Mustang Daily, April 20, 1999
Red handprints Back on track I was absent that day Camlnis curmnunity respcmds After injury List year, Sara Columnist says his education to administration s decision Stockton leads team in hitting lacks something: Dating 1 0 1 Opinion, page 5 Sports, back page Opinion, page 4 Tuesday High7T April 20,1999 Low 55* M ustang Daily CA LIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY SAN LUI S OBISPO D Netuepe: Nome9 f«« Ë i l à i ^ à i > i s s i ' R«*« ''sifHHj i CAPTURE traffic decreases _____________________ l 1 fV5CVliWi)IUλt»iÀllaN campus debut last October in the residence However, it’s really ditticull to answer WeleoB«1 « Cti T%«M MR fcM« 1« Mam 0?« vili KK4«M Many students turning halls, and its campuswide debut March 11, exactly how much PC 1WER has attected iR tto MM»ta RR«4 loa 8f«ia|t the .imount ot calls to CAPTURE have C^APTURE, said jenniter Thoma, systems to online registration • L«* 'M arriMi QUICK AND decreased. analyst tor Academic Recatrds. She believes • Ka«r««(ri tlftsUtfM IRTI» EASY: Poly By April Charlton In winter quarter, 1S,TS4 students used PL'IWER will lessen some ot the calls CAP • Viaw Rt* .'OMtaa ta«« «a» • '»V« •« riMRbwfi mtfi tmmttjt Online Web Mustang Daily C^APTURE to register and 1,800 students i*a44M TURE receives, as students become aware • 'Aaw «•» Ittf •• ««R;laM Registration used POWER, compared with 14,016 stu ot the registration alternative. expands the • Lift e» '-uMNTtffi CAPTURE, Cal PolyV telephone regis- dents who used C'AI’TURE and stu opportuni “There hasn’t been sutticient time for • a41 or -Imm r'tfWrmx vo« tratum system, has st)ine competition in the dents who used PL^WER during spring rota (PeW ER) to have the impact it will,” ties students registratiem business: I’oly C'inhne Web tions, according to jeft Caddel, co-creator ot • vifuii« Lina have to reg Thoma said.
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