June 24, 2016

Mayor Libby Schaaf 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza 3rd Floor Oakland, CA 94612

Appended below are the names of 7,792 individuals who have submitted public comments opposing the proposed coal export terminal in the City of Oakland. In addition to signing on in support of the following letter, 1,911 individuals of the total number have submitted personalized comments. The personalized comments start on page 2 and end on page 113.

RE: Put a stop to coal exports from Oakland

Dear Mayor Libby Schaaf,

CC: Governor Brown, State Senator Loni Hancock, Assemblymember Tony Thurmond, and Assemblymember Rob Bonta

I strongly oppose the proposal to ship coal through the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal.

The mile-long coal trains bringing coal from Utah would release hundreds of pounds of toxic coal dust into the air as they travel to the proposed coal terminal, and the project developer is not bound by any enforceable commitments to protect community members from coal dust releases at the coal terminal. Communities like West Oakland already suffer from high rates of asthma, heart disease and cancer. More pollution should not be released into the neighborhoods near the proposed terminal and train lines.

Allowing coal exports from Oakland undermines commitments made by the City of Oakland and the State of California to fight climate pollution. Coal-fired power plants are among the biggest emitters of climate change-forcing greenhouse gases, and allowing coal exports would allow these plants to continue operations. For this reason, the City of Oakland and the state legislature have passed resolutions opposing the transportation and use of dirty and dangerous fossil fuels like coal. California has also passed landmark climate change laws that set greenhouse gas reductions goals and mandate turning away from dirty fuel sources.

The City of Oakland should not turn a blind eye to these important commitments or to the health of its residents. We have a moral obligation to do the right thing. The Bay Area, the state, and the country are watching what happens with this proposal.

Please stand up for Oakland residents and our future, and put a stop to this coal terminal development.

The Undersigned


T: 415.217.2000 F: 415.217.2040 [email protected] WWW.EARTHJUSTICE.ORG Nicola Grody Oakland, CA 94610-4135 As a parent of an asthmatic child and having developed asthma as an adult living in Oakland I fear that coal dust here in Oakland, were we enjoy a daily breeze coming directly from West Oakland, presents a very REAL and serious health . Our quality of living will absolutely decrease as we close windows and are forced to stay indoors. We will be limited as to what outdoor activities we can do out of fear of damaging coal dust in our comprpmised lungs. I have concerns for all the residents in West Oakland, the water quality in the Bay and Lake Merritt. Also, what about our urban wildlife? Especially birds. Coal through Oakland should nit even be on any city council table, shoukd not even be a topic of conversation. It really seems quite obvious hhow bad it is for so many people, animal, water areas and environmental issues. PLEASE, keep coal out of Oakland and away from California shorelines. thank you Jacqueline Gross Oakland, CA 94607-1419 As a West Oakland resident who lives less than three miles from the proposed project, and as someone with already compromised lung capacity, I don't want more dangerous dust and other coal bi-products further polluting the air. I see what comes in my windows now; it's hard to miss. There's no reason to add to it other than another company's greed (and that of the and anyone else who has taken money from the coal companies). We'd be ground zero for anything that goes wrong. I don't want that for myself or my neighbors. The few jobs this project would create would do nothing to offset the potential disaster and higher medical costs that will be borne by those of us in direct line of this project. Jordan Brunel Oakland, CA 94612-5411 As a resident of Oakland my entire life, I would be ashamed if Oakland became the biggest exporter of coal in the country. We have worked incredibly hard to become one of the greener cities in the nation, and I am so proud of that fact. We, as a community, need to fight the efforts of the fossil fuel industry; not entice them. Let's stand together and make it known, that we will not allow this to happen. #NoCoalInOakland Margaret Rosen Oakland, CA 94602-1907 As a 20-year Oakland resident, I strongly oppose this move. We have soooo much good happening in Oakland now, including by the waterfront, let's not allow this to detail our progress. This is not what Oakland is about! Dale Chung Oakland, CA 94607-5207 As a lif long resident of Oakland and a home owner in Old Oakland I am against this toxic business coming to Oakland. This is bad for residents in the area, the environment and Oakland. Please put a stop to this back door deal. Deborah Maizels Oakland, CA 94602-1203 As a long time Oakland resident I strongly oppose the proposal to ship coal through the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal. Please take every action to assure this proposal does not become reality. Deborah Maizels Michael Simler Oakland, CA 94608-4410 As a resident of West Oakland I strongly believe this should NEVER be allowed to happen! There are so many better opportunities to be pursued instead of this antiquated idea!! Jillian Aguilar Oakland, CA 94609-1246 As a true lover of Oakland, I beg you not to build this environmental catastrophe. Allergies and asthma are on the rise with all the youth I know, please don't make it worse. Gail Mcgowan Oakland, CA 94605-3815 As an Oakland home owner I oppose any method of using the Great City of Oakland as a coal dump, for that is exactly what is proposed. I ask the CityCouncil to protect all Oakland citizens from this health hazard. I ask The City Planning Commission and the to refuse any type of building permit for this property. And I ask those who accepted any monies from these charlatans to recuse themselves. Oakland needs courageous leaders. Oakland does not need special interest thieves. Maya Markovich Oakland, CA 94602-1202 As an Oakland resident and 3rd generation Californian I am appalled and angry that this terminal is even under consideration. It is absolutely unnecessary and irresponsible. Susan Colson Oakland, CA 94602-2418 As an Oakland resident with asthma, I ask you to please ban coal rom coming through Oakland. Mercy Manning Oakland, CA 94609-1207 As an Oakland resident, home-owner, mother of 3 young children and as a professional working to bring energy efficiency and clean energy alternatives to market, I urge you to ban coal exports through Oakland. This project is a major step backward for our climate change goals, and for health of the residents of Oakland. Michael Hall Oakland, CA 94611-4924 Dear Governor Brown, Mayor Libby Schaaf, State Senator Loni Hancock, Assemblymember Tony Thurmond, and Assemblymember Rob Bonta, I have lived here in Oakland my entire life and after many years of West Oakland being a place where people felt unsafe, today, it has become a highly sought after place to live! The timing of this West Oakland Coal nonsense will once again make west oakland a place to fear being again! And not only West Oakland but all of Oakland, SF, Berkeley, Emeryville, Richmond, San Leandro, Alameda, the entire Bay, and the creatures who live in the water, on the shores, in the skies and trees, and We the people, who have kids, and grandkids, and all of us who already have no choice about Floride in our water, Unidentified GMO foods in our stores, RoundUP weed killer everywhere and in everything we consume, Alluminum Particulates into our lungs and brains with every breath we take already, floating down from the sky, after being sprayed by large planes who's only purpose is to do just that, and endless toxic damage distributed by Monsanto, allowed by EPA and making the people pay for it all! We draw the line on this damn coal plant! We will not stand by and allow this additional polluting to occur in our city! Stop this Environmentally Damaging Coal Ash producing, pollution increasing Coal Plant from being built in Oakland and taking a giant step backward to the polluted past, rather than to the clean burning, more efficient, intelligent future! Jenifer Schoenberger Oakland, CA 94618-1314 For the sake of all of us who have chronic asthma and respiratory illness and struggle to control the successful treatments daily please do not subject us to coal particles seeping into all areas: our air and into our lungs, on our bodies , on our homes in the bay , on our plants ! I grew up with coal dust in New England and watched our lives improve when home heating switched to oil, no more coal dust!, I bathed my baby 2 times a day in from from coal dust pollution in the 60's and we breathed it in . Paul Tagami was my dead nephew Ben's friend who public ally hold of how Ben befriended him and literally brought him food each day when he was a Phil was a teen on his own . In the name of livings care for one another over profits greed and wealth, we please ask Mr. Tagami to abandon coal shipments through Oakland Ca terminal. Karma wins out and so does life! Jenifer Morris Schoenberger Ben's aunt Brucee Waterman Oakland, CA 94609-3521 I already have difficulty with levels of pollution. Mimi Wilkinson Oakland, CA 94610-3310 I am appalled at the lack of action by the Oakland City Council to shut this Coal Fiasco down! I have never had breathing problems till I moved to Adams Park area off of Lake Merritt. My dog is having respiratory problems, along with my son! There is actual soot like sand that blows in my windows from I- 580 into every surface. I also am SEVERELY allergic to coal, dust, soot and any product that touches my skin, I have anaphylactic reactions with breathing, severe hives, eczema and psoriasis. This pollution is DISGUSTING, THE CITY COUNCIL BETTER GET OFF THEIR BUTTS AND STOP THIS COAL EXPORT PROGECT , IMMEDIATELY! We should vote every one of you out of office due to the silenced response by all of you, COWARDS ALL OF YOU!! Sara Christian Oakland, CA 94619-2711 I cannot be ignored as an asthma sufferer: stop the deal to develop the Oakland waterfront to have coal dust shipped in and out of my town. We need clean air as a unified goal for all citizens. Mona Faltis Oakland, CA 94602-1528 I grew up in Montana where coal mining has absolutely destroyed the health and the overall quality of life for the residents in such towns as ' Browning' & 'Coalstrip' . The coal dust is the final death knell! When you drive through these towns, you feel the destitution, you feel and see the awfulness of it all. Dennis Wininger Oakland, CA 94607-3846 i live in Jack London Square. Everyday a soot like dust settles on my deck from all the diesel emissions from the container ships, diesel transport trucks, trains, and busses. To put add coal dust and particulate to this already toxic air is not only insane but criminal. Stop the export of coal through Oakland! Tiffany Higgins Oakland, CA 94606-1539 I live in Lake Merritt and wish all of us to breathe clean air. We need to support less coal, not more of it. This is our local chance to have a global effect. Tiffany Higgins Rose Miksovsky Oakland, CA 94618-1459 I live in Oakland and don't want millions of tons of coal coming thru my city. Alison Monroe Oakland, CA 94601-2728 I live in Oakland and I don't want my city to be the toilet of the West. Keep this filthy fuel out of our city and keep it in the ground! James Moyers Oakland, CA 94601-2721 I live in Oakland, but no matter where I might live I know that the world needs to reduce its dependence on coal. Gina Pfeifle Oakland, CA 94608-4143 I live in West Oakland and have a six month old baby. I don't want him or the rest of our family breathing coal dust on a daily basis. I could not be more opposed to this prospect. If my city council member, Lynette Gibson McElhaney, does not vote to ban coal, I will not support her in the next election. Johnathan Andersen Oakland, CA 94607-1460 I live in West Oakland, right along the freeway. I'm about to have a baby and the thought of coal coming through Oakland makes me fear for my daughter's health and her future in the Bay Area. Please don't allow coal to come through her neighborhood. Abril Estrada Oakland, CA 94610-5044 I love this city and ask elected officials to fight with us to keep it clean and safe. Please stop this horrible project from moving forward!!! Gaylen Stirton Oakland, CA 94619-1833 I strongly oppose the movement of coal through Oakland. Oakland, especially West Oakland, has enough problems - do we really need yet more? I think not. Sehline Rodriguez-ivanhoe Oakland, CA 94612-1178 I struggle with upper respritory issues, Asthma. I do not agree, nor do I consent, to the decision to use the Port of Oakland, as a facility to produce, sell, nor transport coal, this decision jepordizes my health and safety. Your decision is a big "f-you" to me, a disabled person … Going through with this insanity means you not only poison me more, you poison the lungs of little ones and put their safety at risk … #ICANTBREATHE Charles Allensworth Oakland, CA 94607-1462 I was a teacher in the Bay view/Hunters Point area for 10 years. Many years ago African-Americans were encouraged to buy homes in this area of San Francisco, even though they knew it was toxic, because of the Naval Shipyard. I experienced personally how a toxic area can impact one's health. A number of children I taught suffered from different respiratory conditions. In addition a number of the children's parent also suffered from different respiratory conditions. So in other words there have been generations affected by living in a toxic area. I do not want coal in Oakland. I think bringing coal to Oakland will have the same results as family and children experienced in the Bay view/Hunters Point in San Francisco. Eric Solrain Oakland, CA 94619-3310 I'm a resident of Oakland and run an engineering consulting firm in downtown Oakland. While I welcome the port and the jobs it brings, coal is not the answer. Oakland should not be banking on fossil fuels - not for our health or the planet's. With the right development and planning, West Oakland can become a creative tech hub focused on light manufacturing and industrial services. Monica Chey Oakland, CA 94608-1355 I've been living in West Oakland for many years and hearing there is a possibility to have coal exported through West Oakland will harm the community in many ways. Susan Munday Oakland, CA 94606-1630 I've lived and worked in Oakland for many years and love our Town. While I currently work in an office downtown, for over 20 I worked in West Oakland and the air quality was horrible due to all the freeways, trucks, etc. Don't do anything to make this worse! No coal in Oakland! Madeline Stacy Oakland, CA 94612-1059 I've made Oakland my home. A home I would like to protect. A home I want to stay in. A home with views and trails worth preserving. Ann King Oakland, CA 94602-1665 My family came from coal country. Inside my grandmother's chest of drawers, bottom draw, wrapped in cloth, wrapped in newspapers, her dishes had a coat of coal dust. People who left SW Pennsylvania succeeded because failure meant returning to coal. Please do not let this filth anywhere near our pristine city. Madelyn Corey Ness Oakland, CA 94605-3018 Please Please Please! We have 5 generations in Oakland. My Grandchildren will have a very hard road ahead, as it is. I am just in remission as well! Please, Governor Brown! Be the governor I grew up admiring, from the very first time you held office. Our tap water is questionable, I have been advised by my practitioners not to drink tap water. Our air is already thick and polluted. The spare the air days keep skyrocketing annually. For the sake of my family and friends....IT'S NOT WORTH IT. It's not. Thank you, Madelyn Corey Ness Marsha Davison Oakland, CA 94609-1104 Put the health of the residents and community first and ban this project. As an asthmatic, I know first hand how air quality can negatively impact one's life and quality of life. Margaret Reeves Oakland, CA 94609-1438 A coal export operation would be a horrible injustice to the people of West Oakland for the direct and imminent harm it poses, as well as to all Californians who have been working hard to make the state a leader in alternative energy. Rudy De La Cruz Jr Oakland, CA 94601-1313 A known carcinogen has no place in a major city like Oakland. The inner cities with a majority non white population in this country are almost always the targets of environmental racism i.e Flint, Michigan. No coal thru Oakland. Marilyn Chinn Oakland, CA 94618-2221 Californians, and Bay Area residents in particular, take special pride in being at the forefront of environmental and conservation action. This filthy backroom coal terminal deal does not fit with what conscientious Californians stand for. Carla Borelli Oakland, CA 94611-2353 City of Oakland needs to reject these coal export operations. This is not how you lead climate change - w these corrupt back end deals. I will fight against this with all my might. NO! Granger Loosley Oakland, CA 94608-3017 Coal is a 19th century fuel source. Time to get rid of it. We don't want it in Oakland. Dup Crosson Oakland, CA 94609-1263 Coal is a dying industry, and Oakland is not a city dying for jobs so much that we will take anything you offer us. I do not understand why this is even up for discussion with climate change literally in the air and not up for debate. Coal is not an industry this community or this planet needs to perpetuate any further by desperate, clearly conspicuous projects like this. Andrea Johnson Oakland, CA 94611-5344 Coal is destructive to the environment at every stage of its use, from mining it, to transporting it, to burning it for fuel. Don't bring this pollution through Oakland. Andrew Cowitt Oakland, CA 94610-5107 Coal is dirty and dangerous. Please don't let private profit triumph over the health and safety of the citizens of West Oakland. Tom Kunhardt Oakland, CA 94602-3019 Coal is losing on price in the competitive new clean energy economy. The only hope for this dirty fuel is to export it oversees where environmental standards allow the burning of coal. We can't afford to allow climate change to read n rampant. The time is now to do everything we can to mitigate methane, Co2, and other pollutants from destroying our one and only planet. Valerie Winemiller Oakland, CA 94611-4961 Coal is not the future of the country or of Oakland. I support the Sierra Club, concerned residents of West Oakland, and the longshoremen who do not want to work with coal. Anne Vode Oakland, CA 94610-2075 Coal is the business of killing people, animals and the environment. There are better ways to access energy without fossil fuels. Coal Technology is obsolete and a danger to the climate. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGY. Do not be a part of the process of selling coal. Be part of the process of saving the planet, people, animals, and all living things. Joan Kiley Oakland, CA 94611-5062 Coal should be left in the ground. No coal should pass through Oakland's port or any neighborhood. This would create a public health crisis, and make the city unfit to be lived in. We should be fighting negative climate change, not contributing to it! Julie Benson Oakland, CA 94602-1112 Coal transport through Oakland is a bad idea - for the health of people who live here and our environment. Export of fossil fuels is a bad idea for our city, the bay, and for the countries in the world where that coal is being taken. Anushka Bliss Oakland, CA 94608-2306 dirty energy at this point in time is not acceptable . Global warming is real. DENIAL for profit is a BAD IDEA! It's a STUPID choice. Get a clue. Peace Brook Vanderford Oakland, CA 94607-5208 Do the right thing for Oakland residents for once instead of constantly just favoring businesses. Oakland is a wonderful place but the way it's run is shameful. The fact that you need to spend money to research whether to ban coal or not speaks volumes about your priorities. Julie Moyer Oakland, CA 94607-2921 Don't poison west Oakland! Kim Walker Oakland, CA 94611-1342 Don't sell out Oakland to the energy of the past. We need to move forward, not backward. Keep Coal out of Oakland. Birgitta Borgstrom Oakland, CA 94619-3219 Don't we have to put up with enough here in Oakland??!!!! Enough already! Selfish politicians who only care about them self and money!!!!!! Rodney Reed Oakland, CA 94611-1112 Enough of the rhetoric. No coal terminal in Oakland. Listen to the people! Jessica Casas Oakland, CA 94605-2350 Everyone needs clean air to breathe and live. Let's make the right decision for the sake of humanity. David Piller Oakland, CA 94608-1140 For our children, ourselves, and future generations, please ban coal exports from Oakland. Arlene Fisher Oakland, CA 94605-5834 Fossil fuels are destroying our planet, our health. We should do everything to stop their use and availability and nothing to promote or facilitate their use. Carol Kuelper Oakland, CA 94602-3909 How can you even consider allowing this! You wouldn't OK it if it were in your neighborhood. The climate cannot take more coal burning. This cannot happen! Aixa Gannon Oakland, CA 94610-4135 How did you expect an activist city like Oakland to accept such a deal? You know how many have demonstrated against the unloading of coal at the port of Oakland! Focus of maintaining our diversity and character. We were proudly the most integrated city in the country. Stop evictions. Create and maintain affordable housing!! Anne Bailey Bailey Oakland, CA 94608-4523 I am a grandmother of 2 beautiful children whose health will be hurt by the presence of coal dust added to the air we all breathe in Oakland Eva Pettersson Oakland, CA 94619-1122 I am a grandmother who does not want any children's health to be jeopardized by use of coal!! Patricia Reynolds Sorbye Oakland, CA 94606-1464 I am against hosting dangerous coal trains for any reason, but especially I am against a practice that will risk the health and safety of the people of Oakland, and the environment here, in order to line the pockets of big business for sale to foreign countries. Chris Jordan-bloch Oakland, CA 94602-1408 I am an Oakland resident and I will be personally impacted of coal comes to the city I live in and love. Please stop this from happening!! Maya Elashi Oakland, CA 94611-4973 I can't breathe. Junko Prentice Oakland, CA 94611-4861 I do not want coal dust in my fresh ocean breeze. Bad for my health. Penny Rosenwasser Oakland, CA 94602-2220 i don't want my city to become polluted and add significantly to global warming with a new coal plant! there are much more effective ways to create jobs for oakland, PLEASE VOTE NO!! Sara Katz Oakland, CA 94618-2129 I have trouble understanding why legislators would wish the kind of health burdens and serious risk of disaster upon the residents of this community. PLEASE do WHATEVER POSSIBLE to prevent this health hazard from coming to our city. Barbara Camacho Oakland, CA 94610-2640 I strongly oppose the proposal to ship coal through the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal. Karen Crum Oakland, CA 94611-1517 I strongly oppose this plan which undercuts both California's and the United States' commitments to act to step back from energies that contribute to climate change and to reduce emissions that propel climate change. Also, I am deeply dismayed to read that the plan for this Oakland coal terminal was the result of a "backroom" deal with a private California developer. I am outraged that a private developer is looking to profit from poisoning thousands of citizens in the neighborhoods along the coal train route and around the proposed terminal. Oakland City Council: Please use your authority to ban this coal from Oakland neighborhoods and oppose this proposed terminal. Thank you. Kelly Erickson Oakland, CA 94605-1627 I want dirty coal going through my city. Things like this just show the world yet AGAIN that Oakland does not care about its own. It's time for the city to step up and make real changes to turn around the horrible reputation it you seem so eager to ruin further. Please take this step in the right direction for a change. R Joel Denney Oakland, CA 94619-3202 If it needs to be done secretly, it shouldn't be done. Madeline Gallo Oakland, CA 94618-1519 In addition to the health and safety risks, coal exports simply don't make economic sense. The price of coal is so low globally that it would be difficult for US coal companies to compete on a global market. Coal exports are not the answer for this dying industry, and the industry's last, destructive attempts at being profitable or relevant should not be inflicted on Oakland communities already suffering disproportionate environmental impacts. Many coal companies are currently declaring bankruptcy; this is not the time to invest in new infrastructure. Furthermore, any short-term potential economic benefit for developers will be outweighed by the social cost of carbon (, the health costs to the community caused by copollutants such as particulate matter, and by the potential this decision has to politically alienate you from the people you are supposed to serve, the residents of Oakland. Please invest in cleaning up West Oakland to reduce health risks to its existing residents, not polluting the area further. Joan Shea Oakland, CA 94610-1419 It is high time action is taken on this matter by the Oakland City Council and by Gov. . It is time to walk our talk in being world climate leaders. No Coal in Oakland! Coal dust is linked to asthma, emphysema and heart disease. No coal should pass through the Port of Oakland. Protect the safety and health of the citizens of Oakland. Kristin Zoernig Oakland, CA 94608-3911 It is irresponsible, short-sighted and foolish to bring this into a large residential community like Oakland. Barbara Carlino Oakland, CA 94610-1730 It would be immoral and irreponsible to proceed with thsi project whic will line soem pockets but help destroy the planet and damage human life. There are much better ways to create jobs. Katrine Benninger Oakland, CA 94608-3102 It's time to look at clean energy over short sighted profit making at the cost of long term environmental and health priorities. Susan Harris Oakland, CA 94609-2619 It's time to move past coal . Yes, the transition will take a bit of time. I want my city to be in the forefront of this absolutely essential transition. Nicholas Degroot Oakland, CA 94601-3058 Keep big coal out of Oakland. Keep it in the ground. Reuben Hale Oakland, CA 94619-2370 Keep coal dust from our lungs and co2 from our atmosphere. Stan Young Oakland, CA 94611-4662 Keep it in the ground! I don't care if he is the former mayor, or the present governor or even the past governor or his friend and business pardner!! NO NO NO Evelyn Kirby Oakland, CA 94619-2218 KEEP OAKLAND GREEN AND BEAUTIFUL!! SHAME ON OAKLAND'S ADMINISTRATION! STOP THIS FILTHY COAL EXPORT TERMINAL AND SCHEME NOW!! OAKLANDERS WANT GREEN AND CLEAN! Vicki Gunter Oakland, CA 94601-1911 Let's be brave and choose life for our family's and planet's future. Coal = death Woody Little Oakland, CA 94618-1860 Love the project, but want nothing to do with this poisonous commodity. There are plenty of other goods that need shipping. Those are the projects we should be looking at, not one based on a commodity with an uncertain future that will target the health of low income communities of color in the present. Martha Evans Oakland, CA 94608-2706 No Coal in Oakland - this is a bad deal environmentally (for the earth and for the residents of West Oakland), involves transport of hazardous materials through many East Bay Cities, and shows complete disrespect for the wishes of the citizens of Oakland. It is your job to protect us and the environment. Vote NO on this proposal. Phill Pilch Oakland, CA 94610-5148 No coal in Oakland if you want to remain on city council Liam Flynn-jambeck Oakland, CA 94609-2945 No Coal in Oakland!!!! James Booth Oakland, CA 94601-5152 No coal in our town. Let alone with no input or vote from the people. Andrew Frankel Oakland, CA 94612-1187 No Coal in West Oakland! There's already too much pollution here, let's not add to it! Kyra Rice Oakland, CA 94611-2138 no coal through Oakland!! Kate Nyne Oakland, CA 94601-4354 NO coal! We're trying to clean up the Bay NOT make it worse! Kevin Mulvey Oakland, CA 94608-2708 No coal, no covers on coal cars, no compromise, not now, never. All lungs matter. Alice Mccsin Oakland, CA 94610-4069 No filthy coal in my town please! Phyllis Ozene Oakland, CA 94602-2440 No more TOXIC in the air! You are killing the "HUMAN RACES" Give "OUR" next generations to come, a "CHANCE" Julie Hawthorne Oakland, CA 94602-2251 No processing unrefined coal in Oakland. Keep Oakland from being polluted. Kimberly Hewitt-stevens Oakland, CA 94610-1341 No! Rebecca Stewart Oakland, CA 94601-1323 Not just no but hell no we don't want this. Scott Weston Oakland, CA 94601-4415 Nothing good can come from this. Not here...not where it will go and be burned. Daniel Rosnik Oakland, CA 94607-1561 Oakland and West Oakland in particular says NO to exporting coal from our neighborhood! James Tracy Oakland, CA 94619-1016 Oakland can create jobs by leading the transition to solar. Dump coal. Loralee Castner Oakland, CA 94611-4401 Oakland does not need a coal export terminal; it does not need pollution that such a terminal would bring to this city. Ilene Wagner Oakland, CA 94619-2948 Oakland does not need this pollution. Please protect us all and be environmentally conscious. Sarah Cathey Oakland, CA 94605-2202 Oakland is a beautiful city full of culture and vibrancy. Bringing filthy, destructive coal to our often health conscious city would only serve to benefit those who don't live here. Please, DO NOT allow this to happen. Barbara Lamb Oakland, CA 94610-3365 Oakland is my home town. Do NOT foul my beautiful city with toxic coal shipments! This does not support our goal CLEAN energy! Do not destroy our city and reputation with last century, outdated energy so a dying industry can gasp its last profits. Amanda Bloom Oakland, CA 94619-3309 Oakland needs to continue our green actions not worsen our air and water with coal. Our earth cannot have more coal burning ANYWHERE. Pierce Macdonald Powell Oakland, CA 94602-3012 Oakland needs to look to the future and reject 19th century technologies. Our health and our economic development depends on investing in alternatives to fossil fuels. We need good jobs and new skills. We DON'T need coal dust and coal silos. Elsa Guerra Oakland, CA 94605-1862 Oakland residents in general and particilarly West Oaklanders, can not have Their health compromised once more. California is a leader in clean energy use and creating this coal export facility in Oakland goes against what most Californians believe is in our best interest as people. Please keep the coal out of our State!! Damian James Oakland, CA 94609-2739 Oh hell no! Oakland needs to go completely Green! Get going on that. Sonya Haggett Oakland, CA 94610-3951 Our community is inclusively and equitably rebuilding and revitalizing itself and does not need this potential environmental assault hampering progress. The local community and government stand united in this position. We are still cleaning up past environmental damage that costs community quality of live's. Please halt the historical environmental damage to our community and give us s chance to healthily prosper and thrive. Mia Dean Oakland, CA 94607-1612 Our kids have asthma and can't breathe already, from all the port truck exhaust. Oakland needs to make an environmental stand. Please care about the future of our city and communities. No coal in oakland. Kent Smith Oakland, CA 94612-1726 Please do not allow this deal, or any other similar deals, to happen. They might have money, but they are not masters of the universe. Not mine, anyway. Linda Giannoni Oakland, CA 94602-3335 Please do not allow this disastrous plan. It would be a physical assault on the people of Oakland and on the people in countries receiving the shipments of coal. This kind of environmental racism and classism causes lifelong illnesses and shortened lives. We have enough of that already. Benny Alba Oakland, CA 94609-2321 Please do not be part of the coal industry in any fashion. Just because we all need to breathe the air that circulates around the globe. Thank you. Ana Bertero Oakland, CA 94611-5155 Please do not bring coal to Oakland! Kenneth Sanderson Oakland, CA 94610-3429 Please don't allow this damaging project to go through. Oakland has problems enough without adding frightful pollution to them. David Sinkkonen Oakland, CA 94618-2544 Please don't let coal and the pollution this distribution center will bring, into Oakland the air quality is bad enough!!! Evelyn Artvalo Oakland, CA 94603-3802 Please don't let this happen in Oakland. We already have enough pollution to deal with. Thank you! Jimena Saravia Oakland, CA 94601-4729 Please for the love of all things right do not let coal expand! Elisabeth Duffy Oakland, CA 94609-2734 Please help Oakland and the Bay Area to make responsible decisions about the use and future of our Port and environment. Susan Bethell-hansen Oakland, CA 94610-3906 Please keep coal out of our community..encourage solar.... Ravi Lau Oakland, CA 94611-5442 Please make Oakland and California the proud environmental leader these times call for. Your decision will be your Karma, and the karma of your grandchildren. Jessica Steele Oakland, CA 94611-5620 Please protect the people of West Oakland and preserve the San Francisco Bay. Please don't let plans like this be snuck through with secrecy and greed. No coal at Oakland Port! Luca Indrio Oakland, CA 94606-2050 Please save Oakland . Andrew Ramer Oakland, CA 94610-4256 Please say NO to coal exports. We are a better and wiser city than to allow such a thing. Thank you very much! Judith Klein Oakland, CA 94611-2347 Please stop the coal facility. This is detrimental to the ENTIRE Bay Area and this should not have gotten this far. You have the power to stop it so please do the right thing and STOP it. Your future political career may be in jeopardy if you let this move forward. Cathya Torrejon-nisbet Oakland, CA 94611-1139 Please stop This Proyect. Thanks Kerry Noh Oakland, CA 94612-1708 Please Vote No on Coal in Oaland Cheryl Frisbey Oakland, CA 94621-1527 Pls. No. I need to breathe. Coal is dirty. Everyone always likes to dump on oakland. Sounds like someone is getting paid for this, as usual. Elizabeth Pauw Oakland, CA 94619-2922 Stop bringing coal into our environment. Bring in solar! More than 60% of homes and businesses could benefit. Coal carries to big a price: our future! Gina Lucariello Oakland, CA 94601-1334 Stop climate change. We in Oakland do not want to participate in coal and fossil fuel industries. We have enough pollution to clean up as it is. An accident in the Bay will devastate an already fragile ecosystem. Please stop this project. Patti Rich Oakland, CA 94606-3133 Stop shipping crude oil and coal thru oakland Rebecca Keller Oakland, CA 94609-1005 Stop the coal! Richelle Lieberman Oakland, CA 94606-1220 Stop this insane plan.... COAL is not healthy and this is the 21st century! We know better!! Suzanne Saul Oakland, CA 94619-2402 Stop this now. A step back in time to dirty air, more cases of cancer. Michael Kaufman Oakland, CA 94619-2044 The City has the legal authority and moral right to defend Oakland from toxic coal dust. Please vote the BAN coal! Aura Lane Oakland, CA 94601-3220 The City of Oakland ought not reward the underhanded way this "deal" is being forced on our unwilling citizens [also i've read 60k tons of coal dust blow off the top of each uncovered railcar: polluting every community along the way from utah to oakland] Judi Bank Oakland, CA 94619-3112 The East bay does not deserve to suffer air pollution from coal dust, especially in west Oakland neighborhoods. No coal through Oakland! Alexey Berlind Oakland, CA 94619-3259 The economy is strong, the people are clear, and there is NO REASON to make this deal with the devil that we all know is wrong! We all know coal burning has to stop - it is among the worst of the fossil fuels for climate change - and we know that shipping coal through this port will create pollution and danger for the residents of our city. Thanks for having the courage to stand up and do what's right! Brian Smith Oakland, CA 94608-2745 The thought of Oakland contributing to the export of coal just seems insane to me. Not only will it impact our neighborhoods, and town all along the train route, it will impact the global climate. This should not be happening in a community at the forefront of ecological thought. Peter Goetz Oakland, CA 94608-2626 This almost-kept-secret plan must be stopped! Coal is one of the leading causes of global warming. Don't let Oakland be a part of this destruction! Victoria Reeder Oakland, CA 94606-1165 This is environmental racism. The citizens of Oakland will stop your rape of the planet and exploitation of the underrepresented. Mary Duryee Oakland, CA 94605-5035 This is inconsistent with the direction of the future. Coal has no place in the sustainable energy program we need to implement. The destruction of this particular plan, if allowed to go through, will begin immediately, locally, and continue indefinitely globally in the form of continuing to contribute to climate change. The time to stand against unsustainable, destructive energy sources is now. Chris Mulhauser Oakland, CA 94608-4151 This is my neighborhood, don't kill us. Sarah Colby Oakland, CA 94618-2725 This is not the kind of industry we need in Oakland. It will create minimal jobs for Oakland, and the health consequences will most heavily impact families of color and lower incomes. If you all truly believe in doing all you can to combat global warming and protect our environment, you will oppose this plan. Alissa Benporat Oakland, CA 94606-1516 This is so important! This city has a bright future, and it shouldn't be so shortsighted as to support the use of coal abroad, nor to expose West Oakland residents to further toxic waste and potential contamination. We need to be an example of a leading urban community that makes environmental justice a part of our everyday lives. It's not right for this city to support "green initiatives" at a superficial level, while we're actually involved in a dirty business. I'm a lifetime Oakland resident, and planning to raise my family here. We have to be accountable to our residents and also the globe. Brian Johnson Oakland, CA 94611-5023 This is the wrong direction we need to be going. We need to think of the future not today. Oil is a pollution is a giant problem that needs to be looked at not looked over. Justin Abee Oakland, CA 94601-5504 This source of energy has no place in our modern society and only perpetuates our dependence on fossil fuel which is rapidly destroying our world. Local polution is a real possibility and something that the working class in Oakland will not stand for. Make your money sustainably and stop destroying our environment. Marcia Lovelace Oakland, CA 94610-3329 This wouldn't even be possible if we were talking about Montclair or Rockridge! For our grandchildren's children, do not allow coal to be shipped through West Oakland. H Clarke Gentry Oakland, CA 94609-1346 To have a coal port in Oakland is against the wishes of Oaklanders. There are higher and better uses for the Port of Oakland. This is a regressive move. Look forward, not backward JO Edel Oakland, CA 94601-2738 To my is time to step up and show your moral values. Kevin Southey Oakland, CA 94610-4323 Utah stole money from their tax payers to build a dirty coal terminal in Oakland we don't want. Yolanda Nava Oakland, CA 94601-4018 We (citizens) don't want the place we live in to be more contaminated. I think someone should put a stop to this. There could be more jobs ,but not to help this happen. Sharon Brostrom Oakland, CA 94610-4373 we do not want a coal terminal in Oakland! Breathing good air is very important to me as I have respiratory problems at times. No to coal! Lary Heath Oakland, CA 94610-3825 We do not want coal or crude, coming through Oakland. We are a very progressive city, and, this violates almost everything we stand for. NO COAL. NO CRUDE. Gay Chiappetta Oakland, CA 94610-2429 We don't want or need this foolish plan to come to Oakland. Coal is the energy of the past and we need to look to the future Paula Wood Oakland, CA 94606-4707 We have enough problems in Oakland without adding coal dust. No coal! Jessie Davenport Oakland, CA 94611-5724 We have worked hard over generations to clean up the air. We do not need to take steps backward and destroy our future. We do not need to add thevinsult of coal dust to our fragile environment. Please do not allow this to happen. Show that the environment matters for us and our future generations. Liz Taylor Oakland, CA 94619-3125 We know enough to know better than to continue mining coal. We know the negative impacts it has on climate, human health and the environment. Exporting it simply continues the damage- polluting Bay Area air now and later when that coal contributes to bad air quality in Asia and blows back to us. Coal is a leading factor in ocean acidification too. Let's not add more carbon to our bay- let's focus on restoring the bay instead. Say no to short term greed and invest in long range goals that will make a difference even after you leave office. Brenda Bailey Oakland, CA 94610-2160 We must not support the use of fossil fuels especially at the cost of the health of our own citizens. Elizabeth De Rham Oakland, CA 94606-1923 We must protect Oakland residents from an increase in harmful air contaminants. Let's be a leader in the global work to fight climate change and resist dependence on and acceptance of coal for energy. Jessica Lawrence Oakland, CA 94605-3601 We need clean jobs in Oakland, not polluting coal. Coal dust is a carcinogen, and coal burned elsewhere cooks the planet. It's morally wrong. We can do better. Stop the greedy profiteers! Kelsey Westphal Oakland, CA 94611-5120 We need more sustainable energy, not coal! Keep the bay clean and full of life! Ryan Fisher Oakland, CA 94611-5546 We need to invest in the right source of energy, and if we deviate it had better benefit the local community. Neither of those are achieved letting coal through Oakland. Deborah Baldwin Oakland, CA 94618-2121 We need to protect the local environment, not add to pollution! Querido Galdo Oakland, CA 94601-2733 We need to scan back on coal usage world-wide. Development that encourages coal usage is backwards and dangerous, for the global environment and climate and for our local air quality--which are already compromised. Paul Bissember Oakland, CA 94609-1846 We need to stand up against further damage to our climate and communities by saying no to coal in Oakland and yes to clean jobs and climate justice. Josh Freund Oakland, CA 94611-1549 We the people don't want this! Doris Gray Oakland, CA 94606-4118 we will fight to save our community Michael Beck Oakland, CA 94607-3446 West Oakland is already plagued by emissions from diesel fueled semis idling and delivering goods to the port, the grinding and pulverizing of construction debris, the digging and grading for new construction at the port. It has been proven that the air quality in our community is far worse than any others in the East Bay. Adding an even more toxic coal dust to the air we breathe is a total disregard for our health and well being. Stop this project. Act responsibly for us and the environment. Claudia Ponath Oakland, CA 94619-2537 West Oakland needs jobs; it does not need any more pollution to add to the burden of the community. Please do not allow coal exports through our city. In afdition to the health of our community, we should also not be supporting the use of this environmentally dangerous fuel. DW Stegman Oakland, CA 94607-4346 Why are we even considering bringing coal to my neighborhood? Are we returning to the Industrial Age? Oakland cannot afford to be polluting our residents with this backwards direction that puts our health in peril. Dana Gatto Oakland, CA 94608-3124 Why not spend the money on clean renewable energy systems, instead of exporting coal to pollute our planet! Mary Ellen Navas Oakland, CA 94612-4643 Why you have been so reticent to come out against this plan is very disturbing. It is a terrible idea from conception. The people of West Oakland will pay with their health, Oakland will become another pawn of the fossil fuel industry and you will lose our confidence as ethical leaders. Please own up to this and say NO. Lucymarie Ruth Richmond, CA 94805-1966 A coal export terminal in Oakland would only serve corrupt capitalists who are out to promote climate change, worsen our health, sooner rather than later, put West Oakland underwater. So NO to greed. Say YES to health. Tell coal barons to keep the coal underground. Richard Brabham Richmond, CA 94804-1313 As an asthma sufferer, I don't need more pollutants in the bay area. Stop this now, for my health and the health of countless others. Thanks. Dedra Britt Richmond, CA 94804-4415 Bad idea, please stop plans to pollute Bay Area, this development is greedy and unnecessary. Chris Davis Richmond, CA 94805-1152 coal is the wrong stuff to have around, keep it in the ground Chris Darling Richmond, CA 94804-3711 Considering export of coal is madness. Global warming has been called the greatest threat to national security so all coal should be left in the ground. Elizabeth Claman Richmond, CA 94801-3428 I don't understand why this fossil fuel nightmare is still being considered! Stop it now!! Sarah Alexander Richmond, CA 94805-2443 I grew up in Oakland, and am now a resident of Richmond. A victim of the Chevron refinery fire in 2012, I am acutely aware of the increasing exposure to pollutants we are due to softening air quality control and secret dealing. Neither the residents of Oakland, the Greater Bay Area, nor indeed the world at large can sustain the insane production or transportation of dirty coal. The only sustainable energy future is to keep all fossil fuels in the ground. NO COAL IN OAKLAND. Sylvia Hopkins Richmond, CA 94801-3426 I live in Richmond, CA, across the street from the train yard, and the coal pile at the port here blows on the wind into my yard and my vegetables, my pets, my neighbors and me. The color and consistency of the dust has changed since the coal is being shipped out to China through the Port of Richmond. You are placing life at risk if you approve coal trains through your city. Oh, and my daughter lives in Oakland - so I have a very personal reason to ask you to do the right thing. Chas Riley Richmond, CA 94804-5519 No more DUST in our winds~! Mark Garcia Richmond, CA 94805-1512 The coal proposal is subsidized by the industry. They don't care about our planet nor our health. Stop this before it starts. Ellen Faden Richmond, CA 94804-5701 This is moving us in the wrong direction. Why would we want to go there? Christine Swenning Richmond, CA 94805-0329 We already have enough trouble breathing living with the refinery - adding hundreds of Coal dusted cars EVERY DAY may send some of us over the edge.. All this pain so Jerry Brown's friend Phil T. can go to the bank..... Melinda Shrock Richmond, CA 94804 WE are responsible... Gina Liston-forrester San Francisco, CA 94132-3230 A very digressive movement by very greedy people. They know better but their greed is stronger than their sense of doing what is right. Do you even care about future generations? This make me very sad and ANGRY. Harry Davis San Francisco, CA 94132-1126 Absolutly no coal in Bay Area. We're supposed to be on track to cleaner energy sources. No coal in Oakland or anywhere in America Jamie Clark San Francisco, CA 94108-1514 Although I live in SF, I care about Oakland - this is not good for the people that live and breathe there. We don't want to have coal going in and out of SF Bay to pollute the rest of the world. Julie Oatfield San Francisco, CA 94110 As a lifelong resident of the Bay, I cannot stand to see environmental racism run rampant any longer. While we're addicted to fossil fuels, we are making people with lower incomes from communities of color endure the worst health effects for cheap, harmful fuel. If another Chevron refinery scaled explosion happens at this terminal, the blood will be on the hands of all of us who let it happen, including yours. Please fight for the health of the people today and in generations to come. Mary Bagala San Francisco, CA 94111-1158 As a resident of San Francisco who lives near the bay, I strongly implore you not to gamble the long term health of your citizens, the citizens of the entire Bay Area, and the bay itself for short term economic gains. Victoria Hamman San Francisco, CA 94114-3708 As a San Francisco resident, I vehemently object to the shipping of coal out of Bay Area Terminals. Charmaine Bailey San Francisco, CA 94118-3604 Ban this project, please. Dorit Grunberger San Francisco, CA 94112-4502 Booooo Gary Ortega San Francisco, CA 94109-4749 California has a mandate to have 50% renewable energy by 2030, how is this helping the rest of the country to see the proper path away from this type of fuel, it does not make sense. Iris Feldman San Francisco, CA 94107-2627 California should be a leader in green initiatives not continuing poising areas that are already hurting. Let's invest in green energy not more toxic waste and let's not let Oakland once again be somewhere that gets left behind. Julie Gallegos San Francisco, CA 94131-2808 Clear cutting the trees in the East Bay Hills and dirty coal in Port of Oakland. There's no good from this plan or any other from Libby Schaaf. Ryan Warman San Francisco, CA 94110-5416 Climate Change. No more coal. James Boyer San Francisco, CA 94116-2605 Coal is a extinct energy source and the coal and oil industry has been subsidized enough. Time to cut it out and seal the wound. Lauren Ladera San Francisco, CA 94112-1620 Coal is horrible for the environment! Robert Pendergrast San Francisco, CA 94110-3626 Coal is on its way out. Set an example to the rest of the world and shut down this project. Denise Dorey San Francisco, CA 94102-6501 Coal is outdated Kathleen Ramos San Francisco, CA 94110-5427 Coal is the most polluting of fossil fuels, whether it is burned, in power plants, or released as coal dust during transit. Potential coal train accidents increase thi risks. The people of Oakland were not consulted & Anastasia Fiandaca San Francisco, CA 94131-2421 Coal needs to say in the ground! Nicole Savage San Francisco, CA 94121 Communities like West Oakland already suffer from high rates of asthma, heart disease and cancer. More pollution should not be released into the neighborhoods near the proposed terminal and train lines. Sten Rudsdtrom San Francisco, CA 94115-4420 Dear City Council of Oakland: Please do not approve of further coal shipping through Oakland. Think about the city's future and the planet's future; making money off of coal now only promotes a worse future for ourselves and our children. Approval of coal shipping through the City of Oakland would be a mistake. Julian Keippel San Francisco, CA 94102-5716 Do not pollute our Oakland!!! Donna Locicero San Francisco, CA 94103-4711 Don't be short-sighted. No more enabling an increase in fossil fuel usage. Ivi Kolasi San Francisco, CA 94131-1572 Don't set Oakland back. Coal is a dying industry. Oakland and it's people can be much better off by attracting clean energy companies to locate in Oakland and training people to work in those industries. Robert Dorenstreich San Francisco, CA 94109-5954 End gun violence NOW! Monica Duclaud San Francisco, CA 94107-4106 Enough is enough! Selling the health of our children to greedy, unscrupulous coal barons is immoral, let alone entirely inconsistent with America's path towards a clean energy future. John P. Mccormack San Francisco, CA 94131-2415 Exporting coal is unwise and unjust: it aggravates the already runaway problem of climate change while poisoning an impoverished neighborhood. Melanie Walker San Francisco, CA 94134-1843 For gods sake stop killing our planet. Your grandchildren might just appreciate it. Zoe Kelman San Francisco, CA 94109-4586 For the sake of our children - we must end our use of fossil fuels. Joan Mettler San Francisco, CA 94131-2947 Good grief; when are THE POLICY MAKERS going to REALLY FIGHT FOR CLEAN AIR AND WATER INSTEAD OF JUST TALKING ABOUT IT?! Jerilyn Downing San Francisco, CA 94134 Haven't you heard of climate change ? Wake UP!!!!!!! Marlene Perl San Francisco, CA 94131-1813 How dare you put the all mighty dollar ahead of peoples health and the health of our climate. Stop this project from going forward. Governor Brown, do everything in your power to take action against what promises to be a major health threat to the citizens of Oakland, and the rest of the Bay Area. We, in California won't forget what you do and we sure as hell won't forget what you fail to do. Eve Leigh San Francisco, CA 94107-3461 I am appalled by this attempt by yet another group of private interest, profit-at-any-cost global polluters! Not only the concern of West Oakland citizens, but of every citizen of the world! It's time to curb the use of fossil fuels, moving forward. Thank you for reading my letter. Suzanne Osborne San Francisco, CA 94122-3738 I am from Oakland. No coal in Oakland! Austin Quirk San Francisco, CA 94105-1651 I don't agree with Nancy Regean on much, but one thing she said is perfectly apt where this decison is concerned: Just Say No! Keegan Roberson San Francisco, CA 94109-6178 I live in San Francisco, I could not be more opposed to everything about this. Karen Huff San Francisco, CA 94116-2133 I lived in West Oakland for 13 years. The rates of childhood asthma are obscene. We not only should not be supporting polluting industry anywhere, we need to stop treating the children in our poor and working class neighborhoods as disposable damage in the interest of someone's profits. Zachary Moore San Francisco, CA 94110-2522 I would be appalled if our leaders supported and went through with this decision. Susan Ford San Francisco, CA 94109-1081 Important to keep the air we breath healthy and not create pollution Charlie Bergstedt San Francisco, CA 94133-1966 It is absolutely vital that the Oakland city Council ban the movement of coal trains through the city. Export of coal under current climate change stressors on mother earth would be a despicable action! Kathryn Miller San Francisco, CA 94132-2718 It is not easy to take the long view at the expense of short term gain when there are a variety of stakeholders in the mix with competing demands. But at the end of the day, we all know that coal is not the answer for our next generation. I urge you to take the long view. Melissa Thomas-croteau San Francisco, CA 94114-1825 It's time end big coal Leslie Mackay San Francisco, CA 94114-2619 Keep dirty polluting coal in the ground. Sadie Mcfarlane San Francisco, CA 94112-2703 Keep your coal away from our Bay Area! Jim Bolinger San Francisco, CA 94131-1340 Leave coal out of San Francisco Bay! Daniel Richman San Francisco, CA 94114-2721 LET COAL DIE A SWIFT AND NATURAL DEATH. Rebecca Rogers San Francisco, CA 94121-3411 My family comes from Oakland, back three generations, and we still reside in the Bay Area. Coal is dirty energy, and the Bay is polluted enough - it is time to invest in clean energy, and protect our environment. Oakland is an innovative, cool place... Do the right thing and protect the people, animals and environment from this disaster waiting to happen! Charles Nelson San Francisco, CA 94123-2303 No coal dust in Oakland. This export will negate all we have worked for to reduce fissile file emissions on the planet. We should not allow this to happen. Kathy Bailey San Francisco, CA 94122-2764 No coal exports from Oakland ...... Dear Governor Brown, Mayor Libby Schaaf, State Senator Loni Hancock, Assemblymember Tony Thurmond, and Assemblymember Rob Bonta, I strongly oppose the proposal to ship coal through the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal. The mile-long coal trains bringing coal from Utah would release hundreds of pounds of toxic coal dust into the air as they travel to the proposed coal terminal, and the project developer is not bound by any enforceable commitments to protect community members from coal dust releases at the coal terminal. Communities like West Oakland already suffer from high rates of asthma, heart disease and cancer. More pollution should not be released into the neighborhoods near the proposed terminal and train lines. Allowing coal exports from Oakland undermines commitments made by the City of Oakland and the State of California to fight climate pollution. Coal-fired power plants are among the biggest emitters of climate change-forcing greenhouse gases, and allowing coal exports would allow these plants to continue operations. For this reason, the City of Oakland and the state legislature have passed resolutions opposing the transportation and use of dirty and dangerous fossil fuels like coal. California has also passed landmark climate change laws that set greenhouse gas reductions goals and mandate turning away from dirty fuel sources. The City of Oakland should not turn a blind eye to these important commitments or to the health of its residents. We have a moral obligation to do the right thing. The Bay Area, the state, and the country are watching what happens with this proposal. Please stand up for Oakland residents and our future, and put a stop to this coal terminal development. Norrie Taylor San Francisco, CA 94116-2604 NO COAL EXPORTS! Sherry Hugi San Francisco, CA 94117-1826 No coal in Oakland. People have the right to a clean environment & clean air. Oakland is very close to San Francisco, where I live. We do not need coal in the Bay Area! Erin Stuart-jennings San Francisco, CA 94112-1604 No coal through Oakland! Jared Schmidt San Francisco, CA 94108-3166 No more dirty energy!!! Wind, solar, wave systems are what we have now that doesn't destroy the environment for our kids generations. Money is not better then their lives. Nora Roman San Francisco, CA 94110-5913 No more fossil fuels killing us and our future. Leave it in the ground and stop moving it around....Go Green! Luranne Drager San Francisco, CA 94122-2728 No support for dirty power! Colton Weeks San Francisco, CA 94102-5139 Not in my backyard! Ginger Pepper San Francisco, CA 94116-1648 Oakland and the whole Bay Area doesn't want dirty coal traveling through our beautiful cities nor the underhanded back room deals. Lynda Beigel San Francisco, CA 94117-3008 Oakland must be desperate to fund its police department if they think they need a coal terminal their Chinese contractors will use for export! Katie Levine San Francisco, CA 94109-4184 Our health and air quality should never be damaged for the sake of profit. And coal is not an energy source the world can support and hope to retain life. The Bay Area is filled with innovation. We can find other means to thrive without these exports. As a 21-year resident I am completely against this project. We must stop it for the health of our region, for the communities where it would be sent, and our planet. Paula Black San Francisco, CA 94118 Please continue to make California and Oakland leaders for a healthier future. Healthier alternatives must be found for ALL future generations of the World. Say NO to coal export through Oakland. Please implore research and action, maybe tax credits or other incentives could be used as an impetus for change. Thank you for your consideration and work for a Better California for us all. Monique Leung San Francisco, CA 94102-5864 Please do not further develop the Oakland waterfront to be the largest coal export terminal in California or in the US . Lynn Laupheimer San Francisco, CA 94117 Please do the right thing and cancel this very unhealthy coal project. James Trousdale San Francisco, CA 94129-1252 Please don't bring a filthy energy to be exported from a bay that is already polluted. This is not a way to move California's or our nation's energy policy forward. This will be a crippling step to renewable energy that will impact the country for generations to come. Lucy Mckenzie San Francisco, CA 94131-2605 Please don't make Oakland a part of our fossil fuel future. It's not fair to the residents, the bay, or our future! Jennifer Mcmahon San Francisco, CA 94115-1036 Please protect our air & environment. Thank you. Bettina Eichel San Francisco, CA 94114-1410 Please say no to coal exports! Bonnie M. Follett San Francisco, CA 94108-3366 Please say NO to the coal exporting facility in Oakland!! Bad for the world and bad for local environment too! Lucinda Cox San Francisco, CA 94122-4303 Please stop the proposal to allow coal exports from Oakland. Richard Morris San Francisco, CA 94110-6104 Please stop this coal export which will exacerbate the effects of Climate a Change and air pollution. Let's work to save our world not contribute to its destruction. Thank you. Janice Wyrick San Francisco, CA 94114-3134 Please stop this plan that endangers the people of Oakland, California, and global in general. Stand up for cleaner, more sustainable energy. Catherine Larson San Francisco, CA 94117-2113 Please stop this...time to move on to the future.....clean energy! Linda Sherwood San Francisco, CA 94121-3015 Really? Coal? Have you heard of global warming? Alan Martin San Francisco, CA 94110-3433 Resist the Corpora-State! Fight Global Warming and Anthropogenic Climate Disruption! Gabriel Rafael San Francisco, CA 94115-4510 Sends tons and tons of coal into the air, especially in these times of climate change, record hot ,elting ice/rising waters and transfer from reliance on fossil fuels to green and sustainable energy sources, your actions are inexcusable. You pollute, you exploit, and you make extremely short- sighted and short-term benefit with almost immediate cost to the entire gl9bal community and living things. How dare you! How dare you! Robert Morgan San Francisco, CA 94114-3131 STOP COAL EXPORTS NBOW Nancy Hawkins San Francisco, CA 94114-3140 Stop this today. No more coal heating our air and destroying our earth. Stop. Stop it now. Lisa Aguilar San Francisco, CA 94121-2421 Stop trying to poison Oakland and the Bay!! Susan Mehrings San Francisco, CA 94117-1572 Thank you for considering this very important matter and making a wise decision that will protect our Bay and its residents. Douglas Johnson San Francisco, CA 94124-2345 The dust and pollution from Dirty Fossil Fuels are completely UNWANTED in the air we all breathe! Janie Lucas San Francisco, CA 94110-3224 The last gasp of the coal industry should not impact the Bay Area. People need to breathe and the earth is already severely compromised. Oakland can do very nicely without a coal terminal, we don't need it and it's not right. Stop it. Janet Kierstead San Francisco, CA 94109-4225 The last thing we need is coal dust fouling our air. SAY NO TO THE COAL DEAL. There are more important things than money! Diane Balter San Francisco, CA 94118-4113 The plan to send Utah's coal across California undercuts the state's role as a climate leader. This backroom deal between Utah counties and a private California developer buts many areas in the Bay area at risk for increases in asthma, emphysema and heart disease. Many in near the Port of Oakland and across the Bay area are working to stop this coal export project as it harms all Bay Residents lives and futures by compromising the health and safety depending which way the winds blow. Jen Parodo San Francisco, CA 94110-1616 There are more sustainable ways to create fuel that don't further degrade the planet and its inhabitants. WAKE UP! Christiane Vandoorn San Francisco, CA 94115-2110 This area is too busy and built up to accommodate long coal trains going through the surrounding local communities and the of coal dust. This is Not a good location as far as People are concerned. Please do not give approval to this poorly sited plan. Samer Araabi San Francisco, CA 94102-5214 This coal terminal stands in stark contrast to every ideal of what we stand for as Californians. It flies in the face of our concern for the environment, it endangers at-risk populations, it circumvents transparent democratic processes, and stands against the will of the people. Isabel Cossios San Francisco, CA 94114-3168 This is the Bay Area! We support renewable green energy. We will not stand for this kind of pollution. Martha Cooper San Francisco, CA 94103-4314 This is the exact opposite of where we need to go as a community and a country and a planet right now. Akilah Washington San Francisco, CA 94122-2136 This is unenvironmental and a step backward for sustainable renewable energy. It will impact the overall health of the Bay Area in a negative way, especially if there is an accident. I also think it is questionable that another state can misappropriate funds and push through a backdoor deal without letting the general population decide what is right for their community. Money above all else is the mantra for big business apparently... Janet Monfredini San Francisco, CA 94127-1540 This just makes sense. Protection is our only defense. Roger Meehan San Francisco, CA 94117-2973 This proposal goes in the wrong direction. A dirty fossil fuel like coal needs to be ' kept in the ground ' and replaced with ' cleaner ' renewable alternatives !! Lauren Oliver San Francisco, CA 94115-2514 This story is about corruption, on so many levels, and of privatizing profits while socializing costs. Coal is 17th century technology, and it accelerates ocean acidification, which threatens the entire world. Stop this. Dorothy Hill San Francisco, CA 94107-2913 Trains loaded with coal are a major threat for derailment and fire which would be horrific in a major metropolitan area. The damage to the environment is incalculable. Catherine Regan San Francisco, CA 94116-1843 We absolutely must put the health of people and the ecosystem before corporate profits. Every decision counts now! Robert Brackett San Francisco, CA 94115-4582 We know today that coal is one of the least healthy energy sources available. From the dangers involved in mining it to the dust spread during transport to the obvious pollution created when burning it for energy, it's clear that our heavy use of coal does more harm than good for people and the environment. There are better options. People at all parts of the process involving coal should be doing everything they can to lessen or eliminate its usage, including not exporting it. This terminal should not be allowed to export coal. It does little good except propping up an industry we should be winding down. Magick Altman San Francisco, CA 94117-1119 We need innovators who will create green jobs, coal has to be a thing of the past, to save the lives of humans and all life on our beloved planet. Judy Schultz San Francisco, CA 94115-2927 We need to take every step possible to mitigate climate change and to ensure a safe environment. Facilitating coal shipments and endangering the health of Oakland's citizens is not acceptable. The profits of a few people do not justify the development of this coal terminal. Please refuse to allow this plan to go forward. Lavive Kiely San Francisco, CA 94127-1409 We should be eliminating the use of this filthy and hazardous material - not enabling it! Ellen Sweets San Francisco, CA 94118-2808 What kind of sleazy, sneaky act is this supposed to be? My signature is a big fat NO to your coal export plant plan. Put it somewhere else. Try Montana. Wyoming. NOT OAKLAND. Linda Weiner San Francisco, CA 94110-5656 While the rest of the world is moving away from coal, Oakland is thinking of supporting a trainload of coal in their ports - thus forcing more GHG in the atmosphere, contributing to the already rising number of asthma in West Oakland, and taking a chance with the rising rate of coal train accidents....this makes NO Sense! Charles Simons San Francisco, CA 94121 Wow! This is a project that will bring everyone out! Sheridan Pauker San Francisco, CA 94119-3112 You are climate heroes and the policies you've helped pass make California a leader in the nation in reducing greenhouse gases and printing clean energy alternatives. I am proud that California uti lies are not powered with coal and that we do not burn coal here. With the looming threat of climate change, you must continue to use your power to prevent more harm to our planet and our people. This coal export project must be stopped. Keep California clean for our citizens and future generations. Pamela Abbott West Hills, CA 91307-2408 I cannot believe this would even be open for debate. Like Flint Michigan just another indicator of the powers that be NOT caring about the people they serve whether it be the government or corporate America. Stop the insanity. We need to be stewards for our planet and the people on it. Sarah Abrell Carlsbad, CA 92010-7922 I want Oakland CA to say no to coal experts Robert Adams El Cerrito, CA 94530-2655 I taught at Lowell Middle School for eight years. Far more students had severe asthma and other allergies compared to other Oakland and Richmond schools I taught at before retirement. Please, ban coal shipments from the Port of Oakland. Eileen Adams Santa Monica, CA 90404-1270 STOP THIS MONEY GRABBING CLIMATE KILLING CARBON ABOMINATION! Timothy Akers San Carlos, CA 94070-3652 Please do not allow this to happen in the Bay Area! Meiling Albert Vacaville, CA 95688-5349 The citizens of Oakland , rich and poor, are your responsibility to protect. And also a broader citizenry. A few jobs are not worth it. If you vote for coal, you fail your citizens. Thomas Aldridge San Jose, CA 95112-2143 Coal is a Weapon of mass environmental destruction. It has caused the premature death of hundreds of thousands of people - if not millions. It has no place in our great state of California. The coal barons do not care how many lives they ruin. Profit is their only cause. Sheela Alex Encinitas, CA 92024-4545 Our climate has been hotter and hotter due to fossil fuels, and it's time to de-escalate the situation. Not to transport more coal to burn in our and other countries. Please say no to this bad idea! Yelena Alexy Foster City, CA 94404-1712 Keep air clean Gary Alford Saratoga, CA 95070-6075 Please don't allow this potential environmental disaster! Kristy Allan Placerville, CA 95667-7740 The Bay Area is already polluted with oil refineries. Do not further damage this scenic bay. Oakland needs jobs but not from this activity. Respectfully, Kristy Allan Maura Allen Berkeley, CA 94705-2846 When so many countries are taking steps forward to eliminate coal and other toxic fuels, why are we still in the dark ages of environmentalism, subject to the indiscretions of government and local agencies held hostage to the corrupt finagling of corporate powers? California needs to stand its ground on such issues and progress, not regress. Not only do we have a duty to protect the health of people, and ensure clean air, we also need to protect the environment, where we have dwindling bird numbers, sick trees, a weakening ecological system, all stifled and diminished from an overload of toxic environmental pollutants. Liz Amsden , CA 90042-1006 Rachel Carson wrote a book called SILENT SPRING over 50 years ago. In it she documents how even during the Industrial Revolution in the UK, over 200 years ago, strong correlations existed between coal smoke and cancers, between coal particulates and respiratory infections. The Oakland City Council represents hundreds and thousands of residents along the proposed rail line, mostly poor. Will you condemn them to suffering and early death? Permission, any permission, just eggs these polluters on. Stand up, have some balls and just say NO! Furthermore, fossil fuel burning power plants remain the single largest source of dangerous carbon pollution in our nation and is a major contributor to global warming which represents the largest single threat to our long term health and security. And it's a poor reflection on the United States that as a technologically developed nation we have not been able to stop poisoning our own people. Additionally, the country MUST hold to the Polluter Pays principle and make these companies pay up. To clean up our country and restore our health. Once that is in place, green energy will be seen as a real once the true costs of carbon-based energy are revealed. At this point, in order to successfully limit the amount of carbon pollution from the electricity sector, we must transition away from dirty fossil fuels and move toward clean, renewable energy immediately. Jon Anderholm Cazadero, CA 95421-9580 no to the pollution Christine Anderson Lafayette, CA 94549-2221 Please, No coal in Oakland neighborhoods. Stop the coal export project from harming lives and the San Francisco Bay. Gillian Anderson Santa Rosa, CA 95407-5818 Even though I don't live in Oakland, what happens there affects me where I do live. I also do not like the idea that this proposal was done quietly with a backroom deal. That implies that there is something less than honorable about this and has to be done secretly. This should have the City Council look more closely. This action will only put money in corporations and will not benefit the residents of the city of Oakland in the long run. The future should be taken into consideration and nothing good comes from fossil fuel. Julie Anderson-nilsson Chico, CA 95926-2859 We need to urgently take actions to move our society to a clean energy economy. We do not need to invest in this terminal. We need to invest in renewable energy. Please stop the development of this terminal and work to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Esteve Andre Santa Rosa, CA 95405-6739 Stop the coal from going through California. We have enough problems with oil and population. Now you want to add coal ???? Not a good idea. Elizabeth Andreyev Berkeley, CA 94704-2115 Moneyed interests cannot be the lone decision maker regarding dirty polluting industries Judith Antin Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-4402 This will only create more pollution Debra Arbuckle Alameda, CA 94501 No more coal! We must not use it here or ship it to be used elsewhere. Coal is bad for everyone's environment. Stop thie coal trains! Carole Arcellana Yountville, CA 94599-1348 Do the right thing for the planet. Stephen Archer Lincoln, CA 95648-1513 This is a VERY BAD IDEA! No! Carol Archer-marine Redondo Beach, CA 90277-2935 Do the right thing! Joel Armin-hoiland Berkeley, CA 94710-2816 I live here in the Bay Area, one of the places most susceptible to climate change. California needs to continue to lead on the climate issue because people really do follow our lead. I was at COP21 in Paris last year with my company and California was held up as a shining example of climate action. Furthermore, there are serious environmental justice concerns with coal dust in poor neighborhoods by the port and train tracks. The Oakland City Council MUST stand with the people of Oakland to ban the coal coming through our neighborhoods! Thank you very much for your consideration! Lynn Armstrong El Cerrito, CA 94530-3349 Oakland is just now coming into its own as a beautiful, vibrant, and creative city. Toxic coal dust would ruin everything, not only in Oakland but in all of our communities around the Bay. And we have just passed Measure AA to improve the Bay even more. Coal would destroy everything! Aida Ashouri Whittier, CA 90603-2065 Air quality is worsening. Coal is the exact wrong move to make as our planet warms and weather becomes more extreme. Please think of the long term effects. Pat And Carol Atwater Alamo, CA 94507-1406 Please don't allow our East Bay to become polluted by coal. Martha Austen Pacifica, CA 94044-1386 If the baseline are profits - long term profits - then a coal export terminal is the last thing we need. Coal mining, refining, and shipping is hideously expensive. There is no long-term financial benefit from this venture. For the short-term gains for a few will come long-term burdens on people and the planet. Please stop this short-sightedness. Stan Autrey Shell Beach, CA 93449-1521 Altho I live in Shell Beach CA, my daughter, son-in-law and 2 grandsons live in Lafayette, CA so the direct effects on them from this coal exporting process makes this just that much more personal. For our long term best interest put a stop to this coal terminal development. Thank You John Bachar Los Angeles, CA 90045-1631 More climate and environmental poisonous destruction? Have you gone brainless? Go solar and wind, you crazy money-mad fools. Vicki Bagatti Carmichael, CA 95608-0974 Why do we have to keep destroying California? Why does our health come in second to corporate profit? Put a stop to coal exports from Oakland or anywhere in California. Why are we exporting coal anyway? Tom Baker , CA 92109-2301 We do not want more private gain at public expense here in California. Keep the coal in the ground where it belongs! Brenda Balanda Inverness, CA 94937 Obviously, adding a coal terminal to West Oakland would be an unacceptable assault on the health of the people of Oakland, not to mention further endangering the health of the planet. Just end this nonsense now. This sort of dirty dealing will no longer be tolerated by the working people of the world. Nancy Baldauf Elyria, OH 44035-5126 Please don't expose our citizens to deadly coal dust, or allow coal to be shipped to other countries who aren't doing enough to keep our air clean. There are better ways to get power. Louis Balicki Winnetka, CA 91306-1922 Just Say No to Coal!!! Susan Balthasar Los Osos, CA 93402-2039 Coal is a very polluting fuel. We should be phasing it out and not building more coal export terminals. Aisha Barbeau Alameda, CA 94501-2305 No way!!! Christopher Barbush Vacaville, CA 95687-8234 We need clean energy. Rae Barnes Bishop, CA 93514-1947 California should be planning for a healthy environment for our citizens, not going backwards with dirty fuels which degrade our environment in multiple ways. Mandy Barre Oceanside, CA 92054 Do not leave this as a legacy - coal is a terrible environmental disaster! Ana Barrios El Monte, CA 91732-1148 Please stop this coal exports thru Oakland's terminal, just think of all the young ones they are our future how this will affect them. Margaret Barshell San Mateo, CA 94403-4572 As a native Californian and Bay Area resident for 60 years I am proud of my states record on the environment -- this proposed coal terminal is a disaster and contrary to our proud history of environmental protection. Just say NO to the whole idea. Vida Bateau Berkeley, CA 94709-2017 I can't breathe already!! No no no no coal! Put it back where it belongs. David Bauer Santa Rosa, CA 95403-3138 I'm a former resident of Oakland and will always care about the city. I hope Oakland will not turn backward at this critical time in history. Robert Bauer Stockton, CA 95207-3304 Having a personal interest in this and the air pollution it will bring to an already blighted area makes me totally reject the idea of a facility such as this being in this location. And for what? So that the industry can sell coal to China as it's uses decline all over the world? Gregory Baxter Malvern, PA 19355-1935 When are the politicians going to wake up and realize that they are putting the human race to the path to extinction with the continued use of fossil fuels just to enrich their personal wealth? News for you, your children won't have to future to spend the money in. Judith Bayer San Diego, CA 92126-1370 California's environment is already severely compromised. Stop bringing in more pollution. Clare Bear Santa Rosa, CA 95404-4428 This is such an important threat to public health as well as goes against our State's support of carbon climate change reduction . thank you Mel Bearns Concord, CA 94519-2141 Because I want there to be a habitable planet for my daughter and her children. Marie Beckham Aptos, CA 95003-2842 we must stop the use of fossil fuels if we are to save our planet from the effects of drastic climate change Nancy Beckus Danville, CA 94526-4155 Please keep Oakland clean! Clark Bell South San Francisco, CA 94080-3913 The proposal to ship coal through the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal is just a bad deal. Frank Bell Suisun City, CA 94585-1842 Governor Brown do not let this happen. Juanita Bellinger Upper Lake, CA 95485-9560 California has always tried hard to be good on environment. This would be Huge step backwards. Paul Bell-tull San Pablo, CA 94806-1503 For the sake of the entire Bay Area, put a stop to this shady, greedy, dangerous plan to ship coal through the Port of Oakland. Thank you. Emily Benites Modesto, CA 95351-2449 This simply make no sense to gouge coal from the earth, ruin the environment around that site, and the send it to irresponsible users! Stop coal exports from Oakland and Stop it globally! Kris Bennett Portland, OR 97201-5080 Because a corporation obtains the rights to remove natural resources in one location, that does not give them the automatic right to endanger resources beyone their area of ownership. If I build a boat in my backyard it does not mean I can then build a canal to float my boat out to sea also. Cris Benson Berkeley, CA 94709-1066 Leave us alone Todd Benton Bonsall, CA 92003-3204 Thank you for considering our message and please stand in solidarity with us. Cynthia Berk Alameda, CA 94502-7066 The support of coal at this time is madness Richard Bernal Galt, CA 95632-2642 Don't dirty up California. Coal trains can explode and make a big mess. Stop the dirtying of the world. Margaret A. Berry Carmichael, CA 95608-3426 THIS IS CRAZINESS!! Shipping an air polluting resource to other countries? it's time overdue to stop burning coal! MARGARET A. BERRY 3420 BROOKSIDE WAY CARMICHAEL, CA 95608 Paula Berry Los Angeles, CA 90024-5756 Please help with our pollution problem and the climate change consequences looming for the world at large. Coal is a dirty fuel which we need to stop using. Please don't facilitate this industry. Sharon Bertrand San Leandro, CA 94578-4415 Give West Oakland residents a chance at a healthier not pollute our air even more. Anatole Besman Berkeley, CA 94703-1547 This facility is a hazard to the health of thousands of residents on the East Bay. It must not be built! William Bexton Alameda, CA 94501-1259 My family lives down wind of this facility. It will directly cause us harm. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN! The decisions made about the Port affect everyone living in the Bay Area. Please treat this responsibility seriously and safeguard the health of all the Bay's residents. David Bezanson San Bruno, CA 94066-3865 Re-allocate resources (legislative, tax incentives, leasing of public land, etc.) to renewable energy. Dennis Bihner Palm Springs, CA 92263-4249 I am a 67 year old native Southern Californian and remember how the beautiful blue sky of the Los Angeles Basin slowly became a "brownish ugly and unhealthy" polluted air-mass hanging in the sky. Soon after i was introduced to a word that changed my life and the lives of millions of Los Angeles residents. This word was SMOG...!!!! The rest is history...Don't repeat it!! Sarah Biklen San Carlos, CA 94070-2829 If there is a better, safer way to export coal, please find one. I understand I only know a piece of the story, but if this is preventable, please at least consider it. Thank you. Victoria Binkerd Santee, CA 92071-4056 Coal is a toxic, dangerous "fuel." The damage to the environment caused by coal, from its extraction through its burning, is devastating. California should be a LEADER in the development and production of CLEAN ENERGY. Do Not allow coal to damage Oakland! Steven Birnbaum San Rafael, CA 94901-3565 The middle of a city and on a beautiful port is no place, if there is any, for this unhealthy chemical product Robert Bishop Victorville, CA 92395-9425 Nobody need this environmental disaster on the shore in a place where the wind is almost always onshore. Laure Bjawi San Ramon, CA 94582-4966 Keep our Bay Area air clean. We want less pollution not more. Think of people's health, instead of financial interests. I strongly oppose this proposal that goes against human basic rights of breathing clean air. Alan Blackwell San Diego, CA 92130-3196 Another example of money, jobs and profits taking precedent over the world we live in. We have to stop encouraging these types of fuels no matter the costs to slow down an environmental disaster. We have one home. Lisa Blair Fremont, CA 94538-5220 As a county resident and formally an employee of a school in Oakland I am appalled that the city would even consider routing Coal through West Oakland or any part of Oakland for that matter. Residents are already suffering from asthma and other lung diseases and do not need yet another level of toxic air in their community. Ellen Blakeborough Escondido, CA 92026-7212 Oakland has troubles enough Robert Blankenship Fairfield, IA 52556-0030 Coal plants are the nation's top source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the primary cause of global warming. Burning coal is also a leading cause of smog, acid rain, and toxic air pollution. Coal plants are responsible for more than half of the U.S. human-caused emissions of mercury, a toxic heavy metal that causes brain damage and heart problems. Just 1/70th of a teaspoon of mercury deposited on a 25-acre lake can make the fish unsafe to eat. Other harmful pollutants emitted annually from a typical, uncontrolled coal plant include: lead; carbon monoxide; hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds which form ; arsenic, which will cause cancer in one out of 100 people who drink water containing 50 parts per billion. Propped up by subsidies and campaign contributions, the coal industry is not viable. Natalie Blasco Anderson, CA 96007-8901 We are supposed to be doing things to reduce climate change, not further contribute to it with expanding the used of a dirty fuel like coal. Just say no! Joshua Bleier Berkeley, CA 94703-1936 The last thing with this state needs is this terminal. Carbon emitting fuels are killing this planet, and coal has additional significant health problems due to the dust. Please, don't subject this state, or this planet, to more coal. Jim Blickenstaff San Ramon, CA 94583-2226 California should NOT be a 'partner' in the dirty energy/global warming business. Get California out of the dirty energy business! Get coal out of our state! Either we're serious about taking on energy practices contributing to global warming or we're just full of (forgive the pun) Hot Air! Waundra Blizzeard Alturas, CA 96101-1733 Train people in China to use the power of the Sun for energy instead of this filthy coal. Robert Blomberg Berkeley, CA 94708-1316 Take action now to protect the quality of life for the future of Oakland and the East Bay. Stop the coal terminal now! Tina Bluefield Landers, CA 92285-0392 Time to stop dirty-ing our delicate planet and clean it up if we are to survive. Mark Bockey Nicasio, CA 94946-9703 Coal is dead and horrible. Don't do it. Lelia Bogard Coarsegold, CA 93614-0024 No more terminals, no more fossil fuels. Californians reject this project. The world doesn't need more dirty energy. Do the right thing. Kate Bolton Petaluma, CA 94952-2921 There are so many legitimate reasons to oppose this coal shipping plan: human health, environmental health, global health as well as global warming and our children's futures. It's so not worth the short term benefit of monetary profit! Zabrina Boman San Diego, CA 92104-3415 We are praying for you to please take care of our planet and your fellow citizens ! Jill Bond Berkeley, CA 94702-1448 Please stop relying on coal and look to alternate sources of energy for our kids' future. Think LONG- TERM. DO not explore coal. Dori Bonn Mill Valley, CA 94941-3515 Coal being transported through California is not safe, wise, or healthy. Malcolm Booth Sebastopol, CA 95472-4258 Coal? We're still using coal? Long past the time to leave it where it belongs. Patricia Borchmann Escondido, CA 92026-2353 CA stakeholders just say NO to Utah coal mine shareholders and investors, and rail contractors who proposed mile long coal trains, to export dirty coal to Oakland. In Bay Area, Oakland already has unhealthy air quality in neighborhoods near proposed terminal, and many other communities along rail lines would also suffer prolonged exposure to degraded air quality. Patricia Bowers Santa Cruz, CA 95062-5516 Have you seen these mile long trains? They are horrifying. This is not what California should be involved with. Or anyone else for that matter. Think California. Think of our future! Lauren Bowles Los Angeles, CA 90034-3410 Please the soaring temperatures we've suffered as of late are such a reminder of the effect we're having on our planet and I shiver to think of the numbers it will go up to in my daughters lifetime. We must take action NOW. Florence Boyd Twain Harte, CA 95383-9402 We need to stop coal mining, this is one of the main cause of "climate change." Kerreen Brandt San Rafael, CA 94903-3311 Coal is a 20th century fuel. We MUST find cleaner, more environmentally positive fuel in the 21st century. STOP coal thru the Port of Oakland! Gladys Bransford Cobb, CA 95426-1066 We cannot afford to have coal trains coming through our heavily populated areas polluting our air, ruining our health and derailing in our communities. Please stop this greedy insanity which is putting our lives and future at risk. Jennifer Brennan Martinez, CA 94553-1416 Not only does this coal export terminal need to be stopped, coal mining needs to be stopped! Rosalind Bresnahan San Bernardino, CA 92405-2318 Coal is destroying the planet. Mary Bresnan Long Beach, CA 90814-3220 If we don't want it, why should we send it abroad? It will do the same harm to the climate. Kelly Brewer Santa Rosa, CA 95404-6017 Stop the coal!! Rachel Brezinski Dana Point, CA 92629-1103 This idea is terrible. It will benefit only those in the business - one which is coming to a close, but not fast enough. Stacey Bridges Brentwood, CA 94513-6514 The public health and the health of our planet are far more important than prolonging the use of outdated, toxic energy sources. Those who have the funds to invest would do us all a favor by investing in life and planet sustaining sources of energy. Let's focus on creating a healthy future, and not sell our health for short-sighted, short-term profits. Christine Brillman West Covina, CA 91790-4914 I think this is a big step backwards in the environmental advances we have made thus far and should be stopped immediately. Elaine Brisson Santa Rosa, CA 95401-9014 A very dangerous situation for the environment-our beautiful Sanfrancisco Bay. We can't let this happen! Wayne Broadbent San Anselmo, CA 94960-1449 Clinton will tell the first two people on your list how they stand on this issue, not sure about the others. Sharon Brogan Bakersfield, CA 93304-1351 When will this stop? Do they care that even more people will get sick and/or die front asthma, copd, and cancer to name some of the results from air, water, and land pollution. Lori Broger-mackey Northridge, CA 91325-1510 Clean energy. And no dangerous transport. David Brooks Folsom, CA 95630-2035 Exporting coal to China is a REALLY bad idea. Air pollution, coal dust related health issues not to mention Global warming and all the bad connections the coal has to that. Mining, pollution from transport by rail and ship, acid rain from burning coal. The list of reasons for saying NO is almost endless. Claire Broome Berkeley, CA 94708-2008 I have spent 35 years working in public health. Please protect the health of Oakland's people--at risk from coal dust induced lung disease--and the global climate. Stephen Brown Berkeley, CA 94704-3214 "Coal Thru Oakland" only makes sense to a few developers and some Utah counties, certainly not to the people in the West Oakland community who would suffer the environmental hazards. Laurena Brown Encinitas, CA 92024-4231 There are good reasons fossil fuels are of the past. Invest in the future. Thomas Brown Folsom, CA 95630-5614 Please do not bring this filthy polluting product through our state to Oakland for export. Darlene Brown Windsor, CA 95492-7924 My children and grandchildren deserve to have healthy air. Oakland is already burdened beyond belief! Bonnie Brunkhorst Riverside, CA 92506-4652 Coal dust in CA lungs? Linda Brush Truckee, CA 96162-7986 NO to the coal train and depot. Keep California clean!! Shelley Bryant Albany, CA 94706-1156 Please don't allow coal to be transported across the bay. Our lives and health of our children and planet matter. Find other forms of energy. Let's put out money I other sources that aren't harmful. Cheryl Buckingham Berkeley, CA 94702-1781 I live not far from the train tracks. Our air is polluted enough without the addition of coal dust. Please consider the lungs of our residents and wildlife and do the right thing and stop this ill-conceived project. Joe Buhowsky San Ramon, CA 94582-4865 This plan to send climate-disrupting fossil fuel abroad undercuts California's role as a climate leader. Olin Bullard Bakersfield, CA 93312-5731 IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO Tanya Burak La Quinta, CA 92253-7953 This is criminal behavior at best! And despicable mal practice towards humanity on all levels. Nancy Burdge San Diego, CA 92124-1582 No one needs to use coal anymore! Tim Burkinshaw Los Angeles, CA 90069 Come on? Are you serious? MORE HIDEOUS POLLUTION FOR all the GENERATIONS to come? NO WAY - STOP THIS INSANITY - N O W! Susan Burns Burbank, CA 91504-4342 Don't allow back-room deals control the health of our environment and our community. You have the power to stop it. Do what you know is right. Kate Burroughs Sebastopol, CA 95472-2446 Climate change must be stopped. Sending coal anywhere is a lose-lose option. James Burrows Huntington Beach, CA 92646-6421 Please say NO to the Oakland coal Terminal. The world should be cutting back on coal and oil use. They are both dirty products. As the world tries to be less harmful to our atmosphere, there is no reason to continue mining coal that America no longer wants to use. The coal companies have only one way to stay in business. They want to sell their dirty product overseas. Its time to stop tearing up whole mountains and risking miners lives. These companies like many others over time should be phased out, allowed to push their nearly useless product overseas. Robert Burton, Former Mill Valley Mayor Mill Valley, CA 94941-4218 PLEASE - this would be disastrous for the entire Bay Area. Just say NO! Merri Busch Calexico, CA 92232-9011 Perhaps we can't persuade fossil-fuel companies to keep their climate-damaging commodities in the ground. However, if we deny them export access, perhaps they will decide they are in a no-win situation, and will voluntarily choose to "keep it in the ground." The added benefit will be that they do not pollute the neighborhoods through which their dirty product must travel on its way to export. Ada Bustamante El Cerrito, CA 94530-3619 We the people of the Bay Area, opposite to the construction of the coal terminal. We don't want coal in the Bay shoreline. Michael Butler Clayton, CA 94517-2039 A coal terminal is just another step to make Oakland an industrial dump, where one puts the dirt and poisons that one doesn't want in their own backyard. Sharon Byers Downey, CA 90242-4831 we need to be moving into alternative energy asap!!!stop coal exports now! Valerie Byrd Santa Cruz, CA 95060-1613 Burning coal somewhere else makes no sense whatsoever. Duh!!! Mike Caetano Fresno, CA 93704-2920 Reject corporate supremacy now! Socrates Calderon Spring Valley, CA 91977-4723 Urgent. Please act. Don Callahan El Cajon, CA 92020-4117 It's time to end our use of coal.Thank you. Kathryn Callaway Woodacre, CA 94973-0826 Oakland is a vibrant city, dealing with its own serious problems, but always bouncing back with creative energy. Mi have many family members living there. Why would anyone want this toxic disaster in the Bay Area? Gail Camhi Novato, CA 94949-6804 Why can't we get it that coal is 19th century fuel? Why can't we EVOLVE and officially endorse renewable solar & wind power??? Rubie Campbell Berkeley, CA 94703-2215 No thank you. Nancy Campeau Los Angeles, CA 90041-3217 I've thought of Oakland as a progressive, environmentally city-- am I wrong? PLEASE, FOR ALL OF US, STOP THIS COAL EXPORT TERMINAL! FIND ANOTHER WAY TO CREATE JOBS! Donna Cannon Redwood Valley, CA 95470-9601 Oaklanders are my neighbors. Protect them!! Cathy Capper Novato, CA 94949-5320 Please stop this plan. My children are seriously considering moving to Oakland, and as a result, my husband & I have wanted to help them invest in the Oakland neighborhoods. We want them to come home -- this could seriously impact their desire to return to Northern California, a place they were proud to call home because of the big push to save the environment and the willingness to help the poorer communities. Thank you! Patricia Carlson Lincoln, CA 95648 Enough! We must stop the contamination of our kids and climate! Be honorable and do the right thing Bruce Carlton Mill Valley, CA 94941-2654 Oakland does not need to be complacent in the poisoning of our planet! Lynn Carman Novato, CA 94949-6811 Oakland should be smart enough to say No to Coal! Sandra Carp San Marcos, CA 92078-3908 No, No, No! We don't want to burn coal in the U.S. Why export it so that winds can blow it right back?! And imperil other people?! Harold Carr Salt Lake Cty, UT 84103-3338 I was born and raised in Utah. Unfortunately Utah politicians do NOT represent my interests. I am against coal. Also, I am against using tax-payer money to pay for it. Do not support coal exports from Oakland. Coralie Carraway Auburn, CA 95602-9505 NOT in our state, you don't!! Pat Carter Santa Cruz, CA 95060-5789 When are you going to enter the 21st Century? Coal and all it's horrible ramifications is an outmoded, filthy and an inefficient source of fuel. We are trying desperately to move forward to efficient and clean energy and coal doesn't even make the list, so please stop this abomination once and for all. Anita Casalina San Rafael, CA 94903-3311 Coal is one of our largest polluters Thomas Cassidy Clovis, CA 93611-5371 It is madness to continue with business as usual and allow more fossil fuel infrastructure to come on line even as we struggle to make up for years of malign neglect by fossil fuel interests and the predatory economy and toxic environment they shaped as they led us blithely and blindly to the verge of potentially abrupt, catastrophic climate change. Not only is the coal industry rightfully nearing its economic demise but it will be unable to remediate or mitigate the many areas it has devastated as it fades from economic usefulness. Further indulgence in continuing to subsidize harmful, non-economic coal projects adds to the burden their foreseeable end will cost, deprives needed alternative energy resources of capital investment and complicates our efforts to mitigate climate change that is patently underway and clearly attributable to fossil fuel misinvestment and misuse. Do not approve development of a terminal to export coal on the Oakland waterfront. John Castillo Orange, CA 92869-3002 Cough! Cough ! Cough! Coal= too much pollution. Cough! Cough! Cough! Estrella Castillo San Diego, CA 92101-1928 We must move from away from fossil fuels. To continue to use coal is to behave as if in a collective psychosis. It's a dead end, literally, for millions of people and species. Please stop! Sandra Castro-nguyen Milpitas, CA 95035-5806 Can't believe these people trying to sneak coal into CALI, we work so hard to improve our air and water and Oakland gets hit with everything....think of these CALI citizens first!!! Nicole Catechi San Mateo, CA 94402-2923 Please put a stop to this coal nightmare! This is the last thing oskland needs. This would be a disaster in the way of health of the people of Oakland, you know what's right to do here. I ask you, would you live near this coal train? The toxic overlead will have ramifications that you will be responsible for. Please stop the Coal exporting! Phillip C'de Baca Colma, CA 94014-2872 This affects all of the Bay Area not just Oakland, we all will suffer harmful air pollution. We are all waiting for Governor Brown to take action and bring this to a halt, however, It seems that the influence of his friend who is requesting that this project take place has more interest to our governor than the voters of the State of California ho put him in office. For all the talk if Paris for the environmental talks I see little action from our governor. Wanda Cea Pacifica, CA 94044-2158 Not in Oakland, not in any port of California Taressa Chandra San Leandro, CA 94577-2159 We don't want coal trains running through our towns! Our kids already have to deal with enough pollution. Let's NOT sell out our kids health to the COAL industry!! Bruce Chapman Bountiful, UT 84010-3460 We are over 400 parts per million and headed to 450 very soon! See 350. Org 350 the threshold for a safe environment how will you feel when you see the fires floods rising sea levels extreme droughts millions of people displaced and migrating for a livable environment hurricanes extreme high wind storms will you know you did everything you could? Danielle Charney Santa Monica, CA 90405-3623 Enough of being owned and killed by corporate entities subsidized on our tax dollars- throw them out - green jobs are needed- Leeann Chastain Eastsound, WA 98245-8533 We cannot pretend ignorance in the face of global warming and continue to encourage and support the ecological ravages of harvesting coal and the shared air pollution resulting from burning coal. Please act with mindful reflection and stop this coal terminal in California. Felicia Chavez San Rafael, CA 94915-0465 Enough already. Coal is the past, and only a dirty future unfit for life on Earth...or in Oakland! Jean Cherie Vallejo, CA 94590-6180 People,s health and welfare before dying dangerous industry. Antonia & Andrew Chianis Blue Jay, CA 92317-0836 Just Stop this TRAIN!! Mary Ching Mountain View, CA 94040-3521 Dirty energy, whether from oil, tar sands or coal should permanently remain in the ground. Do NOT let this filthy terminal be created. The profits for an out of state county and a private company should not be more important than the health of Californians or our environment. STOP THIS NOW. Alexandra Christ San Mateo, CA 94402-3100 All nations should be seeking cleaner renewable energy. How about assisting with cleaner, renewable strategies and start thinking outside the box? The old ways of using energy no longer serve our planet. Amy Christenson Seaside, CA 93955-5037 No more dirty coal! We like our air clean. Heather Clapp Bolinas, CA 94924-9618 Please invest your money in CLEAN energy. Continuing to extract earth's natural resources for profit is harmful to the future of our children, grandchildren and the planet. Elizabeth Clapp Vallejo, CA 94591-4136 We must not tolerate doing business with anyone that is going to add more toxins to a community. I stand for the safety of the citizens. Janice Cleary Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 This proposal must go into the nearest TRASH can available Angel Clifford Canyon, CA 94516-0425 No coal exported from a city trying desperately to survive. Janet Clinger Grass Valley, CA 95945-6110 We need to leave coal in the ground and work toward sustainable energy sources before we destroy the planet. Joe Coakley Dublin, CA 94568-2231 My son, who lives in Pinole, is disabled and suffers from respiratory illnesses. He will only suffer more from the added pollution caused by airborne coal dust. Please oppose this proposal. The health of our communities and of its residents matters more than corporate profits for a dying industry such as coal as an energy source. Allan Coe Palm Springs, CA 92264-8722 To be an environmental leader means making hard decisions. Selling our problem is not the answer. Helping to develop alternates for coal dependent users is... Paul Cofrancesco San Diego, CA 92102-3415 Don't send coal somewhere else because the pollution travels everywhere. Tina Colafranceschi Whitethorn, CA 95589-0201 I live in Oakland and I don't want dangerous coal exports where me , my dogs and friends list ve Pat Colburn Alameda, CA 94501-2141 Don't let greed steal our health and the health of our children Zorus Colglazier Morro Bay, CA 93442-3178 I totally agree with this fine article! Keep 'em coming! Thank you!!!/s/zpc Deborah Colotti Sebastopol, CA 95472-4839 The Bay Area does not want this coal shipped out of our port to foreign regions. Keep the coal in the ground. Invest $53 million in solar or wind energy instead!! Michael Comstock Los Angeles, CA 90045-2838 Leave coal in the ground... Linda Comstock Yreka, CA 96097-2426 Don't export coal, it is laden with chemicals dangerous to our planet! Jim Conklin Stockton, CA 95219-3218 Gov Brown - Your legacy will be marked , to a great extent , by what you do on this important climate change issue. Eric Tyler Conrad Morro Bay, CA 93442-2435 We need to keep fossil fuels in the ground and move quickly to renewable energy sources like wind, solar and . The Coal export terminal in Oakland needs to be stopped for our health, our children and grandchildren and our world. Please vote down this project! Alicia Corley Santa Monica, CA 90402-2459 Sending fossil fuel abroad undermines the desire of the citizens of California to further the health of our communities, our state, our country, and our planet. Coal dust, linked to heart and lung disease, will worsen the air quality of Bay Area residents. I urge you to take action to promote the health of neighboring communities and our planet by stopping the export of coal. Liliana Cortes Compton, CA 90220-3943 Our planet is in peril and instead of racing to get behind renewable energy, we focus on coal terminals?? It's madness. Catherine Corwin Santa Monica, CA 90404-5235 Yeah, this is a HUGE NO plan. Let's not make the environment any worse; or the coast? What are you thinking???? Sean Cosgrave Victoria, CA 23400 Do the right thing Marc Couacaud San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-6632 Building infrastructure that encourages the use of dirty fossil fuels somewhere else just doesn't make sense. The atmosphere isn't a NIMBY issue. We all breathe the same air, depend upon the same climate. Burning dirty coal in China is the same as burning dirty coal in San Francisco. Let's keep it in the ground! Jack Couch Sacramento, CA 95823-3546 Keep your pollutants John J. Covas Torrance, CA 90505-5968 Please, leave the coal in the ground and protect the future of the planet and slow down global warning. We can make a difference by not shipping coal. Thank you! Pamela Covas Torrance, CA 90504-4828 We want to save our earth and beautiful California please rethink your agenda and be creative in reaching your goals in a way that secures our planet's future., not a sure path to destroying it. Carolyn Coxon California City, CA 93505-3547 We need to stop compromising our air quality now. If we don't our state, our whole country will be like China - no one will be able to breathe fresh air again. Erin Creel Albany, CA 94706-2549 Please keep the residents of Oakland healthy by refusing to allow coal exports through the port of Oakland. The time to prepare for a clean future is now! Margaret Crimmins El Cerrito, CA 94530-2131 The age of oil and coal is over. What would be the purpose of building this terminal at the expense of people's health? Charley Cross Sacramento, CA 95831-2929 We should be phasing coal out, both domestically and internationally. Developing any new coal infrastructure is irresponsible. Kristina Cunha Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1285 NO COAL EXPORTING IN OAKLAND!! William Cuppoletti Penngrove, CA 94951-0927 The air is still very dirty at the Oakland Port.Ship violating clean air standards. Trucks around the port and equipment is exempt from standards. The water in the bay is polluted. these things need to be cleaned up first. Standards need to be set. This is a benefit for a few and severe health hazard for many. William Cutler Union City, CA 94587-3682 As a resident of Union City I am not an Oakland voter, but as a resident of the East Bay and of the Earth, what happens in Oakland is important to me. I support ther right of Oakland residents to clean air, and I am especially concerned about the CLIMATE DISRUPTING impact of burning coal anywhere on the Earth. Ann Marie Dabo Cloverdale, CA 95425-5407 Isn't time to get time to get smart and stop using coal? it is destroying the air we breathe. Using solar and wind is here now and for our future. Judith Dalton Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-2339 NO MORE COAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! David Dalton Puyallup, WA 98374-2457 We have pushed extremely hard to defeat coal export terminals in Washington State and Oregon. Don't approve this or you'll be breathing the pollution caused by the burning of this coal when it drifts in from China, with NO POLLUTION CONTROL!!! Elizabeth Darovic Monterey, CA 93940-1909 We know coal is obsolete. We know western coal burns really dirty. Why do we lack the creativity to do things differently? Janet Darvas Sacramento, CA 95820-2357 I grew up in Cleveland Ohio. In the 60's after going to dances and dancing up an aerobic storm, I'd come home with a stuffy nose. When I would blow it, the Kleenex would be full of black coal soot. That's what living in coal country is like. Keep that filth out of California, and while you're at it, stop using it completely. Lina Daukas Los Alamitos, CA 90720-4618 I'm I'm finding it harder and harder to breathe. Please hear me and others who are gasping for breath. Calvin Davenport Boulder Creek, CA 95006-9086 Just keep it in the ground. Coal is a terrible polluter. People before profits! Paul Davis Palm Springs, CA 92264-3501 This is a terrible idea whose time is not come but is long past! Kathryn Davis Solana Beach, CA 92075-2050 No! to unhealthy use of our Oakland waterfront. Karen Davy North Hollywood, CA 91605-2813 Please stop this proposal from going through. We already have enough problems with global warming and environmental issues as it is. This will definitely be ten steps backwards. Thank you. Vicki Daybell Hayward, CA 94544-1388 No! Alexander De Grassi Redwood Valley, CA 95470-0772 It's too late in the transition to renewable energy to be building a new coal export facility. Why not put the money and the energy furthering California and Oakland's leadership in renewables. It's the future, don't look back! Sincerely, Alex de Grassi Carol De Hart Paso Robles, CA 93446 The use of coal must end for the sake of the environment and the future of earth. Leave it in the ground; certainly not transported to and from Oakland! Celeste De La Fuente Stanton, CA 90680-3886 We do not need unhealthy coal dust contaminating our lungs and the air/environment. Brian Debasitis San Jose, CA 95123-4936 Coal is a dying industry. A coal export terminal is not a good idea. Shirley Deleon Meadow Valley, CA 95956-0116 There is a price tag for health; for the people and for the earth! We all WILL pay it sooner or later, and one way or the other. THIS PLAN IS A BAD DEAL, it's far to costly a price to pay...... ie: our health and our environment. Please stop this deal being proposed for the port of Oakland. Isaak Delgadillo-edmonds San Bruno, CA 94066-5330 Please stop this project, why endanger more lives for a toxic, dying industry? It would be contributing to global climate disruption as well as being detrimental to surrounding cities. This would be a huge step backwards for the Bay Area, and it is simply not worth it. Jim Delong Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4611 Dirty coal is not part of the future of clean energy in the United States or any other country for that matter. Oakland's waterfront community should not suffer the consequences of poor planning, so that other countries can burn this dirty fuel and a few coal barons in the United States can line their pockets. Monider Demars Hayward, CA 94541-2915 Oakland has suffered enough. Please let her be. Russell Dember Menlo Park, CA 94025-2308 Coal is so 19th century. Leave it in the ground. Julie Dempster Portland, OR 97224-3485 California does not need this. Stop this insanity now. Debby Dernberger Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-2128 NO mean NO! Kathy Dervin Berkeley, CA 94707-1619 As a public health expert working on climate change and health I attended the last who attended the last two UNFCCC COP meetings. We know that our use of coal has to be eliminated for fuel both here in the US and around the world. At the same time we must protect the health of disadvantaged communities being exposed to extractive fossil fuel industries. For these reasons Oakland must reject the proposal to export coal from West Oakland. Joanne Devine Folsom, CA 95630-7105 Take action now! Kathy Devos Whitestone, NY 11357 no more coal burning or mining. USA should be a leader in renewable energy. Patty Deyoung Irvine, CA 92604-4660 It is beyond comprehension that this would even be considered. How greedy can one municipality be to risk endangering its constituents?!! Though my guess, is that it must be mainly people if color that reside in the areas near this terminal, so like who cares!! What goes around comes around in the "here" or the "after". Mitchell Diamond Sunnyvale, CA 94086-6324 And to the plutocracy for which it stands... Jana Dieter San Marcos, CA 92078-6312 Let's put an end to destructive coal mining and toxic coal dust. Clean energy is a better use of your dollars. Robert B. Digiovanni Jr. Monterey, CA 93940-2270 Oakland, your ports,city and police departments are dirty enough. Just say NO!! Peter Dixon Malibu, CA 90264-6235 Try living where coal dust and smoke pollute. The coal kings don't care. their homes are elsewhere. Daniel Dobkin Sunnyvale, CA 94086-7549 Folks: A day or a week or a year is not momentous -- but we need to stop using large amounts of fossil fuels over the next couple of decades. Everything we burn will have to be put back by our children and their children. So helping in the shipment of large amounts of coal is really stupid. Stop. --Dan Dobkin Stephen Donato Ben Lomond, CA 95005-9588 Planet Earth is not a sewer for industrial America. Treat the planet with respect; we've done enough damage. Anne Doolittle Potter Valley, CA 95469-9701 Coal is not something we need to be burning more of. No to the terminal Melissa Dorso Carmichael, CA 95608-0882 Stop forcing the use of fossil fuel down our throats FOR PRIVATE, CORPORATE PROFIT and start using existing solar technology. Heide Doss El Cajon, CA 92019-4160 Please, can we put our efforts into energy sources that have less of an impact on our planet? Gretchen Doweney Torrance, CA 90503 Health and well-being of people and the environment comes first. All the money in the world will not help humanity Time to put people and the environment first and business second! Mary Doyle Berkeley, CA 94703-1457 Keep the coal in the ground! Glenn Ducat Long Beach, CA 90803-5028 Burning coal anywhere in the world poisons the same air. Nancy Dulberg Albany, CA 94706-2331 We need a prosperous port based on projects that support healthy human and community development, not poisonous, fossil-fuel based potential fire-bombs rolling through the east bay. This is a dangerous, unsustainable and unethical project. Jan Dungan Petaluma, CA 94952-2449 I lived in Oakland and the East Bay for many years, and always think of it as a part of me. Keep the greedy spoilers of our climate OUT of Oakland! Dashiell Dunkell Santa Cruz, CA 95060-5909 Dirty coal is the past, this development is a mistake and not keeping with California's role as a clean energy leader! Peter Durkee Rio Linda, CA 95673-3207 Please do not sponsor or profit over dirty energy, no matter where it is consumed. Laura Dutch Benicia, CA 94510-2574 This is a danger to us all! Ruth Dyke Foresthill, CA 95631-9794 Coal is not good for people or the environment. Money is a poor reason for poor health. Do not participate is something that is harmful to life. Steven Eagle Stonyford, CA 95979-9717 Used to live in Oakland and was there for EQuake that took down Nimitz in West Oakland. Wasn't aware of how dirty the enviroment was til then. KEEP IT CLEAN NOW Michelle Eaton Forest Knolls, CA 94933-0834 Please don't let this go forward. We have all worked so hard to help save the environment for our children and all who live here. Patricia Eaton Molalla, OR 97038-7585 Save air quality in our Bay Area! California has always been a leader in the fight to preserve our environment. What is happening to California? Christopher Ebert Berkeley, CA 94708-1330 Burning coal destroys the future - invest in something that has a chance of building it instead Charles Eckart Point Reyes Station, CA 94956-1090 In our world today, this is insane. These are prehistoric creatures from Utah who think it's exciting to burn coal, especially because it makes them very rich. Get with it you people from Utah, this is the 21st century. Coal and all the other fossil fuels are out. Especially in California. We want nothing to do with it. Constantina Economou Berkeley, CA 94704-1828 No coal terminal in Oakland . Leave it in the ground. Timothy Edwards Janesville, CA 96114-9583 Lets set an example and stop exporting poisons like coal. Please consider the simple fact that in this time of history we should not even be selling coal. It is horrible for the environment and for our atmosphere. Let's quit talking about renewable energy and let start making renewable energy a viable reality. I wish you a clear day. Carole Ehrhardt Pebble Beach, CA 93953-0243 We have promised the world that we will keep fossil fuels in the ground and we certainly do not need a new coal terminal so we can send our dirty coal abroad. Coal shipments drop pollution all the way to seaports, and most coal companies are going bankrupt and leaving their dirty toxic refuse behind for all our citizens to clean up. This is wrong! Wendy Eimer Auburn, CA 95603-3994 I lived in the East Bay area for a short time, and every morning that I went out to my car to leave for work was frustrating. My car would be covered in a black gritty substance. I never found out exactly what it was, but the oil refineries near there that smoked, smelled awful, and had fires often, appeared to me to be the cause. We do not need more pollutants over there. I wondered how my health was being affected by all that crap in the air! Robert Elder Los Angeles, CA 90027-1308 This terminal will be on the wrong side of history. Pat Elka Mariposa, CA 95338-9450 Wrong place for this idea, why don't you build it in Santa Monica instead? Raleigh Elliott Sebastopol, CA 95472-3705 The madness of fossil fuels must stop. We need to stop aiding the nefarious plans of those who would destroy our planet for profit. Hurray for Oakland! Tracy Elliott Studio City, CA 91602-2612 Coal is NOT the answer! Leave it in the ground and look to renewables: solar, wind, wave and thermal! Richard Elmendorf Los Angeles, CA 90024-5898 We must stop enabling the ongoing ecocide if there is to be any hope for humanity's survival. Please stop these toxic coal exports. Clara Else Guerneville, CA 95446-9765 This is such a step backwards for California and America--please put a stop to it. Lawrence Emerson National City, CA 91950-4121 Step by step we need to divert resources aware from coal to go clean alternative energy sources. Coal has arsnic, Mercury, and other poisons for the air pollution! David Enevoldsen San Jose, CA 95133-2420 The last thing this beleaguered planet needs is another coal export terminal. Your job should be to listen to your constituents and scientific consensus and permanently ban all fossil fuel exports. Period. Carole Erickson Carmel, CA 93923-8425 Safety for the people of Oakland, safety for all the people along the route of the train, but also sanity in light of the huge, devastating impact of fossil-fuel burning on global climate change. Leland Erickson Mountain View, CA 94043-2650 This is insanity! Global warming is a scientific fact! No! No! No! No! To more coal!! Danielle Espinosa La Crescenta, CA 91214 It's time to move on to clean energy. It's time to hold ourselves accountable. No coal in California!!!!!! Joshua Essoe Los Angeles, CA 90024-3060 This plan to send climate-disrupting fossil fuel abroad undercuts California's role as a climate leader. And coal dust, which is linked to asthma, emphysema and heart disease, blowing off from mile-long coal trains would worsen the already unhealthy air quality in Bay Area neighborhoods near the proposed terminal. We can't let that happen. Jacquelyn Evans Berkeley, CA 94708-1204 This port and train ae a public health disaster in every aspect do not allow this. Luci Evanston San Bruno, CA 94066-3744 Climate Change is real. We need to deal with it and do the right things. Keith Fahey Tarzana, CA 91356-2329 Way past time to devote our mental powers to other forms of energy! Richard Fairfield Santa Rosa, CA 95407 handling filthy fuel making pollution then sending it away to make more pollution AND MONEY FOR POLLUTERS, KEEP IT IN THE GROUND Gary Farber Walnut Creek, CA 94598-2918 Coal is bad for our local environment, bad for climate change, and it's more expensive than renewable energy. Let's be smart and stop supporting the use of coal. Alexander Farrell Eureka, CA 95503-5500 STOP THE CORPORATE TAKEOVER OF OUR GOVERNMENT !!! Robin Fellner Mckinleyville, CA 95519-8125 Join the 21st century; coal is 19th century and we can do better. Peggy Ferrell Santa Monica, CA 90402-2212 Leave it in the ground. Burning coal is killing our planet. RC Ferris Pacheco, CA 94553-6305 Ban the Coal! just say NO! Asano Fertig Berkeley, CA 94702-1427 Save the environment of West Oakland and save the environment of the whole world by impeding fossil fuels. Anita Fieldman Mill Valley, CA 94941-2034 What happened to the premise upon which we need to operate: keeping fossil fuels in the ground is the only way to keep the planet habitable. Exporting coal through the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal is a giant step backwards, is especially dangerous to the health of Bay Area residents, and really only benefits a handful of people who will realize a temporary financial gain. Kyle Finch Topanga, CA 90290-4225 My / our children's future is at risk for a tremendous amount of suffering due to the burning of fossil fuels. Stop it now! Gladys Finley Berkeley, CA 94706-2205 To whom it may concern: Stop the greed. Everything it's about money, which brings on jeopardizing humans, and wildlife life's! When will this insane greed stop? We are going to fight to not have coal going through Oakland no way will this happen! Humans are the problem! Over populated already! Stop! Stop! Stop! Maureen Finlon Willis, TX 77378-1353 Keep the coal out of these people's neighborhoods - keep the air as clean as possible! Cassidy Fisher San Fernando, CA 91340-3521 To Whom it May Concern, I strongly oppose the proposal to ship coal through the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal. Coal is a dying industry for good reason and has no place in our state. Please think of the significant short term and long term consequences that will come about if this proposal succeeds. California already has many notable problems regarding air pollution and serious harm could befall the local environment and state-wide community health. Many of the protesters to this project may not have degrees in environmental science or extensive statistics to back our protest but we all just want what is best for our wonderful state so please oppose this proposal along with us and take action against such a high-risk and hazardous scheme. Thank you for reading my letter. Sincerely, Cassidy Fisher Concerned Citizen of California, United States Sharon Fisher Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Let's put coal workers in jobs that contribute to the long term health of our plant. No more coal! Zelma Fishman Los Osos, CA 93402-2108 No, no, ten thousand times no!! As I recall, Oakland is awfully close to sea level... why shoot yourself in the foot? Toni Fitzpatrick Berkeley, CA 94703-2445 I live in South Berkeley, and the quality of my life will also be impacted by the Oakland City Council's decision on coal trains running through our neighborhoods. Reject this terrible plan! It would be devastating for the health of many of the people you were elected to serve in an immediate sense, and also to the health of the planet, and thus, all of us. COAL NEEDS TO STAY IN THE GROUND AND OUT OF OAKLAND!!!!!!! Allan Fix Albany, CA 94706-1845 Please do not poison the residents of Oakland. Please do not poison our planet. Please: Do not allow this coal export terminal. I thank you for your time and consideration. John Flaig, Phd San Jose, CA 95125-3404 Air quality is more valuable than money for coal. Stephanie Fleming Sacramento, CA 95820-4237 Please stop this insanity, burning coal is destroying this planet! Money is irrelevant when there is no air to breathe, water to drink or food to eat.... Steve Flitcroft Benicia, CA 94510-3636 Please do not approve this project which will be harmful to Oakland residents and contribute to further environmental damage. Lizabeth Flyer Burbank, CA 91505-3410 Please keep California on the cutting edge as a climate leader. Please look for renewable clean energy, not coal. Thank you. Dan Fogarty Santa Rosa, CA 95409-3840 The only beneficiaries are the extractors and those associated, at the expense of the earth. Mary Ford Alameda, CA 94501-2322 Our future generations will not survive, if you continue on this course of action you will hurt our fishermen, and our crab seasons. No to your death by toxic coal. Hal Forsen San Clemente, CA 92672-3947 In the 21st Century, coal should stay in the ground. NO COAL TERMINAL IN OAKLAND! Sarah Forsythe Atascadero, CA 93422-1804 Preserving our land for food and water is paramount. Profits for few have no place in our country. George Fosselius El Cerrito, CA 94530-2435 I taught in Oakland. I visit often. Coal should remain in the ground. David Foulger Apple Valley, CA 92307-3200 We need to save our coal for the next ice age when solar isn't available. Donna Fox Alameda, CA 94501-4803 Do not allow our beautiful Bay Area to be sullied by dirty and toxic coal dust. Stop this terminal project in Oakland. Lynne Frame Mill Valley, CA 94941-2723 This is of vital importance. Please consider the health of humans and the environment in the Bay Area and beyond. Sally Francis Berkeley, CA 94708-1752 This plan makes no sense, environmentally or economically. Tom Fray Downey, CA 90241-2804 Safe, renewable energy now! SOP - Save Our Planet! Adrian Frazier Menifee, CA 92585-8891 As this country moves forward we can't be relying on dying industries such as coal. All this would do is harm our economy putting many people out of a job once the coal industry fails and on top of that we would be getting even further behind on the battle with air pollution and climate change. Thank you for your time, Adrian Frazier Nora Freitag Corning, CA 96021-9799 I simply don't understand why anyone still supports the use of coal of all things! Tanya Freitas Piedra, CA 93649-0266 It's time to be earth stuards Linda Frischer Santa Rosa, CA 95403-4176 We need to find an alternative to coal and the effects of climate change and pollution it has on the surrounding areas where it is processed and or transported. Please do not allow coal to be transported through and exported from Oakland. Dennis Fritzinger Berkeley, CA 94704-2113 Wherever coal is burned it adds CO2 to the atmosphere and warms the planet. The latest study confirms that continuing to warm the planet is a bad idea for the following reason: at some point the phytoplankton in the ocean will stop giving off oxygen. The oxygen in the atmosphere will then decrease until it'll be like trying to breathe on top of Mount Everest. If we don't stop adding CO2 to the atmosphere we'll wind up with not enough oxygen to breathe. Think about it. Amanda Frost Santa Barbara, CA 93105-2965 Fossil fuel is now the curse of the planet. We must modernize our energy policy! Louis Fry Novato, CA 94947 Please stop this dangerous plan. If there's no economical way to export coal to some of the worst polluting countries in the world, they might just find a less toxic fuel source. Why mess up the Bay Area just to allow Utah to get rid of its crap? Joann Fuller Santa Rosa, CA 95409-6103 Oakland needs all the help it can get and this coal terminal is NOT the answer. It makes their problems worse. Stop picking on Oakland to contaminate the air. Fran Fulwiler Portland, OR 97213-1329 Coal mining and export are deadly to the environment. After carbon is forced into the atmosphere in the mining process, it must be shipped in open train cars to avoid combustion, which increases the amount of potentially deadly carbon everyone in the vicinity is forced to breathe. Jane Gagner Eureka, CA 95501-1271 Why do "we" continue to be STUPID and GREEDY? It's stupid to continue with coal for energy and yet greed keeps those companies destroying our world. Norma Jean Galiher Mountain View, CA 94040-3259 Please put the health and welfare of not only Bay Area residents, but residents of the countries to which health-damaging and climate change accelerating coal burning would result, ahead of corporate lobbying! Your children and grandchildren will thank you for acting out of integrity and concern for future generations. Thank you! Brendan Gallagher Novato, CA 94949-6787 I am a republican who is totally opposed to exporting any and all raw materials, especially coal and lumber. Lynn Gallagher Santa Cruz, CA 95062-2238 no more back room deals to export unhealthy coal!! Liz Gallerani San Rafael, CA 94901-5138 one word: Renewable only Patricia Gallimore Visalia, CA 93292-2328 Globally, we need to leave all the harmful resources that produce excessive carbon in our atmosphere where they were found, underground for the most part. Andres Galvan Alameda, CA 94501-5830 As someone who has seen first hand coal usage in China, I want it no where near me or my fellow residents. Accidents happen all the time, having that large amount of coal coming though our city is begging for a disaster. Please don't bend to corporate greed at your constituent's expense. Barbara Galyen Larkspur, CA 94977-0950 We all need CLEAN air - current and future generations! STOP this pollution now. Patty Gamblin Bakersfield, CA 93305-2410 It Puts MONEY in your pockets! But What are YOU DOING TO OUR PLANET? you know the one we all live and BREATHE on.You CAN FIND A BETTER WAY....maybe your Brains are too old and tired....ask the NEW GENERATION, They are out there, FIND THEM, They NEED TO WORK TO SAVE OUR PLANET AND RETIRE YOU THAT ONLY "CARE ABOUT MONEY!!!!!!!" Petra Gampper Corte Madera, CA 94925-2014 25th. June, 2016 No, this ultimate plan of "insanity" to our beautiful Bay area must never be permitted to go ahead. Our entire family and I are totally objecting. Enough is enough! We just hope that Oakland's City Council will be wise enough to reject this 'soulless', irresponsible project. Coleen Garrity Watsonville, CA 95077-2047 Please consider this request. We are asking for a world we can live in. Thank You. Grace Garza Pacifica, CA 94044-2570 Stakes are TOO HIGH Hell no Gary Gebhard El Cerrito, CA 94530-3063 Take your coal thru red America. Down the Mississippi. Patrick Gehlen Lake Balboa, CA 91406-6039 This is a big step backward, when our only hope is to take giant Steps forward towards harnessing renewable energy. Gina George Banning, CA 92220-5212 Do the ETHICAL thing! No need to explain further. We ALL know what that is! Daniel George Paicines, CA 95043-9741 At the stage we have reached with climate change impacts, the idea of perpetuating the coal industry is absurd. Millions of Californians live very near to the ocean. Do we really want to inundate their homes with riding ocean waters? Please do everything in your power to stop this coal export terminal. William Georges Orange, CA 92867-1902 In a time of obvious climate change, coal should be kept in the ground and alternative sources of energy should be used! Coal is dirty, highly polluting, and frankly not necessary any more. It is the energy source of the past, not the future!! Kenneth Gerard Fresno, CA 93722-4519 We need to stop burning coal. Elizabeth Gibbs Fullerton, CA 92831-3814 Just because coal can be mined does not mean it is OK to ship it overseas for use...and to add to greenhouse gas pollution of the earth. Please do the right thing and stop this from happening in our state. Thank you. Claudia Gibson Fairfax, CA 94930-2105 It's way to densely populated, the bay is already fragile and there is absolutely no reason to be mining coal when wind and solar are taking more and more power EVERY DAY! Michael Gilbert Argenteuil, CA 95100 Stop you fools ! Bryan Gilbert West Linn, OR 97068-1844 Please! Keep it in the ground! Janice Gilligan Petaluma, CA 94952-6410 We already have problems with an oil refinery in the bay area, and don't want any problems associated with coal. It's time to transition away from coal and develop more alternatives for energy production such as solar. I support this message. Nancy Gilliland Foster City, CA 94404-1331 Why can't we rely on our elected officials to protected us from these greedy, thoughtless people? Carol Glau San Pablo, CA 94806-1336 Stop this threat to our health. Linda Goetz Mountain View, CA 94040-1149 We all know that coal destroys the environment! Why keep mining it? Change to solar and wind!! Ben Goldberg Pleasanton, CA 94588-4203 Hi. Please support the ban on coal exports out of Oakland! Charles Goldie Castro Valley, CA 94546-4333 I have a degree in biochemistry. I feel very strongly that we are adding to global warming with fossil fuel consumption. I strongly support thinking officials who are willing to step up and question fuel company profit when serious damage surrounds neighborhood citizens. Please ban the transport of coal. Lowell Gomes Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-1151 I visited Oakland with my grabmother, whose brother liver near Lake Merritt, and in my juior and senior years at Berkeley I lived close to Oakland. I'd hate to see Oakland accommodate transporting coal, the most anti-environmental substance there is. Please refuse it! John Gomolka Brunswick, OH 44212-4143 Transition to clean electricity worldwide. Abel Gonzalez Salinas, CA 93905 We don't want anything to do with dirty energy! Daniel Gonzalez San Diego, CA 92129-3819 This project is ill-advised and short sighted. Any place we can stop fossil fuel dependence is a start. Caroline Good Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-4374 We're done with fossil fuels of all types, and coal is one of the worst or everyone. Beth Goode Topanga, CA 90290-1104 Beyond the destruction of the land that we KNOW will accompany this venture, coal is just an irresponsible fuel that is not good for us or our planet. Just because it goes to another country, that does not mean that the pollution and destruction stays in that country. So for purely selfish reasons, you should not allow this proposal to go forward. If you are at all aware of the interconnection of all the life forms that exist in our world, you will understand how profoundly stupid this idea is of exporting a toxic substance to another location. Michael Goodin Weimar, CA 95736-0845 It's a hair brained idea! Hasn't global.warming penetrated your brains? Just because we export the coal doesn;'t mean the problems associated with coal sail away!! Greg Goodmacher Carlsbad, CA 92011-4848 Promote Energy Conservation Instead of Supporting Fossil Fuel Burning and Pollution. Kevin Goodwin Palm Springs, CA 92262-4831 City of Oakland: Say No To Coal Exports! Julie Goodwin Santa Cruz, CA 95062-5050 Bad idea, underhanded and unhealthy! Rose Gordon So Amboy, NJ 08879 The time has come for leaders to stand up to defend the Earth and its inhabitants. We look to you Oakland City Council -- don't let the money- grubbing Big Coal and greedy developers destroy the planet any more than they have already done. This is your chance to strike a blow for common sense, the environment and the welfare of all human beings. Tammy Goularte Redlands, CA 92373-7961 Please keep the beautiful Bay Area as pristine as possiable Kay Graetz Huntington Beach, CA 92646-3008 This is so detrimental to our health & environment!! Karen Graham Running Springs, CA 92382-2250 Our climate, our lungs and our environment can'take more dirty coal. Don't put greed over people. Charlotte Gray Hemet, CA 92544-5236 Please say no to dirty, life threatening coal. We need alternative energies and cleaner air. Jim Gray Hemet, CA 92544-7344 The coal must be left in the ground if we are to have any chance controlling global warming. Ellie Green Fort Bragg, CA 95437-1163 This action is unacceptable. West Oakland, as a terminus, makes NO sense whatever, & the health consequences of coal dust blowing all over the Bay area would be horrible! NOT ACCEPTABLE, WILL NOT HAPPEN. Aaron Green Sacramento, CA 95811-4186 No more dirty coal! Darshana Greenfield Menlo Park, CA 94025-2864 We need to be investing in only fully sustainable energy! Not dirty coal nor oil! Julie Greenfield Santa Monica, CA 90405-2529 Must be stopped! Brandon Gregg Burlingame, CA 94010-7516 As a former resident of Utah, I don't want to bring Utah's coal caused health problems to California. We can do much better. Greg Grether Topanga, CA 90290-3660 Ramping up coal exports from California? Really? How is that consistent with California leading the world in reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Norene Griffin Alameda, CA 94501-1896 Coal is harmful to the planet and harmful to human health. This coal export terminal is ultimately damaging to Oakland, no matter how much money is attached to the project. Coal is pollution. Coal is climate change and disease. Coal is the past. I'm sure you've all done your research about air pollution and how deeply it impacts health. And I'm sure that some of you are personally impacted or have friends, family, or colleagues with asthma and other health issues affected by air quality. Please use your power to stop this project from coming to fruition. Susan Griffin Berkeley, CA 94708-1420 Keep this toxic waste out of our ecosystem. Kathleen Griffy Monrovia, CA 91016-4731 Please stop with the fossil fuels and all of the damage they cause from the very moment the process of removing them from the earth to the time they reach their destination (hopefully without spillage and other damage). We can't continue to play fast and loose with the world's air and ozone. Our abuse of fossil fuels, deforestation and irresponsible stewardship of the wildlife worldwide is abysmal. The people who are mining or drilling could be retrained to work on solar and repair our broken infrastructure, among other things. Affordable housing needs is another field where work would available. I come from Coal Country (West Virginia) and had Uncles who had "Black Lung" from coal dust in the mines. We need to break this bad habit., Russell Grindle Fairfield, CA 94533-3620 Coal is a dirty and outmoded source of energy. Moving coal vast distances spreads the problem of col particles entering the atmosphere. The potential increase in respiratory problems Oakland is not offset by the meager direct benefits to Oakland workers. Malcolm Groome Topanga, CA 90290-3353 We should not be putting any more development into coal! Focus on renewables and clean energy, not dirty coal. Don't support this terminal. Ban coal for the sake of Oakland's citizens. Aaron Grossman Mountain View, CA 94041-2330 This project is bad for Oakland, for California, and for the health of the entire world. Please act responsibly to stop it. Thank you. Patricia Guerrero Arcata, CA 95521-5636 Do what's right for the world not your wallet. Elizabeth Gulick North Hollywood, CA 91605-5353 LEAVE IT IN THE GROUND--- START NOW Andrea And James Gutman Sunland, CA 91040-1215 Air quality around terminals is a severe problem that must be addressed--not increased! Backroom deals such as this one are an anathema for the lungs. Perry Gx Tustin, CA 92780-7011 Let's Think Clean Air 1st! + "Climate Change / Warming"!!! Phyllis Hagmann Rialto, CA 92376-6622 Coal is no longer the best kind of energy. There are many cleaner more environmentally safer forms of energy now. Joel Hahn San Jose, CA 95121-1721 I support renewable energy whenever possible. I also urge utilities using coal to update their facilities to burn coal without pollution, or better yet prevent the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere . Thank you, Joel Hahn Denise Halbe Sonoma, CA 95476-4620 It is absurd to think it possible to forestall moves to ridding ourselves of dirty fuels and the broad reaching arms of industry that surround it. Every step away from coal is critically important and must be taken post haste. Sarah Hall Burbank, CA 91502-2100 If we continue to allow commercial interests to make environmental decisions, we are dead in the water. Literally. Jonathan Hall San Carlos, CA 94070-2328 America should not even be mining and exporting coal in this day and age, let alone poisoning the city of Oakland in the process. Do not let this madness happen - for the sake of every living being on earth. Stacy Hall San Diego, CA 92104-2926 This terminal is a monumental mistake for the environment, the people who live near it, and for the future of California as a clean energy leader. Please take it offline now, thank you. Charles Halpern Berkeley, CA 94705-1104 Our future relies on investment in renewable energy. Coal is a dangerous step back into the 19th century. Alice Hamrick Los Osos, CA 93402-2104 Setting up infrastructure for more coal and oil usage is exactly the opposite of what we should be doing. Ever heard of a little problem we have called global warming? Helen Hanna Sacramento, CA 95864-6907 Coal dust is not healthy for children and other living things. Jeannette Hanna Sacramento, CA 95864-2716 This toxic blight on beautiful San Francisco Bay would pollute one of the most desirable air and water locations in California. NO! Nathan Harling Redwood City, CA 94063-5532 On the Utah side, this coal terminal project is an abuse of the public trust. On the California side, the coal terminal is unnecessary and a harm to the public interests of Oakland and to the integrity of our bay. Nathan Harling Redwood City, CA 94063-5533 This deal is an abuse of public trust. Silva Harr Concord, CA 94521-2205 As a West Oakland resident I have witnessed many instances of blatant disregard for public health since 1978. This may be the biggest threat I've seen in my time. Our neighborhoods are known to be asthma and cancer clusters. I now suffer with both. Please do not allow this to happen to us. We have all been through so much already. Thank you. Catherine Harrington Boulder Creek, CA 95006-0558 Please!!!! Don't export coal from Oakland! Robert S. Harris Los Angeles, CA 90012-2426 Coal is the toxic power of the past. California is the progressive culture of the future. DO NOT INVEST IN COAL PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. Sydney Harris Ventura, CA 93003-3955 WE need to move AWAY from coal! Diane Hart Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-3273 dont develop save for future generations Anne Harvey San Diego, CA 92130-2609 Please. We all need to learn and practice living within our planet's constraints. Susan Hathaway Pico Rivera, CA 90660-2842 We need to STOP subsidizing fossil fuels, or we will never make that long-promised "transition" to clean energy. John Hauf Fairfax, CA 94930 Please stand up to Jerry Brown and his crony. Carol Hawley San Diego, CA 92116-3120 Please don't let this happen! Thomas Hazelleaf Seal Beach, CA 90740-3056 We need to keep coal in the ground, not export it. Even when exported, the pollution, especially greenhouse gas, still affects us. Maria Heald San Diego, CA 92105-5627 We have plenty of pollution in California already! Please do not make breathing more difficult for us. Lisa Hecht Los Angeles, CA 90066-3773 This will not help our air quality! Robin Henderson Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9400 Calif does not need more pollution. No coal exports!! Alice Hendrix Orangevale, CA 95662-0142 We should not participate in any way to facilitating the further use of coal. The planet is dying from global warming and coal usage is a huge reason why. Betsy Herbert Santa Cruz, CA 95060-2620 Private developers & out-of-state coal producers must not be allowed to jeopardize California's public health and climate change leadership. Stop this export facility! Bryna Herbold Claremont, CA 91711-2741 We need to continue moving towards sustainable, clean forms of energy. Bonnie Herman Bonsall, CA 92003-3301 Coal anywhere just adds to the heat of the earth. It is time to end this industry Maria Elena Hernandez Los Angeles, CA 90048-4427 We make restrictions on cigarettes, then export the cancer to other countries. We shut factories here because of environmental regualations, then open unregulated factories in other countries and pollute them. We are downsizing coal dependence here and starting smart energy companies here, and so now we want to ... (you get the picture). David Heron Alameda, CA 94501-3120 Its ridiculous that this is being allowed in this day and age. Robert Heron Los Angeles, CA 90064-4060 We must not continue to encourage more mining and burning of coal. The world must learn to get it's energy in more environmentally friendly ways. There are many other ways to help poor countries. We can't continue to support the destructive use of coal. Kathryn Hettich Redding, CA 96001-2144 California's shoreline, and the Bay Area in particular, will be negatively impacted by a coal export- terminal in West Oakland. Please reconsider and do not approve this proposed facility. Thank you. Sandy Hetzel Tahoma, CA 96142 NO TO THE COAL EXPORT PROJECT. DO NOT need this in California Inez Hileman Orinda, CA 94563-1922 NO NO NO NO NO NEVER Virginia Hilker Redondo Beach, CA 90277-6727 I urge you to stop the coal from coming through Oakland to an oversized terminal, Virginia Hilker Jack Hill Spring Hill, TN 37174-7139 Moving coal out of the US will *NOT* lessen the polluted air we will breathe as less cautious countries burn coal, sending tons of pollutants into the atmosphere to be carried back to the US by the prevailing winds. STOP IT NOW, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! Joseph Hilla Alameda, CA 09501 coal is old fashioned ,get with he NEW tech Patricia Hines San Leandro, CA 94577-2825 Please stop this! It's a matter of life and health! Carol Hirth Berkeley, CA 94702-1009 No coal or oil trains in Oakland--they are dirty, destructive and dangerous to people and other living things. Barbara Hockman Mill Valley, CA 94941-5010 The arctic area is melting. Many species of animals and plants are at risk. Global warming is a FACT. Man-made causes of it are a fact. Yet, instead of researching, planning and creating clean, sustainable energy, some people are doing the opposite, going ass-backwards. WHY do they want to hasten world disaster by encouraging the burning of coal. For immediate monetary profit, I suppose. This obsolete plan is immoral and unethical and it must be stopped. Rosemary Hoffman Ogden, UT 84403-2523 Utah citizens don't want our tax money spent on this project either. It will only harm Oakland and make the coal companies richer. Patricia Holderby Crockett, CA 94525-1531 The last thing the S.F. Bay Area needs is coal dust to further damage our environment. San Francisco Bay Area is on track to healthier air and the thought of coal being shipped out from Oakland is ludicrous - we no longer require coal for fuel, nor should we be shipping it out to other countries. Stop this action now. Douglas Holmes Danville, CA 94526-2569 Nice! So you are planning to pull coal trains through neighboring Contra Costa County. We already don't have much reason to love you. It's not just coal trains through the City of Oakland, you know. Armelle Holt Mill Valley, CA 94941-2827 No coal transport to. Oakland. Clean energy is the answer, Charles Homyak Monrovia, CA 91016-5008 On the surface it seems like a no-brainer to say yes to this action. But, our world is changing, and coal simply has no place in it. We need to prioritize clean energy production on a global scale. If we say yes to shipping coal to be burned in China & India it will be an action we will not recover from. It's a poor, poor choice. All the money made from this decision will never overcome the loss suffered by the planet as a whole. Say yes to this and it's game over for the earth. Norman Howell Fremont, CA 94539-3694 There is nothing beneficial about coal. Leave it in the ground. William Howell Pacific Grove, CA 93950-2202 It's time to take the long view, for all people and for our Earth. Clean fuels, please. Please! Nancy Hubbs-chang Pasadena, CA 91105-1039 We need to REDUCE our world-wide use of coal for energy production, not increase it, nor encourage it in advancing countries. Gary Hughes Berkeley, CA 94704-1378 We demand a just transition - take a stand for our children and let's kick the fossil fuel addiction. Danny Hull, B.s. Biology Klamath Falls, OR 97601-1747 The great majority of most of the humanly inhabited world, including Asia, has ample clean natural renewable energy that may be readily used to provide electric grid electricity of. Iron smeltering is better accomplished with natural gas--some of which, such as sewage treatment plant anaerobic digester- produced natural gas, can be geosurface biocycle renewable--than with coal. The United States of America shouldn't export coal. Judith Humburg Menlo Park, CA 94025-2919 As a human society whose future on earth is dependent on wise choices today that respect the health of humans as d our ecosystem, coal is scientifically known to be a dangerous health hazard. As such, we must no longer support its mining and distribution. Investment in Alternative sources must take precedence. Dirty coal has NO PLACE in an urban area as densely populated as the Bay Area and we must act responsibly to support the health and safety of Oakland citizens and families!!!!! Rick Hunter Fremont, CA 94538-6022 The people of Oakland and the people of Alameda County "The People", NOT "big business and politicians" are the one's who should decide these things. But once again we see our health and our future being destroyed by self interested money grubbers. Gayl Hunter Los Angeles, CA 90036-5335 There is no long-term future for fossil fuels. At some point, they will run out. Why waste time and money, our citizens' health and the environment. Be smart and go headlong for clean energy -- which has a future without end. Mary Hurlbert Berkeley, CA 94706-2435 Please use your authority to do the right thing. Think of our children's lungs and prevent coal from being transported through Oakland! Dirty jobs are not the answer. You can do this! We, the citizens, have your back! Graciela Huth Los Angeles, CA 90045-3707 This is an insult to Californians! We are against coal! We are trying to fulfill our wish to move out of fossil fuels and into renewable energy resources. This attempt by developers is a knife plunged in our back! It is a crime perpetrated against Californians! No coal export terminal in any place in California! Is this related to what I read yesterday regarding Utah problem to export their coal? Let Utah do it in its own state not in California! Janis Ihrig Burbank, CA 91504-4350 We all need cleaner air. Fossil fuel is not the way to go. Help us make a BIG difference here on our planet so we have a future. David Illig Fair Oaks, CA 95628-7521 Supporting continued use of coal by any means including exporting to other countries is just not moral given our need to reverse climate change! Ben Irons Chico, CA 95926-2569 It seems inconceivable to me that this proposal would be approved. It is such an obvious bad/immoral thing to do. Please don't allow this horrible thing to happen. Nicholas Isaacs Santa Clara, CA 95050-4436 Please keep Oakland and the surrounding communities free of coal to preserve air quality and avoid any form of environmental pollution. Thank you! Jenice Jackson Inglewood, CA 90302-2420 Dirty energy will not help the environment. I too want to breathe fresh air and all of the unborn children. Maryellen Jackson Monte Rio, CA 95462 And you want us to vote on a proposition to clean up the bay and then, do this...doesn't make undercut the taxes paid to clean up the bay. Coal is a nasty pollutant--why export it at all--because you can? Sandra Jackson Valley Springs, CA 95252-9074 YOU KNOW WHAT YOU"RE ABOUT TO DO IS WRONG: BUT WHO CARES? NOT THE "PRIVATE DEVELOPER"! GOD FORBID HIS FAMILY MIGHT HAVE YO LIVE IN SHAME!!!! Lynn Jacob Santa Cruz, CA 95060-4214 Please stop destroying the Earth. Thanks. Karen Jacques Sacramento, CA 95811-7105 This flies in the face of everything we need to do to address climate change. It will also do serious damage to people's health. Oakland must say NO now. Suzanne James Saint Helena, CA 94574-1251 Let's face it--the only 'beneficiaries' of this proposed terminal are are the coal producing counties in Utah an "a private CA developer. The cost is too high--please scuttle this plan! Gayle Janzen , WA 98133-8611 I hope the people of Oakland are standing up and saying NO to allowing the largest coal export terminal in CA to be built. We need to be moving forward with alternative energy, not increasing exports of dirty coal. The coal industry is going bankrupt, so don't let them use Oakland in a last ditch effort to keep their dying industry afloat. You cannot be a climate leader while allowing increased coal exports! Laura Jasso Riverbank, CA 95367-2919 STOP coal exporting /Don't harm the citizens or the Bay. Laurie Jensen Campo, CA 91906-1140 No more coal! It's time to fully transition away from coal towards clean energy. We have the technology so there is no excuse to continue raping and devestating our planet. Lawrence Jimenez Hollywood, CA 90068-2234 Gasp. Cough! Jeff Johnson Castro Valley, CA 94546-3661 New development of Oakland's port should be centered on ecological and sustainable activities that benefit the local residents as well as the region. Coal in NO way meets that criteria. Leo E Johnson Citrus Heights, CA 95610-4511 You know this is not right. Your helping this project go forward is just another slap in the face to your kids and grandkids. This is not needed at all Michael Johnson San Marcos, CA 92069-8303 Please take action to help save future generations!!! Teresa Johnson Santa Barbara, CA 93101-3141 PLEASE say NO to dirty coal exports the ruin the environment and the health of people!!! Lea Johnson Walnut Creek, CA 94598-3622 Please reconsider your plans to allow Oakland to be terminal for coal exports. The community of Oakland deserves to have clean non-toxic air. Xan Joi Berkeley, CA 94705-2028 No coal thru near around our town!*!! Charles Jones Santa Rosa, CA 95409 Coal is choking our planet so dont continue this process around the world Wayne Jones South Pasadena, CA 91030-3139 We must stop using coal for the sake of our children. We can't enable anyone to use this most poisonous of energy sources. William Josephs Los Angeles, CA 90046-1619 Who wants to breathe coal? Holly Juch Carmichael, CA 95608-4039 I urge you to act to block the transport of coal shipments through the Bay Area to the Oakland terminal for export overseas. Ruth Judkins Altadena, CA 91001-3206 Healthy air is basic to maintain healthy citizens! Minna Jung Mountain View, CA 94040-2944 California leaders cannot claim to be leaders on climate and environment if we let fossil fuels be burned elsewhere, and we let the transportation of these fuels harm the health of Californians. Judith Kahle Fairfield, CA 94533-5146 The proposed coal terminal would result in coal trains running through other east bay cities, includng Fairfield, where I live, disrupting traffic, releasing toxic dust into the air. Your approval of this terminal doesn't just affect Oakland. It affects communities from Utah all the way through multiple east bay cities to Oakland. You have a responsibility to neighboring communities your decision impacts. NO on the coal terminal. Georgia Kahn Novato, CA 94947-4607 Ban coal now! It's outmoded, toxic, and poses a huge threat to our safety and our very lives. And it's unnecessary. We demand wind, solar, renewable energy now! We refuse to risk our lives and the life of our planet so big coal can make money. It's absurd, inhumane & shameful for us to even consider it. Future generations depend on us taking sane action now! Just say no to coal & oil or there will be hell to pay! Period. End of story! Nicole Kaimori Cupertino, CA 95014-2722 Please be better stewards of our planet. Gayle Kalfsbeek Arbuckle, CA 95912-0451 Our climate is our survival. Please don't send coal abroad and help harm the world's climate. Jesse Kaltenbach Petaluma, CA 94952-4719 are you stupid this will be stopped and you/ they will loose lots of money. ah ah ah Ruth Kalter Pt Reyes Station, CA 94956 When we know the true cost of dirty fuel to local people as well as the entire planet, how can we continue to support it? We have to say no to continuing on this path, and be leaders for clean energy. Thank you for considering my request. Stephen Kane Berkeley, CA 94707-1920 Dirty coal should not be tolerated in, or near our beautiful, San Francisco Bay. Dennis Kane Emeryville, CA 94608-1009 Please, no coal trains through Emeryville to Oakland Gail Kaplan Santa Monica, CA 90405-2344 We MUST STOP extending pollution from being spread to California ... and START supporting cleaner air....PLEASE Cristina Kaplan Santa Rosa, CA 95401-9060 Coal, really? No, thank you! Adele Kapp La Jolla, CA 92037-4223 Building a huge coal terminal in CA is so totally unsafe to the environment. Please keep people healthy. No terminal for fossil fuel. Pieter Kark ,md San Mateo, CA 94401-2238 this will be dangerous and destructive to our environment and therefore to all of us. Joanne Katzen Aptos, CA 95003-4023 It's time to end the use of coal and oil and develop only those sources of energy which are not harmful to all living things. Suzanne Kaufmann Berkeley, CA 94707-1527 The burning of coal is bad for our planet! Please leave coal in the ground, and do not bring it anywhere near our City. Stephen Kealhofer Lafayette, CA 94549-2423 This is a bad idea for Oakland and a bad idea for the mining sites, and a bad idea for the planet. The private and social benefits of this development are totally outweighed by the social costs. Please stop this development. Pete Keay Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-5508 If Utah wants to disrupt the health & wellbeing of anyone with toxic coal dust then let it be their citizens who suffer, not the residents of the SF Bay Area. Alex Keir Reseda, CA 91335-3932 Stop this harmful plan now. Robert Keller San Diego, CA 92119-1403 If not in Sacramento, not in Oakland! The bay [and the people who live or travel around it] is in enough trouble already. Keep California green and healthy for voters. Gerald Kelly Santa Monica, CA 90403-5611 I like clean air. Dirty coal is a fuel of the 19th century, time to move on Lisa Ann Kelly & Family Santa Barbara, CA 93101-1021 Clean air is a must. Coal has proven to be disastrously filthy for use as fuel. The USA needs to set an example and stop exporting or using coal. Shabad Khalsa Sacramento, CA 95831-4714 Coal is not needed now. Please kill this project. Marc Kiefer Walnut Creek, CA 94596-6347 Coal trains to Oakland would be against everything CA stands for. No more coal. Suzanne Kimmel Davis, CA 95616-2747 It is past time to start focusing on using renewable energy sources and to help other countries do the same. Jeannie And Jonathan Kimura Cupertino, CA 95014-4050 We are strongly against this coal export terminal in Oakland or anywhere else! Polluting the air, land and water of the people of Oakland, Bay Area, peninsula and northern California is criminal negligence! . Do you realize the long term effect on our health and safety and environment? To Utah and the Calif. developer, do you want pollution in your backyard affecting your children and family? But it's ok if it's not in yours right?!! Stop this backroom deal for making dirty $$! Sandy King Lafayette, CA 94549-2326 California is rightly poud of the beautiful bay. I can't imagine why anyone would consider jeopardizing this resource by exporting coal though the Port of Oakland, let along allowing trainlods of the filthy stuff to travel through our neighborhoods carrying polution and the potential for a catestrophic accident to occur. The fact that this idea was cooked up with wide public notice makes the whole deal even more odious. This cannot happen in our state, let alone our beautiful Bay Area! Travis King Los Angeles, CA 90013-1843 Coal is dirty Nancy Kingston Mission Viejo, CA 92692-3112 As a public health/health care professional for 35 years, I strongly support clean energy sources that protect the health of communities and the planet. Jeanne Kipp Torrance, CA 90505-3130 Clean air for all, no coal terminal! Saran Kirschbaum Los Angeles, CA 90035-4110 Saying NO to coal exports will help all of CA's air. David Klassen Hannibal, MO 63401-2765 The use of coal and other fossil fuels has already created a dire situation, particularly in the Arctic Ocean. There is now a projection that we will see, for the first time in human history, and Arctic Ocean with no ice in it in September of this year. Without ice, the water will warm rapidly, and the methane sequestered on the seabed for 2.6 million years will enter our atmosphere. Our atmosphere will then consist predominantly of methane. Since we cannot breathe methane, we will go extinct. Scientists estimate to that this extinction could take place as soon as eight years from now. Laura Klein Berkeley, CA 94703-1231 California should be leading in exporting renewable energy, not fossil fuels! Leslie Klein Los Angeles, CA 90027-3480 I am a physician. Connie Klemisch Simi Valley, CA 93065-3215 We must stop using fossil fuels! There are other ways that are not destructive and deadly, like the mining, transport and burning of coal!! Elisa Kleven Albany, CA 94706-2402 Keep this toxic, planet killing crap out of our neighborhoods! Julie Kloper Santa Clara, CA 95050-3721 Please do not build this terminal. I personally suffer from asthma. There are days where I have noticeable breathing degradation when passing through this area. The residents of your community do not need more exposure to this toxic dust in the name of more profit. Elfi Kluck Monterey, CA 93942-2281 Coal is a polluter! Stop this now! John Knight Crockett, CA 94525-1518 Living along the corridor that will bring this environmentally harmful coal will have a long term impact to the health of Bay Area residents and impact the regions ability to combat pollution. We plead to the city of Oakland to reject this proposal and stay committed to fighting environmental pollution in the Bay Area and California. Diane Knight West Hills, CA 91307-2516 No coal, except untouched in the ground. Kenneth Koerner Miranda, CA 95553-0712 Politics become meaningless in the absence of intelligent, ongoing environmental protection. Linda Konieczny Fullerton, CA 92833-5065 We need to replicate nature, and everything we use must recycle to enrich the planet. Jeannine Koshear Coarsegold, CA 93614-9050 I live downwind of the Bay Area, where our health and air quality are adversely affected by what goes on there. This is a bad project in the wrong place. Cheryl Kozanitas San Mateo, CA 94403-1240 Even living across the Bay from Oakland, I do not want a coal export terminal on the S.F. Bay do pollute the region and the planet. Carol Krasilnikoff Millbrae, CA 94030-1126 My husband works at the port. Air is bad enough as it is! Patricia Kriz El Dorado Hills, CA 95762-4422 Shipping coal from Oakland is a crazy idea! No one wants the coal shipping to increase pollution and health problems around the world. Stop this! Alfredo Kuba Mountain View, CA 94043-3420 As an environmental scientist I strongly urge you and your colleagues to oppose the city of Oakland from exporting coal and extracting and using it. Coal is one of the most dirty and the most air pollutant, causing greenhouse gases responsible for climate change. This also ads a tremendous cost to taxpayers and cause respiratory health related illnesses as well as irreversible environmental destruction. Lela Kudritzki Castro Valley, CA 94552-9501 Coal must stay in the ground if we want to protect our planets. Stephan Kuttner Berkeley, CA 94702-2640 Please consider life, and the quality of it, to be worth more than money. Kwok Kwan San Diego, CA 92126-3140 For the future of the environment that our children are going to live in, please stop polluting the air with coal dust resulting from transporting of coal through populated areas. K. Kwan Georgia Labey La Mesa, CA 91942-2174 We do not need any more fossil fuel facilities adding to our already polluted air and water. There are alternative energy sources that make the continued use of coal unnecessary. The building of a new facility is a short-sighted plan intended to enrich businessmen who care nothing about our environment. It must be stopped! Emily Ladner Berkeley, CA 94705-1251 Coal belongs in the ground. All of life needs clean air for health. Please use common sense, look into your heart. Please do not allow coal to be transported into Oakland. Daniel Lambert Santa Rosa, CA 95405-0674 This will be an insult to the folks of Oakland. It will create unnecessary pollution and damage to the environment in Oakland. And it will mitigate against a worldwide clean energy economy. Vivian Lambert Sausalito, CA 94965-1086 No coal in California...or anywhere!! Carrie Lancaster San Diego, CA 92131-2749 Please stop this measure. Coal is a dying industry, and by sending it overseas, we are encouraging other countries to participate in the very thing that makes UTAH air unbreathable and dangerous. UTAH has red days for a reason! David Landau Los Angeles, CA 90034-3733 Coal is a terrible polluter, not only through carbon, but through the radioactive minerals (radon, uranium, etc.) in it. We are literally pumping radiation into our air by burning coal. Please do not let this continue! Laurel Landes Hayward, CA 94546-6145 No coal should be mined in our country and never shipped across our country, specially Oakland. It is filthy and dangerous. There is no clean coal. I just got back from Beijing. You cannot breathe. Miriam Landman Sebastopol, CA 95473-2130 The Bay Area rejects this project. We will not allow it. You must protect your citizens' health and safety. Tara Lane Philo, CA 95466-0547 Less coal, more sustainable renewable energy! We as a collective people want to see those that represent US take interest in the future of this planet for our next generations. Let's not leave them with struggles and fights to make things right. Diana Lang Vallejo, CA 94591-3632 There's already enough air pollution in the Bay Area. Clinton B. Langford Thousand Oaks, CA 91358-0205 ... we are all aware of the dangers from burning coal. it is not only the danger of the burning of coal in distant lands, wait, remember what Carl Sagan called this place we call 'HOME' ... a 'tiny pale dot'. there is the danger of transporting the coal, then unloading it in West Oakland. you know there is a great danger in just that action. it is time to close the coal mines and switch to solar and other less dangerous fuels. this is 2016, it is time to move forward, into a new era of living with and sending the next generation a world of clean air and water. look what science has done, am sending this email to you in an instant, surely we can do this. with respect. Clinton B. Langford Linda Larkin Santa Cruz, CA 95060-1302 What more is there to say? IT MAKES NO SENSE ENVIRONMENTALLY AND EVERY OTHER WAY!!! Jenna Latt San Marino, CA 91108-1706 Consistent with SB 350, no coal should be allowed in CA. Heather Lattanzi Los Altos, CA 94024-5801 Please take the long view. This terminal might have minuscule short term economic advantages, but long term it will be a disaster both environmentally and economically. Coal is undeniably the dirtiest form of fossil fuel, we as a global community must wean ourselves from using it. If you build this terminal, you'll be shackling yourselves to a dying industry, spending money on a losing proposition. Just say no. Katherine Lawrence San Jose, CA 95110-2473 We are personally investing in and support all efforts of Save the Bay. We are devastated to learn of yet another attack on an environment under siege. We want to save this incredible jewel of a bay for future generations to enjoy--not have it trashed beyond recognition for some strangers' profits and to contribute even more to global warming. Dawn Lawrence Volcano, CA 95689 Do the right thing. Please! Robert Lefave Redwood City, CA 94062-3023 We are looking to you to do the right thing for Oakland, for the Bay Area and for the world's climate. Please ban any importing or exporting of coal from the Oakland waterfront. Say "no" to the coal interests and private developers who hoped to 'slip this one thru' without anyone noticing. Lucas Lenhert Azusa, CA 91702-1485 The most important thing we have and what makes America what it is, is the land. Above and below the surface, our streams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries. So lets protect it and keep America great! Douglas Leo Upland, CA 91786-2343 The export of coal from Oakland will work to negate California's fight to combat climate change. If we are to continue to be leaders in this fight this project must be stopped. Michael Leonard La Jolla, CA 92038-0654 Hey, here's an idea: why don't we advertise California as a new location for black lung? That's what this could do. George Lester Winters, CA 95694-0550 Coal needs to stay in the ground One of the worst pollutants on earth with many carcinogenic " by products " Coal trains passing through cities and towns are a major safety and hazardous materials risk that cities have to pay for This is a activity that needs to be rejected Thank you for listening Pamela Letourneau Santa Rosa, CA 95403-8181 I have already experienced coal dust, coal trains while camping in Colorado/Utah. This is an outrageous proposal coming from out of state to our state. No, No, NO Cory Leveille Ketchum, ID 83340-7002 Say no to Utahvprofits at the expense of Oakland residents. Jerry Leventer Mountain View, CA 94041-1815 Let's make sure that a new Coal Terminal is NOT in California's future. Albert Levy Emeryville, CA 94608-1649 It is not a good long term thing to have in Oakland. Roberta Lewis Berkeley, CA 94703-1924 Oakland City Council - Your vote is crucial to this community & our planet. No Coal Exports out of Oakland. Joan Lewis Castro Valley, CA 94552-1733 Please protect the children of Oakland! We all have a moral responsibility and I know you are all leaders of conscience! Please do not allow the transport of coal in my home city, Oakland! Bethany Lewis Chico, CA 95926-4106 This would add air pollution to a very wide area. This is not necessary or needed. Let's keep California clean! Richard Lewis Los Angeles, CA 90036-5720 Coal is probably the most destructive product on the planet!! Marilyn Lichtenthal Anaheim, CA 92802-1747 Please do not poison the climate with coal, stop shipping it and using it!!! Glorianna Light Santa Barbara, CA 93140-4212 This project should be shelved. It is a vestige of the past and does more harm. not good to our people and our environment. Laura Likover Vallejo, CA 94590-3105 I would prefer that future generations in the Bay area do not have to live with polluted water and air due to this ill considered project. Sharat G. Lin San Jose, CA 95112-3544 Stopping global warming necessitates an end to burning coal. Elina Lipilina Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4558 Was a resident of west oakland for many years. NO COAL ! Linda Livingston Ojai, CA 93023-3826 no more dirty energy!!!! William Livingstone Goleta, CA 93117-2231 Coal = dirty air Dirty air = climate change Eliminate all coal use and distribution... Michael Lockwood Bluffton, IN 46714-9443 Keep coal in the ground till it evolves into diamonds. Thank you. Uyen Loewald Saratoga, CA 95070-4732 As I have supported indigenous Australians and Vietnamese fight for their rights and their land, i no longer feel like an invader of their country, Marcie Long Kelseyville, CA 95451-9229 Oakland has already suffered from the worst of environmental racism. And the world does not need access to more coal. Carol Long Santa Cruz, CA 95060-4919 under environmental law this product wouldn't pass muster in our country. don't export our problem. Jon Longsworth Aptos, CA 95001 I AM JON LONGSWORTH AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. Damian Lopez Sacramento, CA 95812-9999 We know coal is dirty and deadly!!!! Robert Lord San Jose, CA 95118-1924 The middle of a megalopolis is no place for a dirty coal terminal. Frank Lossy Kensington, CA 94707-1021 As a Bay Area practicing physician, I know how negative a factor this proposed coal facility will be for the Bay Area. Don't let it happen! Elizabeth Lotz Santa Rosa, CA 95407-8032 Please don't allow coal to pass through Oakland! Wherever is is burned, it leads to climate change that hurts everyone. Mary Loughran Alameda, CA 94501-4827 i WANT MY GRAND KIDS AND EVERYONE ELSE'S TO BREATHE FRESH AIR. ALAMEDA IS ONE GIANT STEP ACROSS THE ESTUARY FROM WEST OAKLAND. NO SENSE GIVING JOBS TO WORKERS WHO HAVE TO USE THEIR HEALTH BENEFITS (IF THEY HAVE THEM) TO TAKE THEMSELVES, THEIR FAMILY, SENIORS, KIDS,GRANDKIDS TO THE DOCTOR, THE HOSPITAL IN ASTHMA ATTACKS . I KNOW. I GREW UP IN NEW YORK WHERE COAL WAS WIDESPREAD USED FOR HEAT, AND I WAS ONE OF THOSE KIDS WHO LAY AWAKE AT NIGHT, WHEEZING, TRYING TO BREATHE. "And coal dust, which is linked to asthma, emphysema and heart disease, blowing off from mile-long coal trains would worsen the already unhealthy air quality in Bay Area neighborhoods near the proposed terminal." COMPASSION BEGINS AT HOME AND SPREADS TO THE REST OF THE WORLD. THIS IS NOT A RIGHT THINKING USE OF OAKLAND NEIGHBORHOODS AND OUR NEIGHBORS. PLEASE ACT TO BAN THE COAL. Thalia Lubin Redwood City, CA 94062 4166 This is absurd. Judy Lukasiewicz Santa Cruz, CA 95065-9789 No more support of pollution-forming fossil fuel use in America or globally. I do not support infrastructure for dangerous, harmful and obsolete fossil fuel procurement, use or transportation. Do not allow any proposals for private fossil fuel, and/or fossil fuel transportation, industry use of public lands and infrastructure. Ban any coal, or other toxic fossil fuel exports, in California, and ban any coal exports through Oakland. Thank you. Cindi Lund Danville, CA 94526-3909 We MUST focus on clean energy sources and not promote use of coal. Loraine Lundquist Northridge, CA 91343-1716 We've worked so hard to make progress on our climate goals in California. Why would we undo them by exporting coal to other places? Let's safeguard our children's future and keep fossil fuels in the ground. Barbara Lymberis San Jose, CA 95125-1840 How can California be a leader in environmental causes and still condone this terminal? ALL people living in the Bay Area will be affected, not just those in Oakland. This must not happen. Margaret Lynwood Walnut Creek, CA 94595-2486 Coal is becoming a dinosaur, and I am heartily against mining it, burning it, or transporting it. I am worried about derailments and pollution too. Please do NOT build this terminal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M. Lynwood Carla Macchello Sunnyvale, CA 94087-3442 No coal trains in Oakland. Paul Macdonald Emeryville, CA 94608-1658 Investments in coal and fossil fuels need to be stopped. It is past time to transition to renewable energy! Ruby Macdonald San Ramon, CA 94582-3061 Stop this coal project! We don't need this development in our port and surrounds contributing to pollution and affecting the health of citizens in the Bay Area! Coleen Mackin Brisbane, CA 94005-1556 We are trying to promote renewable energy and yet we want to sell dirty polluting coal to China? The hypocrisy of this ill advised plan is stunning. Robert Magarian Berkeley, CA 94703-1734 Why are we exporting coal to other countries? So the big corporations can make more money. These coal trains will be an environmental disaster. Barbara Mahajan San Marcos, CA 92078-1056 We do not want our air polluted by trains carrying coal from other states like Utah! Rhona Mahony Stanford, CA 94305-2505 No more coal. It's simple. Coal emits more carbon per unit of heat than any other fuel. The smoke causes acid rain, acidification of the ocean, mercury accumulation in fish, and dangerous particulates in our cities' air. Keep coal in the ground. Elizabeth Major Gulf Breeze, FL 32563-2804 Please, please do not support the addition of more shipping traffic which will create more more sonic underwater sounds to harass marine mammals and interfere with their ability to communicate, to find food and in some cases inflict actual physical damage on their auditory organs. Sandra Mardigian Mill Valley, CA 94941-2618 This deal is underhanded and on this basis alone should be discontinued; but the local pollution as well as the damage to our state's climate progress. Locating this type of terminal in Oakland is insanity. Lionel Sun Valley, CA 91352-3043 Coal is not a clean source of fuel!! We must STOP selling Coal to China and India!! These countries are a threat to National Security and Planet Earth!!! Coleen Marks Orick, CA 95555-0295 Please do not allow this to be built. Coal is not out future, but our past. We need to stop this. Laura Marks Sausalito, CA 94965 Oakland Should stay strong against coal pollution. Say no to the shipping export deal so future generations are protected from clean up efforts and worse, the health hazards your money grabbing deal has opened us up to. Bruce Marlow Nevada City, CA 95959-8939 We have to stop burning coal. We killing all life on the planet. Paul Marner Point Richmond, CA 94801-4144 It is time to stop the corporate interests from ruining the world. Lindy Marrington Carmel By The, CA 93921-2541 Wake Up politicians, there are clean energy solutions available, it is now time to release these innovations to the general public and create a clean and healthy future for all. Pat Marriott Los Altos, CA 94024-6040 Coal is poisoning our air, our water, our health! Just say NO! Sharon Marshall Altadena, CA 91001-3160 Coal is destroying our air. Please keep this terminal out of Oakland. Linda Marshall , PA 19147-4226 I have family and many friends in Oakland and the surrounding area. Oakland is already in the throes of how to maintain its identity as a vibrant city of diversity and reasonable cost of living. There is absolutely no conceivable reason that would make it alright to bring in coal from Utah and severely threaten the health and quality of life of Oakland residents by releasing an ungodly amount of toxic coal dust into the air! I come to Oakland several times a year, and will do everything I can to stop this proposition and to encourage everyone I know who lives there to do the same! There is no excuse for the City of Oakland to abandon its commitment to the health of its residents and its commitment to fight climate pollution! Kevin Martin Napa, CA 94558-3452 The. governor went to Paris to help support climate change. His values and vision guided Oakland well when he was your mayor. California is a bastion for clean energy. The people of Oakland are tired of being dumped on. Coal has no place or purpose in 2016 and does nothing to help Oakland. Stop pandering to special interests and support clean energy. Nancy Martin Santa Barbara, CA 93105-3500 This is a terrible idea. Coal needs to be left in the ground. Coal causes too much pollution which is not safe or healthy for anyone, especially children, the fragile and the elderly. When we are trying to use more renewable and sustainable sources of energy, I can't understand why anyone would bring in coal. Don't do it, please! Marcie Mason San Diego, CA 92111-7718 We need to keep coal in the ground and should not be doing anything to encourage further coal mining! Chance Massaro Santa Rosa, CA 95402-6906 We simply must stop using fossil fuels if we wish our grandchildren to have a chance at a productive life. we have the brains to create the energy we need without killing the planet with coal and oil burning. Do not build a coal export facility in Oakland! Mark Mathews Santa Cruz, CA 95065-2111 Please do the right thin and stop this coal export terminal from happening! Katrina Matos Santa Rosa, CA 95404-2858 I strongly oppose placing this type of burden on West Oakland, a neighorhood already overburdened with the effects of modern industry. Will And Hiroko Mattsson Ukiah, CA 95482-4264 Gov. Brown, you've touted yourself as an environmentalist. What was that, just Trumpeting? Get with the program: don't abet the continuing polluting of the planet. Nix this really bad coal terminal. Edward Maupin San Diego, CA 92103-5706 People and the planet are more important than corporate profits - or political contributions to politicians. Marita Mayer San Anselmo, CA 94960-2908 To save the earth, fossil fuels must be left in the ground. Richard Mayer Santa Rosa, CA 95404-3547 In light of the global warming issue and the known toxicity of burning coal it is folly to ship more of this highly polluting fuel abroad to be burned.It is a climate destroyer. Kathleen Mc Conn Inglewood, CA 90305-1809 Nobody wants dirty air. Nobody wants more mountaintops to be removed. It's immoral to enable an industry that hurts everyone it touches. Ellen Mc Knight Glen Ellen, CA 95442-9480 PLEASE, for the health of all Californians, and for the future of our planet, DO NOT allow this coal exporting scheme to happen!! Mary Mcbride La Mesa, CA 91941-7887 RE: Put a stop to coal exports from Oakland Dear Governor Brown, Mayor Libby Schaaf, State Senator Loni Hancock, Assemblymember Tony Thurmond, and Assemblymember Rob Bonta, I strongly oppose the proposal to ship coal through the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal. The mile-long coal trains bringing coal from Utah would release hundreds of pounds of toxic coal dust into the air as they travel to the proposed coal terminal, and the project developer is not bound by any enforceable commitments to protect community members from coal dust releases at the coal terminal. Communities like West Oakland already suffer from high rates of asthma, heart disease and cancer. More pollution should not be released into the neighborhoods near the proposed terminal and train lines. Allowing coal exports from Oakland undermines commitments made by the City of Oakland and the State of California to fight climate pollution. Coal-fired power plants are among the biggest emitters of climate change-forcing greenhouse gases, and allowing coal exports would allow these plants to continue operations. For this reason, the City of Oakland and the state legislature have passed resolutions opposing the transportation and use of dirty and dangerous fossil fuels like coal. California has also passed landmark climate change laws that set greenhouse gas reductions goals and mandate turning away from dirty fuel sources. The City of Oakland should not turn a blind eye to these important commitments or to the health of its residents. We have a moral obligation to do the right thing. The Bay Area, the state, and the country are watching what happens with this proposal. Please stand up for Oakland residents and our future, and put a stop to this coal terminal development. Tom Mccarter San Jose, CA 95134-1208 Let me ask you this: would you put this terminal in YOUR neighborhood? Probably not. But those folks in West Oakland are expendable, right? I mean it's not like you represent THOSE people. Also, I'm sure the people who want to build this terminal have a clean-up plan similar to BP in the Gulf in case anything goes wrong, so there's nothing to worry about. Donna Mccarty Murrieta, CA 92562-9318 No coal through California or in our Ports! And how can we promote shipping to China with all the pollution they have already@ Debra Mcclellan El Cerrito, CA 94530-4011 No Coal in Oakland. Coal is not the future. Patrick Mccully Berkeley, CA 94702-2406 Do the right thing!! Keep coal trains out of Oakland! Mary R Mcdermith Mountain View, CA 94040-4556 I already have asthma don't need more goop in the air. I live about 20 to 30 ft above sea level . I really don't want water front property. Try doing the right thing, not what the sleazy wealthy want! Phoebe Mcfadden Valencia, CA 91354-2610 Thank you for your attention. Rev. Will Mcgarvey Benicia, CA 94510-1610 I live within 2 miles of the proposed route for many of these trains in Benicia. Up to 6,000 pounds of coal dust flies off of each train from Utah to Oakland, and my asthma has been heightened this year because of the many pollutants in the air. Please don't allow this to go through. Will Jann Mcguire Lindsay, CA 93247-2113 We must STOP using fossil fuel to save our planet, sooner rather than later. Laura Mcguire Vista, CA 92084-7452 We need switch to solar energy and stop killing ourselves with centuries old ideas. Do not contribute to coal production in any way. Krista Mckee San Jose, CA 95148-2812 Let's think long term and invest in projects that will have a positive effect on people and the environment rather than a negative effect. John Mckeon Alameda, CA 94501 Please represent "We The People." not, "They The corporate Interests." Thank you. Terri Mckown Inyokern, CA 93527-3228 Why is anyone using coal? Leave the dirty stuff in the ground! Carol Mcmahon Placerville, CA 95667-8153 Don't bring it to Oakland. The Bay Area already as unhealthy air quality. Bob Mcnutt Martinez, CA 94553-3406 Utah keep your coal, we will keep our clean air Jerry Mcnutt Toluca Lake, CA 91602-4409 We already know of the many health and environmental hazards coal brings with it. Do not let your greed overcome logic. You will be responsible. Don't be stupid. Dana Mcphall Santa Monica, CA 90406-0537 Aa a resident o California, I'm proud we have been a leader on climate! Please don't take us back now by supporting this plan to export coal from Oakland! Randy Mcpherson Marysville, CA 95901-9595 more degradation of infrastructure like rail and hiways and the enviornment for what? profit for a few. how about using renewables! Frank Mcrae Los Angeles, CA 90010-1805 Communities of color demand an end to environmental racism. This effort is one n of the latest examples. Enough. No more. Elsbeth Meier Rodeo, CA 94572-1330 I have asthma and would deeply appreciate no more rail coal pollution! Margaret Meinschein Culver City, CA 90232-3412 Now that Diablo Canyon is finally being shut down, why would we now bring coal into the state!! Please promote clean energy businesses and stop supporting fuels that ruin our air! Russell Melching Pasadena, CA 91101-3515 Not only does this perpetuate a dependence on fossil fuels, but encourages environmental degradation. The amount of dust that will be generated will also exacerbate lung conditions for residents unfortunate enough to be in the proximity of the railroads and the port terminal. Mika Menasco San Diego, CA 92104-2640 Let's be the leader we've always been! Craig Menefee Clearlake, CA 95422-5329 We're on course to transition away from energy sources that cause climate change. California should lead this trend, not enable oversea pollution that all of us will pay the price for. Arlene Merryman Berkeley, CA 94705-1350 Keep it in the ground, and don't bring it here! Mark Mervich Fallbrook, CA 92028-4574 Just like Tobacco and oil, making money comes before the health and safety of people. No way! Graham Metcalfe Santa Rosa, CA 95401-5619 It's time we move away from endangering people's health for the profit of a few. No coal trains and no coal port in Oakland. Katherine Meyer Alameda, CA 94501-5229 This project is wrong on all fronts. The health of everyone who lives in the vicinity of or downwind from the rail line for the coal trains will be extremely negatively impacted. Substantial air pollution from the trains will come on top of air that is already unhealthy to breathe. Furthermore, that coal, and all fossil fuels, should be left in the ground to forestall environmental disaster all over the planet. Please stop this project immediately! Kathleen Meyer Elk Grove, CA 95758-7432 We must diminish our dependence on coal! Michele Meyer Vallejo, CA 94590-3856 San Francisco Bay does not need the pollution and damage to both its waters and its dense population from coal dust blowing off of the terminal activity and transport. Yvonne Miles Fremont, CA 94537-8316 People are already suffering with many respiratory problems. It would be a crime against the people to go ahead with any Coal project. We need to be thinking CLEAN. Don Miller Tiburon, CA 94920-1120 Say NO to coal exports through Oakland Terry Mills Long Beach, CA 90807-1593 I urge the Oakland City Council to ban coal coming through Oakland neighborhoods, this ensuring that residents will breathe fresh air and climate change will not be aided by the burning of dirty coal by China, India and Mexico. Marlene Mills Santa Barbara, CA 93111-2908 Please stop all exports of oil. We can come up with something better than oil. Shahrokh Mirjahangir Huntington Beach, CA 92646-8104 Stop Coal in all shape and form. Too much damage to the environment has been done, where is your common sense? Gregory Mitchell South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151-6461 How can we be a world leader, decry the effects of coal in its role in Global Warming, and yet send this dirty fuel to other countries to reduce their air quality, endangering lives, and it's increasing the harm it does to our planet. Find other employment in these states and leave this garbage in the ground. Vida Moattar Larkspur, CA 94939-1555 Please know that there is no action, ever, without a reaction. What you do to others will come back to haunt the lives of your descendants. Robert Moeller East Nassau, NY 12062-2502 Coal burned outside the US returns pollution to the US Sherry Monahan Laguna Beach, CA 92651-3704 When are we truly going be the leaders in sustainable energy? We Rule in so many areas of the Environment and protecting it and then you want do this? Come on People, Congress!!! Take a stand and stick with it Carol Mone Trinidad, CA 95570-0223 I want a California in which my grandchildren can live. Dianne Monroe Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4990 Do not allow these coal trains through West Oakland. Children (and everyone) in Oakland, deserve to breath clean air. Further, burning coal and other fossil fuels is damaging our atmosphere - for the entire planet. California says it is a climate leader. Thus California should be a leader in clean energy and renewables, not promoting coal which can destroy our atmosphere for everyone, all our children and grandchildren. Christie Monson Alta, CA 95701-0869 Why are we exporting coal at all? We need our energy here, not in another country. Thomas Montano La Habra Heights, CA 90631-8683 We need better solutions for our futures. Pamela Montgomery Saratoga, CA 95070-4409 I am greatly concerned about the future of the San Francisco Bay Area in terms of enviromental and human health. My daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren live just south of Oakland. The proposed coal export facility is counter productive for natual environment and human health in and around. Please reject this plan. Thank you. Emmanuel C Montoya Berkeley, CA 94703-1465 This idea has got to be one from the minds of men who have lost complete thought for all that live in the vicinity of their coal export site and the SF Bay Area in general. No! To Coal Production! Janeane And Ian Moody Sausalito, CA 94965-2512 No coal dust in S. F. Bay or in the air here! And do China and India really need MORE pollution? Must we also pollute Mexico as well? This is a no brainer! George Moore Berkeley, CA 94704-1955 Of all the issues facing California and the Bay Area,making Oakland the Coal Terminal , is not acceptable. This must be stopped at all costs. Any politician who does not support stopping this outrageous deal will find their poltical future in the Bay Area finished. The Governor will have a shameful legacy if he let's this happen. John Moreau San Leandro, CA 94577-6431 We do not need more coal shipped someplace to burn and mess up our air. Alecia Morgan Felton, CA 95018-1118 We do not need ANY more pollution anywhere! Linda Morgan San Pablo, CA 94806-3767 Those trains would pass within a block of my church. I voted for Measure AA, as did well over two thirds of the people of Alameda County. If you approve this coal dust WILL get in the Bay and contaminate wetlands. Furthermore, if you provide a way to get that coal to market, you will be complicit in the pollution caused by burning it-- pollution that will be carried on the wind back to us. Stephanie Morris San Anselmo, CA 94979-0646 Stand up for what is right, not what is expedient! Fred Morrison Hayward, CA 94544-7445 Please - no coal exports through Oakland. Pamela Morrison Sandy, UT 84092 Do not allow this Port. Utah Coal Producers need to come up with job alternatives. Don't extend the life of these mines. Clean air is important for all of us- rich, poor, American, and Chinese. We count on you to make good decisions. Please do so here. Robin Morton Sebastopol, CA 95472-9594 no to dirty coal Daniel Moses Orange, CA 92865-5002 Please don't bow to special interests that stand to profit through the destruction of California's and the earth's environment. Carol Moss Sacramento, CA 95816-5626 Keep CA's climate clean. In thus age if clean climate and clean energy we do not need to export coal from oye state. Kris Muller Berkeley, CA 94705-1026 As a person with asthma and lung cancer, I am especially vulnerable to coal dust. Think then of all the children living near the tracks with even worse asthma! Please, for the health of our community, prevent the coal trains coming to Oakland. Jess Muniz Long Beach, CA 90804-1791 WE HAVE ENOUGH POLLUTED AIR TO DEAL WITH WITHOUT CREATING MORE Jerome Murphy Pacific Grove, CA 93950-5405 Climate change is causing horrible California drought. We don't need to be making climate change WORSE. Joan Murray Los Angeles, CA 90066-1935 This terminal must be stopped. Building it is not the direction we should be going. Bob Nace Pleasant Hill, CA 945234333 stop Marni Nacheff Vallejo, CA 94591-7460 Cos Catherine Nash Manteca, CA 95337-8983 CA should not be in the business of destroying our environment. Money is not a substitute for poor health. Stop this before it starts. Julie Neidich Ladera Ranch, CA 92694-0890 It is unconscionable that a coal export facility would be built in this day and age. We all know that coal is the most polluting of the fossil fuels. This terminal must not be built! Brad Nelson Oxnard, CA 93035-4479 We should be mitigating our coal usage, not promoting coal. Sally Nelson Temecula, CA 92591-2033 This is wrong! We must stop the use of fossil fuels NOW! OUR future depends on it!!!!!! Heather Newbiggin Victorville, CA 92395-4828 Being that Oakland consists mostly of a low-mid level income range it's obvious why they pick this city instead of a wealthier city like San Fransisco. It's deplorable and an environmental disaster for an already environmentally besieged west coast. Please don't let this be plant be built. Ariana Newcomer Los Gatos, CA 95033-8050 It has got to STAY in the GROUND. Laura Newton Cathedral City, CA 92234-7845 Have mercy on your citizens. Marcus Newton-howes Wellington 06037 No more fossil fuels pipelines. No more tar sands oil extraction. No more oil tankers. No more coal extraction. Keep all remaining fossil fuels in the ground. I don't care if you were hoping the filthy coal would make you filthy rich. Boo hoo, but the answer is, "No! Money is NOT more important than the environment. You'd have to be a complete and utter moron at best, or a monstrous villain at worst to think that." In summary, do not permit to be shipped through the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal. Jackie Nichols Foresthill, CA 95631-9261 Please stop this project before it starts! We need to be looking forward not backwards. Renewable energy is the future not coal. No coal in California!! Harlene Nichols Turlock, CA 95380-3085 Want to have cleaner air for our world not coal dust Colleen Nieve Lucerne, CA 95458-0117 Its a NO from me. Californians need to stop all this Against Mother Earth Processes. Eva Nipp Bakersfield, CA 93306-9775 Global warming is global, whether you burn coal in the USA or in China, it still causes global warming. No more coal, anywhere. Keep the dinosaurs in the earth. Marilyn Noad Ojai, CA 93023-8367 We must look ahead. Climate change is here. It is devastating our country and coal burned anywhere contributes to it. Christine Noble Mountain View, CA 94043-2158 PLEASE PUT A STOP TO COAL EXPORTS FROM OAKLAND!!!!! Lorraine W. Norby Mill Valley, CA 94941-2090 It's bad for Oakland and it's bad for China, India and Mexico. Don't they have wind and sun in those countries? How can we help them to use sustainable power. Sandra Norell Caliente, CA 93518-2821 We want to export coal to China so they can use slave labor to make trashy cancer-causing goods to sell to us??? I can hardly imagine a more destructive economic cycle! Caroline Norris Willits, CA 95490-3558 Stop the growth of coal burning. Please stop the Oakland port to send coal abroad. Pamela Nyberg Barstow, CA 92311-3979 We have 2 let go of all biblical beliefs and know our connection 2 the UNIVERSE and this PLANET!!!!! Wheres the fish and the bread 4 starving children in Ethiopia? Until we realize every action we make and every thought effects everything else on this PLANET were headed 4 doom. If we were meant 2 populate this PLANET we wouldn't b killing her. Were consciousness thats our connection, nothing holy. Its time men thank WOMEN their here. We carry the egg of CREATIVITY man is just the seed. No parents until were 30 then were ready 2b responsible loving parents, Were never going 2 have a better WORLD or society with the same ways we've been living. The only forces here r POSITIVE and NEGATIVE. We should never FEAR DEATH its TRAN4MATION, were energy u can't kill energy it just goes on. Our whole EXISTENCE is made up on a LIE, Were an INTELLIGENCE and fully in charge of the PLANET and not seperate from her. If I was the President or some celebrity I would b taken seriously:(! Dan Oconnor Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-4103 A sizable number of black kids in Oakland have enough challenges to meet without coal dust in their cereal. Protect black lungs from black lung...and everyone else's too. Joel O'keefe Forestville, CA 95436-9637 A Coal Export Terminal is a BAD IDEA! We are moving away from fossil fuel and its terrible destruction of our lands during the mining process, the danger of its transportation, and the resulting pollution from its refining and use as fuel. Don't do this to our future generations. If you want to develop for energy needs, make it clean, safe, renewable energy jobs like solar panel assembly that the community will not be endangered so as to resist this coal export terminal endlessly. Leslie Oldershaw Piedmont, CA 94610-1019 I was born and raised here in Berkeley, and my family goes back 3 generations in Oakland, where I owned a home for many years. I own a small business in Piedmont, and I currently live in Alameda, right across from the Oakland port facilities. Please vote the keep Oakland safe and green. Bill Oliver Fairfield, CA 94534-1643 Don't let this happen in my backyard Dion Ong Castro Valley, CA 94552-1955 Please! This is the 21st century where we know that burning coal is a practice that damages our environment and our health. We know that alternative energy sources are not only available, they are sustainable and will not wreak havoc on our planet. Please play an important role in protecting us, our planet, and avoiding the past mistakes we have made over and over due to greed and selfishness. Please vote to ban coal exports. Barbara Ordons Gilroy, CA 95020-9403 Don't export dirty coal, and it's all dirty! Jerrold Osborn Albuquerque, NM 87107-1117 Please leave the coal in the ground. Tomasa Osorio Downey, CA 90242-2009 The export of coal thrugh Oakland will harm lives. We have enough pollution in the environment. We must continue to be good examples to other countries. It is imperative that we continue in being environmental leaders and protect the health of humans. Thorsten Ostrander San Diego, CA 92131-1928 Please do the right thing. Roger Overholt Hemet, CA 92545-8875 Thank you for considering my comments. Chris Pack Santa Rosa, CA 95405-4511 To ensure the survival of future generations of humans, and many other species, that carbon needs to stay IN THE GROUND, not in the atmosphere. Nancy Page San Luis Obispo, CA 93405-6224 PLEASE DON'T DO THIS DISGUSTING THING TO WEST OAKLAND. COAL IS DIRTY AND DANGEROUS TO ALL HUMANS AND ANIMALS. Catharine Page-lekas Ferndale, CA 95536-1500 Coal is an energy of our troubled past. Coal pollutants are detrimental to life. Support and use cleaner energies. Be a clean leader, and not a dirty follower. There are many cleaner- energy sources available now! Rosa M Pajuelo North Hollywood, CA 91606-1120 This is an injustice to our state and the world. Please stop this none sense. John Pasqua Escondido, CA 92025-5005 no to coal exports. Janet Patterson Cotati, CA 94931-5371 I worked 13 years at Oakland Children's Hospital in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, and lived in Oakland, and saw first-hand how putting dirty industry over peoples' health caused problems for individuals and the community. No Coal through Oakland. Kirk Paulson Santa Cruz, CA 95063-0041 The Earth does not need more coal smoke in the air anywhere. It need less, it needs none. Don't put it there by taking it out of the ground in the first place. CLEAN, sustainable, renewable energy. THAT's where we should be spending our money. ED Payne Mill Valley, CA 94941 My daughter lives in Oakland and I strongly, VERY strongly, believe that this is a terrible idea--the Bay Area is a place where people actively fight climate change. Making Oakland become a major expediter of global warming is an affront to all the things we value. STOP THIS TERRIBLE IDEA Diane Pearl South San Francisco, CA 94080-2656 How can we support clean air, etc. and then ship coal off to countries that do not care about the environment? We should NOT allow this to happen. We should stand by our role as a climate leader and speak out against this coal deal! Ranard Penn West Hollywood, CA 90046-5948 Enough with the dirty fuel, the environment matters. Alternative fuels not fossil fuels. J P Perino Novato, CA 94945-1607 California should continue its outstanding position as a climate leader and say no to exporting coal.The proposition of locating climate-disrupting fossil fuel to go abroad from Oakland in the San Francisco Bay is very unnerving. Please don't do this. Carolyn Perkins Camptonville, CA 95922-0063 Utah's coal has no place in California. Shouldn't we be assisting china, India and Mexico to develop sustainable fuels? Marilyn Perona Laguna Woods, CA 92637-2587 A coal export terminal to be built now?! I was born in Oakland and know that it's up to all of us to look to the future when considering our energy sources and prosperity. Make it clean, sustainable, effective! Come on, City of Oakland, we can do it together! Claire Perricelli Eureka, CA 95501-1312 NONONO, coal needs to stay in the ground and Oakland needs more respect than this terminal (that's the right word, for sure) affords! Jacquelin Perry La Jolla, CA 92037-6240 THE TIME FOR ACTION IS NOW!!! Bruce Person Fort Bragg, CA 95437-7723 If we are serious about stopping climate change we need to start here at home. Please stop the export of USA coal to foreign countries. Kathy Petricca Martinez, CA 94553-3335 The coal will likely pass through many communities before arriving in Oakland, whether by rail, truck or ship. Don't be a BAD NEIGHBOR to us in Martinez, CA. Carolyn Phillips Danville, CA 94526-4210 we need to move away from coal as an energy source. As a limited resource we should keep what coal we have on this continent. Jim Phillips Modesto, CA 95357-7511 We need more renewables not old buried coal. Jim Phillips Sonoma, CA 95476-7324 We do not want your stinking coal! Bill Pieper Sacramento, CA 95864-2907 Please remember, too, that California is downwind of India and China. The more coal they burn, the more carcinogens we breathe. Christina Pierce Hayfork, CA 96041-1450 Please, let's leave the polluting energy in the ground and if it's too late for that, do not be part of spreading it around the world. Let California keep leading the way to a cleaner energy future as it has been doing. Now is not the time to regress. Thank you. David Pilewskie San Bruno, CA 94066-5812 No coal in our bay! Lesley Pillsbury Petaluma, CA 94954-6619 Please stand up for the people that elected you and stop the coal export project from being built on the Oakland waterfront. Claire Pirie Berkeley, CA 94703-2357 Please do not endanger the health of Oakland and bay area residence.. Susan Pisor Napa, CA 94558-3404 Thank you for considering action to foster a healthy Bay Area. Adele Poenisch Berkeley, CA 94705-2324 NRDC was able to convince major garment industries in China they could make their clothes while reducing the need for coal power. Many are changing there simply won't be the market in Asia. Better plan now to export something else. Time to change. Mark Poland Palmdale, CA 93550-7703 Stop endangering our lungs. Nancy Polito Orangevale, CA 95662-5418 I'm not at all surprised that some developer stands to make an astronomical amount of money at innocent residents expense. Wow never heard that before, right . Give me a break. When are we finally going to stand up to such injustice. I grew up in the bay area and it sickens me to think of such a travesty. I'm tired of this disgustingly polluting fossil fuel even being considered in any area in any form any MORE. When are we ever going to learn. If not now when? When we all cant breath anymore. What is it going to take to stop catering to these greedy SOBs. Please do the right thing and reject this horrible ,sneaky, behind closed door deal. Be a HERO and vote against putting our wonderful bay area and the rest of California at risk. We need to think green and stop all this foolish, risky behavior NOW. Stand up for those of us who care about our state, our planet, and most of all our lives. Those who stand to make a fortune do NOT. Money is all they care about, and they never have enough of it. If you see it any differently, then your wearing blinders. Please be the example others need to see. Who knows, maybe you'll start a trend. Integrity could be contagious. Something tells me you will do the ethical thing and vote against this death train. thank you in advance. Joan Pool Vacaville, CA 95687-6173 I was born in Oakland and the thought of this coal train scares me. What are we doing to our kids future? Nancy Porter-steele El Cajon, CA 92020-7246 And, it is time that we stop using fossil fuels, and turn resources to renewables instead. William Posey San Diego, CA 92107-2207 Stop the Coal Terminal! Clif Potts Topanga, CA 90290 We don't need to ship our problem overseas. This is a moral problem, not an economic one. Find a 2 x 4 and strap it to your spine. Marijane Poulton Trinidad, CA 95570-0649 Keep it in the ground. Oakland has a very high level of poverty already, and this would just make uncomfortable lives miserable. Jean Pouteau Vacaville, CA 95687-5973 burning coal contributes heavily to global warning. we need to stop this practice for the sake OF OUR CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN!! Karen Povlock Fort Myers, FL 33913-8091 I don't live in Oakland but I do live in an area that will definitely be affected by the increased exportation of coal - Florida. Burning of fossil fuels has been scientifically linked to the rising of the oceans and continuing in this manner is reckless. This will end up flooding Florida and other low lying areas world wide. Florida will also be affected in another way. The coal dust being added to the air will eventually make its way around the Earth and worsen the air quality for all. The decision you make will not only be felt in the immediate Bay Area but all around the world. Ask yourselves, is this the correct decision for ALL or for only a FEW, and then vote your conscience. Cindy Powell Newport Beach, CA 92661-1024 It's time to move away from coal, not develop more problems Felix Prael San Diego, CA 92121-1905 Coal is widely recognized as the worst fossil fuel contribution to climate change. Failure to stop this "development" is inconsistent with your commitment to address climate change. Georgie Price Alameda, CA 94501-3236 Alameda is just a tiny estuary away from Port of Oakland. I do not approve of shipping coal through the Port. My daughter is only 10 and already has problems breathing. Alma Prins Berkeley, CA 94702-1618 Don't endanger our community! Steven Proe Greenwood, CA 95635-0094 We can not stand by and let Coal continue to pollute the World but to also limit the USE of TRAINS that also Pollute our environment. we get the Sun with No Shipping Charges or tax rebates to the Coal Companies and the Train Companies getting tax rebates. Laura Purpura Berkeley, CA 94702-0075 We absolutely do not want coal exports shipped through our community. Edith Quevedo Riverside, CA 92504-3494 Please protect our children and our environment. Deny entrance of these dangerous coal dust trains into Californnia. Thank you. Laila Quick El Cerrito, CA 94530-2840 Coal isn't necessary any more! Don't sicken and potentially kill people just for the greed of money! Carlos Quiroga Lassepas Austin, TX 78759-4861 Enough!!! People over Profit! Charles Rabaut Grover Beach, CA 93433-2322 We need to do better than pollute our Children & their Future. Ann Rafkin Kensington, CA 94708-1137 Not in CA?..put on ballot and see what the people want who live in this area.... Carol Ramage Springfield, OR 97478-7334 It is past time to protect our environment from pollution due to accidents involving petroleum. The first step to prevention is very simple. Do not provide all the conditions for necessary for pollution to occur. Melodie Rammer Carmel By The Sea, CA 93921-4848 We all share the same world, please do not make it any dirtier than it already is, if you want to export something, export clean energy sources. Alberto See Ramon El Sobrante, CA 94803-1719 Coal is toxic. No more coal! Phillip Randall Woodland Hills, CA 91367-4409 Coal is dirty any way it is handled. Don't build this terminal/ Gary E. Ranz Lafayette, CA 94549-6243 Coal unless,it's use is reguLated to be near clean burning has no business being transported to West Oakland to be exported. If the export coal is burned in east Asia, we suffer the effects of the pollution! Nancy Rapp Chula Vista, CA 91910-6436 I have been suffering from pollution due to road construction. I have been using an inhaler for months now, because of a situation that is no fault of my own. We should NOT be shipping fossil fuels at all. If another Country needs energy, we should send them contractors to help them install a green energy grid!!! Harvey Rarback Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-1668 Coal is a terrible source of GHG emissions. Please do not let this project happen! Deborah Raynaud Sebastopol, CA 95472-5249 I live in the Bay Area and worked in Oakland for years. I am against coal being exported from the Bay Area! Stephanie Reader Los Altos, CA 94024-4028 Oakland residents, including some of my family, already suffer from high levels of pollutants. A coal export terminal will worsen the already dire air quality situation. A handful of jobs vs the health of many thousands of people is an obscene joke. Keep it in the ground! Joyce Redwillow Newport Beach, CA 92663-4807 California does not need another facility that would add coal dust to the air. China is now discouraging the use of coal because of its own disasterous air pollution levels. Why build a facility that is destined to add additional air pollution instead of decreasing it? Please stop this development. Wayne Reed Mira Loma, CA 91752-1626 Stop this dirty and destructive fuel now. We can do better! Erin Reiche El Cerrito, CA 94530-3012 Leave the coal in the ground. Don't allow this profit-driven, environmentally unsound project to continue. Take a stand, ban this backroom deal now, delay no further! Joshua Reichek Berkeley, CA 94704-2848 completely wrong direction for humanity. We need to leave the coal and oil in the ground if we want to prevent mass extinctions, including likely our own. John Reinhardt Carmel, CA 93923-9202 Oakland is crappie enough without the fossil fuel situation. Ex resident! Francesca Reitano Sacramento, CA 95817-1633 Health and safety are more important than capitalist profits. We need to get away from coal, and heal our country of this horrible addiction. It will run out as a resource if we don't make the shift soon enough. Theresa Rettinghouse Alameda, CA 94501-1442 CA says no to Coal. Diane Reynolds Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-3620 Isn't our world polluted enough without this project contributing to it? Supporting clean alternatives can make the money then would be made from their filthy business. Robert Rhein San Diego, CA 92124-1219 I grew up in East Oakland, and I object to my home town involved in environmental destruction. Kendra Richards Los Angeles, CA 90027-6302 I can only ask you to please put a stop to this - the consequences are too great. Thank you, Kendra Christina Rios Carmichael, CA 95608-2377 As a reminder that I heard expressed on Monday.... Promote harmony...Take care of the Earth. Do not encourage the use of fossil fuel, especially in countries that our nation has minor influence over. Do not build this terminal in California. Kimberly Alejandra Rios Cudahy, CA 90201-5127 I have asthma and this might increase the risks of me having an attack Dennis Riphenburg Carmel By The, CA 93921-2107 What more need be said that hasn't already been said? Stop the destruction of our planet and the marvelous life which calls this place home. John Ripley Pasadena, CA 91104-2943 It's imperative that we continue on the path to positive change and not continue to mine for coal and distribute it in the US and to other countries. Climate change is here and the scientific evidence provides us with the information necessary to make informed decisions in a very timely manner. Thank you for your time and consideration and look forward to hearing positive news from you very soon. Shankari Rise Aptos, CA 95001-1832 STOP the Oakland coal terminal development. Louie Rivera Lakewood, CA 90712-4021 We need to stay ahead of the curve and look toward Renewable Energy Source's and not return to the dark age's/money for blood strategy that way we can lead the World again in a Waiste-free future that looks at the planet as a resource not a thing to exploit and irreversibly damage. Maria Robbins San Jose, CA 95136-3114 why haven't you found alternative methods to save humanity, wild life and most important our Planet for future generations? Cindy Roberts Marysville, CA 95901-9500 Please do not do anything to support the coal industry. We have advanced as a species and understand what we need to do to take care of our planet earth. We know we have other clean energy alternatives. We have moved beyond "dirty" energy. Coal as a energy source should be illegal, banned. Ron Robertson Santa Barbara, CA 93109-1411 With Global Warming already impacting our Earth, it's time to STOP the burning of Fossil Fuels RIGHT NOW. Andrew Robin Palo Alto, CA 94303-2917 Please, please, please protect the health of your children and grandchildren, and mine! Block this awful coal terminal. David Robinson Keene, NH 03431-2045 City of Oakland: Please! No more coal exports! Help protect the health of all citizens/residents! Richard Robinson Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-7229 No bomb trains. Teresa Robinson Santa Rosa, CA 95407-7459 No to coal! I remember that we had our heat from coal in New Jersey when I was growing up in the 60s & even heated our barracks at Camp Parks when I was in the service in the 80's making it difficult to breathe at times.... West Oakland already has a high rate of childhood asthma-don't pollute the air & environment & make it even worse! Thank you! Jaime Robles San Leandro, CA 94577-0100 Stop this inhumane and ecologically insane proposal. Maureen Roche Petrolia, CA 95558-0146 SFO don't need refineries & coal ash in the air to kill, perverse population control. Phillip Rockey Aptos, CA 95003-3233 Not healthy--not good--please NO coal in or around our Bay Area. thank you, Phil and Marilyn Vreni Rod Rye, NY 10580-2950 Don't pollute the air and the water and soil. it will stay toxic for ever for greedy profits. Our children and grandchildren are entitled for a future of a clean environment. Marykay Rodarte Phelan, CA 92371-6430 I do not want a coal export terminal anywhere in California. Arturo Rodriguez South Gate, CA 90280-2501 This earth was created to be our home, not to be run like an industry. Let's take action and keep our home clean with breathable air for everyone. Bruce Roe Stillman Vly, IL 61084-9215 Please don't export our energy reserves, and let it be burned by countries little concerned with cleaning up the process. Mike Rolbeck Placerville, CA 95667-7702 "Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans." Jacques-Yves Cousteau David Roos Los Altos Hills, CA 94022-3569 Coal is going out as a way to get power. Please keep the future of your grandkids in mind when you make your decision. dave roos dvm Greg Rosas Castro Valley, CA 94546-3653 Definitely a step in the wrong direction! Barbara Rose Fremont, CA 94536-4130 I do not want our U.S. coal to ship through our bay area cities and out our Oakland port to fuel China, India and the rest of Asia. I am sorry but the risk of derailment and pollution is just too great to stuff the pockets of the fossil fuel companies. Let's keep it in the ground until we have the technology to convert coal to a liquid and burn it more cleanly locally rather risk environmental damage now and increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere now for short-term profit for a very few. If catastrophe stroke our community will be left holding the majority of the costs either directly or indirectly. The company was not upfront with their plans when project was first proposed. Stop them now! Stephen Rosenblum Palo Alto, CA 94301-3939 We must eliminate fossil fuels ASAP. Wayne Roth San Mateo, CA 94403-3036 Our addiction to fossil fuels is close to killing us. We must stop using them as fast as we can. If we don't, we risk irreversible climate system tipping points beyond which our entire civilization will be in extreme peril. NO MORE FOSSIL FUELS, ANYWHERE. Ingrid Rowland Corona Del Mar, CA 92625-2718 Our future is at stake! Sarah C Rowland Taft, CA 93268 This proposal to pollute our West Coast with coal dust is insanity! Please, please do whatever you can to stop this proposal! Thank you! Dennis Ruby Woodside, CA 94062-4651 The jobs that could be created will be "dirty jobs". Look for a cleaner alternative. Carol Rudisill Aptos, CA 95003-3702 My grandchildren live in San Francisco, My son lives in Alameda. I want them all to be safe. Coal fired power plants in China will send dirty air across the Pacific to California. Claude Rush Los Angeles, CA 90077-3309 So sick and tired of your greedy stupidity! Jasmine Russell Atascadero, CA 93422-5233 Umacceptable! This puts everyone at risk. Change it! Sharon Ryals Tamm Berkeley, CA 94707-2625 Don't turn our beautiful, livable East Bay into a coal dust nightmare. Carole Ryan Alamo, CA 94507-1312 Disgraceful!! Coal?? Really?? Laurie Sage Berkeley, CA 94710-1873 This is the worst idea I have ever had the displeasure to hear of. West Oakland does not need any more pollution, and I do not want to use my taxes to further pollute this planet, and especially Oakland CA. They bear the brunt of the burden of pollution here in the Bay Area already. This is atrocious and must be stopped! -An American For A Clean Environment Isabel Sage Harbor City, CA 90710-4001 We need to protect our earth! Stop coal production, trade and use. We can use hemp, wind and solar power. Michelle Saint-germain Carlsbad, CA 92008-1141 Just say "No" to coal exports. Mary Saint-marie Mount Shasta, CA 96067-0704 It is a choice: Purity or Pollution. Now is the Time to be leaders. Now is the Time for a new era. Now is the Time to choose purity. Now is the Time. Georgia Salmon Eureka, CA 95501-3058 This plan to send climate-disrupting fossil fuel abroad undercuts California's role as a climate leader. And coal dust, which is linked to asthma, emphysema and heart disease, blowing off from mile-long coal trains would worsen the already unhealthy air quality in Bay Area neighborhoods near the proposed terminal. The proposal to export coal was the result of a backroom deal between coal-producing counties in Utah and a private California developer. When word of the deal slipped out in April last year, local faith leaders, community activists and residents from all walks of life come together to speak out against the coal deal. The Oakland City Council has the authority to ban the coal from coming through Oakland neighborhoods. The City Council is now set to take action on June 27, 2016, and community groups urge the City to use its full powers to protect the health and safety of its citizens. Many in Oakland and across the Bay Area are working to stop this coal export project from harming their lives and our future--will you join us? Vicki Salzman Berkeley, CA 94703-1115 I do believe this is our last decade to tip the balance point between extinction and life. It is crucial that we get rid of fossil fuels forever! David Sandage La Honda, CA 94020-9747 This criminal effort mis-uses funds meant to REPLACE further coal mining and would exacerbate environmental damage. KEEP IT IN THE GROUND! Joan Sander Arcadia, CA 91007-6123 NO! NO! NO! to climate-killing coal exports from Oakland ! Dore Sandoval Alameda, CA 94501-2312 Please ban the coal from coming through Oakland. Coal dust, linked to asthma, emphysema and heart disease, blowing off from mile-long coal trains would worsen the already unhealthy air quality in our Bay Area neighborhoods near the proposed terminal. Frank W. Sannella Stockton, CA 95204-4703 Are you, who are in favor of this obscenity, deaf, dumb and blind???? Climate deniers and gun deniers (greedy sociopathic idiots) are bound and determined to do everything in their power to make (quality of) life impossible for future generations. Wake the F--k up and face the fact that we cannot keep doing what we are doing to the planet and not expect the human species to be fast tracked to extinction!!! Guy Saperstein Piedmont, CA 94611-3523 It would be a travesty to allow Utah to ship coal through Oakland. There are a thousand things that could be shipped through the Port, but NOT COAL AND COAL DUST! Heather Sargeant Twin Peaks, CA 92391-0224 As a longtime resident of the state of California, I totally object to the plan to export coal from an Oakland terminal. Judith Schaab Morro Bay, CA 93442-2923 Greedy corporations are killing this planet. Coal is the dirtiest and we should make every effort to stop using it Mary Kent Schardt Kentfield, CA 94904-2622 Do not imperil the health of your population for a few pieces of silver. Furthermore, now is not the time to be encouraging coal extraction and burning. WJ Schechter Newark, CA 94560-4127 This terminal will not help with West Oakland's problems, most likely it will exacerbate them!! Barbara Schell San Diego, CA 92101-6207 The best place for coal is in the ground. Lauren Schiffman El Cerrito, CA 94530-1331 As an East Bay resident, I am strongly opposed to shipping coal through Oakland. The Bay Area needs to stand up as a leader in green energy technology and say no to coal. Nicole Schildcrout Amesbury, MA 01913-1208 We cannot keep giving in to the fossil fuel companies. Why should they continue to be allowed to pollute our waters, our soil and our air - and destroy, literally, everything we depend upon for life. Steven Schlam San Diego, CA 92103-4171 Your children and your children's children are at risk too. Think about it and do the right thing--the only sensible thing. ED Schlegel Capistrano Beach, CA 92624-1809 We should not spoil our communities by allowing a private firm to send coal out of our country. Coal dust is very unhealthy. Donald Schnepf El Cerrito, CA 94530-4552 Coal is a very dirty fuel which causes severe human illnesses and death. It also severely increases air pollution and global warming. I'm opposed to creating any facility that defiles any area, especially near high population neighborhoods. Also shipping coal to Asia, which already has severe air pollution problems should be classified as a criminal action, and, unconsciable. Please decline the approval of any kind of coal shipping facility. Richard Schnibbe Campbell, CA 95008-4353 Oakland has the opportunity to become a non-fossil fueled beacon of light if it rejects this anachronistic coal port, instead of being the lump of coal that it'll become otherwise. Richard Schulte La Mesa, CA 91941-4237 We need to discourage the use of coal the dirtiest energy source not encourage it! Judith Schumacher-jennings Walnut Creek, CA 94595-3012 I want clean air and responsible governance. Valerie Schwartz Los Angeles, CA 90027-4720 Coal is bad for the environment and for us! China, India and Mexico must not add to climate change. Sally & Jake Schwartz Petaluma, CA 94952-2483 WE NEED YOUR CLEAR VISION: FOR OUR CHILDREN ...... AND YOURS...... PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING...... DO NOT ALLOW A COAL EXPORT TERMINAL IN OAKLAND. Celia Scott Santa Cruz, CA 95060-3312 Keep the coal in the ground and not in our lungs, our air and our water! Coal is dirty, dirty, dirty!!! Deanna Seagraves Corralitos, CA 95076-0815 California is working hard to become a leader in renewable fuels and to reverse the damages wrought by the unchecked use of fossil fuels in the past. We don't have coal-fueled power plants or coal mines here. Why bring in a massive coal terminal to this state, of all places? We the people of California do not want dirty coal here! Kathleen Seeley Yucca Valley, CA 92284-0915 NOW IS THE TIME TO STOP USING COAL - JUST LOOK AT ALL THOSE EMPTY ROOFTOPS, BOTH COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL, IN OUR CITIES AND TOWNS. ONLY THE GREEDY ENERGY BARONS WANT TO CONTINUE TO KILL OUR CHILDREN AND RUIN OUR EARTH FOR AN UNNEEDED IN THE PAST TECHNOLOGY - ROOFTOP SOLAR AND AN END TO ALL GREEDY ENERGY BARONS! Ellen Seh San Anselmo, CA 94960-2359 I want to support your community's health and safety, as well as the planet's sustainability. Please do the right thing and say no to coal exports and vote against building a terminal that will help further development of fossil fuel inventories and subsequent GHG emmissions. Your conscience will thank you, your firends and relatives in the community and future generations will thank you, and the world at large will benefit. Judith And Robert Seton Healdsburg, CA 95448-3851 It is totally unacceptable to bring coal and its toxic dust to Oakland to poison our children and degrade our land. Keep coal in the ground not on our land or in our ports. Nava Shaham Piedmont, CA 94611-4120 I need more clean air, not pollution. Kirby Shanklin Venice, CA 90291-3443 PLEASE THINK. This is on par with Flint Michigan and the Exide plant mess in Los Angeles. You would be making West Oa.kland host a material that ought not have been mined and ought not be used Barbara Sharma Los Angeles, CA 900290125 STOP DESTROYING NOW & THE FUTURE. Jim Sharp Palo Alto, CA 94301-1445 I hate to think what this could do to the Bay Area. Hideous. Alice Shaw Irvine, CA 92618-8307 Way past time to stop coal in any form, anywhere, anyhow. Flint Sheffield Sacramento, CA 95814-1451 Your grandchildren will curse you. Sher Sheldon Novato, CA 94947-4847 Don't poison our community Sheila Sheppard Carmel By The, CA 93921-1839 The people of California are not willing to sell our beautiful state to the coal industry nor to the oil industry. This land belongs to all of us and to future generations. Susan Shields Santa Barbara, CA 93105-2805 We should protect the health of the local communities. Air pollution killed my husband. Other families should not suffer the same fate. Allison Shiozaki Berkeley, CA 94705-1513 Pollutions Knows No Boundaries and we need Climate Solutions now! Victoria Shorr Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-2306 Pls. fulfill your mission and stop this. Amy Siegel Portola Valley, CA 94028-7662 California does not need to be supporting climate change industries! Kathleen Sigel Oak View, CA 93022-9629 Coal is one of the dirtiest sources of energy. The process of mining coal destroys the land forever. By allowing coal to travel through your ports you are contributing to the killing of the planet. Joanne Silva La Mesa, CA 91941-5561 We must not destroy this most beautiful area of California. Sherri Silveira Sacramento, CA 95829-1409 We need to invest in clean, renewable energy to create jobs and stop the destruction of our environment. California needs to lead the nation on this. David Simon Los Altos, CA 94022-1257 Coal is killing our planet, and it iis not the energy of the future, and we should not be allowing investments in coal infrastructure. Claire Simonich Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-5107 This whole thing is insane from beginning to end. Nobody who lives here wants this or even sees the point. Stop it. Now. And never even think of doing something like this again. Eve Simpson Bakersfield, CA 93309-2866 Keep Oakland clean & the air unpolluted! Alice Simpson Fulton, CA 95439-8834 Coal is so yesterday. The burning of coal causes significant carbon pollution which worsens global warming. And coal dust is a significant health risk. It undercuts CA's role as a climate leader and it does not belong in Oakland. Diana Sinclairl Danville, CA 94506-1189 With alternative energy technology already existing, the very last thing we need to do is continue to support a filthy, polluting, earth-killing fossil fuel like coal! We should ban coal and oil completely, subsidize and support alternative, clean, renewable energy sources, and demand the same of ALL our neighbors on this planet!!! Charlotte Sines Yosemite National Park, CA 95389-0161 I was born and raised in the East Bay and my son and his family live there now. Keep your damm coal away from my hometown. All kids deserve to live in a place with fresh air, not coal dust. Steve Sketo Bakersfield, CA 93312-5144 "WE" NEED TO STOP POLLUTING THE PLANET !! PEOPLE BEFORE PROFITS !! Leonard Sklar Albany, CA 94706-2523 This issue is very important to me and my family. Please do the right thing and stop this bad coal deal. Trygve Sletteland Laguna Beach, CA 92652-0256 This plant will contribute hugely to climate change and lung disease. It should not be built. Patricia Slife West Sacramento, CA 95691-3406 Please wake-up to the words in this petition. Enough people, environment, pollution with this continued coal usage. Global warming is NOT A MYTH! Tom Slone Walnut Creek, CA 94596-6226 California does not need this additional pollution-generating terminal to send fossil fuel coal around the world. Let's maintain our focus on clean energy and projects that protect our environment, rather than create additional harm. John Slovak Milpitas, CA 95035-7028 Stop killing Mother Earth Peter Smalley Berkeley, CA 94709-2126 A self-respecting Oakland will not allow the coal industry to railroad us into enabling their dirty and destructive agenda! Virginia Smedberg Palo Alto, CA 94301-3953 We do NOT need to encourage more use of non-renewable, and polluting, energy sources! We should NOT be giving OUR resources to other countries. And we DO need to protect our citizens from the direct pollution that comes from such trains and ships. Michael Smith Aptos, CA 95003-4835 Keep it in the ground. Benita Smith Berkeley, CA 94708-1628 No Coal Exports Through Oakland. John D Smith Folsom, CA 95630-3295 time to place much greater emphasis on cleaner technologies; like conservation, wind and solar Peter Smith Fresno, CA 93702-2829 Coal export is the last thing we should be doing on the energy horizon. Let's move forward toward a sustainable future, not backward to burning more fossil fuel. Drew Smith North Palm Springs, CA 92258-0202 Coal is fast becoming obsolete. Build windmills! Lynn Smith Rohnert Park, CA 94928-2481 I have been to Oakland a couple of times recently. I lived there in the 1970s and early '80s. So many other places nearby (Santa Rosa, for one, 55 miles by road; far less as the crows fly) have LESS brown haze than 40 years ago, Not Oakland-it is worse. A beautiful, constantly evolving urban area destroyed by filthy air pollution. It is painful to see children (and everyone else) enjoying life-that will be cut short and riddles with crippling disease. NO COAL TRAINS. Stop the deadly filth, PLEASE. Maureen Smith San Jose, CA 95110-2205 I grew up just over the hills from Oakland playing at Fairland and the Oakland Zoo. I now take my daughter to those places, the museum, and to eat at all the wonderful restaurants and shop at Jack London Square. However, a terminal to export coal in Oakland would end those visits. Please don't be fooled into believing this will improve the city budget; it will only harm those most at risk and create yet another example of environmental injustice. Staeppan Snyder Berkeley, CA 94708-1512 It would be an error of astronomical proportions to approve shipping coal from the Oakland waterfront on many levels. Not only is it yet again an example of environmental injustice for poor, predominately ethnic minorities who live in the path of the proposed coal shipments, but it is completely contrary to the state's climate change laws. According to Professor Kaman of UC Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy and advisor to the Obama Administration on climate policy, California has become a model for the world with its progress (ahead of schedule) in reducing CO2 emissions. We cannot afford as a planet to allow our state to back down on this very important leadership role. Conor Soraghan Sdiego, CA 921072336 PROTECT OUR FAMILIES AND OUR STATE - NO COAL SHIPPING VIA OAKLAND!! THANK YOU. Dale Sorensen Inverness, CA 94937-0316 Burning coal is obsolete, we need to put our energy into sustainable alternatives that don't harm communities. Stop the shipment end coal burning period! Ohmar Sowle Moraga, CA 94556-2422 Keep it in the ground and out of the air!! Tamara Speece San Jose, CA 95123-6068 Please do not let coal be exported from California. We don't need the pollution of the process and other countries don't need worse air. Karen Spoentgen Ventura, CA 93004 Please reconsider this project. For the sake of the future and climate reality, lets no go that route. Belle Sprague Chino Hills, CA 91709-3372 We don't need more catastrophes-in-the-making! Bruce Spring Los Angeles, CA 90065-5060 Clean healthy renewables only please. Oona Squire Petaluma, CA 94952-9539 i recently l Moved from Oakland and visit often. This would be a major step back for a vibrant city! Sarah Starr Los Angeles, CA 90026-2649 really, with wild fires burning in California and 88 million dead trees in the Sierras, isn't it clear that the coal needs to stay in the ground? Terry Stauduhar El Cerrito, CA 94530-2366 It's not only that local residents would be harmed -- though that would be enough -- but the stupidity of limiting the use of coal in this country only to export it to other countries. Either way, it's immoral. Terry Stauduhar Former Oakland resident, now living in retirement in El Cerrito. Evan Steel Laytonville, CA 95454 There is no excuse in this modern and scientific age for continuing to support oil and coal energies. We have a moral responsibility to our planet, our children, and the poor people who will be left facing the consequences. Cheryle Steele La Habra, CA 90631-2316 We need more clean, renewable energy Not polluting coal! Rudy Stefenel Milpitas, CA 95035-2533 keep it in the ground Joseph Stein Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240-1270 Would you want Black Lung Disease for your children? If not, please stop these trains full of coal and it's dust. Thank you! Dorothy Steinbeck Temecula, CA 92592-1815 Please no coal exports. Fossil fuels need to stay in the ground so our entire planet has a chance to stay green. Coal is a killer. Please reconsider. Jube Stephens Los Angeles, CA 90068-1803 Stop this now! This will not cause serious harm to the community's health and environment. Janet Stevens Cupertino, CA 95014-3938 The consequences of exporting coal from Oakland would have a much more devastating permanent negative effect on the environment than the benefits it would. It's time to make wise choices for the environment, this is the only planet we have and preserving it should be our top priority. Angie Stewart Alameda, CA 94501-5417 No coal in Oakland!!! John D. Stickle, D.c. Cloverdale, CA 95425-5424 For far too long, the Oil and Gas Industry has called the shots. It is time for this to stop. Allowing this coal terminal to come online also takes in Again in the wrong direction. We need to get off coal, not continue to develop it. As well, there are already plenty of other things adding to the poor quality of air in Oakland and the SF area. This coal terminal should not be another one. Catherine Stiefel San Diego, CA 92106-3020 Please don't further entrench California in the coal and other dirty carbon energy economy of the past. Help us move toward cleaner methods for powering our growth by opposing this coal transport expansion project. Lorrie Stillings Santa Rosa, CA 95405-5552 Please stop poisoning us and sending bomb trains through our communities. Teresa Stilwell Concord, CA 94521-3410 This is not good. Save our environment by saying No to Coal Exports. Michael Stock Hayward, CA 94544 This entire coal processing plan in Oakland is INSANE! Who approved it? Lyndia Storey Felton, CA 95018-1579 comprising our precious environment is no longer an option.... stop the destruction of the earth. Irma Strantz Altadena, CA 91001-2840 Mile-long coal trains should be banned in this country. John Street La Palma, CA 90623-2323 STOP coal pollution! Sue Struthers Riverside, CA 92506-2502 Children need clean air, not asthma and later emphysema and heart disease. Ban the coal coming through already distressed neighborhoods. Pat Strutner San Jose, CA 95127-2734 No way, coal! Do not enable more distribution of that polluting fossil fuel! Joan Paul & Pj Sullivan Ventura, CA 93003-5267 All the oil, coal & others mining companies are destroying our planet! Sick of the people cleaning up their messes , while the make billions! Time it stops & put the health of us & the planet be put first over profits ! Debbie Summers Glendale, CA 91205-2365 We have enough problems with keeping the air clean in California without this! Jan Summers Sacramento, CA 95825-6860 NO DEAL with Coal! BAN this proposal; protect our neighborhoods, our children, our ability to breathe without coal dust! James Suthers Tujunga, CA 91042-1859 Coal is dead. Over. And it should be. Having any part in the extraction and burning of coal is to be part of a suicide mission to end life on this planet as we know it. Do you really want a part in that... really? Pam Swanstrom Woodland, CA 95695 please stop this proposed coal export facility... the harm it will do significantly outweighs any profits to the few who want this .... thank you for standing against this proposal William Swatos Palm Desert, CA 92211-2909 America must lead the transition away from fossil fuel use and the climate change it brings, not enable it by exporting coal overseas. Karen Sweet Mountain View, CA 94039-1196 CA is a climate-change fighting state. We must say no to being used to export coal. This is the best, healthiest choice for us and for the world. And, we can't let Oakland be used as a wasteland, exposing them to coal dust. Ban this action, it's the only right thing to do. Each right choice is a step towards saving the world's climate. Sarah Sweet San Anselmo, CA 94960-1817 Please prevent future generations of under privileged children and their communities from having to breathe badly polluted air and the effects of a dirty coal plant outside of their neighborhood. Please do what you can to prevent this. Thank you, Sarah Tamara Sweger Tiburon, CA 94920-2042 This evil scheme must be stopped. Sam Tabachnik Berkeley, CA 94705-0173 Please no more poison in our environment Mitchelle Tanner Alameda, CA 94501-8395 Sustainable energy. Unfortunately, coal is an old energy source that pollutes and kills as a side effect. We have other more intelligent, viable choices. Retrain employees to work with safer, smarter forms of energy. Invest in those options. Build a smarter, healthier, life-supporting business empire. Time to evolve. Tim Tarbell Los Angeles, CA 90065-3208 End this bad idea Andre Tarverdians San Diego, CA 92120-3211 I'm including this line to indicate that I'm a real person and that this issue is important to me. Valerie Taylor Mountain View, CA 94039-1328 As someone with a pre-asthmatic condition cause by toxic mold in Emeryville, Ca, (a direct neighboring town to West Oakland), I would hope you would do something to stop pollution that causes Asthmatic conditions. We are technology savvy here and this is not a viable technology. It is extremely harmful and I need to be able to breath! Stop this please! Tony Ten Broeck Redding, CA 96003-4143 Very important for Oakland to reject this monstrous scheme. Oakland needs less congestion and cleaner air. Reject the coal terminal. Terry Tenzing Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-0637 The bay is too fragile and the need for clean energy too great to allow this type of shipping out of our precious Bay Area Deborah Thayer Santa Rosa, CA 95407 There's no place for this poisonous option for energy, clean, green, and sustainable, after all, we are one planet! We should be using natural gas in our cars to help lower the carbon footprint overnight for a few hundred dollars to retro-fit petroleum fueled vehicles! Gees! Open your eyes to see past the lobbyists that are in it for the greed! Jacqueline Thomas Castro Valley, CA 94546-6607 I have been a long time West Oakland resident until recently. We have fought long and hard to clean up toxic waste facilities and improve the air quality. We did not engage in this fight to have OUTSIDERS come in and destroy what we have fought for. This move would put Bay Area residents at great harm due to environmental pollutants; not to mention the damage that would occur at our pristine estuary. Please stop this move. Taylor Thomas Long Beach, CA 90802-2252 As our society moves further away from fossil fuels, we need to look to renewable and clean energy for the future of our societies and planet. John Thomas Long Beach, CA 90815 I am burning up, I can't breathe, I can't see please stop what you are doing ....Please . Kathleen Thompson Menlo Park, CA 94025-5903 Not only from the standpoint of fighting climate change, but also from the standpoint of environmental justice, siting a large coal exporting terminal in West Oakland is a travesty. This must be banned! Gary Thomsen Newport Beach, CA 92661-1409 Keep this horrible health hazard from poisoning people in Oakland. Cathy Thornburn Los Angeles, CA 90041-1128 We should be finished with coal. Before it finishes our planet. Wendy Tico Berkeley, CA 94703-2124 This affects me in Berkeley. The SF Bay ecosystem is precious to all. Stop this coal export terminal. Carin Tindol Alameda, CA 94501-2560 Alameda stands with Oakland. We want clean Bay waters and children who can breathe without asthma. Lynne Tinel Auburn, CA 95603-4308 What was once called "London fog" was actually pollution caused by burning coal. Jerry Tobe Los Angeles, CA 90034-2809 Dear Oakland City Council Members, You are presumably well aware that the proposed coal export terminal is designed to ship 9 million metric tons of coal annually. Coal Dust A minimum of 81,990 coal cars are required to deliver that much coal to the terminal. No information was found on how much coal dust is emitted from covered coal cars, but the Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railway (BNSF)website suggests the amount is greater than zero. Please note coal dust contains heavy metals such as mercury and arsenic. BNSF has established a coal dust emission standard at 100 pounds of coal dust per open coal car if all guidelines are followed. BNSF established the guidelines because coal dust and spillage damage track ballast and can lead to derailments. Please note the guidelines only apply to coal cars originating in the Powder River Basin and are voluntary. The BNSF website seems to suggest that more than 400 pounds of coal dust per coal car may be emitted if the guidelines aren't followed. Calculations show that more than 4,000 tons of coal dust will be emitted annually in the best of circumstances. Calculations indicate that is likely to be more than 4 tons per rail mile per year. There is no way to calculate the amount of coal dust that will be emitted during discharge from the coal cars when the coal is delivered to the coal export terminal, from the piles of coal stored at the coal export terminal prior to shipping, or during the loading of ships. Coal dust increases water ; absorbs light, which adversely affects photosynthesis; scares the gills of marine aminals, which reduces their ability to breath; and eventually buries everything in the sediment. Spillage A coal car spills about a pound of coal per rail mile. Calculations show that is about 41 tons of coal per year per rail mile as applied to the Oakland coal export terminal. Coal dust is emitted from spillage unless the coal is submerged. Oil train evacuation zone A half mile on each side of a railway over which oil trains travel is designated an evacuation zone in the event of an oil train derailment. The proposed coal export terminal is located at least a quarter mile within that zone. Obviously, the coal stored at the coal export terminal can't be moved in the event of an oil tank car derailment fire or explosion, but the coal and coal dust will burn and the coal dust can explode. The risk of a monumental disaster is obvious and more a question of "When?". Train derailment There have been 23 train derailments in the first five months of 2016. There will be more than an additional 683 coal trains moving in and out of Oakland annually, which will increase the risk of train derailment. These factors in addition to all the others demand that I urge you to ban the proposed coal export terminal. Thank you for reading my comments. Boudicca Todi Vallejo, CA 94590-6243 As a Vallejo homeowner, I also protest the proposed project for a private deep-water industrial port and cement plant on the South Vallejo waterfront. (No! VMT/Orcem). Reading the VMT/Orcem DEIR and watching the battle in Oakland, I interpret it to mean VMT would also transport coal and other hazardous materials through the heritage district and residential Vallejo as well as cement. Isn't it time to end #EnvironmentalRacism in California? Lynne Toribara Portola Valley, CA 94028-7425 We need to stop polluting our environment. We're fouling our own nests! Keep the coal trains out of Oakland. Michele Tornabene Summerland, CA 93067-1483 stop coal exports from Oakland Katen Torres Ventura, CA 93001 We Must Embrace & support Clean energy. STOP SUPPORTING DIRTY ANYTHING!!!! THANK you!!! Kristin Torrey San Bernardino, CA 92410-4128 California, the sunshine state, should be leading the world in alternate energy development. California has fought for years to reduce air pollution. Why in the world wouold California want to get involved with the export of air-polluting dirty energy to other countries??? Karen Toscos Atherton, CA 94027-3824 Start focusing on clean energy plants, instead of coal both domestically and internationally. Darrell Trombley Palm Springs, CA 92264-8940 This is the divinity of infinity and our earth is the foundation for all life. Let's treat the Earth as we want the Earth to treat us. Shielda Trotter Woodland, CA 95695-6876 WHY IS COAL NOT BEING LEFT IN THE GROUND...?? CLIMATE DENIERS....?? Carl Trowbridge Shelton, WA 98584-1115 please end coal fired power plants & go to nat gas Cynthia Tuell Upland, CA 91786-4009 I have grandchildren in San Leandro. Do not threaten them! Richard Tunell Studio City, CA 91602-3005 Coal is Dead! Invest in the future. Hector Umana Los Angeles, CA 90015-1246 California is already poisoned enough Let's not built and add more pollution , please. We need clean energy, we have the resources, let us do the right thing. Gillian Valdes San Jose, CA 95123-1039 Please keep our bay clean and stop our local port from becoming a huge conduit to pollution from coal dust in our neighborhoods and abroad. Jean Van Den Bossche Newport Beach, CA 92663-2921 Leave polluting coal in the ground. Mark Van Stone Imperial Beach, CA 91932-3130 We need to turn from the destructive path of burning fossil fuels to renewable, non-carbon-producing methods of making energy. Sending coal to China hurts our bottom line as much as burning it here. M. Joyce Vandever Santa Clara, CA 95050-6563 It is TIME to do this - the sooner the better for all those living there = AND visiting! Rebecca Varon Reseda, CA 91335-4544 No Coal!!!! Debra Vaughn Sonoma, CA 95476-4438 Unbelievable that coal is even considered as an export.I strongly oppose the proposal to ship coal through the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal. Marlena Vega Eureka, CA 95502-6995 On the waterfront? Why would you pollute your waterfront? Are you crazy? Colleen Virgilio Redding, CA 96002-3944 I am thoroughly opposed to this coal terminal project. Please stand up for California's true values as a climate leader and reject this underhanded and unhealthy project. Ron Vogel San Jose, CA 95131-2402 Please do the right thing and stop this David Vollmer Santa Cruz, CA 95060-5724 Please no coal! Joseph Volpe Ventura, CA 93002-2083 say,"no," to coal exports. Kristen Wagner Jamestown, CA 95327-9519 As an asthma suffer I would love nothing more to stop this. Mana-jean Wagnon Alameda, CA 94501-3006 When one considers the environmental and health costs that will happen in the Bay Area from this misadventure the idea of profits in Utah and China cause me to think their financial gain still will not overcome the environmental and health issues they will also experience causes me to think this project simply is not economically or humanly worth it for them or for us. The trail of tears from decades of the use of coal must stop. Thayer Walker Gualala, CA 95445-8527 at a time when progress is being made developing sustainable, renewable energy sources, this coal terminal is antiquated, obviously harmful to community health, and it means thousand will suffer health effects just so a few people can get rich. please oppose this terminal. Lori Walker Otis Orchards, WA 99027-9665 No more oil or coal ruining our planet and peoples health!!! Pamela Wall Lemon Grove, CA 91945-1744 Renewable energy is the only option. No more coal! Ken Wallace Davis, CA 95618-7668 WE are getting away from COAL. There is no place for any new coal development. This development is obviously only to make a very few rich people richer. Ken Walsh Alameda, CA 94501-5510 As an asthmatic, I have a particular need for the air to be clean in the area. The Port of Oakland already produces a large share of the participants in the area through the port and airport. Please do not permit coal! Constance A Ward Roseville, CA 95661-6428 Part of the earthquake want to ship coal through that port, along with the local oil facilities there.....are you crazy?! Lew Warden Big Bear City, CA 92314-9045 Putting wealth ahead of health is a huge mistake. It would not happen if those making the wealth were loosing their health. Kathleen Warren Brentwood, CA 94513-8784 Public Health and Climate Mitigation Requires that from start to finish No Coal becomes the New Normal Coal to Oakland Ports mean Coal train along the Delta and East Contra Costa. Say No To Coal. Climate Change is Real ! We need to do Better. Trusting you not to take the $ and do the right thing~ from a Public Health Nurse Ann Wasgatt Roseville, CA 95678-1702 The line through Roseville is the route all these coal dust trains will take to get to Oakland. Roseville doesn't need more contaminated air either. Martin Washington Berkeley, CA 94702-1811 SAVE WEST OAKLAND! Kathleen Watson Forestville, CA 95436-9649 Please STOP this ill-conceived project! Frances Watson Spring Valley, CA 91977-5227 Allowing this will just kill people so corporations can make a profit. Kill coal first! Betty Waverly Newport Beach, CA 92660-0707 This is a very bad proposal from a health standpoint. It will affect a wide area of our west coast. Please do not let this project proceed! Carey Weeks Atascadero, CA 93422-6855 Please do the right thing.. for our *Children's future*. Regards Carey Weeks Janet Weil Concord, CA 94518-1238 No coal in Oakland, no coal trains between Utah and California, and no coal mining in the beautiful lands of Utah! No to coal! Joan Weiner San Anselmo, CA 94960-2845 NO - to shipping coal thru our state -- we stand for the future - for love of our earth - for healthy environment - we cannot support this outdated dangerous horrible to the environment product. JUST SAY NO! Rona Weintraub Mill Valley, CA 94941-3176 Where is your commitment to reduce global warming and protect people from pollution? Especially you, Governor Brown...after the Paris summit, everyone outside of California sees you as such a leader on environmental issues....when are you going to show us that you really are? Coal? Fracking? Please say "NO". Jeffrey Weiss Sunnyvale, CA 94087-2246 Keep it in the ground and don't let the Chinese burn it so our kids and grandkids can live in a decent natural world. Paul Wellin San Diego, CA 92131-6711 The coal export terminal proposed for West Oakland would be a disaster for the region and it's people. Mary Belle Wells West Hills, CA 91304-1435 Coal trains and coal loading would pollute the air in the Bay Area, one of the most beautiful and productive regions in America. Please stop it now! Holly Wenger Sacramento, CA 95821-3362 Coal needs to stay in the ground! CO-2 emissions are killing the planet. Keep the coal trains out of my backyard, and don't ease its shipment to anywhere. Walt Wenzel San Pedro, CA 90732-1345 We had a coal terminal here in Southern California, briefly - it was a disaster to the environment and community. Coal is dead. The countries that coal is being exported to, could develop solar and wind and we'd ALL be the better for it. Steve Western Gilbert, AZ 85296-4114 Coal is death for Pacific seafood poisoned with mercury and for all mankind due to global warming. The Oakland coal depot only promotes further use of cheap deadly coal when we must be moving to clean energy. Steve Wexler Camarillo, CA 93010-6631 Coal is dead, or else we are! Joseph White Cool, CA 95614-0262 We already have "oil bomb" trains going through our area and now you want to add coal dust too? Susan White East Palo Alto, CA 94303-2001 As a Bay Area resident and a person who cares about the environment, I am shocked that Oakland would consider putting its residents' health at risk and supporting the use of dirty energy. Please do the right thing, show that California continues to be a leader on climate change, and say no to the coal terminal. Kimberley White Sebastopol, CA 95472-2130 Coal Is filthy. Just Say NO !!!! Helene Whitson Berkeley, CA 94709-1310 No way! Keep that poison out of the Bay Area. Coal dust kills, and it will kill here while fat cats in Utah clutch dollar bills in their greedy claws. They could care less about Californians. All they care about is getting rich. Utah already caused enough suffering in California through Proposition 8. CALIFORNIANS decide what comes through our state, and Utah coal trains MUST STOP at the California border! If they want to send coal wherever, let them send it through Texas or Arizona. NO WAY! CALIFORNIA SAYS NO AND IT MEANS IT! Utah is not going to get rich on polluting California air and killing Bay Area residents! KEEP OUT OF OUR STATE! Tobey Wiebe Berkeley, CA 94707-1920 This is a call to fight environmental racism. John Wiesner Castro Valley, CA 94546-8159 Aside from the direct, local environmental degradation from the proposed coal exports, the proposal should also be opposed because of the effects of coal burning itself on increasing global warming. Laurie Wik Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Coal is too dirty to be handled in our ports. The people of West Oakland suffer enough from air pollution from the many trucks that travel through their community, please don't do further damage to their air quality by allowing coal to ship from this port. Victoria Wikle Villa Grande, CA 95486-0151 Power with sustainables. Kathryn Wild San Diego, CA 92126-2076 Let's quit "working up to it" and just GO GREEN! Jenny Wilder Apple Valley, CA 92308-9340 When will we get that coal is no longer the way to go. Let's not remain in the dark past. Wendy Wilke Fresno, CA 93720-1856 I just visited Utah, a quiet rich state that does not need California. Susan Wilke Sacramento, CA 95814-5741 Just learned of this terminal to export coal plans to build on Oakland waterfront. Really disturbed by this, especially when our Governor has shown his dedication to fight global warming. And then to LEARN that a LARGE TERMINAL to be built. It is totally AGAINST what we have pledged as a state and as a country. Stop the madness! Guy Williams Campbell, CA 95008-2951 keep the coal in the ground were it belongs Judd Williams Mill Valley, CA 94941-2153 Embracing old energy is a bad idea, like rotten fish. Mara Williams Sonoma, CA 95476-6215 No more allowance for fossil fuels! Patrick Williams Sunnyvale, CA 94086-7333 California must be a leader in the rapid move away from dirty, toxic 20th century technology and fuels. This proposed deal must be scrapped immediately for the good of Oakland, for the good of the Bay Area, for the good of California, and for the good of the nation. Lois Wilson Novato, CA 94945-2333 Sure, let's throw this burden on the poor community of Oakland. These folks already struggle just to exist! Gee, Flint had water, Oakland gets coal! They already suffer with the oil refineries. They, and the entire Bay Area don't need more! Get rid of COAL! In the meanwhile while it is still primary, PLEASE don't bring it to Oakland. Go Solar! Go wind! Jim Wilson Placerville, CA 95667-7915 Americans must realize that we have allowed corporations to take over our country. We must stand up and work together to take back control of all levels of government. Orpha Wilson Redondo Beach, CA 90278-5200 It is horiffic enough to be tearing up our lands for coal exploitation, but to do it for exports is just wrong..Stop the coal exports Marcia Wilson San Gabriel, CA 91775-2304 COAL dust in the air ! NO Shelia Winburn Bakersfield, CA 93312-6623 Keep coal away from our cities,preserve our air around the globe, thank you. Katherine Winter Downey, CA 90242-4725 Say NO to any dirty coal exports from our beautiful state!!!! Judy Wismer Sebastopol, CA 95472-4104 My son lives in Oakland and I don't want this export terminal to happen. The health of the planet and of the citizens of Oakland should not be put @ risk. Gary Wissinger Torrance, CA 90505-8119 Stop burning coal anywhere on the planet. Diane Wolf Hayward, CA 94541-5205 It is the 21st century. We must move forward to clean energy not backward to dirty energy. How do you not understand this. I like to breath clean air, drink clean water and coal fouls all this up. NESARA NOW Please Virginia Wolf Yorba Linda, CA 92886-7407 I moved to CA two years ago - impressed by the forward environmental thinking of the state. I've since found a few flaws, but for the most part, I do think we are trying. Please do not develop a coal terminal on the Oakland waterfront. The idea is LESS fossil fuels, not more - especially in less developed countries. Pat Wolff Arcadia, CA 91006-4529 Ship no coal to China! Leave it in the ground! Do not tear up Utah! Mathew Woll Berkeley, CA 94703-2608 I live in South Berkeley, near Adeline and Alcatraz. I can wipe up heavy black particulate from Diesel and Rubber tires that is able to find its way to me from Highway 80/580. This parallels the train tracks. Coal dust is finer, stays better suspended, and is significantly more carcinogenic. This is not ok to bring coal trains through. Thanks, Matt Woll Pamela Wood Sunnyvale, CA 94089-4611 I have asthma. I do not want to see the air polluted by coal dust. Coal is so last century. We need to encourage solar and other options instead. Thank you. Betsy Wood Sunnyvale, CA 94087-3249 This harms not only Oakland but the entire Bay area and the earth. Invest in renewable energy instead. Margarette Woodard Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352 Stop this ridiculous Coal Terminal!! David Woods San Lorenzo, CA 94580-1027 I strongly oppose any proposal to ship coal through California. We should be leading the way in the fight against climate change, not enabling it. Nina Wouk Menlo Park, CA 94025-4208 Coal is over. We need to move away from it. Period. Anthea Wray , TX 77077-3909 Exportation of Coal destroys the Planet!!! Bernadette Wulf Graton, CA 95444-9332 My eyes already burn from the air pollution whenever I spend time in Oakland. Please don't permit coal dust to make the problem worse. Denise Yamamoto Torrance, CA 90503-9340 Oakland is NOT A DUMPING GROUND nor should it become a terminal to export any coal. I mean the health problems that the coal would bring to California is enough not to want to have ANYTHING TO DO WITH COAL in this area. Ban this coal from ever reaching Oakland or anywhere else in California!!! Thank you for your time. Jim Yarbrough South Pasadena, CA 91030-2254 I am very concerned about climate change and about the health and safety of people in Oakland. Gregory Yaroslow Redlands, CA 92373-8103 For the sake of every living being & our world: say NO to more coal! Julian Yerena Jr Parlier, CA 93648-2706 We must transition away from coal ASAP! Arline Young Grass Valley, CA 95945-8658 The last thing the bay needs is oil spills and it will happen. It's bad enough that we transport oil on our railways through Bay Area towns, let not risk the waterways too. Oakland find other ways to make money, like supporting local renewable resources. Julia Young Roseville, CA 95661-6410 Please help to stop this! Samuel Young San Leandro, CA 94577-1451 As you know, I live in San Leandro. Oakland is my backyard. I love my backyard to be clean and free of Hazmat. Please keep Oakland beautiful. Money cannot buy beauty. Lyn Younger San Jose, CA 95111-3810 Is the Oakland City Council going to let our beautiful, precious Bay Area become like Los Angeles or, God forbid, Mexico City? We do not need any more spare-the-air days in the 9 Bay Area counties. Please stop this travesty from happening. We do not want these coal trains here. This must not be allowed. Think of the health of your constituents. Please stop this. Bruce Yoxall Willits, CA 95490-0086 This such a bad idea! Please do your part to stop it! Chet & Holly Zebroski Novato, CA 94949-5933 Provide clean, safe forms of energy production. Clearly, coal extraction and combustion is an ancient form of energy production that should be abandoned at this moment of transition. Have the courage and decency to make the healthy choice for the environment and Humanity. Elizabeth Zenker Arcata, CA 95521-5345 My own daughter was a 4th generation Bay Area born and raised. Why I am so horrified to learn this was even being considered - please do NOT DO THIS TO OAKLAND!! Joel Ziegler Arcata, CA 95521-9010 Coal burning is not what the Earth needs. We borrow our place here from our children. Let's leave a chance for their well being. Debrah Ziehm Sebastopol, CA 95472-6050 Coal is just too polluting for the planet. Susan Zipp Novato, CA 94948 One of the essential opportunities to keep Oaktown and the Bay Area SAFE for LIFE! No amount of money is worth the potential risk of an impossible cleanup. Be WISE, forwarded and vote NO! Marya Zlatnik Millbrae, CA 94030 As an obstetrician, I am concerned that the pollution from this terminal will increase the risk of preterm birth for women in the Bay Area. Preterm birth is associated with life-long health problems and significant medical expenses.

1. Ryan Acebo 2. Amelia Adams 3. Kim Aikawa-olin Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94601- Oakland, CA 94602-3444 4457 94602-2514 5. Denise Allen 6. Mark Allen 7. Scott Amundson Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94605- Oakland, CA 94611-2547 1839 94602-4006 9. Tal Ariel 10. Soreliz Ascanio 11. Zeena Attig Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94605- Oakland, CA 94619-3240 3395 94611-2116 13. Sacha Badame 14. Georgia Bassen 15. Dale Baum Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94611- Oakland, CA 94610-1377 2135 94602-1840 17. Barbara Benzwi 18. Christine Berger 19. Jeff Berger Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94610- Oakland, CA 94618-2512 3801 94601-5100 21. Helen Bersie 22. Susan Boggiano 23. Rachel Bond Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94605- Oakland, CA 94619-1610 3044 94607-3314 25. Christopher 26. Ken Bruckmeier 27. Lawrence Bryer Brown Oakland, CA 94618- Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 1623 94619-3515 94618-2128 29. Stephanie Caloia 30. Debra Capitan 31. Annie Carpenter Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94606- Oakland, CA 94612-3123 2608 94611-5056 33. Lisa Cartolano 34. Ruth Caspary 35. Eric Cavallari Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94602- Oakland, CA 94619-3338 3707 94607-2424 37. Herman Chaney 38. Christine Chrisman 39. Karissa Clark- Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94609- garcia 94612-4040 1122 Oakland, CA 94611-2148 41. Mendel Cohen 42. Matthew Coleman 43. John Constable Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94611- Oakland, CA 94609-2512 5098 94618-1113 45. Denise Crawford 46. Cfs Creasy 47. Rebecca Crump Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94609- Oakland, CA 94601-2769 1854 94606-1932 49. Julia Dashe 50. Elaine David 51. Sabrina De Mio Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94619- Oakland, CA 94609-2157 1545 94607-1408 53. Nadya Disend 54. Debra Dizin 55. Cindy Downing Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94619- Oakland, CA 94608-2612 1222 94619-1718 57. Susan Eastman 58. Sally Elesby 59. Meredith Elliott Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94610- Oakland, CA 94607-2396 1966 94619-3315 61. Jennifer Falcon 62. Katherine Falk 63. Troy Ferguson Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94611- Oakland, CA 94602-1767 4312 94603-2129 65. Chuck Fisher 66. Marcia Flannery 67. Udette Flesch Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94609- Oakland, CA 94611-4973 2608 94605-3822 69. Kim Fowler 70. Michael Freund 71. Michael Frieam Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94611- Oakland, CA 94619-3378 1549 94610-4029 73. Mary Gamson 74. Erin Ganahl 75. Corey Gargano Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94619- Oakland, CA 94610-1967 2014 94602-3901 77. Mindy Geminder 78. Janice Gloe 79. John Golding Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94602- Oakland, CA 94618-1914 3521 94619-1364 81. Angel Gore 82. Lauren Govain- 83. Nicholas Gower Oakland, CA eastman Oakland, CA 94611-5605 Oakland, CA 94606- 94608-2352 2582 85. Lucia Greenfield- 86. Jessea Greenman 87. Andrew Griffin head Oakland, CA 94609- Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 1245 94607-2340 94606-1427 89. Cory Gunter 90. Gillian Hall 91. Chia Hamilton Brown Oakland, CA 94602- Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 1648 94609-1021 94612-2408 93. David Harano 94. Eileen Harrington 95. Virginia+m Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94610- Hartwell 94619-3722 1497 Oakland, CA 94602-0493 97. Theodore Hexter 98. Beth Hill 99. Kathryn Hirt Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94611- Oakland, CA 94608-4128 5620 94602-3518 101. Felicia House 102. Erin Howard 103. Gordon Jacobs Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94607- Oakland, CA 94607-2019 3636 94618-1850 105. Jessica Jensen 106. Colleen Jew 107. Amy Johnson Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94602- Oakland, CA 94607-3694 3950 94602-3424 109. Aaron Jones 110. Linda Jordan 111. Melissa Kafader Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94610- Oakland, CA 94601-1449 4564 94609-2369 113. Ken Katz 114. Nancy Kelly 115. Rima Khalek Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94605- Oakland, CA 94610-1706 1177 94601-4708 117. Earla Kirkwood 118. Kristeene Knopp 119. Elena Knox Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94608- Oakland, CA 94619-3255 2814 94602-2543 121. Spencer Koffman 122. Caroline Krewson 123. Liz Kroboth Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94611- Oakland, CA 94611-1139 2508 94608-2801 125. Nicole Kyner 126. Gayle Langston 127. Jacalyn Lapierre Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94611- Oakland, CA 94602-2543 2802 94610-1322 129. Sharyl Larson 130. Joann Leaning 131. Graeme Lee Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94606- Rowlands 94619-1216 2728 Oakland, CA 94610-2620 133. Shaina Lerner 134. Leslie Lethridge 135. Carole Levenson Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94618- Oakland, CA 94606-1545 1212 94610-4908 137. Maxine Lewis 138. Alexis Lezin 139. Deborah Lindsay Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94605- Oakland, CA 94609-2407 5355 94619-2906 141. Leslie Lopez 142. Monique Love 143. John Maes Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94605- Oakland, CA 94607-3647 5113 94610-1809 145. Francisco 146. Ingrid Martin 147. Trishia Maruri Mariscal Oakland, CA 94607- Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 1626 94607-3786 94608-2322 149. Meike Matarazzo 150. Meigs Matheson 151. Rita Mccue Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94602- Oakland, CA 94612-4052 1914 94606-1322 153. Alysia 154. Heather Mchugh 155. Cynthia Mealy Mcdonough Oakland, CA 94611- Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 2534 94602-3218 94609-2571 157. Rocio Miranda 158. Nicholas Mordwinkin 159. Wesley Morrison Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94619- Oakland, CA 94619-1833 2957 94619-3019 161. Toshaleza 162. Sharon Mulligan 163. Doris Muniz Msemaji Oakland, CA 94602- Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 3255 94610-5067 94608-2615 165. Christopher 166. Dannielle Mutch 167. Lisa Nakamura Musgrave Oakland, CA 94608- Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 2827 94610-3909 94606-4901 169. Christian Nelson 170. Faustina Ngo 171. Sara Nolan Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94619- Oakland, CA 94606-1712 2063 94610-1346 173. Kurt Norton 174. Jean Oakley 175. Lino Ochoa Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94611- Oakland, CA 94611-5111 1209 94607-2454 177. Janet Parkins 178. Rashid Patch 179. Karen Patchell Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94621- Oakland, CA 94611-5115 3962 94605-2659 181. Leah Perez 182. Susan Perez 183. Neftali Perez Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94602- Oakland, CA 94602-3410 3047 94601-4018 185. Rapichan 186. Ellen Pompa 187. Elizabeth Potter Phurisamban Oakland, CA 94602- Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 1309 94605-5035 94612-1075 189. Leticia Ramirez 190. Oletta Reed 191. Cindy Regnier Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94619- Oakland, CA 94608-3911 1840 94605-2242 193. Alilah Renwick 194. Julie Reynolds 195. Nora Reza Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94610- Oakland, CA 94610-4774 3047 94618-1703 197. Julianna Riley 198. Maria Risquez 199. Amanda Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94619- Rosenberg 94608-2129 1618 Oakland, CA 94606-1535 201. Joyce Roy 202. Patrick Russell 203. Grace Rutledge Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94618- Oakland, CA 94611-5155 1661 94606-3106 205. Gina Sanfilippo 206. Jennifer Satoh 207. Anne Saulovich Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94610- Oakland, CA 94611-2165 3239 94602-1105 209. David Scharff 210. Deah Schwartz 211. Richard Scott Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94605- Oakland, CA 94602-2011 1830 94610-5113 213. Shirley Sheffield 214. Michael Sherwood 215. Amit Shoham Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94611- Oakland, CA 94601-2007 2708 94606-1911 217. Donald C. Smart 218. Amara Smith 219. Judith Smith Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94610- Oakland, CA 94611-1810 4134 94601-1320 221. Anna Snyder 222. Laila Solaris 223. Richard Spector Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94608- Oakland, CA 94609-1439 3228 94602-1758 225. Richard Steiger 226. Linda Stephenson 227. Hugh Stickney Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94611- Oakland, CA 94611-1444 4810 94609-2274 229. Jocelyn Sze 230. Helga Tarver 231. Jim True Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94610- Oakland, CA 94618-1633 4412 94618-1021 233. Alice Tullar 234. James Upp 235. Jack Van Den Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94609- Bogaerde 94606-3224 3015 Oakland, CA 94618-2201 237. Velia Villa 238. Biggi Vinkeloe 239. Rita Watson Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94609- Oakland, CA 94612-1017 1630 94611-0376 241. Stephen Weitz 242. Rebecca Welch 243. Andrea Welld Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94608- Oakland, CA 94619-3203 3264 94610-2962 245. Katherine 246. Elizabeth Wharton 247. Emily Wheeler Westine Oakland, CA 94619- Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 1620 94610-1343 94618-1335 249. David Widelock 250. Clyde Willson 251. Angela Wilson Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94606- Oakland, CA 94605-5701 2234 94610-4016 253. Jessica 254. Claudia Wornum 255. Jack Wyles Wohlander Oakland, CA 94605- Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 5812 94612-4072 94606-2926 257. Stefanie Yellis 258. Richard Yurman 259. Joan Zawaski Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94618 Oakland, CA 94619-2209 94602-3229 261. Lynne Zeller 262. Amy Zink 263. Jawana Aguirre Oakland, CA Oakland, CA 94606- San Francisco, 94611-2150 1167 CA 94109-9020 265. Keren Abra 266. Paul Ackrill 267. Luisa Agostini San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94112-1846 94107-2902 CA 94132-2624 269. Kenya Alcorn 270. Rita Alderucci 271. Rachel Amalia San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94127-2329 94115-3747 CA 94117-3402 273. Sarah Anderson 274. John Angel 275. Kristin Anundsen San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94109-8212 94134-1054 CA 94131-2009 277. Barbara Austin 278. Yves Averous 279. Ron Avila San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94118-4218 94131-1758 CA 94110-1252 281. Neil Bachers 282. Frank Briones 283. Helen Cooluris San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94110-3832 94121-1705 CA 94127-1304 285. Peter Corkey 286. Cynthia Cornett 287. Marilyn Bair San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94121-2810 94110-5809 CA 94110-3201 289. Tod Barnett 290. Joslyn Baxter 291. Jeff Beck San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94114-4715 94118-4436 CA 94122-3652 293. William Beittel 294. Linda Bellavia 295. Lori Bevilacqua San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94114-3646 94115-2644 CA 94121-3223 297. Tera Blackman 298. David Blair 299. Catherine Bliss San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94132-1885 94127-1816 CA 94114-1825 301. Martin Bloom 302. Roberto Bonilla 303. Mitchell Bonner San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94132-2233 94107-2833 CA 94108-3504 305. Carmi Bowles 306. Dakota Boyd 307. Kimyn San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Braithwaite 94122-2928 94112-2402 San Francisco, CA 94114-1165 309. Joan Breiding 310. Ruth Brodie 311. Glenn Brownton San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94117-0625 94115-1772 CA 94114-3169 313. Cherise Bulosan 314. Vivian Burg 315. Tim Butler San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94117-2818 94116-2707 CA 94109-5317 317. Cynthia Byrd 318. Sonia Cantu 319. Rosanne San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Capalbo 94133-2648 94133-2809 San Francisco, CA 94112-3511 321. Ann Carey 322. Michelle Carter 323. Erin Caughman San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94132-2814 94110-5439 CA 94116-1125 325. Nicole Chang 326. Cornelia Chapin 327. Melvin D. San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Cheitlin 94111-1957 94116-2266 San Francisco, CA 94109-0427 329. Tessie Chua 330. Courtney Clarkson 331. Cindy Cobb San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94112-4447 94115-2005 CA 94114-3115 333. Maria Conlon 334. Jean Conner 335. Julia Conner San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94114-1104 94131-3011 CA 94117-2333 337. Mercedes Cortez 338. Lynne Coulson 339. Mary Counihan San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94110-4716 94110-1514 CA 94114-3169 341. Heidi Craig 342. Paul Cress 343. Guy Crouch San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94110-5622 94109-2066 CA 94121-2861 345. Brice Davis 346. Jose De Cecco 347. Karen Dega San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94118-1125 94114-1105 CA 94118-3878 349. J. Barry Gurdin 350. Lawrence Dillard, Jr. 351. Jonathan San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Dirrenberger 94122-4617 94121-3835 San Francisco, CA 94114-3406 353. Gabriel 354. Josh Donald 355. Lisa Dossey Domenech San Francisco, CA San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94110-6107 CA 94122-2925 94103-4094 357. Teresa Durling 358. Jym Dyer 359. Nancy Anne Earl San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94121-3432 94117-2718 CA 94131 361. Christian Elbeck 362. Ernest Ely 363. Sarah Esterkyn San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94147-2008 94115-4301 CA 94118-2503 365. 366. Rita Fahrner 367. Dan Feldman Etemad San Francisco, CA San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94110-5659 CA 94107-2627 94115-4422 369. Carlos Ferreira 370. Julie Fisher 371. D. Robert Foster San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94188-4733 94118-4263 CA 94102-4801 373. Terrrie Frye 374. Charles Fulton 375. Geoffrey San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Gallegos 94109-7416 94108-3525 San Francisco, CA 94131-2808 377. Lisa Garcia 378. Clarissa Gayton 379. Timothy San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Gemmill 94116-1107 94132-3259 San Francisco, CA 94109-5319 381. Anastasia 382. Diana Goldstein 383. Fabian Gonzales Glikshtern San Francisco, CA San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94123-4225 CA 94118-2849 94127-1711 385. Andrea Goodman 386. Robert Grant 387. Susan Green San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94107-3240 94121-1704 CA 94114-3627 389. Gary Gregerson 390. Susan Himes-powers 391. Ronald Johnson San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94109-8040 94122-4147 CA 94102-3653 393. Hiroko Jones 394. Robert Hall 395. Stuart Hall San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94111-2461 94117-1149 CA 94102-1228 397. Rebecca 398. Kathe Hashimoto 399. Shawna Hedley Haseltine San Francisco, CA San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94110-1003 CA 94109-4178 94110-3806 401. Randall 402. Gary Held 403. Leslie Hendricks Heilbrunn San Francisco, CA San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94124 CA 94122-1928 94114-1822 405. Asaneth 406. Laura Herrera 407. Chelsea Hodge Hernandez San Francisco, CA San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94122-3536 CA 94110-2522 94112-2028 409. John Holtzclaw 410. Maggie Horton- 411. Martin Horwitz San Francisco, CA brande San Francisco, 94133-4255 San Francisco, CA CA 94122-1608 94131-2004 413. Harriet Ingram 414. Nicole Jacobson 415. Salvador San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Jimenez 94131-1800 94107-3030 San Francisco, CA 94131-1546 417. Robin Kallman 418. Jason Kaminsky 419. Steven Keena San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94117-2628 94118-4314 CA 94109-7285 421. Lisa Kellman 422. Ana Kirola 423. Jeff Kline San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94131-2229 94109-6842 CA 94130-1212 425. Eric Kohler 426. Ellen Koivisto 427. Roger Levin San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94115-4618 94122-2856 CA 94102-6033 429. Roger Krause 430. Madeleine Krois 431. Kelly Lally San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94117-4340 94122-2104 CA 94117-3158 433. Janet Lamborn 434. Michael Lamperd 435. Judi Lane San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94114-1935 94122-1063 CA 94114-0703 437. Timothy Larkin 438. Martha Larsen 439. Joyce Lavey San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94109-5337 94121-3522 CA 94110-7412 441. Michelle Layer 442. Peter Lee 443. Victoria Lee San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94102-4960 94118-3556 CA 94122-1059 445. Vicki Leidner 446. Nick Leiva 447. Barry Leonardini San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94110-2612 94110-3313 CA 94118-2042 449. Clifford Liehe 450. Carol Anna Lind 451. Jean Lindgren San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94118-2607 94117-4460 CA 94103-3367 453. Jennifer Liu 454. Vincent Louie 455. Mark Lozano San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94110-3408 94118-3917 CA 94131-2425 457. Kenneth 458. Gregory Lyons 459. Richard Lundgreen San Francisco, CA Mendoza San Francisco, CA 94102-5948 San Francisco, 94109-9052 CA 94114-2426 461. Yefim Maizel 462. Katie Malling 463. Stacey Mangni San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94131-1621 94121-3539 CA 94121-2312 465. Lorretta Marcel 466. Rich Martini 467. James Masi San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94134-1220 94123-5143 CA 94158-1593 469. James Mcconnell 470. Ryan Mccormick 471. Nancy Mcginnis San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94109-5637 94114-2068 CA 94131-2731 473. Mickey Mccarthy 474. Carlos Medina 475. Carmen San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Melendez Lugo 94114 94103-7403 San Francisco, CA 94122 477. Erin Mullin 478. Sarah Mundal 479. Kim Piechowski San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94110-4724 94116 CA 94118-1127 481. Mark Miles 482. Imran Mirdad 483. Cody San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Mitcheltree 94131-1868 94122-1302 San Francisco, CA 94121-2070 485. Bianca Molgora 486. Ron Molina 487. Jean Mont-eton San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94110-6138 94131 CA 94116-2068 489. Richard Morgese 490. Geoffrey Moses 491. Gretchen San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Mueller 94114-2102 94114-0242 San Francisco, CA 94110-5250 493. Elena Myers 494. Christina Navarro 495. Ann Nevans San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94107-3410 94114-2021 CA 94133-1713 497. Ron Nieberding 498. Barbara Nielsen 499. Fatemah San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Nikchehi 94107-1359 94117-3562 San Francisco, CA 94112-2152 501. Maria Nowicki 502. David Nugent 503. John Oda San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94116-2517 94121-3517 CA 94115-3500 505. Brandon Owens 506. Will Paine 507. Diane Palacio San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94118-3418 94121-2435 CA 94112-3621 509. Denise Peck 510. Carlos Peeler 511. John Pennington San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94123-4505 94102-2886 CA 94114-3413 513. David Peterson 514. Michael Peterson 515. Scott Peterson San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94110-3440 94124-3515 CA 94114-1599 517. Thoi Pham 518. Matthew Plaza 519. Alice Polesky San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94124-3148 94133-5149 CA 94107-2644 521. Natalie Price 522. Helen Prusiner 523. Sean Quinn San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94118 94123-4620 CA 94117-1861 525. David Ramer 526. Carolyn Ranusch 527. Megan Rathfon San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94102-1510 94109-7210 CA 94115-4027 529. Carla Reed 530. Amy Sullivan 531. Elizabeth San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Sutherland Riney 94133-2809 94114-3942 San Francisco, CA 94133-2519 533. Andrea Mia 534. Kerrie Reilly 535. Nanda Devi Rich Varela San Francisco, CA San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94102-5908 CA 94108-3834 94117-3827 537. Vero Riva 538. David Roche 539. Devin Romero San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94104-1503 94117-3104 CA 94118 541. Roberto Romo 542. Amanda Roque 543. Diann Rose San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94121-3025 94115-3945 CA 94109-6061 545. Sandra Sadler 546. Elliot Safdie 547. Mariko Saito San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94118-1308 94121-3439 CA 94116 549. Teresa Scherzer 550. Marcia Schmelzer 551. Shannon San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Schneble 94141-1403 94123-4641 San Francisco, CA 94110-5710 553. Kristina Schubert 554. Margaret Schulze 555. Joanne Scott San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94121 94121-2423 CA 94131-2268 557. Tatyana Shats 558. Lynn Shauinger 559. William Shepard San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94109-5390 94117-2310 CA 94121-1203 561. Sarah Slaughter 562. Lynne Sloan 563. Heidi Smith San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94114-1507 94122-3628 CA 94131-2828 565. Robert Sodervick 566. John Spinale 567. Patric Steele San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94103-4215 94114-3822 CA 94122-4006 569. Carl Stein 570. Jaime Stella 571. John Steponaitis San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94103-5726 94116-1611 CA 94109-9000 573. Suzanne Stone 574. Eihway Su 575. Kent Tayenaka San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94121-3202 94117-4251 CA 94103-4348 577. Michael 578. Gary Tourville 579. Erika Tunick Tomczyszyn San Francisco, CA San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94118-1631 CA 94114 94132-3140 581. Anne Veraldi 582. Siamak Vossoughi 583. Victor Vuyas San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94110-1688 94115-2138 CA 94109-2704 585. Emily Webb 586. Kay Weber 587. Mark San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Weinberger 94112-2705 94102-3902 San Francisco, CA 94121-1867 589. Eric Wells 590. David West 591. Charles Wilmoth San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94134-2106 94134-1110 CA 94124 593. Barbara Wirth 594. Kristine Wolcott 595. Anandi Worden San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94109-2417 94117 CA 94110-4843 597. Lorraine Yee 598. Alicia Zacharia 599. Srira Zadmehran San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94116-2029 94116-1924 CA 94117-3448 601. David Zebker 602. Ronnie Zuckerberg 603. Terry Zwigoff San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94102-1667 94131-2712 CA 94110-5332 605. Annelise 606. Jane Flurry 607. Michael Gertz Breunung San Francisco, CA San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94102-5807 CA 94117-1562 94110-5103 609. KI Hani 610. Kent Lennox 611. Fred Rinne San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, 94111 94134-2457 CA 94112-1917 613. Anastasia 614. Mendy Marks 615. Tab Buckner Yovanopoulos San Francisco, CA San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94122-2216 CA 94117-2104 94114-3942 617. Andrew Abate 618. Marrisha Abbot 619. Joanna Abbott Ventura, CA Boulder Creek, CA Healdsburg, CA 93001 95006-9564 95448-3506 621. Nasira Abdul- 622. Hadiyah Abdul- 623. Katherine aleem mu'min Abellorentzen Berkeley, CA Berkeley, CA 94702- Sacramento, CA 94705-1003 2350 95816-4653 625. Michael Abraham 626. Jesse Abrams 627. Michael Kensington, CA Irvine, CA 92614-7082 Academia 94708-1044 Belmont, CA 94002-0931 629. Michael 630. John Ackerman, M.d. 631. Alberto Acosta Ackerman Santa Barbara, CA Burbank, CA San Diego, CA 93130-0642 91505-3939 92110-3843 633. Bella Adair 634. Winn Adams 635. Angel Adams Visalia, CA Bellingham, WA Beverly Hills, CA 93277-6673 98229-2379 90211-3476 637. Samandi Adams 638. Linda Adams 639. David Adams Fresno, CA Goleta, CA 93117- Penn Valley, CA 93727-3441 6272 95946-9503 641. Debbie Adatto 642. Caroline Addington 643. Nina Adel Rancho Hall San Diego, CA Cucamonga, CA Los Osos, CA 93412- 92131-2683 91701-8555 6359 645. Nancy Adinolfe 646. Lynn Adler 647. Trevor Adrian Sacramento, CA Berkeley, CA 94708- Santa Cruz, CA 95827-1025 1615 95060-5330 649. Victor Afanasiev 650. Shalizeh Aftabi 651. Gary Agliata La Grange, CA Irvine, CA 92603-4790 San Marcos, CA 95329-9797 92078-1043 653. Kate Ague 654. Vanessa Aguiar 655. Martin Aguilar Menlo Park, CA Ponta Delgada, CA Rancho Murieta, 94025-3738 95451 CA 95683-9363 657. Natalie 658. Catherine Ahaus 659. Richard Ahl Aharonian San Jose, CA 95125- Ukiah, CA North Hollywood, 5338 95482-3416 CA 91605-3944 661. Kathleen Aiello 662. Edwin Aiken 663. Wayne Akagi Santa Rosa, CA Sunnyvale, CA 94087- San Leandro, CA 95401-6138 2445 94577-1929 665. Katherine Aker 666. Kari Akers 667. Donna Aladeen Tujunga, CA Sacramento, CA San Mateo, CA 91042 95864-0876 94402-2907 669. Melissa Alarcon 670. Karen Alarcon 671. Cheryl Albert Fresno, CA Long Beach, CA Freedom, CA 93728-2216 90806-4205 95019-2708 673. Susan Alcott 674. Rory Alden 675. Gary Alderette Jardine Berkeley, CA 94704- Santa Rosa, CA Sherman Oaks, 3152 95401-5748 CA 91413-1839 677. Jim Aldrich 678. Sue Aldridge 679. Jim Alexander Tallahassee, FL San Anselmo, CA Berkeley, CA 32317-8492 94960-2641 94703-1358 681. Claude Alexander 682. Ann Alexander 683. Rhetta Pasadena, CA Santa Rosa, CA Alexander 91107-2946 95409-5825 Van Nuys, CA 91405-3557 685. Elaine Alfaro 686. Alice Alford 687. Steve Alford Felton, CA 95018- Blythe, CA 92226- Long Beach, CA 9637 2323 90802-5097 689. Gail Alford 690. Julie Alian 691. Margaret Alic Santa Rosa, CA Riverside, CA 92513- Eastsound, WA 95403-8057 7362 98245-9474 693. Janice Allan 694. Elena Allard 695. Greg Allen Felton, CA 95018- Apple Valley, CA Concord, CA 9138 92307-5572 94521-1903 697. Dennis Allen 698. Michael Allen 699. Dennis Allen Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA Santa Barbara, CA 93105-2138 93105-3036 CA 93103-3201 701. Donna Alleyne- 702. Phyllis Allinson 703. Emmanuel Alliot chin Escondido, CA 92046- Pittsburg, CA Montara, CA 2098 94565-6816 94037-0812 705. Michelle Allison 706. Charles Almack 707. Steven Almighty Twain Harte, CA Calexico, CA 92231- Topanga, CA 95383-9652 2704 90290-3953 709. Diego Almora 710. Jeanette Alosi 711. Karrin Alstad Van Nuys, CA Chico, CA 95928-4703 San Jose, CA 91401-4206 95109-3237 713. Alison Alt 714. Andrew Altamirano 715. Judith Alter Citrus Heights, Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA CA 95621-1820 90026-3382 90045-3034 717. Liliana Alvarado 718. Marizela Alvarez 719. Rene Alvarez Rancho La Canada Flintridge, Tecate, CA Cucamonga, CA CA 91011-1439 91980-0314 91729-1022 721. Roxanne Alzaga 722. Gabriel Amaro 723. Lou-anne Covina, CA Lake Forest, CA Amberg 91722-1561 92630-4741 Corvallis, OR 97333-2444 725. Annette Amey 726. Krista Amigone 727. Vic Amoroso Berkeley, CA Los Angeles, CA Bolinas, CA 94708-1634 90036-3611 94924 729. Rose An 730. Sula Anagnostou 731. Dale Anania Arcadia, CA Atherton, CA 94027- Berkeley, CA 91006-7317 6434 94702-1617 733. Jeremy Ancketill 734. Michael C. Ford And 735. Kristine Glendale, CA Dr. Richard B. Marks Andarmani 91210 Watsonville, CA Saratoga, CA 95076-2018 95070-3329 737. Evette Andersen 738. Peggy Andersen 739. Janis Andersen Grass Valley, CA Livermore, CA 94551- San Diego, CA 95945-4813 4131 92110-5839 741. David Anderson 742. Elizabeth Anderson 743. Pamela Berkeley, CA Campbell, CA 95011 Anderson 94705-1218 Campbell, CA 95008-3002 745. Patricia Anderson 746. Amy Anderson 747. Judith Anderson Grass Valley, CA Hesperia, CA 92345- Long Beach, CA 95949-9259 2067 90807-4209 749. Betty Anderson 750. Stephen Anderson 751. Karina Anderson Mira Loma, CA Mira Loma, CA New 91752-1620 91752-1620 Westminster, CA 90372 753. Robert Anderson 754. Aaron Anderson 755. Wayne Roseville, CA Sacramento, CA Anderson 95747-5814 95818-1877 Sacramento, CA 95818-3509 757. Nicole Anderson 758. Frank B. Anderson 759. Lex Anderson San Diego, CA San Pedro, CA 90731- San Rafael, CA 92120-1335 1840 94903-2946 761. Kirk Anderson 762. Eleanor Anderson- 763. Joan Andersson Thousand Oaks, miles Topanga, CA CA 91360-3219 Richmond, CA 94804- 90290-4277 4931 765. Stacey Andre 766. Paula Andreozzi 767. Jeffrey Andrews Benicia, CA La Quinta, CA 92253- Carlsbad, CA 94510-1448 3714 92011-5430 769. Philip Angert 770. Sanya Angier 771. Joanne Angvick Butler, PA 16002- Vista, CA 92081-7939 Pleasanton, CA 7541 94588-4173 773. Tina Ann 774. Lisa Annecone 775. Raul Anorve Bolinas, CA Santa Rosa, CA Los Angeles, CA 94924-0265 95407-5499 90032-1315 777. Ronald Antti 778. Daniela Apostol 779. Mary Appel Yountville, CA Boulder Creek, CA Sacramento, CA 94599-1318 95006-9204 95811-4194 781. Tim Applegate 782. Rey Aquino 783. Marybeth Arago San Bruno, CA Wilmington, CA Fort Bragg, CA 94066-1720 90744-1530 95437-8245 785. Sandra Arapoudis 786. Patricia Archuleta 787. Billy Arcila Rhodos, AL Reno, NV 89509-5916 Pasadena, CA 85133 91106-1902 789. Nicole Arduini 790. C. Roy Argall 791. Margaret Argyle Rancho Santa Palm Desert, CA Santa Cruz, CA Margarita, CA 92260-4962 95060-2156 92688-2905 793. Andree Armand 794. Behnoosh Armani 795. Elisabeth Venice, CA Brea, CA 92821-6458 Armendarez 90291-4931 Santa Ana, CA 92703-2150 797. Victoria Armigo 798. Cree Armstrong 799. Matt Armstrong Sunnyvale, CA Boulder Creek, CA Fresno, CA 94086-8255 95006-9240 93705-0532 801. Charles Arnold 802. David Arnold 803. Carlos Arnold Manchester, NH Redding, CA 96003- Santa Maria, CA 03105-1672 9319 93455-2329 805. Robert Aronson 806. Vance Arquilla 807. Jose Arteaga Venice, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA 90292-5708 90066-5747 90023 809. Maria E Arzayus 810. Susan Asencio 811. James Ashcraft Alameda, CA Laguna Niguel, CA Sacramento, CA 94501-3728 92677-3524 95825-0235 813. Sandra Ashley 814. Cathy Ashley 815. David Ashley San Diego, CA Santa Monica, CA Waterford, MI 92175-1401 90404-4744 48329-1669 817. Diana Ashurst 818. ED Atkins 819. Nate Atkins Corning, CA Boulder Creek, CA Los Angeles, CA 96021-2331 95006 90066-2100 821. Judy Atterholt 822. Janice Atwell 823. Tupefaavae Mountain View, Burbank, CA 91506- Auelua CA 94041-2147 1913 Victorville, CA 92392-8004 825. Suleiyee Aung 826. Margaret Austin 827. Lynda Austin Bayside, NY Nevada City, CA Sacramento, CA 11364 95959-1925 95821-2806 829. Sandra Avery 830. Lucia Avila 831. Nathan Avilla Santa Maria, CA Santa Ana, CA 92703- Santa Cruz, CA 93455-4128 4509 95060-2750 833. Kelly Ayers 834. David Aylward 835. Mabel Ayotte Ontario, CA Redwood City, CA Santa Ana, CA 91761-0326 94061-2773 92704-5034 837. Helen Babcock 838. Gail Babich 839. Therese Ventura, CA Whitethorn, CA Babineau 93001-3454 95589-8912 El Sobrante, CA 94803-2315 841. Christa Babst 842. Christina Babst 843. Marisa Baca W Hollywood, CA W Hollywood, CA Fremont, CA 90069-5525 90069-5525 94536-4464 845. Lee Backus 846. Martin Baclija 847. Lois Bacon Simi Valley, CA Indio, CA 92203-3855 Freedom, CA 93063-2003 95019-0007 849. Carol Bader 850. Rosa Baeza 851. David Baeza Nevada City, CA Reseda, CA 91335- Solvang, CA 95959-3033 3627 93463-2222 853. Bahmanyar 854. Dawn Baier 855. Carol Baier Van Nuys, CA Oakhurst, CA 93644- San Diego, CA 91406-5407 8650 92103-4603 857. Chuck Bailey 858. Larry Bailey 859. Norene Bailey Daly City, CA Redding, CA 96099- Santa Cruz, CA 94015-1042 2480 95062-1666 861. Sharon Baiocchi 862. Arlene Baiza 863. Mikal Baker Santa Rosa, CA Crestline, CA 92325 Arcata, CA 95405-7836 95521-5939 865. Arlene Baker 866. Vickey Baker 867. James Baker Berkeley, CA Harlan, IA 51537- Los Gatos, CA 94704-2848 1571 95030-6317 869. Beth Baker 870. Claudia Baker 871. Jean Baker- Tujunga, CA Ventura, CA 93003- stapleton 91042-3102 3340 Chico, CA 95973- 7253 873. Josephine 874. Lauren Baldwin 875. Dorelle Ball Baldwin Vista, CA 92081-7359 Bodega Bay, CA La Mesa, CA 94923-0838 91941-7212 877. Ali Ballou 878. Ranko Balog 879. Adriana Baltazar San Jose, CA Irvine, CA 92603-3828 Los Angeles, CA 95161-1976 90031-2460 881. Ray Bambha 882. Annette Banchero 883. Tina Banda Livermore, CA Manteca, CA 95336- Berkeley, CA 94550-4663 1155 94702-2231 885. Marybeth 886. Betty Banham 887. Michele Banks Bangert Willits, CA 95490- Castro Valley, CA Santa Ana, CA 8037 94546-6300 92705-2533 889. Ruth Baram 890. Patsy Barba 891. Michelle Davis, CA 95616- Los Angeles, CA Barbour 2855 90026-5374 Agoura Hills, CA 91301-2450 893. Shadmaan 894. Marian Barden-whyte 895. Barbara Barday Solvang, CA 93463- Bardwell San Diego, CA 9517 Chino, CA 92126-2875 91710-6981 897. Steve Baringer 898. Carla-jean Barker 899. Mary Barker Orange, CA Berkeley, CA 94710- Lancaster, CA 92869-1241 2718 93535-1018 901. Carol Barnes 902. Michael Barnes 903. Sharon Barnes Arcata, CA Carlsbad, CA 92011- Encino, CA 95521-9615 3966 91436-2547 905. Audrey Barnes 906. Moriah Barnes 907. Kate Barnes San Diego, CA San Pablo, CA 94806- Solana Beach, 91911 4115 CA 92075-1902 909. Cora Baron 910. D. R. Baron 911. Cherie Baroni Forest Knolls, CA Sherman Oaks, CA Santa Barbara, 94933-0577 91403-5002 CA 93109-1385 913. Rose Barragan 914. Marguerite Barragan 915. James Barrett Sonoma, CA Watsonville, CA Rio Vista, CA 95476-4428 95076-2801 94571-2280 917. Lorraine Barrie 918. Tim Barrington 919. Tiobe Barron Kihei, HI 96753- San Jose, CA 95126- Oak View, CA 7309 3273 93022-0469 921. Charlotte Barry 922. Susanne Barrymore 923. Dick Barshow Long Beach, CA Santa Barbara, CA San Jose, CA 90806-1276 93105 95128-1440 925. Dan Barth 926. Chris Bartle 927. Mark Bartleman Highland, CA Greenbrae, CA 94904- Laguna Beach, 92346-5756 2258 CA 92651-3816 929. Janice Bartlett 930. Gaylene Bartlett 931. Gerald Bascle San Diego, CA Vallejo, CA 94590- Houma, LA 92122-2844 8127 70364-2757 933. Jason Baskett 934. Antonia Baskin 935. Dawn Baskin Orinda, CA Petaluma, CA 94954- Sebastopol, CA 94563-3312 4809 95472 937. Sandy Bass 938. Christine Bassett 939. Leslie Bastiaans Sunnyvale, CA Sebastopol, CA Riverside, CA 94087-0374 95472-5905 92501-2055 941. Laura Bathrick 942. Jason Batten 943. Beatrice Battier Santa Cruz, CA Los Angeles, CA Oak View, CA 95060-2609 90027-1571 93022-9528 945. Alwen Bauer 946. Jo Ann Baughman 947. Miriam Baum Palos Verdes Philomath, OR 97370- Alta Loma, CA Estates, CA 9116 91701-3111 90274-2006 949. Donald 950. Katie Baumoel 951. Vincent Bausano Baumgartner Pacific Palisades, CA Richmond, CA Missoula, MT 90272-3224 94806-5899 59801-7671 953. Alexis Baxley 954. Linda Baxter 955. Joan Bazar Oxnard, CA Yreka, CA 96097-9602 Santa Clara, CA 93035-2326 95051-6213 957. Judy Beachler 958. Charlotte Bear 959. Evan Beattie Davis, CA 95618- San Jose, CA 95124- Los Angeles, CA 5076 5423 90029-1133 961. Carol Bechtold 962. Mary Beck 963. Kristen Beck Palo Alto, CA Elm Grove, WI 53122- Monterey, CA 94306-3239 2213 93940-3648 965. Colleen Beck 966. Rhoda Becker 967. Carol Becker Walnut Creek, CA Greenbrae, CA 94904- Sherman Oaks, 94596-6008 2407 CA 91423-4017 969. Jonathan Beckett 970. Mark Beckwith 971. Lisanne Becotte Los Angeles, CA Berkeley, CA 94703- Arroyo Grande, 90016-3553 2107 CA 93420-4156 973. Jan Beeman 974. Julie Beer 975. Dennis Beets Guerneville, CA Palo Alto, CA 94306- Sugarloaf, CA 95446-9509 1518 92386-1303 977. Deborah Beilin 978. Ann Bein 979. Martha Depoe Bay, OR Los Angeles, CA Elizabeth Bekken 97341-0536 90064-2026 San Diego, CA 92101-2616 981. Greg Bell 982. Christine Bellettini 983. Victoria Bellum Atascadero, CA San Diego, CA 92104 Sunnyvale, CA 93422-4154 94086-7441 985. Denise Belsey 986. Annie Belt 987. Sally Benardo Santa Clarita, CA San Jose, CA 95126- Huntington 91350-3619 4822 Beach, CA 92649-3619 989. J Lhesli Benedict 990. Michelle Benes 991. Janet Benevento Nevada City, CA Sylmar, CA 91342- San Jose, CA 95959-9541 7401 95118-3916 993. Lisa Bening 994. Elaine Benjamin 995. Corey Benjamin Chino Hills, CA Alpine, CA 91901- Los Angeles, CA 91709-2377 2240 90006-2866 997. Barbara 998. Charles Benson 999. Bruce Benson Bennigson San Clemente, CA Thousand Oaks, Palo Alto, CA 92672-4353 CA 91320-4745 94301-4132 1001. Annette Benton 1002. Karin Benz 1003. Kathleen Benz Antioch, CA Giengen 89537 Torrance, CA 94509-7003 90504-5714 1005. Myra Berario 1006. Dahlia Berencia 1007. Carol Berendsen Castaic, CA Santa Monica, CA Diablo, CA 91384-4323 90403-1429 94528-0927 1009. Bonnie Berg 1010. Karen Berger 1011. Dan Berger Van Nuys, CA Montrose, CA 91020- Petaluma, CA 91406-4143 1284 94952-2547 1013. Barbra Bergstrom 1014. Marita Beringer 1015. Cynthia Berk Greenbrae, CA Novato, CA 94947- Alameda, CA 94904-1840 4315 94502 1017. Leah Berman 1018. Nancy Berman 1019. Morry Berman Aptos, CA 95003- Kensington, CA Los Angeles, CA 3305 94707-1412 90068-2883 1021. Adam Bernstein 1022. Jackie Berreth 1023. David Berry Los Angeles, CA Lake Forest, CA Los Angeles, CA 90012-2581 92630-1427 90024-5756 1025. Barbara Bersell 1026. John Bertaina 1027. Linda Bertoch Los Angeles, CA San Jose, CA 95139- Anderson 90064-3128 1501 West Valley City, UT 84120-5390 1029. Ann Beslauer 1030. Elizabeth 1031. Mark Betti Coronado, CA Bettenhausen Sherman Oaks, 92118-1916 Cambria, CA 93428- CA 91423-4530 2716 1033. Ann Betz 1034. Samantha Beumaher 1035. Shannon Bewley Pomona, CA Lakeside, CA 92040- Antioch, CA 91767-4006 5000 94509-3734 1037. Janice Beyer 1038. Kathryn Beyers 1039. Francois Stockton, CA San Rafael, CA 94901 Bezuidenhout 95203-1629 Beverley Hills, CA 90210 1041. Dina Bianco 1042. Louise Bianco 1043. Lee Bible Seal Beach, CA Tarzana, CA 91356- Abbottstown, PA 90740-6158 1012 17301-9065 1045. Nicole Bickel 1046. Jane Biggins 1047. Jane Biggins, Esq Pittsburg, CA Ukiah, CA 95482-1387 Ukiah, CA 94565-7317 95482-1387 1049. Chris Bihler 1050. Vincent Bilbro 1051. Kathy Bilicke Phoenix, AZ Highland Park, CA Los Angeles, CA 85032-5271 90042-2702 90069-1344 1053. Charles Binckley 1054. Vicki Bingo 1055. Christian Biondi Richmond, CA Los Angeles, CA Salinas, CA 94801-3928 90036-4861 93907-1308 1057. John Bird 1058. Joya Birns 1059. Kevin Foster City, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95060- Bissonnette 94404-1454 5930 San Clemente, CA 92672-2207 1061. Gillian Black 1062. Jessica Black 1063. Chanelle Black Arcata, CA 95521 , CO 80219- Huntington 5832 Beach, CA 92648-5948 1065. Tara Blackburn 1066. Pat Blackwell- 1067. Tim Blair Tomales, CA marchant Beverly Hills, CA 94971-0422 Castro Valley, CA 90210 94552-1708 1069. Roger Blair 1070. Jenny Blair 1071. Jill Blaisdell Fremont, CA Palm Desert, CA La Canada, CA 94555-1238 92211-8246 91011-1621 1073. James Blanchard 1074. Carol Blaney 1075. Gail Blank Green Valley, CA Redlands, CA 92373- Fresno, CA 91390-1006 0521 93722-6153 1077. Michael 1078. Richard Bledsoe 1079. Roland Bleu Blechman Encinitas, CA 92024- La Mesa, CA Berkeley, CA 2128 91941-6109 94703-2514 1081. William Blischke 1082. Danny Blitz 1083. Geeorge Blitz Torrance, CA Cupertino, CA Redding, CA 90505-2865 950142144 96003-5510 1085. Harold Blumberg 1086. Shera Blume 1087. Audrey Encinitas, CA Penn Valley, CA Blumeneau 92023-2220 95946-9168 Santa Cruz, CA 95062-1256 1089. Jeni Blumenthal 1090. Emilia Boccagna 1091. Sondra Boes Los Angeles, CA Catanzaro 88100 Campbell, CA 90049-2325 95008-5123 1093. Leslie Bogart 1094. Ronald Bogin 1095. Constantine Santa Monica, CA El Cerrito, CA 94530- Bogios 90405-2720 1424 Walnut Creek, CA 94597-7822 1097. Stephen Bohac 1098. Kate Bohn 1099. Diana Bohn Twain Harte, CA Anoka, MN 55303 Berkeley, CA 95383-1730 94707-1726 1101. Brian Boies 1102. Maeryn Boirionnach 1103. Richard Bold Alameda, CA Woodland, CA 95695- Vista, CA 92084- 94501-1114 6648 2613 1105. Elaine Boles 1106. Diane Bolman 1107. Mira Bolsakov Santa Cruz, CA Novato, CA 94949- Mission Viejo, 95062-2070 5598 CA 92691-1914 1109. Maria Bon 1110. Yadira Bonilla 1111. Fraser Bonnell Simi Valley, CA Los Angeles, CA Kensington, CA 93063-3566 90063-2827 94708-1106 1113. Andrea Bonnett 1114. Linda Boone 1115. William Altadena, CA Palm Desert, CA Boosman 91001-5074 92260-5754 Pacific Grove, CA 93950-2619 1117. Jacalyn Booth 1118. Greg Booth 1119. Joan Borame Ojai, CA 93023- Richmond, CA 94805 El Cerrito, CA 2309 94530-4118 1121. Marta Borbon 1122. Mary A Borchers 1123. Margie Borchers Whittier, CA Romney, WV 26757- Santa Barbara, 90601-2313 7027 CA 93101-1138 1125. Michael 1126. Les Borean 1127. Patricia Borg Bordenave Torrance, CA 90505- Santa Clara, CA Fresno, CA 2725 95050-3709 93728-2941 1129. Marion Bost 1130. Marty Bostic 1131. Vic Bostock Yuba City, CA Los Angeles, CA Altadena, CA 95993-9310 90025-3978 91001-1819 1133. Simone Boudriot 1134. Bob Boughton 1135. Bernard Bouis Tujunga, CA Sacramento, CA San Rafael, CA 91042-2601 95831-4471 94901-4347 1137. Phyllis Bourne 1138. Cynthia Bournellis 1139. Doug W. San Diego, CA San Jose, CA 95124- Bourquin 92129 2540 Richmond, CA 94804-4889 1141. Cyril Bouteille 1142. Henni Bouwmeester 1143. Carol Bowker Mountain View, Los Angeles, CA Highlands CA 94040-2619 90026-4379 Ranch, CO 80129-6274 1145. Candy Bowman 1146. Marybeth Bowman 1147. Mame Boyd Sacramento, CA San Jose, CA 95126- Rancho Mirage, 95823-1931 3718 CA 92270-0026 1149. David Boyer 1150. Henry Boyle 1151. Roxanne Boyle Palo Alto, CA Berkeley, CA 94702- Redwood Valley, 94304-2418 2030 CA 95470-9598 1153. Renee Bradford 1154. Mark Bradley 1155. Jennifer Bradley Studio City, CA Concord, CA 94520- Santa Monica, 91604-3069 1629 CA 90404-4636 1157. Jacqui Bradshaw 1158. Gail Brady 1159. Larry Bragman Tehachapi, CA Camarillo, CA 93012- Fairfax, CA 93581-1896 6920 94930-2114 1161. Jackson Brand 1162. Cathy Brandolisio 1163. Karen Brandon Costa Mesa, CA Sherman Oaks, CA Blythe, CA 92626 91423-1862 92225-4110 1165. Kelly Brannigan 1166. Amber Brannon 1167. Larry Branson Oceanside, CA Anaheim, CA 92805- Pomona, CA 92058-1115 2143 91767-4739 1169. Denise Brassard 1170. Ethel Braverman 1171. Olympia Bravo Altadena, CA , MD 21208- Rialto, CA 91001-4403 3228 92377-4230 1173. Brenda Brazil 1174. Kim Brazill 1175. Luke Breit Cloverdale, CA Clayton, CA 94517- Sacramento, CA 95425-3168 9704 95818-4312 1177. John Brennan 1178. Irv Brenner 1179. Linda Bresnan Lebanon, NH Palo Alto, CA 94301- Portola Valley, 03766-2642 1307 CA 94028-8020 1181. Georgia Brewer 1182. Vesna Breznikar 1183. Elena Bridgman Sherman Oaks, Healdsburg, CA El Cerrito, CA CA 91401-5228 95448-4662 94530-2005 1185. Katia Briere 1186. Kathy Brigger 1187. William C Briggs Bervely Hills, CA Nuevo, CA 92567- Hermosa Beach, 90210 8920 CA 90254 1189. Therese Brittain 1190. James Britton 1191. Lauren Britton Fallbrook, CA Montara, CA 94037- Montara, CA 92028-3538 0437 94037-0437 1193. Joanne Britton 1194. Myrna Britton 1195. Julia Broad San Diego, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95064- Anaheim, CA 92115-4201 1065 92804-3435 1197. Nancy Brodersen 1198. Nora Brooke 1199. Brittany Brooke Glendale, CA Carmel, CA 93921 Monterey, CA 91201-2801 93940-2539 1201. Kendra Brooks 1202. Monta Brooks 1203. Howard Brotine Seal Beach, CA Shingle Springs, CA Santa Barbara, 90740-6514 95682-9772 CA 93108-1526 1205. Brittany Brown 1206. Bill Brown 1207. Janelle Brown Canyon Country, Clovis, CA 93613- Hermosa Beach, CA 91351-5595 3245 CA 90254-1119 1209. Candace Brown 1210. Kara Brown 1211. Dina Brown Malibu, CA Martinez, CA 94553- North 90265-5070 5441 Hollywood, CA 91601 1213. Walt Brown 1214. Chanel Brown 1215. Emma Brown Roseville, CA Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA 95661 95821-3941 95817-0546 1217. Rebecca Brown 1218. Ron Brown 1219. Holly Brown San Jose, CA Santa Clarita, CA Sherman Oaks, 95124-5211 91350-2365 CA 91403 1221. Edie Bruce 1222. Linda Bruce 1223. Leonard El Cerrito, CA Yuba City, CA 95993- Bruckman 94530-2512 5608 Granite Bay, CA 95746-6113 1225. Barbara Brunell 1226. Marilyn Brunger 1227. Mary Brunkhorst Martinez, CA Claremont, CA 91711- Sunnyvale, CA 94553-5441 4236 94087-3535 1229. Betty Buchanan 1230. Theresa Bucher 1231. Alan Buck Bakersfield, CA Tarzana, CA 91356- Redondo Beach, 93308-7883 3220 CA 90277-2231 1233. Kimberley 1234. Nicole Buckley 1235. Katherine Buckley Los Angeles, CA Buckley-smith Anaheim, CA 90048-2214 Richmond, CA 92804-2261 94804-1537 1237. Mary Budrunas 1238. Antonio Buensuceso 1239. Claudia Bugarin Orange, CA Poway, CA 92064- Bakersfield, CA 92869-2863 4113 93313-9322 1241. Nancy Bukowski 1242. Barbara Bullock- 1243. Eugene Bunch Carmichael, CA wilson Alameda, CA 95608-5655 Carmel, CA 93923- 94501-4340 7951 1245. Robert Burch 1246. Clinton Burdette 1247. Cassidy Burdick Nevada City, CA Los Angeles, CA Roseville, CA 95959-2672 90066-5720 95747-8915 1249. Holly Burgin 1250. Robert Burk 1251. Marie Burkart Van Nuys, CA Los Angeles, CA Hayward, CA 91405-1435 90024-2544 94544-4978 1253. Theresa Burke 1254. Carla Burke 1255. Lyn Burke Clovis, CA 93613- Downers Grove, IL Laguna Niguel, 0721 60516-2291 CA 92677-2951 1257. Jens Burkhart 1258. Paul Burks 1259. Ruth Burman Santee, CA San Rafael, CA 94903- San Carlos, CA 92071-2668 2428 94070-3558 1261. Nora Burnham 1262. Nora Burns 1263. Kathryn Burns Butte Valley, CA Berkeley, CA 94709- Buena Park, CA 95965-9185 1861 90620-3440 1265. Aspyn Burns 1266. Elinor Burnside 1267. Amina Burrell San Diego, CA Santa Rosa, CA East Palo Alto, 92119-3040 95404-2634 CA 94303-2332 1269. Stuart Burton 1270. Clyde Burton 1271. Betye Burton La Mesa, CA Los Gatos, CA 95031- Pasadena, CA 91941-7807 2168 91106-4503 1273. Louise Buss 1274. Barbara Butler 1275. Bob Butler Forestville, CA Bay Point, CA 94565- Hacienda 95436-9795 3421 Heights, CA 91745-5637 1277. Sandra Butler 1278. Clarence Butler 1279. Hieu Buu Los Angeles, CA Redlands, CA 92374- Stockton, CA 90045-2753 6312 95209-2102 1281. Nancy Byers 1282. Bette Byers 1283. Joe Caballero Berkeley, CA Santa Maria, CA Buena Park, CA 94703-2518 93455-4182 90620-3320 1285. Roger 1286. Dennis Calabi 1287. Jesse Calderon Cadwallader Sebastopol, CA Baldwin Park, CA Corning, CA 95472-4754 91706-4431 96021-3112 1289. Edward Caldwell 1290. Steven Calender 1291. Christine Sacramento, CA Carlsbad, CA 92008- Caliandro 95816-3832 4163 Santa Rosa, CA 95404-6825 1293. Dorothy Callison 1294. Carol Cameron 1295. Lynn Camhi Davis, CA 95616- Nevada City, CA Petaluma, CA 5905 95959-2725 94952-6446 1297. David Camp 1298. Norma Campbell 1299. Serena Campbell Burbank, CA Campbell, CA 95008- Mill Valley, CA 91501-2637 2424 94941-2659 1301. Tami Campbell 1302. Allan Campbell 1303. Dudley & Salinas, CA San Jose, CA 95132- Candace 93907-1806 1920 Campbell Valley Glen, CA 91401-1329 1305. Alicia Campos 1306. Debra Cancilla 1307. Elizabeth Long Beach, CA San Jose, CA 95112- Candlish 90807-4225 1517 Dillon Beach, CA 94929-0202 1309. Alexander 1310. Angela T Cannavo 1311. Jean Cannon Cannara Sunnyvale, CA 94089- Palo Cedro, CA Menlo Park, CA 5511 96073-0426 94025-6015 1313. John Cant 1314. James Canter 1315. Ina Cantrell Fremont, CA Redding, CA 96003- La Mesa, CA 94536-1810 8656 91942-4237 1317. Sandra Capecci 1318. Raymond Capezzuto 1319. Michael Capone Santa Rosa, CA Encinitas, CA 92024- Pleasanton, CA 95409-6407 2949 94588-2677 1321. Gladys Caraballo 1322. Junko Card 1323. Sylvia Cardella San Diego, CA Exeter, CA 93221- Hydesville, CA 92111-4213 1538 95547-9416 1325. Maria Cardenas 1326. Suzanne Carder 1327. Neil Cardew- Azusa, CA 91702- San Mateo, CA fanning 3666 94402-2420 Dutch Flat, CA 95714-0291 1329. Rebecca Carey 1330. Jered Cargman 1331. Aileen Carissimi Santa Maria, CA Banning, CA 92220- Campbell, CA 93454-1567 9667 95008-3453 1333. Julie Carlevaro 1334. Thomas Carlino 1335. Jan Carlson Richmond, CA San Jose, CA 95117- Alameda, CA 94805-1806 4202 94501-2830 1337. Karen Carlson 1338. Nancy Carlson 1339. Victor La Jolla, CA Santa Monica, CA Carmichael 92037-3827 90405-2344 Pacifica, CA 94044-1052 1341. Catherine Carnes 1342. Ivett Carnes 1343. Diane Carney Barstow, CA Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA 92311-5654 95822-3370 95864-1733 1345. Patrick Carr 1346. Cathy Carr 1347. Donna Carr, Arcata, CA Sonoma, CA 95476- M.d. 95521-6862 4224 Encinitas, CA 92024-2240 1349. Jacqueline Carroll 1350. Leslie Carroll 1351. Linda Carroll Crowley Lake, CA Fairfax, CA 94930- San Jose, CA 93546-9733 1710 95129-4005 1353. Deborah Carter 1354. Karen Carter 1355. Stephanie Huntington Vallejo, CA 94589- Carton Beach, CA 92649- 3342 Orinda, CA 1918 94563-1718 1357. Garth Casaday 1358. Sharon Caserma 1359. Veronica Casey El Sobrante, CA San Pedro, CA 90732- Navarro, CA 94803-2124 3303 95463 1361. Shelly Cash 1362. Kathy Casiello 1363. Olivia Casino Boise, ID 83704- Lisle, IL 60532-1046 Danville, CA 4172 94526-4311 1365. Mike Cass 1366. Brian Cassidy 1367. Robert Cassinelli Novato, CA Capitola, CA 95010- Sacramento, CA 94947-4766 3601 95821-3817 1369. Leigh Castellon 1370. Elizabeth Castillo 1371. William Castle Richmond, CA Glendora, CA 91740- Loomis, CA 94804-5606 5333 95650-8827 1373. Yvette Castro 1374. Britnee Catlett 1375. Edward Cavasian Panorama City, Simi Valley, CA Palo Alto, CA CA 91402-3823 93065-5311 94303-3409 1377. Alex Cazares 1378. William Cazares 1379. Elaine Cefola Valley Center, CA Whittier, CA 90601- Oceanside, CA 92082-3475 3538 92056-2325 1381. Tristan Celayeta 1382. Lear Center 1383. Jayne Cerny Mill Valley, CA Alameda, CA 94501- Inverness, CA 94941-2745 1515 94937-0241 1385. Isabel Cervera 1386. George Chadderton 1387. Carina Chadwick Faith, NC 28041 San Ramon, CA Pasadena, CA 94583-1265 91107-3255 1389. Greg Chakalian 1390. Elizabeth Chalfant 1391. Richard Montebello, CA Davis, CA 95618-6576 Chamberlain 90640-3505 Concord, CA 94518-3251 1393. Lesa Chan 1394. Li Lan Chan 1395. Jean Chandler Granite Bay, CA Westminster, CA Fresno, CA 95746-9635 92683-6345 93722-3731 1397. Bruce Chapman 1398. Elizabeth Char 1399. Catherine Napa, CA 94559- Berkeley, CA 94702- Charest 3946 1718 Downey, CA 90240-2228 1401. Stacie Charlebois 1402. Charles 1403. Daniel Chartier Sebastopol, CA Charleswinter@icloud Joshua Tree, CA 95472-2928 Berkeley, CA 94704- 92252-4179 3325 1405. Cheryl Chase 1406. Lynette Chasen 1407. Amanda Chavez Stockton, CA Carlsbad, CA 92011- Penngrove, CA 95210-2526 4021 94951-0162 1409. Henry Chazankin 1410. Linda Cheatham 1411. Aimee Lee And Santa Rosa, CA Carmel Valley, CA William Cheek 95403-7817 93924-9613 San Diego, CA 92115-5616 1413. Allan Chen 1414. Qian Chen 1415. Jamie Chen Alameda, CA Emeryville, CA 94608- Murrieta, CA 94502-6575 2421 92562-5961 1417. Jack Cheng 1418. Jamaica Chenoweth 1419. Justin Chernow Alhambra, CA Carmichael, CA Paso Robles, CA 91801-5613 95608-3554 93446-4834 1421. Susan H 1422. Alma Chew 1423. Animae Chi Chesterman Escondido, CA 92027- Ojai, CA 93023 Prunedale, CA 1271 93907-1385 1425. Laura Chiang 1426. Colleen Chiang 1427. Carmen Chiapa Chico, CA 95973- San Jose, CA 95116- Sacramento, CA 7729 3474 95834-1421 1429. Cindy Chic 1430. Deborah Childers 1431. Christie Childs Chino Hills, CA Modesto, CA 95350- Eureka, CA 91709 0625 95503-5339 1433. Deborah Lee Chill 1434. Patricia Ching 1435. Karen Chinn Yucaipa, CA Palm Springs, CA Cloverdale, CA 92399-5374 92264-9196 95425-5457 1437. Ezrimayr Chioma 1438. Judy Choi 1439. Ya-nan Chou Richmond, CA Los Angeles, CA Glendale, CA 94805-1121 90020-4645 91201-2830 1441. Eric Chow 1442. Ken & Andrea Chraft 1443. Melodie Miranda, CA Simi Valley, CA Chrislock 95553-0424 93063-1753 Carmel, CA 93923-8919 1445. Sandra 1446. Michael Christy 1447. Jonathan Chu Christopher Los Angeles, CA Fremont, CA Burbank, CA 90065-4152 94539-4440 91505-1856 1449. Robert Chunco 1450. Terry Church 1451. Julie Ciancio Sacramento, CA Petaluma, CA 94952- Redlands, CA 95818-1584 1647 92373-1226 1453. Christina Ciesla 1454. Miles Ciletti 1455. Chris Cilia Simi Valley, CA Los Angeles, CA Montara, CA 93063-0214 90013-1856 94037-0347 1457. Val Cisneros 1458. Shelly Clapp 1459. Fran Clarida La Mirada, CA Sacramento, CA Phoenix, AZ 90638-1417 95838-4924 85044-3335 1461. Lucy Clark 1462. Mark Clark 1463. Stephanie Clark Bakersfield, CA Carmichael, CA Concord, CA 93308-9124 95608-2179 94520-4050 1465. Warren Clark 1466. Malcolm Clark 1467. Susan Clark Mammoth Lakes, Occidental, CA 95465- Sherman Oaks, CA 93546 0043 CA 91423-2500 1469. Cathie Clark 1470. Darrell Clarke 1471. Willow Clay Thousand Oaks, Pasadena, CA 91101- Los Angeles, CA CA 91360-7031 2568 90028-6206 1473. Annmarie Clegg 1474. Leslie Clement 1475. James Clement Long Beach, CA Antioch, CA 94531- Covina, CA 90805-5219 8380 91724-1615 1477. David Cleveland 1478. George Cleveland 1479. Ruth Clifford Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, CA San Jose, CA CA 93106 95051-5626 95126-4135 1481. John Cloonan 1482. Devlon Clouser 1483. Blaine Cluff Ventura, CA Novato, CA 94949- Garden Grove, 93001-5066 6367 CA 92843-2602 1485. Michele Coakley 1486. Jose Cobos 1487. Eileen Cockcroft Rancho Cordova, Hayward, CA 94542- Rancho CA 95670-2517 2510 Cucamonga, CA 91701-5045 1489. Rosalba Cofer 1490. Richard Coffey 1491. Susan Coffi Galt, CA 95632- Oakley, CA 94561- Westwood, CA 2322 5228 96137-1223 1493. Mitch Cohen 1494. Bea Cohen 1495. Yoel Cohen Berkeley, CA Desert Hot Springs, Los Angeles, CA 94709-1024 CA 92241-8363 90066-1551 1497. Joanne Cohen 1498. Myrna Cohen 1499. Roslyn Cohn San Diego, CA San Jose, CA 95124- Van Nuys, CA 92117-1917 2831 91405-3562 1501. Gerald Coker 1502. Gina Colangelo 1503. Bradley Colden North Hollywood, San Mateo, CA Whittier, CA CA 91606-4332 94403-2923 90602-3112 1505. Tim Cole 1506. Brian Cole 1507. David Cole Jurupa Valley, CA N Hollywood, CA Pleasanton, CA 92509-0148 91603-6001 94566-8407 1509. Lee Cole 1510. Barbara Coleman 1511. Mary Coleman Visalia, CA Antioch, CA 94509- Fremont, CA 93292-1708 1913 94539-5829 1513. Mary Coleman 1514. Barbara Coleman 1515. Bill Coleson Orangevale, CA San Jose, CA 95126- Ojai, CA 93023- 95662-2947 2134 2827 1517. Willy Collen 1518. Meg Collier 1519. Sierra Collier Los Angeles, CA San Ramon, CA 94583 Wheatland, CA 90016-1649 3436 95692-9242 1521. Pam Collins 1522. Mikie Collins 1523. Jessica Colman Rocklin, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95062- Los Angeles, CA 95677-3543 3162 90069 1525. Britt Colton 1526. James Columbia 1527. Camilla San Diego, CA Bakersfield, CA Comanich 92176-1024 93306-4952 Berkeley, CA 94707-1926 1529. Lynda Comerate 1530. Michelle Commons 1531. Janine Comrack Magalia, CA Santa Barbara, CA Ojai, CA 93023- 95954-9507 93102-0003 1553 1533. Gabrielle 1534. Alan Condell 1535. Anthony Concepcion Fremont, CA 94538- Condelli Redding, CA 3345 Grover Beach, 96001-0344 CA 93433-3214 1537. Elayne Conley 1538. Leonard Conly 1539. Sharon Conn South Lake Berkeley, CA 94706- Sandy, OR Tahoe, CA 96150- 2353 97055-1885 6204 1541. Karen Connell 1542. Kristen Conner 1543. Cherie Connick Harbor City, CA San Pablo, CA 94806- Crescent City, CA 90710-1901 4058 95531-9677 1545. Arthur Connor 1546. Father William 1547. Thomas Conroy Idyllwild, CA Connor Manhattan 92549-3317 Long Beach, CA Beach, CA 90803-5173 90266-6108 1549. Esther 1550. Barbara Consbruck 1551. Cristian Conrriquez Sylmar, CA 91342- Contreras San Diego, CA 5150 Bell, CA 90201- 92113-1520 2603 1553. Roger Cook 1554. Cindy Ann Cook 1555. Sarah Cook Bakersfield, CA Ceres, CA 95307-6605 Livermore, CA 93312-6244 94551-4964 1557. Craig Cook 1558. Bruce Cook 1559. Gene Cook Santa Rosa, CA Sarasota, FL 34234- Vallejo, CA 95401-9174 4610 94591-7724 1561. James Cooper 1562. Sandra Cope 1563. Martha Cordero Newport Beach, Irvine, CA 92612-8621 Mission Hills, CA CA 92660-4019 91345-1218 1565. Lauren Corning 1566. Taylor Cornish 1567. Milian Correa Alameda, CA Alameda, CA 94501- Rio Vista, CA 94501-3256 7117 94571-9771 1569. Jennifer Corrigan 1570. Ronit Corry 1571. Edward Cortes Newbury Park, Santa Barbara, CA Lafayette, CA CA 91320-5214 93101-4617 94549-1724 1573. Lisa Cossettini 1574. Joseph R. Cota 1575. Theresa Cote Playa Del Rey, CA Pasadena, CA 91106- Colfax, CA 90293-8087 3761 95713-9628 1577. Huxley Coulter 1578. David Councilman 1579. Jeanne Courtney Big Bend, CA St Louis Park, MN Emeryville, CA 96011-0235 55426-1936 94608-1533 1581. Jennifer Courtney 1582. John Covey 1583. Hilary Cowart San Leandro, CA Hawthorne, CA Chatsworth, CA 94577-6112 90250-8547 91311-4726 1585. Pete Cox 1586. Kathy Cox 1587. Frank Cox Mission Hills, CA Moreno Valley, CA San Rafael, CA 91345-1407 92556 94903-1740 1589. Sharon Cozzette 1590. Shoshona Cq 1591. Shawna Crabill Castro Valley, CA Santa Rosa, CA Northridge, CA 94546-1521 95404-6165 91324-2101 1593. Donald Cragun 1594. John Crahan 1595. Emmeline Craig San Jose, CA Los Angeles, CA Bolinas, CA 95124-1201 90045-3731 94924 1597. John Craig 1598. Shirley Craine 1599. Donna Crane Santa Barbara, Sacramento, CA Anderson, CA CA 93110-1718 95818-3535 96007-3245 1601. Brenda Craven 1602. Christine Crawford 1603. Jeff Creech Los Angeles, CA Manhattan Beach, CA Burlington, NJ 90066-2247 90266-3619 08016-3197 1605. Kendra Crenshaw 1606. Cathy Cretser 1607. Erika Crider Walnut Creek, CA Vacaville, CA 95688- Penn Valley, CA 94596-3372 9639 95946-9675 1609. Marla Crites 1610. Cynthia Crittenton 1611. Robert Cronbach Chico, CA 95928- Newbury Park, CA Santa Rosa, CA 9103 91320-1016 95407-7452 1613. Dustin Crook 1614. Tom Crook 1615. Richard Crosland Fountain Valley, Fremont, CA 94538- Vista, CA 92081- CA 92708-1548 2382 7450 1617. Elizabeth Cross 1618. Richard Orrin Cross 1619. Jean Crossley Rancho Mirage, San Carlos, CA 94070- Winters, CA CA 92270-4918 4431 95694-1185 1621. Carolyn Crow 1622. Victor Crowe 1623. Mike Crowell Burlingame, CA Concord, CA 94518- Fallbrook, CA 94010-5973 2825 92028-9374 1625. Jessica Croxton 1626. Kurt Cruger 1627. Cathy Crum Venice, CA Long Beach, CA Agoura, CA 90291-2806 90803-5416 91301-3508 1629. Connie Crusha 1630. Elaine Cruz 1631. Marian Cruz El Cajon, CA Stockton, CA 95203- Walnut Creek, 92019-3579 1651 CA 94596-4393 1633. Lesley Culhane 1634. Matthew Culmore 1635. Janet Culp Camarillo, CA Windsor, CA 95492- Santa Cruz, CA 93010-1108 8301 95060-6420 1637. Jessica Cummings 1638. Thomas Cunniff 1639. Debra Coronado, CA Kensington, CA Cunnigham 92118-3351 94708-1120 Carlsbad, CA 92008-1914 1641. Alan Cunningham 1642. Caroline Cunningham 1643. Caia Cupito Carmel Valley, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95060- Redding, CA 93924-9532 9624 96003-8277 1645. Barbara Curran 1646. Steven Curtis 1647. Barbara Cushing Laguna Woods, Los Angeles, CA Santa Cruz, CA CA 92637-2763 90046-1438 95060-3433 1649. Tim Custis 1650. Elizabeth Cutter 1651. Pat Cuviello Sunnyvale, CA Auburn, CA 95603- Redwood City, 94086-1738 3508 CA 94064-2834 1653. Donna Daane 1654. Joseph Dadgari 1655. Eudora San Diego, CA Los Angeles, CA Dadpagouh 92126 90049-8205 Riverside, CA 92505-2914 1657. Douglas Daetz 1658. Simone Dail 1659. Namita Dalal Sunnyvale, CA Pflugerville, TX Los Angeles, CA 94087-5226 78660-8160 94022 1661. Mike Dalby 1662. Laurie Dalke 1663. Gayleen Dallman Sonora, CA Laguna Beach, CA Boulder Creek, 95370-8334 92651-1910 CA 95006-9708 1665. Alisa Damaso 1666. Maria Dambrosio 1667. Gina Damerell Berkeley, CA Bermuda Dunes, CA Berkeley, CA 94705-1108 92203-9514 94703-1625 1669. Rhea Damon 1670. David Damstrom 1671. Krista Dana Calabasas, CA Spencer, IA 51301- Sunnyvale, CA 91302-1966 2344 94087-2241 1673. Barbara Danese 1674. Matthew Danielczyk 1675. Lynda Daniels Placerville, CA Sacramento, CA Carlsbad, CA 95667-5601 95833-4219 92010-2895 1677. Eileen Daniels 1678. P. R. Daniels 1679. Thomas Santa Clarita, CA Spring Valley, CA Dannecker 91387-5004 91977-1123 Los Angeles, CA 90027-4402 1681. Jessica Dardarian 1682. Frieda Darling 1683. Kimble Los Angeles, CA Lake Elsinore, CA Darlington 90046-3279 92530-7051 Smith River, CA 95567 1685. Corry Dastur 1686. Judi Daunell 1687. Michael Daveiga Petaluma, CA Bakersfield, CA Concord, CA 94954-4350 93305-3429 94518-1309 1689. Robert L 1690. Jeanne Davenport 1691. Susan Davenport Davenport Long Beach, CA Simi Valley, CA Lakewood, CA 90808-2820 93063-7423 90712-2747 1693. Merrick Davidson 1694. Karen Davies 1695. Sue Davies Canoga Park, CA Fresno, CA 93704- Philo, CA 95466- 91304-6686 1813 0630 1697. Jill Davine 1698. Rachel Davis 1699. Ryan Davis Culver City, CA Alameda, CA 94501- Burbank, CA 90232-3207 1530 91502 1701. John And Susan 1702. Timothy Davis 1703. Jim Davis Davis Garden Grove, CA Glendale, CA Del Mar, CA 92845-2736 91205-2711 92014-3612 1705. Katherine Davis 1706. Tammy Davis 1707. Katherine Davis Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA San Clemente, 90029-8964 90014-2311 CA 92672-3315 1709. Pat Davis 1710. Melissa Davis 1711. Michelle Davis San Jose, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95060- Vacaville, CA 95125-2720 4515 95688-0100 1713. Siva Dawn 1714. James Dawson 1715. Brian Dawson Placerville, CA Davis, CA 95618-6741 Irvine, CA 95667-8224 92612-2621 1717. Jose De Anda 1718. Alejandro De Avila 1719. Kristen De San Bernardino, Menlo Park, CA Caccia CA 92404-3520 94025-2565 Vallejo, CA 94591-7828 1721. Horacio De La 1722. Ken De La Rosa 1723. Tony De La Rosa Cueva Anaheim, CA 92804- Marina Del Rey, Imperial Beach, 3877 CA 90292-7647 CA 91932-3301 1725. Frieda De 1726. Clemencia De Leon 1727. Sacha De Nijs Lackner Pasadena, CA 91104- Huntington Berkeley, CA 2962 Beach, CA 94705-2158 92647-6618 1729. Vincent De 1730. Victor De Vlaming 1731. Robb De Vournai Stefano Sacramento, CA Belmont, CA Pasadena, CA 95821-2936 94002-2611 91107-2727 1733. Tina Deal 1734. Daniel Dean 1735. Nancy Dean Ridgecrest, CA North Hollywood, CA Norwich, VT 93555-3346 91601-1773 05055-0318 1737. Donna Dearborn 1738. Glen Deardorff 1739. Deb Dearing Thousand Oaks, Castro Valley, CA Santa Rosa, CA CA 91361-1102 94546-2722 95409-4155 1741. Paul M. 1742. Joshua Debbs 1743. Therese Debing Deauville, Dvm Sacramento, CA Pacific Grove, CA Fresno, CA 95823-5057 93950-2450 93711-0581 1745. Don Deck 1746. Eleanor Decker 1747. Penny Dedel Mammoth Lakes, Glen Ellen, CA 95442- Berkeley, CA CA 93546-9796 1168 94705-1065 1749. Sarah Deering 1750. Suzanne 1751. Thomas Deetz Soquel, CA Deerlyjohnson Watsonville, CA 95073-2621 Long Beach, CA 95076-0507 90806-4707 1753. Chris Degoeas 1754. Rick Degolia 1755. Stacey Degooyer Cerritos, CA Atherton, CA 94027- Petaluma, CA 90703-2306 5420 94952-2711 1757. Carla Dehaas 1758. Joan Dehaeseleer 1759. Pierre Del Prato Berkeley, CA Agoura Hills, CA Sacramento, CA 94703-2006 91301-1915 95831-2674 1761. Gabriella 1762. Patricia Delacruz 1763. Katherine Delacy Delacorte Santa Maria, CA Murphys, CA Santa Monica, CA 93458-5075 95247-9568 90402-1915 1765. Emily Delatorre 1766. John Dellasala 1767. Patricia Deluca Santa Clara, CA Newbury Park, CA Nokomis, FL 95051-5161 91320-4515 34275-4111 1769. Amanda 1770. Isabella Demartino 1771. Greg Demasi Demarino Tulare, CA 93274- Concord, CA Valencia, CA 1243 94524-1374 91354-4954 1773. Margaret Demott 1774. Mark Dempsey 1775. Jessica Denham Sacramento, CA Orangevale, CA Burbank, CA 95822-8309 95662-4787 91506-1030 1777. Daniel Denis 1778. Jack And Margarita 1779. Joyce Denne Santee, CA Denman Pacific Grove, CA 92071-1448 Fullerton, CA 92838- 93950-2317 0062 1781. Carolyn Dennison 1782. Barbara Denson 1783. Greg Denton Garden Grove, Mill Valley, CA 94941- Antioch, CA CA 92840-6041 5402 94531-9441 1785. Lindsay Deright 1786. Wendy Derner 1787. Amy Desantis La Jolla, CA Sacramento, CA Los Angeles, CA 92037-4865 95842-1548 90025-2476 1789. Jeanette 1790. Rebecca Desmond 1791. Diana Desroches Desmond Hercules, CA 94547- Haleiwa, CA Camarillo, CA 1119 95712 93010-4858 1793. Susan Deutsch 1794. Vivian Deutsch 1795. Christine Alameda, CA Calabasas, CA 91302- Deveaux 94502-7715 3042 Foster City, CA 94404-1449 1797. Heather Devoll 1798. David Dexter 1799. Danyell Deyoung Clovis, CA 93611- Mill Valley, CA 94941- Tehachapi, CA 0525 3624 93561-5206 1801. Francisco Diaz 1802. Jim Diaz 1803. Leigh Ann Richmond, CA San Jose, CA 95124- Dicarlo 94804-4937 6011 Winchester, CA 92596-8506 1805. Alfred Dickerson 1806. Jim Diderrich 1807. Rob Diebold Palm Desert, CA Simi Valley, CA Auburn, CA 92211-2346 93063-3631 95602-7844 1809. Steve Dietrich 1810. Kevin Diggs 1811. Laura Dill Los Angeles, CA Simi Valley, CA Albany, CA 90065-3933 93063-4470 94706-1525 1813. Richard Dimatteo 1814. James Dinsmore 1815. Ori Dinur San Diego, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95062- Woodland Hills, 92101-1541 3457 CA 91367-3761 1817. Kristin Dito 1818. James Diviccaro 1819. Jesse Dizard Santa Rosa, CA South San Francisco, Chico, CA 95929- 95403-1662 CA 94083-5323 0001 1821. David Doerr 1822. Ian Dogole 1823. Colleen Doing Coronado, CA Mill Valley, CA 94941- Burlingame, CA 92118-3438 4090 94010-3089 1825. Jennifer Dokey 1826. Ellen Dollar 1827. Robert Dollar Palm Desert, CA San Luis Obispo, CA Sonoma, CA 92260-8656 93401-5522 95476-5966 1829. Traci Donat 1830. Karlene Donato 1831. Bruce Donnell Malibu, CA Alhambra, CA 91801- Santa Fe, NM 90265-4205 4009 87506-2192 1833. Patrick M. 1834. ED Doody 1835. James Doolittle Donovan Menlo Park, CA Thousand Oaks, Brooklyn, NY 94025-2959 CA 91360-1040 11238-5025 1837. David Dorn 1838. Annamarta 1839. Margaret Doty Livermore, CA Dostourian Sebastopol, CA 94551-4970 Berkeley, CA 94702- 95472-2109 1653 1841. Graham Douglas 1842. Briahna Douglas 1843. Dianne Douglas Brisbane, CA Fairfield, CA 94533- Phoenix, AZ 94005-1302 6574 85042-7082 1845. Dawn Dowdy 1846. Lenore Dowling 1847. Ann Downey Visalia, CA Los Angeles, CA Laguna Hills, CA 93277-7074 90039-3049 92653-4907 1849. Christine Doyka 1850. Ron Drake 1851. Mynka Draper Redway, CA Grass Valley, CA Los Angeles, CA 95560-2502 95945-5390 90042-1243 1853. Lyn Dremalas 1854. Craig Drew 1855. Tony Drew Santa Cruz, CA Chattanooga, TN Santa Monica, 95060 37421-3385 CA 90404-4427 1857. Joanne Driggs 1858. Edith Drobny 1859. Anna Landers, CA Los Altos, CA 94024- Drummond 92285-0782 3120 Grass Valley, CA 95945-3303 1861. Marisa D'souza 1862. Marcelo Duarte 1863. Leiza Ann Fairfield, CA Pasadena, CA 91001 Duckworth 94533-7898 San Diego, CA 92126-5283 1865. Pat Dufau 1866. Debra Duffaut 1867. Glenda Dugan San Clemente, CA Berkeley, CA 94709- Walnut Creek, 92673-5669 1782 CA 94598-3129 1869. Gary Duggan 1870. Eric Duggan 1871. Kathleen Duket Morgan Hill, CA West Sacramento, CA Fresno, CA 95037-5247 95691-5967 93705-5148 1873. Ashley Dumbra 1874. Debbie Duncam 1875. Edith Duncan Emerald Hills, CA Citrus Heights, CA Lancaster, CA 94062-3133 95621-6000 93535-8919 1877. Janis Duncan 1878. Julianne Dunkley 1879. Irene Dunlap Ventura, CA Cambria, CA 93428- Newport Beach, 93003-3959 5974 CA 92660-3618 1881. Susan Dunn 1882. Sherry Dunn 1883. Sheryl Dunn Grass Valley, CA Penn Valley, CA San Diego, CA 95945-6413 95946-8953 92128-4079 1885. Robert 1886. Vivian Duong 1887. Sarah Dupree Dunwoody San Jose, CA 95132- Carlsbad, CA Scotts Valley, CA 1226 92009-3035 95066 1889. Samuel Durkin 1890. Derek Duszynski 1891. Judy Dutil Fairfield, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Gatos, CA 94534-7400 90049-3554 95033-9704 1893. Heather Dvorak 1894. James Dwyer 1895. Douglas Dyakon Buellton, CA Claremont, CA 91711- Los Angeles, CA 93427-0299 4249 90069-1313 1897. Terry Dycus 1898. Teresa Dye 1899. Kenneth Dyleski San Marcos, CA Ventura, CA 93001- Walnut Creek, 92078-2049 1228 CA 94597-2242 1901. Tonya Dysart 1902. Lee Eames 1903. Geoffrey Eargle Dysart Long Beach, CA Sacramento, CA San Diego, CA 90815-5127 95841-2066 92109-6329 1905. Gayle Early 1906. Gail Eatherly 1907. Nicholas Eaton La Mesa, CA Santa Barbara, CA San Luis Obispo, 91941-5633 93111-1252 CA 93401-4511 1909. Sadaf Ebrahimi 1910. Nicole Echave 1911. Gerhard Eckardt Valencia, CA Ladera Ranch, CA Stockton, CA 91355-6034 92694-0711 95207-8810 1913. Roger Eddy 1914. Gladys Eddy-lee 1915. Elaine Edell Monterey, CA San Diego, CA 92115- Malibu, CA 93940-3515 7009 90265-5125 1917. Amy Eden, Rn 1918. Carol Edgerton 1919. Sandra Edgerton Berkeley, CA Concord, CA 94520- Redding, CA 94702 4217 96001-5416 1921. Elizabeth Edinger 1922. John Edman 1923. Teresa Edmonds North Hollywood, Santa Clara, CA Carmel Valley, CA 91601-3981 95051-7500 CA 93924-9755 1925. Jackie 1926. Pandora Edmonston 1927. Dennis Edwards Edmondson Mariposa, CA 95338- Citrus Heights, Johnson City, TN 8701 CA 95621-1404 37601-9023 1929. Elizabeth 1930. Amber Edwards 1931. Estella Edwards Edwards Quincy, CA 95971- Walnut Creek, Newport Beach, 0769 CA 94598-3502 CA 92660-4932 1933. Bita Edwards 1934. Dandelo Edwardson 1935. Monnie Efross Woodacre, CA Berkeley, CA 94703- Pinole, CA 94973-0122 2105 94564-1223 1937. Greg Ehlert 1938. Jennifer Ehman 1939. Vivian Ehresman Ventura, CA San Diego, CA 92127- Chatsworth, CA 93003-0478 2053 91311-2441 1941. Jennifer 1942. Karen Eikeland 1943. Elizabeth Eickemeyer Alameda, CA 94501- Eisenbeis Atascadero, CA 6344 Lodi, CA 95242- 93422-2515 3732 1945. Howard 1946. Yousra Elbanna 1947. Rob Elia Eisenberg San Diego, CA 92122- Moraga, CA San Mateo, CA 1159 94556-2739 94402-3334 1949. Ana Elle 1950. Nancy Ellestad 1951. Mary Ellingwood Fremont, CA El Cajon, CA 92020- Santa Cruz, CA 94538-4702 8253 95062-1321 1953. ED Elliott 1954. Susan Elliott 1955. Lynn Elliott Ben Lomond, CA Concord, CA 94521- Diamond Bar, CA 95005-0145 4513 91765-4233 1957. Julie Ellis 1958. Margaret Ellis 1959. Joan Ello Los Angeles, CA Shingle Springs, CA Los Angeles, CA 90036-2624 95682-8435 90024-5874 1961. Dennis Ely 1962. Hilary Emberton 1963. Angela Embree Los Gatos, CA Grass Valley, CA Oxnard, CA 95030-7135 95945-7317 93036-1519 1965. Charles Emery 1966. Linda Emme 1967. Matthew Emmer Whittier, CA Marshall, CA 94940 Sherman Oaks, 90604-3514 CA 91423-4048 1969. Christina Endres 1970. Bonnie Engber 1971. Barryett Enge Alpine, CA Palm Springs, CA Berkeley, CA 91901-1308 92263-5635 94708-1321 1973. Bruce England 1974. Bruce Engles 1975. Bob English Mountain View, Upland, CA 91784- Bodega Bay, CA CA 94043-5255 1728 94923-0224 1977. Joan English 1978. Klaudia Englund 1979. Elena Ennouri West Hollywood, Thousand Oaks, CA Redwood City, CA 90069-3146 91360-1923 CA 94061-3721 1981. Garnet Erdakos 1982. Walter Erhorn 1983. Victoria Erickson Penngrove, CA Spring Valley, CA Aptos, CA 94951-8740 91979-1843 95003-5132 1985. Karen Erickson 1986. Donna Erie 1987. George Esparza San Jose, CA El Segundo, CA Newbury Park, 95125-1557 90245-4348 CA 91320-1014 1989. Dan Esposito 1990. Susan Esposito 1991. Mike Esqueda Manhattan Staten Island, NY La Puente, CA Beach, CA 90266- 10312-2206 91744-5354 4082 1993. Malka Essig 1994. John Essman 1995. Carl Estes Oakley, CA Healdsburg, CA Boulder Creek, 94561-2180 95448-1381 CA 95006-9555 1997. John Esther 1998. George Estonactoc 1999. Adela Estudillo Los Angeles, CA Laguna Niguel, CA Anaheim, CA 90027-5262 92677-4422 92802-3240 2001. Ellen Evans 2002. Mr. Evans 2003. Joann Evans Atascadero, CA Clovis, CA 93612- Colton, CA 93422-6106 0867 92324-3933 2005. Staci Evans 2006. Noah Evans 2007. Kersti Evans El Dorado Hills, Mill Valley, CA 94941 Sacramento, CA CA 95762-4424 95822-1128 2009. John Everett 2010. Elaine Everett 2011. Nancy Everett Grass Valley, CA Napa, CA 94558-6539 San Diego, CA 95945-4156 92130-2425 2013. Tracy Ewing 2014. Branden Faber 2015. Don Faia Artesia, CA Laguna Beach, CA Aptos, CA 90701-5504 92651-6867 95003-5884 2017. Bob Fallat 2018. Tom Falvey 2019. Dominick Mill Valley, CA San Diego, CA 92104- Falzone 94941-2782 3472 Los Angeles, CA 90005-2060 2021. Sam Fargnoli 2022. Lin Farley 2023. Ruth Farnsworth Los Angeles, CA Vista, CA 92085-7001 San Jose, CA 90034 95134-1238 2025. Barry Fass- 2026. Chris Faulkner 2027. Marge Fauver holmes Burbank, CA 91505- Ventura, CA San Diego, CA 2900 93003-7590 92108-1800 2029. Dinah Fedorow 2030. Kathrine Fegette 2031. Pepi Feinblatt Laguna Niguel, Newcastle, CA 95658- Pasadena, CA CA 92677-1695 9740 91104-3727 2033. Sharon Feissel 2034. Tom Feldman 2035. Joanne Feldman Santa Rosa, CA La Canada, CA 91011- Malibu, CA 95409-4358 2020 90265-4247 2037. Monica Fellowes 2038. Erica Felsenthal 2039. Adam Felton Fredericksburg, Beverly Hills, CA Riverside, CA VA 22406-5127 90212-3725 92507-6540 2041. Elizabeth 2042. Charlene Ferguson 2043. Virginia Ferguson Otho, IA 50569-7559 Ferguson Berkeley, CA San Diego, CA 94709-0613 92106-2153 2045. Neil Ferguson 2046. Ana-paula Fernandes 2047. Sandra Vacaville, CA Redwood City, CA Fernandez 95688-9223 94065-1796 Los Angeles, CA 90004-2532 2049. Andrea Ferrari 2050. Kevin Ferrell 2051. Mauro Ferrero Oceanside, CA Mill Valley, CA 94941- Los Angeles, CA 92056-2941 1391 90045-1055 2053. Brian Ferrin 2054. Sherrie Ferris 2055. Thomas Ferrito Santa Cruz, CA Concord, CA 94521- Los Gatos, CA 95061-7869 2117 95030-6115 2057. David Field 2058. Anita Fiessi 2059. Daphne Figueroa Santa Cruz, CA Berkeley, CA 94704- San Diego, CA 95060-3022 1517 92107-2723 2061. Noelle Filice- 2062. Michael Lynn Filio 2063. Glenn Finch smith San Diego, CA 92117- Sebastopol, CA Loomis, CA 4128 95472-3012 95650-9746 2065. Penelope M Fine 2066. Christine Fink 2067. Patti Fink Pasadena, CA Stockton, CA 95207- Vacaville, CA 91107-1251 5706 95687-7003 2069. Naama Firestone 2070. Phil Fischer 2071. Quentin Fischer Berkeley, CA Concord, CA 94521- Roanoke, VA 94705-2105 1118 24018-2625 2073. Margaret Fish 2074. Jason Fish 2075. Gayle Fisher Boonville, CA Modesto, CA 95355- Orange, CA 95415-0533 3714 92869-4116 2077. Todd Fisk 2078. Penny Fisk 2079. Kevin Fistanic San Diego, CA Santa Monica, CA Los Angeles, CA 92131-3573 90405-3509 90066-6753 2081. Julianna Fite 2082. Austin Fite 2083. Brehan North Adams, MI Pacific Palisades, CA Fitzgerald 49262-9709 90272-1961 Los Angeles, CA 90230-7014 2085. Stan Fitzgerald 2086. Glennis Fitzgerald 2087. Martha San Jose, CA Tiburon, CA 94920- Fitzpatrick 95135-2129 2049 Dana Point, CA 92629-1522 2089. Victoria 2090. Cheryl Flango 2091. Dylan Flather Flamenco Millbrae, CA 94030- Long Beach, CA Mountain View, 1851 90803-4027 CA 94043-1414 2093. Steve Fleming 2094. Nancy Fleming 2095. Teresa Fletcher Gualala, CA Santa Rosa, CA Aumsville, OR 95445 95404-1503 97325-0918 2097. Ingrid 2098. Allan Flippin 2099. Richard Flittie Forestville, CA Brentwood, CA Walnut Creek, 95436-0608 94513-2536 CA 94597-2441 2101. Alma Flores 2102. Reanna Flores 2103. Angel Flores Calexico, CA Los Angeles, CA Norwalk, CA 92232-5163 90032-2306 90650-7848 2105. Maggie Flower 2106. Melissa Flower 2107. Johnny Foam Del Mar, CA San Rafael, CA 94901- Los Angeles, CA 92014-3612 2705 90041-3124 2109. Byron Fogel 2110. Carol Fogleman 2111. James Foley Van Nuys, CA San Bernardino, CA Anaheim, CA 91402-4518 92407-2076 92801-6550 2113. Christina Fong 2114. Edwin Fong 2115. Simone Fonseca Grand Rapids, MI Vallejo, CA 94591- Victorville, CA 49503-2937 6208 92394-0834 2117. Abbot Foote 2118. Nancy Forbes 2119. Phyllis Ford Dublin, NH Rancho Palos Verdes, Martinez, CA 03444-1007 CA 90275-4463 94553-3603 2121. Erin Foret 2122. JO Forkish 2123. Scott Forrest Martinez, CA Sunnyvale, CA 94087- Half Moon Bay, 94553-6121 1943 CA 94019-1450 2125. Doug Forrest 2126. Charles W. Forslund 2127. Maggie Forti Monrovia, CA Santa Barbara, CA Albany, CA 91016-4719 93105-3058 94706-1805 2129. Roberta Foster 2130. Nicola Foster 2131. Bree Foth San Luis Obispo, St Helier JE23HS Vista, CA 92081- CA 93405-1731 8671 2133. Donna Fountain 2134. Nicole Fountain 2135. Gregory Fowler Downey, CA Fremont, CA 94536- Mountain View, 90242-3637 4325 CA 94039-0689 2137. John Fowler 2138. Janie Fox 2139. Jane W Fox Santa Monica, CA Alameda, CA 94501- Carmichael, CA 90405-2321 3717 95608-2191 2141. Kathleen Fox 2142. Joy Fox 2143. Monica Fox Grover Beach, CA North Hollywood, CA San Leandro, CA 93433-1530 91601-5612 94577-5416 2145. Anne Fragasso 2146. Janene Frahm 2147. Laurie Fraker Encinitas, CA San Anselmo, CA El Centro, CA 92023-4127 94979-2243 92243-2335 2149. Jeremy France 2150. Barbara Frances 2151. Esther Frances West Covina, CA Aromas, CA 95004- Soquel, CA 91792-1943 9709 95073-2622 2153. Anne-lise 2154. Karla Frandson 2155. Randall Frank Francois San Diego, CA 92128- Antelope, CA Berkeley, CA 2608 95843-2420 94708-1821 2157. Kristen Frank 2158. Sam Frankel 2159. Constance Los Gatos, CA Berkeley, CA 94702- Franklin 95033-8985 2104 Los Angeles, CA 90026-6197 2161. Ron Fransz 2162. Dorothy Frantz 2163. Mary Frantz Hermosa Beach, Berkeley, CA 94703- Burbank, CA CA 90254-3454 1148 91504-3680 2165. John Franz 2166. Alan Fraser 2167. Forest Frasieur Paso Robles, CA Santa Monica, CA Benicia, CA 93446-4746 90405-4512 94510-3288 2169. Burgious Frazier 2170. Heather Frederick 2171. Paula Freedman San Leandro, CA Los Angeles, CA San Rafael, CA 94577-3017 90026-4317 94901 2173. Rea Freedom 2174. Dale Freeman 2175. Marta Freeman- Los Gatos, CA Auburn, CA 95603- steele 95033-8840 8490 Moreno Valley, CA 92555-5900 2177. John Frey 2178. Andrea Friedenthal 2179. Mark Friedfeld Redwood Valley, Lakewood, CA 90713- Alameda, CA CA 95470-6135 2514 94501-1606 2181. Irwin Friedman 2182. Jan Friel 2183. Joann Frisch Richmond, CA Fullerton, CA 92831- Livermore, CA 94804-4537 1403 94550-8002 2185. Robert Fromer 2186. Bryna Fuchslocher 2187. Luis Fuentes Palmdale, CA Thousand Oaks, CA Palm Springs, CA 93550-4214 91360 92262-2390 2189. Jed Fuhrman 2190. Edward Fujimoto 2191. Kristina Fukuda Topanga, CA Rocklin, CA 95765- Los Angeles, CA 90290-3523 4751 90034-6910 2193. Arlene Fullaway 2194. Tony Fuller 2195. Julia Fuller Cypress, CA Petaluma, CA 94954- Walnut Creek, 90630-3627 9552 CA 94598-4709 2197. Robert Furst 2198. Sets Furuike 2199. Carol Anne Joshua Tree, CA Summerland, CA Fusco 92252-0199 93067 Berkeley, CA 94708-2058 2201. Sherrill Futrell 2202. Stephanie Gaal 2203. Scott Gabel Davis, CA 95618- Van Nuys, CA 91401- Aliso Viejo, CA 5421 4454 92656-1800 2205. Kathie Gaddis 2206. Nick Gaetano 2207. Robert Gagliardo Irvine, CA 92606- Laguna Beach, CA Santa Barbara, 3157 92651-4122 CA 93111-2426 2209. Carol Gajewski 2210. Tim Galanis 2211. Wade Galde Carlsbad, CA Pleasanton, CA Templeton, CA 92011-3955 94588-4814 93465-5600 2213. Jane Gale 2214. Georgia Galey 2215. Angela Galgocz- Thousand Oaks, Fallbrook, CA 92028- deak CA 91360-1423 3554 Monrovia, CA 91016-2110 2217. Belinda Gallardo 2218. Mark Gallegos 2219. Rob Gallinger Pomona, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA 91768-2358 90033-3111 90042-3228 2221. Chane Galvan 2222. Susi Galyon 2223. Brittany Gamboa Elk Grove, CA Hercules, CA 94547- Orange, CA 95757 5470 92869-4224 2225. Melissa Gandara 2226. Pete Gang 2227. Adrian Gang City Of Industry, Petaluma, CA 94952- Torrance, CA CA 91715-3471 1703 90501-6268 2229. Angela Gantos 2230. Sharma Gaponoff 2231. Marcia Garceau Tiburon, CA Grass Valley, CA San Diego, CA 94920-2010 95949-9747 92129-2744 2233. Daniela Garcia 2234. Mary Ann Garcia 2235. Christine Garcia Chula Vista, CA Claremont, CA 91711- Concord, CA 91910-3679 4716 94519-1914 2237. Isabel Garcia 2238. Patrice Garcia 2239. Shana Garcia Long Beach, CA Phoenix, AZ 85023- San Dimas, CA 90814-2683 4222 91773-7115 2241. Jacklyn Garcia 2242. Gina Garcia 2243. Erin Garcia Santa Clara, CA Santa Monica, CA Sherman Oaks, 95051-7421 90405-1850 CA 91403-3414 2245. Spring Gardiner 2246. Renee Gardner 2247. David Gardner Sherman Oaks, Costa Mesa, CA Santa Monica, CA 91423-3458 92627-1441 CA 90405-3764 2249. Janet Garman 2250. Karen Garnet 2251. Jamila Garrecht Carmel Valley, CA Sacramento, CA Petaluma, CA 93924-9408 95826-5552 94952-4157 2253. Barbara Garrison 2254. Jane Garsson 2255. Courtney Gartin Encino, CA Mill Valley, CA 94941- San Jose, CA 91436-1532 3315 95120-2919 2257. Joseph Garza 2258. Alvaro Garza 2259. David Gaskill Bakersfield, CA Modesto, CA 95354- Redwood City, 93313-2726 1671 CA 94061-2449 2261. Margaret Gates 2262. Gina Gatto 2263. Remi Gauchet Pinon Hills, CA Castro Valley, CA Lake Forest, CA 92372-0008 94546-2731 92630-4134 2265. Alexander Gaya 2266. David Gearhart 2267. Murray Palo Alto, CA Fresno, CA 93727- Gechtman 94303-2813 2406 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-3207 2269. Terri Gedo 2270. Lisa Gee 2271. Linda Geeson Los Angeles, CA La Crescenta, CA Lake Elsinore, CA 90045-1037 91224-0674 92530-4103 2273. Becky Geiser 2274. Sandra Geist 2275. Mija Gentes San Diego, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95060- Saratoga, CA 92115-2209 5719 95070-5969 2277. David George 2278. Frederique Georges 2279. Alexis Georgiou San Diego, CA Alameda, CA 94501 Santa Clara, CA 92117-3115 95054-2243 2281. Inna Gergel 2282. Ernest Gerke 2283. Blake Gerl Granada Hills, CA Palm Springs, CA Arroyo Grande, 91344-3510 92262-2729 CA 93420-2684 2285. Dimitry 2286. Kathy Gervais 2287. Sandra Geyer Gershenson Novato, CA 94949- Fallbrook, CA Alameda, CA 6272 92028-4525 94501-4665 2289. David Giacomuzzi 2290. Karen Gibb 2291. Wayne Gibb Rancho Mirage, Arcata, CA 95521- Forestville, CA CA 92270-1053 6952 95436-9378 2293. Mimi Gibson 2294. Astrid Giese-zimmer 2295. ED Giguere Redwood Berkeley, CA 94705- Gold River, CA Estates, CA 2424 95670-7617 95044-0449 2297. Tracy Gilbert 2298. Bethanie Gilbert 2299. Camille Gilbert Rialto, CA 92377- San Rafael, CA 94903- Santa Barbara, 8831 2802 CA 93101-4045 2301. Mary Gill 2302. Rhiannon Gillespie 2303. Thomas Gillespie Stanford, CA El Cerrito, CA 94530- La Mirada, CA 94305-1075 1503 90638-2440 2305. Robert Gillette 2306. Mary-lou Gillette 2307. Mary Gingg Arroyo Grande, Fremont, CA 94539- Sebastopol, CA CA 93420-4985 5253 95472-5008 2309. Barbara Ginsberg 2310. Brian Girard 2311. Darrylin Girvin Santa Cruz, CA Ventura, CA 93004- Laguna Beach, 95062-3561 2454 CA 92651-3103 2313. Ellen Glaccum 2314. Barbara Gladfelter 2315. Zachary Glanz Stanley, ID Dixon, CA 95620-3627 Pinole, CA 83278-0034 94564-1230 2317. Mark & Susan 2318. Joseph Glaston 2319. Maryanne Glasser Desert Hot Springs, Glazar Los Angeles, CA CA 92240-9555 Berkeley, CA 90066-3202 94704-2931 2321. Robin Glick 2322. Allan Glick 2323. Robert Glover Loomis, CA San Diego, CA 92128- Fresno, CA 95650-8956 2356 93726-2313 2325. Amanda Glover 2326. Louisa Gluck 2327. David Goar Venice, CA Sebastopol, CA Clovis, CA 90291-3927 95473-1225 93619-5059 2329. Jeff Goddard 2330. Laura Godfrey 2331. James Goethel Los Olivos, CA Corralitos, CA 95076- San Diego, CA 93441-0008 0127 92115-2223 2333. Annemarie 2334. Robert Goings 2335. Valerie Goldberg (raven) Goff Springville, CA 93265- Calabasas, CA Yucaipa, CA 9496 91372-8212 92399-3523 2337. Rich Goldberg 2338. Daniel Goldberg 2339. Jane Goldman Penngrove, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95060- Half Moon Bay, 94951-9623 2738 CA 94019-1819 2341. Harold Goldman 2342. Judy Goldman 2343. Susan Goldstein Rohnert Park, CA San Diego, CA 92127- Danville, CA 94928-2425 1133 94526-2238 2345. Mark 2346. Nidia Golla 2347. Lindsay Golter Golembiewski Pomona, CA 91766- Laguna Niguel, Pacifica, CA 0906 CA 92677-1857 94044-3845 2349. Steve Gompertz 2350. Sharon Gong 2351. Bernie Gonzales Arcata, CA San Carlos, CA 94070- Caruthers, CA 95518-4778 3701 93609-9702 2353. Daniel Gonzales 2354. Autumn Gonzalez 2355. Alan Gonzalez Lancaster, CA El Dorado, CA 95623- Long Beach, CA 93536-8321 4944 90815-0616 2357. Lynette Gonzalez 2358. Guillermo Gonzalez 2359. Paulina Gonzalez San Diego, CA San Jose, CA 95118- Yorba Linda, CA 92116-4650 1761 92886-2600 2361. Veronica Goode 2362. Cecilia Goode 2363. Dale Goodin Northridge, CA Thousand Oaks, CA Lakewood, CO 91326-3823 91362-1223 80227-5612 2365. Timothy 2366. Heather Goodman 2367. Cathy Goodrich Goodman San Luis Obispo, CA Verdugo City, CA Cerritos, CA 93401-5114 91046-1002 90703-8309 2369. Susan Goran 2370. Elliot Gordon 2371. Billie Gordon Sobel Irvine, CA 92604-3336 Los Gatos, CA Tarzana, CA 95032-3441 91356-4918 2373. Helen Gordon 2374. Laurie Gorman 2375. Edward Gorner Redwood City, CA Visalia, CA 93277- Sonoma, CA 94062-4534 7425 95476-8564 2377. Jenee Gossard 2378. Mario Gotelli 2379. Brian Gottejman Valley Glen, CA Napa, CA 94559-4200 Los Alamitos, CA 91401-1520 90720-5315 2381. Mark Gotvald 2382. Ann Gould 2383. Jaikumar Pleasant Hill, CA Massoubre Govindan 94523-2736 Los Osos, CA 93402- Newark, CA 2405 94560-4610 2385. William Gowern 2386. Katarina Grabowsky 2387. George Grace Azusa, CA 91702- Castro Valley, CA Los Angeles, CA 6405 94546-2942 90027-4720 2389. Lynn Graham 2390. Justin Graham 2391. Deron Grams San Diego, CA Whitethorn, CA Los Angeles, CA 92129-3576 95589-9197 90039-1615 2393. Marilyn Granas 2394. Ronald Granberg 2395. Evelyn Beverly Hills, CA North Hills, CA 91343- Grandinetti 90212-3516 3416 Sunnyvale, CA 94087-6104 2397. Kathryn Grant 2398. Dawn Grass 2399. Jennifer Grasso Nevada City, CA Tahoe City, CA 96145- San Pedro, CA 95959-0727 1242 90731-6026 2401. Gabriel Graubner 2402. Caryn Graves 2403. Joel Graves Santa Rosa, CA Berkeley, CA 94702- Los Angeles, CA 95404-8601 1329 90019-2623 2405. Brian Gray 2406. David Gray 2407. Laurie Gray Fair Oaks, CA Novato, CA 94949- Bounsall 95628-3444 6701 Calistoga, CA 94515-0572 2409. Alexandra 2410. June Green 2411. Rhonda Green Graziano Belmont, CA 94002- Beverly Hills, CA Thousand Oaks, 1812 90212-1100 CA 91360-6518 2413. Edmond Green 2414. Helen Green 2415. Jamie Green Los Alamitos, CA Salinas, CA 93907- Ventura, CA 90720-4459 1632 93004-2884 2417. Janice Greenberg 2418. Stephen Greenberg 2419. Bert Greenberg Berkeley, CA Nevada City, CA San Jose, CA 94705-1826 95959-2856 95135-1428 2421. Bill Greene 2422. Evelyn Greenwald 2423. Nancie Greer Pismo Beach, CA San Luis Obispo, CA Petaluma, CA 93448-0163 93401-6026 94952-4189 2425. Gordon Gregor 2426. Faye Gregory 2427. Frank Gregory Azusa, CA 91702- Colton, CA 92324- Monterey, CA 2223 2734 93940-5527 2429. Denise Gregory 2430. Mary Gregory 2431. Probyn Gregory San Bruno, CA Studio City, CA Tujunga, CA 94066-3853 91607-4114 91042-1449 2433. Dianne Grenland 2434. Don Grierson 2435. Pam Griffin Vacaville, CA Los Angeles, CA Camarillo, CA 95687-3306 90046-1251 93012-5671 2437. Robert Griffin 2438. Mary Griffin 2439. Lin Griffith North Hollywood, Sun Valley, CA 91352- Altadena, CA CA 91601-2032 5123 91001-3034 2441. Lyudmil Grigorov 2442. Tony Grijalva 2443. Peter Grimm Concord, CA Los Angeles, CA Pasadena, CA 94518-2980 90068-1438 91104-4731 2445. Scott Grinthal 2446. Dean Griswold 2447. Rochelle Grober San Mateo, CA Fair Oaks, CA 95628- San Jose, CA 94402-3924 2929 95126-1823 2449. Anne Gross 2450. Edwin Gross 2451. Janet Grosseto Modesto, CA Sherman Oaks, CA Sonora, CA 95351-4920 91423-4011 95370-8604 2453. Daniel Grove 2454. Lamok Grubbs 2455. Vicki Gruman Castaic, CA Bloomington, CA Valencia, CA 91384-3943 92316-1546 91354-1608 2457. Meagen 2458. Suzanne Guerra 2459. Carmen Guerra Grundberg Bayside, CA 95524- San Diego, CA Berkeley, CA 0367 92092 94702-1708 2461. Carol Guion 2462. Tim Guisinger 2463. Katharine Moss Beach, CA Camarillo, CA 93010- Gullotta 94038 2220 San Diego, CA 92117-2416 2465. Karen Guma 2466. Bob Gunn 2467. Robert T. Petaluma, CA Santa Barbara, CA Gustafson 94952-1934 93103-2105 National City, CA 91950-2053 2469. Emmylou 2470. Nancy Gutierrez 2471. Todd Gutmann Gutierrez Palm Desert, CA Cupertino, CA Clovis, CA 93612- 92260-4910 95014-2336 2947 2473. Larry Guyer 2474. Sharon Gysbers 2475. Inna Habelski Sebastopol, CA San Jose, CA 95158- Castro Valley, CA 95472-5904 8758 94546-2415 2477. Aimee Had 2478. Sharon Hafner 2479. Alan Haggard Truckee, CA Eureka, CA 95503- San Diego, CA 96161-1701 9773 92105-5104 2481. James Haig 2482. Peter Hain 2483. Jim Halbert San Rafael, CA Tres Pinos, CA 95075- Poway, CA 94901-1665 0245 92064-3931 2485. Catherine Hale 2486. Bruce Hale 2487. Dorothy Hale La Mesa, CA Santa Barbara, CA Soquel, CA 91941-6900 93190-1835 95073-9741 2489. Jim Haley 2490. Mary Haley 2491. Sue Hall Castaic, CA 91384 Elk Grove, CA 95758- Castro Valley, CA 7637 94546-1350 2493. Vicki Hall 2494. Noah Hall 2495. Patrice Hall Hacienda Long Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Heights, CA 90805-5917 90036-3240 91745-6402 2497. D. Kaye Hall 2498. Judith Hall 2499. Gregory Hall Napa, CA 94558- Pacifica, CA 94044- San Marcos, CA 9596 2149 92078-5494 2501. Kraig Hamady 2502. Lyne Hamel 2503. Randall Carlsbad, CA Oceano, CA 93445- Hamilton 92011-4696 8903 Castro Valley, CA 94546-5708 2505. James Hamilton 2506. Frederick Hamilton 2507. Jo & Ogden Palos Verdes Rancho Cucamonga, Hamilton Estates, CA CA 91739-1925 San Rafael, CA 90274 94901-2533 2509. Gerry Hamilton 2510. Kirby Hammel 2511. Susan Hammond Trinidad, CA El Cerrito, CA 94530- Redlands, CA 95570 2437 92374-3623 2513. Alexander 2514. Susan Hampton 2515. David Hand Hampel El Cerrito, CA 94530- E Patchogue, NY Loleta, CA 95551- 2228 11772-6112 9620 2517. Jo Ellen Haniford 2518. William Hankins 2519. Steve Hanlon Fremont, CA San Jose, CA 95128- Los Angeles, CA 94536-6544 5131 90049-2336 2521. Larry Hannan 2522. Matthew Hannickel 2523. Jody Hansell Redding, CA Roseville, CA 95678- Richmond, CA 96003-7526 1445 94806-5207 2525. Karen Hansen 2526. Katherine Hansen 2527. Jeff Hansen Burbank, CA Florence, OR 97439- Mendocino, CA 91504-3924 0037 95460-0932 2529. Sue Hansen 2530. Kim Hansen 2531. Holly Hanson San Anselmo, CA Studio City, CA Huntington 94960-1341 91604-1901 Beach, CA 92646-4488 2533. Carol Hanson 2534. Sally Hanson 2535. Jennifer Hanson Redwood City, CA San Mateo, CA Santa Clara, CA 94061-2046 94403-3665 95051-2323 2537. Jane Harada 2538. Carl Harders 2539. Joseph Hardin Berkeley, CA Pasadena, CA 91106- Santa Monica, 94709-1422 2809 CA 90405-6051 2541. Ian Harding 2542. Linda Harlow 2543. Pollyana La Jolla, CA Santa Rosa, CA Harmon 92037-7237 95404-5103 Torrance, CA 90501-4107 2545. Carole Harp 2546. Lynda Harpe 2547. Barbara Harpe South San El Segundo, CA Lomita, CA Francisco, CA 90245-2309 90717-2716 94083-0063 2549. Katherine Harper 2550. Charesa Harper 2551. Vince Harper Chico, CA 95928- Glen Ellen, CA 95442- Orange, CA 6533 9743 92865-1524 2553. David Harralson 2554. Roger Harrell 2555. Toni Harriel- Studio City, CA Hermosa Beach, CA jackson 91604 90254-2617 Spring Valley, CA 91978-1080 2557. Michael 2558. Julia Harrington 2559. Steven Harris Harrington Lancaster, CA 93534- Belmont, CA Granite Bay, CA 5006 94002-2918 95746-6304 2561. Lois Harris 2562. Beverly Harris 2563. Michelle Harris Claremont, CA Fairfield, CA 94534- Fresno, CA 91711-2753 8304 93705-3436 2565. Mary Harris 2566. Carolyn Harris 2567. Brent Harris Palmdale, CA Pasadena, CA 91101- Petaluma, CA 93550-8461 1279 94952-2030 2569. Charles Harris 2570. Michael Harris 2571. Donna Harris San Rafael, CA San Rafael, CA 94903- Signal Hill, CA 94903-2853 1605 90755-3768 2573. Amy Harrison 2574. Jennifer Harrison 2575. Valerie Harrison Chesapeake, VA Larkspur, CA 94939- Palm Desert, CA 23325-3719 1305 92255-1141 2577. Florence Harrod 2578. Paula Hartgraves 2579. Michael Hartley Encinitas, CA Dublin, CA 94568- Redondo Beach, 92024-4821 7959 CA 90278-2658 2581. James Hartung 2582. Stephanie Harvey 2583. Shea Harvey Santa Monica, CA Marysville, CA 95901- Napa, CA 94558- 90402-2232 6505 5101 2585. David Haskins 2586. Claudia Hass 2587. Ben Hauck San Diego, CA Marina Del Rey, CA El Segundo, CA 92105-1264 90292-5514 90245-3905 2589. Margarita 2590. Christina Hauswald 2591. Gary Haven Haugaard Kelseyville, CA 95451- Agoura Hills, CA San Diego, CA 9057 91301-6450 92103-7500 2593. Tom Hawkins 2594. Mark Hayden 2595. Mary Hayden Fort Bragg, CA Berkeley, CA 94708- Pasadena, CA 95437-9287 1725 91105-1356 2597. Jennifer Hayes 2598. Deborah Hayes 2599. Christine Hayes Modesto, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95062- Upland, CA 95350-1716 2203 91786-2161 2601. Diane Haynes 2602. Richard Haynes 2603. Alona Hazen Clovis, CA 93612- Sebastopol, CA San Jose, CA 0345 95472-5715 95120-4457 2605. Margret Head 2606. Shannon Healey 2607. Nancy.heard San Jose, CA San Carlos, CA 94070- Heard 95117-1653 2334 Sherman Oaks, CA 91401-4208 2609. Julie Heath Elliott 2610. Selina Heaton 2611. Deb Hebert Los Angeles, CA Encinitas, CA 92024- Magalia, CA 90064-3620 3511 95954-9678 2613. Alicia Hecht 2614. Nancy Heck 2615. Judith Hedstrom Fullerton, CA Santa Maria, CA Santa Cruz, CA 92831-4831 93454-6648 95060-1750 2617. Glen Heggstad 2618. Todd Heiler 2619. Jessye Heilman Palm Springs, CA Ferndale, CA 95536- El Cajon, CA 92263-1791 0172 92020-3445 2621. Cheryl Heinecke 2622. Janet Heinle 2623. Bridgett Heinly San Clemente, CA Santa Monica, CA San Diego, CA 92673-2755 90403-4066 92107-4210 2625. Shauna Heiselt 2626. Susan Heisler 2627. Kelly Heitman Willits, CA 95490- Patton, CA 92369- San Diego, CA 8724 0667 92105-1920 2629. Lesle Helgason 2630. Ellen Hellman 2631. Kathleen Helmer Pebble Beach, CA Santa Monica, CA West Hills, CA 93953-3043 90402-1704 91307-3115 2633. Blake Hempel 2634. Phil Henbury 2635. Alma Henderson San Carlos, CA Schenectady, NY Berkeley, CA 94070-2330 12345-0001 94704-2863 2637. Shirley 2638. J. Michael "mike" 2639. Charmaine Henderson Henderson Hendon Huntington San Luis Obispo, CA Santa Rosa, CA Beach, CA 92646- 93405-1769 95403-8131 6802 2641. Philip Hendricks 2642. Margaret Henke 2643. Charlene Henley Santa Monica, CA Santa Ana, CA 92705- San Jose, CA 90405-2636 2315 95136-3608 2645. Harold (hal) 2646. Tamara Henry 2647. Rita Henry Henry Scotts Valley, CA Simi Valley, CA , FL 33173- 95066-4114 93065-2318 4137 2649. Kim Hensley 2650. Janet Herbruck 2651. William Herman Stockton, CA San Diego, CA 92110- Oceanside, CA 95212-3108 5911 92056-2940 2653. Thomas 2654. Steven Hernandez 2655. Paulina Hernandez Long Beach, CA Hernandez Corona, CA 90802-3640 Pico Rivera, CA 92881-3743 90660-3455 2657. Jorge Hernandez 2658. Kathleen Hernandez 2659. Crystal Santa Rosa, CA Topanga, CA 90290- Hernandez 95404-8523 1084 Torrance, CA 90501-4121 2661. Dena 2662. Beth Herndobler 2663. Laura Herndon Hernandezkosche Altadena, CA 91001- Burbank, CA Glendale, CA 4209 91505-4313 91201-2585 2665. Joan Heron 2666. David Herr 2667. William Herrera Fort Bragg, CA Forestville, CA 95436- Walnut Creek, 95437-4204 9816 CA 94595-1610 2669. Pablo Herrero 2670. Kathleen Herring 2671. Renay Hersh Laguna Niguel, La Quinta, CA 92253- Los Angeles, CA CA 92677-3701 3164 90048-4729 2673. Barbara Hershey 2674. Jennifer Herstein 2675. Randy Herz Hillsborough, CA Altadena, CA 91001- San Jose, CA 94010-7213 3903 95117-2312 2677. Amanda Heske 2678. Gary Hesler 2679. Danielle Hess Fullerton, CA Livermore, CA 94551- Rancho Cordova, 92833-1262 7500 CA 95742-8017 2681. William Hewes 2682. Ellis Heyer Coyne 2683. Mike Heyl Simi Valley, CA San Rafael, CA 94903- San Luis Obispo, 93063-5374 1082 CA 93401 2685. Connie Hickerson 2686. Robert Hicks 2687. Percy Hicks- Ukiah, CA 95482- Long Beach, CA severn 3391 90803-8239 Newbury Park, CA 91320-5314 2689. Susi Higgins 2690. Bruce Higgins 2691. Julie Higgins Glendale, CA Livermore, CA 94551- Mendocino, CA 91203-1221 7103 95460 2693. Susan High 2694. Amy Hile 2695. Jacki Hileman Los Angeles, CA Oak Park, CA 91377- Hesperia, CA 90012-2469 1115 92345-3134 2697. Amy Hill 2698. Misako Hill 2699. Kevin Hill Big Bear Lake, CA Emeryville, CA 94608- Long Beach, CA 92315-1989 3327 90807-4137 2701. Jean Hill 2702. Stephen Hill 2703. Dale Hillard San Dimas, CA San Leandro, CA Salinas, CA 91773-2741 94578-1734 93908-8749 2705. Stephanie 2706. James Hilsinger 2707. Bill Hilton Hillman San Luis Obispo, CA Sunnyvale, CA Mckinleyville, CA 93401-5040 94087-1222 95519-7935 2709. Kathryn 2710. Wendy Hinsberger 2711. Eugene Hinton Hindenlang Santa Ana, CA 92705- Porterville, CA Huntington 1833 93257-3211 Beach, CA 92646- 5533 2713. Jason Hirschman 2714. Eric Hirshik 2715. Brian Hitchcock Los Angeles, CA Fairfield, CA 94534- Torrance, CA 90064-2327 7134 90505 2717. Adrian Hladky 2718. Annie Hoang 2719. Diane Woodacre, CA Hayward, CA 94544 Hobbensiefken 94973-0026 Vista, CA 92084 2721. Aimee Hodge 2722. Bernadine Hoeft 2723. Anne Hoff Los Gatos, CA , WI Martinez, CA 95033-8235 53202-7133 94553-3565 2725. Lisa Hoffman 2726. Melanie Hoffman 2727. Priscilla Lockeford, CA Pasadena, CA 91106- Hoffnagle 95237-0003 1257 San Pablo, CA 94806 2729. Debbie Hogan 2730. Peter Hogan 2731. Judith Hogan Newark, CA Pacific Plsds, CA Santa Barbara, 94560-2110 90272-2121 CA 93103-2925 2733. Chase Holden 2734. Eileen Holden 2735. Cathy Holden Costa Mesa, CA Fair Oaks, CA 95628- Sacramento, CA 92627-3917 3730 95865-4733 2737. Joann Holdren 2738. Ashley Holecek 2739. Amanda Holland Rancho Long Beach, CA Davis, CA 95618- Cucamonga, CA 90815-2256 7649 91730-5514 2741. Jonna Holland 2742. Roger Hollander 2743. Faith Holle Novato, CA Tarzana, CA 91356- Pacifica, CA 94949-6085 5728 94044-2016 2745. John 2746. Christopher Hollosi 2747. James L. Holman Hollingsworth Santa Clara, CA Deer Park, IL Corby, CA 90210 95050-3313 60010-3652 2749. Joseph Holmes 2750. Howard H. Holmes 2751. Juliet Holmes Kensington, CA Los Angeles, CA Roseville, CA 94707-1031 90069 95747-6768 2753. Kirsten 2754. Catharine Holt 2755. Jamie Holt Holmquist Pacifica, CA 94044- San Jose, CA Sunnyvale, CA 2836 95127-3108 94089-4724 2757. Jeffrey Homan 2758. Melinda Honeck 2759. Celeste Hong Mountain View, Petaluma, CA 94954- Los Angeles, CA CA 94043-4904 7479 90027-1144 2761. Deb Hooley 2762. Wayne Hooper 2763. Janet Hoover Paradise, CA Palm Desert, CA Garden Grove, 95969-4984 92260-3456 CA 92845-2946 2765. Ellen Hopkins 2766. Bruce Hopkins 2767. Darrah Hopper Sebastopol, CA Vallejo, CA 94590- Chester, CA 95473-1233 6402 96020-0186 2769. Steve Horeff 2770. Shaun Horner 2771. Jerry Horner Sunnyvale, CA Los Angeles, CA Walnut Creek, 94087-3121 90025-7434 CA 94595-1234 2773. Larry Horton 2774. Patricia Horwath 2775. Eric Horwitz Murphys, CA Joshua Tree, CA Lake Forest, CA 95247-2667 92252-0019 92630-3523 2777. Deborah Hoskins 2778. Barry Hottle 2779. Jean Christophe Santa Rosa, CA Roseville, CA 95747- Houdre 95404-4024 9514 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6121 2781. Roseanne Hovey 2782. Annette Hovorka 2783. Karen Howard San Diego, CA For City, CA 94401 Blaine, WA 92117-2313 98230-6502 2785. Trudi Howell 2786. Linda Howie 2787. Amy Howk San Diego, CA Fresno, CA 93720- Santa Cruz, CA 92127-3002 0901 95062-3357 2789. Terri Hoyle 2790. Hans Huang 2791. Karissa Huang Mckinleyville, CA San Leandro, CA Sunnyvale, CA 95519-4304 94577-6103 94086-8230 2793. Ann Hubbard 2794. Gail Hubbs 2795. Nori Huckabay Lucerne, CA Newbury Park, CA Great Falls, VA 95458-0661 91320-2822 22066-1609 2797. Jerry Hudgins 2798. Nori Hudson 2799. Rene Huerta Point Reyes Berkeley, CA 94707- Montclair, CA Station, CA 1651 91763-3433 94956-1408 2801. Darien Huey 2802. Bonita Hughes 2803. Vicki Hughes Magalia, CA Berkeley, CA 94704- Huntington 95954-9409 1511 Beach, CA 92649-3112 2805. Sheldon Hughes 2806. Alison Hughes 2807. Morgan Hughes Penn Valley, CA San Jose, CA 95134- Santa Rosa, CA 95946-9454 1563 95404-3529 2809. Gary Hull 2810. Juanita Hull 2811. Roger Hull Riverdale, UT Riverdale, UT 84405- Torrance, CA 84405-4036 4036 90504-1733 2813. Jacki Hunter 2814. Michael Hunter 2815. Brenda Hurst Los Angeles, CA Woodacre, CA 94973- Altadena, CA 90068-3267 0696 91001-1814 2817. Mark Hurst 2818. Robert Husbands 2819. Tess Husbands Orinda, CA San Diego, CA 92117- San Diego, CA 94563-3922 1309 92117-1309 2821. Melissa 2822. Anne Marie 2823. Jinx Hydeman Hutchinson Hutchison Trabuco Canyon, Pacific Grove, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95062- CA 92679-1108 93950-3146 3665 2825. Andrea Iaderosa 2826. Wess Icenogle 2827. Ken Ige Los Angeles, CA Auburn, CA 95602- Brentwood, CA 90027-4312 9228 94513-5030 2829. Wallace Iimura 2830. Antoinette Imus 2831. Tara Inden Cupertino, CA Lake Forest, CA Los Angeles, CA 95014-2206 92630-1411 90046 2833. Taylor Ingram 2834. Kathie Inoue 2835. Lou Insprucker Rocklin, CA Long Beach, CA La Canada 95677-4016 90810-3102 Flintridge, CA 91011-2627 2837. Barry Iorio 2838. Dianne Miller Ipsen 2839. Michael Ireland Moreno Valley, Livermore, CA 94550- Groveland, CA CA 92553-4779 2334 95321-1048 2841. Irina Irvine 2842. Larisa Irving 2843. Christina Irving Simi Valley, CA Lindsay, CA 93247- Sonora, CA 93065-5035 9648 95370 2845. Rika Ishii-price 2846. Zia Islam 2847. Bina Israni Alamo, CA Winnetka, CA 91306- South San 94507-2737 2303 Francisco, CA 94080-7305 2849. Dehra Iverson 2850. Hitesh Iyer 2851. Eduardo Costa Mesa, CA San Jose, CA 95124- Izquierdo 92627-2908 6343 Santa Cruz, CA 95060-3538 2853. Kathleen Jacecko 2854. Elizabeth Jache 2855. Lisa Jack Redondo Beach, Lemon Grove, CA Novato, CA CA 90278-2827 91945-3716 94947-3043 2857. Judy Jackson 2858. Gregory A Jackson 2859. Bruce Jackson Berkeley, CA Los Angeles, CA Oxnard, CA 94708-1608 90042-3413 93033-9110 2861. Alicia Jackson 2862. Karen Jacob 2863. Veronica Jacobi Vallejo, CA Napa, CA 94558-1313 Santa Rosa, CA 94591-4114 95401-5417 2865. Vernon Jacobs 2866. Elizabeth Jacobson 2867. Dawn Jacoby Corte Madera, Sherman Oaks, CA Fresno, CA CA 94925-1531 91401-5815 93727-6930 2869. Ria Jaggard 2870. Margo Jaime Sistena 2871. Paula Jain Sherman Oaks, Vallejo, CA 94591- Nevada City, CA CA 91423-1621 4239 95959-2614 2873. Brigitte James 2874. Susan Jamieson 2875. Roy Jamison Upland, CA Moab, UT 84532- Culpeper, VA 91784-7980 3352 22701-7963 2877. Philip Jamtaas 2878. Leigh Jansen 2879. Denise Janssen Los Angeles, CA Tustin, CA 92780- Eager 90034-4408 2661 Palm Springs, CA 92262-2618 2881. Marsha Jarvis 2882. Emma Javaherian 2883. Magesh Pinole, CA 94564- La Mesa, CA Jayapandian 2689 919414434 San Jose, CA 95136-4155 2885. Julien Jegou 2886. Warren Jenkins 2887. Scott Jenkins San Mateo, CA San Jose, CA 95112- San Luis Obispo, 94401-2114 5426 CA 93406-3231 2889. Mina Jenner 2890. Mercedes Jennings 2891. Roger Jennings Berkeley, CA North Hills, CA 91343- San Diego, CA 94707-2009 2034 92110-5643 2893. Sonja Jernigan 2894. Renee Jeska 2895. Darynne Jessler Los Angeles, CA Torrance, CA 90504- Valley Village, 90028-7893 4658 CA 91607-4115 2897. Kenneth Jetton 2898. Yvonne Jewell 2899. Michael Jhon Petaluma, CA Reedley, CA 93654- El Cerrito, CA 94952-5708 2013 94530-3553 2901. Gilda Jimenez 2902. Blanca Jimenez 2903. Marcos Jimenez Fontana, CA Los Angeles, CA Rodriguez 92336-1719 90001-1287 Los Altos Hills, CA 94022-5133 2905. Cristina Jitcov 2906. Barbara Joachim 2907. Matthew John Redondo Beach, Castroville, CA 95012 Marina Del Rey, CA 90278-4053 CA 90292-7389 2909. Juliet Johns 2910. Jenny Johnson 2911. Elizabeth Pearson Alameda, CA 94501- Johnson Grass Valley, CA 3973 Albany, CA 95949 94706-1504 2913. Catherine 2914. Samantha Johnson 2915. Nicole Johnson Johnson Carlsbad, CA 92009- Colfax, CA Canoga Park, CA 9326 95713-9595 91304-7500 2917. Shawn Johnson 2918. Pamela Johnson 2919. Judy Johnson Encinitas, CA Fair Oaks, CA 95628- Hayward, CA 92024-4552 5228 94545-1411 2921. Chad Johnson 2922. Arnold Johnson 2923. Louise Johnson Long Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Modesto, CA 90806-5601 90017-1934 95350-5035 2925. Kimberly Johnson 2926. Gregg Johnson 2927. Ben Johnson Petaluma, CA San Jose, CA 95126- Smyrna, GA 94954-1156 5006 30082-3806 2929. David Johnson 2930. Janna Johnson 2931. Philip Johnston Waterford, CA Yermo, CA 92398- Scotts Valley, CA 95386-9142 0554 95066-4700 2933. Linda Jones 2934. Kathy Jones 2935. Loren Jones Bakersfield, CA Benicia, CA 94510- Berkeley, CA 93387-0876 3728 94704-1415 2937. Moonlight Jones 2938. Chris Jones 2939. Valerie Jones Bloomington, CA El Segundo, CA Grass Valley, CA 92316-4143 90245-3919 95945-9610 2941. Esther Jones 2942. Stephanie Jones 2943. Arthur Jones Laguna Niguel, Livermore, CA 94550- Los Angeles, CA CA 92677-9200 5209 90039-2558 2945. Sylvia Jones 2946. Roslyn Jones 2947. AL Jones Los Angeles, CA Riverside, CA 92506- San Jose, CA 90064-3125 5365 95125-4826 2949. Gary Jones 2950. Laurel Jones 2951. Hilary Jones San Marino, CA Santa Monica, CA Santa Rosa, CA 91108-2640 90403-4124 95404-9592 2953. Linda Jones 2954. Paige Jones 2955. Mike Jones Sedona, AZ Simi Valley, CA West Hills, CA 86336-9758 93065-5928 91307-2409 2957. Brooke Jonke 2958. Sirry Jonsdottir 2959. John Jordan Yorba Linda, CA Topanga, CA 90290 Fresno, CA 92886-4615 93702-2803 2961. Lee Jordan 2962. Marty Jordan 2963. Lois Jordan Los Angeles, CA San Mateo, CA 94401 Tucson, AZ 90056-1906 85749-9639 2965. Marc Joseph 2966. Joseph H. Breazeale 2967. Stephen Castro Valley, CA Joseph H. Breazeale Josephson 94546-4121 Ashland, OR 97520- Berkeley, CA 1662 94702-0006 2969. Margot Juarez 2970. Barbara Judd 2971. Jack Judkins Berkeley, CA Berkeley, CA 94703- Fairfax, CA 94705 2371 94930 2973. Calvin Jung 2974. Christian Jusinski 2975. Deborah Justus Burbank, CA Berkeley, CA 94703- Barstow, CA 91505-3453 2003 92311-5460 2977. Shige Kabashima 2978. Oren Kadosh 2979. Max Kaehn Torrance, CA , NY Sunnyvale, CA 90503-1904 10029-1184 94086-5048 2981. Helen 2982. Maria Kalscheuer 2983. Natalie Kalustian Kalogiannides Saint Helena, CA Northridge, CA Scarborough 94574-1267 91343-4502 M1W 1N4 2985. Lacey Kammerer 2986. Jan Kampa 2987. Alistair Kanaan Union City, CA Soquel, CA 95073- Bogota, CA 94587-4578 2739 11012 2989. Mischa Kandinsky 2990. Satish Kandisetty 2991. Lisa Kane Bonny Doon, CA Sacramento, CA Burbank, CA 95060-9677 95834-2532 91506-1901 2993. Samuel Kane 2994. Irene Kang 2995. Pat Kanzler San Jose, CA Los Angeles, CA Eureka, CA 95121-2661 90066-3040 95501-2221 2997. Dennis Kaplan 2998. Robert Kaplan 2999. Tim Kapral Mayfield Heights, Murrieta, CA 92563- Manhattan OH 44124-1545 5716 Beach, CA 90266-2003 3001. Alan Kardoff 3002. Jennifer Kardos 3003. Piper Karie Palm Bay, FL San Mateo, CA Fort Collins, CO 32907-1611 94401-2014 80526-2818 3005. Eva Karlen 3006. Gunilla Karlsson 3007. Kent Karlsson Mill Valley, CA Oak Park, CA 91377- Valley Village, 94941-1742 4820 CA 91607-4031 3009. Phyllis Karsten 3010. Jason Karuza 3011. Batsheva Kasdan San Jose, CA Lomita, CA 90717- Los Angeles, CA 95135-1606 3772 90035-3217 3013. Bronte Kass 3014. Michael Kast 3015. Lise Kastigar Los Gatos, CA Panorama City, CA Laguna Niguel, 95030-7503 91402-1476 CA 92677-2720 3017. Vikki Kath 3018. Joanna Katz 3019. Jeffrey Katz Sebastopol, CA Berkeley, CA 94702- Beverly Hills, CA 95472-2513 1707 90210 3021. Raymond Katz 3022. Susan Kauffman 3023. Barry Kaufman Larkspur, CA Laguna Niguel, CA Burbank, CA 94939-1009 92677-2142 91506-1525 3025. Goldie Kaufman 3026. Wendy Kaufmyn 3027. Bob Kauten Roseville, CA Berkeley, CA 94705- San Leandro, CA 95747 1817 94579-1525 3029. Tal Kayatsky 3030. Josh Kaye-carr 3031. John Kays Los Angeles, CA Ventura, CA 93001- San Diego, CA 90042-4607 4049 92126-1120 3033. Patric Kearns 3034. Carol Keck 3035. Patricia Keefe Sonoma, CA Tucson, AZ 85716- Novato, CA 95476-3246 1045 94945-1231 3037. Robert Keenan 3038. David Keeping 3039. Isla Kegler- Mission Viejo, CA San Diego, CA 92121- williams 92691-2205 1100 San Pedro, CA 90731-6213 3041. Ann Catherine 3042. John Keiser 3043. Julie Keitges Keirns Salinas, CA 93902- Berkeley, CA Castro Valley, CA 2233 94709-1933 94546-8427 3045. Nathan Keller 3046. Marty Kelly 3047. Bev Kelly San Diego, CA Dublin, CA 94568- Long Beach, CA 92117-4239 2236 90803-3515 3049. Kristian Kelly 3050. Mike Kelly 3051. Maura Kelsea Petaluma, CA San Diego, CA 92117- Santa Cruz, CA 94954-7604 5859 95062-3619 3053. Ballinger Kemp 3054. Erik Kemper 3055. Eden Kennan Richmond, CA Mission Viejo, CA Van Nuys, CA 94804-7494 92692-2231 91405-1810 3057. Karen Kennedy 3058. Clare Kennedy 3059. Janet Concord, MA Templeton, CA Kennington 01742-4154 93465-5448 Los Angeles, CA 90077-2506 3061. Donald Kent 3062. Susan Kent 3063. Carlton Rocklin, CA West Hills, CA 91304- Keppelman 95677-3134 5342 Carmel, CA 93922-0578 3065. Barbara Kerkhoff 3066. Sharonlee Kermode 3067. James Kerr Somis, CA 93066- Boulder Creek, CA Redwood Valley, 9783 95006-0886 CA 95470-0679 3069. Arin Keshishian 3070. Anne Kessler 3071. Kate Kester Glendale, CA Point Arena, CA Mountain View, 91206-2252 95468-0147 CA 94041-2318 3073. Nancy Key 3074. Lanie Keystone 3075. Amrit Khalsa Palmdale, CA Vacaville, CA 95688- Redondo Beach, 93551-5649 2136 CA 90278-2832 3077. Melodye Khattak 3078. Farzaneh Khorram 3079. Mylee Fremont, CA Newbury Park, CA Khristoforov 94536-2513 91320-5250 Denver, CO 80231-5388 3081. Ray Kieffer 3082. Laura Kielman 3083. Cin Kieng Carlsbad, CA Sacramento, CA Los Angeles, CA 92011-3431 95818-1275 90015-3728 3085. Agoya Killeen 3086. Tommy Killingsworth 3087. Hannah Kim Santa Cruz, CA San Diego, CA 92117 Los Angeles, CA 95061-8179 90015-2176 3089. Anna Kim 3090. Patric Kim 3091. Jennifer Kim San Jose, CA San Jose, CA 95132- Zeller 95125-4111 3614 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-3708 3093. Monika King 3094. Debbie King 3095. Jean King Leander, TX Little Rock, AR 72205- Livermore, CA 78641-2910 4336 94550-3414 3097. Jordana King 3098. Michele King 3099. Janis King Los Angeles, CA Port Orchard, WA Reno, NV 89506- 90035-2609 98367-9269 1710 3101. Esther 3102. Kelli Kirk 3103. Brian Kirk Kirchheimer Mohave Valley, AZ Orange, CA La Jolla, CA 86440-8417 92866-1503 92038-0796 3105. Connie 3106. Peggie Kirkpatrick 3107. Carl Kish Kirkpatrick Yorba Linda, CA San Diego, CA Dulzura, CA 92886-4529 92103-2458 91917-0047 3109. Sarah Kittle 3110. Dan Kittredge 3111. Jennifer Kizziah Laguna Niguel, La Mesa, CA 91941- Los Alamos, CA CA 92677-4808 7881 93440 3113. Joseph Klein 3114. Alan Klein 3115. Linda Klein Benicia, CA Citrus Heights, CA El Segundo, CA 94510-3515 95621-5439 90245-3259 3117. Marion Klein 3118. Renee Klein 3119. Diane Klein Los Angeles, CA Marina Del Rey, CA Santa Cruz, CA 90064-3825 90292-7026 95060-3971 3121. Priscilla Klemic 3122. Diana Kliche 3123. Desislava Sherman Oaks, Long Beach, CA Klicheva CA 91401-5931 90804-1201 Albany, CA 94706-1362 3125. Gloria Klimczak 3126. George F Klipfel Ii 3127. Donna Klipstein Antelope, CA Cathedral City, CA Del Mar, CA 95843-4418 92234-8405 92014-3629 3129. Frank Klug 3130. Ray Knauss 3131. Thomas Knecht Campbell, CA Rancho Palos Verdes, Avila Beach, CA 95008-2133 CA 90275-2455 93424-0742 3133. Deanna 3134. Chetana Knight 3135. Lindsay Knights Knickerbocker Palo Alto, CA 94306- Santa Cruz, CA Santa Clara, CA 3533 95061-7447 95050-5572 3137. Carolyn Knoll 3138. Georgianna C. Knopf 3139. Christina Orinda, CA San Luis Obispo, CA Knoppel 94563-3703 93405-1396 Los Angeles, CA 90035-3581 3141. Madeleine 3142. Jaina Ko 3143. Anne Kobayashi Knowlton Irvine, CA 92612-2621 San Diego, CA Danville, CA 92122-5630 94526-3510 3145. Thatcher Koch 3146. Sharonk Kocher 3147. Bridget Koch- San Jose, CA Sebastopol, CA timothy 95133-2063 95472-6411 Sacramento, CA 95818-1804 3149. Laura Koeninger 3150. Karl Koessel 3151. Barry Kogen Ukiah, CA 95482- Mckinleyville, CA Long Beach, CA 3705 95519-8168 90808-3028 3153. Taran Kohli 3154. Laura Kohn 3155. Joyce Kolasa Culver City, CA Woodside, CA 94062- Springville, CA 90232 2503 93265-9735 3157. Rebecca Koo 3158. Vicki Kopinski 3159. Jessica Koran San Diego, CA Menifee, CA 92584- Menlo Park, CA 92108-2630 9446 94025-7037 3161. Rob Kornet 3162. Steven Korson 3163. Mary Ann Simi Valley, CA Riverside, CA 92503- Korson 93065-3901 4264 Riverside, CA 92503-4217 3165. Michael Kossow 3166. Anita Kostas 3167. Kevin Kostiuk Taylorsville, CA Santa Clarita, CA Pasadena, CA 95983-9703 91350-3021 91101-1308 3169. Leslie Kowalczyk 3170. Betty Kowall 3171. Donna Kowzan Sonora, CA Penngrove, CA Moorpark, CA 95370-8618 94951-9628 93021-2844 3173. Jesse Kozak 3174. Ellen Kozlowski 3175. Kaitlin Kozlowski Encinitas, CA Boca Raton, FL Sacramento, CA 92024-6701 33428-7729 95831-4810 3177. Tessa Kraft 3178. Lauren-michelle Kraft 3179. Arthur Healdsburg, CA Mission Viejo, CA Krakowsky 95448-4456 92692-1189 Livermore, CA 94550-9615 3181. Misty Krantz 3182. Stephen Kratt 3183. Marion Kraus Costa Mesa, CA Vallejo, CA 94591- Heidenheim 92627-2238 8352 89522 3185. Doug Krause 3186. Anita Kreager 3187. Satyna Krebs Fargo, ND 58102- Chula Vista, CA Santa Clara, CA 2524 91910-6632 95051-7363 3189. Barbara 3190. Evan Jane Kriss 3191. Linda Kristenson Krichman Sausalito, CA 94965- Atascadero, CA Foothill Ranch, 2066 93422-3135 CA 92610-2341 3193. Ray Kronquist 3194. Bob Kroth 3195. Catherine San Jose, CA Fremont, CA 94536- Krueger 95133-2511 1735 El Cerrito, CA 94530-4145 3197. Kurtis Krumdick 3198. Kim Krupinski 3199. Michelle Krupkin Visalia, CA Sherman Oaks, CA Los Angeles, CA 93292-4125 91403-3366 90066-5217 3201. Gary Kuehn 3202. James Kuhlman 3203. Allard Kuijken Newhall, CA Costa Mesa, CA Long Beach, CA 91321-1914 92627-2354 90803-1537 3205. Chris Kulczak 3206. Nusi Kumar 3207. Thilo Oregon, OH Walnut Creek, CA Kumbernuss 43616-3839 94596-2906 Hathaway Pines, CA 95233 3209. Mark Kupke 3210. Rebecca Kurtz 3211. Leah Kurtz Santa Rosa, CA Mountain View, CA Petaluma, CA 95401-4911 94040 94952-2163 3213. Annedore 3214. Carol Kuzdenyi 3215. Faye Kwan Kushner Pacific Grove, CA East Palo Alto, Cupertino, CA 93950-2551 CA 94303-2356 95014-3862 3217. Michelle L Lind 3218. Mariana De La Fuente 3219. Florencia La Hawthorne, CA Newcastle, CA 95658- Greca 90250-4949 9720 Burlingame, CA 94010-3769 3221. Kathryn La Rue 3222. Cory La Scala 3223. Howard Labadie Martinez, CA La Mesa, CA 91942 Acton, CA 94553-4212 93510-1177 3225. Pamela Lacey 3226. Ugo Lacheny 3227. Juanita Lackey Rialto, CA 92376- Woodland Hills, CA Fresno, CA 3516 91367-3797 93720-2714 3229. Nicolas 3230. Karim Ladjili 3231. Patricia Ladue Ladizinsky Los Angeles, CA Ojai, CA 93023- San Mateo, CA 90035-2643 4923 94403-1020 3233. Frank Lahorgue 3234. Jared Laiti 3235. Carol Lake San Rafael, CA Sacramento, CA Solvang, CA 94903-1117 95811-1026 93463-2138 3237. Nghia Lam 3238. Kathryn Lamar 3239. Robert Lamar Sherman Oaks, Hayward, CA 94541- Santa Cruz, CA CA 91403-2516 1537 95060-4229 3241. Jerome Lambert 3242. Patisu Lambert 3243. Steven Lamers La Jolla, CA Upland, CA 91786- San Bernardino, 92037-3424 6630 CA 92404-3015 3245. Rebecca Landau 3246. Robin Lande 3247. Gary And Topanga, CA Los Angeles, CA Seraphina 90290-0667 90036-2542 Landgrebe Soquel, CA 95073-2523 3249. Frank Landis 3250. Jan Landman 3251. Mary Lane San Diego, CA Cotati, CA 94931- Cameron Park, 92129-5167 4180 CA 95682-7638 3253. Lama Lane 3254. Debra Lane 3255. Susan Lane Costa Mesa, CA Fort Bragg, CA 95437- Los Angeles, CA 92627-7140 6104 90066-5860 3257. Eileen Langan 3258. Jane Langley 3259. Billie Lee Langley Penn Valley, CA Pacific Palisades, CA Torrance, CA 95946-8836 90272-4025 90501-3529 3261. Kathryn Lanning 3262. I-ching Lao 3263. Angela Laporta Visalia, CA Los Angeles, CA Pleasant Hill, CA 93277-8802 90029-2165 94523-5212 3265. Steven Larky 3266. Stephanie Larro 3267. Nadine Larsen Del Mar, CA Woodland Hills, CA Dana Point, CA 92014-3338 91367-6048 92629 3269. Marilyn Larsen 3270. David Larson 3271. Dan Larson Solvang, CA Long Beach, CA Northridge, CA 93463-2138 90802-8165 91324-3709 3273. Benjamin 3274. George Latta 3275. Mimi Lauducci Lashbaugh Visalia, CA 93277- Los Angeles, CA Mount Shasta, 5131 90027-3865 CA 96067-2732 3277. Gail Lauinger 3278. Janet Laur 3279. Seth Laursen Mendocino, CA Chatsworth, CA Los Angeles, CA 95460-9704 91311-4513 90016-2229 3281. Shai Lavie 3282. Aaron Lavine 3283. Timothy Fairfax, CA San Diego, CA 92130- Lawnicki 94930-1921 2877 Long Beach, CA 90806-1465 3285. Cliff Layman 3286. Magdolna Lazar 3287. Ronald Le Chula Vista, CA Auburn, CA 95602- San Jose, CA 91913-2465 7844 95116-2896 3289. Barbara Leake 3290. Vanessa Leal 3291. Nicholaus Leary Los Angeles, CA Whittier, CA 90604 San Clemente, 90064-4304 CA 92672-3713 3293. Jan Leath 3294. Charles Leavell 3295. Jennifer Leblanc Glendale, CA Anaheim, CA 92806- Burlingame, CA 91205-3629 4825 94010-4667 3297. Joe Leblanc 3298. Dennis Ledden 3299. Jamie Ledent Sebastopol, CA Fiddletown, CA Alameda, CA 95472-3146 95629-9604 94501-2341 3301. Linda Lee 3302. Jessica Lee 3303. Brenda Lee Cambria, CA Lake Balboa, CA Lakewood, CA 93428-3605 91406-2413 90712-3911 3305. Donna Lee 3306. Kevin Lee 3307. Lawrence Lee Lucerne, CA Modesto, CA 95350 Napa, CA 94558- 95458 4235 3309. Peter Lee 3310. Wilson Lee 3311. Richard Lee Pomona, CA Sacramento, CA Salinas, CA 91766-4200 95814-5735 93907-8739 3313. Sydney Lee 3314. Margaret Leeah 3315. Nancy Leech Berner Fallbrook, CA 92028- East Palo Alto, Covina, CA 2707 CA 94303-1722 91722-3337 3317. Ellen Lefevre 3318. Julissa Legaspi 3319. Jamie Legon Littlerock, CA Moreno Valley, CA Larkspur, CA 93543-3622 92551-6305 94939-1009 3321. Mindy Leighton- 3322. Laura Leipzig 3323. Miranda Leiva toth Berkeley, CA 94702- Sherman Oaks, Westlake Village, 1504 CA 91423-2279 CA 91362-5423 3325. Katherine 3326. Caroline Lembeck 3327. Judy Lemke Lemaster Beverly Hills, CA Ukiah, CA Capitola, CA 90211 95482-3710 95010-2210 3329. Ken Lengel 3330. Marina Lenney 3331. Jim Lennon Palo Cedro, CA Santa Barbara, CA Arcata, CA 96073 93105-2241 95521-5332 3333. Kelli Lent 3334. Jerry Lentz 3335. Barbara Leonard Alameda, CA Victorville, CA 92392- Walnut Creek, 94501-1603 2607 CA 94595-4914 3337. Rod Leong 3338. Bob Leppo 3339. Byron Lerner Hayward, CA Santa Maria, CA Alamo, CA 94542-2441 93454-2609 94507-2748 3341. Harry Leseur 3342. Carol Lesh 3343. Patricia Lesire Chester, CA Berkeley, CA 94702- Hayward, CA 96020-0021 1304 94544-6416 3345. Kurt Levensaler 3346. Nick Leventis 3347. Paul Leveque Danville, CA Daly City, CA 94014- San Diego, CA 94526-2206 1347 92103-2516 3349. Shaun Marie 3350. Marci Levine 3351. Sandy Levine Levin Los Angeles, CA Pasadena, CA Redwood City, CA 90046-1840 91104-3012 94065-1786 3353. Joel Levine 3354. Sandra Levine, M.d. 3355. Ellis Levinson Ukiah, CA 95482 San Rafael, CA 94903- Culver City, CA 1130 90230-5530 3357. Peggy Leviton 3358. Michael Levitt 3359. Lacey Levitt Mckinleyville, CA Concord, CA 94518- San Diego, CA 95519-9435 2636 92120-2717 3361. David Levy 3362. Barney B. Levy Jr. 3363. Samuel Lew Carlsbad, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95060- Walnut Creek, 92009-6831 2224 CA 94598-4333 3365. Patricia Lewis 3366. Debra Lewis 3367. Katherine Lewis Fresno, CA Hayward, CA 94541- Mountain View, 93726-3511 1808 CA 94043-1351 3369. Marakesh Lewis 3370. Gerardo Licciardi 3371. Suzanne Licht Sebastopol, CA Torrance, CA 90505- San Pedro, CA 95472-2928 7160 90731-7027 3373. Louise Lieb 3374. Jim Lieberman 3375. Amy Liebman Sebastopol, CA Annapolis, CA 95412- Hillsborough, CA 95472-6072 9752 94010-7158 3377. Diana Light 3378. Judith Light 3379. Arthur Lightman Irvine, CA 92612- Orangevale, CA Sebastopol, CA 1712 95662-3325 95472-4805 3381. Jamie Liles 3382. Ms. Lilith 3383. Brian Lilla Santa Barbara, Ventura, CA 93003- Napa, CA 94559- CA 93101 4929 3736 3385. Kristina Lim 3386. Olivia Lim 3387. Seongyong Lim Berkeley, CA Fremont, CA 94539 Santa Clara, CA 94708-1922 95054-3756 3389. Carmen Lima 3390. Sascha Lin 3391. Kristi Lin Chino, CA 91710- Fairfield, CA 94533- Oak Park, CA 4235 2518 91377-5457 3393. Pat Lind 3394. Scott Lindberg 3395. Stacia Linde Shasta Lake, CA Taunton, MA 02780- Rescue, CA 96019-9229 3740 95672-9469 3397. Patty Linder 3398. Robert Lindey 3399. James Lindgren San Jose, CA Rancho Cordova, CA Cerritos, CA 95136-1804 95670-5624 90703-6711 3401. Johanna Lindsay 3402. Scott Lindsey 3403. Gloria Fremont, CA Idyllwild, CA 92549- Lintermans 94539-3006 1672 Valley Village, CA 91607-2905 3405. Shirley Lipschutz 3406. Christopher Lish 3407. Michael Listo Los Angeles, CA San Rafael, CA 94903- La Canada, CA 90028-5047 2565 91011-1873 3409. Bruce Littleton 3410. Shannon Littrell 3411. Maxine Litwak Lincoln, CA Carlsbad, CA 92008- Novato, CA 95648-8260 1888 94949-5347 3413. Shanna 3414. Nicole Livingston 3415. Marilyn Livote Livermore Los Angeles, CA Buena Park, CA Pasadena, CA 90027-2104 90621-2718 91107-5287 3417. Don Lloyd 3418. Wendy Lo 3419. Jan Lochner Point Reyes Sunnyvale, CA 94087- Sebastopol, CA Station, CA 3313 95472-2420 94956-0159 3421. Marcia Lockett 3422. Peggy Loe 3423. Steve Loe San Rafael, CA Magalia, CA 95954- Yucaipa, CA 94901-2344 9540 92399-2337 3425. Vera Loewer 3426. Cynthia Loewer- 3427. Erland Lofquist Pacifica, CA torrez Sedro Woolley, 94044-4027 San Jose, CA 95121- WA 98284-8565 1118 3429. Lucy Logan 3430. Mark Lolli 3431. Sylvia Lombera San Jose, CA El Cajon, CA 92019- Fresno, CA 95117-1618 4573 93702-3233 3433. Diane London 3434. Terry Lones 3435. Robin Long Woodland Hills, Sacramento, CA Belmont, CA CA 91365-7071 95838-4638 94002-2231 3437. Robert Lonnquist 3438. Chris Loo 3439. Ernie Looney San Diego, CA Morgan Hill, CA Santa Clarita, CA 92128-2956 95037-3864 91380-0302 3441. Ralph Lopez 3442. John Lopez 3443. Adolfo Lopez Los Angeles, CA Reno, NV 89509-4759 San Diego, CA 90012-5001 92110-2204 3445. Edward Lorraine 3446. Richard Losh 3447. Charles Lotstein San Jose, CA Riverside, CA 92507- Long Beach, CA 95123-4830 1101 90803-7514 3449. Joanna Louis 3450. Kimberly Loureiro 3451. Sharon Lovell Encinitas, CA San Diego, CA 92108- Camarillo, CA 92024-1151 1025 93012-5254 3453. Margot Lowe 3454. Brandon Lowentrout 3455. Diane Lowndes Oceanside, CA Westminster, CA Elk Grove, CA 92056-2101 92683-4831 95758-3923 3457. Kristen Lowry 3458. Lorraine Lowry 3459. Mike Lu Vacaville, CA Vacaville, CA 95688- Austin, TX 95688-3853 3853 78737-4621 3461. Ken Lubas 3462. Matthew Lubs 3463. Rosa Lucas Canyon Country, El Segundo, CA Palm Desert, CA CA 91387-4990 90245-2272 92260-2665 3465. Alana Lucia 3466. Frances Luevano 3467. Carl Luhring Grass Valley, CA Woodland, CA 95695 Vista, CA 92081- 95945-9007 8829 3469. Jeanna Lum 3470. Gilad Lumer 3471. Brent Lund Temecula, CA Marina Del Rey, CA Pasadena, CA 92592-1607 90292-5952 91101-3117 3473. Gail Lundell 3474. Charlotte Lundeom 3475. Norma Lundgren Paradise, CA Jackson, MS 39216- Turlock, CA 95969-4714 3227 95380-3712 3477. Jimmie Lunsford 3478. Andy Lupenko 3479. Ken Luskin San Diego, CA Lemon Grove, CA Malibu, CA 92176-6642 91945-2615 90265-7415 3481. Lynn Luther 3482. Ashley Lutman 3483. Rick Luttmann Barstow, CA Quartz Hill, CA 93536- Rohnert Park, CA 92311-2104 4227 94928-1716 3485. Linda Lyerly 3486. Lynda Lynch 3487. Tim Lynch Cardiff, CA Alameda, CA 94501- Albany, CA 92007-1332 1736 94706-1805 3489. Kathie Lynch 3490. Erin Lynch 3491. Rosann Lynch La Mesa, CA Los Angeles, CA Monterey, CA 91941-6308 90049-5872 93940-1133 3493. Linda Lynch 3494. Georgia Lynn 3495. Penelope Lynne San Diego, CA Bakersfield, CA South Lake 92128-4706 93308-4462 Tahoe, CA 96150-4937 3497. Anne Lyon 3498. Gregory Lyon 3499. Connie Lyons Rohnert Park, CA San Jose, CA 95124- Saratoga, CA 94927-1702 1325 95070-3545 3501. Lukasz 3502. Gail Lytle 3503. Catherine Lysakowski Turlock, CA 95382- Macan Berkeley, CA 2849 Eureka, CA 94702-2021 95501-2564 3505. Anna Maria 3506. BC Macdonald 3507. Martha Macias Maccarrone Albion, CA 95410- Grand Terrace, Santa Barbara, 0069 CA 92313-4429 CA 93109-1810 3509. Joe Macias 3510. Rachael Maciel 3511. Hugh Macinnes San Jose, CA North Hollywood, CA Lakewood, CA 95116-2845 91605-2142 90712-1315 3513. Susan Mackenzie 3514. Michelle Mackenzie 3515. Bonnie Lynn Pacifica, CA San Carlos, CA 94070- Mackinnon 94044-2054 4407 Georgetown, TX 78626-6930 3517. Hannah Maclaren 3518. J F Scott Macleod 3519. Armando Altadena, CA Brentwood, CA Macmillan 91001-5280 94513-5811 Castroville, CA 95012-3026 3521. Susanne Madden 3522. Scott Madia 3523. Sally Madigan Playa Del Rey, CA Rohnert Park, CA Meadow Vista, 90293-8068 94928-3553 CA 95722-9575 3525. Concha Madrid 3526. Gabriella Madriles 3527. Margaret North Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA Madsen CA 91601-1022 90003-2252 Soquel, CA 95073-3021 3529. Mireya Magana 3530. Lilithe Magdalene 3531. Michael Tracy, CA 95377- Middletown, CA Maghakian 8250 95461-1478 Hercules, CA 94547-1981 3533. Michael Magill 3534. Graeme Magruder 3535. Edward Maguire Granite Bay, CA Sherwood Forest, CA Folsom, PA 95746 91325-3438 19033-1514 3537. Ann Mahoney 3538. Ann Maijala 3539. Dineo Maine Santa Barbara, Ontario, CA 91762- Chula Vista, CA CA 93103-2378 5967 91915-2323 3541. Eugene 3542. Janet Maker 3543. Arax Majerowicz Los Angeles, CA Maksoudian View Park, CA 90024-3113 Glendale, CA 90008-4821 91206-4377 3545. Rebecca 3546. Karen Malley 3547. Brad Mallory Maldonado Anaheim, CA 92804- Fresno, CA Apple Valley, CA 6113 93720-4618 92307-3419 3549. Sonja Malmuth 3550. Chris Malo 3551. Marsha Malone Santa Ynez, CA Larkspur, CA 94939- Chino, CA 93460-9675 1420 91710-4770 3553. Ilene Malt 3554. Robert Malte 3555. Patrick Manalio San Anselmo, CA San Jose, CA 95119- Westlake 94960-1327 1516 Village, CA 91361-2070 3557. Lisa Mandarino 3558. Donna Mangel 3559. Gilda Mangold Santa Monica, CA Covelo, CA 95428- Cupertino, CA 90403-3834 0866 95014-0453 3561. Courtney Mann 3562. Laurie Manners 3563. Dr. William Van Nuys, CA Winnetka, CA 91306- Manser 91401-1831 1334 Hanford, CA 93230-9234 3565. Robert 3566. Leo Mara 3567. Summer Manzanedo Livermore, CA 94550- Marasco Fresno, CA 3525 Costa Mesa, CA 93711-2373 92626-2058 3569. Mar Marc 3570. Dennis Marchuk 3571. Jason Marcum Santa Cruz, CA Encinitas, CA 92024- Oneida, TN 95062-3555 2232 37841-3769 3573. Melissa Marcus 3574. Catherine Marden 3575. Natalie Mari Long Beach, CA El Cerrito, CA 94530- Davis, CA 95618- 90808-3745 2812 6013 3577. Sylvia Marie 3578. Ruth Marin 3579. Laura Marinelli Sebastopol, CA Santa Ana, CA 92704- Los Angeles, CA 95473 3848 90034-3150 3581. Ginger Markley 3582. Joe Marko 3583. Robert Markovic Berkeley, CA Palm Desert, CA Los Angeles, CA 94702-1448 92211-8904 90004-3910 3585. Patricia Marlatt 3586. Jennifer Marquez 3587. Raymond Los Angeles, CA Hollister, CA 95023- Marshall 90068-1211 3235 Foresthill, CA 95631-9201 3589. Susan Marshall 3590. Susanna Marshland 3591. Sandrine Marten Seaside, CA Kensington, CA Pacific Palisades, 93955-3207 94707-1301 CA 90272-3310 3593. Mari Martfnez 3594. Chase Martin 3595. Nancy Martin San Pablo, CA Alameda, CA 94501- La Honda, CA 94806-4821 2834 94020-9738 3597. Patrick Martin 3598. Ben Martin 3599. Kai Martin Moorpark, CA Mountain View, CA Pacifica, CA 93021-2517 94040-1483 94044-3618 3601. Barbara Martin 3602. Alice Anne Martineau 3603. Shannon Redwood City, CA Mountain View, CA Martinell 94064-0946 94041-2244 Lancaster, CA 93534-1029 3605. Michale Martinez 3606. Lila Martinez 3607. Andrew Costa Mesa, CA Lafayette, CA 94549- Martinez 92627-2954 1708 Los Angeles, CA 90027-1241 3609. Angela Martinez 3610. Katherine Martinez 3611. Isabel Martins Sunnyvale, CA Tiburon, CA 94920- Los Angeles, CA 94089-1748 2053 90220 3613. Rich Masino 3614. Elizabeth Mason 3615. Mary M. Mason Del Mar, CA Goleta, CA 93117- Huntington 92014-2637 1960 Beach, CA 92649-4842 3617. Melissa Mason 3618. Jenifer Massey 3619. Ann Massing San Diego, CA San Clemente, CA Cambridge 92113-1120 92672-4243 CB12HJ 3621. John Mast 3622. Barbara Matas 3623. James Mathews Encinitas, CA Novato, CA 94947- San Mateo, CA 92024-1964 5175 94403-1253 3625. Mari Matsumoto 3626. Nan Matthews 3627. Dan Matthews Alameda, CA Pacifica, CA 94044- Valley Center, 94501-1509 2407 CA 92082-7014 3629. Brian Mattson 3630. Heiko Mauermann 3631. John Maves Novato, CA Hemet, CA 92545- Palm Springs, CA 94947-2881 4779 92262-2321 3633. Betty Maxwell 3634. Geraldine May 3635. Joe May Paradise, CA Creston, CA 93432- El Cajon, CA 95969-6037 9773 92019-3770 3637. Julie May 3638. Dorian May 3639. Toni Mayer Los Angeles, CA Willits, CA 95490- El Cerrito, CA 90034-1119 9410 94530-2544 3641. Catalina Maynard 3642. Denise Mayosky 3643. Paul Maysonave San Diego, CA Milpitas, CA 95035- Sonoma, CA 92139-3103 5708 95476-7314 3645. Michael 3646. Lisa Mazzola 3647. Brian Mc Credie Mazzarella Tampa, FL 33612- Ridgecrest, CA Pacific Palisades, 5013 93555-7506 CA 90272-2203 3649. Felicia Mccafferty 3650. Albertina Mccaffrey 3651. Karma Mccain Banning, CA Morrobay, CA 93442 Studio City, CA 92220-6102 91602-2050 3653. Theresa Mccall 3654. Patricia Mccallister 3655. Leona Mccann Rohnert Park, CA Fort Jones, CA 96032- Concord, CA 94928-1878 9420 94519-1718 3657. Anne Mccarthy 3658. Kerry Mccarthy 3659. Carole Mccarthy Bishop, CA Chico, CA 95926-1064 Loomis, CA 93514-7026 95650-8922 3661. Patricia Mccauley 3662. Lyn Mcclure 3663. Kathy Mcclure Anaheim, CA Placerville, CA 95667- Santa Cruz, CA 92807-1424 9144 95062-2859 3665. Patty Mccollim 3666. Robert Mccombs 3667. Jeff Mccombs Downey, CA Arcata, CA 95518- San Clemente, 90241-2631 4175 CA 92672-6014 3669. Douglas 3670. Lisa Mccown 3671. Gary Mccray Mccormick Alta Loma, CA 91701- Fort Bragg, CA Trabuco Canyon, 1202 95437-1744 CA 92679-4123 3673. Ward Mccreery 3674. Arch Mcculloch 3675. Paula Yucaipa, CA Morongo Valley, CA Mccullough 92399-4219 92256-9519 Oak View, CA 93022-9329 3677. Jeffrey 3678. Adrienne Mccurn 3679. Shereen Mcdade Mccullough Castro Valley, CA Los Angeles, CA Santa Barbara, 94546-6715 90018-4314 CA 93130-0144 3681. Larry Mcdaniel 3682. Evan Mcdermit 3683. Mary Vinton, IA 52349- Fullerton, CA 92832- Mcdermott 2454 1110 Yorba Linda, CA 92887-2683 3685. Claude Mcdonald 3686. Stacey Mcdonald 3687. Robert San Jose, CA Thousand Oaks, CA Mcdonnell 95120-1930 91361-5004 Westminster, CA 92683-7844 3689. Holly Mcduffie 3690. Ann Mcentee 3691. Chadidjah Mcfall North Hollywood, San Jose, CA 95127- Berkeley, CA CA 91606-4823 2518 94702-1656 3693. Teal Mcfarland 3694. Mitch Mcfarland 3695. Evan Mcfarland Palm Springs, CA Point Arena, CA Ross, CA 94957 92264-9338 95468-8812 3697. Jaime Mcgrath 3698. Bonnie Mcgraw 3699. Louise Mcguire Yorba Linda, CA Elk Grove, CA 95624- Concord, CA 92886-3342 2711 94519-1353 3701. Richard Mckee 3702. John Mckellar 3703. Don Mckelvey Santa Rosa, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95060- Euclid, OH 95404-3418 3234 44123-2515 3705. Eileen Mckenzie 3706. Diane Mckernon 3707. Jan Mckim Sacramento, CA Carmichael, CA San Carlos, CA 95827-8151 95608-1844 94070-4805 3709. Blake Mclean 3710. Linda Mclean 3711. Miles W Long Beach, CA Malibu, CA 90265- Mclennan 90803-6084 3142 Santa Barbara, CA 93111-1035 3713. Eileen Mcleod 3714. Michael Mcmahan 3715. Pamela Sacramento, CA Huntington Beach, CA Mcmahan 95826-3542 92649-2363 Oceanside, CA 92057-5710 3717. Alycia Mcmahon 3718. Christine Mcmasters 3719. Andrea Truckee, CA San Rafael, CA 94901- Mcmillan 96161-2752 1046 Roseville, CA 95661-5510 3721. Gail Mcmullen 3722. Marilyn Mcmullen 3723. Sherry Mcmurry Los Angeles, CA Vallejo, CA 94591- Fresno, CA 90027-3722 6929 93704-3918 3725. Anita Mcmurtrey 3726. Eileen Mcnally 3727. Michael Armona, CA Kensington, CA Mcnamara 93202 94707-1238 Sylmar, CA 91342-5516 3729. Christina 3730. Paul Mcneely 3731. Cynthia Mcpeak Mcneely Pasadena, CA 91104- Point Arena, CA Los Angeles, CA 2354 95468-0752 90008-2714 3733. William Mcrae 3734. Patricia J. Mctaggart 3735. Linda Mcvarish San Diego, CA Sonoma, CA 95476- Laytonville, CA 92109-4113 6716 95454-0575 3737. Donna Mead 3738. Nancy Mead 3739. Pattie Meade Hawthorne, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95060- San Clemente, 90250-8304 4940 CA 92672-3628 3741. Matthew 3742. Sara Medina 3743. Janique Mednis Medeiros Ventura, CA 93003- Del Mar, CA Berkeley, CA 2820 92014-3303 94703-2540 3745. Don Meehan 3746. Helene Carol Meeks 3747. Robbins Megan San Jose, CA Hayward, CA 94545- Bodega Bay, CA 95124-5939 1508 94923 3749. Adil Mehta 3750. Robert Meier 3751. Marianna Mejia Van Nuys, CA Los Angeles, CA Soquel, CA 91406-1103 90042-2104 95073-9708 3753. Eric Melendez 3754. Jeff Melin 3755. Dominic Melita Los Angeles, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95060- Newburgh, NY 90006-4249 1920 12550-4005 3757. Linda Mellen 3758. Gilberto Mello 3759. Teresa Melton Newport Beach, Los Angeles, CA Descanso, CA CA 92661-1434 90068-2016 91916-0563 3761. Ricardo Mendez 3762. Miranda Mendoza 3763. Gina Meng Los Angeles, CA Santa Rosa, CA Ramona, CA 90036-2519 95401-6124 92065-4521 3765. Alejandra Menna 3766. Suzanne Menne 3767. Geeta Menon Hollywood, CA Camarillo, CA 93010- Santa Rosa, CA 90028-6001 7820 95401-5967 3769. Sandra Menzel 3770. Shirley Mercado 3771. Richard Mercer Brookdale, CA Concord, CA 94518- San Rafael, CA 95007 1826 94901-4022 3773. Mario 3774. Karynn Merkel 3775. Alison Merkel Meresbang Eureka, CA 95503- Oak Park, CA Sacramento, CA 5402 91377-1017 95821-2563 3777. Michael 3778. Kitty Merrill 3779. Lisa Merrill Merlesena Oxnard, CA 93033- San Diego, CA San Diego, CA 7965 92116-4345 92116-3402 3781. Jill Merritt 3782. Brian Mertan 3783. Pamela Merten Salt Lake City, UT North Hollywood, CA Torrance, CA 84102-1721 91601-5008 90505-2621 3785. Cathie 3786. Carol Messina 3787. Kim Messmer Messenger Davenport, FL 33837- Santa Clara, CA Yorba Linda, CA 6834 95051-1154 92886-3639 3789. Nikita Metelica 3790. Pamala Mettier 3791. Bruce Mews Mountain View, Cambria, CA 93428- San Jose, CA CA 94043-1351 1919 95123-4912 3793. Colonel Meyer 3794. Twyla Meyer 3795. Cindy Meyers North Port, FL Pomona, CA 91767- Capitola, CA 34286-2009 1830 95010-0423 3797. Seniz Meyers 3798. Howard Meyerson 3799. Robert Meyert Watauga, TX Mountain View, CA San Jose, CA 76148-1511 94040-1322 95111-1805 3801. Patricia Michals 3802. Golda Michelson 3803. David Michener Encinitas, CA Fairfax, CA 94930- Santa Rosa, CA 92024-3333 1509 95409-8818 3805. Nicole Mikals 3806. Tiia Mikkelsaar 3807. Malorie Newbury Park, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656- Mikolowski CA 91320-3235 2835 Stockton, CA 95207-5234 3809. Laura Miller 3810. Jerome Miller 3811. Scott Miller Alameda, CA Berkeley, CA 94704- Berkeley, CA 94501-2278 3317 94709-1805 3813. Scott Miller 3814. Bill Miller 3815. Michelle Miller Chico, CA 95973- Colfax, CA 95713- Daly City, CA 0367 9523 94015-4723 3817. Mike Miller 3818. David Miller 3819. Anne Miller Glen Ellen, CA Long Beach, CA Mill Valley, CA 95442 90802-5111 94941-2956 3821. Richard Miller 3822. John Miller 3823. Heidi Miller Nevada City, CA Newport Beach, CA North Hills, CA 95959-3454 92660-3285 91343-3356 3825. Kay Miller 3826. Harriet Miller 3827. Dianne Miller Palo Alto, CA Redding, CA 96049- San Diego, CA 94306-4009 3953 92103-3710 3829. Shari Miller 3830. Tulsi Milliken 3831. Harriet Millman Vallejo, CA Encinitas, CA 92023- West Hills, CA 94590-6262 0836 91307-2833 3833. Chris Mills 3834. Krista Mills 3835. Rebecca Mills Needles, CA Petaluma, CA 94952- Woodland, CA 92363-3021 1084 95695-5463 3837. ED Milner 3838. Jack Milton 3839. Arthur Min Mountain View, Davis, CA 95616-3058 San Carlos, CA CA 94040-1331 94070-4685 3841. Clotine Minick 3842. Sheri Minix 3843. Nina Minsky Littlerock, CA Descanso, CA 91916- Santa Barbara, 93543-1414 0810 CA 93101-3476 3845. Barbara Mintz 3846. Victoria Miotke 3847. Lisa Miranda Encinitas, CA San Jose, CA 95129- Fair Oaks, CA 92024-3642 4804 95628-4083 3849. Solly Mirell 3850. Caroline Miros 3851. Ayoub Misherghi Los Angeles, CA Fairfax, CA 94930- Upland, CA 90064-4639 1408 91784-9253 3853. Michelle Mitchell 3854. Donna Mitchell 3855. Brent Mitchell Claremont, CA La Mesa, CA 91942- San Marcos, CA 91711-3828 2042 92069-9625 3857. Michael Mitsuda 3858. Carol Mock 3859. Neal Mock Fremont, CA Fremont, CA 94536- Truckee, CA 94555-1285 1601 96161-4925 3861. Veronica Mohn 3862. John Mohr 3863. Nick Moidja Foothill Ranch, Carpinteria, CA Gold River, CA CA 92610-1915 93013-2451 95670-8108 3865. Nelson Molina 3866. Carol Moll 3867. Claudia Buena Park, CA Orinda, CA 94563- Monahan 90620-2148 3671 Upland, CA 91784-9115 3869. Carol Mone 3870. James R Monroe 3871. Jeannette Woodside, CA Concord, CA 94521- Monserratte 94062-4806 4041 Laguna Hills, CA 92653-1936 3873. Thea Montella 3874. Elaine Mont-eton 3875. Bruce & Patty Pebble Beach, CA San Rafael, CA 94901- Montgomery 93953-0356 5116 Carlsbad, CA 92011-5109 3877. Nicole Montoya 3878. Loba Moon 3879. Robin Mooney Sacramento, CA Sonoma, CA 95476- Granada Hills, 95864-3025 5406 CA 91344-4151 3881. Debbie Moore 3882. Carol Ann Moore 3883. Toni Moore Bloomington, CA New London, NH Pasadena, CA 92316-2037 03257-0938 91104-1651 3885. Sheila Moore 3886. Andrea Moore 3887. Richard Moore San Diego, CA San Ramon, CA Sebastopol, CA 92103-6547 94583-3251 95472-2132 3889. Rebecca Moore 3890. Kevin Moore 3891. Henrietta Westlake Village, Willits, CA 95490- Morales CA 91361-4028 3310 El Segundo, CA 90245-2265 3893. Emily Moran 3894. Pam Morarre 3895. Ruben Moreno Merced, CA Simi Valley, CA Gardena, CA 95340-8413 93065-4226 90249-4201 3897. Henry Moreno 3898. Lorilie Morey 3899. Merrilee Morgan Valley Springs, CA Rohnert Park, CA Carlsbad, CA 95252-9164 94928-8137 92009-6526 3901. Karen Morgan 3902. Dan Morgan 3903. Hanh Morgan Pebble Beach, CA Rosamond, CA 93560- San Diego, CA 93953-3212 6804 92105-5312 3905. James 3906. Matthew Morikawa 3907. Matthew Morgenstern Santa Rosa, CA Morikawa Berkeley, CA 95405-6810 Santa Rosa, CA 94703-1506 95405-0921 3909. Jaylene Morley 3910. Kent Morris 3911. Cindy Morris West Jordan, UT Fullerton, CA 92831- Hermosa Beach, 84081-4802 2295 CA 90254-2638 3913. Patricia Morris 3914. Jamie Morris 3915. Tracy Morris Oroville, CA Playa Vista, CA San Rafael, CA 95966-9637 90094-2148 94903-0195 3917. John Morrison 3918. Paul Morse 3919. Cynthia Santa Rosa, CA Walnut Creek, CA Mortensen 95405-5408 94595-1261 Ann Arbor, MI 48104-4406 3921. Lance Moseley 3922. Joyce/henry Moser 3923. Joanie Moshier Marina Del Rey, Laguna Woods, CA Santa Rosa, CA CA 90292-7185 92637-6708 95409-3400 3925. Joanne Moss 3926. John Moss 3927. Jane Mothersill Palm Desert, CA Santa Monica, CA Nicasio, CA 92211-0994 90405-1810 94946-0144 3929. Madelyn Moydell 3930. Gerald Moysa 3931. Lindsay La Mesa, CA San Juan Capistrano, Mugglestone 91942-3929 CA 92675 Berkeley, CA 94705-1948 3933. James Mulcare 3934. Maria Muldaur 3935. Sharon Mulgrew Clarkston, WA Mill Valley, CA 94941- Richmond, CA 99403-2576 1927 94801-4144 3937. Sharon Mullane 3938. Judi Muller 3939. Robin Mulligan Los Angeles, CA Santa Barbara, CA Fountain Valley, 90066-5142 93105-2001 CA 92708-7251 3941. Menilek 3942. Randy Mund 3943. David Mulugeta Santa Rosa, CA Mundstock Prunedale, CA 95409-2615 Berkeley, CA 93907-3354 94704-3119 3945. Angela Munoz 3946. Gordon Munro 3947. Russell Munsell San Leandro, CA Napa, CA 94558-4109 Mill Valley, CA 94577-1752 94941 3949. Milton Munyer 3950. Mark Murdock 3951. Mary Murphy Eastvale, CA Indio, CA 92203-3870 Bend, OR 97702- 91752-4391 3116 3953. Judith Murphy 3954. Joanie Murphy 3955. Brian Murphy Portola Valley, CA San Jose, CA 95123- Sherman Oaks, 94028-7833 5005 CA 91423-1716 3957. Michelle Murray 3958. Barbara Murray 3959. Jim Murray Chico, CA 95926- Los Angeles, CA Manhattan 4054 90041-2425 Beach, CA 90266-2650 3961. Cathren Murray 3962. Ian Murray 3963. Jeanne Mursch Richmond, CA Santa Rosa, CA Burlingame, CA 94801-3921 95405-9010 94010-3731 3965. Jeffrey Muss 3966. Ann Myers 3967. Trent Myers Sacramento, CA Berkeley, CA 94705 Coronado, CA 95819-3110 92118-2447 3969. Herbert W. 3970. Twyla Myers 3971. Derald Myers Myers Santa Barbara, CA Santa Cruz, CA Menlo Park, CA 93105 95062-4058 94025-6542 3973. Steve Myrick 3974. Jane Nachazel-ruck 3975. Christine San Diego, CA Los Angeles, CA Nadeau 92115-1525 90026-1712 Hercules, CA 94547-2716 3977. Christine Nagel 3978. Cynthia Nagy 3979. Ariel Nahmias San Jose, CA Lafayette, CA 94549- Los Angeles, CA 95126-2670 5329 90016-5027 3981. Karen Naifeh 3982. Sam Naifeh 3983. Caroline San Mateo, CA San Mateo, CA Nakamura 94402-4043 94402-4043 Huntington Beach, CA 92649-6438 3985. Ashley 3986. Ruth K Nash 3987. Carroll Nast Namasondhi Larkspur, CA 94939- Colfax, CA Los Angeles, CA 1006 95713-9234 90004-1411 3989. Matilde Navarro 3990. Allison Navarro 3991. Roxanne Garden Grove, San Juan Bautista, CA Navarro CA 92841-1528 95045-0386 Thousand Oaks, CA 91362-3067 3993. Andrea Neal 3994. Sandy Nealon 3995. Talida Nechifor Chatsworth, CA Laguna Beach, CA Bucharest, CA 91311-6737 92651-4105 94501 3997. Melvyn Nefsky 3998. Darrell Neft 3999. Laurie Neill Marina Del Rey, Costa Mesa, CA Smith River, CA CA 90292-9240 92626-2324 95567-9317 4001. Ofer Neiman 4002. Randy Nelsen 4003. Beatrice Nelson Los Angeles, CA Lancaster, CA 93536- Hayward, CA 90211 6442 94541-1024 4005. L B Nelson 4006. Jon Nelson 4007. Jon Nelson Morgan Hill, CA New York City, NY Penn Valley, CA 95038-1954 10016-8538 95946-9524 4009. Gregory Nelson 4010. Bill Nelson 4011. Ian Nelson San Pedro, CA Santa Rosa, CA Santa Rosa, CA 90732-4712 95409-5504 95403-1767 4013. Craig Nelson 4014. Paul Nelson 4015. Cipra Nemeth South Pasadena, Twain Harte, CA Los Angeles, CA CA 91030-6274 95383-0872 90048-4612 4017. Lisa Neste 4018. Steve Netti 4019. David Nettleton High Point, NC Chula Vista, CA Roseville, CA 27265-1196 91910-8145 95747-4615 4021. Jane Neufeld 4022. Laurel Neufeld- 4023. Alice Neuhauser San Jose, CA williams Manhattan 95127-1555 Arroyo Grande, CA Beach, CA 93420-3434 90266-6108 4025. Cyndee Newick 4026. Roberta E. Newman 4027. Suzanne Campbell, CA Mill Valley, CA 94941- Newman 95008-3739 5080 Orinda, CA 94563-2228 4029. Scarlet Newman- 4030. Susan Newstead 4031. Carol Newton thomas Boonville, CA 95415- Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA 0740 90027-3010 90029-3407 4033. Carol Ng 4034. Tracy Nguyen 4035. Dylan Nguyen Los Angeles, CA Albany, CA 94706- Milpitas, CA 90026-1502 1820 95035-3817 4037. Cathy Nguyen 4038. Julie Nicholas 4039. Joshua Nichols San Jose, CA Mill Valley, CA 94941- Fresno, CA 95121-2344 3819 93727-4647 4041. Audra Nickles 4042. Sharon Nicodemus 4043. Elicia Nicoll Jamestown, CA Sacramento, CA San Clemente, 95327-0861 95821-5642 CA 92673 4045. Glenda Nielson 4046. Virgil Nieman 4047. Jana Mariposa Phelan, CA Desert Hot Springs, Niernberger 92371-8349 CA 92241-8398 Muhar Santa Rosa, CA 95401-5539 4049. James Nigh 4050. Christina Nillo 4051. Nancy Nilssen San Bernardino, W Hollywood, CA Dublin, CA CA 92404-5642 90069-5525 94568-3603 4053. Stacy Nisperos 4054. Rheema Nisperos 4055. Ann Nitzan Fullerton, CA Pasadena, CA 91106- Palo Alto, CA 92833-3449 1823 94301-2551 4057. Nina Noble 4058. Betty Nogues 4059. Arlene Nolan Encinitas, CA La Honda, CA 94020- Carmel Valley, 92024-4202 0292 CA 93924-9245 4061. Timothy Nolan 4062. Michale Noll 4063. Mary Nomiyama Los Angeles, CA Studio City, CA Morgan Hill, CA 90065-4306 91604-2428 95037 4065. Rob Norcio 4066. Richard Nordahl 4067. Eleanor Norris Lomita, CA El Dorado Hills, CA Davis, CA 95616- 90717-3309 95762-4110 7374 4069. Ellen North 4070. Donald North 4071. Oak Norton Laguna Niguel, Los Angeles, CA Redlands, CA CA 92677-1447 90019-1758 92373-9704 4073. Jack Nounnan 4074. Robert Nunes 4075. Adam Nunez Trinidad, CA Paso Robles, CA Anaheim, CA 95502 93446-4047 92807-2246 4077. Jose Nunez 4078. Stephanie Nunez 4079. David Nunez Lompoc, CA Van Nuys, CA 91405- Visalia, CA 93436-8240 3142 93291 4081. Erik Nye 4082. Vicki Nygren 4083. John Nyomarkay Los Angeles, CA Elk Grove, CA 95624- N Hollywood, CA 90068-1849 2747 91601-5657 4085. Phil Oberman 4086. Jean Obrien 4087. Connor O'brien West Hills, CA San Jose, CA 95118- Palo Alto, CA 91307-1829 1072 94304-2334 4089. Matthew O'brien 4090. Floyd O'brien 4091. Cynthia Obyrne San Diego, CA Stockton, CA 95204- Lompoc, CA 92129-4453 5701 93436-1969 4093. Melissa Ochoa 4094. Joan Ochoa 4095. Dave Ochoa Los Angeles, CA Oxnard, CA 93030- Reseda, CA 90061-3012 0194 91335-3236 4097. Kaytlyn Oconnor 4098. Mary Ann O'connor 4099. Maryrose Berkeley, CA Granada Hills, CA Oconnor-feld 94703-1505 91344-3013 Guerneville, CA 95446-0306 4101. Yvonne Oelkers 4102. Linda Oeth 4103. Gretchen Offord Visalia, CA Corona Del Mar, CA Shasta Lake, CA 93292-8092 92625-2611 96019 4105. Suzanne 4106. Daniel Ogrady 4107. Bridget O'hare Oggenfus Templeton, CA Fairfax, CA Napa, CA 94559 93465-9303 94930-1250 4109. Jean Okamura 4110. Lance Okawa 4111. Audrey Okubo Joshua Tree, CA West Covina, CA San Jose, CA 92252-0078 91790-2410 95129-4130 4113. Ruth Olafsdottir 4114. Cathy O'leary Carey 4115. Karina Oleynikov Santa Monica, CA San Diego, CA 92128- Van Nuys, CA 90403-2653 1814 91406-3702 4117. Consuelo 4118. Jerry Oliver 4119. Nancy Oliver Olivarez Sylmar, CA 91342- Flores, Esq. Venice, CA 5503 Valencia, CA 90291-3964 91354-1838 4121. Maedie Olsen 4122. Suzanne Olsen 4123. Allen Olson Los Angeles, CA San Luis Obispo, CA , 90068-3406 93401-7460 MN 55409-1322 4125. Beth Olson 4126. Jeffery Olson 4127. James Olson-lee Sanger, CA Vista, CA 92084-2840 Sacramento, CA 93657-9270 95822-0183 4129. Charles Omiya 4130. Maureen O'neal 4131. Terry Oneal- Seal Beach, CA Portland, OR 97223- o'rourke 90740-2651 8981 Ferndale, CA 95536-0571 4133. ED Opton 4134. Gerald Orcholski 4135. Alina Orendain Berkeley, CA Pasadena, CA 91104- San Diego, CA 94702-1002 3427 92154-6402 4137. Pam Oriard 4138. Ashley Orias 4139. Lynn Orion Lafayette, CA Hayward, CA 94541- Sacramento, CA 94549-3419 5602 95816-5045 4141. Rebecca Orlando 4142. Valerie Orner 4143. Angel Orona San Diego, CA San Mateo, CA Alhambra, CA 92126-5500 94403-3946 91803-3440 4145. Daniel Orozco 4146. Mary K Orrange 4147. Victor Ortega Walnut Park, CA Mountain View, CA Windsor, CA 90255-6227 94040-2316 95492-8012 4149. Julie Osborn 4150. Ketsa Osborne 4151. Wendy Oser Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Berkeley, CA 95835-1926 95818-3053 94702-1027 4153. Jose Osorto 4154. Susan Osova 4155. Seth Oster Pasadena, CA Redwood City, CA Ventura, CA 91106-1148 94063-1987 93003-1335 4157. Martha Jean 4158. Mike Ovard 4159. Laura Overmann Ottina Long Beach, CA Burlingame, CA Sherman Oaks, 90815-1245 94010-5141 CA 91403-5054 4161. Theresa Owens 4162. Marianne Owens 4163. Joan Ozinga Eureka, CA San Rafael, CA 94901- Laguna Woods, 95501-2757 4176 CA 92637-1822 4165. Knud Padborg 4166. Grace Padelford 4167. Lawrence Padilla San Pedro, CA Los Angeles, CA Roseville, CA 90731-3842 90064-3332 95678-2141 4169. Urmila 4170. Alessandro Maria 4171. Mary Page Padmanabhan Pagani Aptos, CA Fremont, CA Monterey, CA 93940- 95003-3979 94538-3946 4433 4173. Kim Paige 4174. Tami Palacky 4175. Roy Pales Kensington, CA Springfield, VA Sebastopol, CA 94707-1241 22153-2021 95472-9484 4177. Florence 4178. Beatriz Pallanes 4179. Robert Palmer Pallakoff Santa Ana, CA 92704- El Cerrito, CA Los Altos, CA 3131 94530-2152 94024-7035 4181. Matthew Palmer 4182. Kirstie Palmer 4183. Barbara Long Beach, CA Redondo Beach, CA Pampalone 90808-2537 90277-4857 Chatsworth, CA 91311-2610 4185. Rosiris Paniagua 4186. Juan Paniagua 4187. Robert Pann Altadena, CA Whittier, CA 90605- Los Angeles, CA 91001-4408 4664 90064-3306 4189. Cori Pansarasa 4190. Donna Panza 4191. John Papandrea El Cerrito, CA Grass Valley, CA New York City, 94530-1741 95949-9513 NY 10024-1207 4193. Robert Paquette 4194. Brian Paradise 4195. Janice Parakilas Pasadena, CA Ponte Vedra Beach, Redway, CA 91107-2417 FL 32082-2678 95560-1490 4197. Janice Pardoe 4198. Marina Parfenova 4199. Melina Paris Berkeley, CA Moscow 115547 Rancho Palos 94705-1833 Verdes, CA 90275-1350 4201. Byoung Park 4202. Noel Park 4203. Jenny Park Rancho Rancho Palos Verdes, San Mateo, CA Cucamonga, CA CA 90275-4603 94403-3119 91739-5950 4205. Nancy Parker 4206. Susan Parker 4207. Jennifer Parker Berkeley, CA Fort Bragg, CA 95437- Los Angeles, CA 94709-2024 4922 90068-2828 4209. Caryn Parker 4210. Gordon Parker Iii 4211. Robert Parker Tahoe City, CA Albuquerque, NM Stellato 96145-7336 87105-7082 Redwood City, CA 94063-4141 4213. Karen Parlette 4214. Robert Parsons 4215. Ron Parsons Eureka, CA Berkeley, CA 94710- South San 95501-5626 1347 Francisco, CA 94080-1618 4217. Anne Parzick 4218. Vercknocke Pascal 4219. Jack Pasco Corona Del Mar, Bagnols Sur Ceze Nevada City, CA CA 92625-1324 30200 95959 4221. Stacy Pasetta 4222. Alison Paskal 4223. David Passmore Los Angeles, CA Emeryville, CA 94608- Cazadero, CA 90068-1738 3466 95421-9500 4225. Philip Patino 4226. Seymour Patnode 4227. Cynthia Patrick Pico Rivera, CA Agoura Hills, CA Ventura, CA 90660-2262 91301-1601 93004-2370 4229. Claire Patterson 4230. Patricia Patterson 4231. Jean Patterson Berkeley, CA Claremont, CA 91711- Crescent City, CA 94703-2527 4236 95531-8504 4233. Katherine 4234. James Patton 4235. Jude Patton Patterson Los Altos, CA 94024- Yuba City, CA Ukiah, CA 95482- 3828 95993-8108 4678 4237. Stacy Patyk 4238. Lesley Paul 4239. Tamara Paul Aptos, CA 95003- Harbor City, CA Riverside, CA 4518 90710-2648 92509-4212 4241. Melony Paulson 4242. Elizabeth Paxton 4243. Rex Payne Diamond Bar, CA Carson, CA 90745- Fresno, CA 91765-2844 6103 93728-3346 4245. Tina Peak 4246. Cynthia Pealo 4247. Julie Pearce Palo Alto, CA Torrance, CA 90504- Irvine, CA 94301-1048 4845 92603-4233 4249. Gina Pearlin 4250. Diane Pease 4251. Karin Peck Santa Cruz, CA Littleton, NH 03561- Carmichael, CA 95062-2420 3902 95608-0310 4253. John Pedone 4254. George Pedraja 4255. Donna Pedroza Novato, CA Seal Beach, CA Alameda, CA 94945-1538 90740-6418 94501-6065 4257. Jacqueline 4258. Melchor Peiro 4259. Fatima Pelaez Pehkoff Glendora, CA 91740- Pasadena, CA Foothill Ranch, 5323 91103-3471 CA 92610-2495 4261. Vanessa 4262. Suzanne Pena 4263. Jana Pendragon Pellegrino Fullerton, CA 92835- Long Beach, CA Thousand Oaks, 3012 90807-0706 CA 91362-5301 4265. Louis Pepe 4266. Giana Peranio-paz 4267. Carlos Perez Los Angeles, CA Hendersonville, NC Chula Vista, CA 90039-3605 28792-8220 91915-1652 4269. Arturo Perez 4270. Margarita Perez 4271. Jana Perinchief San Leandro, CA Sylmar, CA 91342- Sacramento, CA 94578-3908 2623 95821-3402 4273. Anne Perkins 4274. Alex Perri 4275. Marina Santa Monica, CA Tarzana, CA 91356 Perricone 90402-1121 Albany, CA 94706-1129 4277. Marie Perry 4278. Lee Perry 4279. Mary Elizabeth Ceres, CA 95307- Corralitos, CA 95076- Perry 4102 0514 Pasadena, CA 91105-1339 4281. Karen Perry 4282. Yuka Persico 4283. Jerry Persky Yucca Valley, CA Simi Valley, CA Santa Monica, 92284-1703 93065-6772 CA 90403-2217 4285. Maria Peteinaraki 4286. Erika Peterkin 4287. Robert Heraklion City Hercules, CA 94547- Petermann Creta, CA 71305 3741 Escondido, CA 92026-7008 4289. Rodijah Peters 4290. Bruce Peters 4291. Lisa Petersen Petaluma, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95065 Apple Valley, CA 94952-3186 92308-8029 4293. Garrine Petersen 4294. Catherine Petersen 4295. Carol Peterson Sun Valley, CA Tracy, CA 95376-3226 Ceres, CA 95307- 91352-1333 4546 4297. Sheila Peterson 4298. Ellen Peterson 4299. David Peterson Fallbrook, CA Rancho Cordova, CA San Diego, CA 92028-3469 95670-3913 92116-4841 4301. Nancy Peterson 4302. Noelle Peterson 4303. John Peterson Scotts Valley, CA Stl Helena, CA 94574 Temecula, CA 95066-3627 92592-3203 4305. Jim Petkiewicz 4306. Shari Petrie 4307. Amy Petrolati San Jose, CA Foresthill, CA 95631- Vallejo, CA 95125-2952 9203 94590-6938 4309. David Petrovay 4310. Erin Petruk 4311. Carolyn Pettis Redwood City, CA Yorba Linda, CA Santa Clarita, CA 94061-3957 92887-4917 91387-3138 4313. Victoria Peyser 4314. Michele Reed Ph.d. 4315. Ronalee Phares Newark, DE Templeton, CA Paradise, CA 19711-3562 93465-0157 95969 4317. Tami Phelps 4318. Walter E. Phelps 4319. Marilyn Phillips Redding, CA Vacaville, CA 95688- Cupertino, CA 96003-3119 3811 95014-4654 4321. Annie Phillips 4322. E. Lehuanani Phillips 4323. Carrie Phillips San Diego, CA Santa Clarita, CA Sonora, CA 92101-3407 91321-2673 95370-8008 4325. Regina Phillips 4326. Kristina Phung 4327. Vanna Pichel Winnetka, CA Goleta, CA 93117- Petaluma, CA 91306-3264 2846 94952-7614 4329. Nancy M. Piel 4330. Randall Pieper 4331. Cheri Pierce San Juan Lake Elsinore, CA Albany, CA Capistrano, CA 92530-5264 94706-1134 92675-4334 4333. Cecelia Pierotti 4334. Kris Pierson 4335. Sue Pierson Vallejo, CA Newport Beach, CA Santa Rosa, CA 94590-7034 92659-5614 95405-4520 4337. Jeanne Pimentel 4338. Eric Pincepoche 4339. Fritz Pinckney San Pedro, CA La Baule 44500 Napa, CA 94558- 90731-6703 3756 4341. John Pinezich 4342. Ray Pingle 4343. Deanna Pini Longmont, CO Shingle Springs, CA Santa Barbara, 80503-9398 95682-8018 CA 93103-2056 4345. Cristina Pinkard 4346. Jocina Pinkston 4347. Mtryl Pinque San Jose, CA Ukiah, CA 95482-9021 Bangor, ME 95125-5911 04401 4349. Annette Pirrone 4350. Marilyn Pisa 4351. Mohanan San Anselmo, CA Valencia, CA 91355- Pisharody 94960-1848 3349 San Jose, CA 95124-6538 4353. Michael 4354. Shirl Lee & Sheldon 4355. Deane Plaister Pitcavage Pitesky Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa, CA Los Angeles, CA CA 93101-2540 95401-4414 90049-3120 4357. Mary Platter- 4358. Anthony Pleva 4359. Jeffrey Plotnik rieger Campbell, CA 95008- Hemet, CA San Diego, CA 5123 92543-2880 92105-5130 4361. Veronica Poad 4362. Ewa Pocztowska 4363. Dan Podell Thatcham RG19 Redondo Beach, CA Santa Rosa, CA 8JY 90278-4302 95404-2225 4365. Pietro Poggi 4366. Anna Polaris 4367. Bret Polish San Rafael, CA Beverly Hills, CA Los Angeles, CA 94901-2846 90210-1348 90034-5075 4369. Hollis Polk 4370. Docken Polk 4371. Lidice Pollan Mill Valley, CA Woodland Hills, CA Woodland Hills, 94942-0265 91367-2820 CA 91364-5345 4373. Bruce Pollock 4374. Eugene Pometto 4375. Beverly Poncia North Hollywood, Baltimore, MD 21227- Lower Lake, CA CA 91601-4343 3822 95457-0971 4377. Samuel Popailo 4378. Kathy Popoff 4379. Tori West Hollywood, San Pedro, CA 90732- Poppenheimer CA 90046-5292 5015 Cambria, CA 93428-2811 4381. Jess Portelance 4382. Rob Porter 4383. Susan Porter Los Angeles, CA Carlsbad, CA 92009 Pasadena, CA 90211 91103-1445 4385. Jon Porter Md 4386. Marcela Postlova 4387. Roger Potash Rossmoor, CA Merced, CA 95348- Menlo Park, CA 90720-4740 3214 94025-7107 4389. Robert Pousman 4390. Robin Powar 4391. Larry Powell Healdsburg, CA Menlo Park, CA Culver City, CA 95448-9780 94025-6537 90230-4465 4393. Heather Power 4394. Jim Powers 4395. Eric Pranausk San Rafael, CA Oceanside, CA 92056- Idyllwild, CA 94903-2547 4118 92549-3431 4397. Dareth Pray 4398. Truse Pretto 4399. Krystal Price Arcata, CA Richmond, CA 94805- Canyon Country, 95521-9200 1106 CA 91387-4259 4401. Susan Price 4402. Jeanette Price 4403. Isabella Price Petaluma, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95065- Walnut Creek, 94952-2722 1845 CA 94596-6446 4405. Erika Pringsheim- 4406. Louis Priven 4407. Adam Probst moore Los Angeles, CA Santa Rosa, CA Lafayette, CA 90049 95407-2536 94549-3126 4409. Philip Kain 4410. Lois Prola 4411. Renee Props Professor Of Salinas, CA 93906- Los Angeles, CA Philosophy 3569 90068-3976 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 4413. Leoncio Provoste 4414. Pauleanne Pruneau 4415. Lois Pryor Los Angeles, CA Baltimore, MD 21222- Alameda, CA 90048-2224 2743 94501-1681 4417. Stephen Pucci 4418. Felena Puenres 4419. Angelo Pugliese Richmond, CA Bakersfield, CA Los Angeles, CA 94804-7478 93312-5145 90034 4421. Karen Quail 4422. Robert Quarrick 4423. Vanessa Davis, CA 95616- Benicia, CA 94510- Quezada 2667 2911 Le Grand, CA 95333-9651 4425. Clara Quijano 4426. Yvonne Quilenderino 4427. Tracey Quinn Irvine, CA 92614- Seaside, CA 93955- Boulder Creek, 0214 6758 CA 95006-9358 4429. Jennifer 4430. Marjorie Quon 4431. Mabel Ra Quintana Redwood City, CA Yorba Linda, CA Los Angeles, CA 94063-3018 92887-3957 90022-1947 4433. Gerald Rabl 4434. James Race 4435. Maryann New York City, Palm Desert, CA Rachford NY 10040-2511 92211-7906 Glendora, CA 91741-1885 4437. Doug Radford 4438. Christine Raffetto 4439. Mary Rafti Sandpoint, ID Healdsburg, CA Serres 62121 83864-7588 95448-0925 4441. Mary Ragsdale 4442. Annette Raible 4443. Sandra Ripon, CA 95366- Petaluma, CA 94952- Rakestraw 3122 9687 Atascadero, CA 93422-5003 4445. Charles Ralston 4446. Silvia Ramirez 4447. Russ Ramirez Novato, CA Capitola, CA 95010- Costa Mesa, CA 94949-6809 0133 92627-3621 4449. Alex Ramirez 4450. Chris Ramirez 4451. Jenisse Ramirez La Crescenta, CA Sanger, CA 93657- West Covina, CA 91214-3236 3227 91792-2428 4453. Alex Ramirez. Jr. 4454. Paul Ramos 4455. Joanna Ramos Riverside, CA Santa Ynez, CA Tujunga, CA 92504-2311 93460-9106 91042-2218 4457. Sheri Randolph 4458. Louise Rangel 4459. Julie Ranieri Barstow, CA Santa Paula, CA Eureka, CA 92311-1621 93060-9723 95503-7703 4461. Ward Ranson 4462. Lauren Ranz 4463. Shana Rapoport Oak Park, CA Lafayette, CA 94549- Northridge, CA 91377-5518 6243 91324-1623 4465. Nicole Raskin 4466. Jonathan Rasmusson 4467. Charline Ratcliff Granada Hills, CA El Cerrito, CA 94530- Walnut Creek, 91344-6310 2375 CA 94596-4609 4469. Maria Rausis 4470. Susan Rautine 4471. Jane Raventos Mountain View, Pacific Grove, CA Bakersfield, CA CA 94040-1416 93950-7126 93311-3760 4473. Carol Ray 4474. Theda Ray 4475. Susan Ray Fontana, CA Torrance, CA 90502- West Hollywood, 92334-0941 2500 CA 90046-5169 4477. Bruce Raymond 4478. Joseph Razo 4479. Larry Razzano Oceanside, CA Camarillo, CA 93012- King City, CA 92054-2409 5149 93930-9707 4481. Verona Rebow 4482. Robert Rector 4483. Edward Redig Arroyo Grande, Encinitas, CA 92023- Paso Robles, CA CA 93420 0781 93446-7350 4485. Carter Redish 4486. Richard Redman 4487. Colin Redmond San Clemente, CA Altadena, CA 91001- Corona, CA 92672-4356 3738 92880-1730 4489. Mary Reed 4490. Sarah Reed 4491. Joseph Reel Sebastopol, CA Vallejo, CA 94590- Pacific Grove, CA 95472-9754 4013 93950-6066 4493. Gary Reese 4494. Lenore Reeves 4495. Geoff Regalado San Clemente, CA Mokena, IL 60448- Burbank, CA 92673-6900 1368 91503-4183 4497. Karen Reibstein 4498. Tricia Reichert 4499. Matthew Reid San Diego, CA San Leandro, CA Calistoga, CA 92120-3108 94577-2929 94515-1737 4501. Anne Reidt 4502. John Reiland 4503. Kathy Reimer Newark, CA Menlo Park, CA Los Angeles, CA 94560-4460 94025-4222 90007-1528 4505. Sophia Reinders, 4506. Robin Reinhart 4507. Emil Reisman Phd San Diego, CA 92104- Encino, CA San Rafael, CA 4907 91436-4451 94901-8322 4509. Deborah Remy 4510. Linda Remy 4511. Chris Rendessy Carmel Valley, CA Mill Valley, CA 94941- Santa Barbara, 93924-8902 1927 CA 93101-1119 4513. Nicholas Renella 4514. Katherine Renfro 4515. Edeltraut Renk Arleta, CA 91331- Berkeley, CA 94720 Sacrofano 60 5253 4517. Matthew Reola 4518. Rod Repp 4519. Michael Reppy San Clemente, CA Baldwin Park, CA Mill Valley, CA 92672-6624 91706-2364 94941-3801 4521. Ethan Retherford 4522. F. Carlene Reuscher 4523. Debra Reuter Eureka, CA Costa Mesa, CA Martinez, CA 95501-2303 92626-4840 94553-1914 4525. Reynaldo Reyna 4526. Melissa Reynolds 4527. Lloyd Reynolds Roma, TX 78584- , TN 37303- Fountain Valley, 5572 2317 CA 92708-1145 4529. Kevin Reynolds 4530. Andrea Reynolds 4531. Teresa Reynolds Hayward, CA Lincoln, CA 95648- Napa, CA 94558- 94541-3280 8711 5564 4533. Rhiannon 4534. Keith Rhinehart 4535. Deanna Rhoades Rhiannon Santa Clara, CA La Mesa, CA Berkeley, CA 95050-6420 91942-5069 94710-1729 4537. Janet Rhodes 4538. Wanda Rhodes 4539. Genevieve Riber Cathedral City, Los Angeles, CA San Diego, CA CA 92234-8935 90012-1005 92103-1636 4541. Ric Ricard 4542. Mark Ricci 4543. Ronda Rice Hayward, CA Point Arena, CA Felton, CA 94545-4910 95468 95018-8711 4545. Jay Rice 4546. Sheridan Rice 4547. Dion Rich Novato, CA Wrightwood, CA Grass Valley, CA 94947-2075 92397-1267 95945 4549. Pam Richards 4550. Nancy Richards 4551. Katherine Regina, CA 90210 Santa Rosa, CA Richardson 95404-2231 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-4521 4553. Sydney Ricks 4554. Joe Rico 4555. Lynette Ridder Fresno, CA Monterey Park, CA Concord, CA 93722-1101 91754-2309 94521-2910 4557. Kyle Ridenour 4558. Linda Ridenour 4559. Nelson Ridgway Albany, CA Lake Elsinore, CA Modesto, CA 94706-1238 92530-5741 95350-3942 4561. Miguel Ridolfi 4562. Julie Ries 4563. Nicole Rieth Boonville, CA Topanga, CA 90290 Mount Shasta, 95415-0836 CA 96067-9495 4565. Nancy Riley 4566. Paul Ripley 4567. Michael Riser Santa Ana, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95062- Oroville, CA 92799-8891 5039 95966-3814 4569. Gail Ritchie 4570. Evan Riter 4571. Rev. Maria Riter Bobeda Berkeley, CA 94702- Wilson Corralitos, CA 1758 San Dimas, CA 95076-0738 91773-4043 4573. Javier Rivera 4574. Miriam Rivers 4575. Kathleen Rizzato Brooklyn, NY Porter Ranch, CA Belmont, CA 11249-5128 91326-1740 94002-1805 4577. Carlos Robayo 4578. Barbara Robbin 4579. Virginia Robbins Sydney, CA Studio City, CA Altadena, CA 95306 91604-4318 91001-1958 4581. Patricia Roberson 4582. Robert Roberto 4583. Les Roberts Spring Valley, CA Santee, CA 92071- Fresno, CA 91978-1116 1291 93704-4335 4585. Gail Roberts 4586. Jacquelyn Roberts 4587. C. Alton Tecate, CA 91980 Tehachapi, CA 93561- Robertson 8581 Redlands, CA 92373-6146 4589. Steve Robey 4590. Eddy Robey 4591. Kate Robinson Berkeley, CA Sherman Oaks, CA Anaheim, CA 94708-1229 91401-5626 92801-3203 4593. Lee Robinson 4594. Caroline Robinson 4595. Darrell Robinson El Dorado Hills, Mill Valley, CA 94941- Nevada City, CA CA 95762-9747 1026 95959-2920 4597. Jacqueline 4598. Stanley Robinson 4599. Rebecca Robinson San Diego, CA 92154- Robinson Powder Springs, 4208 San Pablo, CA GA 30127-4974 94806-1568 4601. James Robinson 4602. Joyce Robinson 4603. Art Robles Santa Cruz, CA Twentynine Palms, Huntington 95062-2611 CA 92277-2534 Beach, CA 92647-0413 4605. Candace Rocha 4606. Candy Rocha 4607. Martin Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Rockstrom 90031-1048 90033-1612 Pleasanton, CA 94566-2252 4609. Diana Rodgers 4610. Ray Rodney 4611. Sharon Mission Viejo, CA Woodacre, CA 94973- Rodrigues 92691-4231 0184 Fremont, CA 94539-3738 4613. Doris Rodriguez 4614. Michael Rodriguez 4615. Doris Rodriguez Lake Forest, CA Los Angeles, CA Ontario, CA 92630-7245 90038-1688 91762-6892 4617. Christina Roe 4618. Katheryn Rogers 4619. Kathleen Rogers Fresno, CA Arlington, TX 76010- Los Angeles, CA 93705-4607 7543 90013-2131 4621. James Rogers 4622. Kathleen Rogers 4623. Barbara Rogie Orinda, CA Paramount, CA Alameda, CA 94563-3653 90723-5591 94501-1825 4625. Philip Rohr 4626. Barb Rohrer 4627. Efren Rojas Los Angeles, CA Roseville, CA 95678- Ontario, CA 90039-1458 6626 91761-4245 4629. Raymie Roland 4630. Darrell Rolstone 4631. Michele Roma Santa Rosa, CA Larkspur, CA 94939- Concord, CA 95404-2842 1925 94520-3574 4633. Sandra Romano 4634. Scott Romanowski 4635. Valerie Romero Downey, CA Simi Valley, CA Quincy, CA 90241-4904 93063-1565 95971-9657 4637. Lil Romero 4638. Felix Romero 4639. Patti Romnes Stockton, CA Sun Valley, CA 91352- South Lake 95201-0114 1328 Tahoe, CA 96150-7446 4641. Mary Rooney 4642. Irene Roos 4643. Barbara Root Sonoma, CA Lakeside, CA 92040- Merced, CA 95476-1886 4614 95340-8353 4645. Karen Rosen 4646. Sara-ann Rosen 4647. Bryan Rosen Chatsworth, CA Los Angeles, CA Montecito, CA 91311-2311 90025-3841 93108-1005 4649. Robert 4650. Sandra Rosenberg 4651. Larry Rosenberg Rosenberg San Marcos, CA Tahoe City, CA Kentfield, CA 92069-1754 96145-6902 94904-1421 4653. Jamie 4654. Henry Rosenfeld 4655. Howard Rosenblood Riverside, CA 92506- Rosenfield Los Angeles, CA 5843 Santa Rosa, CA 90049-5214 95404-9582 4657. Richard 4658. Steven Rosenthal 4659. Steve Rosin Rosenthal Santa Barbara, CA Pasadena, CA Los Angeles, CA 93105-3529 91101-1701 90019-2503 4661. Joann Ross 4662. Michael Ross 4663. Jeremy Ross Carmichael, CA El Portal, CA 95318- La Jolla, CA 95608-3446 0295 92037-3725 4665. Charles Ross 4666. Melody Ross 4667. Janice Rosse Rio Nido, CA Santee, CA 92071- Irvine, CA 95471-0110 5318 92604-4650 4669. Dorothy Rossi 4670. Thomas Rossi 4671. Michael Rotcher Carmichael, CA Sun Valley, CA 91352- Mission Viejo, 95609 1918 CA 92692-2351 4673. Gloria Roth 4674. Carrie Roth 4675. Stan Roth Huntington Kelseyville, CA 95451- Richmond, CA Beach, CA 92646- 9550 94804-5608 8732 4677. Erick Rothfeld 4678. Barbara Rothkrug 4679. Diana Rothman Sonoma, CA Corte Madera, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95476-5230 94925-2014 95060-3640 4681. Tom Rowe 4682. D.. Rowe 4683. Sallie Rowe Sacramento, CA Santa Monica, CA Sausalito, CA 95819-1065 90403-5704 94965-1557 4685. Carol Rowland 4686. William Rowland 4687. Karen Rowley Creston, CA Los Angeles, CA Walnut Creek, 93432-9748 90017-1090 CA 94596-6312 4689. George Royer 4690. Allen Royer 4691. Maria Ru Los Gatos, CA San Jose, CA 95125- Sassari 07100 95032-3572 3114 4693. Lois Ruble 4694. Maya Rudik 4695. Linda Rudin San Marcos, CA North Hollywood, CA Daly City, CA 92078-4810 91606-4472 94014-3461 4697. Margie Ruegger 4698. Catherine Ruggeri 4699. Pierce Ruhl Chico, CA 95926- Hopland, CA 95449- Paradise, CA 1761 0916 95969-6126 4701. George Ruiz 4702. Louis Manuel Ruiz 4703. Anna Rull San Carlos, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95062- North Hills, CA 94070-2220 2021 91343-1825 4705. Kristen Rumbaoa 4706. Thomas Rummel 4707. Paul Runion San Leandro, CA San Diego, CA 92104- Ben Lomond, CA 94579 2562 95005-9420 4709. Robert Rush 4710. Nicole Rushford 4711. Karen Rusiniak Brisbane, CA San Diego, CA 92128- Berkeley, CA 94005-1236 6201 94710-2012 4713. Elaine Russell 4714. Heather Russell 4715. Amber Russo Long Beach, CA Redondo Beach, CA Palm Desert, CA 90815-3114 90277-2075 92260-2978 4717. Carol Ruth 4718. Brian Rutkin 4719. Elizabeth Ryan Stanford, CA Marina Del Rey, CA Berkeley, CA 94305-8403 90292-5752 94710-1411 4721. John Ryan 4722. Juanita Ryan 4723. Joyce Rybandt Santa Cruz, CA Whittier, CA 90604- Albany, CA 95062-4058 3537 94706-2359 4725. Douglas Ryden 4726. Vannieuwenhyze 4727. Aleida Saadati Ventura, CA S+¬bastien La Crescenta, CA 93003-4625 St Cyr Sous Dourdan, 91214-2841 CA 91410 4729. Garth Saalfield 4730. Adam Saavedra 4731. Christina Sabin Fort Bragg, CA Alta Loma, CA 91737- Grass Valley, CA 95437-9504 6533 95945-6016 4733. Judy Sachter 4734. Sharman Saffier Willis 4735. Nancy Sagatelian Los Angeles, CA Stockton, CA 95207- Pasadena, CA 90025-5869 4669 91106-3945 4737. Geoffrey Saign 4738. John Sailer 4739. Catherine Saint- St Paul, MN Port Townsend, WA clair 55116 98368-3058 Martinez, CA 94553-5838 4741. Martin Saitta 4742. Sarah Sakakibara 4743. Chingiz Salakhly San Diego, CA Los Angeles, CA Santee, CA 92115-1312 90045-2643 92071-8418 4745. Laura Salanitro 4746. Dorothy Salant 4747. Brad Salata Fullerton, CA Mendocino, CA Newport Beach, 92832-2315 95460-9795 CA 92660-7210 4749. Isaac Salazar 4750. Randy Salazar 4751. Elaine Saldivar Los Angeles, CA San Diego, CA 92106- El Sobrante, CA 90019-5149 2532 94803-2959 4753. Suzanne Salerno 4754. Roidina Salisbury 4755. Paulette Temple City, CA Laguna Woods, CA Salisbury 91780-3829 92637-3839 Pleasanton, CA 94566-5884 4757. Dawn Salois 4758. Stanley Salomon 4759. Vilma Salvador Costa Mesa, CA Windsor, CA 95492- San Fernando, 92626-4129 8619 CA 91340-1961 4761. Dennis Salvo 4762. Loriel Samaras 4763. Jorge Samayoa Lafayette, CA Redondo Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA 94549-1702 90277-5376 90039-3656 4765. Lanier Sammons 4766. Payal Sampat 4767. Jonathan Santa Cruz, CA Albany, CA 94706- Sampson 95060 1532 Santa Rosa, CA 95404-2260 4769. Larry Samson 4770. Patricia Samson 4771. Veronica Bellflower, CA Eureka, CA 95503- Sanchez 90706-2522 6929 Carson, CA 90745-1215 4773. Henry Sanchez 4774. Elizabeth Sanchez 4775. Sergio Sanchez Ojai, CA 93023- Rosemead, CA 91770- San Mateo, CA 9514 3163 94403-2080 4777. Sergio Sanchez 4778. Vladimir Sanda 4779. Steven Sander Walnut, CA Ojai, CA 93023-9311 West 91789-2663 Sacramento, CA 95605-1995 4781. Mary Sanders 4782. Nina Sandhu 4783. Wendy Sandoval Petaluma, CA Fresno, CA 93711- Fairfield, CA 94952-4123 6233 94533-2031 4785. Lily Sandoval 4786. Val Sanfilippo 4787. Janis Sanford Pasadena, CA San Diego, CA 92111- Bluffton, SC 91101-4687 5057 29909-4589 4789. Justin Sangani 4790. Carol Sangster 4791. Karen Los Angeles, CA Ojai, CA 93024-0149 Sanguinetti 90035-2608 Aptos, CA 95003-5649 4793. Yessi Santana 4794. Deirdre Santaniello 4795. Nino Santiago Fremont, CA Willits, CA 95490- Foster City, CA 94538-2513 8901 94404-1626 4797. D. Kendall Santos 4798. Agatha Santos 4799. Claudia Saporiti La Quinta, CA San Clemente, CA Hawthorne, CA 92253 92673-4039 90250-4823 4801. Jeane Sarah 4802. Michael Sargent 4803. Deborah Sargent Santa Monica, CA Berkeley, CA 94710- Poway, CA 90403-5704 1426 92064-6510 4805. Sabrina Sarne 4806. Marijeanne Sarraille 4807. David Sarricks Danville, CA Pittsburg, CA 94565- Running Springs, 94526-5132 5156 CA 92382-0452 4809. Julie Sasaoka 4810. Sylva Sassounian 4811. Michele Satre Concord, CA San Dimas, CA 91773- Anaheim, CA 94518-1829 4122 92804-2463 4813. Gretchen Sauer 4814. Leigh Saunders 4815. Irene Saurwein San Leandro, CA Hastings 04122 Los Osos, CA 94577-3023 93402-1602 4817. Alice Savage 4818. Elizabeth Saveri 4819. Dinmani Savka San Diego, CA Pasadena, CA 91104- Mountain View, 92128-2071 3708 CA 94040-1162 4821. Danielle Sawyer 4822. Kim Saxelby 4823. Marrick Sayers Long Beach, CA Upland, CA 91786- Studio City, CA 90803-5808 2981 91604-5505 4825. Sharon 4826. Patti Scarpa 4827. Tom Scarvie Scarborough Fairfield, CA 94533 Berkeley, CA Catheys Valley, 94708-2204 CA 95306-9742 4829. Kevin Schader 4830. Valerie Schadt 4831. Amy Schadt Pleasant Hill, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA 94523-1370 90045-3457 90042-2359 4833. Carol Schaffer 4834. Susan Schalbe 4835. Michelle San Pablo, CA Santa Monica, CA Schamach 94806-1648 90403-3340 Petaluma, CA 94952-2229 4837. Charles Scheel 4838. Jon Schell 4839. Alan Schenck San Jose, CA Murrieta, CA 92562- Sunnyvale, CA 95148-3671 3808 94087-5231 4841. Kathleen Schenk 4842. Gary Schenkel 4843. Laurie Schick Simi Valley, CA Plymouth, CT 06782 Beverly Hills, CA 93063-2381 90211-2216 4845. Jonathan 4846. Scott Schlachter 4847. Matt Schlegel Schillinger San Jose, CA 95118- Palo Alto, CA El Sobrante, CA 2110 94303-3042 94803-3440 4849. Patricia Schlenker 4850. William Schlesinger 4851. Linda Schlie Sacramento, CA Los Angeles, CA Mckinleyville, CA 95828-4639 90046-6810 95519-9251 4853. Carl Schloetel 4854. Craig Schmidt 4855. Edgard Schmidt Moorpark, CA Atascadero, CA Ukiah, CA 93021-1824 93422-2424 95482-9520 4857. Robert Schmitt 4858. Heidi Schmitz 4859. Alexandra San Diego, CA Sausalito, CA 94965 Schneider 92103-1712 Burbank, CA 91506 4861. Kathryn 4862. Mark Schneider 4863. Daniel Schneider Schneider Garden Grove, CA Los Angeles, CA Davis, CA 95616- 92840-3622 90049 1810 4865. Marc Schoenberg 4866. Arnie Schoenberg 4867. Anna Schofield Farmington Hills, San Diego, CA 92104- Los Angeles, CA MI 48336-6001 4751 90024-4838 4869. Ryan Schrader 4870. Ted Schram 4871. Deborah Cerritos, CA Emerald Hills, CA Schramer 90703 94062-3930 Calabasas, CA 91302-1082 4873. Linette Schreiber 4874. Steve Schrempf 4875. John Schroeder Ardmore, PA Cambridge, MA Lincoln, CA 19003-1335 02139-1129 95648-8753 4877. Linda Schulman 4878. Alison Schulman 4879. Toby Schultz Citrus Heights, Huntington Beach, CA Santa Barbara, CA 95610-3335 92648-3410 CA 93108 4881. Bethany Schulze 4882. Martha Schumacher 4883. Heather Santa Cruz, CA Sunnyvale, CA 94087- Schuttler 95061-8043 1146 Winchester, CA 92596-8641 4885. Richard Schwartz 4886. Don Schwartz 4887. Barry Schwartz Berkeley, CA Larkspur, CA 94939- Los Angeles, CA 94707-1827 2321 90045-3302 4889. Juliana Schwartz 4890. Angela Schwartz 4891. Greg Schwartz Novato, CA Sacramento, CA San Diego, CA 94949-6161 95816-5767 92105-4562 4893. Marge Schwartz 4894. Senior Schwenchy 4895. Deanna Sclar Santa Barbara, Sonoma, CA 95476- Long Beach, CA CA 93121-1955 1682 90803 4897. Catherine Scott 4898. Hayley Scott 4899. Lisa Scott Hidden Valley Lafayette, CA 94549- Lafayette, CA Lake, CA 95467- 4631 94549-4631 8717 4901. David Scott 4902. Lily Scott 4903. Heidi Scott Ontario, CA San Jose, CA 95112- San Rafael, CA 91764-2736 5295 94903 4905. Vincent Scrima 4906. Constance Scudder 4907. Patricia Scully Studio City, CA Solvang, CA 93463- Sacramento, CA 91604-1317 2933 95821-3236 4909. Kathy Seal 4910. Carol Sedillo 4911. Richard Sedivy Santa Monica, CA , TX Los Angeles, CA 90405-2029 78249-3845 90042-1401 4913. Clover Seely 4914. Ellen Segal 4915. Avis Segedy Grass Valley, CA Palm Springs, CA Ravenna, OH 95945-6719 92262-5827 44266-1318 4917. Fiona Segretti 4918. Belinda Seidemann 4919. Kirk Port Orchard, WA Vallejo, CA 94592- Seidensticker 98367-8672 1176 Redondo Beach, CA 90277-2039 4921. Fredrick Seil 4922. Mary Selberg- 4923. Donna Selquist Berkeley, CA woodcock Port St Lucie, FL 94708-1734 Petaluma, CA 94954- 34987-1913 4680 4925. Rob Seltzer 4926. Mary Ann Seltzer 4927. Sylvia Selverston Malibu, CA San Marcos, CA San Diego, CA 90265-5630 92078-4513 92111-4141 4929. Lynn Sentenn 4930. Christine Sepulveda 4931. Edwin Serna Brea, CA 92821- Anaheim, CA 92802- Los Angeles, CA 1849 4778 90011-2249 4933. Marguerite 4934. Susan Shackman 4935. Linda Shadle Sgrillom Santa Cruz, CA 95060- Anaheim, CA Richmond, CA 2609 92804-5257 94806-5899 4937. Elizabeth Shafer 4938. Dan Shaffer 4939. Mike Shaffer Huntington Pescadero, CA 94060- Ventura, CA Beach, CA 92646- 0888 93003 6708 4941. Gerald Shaia 4942. Daniel Shalit 4943. Gary Sun Valley, CA Wrightwood, CA Shallenberger 91352-4005 92397 Paradise, CA 95969-4271 4945. Brandon 4946. David Shannahoff- 4947. Susan Shapira Shandelson khalsa San Rafael, CA Santa Clarita, CA Del Mar, CA 92014- 94901-2439 91390-5826 2544 4949. William Sharfman 4950. Virginia Sharkey 4951. Sandra Sharpe New York City, Santa Rosa, CA Berkeley, CA NY 10024-6555 95405-4527 94705-2107 4953. Kristin Shay 4954. Mike Shea 4955. George Shea Newport Beach, Kingsburg, CA 93631- Studio City, CA CA 92663-4227 1413 91602-2654 4957. Gabriel Sheets 4958. Sarah Sheets 4959. Michael Merced, CA Merced, CA 95341- Sheffield 95341-5261 5261 Kenwood, CA 95409-6516 4961. Michael 4962. Donna Shelton 4963. Bea Shemberg Shellabarger Murrieta, CA 92562- Playa Del Rey, Yorba Linda, CA 4313 CA 90293-8000 92887-4731 4965. Kevin Shephard 4966. Jason Shepherd 4967. Lindsey Shere Chico, CA 95928- Oxnard, CA 93036- Healdsburg, CA 6792 5362 95448-9304 4969. Michael Sheriff 4970. Marcia Sherman 4971. David Sherman Monrovia, CA Santa Barbara, CA Santa Rosa, CA 91016-2155 93110-1567 95405-8116 4973. Patricia 4974. Theresa Shiels 4975. Earl Shimaoka Shieldsmaher El Granada, CA 94018 Sunnyvale, CA Shingle Springs, 94086-4911 CA 95682-7501 4977. Kimberley 4978. Lisa Shirk 4979. Rebecca Shirley Shinmoto Boulder Creek, CA Sebastopol, CA Sunnyvale, CA 95006-9537 95472-4920 94087-1605 4981. Judy Shively 4982. Kristina Shook 4983. Elizabeth Myrin San Diego, CA Beverly Hills, CA Shore 92101-7520 90211-1817 San Anselmo, CA 94979-2748 4985. Glenn Short 4986. Helene Shoval 4987. Alison Shovlain Sherman Oaks, Studio City, CA San Diego, CA CA 91403-1648 91604-2728 92116-1233 4989. David Shreve 4990. Rick Shreve 4991. Ann Shriver El Segundo, CA Weott, CA 95571- Los Gatos, CA 90245-2371 0011 95031-3034 4993. Margaret Shuler 4994. Joseph Shulman 4995. Marguerite Monrovia, CA San Diego, CA 92115- Shuster 91016-1911 6932 Sierra Madre, CA 91024-1232 4997. JO Siders 4998. Gayle Frakes Sides 4999. Simone Siebert Murphys, CA Carlsbad, CA 92008- Encinitas, CA 95247-9736 4308 92024-3803 5001. Andrew Siegal 5002. Liz Sigel 5003. Teri Sigler Concord, CA Tustin, CA 92780- Santa Cruz, CA 94520-1345 5579 95060-5730 5005. Gregg Silk 5006. James Silveira 5007. Daniel Silver San Mateo, CA Modesto, CA 95356- Los Angeles, CA 94402-1542 1908 90012-2584 5009. Alexander 5010. Lewis Silverman 5011. Joan Silverstone Silverio Northridge, CA Old Bethpage, San Jose, CA 91324-2409 NY 11804-1214 95130-1251 5013. Susie Simon 5014. Philip Simon 5015. Nancy Simon Long Beach, CA San Rafael, CA 94912- Santa Barbara, 90814-2758 9473 CA 93101-2352 5017. Ursula Simoni 5018. Anita Simons 5019. Jesse Simons Murphys, CA La Jolla, CA 92037- Novato, CA 95247-1844 7233 94945-1759 5021. Agda Simpson 5022. Laura Simpson 5023. Errol Simpson Los Angeles, CA Mckinleyville, CA Walnut Creek, 90049-1015 95519-2926 CA 94597-2118 5025. Ashley Sinohui- 5026. Birgitta Siponen 5027. Christine Sirias lara Oulu 90570 Alhambra, CA Norwalk, CA 91801-6555 90650-5107 5029. Michael Sixtus 5030. Darcy Skarada 5031. Ingrid Skei Santee, CA Middletown, CA Thousand Oaks, 92071-2252 95461-9748 CA 91362-1811 5033. Michelle Skinner 5034. Stacey Sklute 5035. Renee Skudra Guerneville, CA Los Angeles, CA Albany, CA 95446-9703 90034-3409 94706-1964 5037. Julie Slater- 5038. Moriah Slates 5039. Sarah Slaughter giglioli Santa Monica, CA Sausalito, CA West Hollywood, 90404-3120 94965-2521 CA 90046-5500 5041. Bob Slawson 5042. Marsha Sleeth 5043. Cathy Sleva Long Beach, CA Carmel By The, CA Seal Beach, CA 90808-2111 93921-5803 90740-6507 5045. Cathie Sluski 5046. Helen Small 5047. Gloria Smestad Pismo Beach, CA Castro Valley, CA Chula Vista, CA 93449-2205 94546-3132 91915-1223 5049. Erica Smith 5050. Dave Smith 5051. Linda And Belmont, CA Canoga Park, CA Jackson Smith 94002-1508 91367 Carmel By The, CA 93921-0422 5053. Georgina Smith 5054. Pam Smith 5055. Heather Smith Cottonwood, CA Creston, CA 93432- Dunbar, WV 96022-9342 0273 25064-1901 5057. Decker Smith 5058. G Austin Smith 5059. Guillermo Smith Forestville, CA Fremont, CA 94536- Glendale, CA 95436-9501 4926 91205-3608 5061. Stephanie Smith 5062. Diane Smith 5063. Julie Smith Laguna Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Osos, CA 92651-1677 90049-1524 93402-4006 5065. Sarah Smith 5066. Deborah Smith 5067. Dixon Smith Newport Beach, , OK Palm Desert, CA CA 92660-1743 73112-6908 92211-2333 5069. Sally Smith 5070. Kelly Smith 5071. Kathleen Smith Sacramento, CA San Diego, CA 92103- San Jose, CA 95841-3013 3668 95112-3161 5073. Eric Smith 5074. Nancy Smith 5075. Indira Smith Santa Monica, CA Santa Monica, CA West Hollywood, 90404-3039 90401-2605 CA 90069-3901 5077. Josine Smits 5078. Michele Smolen 5079. Mark Smollin Los Gatos, CA Studio City, CA Pasadena, CA 95032-5719 91604-1804 91101-2513 5081. Gordon Snead 5082. Laura Sneddon 5083. Jan Snedegar Long Beach, CA Los Gatos, CA 95032- Laguna Beach, 90807-3881 1829 CA 92651-6929 5085. Margaret Snively 5086. Teri Snow 5087. Theodore C. Morgan Hill, CA Chico, CA 95926-1996 Snyder 95037-6032 Granada Hills, CA 91344-1062 5089. Robert Snyder 5090. Joanne Snyder 5091. Yin So Rancho Palos San Diego, CA 92123- Fremont, CA Verdes, CA 3619 94539 90275-6908 5093. Faye Soares 5094. Kaythi Soe 5095. Joel Sokolsky Pollock Pines, CA Bayside, NY 11364 Walnut Creek, 95726-9424 CA 94595-2310 5097. Jessica Solis 5098. Romana Sollitt 5099. Anna Sommer Duarte, CA Beverly Hills, CA Culver City, CA 91010-3731 90212-2353 90232-2811 5101. Jennifer Sookne 5102. Peter Soria 5103. Jason Soriano Willits, CA 95490- Encinitas, CA 92024- Temple City, CA 3023 3126 91780-2719 5105. Tiffany Sotelo 5106. Robert Soto 5107. Robert Soto Oceanside, CA La Quinta, CA 92253 La Quinta, CA 92057-7374 92253-6113 5109. Edy G Soto 5110. Melissa Souders 5111. John Souza Sylmar, CA San Diego, CA 92109- Los Angeles, CA 91342-2351 1530 90035-4601 5113. Nikayla Spain 5114. Melissa Spangler 5115. Sam Spangler Fresno, CA Capistrano Beach, CA Vallejo, CA 93705-0328 92624-1336 94590-4619 5117. Daryl Sparks 5118. Beverly Spaulding 5119. Stanley Spear Petaluma, CA Huntington Beach, CA Topanga, CA 94952-1908 92646-4719 90290-3702 5121. Marilyn Specht 5122. Barbara Speidel 5123. Kurt Speidel Campbell, CA La Mesa, CA 91942- San Clemente, 95008-2850 2611 CA 92673-2717 5125. Colleen Spence 5126. Kathryn Spence 5127. Ray Spencer Fillmore, CA Moraga, CA 94556- Los Angeles, CA 93015-1056 2310 90064-2940 5129. D R Spencer 5130. Mary Ellen Sperling 5131. Russell B. Sperry San Diego, CA Berkeley, CA 94702- Ventura, CA 92104-4645 1333 93003-0218 5133. Louis Spirito 5134. Jon Spitz 5135. Mary Splan Malibu, CA Laytonville, CA Spruce, MI 90265-4461 95454-1087 48762-9728 5137. Wendy 5138. Joan Squires 5139. Fred Squres Springstead Oceanside, CA 92057- Lakeport, CA San Rafael, CA 8309 95453-1834 94901-1010 5141. Suzanne St. John 5142. Daniel St. Sauveur 5143. Cathy Stahl Temecula, CA Sn Luis Obisp, CA Cupertino, CA 92592-2130 93401-7314 95014-3170 5145. John Stallone 5146. James Stamos 5147. Barbara Stanger San Jose, CA Saratoga, CA 95070- Ukiah, CA 95125-3833 4910 95482-5423 5149. Erica Stanojevic 5150. Cathy Stansell 5151. Neil Stanton Santa Cruz, CA Frazier Park, CA Chula Vista, CA 95060-6007 93225-0802 91910-2425 5153. Relf Star 5154. Morning Star 5155. Debbie Starr Montclair, CA Tustin, CA 92780- Redding, CA 91763-2959 5609 96003-1915 5157. Carrie Staton 5158. Tanner Stauss 5159. Jary Stavely Santa Cruz, CA Reseda, CA 91335- Fort Bragg, CA 95060-9696 7409 95437-3717 5161. Lori Stayton 5162. Tobi Steaman 5163. Barrie Stebbings Sherman Oaks, Vacaville, CA 95687- Bolinas, CA CA 91403 7519 94924 5165. Tanya Stedman 5166. Cyndi Steel Harned 5167. Karen Steele Redding, CA Lancaster, CA 93535 Eureka, CA 96001-2371 95501-2954 5169. Lisa Steele 5170. Larry Steen 5171. Wayne Steffes Roseville, CA Los Angeles, CA Redding, CA 95661-7321 90035-4412 96001-2906 5173. Ken Stein 5174. Beverly Steinfeld 5175. Andrea Steloff Thousand Oaks, Santa Barbara, CA West Hollywood, CA 91360-1522 93101-1409 CA 90069-4607 5177. Marti Stephen 5178. Susan Stephens 5179. Kat Stephens Folsom, CA Napa, CA 94558-2860 Santa Rosa, CA 95630-1769 95409-6220 5181. Daniel 5182. John Stephenson 5183. Kaylah Sterling Stephenson Shingle Springs, CA Emeryville, CA Shingle Springs, 95682-9710 94608-3577 CA 95682-9710 5185. Lewis Sternberg 5186. Karl Steudel 5187. Gina Stevens Portland, OR Burbank, CA 91502- Carmichael, CA 97219-1818 3047 95608-1230 5189. Christine Stewart 5190. Jan Stewart 5191. Richard Stewart Escondido, CA Hermosa Beach, CA Mill Valley, CA 92026-1461 90254-4050 94941-5404 5193. John Stewart 5194. Michele Stewart 5195. Karen Stewart Redway, CA San Diego, CA 92128- San Jose, CA 95560-0185 5198 95120-1781 5197. Lorenz Stieninger 5198. Eric Stiff 5199. Egil Stigum Stafford, VA Santa Barbara, CA Carmel By The 22554 93105-2201 Sea, CA 93921- 7274 5201. Bonnie Stillwater 5202. Stephanie Stilwell 5203. Andrea Stilwell Los Angeles, CA Mountain View, CA Santa Rosa, CA 90020-3003 94040-1000 95409-2546 5205. Bob Stockwell 5206. Sherri Stoddard 5207. Cayley Stoker Santa Cruz, CA Los Osos, CA 93402- Malibu, CA 95060-2534 2202 90265-3138 5209. Gwen Stone 5210. Stephen Stone 5211. Bonnie & Lee Laguna Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Stone 92651-4454 90063-1602 San Jose, CA 95129-5033 5213. Mika Stonehawk 5214. Ruth Stoner Muzzin 5215. Sandara Tustin, CA 92782- Montara, CA 94037- Stotenburg 8008 0761 Sacramento, CA 95821-5740 5217. Robert Stout 5218. Susan Stover 5219. Barbara Fairfax, CA Lakewood, CA 90712- Stowasser 94930-2003 3024 Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1412 5221. Anthony Stratton 5222. Jessica Stratton 5223. Amy Strauser Elk Grove, CA Vacaville, CA 95688- Mission Viejo, 95624-2148 9222 CA 92691-7450 5225. Nelda Street 5226. Marjorie Streeter 5227. Janet Strickland Cobb, CA 95426- Alameda, CA 94501- Brea, CA 92821- 0283 6255 5342 5229. Laura Strom 5230. Alex Stromeyer 5231. Christina Los Angeles, CA San Andreas, CA Strother 90034-4653 95249-9720 Elk Grove, CA 95757-8363 5233. Norma Stuart 5234. Bruce Stubbs 5235. Christelle Stubbs Rancho Palos Carlsbad, CA 92010- Encinitas, CA Verdes, CA 2185 92024-4031 90275-6607 5237. Marlene Stubbs 5238. Donna Studulski 5239. Rebecca Stulz Paradise, CA Redding, CA 96001- Newport Beach, 95969-6609 0477 CA 92663-4312 5241. Diane Sturgeon 5242. Susan Stutz 5243. Leo And Lucy Santa Cruz, CA Sherman Oaks, CA Stutzin 95062-1108 91401-4922 Modesto, CA 95350-4915 5245. Sandra Sueoka 5246. Steven Sugarman 5247. Joanne Sulkoske Tustin, CA 92780- Malibu, CA 90265- Thousand Oaks, 4164 0923 CA 91360-1749 5249. Tad Sullivan 5250. Sylvia Sullivan 5251. Ann Sullivan Corona Del Mar, Goleta, CA 93117- Lakeside, CA CA 92625-2600 2827 92040-1023 5253. Michael Sullivan 5254. Sharon Sullivan 5255. Joanne Sultar San Diego, CA South Lake Tahoe, CA Berkeley, CA 92124-2228 96150 94705-1944 5257. Jeanne Sumner 5258. Cortney Sumpter 5259. Michael Laytonville, CA Dos Palos, CA 93620- Sumpter 95454 9766 Tecopa, CA 92389 5261. Rebecca 5262. Melissa Sunderland 5263. Driver Susan Sundberg Sherman Oaks, CA Sacramento, CA Langley, WA 91403-5033 95816-5331 98260-1647 5265. Constance Sutton 5266. Julie Svendsen 5267. Mariano Svidler Berkeley, CA Burbank, CA 91505- San Mateo, CA 94707-1913 3837 94403-3201 5269. Curtis Swan 5270. Kelsey Swann 5271. Victoria Long Beach, CA San Marcos, CA Swanson 90802-1164 92078-2146 Carpinteria, CA 93013-2539 5273. Sandra Swanson 5274. Judy Sweatland 5275. Rob Sweeney Tiburon, CA San Juan Capistrano, Burbank, CA 94920-1136 CA 92675-3720 91505-2005 5277. William Swisher 5278. Ron Swopes 5279. Betty Sword Valley Center, CA Rowland Heights, CA Pasadena, CA 92082-1135 91748-4422 91104-3708 5281. Regina Swweney 5282. Sue Syevick 5283. Russell Symonds Eureka, CA Atherton, CA 94027- Costa Mesa, CA 95503-5974 2143 92627-2268 5285. Circus Szalewski 5286. Beata Szkop 5287. Colette Szostak Los Angeles, CA Mountain View, CA Woodland Hills, 90012-4233 94043-2922 CA 91364-5612 5289. Gregory Tabat 5290. Kelcey Taber 5291. Cheri Tablada Santa Ana, CA Rancho Murieta, CA San Jose, CA 92704-1176 95683-9522 95111-1809 5293. Keith Tadler 5294. Andree Taffara 5295. Linda Taffet Pacific Grove, CA Baillet, CA 95560 Dana Point, CA 93950-4704 92629-2202 5297. Donna Tagudar 5298. Ann Tait 5299. Miki Takada Fontana, CA Pasadena, CA 91104- Santa Rosa, CA 92336-3837 5030 95403-2518 5301. Jennifer Taketani 5302. Mona Talamantes 5303. Billie Talamantes West Hills, CA South Pasadena, CA Stockton, CA 91304-3560 91030-4425 95215-7442 5305. Akiko Tamano 5306. Carolee Tamori 5307. Valerie Tan San Diego, CA Oroville, CA 95966- Squaw Valley, 92129-3574 9244 CA 93675-9675 5309. Ian Tanner 5310. Paulette Tansey 5311. Carol Tao Petaluma, CA San Diego, CA 92110- Salinas, CA 94954-4458 1355 93901-2570 5313. Michelle Tardiff 5314. Garry Taroli 5315. Flora Tartalone Rancho Wilkes Barre, PA Los Angeles, CA Cucamonga, CA 18711-0076 90071-2452 91739-2176 5317. Hisano Tasedan 5318. Fred Tashima 5319. Terance Tashiro Garden Grove, Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA CA 92840-6027 90066-4914 90045-2751 5321. Georgia Tattu 5322. Tammy Taunt 5323. Jeff Tavangar Hermosa Beach, Oceanside, CA 92057- Santa Cruz, CA CA 90254-2639 4263 95065-9720 5325. Elizabeth Taylor 5326. Donald Taylor 5327. Jeremy Taylor Encinitas, CA Fair Oaks, CA 95628- Fairfield, CA 92024-3317 6411 94533-4032 5329. Edward Taylor 5330. Amanda Taylor 5331. Amanda Taylor Grass Valley, CA Grover Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA 95945-4320 93433-1618 90041-1347 5333. AJ Taylor 5334. Melvin Taylor 5335. Nancy Taylor Reseda, CA Sacramento, CA San Diego, CA 91335-3715 95823-5780 92120-1148 5337. Marcia Taylor 5338. David Tedds 5339. Diane Tegtmeier Yorba Linda, CA Santa Clarita, CA Middletown, CA 92887-2527 91350-1625 95461-0874 5341. Gerald Telep 5342. Kimberlee Tellez 5343. Todd Templeton Rancho Cordova, Los Angeles, CA Sunland, CA CA 95742-7766 90019-2234 91040-2967 5345. Amanda Tenney 5346. Robie Tenorio 5347. Charles Glendale, CA Garberville, CA Terflinger 91201-2257 95542-9600 Mira Loma, CA 91752-2605 5349. Lynetta Terry 5350. Patricia Tescher 5351. Dawn Tesluk Spring Valley, CA Folsom, CA 95630- Oceanside, CA 91977-6541 5535 92054-5727 5353. Elizabeth Tessier 5354. Beth Tessler 5355. Marlene Santa Rosa, CA Vallejo, CA 94590- Testaguzza 95402-1981 4013 Aromas, CA 95004-9677 5357. Douglas Thayer 5358. Georgette Theotig 5359. Dave Thibodeau Santa Rosa, CA Tehachapi, CA 93581- Corte Madera, 95403-9498 0038 CA 94925-2034 5361. Julia Thollaug 5362. Robert Thomas 5363. Carrie Thomas Montara, CA Fremont, CA 94539- Huntington 94037-1018 6051 Beach, CA 92648-1540 5365. Holly Thomas 5366. Jason Thomas 5367. Valerie Thomas Santa Cruz, CA Shasta Lake, CA Watsonville, CA 95062-4362 96019-9553 95076-0951 5369. Eva Thomas 5370. Stacy Thompson 5371. Lisa Thompson Woodside, CA Alta Loma, CA 91701- Berkeley, CA 94062-4307 1903 94703-2606 5373. Doug Thompson 5374. Pat Thompson 5375. Paula Thompson Morongo Valley, Roseville, CA 95678- San Diego, CA CA 92256-0800 2207 92117-5855 5377. Linda Thompson 5378. Matthew Thompson 5379. Linda Thompson Santa Cruz, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95060- Sherman Oaks, 95060-2156 7522 CA 91403-4734 5381. Chelsea 5382. Loretta Thompson 5383. Lynne Thomson Thompson Tustin, CA 92780- Orangevale, CA Torrance, CA 5863 95662-4439 90505-6434 5385. Tina Thornton 5386. Pat Throssel 5387. Ann Thryft Altadena, CA Lomita, CA 90717- Boulder Creek, 91001-3910 2037 CA 95006-9341 5389. Steven Tickes 5390. Lana Tickner 5391. Cindy Tierney Campbell, CA Bell Canyon, CA Guadalupe, CA 95008-4217 91307-1010 93434-0333 5393. Monica Tiller 5394. Cindy Tipayaosot 5395. David Tivol Los Angeles, CA Sylmar, CA 91342- Sunnyvale, CA 90048-4318 3842 94087-4666 5397. Beatrice Tocher 5398. Zachary Todd 5399. Jan Todd San Rafael, CA Brea, CA 92823-1054 Grass Valley, CA 94903-1201 95945 5401. Timothy Tolbert 5402. Dana Tomasello 5403. Pela Tomasello San Jose, CA Laguna Niguel, CA Santa Cruz, CA 95123-5251 92677-4257 95062-2543 5405. Patricia Toner 5406. Andrea Tong-dickson 5407. Barbara & Mr. South San Dublin, CA 94568- Ed Tonningsen Francisco, CA 2227 Walnut Creek, 94080-5739 CA 94598-1421 5409. Richard Tonsing 5410. Manmeet Toor 5411. MJ Toppen Sacramento, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Alamitos, CA 95826-2130 90024-3000 90720-8603 5413. Cynthia Torelli 5414. Irene Torley 5415. Winston Tormos Soda Springs, CA Alta Loma, CA 91701- Apple Valley, CA 95728-0692 6060 92308-5876 5417. Mimi Torres 5418. Wade Torres 5419. Jackie Torres Berkeley, CA Pomona, CA 91768- Santa Ana, CA 94703-1445 2938 92703-3909 5421. Maureen Toth 5422. Toni Toth 5423. Jennifer Toth Los Angeles, CA San Jacinto, CA Santa Clarita, CA 90014-3206 92583-5746 91350-3694 5425. Sarah Townsend 5426. Karen Toyohara 5427. Jeannette Sunnyvale, CA La Mesa, CA 91941- Trajano 94086-8404 6710 Pacifica, CA 94044-6125 5429. Terri Trammell 5430. Adam Trauger 5431. Beti Webb San Juan Long Beach, CA Trauth Capistrano, CA 90815-3947 Eureka, CA 92675-4601 95503-4749 5433. Barbara Trees 5434. Nancy Treffry 5435. Arthur Trefzger Tujunga, CA Aromas, CA 95004- Sacramento, CA 91042-2036 9732 95825-3653 5437. Evelyn Trevethan 5438. Linda Trevillian 5439. Phuong Trinh Napa, CA 94559- Alhambra, CA 91803- Davis, CA 95616- 2133 3727 5555 5441. Heidi Trinkle 5442. Tia Triplett 5443. Marilyn Tripp Monterey, CA Los Angeles, CA Salinas, CA 93940-2024 90066-5015 93901 5445. Hal Trufan 5446. Severita Trujillo 5447. Rosie Truscott Charlotte, NC San Jose, CA 95128- San Diego, CA 28226-7645 1107 92126-4723 5449. Nolan T'sani 5450. Ruth Tubbs 5451. Marlene Tucay Placerville, CA Vallejo, CA 94591- Orange, CA 95667-5903 7116 92868-4401 5453. Roger Tucker 5454. Roy Tuckman 5455. Chris Tufty Fortuna, CA Studio City, CA Los Angeles, CA 95540-3428 91604-3504 90065-3128 5457. Sara Turbeville 5458. Joy Turlo 5459. Sierra Turner Santa Monica, CA Redondo Beach, CA Agua Dulce, CA 90402-3123 90277-5811 91390-3454 5461. JO Turner 5462. Glenyth Turner 5463. Ilya Turov Riverside, CA San Diego, CA 92117- Moreno Valley, 92507-6357 4049 CA 92555-2550 5465. Rogers 5466. Kevin Turvey 5467. Glen A Twombly Turrentine Long Beach, CA Arcata, CA Oceanside, CA 90815-2301 95521-4523 92054-3271 5469. Ruby Tyus 5470. Sabina Ubell 5471. Luann Udell La Mesa, CA Emeryville, CA 94608- Santa Rosa, CA 91942-8199 1514 95401-5426 5473. Amalia Ulloa 5474. Linda Ullrich 5475. Lisa Umana La Puente, CA San Diego, CA 92117- Victorville, CA 91744-6113 5719 92392-6202 5477. Amen Urbach 5478. Ethel Usaraga 5479. Carol Uschyk Chico, CA 95928- Grand Terrace, CA Calistoga, CA 6580 92313-5704 94515-1122 5481. Anna Utzman 5482. Jolene Vadillo 5483. Erika Vadopalas Mill Valley, CA San Marcos, CA Moss Beach, CA 94941 92069-1114 94038-9696 5485. Mauricio Valdez 5486. Adela Valdez 5487. Michelle Valdez El Monte, CA San Diego, CA 92115- San Diego, CA 91732-3627 4808 92115-3453 5489. Patricia Valdivia 5490. Juliette Valente 5491. Sarah Valentine Desert Hot Woodacre, CA 94973- Saratoga, CA Springs, CA 0313 95070-5867 92241-7318 5493. Laurie Vallens 5494. Fulvio Valsangiacomo 5495. DG Van Arsdale Cambria, CA Beverly Hills, CA Burlingame, CA 93428-5969 90210 94010-4348 5497. Paul Van De Riet 5498. Sandra Van Horn 5499. Anne Van Oppen Lake Arrowhead, Laguna Woods, CA Palos Verdes CA 92352 92637-0203 Estates, CA 90274-1333 5501. Robin Van Tassell 5502. Gerard Van Tol 5503. Maud Van Tol San Rafael, CA Ridderkerk 2986EV Ridderkerk 94903-2875 2986EV 5505. Joyce 5506. Liesbeth 5507. Haydee Vandenberg Vandenbosch Vandendriessche Napa, CA 94558- San Diego, CA 92104- Santa Ana, CA 4472 5639 92706-1920 5509. Denise 5510. Art Vankampen 5511. Jillian Vandermeer Pasadena, CA 91104- Vanluchem Woodland Hills, 2249 Union City, CA CA 91367-5312 94587-4406 5513. Oleg Varanitsa 5514. Amanda Vardan 5515. John Varga Redmond, WA Elk Grove, CA 95757- Huntington 980524063 3435 Beach, CA 92648-5326 5517. Erika Vargas 5518. Bill Vartnaw 5519. Donald Vasco Castro Valley, CA Petaluma, CA 94952- Berkeley, CA 94546-3203 5202 94708-1633 5521. Rebecca Vasquez 5522. Marco Vasquez 5523. Roger Vaught Corona, CA Santa Clara, CA Redwood City, 92881-4068 95050-5653 CA 94061-3224 5525. Patricia Vazquez 5526. Joyce Vega 5527. Shirley Mexico City Monterey Park, CA Velasquez 15900 91754-3920 Fortuna, CA 95540-1936 5529. Sharon Velotas 5530. Marc Vendetti 5531. Deborah Vista, CA 92081- Fairfax, CA 94930- Veneziale 4301 1621 San Mateo, CA 94403-5105 5533. Ron Vengco 5534. Dirk Verbeuren 5535. Bryce Verdier Sacramento, CA Valley Village, CA San Jose, CA 95818-1753 91607-1615 95136-4450 5537. Paul Vesper 5538. Julia Vetrie 5539. Marc Vezian Berkeley, CA Canyon Country, CA San Jose, CA 94703-1237 91387-6318 95132-2073 5541. Max Vicas 5542. Barbara Vieira 5543. ED Vieira Moraga, CA Staten Island, NY Staten Island, NY 94556-2132 10312-1627 10312-1627 5545. Joy Vigneaud 5546. James Villalobos 5547. Beverly Villinger San Jose, CA Los Angeles, CA Bozeman, MT 95118-2832 90027-4201 59715-9264 5549. Mathew Vipond 5550. Robyn Virga 5551. Julia Voce Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Seal Beach, CA 95818-3554 95825-4126 90740-5729 5553. Janny Vogel 5554. Alan Voigt 5555. Virginia Volk- Oceanside, CA San Anselmo, CA anderson 92057 94960-1821 Sacramento, CA 95864-3035 5557. Melitta Von 5558. Andrea Von Foerster 5559. Margreta Von Abele North Hollywood, CA Pein Pleasant Hill, CA 91601-1604 Alamo, CA 94523-1330 94507-2130 5561. Nathaniel Vose 5562. Cassandra Voss 5563. Audrey Vosseler Sebastopol, CA Porter Ranch, CA Capitola, CA 95472 91326-1027 95010-2656 5565. Victoria Vu 5566. Tung Vu 5567. Vesna Vukov Anitoch, CA San Jose, CA 95117- San Diego, CA 94531 1471 92107-2221 5569. Susan Wade 5570. Brandon Wade 5571. Joan Wager Morgan Hill, CA San Diego, CA 92120- Berkeley, CA 95037-5828 4446 947071433 5573. Inge Wagner 5574. Michelle Wahl 5575. Mary Waitz Los Angeles, CA Boulder Creek, CA Berkeley, CA 90020-2055 95006-8700 94704-2530 5577. D. P. Waldman 5578. Linda Waldron 5579. Anita Wald- Encinitas, CA San Diego, CA 92103- tuttle 92024-5434 1876 Grass Valley, CA 95945-5607 5581. Micheal Walker 5582. Craig Walker 5583. Stephanie Danville, IL Glendale, CA 91206- Walker 61832-6022 1201 Los Altos, CA 94022-1505 5585. Verla D. Walker 5586. Robert S Walker Iii 5587. Stephanie West Covina, CA Nevada City, CA Walkowiak 91791-2064 95959-1948 Newport Beach, CA 92661-1080 5589. Gabe Wallace 5590. Holly Wallace 5591. Markie Wallace Camp Meeker, Kensington, CA Modesto, CA CA 95419 94707-1029 95355-2548 5593. Don Waller 5594. Lori Waller 5595. Don Wallila Rio Vista, CA San Diego, CA 92104- Paradise, CA 94571-2276 5221 95969-2970 5597. Susan Walp 5598. Catherine Walsh 5599. Thomas Walsh Pasadena, CA Northridge, CA Valley Village, 91103-2722 91325-2757 CA 91607-2087 5601. Kari Walters 5602. John Walton 5603. Edith Wander Pacific Palisades, Gualala, CA 95445 Los Angeles, CA CA 90272-2155 90025-5716 5605. Cynthia Ward 5606. Susan Warner 5607. Chris Warner Sonoma, CA El Cerrito, CA 94530- Forest Knolls, CA 95476-6442 2255 94933-0722 5609. Thomas Warner 5610. Katharine Warner 5611. Karen Warren Los Angeles, CA Sunland, CA 91040- Mountain View, 90047-3370 2625 CA 94043-4950 5613. Jan Warren 5614. David Warrender 5615. Tracy Watada Walnut Creek, CA Sebastopol, CA Los Angeles, CA 94598-1719 95472-9184 90066-4322 5617. Kristine Waters 5618. Marilyn Watkins 5619. William Watkins Indian Wells, CA Santa Rosa, CA Vista, CA 92085- 92210-9142 95404-3629 2345 5621. Richard Watson 5622. Claire Watson 5623. Sheri Watson Long Beach, CA Pleasant Hill, CA Roseville, CA 90807-1203 94523-5182 95661-3674 5625. Michael Watson 5626. Elizabeth Watts 5627. John Weate Sonoma, CA Richmond, CA 94804- Vista, CA 92081- 95476-3938 5236 6331 5629. Sondra Weaver 5630. Cecile Weaver 5631. William Weaver Fort Bragg, CA Kensington, CA Lincoln, CA 95437-4023 94707-1141 95648-2631 5633. James Webb 5634. Alyssa Webb 5635. Marilyn Webb Lompoc, CA Modesto, CA 95350- Seattle, WA 93436-5243 3662 98199-1154 5637. Sheryl Webber 5638. Helen Webeb 5639. Lori Weber San Marcos, CA Redlands, CA 92373- Johnson City, TN 92069-3423 6880 37601-1743 5641. Ellen Webster 5642. William G. Webster, 5643. Shoshana Claremont, CA Sr. Wechsler 91711-4210 Danville, CA 94526- Kensington, CA 6231 94708-1024 5645. DA Weeks 5646. Susan Weems 5647. David Weeshoff Fremont, CA Brunswick, ME La Crescenta, CA 94555-3852 04011-3026 91214-3002 5649. Wendy Weikel 5650. Dana Weikel 5651. Janice Weiland Berkeley, CA Hanford, CA 93230- Westlake 94707-2526 7229 Village, CA 91359-0762 5653. Henry Weinberg 5654. Nona Weiner 5655. Joe Weis Santa Barbara, San Jose, CA 95127- Reedley, CA CA 93110-2032 1433 93654-2742 5657. Eric Weiss 5658. Dean Weiss 5659. Lizette Weiss Atascadero, CA Encino, CA 91436- Fort Bragg, CA 93422-1574 1411 95437-4538 5661. Paul Welch 5662. Trudy Welcome 5663. Dawn Welden San Jose, CA Palmdale, CA 93552- San Mateo, CA 95118-3902 6335 94404-2016 5665. Robert Wellsted 5666. Judith Wells-walberg 5667. Pam Welsh- Concord, CA San Jose, CA 95112- durbin 94521-7239 2128 Yucaipa, CA 92399-3128 5669. John Wendell 5670. Donald Wenger 5671. Frances Wesson Santa Rosa, CA El Cajon, CA 92021- Hemet, CA 95403-2227 1815 92545-1111 5673. Devon 5674. Signe Wetteland 5675. Richard Whaley Westerholm Davis, CA 95618-0378 Eureka, CA Alameda, CA 95503-8913 94501-4320 5677. Chris Whalley 5678. Amber Wheat 5679. Pearl Wheeler Topanga, CA Redondo Beach, CA Pasadena, CA 90290-4205 90278-2937 91104 5681. Gretchen 5682. Sarah Whistler 5683. Howard Whisenand Studio City, CA Whitaker Santa Rosa, CA 91602-2006 Gold River, CA 95404-3242 95670-8301 5685. Bruce White 5686. V L Whiteside 5687. Hollis Whiting Scotts Valley, CA Midpines, CA 95345- Pacific Grove, CA 95067-6616 0412 93950-4710 5689. Dorothhy 5690. Priscilla Whitney 5691. John Whitney Whitmore Hayward, CA 94541- Los Angeles, CA Aptos, CA 95003- 3365 90069-1316 5871 5693. Anny 5694. Jonathan Wieder 5695. Charles Wieland Wiedemann Berkeley, CA 94702- San Ramon, CA Westlake Village, 1001 94583-1683 CA 91362-3544 5697. Richard 5698. Kevin Wightman 5699. Vicki Wiker Wightman Sylmar, CA 91392- San Clemente, Arcadia, CA 2097 CA 92672-3471 91006-2501 5701. Helena Wilcox 5702. David Wilde 5703. Shari Stockton, CA San Jose, CA 95130- Wildschutte 95204-2702 1125 Concord, CA 94521-3837 5705. Carol Wiley 5706. Ryan Wilke 5707. Gail Wilke Victorville, CA Hawthorne, CA Sunland, CA 92394-1383 90250-6403 91040-1356 5709. Traci Wilkinson 5710. Norm Wilkinson 5711. Ann Willard Valencia, CA Whittier, CA 90605- Portola Valley, 91354-1118 1122 CA 94028-7214 5713. Nicholas Williams 5714. Earl & Pat Williams 5715. Linda Williams Lancaster, CA Rio Vista, CA 94571- Sacramento, CA 93535-4367 0893 95864-2913 5717. Gina Williams 5718. Sara Williams 5719. Sandra Williams Sebastopol, CA Sherman Oaks, CA Simi Valley, CA 95473-0903 91423-1199 93065-7687 5721. Glen Williams 5722. Martha Williamson 5723. William Willis Weed, CA 96094- Richmond, KY 40475- Costa Mesa, CA 9225 8264 92627-2937 5725. Norm Wilmes 5726. Erik Wilmot 5727. Neil Wilson Yuba City, CA San Leandro, CA Alameda, CA 95991-8866 94577-4710 94502-7011 5729. Susan Wilson 5730. James H Wilson 5731. Tanya Wilson Desert Hot Fairfield, CA 94533 Glendale, CA Springs, CA 91202-1235 92241-7695 5733. Leland Wilson 5734. Emiko Wilson 5735. Rick Wilson La Verne, CA Magalia, CA 95954- Oceanside, CA 91750-4333 1669 92054-2267 5737. Amy Wilson 5738. Patricia Wilson 5739. Janis Wilson- San Mateo, CA Spreckels, CA 93962- pavlik 94401 7516 Carmel Valley, CA 93924-9528 5741. Theresa Winchell 5742. Stew Winchester 5743. Ken Windrum Julian, CA 92036- Richmond, CA 94805- Los Angeles, CA 0164 1226 90004-4921 5745. Ann Winship 5746. Leslie Winston 5747. Jeff Winter Woodland, CA Redondo Beach, CA San Jose, CA 95695-6809 90278-2142 95125-3302 5749. William Winters 5750. Anita Wisch 5751. Robin Wiseman Emeryville, CA Valencia, CA 91355 Los Angeles, CA 94608-1141 90039-2558 5753. Beverly Witchner 5754. Shirley Withers 5755. Serena Wittkopp Albion, CA Borrego Springs, CA Portland, OR 95410-0610 92004-1755 97227-1084 5757. Anita Wizen 5758. Marc Woersching 5759. Adam Wojdac Escondido, CA Valley Village, CA Antelope, CA 92026-3432 91617-0471 95843-5162 5761. Robert Wolaver 5762. Mary Wold 5763. Robert Wolf Grass Valley, CA Boulder Creek, CA Brentwood, CA 95945-4812 95006-9385 94513-6905 5765. Nevada Wolf 5766. Loretta Wolf 5767. Rachel Wolf Los Angeles, CA San Anselmo, CA Santa Cruz, CA 90034 94960-2106 95060-2244 5769. Peter Wolf 5770. Cheryl Wolfe 5771. Jessica Wolfe Sebastopol, CA Rio Linda, CA 95673- Sebastopol, CA 95472-9416 2816 95472-2832 5773. Isaac Wollman 5774. Michael Wollman 5775. William Wollner San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, CA Stockton, CA CA 93405-6384 93405-6384 95202-1512 5777. Wendy Wonnell 5778. Bill Wood 5779. Amanda Wood Berkeley, CA Mount Shasta, CA San Diego, CA 94705 96067-9710 92101-3229 5781. Dianna Wood 5782. Grant Woodard 5783. Enel Woods Tehachapi, CA Healdsburg, CA Los Angeles, CA 93561-9521 95448-3202 90016 5785. Tansy Woods 5786. Matt Woodward 5787. Don Woodworth San Diego, CA Seal Beach, CA Sun City, CA 92116-4203 90740-6424 92586-1917 5789. Chris Worcester 5790. Scott Workinger 5791. Arianna Truckee, CA Yucca Valley, CA Workman 96160-2511 92284-6303 Vista, CA 92081- 9091 5793. Nancy Worsham 5794. Michael Wortham, 5795. Steve Wozniak Los Angeles, CA Maj, Usaf (ret) Encinitas, CA 90042-2352 Houston, TX 77062- 92024-4714 2063 5797. Katherine Wright 5798. Susan Wright 5799. Laura Wright Aliso Viejo, CA Bakersfield, CA Beverly Hills, CA 92656-1478 93301-5533 90210-3020 5801. Christy Wright 5802. Madeline Wright 5803. Amy Wright Lancaster, CA Los Angeles, CA Luis Altos, CA 93536-5229 90045-3729 94024 5805. Paula M Wright 5806. Edmund Wrighte 5807. Lenora Sunnyvale, CA Trinidad, CA 95570 Wrightsman 940895847 Scotts Valley, CA 95066-2610 5809. Dana 5810. Marla Wyatt 5811. Christina Wyle Wullenwaber Yucaipa, CA 92399- Mill Valley, CA Redding, CA 4914 94941-3933 96001 5813. Marjorie Xavier 5814. Ivona Xiezopolski 5815. Carrie Yakura Hayward, CA Hayward, CA 94541- Alameda, CA 94542-2152 6901 94501-3259 5817. Diane Yanas 5818. Terry Yandell 5819. Sarah Yang Grand Terrace, Santa Barbara, CA Long Beach, CA CA 92313-5448 93105-4421 90813-3236 5821. Debra Yanko 5822. Moll Yares 5823. Jacob Yastrow Stafford, VA Palm Springs, CA Arcata, CA 22556-3891 92264-4959 95521-5844 5825. Derek Yeates 5826. Danny Yee 5827. Stephen Yelich Chula Vista, CA Pleasanton, CA Arcadia, CA 91910-5106 94566-4569 91006-1913 5829. Kathy Yi 5830. Hana Yi 5831. Julie York Anaheim, CA Rancho Cucamonga, Redding, CA 92814-0482 CA 91730-2540 96001-0356 5833. Ken Yoskowitz 5834. Anita Youabian 5835. ED Young Paradise, CA Los Angeles, CA Berkeley, CA 95969-6606 90024-5094 94707-1913 5837. Cheryl Young 5838. Jo Ellen Young 5839. Pamela Young Concord, CA Culver City, CA Imperial Beach, 94520-1502 90230-4113 CA 91932-1776 5841. Gail Eva Young 5842. Ginger Young 5843. Vincent Young Santa Rosa, CA Spring, TX 77379- Upland, CA 95404 4705 91786-7831 5845. Hweiju Yu 5846. Katie Yu 5847. Raymond Yule Glendale, CA Ladera Ranch, CA Fullerton, CA 91202-1752 92694-1455 92835-3541 5849. Marilyn Zack 5850. Jeanne Zagrodnik 5851. Deborah Zak San Carlos, CA San Diego, CA 92116- Malibu, CA 94070-1737 1932 90265-3041 5853. Susan Zalon 5854. Rena Zaman-zade 5855. Biatriz Zamudio Santa Barbara, Escondido, CA 92027- Van Nuys, CA CA 93110-2426 3408 91409-7777 5857. Rachel Zanetti 5858. Amanda Zangara 5859. Marni Zats Encinitas, CA Sebastopol, CA Los Angeles, CA 92024-6532 95472-3146 90027-3541 5861. David Zeff 5862. Sandra Zelasko 5863. Barbara Zeldis Corte Madera, Valley Center, CA Berkeley, CA CA 94925-1568 92082-7635 94702-2024 5865. Yanzhi Zhai 5866. Raymond Zhang 5867. Herbert C. San Ramon, CA Vancouver V6P4B2 Ziegler 94582-3096 Yucaipa, CA 92399-4612 5869. Pam Zimmerman 5870. Rhod Zimmerman 5871. Matt Santa Rosa, CA West Hills, CA 91308 Zimmermann 95404-2230 Escondido, CA 92027-4407 5873. Richard Zoah- 5874. Deidra Zolezzi 5875. Mary Zorrilla henderson Felton, CA 95018- Los Angeles, CA Eureka, CA 9101 90004-1922 95503-6249 5877. Alex Zukas 5878. Katie Zukoski 5879. Jennifer Zur San Diego, CA Chico, CA 95928-9197 Sebastopol, CA 92115-6135 95472-3073 5881. Patricia Zylius . . Santa Cruz, CA 95062-2428