Tim his wife, who remembered the com- mental organizations, has formed and most environmentally friendly Styler of Scotch Plains wanted to mercial when his wife, Sue, de- to oppose the project. “We know means of transporting oil and re- share his story through a radio ad- scribed similar symptoms. Mountainside Council that this project cannot be done fined products, and that the risk of vertisement so other people could “The awareness is there, and if safely,” Ms. Millsaps said. leakage for barges is “seven times identify the symptoms. Tim didn’t do the commercial and The estimated 180-mile, $800- greater than that of pipelines.” Mr. Styler, who manages New if Jeff hadn’t heard it, I don’t know Continues Land Use Debate million bi-directional Pilgrim Pipe- Mr. Bochis said Pilgrim is ex- Jersey-based Running Company if we’d be sitting here,” Mrs. By KATE BROWNE with the fields at the Beechwood line would transport Bakken shale ploring New Jersey land routes ad- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader stores, felt an extreme headache Mueller said. School and asked Recreation Direc- oil to the Phillips 66 Bayway refin- hering to “existing transportation and his parents decided to call 9-1- Mr. Mueller, who was a profes- MOUNTAINSIDE — The bor- tor Frank Masella to work with the ery in Linden. The oil is currently and utility corridors in order to re- 1. He went to Overlook Medical sional racecar driver and experi- ough council continued its analysis board of education to investigate op- transported by rail from North Da- duce the project’s impact on resi- Center, where his brain aneurysm enced his own brain injury, said the of the community’s land use regula- tions. kota to Albany, offloaded to barges dents.” Plans call for 96 percent of slowly ruptured in the emergency radio ad resonated with him since tions at the governing body’s July 1 The council approved a recommen- and shipped down the Hudson River the pipeline route to be located room. he grew up in Scotch Plains. Mrs. meeting. dation to award the contract for resur- to Linden. A second parallel pipe- within existing rights of way. “I was in shape at the time and it Mueller, 52, said she was initially Council members reviewed a report facing eight streets to Top Line Con- line would carry refined petroleum Formal plans have not been sub- was one of those freak things,” said “reluctant” to call for an ambu- presented by consultant John struction, the company which recently products such as gasoline, diesel, mitted, but a rendering from Pil- Mr. Styler, explaining that he was lance. Chadwick and solicited input from completed paving Woodland Avenue heating oil, kerosene and aviation grim Pipeline depicts a route down an athlete in college and continued “We normally wouldn’t have Michael Disko, borough engineer, on and New Providence Road. Members fuel northbound to Albany. the Interstate 87 corridor from Al- to run after college in Cranford. “I thought anything of it,” Mr. Mueller the impact of a potential increase in discussed the need to minimize crack- In an April op-ed in The Star- bany to New Jersey, where it would never had a migraine before.” said. “Maybe she just had a pinched the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) require- ing and improve longevity by requir- Ledger, George Bochis, vice-presi- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 Mr. Styler, now 32, finally had nerve in her neck that was giving ments from the current 2.25 percent. ing a second paver layer known as an the chance to meet with a couple her extreme headache, but it was Mr. Chadwick explained that the “alternate.” They also reviewed mate- face to face who he impacted really Tim’s ad that I have to thank vast majority of residential lots in the rials from the New Jersey Department through his public awareness. for bringing us to the hospital.” community are in the 14,000- to of Environmental Protection’s storm In an interview conducted by Joe Dr. Kyle Chapple from Atlantic 18,000-square-foot range, and that a water management education program Nolan of Westfield from WCBS- Neurosurgical Specialists per- conformity check completed in 2011 and discussed the storm water catch FM at HomeTowne Television Stu- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 revealed that less than 500 lots were basin retrofitting requirements, which non-conforming. include catch basin curb box covers or Mayor Paul Mirabelli noted that slotted catch basins. while the borough’s large lots could At an earlier meeting Councilman potentially accommodate larger Glenn Mortimer asked for an investi- homes, he expressed considerable gation into the fees charged by the concern about the need to maintain Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority.