John Neill of Lewes, Delaware, 1739, and His Descendants
NYPL RESEARCH LIBRARIES 3 3433 08071707 1 A?V (Ne.ll) or\f\ • <» % 'j»f .)fTT ^''^c imnr 1 ' . (^ f\l c 3o h n GOVERNOR THOMAS'S LICENSE TO JOHN NEILL TO EXTEND HIS PRACTICE OF THE LAW IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE, I 747. By the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander-i Chief, of the Provinces, and Counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex in Delaware. the hath ^t^ltCltaiSi, JOHN NEILL, of Coiuity of Sussex, %txA\vm.\\ been admitted an Attorney of the Court of Common Fleas, for the T^rd {Sussex) County for above Eight years past, as, by the reeords of the yd Court may appear; and, hath likewise been admitted an Attorney within the like Court for the County of Kent: as I am credibly informed; and, whereas, the said ]OYl^ NEILL hath been recommended to me as a person of an honest disposition, and learned in the law, and, having applied to me for a License to exte?id his practise to some other Courts 7vithin my Government I DO, THEREFORE, by virtuc of the powcrs to me tvell known to belong, Authorize and License the said JOHN NEILL to plead in any of the Courts of Record within my Government, he behaving himself in goodfidelity as well to the aforesaid Courts as to his Clients, and, taking such qualifications as are Enjoined by Law, and conforming Idmself to the Rules of those Courts, tvherein he doth or shall practise. Given U7ider my hand and Seal et Arms at Lewes, in Sussex aforesaid, the Ninth day of June, the Twe7ttieth year of the reign of our Sovereign, Lord George the II"'' over Great Britain, France and Ireland; King, Defender of the Faith; and Anno Domini, 1747- GEO: THOMAS.
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