The Vale of Pickering: an Initial Summary of the Quaternary/Superficial Geology and Data Holdings Geology & Regional Geophysics Programme Open Report OR/15/064
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The Vale of Pickering: an initial summary of the Quaternary/superficial geology and data holdings Geology & Regional Geophysics Programme Open Report OR/15/064 BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEOLOGY AND REGIONAL GEOPHYSICS PROGRAMME OPEN REPORT OR/15/064 The Vale of Pickering: an initial summary of the Quaternary/superficial geology and data holdings The National Grid and other Ordnance Survey data © Crown J R Ford, L Hughes, H F Burke and J R Lee Copyright and database rights 2015. Ordnance Survey Licence No. 100021290 EUL. Keywords Report; Vale of Pickering; Quaternary Bibliographical reference FORD, J R, Hughes, L, Burke H F & Lee, J R. 2015. The Vale of Pickering: an initial summary of the Quaternary/superficial geology and data holdings. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/15/064. 21pp. Copyright in materials derived from the British Geological Survey’s work is owned by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and/or the authority that commissioned the work. You may not copy or adapt this publication without first obtaining permission. Contact the BGS Intellectual Property Rights Section, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, e-mail [email protected]. You may quote extracts of a reasonable length without prior permission, provided a full acknowledgement is given of the source of the extract. Maps and diagrams in this book use topography based on Ordnance Survey mapping. © NERC 2015. All rights reserved Keyworth, Nottingham British Geological Survey 2015 BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The full range of our publications is available from BGS shops at British Geological Survey offices Nottingham, Edinburgh, London and Cardiff (Welsh publications only) see contact details below or shop online at BGS Central Enquiries Desk Tel 0115 936 3143 Fax 0115 936 3276 The London Information Office also maintains a reference collection of BGS publications, including maps, for consultation. email [email protected] We publish an annual catalogue of our maps and other publications; this catalogue is available online or from any of the Environmental Science Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham BGS shops. NG12 5GG Tel 0115 936 3241 Fax 0115 936 3488 The British Geological Survey carries out the geological survey of email [email protected] Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the latter as an agency service for the government of Northern Ireland), and of the surrounding continental shelf, as well as basic research projects. Murchison House, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3LA It also undertakes programmes of technical aid in geology in Tel 0131 667 1000 Fax 0131 668 2683 developing countries. email [email protected] The British Geological Survey is a component body of the Natural Environment Research Council. Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD Tel 020 7589 4090 Fax 020 7584 8270 Tel 020 7942 5344/45 email [email protected] Columbus House, Greenmeadow Springs, Tongwynlais, Cardiff CF15 7NE Tel 029 2052 1962 Fax 029 2052 1963 Maclean Building, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford OX10 8BB Tel 01491 838800 Fax 01491 692345 Geological Survey of Northern Ireland, Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast, BT4 3SB Tel 028 9038 8462 Fax 028 9038 8461 Parent Body Natural Environment Research Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1EU Tel 01793 411500 Fax 01793 411501 Website Shop online at OR/15/064 Last modified: 10/11/15 Contents Contents ........................................................................................................................................... i Foreword ........................................................................................................................................ 1 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2 2 The Quaternary history of the Vale of Pickering ................................................................ 3 2.1 The Early Evolution of the Vale of Pickering ................................................................ 3 2.2 Rivers and Hills in the Vale ............................................................................................ 3 2.3 The Last Ice Age – Ice-dammed Lakes .......................................................................... 4 2.4 The Recent Landscape .................................................................................................... 4 3 Relevant geological data ........................................................................................................ 5 3.1 Published geological map data ....................................................................................... 5 3.2 Borehole data .................................................................................................................. 6 3.3 Rockhead superficial thickness ...................................................................................... 6 4 Review and interpretation of selected Single Onshore Borehole Index logs .................... 8 5 Cross section interpretation ................................................................................................ 10 5.1 Brief explanation of the superficial geology based on the borehole review and schematic cross sections ......................................................................................................... 11 6 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 14 References .................................................................................................................................... 15 i OR/15/064 Last modified: 10/11/15 FIGURES Figure 1 A map of the UK and adjacent areas showing the location of the Vale of Pickering and the extent of Quaternary glaciation (after Bowen et al., 1986). ............................................... 2 Figure 2 Digital elevation model showing the topography of the Vale of Pickering. Colour- ramped and shaded NextMap Britain elevation data from Intermap Technologies. ................ 3 Figure 3 DiGMap50 superficial geology for the Vale of Pickering and surrounding area. ...... 5 Figure 4 Key to the superficial deposits shown on the Pickering 1:50 000 scale provisional map sheet; not all of these units are recorded in the Vale area. ............................................... 6 Figure 5 Borehole distribution based on BGS Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI). .......... 6 Figure 6 BGS rockhead elevation model; colour ramp ranged to highlight local variation. ..... 7 Figure 7 Advanced superficial thickness model (ASTM); colour ramp ranged to highlight local variation. .......................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 8 Map showing the distribution of borehole data used in the ASTM and rockhead models.8 Figure 9 The distribution of borehole records considered as part of this study. ....................... 9 Figure 10 Extract and transcript from a log for a borehole located approximately 2 km to the east of Kirby Misperton. ......................................................................................................... 10 Figure 11 Map showing inferred distribution of concealed sand and gravel deposits at rockhead based on the schematic cross sections. ................................................................... 10 Figure 12 Key to the schematic cross-sections. ............................................................................ 11 Figure 13 West-east oriented schematic cross section, split into two parts (VOPSection3_HBU and VOPSection1_LH; about 50 times vertical exaggeration; for section location and key see Figure 11 and Figure 12). ....................................................................................................... 12 Figure 14 Northwest-southeast oriented schematic cross section (VOPSection2_LH; about 25 times vertical exaggeration; for section location and key see Figure 11 and Figure 12). ...... 13 Figure 15 North-south oriented schematic cross section (VOP_Section4_HBU; about 50 times vertical exaggeration; for section location and key see Figure 11 and Figure 12). ................ 13 Figure 16 Southwest-northeast oriented schematic cross section (VOP_NS_f_JF; about 50 times vertical exaggeration; for section location and key see Figure 11 and Figure 12). ...... 13 ii OR/15/064 Last modified: 10/11/15 Foreword The British Geological Survey (BGS), together with a number of partners is undertaking an independent environmental monitoring programme to characterise baseline conditions across the Vale of Pickering in North Yorkshire, in the vicinity of a site close to Kirby Misperton (Third Energy, KM8) proposed for shale-gas exploration and production. The monitoring will include measurement of: water quality (groundwater and surface water), seismicity, ground motion, air quality including radon, and soil gas. The programme aims to establish the environmental baseline before any shale-gas explorations begin. This report presents the results of a desk study to develop an initial summary of the Quaternary superficial geology across the Vale of Pickering. It is a component and specific deliverable of the environmental baseline project. The Quaternary deposits form a shallow aquifer that is used locally for drinking water