College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History 1983 The Advocate (Vol. 15, Issue 2) Repository Citation "The Advocate (Vol. 15, Issue 2)" (1983). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 106. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers/106 Copyright c 1983 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers The AMERICA'S OLDEST LAW SCHOOL Marshall-Wythe School of Law F OUNDED 1779 rol. xv. \'umber 2 Thursday, September 15, 1983 Four Pages Streamlined Version One-Day Orientation Succeeds, AssiDlilates Eager Class of '86 First-year orientation. which Colonel Wa lck reviewed non­ gram . Many of the first-years in­ was held this year on August 25-26, academic activities; Professor dicated that this info rmal, was a large success. Lederer explained the Trial Ad­ unstructW'ed "bull session" was The program began on Thurs­ vocacy volunteer program; and the most beneficial por tion of the day evening with a cookout at Dean Schoenenberger finished the Orientation. La'ke Matoaka. This get-together segment by describing the ser­ The Orientation program ended provided the new students with a vices offered by the Placement at .J:OO on F riday afternoon. The welcome opportunity to get their Office. students then had a chance to first impressions of each other in At the conclusion of this presen­ eagerly look forward to the Legal a relaxed and informal setting. tation. the students were given a Writing/ Legal Bibliography lec­ ~lany second- and third-years also long break for lunch. During this ture given on Saturday by Pro­ attended and mingled with the new time. many of the law school's fessors Hardy and Edmonds. Sun­ class. The strong turnout by the organizations provided represen­ day was a day of rest (another in­ acuity made the evening com­ tatives to give the students infor­ novation in this vear's schedule plete: first-years hobnobbed with mation about their groups. In ad­ that seemed to disappoint no one). their professors with a familiari­ dition. the PAD used-book store Thus the Orientation was a great tl' not likely to be matched for at made a heroic effort to supply the success since it appeared to ease least two semesters. The timing of near-de titute hordes with low-cost the first year class gently into a the affair was perfect: the kegs texts. new and strange environment. THE A!'I;NUAL MATOAKA COOKOl T was the first step in what turned out ran dry just before the party was Later in the afternoon. two (See related article on page to be an extremely successful , one-day orientation progr am for the incoming Class scheduled to end. A good time was. "Special Topics" lectures were three. ) of 1986. Orientation was coordin;tted by SBA "ice-P resident ' lik e Walsh '85. as they say, had by all. conducted. Judicia l Council Chief Orientation began in earnest on Justice Mike Doucette distributed Friday morning. The program. information and materials concer­ streamlined to one day. began at ning the Honor Code. a nd fielded Moot Court Teams Prepare 8:00a.m. with a two-hour registra­ questions from the class tion period. At the same time. members. Kathy Sabo then spoke photo for Wand M LD. 's and for about the Student Bar Association For Upcoming Competitions the class composite were taken. and announced the availability of The new students were officiaJ­ positions on SBA committees. By A:,\ !\: GUSTAFSON '8.! The team a rgued seven The members of the _r ational ly welcomed at 10 a. m. SBA Presi­ After a shor t break. the students The William a nd Mary ABA separate rounds in the two phases Moot Court teams are currently dent Kathy Sabo and Vice Presi­ attended the last session of the Moot Court Team. consisting of of the tournament. The problem getting ready to compete in the dent Mike Walsh introduced the day, the Small Group Discussions. Mike Garrett, Ma rsha Dula and for the ABA competition concern­ regional level of their tournament speakers, beginning with College The class was divided into nine Todd Thompson, competed in the ed a hypothetical proposed na­ in Charlottesville in November. President Thomas Graves, who groups of 20 students . E ach group Nationa l ABA Appella te Ad­ tiona 1 liability statute, similar to Justice Rehnquist of the U.S. gave the first-years a genera l then met with a professor and two vocacy Moot Court Competition in a statute currently being con­ Supreme Court will judge the welcome to the William a nd Mary or three upperclass members. The Atlanta, GA . this summer . Eigh­ sidered by Congress. final round of the regionals. These community. Next, Dean Spong in­ new students were encouraged to teen other schools partiCipated. This was the second year of two teams competed last spring troduced the first-year facul ty. interact with the fa culty members The Wand M team placed ninth competition in this tournament by at the Kaufmann Tournament at Following this. severa l specific a nd the second a nd third-years. in the nationals, narrowly missing Wand M and both years our Fordham University in New York topics were addressed. Professor a nd to gather any information not a dvancement to the teams have qualified for the na­ City. The team of Joan Schwar­ Pagan spoke about academics ; glea ned from the rest of the pro- quarterfinals. tionals. Last spring, the team zkopf, Brian Marron, and Ellen placed second in the regional Margolis reached the finals, los­ competition in Morgantown, ing to Fordham. The team of SBA To Accept l-L Applications W.Va. , to qualify for the Cheryl Foster, Joy Cantrell, and nationals. Eleanor Andrews reached the quarter-finals, where they lost to For Vacant Committee Positions Kitty DeVoid, Ken Newman, the Fordham team that won the The SBA is now accepting ap­ on admissions policy or the ad­ Constitution or Bylaws that may and Mark Clausen are preparing tournament. Ms. Schwarzkopf to represent Wand M at the Ben­ plications for the following posi­ missions decisions. However, the be referred ~ o it by the Board; to received the third place award for ton Tournament at the John Mar­ lions for the 1983-84 school year. Committee shall assist the Ad­ recomend, on its own initiative, best ora list, and she and her team Pick up application forms in the missions Department in various any changes in the Constitution or shall School of Law in Chicago members will be receiving gavels SEA office. Please complete a areas, including recruiting poten­ Bylaws ; and to make any state­ next month. The tournament will for their participation in the final separate application for each tial Marshall-Wythe students at ment on legislative intent or inter­ be held Oct. 27-29. rounds. position for which you apply. All local colleges. (Unlimited pretation that the Board Judicial applications are due' tomorrow, openings). Council, or a student may ask for. Friday, Sept. 16, before 5:00 p.m. CONSTITUTION AND BY­ The frequency of the committee Law Magazine Reappears in the SBA office. LAWS COMMITTEE: This com­ meetings and the amount of time By ERIC MAZIE '8.! tion, toxic torts and environmen­ ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE: mittee has three basic duties: to required depends on the number and TIM THOMAS '84 tal law. This committee will have no input report on any amendment to the of requests for committee The Colonial Lawyer is pleased From time to time, alumni of reports. (Unlimited openings). to announce that it will resume the law school will be asked to FACULTY HIRING COMMIT­ publication with a 1984 mid-winter contribute articles addressing, Mary & William Program TEE : This committee will assist edition_First as a newspaper, and from a practical standpoint, per­ in the selection of new faculty since 1969 as a magazine, the tinent topics relevant to the legal By GINNY HAGER '8.! members for the law school. The Lawyer has served Marshall­ profession and the practice of law The Mary and William Women s Law Society will sponsor a panel members will participate in the Wythe as a forum for student in the SO 's. In particular, CL hopes diSCUSSion on "Interviewing Tips for Women" this Monday, September interviewing of prospective facul­ thought on the law school and the to highlight the opportunities and 19, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 124 of the law school. ty and will work with the chair­ law. obstacles facing the emerging law Leading the discussion will be Professors Glenn George and Ber­ man of the Faculty Committee. The Colonial Lawy er will sport student, as well as alternatives to nie Corr, both of whom have had extensive experience recruiting and (Two openings). a new format for 1984. Each edi­ a legal career. interviewing law students for positions with firms. Mr. Corr is GRADUATION COMMITIEE: tion will focus on a provocative A new section in the Lawyer well-known for the mock interviews he has conducted in cooperation This committee organizes the legal issue in a developing area of will be devoted to the publication with the Placement Office. Ms. George is new to Marshall-Wythe; she events of graduation weekend. the law, and will contain two or of essays, short stories and other teaches Labor Law and Employment Discrimination. They will offer Events include a cocktail party three lead articles expressing the creative forms of expression con­ suggestions for women on how to respond to personal questions asked and a degree ceremony.
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