AIHRC Causes and Consequences Of Bachabazi in Afghanistan (National Inquiry Report) 1393 AIHRC Report Identity Title: The Causes and Consequences of Bachabazi in Afghanistan (National Inquiry Report) Research: Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission Authors: Mohammad Hossein Saramad, Abdullah Abid, Mohammad Javad Alavi, Bismillah Waziri, Najibullah Babrakzai, and Latifa Sultani Revision and rewriting: Hussain Ali Moin Translators: AIHRC’s translation team (Ali Rahim Rahimi, Habibullah Habib, Murtaza Niazi) Data Extraction: Ahmed Shaheen Bashardost Design and layout: Mohammad Taqi Hasanzada Circulation: 1000 Volume Publisher: Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission Date of publication: Sunbual 1393 Address: Karte Se, Pooli Sorkh Road - Sixth District, Kabul, Afghanistan Contact numbers: +93(020)2500676 - 2500677 Email Address:
[email protected] Website: Table of Contents Message of Dr. Sima Samar A Preface 1 Report Summary 3 Chapter One About the AIHRC and its Legal Mandates Concerning Children’s Rights 10 1.3 Legal Basis of the AIHRC’s Mandate in Conducting National Inquiries 13 Chapter Two Concept and Methodology of National Inquiry 15 2.1. What is National Inquiry? 15 2.2 Goals of a National Inquiry 17 2.3 Methodology of the National Inquiry 18 State Obligations towards Children’s Rights 20 Chapter three Legal Analysis of Bachabazi 23 3.1 What is Bachabazi 23 3.2 Bachabazi as a Crime and Human Rights Violation 24 3.3 Criminalization of Bachabazi 27 Chapter Four Analysis of the Statistical Findings 33 Demographic Particularities: 34 First- Demographic Particularities of the Perpetrators: 1. Age: 34 2. Literacy Level 35 3. Marital Status: 36 Second- Demographic Particularities of the Victims of Bachabazi: 1.