REGISTERED IN PATENT OFFICE. Volome XXL No. 27. CINCINNAfl-NEW YORK-CHICAGO July 3, 1909. Fabius Henrion THE LATEST MUSIC CHEAP For Electric Pianos is produced BAbMlutaly Mon-BreiduiDU '' * ’ concern, because they Hullalilr for (inall thcalrr aiut nioTlug make a specialty of it. Have you l>UMuro atiiiwa. Wa carry (bear ebair, had our cataloguesand bulletins? 111 atiM-k aiul ca, ONLY abl|> liumnllataly. Socunil band obalr, NOISELESS d»l or PER ROLL lor a DOZEN or MORE. alao M-atlug fur out of dour use. Add. - Less tban a dozen, $1.S0 each. m-I't. STEEL CARBONS h:hmti'he co.. <1 r a u d Haplda, UlMITED STATES MUSIC CO., Mtrblgan. Hoatoa ON A. C. Large,! Maker, in the World. (>tn<>-. irJ4 t'oiigreea at., Itiaiton, Maas.; Write for Samples and our List of 4» N. Western /We.. CHICAGO, U. S. A, Muuadtiurk Kldg., San Kranrlw-o. Cal.; N. Y. 44 I'ark IMars. FILM EXCHANGES. Immediate —Sole Importers— Profits Often, Edward E. Cary Co anti the nucleus of a -INCORPORATE] permanent, profitable business for less than •>200. We originated and sell Park and Fac¬ tory equi})ment for making Fritter-Crisp- FORTUNES HADE IN A 8INILE tUION ()|>eratiD« tbe "Circling Warp” Amuaemant De¬ ettes, a delicious, quick vil... If yon want to ELin ATE MANKI.M). If .vou want to make tbe (tld 1‘p.ple glad, tbe selling pop corn confec- Young IVojde baptiy. and .kll tbe I'eopl* merry The“LONQ” be pure you have a "Circling Ware" for the aca- Machine lion which nets a profit .on of nkM. Re Brat to work your own territory 5rringflel4. O. with th( moat iiractlcal and Icaat extx-DtlTe Rid¬ of ing Device In uac. Operated by gaaidine engine. 500%. Send for ny book. lilgh-cUaa mualc by a blgb-rlaa. cylinder organ or piano. Write for catalogue with price and 173 High Street. Hat of tcstimimlali. ARM1TAGK A Qt'INN, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Sprlngvllle, Erie Co.. New York. TART A CONE FACTORY Selling Agent for ' FOR WHOLESALE 1909 MODELS FOR RETAIL M. CARY “WHITE SEAL" CONDENSERS We are headquarters for all tbe latest dot. ~^7~aUt0MATIC PARISIAN ICE- elties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, CARY COATED CARBONS. ovens Canes, Knives, Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gas Balloons. (PATENTED DIP SYSTEM.) MACHINES ^ ICE-CREAM PUSH-CARTS We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati and C. B. KLEINE True metbod of making cooea—no rolling, vicinity for I. Eisenstein &, Co. Prices in DO burning handi. no waata batter; aarea Cincinnati same as in New York. 662 6tli Ave., New York, N. Y time, labor, money, fuel. It makea that never drip, that artlatle. that lit to cat cone, tbe I'arlalan, far abead of tbe tough leathery kind. We build ma cblnea for tbe iargeat manufarturera. 22 C. Fourth St,. Cincinnati. O. Ton can't afford to overlook tbia gold mine. Write quirk for clrculan and price# cover WHIPS Ing tbe butineaa fully. Theatrical Goods Woreted Tlgbta and Shirts, |2 each; Tippecanoe City, O. t-'uttuo Tights etui Hbirte, Sl eicb; Miami Co. I'auvaa I’umi«. '.loc., with leather Pat'd Dec. S&, '06; Feb. 26. '07. Others Pending. Hole,, .'hit,; all l.c'ttber I’umits, 11; ESju| t'anva* Shoes, Sl; with leather sole,. THE INDIAN SACK MYSTERY m/Mjt S1..V>; all la-atber Sbuea. soft sole,, New, Clever and Myetprioua. Can be per¬ V ^ S.’I .Vt: Kiaetlr Kuptxirtere. fl; Satin formed by anyone. A eack is thoroughly ex¬ ■ rvl Trunk with evillar and ruffa, ei'angled amined. after wbirh the performer gets Into Increase Your Seating Capacity n fjl and tritiiuied, S.%. Ite sure and send It and the neck of the sack is then tied and U ^ klze alel eolur. I>e|M«tt required on eealid. A screen is |ilaced In front of It and in ....WITH THE.... B jW all gu. and Drama- I writo Seats. I’lctiire Machine. Marquee. Itox Office. Gas ■ ■nl.\ nnli-r. .Ml wurk giiaraiil-.-.l to make Tanks, Dump. Hags. etc. Top, (kjxik*; capaclay. * No diipIn-Bl'd iiialeriHl Iteanoialile l,l

C^PNGINW;^.! jggggjgwawwljwu^



1E8 ^ Ah

Ml.'.< Kdwina Harry, thv cK v« r star of Jitnnii<‘ Harry's i-;rapheil to haYe within the range of probability that you will aiipreciate that many matters i ^ the ciinnei.-tinK train helil. It was on not germane with your commission have, with a succession of unanticipated L __, a roail just thirteen miles long, and and unforeseen events, served to obstruct my determination, founded upon I r" only train that made the con- your request. Will you permit me to remark, without the least-” I ' flection with the automobile that runs "In other words. Jinks, you forgot,” interrupted Sun. j ^ I to Dingman. Ha. (.Miss Harry's coun- “Mr. Sun. yoiy' interpretation of my transpari-nt explanation, unincum¬ 1 ^ hornet. The president, who is a bered and unobstructed by any attempt on my part at verbose communica¬ ! jolly, good fellow, and has the road tion gives me pleasure and-” :is a promoter for the summer resorts "Hid you forget to tell Fennessey?” along the line, not only had the train "1 trust.” rejoined Kelley, “while it is al.«o unpropitious, and, in view of Conte hack and take Barry and her husband (William Hichanlst. but hint the automobile wait for them, the course the matter has unavoidably pursued, you are fully warranted-” the\ being the only passengers tin the train. "Jinks', did you tell Fennes.sey?” This is another thirte*n for .Miss Harr\. She opened the season with a “My dear Mr. Sun, I forgot all about it.” new phty on Kriilay. tin thiiteenth; first three dates had thirteen letters in them, the engine that took th« in to the first sivnt was Number 13; F:dwina Hari.N t'o,. thirteen, and thiit‘en mi!«s to bring a tiam lack. Hev. G. L. Morrill, pjustor of the People's Church, and local chaplain of the Actors' .\lliance, who has i day services in the Unique Theatre for several years, Mark Hanna, who bills himself as the Kem ti funds for the building of a church, says that, on account of his pos-essing the same and among his plans, with this end fioni (»hio. he has many amusing experiences, the in view, i: that of playing the part of ; , : as follows: a jiarson with the Ferrii Stock Com- A "1 was booked to play two nights c - liany. now operating the Metropolitan vj..v In San Hernardino. California, at _ ttiiera House in summer stock. Dick 1 ■ ( I ■!' V' which town I arrived on the early s- J il ^ Ferris advised Mr. Morrill that he 1/—1 train, the balanc*- of the comt>any ''if*" would give him a generous share of - did not get In until the afti rnoon. ~7!x ' * * *' a week's receipts toward this fund if . The electrician of the show Wits si-nt ' —4^ he would play this role the last week | . \. ^ ~—^ out to find w hi’re I was stopiung. . 7*^*?^^* _ of the summer engagement, and Mr. One of the hotels in S;tn Hernardino ** Morrill accepted, but stated that he will call upon the audience in earnest l.s owned by iin old Gerntiin fellow, '"^'l ^ '» .> ~ v ^ -■ • to repent of their sins. who is also clerk of the establishment. “The electrician walked Into the ottice and inquireil tif the old gentle¬ man. who Wits standing behitid the desk, the following question: .V very popular young man in the village, says Marshall P. Wilder, re¬ "'Howd'y ? Is Murk Hanm. stopping here'." ceived an invitation to attend a swell function and his sister slighted. "The old gentlemiin looked over his ghisses in surprise, and replied, This, however, had no effect on her cuiiosity to know how one of her dear with a rich German dialect lady friend.s. whom she envied, was “‘Who are you. Hip Viin Winkle? Mark Hanna has been deiid fm three years,' “ dressed, and she impre.ssed her brother H with the fact that he must pay jiartic- ular attention to her and report in full the next day. Well, the brother at¬ was the new eb-vator boy. John Hitrris. of I.,.ifello and Harris. tended all right, and no doubt re¬ biokers and b.inkers itj th : skyscraper were not familiar with turned home about two or three in the morning. At any rate, he did not "•Tiarles." calb'd the tirst broker appear for breakfast until nearly elev¬ that entered the car. "the seventh." en o'clock. In the meantime, the sis¬ The new boy stopped at the seventh ter was crazy to hear the particulars, but would not disturb his rest, and when he set foot in the dining room for his breakfast she was there to receive him. and at once jumped on him for a report. The brother got down to business immediately, and made his reply very- brief. as follows; ."li I The boy looked suspicimis. Sud- "Well. di iir .--ister. I did not see your friend until we sat down to the ‘-,U_ denly a t.tll clerk touched him on swell spread about midnight, and she sat directly opposite me. and. my the arm and chirped: dear. I can only say that she had nothing on above the table, and I was eph. the tirst I" ashamed to look underneath." ' was too much The new lad looked iiround in disgtist. "Say, are • ws trying to guy tite'."' he growled, “or do you think this car is a f Hoiuati history ■* Huh’ Joseph, the tirst. eh? First thing you •ailing 'Uli'haid. the third.' atid I'll go daft attd holler. '.Me kingdom Mark Smith and James D'Neill. Jr., of The Traveling Salesman (^>m fse ' Cut It out:" met the gamboling fuiternity on theii airival in Hoslon. in a disguisi issible to iienetr;ite. They hired an Italian organ grinder's whole jiara- nalia, oigati. monkey, and ward- of man and wife. To Mark was /- . 7 .jUV jt.ed the music and his stock, and im the tambourine. The former, ■ d '■ 1 his Herculean build, had some ' y .•ulty in covering the length of * • Oi t with the abbreviated garments q igOk-' ".Vi le chunky dago. In (fNeill's case.

I Xtie Billl>02ircl JULY 3, 1909.

J'laii. asking li-r I-* ii.sme what wish alie will if she Is- mortal .sint It sh.ill Is- graiilisl. -ir to INDIAN g've —-111- sign If sht- li - siiis-riiatui al. she has MAUDE ADAM.S SCORES —-en Ttilbaiil. -ih-- -tep- forih ami coii-b-miis Inr as a Witi-h. sn.ijiig -he lias aioemp 11-lii-d what -in- liii- liy Hu- a.d -‘f tin- (siwcrs • •f hell. All atlt'iupls lo g.-t J >.sn lo deny IN ROLE OE JOAN OF ARC l'i.--<- aivii-allon- ar>- friilll--- S . ,ioth- Ing. and Is rtnally I*-! .sway lo Baliiiniid In Low Comedy Resuscitated In the next .u-l sin- is Captiireil by tip- Eng It-h in a charcoal luirncr’- liiit an-l lod to a tower, where she 1- imprisoned 1 .>m-l prom PLAY PUT ON IN STADIUM OF CAMBRIDGE :-cs 'iiat she stiall Is- fis-t- if -he sslil Join th* Engll-b cause. Fries are hau In heavi«-r Irons Is-fore Ihty go to the listlle. but In the |ire- The Actress Shows More Than Her Usual Versatility, i-iice of Isals-l ami I.lom-l. tir.-aks her .•\ddms and O. Henry to t'latiis. s*-Uea a swor*l .and ni-bcs to Hie fi-ght. Tlie ac'lon n«>w iiiov.-- r.spi*ll.v >ii to ili*- cli-se. Running the Gamut of Artistic Interpretation and where Joan, ni irtsll.v woiiikI. iI. ill*-s. siirr-'iiii*l‘--r aii-l l{.ilin'niil. the -heph<-rd who loves her. her friends. She ran the gamut in t-verylliing (Aituatloiii* uf o»iulc Kroto«»qu*‘rl«*. U au luiiMirtaut Arr. traiisUtoil lij C. S. Vlorook aiiil .Anna I loan doe- not sis-sk. but the other- realise that that denotts talent, alway. the *1 •iiiteant note ehataoWr lu tbe uiu»loai iNUUftlj lu pr«* Swanlvli'k. in five aoia, Juno 2-. ! marriage Is n-d her intention. Kaimvind pro- is Ing her i-omis-Iilng sln-erlty. Tie- siipi-rtlng l>aratlou by Kraukllu V. .Vtaum au^l O. Ileury. ' t'-cts b-r against her father’s Her THE CAST; east w as < \c--lU-nt, partb niar vrs-l.t Is'lng due M» tt) libretto, aud A. Kaldwlu Hloaui*, a* to ' father lielleves that thv- Maid Is In eommuni- to E Hales and IbToHiy Ib-rr uiu^aIc. Ilia U'liitc a br«*d ludlau ivialla • 'li.irloa VII.Italian Andorioin ' ralioD with evil spirits. IIm* tlrat and t*uly |»r«*vloua att**iupt to uik* tb# V'tooii WalM'MU . I>orp Ilertrsud. another countryman, n-tiirnlug from SAVANNAH. GA. tyjH' for iviulr pur|N>iM*« by a iiatlv«> playwrlicbt .\»:n4-« .Soiol . lii-atrii'c .\icnow the village, bears with him a helm.-t. w lil.-h -a lik;ht o|M‘ra called I'ouy. tb«* Gcutle I*l:'lll> tho Coml . Wilfrod Nwlli .-III a.Id creiie had thrust into his hands. Then manly Sa^aiEe. prudiu'ctl lu 1sh7 Id New York Ear! Diinols . . . E. Halon J' reaching out h>r baud- eagerly, s|H-aks The Savannah Theatre Is e»l.abl sh'ing a new City by .N* i'. Hr than lu bla role of tbe **re •An EnitFsli Herald . Francln Shannon •■■ranee. <»ne ’-night alone is standing by the the .Academy of Mil-lc. a bon-*- in riiariestou rlaluit‘«r' re«Ukli). A* C. VVbi't^ler waa tbe llbret’ .A Si|Mlro . Klohard (tarrirk King. Joan asks Ids name and wlu-re he Iw that is under AA’lluP-r and Vln-eul-’ niauage tlat lie Haa at tbe tliue tbe woat widely read Tlilliaiit il'Arr . lAMiln Maasen f -uii-l. and Hertran-I tells her. Tin- foe is now n-nt The Vln.'ent is***pl.- ar-- -at'»fi*-.l with a of our tlraiiiM erltlea. uot rxtvptliig even Wll Marjtot . I.llllan S|M-ncor -o strong. Bertrand continues, that It has ts-en tiins- a-day |>ollcy at ten cent-. Ho- l.n«lue— liaui Winter. Il«‘ nnde of tbe afage under tbe EiMiiaoo . I.aura Stanh-y consldere-l the is-st i>olley to acknowledge the In-lifits the aililitional ex|s*iis«- i>f putting on iiaiiie of **Nyiu tVlukle," autl. yeara after be Jorn .Mando .Adams , severignty of the I'uke of Btrgundy. two high clis- show- each w*-ek. ln-tealca under tbe Claude Marie .Eilivard la'wera name d **MAdn;py*’' Kaininnd . I'avl.l Torroiue Hi-rtrand . Fro.lorir Tyli r W . S (•ittoTt baa pret^eeiletl Wbeeler lo tbe ■Aiifarltlnn of a Illaok Kniirht . iiae A>f tbe low comedy Imllau lu light t>|>era; . tJiistave Von S.\ir-r(l!i t»ul l»ilberi*a Itxliaiia—there %%ere three of them riisreoal lliirner . AVallaiv Jarkaou ~were unAlllut***! aa^agea. Tbe work of I'rlu (vaa Tott». no\« well nigh forgotten. It waa Tue iM‘rformanoe. uliicb waa ttiven under the written aouie time previoualy to ltlil»ert'a union aiV|d(’eK of Ho- io-rniau Iteiiartiiieiu of Harvanl with Sullivan, aud bad a %ery pretty ai'ore by I niverally, waa for the lauo'flt of the (■•'rmanic Fred Clay. k legal meaua to prohibit tbe further atrleal arliier ‘ment of any nniiian -tar di ia*rft»rmau<*e of the w<»rk In (ireat lirltaln. aud. Aiiierlia. Fifteen thou-and a|a-etati’r.- |>aid their to inak>‘ a««urauee aur»‘r ai»ugb to deatroy every n-api'ota to tlie talented artist at ('aintirol.:*' <*opr of ibe Work then extant. Si>iue co|4ea. June 22. where Mlaa .Adams as Joan of .Are, bad. b«iWfVer. fi»uud tludr wa> to tbla n»uutry. assisted by two thousaml player-, rendered f'l- where there wa^ not at tbe time Ketlrval pro tile lirat time in English S<'niller‘a fame.u- attir.v. te<‘tlon to foreign atitliora* a** that I'rlui'eaa •All America eontrlbuti'd its >ds of siM-ouiator- were on nsnd to '*l***ctUe!y naiiieil I’lab Tiiah attil P'a.h Bah — reaji a harvest of cold. .V few minutes past namea that (fUlM>ri afterward eiutdoyed fiK* eiclit every seat in The Stailiuiii was o<-tupierally employed a silvery shlnlnc armor, mounted on a -n*>w TIh' Boatimiaiia, wbeii at the beigbt of tbe great white charg<-r, appeared at tlie hill top To vi»gue that waa tbeir lot through laiputarlty say that pandemi ninm liroke* would t>e Imt of Hoblu Iloial, pr^Hlueed not f**wer than three r*—ortlni! to the platitudes of the ontinar.'. atnhitloua o|M*raa In w hit'll onr a(a«rlginea figured Ilariard n<‘\er heard any tldtie like It Wfore. c<»Ti**|deuou*k|y \%aA. Prlatdlla. which made .AnoTlea anil Europe caild IsUh ta* Inelmled In • niployiiient of the legend of Ja'Iid .4lden and tile li-t. For fully five minute- of ear deaf«-n bia \lrarbcia w of the thr*-*' waa autreaaful. I*ik‘i.v supri'me. Frotiald.v the Iwst ro,uparison Iiide«i1. American |la>g>*er« have ahown very lies In the episode of jrreatnes- that we wlien little a*Dtlmental liit>r*at In the Imllan a« a In tiabyhood -ee for the first time a spectaeulat atage figure, atel .^frougheart aiaiida <»ut fMtn extravagaiiT-a and lalleve it all true. Th-re a long liat »if pla>a a** the only ime to aucreed wa- so mueli realne— last ninht. -o mueh to with an Imllan her*'. A notable failure among fake you away fro.ii yourself, to make you attempta tn atage the Indian waa 1'he Hedakin. lose all personil Identity, that fift»r|a11y atel drama in It- romantic page-, and no lan ever wrote fically. aa In lie mtopMoi. The Squaw Man Ip tlie golden fluid- of I'lilogy s‘ft lU-hliHl Me Paul Arm did that of Sehlller. .And it wa- tlo* siTiousness der’’’ crb s the luspirisl T'j.-y all retire Ip-n—. wtilih i- teiiig t.iiiH u till- city. :« • Troiig’a The lt*‘noga«!e v«aa a r»H‘eiit Chicago of Ml-s .Adam- that tarried the effort to such Ih fore th<- f«-ri'or of tie- .Mahl. wle* c|4»se- the g'>lt*g to surpa-- .ill ■ili. r- m*w h*-r*-. ami Mr. attempt to g1\e the retl mall aetitlinental value an .ais'X of siicee-s. Never has the mimic lived prologue with a iMs-tle fnr- well t*> lor ni'-untains M' T. Ki*-t-v. til*- r* - .I'-nt manig*-r f-.r \\'I!ni*-r In the drama. A inurh tadter play than either r' ality .as did Maude .Adams, thi- .loan of .Arc. and her home 111 Ii.>r«-uiy. and Vlnteut- pr- iii -.•- Hist Hi*- h-uisc will Is- 'I'he lCett*gad«‘ <»r Srotigheart. t»f f*«»giiate theme, culled Northern l.ighta. falltHl a ile^-ade tiefore The iM-st talent of on- of .America’s foreino-t r*-ady f -r o* l u ian*-y i .t lat* r Hian the fir»t In the n-xt .;rt i- shown Ki"g f’liarb-s VII S»rorigh*art wa^ libtl -|Prederhk Itonagbey In t-f "ctot»-r. Higiitln-- isud*-vll|e Will Ik- in Iiro'ucers. Charles was visible on all in Ills court at Chinon. The va'illating tionareh The Chicago Pvetdrig po«f.i -P'l . the general arrangement, the cast the 1- playing wltli the Io\.- of .Agn -- S rontin'-e him Iliat sfT-ilr- are .-s now iislrg o-i*' Ilf Hi*- h--t a-l- *-t*-e known her*- ductl. n. T'nder a canopy of stars, not a fleck bad a-i tiii-y Weil can Is-. .At this jh- nt li- wi h*-s putting a s*-areh ligiit ;>en with laipl-ville Jti*,.- "s. ami run until moving picture*, ching'iig vaudevlll* acta ev c.aiiva- thni couM liang in' any hall of f.ime any. the laal <.f s-pt*-.ih*r Higli <'la«- ait- will U- cry Week fornUlied l»> p4*arre‘a Vandevllla Ki Tile -.-eoiid aet is laid in the camp '-f th- V lo re, vve were tea-.d on to a sidrlt of ey. <-*igag*‘*l. an-l *tie p*-rfoi iiihip-*-- w .11 Ik- frt-*- th'ii-gH. of urb'.iiia Mr. .Iiimeti B Kelly. ling'i.-h. wlio are in despair ov<-r te*. ^cra e-s of te et incy—when -udderdy Mi— .Adams appeared I'.ati- ing ami oHi* r n.pu—in-III- - an I-* r->und al Minager of .\.uu«ei(|i iif« f'*r Pearce'a Wlntar Join. Sl.e bail- lu-r for*-es into the mi-l-f of at tlie hilltop. .\t tliaf -••coud a thunder of ap- Hi - |MipnIar r- --irl C Td^'H. (Jrand fiml Theatrra. also their eirup. whl-'i I- burnt and |du;ideri-l Ib-r |i!so-e alrao-t hook tin- -tone seated .Stadium. Tip- .Alr-lotip' f-iiiir-*I 1 •! w**k G*-orgle tbe N« w Majeaftc nnd V|ctt»r Th**r»lrea. 'tf New Slowly csme the figure to file tree. .A minute -|•••ne wiih M-eitg.mery. on - of the E-igll-li odi- .At.lctf. Hp- iiiHgti* I w.111*1*1. aipl Hii- h-.ii-*- Orleana. cclil inve th* ^rtpe matiag* ment of el-.ji-..! In silence. Tlien Thltiant H’.Arc ap- per- whom sb-- -lays ;n -ingle eombat. i« <-'ie illd t.“pac|lv hiisln*--. t*'e \lrdorn« Thla la Mr K*'IICb «ec«nd seison of tlie str'>ng--st In the play, and the act < nd- fs-ared. The action legan. Joan, as .Sciilller The .AHpiP-iini fi-atur--'l Hil- w**k 'l•'ll- Al aa iii.ariagcr of the Alrdome nt (Inlfport with 111" i<--onc|llatloll of the Iiuk<- of iiiitgiiieiy give- her to us. i- an idealisation of cliaracter; Ik-tt I hevato-r I., 'iuillc, fh* fainoii- t*-m*r. an-1 The •petilng tdll 4oii.'*t,d of the following Wi'h tlie r.-encll f.iree«. add to this Mi— Ailam-' earnest Intirprefatlon. the advanr-e sal*- ha- le** n *-noriiiou- Mtlp-rs a<*a, with moving fdrttirt a to c lo«ie the show tile iH.s'tive reveri uee with which every thought In lie- tliirl act we b-arn f' l.a ani • I Hp- iilll ar.- 'I'rio \ an-l <'art* r li.-l-l ov* r. The Marc«’|oU' heVtUi*. whirlwind arrohsta and wa- tnoubb'd. and there you Iiave a crmcerdion T'lrioi- lisle iKith -ucciimla-il to love ..f ih-* l-iviiig an '.rlgln il illu-lrnt*-.l s|m i-ally. t»arr«d tuinpera. I.*-.. II-11, corri«o1y acrobat; -e f ir awav from all our other Joan’s, so cl-'an. .'la d. an-l tli- y a-k In r h ie-l. She t-11- :!i-m al Iitpi *.|iiii hn- le * n gr*-il for M rrv r**rd. -Miglng .md t-ilklng totii«*d!an; so -iipide In *-\iremi' ipiality tliat the [M-rforn- tti -f le r dull lo <;,«] fori.Ids lier pwlng man H-i- pn-l f*-w w* *-k- Sniniip-r pr * ■ « |•r■ anll flu-niv r\« llv illii-trit* ■! mebnltia, aud The he ance must live in memory’- history for all and -le- e igerly ru»h< - f irtb to a call t-i arm-. Tip- ('rib rlon. Gran-l. Sop* ri. \\ .nii-r a nml K'-M he Trio. Ill a farc«' comedy time, ScidlliT itiM s n'lt hiv< the Malil tuirncd In tie- ei.-ii M'j liaffli- -ill- is aisiiit to slay 1 •• Hp- t'a-ln*. contlipi* I-, .|ni» l.;g .r.,w«l- wliti at the stake. Slie f ill- in love with I.tonel, an ore 1. tie- lin-'ll-li ofiii er but raising hi- vl- -r. Iw,, r**-!- of plciiir - hipI >llu•ttlll•'.| «..iig« || Frgltsh arm.y officer, and she die- In -Ight of si,,, sees Ills file, ip*-.tat.--, and i- lost. Ht ha- iK-eti -al*! Hiat Hi*- «'!--:n'> will -lari r.guliir NEW VAUDEVILLE HOUSE FOR ♦ he French King. enwrap]M*d In her tedovcd lian- loi<- fi-r him apiisrent. .She e. n not kill \ au*l--\ill*- Jim*- js, f*-r III*- -iimup-r iiionHis, ner. 'l’hi‘-4* are tht* es-ential- wherein S -biller him. ni-1 -li" a-k- li'm to kill her lb- snatete a Altrm B M IlitBI^NSl'N. ASHLAND. Is a* variance with tie- otleT-: In fiet. with per -w.ird ii'l iii-h*-- away, tuit vow- ags.ti t-. history as It has t-.en ehroni-bd. I’.iit tli.-re - - her. I.:- Hire and Iiiinola find Joan faint I"" Hi.. Hi. . sKsIh Aslilmiil. K.T . seem- to la- so mneh eon-I»tency tliroughoitt the w '*h sham* ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. -sill li*« »- r IP u sipi u|. f(i ilnte |*opuUr prlcfnl Il'e -entenee that none fan ts- f-iind to take I'l till- foiirt'i .■•*•!. that *,f the King'- trliim I V iii.l*.! Ill*- I*. II.I- MsiisiP-r Msrtiii. nf Hi* eveeptlons at wbaf mn-f ts- br-iidly t rni--t pi ■•! »-n’ry .r-to ICIe-lm-. J**an is eompi* ti-ly *-» I l.'llspitis ,Auiu«*-up III I '*tiipsii\. snil Msleatlc A n-.l - ■al,p-|i will I.*- of |nt*-r*'*ii to Up- pro pis-tie license. In -o far as tie- dram.itic ••-eoiip. i,y wbst -li- ' -iii-id^-rs h-r -In iii l-.vlng Tlii.i'ri- I ..pipsiii |. i, r\ I'liHiustssHc pti tbs f*--.loii .= Il l- iiniioun>-*-ini Ml ..f ih*. *ng.ig. ui*-iit. eliimor eoiild h-- esch- wi-d 't wr« -ton--—though Sh.- finsllv. le.wei. r. --i lz. s h-r hit.te r and i:il*l*.*-l *,f 111* p,.i. tlp-Htri- sii.l sny* Hp- fr**nf when the oeea-lon -b-m.'ind-d there was a pa at la.s .A.ig. P - ( al . of Ml-. Miitgip-rlii- liiaai! I will Ik- \*i-> I l-ilM-rst*’ Hiiii III- sIp-siI pf siiTflilnk (dung* - f'lrtli. i.lm--st a tn idwoin.ili. into lle- Hp- ilaliily a|p| cb-a*-r •oiilpr- tl* t.. I iiptalii F ge.'ntrv of flash, col-ir and cla-h -i- h i- oever • '.'llielral. Il-T sltt<-r- and ler faltu-r ban- iIphI i.f < lip liiii'ill I’ll*- liiii-rl'-r will Ik- Is-e-i attempted In any hi-tr'onic endeavor. I' 'llpunpkin- Ali-s l-ain r*'i| wlHi s »|iw Ilf iiiskluv Hie putruns e»e-|i. t., s--e tills le w J-rati. nf whom they know <*.a-t al.oiil a }<-iir ag-> with lier moi|p-r and Tile drama o|s-n- with a prologue. The Maid nothing ixtept they have heard. Joan, s's, in Hp* Hp-sIm- ss i-i-iiif-irlsill** s« issisltile -irp*- HihI Hup- lias iip-t wlHi t-onllnu**it aip-cess Hp. ln'*-»l <.)K t* pllslrs. i-lr , Ik-Iiii llsi-it Th* I- shown at I'.T. my. Thlbaiit d’.Arc eall- Ida ■ ii-rc-une by b-r ene-flon. fimla It linie--a!b|e p, three daughters to 1dm and bids them prepare in lllll•l•'al o.iip-dy I apliilii 'lompkoi- la Hi*- Mslis'li Hi*- |ir>'s*-iil «su*l*-vllli- Hi*-slr* will r-main in tip- >’:itli*-

I o Have Minstrel Carnival TO TOUR OHIO RIVER

TORONTO, CAN BEING BUILT AT PARKERSBURG. W. VA Lew Dockstader and His Company At li«t. after many |K>«l|K)rienientii. ItavM WartleM anil hla well lialaneeil nimpany ap- ill week at llie Ki.yal Alexamlra to The New Boat is Being Built by the Dock Company and Will Hold Forth at A|x)llo raparUr liiialneana In Ilia (treate«t aiiereaa. Tlie Mutic Ma*ter. Mr. Warllelil reoeli-eil a great ree»-pt|i>n. Will Be the Property of W. R. Markle, the Veteran I heal re, Week ol July 4 At the I'rlnrevH. I,ew I>t rMrnlval of The while hill waa a gilt eilg,^ one and bnal- tern, Ko arranjfe»l that there will he hl^h prea- to Im* held In the I’liltt'd Stateit neaa waa at capacity. aiire for fire protection and fresh filtered water The lM*Ntitlfiil .\|M>llo Theatr*' on the Iniardwalk The liahy Show at Manlan'a l*olnt waa a big on all portions of the boat. liN't M'onreii ninI lait*w InM'kMtMil«*r haa heeti success. Kihlh" fisiiiile s, the clever press agent Markle Is also havlntr the steamer Wa¬ N» tf**m ral liiiiirfitarlo of the IiIk l>er- for Mr. Solmon's enterprises. a>ked youri truly bash completely overhauled and practically re* f nftiiMiitN- Tli*-r«‘ will l»e <|ijarletteii double to Is* a Jiiilgi*. hut I Had to deiiine the honor. built. It will contain sleeplnir quartera for qiinrti tt*‘« and triple 4jiiartette». harmofiy m and various other conveniences. ••of ftin liiNkInir and 4lNiielnir agtrreiratloim e\er I-.ndles* Hand discourse,] sweet music all W'eek. Mr. Markle estimates that when he has hit WOoHtl IseW ftiH‘kittN*ter. N*'ll o'ltrleu. A] Jol Scartmro Beich bad on an excellent Hat of mil whole fleet completed. It will co* bnllt In New MISS ELSIE ST. LEON Y«*rk. *•!♦•« iriral <‘ontrUain*e« and pj»**ctarular MRS. MARCO VESSELLA GIVES trnio*foriiiatl<*nf» will rival an>fhlntr <»f the kind ever iM-etl BANQUET. 'Pile ad^aiK**' Nile 1» In rhark'*' of Mr tgeori:*’ U AlllK<»n. of l*itt«>t»iiric. H lh> haa rharire of ■Mrs. Vessella. wife of the bandmaster. Marco the ileleKatltm fri»ni the Kit liitf Sipiadron, Vessella. has a custom of giving the members whbh a f*|MN*lal train t«i atteiel the of her liusbamrs hand a hamiuet on her birth¬ f»|M nii't; |»erf«»rnianre. day each year, and this time It hapiiened while rhe hand was playing In Chicago. Tuesday. June l.’i. The flftj memtwrs. together with friends MONSTER CHICAGO CONVENTION from tlie Creatore and Ferullo Rands, which are also playing In Chicago, and Manager Howard HALL. Pew and Mrs. Pew. repaired after the concert at Sans Solid, to the Italian restaurant Cher- iN-nnlfc anuounreiiient wa. marie June 1*<, at ijlll. where a grand hnnnmi, on the Italian the '.fb, • rrf Harlow N lllgginlHdhaui. rif the style. Including some half doien Italian wines crm.iimmatlun of a ib-al that will give Chicago and special dishes, were served with speaking thr largr-st c‘ .Vuiphitbea each member of the hand, and took this occa¬ trr ainl will have a .eating capacity. Incliid sion to present to fhe director a magnillclent Ing the arena space, of 4,'>.ersona It will gold medal, appropriately engraved, with their lie elli|>ilcal in form, and with slight motUflri sentiments of admiration and respect. Speeches both In Italian and In English wera tlim will Is a of the Coliseum In marie hr every on.* present. Tbere seems to be a model sentiment of appreclatbio throughout r- laml involverl In the deal comprises t this band, as Marco Vessella. more than any e tri.s-k ts-iwer-n and Wabash a' other condnctor. sympathizes with his mnsldans and Til,rty ninth and Fortieth streets and wants to get oni.v those In his organization who are the very he«t of musicians and good STOCK FOR WILMINGTON e.^lliYWS as well as gentlemen.. The sodal side 's praiseworthy.

\nnistnr-. m<-!it is iiiarb thsi HlIIj Hcniar.: Will ,,|M-n nr, tin m-w Mu. Hall oi. r'onnnll P. F. FORBES AND EDNA MAY strrs-t. Wllinincton. Ini . with the PrTcy C, WII liains Si.s-k I'.rinpani off*-rliig thr* isqrular WED. r'ramas of tin- dai ainl iqs-nlng with Ib-von-l tin- tirr al lUri b- i>n .Iiiiie ils J.rhn R Kreiiger. tin- Mr. P. F. Forbes and Miss Edna May. both owner of tlir- hall, rail nio«lng (rlrtiiri-s but has members of the New York Musical Comedy leas#-,| it f.. this r-r»nttiani Company, playing at the Ludlow Lagoon. Cin¬ T'n* Join, C Ii, nit>«e\ C-snlr 0|M-ra Compan.v cinnati. stole a march on their many friends. Intissbic.-il a nr» priina •lonnn to Wilmington Tuesday. June l.t. by quietly slipping away to In-I . anitb-nrss at tin- .\vi-nin- Thi-alr*- In I.a Newport. Ky.. where they were united In mar¬ Ms.' otl Jiinr- Id 0-! Jt|„. „ yjj.., p,,. riage, Their friends knew nothing about the Ilngtrsn am' «hr' nia.b- a hit Il ’Werer Miss J.-s affair until Mr. and Mrs. Forlrcs announced their • ■ Mens, II. who has iiiaib- sm h a hit will sing Intention to take their honeymoon In the mon¬ the b- >dlnc r.rle In llo- |


LEASE HOOPESTON HOUSE It mav be of Interest to friends of Mr. ana Mrs. F.' B. Floorl. the well-known character The Prlnr-r-ss kmiisi-mcnt Company of Chicago people, to learn that on Sunday, June Li. their bas ribtaincl cnnirnl of the Virginian Theatre. home at (Irenola. Kansas, was totally destroyed H''0|u stnn. Ill Tile theatre will l>e known as by Are, together wRh all of their wardrobe, the Princr'ss. and be run as a first-class vamlc "scripts." scenery, etc. atrsoliitely nothing being vllle simI ntotbm plcturr* house Mr. Floul saved. . . Arr-irb-r. half owner of the company, will re Mr. and Mrs. Flood have been requested by the n»aln In Hori|M>ston anil manage the place pr-r townspeoirle here to ptit on a benefit prrrformance, sonally but. as all of their MMS. were destroyed, they are having a hard time getting Into shape. Friends: Thi->«e interested that can send him anything In that line may rest assured that they will be highly aporeclateo. rtie Nell Stock Company for the f.'iirth week Mr. and Mrs. Flooil. for the past ten years, the snmmr>r s, as,,n at thr- Metro|>oIltsn I'pera have been conneeterl with the Ethel Fuller Stock use. opened with Alfred Sutro*. The Walls Companv. Stater's Madison Siviare. the I.ycenm •lerlcho Jami-s Ne||| will take the role a» Stock v ompanv and other well known c,>i»panles, k FrobIsrbrT ami Miss Eilvtlie ('hapman will touring the West. _ 'ray Lady Aletbea Slagi- Manager Harold in. whnse settings f..r Ibe Nell pr-slucllons e le>en niiicli prsisa'd will be able to stage Walls of Jerlrli,i with 'pr-clal effr‘c1lven«s« MASONIC THEATRE. LOUISVILLE, n"t onlv put on the same plav f.>r Mr Neill KY., LITIGATION. IVInnIprg. but he also helped to create the ■lipibrn W'hl.'h Keb'ev ami Shannon used In Ir rirait tour Mr Nelson will pr,iflt as well the seenery b, be pr,w olerl tills week hr lllam I'rike. a mural artist fr,im the Fast roiiv Johnson's I'l'rfirmlnc l*,'gs at the Ms- '•e Ihb wei-k. are easltv tip’ br-adllners t>lh ,\r-.»r.>l.| equr sirieiiiu', ts IK1W UvatrHl at l.uba Calk. New York. are The Three Musb-al Kellons. \,lelable 'gilt ami Co , Monilane t*hllll|ta an,1 llarrv "Ion I be allow i'.>nrludea w Illi the Cameo Frank an,I Myrtle Cliamtir'rlatn. 'll, framew ek t,'r the ts>at has been p«r- irb with the lati'st mixing pictures . Ih lib.a III ami Pile .imt ilrenada. and tl.illy er'clrsl on tlm d,sks of the Parkersburg I lie roniblnstton of travelogues, motb’n pic JiiSl PH i:iM.' fi'i't wide. .an,l will fifteen hiiD'lrerl ' popular The managrMuent will follow р, ‘,'ple. Cnb-ss .til plans fall the boat will be • Pfiigram tbroticboiit the "iimmer season i-i'miilr tr-1 .am! rr aily lo be Launehe,! by Sep- be rllon of the l>oat will be mod- b'adi-r Is Halid Nahlnakv. who also plsys Tlie I'arl of Hie Baby In i'lie Ni-wlywe.N ami i-lrsl after tie Ma1e»lle Theatra' !•> I'enver. Col. Tlirir Itaba. will again be |i|.nr-il by Iiie di a number of itlff.-renl Instruments It will tie elab,irately furnished and will be mlnullie rs>me,||an. Ja- P l!,>s.ii lie n-ry be Sisr rontlnues to' wltli vaudeville. flttisl ii|i with iipholstera'd seats Of the very 'Ing pb'nies ami llluatratcil aonga suiTessful In the t>arl laai a,'a«->n finest klml. GIRLS OF THE MOULIN ROUGE. hr- I iibpi,. I ,rb' ami Crvstal rci-elve excel I'm- of the features of the Imst will be the ' patronage with motion pletnres an,I Mina beautiful entrance way to the theatre which as The Supreme Ci'iirt of Ibe Slat,- of New A’ork • '■'l Bongs ANNIE RUSSELL RETURNS. pleiiiir'd will surpass anything ever seen on a last week. Issue,! a restraining or,lor. pr,>hibltlns • opb' are g,i|ng lo Won,1erlanil Amusement Ib’ating theatr,'. There will Iw' 2.5t>' Incandes- Messrs. Hiirtig ami Seaiiion from using the till* III Iti s'irrully iiiimlHTs It Is sn allractlve Annb* liiisaell, wli.i lias Inon «|H'ml!ng srum’ с. 'nl Ilshls (Ml the Iniat, It will l>e equipped Olrla of the M,ui1iii ILiugr-. In .1 rr'i'i'iit prisluc will, Its mnnv outibsrr di'vb'ea and the llmi> In Furoi'c. retnrued lo Nt-w York. Juiir> tU. with ,au bv plant and also a special water sys- tloB put out by tbeiii. Xtie Billboard JULY 3, 1909. THE WEEK IN

FUK thn fiist • time in nearly tifty : Summer Weather Closes Theatres—Henry—nenrv B.D. Harrisnarris • iieinlni: until 1^‘toiiilH-r lit Two talvr \« w \i*rk liHs m.» to ofT.-r " ^h** th** part *.f Kraiiii In i'li** Waltz ltd tlil» «...k. >1\ tin- axi- Erltir»fT<»r > >'r’d"' i.k li.*r Urst KniillsU .larrin*: «tri*s Hr* ofToriiu ilrHiiin hihI <*0110*,)% Hiid 4*h*.* Announces Plans for 1910—’dW andalici ErlangerLLtllall^Cl |•h*'»•'*l Imt M-a*>ott u»t Ma>, rotiiriiliiK l«» Ir'i* fiiiid. t«o r<«.r cur.l.nv, h .•* ..f vim - - 1 h* r iMt!%* v«*u!4lr\ f.*r a U^it. Th** Klaw A Kr •tovlllc ... till* li«l. All till* l ■ I a c ^\A,t ^ laiitf**r *»n**r lo*l lu*r f" *‘!*im'**I all iM**{otlaf l*’iia ft.trks ."(r.* ..[..-ii,..! wllli n swii.e Tlo* «c*tli.r Engage Many Stars—Frank Keenan Has^ aO^ New'A Play.I lu^ • n-luni t«» t^*ii*|oii *»r t*» app**ar uinl**r any m I 1 ‘tli.T iiiHiiak:* iii**nt Mt'‘i» S‘m**a will 1»« K****n mnn Iihh jroiii* on h vm-Hlion hikI Imt ilavs ar«* with chI Hti.I iil.nty. Tlit-r.* will 1h- h lull Hilliard Off to Europe—Other Notes)tes and News.[News. i "> •“*' ’"f'' “■ ... In lli.-Htrlod for h »liort tliii.* ..niy. Sh> hIhmii PLAY rOK MISS ALBERTSON d X wrokd. Hinl tin'll w»* will havi* niion^li pro- dortloiid to k.-i*|. II tHl.iilHtinn iiiHiliiiio Inivv “ —Klaw .V Kiian»rcr and Jok. Hri>i(W» 'ni'tnlli.j: tlnin. Tin* lirdt to nninriiin't* IiIk plaii» I luxe .arraim. .1 !.* pr.slii. e Thr'Sitlh ■ Wlu.lxw, <•oinpr.-h. ndtw ly is H..,,,, H. Marri*. au.l lo re GEO. BEBAN. j In whli-h Lilian .Xlm*ris..n will ap|~ ar lu lti«- l» tiH* li-w|. ■ ti'n. \..x**mls*r 1< (•.-rlrii.l.* .\*ws- ,h»* |.la.x Til. Ilii.isoii Th. iitr.*, wiii.-h js ih.w in Its ^ I m >5Tf)nr 1 wrlulit, writ.* Hut le*r ilr.iiiiaH<- ci.mis.slH.m U R.*ti*iitli si-asoii. will h.* .'losnii from Jnlv ;j to* I ’ /nlUJl I i not a al plsx It l.rUiif f rwar.l the <*iirlv in Amnist. in or.l. r Unit it may Ih* on ! I —fl dt I I Isi.iiis,* ..f Hieir .•.ane.mlc .le llr.*ly r.'ii..r'’l.'.|. Mr. H-rris has f.nin.l It i 1 X ■ |s n.lciiia*. ar.* xli't'iiis of imr pr. s*nl |M>l,Hi*a1 n.-.s'ss|irv t.> .'.•iiipl.'t.'ly r.'n|>lio|Kt.*r the anats s. st.*m Hi'r.'l.'f'M** tie's.* w.'iie*n hax.* rr *•••1 |.nl In n.w .ariats ami .lrai..ri.*s. This 1 injlne.1 In Hi* I... kKriniml \lii.*h has ts*.*n will n<‘.-*ssital.* tin* .-loslni: of Tin* Thir.l I>.*. 1 i . •xrlttei. of He .l.*iien*aliElnk . (t.*. t ..f .mr |si cr.*.*, wlil.-h has |„.,.|| rnnnlntr at this thnatrn ! IlHcal cnrnii.H III ll|"•n m. ii, of Hie illsinlikra* fr...n I.-.riiary 1. Aft.r tin* tlnatr.* has b.*.*n < I , I th II Ilf III* n's i-hai ai'ti rs. ..f tb«* narp'iik of <-.mipl.*t,*li r. fiirnlsli.*.!. Tin* Thirl l>**;rr.*,* will I I I ' .le-lr '.nils iHit ..f till* w.*i,i.*n wlm ar.* the In ot»*n Hiiain .*arlv l.i Viiv'iist. atnl r.*nialn at this L I 11 s*i*iil xi. tinis. wis- an* »np|s*rti*it an.l .slurat.-I fln-atr.* until*ml..*r 4, winn It to' 'M w th ii*..n. X n.'tlittiK l.a* »»*. n sal.l ( l lcHg,,. to op,*11 th. r.* at thi* Illinois Thoatr* i I I'h.'lr hiiinlllat1*4. ha* tss*n lak.*n Int.* small ac on s *pt.*mlM*r C for a run. .'isint Pill|s* x'.«it.*ll.>. Miss .\ll»*rts..n*s role, Itolan i;.l.*s,.n will InaiiKiirat.- liN tonrine sna- i s ..lie "f th.-** w.iiii.n Her falli.r J'l.Icr ('.» s.>n '••srU in S.-pt. inls-r. .>|N*nini.' at tho Hollis i tello. is the t*s*I I*f Hi. |s*IIHial nna In .*(an ^ Kran.'ls.s. .-th.* has tss*n In an East Mr.s*| rinalr.*. Iloston. In W. S..m.*rs,.| Manp hams in-w .. Th* .\ol.|,. Spaniiir.I. which .*ni »»*h-.*.l aiel in Eitr'n» an.l ha* lss*n xer.x K in.w iH ini; pr. s, nt.*,! in Innnlon l.v n,arl.‘S l lil.* »ss.s* with her fath.*r. hut she |,.\es '■•>"'l«»ny at f.o Iloyaltv Th.-atr< him xxlih an ar.lenl ih X"H..n Sin* ha* 1.1. alia. I M.. h.|,.son will In* sn|.t...rt.*.l hv a tn.lahl<> fast, h Ill H.* » a nun treat iM rs..nal charm wl.hh incln.l.s Cnrtrn.l.* ('..chlan, Mao.*v Har _ i’l.* S'* it 1 arth'iuak.* a.ts as a Ni*n>.*» • It Ism. I.lla line'll \\, Ann ami V.-rnor r——I l.rlns' alsiil a ■ .Hialem that rex.*al« to Eelliw t lirif.-s. Miss r..i:l Ian. wl,o was last s.*.*n In the ether seh* of h. r f ilh. r > . hara. l. r an.l H.** N. w 'ork In Tin- Trav.-llnc Salosman. will ho I biimlllalini: 'n-tten..s wh'.h hax. shain-d h.r Mr l*., *s..ns l.-a.llin: w.nnin. Aft.-r a tour of I I own Ilf.* Mis Xielr.'Ws hx« .Irawn Ih.* fbai h. ,*lti.*s. Mr. Harris will l.rlnK -Mr. J *f ( i;. fr.m, that *.f a man c.*n r.I.-son Int.. til,' Hinison Tln-atr-. whor* ho will It Me* I'ran. ls *.. fraiel .*\|s>.iir.. play his nnnni>l .*nL’iii;.*in.*nl. Tin* Xoh!.* Span ti.*r* lira.I Haiiitlt*'n. *'<*l'|s's sw.s*,h.*art n tie* ”1 W'll In* Mr Harris- Initi il pro.lm tioti. amt I'Lx.x, Is itriiwu from I'r-tn. • ll. te x (*>-' lawyer

rhs'l. . . '•'•'-'"'■'••I f>.v him other : K A E Koll.*.yitn: this, fhanninj r'..ll.«-k's now plav. I A Krlank'»‘r hav** arrank*^ i.-i i' ym-.-n. will t... prslin-.-il. in which _I |ir «bi«< *>f Mitinil*r-k Kjirm b« Kai*' Klsi.* r.*rtoison. frank tjllnn.r.*. Krancls Rvrno. I -* 1 lia>uk:la« WiiTiTiD «n*l i harloft* Th'*nip**'n -n fomru. .iinl Khanor I.iwso,, will enact i \* w F.njlmi.l n N .wnit-r Tb** pU> w*:i la*' ..*'''"l> K I-illh- gn.'on will tm I bro*ichi int* N* w ^.•• “'adon nt tho I \Ui»*l Ua«nt**n«l will 1. f.ati,r.M with M .\ lln-ati.*. wh.r** it inak.-s its ta-w to A.*w t .>i*k oil .Vnitiist 1(1. It T'* to\r x .i^’n b% Klaw Jk Er!Mrir*r to a The inw pr.sln.tlon will ts* that of Kallot I iun«*i<*al **i«n.*^H .-ntul*'*1 Tl»** ^ ainc Turk ht rhamlM-rs c,, An Am.-rican Wl.low. for ' M iX ami \Yr*»ii H fTman Th* pr ■bi« ?lon w I I Im **1) oli*-Tat*- w tb pl»*nt% -kf a rU It** T i.o ' 1.0 . '*r'“ • "-’M-'-.l (trace Filklns. ! tr* la'1 in «*<>ti*tai)t >ni*plr • o x.'' '7 '"'■•'"•1'* Tliomas Thorne ami 'I 'lti-’l.* I l.•l.l,nl: for tin* prin. lnal part*, an.1 ^ Uapb*' H *1* m* b* aiU tb*- n« w ri%t of Th** whi<*r. will ,.,H*n at the Theatre, New] I U***in*!l‘p platltir Mavltn \r!ai. kb • t'.b* I'**’!;. <»fi ft. I **Kllm** H•••tf••r Klaw A Krlan«*T w.ll *1-n Toll. Wiiif this prslnt tlon will m* that of On I Ith .n at tb* I ••l••«;a! Tl** atr* . Ib**t.wt p nie Kw., w hl. h o|H*ns In S. ptemln r at the Park • I* mU*r fh* It atml I'p will tra»* l thr-nu * I Itovt ui. It is i,v M.trtha M«»rton. from ; fl. S and lit to thr Fa* ;ft* 4'on*! Tli»- ..f I.. nii.l ,h>nU with i ?• I****® cont4>tiiiM»ritiiMHis Un^siHn Hf*-. It will t>o pre* I j li*-o H'lr of»*ii* lt« ••b*%« fith a*'a* 4 nmb-r tb** win, II.Nhvig Urlih.-r. Arthur Hvmn. 1 I; M • lit ‘‘f Klaw a Erlaiii:*f In 1 t •'^a • arlv I^ wlh. iMiia Ar. lp-r Crawfonl. Hoatrlr# i In •t* t- b r It «bar*l Ituhbr w.|! pla> tb* utl** I r*‘ntlf«' HtHi Mh\ rriMMiiand In tU** l«‘adinc i ro,«* n.w ati*l •nlara*«l pf ..In* tb'O .• u r ''*hr«*>»t nttrtohes fti this plav hv reason 1 t»uiM Tw.fiM f<4ir I ..r^*** w!ll u***k| in ih* of UrhhsT. Who. Hff«r haviiiiT arhh‘v»«| a I 4 harlot ra*. ona th* lafa. f rlib* In tliw npiiTHiinti an l«*th in <;»rmftny \ Ea«t ao«1 t'anada wiM l« pla\**1 «n«l in i„is oMintry. with firman iN.mpantos. will iii^kc h.r th.hin nn.!»‘r Mr. Harris' man- j klaw A Erlinj. r am! J « ph llr - k* will pr ' *iii«^* th* *1ra .latttat .'n . f Tb«* lf\n**r '*br » ii< an Kncli'sli *siM'akintr arti'^t. Fol- lowing ih« ••nirMtf4*nH-iif in on th** Eve • * arl.i 1*1 Jtnuan with a »otabla «aat Tho Ik ••^i‘h*s1uh‘tl for pr**Ki>nTati. In S'lVtiiilMi*. ,\lr. IlarrN will pr»*K4*nt E<1- ; Ai:r.-«1 that II *wrU« i« th** wrltor t**- innn«l In TI:»' Earth, a n»*w play by V f » **f ii%. tiMt *4' •'tiJt a w*.ii»an ami ou« wh** ha* Ut rti:ir of 4Utbor*bip «i*io -‘f tb** an hon.>r !»y hi*< tiM'rltorhms work aK t« rnia - f tb* r.t»!ra*t with th* pr*Mlu*«r» w*a lbii‘k«‘tf U>4li-r in Th** EI»*»rr»***. now rnnnin;: .it ih»* llinNon Th*‘atr». Th** iHTform FRANK KEENAN TO STAR anr** «•< Tin* Earth in .\tii**ri«'a **ij:nalizoK the : liri atith«*r *‘v»*r pn*K*‘nt**riy M.Htilro an b\ ll:irri<‘t Fonl. aiith*»r **f Th** H**ntb*man from I lilth.-rt'i tinknfwu plajiwrlitbt wbi«h will l*« Fram***. an* !•*•** r Mr K‘* t»an t’laron**** Ma* "f 11 1m ji in w i»1h> hv Williaiii .\nthony Me* • j I , Virffiftla Mt K«'**iiaii for i* atw ha* la *11 ktK*’ii Huiro. ' ntithil Tin* Ib irhi**. whloh will a«*rv# i II a* an a* tor of ntuiMiial abillt% atnl t*y addinir a'd lh»* v‘lii«*h* with whiiii Frank K****nan will I tihii to hi* bthib lt*r if a* tot«i Mr llarria ba* 1m laiiihinMt .'iH H ^t:ir iiinlor Mr. IlarriK* man- I ■«'*uri*4l an artUt wh'iM* worth !■ nniTrraallr ?»i:oui«tii. Mr. K*«*iiaii ha** lom: lH*on known a« a« ki.ifw b-iltfi <1 **no 4»f .\jiiorio:i'w ro*To»‘**!itat!i** a<*torK. Ilia i j I iifil til* pr*Mlii* tlop of Ills play Mr K*«'naii W4(rk *» tin- .***ho!irr in Th** «ilrl of th«* Hr»hb*n ' j •Sa ! will a* t a« tf tl* ral vtaa*- tllr*** tor f..r Mr liar Wo-wt. h’mI Th* Warr^ti'^ «*f Virsliiia. ♦■Hrn**inmutor*s. a low comoiv 4»f iw \* \ iiniiaiii* *1. bv (’harb**^ Kl**in, who _ —j **'lf '*•* Me White Kinr IJiHf ItslHe se.1 will U iiinh r o.Mitr*i* t t** \»r HarrW to writ** «*xrln. | I SIH ihI Hi* Kr* sl.-r psri of He* iie.iiHi "f J.ilx K v. ly f..r him. Mr. HarrI*- ha*^ hN*. in propar piim ii •»! '-ifl— “f tho Enlt **1 Stat*-» In Th*' In w> ..•iie*i|.«4of,iit

  • Paul Hi* k. y am! I^a.lx. h\ . .. K-tIm • i ft* off thHi t»*»no,i, n*oii It *ai||'a ill IsIn siaK.'lT H hasha*^ ,romo ome lotfi '!•' 1*. lake up r.lrnsrsals lo*. paratort le H.e S*U\>!i. tho w«|| known pla.>wrii;ht an*l aot**r, KI.AW AND ERLANGER ENGAGE MAY DE* !» **\p. t."l■ I -of f na KlauIxiau A lirlai'K.Erlntigt-r r aitro-tjonaltr e ."iiHniiai.. He . I'KaK. le* lit In |•i.rl. r 1:111. r win*wh(» lir’diir-* .-ollalHirat***! o,,on Thi*dtill'd pla.vplay with Tli(*inaKTln.ina** 1 SOUSA III*' fotiioiiivIII.I All!will In-Ih* a larg*'larKi* oieon* sii*laiol Heth* si*,■*■* iiti | •■■n |lr..wie's ur'-al pla>. \ r*«.| Iter. Was >t**llar*i. th* fanion*d ,\m*Th*aii lu'w «>.pafM*r r**rr*** Klaw KrliinKcr have (*n>taK<(l the •' rli.rlal > ex lr**iiiie*iit ..f .11,11.iial .*UI> •" "ht'h 'H Hllllar.l has Ih*. n atarrIt'K at He* Kp*»T,il. nt .a!i*l auth**ritv «*n tirlontal |H*lit1rK. I I IIh rt) Tie all. for He last four iiM.t.llis \ii*.t!e*r II. w pHv Mr Harris w ill Vro- i -y'"M».v le .>s .iisa, wlm ' J , , . ,1 IIII.I. r He* .lirxII'Hi <•( I rul.rli* 'I1e'ii.|ss"ii .'ll.*. (Ills s.,as..n is Tl.e Natural Law. l.y H.w . >■“ a.*l*l.*x .s -.i.*.*.-s |„ ,i„| lari. >1-Mib. I., S inIII th*He (horti*.. le.rtis I Wien He* run ..f A I .-I I here Wat la aKal'i , . , , ... , . laki'ii lip Mr Hllllar.l will ..le ef ... ' . .. . - *,, , "l.i' li Vi'*'"r H. rm rt aii.l ll.- ir.x It. riiiillli ar- iP-for*i>...f,,r, .ail•all mftig f.,rfor«'mlon tn -*,* had liliinr... It Harr's.Harr'S, aiiHe.raiille.r of Sham,Miam, willwil] aKi .. „rit.* f..r li.*r . , . ^ f.T' .la*.n.lon .i. U-i.. -j,. h*. ..f th** Ain.r le* ri*pr-s.r.*pr-s.iii.*,l iil.*.l in1,1 Mr. Harris' pi'simpi'sIm tl'.nstlons hy*>5" a» I , a in i > • i i i ki f*i'li*'l•i.« h»'*l fh(I.», of"f .ifiging-•ifi;*lnt' rob «• Ibr||.r nr-tOr*! jrai. ■f.itr* . I*« »na iMH.k**! In th*- lara«*«t rlib« n**ww I.Iplix, .X M*i\.*I iiniiHini'.I. '' '' '*•■ ' «l'l ts :iitr.-lm..l 1.; M i» .(.p.pp« ir-im. i.rtr. I..i,.l‘.iiIaumIoiil.*.m1on wwa« .niii lh<*lli«* l»rur.*|trur% I.anr p, Mbhibwf uiiin fin «*ih| of ■ ' ‘ i A r.rla*i*:**r t»* h«r ***uiitrMio*i» Mii’br th- mo*t ,.^ftt>**ni*(i*^f»to*n|M,t tiii«1or*tt.mbr.lift in«1* ri tiAtlA Sli*SIm n*II.\t \t tiditgMdi.g inIn t'a« of M«|i» I lu ootnpan) w lib b w.ll \ le w pl.t.x liv Sx.liii'.v Uos.*nfl>*l.l xxill also lie \ lew I.l-I.x liy Sx.lii.y U..s.*tifl.*1.1 will also l.e I pi,.as,i,c *,i|.pi.*.*.. .-fie w.iil al.r.a.l f'.iir t*ar. i|*b - Inin Spi.nSfMdit(M at«l Hifh It*..,lto>alt)l{o)iiit) i 'lli'lli' iitr*atr* IIIIn Jiiii**,Jiifi**. HiipfMHt hhii th* *<.fiiilia *. aaoti l« bblitbal pr'shi.1....• Th.*in** t('Iillilri*n nimnn of"f instiny.I>i*sHny. „ Itniry Lin* pHnfomlm*-. anl Vkk; ui,. apr» ar.«l in M,** all -tar r* of pr.-li»«..| Hi* pla> In Mar.h In :ohl t'oii t.* ih*'^.‘ n-w ppMiu.'tinn'. Mr. liar- ' r* m;i1 !.*•*! to r«*H* h -tardoiii in Engliiml an l Th* tb-i«ba. •. ignig fin- part of ii Mxiowa Man, |;,ii h «iti« «.f th* prln* ipaU ha* lM » n rootigaa.d r!' hji*s ot onriir.oti th»*o** *-omi>Hiib'K for tin* pro , Fran* • lf‘T *or\i#*'* w» r** Inin groitgr***!! *b*maioldemand Mi* ft»lr***. «%*« ptitig Murb- l••lM|H •t. who j f,,f l* a*.t artotlii-r x*ar 'I lil« inak*** tin- I'a*! a!ion of .l.(nM**> Eorln't* r«»iuo4l>. Tin* Trav- j b .*11 b\ Aiiiori* iii ami Engli*hill pf^lmor*',pr'-lii.-r-, tear*-! l li,*.. . .. r -.leK He* r..l. In O.ieleii I .r -iKh* i |i„ |ii,|. -l.l. s Mr llllllsr.l Mr W Ilham i 1 t'Eiig S.ib thn**' for Th«* Third Ib'grw*. 1 voral nMo i/.T-s lint*- n*|M*rtodI 1l .*r»t •**rig.«■riK*>2.*mi2‘'iii« i»fIII en.iiHi. n I!si7 -le* ri**i1 st He * The I lelKli. Miss Nanis It.* ('eiiiai.H k Miss Kalh.-rlie- rihI two for Tho Lion and th«* Mou*s4.. Mi*s*i, \|r a. L Krlang*-r '-arl).*arlx andaiel rjuirkh.piiekli wiHi He* (Hrl- ..f (iel l.-iilnirK 'lien she Ks. Insl Mis. I.inlly W iirsl. r E.lwanl llsr I'ln^iion of h*‘r I.r«*mion nn toi*. .nM .irraiig* tn* nt* for lor flr«t af* |.lii\*-l -fN-flil ••ng.ig. i w.ll, Mat In arir I luuir. M K Ualk* r ami Mr «;»♦*» flan* URg* m.nt Mt til* Vamb'villc Th**atr»*. will return j iM'Hram**- n h-r **uii *'otjf»iry in !* Pih' in IV.ri* It. turning to |>*rii1ot, n tb«- fall to Ani*‘ri(‘a and iM-gin h*‘r fuurtli vi'ar touriug I wh«-ri h** to«>k iij* th** iii.itt'-r iNT-on'diy. pHiK »,ing at th«* tiabd) In llavann. rt'oiifiiMN'd f»n pagf l JULY 3, 1909. THE WEEK IN CHICAGO

    lit lliirilt iiiir.l) tlirl i\.ii wllh l:i.|i.iiil Carle Forsakes The Hurdy Gurdy Girl for The Tender¬ i-liiiiiir**. Hiiil will lie follow***l l«t**r l*.v **tli**r at I ith u i-iiiiM l> I lii.rtic rtiul . ii|.;tl.l« •'<*111 lr.*i**tioiix of **iiiial iiiaKnitiiil** iiinl *iiialil.t au¬ -•'li il su<*(***ss this w*x*k. Now that the siiiiiiner 1. , < .It Jill. 11« lliiril.i ••iiiili liirl the Fact that Emmett Corrigan in Keegan’s Pal Scored v**atlier is here tin* atteinlaiM*** is as it shoula i_r rr<4lt lx tliK ••• ••"•I *IX "••III** Ilf III- lx* anil ill (*ouse*pu*n<*e sniil *s are on(*e more - tt lllll l.llt. Il> Ixllltl. Illll lll|ll|l•lll II I. worn hv til** owii**rs an*l oiM*rators of th** various t.i I'nI Ii-'k llxlllll --l■li•lllr•l Mlxl III** * lllitIK** an Artistic Friumph—Candy Shop Making Good. riiliiiK il**vli**s. stiows, ete.. who for a while were II .'It* ri*>' T* 1**1*'? f****l ■ lll'ixl tt*-l*.i|ii* tlrnily eoiiviii<**sl that sunim<*r n* v**r was Koinii .ti<-*il*l 1*1* t* ■ Ih.\ i.fli* * t••ll■* *l'lx' I Hr*. to visit fllilHKO. r**‘, :liix |*r*** II* tilt iiilii*‘l aixt I*. I'reatore has lx*«*n r**-enKaK***l hy I.. A. .i;'t*=i**'l III* »*l*lil '••• 'f X' li rnl lull**. : I THE HAMLINS. iniiiiiKer *if Wliit** City an*l th** eml ol |.^'.*^- •■tiKiiK***l i.ix.iallt f.*r tl*i. r* pr**s**nt i*niraK**ini*iit has n**t as y**t h****i 1^ il.'Mliii: lull.f III** *'::rr* III i ** 11**1111**1**1. Th** sh**W's at the hik south si*l [ 11: f'Ll I ;**ii nr* tt. 11 l.*i**ttti i*. ii. nil jiixl I lox'in* an* nian.t this year in niiiuhers an*l I lilt Ii* "I I** ' tt*ll will. Ill Im'II.U ii**l in ela's. l,'*x*’s Ii**stru<*tion of .M**s-.inii til** hii: paiiitini: 'llolKotha an* twn of th* .ittra**tion» ami th** Kinney Family of swiu are hikli in favor with tin* patrons who a

    Haby Hliss. the* big: man. juiii|x**l into fat fame with the a*lv**nt o lii<*v<*l**. is now showiiik at Sans Soui*i Itliss is on** **f the hikki*st men alive ami C t 1 tip the s**ale at «<><• ixamcls. I.itth* Klsii*. th** yoiitik'-st swimmer in ..Vnier- i<**i. th** s**vent<*enyear*>l.l laily wli*i iliv I n ttily. is *loink hik l>usin**iH*in**l its «* tin* ni*«i**v‘. i;uv II. Mills'is *l* llv**ritik th** at the vainlevill** th**atn* ami has sum* in'W set' in ston* f*ir his patrons. C**l. ••.Ilm ' Hiitfm of Kiverview Exis*- atnl tiiHs. .Maetiix.n **f Sans Soin*l Park, ar v**t**raii pr'*'‘S akents wii*i have all tin* tin**' tin* fast passiiik o!*l seh*>**l in i***mliiuati**n tin* akkr**ssiv** tnetlnals of up t's*late put metlexls It is a treat inil*s**i t** la* tin* of **itli**r i*f th**ss* kentlemeii ami th*;ir i*ou |■**e**I*li*»n t** tin* "Istys **f the pr**ss sli**w terial appr**eiati.*n in the vari**us paper-* their n*w always weleonn* an*l well can* of. SAID AND SEEN IN CHICAGO.

    The Yankee Mandarin has with it Mr. ilarvie. who r****entl.v playi**l h**n* in The H..V ami the Girl. Mr. Carvie Is assiimiiik the r-ie whieh Mr. C* (*il I-**an with.ln-w he- fon* the i*n«luetlon of the <***mposilioti. The a**t**rs who hav** h**<*n iloiiik tin* five ami f**n-i**nt h*Hi-**s in ami ahoiit Chli*ak". hav- threat**in**l to strike if the inanakers of these theain*s *1*. n.>t Skree to kive the xame nionev for l**xs work. In response the tuanakers tlioukht tli**.v w.iiilil cut tile vauileville from thi*ir pr* kr; ni ainl insteail ki'e th**ir patrons an i vtra |.i tun*, wlilch put a ilaniixr on the

    •Th* Misllcy Mailt ami the .Man in ilrown. 'Hi*' niorti:a>:»* on tho Tli**atro in % •• 1 •«» th* r ii ’ t'Hx ii ill* .iii: III ilU*. hurt: hrt> tHH*n purchaMnl hy M**ssrj4. ^ fnmi Mrs. l.aura Hikger Dennett, thnaik ;;ri*ssuian J**seph I.. Ithitnwk. Iltian**ial s** th*‘ < aiHiiH* amt a iitusiral attraction par t*\r*«*l- to the tlrm. . .. r* hiHs*. atTortN a ha\oii for tho ’^•fkor'* of coni Tin* Dlue Molts** now playink at the i. r inarx fi'lihlc iNiTcatioii amplv roalir^'s their has In its oast th** followitik Chicak'i w in that r'lranl. atnl uith Mih*". Krioi! Z**l*la S *ars. N<*il Darnui. F.ilith Ton n x eltx II*! Mort W.*lf ill c\*s'ntiNe ehari: ■ ami wltl: Cath**rin** Ailams. I.ucil** t .*skr*>v** atnl X. nftNj thiarh** M:ntlo**n at tin* pnMi<*ity helm the pa .Marshall. , tlPxt titli ■ ' TX tr* tw arc a**'‘nr»'»i that tlw ap|*«*intmcnts amt Tin* Manicure Girl, which is to lx* pi attraction** uill In* k»pi .apace uitli tht* tiim*^ In the fall, is hy Hanihl Att**ri*lke an* .«n.i np t«» fh** !*•*<'«‘^rnizeti iartl #*\cr a^-o Fnalerick P* ters. both of Chicak**. ami h cir't**»i with San" S‘»mr*i ntmtatioii a** a park put out hy .Vnilersou ami Dartoti. als lakoans. With S4;:n*»r 1.literati " kir.tml t»p*ra sim; Ch.irh's .*n*l N.*llle Kink, "ho w**r** iTx .Hn«l hami a" the fret* attracti**k. will h* r'ta "I Park ha" f> uicl the keMjotc of impiilarit'. hers *if the cunpany which will support \ )h**rati'" fam**ii" l*anination wita tic* iluniiiuk in Mar****lle. next s in a«Miti«»n to hi" annual 'iiiniiM'r .a|‘|M*arane»* The eoiietxsion list of the time. Mr. Kira Kemiall. who s,.m** y**ars ak* P.»rext Park ha" lN‘eii "tremrthemal h\ the aihil- in I'he Vin.kar Duyr. will. n**xt s**as..n n«»h »>f tuo new ilaiH'ii.i: "howx. a iioveli\ ealltsl The K Miirh ami K‘h k> Uoail. am! a clianire In lx* s.x*n iti this play. . , It is re|x*rt***l that Miss I,*.la Ma.v_._ " the hill at the >amleville theatr** Tli.* Fir«- <;«*ntU‘tnaii Fri*tn Ml"* M>..w ,x .t in;: a •h"• r^etll> lumin •"" anil i" ;ua*le such a hit In .V sissippl. now playink at the tiranil Hoii"*', \»;th‘aif » \«'ejit‘on "ati"f\in»: the |"H^ih* win* vix;i will star n**xt in a play xvhleli In f man- It The ri'lini: ilex ieex ..f I’aul N thMu.ah- ami \V. Pra-ly. n.*x» opier ak**rs. .I.isi'ph l•rlsnn*r ere trnlx t!»e fa"Ti xt to he hH»l. e**p«'.'iall.X the -i ruiiioriHi that thi" plity i* •rnnxl h iJratcl t a:ioii ami The t*hi"- T.»*oUi:h the t'ioinlx. hav.* in hainl. It i* itupert llUiTln*". pen \t'xell m !i'" xx»‘ik!x prexx xaxs. S*J'. a W*x*k hy Mr. xvho play«'«i the title The xtn. . xx uith xxhic!i tin man «»:**meni > x When Charli*s Ch**rr.v wliicli recently elo>e.l at P.*r. xt ]*ark ha" met in pre"- ntin>: fr»*e attrai* roh* in Tin* lt.ach**lor. > from Kinfliiml* lioii" h.d" lMa*n "in li that the |M»lic\ will l»- tin* Whitm*y i>!x*ra. r**turn* .! hi" ♦•niCHiremeni haitetl a |M*rmam*nt feature cml hen'after wh *r** In* w**nt wh>*n he . lose •n in thi" Fitch com* I* u mu"H al oft* rhui" <*r "pei ta uilar fi ature" 1 **r*. h** will akain lx* XX III he pr " ‘nteil fr**e ♦‘Hi'h XXt rk." ♦ily. A now aiinistmont lompany ha" iHfu liic.»r- AT THE AMUSE:4ENT PARKS. nn»U*r th»‘ iiani** ‘»f tli*e A|H»no Tln‘Htre To.. t.» tho ♦ vtonc '‘f Sloywn* to o|M*rate tln-a trr^ aiitl othor anni^»*iinnt*'. The iiie«>rp*»rators arc Wllllani WillKartz. .l*ir.4» lCiin:er ami Max J. Stoin. Sno Van inir.vr. tho 1 Tho Wizanl .»f Oz. playoO ' >it'n.>i:rHphor in .V <;«-ntloinaii 1 AT THE AHrSEMENT PARKS tinrintf tho illno'S'i of Mi« Au'iio; T\\*' I'in'ii** Man. whirh wi Virki'r’j* Ttioatro .Vtnrnst *JS. i< hroy. ami will oinploy thirty ti lyn Arhmklo will pla\ tin* F4*«vk. IIh* «*iroti*» man. Such a MtTlo whii e-nrvinr and nunic hail enter llarkoft Tiwatr**. York, havo plavinii *'f It** |'r*Kni TAINMENT r.U'anor LHw<«>n. who wa** th« ' eiil z*>ii sipti-ix t •>Klllxi*>l as K^N'iian’** at tho t^iirairo *■ Ih* Kr.'xt.sit •* rial nrfal. In th*< ».*rl*l William Uh> moml. tho yi»un w**. k h. x.lliiK th*' Illll at III. Mal*'sll* has lHH*n ♦•ni:ai:t‘»i f«»r a promi xiitl sstoiili.lliiK tlx* patrons **f Vlallia*'* Uollv of Hrittany. Mr. lla\i • I'lailioiis** III tiH-lr -laillliia aii.l Hull: als III III, „|r Iti, I at* »* II liii*wii *••* Xtie Billboard JULY 3. 1909. The VAUDEVILLE PROFESSION

    NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE NOTES. The White Rats speiit $4,814.05 In Insight into Vaudeville Conditions Made Possible the intetests of the Voss bill In the Jjew York Slate L-‘glslature. the hill regulating the mm- This w«ek’s offerlnRs are: lulsslon to Is- charged by lastking agents, which Through Study of the New York Situation—Detailed rhoiigh signed by the Mayor of New York City, llanimorsteiirH Victoria — Annet*o wss \etiM-d by the Mayor of RiilTalo, thus kill¬ KeH**rm«n. I’rlnoeim Rajah. A Nifcbt In a Mon ing It. k«>y Music Hall. Willy I’anticr Troupe. The Review of the Bills Offered by the Various Houses Stcliloma UvIdk Marble. The Qiiartelte. Three The beautiful v.'oitian In the Musical Johnstons. Ryan and Whit* and Christy During the Current Week with Comment. World, Is the billing of Gladys Feldman, fra and Winis. tiiref Turkey, Atolul Night In a Monkey .Music Hall continues to llsnild. in .tisliillah. young, beautiful and a score, with the orchestra leader the s.-ti*vllonaI dancer. hit. The Four Fords are presenting some new- clever dances and attractive costumes. The Quartette Is using Cuddle Up a Little Closer. The Four .\mati Sisters, vocalists Iionesome and Don't Re an Old Maid. Molly. ' and lii'lriimentallsts. just completnl two full The Willy I’antier Trou|)e have an unusually si'ssons on the orpheiiiu Clriuilt, and will make clever act billed as an Acroftantomimlc sketch: their first Eastern app< aram-e at the Rrlghton The Three Musical Johnstons, xylophonists, are Rcarli Mii'ic Hall July I'.', under the direction using Oeo. Rotsford's Rlsck and White rag. of Al. Siitberland. which g(s's iM'tter than their 0[>eratlc and clas¬ sical selections. .More of the modern or popu Vera Olcott l.s versatile. She an- lar music would strengthen the act. Christy iiounis-s she will 1104- this name In a straight and Willis present an act In which the man s'nging set. hut in her Cleo|>atra Dance tbe Joes comedy juggling and the woman i*ccentrtc will Is- rrliuvs Verona. Two acta for one bill dancing The act would Is- better as a straight with en'lrs'ly different hilling are thua provided comeily juggling act. without the dancing. If hy this lady the wonivn continues as assistant, she shouM change her style of costuming. Ryan and White The Three Cycling Cogswells have are clever wiNslen sh-stlng at their la-me In Virginia, ami will Ih in New- Y-rk In a few week* with a n»w ADuuiibra l'li(3utn*—A light, but act. pleasing bill was provided for the closing week . of the seasim. In conjunction with George Heban ] Josejih J. Ij»-o has opened ort1c.‘w in and Cumi>any. unex|H‘ctedly held over for the i lyoiig .\ere Riiillliig f>4- hi* l-eo Circuit, tielog second week in The Stigii of the Rose. "The r u' mi lotigi-r ismnei ted with the In-wey Theatre, Rounding Gordons ojiened the bill with a go ha* formerly edy. Handkerchief No. 15. in which Mias Ren¬ p'aied the shi'ws ,,f the Western Rurlemjue ton Is exceptionally gorx'»ontetl ship Sisters prcM-uted the same work they did aiirce.sfiilly In the West by Frank t'lsimb* and together in The Follies of the Day. the feature Mnrlel Stone, will ismimenn- Ea«tern Umklcg or liest part of the act lieing the dancing of tbs at Hathxwa.t'*. New Ridforl. .4uxu*t St. sisters. others on the bill were Cunningham and Marlon, comedy acroiiats; Charles F. Se- mon. "The Narrow Feller." and Valadon, the Jo.wephine Joy, a form-r member magician. of the Fr'txl S heff Company, la a new recruit to vaiiderllle. preu-nting a single singing act, under the illrectlon of M S It>-ntbam Aiiierk-aii .Mutsic Hall—With Paul- i iDe, tbe hypnotist, as headliner, his tlrst Week Alice Hanson, the clever comedi¬ or the Morris Circuit, a decidedly improved I enne. formerly of Hanson and Nelson, baa bill was presented. Dwlug to tbe length of I s.-ored a die..b-d hit In h«r new act with Anna Faiiline's act. only elcicu sets were presented. | Miller, late ,.f Sam I'.ernard'a Company Skinner and WishIs oye-mHl w-ith a clever danc¬ ing act. .Mina K. Hurst is siugiug, with slides. This Rose Rriiigs .My Heart to You, and You've Still another "original" fon.-ttil. *du- Got Me tfoiu'. Kid. Ed. Wrothe, late of Me, j e.;*ed < l.'iiii>anz ■1* aniioiiiieed. Thl* one (num- tieueral .Manager for William Morri- Him and I, witu a cunipsiiy of ten pcvple, pre¬ li r lost trsek -if I 9I-1II oi>en 'Ui Pantag*-a' Cir¬ sents a uiusical eoim-dy, entitled The Night of ’ cuit. Istokisl hy RIehard PItrol the Concert, which has little excuse to exist, ■ except for its lliiale of the burlesr elghtts-n ronaef-utlve and Sadie Rritton playeil tbelr first wwk on the ■ edy Four and Tate's Motoring completed the xvas the significant statement msde by William Week*' Work In the West Morris time with the same success they always Morris on his return from Enrols- last we.*k. achieve. Joe is certainly original iu his danc¬ ".\merirsn performer* are grarlv taken. .Iain*-* J. Jeffriea sod ’ chaiigi-s. a eouosly in which bi- plays seven lie*'' revues, and who leave* Amerira to ap It-'tx-rt Flir*lmmons and hi* wife were -sally cb.iracicrs. Fur an encore be offers imitations P"ar Ir Enrol*- In the fall, has ta-en captured by fs-oked. Fllzsimmetis for another year after com Louise I»rr*ss< r will play four weeks wlili wig and costume changes of leading com- i E. F. .Altiee for a limited engagement In th-- pb-tlngpleting his .\merlean.\merle*n hales. Amelia RIogbanRiogbaro I" v«iid--vlll.- iimbr the direction of M. S. posers dlreetiug tile orchestra; the encore is i Keith and Keith and Proctor theatre*, oie-ning and Emma Cams, ImthIsith Issikedlss>ked hyliy me for thothi P-ntham. oia-nliig at the Fifth Avenue Ttieatre really a Is-tler offering than the criginal act. In Roston thl* wi-«-k. and appearing at the Keltli Palace, have fs-en offend parts hy tteorge Ed Di'luty Grace llazarii and McMahon aud Cnap- | and Pna-tor Fifth .Avenue Theatre Monday. July wnrdes in h’s Cinderella pantomime.” p*-llc presented their usual acts, while the bill: Mr. M<-rr.sMorr.s announced that Harry Lauder Marl*- I»r**'*Hl*r r*-turn>* vauilc- was coAiipletcii iiy Fr»‘-.l Rowers and Company, ' For this special tour. Dazie, who ha« pro wouldmid return to thl*tbi* roiintrroiintr.v In Drtober. and also vllle *1 Young « Pier, on Jnly tbe company consisting of two "picks” aud vlded New York with many siirpr'«*s and nov- «tated• tated Ills111* plan* of IntnsliIntnsliieing tbe Ri-vne form '2. with Ho- Rrigbloii Ri-acb Ylii«le H«ll to a dog. eltles. will attemid an Innovation, for she 1* of entertainment In lil*hi* bouses,hi patterned after follow preparing a brief iiantomime in whleb two the Fr*Fn net. (e-rfjH-rf irmiiicesirmiiiee* with vaudewllle In Filth .\\ciiuc Theatre—Valerie Ber- char.xcterlstic Ilazie dance* will tie Introduced, conjunctconjunction. Ion. Principals atand choru* for the Re "Th*- Ani*-rl<-an <'h*-vall*-r" v. Ill Le gi re Hii.l her company , presenting Ills Japan¬ Tills pantomime I* ealled L'Ammir de rArtl*t. vii-vii-s s ha--eha’-c fM-enfs-en ohlaltii-dobtained from the Folle* I'.i-r tin- s|-|e of billing ii*--d next season by Stuart ese \\ If,-. pro\ Ide a delightful ciiterlainment, I and was written by SIg. G. Mola**o. who or g gere. .M.irlgny,M.irlgny. MoulinYloiillii RoRouge. Ral Taharln and Karnes, when In- will do eliar.icli-r xiogs exrlii though the principal wotk naturally falli to, i Inxted the famous .Afiache Dance In Eiiro(a-. and ' Giber novel features sivi-ly. and tlie succe-s is due to Miss Rergere, who la who«e magnificent pantomimic perfornianee to- will I*- Installed from time to time, the resiilla an artist of oniisual talent. Hall aud Stark ' came a striking and artlstlr featii.-e In Tho* 'if .Mr. Morrli' study of tb- Fn-neh and Eng presented for the first tliiie iu New York IhelF : W. Ryley's The Queen of the Moiillu Rmg•• llsh iiiuslf- halts. K'Ina LuL.v, i-lt-ver Hill** niii’.i'*’, la at Miniature Minstrel Mimics, a dozen clever ' during Its long mn at the Clrele Tlieatrc. Tbi* the Rrlgliti'ii Riaeh Mii«le Hall till* we«-k youug'iers ill an old lime minstrel first part, new pantomime Is Is-Ing staged under SIg Mola* with a niiitile-r of tow featiir-s in ta-r set concluding with a siHithcrn levee sc-eue and a bo's (H-rsonal siipert Ulon. and It ha* le-en con IJolored vaudeville j.-cl'irniers Lavi- buck aii.l wiug carnival. The act ha* elabor¬ struoted *-srt»-e1ally to suit Dizle's nspilremenls 'icganlz'-d the t’liluri-d Vaiidi-vllle Retievileiil Ttiti Much .MGn*-.v and Th** l>"f-idlnR ate sjM rial scenery and is capaldy staged. Im- and personality. Xs«oelafIon. with I.*-on Wllllxins. |iri-sldetit ^ Al tixme. are fin- lltli-s i.f two sketehea to lie pTo p4-rsouutioii* an- imivided of Julian Eltlnge by Mr. Alls-e believes IlaZ.e’s engMg-inefit the Is-rf Ralley. vice president Frank It La Motte, j p..,, pp Hughes Lester S»--yil: The Niehuls Sisters, by Misses most Important of the year, and that there will •ei-retar.v: trustees are Jay H tioings. Rob Kelly II,(1 Usmiessy; Eddie Leonard, by Ber¬ lie an iiniisiial Interest to s*-e her In a m-wr Slater. Itxrrlngton Carter, Samuel Davis. *i«-orgi- nard Graham; Ge-irge Evans, by Frank Sijuiers: role here In .Amerlea. where, since the senss W Cieijo-r. James .Stevens.Iteve’iis. .S,S, II.II IhidleyIhniley and Th*- R*-*l I'Ink It* th*‘ I11l*« ilf ft n*-w ls*vv liis-kstad-*r. liy Sid Marion, aud George tional Le D'-mIno Rung-, she has irexieil many l>-ater A Walton. Ileadipiarlera are In New | ac*. wl*h Mxrv Sfewarl Sone. siipiMirted hy Prliiire*--. i,y William Hark. Ted Suyder'a novel and original dasices. Sfte wa> the fir** Y’- rk, and the A*-oclatl'itilall'iii will harebare a ciiriilr*lciirtilval ' I’ratices |

    new YORK MUSIC NOTES. few of his hits on It, such as. Honey Won’t You Musical Affairs as They are Related to the Profession M^ be Your Turtle Dove. Cannibal tale and a few othera of hl» big numbers. Great Idea. Don’t L»t the (lra»« Grow Under Harry. ^ .Iir K*« t, U a iiiailiH '• t>e<-uIUrty appll- Carefully Outlined—Some of the Recent and Most I In tin* |iiil'lilii|f l>ii*ln)-n. At Inn. h not liaiif iKo. ■ rfrlaln well known man- Harry Newman’s quartette, which ,i:*T iii'-ntl.iiifil to olio of tin* llrm of Joaopb Popular Publications Commented Upon—Notes of recently appeared at tin* American Music Hall \V Stirn aixl I'oiiipaiiy. tbit at a iliow In for a matinee and evening performance and Kroi.klyn ho hfl lioanl tho boat ragtlma num- ; featured the Sunlight Music Co.’s songs .solely bar In Ilia oplnbm that liaa oior to-on wrlttan. i Hits of Today and the Singers Using Them. met with the approval of the public and man¬ l i. io la lny aakod for furthor Information, all Uo _ agers. The result Is that this nuartet Is being .-.hiM aa.T waa llial It waa rallo.l That Tailin’ hooked by Wm. Morris. Ine. over their entire Uai: and that Alda Ovort'm Walkar waa tiklnc circuit for this cutniog season. ino and all lurlaln ralN with It nlabtljr. Within BILLY THOMPSON + iwnty four hoiira. Joaopli W Slam and Cora Among some of the new publica¬ oinT waro In roniniiinlratlon not only with M la ttrartnn Walkar. but with lha author of tions from the Sunlight .Music Co., of which ih. -onr In Chlfako; and In twonty f.nir hoiira Harry Newman Is manager. Is Harry’s new I mareh song. Bye Bye Kid, which. fb>m present •II.rontrarta woro alstiod and Tlia Taaaln’ Indicstlons. Is going to be a big hit. Those who U K waa anbralttait to and araoptod by a laad- are already using this are; Frankie Davis. The I'K manaKor for tha moat proniluant apot In hla Windy City Quartet and AI. White, at the n.w produi-tlon If la to l>a ataifod by tha White City. wall known Han Tail, who onpraaaod tha opln I n that tha rak waa tha ratahlaat tuna ha had * b.ard In all hla ot|>arlanro aa a ataga dirarlor. Mr. Albert Fuller, the Chicago Tha« Taaaln’ Itag will al«o 1»' proilncad almul- ‘ baritone. Is negotiating with Creatore to slug tirooiialT In I’arla. Vlanna and Ibrlln. fhr>aigh i some of the high-class ballads from M. Wltmark tha afforta of Mr Toil, and aa Amarloan rag , & Sfins’ catalog, such as To the End of the llnia la In »ogno Juat now In altb-a. thara World With You, Roma’s Faded Rose and Resig- |. atory raaaon to liollaTa that It will arora ; nation. Ernest Balls’ Who Knows and Spencer’s a Knrojiaan aiioaoaa aa wall. In fart. Mr. Tail ; Pansies Mean Thoughts. la almoat aorlaln that ha can placa Alda flrar ♦ ton Walkar In ona of tha big ravlowa abroad to Intr-luaa That Tailin’ Kag In hor own Inlni William Green, the well-known Itablo way. ^ tenor halladist. Is (mpularlzing To the End of the World with Yon. No One Knows, by , Francis Mack, and Pansies .Mean Thoughts of One of the younneet and beat-known You. from M. Wltmark A Sons. Mr. Green Is a.,rg wrilora In Araorlaa. Marry J. Hroan. haa now singing at two of the largest p.srks In the tiiat jnit a full flodga.! aong hit dlraally oi-wr , city. tha plata. Mr. Hroan haa aror.Ht aoaoral big 4* «.ior tha raaaon that orar 2-’>o arta hare takan tlons. such as Charme De Amour. Red Fei lip tha aong In ona waak and i.r-unlaa to naa It March. Genee Walt*. Happy Days March and at onra In raiidavllla Mr Hroan haa alwaya a number of their opera selections. anjorad a largo profoaatonal following, but tha ♦ rooaptlin that thia aong baa baan aooordad waa a graat aiirprlaa to him To the lyrtra wrlttan Miss Greata Greatrex, the famous It Hraan. Jamaa Conlln. anothar roung randa whistler, has added the new waltz song. Ar¬ illllan. haa wrlttan a mo«f Infai-tlona malody cadia. from the Wltmark shop, to her repertolr* I and leaves this week for the coast to play the that 1« bound to attract all who hoar It Braa* and Conl'n aro n have adoptiM a convenient system for providing Il.biM a new romania. R.wes and Memories, that j Rontrlco T oonorH Henry. has scored alreadv with musicians, particularly ‘f® oh. you Henry. pb'fesslonal copb s of their new hit. My Pony In the Cincert Adds i ''**• '* featuring Why Does Everyone H re me buaa I love my Hiia’. Bov to (lerformers at the music departments of In til. comert fields. . M.slern Music Co., and r.'ii oh. iitoi .foil (Oo. Henry. cerValn stores In St. Louis. Indianapolis. Dmls- .... I "flfos from Saginaw. Mich., that ahe stopiiefi Tllle. Grand Riplds. Toh-do. Cleveland. Clnctn Barrett and Bane, who recently left | the show with it. Copyrlghtial and piibllahed by Shapiro. natl. Pittsburg. Baltimore. Washington. Minne- the ranks of musical comedy for vamlevllle are ♦ aiHills. .Milwaukee and^•rovldence. -coring hoaviiy w^ith T^ Monkey Honeymixin. 1 Barnes and Carter are featuring LONESOME _ , . J 1 I ' Harry Newman’s Honey Won’t .voii let Me be and miialr by tjixwge W Mayer, You’ve Got Me Coin’. Goin. Kid. Popular-priced grand opera is an- | your Turtle Ii.n-e and Cannibal Isle. are meet- la.n.'aome. I’m awful I.Toeaome. 'cauae I am pr..mlses to be the Inlllal hit f.T the new mu noiinciM hy Oscar Hammerstcin to open at the ; Ing with pronounced suceess on the Dovle Clj- Manhattan Opera House. .August rti*. • cult. aimply wild aixait you. sic h'Mise of l.aemmle. Melville Gideon. New I can't do wlihoiit you; I Juat ait and cry. York manager, has placed the song with a num- 4* I 4» T'.at'a why I’m alwaya yearning for your n-turn Ut of Hvll •rf» In th«» Mln» k. The Wanderers, the club of travel-1 Paul and Roger Dewis have Ing. Ilnnit H at th4> Amerioan ing musical directors, are now In their new written a new song, entitled I -Ain’t Going to If Toll had no one near y.wi, who wiuild try to Mnalc HaU. riH'ms at 141fi Broadway. | CrCry no More, that Is tx-lng used at the .irpheiira cheer yon. + 4> , thithis w-e*'k. It Is piihllslied by Carlo Portello V.iii'd Im" l■'n•a>oma, loo. Charles K. Harris has several as- The Bordley Trio, playing Canadian 1 siirod hit. In the Lew Fields’ musical show time, are also sutcessfully using On a Monkey , CopTrlghle.1 and piibllahed by F A Mllla The Midnight now running at the Broad HoneyniiS'n. ! Joe Howard, at the Garrick, in The ♦ war Theatre In Elly Riley. The I ynlcal Owl. ! Blue Mouse. Is still singing Dive Me all the DOWN AMONG THE SUGAR CANE The l.lttle Mary Gardeners and True Blue. CHICAGO MUSIC NOTES. I Time. In his own way. whlek Is a terrific hit. Mrlllen b\ .\very ainl Hart Comi>o«e»l liy 4* ; This Is another one of Harris’ piihlleatlons. t'e.ll Mark and I'hrla .Smith. 4 Dove Me a Diltie Bit. and I’ll ; The Chicago Musical Art Society, ‘ Milton Well and Geo. Walter Brown Can’t .i.'ii a«'e the night am falling? Whlpi>oor Get You Yet. l.lttle Girlie, two successes pub under the direction of Clarence DicktDsst capabLv ; went to .Atlantic City last week where the.v will will am alnglng low will apiwar as the ’’soWsflc *ttraftl a-siinuM the dinn’tlen of the hu-lness affairs of ’twill cauae me pain. Theodore Morse’s Dn a Monkey this s.>clety. and .me of his first m.wea was to Harry Sigman. who has charge of ’The mn..n am ahlnln’ and my heart am pinin’. i ILxieyniiMin Is N'lng sueee.sfully uaed by Tom arrange f.w an apia-arance with the Chio.igo , the ofllee ..f Gotham .Attiick Co., siieceeded In Meet me .town among the cane. M.siri- on the Orpheum Circuit, while Fentelle Phllharm.vnic Orchestra. Chev. Emanuel, con- landing four of his songs with several of the ; .ind c'l-T n'lH'rt It was a riot recently at .As du.’ti'r. musical shows of Chicago next s«>ason. I opyrlglit.'d and piibllahed liy tiotliam .At ' burr Park 4» 4» '"'ka Company I 4* Ted Snvder’s music parlors which „ Eye.s, Ted Snyder’-s pub- .lack Sluvln has been signed by Dew were thb.wn ..p. n to the profession last w.vk. 1 i* ON A MONKEY HONEYMOON ' Pli'Ms fiw s n-w musical show to be written Mondav, atv crowd.Mt every dav with singers I hleago manager, to br Raymond Hiibb.'! and Harry B Smith, the .'litalnlne copies of T.M’s g.x>i music. Frank s-ason. i .•sua- of which will l>e published by Charl.'»a K. Clark. dltSN-t fn'm New York. h Harry Newman, who i.s some times i mer’s Jungle amt report that If Is one of ”11 a monkey lioneymiam. I The Canadian Koval British tluards known as the Sunlight Music C.Mupany, has his | their Mg numbers, gaining num.-rous enores I B.nd. dlrecti.l In f.ieiit Carl E Carlton, The I wn l.leas alsxii are Morae I Fighting Banddia.lcr Is In II. .eeond and U't left In the e.M-rl.t.>r In .M Harry’s parUtrs. i ' '•lii|,,u, week at the Vlsnhattan Beach Hold lie iinirkly g.-ts hammer an.I nails amt tacks a (Contlniud on page 41*. 1 10 X ti e B i 11 t> o a r cl JULY 3, 1909.

    Amu 8e m en t events . . . of the week News From Metro

    Philadelphia has Struck the Dull Season, but Ocean add*s1 attraifhui f*»r thr***- w***ks h*ft t*» »»Uy Th«* .\i-ad«*iii.v. H«dll«la.v Str**«*l ami tiu* V!c* a f'*w w«*«*kN in \aud«’%iU*. amt William Black t<*rl.i. ha\«- «h‘4-t*h*«l to -ta.\ *iM>n riplit tlir«>uptk Resort Travel, it is Expected Will Soon Revive the went to B«»^t«Hi f*»r tin* suiium-r iiuiitlM-r «*f t*' the n-pular«*ii. H**w**\er. ai ihc Mary¬ th** ch**rus pirls alsti l»*ft f**r New V«»rk t*» p**t land. it Is a far «llfr«‘ri*nt pro|MiHith>u. where m**r*‘ pr«*titahle «-iipap4-m4‘iits tlian this «me has liipli prii****l 4au«h*vilh* Is th«* at1ra<'tl'Ut. Situation—James B. Gentry, the Pardoned Slayer of N*en. The p.irk- all <11*1 hip husim*ss durinp the The suc****ss of (*ut*hs*r amus*-iu*iit \*ntur**s in wi***k. a- thi* wt*,ather w is ii|«*al. It waa really tills city has iMf'n n'tiiarkahie. this •»umiii*‘i. tm* tlr-t p«sh1 W4***k -im*«* Hi** taitdisir r«*aorta It tuily r*s|uir»*s *-h-ar w**atli«*r f«»r tin- halan**e *if swiinp i»iM*n th**lr pat»'s f**r th** a**ason. Madge York, will Re-enter the Profession. the siiniiiH r to pive the men wh«» had ttw n**r\o t** fiiiam’e tl»«"«4- n«‘W amus4>m**iit featurt*s a H«*orp** Bre*i-«»n How-ird. a well known mapa* f*»rtuiie. Welsh Br*»th**rs’ 4'in*us plax-^ t*» ca|»ac line write!. has p«tin**4l a play whi*’h will Ih* it.v ev**ry clear nipht. ami Its mat!n«***s an* well P»*inIui'**«I *lurl!ip the *‘arl> fall. It la aa yet att«‘n*h**t. Th**r»* Mt-nis tpIe **v**r.’k <'hHr nipht. ’Hi** 4'riieri**n BROOKLYN, N. Y. should put them in preat sha|»** for their work and otlH*r <*ut*l*s»r tli«*atr*s ar** aNo «h*lnp w**ll. Baltimore Houses. next st'asoii. -\l a str»***t c**li*hrali*ui hy husim-s men. this The next Nati«inal Saenperfest is t4» Im lk‘hl in w*H*k all -siirts of -..liow«. ar*» heinp plv**n. and a Til*’ mill MiiiiiinT Hi-n-oii will Mioii lx- hiT'. this city in lt»12 and. alr«*a»ly. arraiip*‘iiients an* w«**1«linp is t*» Is* iH'rf'irm***! in th** i*|M-n air on** snil nil tli*‘ iN’ni'lii’i* an- nlroaily ilrawlni: liricp Amusement in Kansas under way for its pnqsT «»l»s«-r> anr^-. («iu;- nipht. The **«nitra**tliip partl*-s an* c*d*»red i***e- iTiiwil'. Siiif*’ Itii wi’allur 111- Ihtohu- more Inittm* has lss*n ap|Milnt«sl to s***lawan*. ami lip maili- III till- i-illi-y ami nianaKi-im-iit of -oiiiP Wh“n the Saenp»‘rfest was lH*ld In this city has o|i»>n«*d tlia* n*s..rt witli iiiHn.4 m*w f.-atiin-s. of tin- llr---kljii llo-alro- 111*- i-oiiilng -*-aai-n. He will a*l*i many impro\*in«*nt- »*l. .\s wat**r -iH-n at Colli-). all of thiuii s«H»n (*lo>M' with tin* exception pr**ater than the supply. Part of the work on mainA had lH**n laid *»ut I** tin* •niter ♦*n*l the I- II. \l*irn--n - Mii-io Mall at U - kawar of the <'h«‘vtiiut Stn*et Theatre and Keith’s this Inaise. which lia^l to he hurriislly done In facilities f.»r fiphtiiip fin* w»‘x*- -ph-n*li*1 and the Il-ai-h. I- ilrswiin; woll. ('he**tiiMt Street Theatre, The\ will k«H*p oiwn i order to pet it in readim-s*- fi»r last s**as«»n. is hl.i£** was extiiipuish***! without aii.4 s«-rious dam- iMiilli-y Cli-im-ni-, in-.iMin-r of tin- Cri-»r*nt all suiuiuer an l>U’<‘ar’ l*>sH than a y**ar

    \ ottl.i-. can Im* taken ns a eriterhui. Keith’s, with its ' m mey s|M»iit -five little M. C. C..jnp. wti.i i« wi-ll known to aniu-p- splendid array of vaudeville «'V«ry week, and the \ next <*p»-rHtlc s«.as<»n. coloffsl h*'*ys fnmi Pliarh—t«»n. S. F*.. an* pivinp ni'-nt ma-i.-iaor-. I- iliri-Ptlny thi- anil ('hestnut with its {Mipulnr ttrplieuin St\er miss a j Ical -\»*ns*iatlon has )»urch:is»s1 the projM*rt.v at orphan aaylum in th.*it use has Immti much money. A haml of *. who sh*»t and killed Madpe trie liplits instalhsl. and the larp** stap** apr *n i Tl C.-Iiiml-Ia Thi-aln-. in Itr--klyn. will n-- summer runs have htnui of an inferior kind and York at a h^d**! In this city in P.***."*. dentry will t** cut in s|*e. I main f>|H n all «iinim*-r. aiul l« -Irawlne w* II. the result lias alwa>s Ihsui tliat ilisaster strut’k | at his trial wa« condemned to 4h*atb hut two Janos She4*ran. formerly of the vaii«U*vll|e I Manasi-r M S. Kp-ti-in iir*--'-nl« vamlovlllp hill- the |»roie<*ts U fore they i:*d fully startml. days h**fore th** tim*- s**t for hls ext*cuti'«n his team of Jam**< an«l I.ydia Sh»***r.’n. c.»nimitt -I j at tin- lh*-atri- that an- hanl to t*pat. nian.v of Tile Walnut Str»nd Tlieatri- «do>»^«nl .Tune 10 s*nt»*iic** was cuhlie and al- Tic Cit.v, The w»Hk lefon' hl« d*ath Ih* had r.ark \saln. a now inn-i.-al furnlit Im- the n-al hit of liroailway ilurlni; flreat I/ester. MiFiHinell ami SinipMin. thnir^e ef*nelu*l«**l to end niatt**r«. Sheeran was w»-il fr«k*. .\ft**r r**stlnp at a <|ui«*t r»*treat for a l'.M'!i mill II. Wwn to vamh-ville fMM»ple who play**| Atlantic I.nni; J’ark. with all It- his atlracllon,. 1« Wri;:lit Itrothcrs ami the Thr*H* inmions. Husi some of hls theatrical frl*-mls. Citv s.ifuo T*-ars apo. aa lie stape manap*r mor-- i--inilar than pti-r. .\I1 Ih- pom*--»loti« ne«n is Very ;:«sh1. Three of the hurlesijuc hous**s Tie* stjrc**«s of nipht has»hall in Clrn'innatl of I n»- of the vamleville theatr»*« In that reso.-t ri-fM.rl bic liii«lm-». still keej* n|H*n with summer stts’k hut. as tlH*y iiav made the ninnap«Ts of Udh r>f our leapue f**r t**n years Tn the winter he played with to-ors*' C. TIlyiHi’a Stpp|>ti pha«p Park U vt-r.r are ofTeriiitf no s4>nsHtionMl features. niak«* pn limlnary arranp**ments for a hurh'S*|ne r.^npanles. or oT*-r vaude\llk* clreulfs. atrarllT • thi* — .i«**n. ami a ti-il to Corny 1« f»f tile otfhdal order*- a;raiiist s**n*>Hti<»nal dan«n*rs. *u-ri«*s of nipht pani**** in this cit.v. Both of N 't Ilain* *. of Haines and Vidoeq. Is v*Ty In in t l••>’llIll•■tP wltlniiit a rl»lt t.i Slepiili-cba-p. it is imly a question ef a wm-k «»r two ls*fore til** t**ani** haie s(d**ndi<1 pr<»uml« an«i they can dipnant ov« r the fact that a pi rf'*rm* r playinp they clowr fur the S4‘ast*n. • •asiiy 1m* llltiniinnteil. Tiie Ilipts^Hlrome. locatisl on*- of th** smalhr W»-tem vaudeville circuits. It* rs- n Il* a* h. with It- -lopk pomi-any aiien Jum* 24. with Fytnan at the 4dd .Vthletic BAs«hall pr‘Hin‘ls. Is w*ll lit Is usinp his narm*. Mr Haines has Im en In the mall) at-rartlon-. 1, nmr** iioiiiilar than in r. H llowe's s«‘rles of travel pictures, and if is 111* at niplit and th»- sam** svst»*m will l»e adopted prof*>s« ars and eon Ilpr.ry J. Paln’a m-w .Hitihair |ir<>tiiPtlon. The rlainieil In this ]»^*;:ram. s«» that it will In* the If eith**r of the t4*ams make up their mimN t*» shh r« It an Injustice for anv*»ne to take a name Is'st exhibition <»f moving pictures ever ^'iven. P.allh- 111 Ih*- ci->inl«. at liriiclil'in ll«-aph Park. iday at nipht. That patroiu p** will W- enormous that he has estahl|she*| a« a tra.W* mark In I« th*- l.irs*—t ami In «t •■¥* r j>r*»Iinpi| I*) Mr The hililiitf is as stronc as usually «h»ne hy a I** an assure*! fact, as w»- have thonsamW of ever.v vamleville hou^»* **f m*te in the 1*nlt»*. linf*r**v«-m**nts ar** m»w iin- I thf* t^iarrlck Tlieatre. has recolved a contract for Kl**plrlc Park la of naira*- our lnrs**at ami hills an* hi;:u«T ami Isdter than ever. other n’a .\ss.«-iati<»n of d«rrnan ' to he phen June 20 The contract i*rice Is rinui*-. are alsi» doiiqr well. Th1« thres- hands that flu* city rm-m-r ami pn-ahh-nl of tlx- park ami It la hla town, a M*cth»n **f *Mir citv that is always *-nter I makes Btisiis'*-*- Is «*nly fair at the parks ami It of Philadelphia pays the exianses of. durinp lilpaa that liavi- son*- a sn-at way to makins hs»ks as if th«‘re would have to !»#• a continued lirisiiip. have arranped f‘»r a uiii*|iie C4h*hrati<»n Kl*x-lrlP aiiPh a -in-n-aa aa It I- Sam lli-n July .*». T»*n th‘rtisan*l f****t <*f rmwinp i»|eture tin siimnier. smdl of n*al hot w«'ather lH*f*»re the.v can do a BHB WATP Janiin. tin- manas'-r. ahly aaalata him hitf husine*---;. .\rthur Prvor eontlnm*s at Willow film have t*<*en s«^ur***l an«l a f**ur hmirs* fM-r- Oik* of th<-lr now |xx*t*-r-. whlrh la pnivlns drove Park until .Tune 2<'». and will then he sue f-*rmam*«- will l»e piv*n In tlK* eveninp **f that I attrartlar. la lh<- pldiir*- of a |H-raplrltis man. d hv TleH.dore Tli'*tiias’ Orehestra under the dav. SInpers and Instrumental *Mi|Mi*»ts will ! mlniia hla hat. In hla niat al*-*-**--. with tin- l(-s leader^lill» t»f Frederick St*daware. th«* crmclu«U*n **f Hm* iNTf^dman****. Th - i« IhP -oa-'-n of tho y* wln-n riimora I im-nla for tin- n-h-hratlon of July 4 An <-iior and White tity Is celehraTlnt all s..rts of sfM-cial Tlie Mlf»Tkwlrom4*. on Siimla.v tilphts. i« n«»w oc- <.f iK-w t|o ilr*- - hnns*- Iti klml '‘f atirapllon- 1 iinam onlrr f*ir --ix-f p|<-,-<-a haa lx-*-n apiit In. da.^s and tfettinp crowds there at a small ex- cuf»i«sl hy flK* f;osT»<*l Ass4Mdati««ti wIk» *1i«tda.v a*iark ofM-m-il. ami tin- iti—lriiP and motion rdeture husiness i»f s. Fnldn J*dnt «*npap*diient. after a M'paratlon <*f a ye;,r. • itrio-' on«. I»am*- Uiimor -a\- that lllnn*-.v’a I Hon ami. on the lar priio rinialpal almw- will thi- -*-a-on so to la tin- onl.T om- In Hn- nxintry. aa Mr .SmUraon fourth 4»f .lull, will s«*t off a t*»n of flrew«»rks the Rr»oney Slaters. Fe.vm*»ur*a Animals and the Itlam *■’• 111 plapp of tin- ^mlll<*rl^lIn. wln-ri- Hi*-)- haa ixS aiipplUxI otln-r parka It la a lll•M1ln••»fidon«. n-i-r*- fo*-iTn-ri.v Inxi-* <1 whil*- in till- rltv Tlnd most I A1th**uph It had Ixs-n anm*un'***d that Tt»e dirl M-natr*' SohanliPrs< r pro* |il<-il a S'x«l hill at lx- not a,i "Jprkv " lln- ll*-llnr Sl«l*-r«' ttr of the year under the British flap From Yama f'oninany w*-u1d po fr*--n r*-pi-lvpil of Iho »af<- arrival , Chlraeo. InlaPt lh*-r>- r. a« a srarnl hn aklns 'Mi r(t*var*1«. 1’lila ln*ii-*- iPx-- not a*-* in to tn- af [xxil, aaPI t*i lx* thr lars*'-! In tlx- Pity, la alwaya of tin- thn-*- toiirl-l-. ’Tiiin tirailv. J<»- MltPln-!! ' of th*- pomt'anv at th* poiM-fi’-li.n of It- Ptisrs-- *-rowoarcl 11

    In all big cities aside from New politan Centers York & Chicago

    Big Theatrical Attractions Glut the San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. MUh Z* na K«*rf»* •Ilmi**! i <*ontr:n t to play *-j;-lwar*! ‘*11 th- S. A: f. <'ir<-ult. arni I»*:iv**i h» r*- .liiti • 'S! M*' linvf nil .‘iNuihIhih* nf Boards, But All are Doing Excellent Business. t;UmI St. K*d!» ainl Hill xxlll i*pp*-ar at Santa Truz Ca **lm*. Jum* .•II til.-*- • K.ii li |»Tforiii iiH-f ]u. nil «>tif .. ilfulrt- In iMilnt < f tttt«‘n«l.iiir«* .\ p-*titittn ha- til*-*! In tin- SuiM*ri'*r t**»urt hy Ki*d.»lph Spi*-«-kh-- and t'laim A. Movement and Destination of Players Now on the It !• l';ir»U> |»-*'***ll*l«' tM lH»t*‘ liirl) tf*-l*-. a*liiiinl>trator- of th*- *--lMt** **f t’laus t'fitf t)i‘ I"! . mnl It tii.-n Im- «rt*ilttfi1 tlmt Spr«-*kl*^ f**r j** niil-aloii t*. hiill*l a t'la^s A tin- Viiifrii’.iii Tih Mtri*. with SliiilHTto* • ITi rltitf thi-atr** ami -tor.- hiiihlintf ‘*n th*- lot tM ]on;;in>: Pacific Coast—Warm Spell Helping Outdoor Resorts. t-t rin- lUin- ha* ►•'Iim-w h.**t tli** l«*’«.t -f It. llllr pit'**** ••r'tflll.-lIU t*‘t‘« tw«-*-n Fifth and Sixth -ir*** t- Tiio h.iildiiijr i n tftiTli ami tin* l»!tf siUhiiim* naif, tin* niHnstf.- h t** h* known UM th*- Tlo-alr*- P.iiihlititf. an-l | f*. I’li'ii'- w»-r*- til«-i| xxltU th** j***- j .iitfit lii>* ulnnli *l*«*l*<''*l '»•! fi tlilr»l w»«*k 1itl*>ti. ; nn.t p.-- t*l\ .1 fourth Th'* « x-• Ih-iit ‘••I'.Ttls ar Ki>.li< r ami F'ish. r, I'.iiii.'.liaii' ami hii-.vrlist..; Minneapolis and Los Mill pr*-**" x^ork. niul fhi* ph a'«f«i niiiIWii«‘«« It rmxv If th** N«-w <’hnt*''.< will not ' h** r**ady to ••IN n July .1. a- aii'iouiicod. f*»r | Till- Cr.-at UiintiHm. In Jiiituliin;. ami Tim Tan h.i'f iim*h- tliN •‘ho\x town talk. »«'ri'‘hl‘-rat*l« xvoik I- x»-t f«* Im- *!on... .mil th*? j cart k'aiiiil.v. in In.rit’.'ntal bar ami traiM’*. acts. M th- VahiM’irt 'rh*‘iiir»‘. .Mr»*. In S«l- Til*. tnns.'titn is a ilrawiii): f.-atiir.', ami Angeles News Augurs vitioii Noll, nithoiitfh hMiMtU*iip|N*il hy lHnatf.‘in«-nt xxaiit to op«-n r.tfut ami (*.*in|>l(*t«-. xxhi.'h XX ill put *in th*- «.|H*nintf for a f*-xv xxi-j-k-*. i tin- ollmr' ar<- sliariii): h'.mirs. !«. ? hltf tlranlittf mnl. ainl tin- ♦•ntln- I'N-al -Vf I\'rin.vw(i(>.l. wliiTf a fro- vau.icvillc hill foii'^iili-r.ihh •ptt«a- prai iiitf thU won- .\‘l*-h* Jtaftor. h-nliiitf xvotiiau with Kolh ami ! Ihll (**>nipa!i.x. at pr»*-**nt playlntf In I.o- An-! Is in fvi.l.'nif. IS this .v-ir. as, a of Future Business Based •h rfnl |.r«Mlii« llon. Mn* K -ko atfalii p;«»\*s tf. !« *.. *juiio -*-ri**ii-ly liijur»‘l Jum- 1»» in an I favoriti- ri-'iirt. Tim vainl.-rillc liill .■•intain.s 1.. -I woiith'rful aii«l xaT^atIh* artr -*-'*, atnl ■ autotnohlh- ac'iih'iit. | artists as l.illian Kth. I iTari.c, .Vr- h •« tf' ii*-*! !iinn> inor** 0*-nar* ami rh*-**I xx* r»* Itilllx.ard call r- thia j iiohl Itrithir' I{..«‘it .'. aii-1 Mi-- K••^H•rt- Is Juvf hax*- !M*.-n UM.k«‘l up ritfhi al**ntf. playintf nl- ' .levUIe featnn- will I..' clSiiens.Ml with. I*ic- r. tr* t. th*- roll-. n*-\*r nii--lntf .an opiMirtiin- til--t ill th«- hou-*-?. h*-r** ami in m-:ir!*y fiti*-*. i nlis .aro Iss.keil for .’V.'r.v ila.v tliis we.k. py !*• *-* or* itii th** op«‘nititf nitfli? -h«- w a« t.'.im. will li.' r.'iii.'iirlHT.'.l as tim man who first 'rh* x ir»* *.ti th*-lr wax K:l-* to play ov*-r tl:«* | In til.’ .Vinlonx' at Souiliern Park, a tiill of ,-'l**l t*‘ !n.*k** .1 «o»«-***-h •n-l ha«l t** r**-p«»n»l. sane Aft.'r th.' Rail. Next w-ek Tho Keltona I'ant itf*oi’ t'lr«*uit. Till- w»*«*k th.-x ar** liii ' eiclit a. is will Ih' iiiv.-ii twice ilaili. IMenies 'Tfi.. Ital ;in tfran*! »p-ra **-m-n I- n**w t*n at will ajiiH'ar. I a*!*!***! .ittrarthHi on th** Nftti**n;!l prf.tfraiii. and ' ate of almost daily iK-eiirr.-m-e. and dan.iii): til* I’riti 'I', oalr*-. .•n*l *-\**!i thonirh « hiir Maiiac.-r Jack Klllott. ..f the I'nl.ine. who oil*- *»f ih«- hitf hit- on a hitf hill. Mornli.v. We.lm-sda.v ami Saturday nichts •;-*tori> *»f .»nr oiM-ra u-ht- .;r*- -inh.IImjc th*-ir in 'Welliii): the atti'ml..nce. was r.'.'ciitly o[H'r:it*'.l n|N»ii f..r a|tp.'mlieltis. piMp-r-on H: oi lur-*. fon-itfii tfv mna-t^. pl.iy- has Im'.'Ii r.'iii >H'd from the hosidlal to bis ► ::nin*r ■ •«atl«»n- In tlo- «x.iinir.v. thi- hoii***- iiitf at l*;*nt*itfo4* K-ntiir*. al-o «-m11»m|. Tlii- i** Wi-st View Park is taking care of tin- crowds • •h iT*. rtr-t w»** k i- •!**lntf .'il th** hii'-iii*-- It Imiii.' wli.'re h*' is rapi.ll.v ..v.'rinc. th* r llr-t Ani**r|raii apjN-araii* •-. Th*-y ar* Ko- nleel). ami since .lean inTtaek.r s Craml .\riii.v i-iThl 1h«* rtr-t w»*.-k wa- . ;»r‘* til* fol|..\x'iitf w *'11 k o'.w'ti nnim--: St.M'k at the fJrand is i>Iayin»r to Tory (rfsal s rnu*-h‘fT. So* /. r*. oi*-rl. KrH-«**ina. tJr.n . ..rii.'t soloist. nniiilM'r of fim* cone.'rt pro- l.uldi*- (‘1 fr. Kitfht M.-oh ap-. rhr.-** K-i-tfhtoiw, liiisiimss eonsl.lerinL’ tli.' weatln-r. ami th.' iday •ini. An r*ii!, iSn lla*H* .in*! It' /iatii. t» iS'lin^n crams have Ihs'h promi'.'.I. V ■ Kv-n- :in*l Llox-1. *Hli*- ^ ouiitf and lirotm-rs. that will h.d.l th.' this w.'.'k, t'liarl.'.v's ** tf*-ti* r-*| *1r**«*t<»r: «i M**r»ia. *-• n*l‘n tor. r.n*! Miss i.a cical.' K.rri'. the vivachnis ami K*'dti:;th’- Napam**--. Si-t» r- .VtM*-ta'i. .\r!n* .\unf. will (t.'t the hu'im"-s. .Vrranir.'tiieiits for r'ank M N**r fi*-*. iiian-*fc:**r. .(sdiiis the hous.' ar.' workinj: smoothly, ami eh.'irminc .lancht.r of Di.k f'erris, will join -tt*.iitf j;ml x'Urk. I>.n«'X IIa-k*-ll. L*‘mh- and her f.ith 'r her.' witliiii a fortiiicht. .Vt jires l.;*-t x\,ik M.inntftr I'l- hor. who tfar-- all thw Mlllx ami Tl;»- Thr**o ltoi]«> “took sh.'ulil t.e aid.' t'> run iirotitahly tliroujth- . rnp’o’* - of h:- hoii-■ .a tw. w»*ok-* notk -. «.w .alt th*' siimmor. ent sin- is stayiiic with her crandm.itli.'r In .Mf. 0*1 th** P.intitf.-* t'irrnit in thr N**»rthw ****1 t’liiniel. Ill., an.l last winter atl.'n.Ieil si'lnsd •tf * .« f*-w I.IV-’ p.»**r hu-iiMxxh‘* h **au-***l T*-rritorx ar** Tti*- Sv**mr:.H-. ImiM-rial K i—ian All of the t.'ii ('.‘lit id:i.\ hous.'s (dayini: vnu- * I* f -*t with«lr*w th** n**ti*-*-. a- hM-ln*--** Im- di'-ille mill itiviiur movim; iii.tures ar.' meefini: at I.iw -knceles. when' her fath.-r ami his st.vck l»ai‘«*«-r-. t'urt *i .m*l Itur-* . K.-it rm.l Inimond. •omiiaiiy w.'i'.' [dayinc. P’-.oi,l nni4*h •In**- th*- n'»tl«-*- wa- ••nt. that M-.*-k an.! Klllott Fo.. *;ia-- H-k’ Kl*pliant-«. with saii'ta.'tor.v t.iisin.'". The itra.lual return ■Vt th.' Rijoii thi' we.'k. th.* Travelocnes are h* r- —■h*-«I to ».ti«-k. an*I o%,.rxt. wly U acaln Hu-* h Itroth.-r-. Harrx \ an F-*---n, IF-lH-rt-. of ol.l ilm.' i>ros[M'rit.v i- now f.'lt. an.l busl- wiiininc. Tin' Rijoii ami other motion pi.'tnre toil t.\ rill- w •*-k'- hill. .\r.* ^ Tourl**t. If-ix*- ami Uo'H-rt-. Pr W»-ail»*iirr*fr. Yini: ms'. Is r.'[iort.'.l fav.irald.' hy th.' Family Thc- hens.'s al! r.'i.ort as rnsliitic. - full of Iniitfht* r. tfoo*l -Ititfiiitf •{m-i i.alth - an*l I,***-. \V -o. Mllioii ami i' > . Th* \Yh*‘«-lor-. !>*»• utre. IIipiMMlrome. I.iln'rty. |iu<|u."-m'. BiJ.m •in atra.* «f -ph-n*li*l war*lr**»»*. .\-thur an*! i ••.. I>o ^•h:lnt.•ll. r*-rry Txxina. .'>ml fin t1\.' C'Pt houses as w.ll. -Vt Ric Islan.l Park bnsin.'ss is Issmilnc with I.yman H. IIow.'‘s Trav.'I I'i.turos arc with the Incr.'a'inc warm w.'ath.'r, I.imbinisis' I.a- <»n uKainlt -tr**«-t hl.M-k. whir*- tin- !%’<'w A«t *ni- :ir«l Ma.-k. a H* dll(*a. Koln-rt-* Ilat-^, itrpl**iiiii l<-*at*-4l. n** *'ii*- knovx- what *lnll 7. 11- ami H.ix l-n Hrotlor-. F-i.v and Kirhard-i. us Hirain. Mr. How.' s.'.'nr.'.l th.' Nix.>u .11. s Symi.hony lirehcstra Is still In att. ndam-e Theatro to .lispla.v his hiirh-.'lass iii. tiir.'s, and ti*n-- til oi. a- nitfhtl.x a aiirtfintf «t**w*| *‘rf**r «;i:id.' -h .**11*1 ni.ak* and .M. 1». nald ry d*- Trl*x. at th.' miisie .'asi.iii. and oth.'r r.'cnlar attrac¬ t* nitjfni th*-atr*' Till- wo*-k \*l* lahl* an*! Th*- Sullix an t*on-i«1 n*- tYrruit i< (dayini: is civ'll.: two iH'rforman.'.'s daily. tions are ill po|inl.'ir demaml. Th.' pi.-ni.' croiiinU ‘ r t’ nr ilatir 'itf tf:rl-. In Tin- Hill|».*-t* r'* th*- foip.wintf ,nt- Mil*-. I.ori-tta. Fli*mlowrr Mi'S Kmili" .M.'lvill.' will Join the Davis are the scone of maiiv joy.ais |d.nlo parti.'S. I*-.- M. >. full i.f nox*l •ntrin*-*- .itnl hitfh* •in*1 Maiiioii. Ux*- .m*: P.r .-* Ji.-. AlhiiiL Kra .'fork Co. this w.'.k. an.l mak.- h.'r first ap- fontimions van.levilie at th.' Imwey Theatre 'l.-n-* irtf riirilH th Miirr n . a ^;*v«**‘*to Mmitf*-. Ihirn*--. Kotuiiitf F-.. Haxls imaran.s' S' D.'Dna I.ueia D'.VIva Dor.'Z. in continnos to |ir.Hi[«'r. ami Manac.'r 'Miller is i * *-•' tu \'- it har*l to h-.ix* tin -t;tf.-. :i« th*' •nd . 4;illih: n :in«; Murray. Th«- T *rl**xs. Charle.v's .kun'. well plc'ised with results. Tin' vainlevilh' tal¬ ■ ’ -II. nt x* *- t. c-t of p.-r. 'l-ikar-nko Tr-ip**-. F.-.n-t Hr..fh*-r-. Huinitr*-?*- Th. r.'iHirt' I'onrerninc tli*' sale of tim Rijou ent Is I'hane.'.l wo.'fc'.y and the motion id.'tnres p'o| . rty to Klaw .k Krlancer. Th.' .siiulM rts. to ilcil.v. '! ■• I M--x*r-, Mil*1r*-*l \Varr*-r ami Ih’rt «u Tr.HijM*. Frank Pa* on and F * . Wln-t-.n - Klor.'neo' is winning Iniir.'Is in The r 1 1-’ ii '1 I -kit •• ill*-** \Vh**n Itr*im- <*•••'.»*• Tru^. s. xl-. l.••o F.. ;.ir and ( . Mi|... Ulalf. and Nivou ami nKo to Kell\ Nman tin tn'half '.f -he •r* \*-rx i:***h !rl*». ami ^|’-- >I*x*-*«. par- Fo an.t S*-ximMir .md 11 dl. MorrI' rir.-uifi. an.l th.' tancio whl.h was to Dirl with tin- (Ir.'. n Ky. s. wlileh the Kerr s t'Mtirh. - full of *'otn..1% .ml woU l;k*.1. Mdl*‘r an*i T**ni|**-t. Sx*ln*y tirant. Zay HoF hav.' |s', n unrav.'II.'il in court duriuc tho j.r.'S SloC'k Comiiaiiy are pr.s.'iiiinc at tho .Vlotro- T‘. s <;a-.rh -h- h r*-niarkahh* -tn-i'ctP Mml. Flit** Four ami I». K-irr ati.l T --oil l»»ax»» enf w.'.'k. ar. still fh« tonics of .•ouv.'r'ath'.n »J|a'ra House this w.'.'k. Next wotk •r * tiin* I. < | -x**rm--- th‘*ir a -rotimi-- -tnnta. rhi- XX -.-k f-*r !>'- .knc**’*-. and 'p.'1'ulali.'n. I.oriS I,. KAI'K.M.VN. Mr. K'-rris will pr.s.'iit Clitt.'riiig Gloria. ' h M th*-ir ‘wn. xxtMi mai»> -.milar art* <'hl*iulta. Th** l.ixiiitf p. 11. th!- w**k. prxM‘d Tho big Rarmim ami Ralloy Show, whl.'h .'\- • r» at th*- urnht-ntii Th-r* w* r* four lu*l*l on*- of ih*- h*-t *lraxv:ntf .•.ar*1- .Mnnaxr^T Sam hibit.'.i h.'re on tl.o .in-ns groiimls Juno 'J4. ‘ r- ... tl i- w. * k - hill, ami all tf **»l I*-I >*on*1« l-o|| ha- h 1*1 f.*r many :u.>on- a* hi- ]H*p MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. jilay.'il to eap'ioily hnsiiioss at tmth th.' af t.'rno.'n an.l .'V."iinc in'rfonnan.'os. Tin- big I •♦-‘11 .ami K -ran. In th**lr -k* i» h A Sp->fl«--i» ular Nox.dty Tin .atr* . ill* o, Ih;'It *tl..i. MI-- <*h«-n*lali S inp-*‘n. n*o*'lty Th- tn-xx- i- tf.»’ntf ar«.um1 lit*-lx that str.-et paradi' was witii.'ss. d J.y iniin.'iis' Durirc the w.ek'' vl'it of the thnlry Rrolh- oi.' ainl ibos.' who vi.-w.'.l th.'- exhibitions Koiir an«1 Kill- \..wlin-' lautfhiiitf til* Shulw-it- xx» r»- *-n.** ,ix ..rititf t.» -.•* ur** tin* ess' Sh"W'. -lun.' It 1!‘. si\ m.'Uilu'rs 'of th.'ir 'tated tiial tli.'v b.'ll.'V.'d that this sln.w was \ Micht at tin- t'lnai- Val.n*la Tln-.itr.* f.-r -.*111. of thoir atlr.irti*'!!-. rtaff of la't y.'.ir. imw in tin- .'ity. att.'U.l.'.l liottor tlian .v.'r. 1**ni--l l‘x uiMiatf»*r .\Im- S. Fohn. of th*» t* t.i.. had tw-. .irt«. whlh’ n* the in'rtormance in a IhhIj. Tiny w.'r.' I. C. \m»-ro'm. xxh«x ha- r«*<‘.-lx.d a I*-tt*-r from th.» Ma.Iaiii.' .Vnna H.'llstroin Oscar, prinia ilonna * X • tlv ahk* . hut twith *h'intf «*«*nt«*rt *»»i w *r Sp.s'rs. '-aul D''n. Karle May. Karl .Vhern. of the Royal Opi.-ra of Sfo.kliolm. will ni.[>"ar M- --r- SIiuIhti. -tatimr that all lln-ir l'*'<^k- -’■ I n-p.;» -inillar ♦ppar:.t!i-. wri« *»n lb** N: T.-.! White ami Frank K.'.'.l. Th.' iM.'asi.m was ititf- XX ill iii.a-h- with tin Vnn-rh*an. a*» j**-r ill erami .'..n.'.'rt at the Amliforlnm Tli.'itro »: *M| M! th!- w.*-k. how.-x.r. th x » n.a* one ..f mutuci idia'iir.', ami a C'“sl time all W.'.ln.'s.lay evenini.. June .to. assiste.l bv Herr i-oiiir-i-t. ti ti.a-. ir- --l. I r-f-r t** Milo N’i.lh*. hill* aroiiml '.a' r.'isirt.'il. -Martin Os.'ar. prim.i baritom- of th.-' same "Til t^n* .-n of K**• “ju-t tin* thlntf." and «.■ mil., ttid Th*-*1. a t»-itn • th** o|h**r Tin-x * winter -a as.>n with tin' <>r]ih.'um Tln-atr.' h.'re. Th. atre this week. It is h.'a.Iliii'.'.I hv Klancbe •* • •mt..*-t ..n .1. t and -»iH.n*-l th*- -h..xx Mi- th* m-xx ;.ttra* ti**n. \.axx--or*- l.a*li* - P.and. is is iM'htn 1 th.' wi.'k.'t of th.' .Metr'^ndifan Op.'ra Ori.y.Ioii. and in.'ln.les \v. J. r>. She'panl. The , .a •ItHwiitf .*:ir*l. l.a-» Sundax was anotinr T‘I- I llanloti. fir-t ap|*«-arani-*- h*-*"*-. mad • f Hons, d'lrinc the 'ummer sf.ak .'ncaiti'ment of Twill Rr.'th.'rs Dnmoml. James Rnrrv ami mo. r* * oii| ilax. ami «'roxxi|- from •«*xt*ral of th** -- iiir niah- liiijM r-on-ith*ti-. .ir Dick Kerris and his company. tl-'U piofnr.'s. KoDKRrC STE KI.ErUK. ’I' II* III -h«- r*‘xx and x’oiun.iny In J.n k Straxv. IT* 17; Fth*'l o' a sn.'.'.'ssfnl w.'.k af the Andltorlnin. er« furni'h the .nit of .loor vainl.'vill.'. ami. In The Imm.'iis.' tli.'atre was rrow.l.'.l at .verv n **k**trh. «alh-*| 11- Own M.dh.* P.arrx nnu. '2\ -d Juin- -v. Th - M» rrx Wi*k>w XX Ik hax* flu- hoii-< for a full W4*« k Marie the .Vir.h'un'. .I.n' II. \ ieui.'.v.'r. Harr.v Miller lK‘rfi*rm;inot'. tf *i’i*-.l i-oio idorahl-- lautfht* r II la full . an. l ft'.. Marti'i Van R.'rcaii. Julian ami Dy.T. f- tinx «|l.i|oirm* an*l MltnathHi** j nr**xv r*'r**lvpil his usiml honrtv \v**lc*“n)^ , >* l.’lM-rty Ttn-atr* ha*l Jam*-- K* an 'n Fablo R.>t>hy U<>tii'on an.l tin lion pictures are .Irawinc w?u*n h«' '*iH*n***! *>n Mon«lav at tho Mason In Jack --h r and ^ tHimr. a p-ilr «*f jux**nlli* •*>«»>: at ep'wils. Itotuani tlurintf tin* xxi*»'k. \* xt xxi i-k Dish- Straxr. • •*’i‘* arti*it«. «*n** xxorklnir In hla*’k fa»***. w; H K. .I 'ln s. manac.'r of l-oncfellow Car.lens, , I ..*»’« n .Ttfanif*'«l •ti**'k . .mipanx w II pre-*'nt Kolb & Pill’s fan-xvoll pi«»co. Lonosom** T**xvn. i -.•■.••I nntniM'r. \| II Wr-ton. Ir**n*- Y*'un at M.nnehah.* Kalis, has a.'.|uir.'.I two .Vfriean i . h- KdwinN. John S Kina ami I’harha < I rio- «;irl of th** *;old«*n \Y«-.Ht. Flor»*iir»' Oak- has pro\,-ii so p**!»nlar that Mana»:*-r Mor*»so‘i. .»f lions lU'l tw . euhs. two I.s.pard' ami two | th*' Ma1*-stlo xxlll oontinu*' it an*tthor xxo»k. »|o a fnnnv talkinv. «lntfifitf ami «lan4’lt ' 1*-' ami Sxdin'.x .Kyor- will In in tin* in-w: com- pa* X eul's. two pumas, two elmiamon tmars. a trick • Just h.-f*»r»* h«‘ »l**part*M| on a tlir*'o nuaitlis* t all xxorkliitf In **n*- and tlir *«amr tim mill.' eml Juiulsi th.' .Second, the larc'st ele- I Uatlh--, with l^*atnl**r St.‘v**n- an*l xl»a*rtfia Taoatitxn. l.**xvi- Ston** -itfn***! a c*uitra«t to r**- '-'-it*- 1 i«..%i)t\ f.n* rtii- p .»pti* workli-t; In on phant In eaitlvity. who will In' exhihit.'.l un- . F**-'|H*r. I:'t*- of Y*- l.ll»-rtx Th**.itr«*. «»p« n*‘*l at in.iin at th*' H» las***? for txvo y»*ar-<. I "a* th** t»ltf iiuinlM-r *»n th*- pro(*raiii. ai d.'r thr .llr.'.'tlou ..f Miss .Mahle Hall at the 1 tin- llr-nlxxix Th**atr*- thl- xx*ak. In tin* pr»-**ntafion **f HovFs A .Milk Whir** ^ t-d hutfilx Matt K*‘*fr ami l.iith* new ami'hitln'atr.'. j M i)**-| Hit.- and Mik*- P.Miltii. Maxua and FKac. n**Tt w»*»-k at tho Hnrhank. Harry Hi n..*fr m r* nihh-«t numlH r« llll.' Hi'inlre.'i Y.ars fr.'m Now, a new play¬ ! M-i?.-tto. Th*- \, X'lainh- «*illlntfwat»*r rar*l will niako his fir-t statf** apiM'aran*-** h*-ro l*o«h r-i n Itroilo r**. ih.liur «oin4 mo.-ltv w*v let hv S.aII.'y Urowii, ha« Jurir' In an autnmohlle and Hint. Sa**na. Ilarrv Hurtf.*xn*’. Hrrt Sh*'p tfatfom«*nt. Managor Hlat'kwi'H-Ml will « p* n Sun- ■n r*tiirn*d with « n**xx x*ntrihMpilat a* ra".', t ' h.' hehl .'n th.' Santa M.Hitca. I'alifor- ‘lay xxith a stnmg stfK*k r**mj*anv in N<* Moih- ' di.r MotOnKu*. Kdmiiml Murphx ind llll* t'crd ami I a-t of tin* U**);iun'nt nla. o'lirsc. MorrI-* l>otf and Pony Shoxv rl*'-«‘d and 1- or to Huitb' H*'r. ^ 'ihani III dra-iiath* plaxht Th.- » n*h r Ih* Por.'si Park continu.'s w.'ll crowd.'.!, an.l at »»'‘w 111 o*n* *»f tin* n»‘arhT t**xxn- ('an-*'—pO(»r S»*i'rot S**rvU'** was playone an.l $Po*'!hUx cb*v*‘r In th**ir rob -. ”7.' " lirunt, four years .»f ace .Vf the "imn air theatre Wil¬ , Nlr. Fulk**rson. of th«* Knipir-*. Is going to fry M •nni„| iinil T.-...II mi.l PITTSBURG, PA. son ami Wilson. Ih'nuy (I'H.'arn. tirae.' Pinny, j min**tr**l- for a chango this xv«*ok. "• III n...i|,iiirlr .1*11,.•. Iff. th.- Wl« and others are id.-asluc. Ttiurs.lay. Juno '24. Ihl. w.-.k Th«* I*.***! xx*-a!h*r *>f tin* pant xx**»k xvas a ] was Swclish Mi.lsun.m.'r Da.v. when a sp»'olal Ml. Sii.i r.„.„ir.-, Driiii.l I'li. ntr.- W ivIiIukI.iii t.tluiulant to linhau* bu'«im‘--. ami tin* hi*t : pr.'crcm. in.In.line the Mocstanc .lance, was The Billos Brothers, managers of • T*- .viFit p,i^,-4. H.M,h. I.x*’«uin ami Hlbm xx«'ath**r **f till- xxi'*k xxill hax*- th** «l**-lr*Ml Civ.'n nml.'r the an«i.l.'.'s ot the Swcllsh Dra- *1 » xauloxill.. tho HiJ**u ni**atr*'. Harlan. loxxa. an* onlarg- I fr* *’t i*f tlrlviiitf th** piihlt** Into tin* op«*n f*>r ; nil'll.' S'H'l.'ly. Ing thx'ir hoiij»«* to at'Ooiiinioiiat*' install***! four huntir***! '•d A Fhin**.*. Niitfif*!. wif- th*- h*'ndllm* tin* i»r»-**-nl kltnl *>f w**alh**r. a- hu-ln**-** a** ,I t'lll. In wlio'h l.H>l>.'y ami Trayer. In a niii- an*l fifty now o|K*ra ohairs. ami a c**»mplet** s**t at III* Or.» Th**alri*. Oroxilh-. fhU wr«'k. far fliN ***-a«**ii has drutfc*-*! t*» *“>nn‘ «'\ti'nt. i1 siral v.'ntnre. .ntltle.l The Ii^hiitantc. are of n*'xv s****n**ry. Tin* soonory was paint***] by *f n" ' * ^ *'*"*'^ Fill***!, with Sii<'rnin*’nt op*‘nf‘‘l \Y«*iitxxorth. *-*|u*‘atrl**nnr. 0!ln*ra *ui tin* hill 1 a close s.'r.'ni!. I.ihlH'V. .>f the first nam.'.l th** hous4‘. Juno 2x1. 12 X 1^ e B i 111> o a r d JULY 3, 1909.

    iK-anl on tliit < cT«v|oti for tli»- llr't tlino. Krlli oonipllKluMl iinil tin- l>nrKr In liU “ Von riiilo, tli< iminlaT. hHH fiiKMiK'il »* tloii |HTWiiiil«'» IiIk to Ix-rmll liliii«.-If | Hrti'tir asviKiiiiit for tin- Kcstxpirli* at to N‘ oaukI:! with hl« «wtx th.'art In a lux'inliiK tin* Kinnsilor Tln-alrf In Muulrh.uuirh. whorowhom Max ihaititfiil lamltlon. Tho i*alr 1« tln'roii|x*n ohaa***! K*-liiliarrt of It inailo to tho oliain Berlin orlKlnal witnTj for tin* play*a to In-lx*’ntoil. In-rlaln aiul tho llrainl Hiiko. Init whon lator tho Manchester 111*. Ilrxt work will Im- an «-ntlrt“lyntlroly now aoonic l>uko roally oimioa for lila xialt It ap|H-ara, that arraiik’-’inont of Ilaiiiioli'. hy Hauptmann. Tin*Tho tho oxllo of tho Inirsiana'tor a ■x-rll**' ami tho Ki.»txpli*lo. Iiy tin' way. wt-n* il hla many -pi,,. f,m„ii aiich faxor with tho amlionoo. 1 hat are Making Life Worth ailmirora in Vloiina hy aigning a xnxntraot himl- that tho ilraniatiat hail to ap|x-ar In foro till¬ ing him to till- lliirg Thoatro until tho yx-ar rnrtaiu. lyzed and Described —Other I'.llfi Kalnz ri-colvoa a aalary, uiiln*anl o Tho protty aualilan ra|i|tal Stuttgart la to ‘ While in the Old English Vlonna ami Itorlln. namoly T'J.iaai marka haxo anotin-r thoatro. |irovlng that tho aouth Amusement Notes of Interest. iiii.-xily, ami In-aiiloa ovory yoar tlvo niontha of Horinauy la couimoucing to ahow amnothlng Metrojxills — Other News. cation with till- iwlvlhgo of apiioaring wln-roxor of Hortin aplrlt of |iuali and onorgv oven In ho ploaai-a in that time. KalnzKama a iin-aontpn-aont c.uje.uj uiattor of iirovidlngproviding intolh-xliitolh-x tual fiaalfinal for tho tract nina until tho omi of tho 1!H2 ai-aaon, hut hiingrv. Stuttgart now haa thr**o aplomlhl play _ . „ thon- waa danger of I.ialng thla Inc.Hiiparahlc houa.a and the fourth la to la* oiniio.1, If all ME. MAR('KI.I.A SKMHKICH a few daya artlat and Vlonna di-x-hh-il to take time hy tho |{o,.« well, tho coining ax-aaoii The foundora .Matiohoalor. Eng., Juno H, lUOM. ago made her fari-well apia-arance on the f'»r**Iixck and hind thl** geiiiun. In-fon- the t**mp- m.,. uiauiifacturora and art-hilx-x’la of Stuttgart. M> ■•i-ar lllll.x Itox Eor eight daya we have German atago aa liohina In Tho Ilartn-r of tatlona frimi other eitlea wore getting tiai ,.«oh of wliom put l.'ai.taai marka in the innd. ■<■11 having a hand of g.iiuluo (k'ideb pl|irr«. Sovlllo.lie. She ria-i.lxo.l an ovation utiuaiialumiaiial in »trong. Tli,. ground, an exteiialvo ph-ei- of |iro|N-rty In aimatial xxlth the faiiiiMia "lllaek Watch.” arching xhiait the promotiadoa of the White character, from tin- immoiiax- auillonco, In-liig Tlio Carl Tlioatre in Vienna haa hrnught out Kin-iiig Straaao. ha* Ineu for haMkai ''.■‘•'■'■'•‘'‘•t l;r>'l'iolia.loa of th It.x. ai|uia-ilng out the unbxdy ar rather farce hy UolH-rt Dvor- marka hy one off tho rich... o haiika~ of... the....- city of... “*..■’; ’■,;l<>; ■••* tig out the ...... un^dy aounda. .w ... k era waa laviah and tho amingo- Hv (ir.ior of the Prince, which haa the Matiiihoitu, fnmi which tho m-w ciuiipaiiy I', i ' . .'.*'^1 *!. i “iv. i * landers. Iq lh<- Mimlr Gar|«-ra h.-ro in Itorlln. Hinetor of this,(,(< village wore tmit.m hnw.-. Forthwith hishh liaus” and a dvo year tsiutraet haa Ineii elosoil goni as that of aiix military Iwiid In Europe, Guatav Ilroehor o.itiduoio.l a Snlotiio la-rform- ehamln.rlain roeelvea ordora to have the village with Hlroctor ilahrU-l of tho U.-sIdoni i'lH-atro, aii-i ith- attoiidani-e at their conc*rta waa es ance, which was of tiioro than usual merit. Th-- clonmsi up of disord.-rly charactera of ln>th I-'raukfort on the Maiti. for tho uiatiagetiioiit. c*-;ittoiial'.x larg*-. still, thi-re are t*o«iple who IM-rforniance ni'ist ho oIussihI a« otio o^ tho tii-ist sexes. Tile order gis-s from one to the other. Tlio now hoiia.- will have a aeatltig capacity of In-lloxo tho iNx-ultar isintiiiiio, or aomi dreaa. of artistic seen iK're for hdith Walker dually r<-arhi xvorthy hurgomastor of tho hut eight hundred and It la Intended to pr<'aoiit th*- l*autlsni*-n was rx-stsitisililo for the presence aa Salome, gave a oimiI. hut vi-ry infon-sting village and drlv. him alntxait craay. Is-cause for tho most part only such attractlooa. that for of many «if the auditors F.>r the rurr<-nt week, Intorprotatloii. liiforlnniitoly tho ninslc is trv as ho will. iM-lth.-r he nor hla wife are some reason or other are md a,-on In the Hof- tin- Nortlwrii Military Band are giving the written too high for this artist, hut she sue to timl man or woman who so.-ma In tho Th.-atro. noteworthy, by thi- double dally com-«-rts. and lbi-»- an- to lie fixi ceodml In making use of an entrancing piano In loaat inclined moral looaonoss. those ahnormally high passag.s. Tim daneo of chaaisl .«it of town, to satisfy lowed hy htbor high class military miulcal or ganlaatlons. For the uo,-k of the -Ith of July. the a<-von veils wwas as oxecul.sioxeciilisl hyh.v Miss Walker.Walker, i,i, ■highness that the cleaning up haa Inmn ac- (Contlnutsl on page -|s. i hut not in tho thorisigh manner Strauss de¬ Mr. Br<*wn has Inx-n xoiy fortiinati- In *|M-ra. the King, accouipanloxl h.x tlw- tjii.-x-u ami a large great I.llll Is-hmann Is again gathering laurels Paris Week By Week suite, will s|n-nd tlirx-,- tiaxa In ami alniut Man h<-n-. Slie appi-ared aa Donna Anna with d'An rb*'st<-r.chi'stor. .As therethoro Is isla thlngthing In all Eiirofie that drade In Don Juan. Now for Ih-rlln was the Paris Bureau Tlie Billboard. 121 Rue >ioiitniartre. winwill drawdraw- the |n-<^d<-with|nn>|d<- with muhsiuh |n>t<-nry aa King Zorllne of MII<‘. I.oIa Artot Padilla, a young Eilward. it Is safe to predict that Maoebeater singer, who, if givi-n tho op|nirtuiiity. will take will lie ovor-niuoxer-run all that won-k.won-k atui the AA'hIte the Ili-rllm-rs hy storm. New was also Il.-rr City XXxxill III naturally In-noilt^In-notlt byhy thla largo luOul Jaeger, who sang the part of ttttavlo. Jaeger is of visitors a teniM’ of heroic nnmld. heroic in voice and Charles Frohman Buys English Speaking Rights to “Chanticler” N.ariyNearly aiiall hu-Hie sk.imgskating nnkrink* In Alanrbexter fiody. are clr Um- summer Thla la an Mias Meta Illing has closed the summer tisir excellent oxcuw as a rule, hut will hanlly fit of her English thoatro at Frankfort-on the Main the Edmond Rostand Play Described Some Months Ago in The n*,r.'‘il"'tlie oas.- bote,bo‘r!'"whrr,-*iiio''rborm when- lh<- thorm.-niotor m-ire fra ami xvell may she he satisfied with this, the •liH'iitly n-glsti-m In the .'si's than blgm-r. To llrst attmipt to give the English drama in the Billboard — International Conservatory Under American Manage- 'dirv!‘'for^iusVanJe.‘“in‘'‘i'day. ^ir instance. Is a mdd.^!id.* raw. damp day, English tiHigiio on tho German stage. The Eng hut little things like that ihi m't ilotor tue pe.* Ilsh ens<-uihle has alreaily left for I.ondon. to pli- of Alaurli<-stor frikii pursuing their ordinary ra-tiim In Oetoln-r with a larger company for a ment Forming in Pans—Some New Plays, Also Some Revivals. m;‘tb/nu''«r.'"^u.T^^mothtnis of enjoy moiit. siu-h as arx- siipiniwod to winter si-awHi in Itorlln. Miss Illlng Inti-nds to In- nultal>|osuitable f.iifor Slimmersummer time,time. It Is safe to say ronialn for four weeks in the German capital. that water falls MauobostorMauoboi fixe day* SIh* expects to prinliiee Candida and Irlsls. hy out of novon oti au average. It may Pinero; The I.lars. hy Ih’iir.x .\rthur Jom-s; Tlie The playhouses of Paris hxve th.* habit of rather, plans wore under xx.iy. hut as the pro- I’,)!*In' little.|ift"|,.. It|T 'may In-bo* muoned[Mxst|>onod Ilk*;Ilk*- sonmui In-iiigIn-ing ..inning at the AA'hIte f’lty ..f a and is*n of Clyile Fitch. Gillette and Zangwill. spring runs now b<*en H<-r>>mpIlshi-d. and wise. Now all Is dlffen-nt. ChantcH-ler will |-|uk that will a uiiii.nlate the g snl skater* <'f The eiigagemoiit Is to wind up xxlth Shako- thetile uewspai«-rs are full of tlithe news of ojien- *te ** produced atSI tUethe Port--Port- saintSaint MarlinMartin m-xlnext anau- the e|.y.e|n. ami■u.l at Ho namen«iio- time give all Hie ailad a|>enr*-. Ings for the aummer a--ason. tumn, and my arrangenienta were conclud-d this vanlag' . of a fir-*! rla--« amii-n-ment resort with Berlin iK’ars that Enrico Caruso, tho gn-at week In the event of the play meeting with Its xarh-d allrarHmi-. |..geiber with flower Naturally, n-iwadays. theri Italian tenor, has fiillv n-eovi-red fral and. dlspiss of th- xery w.n-*t character the.fee without exaggeration. It Is safe to say that si-cun-d tho right of pr-ptlon of peter Pan In York " ExhletiHy this xoiing woman was never Vim Hiilst. of whom much has Ixs-nbis-n written i‘«ns. hy the w ay. are eontlniilng to enjoy to ,. • ! .Volt.. ohL.'d*** «* Foy**r 1« still ranifeni**ntsent* harliuchaving l***»*nIs-.-n conihl*eoniphtisl t*‘*i ilr«‘aflvalready. H'l.iitlmiisl on page A"*.) In Its metamorphosis. So far. ojieretta did not ; -'hjo.viiig its position as the Imiiortant play on _ a wlnm-r for this house and the man- I "«-ekIy bill, while at the AarUtles, l.e R,.l, TED MARKS agementnt intends tln-refon- toM ofs-n up In fall ’ whirh has been playing away for months, la with the legitimate drama and eomisly. A n<-w Most surcessfully, too. , Onej of the many .Americans i-t tin- MISS ISADORA DUNCAN drama by Max Kretwr. Tlie Desjioller. will be Ilemhardf Theatre. Mile. Hlanrhe Diifrene is bn-nd *bo are rushing up and ih.wii the Ihaile given its iiia-mlere on the opening night. appi-.arlng In the star role of La Sorclere. and Jatds or enjoying the cool of the shiih- under Victor Hnllaendi-r has eommeneed work on the l« very popular. L’.Ane de Hiiri-lan. at the the strippeil awnings, was T-sl AA'. Mark*. I music for a m-w musical comedy. The Man Gymnase. continues to ph-ase, thl* being the ' didn't g-t to *is-ak t» him. hut a fru-nd lol.l me with the Hundred Huttons, text by Pnrdes-MIlo pl.ay Frohman has liougbt for one of his yrl of l-rintlng pr-as m.anufaetiiring l.ii.lm s* e.ards KiJdns'K.J.Ins' I-'inlsh.Finish, theHu- two-act comic ors-ra.ofs-ra. hvhy I'*'' *•'*' pla.v has three corking goes! charactera. printing pr-*. for m.anufaeH,ring bii.ltie.* card. •pill k'-r than lightning Maximilian Moris, which so far Berlin has re-r<-- i Orande Mort hangs on hy its power to avre, *ckhark on the ImardsWrds of the in the Alontmirte .pinrter .,f parla not the hafis Berlin will want to hear It. rffer the iirox D<'ja*et. It,,,. Montmarte si-etlon. hut th.- Faiileirg part logne n-eentl.v had an opera f<-«flxal. xvhleh Mme. Rejane left Parisparla thisthl* week f'»nln? h**r«* to take a at I*** given ovations. 1«1 hy the (.r-iml Duke. xxh... teV ‘atSr UnZVaudeville, me. and:^;i\r;alk lo talk ore,ore'r InrlTj;. '* later, paid him other distinguished honors Max oard MOTION PICTURE NEWS

    FRED NIBLO’S NEW PICTURES. Fred Niblo Obtains Motion Pictures of a Big Storm at Sea the business for the new owner. Pictures are changed dally. The house has been revlecoratevi and ia now one of the prettiest In the .'^tate. Mlil». wlio. with liU wlfi*. Co¬ Which He Will Exhibit with His Next Season’s Travel Talk. in ii sii'l W»lt*. I* m»klng an auto 4* lr;|i lli.-oii*h KiiniM' to aortira |>lrtur«*a amt : Captain Peabody has placed a full orchestra tmtiTlal for bU x-ronii araMm of trarrl talka, E. E. Cary Invents Device for Controlling Electric Current as In bis Gem Theatre at Springfield, Mo., ann U I hi- rtmt oni- to olitalii a pi-rfart aerl«-a of added s<*veral new specialties. The S. R. (v. Iiiiivlnir Iilrluri-a of a liltt alorm at ava. Throuuh Applied to Motion Picture Machines. sign Is to be sv'en at the entrance nightly. The till- iinirli-aT of Captain UitM-s. of the Ti-ntonlc. captain Is also keeping his Mecca Theatre nj, Mr Mhio a-K-cei-di-il In taklnR wmie aplenillil to the same high standard. vl.-«n of Ihi- trenii-nitoua waTi-a from the rap- ' liln'k lirlitiri-. He alao obtalneil aome floe ple- iiin-n of a rare with a ciant bull whale, whirh from the cartHin atandpoint aa well aa from I nvmncements regarding new Inatallationn of The moving picture house at Martin’s Ferry, 1.1-pt lip with the Kteamer at an average dla- the current anvlbg end. each may be expected very ahortly. O. , owned by Jas. Freeman, which has been closed for some time, has been purchased by tfliire of a hunilreil yardB for fully flfteen "When th" carbon fiointa are near together •■rniilr*. -Kt I’olilera. France, he to«'k the ] the realatance of the arc la much leaa than P. P. Miller, who conducts a similar bouse In that city and will be reopenv*vl soon. ilr»t ni'Olni: filrliirea erer taken of Frenrh »hi-n they are far apart, or, in other worda, i TO RECONSIDER TARIFF RULING.' l.|...illi«a bull flitbt. .No horaea are iiaeil. The the actual load to la* taken care of varlea ; I. r.-n.lora alii.fily Ko Into the rlnc with the every Inatanre of time. A device to azve cur- 1 An appeal haa bv*en taken to the United J. L. Llederman has purchased the Marple and t.ill aiiil li-aar him. The aieirt la more dan tint, which la extremely aimple from an en- i Statv*8 Circuit Court, v-n the recent ruling of ' Elite moving picture theatres at Wichita, Kan., k-ir-.iia than the uaiial Frmrh duel at that. gliie.-riiig atand|ioint, niiiat alwi be able to the appraisv-ra regarding claaalfication. for from W. H. Marple, who has gone West to se¬ • ltlioiii;h It I- not aa ixrltlna nr aa danreroiia ■ egulxte the aiipplv of current to the arc, and dutiable ptiriejaea, of cinematograph films. It if be can find suitable places fur Installing ilir Spanish rarli-ty. It la a norelty. bowr abaolutely control the aupply to offaet the j la exivected that the laaue will be discussed other shows. ■ .-r a'lil will prove an Intereatlnit feature of variable realatince, or what would la* termed next month. The Government takes the posi¬ • h» Fr.vnre t.-ar.-loyiie. Mr. Mbio'a party mo till* variable load in the caae of an engine. Hid tion that the film Is dutiable at 05 cents a • .r.-il from llar'e to Itayonne. a dlatance of, yiat ev;*r aee an engine withmit a governor? ^ pound and 2S per cent, ad valorem. The Majestic Tlieatre, Ileame, Tex., Is now In full swing. The owners have installvnl elee- ...r Caai rail-a In leaa than a week and with liid you ever av*e a governor vif an engine that I -It a puncture or a mlahap. He aeciir.d did not move? A proper arc lamp regulator : trie fans, anvl the new pictures and new songs nisrv i|..|li;htful jilctiire*—both atlll and nior iiiii't have a vontroller element which movea; , URBAN CLAIMS SUCCESS. every day Is drawing large crowds. < --.f the chateau reelona of Normandy and therefore. In our Cary Controller we have the ; r-nraln.-. a ai-rtlon of France that baa never tranaformer element which «avea you aa much Charles Urban, the European manufacturer C. B. .Mien, proprietor of the Royal Picture i» ' re t»s>n fihotocraphi-d for the lecture field. current In the ota-rxtlon of your arc lamp In of films. Is In New York endeavoring to find a Parlor, Front Royal, Va., has closed his place. Mr. N'lbl.i la n.iw on hla way over the Pyr- voiir .M. I’ Machine aa any other device on the market for hla process of tinting animated pho¬ Lack of business together with heavy expen've. Tt • Into S|ialn He w.ll then rlalt Italy, the inarki't, but we have in addition what la of tographs. During the coming fall Mr. Urban Is given as the cause. t '.-rlin Tyrol. Switterland. Itelginm and Hoi- vital Importincv a moveable element which will return with a full outfit for the working 10.1 .\flcr that he will ax>end aereral weeka cootTola the flow of the current In accordance giving demonstrations. ■' Ir-land ard .Ncntlan.l He will add at leaat with the realatance of the arc. Therefore, If A new picture theatre was opened at Kirks 111,, .".aiatrloa to hla Hat of aiibjecta for hla yviu are burning forty amperea yvm will al- Tille, Mo., July 1, B. F. Lamkiu is manager. 1.- tiie. tour thia aoaaon. which will cover a have 4o anii>erea with a variation of not BEECROFT RESIGNS. The seating capacity Is 750. r: ■.! of thirty week* Thcae alzzac Joumeya over |.r'vcn ao popular that Mr NIblo fiinnd cent., and If .voii are iialng oO amperea the aame Chester Peecroft has reaignv*d his position The Midget Theatre. Mineral Wells, Tex., '• ah- .liitely niceaaary to obtain thla new ma- condlth**! will hold when-aa. In all other de- i as press agent for the Patents Co. Mr. Bee- • has been purchased by Claude Hamilton and H. vlcea the variation frvim atart to flnlah often ! croft has done wonders for the moving picture ; H. Brewster, from Scott Brothers, of Fort amounts to 5<> per cent or over. Industry, and his quitting the field will be ' Worth. keenly felt. 4* NEW CONTROLLER ON MARKET. AN INTERESTING ARTICLE. The Maze. Dreamland and White City Tlici, MOVING PICTURE NOTES. tres, Pueblo, Col., have formed a combination and are showing the best films to be bad. K r Cary, fameil over two cnntlnenta aa An evidence of the extent of the moving pic- • Tie Carbon Man. " haa Invented a device for tore hoaineaa la f(»imd In Munaey'a Magazine for Owing to Increase,! patronage, the manage¬ 4» .^-nlrolllnz electric current aa applying to the July. One of the principal features of this la ment of the Star Theatre, Cortland. N. Y., con A new moving picture house has been op<-nen ri, .\;rs plrtiir- machinea C It Klelne haa ane la an article dv*acrlblng the growth and de templated enlarging their present house, to seat at 2163 Main street. Wheeling. W. Va., by te.. n api>o!nte.l aelllng agent. For aeveral veIo|uuent of the moving picture ahow. aa well 2.10 people. Messrs. George Scuad and Harry Mason. Mr. Cary ha« lieen at work perfecting aa the mi*th*ona Turner. Illustrated song U. S. Film Exchange, has resigned to take up hum w.II and other tlmea poorly. Onr Inter- singer; Miss Myrie Taylor, ticket seller. the ageney for the Independent Film Exchange .ata up to daf.-. aa yiat are aware, have been at Indianapolis, Ind. ' ■ nfln.-.l to ovir well known "Fablua Henrlon" Once roor** the subject of color and non In¬ 4* arla.-a Wh.-n. however, a current aavlng de- flammable flima la on tapla For montha the The Vandette. one of the best located and 4* 1 -e w.uild be Inatalleil. and ovir carNma would talk of practicability of both haa been keen, i most popular picture housos of Indianapolis, has Tascott, the well-known coon shouter, recent •I- r. aft.-r lie con-lemniil, we felt the time had and thla week one or two authorltiea believe Just been purchased by Fred F. Criswell. A two ly o|>ene

    ROUND-THE-GLOBE CIRCUIT. work to tac done by the Cavldr'n P-satlng N.-rv- Rhode stated that the prospects of vandeTllIe Jas. B. Deshon. playing vaudeville, by the Her¬ la-e. which Mr. Swan, as managi-r of the Caddra-n I(s4ia-il excwealingly bright, and be may conclude bert Carlysle Company, In addition to moving ■nteatre, at laiwa City, repra-sents. to fill In all open time next season with this pictures and songs. ^ William M orria Affiliataa with English 4* class of amusement. and Australian Vaudeville Mag¬ The Bijou vaudeville theatre, Iowa 4* Duncan and Devere, who owned the nates. City. Iowa, ch'sed fi>r the season, no far as Rumor has it that Bert Neal, form¬ Orpheum at -Atchison. Kan., are dismantling vanaVvlIle Is caancemasl. reca*ntly. ami Managa'r erly manager of the "Tumbling Run Park 'Thea¬ the house, and removing the fixtures to Falls Amtonneement Is made from the William H. F. Poenck Is now devoting his hawise exclu¬ tre, Pottsvllle. Pa., will take charge of the Cit.v, Nx-b., where they will open a new vau¬ M'^rrls. Inc,. nfl)c.-s that an aflillatton has been sively to moving pictures. He has Introduced Centennial Hall, formerly called the Family deville theatre. •■!?.-.-ted with Waller Gibbons and 'niomaa Bar a naiva 1 ’-I.lghtistraph.” and the unique feature Theatre, in that city, renovating It and making 4* directors of the great English Barras- of movlre plctura-s In a lighteat auditorium Is at- numerous changes, to open In the fall aa a Walter Lamade, son of Manager I.a- f Til Clmilt. of thirty six vamlevllle houses, anal tracllrg large aiHllenca*s. first-class Tandevllle house. sltti Harry RIrkarals’ round the world boaiklng 4* made of the Family Theatre, returned from the !■ aaaiderllle acts fiar two consecutive seasaHis. + University of Pennsylvania. He expects fo W. Rogrrr Pike, of the Musical Pikes, Kuniavs of such a deal reached this cisiniry The Princess Theatre, Plain City, O., take up theatrical work by as.slstlng his father. • hlle William Mawrls was In Europe ra-cently. recently bauight the Maja-stlc Theatre. Ft. I 4* Smith, .krk. Mr. Pike Is very enthusiastic over I I managed by Edwin Lexmard. ts being rebuilt, '"It an annmincement of Its consummation has and the seating capacity Increased to 400. A lust l«-cn made. his purchase anal thinks it the ba*st deal he ever Manager J. J. Raymond, of the New made. a>n accawint of eight weeks booking new stags Is also being erected. It Is expected Park Theatre, Worcester. Mass., Is on an ex This lnti'matla>nal circuit, gives Mawrla van ahead, the theatre will not open until about that the house will reopen about July 15 with ''evllle hoiisa's to liavik frawn New Ya*rk to San tended vacation to . lie will return September. Mr. Pike will manage the theatre vaudeville and moving pictures. to re--ume his duties about the middle of July. Frsnriiaco as well as In tlrraf Britain. Paris. ♦ Ilraiaa*. i« and Australia. paTsonally. ^ ♦ The William Maarrla Intereafa promise an The Bijou Theatre. Dubuque. Iowa, O. L. Elsler, manager of the Grand was closed forever on the night of June 12. •'r!y annasincemcnt of new houses Brqnlr<*d by A. A. Frudenfeld. manager of the Opera House. Akron, O., has left for St. John.s. 'hem In this iMnnIry. snppllmentary to their after having s<'rved the amusement public for Mich., his home town. Mr. Elsler expects tl BarrlwTi Theatre, Waukegan. HI., and Roy C. forty yean. The old land mark Is Iw-ing razed •t of first class or fwavsbaaws a day hauises re Emer.v, of the same city, have taken an eight remain there until the midxlle of Angtuit. •*'y pttMIshed In thinic columns to make room for the new Majestic Theatre, be wa-a-ks' lease on* the Bijou "Theatre. Kenoeha, Ing built bv Jake Rosenthal. 4* WIs.. and wlir run summer vaudeville. F. J. 4* Lee Firman, who for the past eight PLAYHOUSE NOTES. O’Brien, manager a'f the Bljon. Is out for an years has acted as treasurer of the Oneonta eight weeks' tamr with Hendersoo’a School Boys Manager A. Siegfried, of the Bijou Theatre. Oneonta. N. Y., has resigned to accept Uollcr nk.'itlng nn<1 (Innclnp contlntios and Girls. Theatre. Ih-catur. Ill., Is making extensive Im¬ a similar position at Binghamton, N. Y. 'I I'ra-smlsnd. Glagac, Aria., althaangh nothing 4* provements at his theatre. Tlie seating capac¬ ity will be doiibleil. and the stage will he * - Iaa«4[,.,| for the next two weeka Moving pic- Win. McCray, known as Cradoc, the gn-atly enlargixl. Vaudeville will again be The Mystic, Lewiston, Me. 41 vaude- • ira-s ind vaiiairvllle cawitinnea to ala' well at the Roman axman. w-ill manage the Marylaml "Thea. the policy next season. Ttlb* and moving picture house, closxxl last P s Theatre. WllsaMi. champlaan tnick and wing tra- the eawnlng aeasa'U. Mr. McCray etarta-d his week. During the summer It will be extensively ■ inca*r. Miss Msile Caitnptaan, same anal atsnce, I'Ta'fa-ssli'osl career with Al. G. Field’s Min¬ ♦ remodeled, rx-opening the last of August. ' rlysle and Hanling. In a aketch, were the strels. but lately he had the Craaloc-Neville W. C. McK.’iy and James M. Hunt i-tnates" at the MaJa'StIr. last week This 4* stis-k Casiipany. Mr. McCra.a succa-eds E. K. have leased Music Hall. Maynanl. Mass. Dur¬ "-a-k .inal five weeks following the Wa*st anal UnttaT, who has ba-x-n traneficrraM to Canta'n, ing the summer the house will be renovated In The Broadway Theatre, Algona, I.a., " Ilrlen Company. Is the attraction, tlawsl bust Ohl.a. Is playing avudevllle and moving pictures to as prrvalli at ts»th hawiaws preparation for the coming si-asiHi. The new 4* managemx-nt have a number of goixl attractions good business. Frank Ostrum Is manager of ♦ aircadv Nx'ked. the house. The seating capacity Is The IVoplo’* Thrntro. Iowa Mlty. Manager Hayter haa entirely remod- ela-al Ills skating rink at Hastings, Na'h.. Ca'nvert 4* 4* I-wa, a-lfiseal Ha vaiialevllle acasaan the wa*a-k of Ing It In'o a wadi aMiiilpiical theatre. Twelve The Ed. Gardiner Company ha-s I'ltae with the f.allowlag Well knaawn pcaapl- The Grand Opera_ House, Peterbor¬ hiinalreal oiiera chairs hsve ba-en Installaul. ami leased the Vletorla Theatre. Viotoria. H. C.. H Gee anal C.'Iltns, Ealyth In White. Mae. the ca' ough. Hut . cIos«»d with The Glngx'rhread eight sa-ls of sa-cna-ry built. The stage ts 42x.T0 for the summer season, and ois-ned .May .31. in I he hiatlse |>s<|aeneal Week aaf 2'> with Man Company, Jiim- .1. after a nnist prosi'eroiis fa*a t: pn scenliim arch 3<>\22 fa»et. Mansga-r .A Night Off, to big busim-ss. N Irginia Ja'ITa-rlcs Hinck Caanipanv. the ex Hayter will Ixsak atlracHons of all klmls In the season. Messrs Turner A- Sons will at onee I'est iclra-s laa-lng SIipiH'rtral by F.alwin Waal twgl 1 to r-*|H-n abamt Aatgust M with the mu¬ ♦ Opi-ra House. .Mllance. «>.. has leawM the thea- picture house at Fostorla. sical ctamealy. Tha- Runaways. "The company Is tr»> to Mr. Welsh, of Whxvllng. W. Ta., who .Mtonalanrc still cnnlintia'al cxccllPTit under the mansgement of Kincaid sml Andrews, 4* win op<*n early In July with vaudeville and I '■^I's's tllols". Aria, playhauisiui Al the fiarmerly with the tlsralner VInevnt Ca'mpany. The Orpheum Theatre, Wichita. moving picturx’s. continuing throughout the sum¬ '■■• siiilsnal’ Sialka-a llraithaTs’ Mliistra-ls drew well They will ra-liearse at lla'nesdalc fi»r two weeks Kan., Wallace West, manager. chanc--d H* mer si'a»>n. nl'lla- a^n June It and M. laacal en- prex loua to paaniiiia-ncliig their ta’ur. bookings to the Wx'stem States Vaiplevllle • ti.initna nts wera- glaen laa large haaaises. At the 4* .Agvney. beginning Jure- 21. I Tlie oiaini'lilaa. In a musical sketch: The I.iTlc Thentre, at Palestine, 4* "srii Ka-Hb In llliisirala'd saangs. snd moving The Grand Opera Hi'uso, Powic, Ti-xas. has rhangi-i-ra Ha>f vaiialevtlla*. 1 The Majestic Theatre, Globe. .Vriz., vaiiilevllle hoiisx*. was closi-d last wis-k. It •iiiiti- laiaal llnHea nnal Cole Bros , i-am.-erntna has Iss-n cliasaxt fi«r Ihi- suinma-r. Manager I w xs o|M'nisl dune S. winder the maaagement of will reopen Sx-ptember 1. 1 14 Xtie Billt>oarcl JULY 3. 1909.

    t\>o dt»Hn th«* rvM'ki* wlu*r** in* ttndH tlM*m fifu*r liixl iM'foro tli4* limi of Mlll«»r wnnl, Ilfchiis. Il«> taki'K the tl'lK-rnian'a ({>>1.1 llrotlirn' H*1 ICniuli, Mina I'rlrr, of anil riMia away, Init lio l« lu>ni.ili-il by itw ili-ail CliIckaaliiH, Okla.. lM*i-niiir tin- happy hrhlr of whinoi waniiiiK haiul ho I'anthaiily ws'a 1m> Will, .kiiilrraon, of IIIIhk, okla. fiiro him. Ilia Knilty iH>n?M-toiiiv ilrhoa him Ilonry II. Ilarria wna In lluHton for a frw New Films Reviewed |..w.irili. Iho a.a ami from a hlcli rock he Jiiinpa .laya. ami while here |orfeele.l the iletalla In into a watery crar o'ltanlilnx a thiril company to |ilay 'I'he Tray elinx Salesman tie\t aeuMMi. It will i.|H-nit a TIIK t .MtMY t'llKST.—While atanillnx «n I'.rxe p.trl of Ita time tonrinx New Kiixland. the lairch of hla home, I'ol. May aplei hla Itexlnahl Ik-Koxen. coihimimt of the ninair of ilanchter hami in liami with a .^ounK Weat 1‘oliit The Yankee Mamlarln, a|>cnt the larxer part Gratifying Showing of Interesting Films in the Brief Review t'ailet. lie ai-m1a the xlrl Into the houae ami of the oihmiIiix week In thla city, ailjnilliig tell* the boy never to return again. III* new o|H'ra to the public taate. Below—Standard of Excellence is Weekly Growing Higher as Hardly ha* the I'adet returm'd to the barrack* The Uomaiiy 0|H-ra Company will a|iiM-ar at when Ik. I* notItled that, owing to j>l» »>lKh Kellli-a earlv In July, prekniliix the new op stand on the xradiiatlnx Hat. he ha* lavn ap- i , oi \||.. »• the Public Grasps the Sincere Desire of Manufacturers to Make IHiIntioiIH.lntml .to a CaidalncyCaptaincy In the Fnxinm'rKnelmK-r Corp*. citna, euimeutltled • l.ii.a ■t.sta ■ dl■ .Mlaa .\ t .»la. lie at once ri’tiirn* to Ileatrlee to tell iH'r the FUKH J. Ill .N'TI.N'. giKil tidings; as a Captain he I* aure the Ccdonel ___ __ Motion Pictures a Power in Healthy, Educational Amusements. will not reftis*. him. Tliey enter the hklng at inemorle* of olden day*. We | — — I. Ill* nougnt* c,..pic e« in nuoiog p.c. c^-s ^ fe.iuraa Follow lux I* a n-vlew of late lilm* by leadinx lind them, Ktill hoiind sl by tlH" note colli.ctor*. *,H. hi* thought* depleted In The program at Sl.ea’a showed two fea Among hi* treasnrml relic* I* an old Hag which ‘HI* "i.k:• * M^ne\l .rte namton.ttalntm In Imitation*imitation*, and nianiifa<*tiirenf and dealer*, for early ri.least.; i and broken In health, yi't tleti.rmlm*l. awompanled him thrmigh many battle*. It 1* 'I* I ISMiity year* and the last la-tiny on the nwk- companltd him thrmigh many batiba. It 1* MoVlcker and clevi.r company. In That SELIG. I lac*. I* paid, but at the exiM-iiHe of their iMMlily (Continued on page 421 '‘'f'- •H.natelle Slmk appeared la Ikoniinued on page a-i ^ Thousand Candle* at the ttlar; I:|;N-S Kin. -nil* l* a story of rough life ' ’‘"■'“V*''***- ['«'lng clearcsl up hi* with hi* u the. plaiiiH lend reciti-s the siilTering and •'•■•ployer. He 1* disc-hargc*!, iHdiig !<*> fc.eble the Shipman Flayer*. In At Flney Itldge, at tha final s* of the wife of a brutal outlaw ."‘e.'" "-rile to ___ a.aee l.yrlc. Till* I* the last wi*.k of the How* and their child. It i* thrilling and |*>SKes.*c.a i their,-fiend, friend, confc-sslngconfessing the substitution c.f the BOSBOSTON, I ON, MASS. tclctiire* at the' Teck. (JchhI biirleaciue la at th* ... palhcnc. I Jewel*, and Ih. ir plight a* a result, lagging - I.afayette. All the summer |iark* are olferlng that she give them »onie slight assistance. Their It. F. Keith haaha* Introduced something new gc**!'attraction*.gc**d attraction*. .A acwlely circus, and a big fric'itd. of course'. Is amazcsl, she cognizant of *t his theatre in the form of sanitary drinking clrc-ii* lKH>kc*1 a* coming aure. and llulTalo Is

    .iniii...... 1 raig ■(r.miaii, oi lui* city, woo Star SpangbMl Fanner, and other patriotic air*. ti„. flrat license laued umler miles. Willi the daring drivers on curve S. and The Flk*’ N'antiful ritual wa» then carried law was made out Sunday. The Heat on the home stretch, making ninety mib's au The Way of Man is another excc'llent Him bv hour. the lliograph Co., ready for release. out. the Eialtisl Ruler and other lodge offleer* ,i„„ here. Thev returtoM to New York la taking part. Exalted Rub'r (leo. 11. Johnson ,ptor Sim* to take part at the (lay- presldcvl. The h'.sti'ry of the Bag wa* read by Theatre, Mcmday. F.rother Joseph I*. Sullivan. Frc'd C_. (lllpat- Another attempt was made by the niotlog Tin; CItY.STAI, It.Al.l..—The first scene shows ’HIE MA.V WITIKHT A COfXTRY.—Till* ga.'e the Elks* tribute* to the color*, ancl ptetiire houses. Including the ('ombpie. Hip' a nnnilH'r of convicts working In a cjuarrv. The lecture Is a frcH* adaptation of Edward Everett I. W.”• S, '’M "Nary dellverc'd a patriotic ad^ad p.cdronie|„*ironie and Crand. to o|>en on Sunday. Flae bripiilily of a guard causes a convict tci strike I Hale’* Justly ca'Iebratc'd novel of the above title. The exercl*.'* were very lmpri'»»lve, and ,,,1, were exhlbltc'd at the thr.**' house*, an- the guard and inake a des|M'ratedesiM-rate attemntattempt to !■ Evidently no exm'nsc*expc'nsc* has lieen s»arc>,lsparc'd to m*komake ' •'* presentPffS^nt were deeply ImpresscMl with tbein.them. , nounclng their Intention. Hut at the time of c'sc-aiH-. .Afti'f several exeitiiig adventure's the I *He prcsliiction notable ancl worthy of Its sub- - theatre* and imivlng^ picture bllce tisck a hand anil no cnee was cunvict lakc-s refuge in the home of Frofessor J'‘'’f- Tlie sca-nc- depleting the eb'ek of au old- 'Pefisl attraction* June Ic. In honor of the admitted, even after buying tlekela. Thera Hrowii. I time frigate during a battle at sea in partleular iffeat day In .American history. Hunker Hill w»» a small riot at the tlrand. and the |s>lle« The Frofessor has left his wife at home alone i '.f »trr»_ at one ei„i.a. No .Hie was arrested, end ha* gone to the' home of a friend to meet P.’’’ actual eondltions and thoroughly sustained o’clock, and did not close until 11 o’clock In Injunction Is now talked of by the pirtura some fellow- selc'iilists who have gathc'red to Interc'st. among the noteworthy aebievements of - iHe evening. Thousands enjoyed It* almost to restrain the police from Int* rferlng. ItkVssaltitriataa ass.if.s*.* «k.a...I .... t _i . flia Aim nxolz-Av'd -a.» countless• 1 attraction*.* W k 1 dxti •» T'KtttThis beautifulKckailtlfltl summerAlinimPP V r ...... invA'KtiK'ate tho of tlie iiotod apirituallKt niakor*« art. The third week of the McA'lcker sorle* “iiieclluiii”*• * ScsTH.» m. ThisIIHH incKlIumiiiiMiiuiil isissc'ssc's a i DaTKnark IsIS* provingpr* viu^ IIas ■attractivelira ii thislui ^year as It at Riif*a’a i*howa ttiA Ti*raatllltT cf tha In". U ‘wTh sir'-' T**‘* !ir.K‘^''TM!?l"'".n.*reo'’er,nrr‘^evc"”wcH'k.“”.^ Mar and his clever company. That Ctrl Hilly Into It will sc-e a vision of some hapiieiiliig. Him Is a eomc'civ and rt'clb's the mock marriage *He attractions are changc-d evc'ry wc'c'k. so wa* the offering this week, and proved

    teniled tour of EuroiK. Fleturc's were taken The Frofeisoil has ro. . . i u f.i i '•»“ "" ♦'» »Hp rocks, hut the alluring worn. leading man. ancl Mr. M-.rrlson. the manag-r. vr. city’s police parade, marine and other views.,e^ .lashes along f.VAo'.^ ““il.t i I""xTeing overtaken. The men return, home dlsoiwiso- business Is bc'lng:.irdore done, and there It a strong *d- oi.T-. pi';.’:!;. ".n.. '...her. view.. Hut ss the pictures have to he t>. K.’d by late, neglect their sweethearts, think of nothing vtnc« tale. ha's'Vnlkcn" Town“ wl.n';’'’-,!” ee‘w^ their Trthemt's™thln?Vnm^^^^ Mr. Howe. Hiiffalo people will not have th* lit the Sirens, snd go hack to Hypso. The The New Ftltce Is doing s record business. champion a.'.'.l V.*"rl....V olf^lTfooV ‘ .At pleasiir* of a first alght. .Mc-aiiwhlle the iirisoii ei.-r.i- In r f'’m*Ie folk Invoke the aid of the Statue of the being crowded at every perfernianc-e. The big Th* Mid Sumni'-r Expoaltlon opened 21. ua the cH.i.riet -re rMi.i.iieprison guards In pursuit.i. ofi 1 virgin' >vgin anoand proceeciproceed to tliethe Isle,isie. wnerewhere they rpre Riim*-John«on fight Isi.’ihn the attraction..Mr.ntinn Tine to their word, the nianag'.rs of N'.nim- tlm*. Mr. .Adam* prc'*»ed th* hutlon. see .h"rr"man"skul'ki'ik'^fhoir man skulking thrJ'ugh th»''h? bwabes.h.mS.'Sf.?"!‘h*! and maaioVllr dUanr^ar in Th* Royal ('Irc-ii*. which will Inclml* j.**- finally oapturo him. iiIKin magically disappear In the sea. "111* girls bega Fark have the new thc'atr* ri'idy to op*'n Kri.u’ti Vaaa.a Its.* .ia.,.. .i i. * faKA thcir plaf^B Bpd the P nioiiit^nt Im» \u fiiMlp tbe buKijy. In a sallnra. on approachlni;. rwo b.w md I. « 1.0,.... * f if ‘' • "" "'H'us sp^ poscKl Sirens their own lasse lowHra uis iionio. foUowK ■ ■hc(*u«‘k■ abowint; tb»* wife niHkiii}? apmlaed atteinptH to reh^aao ▼ herKilf, followed »»y ofbeni kIhiwIiik tbe Fro- RFEERS OF THE WOl fes-»r driving; for life alon^ country roads then novel method of pr^‘Hentlna np the city Ivtulovard. then allplitlnK at bia foromoat rulera of the world the mcrtct spaeloiis and l»'iutlfiil clin ng r<".m ‘ . i--cTJa loiiH- from wbleli Mixike and flainen are mm- The nations repreaented are England. Ger in ; over a thousand ran he served "IJ'-TJ*!."';- ViIm at one time, and on the oj-ning Sunday every / f ^hlp. T*'V,* * .V?"’,',",; fun o'f''‘fi'.l* mTi K.II L H.,,1^. thn.ugh nmins msny. Russia. France. Spain and the miled run of fire and htiioke, until he reacbep the States, table taken and aeiv ral uiindrcd* In a .*1: V-l llbrnry. It la the work of only a few sec«>nd8 - waiting line. There are a numl-'r of free at- -m'* I""",*' It *» niVil^t t.,o,hel’'i to rc'leasc' Ills wife*. Hut gre-at clanger now tractloi.s In the park, and music fill* the air „ 'i confronts the' d.'vct.'d pair. Seizing the table GATJMONlGATJMONT. fr m all p1 lc« < Ircu* comop July 2. and Ibiffalo « S«»cl' cloth and wrapping it around his wife’s head. (Gc»orge(George KielKlelne.1 (’hlef Fli nty Hor-e*. of M Ib r Hr..* ’ 101 «'V* -iii the rrofi^Kor bravely makes a quick dash cAVPn vnn\r tup tn Rineh. wa. kllb-d In the of the Hack '» The Mu*le Master, will thmuKh IIh* iMirniiu: riMuna out Info the blepse<'n. ijiUtubI«Raiib ai.'land SeoiHe,Sr«»iilo arr<>bat«’arr<-l,at* .AllMl ManagerMan* BIOGRAPH. fire. AITien the mlptn^ppralstrc'ss mturnsrc-turns and findafinds th#-the 21 t Mnz tlx- ftr-t iH-rfxrmanA'e ;»f H-r McHrcsim |p1* waliini'f..?walling for la1* a rhanir.-rhang.- ofcif «tiiittm<«- THE NECKLACE.—Harriet I>'rr« In this prodcietb.n. The play tins Forls'*. who played In "ti-'k her* flv* thrc'cigh an cTlr WTsHuv intc', i famMv c^J '»'! This ^ nnder the clirec tl'.n of W. 11. Fitzgerald, y-ars ago, will take a leading part In At Fln*y clerks! and aftc'r she'.inarrlVd John Kenclrlek^ HUt* him In favor and be Is fairly Idoliied for who formerly orcaipie.l the same i-slibm during Itldge thla week, at the Lyrtr, with Shipman’* she siiffc'rcsl an liieessant vc-arning for IciiiirIc'i *''* ''"n" »>."> Fr m presc-nt Flayers. He hs* l-'.'n lately with the Cr**- she felt was h.-r cbie. was^ hlg^K^ ♦ Indications the do.r. of the C.*tle S', will cent Slock Co., of Hrc-.klyn, N. Y. Incliilg.-iit hushaiicl. ancl while Harriet was NO APPETITE FOR DINNER —A civilian "*>* fn'oe this summer. clevetc-cl wife. selHshiies was evc'r apparent. How- Had Invited Ills friend, an army offiec-r. to dine Hc-r.r.v Riiasell. .1 n-eto' of the nc R-.m* manager* of niiialral should c ve-r HU Invitation to attend a rcfeptlon ten! with him cm a certain day. On the date set ‘'I-t" House. Mansg r Itsip'i ; get an eye on Dirk llr.'wn for a headlight H* der.d a foreign Prince. John is elatc'd but the edfic.-r lias Just concluded dinner In hla own * H*Dler* by cable that he had made a hurried h*r lo-en rlmrarier'cllan with the M mtagu* Harriet has nothing to wear He ges-s’ and compartments and Is glancing .rve-r the pai-'r *** Rus-la. and hacl siiere-sb'd In engaging forees at the l.afay'-tte for the past •lx we. ka, PHWI.S his walc-h and elialii to prcK-ure her a when, from the date ther«f.f. It rs-enrs to him 'ladame M'-Itsehik She will mak" her A'lier ‘ ha* done remarkat.b' work In hi* lln*. gown fitting the CK-Caslon. The gown empha- that he ha* forgotten about hi* engagement. At '•'sti ibbiit the cj-ning night of the new o|m ra snd has had some excellent praise frem th* siz •> fill' nlis'-iiee of Ji'wi'l ornametitaticin. so *He home of the prcHcjs-etlve hewt the apiKiint hoii«e, as I.a Circa In I.a Gbs-onda. e||y press. they visit their friend and neighls.r, who lends ment had also Is-en overl—.ki-d and. as the offleer The Mllb-r Hrolh<-r* Hinrh ltd. I* one of En-K-h, the man fl*h. was an addl'd attrac Ihc-tn a haiidtsiine ueeklsco. At tlie recc'ption annoiinec-d. the family are alKsit ready to the l.e-t entertadiiiu-nts of Its kin*! that has tlon In the free arts at l.nna Fsrk she maki's ipiite a stir, and Is pri'seiited to 'cave the table. A sc-e..ncl meal 1* prepared and en-r vUlted this city, was the \i-rdlet of the , It I* eiperte t that the Mid Summer Eipoal the Friiice. who lii'comes di-el.leilly attentive. Hoth make every effort to ri'IWh the fc—l, tint thott-aocl* who —w the «l.ow on the o|M'nlng ; tlon will Iw* eitemli'il for two w.-.k* longer .Arriving home after the affair. Harriet re- ** " mattc-r of fact f.-el satisfied after div. During tin- mori.otg i.arsib' on th.' oie-n than at first *dvirtl«--d. It I* s Fsn .Amerlran hi'srsc's till' Ineiih'nts of the I'vent. when stid the first meal. Finally a mutual ccmfesslon I it g day a l-ear l--cam frlghl-n--cl at the nol* on a small scale', hut the si-henie I* well car deiily she stands |H-trifiecl with liorror. ”My d'en and all Join In the hearty laughter. -if Ihe riveting m.i-'hlii on a new hiilbllng. and rled out. HIg sttendanre at Ihi' i.|>eiilng I* GisI! the iiis'kiaco' Is gone.” Thi'y sc-areh with- 4> bnttleil with t^hirli's I tlmated at .to.oiio. -In It*, midway. out rc-suIt. for we have seen It stolen from her tHE SCNNY SDCTH DF FRANCF—A de ‘ ''''y "n illy siire.-c-del In getting i and olh-r lenieil shows mske a nii.' «h-.wlng! Iiei-k by a sneak Ihb'f while she la talking with iiehtfiillv rib-sslnir «erl..« of viem-'s'*/Ihe '• *tito the oth-'r '-nil of the rage. Ttn-n the JOHN H R It'll A 111 ..SOS the Frinc-e. Ft,aide to find the necklace they rri^.nVfe frothing at th- m-aith. ami later [■"•■.•‘r to give their lingers to the hone, their , riTVranT. r-miantle ..K-tlon, of So.ith gront.ds. This show I* eon- - life’s I.IchhI until It is paid for. Hut then there em France. View* presc'nfed: f.Id Mir«e|I!e.Mir«e|I!e AmerlezrAmerlczn '''’rted along diffe rent line s from sny Wild West Is (he hciiiiilialion c.f not rc-tnriilng the J''WeIs. k,,, NOTED ACTRESS LEASES HOTEL. HattIc'shIp* at Marseille. St.St Rsiil.a'elRaiil.ael, Cannes F-rfewmanee that ha* vl*llc-cl this e'.ty, sn I s" they hciiit few a diiidlcate. At the Jc wc'ler’s ."ji .Anilbea, Nice, Heatilieii, Mcwiteiewife Carlo and .Men-Men prured not only a very altric-tlve entertain they finil one !n ap|H-arance an exact copv. hut ment, but highly Instructive. MIsa Mahle Harrison, now playing In TImi the price Is flhi.pcHl. Twenty thousand dollars The Traveling Sale-m.-tn. at the Fsrk. .ms ’V,"*' 1 t'l’." '".’I VT- ‘."'rv-'"’- 1" oiic-s ill their csinclitic.ii u.c-aut a large for¬ , laA irr/.ui..rF Ir. .riI.rx.i ia «i.i. I.- • ba*_ b-amvl fbo Mrhwarli ll.Url. at Uail tune. Hciwc'ver, John Is.rrows money on hls LUBIH. salary, gets loans from his various frienejs" siicl THE DY.STERM.AN’S GOl.D.—Th- pletcir- *’* granted a large advaiiee by hls emi'loyer, oja-n* with an oyster fleet dre-dging oysters, giving notes for sain*-; in fart, mortgaging hls vc-ry Intc-resting subject In It—-If '♦•ry lift' HS th#" n-sult of vanity. With thf* Tho rlav*a work haa Ix-on m#»at nf- J**Kyi* ariu Mr. liyb* flurinir of 21, inonoy h,. |.un ha84"8 the duplicate arid give* the |»oat return* heavily laden. RIrht on KenMeUi r !ii th.- |.••»dlfnf rob*, it to their friend who i8 unaware of the aub the warf the Gyaterman •#-lla the entire load \eata Tilly I* a great drawing iar'1 at t'tifutliui. Meanwhile, tlie tblef baa taken th<* He put* bl* gold Into a bag and atarta #»fi til« K*'Rh'a, and her abort etny will le- rernernhered Mlaa llarrUftfi haa ala#» leHight a flue re^l neup|e toiling. Pilling, but atlll In iHiiidage. Har¬ They Pdlowr him and high Uf.# n a efifT they !'»* 'J'ayh-r. who w ill apf.eiir at Kehh'a week of |(y 8 deal made June It. Msbh* Itarrlaon baa riet doing manual work, while John work* night attaek him. Tliere is a fleree ntrnggle betw'e«‘n Mlaa Taylor w;i-. nt oim* lifne one' of the ' 8n Intereat In the Hi’hwartr. *l'h«*atre. Waukegan. after night in the endeavor to make a little the Oyaterman and one of the faitlawa. Ju«t lee-t le^iular meinJHT- ‘if Hie «ib| riihtle• H

    Illake haa installi-d a new set of iM-iK-hes in Dres.s conimittv-e: It. Horak. 4V. II. Oestcrle, hla IlipiHMlromi-. Ttie attraction is doing capac- W. S. Wright. Tlie carnival dales arc Septem- It.v hiislii.-M. at every show. b*r 7, 8. 9, 1<» and li. Wlllar.l’a Temple of .Music Continues to please it* patron*. PARK NEWS .Mile. I’aiila, a flying trapeze artist Is the OPEN AIR AT BUFFALO. headline free act. 'I’he young lady haa a re- markalile line of work ami is a big favorite Crystal Ih-noh, the little Coney of the Lake i-t the park. City, Is making a Mg Md this seass-n for pat¬ Vaiph'ville haa replaced musical comwly In the ronage, and is getting It. The commodious oi» 11 air IlM-atre witli the following hill for the Steamtr, Americana, 1* a big card. The .Mid- The Week’s News of the I^arks of Greater New York—Gossip flrsi wi-ek. Fanmandell ami Wade Sisters. Mul- wa.T is another, and the biMiklngs of conven¬ Ii-r, C'liiiiin ami .Muller Trio. .Marshall ami Dale, tions. plcnles and other outings show that About Concessionaires and Concessions and Bits of Personal ('llftoii and (’oriiwell. Nightingale, Bertina and .Manager It-iger* will have his hands full. Fort Bris-kway, I.aliord ami Kyerson. Erie Beach, just across the river, will have a On Thursilay evening the new summer ball brisk season, if attractions will draw. It l.s News of Others Identified with the Promotion and O|x.*ration of rm was d..lieater Buscli. raf.- anil tin- otti. r r<-.|iilritna that niakn the of the principal features of the summer at this claims extra good shows and is offering a fine YORK. l.l.-iiniir.- ».-.k.-r r.imfnrlalil.-. Tin- mil from attractive place of amus.'ment and a large heach for swimming and boating. Being on IJlitli itlr»-«-t 1.1 Iir.-amlninl 1. ma.In In nl.-.iif two crowd was in attendance on the opening night. the American shore, it will do well. Olcott Beach, an out-of-town resort, has a AT CONEY ISLAND. li.Mim, Tin* riMit.* akin-. Now Vork*rt fiimoua The ad.lresa of welcome was delivered by John wninr .-.lit • of nn.n.t.-r Inill.linen ainl in of nn- M. Hunter, who was tlie first to conceive the fine Rialto of amusements, which is hooked ! I** Con«*y. N«»wbfr»* In l-r.-inn Inl.-n-hl. Kiill.r llfi.r thoiiHnn.l pofipl.- Idea of transforming I'alisades Dark into an by the Charles Booking Agency, ami draws tlieir a rl|*|d** mi (h*» Why? The J.mriiny nlnmii.-rw ar.I* on the hot .lajn. amusement resort and he enthusiastically largely from city anil surrounding towns. ar** tlrinl of khhlltiK Into ■ of the future possibilities of the enterprise. Luna Dark offers Mg circus acts. RihIi-II \4rtik*«> ''f UrtmiN frotiiy the w«>ath«'r man baa GREATER DREAMLAND. After hi. addn-ss the new waltz sf«g which was House, Nlagan Dark Beach and a few minor ofH iio*! th«' hot lat'attH'f valto. uni .Manhattan la written by Nate Walker In honor of the occa¬ resorts are on tlie list for .a go-xl summer’s tHkrr ^o i:« t the real old a|>eiidliiK kid tireati-r Iir.-anilaml. with thn roiiilni; of real sion. called Take me up to I’alisades Dark, was hnsiness. The .Mid-summer Exposition will habit nummertlnn- w.-alln-r ainl rrow.ln (Hiiiriiiit Into sung by Countess I>*ODtlna. with the audience also be a big factor. l.'-'t Sunday alMiiit two hnndrt'd thmiaand peo- ('.Mi.-y Inlan.l, han lie<-n tite.l to It. utminit ac- Joining in the chorus and proved to be a nn st (d«^ . otiTrihnttMl t4» ih«‘ iiM'rrIfiioiit and caah botea r.Mnm<.latlnic them. Every aftenwion anil even- popular and appropriate number. The congrat¬ all aloti; the line. Itoth Pr»*ntiilanil and I..i}na Ina train 1. r.-»wil.-il ami the lr«a. Surf Ai«'nne la plrklnir are park.-i| on ev.-ry trip. The liathini; »ea>.on who f.-elingl.v of the late Alvin II. Dexter, a<»ni«- rlpo t/«-rrieM. the il«»wory lan't overhM»ke«l oie-n.-»rry wrlnklea In arr-Mnm.Mlation. for ^ imo p«-opl«- for hot an.l hy Samuel Byrne on behalf of the attaches of anil conc-'ssions. Over l.a.oiHi [xsiple passed ei«ry f;M«‘ hut e^erymo- la a jf'M».l win- eol-t nalt l.ntlin. plunirini; ami otiier featuren. the park, after which dancing was Indulgml In through the entrances from 7 o’cloi-k to ten reT l!>«n tle-re waa a auille at Ste«*i»lm’baao EiMIo«ln(r the oiiitinal announcement mmle by until the cliwlng of the grounds. The music o’clock. and th;>' nieana a lot. Manager llnniiM-rt*. the hip free circun will con¬ was furnished hy Slater’s Orchestra, which Is The following shows and riding dcvict-s were S^mie one to anrire^t juat one more tinue from thri-e o’clock until eleven, no there to be p<-rmanently retained at the park for the in full ois-ration, well drillial. and ready to iijM-n f«>r the nnifoniia of Iireainlanriiim, eiery .lay. fn»m 11 to 3. will bare more n'*w Tlie many m-w attraction., ride, and the bii: Bnmp-the-Biimps. Vaudeville Tlieatr*-, (’arousal. The Hillside Dleasiire Dark Company has f-atnr*** thU w«*«‘k. The tdll will Inrlude the new ball roiwn are all In p'.pular favor. The Figure Eiglft and Cnpld’s (’oaster. .Ml com-es- opened a new skating rink at Atlantic City, l^ur* lit Trio, novelty aymnaat*: T1h» Varnlty management In now at work on a sen-iatlonal slon* did well. Biding ili-vice* and shows were N. J., on tlie corner of Boardwalk and Mo. P“Mr cN»ni«*4!y rjiiart^'tt** th»* t»rot*anne Kan featun-. which, when c..mplet.-M(turlntf aet: TlinH* IVtotp. tl»n piven fMit until it in CMnpIi-tely ready to during the season. rh rmo^ily tuiiniMi. Abdullah AlPa Araha. Nett W.Hln.-ola.T, the Tw.-Ifth District Ik-mo- was nn.ahle to open in time for hiisliiess. It Mr. Anthoney has three sessions daily, morning, SiHt.r* athletta lulley ltroth*Ta. Com- '-ratlc Club. pridiaM.v the l.iirir.-nt political or- was Drof. H. Carter’s Hall of Fani-. hut Mr. aftemoun and evening. e«ly Mn In the world, will hol.l It. annual Carter's performers and parapin-rnalia were In tM*ach part.T a* Cn-atcr T>rcamlam1. for which Ilian .iiul \l««r* r\*twn<. The ao|«4'it wrlth Sla- NORTH BEACH. readiness to open the following night. June 2’2. f«T’« (;rear(r I'namland Ilaml. will U* MUa they ha -e tak. n 12. a parade, throw- fh lle Ch imtwriain I'aufkirck’s Dancing Davilion played to ca¬ BUCKSKIN BEN AT TOLEDO. Iir«>a!nland fm the flrat time In Ifa career, baa Init of cnnf.-ltl an.l n.-riM ntlne. and a number of pacity last Sunday. nnlonifeit Mr Gumto-rta ree«dved the other fi-atun-n f.-r the club member, ami Itn One of the popular rides Is the double whirl. folb-winir te!*xram of rsuiicrattilatloa fia»m Mr. )ruiM.fn tJreater Dreamlan.l ha. blit parti.-, an.l Kohler’s moving pictures and dancing casino Biirkskln Ben’s Famous Wllil Wi-st Sliow* Sanonl i;mii|«r^: etcur-Ii.n. NMiki.l for m-arly every diy during are getting the money. Bob Green 1* proprietor. obisial a four we*-ks’ engngenient at Oleiitang.v 'To S W GiirnfM-rtr. t»«*neral Manair»'r. the niimmer. Itontork'. |. pr.*s.ntlni: a new Be-k’s swings are gathering in the Dickies, Dark. Coliimhiis. (*.. Satiirda.v. June 2i’>. and 0r»‘at4T dreamland, t' 1 1I> artll.r eonirratiilate nerlen of animal act. In the arena within Drvam- for he wants new music for next season. left hy sp«-clal train over the T. & O, for Toledo. O.. where they opened a four wvs-ks’ tb** manaftr*‘ni«-nt. ork'ania**«l lalMir and the ireneral lan-I, while Preatlon'. Kali of Man. aiwayn one Boulevards Hotel and Restaiir.-int Is coming up pul*Me 4.n Gn*aier lir«‘amland l*eeofnlnir an en -f the’. hiirB<-.f drawing canln. in play- to the mark for the best meals for the price. engagement as a free act at White City F’ark. The park this m-a.son. is iiivler the management tlr»dy unb»n lat»i*r oriranlaathn NVmild be mlth ini; to rapacity all the time. Mr. I>*p«in 1* the proprietor. ymi to efh'hrate the aii'»|»lr!mi« event hut for Friend’s ball game is the place for the sports. of Mr. .‘Sam Dickin*. who was conneeted with my aalline t«» niorr«*w Sammd Gomp**ra ** LUNA PARK. There are all new attractions at Gala Dark 01entang.v Dark. Colnmhiis. O.. for several years. this s<-ason. t'aptaln Jack lb*navlta. th** lion tamer, who I.-ina Park, now ha. more than five hiimlre.! wa* InjimM U«t wtsk. N r»-;»**ri»il to N* dolnc l-'un for ail at the merry slide. laugh, with all It. new amuw-m*-nt.. ac<-or.lIng Tlie Indian Amusement game is doing big biisl- BALLOONIST QUITS. nic.di Hi«» lnjiirl**« thmich *wrlou**. will not to an e.iltrale made by a visitor, who went p^»ve fatal n*'««. Fred is a busy chap these days, keeping hack to the park after a day th.-n- iletermine-l busy. Drof. Graneth, the Racine (Wl*. 1 lialli»>nist. l^ina Park haa thirty attractimia In opera¬ to count the numher of thing, that had app»-aled tion and all are dolnc well. Jack O'DonneH’s pony track is getting the has figured In two aceidents in as ni.any weeks. to hl. f'inny Immic. Of cour-o* there are conntlen. business, .all the hors<-s being in the parade of Satiinia.v. June 12, lie fell forty fvs-t while Frcilerlc ltaahlan«1 a le4'tiir«-r «*f the New .-Pl.-rfi'nitl.-. for the incline.!, and T«ck State IlManI of Ihlucathtn. addr«’«*e*a the the Queenbore Bridge opening. Fine showing making an aseenslon at Racine. (In June 19. tM-r-Mm. .-.peclall.v mirthful flml Luna one long fvM- Jack. at Anderson’s Dark. Kenosha. Wis.. his halln andlenc** at the M«-rriniac Monitor Shiov at w'rcim Ituf what |. meant hy a laugh In thin I.nnv Sn. Mack, free for all. again.” iMit- h. r shop with a dummy ch-vpplng awav. an- If you want to see some real fancy target * I»oc” I.lvlnr^ton !*• a hu«T man at I.una thcae toniatlcally. a» the varl.Mt. swwts. It 1. daya .\ny *im* kn«*wlnc a rnre for writera sbivotlng pay Rude Holley a visit when at North wo.-Ke.! s.. W.-11 that It never fails to create the Beach. PARK NOTES. eramp may tin*! himatif fa»f»u1ar by •«‘ndlng fir-t In a long s.'rlrs of laugh*. aame. iM.fh to Idvlntratim and Ibddna How- do yon get to North Beach?. Very sim¬ Tw.nty f.-.-f away l« the Monitor an.l Merrl- ple. East 34th street. 92d, 99th street or 1.34th Sp^Mklnc atwuit poker Snpf M«Parfhy mac entrance and In fp.nt ..f this 1* a man who At Renssfilear Park, Troy, N. Y., wiahea f.. t««* r«-ir|Mt4 rt d aa an ev|i« rt Mac prae. str*M-t ferries. Queen.-boro Bridge. Brooklyn cars managevl hv W. R. Schwarz. Carlton’s British p-M-s as a dummy in rl.llculous garh. ami who direct. Grand display of fireworks every Thurs¬ tle4*a es*rv nlirht t»v pla.vlnr a«dltalr4V The «-t Parisians an.l I/' In an uproar he- Guard* Band, directed by C. E. Carlton, and beta ar4*n't bir l«it then \Vhlch remln4N na day. assisted by Mis* J. Haldeve. soprano, and Miss f-Mv li.- was encag.-.! f-.r this attraction at I.una. Morris’ two monster switchbacks and tobog¬ of a aforr 4»f a C4rtaln chap %#dl1nc to a man N.-vt Is Itillikin's Temple, whop- there are twen B. Morgan, harpist, gave pleasing eoncert* to atop « hiiiidinc aeklnc If all the nalla hail lKM*n gan* and electrical merry-go-round arc getting IV -u-parate d.-vh-.-* an.l each iM-rs.'n who chtem all who visited the park last week. Another dr1r4n top money. Its p-yial* p-m-ws hi* or her tlmt sen-ara nine- big attraction was O. V, Balicock. in I<»>ptng Sviinir #»f a ar*-at man -‘•Got « Mat«h?** — Emil -kndersiMi’s dancing pavilion Is the pop¬ the loop and flving the flame on a bicycle. The ^*»dU llawka t.-en lime* ular place fvir the beach patrons. Emil always Th.- M.MintaIn Torp-nf with lt« thrilling ride Sinking of tlie RepiiMIe was well patronlz<*d smiles. at the theatre TihMtts Cad<-t» Day. June 19. Another finally ar^'at and aa 4.ft r«'|w‘at4Nl^ an.! .lip* that carrv one .l.iwn the .Ides of a •'Wh.i'a i:4»lin: t** Wally IhrkiT Geo. S«-lgcI only smlUMi when he Is taking In was a Mg day for the athletes. During the day «.-rl“* of hills that h.ik like the m-est plctUpMsiiie the nlokles on his lucky striker. Gb nin«»re |»avU \n fflrtni: ttie e<||tora a reat part .»f ttM- .\lp«. caus.-s scream* to emulate a sham battle took place betvvi-en companies A thia aiiniiiH r We all nila* stnffy’a g,MM\ 4b*|»e Oesterle’s attractions and concessions are hold¬ fp.m Ih.' cars that can Im- hcar.1 clear acp'..* and D. of the Si-cond Regiment. *‘S|lm*’ Wataon. of rifle fani4\ haa orltiln.itiNl ing tlw'lr own. a cn(i|d«« of bant ph«da Ih«- park .kepv.* fpvm thi* is tth.- n.-w eccentric Gala Dark opv-ned fiM- the season. Saturday. The following: opened in Vaudeville rhh' Til.- It-Mimllng Hu--y. In which .me I* June 12 Mr. Wright is manager again tliis at the Cr.sino, Wlieellng Dark. Whev-Iing. W. Hilly Utchanlaiin aa>a imdiiblthm la a ar«»af carri.'d on t..t> of can hu.iy*. ar-Miml a Ilghth-'iiae. thlf'a ao art' Cherriew l»nt t*a» miKh of eithet season. Va.. June 20. for a we.-k. Gordon and West, in pa.I the tM-ache. an.l apnap-ntly .uit into the mirhi ilrhe a man !«> drink -Vdams is at the circle swing again this sea¬ a skit: E«teHe Woniette an.1 Company, in a i^M-n ..-a The hiioy* roll ami twist on their son with the smile that won’t come off. plavlot; Irving R. Walton, that versatile fel¬ • '■•ni^rfH ars* a feature at T^diman*« Cafe, ct.upM- an.l th.-lr occupant* arc thrown Into a wbyfe tin- fi-liowa all irath*T Fort .Vnd»rson’s r-vlling ball game lias articles low : Steely and E-iward*. conieriy musical art¬ stale of mln.l h<'Plcrlnc .mi h.tsferla. of all kinds to be won. ists; Zara Carmen Trio. Juggh-rs; the frc-«- offec-- Pm funn\ fun an*! a creat rhie try th4 Witch N.-arIng the c.-nler of the park I* the Ocean Dr. Chas. .\ustin Is telling the s.ame old story ing was Dare D«-vil Volo in looping flic gap on jo* \\a%4a H4inH- 4>f n* wh«t ar** a«dflah wmihl Wat.-, which Is a l.'ng. clp-iilar Hdc .vf live Ilk'* t4» •••e th4» rtih* b»n*i*r over again this sv-ason, having the same location. a tdcycle and han-l ccxicerts. The att*-ndanoe minutes iluratl.Mi and a laugh fr.Mn start to An- Must have a pull. was enomioiis during the fore-part of the wc-t-k. An auti> twdonain* to m>*» of tie* t4Mirinc Ish Tli.-n there 1* the Heifer Skelt«*r. the ^onn*«nl4 a blim|H‘d Into a tr4s-. m|v iM'otdc were Kelly is giving health exercise U-ssons on his owing to thv- very warm weather. gp.wn up cellar d..-r of clilldh...!. Not only giant striker. t*adlv Injtireil Woodinnd Park. A.«il*nln* a n'W C4>mldnatbm the* that con«tanlIv stan-l aPMin.l It. tracted largo audiences wcH-k of June I t. wh*n pa««> whhh will a«tmlt fl^e at a tino* pushing arvMind the boats. In.titule .vf .i-lem-e.. the Il.-lter Skelter was Kivnier’s are still p<-pular with the the first vaudeville sh»vvv wiis given. Th*- initial JHknian'a rhh* on tbs* H4»W4r^. t* a bia bar bill was civnpivscil of The Baliot*. noveltv gym¬ rain I .r a nlrk4d w. ll naTn.'.l the of lingerie. young folks. flack .»f Ih.'..' .h..w. Is Ih.- Tickh-r. with Isvwory’s Ice cream soda Is the placa- when nasts: Boutin and Tilson. eccentric comedy mu¬ Tie* lr<»rrot4*a at Itr4*aiul8n4l. C4»nttiinc a bli: forlv t.iimi" an.l every hump a laugh. Tlic VIr sical act; Stanton and Stanton, singing aii-l nrawlnr ear*! you get dry. Five cents pleasv-. cinia acts the same on .m.-'s *.-n*atlvc talking comedians, anil Hunt’s moving pictnr.-s. J*i4*k HInn'a •h4»w at l.iiiia la mu* of th4* moat Baden’s mamnkdh photo studio Is taking alt . n.-rv.-s as the Tickler 'The ited \IIII I* am'thcr kinds of plctiirv's. anil is getting flic money. Tlic mim-s in the vicinity of Ashland .sn- now lnatrui t‘»4* i*nt4>rtaliiin< iit« 40« r 4h %la» d for a ride that hri-lle* with fun. IIm- ImwI* carrying Travis is at Gala Dark testing his pipe* again wivrklng full time, conseipiently an inereas..- in park lt« Worthy am man*a nt4*n4*> twice to attendance at amusement places ha* bi-cn iv-fel. M*e It • h.-lr pa*s.-ngi-r. thp-ugh .im.-r. uml.-rgpMind this sv-asiMi on the Boulevanl gate. M irk Sl«»n4v ••tlw’ worbpa tout abowmaii.*’ t* pa.sag.-. .\Ibert Himisv- Is doing his strait Jacket dive On Sunday. Juno 6. a porformanco Itc.ldcs ttw's.' rid.'s there ar.- the f’l.utcs. 'Die bark at I.una. 4b*\t«lni; !i4*w I'urvea. twiata ani snd tank act at Gala I’ark. St-veral otlH'r big ' of the Wivife Stock Co., at Minni-ipi.a Dark. bnmp% f..r hla Hlink4Mi*a T-mph* Drag.'ii’s itorg.'. with Its two huig .Ir-ms, an.l acta are N-Ing N>okcd for Hh- sv-ason. : Dm-hio, Ced,. was stoppe-il. anil a panic narrowly th.- w'.'ulc railway pPM>'r .\l.o uml.-r the hea.I Brodle 1* king of the frankfurter booths, Nv» And atrafiir4> t4i nn\. the "a#*a a»*r|Mni’* N |**'r avcrteel. Hall w.a« the cause'. Hailst. le-s an mlf t4 .| to ttrow a«* imiie |4*atiNl ..f ride. come. TIm- Witching Wav.-. Tticrc arc one knows vvhvre he gets all the dogs from. ■ inch ami a half In thickness, hammi-ri-d th-- na-f. N' W > ork l*r**aa t*hil» 4>i)t4'rlalneil forty aeien f. ilv wate. In all an.l .me cann.d help laughing Broille Is the laundry man of North Bv-ach. ami ilrivwne'il flii' nivise- of the ori'lu-stra .V Cflptd4*,i 1. the .-|p-u. with lu-lli-r-msl.v garh.-.l E.lward Koilgvrs Is singing at the Meriden moving picture hoii*«> and is making good. continues to draw big crowds anii is iH-conilng ' t’liik «lilrl nil) n r.Mi|>l.. ,.f |ii..|.1)i- .11 |M ulc. an.l th.- clown. In carr.liig .Mit th.* Haffner’s songs, moving pictures and dancing more popular since the vve-athi-r has m-ali rapal. rM P< .. iit. 111.- Inlkliik' .11.1 ..f 111.- M. iiMir Itli "plrlt of fim making. Kr.-il.-ric Thompson has r.m-.-,.|..i, .-vi-n ha.l ni.-k II.■« put .m lip- i'l.-phant« In is still iiopiilar. Last wi-i'k T. Ni'ison Pown* h.-ad--d the- l-ill and to-..II' gevixl; Vardanian, cli-vi-r ;iiiperson.ate>r: (an ll-.M ml llii- .liiiiili iiinii ,rf.|...-|. Ih.Iiii; rnl fact, no malli-r which wnv om- turn* to l.s.k In Nadig IlMthcrs’ nn-rry slide is a vvrv popular rlacv'. Th«- patrons have no end of fiin when H-'Vin. oi’gleian. nivstifle',| theni all with hi* " .Inniiin ,,r n riiiiiiii.. nihl lli.-r.- ..mi nr.-. Ml. the wh.-le park, tli.-p- Is s.-iip- mirth making dc- I r. .. \if. nt tIcc to ki-.'i> the fui\ making spirit c.Mi.tanllv at they take the long, rapid, thrilling slide. work: P.ivle and Fii-I-l*. sjugirg. dan.-in-g and a hidllng point. Wh.-ii on.- «t'>p» an-1 flgup* how talking act. were also on tl.- Idll. Tiii- D-Izar--* * " k n II.mi nl II.m|.m-K'. I. NORTH BEACH SECOND ANNUAL CARNIVAL In a big act. vvi-ri- se-on oiit'lili-. .Ml con¬ "ir • "iii[inliilnl.-.l .Ml III. iiiIkIiI. |.lii,kv « manv of th.-*.- il.-vl.-.-* there an- In the park, I. r. .M iili,K I., k n.Miniin In.t ...-. k \ii.l a i|ulck caplanalhm of Up- .mpularlly .>f I.una I* AND MARDI GRAS. cessions are' doing well. Ml.- M... Ili.-p,- nr<- f. « Inin. r. wllh .11. Ii hail The North Beach Drivllcge holdv-rs organized Nothing: s(vonis to intorforo. n-vt ove^n r- iilnl |M r-M.i.nlll..'ll.><. .Iil|. mi.I .ii|.r. PAIISAPES PARK Tnesday. June ’J:!. at Haffner’s K«-ptiini- H-misc. the vvcathi'r. with the ccntiniii'd popularity of • Mill. .1. iliia .nun- .In- I, a* flic North Bi-ach Carnival .kssivciallon. with ('rIan.I Dark. Wichita. Kan. On.' of the Ml"- ..f ||„. r-ntiin-. .-f I’r.-niiilnn.l lliln ..-n ('arll«1.-’* Wllil \V.-sl Show .-.-nliiiu.-' with tdg the following olfuM-r* and committi-i-s- Bussell biggest drawing C-arvIs i* the Havllaml Musical "'"' I''" ...... rl.»>k.'.l In 111.- ni'.iin hu«lm-«. U. S.-halh-r, chairman end treasurer: Fri-il ErlM>. Conii'dy Civninan.v. vvl -i-h li.-is fllbal tlie great I"''ll I. nn nn.I.'i.tnn.lliiK ».llli tin- In-n SI.- rp-.l Mlllli-aii Is pulling 111 all I’gx pilau i-\tii V lia-ehsiniian; .V. Kowun. sv-cretary. .Vrraiige- pavilie'n nlghti.v with flx-ir ple'aslng pr'sliii’ii'>ns I '.-nl <'|i.inr. I.v nlilrli |>n.-.-ni;''r. nr.- Inn. lilt loll inent <‘i>inniittc.': 4’r«-d Erin-, \V, S. Wright. W. of such pi.avs as Mis* Innoce'tice', King I'-Nio, »' I'r.-niiilHii.r. mnl. r uni.- n..- il.. t ..f .1.-. r,» k’s allravlioiis on lip- mi.lw i\ ar.- |M'pular II i>,-cleric, Nadig. D. F. McMahon. The ('irens Girl, an-l others along that line. J.r- ■•l.' I.v Miln .'|.nn. |. n l.rt.- n m-.ip'> gclli-rs Siihseripl loll commit lee: llico. Ill.-ni. W. H. ■ '. rt li.inl .-nrrl.-n lln .... n .>r<-li...irn. lli.Mi.n rn-y'* p..p i-orn h-s-lli I* a l-iisv plac-. «h-sii-ili', Gns Itiischa--k.v and Joliii I.andon. (Coiitiniiial I'll page 2SI 16 Xtie Billboard JULY 3, 1909.

    at Other i>iaces. as welU there are iiiiiiiature.>« of tlie interiors i»f uli the principal hon.^es, and one i-an pick his seat for himself, us thoUKh he were at the real house. There is a charge of uitout twenty-ilve e»‘nt.s over tlio regular price, this price varying somewhul. Tlie man, or agent, liowever is not a speculator. .\t the theatre the liox oflice sell.s com|>aratlvely f«-w seats, and at no house can seats to certain portltms of it be liad before about an hour l>efore tlie curtain is to Seals for tlie oreliestru lloor are sometlm *s included in tills crazy sciieme. Sonietinu's yon buy for u specilled section, only, the usher seating you anywliere she will in that section. Your tip to her very often decides whetlier you draw a iiost. or a good |dace, for, bear in mimi that ail ushers are money-grahhing women, wlio must l)v Itbi-rally tipped. Theatres generally, in Fr;ince. are the property of a single manager or of a company, this company owning only this liouse. iif course, there are W. H. DONALDSON, exceptions to this rule, but to all intents and purposes, every theatre is Maiutcing Editor. absolutely Independent. Contrary to .\merican custom, where scores of PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT houses are linked together, forming a complete chain, theatres in Kruiice 4I6 Elm Street, CincIniHitl, Ohio, U. S. A. book for themselve.s. each .season arranging, as nearly as it can. the pro¬ ductions it desires—or cun get. .OTi# Olstanoe Telerhone. Main 2769 Cable Addrees (reglatered) 'Billyboy * In rarl.s, the sx-stem of theatre management is more like ahat America knows as "stock” There is no more in common between the show- NEW YORK. LONDON, ENGLAND. shops than there is between the Now Amsterdam ami the Lyric, In New York. There is an association liere. coiiipt>sed of tlie managers, and now and llien Siilttf l>. llollaiMl Ilnililin;:. 1440 ltr<»ailMay. IT'J Tempi*- CbamlH-n, E. C. n the other hand, there are well-known players who TeleplnKn- t'entr*! find it to their advantage to remain foot loose, first aiipearing at this iiouse, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 1 MELBOURNE. AUSTRALIA. then at that. De Mux is one of this number (unless he has recently aban¬ doned his free-lancingL and only recently appeared in the role of Napoleon, Uiietii U, 14:VJ Klllmiir*- St. Cali-doDlan BMg.. Office 2ft4. Piwt Office Place. at the Kejane, with Mnie. Uejane in her ('atulle .\lerdes play. L-lniperutrice Shortly before, he had been with .Mme. llernhardt. and before thnt at the Address all communicaiions for the editorial or business deitartments to Theatre Michel, in a revue. . , The Billboard PublMsblno Company* Rehearsals of a new piece usually take place as the old nears the end of Subscription, a year; 6 montha, S2; 3 months, SI* Payable in advance. its run Nowadavs. French plays get little more (if any more) rehearsing than they do in .America, hut usually there is a final Last two or three days No extra charge to foreign subscribers. (which sometimes stretches out into a wevk or ten daysi, during which time ADVERTiaiNO RATES—Twenty cents i)er line, agate measurement. Whole page. lltO; half¬ the theatre is closed, and the company is reheansed until it is blue in the page. ^U; quarter-page. $35. face When all is readv. what is known as "Le repetition generaie”—which is nothing more than a dress rehearsal—is given, and only dramatic crlticji THE BILLBOARD it for tale on all trains and ncwt-ktandi throughout the United States and the Invited gue.sts of the management are present. In the past, this and Canada, which are supplied by the American Newi Co., and its branches. When not on to be a more momentous event than it is at present, for these repetitions sals, please notify this office. eenerallv are now alwavs followed the next day by the "premiere pr<-. nta- Remittances should be made by post-office or exprete money order, or registered letter tion.”* or the "first night.” at xvhlch the general public, with It.s louls and addressed or made payable to The BilllMard Publishing Company. The editor san not nadertako to return unsolicited manuscript; correspondents should keep copy. francs, are cordially urged to attend. When it ia neceat&ry to wire ua inatnictiona and cop; for adTertiaementa. great aaving in tke matter of telegraph tolla may be had by reaourre to the Donaldaoa Cipher Code. Entered aa Bocond-Claaa Mail Matter at Poat-offlee, Cincinnati, 0. To .sav that more than ordinary lnter.*st attaches to the forthcoming meeting of the Film Service .Vssoclation. is putting it rather niil.ily. Since THE EXPIRATTOM OF EACH SUBSCRIPTION ia indicated on the printed wrapper. Kindly renew promptly, to avoid miaaing iaauea. the meeting of Lust vear. when the .Association, under the Infiuence of the new .Motion Picture Patents organization, seemed d«-stlned to ALL COMPLAINTS of non-recei^ of The Billboard, or changea of addreaa ahould be made direct to the publication office, 416 Elm Street. Cincinnati, Ohio, where they will receive prompt The C'oiiiliis become a social, rather than active hnsines.s factor, many •Jf«ntion—and not to any biancb office or agent. W’ben notifying ua of changea of addreaa. give Film Sort ice startling chang«‘S have taken place. Rut. now that the lead- old aa well aa new addreaa. Foiiveiitioii ing oiticers have since joined the ranks of the Indein ndenis. No Rilvertiaement measuring laas than five lines accepted. the Association liecomi-s the fighting ground of such as wouM not be counted among the down and outs. Much has been learned of the NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—The Billboard's advertising patrons will greatly oblige by practical working of the new order of things, in the p.ast year. Mistakes, im¬ Mnding in the copy for their advertiaementa as early aa convenient, instead of waiting until the portant in value as »ducational factors, are to be canviussed and remedies last moment. All ada received early in the week will receive preference in position and display. are to be formulated for relief. Some of the most important are referred to below. The 1X)NTON ERA is on sale at The Billboard office, Cincinnati. Ohio. Price, ten cents per One of the first to force attention will probably lie the question of limit¬ copy. The Billboard may be bad in London at the office of The Era. ing membership to licensees of the Motion Picture Patents Company. .Again, it is verv prolialde that exhibitors will a.«k that a sliding scale of prices l>e established, so that licen.sees will he required to pay only such Saiiirtlay, -Inly 3, 1909. license as the particular business warrants. The uniform license of two dol¬ lars is, it is claimed, unjust, in that th*'re l.s no discrimination l>etwe**n the house that pax's two hundred dollars for film and one that pays fifty dollars The question, and one of much importance to the future of tlie imsi- ness of uniformiiv in the price of film Ls certain to l>e thoroughly threshed out. -An attemr>t at such an arrangement xvas made some time ago, in:t. it is said was a rank failure, due to the action of some exchanges and manu¬ ADVERTISERS facturers in not abiding by the agreement. In the same connection the sub¬ rental of films xvill furnish an interesting subject of disc-ussion. ’ Doulitless the Nexv A'ork contingent xxill tiring liefore the .Assoei.itlon the grievance of exhibitors in that city, xvho find them.selve.s In the predica¬ PLEASE NOTICE ment of people xvho do not know xxhere tliey stand. The Nexx- York I'ity .situation is one xvhich .should he gone info thoroughly, as millions of mom y are tied up In the business at that point, yet exhibitors are entirely at the All advert mercy of the city authorities, xvhose laws are not made knoxxn until some sing intended for the issue bearing date of Saturday, minion of the executive force arrests and subjects them to what amounts t» July 10th persecution. The liaeking if tlie .\ssoeiation, xxith the force it is capalde of should be mailed one day earlier than usual, owing xvielding. should he aldo to liring relief to a situ.'ition which is intoPTahle in to limited mail services due to Independence Day, July 4th, a free country. The good xvork that esn lie dope at the .Vtlatitle t'ity meeting raiinot lie to be obs

    Tiiere is some muttering, and an iindereiirrent of fe.irfiil uncertainty In the lireasts of American dramatists. The rei i iit praellce of pl.iycrs ''f stm-k There is just as great a difference lietxveen the theatres of France and to produce the latest sejison’s diamatic successes, lias lii-cn n lioon to tlie |iuli- the tiieatres tif .America a.s if they represented two institutions that w> re lic, who otherwise might not lie iicrmilted tn xxllmss merl- entirely alien, one to the other. The liuildings, themsidx’e.s, are different, Playxxright lorl'nis pL'iys. Miit, lieretofore, it lias Iwen Imiiossllile for there being little that is similar, within or without, aiul stock managers to procure such |days unless royalties more Tlie I'ri'm-li and there Is just as great a difference in the manner StiM-k I'riMlinvr. or b-ss high xvere paid the Jiiithors. Sotm- of lh<- antlmrs •And Till* .\meri<-un of conducting 'hem. The Frenchman’s theatre Is far ■'ire s.'iid to h.'ive rei-eix'ed amounts almost prohibitive, and Tlieatn*. inferior to the .American's in point of comfort, the their exchequers have grown iiletliorir. There now exists xvliat is known as manager ox’er there being far solicitoiLs for his the Stock I’roducing Managers Associ.'itlon, said to include sixteen theatres. patrons than on this side—one simple little instance of this being found Quite ri'Cently the A.ssoeiation made tender of amounts, mucli helow' th** in the fact that the x-isitor to the French theatre is compelled to hold his ruling authors’ jirlces, for many (lopiilnr idays. These nffers xx'ere viewed hat in his hand, there lieing no attachment under the .>»eat for this inirpose as by playwrighLs us indicating defiance of their rights, ;ind more or less In- there Is in the American theatre. A.s for the woman x'isitor, shi? has to dign.'ition ha.s lieen disiilayed by tlie latter. Without going deeply Into tlie leax'e her hat xvith a cloak-room employe, xxho expects a tip for the service, merits of th*- c judg¬ as they are in our country. Usually there are five or six galleries, and unless ments in n-fusirig or ileigning to lease, tin the otlier hand, it xv


    may is Billed as Protean Drama of American Life—Stanislaus Stang Meeting Called to Order by Junle McCree alter which Telegrams and Cable Messages from All Parts of the World, Bearing Well-Wishes is Resjxjnsible for the Work which Received Enthusiastic Approval of the Senders Were Read. of the First Night Audience—Wm. R. McComas Dies.

    Suburban Harden. St. I»uiii. Mo.—Her Other 1 Ai.riioi -lth'a Theatre. Pulumlxi*. aela, by Staulalaua Stange. the music publishing trade hy lieliig IgnortHl. i:., In 111** t'olimlal Tbeitro, which b«» Icn- Ohio, at pr*-*eut. Mr. (ieurge F<*>k*. the carjienter at Keith'* That is, his so-caIIeke. who reail aeveral Mr. Link will leare for .New York in a few .kune Ciirew, a steuograpbi.'r_.Amelia Bingham , day* on a bualneaa trip. his eonnectlon with ‘The M* of Hits,” aa l.-l. irraiii*' and calil* a from all mriiera of the Jack Morton, a reporter for the New Y'ork Mr. Marks waa walking toward Broaiiway when jjIoIh-. ■•vpreM.Ing Ih*' well wUhea of the aendera Han't le .Heorge S. Sjs'ncer Mr. Claremlon ami a<'veral friends came from f>ir the aii*'('*‘i*a of the Whit** Kata. FRITZI SCHEFF ENTERTAINS Jaiuea Waters, a political jobls'r. the opiKxsite direction. Mr. Clarendon made ,i \Vh*'U the teh'grama ami cahli-a were all ex- . Marry Fenwick GUESTS. broad remark, according to Mr. Marks, and de¬ liiiiiHie*l. the I'lialrman. In a few well rhua*'ii Jane Beloiar, Judge Alwyn'a sister-in-law liberately got in front of him. Mr. .Marks liu- w *..11.. aiiii*Nin*'e a|>ok* . Cora Withers|KK)n meu waa foll**w*'il hjr Timothy June 2ii, on her way to .New Y'ork. where ahe JiKige -klwyn. (latberine'a father. damage to himself. 1 inn (•r-Khleiit of the White Kata, wh*i |iut ex|H.Cta to meet her mother, who la now on her . Wilson Miimmell CERTAIN. Noyle*. MaiiiHTrant to the Judge . r'*rih tie- |M>w*'r of th*- a*'tora' rote, and tulil way ov**r from Kuro(»e to apend the aummer . Morris McMngh Ih*''iiihlaK*'. In llguri-a. how many of them with her daughter, at the home of Ur. John SCOUT WRITES FROM THE 101. Mrs. K*ise Osterlee. a widow, and niece of Ill. . w.-re ami the lutliieii*'e of ao many voti-a on Fox. Jr., a few mllea from Brlatol. Thia noteil S.iithern uovellat liecame the bnabaiid of Ume. JiKige .klwyn . Frani't*s Nellson ih*' h'KNIa'iit*'. II*' l'*ok the i|n*-atiou up from a June 21 found us starting on our tenth attc- .Schi'tf a few moo tha ago. Stephen Stratton, a young lawyer . I- itoal alan*l|a*liit. ami In llie ciurae of hla ressftil week at I.ynn. Mass., where we played While at the Mamllton Hotel, awaiting for .■ King Baggott I.'iiiarka he t**l*l of aMii*' of the outragea that to capacity in the afternoon and ttira-away at railroad coonectlona. the gueata were delightfully III' .n tora ha'*' l••'•■n i'*im|~'lle*l to tolerate. night. entertained hy Mme. Schetf. with aeveral choice SY'NOI*SlS. 1'!,.' m-vt ►i**'aker alate*! wna ex Mayor ll. F •lune 2‘J. Salem. Mass., to two packed housi's. aelectlona from recent New Y'ork aucceaaea, her 1*111111*' who waa recelv*'*! with much applauae June 2.1. Waltham. Mass., large audience at- a-mga lielng accompanied by bertelf. She will Act 1.—Anne Carew's nvora In Mrs. Fl.viin's III*' anii<**ine*'ni*'iit of Jmlg** Inione that ha waa tendfd tlie afternoon performance and turn away return with her mother In a few ilaya. to a|ienrf of Jmige l>nnn*'a ap«aTh waa the DALEY RETURNS TO NEW YORK. .kct IV.—Same as Act II. Immediately fol- Everything Is progressing nicely 'vith the •"■'iiglli that ciHihl Ih* i>t*taiii***l tiy the luillvlilual liiwing .kct III. show, and th® bunch 1* having the time of their a. e i« Joining hamU ami tbua. lM*lug united. Ed. F. Maley will return to New York Julv Stage Manager .. Arthur Wellington lives at the different watering tdaces and sum¬ I, Vi' a |*ow*'r of their **wn 4. ami win he In the offices of B. E. Forreater'a mer resorts. Evary place we have allowed at . eiiiila r ii'ltrli'n f'*llow**il on Ih*' iwela *if tllractlona nnlU aliout the middle of .kuguat. Suburban Harden. St. I»nis. Mo., last week, in this territorv, aeemed to turn out In a botl.v I '.*.* liii'iii*'. anil a|Hike v.-ry eliapii'nlly on the when he will go on the road again aa manager had added Interest from the fact that Amelia to wvlcome the 101. For an aggregation such legal r'gh*a of th** actor. •f Y'orke and .kilama. In their new musical aen- Bingham intrisiiiced. June 21. for the first as this, making Its first trip Into new fllelde. Man*.' M'ainlf.*r*l a**<'retary .if the leiaril of *‘vli**n. In .kfrlca. Mr. Maley has iH-en in the time on any stage, her n*'W play entltUid Her busineiea has been womlerftil. .l:''* *'l..ra. who w ae laal hut. hy far. not leaat West for the past alx weeks. other Seif, by Stanislaus Stange. The play has While the stock waa Iwing loaded on the train a.i.H a r*>ii«lug talk and ln>plre*1 much enthna In -kfrlca. the new starring vehiele of theae won tls- a|i|>rnval of all who have si-en It. and. In , to leave for I.ynn. Chief Morse, the famous Sioux tndlan of Wotimled n-:n f'*r 111*' Miri'e*.a **f e organltatloli In th*' iHipular mmt>*llan*. will 1m> on the style of luilging from the interest manifested at the Knee fame, was struck by a passing train, and I. HMini of I V* r.' .*n*' pr* "o nl 11*- a.'l forth aome K.eriTa Brothers' past aueoeage'. ami w-lli start Is'X jiffice. will b«' a winner on the road. Man¬ .11e(i1h. Catherine .kiwvn. a wealth.v y.sine woman, Oklahoma, is still with us and says he is having t th** Sherman II.Mia*- haminet hall, where, for ilaiighter of a dl|>somaniac. and imbnt*d with the time of his life. r !..i«l w.ok tlii'v have l«'**n b .l.rng dally MISS MAY DE SOUSA. As I write this. Neal Hart, the Wyoming cow th«' desire for strong drink. She Is In love III ilii;.'a ami coui'lii*l*'"*n. who »ang a parialy who ha* ao *uc*'*-sxfully rlsi-n from the chon'is that end >!«• tells the story of the death of 1 W<>h I llvil a illrl: Ja<'k Irwin, a r*-cltai. rank* nntil she h.aa b*Htome a favorite over a*‘as. C'.fh*'rln*‘'s niothi'r hy her own hand In a sani¬ port. Ml«s.. with the show. Oetob*'r i*. It I Kld a l.v-l F.ghi: Til** Still Pity Quartet. 1* well as at home, has b*-i'n engaged by tarium. to a hiackmailing newspaper politician. la as f.allows; “ ■ 'ing a f**w |>o|>iilar niinil«'e«. Sievena 1" Klaw 4 Erlanger to aptH>ar In the lea*ling Me threat<*ns to print the story of the .voung "I* MEMORY OF MY PARDNER ” M ■ ' «1* ght of h,n*l arll'i: I'aptain Steam- role of a new nimivly n-w l»-lng written by woman's niisfortiine and thns shatter her ro- • .sti'wart. giving vi-rv reallatir luiitatlona **f Victor IM-rlH-rt and Marry B. .Smith. Vlas ile uiance with Stratton. One day Catherine and .k eo'vttoy came to Join this show, ''••amlH.a* ll*'n tlrlniii'll. Th*- l’arl« I've S .uaa ha* be*'n In Eur'*pe for abiviit four years, .kn-ie Carew, a sten.igraphor, ome face to face, ile got .m the train at El Faso I' .'.1 r.ot.tij i.aylor, a (aH-m. then, with the having first ap|H.are,l at Imiry Mane In Panto and Ihi'.v are «•* much alike tJiat non*' can tell He sp<*nt four 'lays to Join t" all. I . romenib<'r the morning. 1 heard th* m call. 'taiire .>f T'Hn llav* rly. an amuaing Iralh mime, an*! later acblevixl stellar honor* in them ai>art. That is when Catherine has fallen ' !' Jiiti'*' M'-Pree. an Iriah aong: Jim Palla France and Pnglin.l. whi-re she is a great fa again an.l taken to ilrink after the designing an **1*1 l•»a.•tlall playi-r '*ii the Phh'ago Piiha. vorlte. She has ippearetl In a great mtnv of villalness has ti>ld her of the manner of the Hello. I>'n. we're glad vottr hack. These were the word* of onr Manager Z.ack. -a ' 1 litlle t.vik alHHit h**w the actom c*>uld the late iM'puIar sueoess*-*. and giv.-a proof of .vi'iing woman's ib-ath. To save Catherine’s de- Ho up to the corral and si'e the hoy-s. .■'Hire na well aa the hall playi-ra did; ll-di ahlllty and iHTSonal guallrl which pri-sage a 'ot**,! uncle, .In-lge .klwyn. from learning of .kml Join one*' more In the cowboys Joy.. s '"■• wl, ailing The I'alma Johnny Fogarty. brilliant career. Her engag*'ment with the Klaw hi* ni*c*’s fall, .knne Carew la siihstltiiti'd < ak-iig. 1*111.*' I'vrrow. Imitathvn on the piano; Erlanger pr-aluctlon will commence In New f.'r Caflierine In the latter's home. .knne sne- Over the corral 1ttmp.d this young man P..i'li*' Plark. iHa-m *»f hla own compowltlon; Y'ork early In the coming season. c.>e Whiting, character Italian amt Iriah I lh*» willow. Stratton lovi's Catherine even after Tt howdv. Tx‘n. why h«Mm. • • "ga. Frank F.>en*'V. recltatlona The laat on' he ha* f<'inid out all. and Anne and the nt'ws- Say MIU. ain't that Tom Mix going by . t'i’"grvm waa Ih-n Shield*, the official an paier rep.irter. wh*' aide*! in the substitu¬ n "in'* r. wh.. aang a *.*ng In which the entln* aa VAUDEVILLE HOUSE. tion plan, make the wedding bt'lls ring for a ilonhle marriage. c.'me here. T >m. and shake my haml. a ..Mi'ge Ji.ln.-d F.'r I've c*.n'.e once more to .loin yonr hand. Tlie plot Is fas<'inat!ng and the emotional X'li'.' g thow«. t*c*'e*'nt at the liaintnet w.-r** K. Property in Cbattan-iogi. Tenn.. on whioh to An.l so lie w-ent from boy to bov. build, baa lH*en leasi-d by Mr. Jake Well*, of s.'.'Wi's ar*' workesl out with telling efft'et. J M'lliilrk. Ilvrrv I'lkaw..! Jaiii*'*> Uoa*. Iww Miss Bingham pla.vs tha double iv'le of .knne nil* faro wfti* smllinjr and full of joy. the Wells Plrcult of S..iith**Tn theatres, ami r pt Ploirl.a F. Polhy. Sam Smaaal. Tom IVw- in*1 Calherine. aisl h**r work at all performances construction of a nuHlern vauilerllle Ihcatn* will T I! Murphy. Holihy Pvrr.dl. Harney I'lr- has N'i'n a revelation. Her quick changes and m.op’ we will «*'P that smiling face, 1m» b*'gun so the same may b** ready for use Ilarrv M**' U.ari'r liiih.if. J.»aeph !s>rf**cf control of th** two characters were the an.ithi'r life h*' has erase.1. by Novemb**r first **f this year. The theatre. K \V ita.>n I. Wolf*. illllH-rt. Irving Kati n Jidin ilistinct f'aturea of the performanoe. The • mrrshall he killed, nerve did not lack. It I* said, will cost alsmt y.'iO.iaki. ami will t*. * J I I'.iTlIn. Jome* J il'Neal. Harry ipialily an*l ahility of Mis* Bingham haa never S*'eley .li*''4 with him on the tra*'k. usisl for the pnalueMon of bighclas* vaudeville J ii'Vi'a] Pharh-a Maat. Ilarrv iJny. AI Nathan. Iws'n qu*'stlen*Hl. but the work done In this only. W W .Vlaiiai Hen llrlnmll Frank p.>«gr.>n. new play cli'arly equals or ontclasses her ore- i'e foniiil him l.iying with his gun. I in* . llcrtwrl .kahicy. H**hby Fiurmkn. 'Ions attempts. Tlie company gave excellent 'his b-iv of fri'dom. hov of fun. N' ' .n lu-an J I. Fr»II*iitg*.r, Hoh McPaillcy. AUGER IN VAUDEVILLE. 'iipia'rf. Tlie play was stagml under the per- mi looking down at M* face so eol.l. r'*o!ln.'lIi.. Itii'** W t'art*'r. .krthnr .khhotf tleo. son.'l ilireotii'n of the author, by J, Gordon o iis hoys, his comrades, tt was sad to b*'hoId. P l>*lniore Jiilew 11 F.l K Perry. W .k. Edward. Ileo. Anger, f.w many years with the Barniim ■a »*r John I'clmorc. J.>hn F Snily. Jack o we lat.l him away In Gulfport town. anil Bailey Show. Is playing In ' aiiderllle lu a I'"In. Pharh* illockcr. H Kdaall. PIKT ih. whv rsouhl he not r. st In the prairies brown. sketch callisl Jack, the tllani Killer Me .-ir DEATH OF COL. WILLIAM R. Mc- lack In the sagt'hrush and mesquit. I*. lo-.trge Hartlett. Stephen Jnha«x. Stephen rived In New Y'l'rk laat w e. k •n the I.iisPauii. I* lli'vrilo Shallow F*>r*l. .kl Hiirke. l/ewla kVlth him waa Karn<-st U.Hiiniel an*l Par dine COMAS. /•’ham 1 illi>v Millard. iSeorg.' W MIelt. t'haa. Maaa. mldgeta. The stat*-rl>\ liaylor KotM-rt Nome Tom hail to he cnlargisl f'*r Mr kiigcr Mr an.| -After an Illness, lasting but a ft'w days. Col- "Texas" C'S'per Is making some s.'nsatl.*nal 111*. I'll, Marry l.ak.da. kl lAvinhasIt. Jamea Mr*. Aiigi-r an.l company ar.- going West to I tward* Hav*' S.i>tl. J K .Smltt Marry M.vunt ont'l kVIIllam R. McCimias. vice-presblent of the d.'S on the Texas long horned st.'t-rs, ami says play In vainlcvllle. after playing one year In Henderson I.lthivgraphing Company, died at his t 1 Hit Ktnhhlefli'ld. IWikr Marrow. Marrr lat after his long season with the R.'iin.l I p lirvat Britain and Franrs-. home In Norwo**!. M.. June 22. Mr. McComas ' .n Still PH' Quartet tJlen SchoalT K*1 Shee > is enjovlng the exercise as of old. was wlilely known among amnsement pt'ople. hv ll-n Pha* Hlark. Marrr Miinie Tiirker Hoyd. Johnnie Ray. one of the cowh-iys ff'';" ’J’l reason of his connection with the show printing Two Rills" Show, has Joined the bronco ri.l* rs 'anna I' |'..■>th Thonia* M Wllaon. Phaa. H ENGAGEMENTS FOR ROYAL husini'ss. and as a man of many parts and wide I a-^i.r Monahl Me Hler>" Jam*** Halley SLAVE COMPANY. aotivltb's In variiwis fleMs. Me was a member When It c*'mes to a fine hfidy of Indians. 1 Ma'llght waa ap|>r>Hirhlng when the gathering of the CImrch ef the .Advent. Walnut Mills, and aim this outfit has them: Sioux. Arapaho."*. 1*1 "k*' up. and. with the termination of that Twiv new fare* will Ih* a.-en the e*milng season was a member of many Iralgi'S and fraternal heyenn-'s. and the dance they put on Is al- haiillfiil * The White Itata the hall waa with Plan'll*'*' H*'nii*'ll'* .k U'val Slave Potn organiratlons. avs a taking Teriture 'vlth the audience^ 1.0 rle.| pan'. Manm-I Simbr an*l Ib'i'rge W FIteh T. F Foster, an old-time cowJs'y ami foni*'r' Both wi-re niemlH'r* of the Biirwo**! St.vck Com¬ oil known rough .ind fancy rider ami rifle pany, at Omaha. N’<'h . laat seas.'n. and are MUSIC MEN ENGAGE IN FISTI¬ BILLY LINK'S NEW COMPANY. jd revolver expert, visited the sho'v F';*- n.iw pis'lug a s.unA.'r I'ng.vgeini'nl with the in. He was ent*'rtaln>'d by the Milb-r Broth¬ W'ahliigl.'n Slock t'*s . •I M.'laware. Md . with a eapital atock of PAUL C. BLUM REJOINS FRANK P. Kdw B. Marks .of Jos W. Stem and Co, ilU'r. with Samson linen lalrats. to ofM'rat*' the Hilly I.Ink HIg Pity van.h* Mr. CIaren*lon .The Man **n the Strmne»—Mr. Sn.vvK'r. Mr. Beleher. Vlllagt'rs. etc. rter a visit to the ranch, wh. re he says every- f*a*iir* ar Ihc paal twn a**aai>na plaring The Billboard Is a w. le*'me visitor and e..ii*'*'cl,sl with 111.' Man Kohlnson Shi'w. haa Mr. Edw R. Marks, member of the music arnall.r rlllra In the Mlihllc W*-*l 'ail bv all with Interest each week Rocky ri-algnisl anil will n-Joln Ih*' Frank P. Sio'llnian pithllshltig flmi of Jo*. W. Stem and Company. r'l* low coinpan' waa forin*-*l ami organl**'*! ,_. __ I, I.. hij nihii* Sh.iW* with which h*' haa In paat acss**n* ' wh*' t.vok the principal part in thia musical "a- Mr I Ink aa manager of aame. to play achlc'isl notahl*- sm-o-as kIr Ilium will again I com I'll y. w'lth<'ut music, states that: "For a larger cltlea on Ih** Poaat and the S'i'Uthern he an lni|H>rtanl ailjutict of the husln*'s« staff, long litii*' Mr. Clan'mlivn had h«'»'n making hlnffs '* Solo*. Itig aeta have lw*,*n engagiHt. an*1 an*! fhri'iits what he wotthl do when he met me. his a<*r'tcc h*'gliitilng June 'J*> ” will In Mr I.Ink'* emlearor to hare aa atrong In aihlHb'ti he has five the past .vear alanden**! JOHN R. CONSIDINE FUNERAL. » vlii.w aa the Orpheiim Itoad Ski>w. with a , ani revll*'*! the firm I am oivnnecti'd with, both • "11.lot III,,' of m w lithograph pa|»er fi'r ea*'h DONALD McDonald suicides. through his e«'lttmn and tHxin every poasihle ■ art I I'eeislon whi'n he happ*'n*'d to m*'et s*'ng writers John R. Consiiilne. the well known N.-w York hotel man. w'h*' waa w idi'I.v known in aniiisern.'nt 'Ir I.Ink la at pri-aenl In Oiliimhiia. Ohio Ikmahl ktcl'.'iisht. a w.'ll lii.wn acn>»iit I or siNpialntanet's of the firm. a 'll.I Ini; |„ II,p hiillding of a lo'vidtr living while aufferliig niidwr the •'ff.s'ls ,>f evlnimc j "Tlie firm have s«'ri*'usly coii'«ldor''*l the ad- ciPi'les as biirie.l at Calvary C.-metiry, that * pi'liir,' a,I In whl.-h Im will f.**lur*> Mia* heal,'a In N. w V.>rk Pin Juii*' 2T I vlsalitllly I'f having him arrespsl. Mr. Claren city. June 2S. 18 Xtie Billt>oarcl JULY 3, 1909.

    l$93.502r*"'*5o Carnival Tents TENT SHOWS THIS will Ih' cltccrfitl news to tlie man who in Koiiift to buy a new tent and thinks he niust pay a hinh |>riia* for it. Letters From the Various Big Shows Indicate that Business is Xi>w listen; For J'.tll.'»() we will Imihl loonier a ‘2‘Jx.VI fcnit (’ami- val Tent of ti'o ounce drill and trim it with red iliiek if you say no. Holding Up Far Above the Average—Miller Brothers Ship One end will Ih'rctind; the other jiahled. This tent will Iw* ntjHsl ('-(i way on edne and eavt's an,! every 7 feet over the top iK-tween Indian’s Body to Bliss—Gossip of Shows and Show People and jteak and eaves. Incliuh'd at the 8|)eeial price are |H»les and stakes. Items of Personal Interest Regarding the World of the White Tops. This repre.sents the greatest value you can get in a tent for so little money. I’laeeyour order now. Send us money order or bank draft for.

    SELLS-FLOTO SHOW. of ilip rolofirnfril flclitcr. wlilch ix'KtiMl In an oak rotin Rorp’otisly trinim<> blue Hilk. Th*> Sflls llolo Show oxliililtoil at Wallac<*, Carnie>Goudie Mf^. Co. Ida., JuiH* Id. to hu>in«‘Ms. The oiittlt r.vsi.Io the blor tlio wife of the chief. la in lirKt-flasw roiidlflon. havinjr a new SiKle l ittle Elk Plenty IlorM's. ami the aeven- Anything Made in Canvas. year oM sen of tie* 'h‘C»-as4*(I. The chief wxs tip. etc. Kver.xlHnl.v with tlie hhow la haptiy and ileoerateil in war paint ami won- a erown of ka^kin^ forward to h in‘»Kt prf»a|H‘rouB se.iaon. KANSA.S CITV, - - VIISSOURI. Tite lln«‘H iir«* •‘\V<*’rf Kaat,** and ilear to tlie heart of Plenty Uorsea a* •'Wateh us Grow.*’ Ilie only n lic of the fuiiions tialtle of WounilcI Kne.'. Tlie 4dh<*ial stafT liirliides W. K. Franklyn, Tlie renielns were iilae.-,! upon the Chlc.aso Fr«‘d WajriM r. Fn^l lliitrtiinson. Fn*d UotM*rtM»n. r.liiiheil. wliieli drew out of tlie South station Fnsl Warndl and Frank Piireell. Tlie ticket aellers an* Sylveator (’n'nin. Kd. Hrown, liferr at "i.Ti. Hefore the departure of the dead ' Bartik. Jatiu'S (»rr aial ItolMTt ravenaiitrh, ehlefs issiy. liowever. .t.'. Iiraves from the tribe 30 TEm RErutlTION IkCK OE EVERT TEHT Harry McFlosk.v Is piin’hnalu}; a^ent, *‘Monk** from whlcli I’lenty IIors«>s came, paid a final Wlls<*n has charge of tin* c«»ok house, . silent tril.nto by lkinc iiixm the heniielIcally linovii, master of transiwirtatlon; Jm» MUhT, seal*al oashet. Aecorilint; to a time-hoiioreii Blaster of pro|H*rtles. and Fretl Alisi>aw has custom anioiiir the Indians, the wife of the de- GOSS’ SHOW rharjre of the nh*n:n:erie. John ('arrell. Orator, tiaitisl "ave presi'iits of wearlni; aiiiiarel to tlKiso TENTS la the way his cards will read next »»*aH«m. Geo. wlio liad servisl with her hiisbend. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL NEW AND SECOND Struniph n*cently of the Norris and Uowe Show^, Sii'ie I.iltle KIk IM.-nty Horses accompanied has rhartre of the stkane, Wash., In the liaKiiatre car. Her little fu.'n was with i YO'J UANT. and It Is presumed that he Join«‘d his former her. Tlie ra-niains will tie Imried on the battle- ; ts»ss. Geo. i'Vr^ruson. who left the rdiow at Seat¬ field of Wounded Kne<», wh*‘re other famous - tle. warriors lie. All ex|>ensea were defravisl bv the Miller Ilrotliers. BLACK TENTS emeus COLUMBUS TENT & AWNINC CO. J.t< k (in»ci Manley, manatrer f the annex, with the able assistance of Ah*x Wind(*pher anil COLUllBUS. omo. Ihs* Miller, has a >r«NNl hunch together in the YANKEE ROBINSON NOTES. hhle show. They are llelno and Frit*, Grace FLAGS Waterproof Covers Orr, l horses, twenty- ; plenty of soats were to tie had. two In nuriilM*r: llie Armours. Nelson Family of Petrolt. Minn., June 2ft and 21. Everjbodv •cndiats: the Itidinc l<sitinn brigade waa IOWA CITY PREPARING FOR CIR¬ Barnum A Bailey. Rlngllng*, Buffalo BUI, Miller hts-e and liattered the town. CUS. Bros. 101 Kanrh. Ilagenberk-Wallare, Sella- lY.-d liavlilson and ills men. “Stew" Barrett , I Floto. Norila A Howe, and other tbowa oae tbeiu Rieger ami • Siiit” Ijing. were tenderisl a ban- Barnnm and Bailey’* Circus will be in Iowa ' on all tbeir adrertlting rara. •piet l.y C. J. Harn-tt. Roy I.angvay, Sam Klah- City, Iowa. July 2.3. Tlds city ha* had no im¬ S3.TS eactv or S-sa.OO per dozen ts‘ln ami Zaeh I.iiekiuisnieyer. .\ general gooit portant circus since the white tent* of the Bar tinii* was enjoyed wliicli wound up in an auto mini ami Bailer aggn'gatl.m were pitch,',! on rld<‘ around I.aki, Harriet. BERNARD BRUSH CO., Recier Bldg , Ckicago. Septi'mber 1. Iftftt. and the peofiie are hungry Advertising Car No. 3. of Bamtim and Bailey for an ent,‘rtalnment of that type. iSd* l* arrived June 17 and stayeil here two days for ppoTcl by the fact that the cit.v council not repi.irs. Jake Beiir.singer. car manager, was onlv cut its protiihitix'e lirense. but wlissl It out royatl.v entis-tained by Zach I.uckeusmeycr at entirely for thi* occasl«i. and will give the the latter's home. Baniiiiii ami Bslh-y Shows atisolutetr free ac¬ “Kill” Wheeler passed tlinsigh here on hls cess to the city. Mon-over. the Commercial way somewhere. He wiaihln't tell where, as he Club will provide the elreiis a free tract of ten exp<,etisl opisisitinii with Barniim and Bailey, acres, for if* show groumis. fift Foot Ihix. Stock or Kl«t Car* for sale or but the five hours he was here were spent a’u- The last time Barniim am! Bailey showed at lease. Storage capacity .’k*! car*. R,'j,*ir work tonioldling wiili Cliarles Duff.v, who is the Iowa Cltv. a terrifie win,1storm tore down the *., VENICE •THANSPOBTATION CO., pniiid iMissi.ssor of a magnirteent touring car. , tents tflre resulting* amt $1ft.ftftft damage was St. Louii. Mo. Wor.l comes fnmi Carl .Minis,,n an,I William I inflicteil. as the route look afterwanl* showe.l. Isxnat.srger, wlio are with tli<‘ Hagenls'ek-Wal- I Circus lovers are invoking more propitious fates lace Show, that trou|iiiig Is Just tlieir line. I thi* time. C*r bull,l,r». Ail Show Car* a ap,- Val B,sili,s, ailvhiu-r, Imggage. Eye Is on tlie way from South Dakota with a YOUNG WOLVES AND FOXES Boston. Mass., the night of June 1!>, when about privil,,g,' stiM'k ami ni.-rry g'ttKtn«, riiM'n. Itiillfi, hmk# to Phone Canal 3664. Establiabed 1865. taking to the road, playing under eanvas Circus Tents lifiiitllf*. .M(ttik**X". ItnlMMiTis. Klrdi, «>tr. J. Hop*. 35 N. 9th St., Philadelphia, Pa. A FAST ADVERTISING PACE. LARGE AND SMAI.I,. AI.I, DESCRIPTIONS Thomson & Vandiveer M*iiiirBrturi,,l liy SHOW PAINTINGS Miiii-r Brothers’ Iftl Raneh Show has set a MAKTTFACTUBERS OF i E. J. HAYDEN A CO.. fast paee for others to follow In ftiilr ailvertls- W. H. LUSHBAUQH, Covington, Ky. lOe-110 Broadway, Brooklya, N. Y. Ing. During their reeent Boston engagemi-n? CIRCUS TENTS thi-v enipIov,,d praetleally all tt,e e|ty paisT* SE;CD\D hand TENTS FOR SALK. and iitlllr.,,! earh day several eoliimns of dls- TI'.XTS IX m IIKXT. plav and reading spaee, Ttie pres, work wa* SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTINGS 81« I'jtst rcarl St., (TNX'IXV.XTI, O. of the tdghesf or,ter and reflected crisllt upon JOHN IIUKFUKTII, tlie gentlemen who are handling that depaef- THE BEST SCENERY AND tni'nt of the show’s activity. Such hti«tll'ig Portable Lights 2163 Boone Street, Cincinnati, O. could not hut tiring ov,rn,,w l.usln. ss, will ,!e SHOW PAINTING at lowest iirlee in the land. *,-rve,l, FOR ► High grille work oiil.v. Illiistrateil catalog to tlie profession. Tell us wliat vou iie,‘il and we will ALL PURPOSES One 70-Font Dlnmcter sen-l low , St i siiniale on Joh. ENKEBOLL ABT OPENING OF CHEROKEE ED’S CO., 5305 North 27th St., Omaha. Neb., U. S. A. SHOW. Tfa« Bollt & Wtyer Co. Roiiiifl Top CIRCUS & JUGGLING APPARATUS with two ;ift ft. ml,1,11,' pier,,*, f 12.1 ini lor CIulis. Batons ami Noveltiis Stamp for eat.a Tli«* ff»rr'’nl '‘Ih fiinsr nf Kf!’- WIM fiirtlM-r p*ril,'iil«r* writ,- tlie J, 0. OOSS CO., Rn<1 Traln<*

    INDIAN KILLED BY TRAIN. NO REGRETS IF YOU BUY FROM US. UNIFORMS Whili* .MHlor Idl ItMiKli WIM Slio%A wiij- hi .Miih’a., Uhii'f IMi'iity llornr-. For Hands, Military, HII IridiMti r riDiiof'ti «1 with tlio Hhovv. wan klll<*\«>nty dollar- for ♦•aoh fx^rfornianoo. EDW. R. LITZINGER, riiakhik' tin* rm** tinrxln'd and fifty dol lar»» a il iv for tin* rnuiti nhow. Tin* oth^r Secy. With No Delay. Western Uniform Co. ratoit wtr** lnor**aMM! In llkr firoi>orii»m. ai4 8. Clark 8t CHICAGO Long Distance We are also Agents for CIRCUS GOSSIP. Telephone BOLTE A WEYER Haymarkel 444. The John Ilohinsrm Show.s exhihiteil LIGHTS. Son^ Books lit A.Iilarnl. I'.i.. Jim*’ l.">. t** k***.! IiiisIik-K'.. Til*- iiiniiiiEi'iiH'nr wi'i-I.v iitllix*'i! .■li-otrl'-lt.v to tiiir ►i.rlnlly 1. fiMiipMiijr nr SiM'Cial C.niT tiiiiil . IiiiiiiImt of tin-ir liiiivi.-,t w.b'Hik from IUhiLh. Ill** l*lt:i;*‘i*l, 111*' I1.i*hl*‘**t. S*‘U uli till' .tation t*i tli** show Er*iiiti*N. a it'.- 'itrlit alKiiK <'<*iii|>.rv It wllb tin* oiii* >*>ii .r,- t iiir,- of fiiii- ann« wiTt* attarli***! to . tr*ill**.v rar at tin* | -*•*■*..11 « iM>tiiilar lilln. coiil.luliiii r*-*lt»tl*>ii., r.illroail .hlinx ami lamhsi In a roovenlcnt plar-e 47-53 S. Desplaines Street, CHICAGO. t.*k* •*. ii.r**ill''«. iiii*ni>li>k*u<*. .11*1 l»*i Ill**!* ■» r*>iu «t tin* show .Eroumls. (.|*l*- 1I1U*-1<’. M.'irtln Iiown.s, proprietor of Cole |i' 111 n. $li'l«i i*.r 1.i««i UlrniM. who \4*i»a rt'ct^ntly kirkiMi by ori«» sizi: !• I'j 1-. * '•» iNT 11.*"! Full grown, • »f lil< bor-rn. waR timnirlit t«> Top»nto. ('an.. !> \iy II. Tim i.-r 1 i.«i twh«‘r** tip r**»AhU*H» In bit* privat** car ami rt* 111 BENGAL TIGER, .*<.111 f"r •.. ! li*i* am! ntir Sk I..-lli r. ulv to tb«‘ botbpital. in'* proHpnt (*f>nditi>*ii on luiiiK liunlt iiialNr. .'(•■ml 1** rath**r alarnilnir to hU frl^ndn. Ur* Hru^»», I*. ‘11 .taiiip. t** l.’Klaic*-. llril*T dlli-il uo th«* 4Aiir»c»» r*-<'> l>I-*! t"! i‘t<** li li<«iWi* Boxing N,, l>.***l.i> -u-iit r. II |i Ca.ti miLt .■■•'••inpaii.r Roster of Y.ankee Rolilnson’s Pho't f«i U aii*l ••i*'r> iinli r. \Vi* r Kr**li:hl. In <*ril*Tliii: Ir.-k*. pln.'M* • irant Nlrholn. J.mi-a O'ltrh-n. Harry P. Haln** PYTHON SNAKES Kangaroos «rii*' N.iii*- .k*l*lr<-*ii s*«l* niKl r..iiiiiv pUlti. Otto S h*-ninu'l. tiny Parr. Will \V*'«t. Hay I>*>n Pumas I.rrrit Son( Bjok PubUih.r in th. World. al*l~*n. Harry Harn**t. IVti* ThoriHon Ike Hiisl,***. AIfr.-.l Melk.nal.l. Hay H*iyle. J. H. -ALL SIZES- Leopards W C HUBB8. 2C4 Wilhnm St., M Y. City. Hyeoas •iaEiiS-r an*l Otto (lanli.i-r. Toni LeUoy. veteran animal trainer, Llamas, Antelopes, Polar Bears, Hussian Bears, • *f rin.'lnnatl. <•.. ba** wver***! bin oonn**oti**n with Howe’ii IxmloD S"W. H*' ha*< Joiin-d tb*' Cappybara, the strongest of all platform shows; 1.000 Mon¬ PRIMO CIRCUS LIGHTS. <:r**at tirimth Hypnotle ('•>ni*’inpany f« In~.< ranrariliiil Invit.ition I** att*'n*l the |** r Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker l.i(;)itt( to suit every iiiau’s for'iiani'** at th** Tiirn*‘r Tle-atr**. Ih’i'-'. Iila. l.i-t w*'*'lla Prliisle PiHiipany. a A WILD GIRL BANNER, 8x21), new. Heady to ship. a prtivetl ami iiiust co.stlyof Michael Roont y. bareback rider. QQ all lifThte for every kind of with Pole Hr**s.’ Sh**w. who trie*! to .■*Knnilt -Also ELECTRIC BANNER, 4x24, and one set .iilel'l.' at Harts*r Pr*s'k. Pa. I'S-al e*.i lra*'lli;c ' H** has t>een th*- 2Q iuanairt'ni**nt of aiiotlwr hril show fur n*‘\t I'rimo Lights have the v. v*. cla.v* Write for catalogue. s".^^;.n. hut ha*- d*s'id*'*l not t<» aert-pi it. BAKER & LOCKWOOD MFG. COMPANY, Mrs. Rlackey Howard has returned -ii KANSAS CITY,.MISSOURI. t'. h'r h*'ni*' .fl*'r a pheasant wis'k's vl«lt t<* h'-r hu'han.t. P.Iaruov. th*- v*>t.'ran h 1' atain with the John R*>lilns**n^ ^ Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker pq Windhorst & Co. Sh*"' •* ** McDonough and Perkips. two well 104 N. 12Th St.. SI. Louis, Mo. k’u'wii hilliM>»t*rs .>f Par No 1. of the S.*l's- Kl"lo Sh*'W'. ar*' l*'isv framinc up a rovclly jutrlint: nnd n!ii.i*'al act f.*r the ci>mine s*‘as*>n. The MURRAY COMPANY Establlshod 1897. Ringling Prothers will .show at the Telephone Main 34S n.'w >t< Kirrin P.-rk. H*.*ti*"*ttin. HI.. July l-'l. AT OUR NEW UOCATION WANTED OEICK and a hie day Is I*s>k*il for. 140 to 150 Ontario Street, - - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. CIRCIJ.S ACTS (Formeriy 59-61 W. Washington Street) A ' klii|, .''*rii*’l aixl •itli*r iii.i**lrlan« writ*' ROCHESTER’S MID-SUMMER FES¬ Circus Tents, Black Tents, Carnival Tents. Everything in Canvas. CHEAT LUCAR SHOWS, car* Billboard. Cin¬ TIVAL. cinnati. Ohio.

    Th*’ Mi'l Sumim r P'-livaV which will be held Texas Snakes. Wild t I'ritleiiihn Pirk. K ''h's*''r, N. \ . July 3-11. WANTED Iir**mis. * a c*ilh *'! **0 "f unu-u.'il attract:.>ns. and Anima's and Parrots If 111*' w 'ath.-r is half r cht. sh.wiM draw larg.' • TS'W.I- in that city . f '.*t»i i***! m rs..ns. Thc»mas I -I (.I'... .Ml orih m sliii>issl promptly. Morri-. s'crdarj 'if ti.i' K*''tl\al. I- well To Enlarge Side Show with Sells-Floto Shows T .1 w. ODELL LEARN, Tli W'. known Cemmrrce Strrat, San Antonio. Tea. Chari* s J. sitr*'!* !. the .airship man. has N-en there ar' C'*nfract*'l woh the K.'atival afinciil f'*r on" of h;s s'llps l*. N* In H'lclies S. SCHOEN. I* r on -Tulc ~ an*! h*'cin tin the f**llowlntr da.v Manufacliircra of ( auea. Wbipa and IVnnanta Good Working Acts "V^nds. a »erl*'« of daily lllfhls f..r the nine days f**r cane rack* ami |•,*«ldle^a. S«'nd for our new Ja*k palla* will Is- in cliarce I'f the airship cut price cataloKue, Juat out. \a-*a,'l.-f'**1 aa'th H.dln' will lx* Kupene thxlet. Want especially good, strong feature. Also, three (.4) good Oriental wh*> has l~‘*'n with Sar'.*- Pmuont. .\t the end of the H'Xhi'ster l■n^ac*•lIl*■nt Pallas and Puslet dancers. win leave f,.r Hl.< .l.tiler*’. llr.aall. A* th's -irship -vin l^e th*' llr-t air-hip I*' t»' H.x'hi'stc.'. Inicrc-t In Ms coniini; run* high. JACK MANLEY, Side Show Manager, .tniUher attracli**n pr onl'*"! Is a llft*'*-n mile rnnniiic ra*'e N’lw*'en \ fred Stirnhh. the Hrlt Sells-IToto Shows, as per route. Ish dl'lanc,’ ch.inipi-'ii. and two of the fastest in**n vvho can 1** s*‘*'nn'*l. '‘Hlllv Sh*'tTlng. of Hantlltivn. Ont . h*>hh r .'f ahiait alt the Marathon r**cords. and two wliniors -.f Olymi'lc M.arath*’n« .WANTED. at .Athens. Is certain to he on*' *'f the men "IaMOUS ROBINSON SHOWS eliiii<*'n to nin agaln-t th>* Kntll-hman. Th*- chances are that the third man in the rae.' FOR THE GILES COUNTT FA'R AND AGRICUL¬ will lx* Nehrlch. the eraek from Hnffalo. who. TURAL ASSOCIATION. ih-spltc a painful acclih'nt. e.anie n*'.ar giving S: Want Strong Platform Attractions Ivi** a heating In a tw.dve mile race last Sat nrilay night In HnITalo. I 'gdiniate .Shows aii l (ont'i'ssioiis of all The K—tlval man.igimi-nt ha< tx'en fortunate (IihhI v''ister Team, Novelty .Vttractions of all descriptions. M ill furnish kiihls, .lolhiiig too lug as you gel the money In si'cnrlng the -npi>>rt of hx-al Nathmal ilnanh men f*>r a scenic r*'iir>*lncti.':i of the Hattie of top aiul front for new and novel attractions. M’ANTEl)—Lady to work III re New (iroiitiiis w ith the f.'isit'st Sin Jna i HUl. to he given nn.ler the directl.'n tronp of do^s and mixed group. Dixie M’ellman, wire. M ill pay cash for li v hx-al horsemen. who»e A hi; C.HEAT. fivers are stahl*-.l lti*-r>' ilnrli’g Hie spring and Stencil «eta with block for bolding rings securely, price -*imm*-r months an*1 • \erel''*-*l. This assures GONDOLA , also per sot. Sli;.lk>. Send for cur new catalogue. Just out. Shruhh an*l Ills oppon*-nls g.sxl running, glvt-s N'o ISfk?. « large grant *taml for -pi-.-l.ah'r* an*l an cn BRUDER BROS.' ORGAN. No I V .VV R. E. DODGE & COMPANY Heavy QoM plate. el.xinre Idea for Iho pnri«os,-s of the Festival, ().< .1 Kiiivxi «)r r.>4 (in MASONIC TEMPLE. Dept. B.. CHICAGO. IIX. Or li:oo d sacrifice. W. S. SMITH, The track <*ciipli s no m.-r*- half of the park Th*- park Is w.-Il wlHiln the Pity llm ir Y Ol IJ SI I'l'LV 1>1' UDI TK CARDS IS F.XllAl STKD. ASK TX)K l^iH'kaw.iy Bca 'll, New ^ ork Its, Is w.-n s"rv*-.I hv trolli-y Hnea and Is r*-ai'ho*l with a rtveeint fare. >U»KK. 20 X li e Billboard JULY S, 1909.

    HEADQUARTEBS FOR NOTES FROM 101 RANCH. CIRCUS GOSSIP. New EoKland CarnlTiI Co., Gilbert KlaitE. mcr.: Naabui. N. II., 12 17. *>»’crllni: .\iuuiwment Co.: 1‘oconioke City, .Md.. SUMMER SUPPLIES We JuatJuet came out of BiwtonBoaton wIm-pcwlx-pe we plajedplayed Chas. Geyer’"' Railroad Shows are iSJuiy•JSJuly 3. a week to tremendcHia bnalneae in aplte of tbe n<,w ..p nnite to the I'aclflc coaat. They have Smith. John R., Showa, John K Bmith, ui|tr. Bparklets, Imported, fact that we wer*- a new ahow and breaklnK In a juat fliilah«-d iilaylng the States of Nebraaka and I.viichburB Va , 2S July 3 gross, OOc; Bhuollug new lot but by the maaterly way In which WtoiiiIus. and did bl* bualneaa at Cheyenne, Matches, gross 94; I CSiarlea “Pink" Ilayea and W. C. Thompson lUnna, Rawlina and Ria k Sprinjta, Wyo. - lA)ve My Wife, But Oh handled thlnsa. we were able to oja^n to capacity Buffalo Blll-Pawnee Bill Com- You Kid Novelty, 100 bualneaa on the very firat nl(tht. pe pa^-ra ,,,ne.l Showa played to overwhelming buslneas at BIG BUSINESS FOR BENNETT- at 91.43; l.UtM) fur 913; were unanimous in proclaiming ua the greatest Monin-al Ian June •»! and ir> At 3 and S aaniii tcmu f'n ^ m. h.Jy*w^-ii c^irgU “»;iop tL, JiTot moulton co. New Panama Hats, gro. and after that It was a tum-away at every ^ _ 91; W e manufacture Pennant Flags fur all *"Tt"™""a^^ great week for evervbody the ner ' The OrlKlnal Zanton Bros., the only i formances went with a mail, each oae keved up ' .aiulllbriats who have snccesanilly IHJ-fonBCd the The Bennett M.mlton Cmupany, under Iho vHi'aslous. Write for to concert pitch by the appr.‘Clatlve audiences difficult feat of walking down the W bite House managimient of G.-o. K. R.4dna<« oja ned their prices. Western agents who applaude.1 every effort Thi- side show ran , «-apltol steps at Washington. O. C., In a high annual engagement at HarlK-r Park Bellowa fur Fiisa-nsteln Canes cloe<- second to the big show In the isilnt of haisl-to hand balance, are now en route with Falls, Mimday, June -1, in The t.illege (tlrl, . a and Allen's Paring business and I have be»*n ndlably Informed that Gollmar Bros.’ Shows. audleniv that Oiled every avallalde s|M>t. The company creattsl a strong lm|>ression. Knives. Write for our Capt. Rollins, since then, has twice tn-ated-- - Business for the wwk Cimtinued big. 'Hie com¬ his "forr<‘St bred animals" to porterhouse steak. -t-ciut oljcwa/ onilTCQ wholesale catalogue. Chas. “Hutch” Cohim. who has charge of the * ' onuW rtvJU I to. pany this seas>Hi Is the ta-st Manager Uolilnson privileges and his merr.v liand of bandits have i - has had for several seasons, la'lng far su|>erior to his last si'ason’s om‘. The company will pay "" "i"’.''l kJ'’ ' nuckskln lUH s wnd West: twhlte City PsrkI pnffap*ni<‘nt In wlifch Ig an unmlKtakahleunmlgtakahle i m i t\ ‘w ?■«!«• *>1 a return visit to the park, ofienlng Monday, Jul.r WHITESON COMPANY T* n **• k'• 1*91 > Wholosal* Jobbers srtd Importers nrlvllege. working four men. He was caught -V-‘ A^Jn ‘s h 5 W o ' iZfm iof»klnK for a l»ank while In IVmton anil there la oi t'°i‘i u ^ 4k *i*i.a u- iMtv T. »iii i’ n ^ Jdwolry, Cullory, Etc. since we left B.«.ton has been overwhelming. Buffalo Bill Pswmv Bill Combin.'d; Brantford. CubaCuba. N. Y..\. severals,-veral weeksw. ago, has been s|H-nd- even the small town of Waltham giving ua a Out.. Can. 3(»; Ixmdon July 1. St. Ihoinas ., Ing his vacation in l.»icLock Haven, Pa. 240 E. MADISON ST., CHICAGO. a turn away. Chatham 3; I»etrolt._ Mich., 5; Toledo. O., 6; During our stay In Boston a numls-r of g3.■ g TbIlar Siiiibfa riiiI kei'jNT had a fight for life for thne* or four Bloudln’a,Bloudln'a, Leo: Norfolk. Neb., 3;3: Verdigris 4; f ^ IlKM Square ana hba-ks. Then f.iie of the cowgirls sPently beat Battle Creek 5; Tilden 8; Neligh 7. f iutton Pictures. It to a "sky-pilot" ami pulled off a marriage Csmpb.‘U Bros.': Edmonton. Alta.. Can.. 30; H la tbe greateat money with a cowlKiy without asking any one’s p<>r- Lacomhe July 1; Innlsfall 2; Calgary 3; /| maker ever produced. A mlssion. CARDS High River 5. ff ■■ MAGNETO-SCUPE means Following right on fop of that. Father Gaston' Coulter ftk Coulter’s: Cumberland,, 30; tj hualncss. Price of ma of Boston College, on whow grounds we were, Massena July 1; F'untanelle 2; Grecutield 3; i chine, complete, 912.00; High-class Work Only. liH'tur'al to our Indians. s|M'aking In fhidr own Casey 5: Guthrie Center 6. / / /jiR Square Plates, per 100, tongue as to- li-id .. a g-nat mauv rears Collier’sColller’a Great London: St. John, N. B., Can., // /il'TV 91.00; Button jilati'S. i^r Dice.$6.00 among the Indians and is an adopted member ot 28-JuI.v•Jh-Julv 3. / j MECHANICS’ the Sloni nation. In turn be was preaented Carlin Broa.':Bros.': New Mixlern.,Mixlcrn., F. M. Carlin, .. MFO. CO.. Rochester, N. iv Cards.1.00 with a bead vest by Chief Many Horses. The , mgr.: Norwich. N. Y., 30: Sherboume July \ »' Y. New York Office, 919 t>-^ CmtAloguc Free. last and the saddest was the .leathileath of old Chief j;1; FlarlvllleEarlvllle 2; Hamilton 3; UrlakanyOrlsksny F'alleFalls Sixth Avenue. Many IIors,.K. who was kllhslkllhal liy a freight en-en¬ .3; Clinton 6'6; Rowe 77. gine while bsikliig for the ears after the show l| •• HUNT & CO., glne while l.s.klng for the ears after the show im.^rmond’sIV.Vrmond’s GreaterOre.ater Southern;^uthern: Mlddlesboro,Mlddlesboro. Saturday night. Ills b'sly was emhalimal and WANTED AT ONCE SatuMny nipnf. Ilia b^nly wrk <>mbft1in«Nl and Ky., 2hJuly28-July o. \ ^ 56 Fifth Avenue, shlpisdshlpIM'd bark to Wounded Kn.'e.Knee. S. I).,1)., by Dickey’s Wild West; Buffalo. 2I-July 3. Slater Teams. Indies with Specialties, Sketch M-^.r. Mill..- nii.l Ar'lne'on _CHICAGO, ILL. F'lrk’s. Dode: Sheldon. Is., 30; Hartley July 1; Teams and Musicians to double stage or orchea- L F. Foater, of the Samson Cordage Works, Mllford 2; Emmetsluirg 3; Algona 5; Britt tra. State all In first letter. Join on wire. ■—R^^—R was visitor, staying with the show a couple a 6; Nora Springs 7; Charles City 8; Hawkeye Gmjd Advance .Man write me. We pay all. of days him! iireseuleil ZaeW Miller uiid some of 0; Strawberry Point 10 Travel in our own private car. Ducouman A tlv other taiys with new lariats. Rlclifleld. rtali. Salina Smith*! VaudeTille Show, Corinth, Xiit. - WANTED - Sea liathlugthing has hecome quite'a«|ulte a fad with the K‘H>ntaln’s, Bohhy; Tlah TO; Sa Ina F. W. HALL’S OVERLAND SHOW'S—I.edy and troupe In the last few wis-ks and up-to-date n the last few w's-ks and up-t"dat^ "I n*’TGoshen 8; WANTED, For the Great Reed's Shows—Man to Geiilleiiiaii Performera and Coneert. no riding; Andy Nolan, the Utile man with the hlg voice, dan. the Utile man with the hlg voice. ^’n^*’t V*.o”*^^ *’ do Punch and Magic; also Band lu-ader. Write Clowns. Miiall Trv>u|ie IKiga or Ponies, Boss holds the‘ Cf»Mcold waterWJiffT reeord.r«‘r<.r.r WeWo will SundayfiumlmT InIt* > . _ .1,1 , . '-.111 .-.ii'i'in,' III rjentrv Bros’ No 1- Toledo O ‘’S-.30TO. or wire. State salary,salary. .kddress.\ddress THETHl GREAT CanvasiuSn. Hotels, In-d and breakfast. Hark Fall^HIver this week r.nd then we turn .Sonth b7^.’ No. 'o; Bismarck. N. D..D., SO; HEEDREED SHOWS. South Hill,Hill. Virginia. trans|K>natl«n. Particulars and salary, Dickinson July 1; Glendive. Moiit.. 2; Miles quick. F. W. HALL, care The Rtllboard. Pity 3; Billings 5; Bed Lodge 6; Livingston W ANTED—Picture .Machine, Booth and IJo NOTES FROM THE GREATER NOR¬ Chairs, all latest design, and In A 1 condition. PRIVILEGES FOR SALE—Oiily amuse. l«rk Geyer’s, Chas.: Pocatello. Ida., 2; Idaho Falls c.n wW. BrTTTESETTLE. if>Hi«onwi1UMadiaonville, ntiin.Ohio. in IK-c.-itur, 111. Drawing pop. UO.taiO.DU.taiO. Two RIS & ROWE CIRCUS. .8: Sliver Bow 7; Anaconda, Mont., 0. year’s lease. Exclusive prlv. f«r Ice Cream Griffith Show. Walter Gritfatb. mgr.; Staunton, WANTED—Performera. all Va., 28-JuIy 3. show; hotels, long seasiin; Jidn at By THOS. J. MYERS. Gollmar Bros’: Fo.»stcn. Minn., 30; Beraidjl LEAF BROS.’ SHOW’S. McCrackei July 1; Park Rapids 2; Wadena 3; Long Pral- a,.;},,. Aleppo, Pa., July 1, 2 and .... sm, .. . .till ». SAUL, 1392 W. Wood BL, Decatur. Ilia. Ueilfl,.hl. June 2.3. was our first stand In South rie 5. F'lue weather. rai>arlty matinee, but HagetibeokWallace: Cour d’-klan light at night, still If the lislane<. of towns we KitzvHIe. Wash., July 1; North Yakima 2; show In tile State an- as generous with their Elleusbiirg 3. ^ CANDY CRABB DOE NUT MACHINE attendance as the opening stand. Manager Rowe Holmes’ Wild West, Ben Holmes, mgr.; Ripon, Rr iR Earn* 653 in a Sinti* Day. will Im- highly gratified. Wls., ‘ii-July 3. Complete outfit, $50. Sold on eaffy terms that enable other stands In South Dakota are Clark. Honest Bill’s: Mindon. Neb., TO: .kxtel Jul.v V Brookings, DeSniot and Salem, and then the 1; Wilcox 2-3; .ktlanta 8; Oxford C; F.dlaon 7; the operator to pay half of the purchase price out of show will go over Into Minm'sota for a short .\rapaho; New Salem 6; Pitcairn 7. Miller and F.velyn Ferguson, eoniedlennes. slug- Lone Blil’s Wild West At Indian Congress, C. F. Oiir patrona now operating rnarbln** througbont th* coon ers and dancers: a trotijM' of Hindoos who offer Khisles, mgr.; (.41. F'resco PariParki Peoria. 111., w ' try are invited to writ* for new Doe-Nat Ideas, aent free. a weird performance, and Agnes Darling with liidef. her den of monster snakes. Lambrigger Wild .4ninial Show Iti-ceiit Imisirtiint engagements for the big .Mich., 28-July 3. show are Frank Smith, the si nsatlonal head Miekay’a.* Andrew Maokay, mgr Useful Circus People—All Branches balancing frapezi' artist, who has been featured Mleh., 28-July 3; Kalamazoo 67. vv 1.J. R.U Trap Drum. Other Musicians. for the past, nine years with the Klugling and M(-Kinney’s Blanehe. Wild West. Jim Gabriel Barmim shows. Mr. Smith lolned nt Redfleld. & L. M. Hunter, mgrs.: tKennywo.>d Park* .Tune 2.i. The Reno Regar F'amll.v of siv pi-r- SURE SALARIES; BEST ACCOMMODATIONS. Pittsburg. Pa., 28 .4tig. 13. formersm Tthrini’;V''ae%,r;nm!:;r,*lr^^^ who have a novel wire act and also rire- . ' n^* ?^”n' canvassman; lisht and seatman; man with doKs and yionics who will J.T'4h"’;’. Nia’Jr'MaToni' smV jiT surk ..^tlier stock. Bobby Fountain R. R Shows, Pocatello, Idaho. v<* N‘<'n Rtlrlv'd to tho rltFwnlne fore**. Norri* & Rome®. Salem, S. I .. Worth liig'on. Minn., July 1: I.s-Sueur 2; River hoI.VVgen'r’"’"’" f’.Us”wK;-F'alls. Wia., 3; AugustaAugust.’H;M, 8; Marshfield™Xld-=6; 6; Clin- «V A ■«« 1 1 ABM M Ha tonvlile 7; Oconto 8; Hermansvllle, Mich., 9; Manlstlque 10. sp:?udT”rojoln nt .\iiirii«tn. Win.. July 5. RlfifrllnsRliigling Dron.Bros.’: : Syracuse, "‘T^o‘rh'N. Y.. 30; Roches-Rochea- I■ HRIIM UStRrlHI?U I m 1111 AmilRRrnRnf111 M U m 11 I I ^J1J|uR. ChrN. Zv’itn In hronklnc li now nnlmfil act. ter July 1; Buffalo 2; Erie. Pa.. 3; New Brighton .I; Akron, O., 7; Wwjster 8; Tiffin Tlie haliy camel Is thriving and 1« one of Ihe - '* ’ Wanta for the big 4tU of July Celebration at t’rlsfield, Md.. 1 more gisal sImiw that dnr painful duty, last week, to Steele F'amlly Show. Burt Steele, mgr.: Onon-uDon* -- ehr.inlete the dealhlealh of Mrs. Walter Murphy, at daga. Mloh., 28-July 3. t'liw-innatl. (».. tiy her own hand. No motive Sun Brothers’; .41exandria, Va.. •oiild then Is- assignisl for the act. as the I.x-wUburg. Pa., 1; Muncy 2. f the vising woman had h,-en Starrett’s. H. S.: Bajalde, L. 1 , Wanted, for the Westcott*s United Shows Idenl. thanks to a devoted and Indulgent hua Little Neck 2; Manhaasi't 3; Port WashingWaahing tiand. Sutisi-qmnt developments point elearl.v ton 8. Some gisMi Platfonu Slmwa, one other giHsI Show, I'erria Wheel,, and a few more ('oiH-eaaloiia. to aeelitent or mistake In the taking of the Smith’s, Henry ; Spring Mills. Pa.. 29 .’ Have Ihe exrliiaive show privilege nt Paula, Kansas, for July 8. given under the merrbaiita of ael.l whieh termimtfed her life. Welsh Bros.’, John T. Welsh, mgr. phllade] Die elt.i. A g.ssl one; over .'i.isat (Sip : tlin-» 13) railroads; aln-adv billed for rsi iiilli-s amutul. Mr Xliirphy. who was In advance of the Flag phla. Miy U>. Indef. WE8TCOTT & TUTTLE, Proprietora; M. B. Weatcott, Mgr.; P. J. Tattle, Troaa.; W. M. Oarta- ■nt.- k Wallaci. Show, temtw.rarlly In Seattle, w..]*,,-*; ji. H.: Pittaburg, Pa., June 10. »«J. »*cy "ivi-d from his wife, threi- days after her de- mW". a letter wlileh explains that a eontem Wolcott Bros.’ .ilmwa: Trinidad, Col., 28 July p’a'i-d otHT.itlon which she had eijieeted to nn- .( WANTED FOR derg.i was unnecessary. a« she was recovering p . „,k,,nrt. Me.. 1; N.irridge- nte.-u Ttie letter was ei^nehed In happy and MadNon :t: .Skowhegan 8. I'm I rs.fTo^ii.i, oil Vanke.. Bohinson: Michigan. N. D.. TO; been taken awavJiMuy frf*nifrom ti!m.him. «ndand n-Jolcd thatthuf *’ ^ Miller Bros, and Arlington 101 Ranch Wild West Klir w.iiiM Hvp fn lilm ho rotnmov^. lUvInir to tho fnot that It wonM tako uIt First-class Menage Act to join at once •1ay< f'-r Mr. Mnn'^T to c«*t to rtnotnTiatl. un*l MIDWAY COMPANIES. h1«o th ^t h«» had not rooolvod any word of tho Must be first-class. Wire or write as per route doatli «*f htv wtfo luiftl ttio third day aftor It had oonirro^t. horaiiaco of tho tnahtllty of frionda Received too lata for claaiiflcation.) tti l«toato him. ho oonld not attond tho fnnoral. Mrs, Mnrphy wa« of a Jolly di«po«ttlon Io'm than ALBUQUERQUE twenty-ene years of age. well ealeiilafed to '^' ^ *'*0- f/’ J * "rreeflDn, t olumbua. OCTOBER II to 16 1909. tirighti-n anv h<>nM- and to be a devoted, loyal ■" Miid;, 8 lol1f*d tn ondnro , July 3. tho ondlntr of hla rh<>M*n llfo’a onm- leachman rw». lItp{KFdrotn** KUrrs rron»/iiifFrem/int •'“r the 29th Aiiiiiial .New Mi-xirxi F'air and H.-aniirrea Fliisialtton. 910.(nmi for burae rarea and baw-ball. Write at nun- JOHN B. McMANUS, BecraUry, Albuquerqu*. N. M. panton. to whom ho wa« dooply dorotod. NVh.. July 3. JULY 3, 1909. Xtie Billboard 21

    Vaudeville Assn. Circuit; W. U. Sauvage (2) (xl (41. book! vaudeville attractlona. Elkhart—Elkhart Driving Park, A. L. Mar Alton—Hippodrome, Hlpp cull; W. A. Weston books vaudeville. Chicago—Sans Soud Miles E. Fried. . La Porte—Midway Park, Tom Harrold, mgr. A (SI (i|. Denver—White City, White City Co., props.; (Thlcage—Whits City. I>eonard Wolf. mgr. I prop.: also mgr’ attr.; (1) (3) (x); Tom annlstun—IlotMon City Park (Colored), Anulatosi Frank Burt, mgr.; alto mgr. attr.; (2) (3) Chicago—Forest Park. Paul D. Howse. mgr. Harrold hooka vaudeville attractions. Electric and Oas Co., props. Ft. Colllua—LIndemeler’s Lake I'ark, W. Lln- Chicago—Luna Park, Jas. O’Leary, mgr La Porte—BIulTstde Reach, Nortbem Ind. B. BlrmlnKbani—East Lake Park, B. D. Rurnett, demeler, mgr.. Box 664, Ft. Collint, Od. Decatur—Wilson’s Park, T. Q. Wilson, prop. R., propa. A mgrs.; (ll (3| (x); Northern pfup.: Cbas. Pourton mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Pueblo—Iflnnegux Park, Glaas A Hr^nlllaB, A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (6) (xl. Ind. R. R.. books vaudeville attractlona. (1) (SI; also (>(>era and musical comedy. pnM; (xxl (8). Dixon—Book River Aaaembly. Bock River As¬ La Porte—Warneke’s Park. Northern Ind. R. Oadaden—Elliott Park. A. 0. Q. A A. By. Oo., mnldad—Central Park, Steve Patrick, mgr.; sembly Asan.; N. H. Long, secy.; L. A. R., props. A mgrs.; also mgra. attr.; (2) prupe.; ('has. i. Zell. mgr. attr (x) (1) (S); Bteva Patrick, mgr. attractlona; (xxl (S|; Baird, mgr. attr.; (21 (xl (3). (3) (x); Northern Ind., R. R. Ce. books C. J. 7Ml books vandevlUe attractions. Enlllvxn A CouildlDe Circuit. Dixon—Athletic, E. E. Downs, mgr.; (4). vaudeville attractions. M.>blle—.Monroe Park. OOMHECTICITT. Dixon—Gedney'a Park. Wm. Jones, mgr.; (x) Lafayette—Tecumseh Trail, Ft. Wayne Trac. New lierwtcr—Park, N. A. Traction Co., props.; (2) (4). Bridgeport—Etaeplecbaac Island, Geo. C. Tllyon, Co.: C. D. Emmons, mgr. attr.; (2» (3) (x); J. K. Knonien, mgr. (x) (1) (S Dixon—Prospect Park, Dr. J. W. Stephens, prop.; Capt. Paul Boytoo. mgr.; (II; Capt. C. D. Emmons books vaudeville. Selma—EIkdale. Helma 8t. By. Co., props.; C. mgr. (X) (21 (41. P. Boyton books vamlevllle attractlona. Logansport—Spencer Park, City of Logansport, A. Hbufurd. mgr.; C A. Shuford. mgi. attr. Dixon—Central, E. E. Downs, mgr.; (1) (x) ; Bristol—Laka Compounce Park, Pierce A Nor¬ props.; Ft. Wayne A Wabash Valley 'Traction (XI (1) l3l; C. A. Sbuford bouks vaudeTllle (3) ; E. E. Downs books vaudeville attrac¬ ton, mgrs.; National Park Managars’ Aaan., Co., mgr.-!.; S. J. Ryder, mgr. attr.; (2) attractions. tions. Mew Tork City; Jobs Eackel, booking agt.; (3). SbeSeld—Wnodalda Park, Bbeffleld Co., props.; East St. Loeia—Lanadowne Park, Hugh Morrl- i (II: playe locU banda only. Logansport—Bmgmann Park, Wm. Rnigmann, son, mgr N. T. Perkins, mgr.; B. A. Andrews, mgr. Bnrrvllla—Highland lAke, The Connecticut Co., prop.; Wm. White, mgr.; Wm. White, mgr, East St. Louis—Central Park and Hall; Wm. ; attr.; (2i (8) (x). props. A mgra.; (II (SI. atir.: (1) (3); Wm. White hooka attrac¬ Simon mgr A prop.; (2) (31. Sbefflelil—Tri'Cltiaa Park, Harry B. Elmore, 'ryital Lake—Crystal Lake Park. Wm. Bowl¬ tlona. Elgin—^Trout Park, Elgin Development Co.; R. prop. A mgr., also mgr. attr.: (1) (xxl (xl; er. prop. A mgr.; alto mgr. attr.; (3); Wm. Michigan City—Washington Park, South 8hars Harry B. Elmore books vandeTlllo attr. W. Thornton, mgr. (2) (31. Bowler books attractlona. Amusement Co., props.; D. M. Boeckllng, Freeport—Highland Park, Freeport Amusement ABIZOMA Hartford—Luna Park, Jas. H. Oarken, mgr.; mgr.; F. M. Boeckllng. mgr. attr.; (2» (3). Co., props.: S. W. Mattbewa, mgr., also mgr. (X) (11 (3). Montpelier—Montpelier F'alr and Driving Assn., Ouuglas—Douglas Park. Douglas 8t. By. Co., attr; (1| (8) (xl. Meriden—Hxnover Park, 0>Daolidated B. B. C. L. Smith, prop. A mgr.; (2» (3»; C. L. l>ropa.; Daniel McDotinan, mgr.; Daniel Ue- OaJeabarg—Highland Park. Galesbnrg By A Co., props.; B. R. Lee. aupt.; R. Blake, mgr. Smith books attr. lionnan. mgr. attr. (xl (5) Light Co., props.; O. H. Gibbs, mgr., also attr.; (1) (3); B. Blake books vaudeville at- Muncle—West Side Gun Club Park. J. W. Far¬ fboenlx—East lAke Park, PboenLx Ballway Co., mgr. attr; <'21 (8l. trartlona. rell. mgr. prop.: 8. II. Mltrbell, mgr.; also mgr. attr. Harrisburg—White City, Harrisburg Fair Assn.’ New Britain—White Oak Park. Tbe Connecticut New Albany—Glenwood Park, Louisville A South¬ (21 (41 (xl (XX). props.; Turner Broa., mgra.; O. L. 'Turner, Co., prope.; L. 8. RIsley, aupt., also aupt. ern Indiana Traction Co., props.; Dr. Eldw. Tursi>n—Kl.vklan (Irorr. Tucson Amusement Co., mgr. attr.: (ll (3l. pro|>e ; K. Dracbman, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; attr. B. Perry, mgr., also mgr. attr. (2) (8). Hoopeaton—McFerrln’a Park, J. S. McFarrln, New Caitir—Blue Valley Park, Harvey Bros., (1, (Si; It-rt 1.4-vey bouks Tauderllle attr. New Haven — White City. White City Co., mgra.. Bex 1663. New Haven. Conn. mgr; (2| (3> (xl props.; W. D Harvey, mgr.; M. D. Harvey, Jacksonville—Nichols, City of Jacksonvllla, ABKAXEAE. New Haven—Light Houae Point. East Shore mgr. attr.; (2( (3». preps.; (31. BatesTllle—Cnlque Tbeatre, Earlington FIts, Amuaement C^o., props. A mgra.; (x) (2) (31. New Caatle—Idlewlld Park, L. A. Jenntnga, Kankakee—Electric Park, Kankakee Electric owners and managers. R<>< kvllle—SImpaon lAke Grove, Capt. A. T. prop. Rv. Co., props.; Huae and Bolhbom, mgrs., Camden—City Park, City of Camden, owmers; Tbomp'on, prop. A mgr.; ulao mgr. attr.; New Caatle—Interurban Park, T. H. I. A B. also mgra. attr; (2) (8). E. H. Carson, mgr,; (xl (5|. This park Is Filectric R. R. Co., props.; John O. Holts- (xxl (1) (3(; Mr. Tbompaon hooka ittrac Kewanee—WIndmont Park. G. A K. Electric simply a ball park. clnw, mgra. tlons. R. R.. pro(>s.; R. H. Hayward, mgr.; Fal. n Dorado —Dreamland .Clrdome. Hardy V. Go- New Castle—^hlveley’s Park, W. A. Sbiveley, Warehouse Point—Piney Ridge Park. Springfield Johnson, mgr. attr.; (II (31 (x): Ed. John¬ vln. pro(i.. C. D. Guvin. mgr.; (1) (4i: C. D. mgr. A Hartford St. Ry. Co., propa. A mgra.; Mr. son books vaudeville attractions. G. vin lio< k» vaudeville. Richmond—Jackson Park, Capt. Jackson, prop.; Newton, mgr attr.; (1) (3); Mr. Newton Marlon—Coal Belt Elis-trle Park; (11 (xl. K1 tioradii—C'olonlal AIrdome, Gardner A Parks. I A E. Traction Co., mgr*.- (2» (3i (x). tK>>ks attractlona. Mattoon—Urban Park. Central Ill. Traction Co.. pr.'i- • C. Gardner, mgr.; (I) (4l. Wlnated—Highland Lake. The Connecticut CV)., Sonth Bend—Spring Broi>k. P. J. Clldord. prop, props.; G. S. Shlnnlck. mgr.; (51 (xl. and mgr., also mgr. attr.; Western VaudavlUs eureka Springs—Auditorium Park, Cltlsens Elec¬ propa.; Wm. Harrla. mgr.; N. R. Rooil, Burr- Ottawa—Majestic Park, Chicago. Ottawa A Pe¬ tric Co., props.; Adolph M. Barron, mgr.; vllle. Conn., mgr. attr.: (1) (3); Park Book¬ Circuit; (1) (8). oria Ry. Co., props. A mgra.; (II (4> (xl. South Bend—Chain Lake Park, P. J. Clifford. also mgr. attr.; (1) (Si (x); Adolph It. Bar- ing Circuit, Henry Marboof, mgr., books Paris—Reservoir Park, Reservoir Park Fishing rtai books vaudeville attr. attr. pn>p. and mgr., also mgr. attr.; Western and Boating Club, props.: C. P. Hitch, mgr.; Vaudeville Circuit; (1) (3». Port Smith—Electric Park. Ft. Smith IJgbt A DISTBICT OF COLBXBIA (2»; plays local bands; J. A. Swisher, books | Traction Co., props.; J. W. Gillette, mgr.; J. Terre Haute—Fairvlew, Fairvlew Park Co., H. Waablngton—Luna Park. Chaa. J. Goodfellow, attr. W. Gillette, mgr. attr.; (xl (II (Si; J. W. L. Brenig, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; U) (3) mgr.. Room 6. A prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (li (3> (x); S. Horn. prop, and mgr., also mgr. attr.; (3i. I book vaudeville attr; (11 (4). mgr.; (xl (ll (2l; F. Jennen bouka vaudeville C. C. Gosnell books vandevllle attractions. Wilmington—Shellpot. Wilmington City Ry. Peru—NInewa Park. Star Union Brewing Co., attractions. Waha.ah—Boyd, Ft. Wayne A Wabash Valley Co., props.; Jas. E. Henry, mgr.; also mgr. props.; Chaa. B. Wagner, mgr., also mgr. (Jttle Rok-Forest Park. L. R Ry. A Elec. Traction Co., prop.; Jse Small, mgr.; also attr.; (1) (31 (xi; J. K. Henry books attr. attr: Western VsndevlUa Circuit; C. 8. Hnm- Co., pn>|«. A ingrs.; Abe 8tlrwell, mgr. attr.; mcr. attr.; (1) (.3); Jo© Small books vaude¬ Wilmington—Brand.vwlne Springs. N. D. Clo- phrev books vandevtlla attr; (11 (SI. Ixi (II; plays city bands only; Cbas. T. ville attr. ward, mgr.; (li (3i. Petersburg—Old Salem, R'»v. J. M. Johnson, Taylor, books vaude^lla attractlnna. , IOWA. tJtlla Ruck—AIrdome. J. F. Head, mgr.; Fred Ii FLORIDA. mgr. (2i (xl (.3i. Burlington—Madison Are. Park, J. A. La- Oulnev—Highland Park. Henry A. Gredell, ramel, mgr.; J. F. Head books attr.; J. F. France, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; playa Jackaonvllle—Dixieland. So. Jacksonville Ferry mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (21 (3). Heed Circuit; (11 (SI. Co., props.; J. H. Rugbee, mgr.; J. U. Rug- special attractions occasionally. Pine Rlutr—Forest Park. Park Amuaement Co.. (Juincv—Baldwin Park. Henry Gesehwlnder. Burlington—Coliseum Airdome. I>‘e Moses, mgr. bee, mgr. attr.; (II (3l (x); South Jark- mrr.; (11 (3) (xl; Henry Geachwlndner hooka Inc., protw.; F. E. Cberot, mgr.; F. E. aonvH'ie Ferry Co. bn>ka vaudeville attrac¬ Cedar Rapids—Alamo, Alamo Stock 0>., pro|-s.; Cherot. mgr. attr.; (xl (Ii (Si; F. B. Cberot attr. G. K Barton, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (ll tions. Rock Island—Black Hawk Watch Tower. Trl- ‘stoke vandevllle attractions Jarkaonvlllw—Florida Ostrich F'arm. W. W. (.3); G. K. Barton books vaudeville attrac¬ W-'iiut KIdge .CIrdcuiie, A. llurg Israel, prop.; Clty Ky. Co., props.; Watch Tower Psrk Co. tions. F'rixler, mgr. A prop.; Jake Mendelson. mgr. lessees: F. W. Ssuermsn, pres.: E. H. Krell. ill ((•■; Uiok dirt'it. attr.; (xl (!) (3; owner book vaudeville at¬ Cherokee—diautaugua Park, Prof. Mans, mgr; •ecretsry and treasurer; (2i (3i; Sanerman (51 (xl. CALirOBMlA. tractions. .V Krell. book vaudeville attr8cflon« Jackaonvllle—St. James Hlp|a. A mgrs.; also managers attr.; tractions. amusement |>ark only during tbe annual attr. (xl (1| (3; owners book vaudeville attrac¬ Clinton—Eagle Point Park, Clinton Street Ry. fairs, usually held about October 12. and for Sheridan.—Glen Park, Sheridan Summer Resort Co., props.; B. Bohnson, mgr., also mgr. the Week fnllowhnc. tions. Co., props.: Joseph Gualano, mgr.'; also mgr. Tampa—Ballast Point Park. Tampa Electric attr.; (2i. ('ori'uado--Coronado Tent City. Coronado Beach attr.: (21 (.3. Co., proi>s.; J. Trawlok. mgr.; also mgr. Council Bluffs—Lake Manawa Park, Omaha A <'•>., P'^'Pw.i Carl E. I.undgulat, L'nlon BuUd- Sterling—Mineral Springs Park. Great North¬ attr.; (K (xxl (4l (xl; tvvoks Independent. Council Bluffs St. Ky. Co., props.; Wm. P. k g. San Iilego, Cal., amuse, mgr. western Fair Assn., props.; C. S. Coe. mgr.: Byrne, mgr.; (51. Fresao - Recrratkm Park, Fresno Traction Cn,, Tampa—Sulphur Springs Park, Jv«. S. Richard¬ (2l (31; S C. Coe hooka vaudeville attr. son. prop A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1| (4(; Daveniiort—Schuetxen, Al. Berg. prop. A mgr.; props, and ingra.; also mgrs. attr.: (II (41; Springfield—White City. Relsch Bros., props.; (21 (31. WAiiem Slat)-# Vandeellle Asan.. San Fran- Sullivan A C<>n?.ldlne Circuit: DuVrIea. Chi¬ Rufus Potts, mgr.; Aug. Mawer. mgr. attr.: cago, books vaudeville attractions. Des Moines—IngersoII. Des .Moines City Ry. rlaco, NaA vaudeville aatrs. (II (31 (xl. Co., props.; Fred Buchanan, mgr.; also mgr. I'skland -Idora Park, Idora Park Co., proi'a.; GEORGIA. Springfield—Clear I..ake. J. E. Mell.'k. prop. A attr.; (1) (31. R P. Miller, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (x) (1) mgr.; also mgr. attr.: (2| (3l (xl. Atlanta—White City, Ga. Ry. A Elec. Co., Des Moines—White City. Iowa State .\niuse (Si. Springfield—Zoo. Illinois State Zoo and Amuse¬ projia.; C. H. Cho«»wvsxl, mgr.; also mgr. ment Co., props.; C. P. McLaughlin, mgr.: HIrbmond—East Shore Park. East Shore A So ment Co., props.; C. W. Williams, mgr.; also attr.; (21 (3i (il. also mgr. attr.; (1) (.31. burban Ky. Co., pr«>pa.; (^. 11. Robertson, mgr. attr.; (51 (xl. mgr.. (2i .Augusta—Lake A'lew, .Augusta Ry. A Elec. Co.; Dubuque—Union P.ark, Union Electric Co., Taylorvllle — . Taylorvllle Base¬ props.; L. D. Matbes, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Ss> rsmeuto Dak Park. Sacramento Electric Jake Wells, mgr.; also mgr attr.; Ill (Si; ball Co., mgrs.; FViyd Baughman, mgr.; (21 (1) (31; Western Vandevllle .\s»n.; Edward Railway t'o.. pro|>a.; C. W. McKllllp. mgr. Jake Weill Cln-iilt; Jake Wells books rtu (XI (31. Hayman books vaudeville attractions. ■f rompan.v; A It KInes. mgr. park; (SI. devllle attractions. Columbus—Wildwooil Park, Columbia R. U. Co.. Fort Dodge—Cleson Park. City of Fort Dodge, ban D4e|p> -Mlsalon tllff Park. San Dlwgo Elec. I EMDIAMA. pro|>s.; F'. W. IJIly. mgr., also mgr. attr.; props.; C. F. Dunoombe. mgr.; (3>: C. Ry. Co., pri^ia.; Carl E. Imndgulat, amuse, .knderson—Mound Park, Indiana Union Trac¬ nigr. (I) (3); F. W. l.Illy lHH>ka vaudevtils attr. Qulst books vaudeville attractions. Oalneavlllo-^liattahoochew Park. North Geor¬ tion Co., proi«.; (2) (3) 1x1. ban Bernantino—Crblta Springs Park. San Ber Angola—Lika Jamas Park. Angola Railway A Fort Dodge—City Park. City of Fort Dodge, gia Klecric Co., props.; G. M. Martin, mgr., uardtnn Valley Traction Co., props.; C. A. Power Co., props.; C. C. Wood, mgr.; also prep.; C. P. Duncombe, mgr.; (2) (31. also mgr. attr.: Empire Theatrical Circuit; Sbattork. mgr,; A. B. Merrtbsw, mgr. attr.; mgr. attr.; (2) (3). Fort Di^dgo—Interurban Park. Ft. Do«lge D. (II <2» (SI. Geo. GreenwevHl books vaudevtils ettr; (1). Bloomington—Alnlome. Farris, Hill A Hower, M. A S. R. K.; H. S. Holm, mgr.; also ban Fraoclant-Cbntea Park. Chutea Co., prsiia.; Midhi—Crump's Perk. Mecon Ry. A Light Co., mgra. A prups.; also mgra. attr.; (1); Wash mgr.; N. S. Holm books vaudeville at¬ E P l,evy. mgr.; E. P. I.evy, mgr. attr.; props; til (.31 (Xl; Miron R. A L. Co. Ington, Vlncenaes A Bloomington Circuit; (31; tractions. Ill 141; Sullivan and (Vmsldlne Iwwik vaude- honks attractions. Wm. Morris. Chicago, books vaudeville at¬ vllle atiractiwns. Msom—Tvh.>c Island. L. J. Dinkier, mgr. Fort Madison—-klrdouie, Lee Moses, Burling¬ tractions. I Nan Jose—Luna Park, San Joee A Snnta Clnrn Rome -lVS«ilo Park. Rome Ry. A Light Co.. ton, la. C.winty R. R. Co., props.; W. B. Imwton. props.; II. J. Arnold, mgr. _ _ Bloomington—Wonderland, W. A. Rrlssenden, Keokuk—Casino, Ix-e Moses. Burlington. la. mgr and ingr. attr. Savannah—Thunderbolt Casino. Savannah Elec. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attractions; (1| Lin¬ Mt. Pleasant—Airdome, Ix-e Mose.s, Burlington, Nan Joee—(Vmgreaa Springs Park. Peninsular R. Co., nrot*-: L. W. Nela.m. leaa.v; (x) (1) ton. Bedford A Bloomington Circuit; (31; la. (41; L. W. Nelson IkhMis vaudeville attrac¬ R ('o., props.; F. B. (Iiaplii. mgr. C. G. Doutrick, Chtcago, books vaudevllla Muscatine — Electric Park. Cltiiens' Ry. A tions. . attractions. EOLOBADO Savannah—Barbce't Park. A. M Barbee, prop. Light (^., pro(>a.; J. C. Sodlnl. mgr.; also ' Cadar Lake—Monon Park. C. I. A L. R. R., Moulder- -Chantaugna Park, City of Boulder, A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (x) (51; A. M. Bar¬ mgr. attr.; (1) (4 (x'; J. C. Judlnl books props.; Chaa Sigler, mgr.; (31. vaudeville attractions. prigia.; C. E Boggett, mgr.; C. B. Beggett. bee, mgr. mgr. attr.; (i) (bi. Savannah—IJnooln Park. Savannah Electric Crawfordavllle — AIrdome, Lee Gltkey, mgr.; Newton—Oak Park, W. McCollom. prop. A ' 'lorailo H|irlnga Zoo Park. John J. Coughlin, Co., props. A mgra.; (x) (61. Thia park la (XX). mirr.; also mgr. attr.; ,11 (x); W. McCollum, liroii.. M. J. I'oughlln. mgr.; Harry C. Cull. for c«>li*red t>eople only. Elkhart — MrNinghtoo'a. City of Elkhart, booka vaudeville attractions. I'lxr. atir ; (Bi. proi«.; Board of Works, City of Elkhart, IDAHO Oskalooea—Glenwood Park, J. Mace Hogan, ' iilorailo Mpringa - Btxton, Straton Estate, mgra.; also mgrs. attr.; (2) (3); Board of prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5) (x). props.; 11. M l.athrop, mgr.; II. T. Irvine, Bnlae Riverside. B<-hmeIiel A Pyle, props. A Works books vaudeville attractions. mgrs.. (X) (41; plays burlesgus. Sioux City—Cryital Lake Park, S. O. C. L. "igr. attr.; (I); one band engaged for en Elkhart—Island Park, City of Elkhart, props.; lire season Boise—Pierce Park, W. K. Pierce, prop.; H. 1. A U. Ry. Co.; Joe. A. Foye, Jr., mgr.; also Board of Works. City of Elkhart, mgra.; also ' ripple ('reek—ITnlnn, Elks Igrdge, prep.; Bo Daltou. mgr.; (2) (3) (x). Sioux City—Riverside, S. C. 'Traction Co., mgra. attr.; (3); Board of Works books van- props.; B. L. Kirk, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; seniM'rg A Stanley, mgra.; (B) (x). dovllla attractlona. 'll nver—Lakeside, Frank Burt. mgr. iixuroiE (2) ; plays city band only. 'i-nwr F'.ltlcli Gardena. T. S. Isiiig, prop. A Alton—(liautaugua Perk. W’. M. Ssuvage. mgr. ; Elkhart—Stndebakar, , City of Elkhart, props.; mgr ; (11. A prop.; ilso mgr. ettr; (1) (SI; Western Board of Works, ‘mgra.; also mgra. attr.; ^ (Continued on page 24 I 22 Xtie Billboard JULY 3, 1909.

    Henley^ Rncing Skates Skating Rink News M. C. HENLEY, Richmond, Ind.

    STRAWS Julian Fitzgerald Contributes an Interesting Letter .About Races that have Been Run and are to lx? Held Earle Reynolds De-

    scrilx^s Conditions in the Skating Rink Held .Abroad with a London, England Clearness that Denotes 1 borough Knowledge ol the Situation. April 23, 1909 M. C. Henley, Riel mend, Ind Express six pair Racing BLOWS. J. T. FITZGERALD’S LETTER. in tin' \ii inlt.v of lut* rink, iiromiiital to place Rollers. Hailey Davidson. a tiaiii in llic ticld. wliicli In- »ill k^a'ii up liiinM'll'. -.1 CliiOHKo lovers of liot'ki'V will not • San K^an^^^«•n. Cal., Jam* have .o CO iM'Ckitik for Ins'ki'j [ilaycrs. It 1* Mr. Julian T. I'ilzKiralil. the in eiilion of the nianaccun nt to form a lile Si'i rrlary W rsli rn Skating -V'Sik iailon, national haenc. ilic same as is runr, hy\ the \^iriSlOW STANDARD CliiraKo. III. liasehall leacnes, when the rink is in running pear Sir—ttne of the ineintMTs of the \\. S. order. A. Is manager of the Idora Park Itiiik, .Mr. 1.. Several of the hoekey teams from theMI,'“ northern dv-cw-ft ^ WORLD R. Terra, and wi- are working u|i some gianl part of Mii higan have alreaily written in re roller races for the near fiiinre. The first one gards to games to In' played at the openingopening "fof 1 Si For More Than 50 Years that We pulh'd oIT was hy our coast ehamtdon, tin* rink. I.a-ster IthTWlrth. who went an eyhildtion mile Seaeral of the great Ice raeers, whow ho have Xlie Best Ice and Roller Skates. In ‘J-Jf., ..1 hy fmir of the l.est skaters on the Iwa-ii out ■ f the g.inie the last few coast. It started the racing hugs to talk making g - it tire|.arations for the openingpenhig^of of SAMUEL WINSLOW SKATE MFC. CO.. • WORCESTER. MASS. siMsd, and lie Is going to try and lower it In the rink, and letters from prominent raeers of alsmt two wi-eks, and then I think we t- they won Ihe twenty-four Inair endiiraiiee race at oral other towns that can b*' taken In the clr- at Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and San Jose. Cal., skating from lU ji. m., March cult, which can be reacbinl very easily within a 2...ons. Sh iws, ♦•tr lU K. Itiib»Tt'! has ami now ('atalfitrti# «*rytl»injr is in n»ftiHii«-ss as far as r!i«‘ tmlMln;: NIAGARA MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MFO. CO.. Is s. ami also tlie yfHintr»T Wanted. Shows and Concessions of all kinds g«Mi«‘raii<»n art* talkin>r of forminj; a rity Black Tents ’’°pTcru'i.''E5‘“ I mrlv Win i-l and M< rry Ho It. iilid i.llliA'I MARTIN A SNOW EXTOSITION AND TARNIVAI. to start til** ;:Hme. I OMTANV. All r..ii.. .b.ii Ti o|d*- wiTi. .-IS WI liBvi- a g(MM| tiffer to make; we anawi*r all leltera. Mr. J. A. E:.iton. a prcunln^^Dt man MAGEE & BON 147 Fulton Bt., .Vddn-vi MARTIN A BNOW. 1124 B. Broadway. BT. LOUIB. MO. I

    JULY 3, 1909. Xtie Billboard

    SKATING NEWS ABROAD. ^ see the act of Reynolds and Douegan last week. George is kept busy all the time, till lug engage¬ (Br EARLE REYNOLDS.) ments, anil is doing nicely. ❖ \fl.r II tx-aiitifiil trip ■rroin tti<* AfUntlP I’ve seen many difficult stunts on mllers, but ..|I lli<- Kr>'«t M»>ir<-tie I —ilhllon and tin- alartliiif of tin- pn-ai-nt ({real hare a finizhed act to offer to Manageri leekinr Exhibition Skaters—and to promote engaged week after week for the next two years. AiiVliiK lioiiM now In Knicland and all Europe. Roller Skatinf in (eneral. |i uai tie- Toiirn.iiin-nl lliill that Cln-Hii-r J. The Crawford-Wllkins and Winslow rinks will criiwford. Credi-rlek \Vllkeii« and Col. Shiii E Address SEC Y EARLE REYNOLDS, 1440 Broadway, N. Y. City, care The Billboard. In ell prohahtlity linfxvrt the funinus El Rey Wiii-liw o|H-in-d a roller rlni{. eipil|i|M-d with Sisters, America's greatest Juvenile team act kiiii rli-.'in liall le-arlnK Wlnalowa and tliriMiKb for one of their star attractions next season. III. ir nurveloii* and unpreoedenled aiieei-aa form All the Stars of the Skating World ,1 and IneoriH.raled Hie Amerlean Holler Itink The Great Monohan keeps agoing playing the 1 ulili'h now liaa in o|H-ral|on. ft** rinka in ARE MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION. rinks. Monohan has added a little midget eomo- <;niil Krltaln. and !■> Hie LMli of SepleinlM-i dian to bis act and from reports is making a Hill have III oiN.ration tliroiiiclioiii Cmitlneiital splendid success. I iiroi«-. fully a.') more llefore (toliic any fur FRED ROMALO PROF. A. P. DEMERS vjv 11.. .re i want to nu-ntlon one parllrular eoin Allle Moore and Harley Davidson continue to The msn whu Kkat.-e on hie bead elllie. Cuts Klcurv- Kicbt ou bis head. ever pia}ed their rinka. The artiat H HO playa booked. 1.. 1r'Hiie. and al»o Inaiicuraled a new Era In The act that hrlncH HiuueaiidH to roller r**turn enKatfementa continually. Rink Man- 4» a^ers who want an aliaoluteiy hiKb-claMa attrac¬ .iiiuaeiiii lit |>r>aliH-Hon aiHl In addition hiillt and rinks. Addr.-iw PAUL L. DUPREE, 1440 Joiinny Davidson Is Editor of a skating rink Bruadvray, New York, Billboard. tion, write at once for open time. AddreaaolR, paper and is Interested In the manufacture of a .). .Iciii-d Hie world faini-il l.iina Park at Con. y Columbua Avenue, Boaton, Maaa. I>: iiid Hreat rrlllea aald that no two parinera new roller skate. The least that can Ik- sahl BIO DOUBLE ATTHACnON of Johnny is that be is a busy man and doing , hii-lnesa Ci-Iild 1m- more Kiirre««fiilly hlended THE FAMOUS Cl III Pr.-ilerle nM-iiip->on and luiiidy. Thomie fine. .. Hie man with cn-at an-l liiveullve l.leaa. RECKLESS RECKLAW TAYLOR TWIN SISTERS Inindv the man who handliil the liiialneaa end Ecoeutrle Seiuvatlunal Cycllat. Harley Davidson played Rostock’s Glasgow III lirinclnc them to •iiere»«fiil preaentatlon. So Jv-e JIv Orii;intl Race. FANCY AND TRICK SKATORIAL Rink last week anil was followed by Lillian ii • an l»- 'lid of Kri-d Wllkina. Hu- liiialne«a FANNIE LEIGHT, ARTISTS Frank this week.. little r.iicll'hmaii and Cheeter P. Crawford, the Tliat Heal SkatliiK Ulrl. Attraction fully Address The Billboard, 1440 Broadway, ❖ ::.k-ri"l'e aiwl Inventive little Aimrlean and Kuarautt-«--«»lve and auer-i-aafiil la-canization Waltz, Two-Step, Jig and Cake Walk, Dan¬ one of the fastest and most exciting roIl»-r skat • n.l manac-noiit of the .Amerlean U-.ller Itink Tile ue.iH iMautiful little ladiv-a before the cing, btilt and Toe Skating, Lillian Ser¬ American putdic to day, in an unxuii>aaiH-d, Ing races that has been decldt-d at the .Metro i , 1 nilcht add that the holdlnc now run pentine Dance. Add. JOHN W. LAWLER, politan Holler Itink, Broadwa.v and M tr tie over i;.‘eai iNH, ..r In .\merlean money. up tu-date, finlsbt-d act. Proteges of Earle Ol-p Carrollton Ave., New Orleana, La. H.-ynolda; that's sll. Addrexs M. E. WILr street. New Y'ork, for some time. The race wax JJ -jai, all wlilUn a >h -rt apare of ‘J-J month* an invitation two-mlle scratch event and facing SON. lol W. 5l‘ud Street, New York City. I har-llv reallriit the extent of the Amerlean the starter were five skaters: W. Barker, of I!..n.r llitik' loldlnc vtnlll I arrived tiixm the BERTHA DOUD MACK Newark; W. Doxsey and Harry Smith, of the .l-t an-l *a'v with my own evi« one of the “jOHNT. DAVIDSON Metrop.>litan Skating Club; G. .McCormick, of 1 i-j.'1. If not the larce«t amii'"ment cor|M>ra- Original Anna Held Dancing Girl on Roll¬ the “tHO’’ team, and D. Sweeny, of the National te-n in the w..rld. hf thr Famoun harMsoD Family of Skaten, er*. season Iboti-lUuT. Now playing riuki. Vereln. On the crack of the pistol. Smith Afi.r a -l.vv 'i»-nf at with Pn-ilerle In bla wotMlerful exblhition of Trick and Home addreaa, 73 State St., Seneca Falla, took the lead, with Barker and Doxs«-y trailing \V ’kliia an-l Ilia i;-n--ral Manac--r. Mr It-ll. w, Arrt»tiatlc SkatinK. Hi^h and Broad Jump- New York. A big bit. Don't mlsa it. closely in the rear, and the other two further l. f; for I •Ml.loll, -krrlvlnc In th*- fanmu' eltv. iDf? and S|»«*«*d Skating; alao marvcloua t*X' back. Smith held his lead and was never head «.• w.-re no t l>y .an.dh. r re|ir>-«-nt.Hlve .f the hIbItloD of 8tilt Skatings. A aenfiatioD act Superior Attraction— —Refined Act ed. winning In the fust time of 0:17 2-.'). The tiriii Mr NIx'MI wh.i hail eticacal rixMii' at the from atart to tiniah. Addreas llie Bill* pace iirovol too fast for Barker, however, and vy i,..'!.. Hotel for 11* luirliii: mir f-Mir dava atay lM*ard. 14iu Broadway, New York City. MISS JESSIE DARLING h«- dropiied out near the finish of the race, In l.-Mi-hMi. Man c-T Wilkin* m-.tiM-ial n« to the giving up second place to Doxsey. with McCor¬ faiiioii' Itrichlon. a city of half a million, the PEERLESS SKATING ARTIST mick a bad third. -.'iiuno-r of th** «»M Kln^ of Kn»:l*n*!. Miss MAY DeMANCOURT *;. vri:' III mli**r** w*r*' cn***ti» r*f Mr K. U. Exhibition includes Famous Cake Walk. SKATORIAL DANCING QUEEN Addrexa 21 F'ederal St., I’rovidence, R. 1., Uj -=i. w f'»rTiH*rlr iff Vlrki*tinrir RINK NOTES. GRACEFUL A FANCY TRICK SKATER or TTie Billboard, 14-40 Broadway, N. i'. C. M in:i»:inif IMr**‘ tor of th** ll«»v<* iCInV. An up-to-date sHractiiio. Permanent ad¬ .►»!. .‘f th»* .\m«»rlr«n Uo||**r lClnk«i wh»*ro w** dress. MIS.S .MAY IieMANCOl-UT, MXl San The Pinehurst Park Roller Skatini? ‘in I : iir rtrnt lltth* »r*ln ov#*r • rink «ur rink, at Worcester. Mass., opened for hii'inexs Jacinto Strt-el, Austin, Texas. fn*. in KnirUtxl mhlrh w** »*nV'T*Ni f**l MISS GRACE AYER last week unvler the management of .Sullivan towln:: nitkrnini; w** r**tnrTt»‘*l !■* I.on*l‘*n nfi'l fh**n Age 12. The Jurenile Wonder of the High and Owens, who are well known throughout the nm* h* r** to Miinrh* *vt»*r. i»h**r»* w** **t>**n«**l iif MISS ADELAIDE E. D'VORAK Rollers, introducing a novelty in skating country as pioneers in the bininess. The rink Th; rn’ir.* fi.r our **i>K^ir*'ru**nt In Krtdanl. on high roller skates, in addition to an has bt-en remodeled and four hnnilred pairs of >«^t**r«liir •ft*Tn*»»n Th** Knirlinh •u«ll**nrf li« THE GIRL WONDER Winslow skates have been Instalh-**r. «<» will r**niNln ■ trolled h.v the Springs .Ainnsv-nient Compan.v is h. -r.* Tn Kncltn*! T>Uvlti^ th** flr**t tm.* for drt-ss 3l’47 E. Ooth St., Cleveland, O. DARE DEVIL LEWECK now ofien for the s>-ason. A new organ liss Iieen Mr \V4lt**r !►** Kr***-** nft.-r hirh w** ojN*n at COMEDY SKATER placv-d in jiositlon and Miss Emma Limlsay. th*- Tto'Htr**. I.*Kuh»n f'»r nn lT>«l**flnlf** PROF. CHAS. L. FRANKS trick skater, will shortly appear in exhibition's. ♦ 11: iff. fr**nt \\> fln.l In Knctim*! that th** *»tii:**^ Featuring marvelous and death-defying »p»- t.nPt Ilk** iin Inrllr.* iintl •‘kit*»rl*l r*-*«l**rH And BABY LILLIAN. Aged 9. backward leap over table and chairs. Oiu-n ■ f Th*- llllU»*-.-ir*l ran Iniar^n** h*»" hunl wilt America's Celebrated Roller Skaters. f.w rinka. Address ALFRED PAINTER, hi»- fi prurtir** tf» Imrn to t»**rf*»rni on th«* ^1*1*' The act that plays return engagements Riverview Rink, Milwaukee. ■: WANTED :- ..f 3k hill 1 f *ri:*»t to m«‘nti**fi thut «mii continually. “Enough said!’’ Adilress trlj* .'Nt-r on th^ Mmirt-fnnla. thiit MW« Ih»n*‘ir»n , CHAS. L, KR.\NKS. care of Baltimore in.l ni^w«*|f t*'** our »*iitlr** t*iul»*vill** oxhiMth'n Skate Mfg. Co.. Baltimore. Md. • ri Thf top ft.M'k «.f th*- hljf •*Mp Tlt«* R*'» I**- THE FAMOUS KTLFATRICK I TENT SHOWS In? ^^pii** 7 Schiller Bldg., Billboard. Chicago, Ill. *11 \.rT r«jiy In KngUn*! \Vh*n a riHtpIr of Billboard, 144U Broadway, New York City. V!),. - .tn promoti-r?*. ho mi-r** liKk} to ir«*T HOROSCOPES H -- h*»r** a f**w vi***k« air** r«n form a «t*»rk DAINTY GLADYS LAMB I'rlnted Fortunes, $I per I.IhiO * ' ".ny anfl •*•11 an VnoTlrun **katr factory. THE OILMANS © THE JUVENILE WONDER Future Photos, visible and In h morth thirty I'rni**. f**r flv** Prcmli re Skatnrial .Artists, i>r<-s<-Dting all visible. $2 per l.POO. Palmlxta that Is new In lUdler Skating For oivn In .\rtistlc and Graceful F’aucy and Trick ?. it..|r***l th<*u«*an«l «h*nar*‘. onr ran Im.xK’.nr how Skating, prx-senting many new. original and Fortune Tellers’ Snpiillea « it la to jj**t m'*n* y h*Tr at th»* pr»*a**nt dales anftiinllT f*»r •.nh m«*n a« 11amllt*Hi Texaa r-T«f »-nt»**rir will !**• c-*-**! n»*\f f.ill an*! w fjti-r 1 a1««» ha»k f** »«•<• ninny pr'»f* <'h>nal t- li«T*- !*iit I w*hiM atbia** all who r»»n ~McLALLEN-CARSON DUO EARLE REYNOLDS WANTED Ten Ch irtis Girls. Vandeville .Acts, Lady Pian¬ t‘ -‘livl *tr r.Miilne to havo th**lr r;>ntrarta a!irn«**l Playing Vaudeville 1 : tn»* !N*r*k*‘*l !H*f.*r.- innklnff tin* trip, t'raw AND NELLIE DONEGAN ist. .Musicians for B. ami H.. Party with .M. 1*. Machine. 'JP Hvintotic Comodlans, four f *1 m.! Wllkina h*»M th** Me han! In thr -Address — PREMIERE SKATERS AND DANCER& •“k . ‘ttf rink hu«!n*’a*. !*:»th h**r** an*! on ront!- 'iloopers. Will lease 7P f(. ('omh'nation Car, i. 'nfiil Kur«»|*r. an*! fMy will I*** In a |*** will hav*- GRAND CELEBRATION and Oalx Week. Breese, ‘ th*lr <*n)p1i»T rlo**** t*» tw*'|\»* thiHiaan*! |H-.»pl*’. 111., Sltmlay. July 4th to IPth. W.VN'rEIv—■' !•-til* wl?h thr ftr**t '‘f S*'pf*’n)!*«‘r Shows, .Merry-Go-Konnds, Stattds. IP and 2.')C Ir?*! Wilkin* l**ft l.■»n*!on la^* Mi»n*!ay Jnnr Grinds, feie or $1. buy back: no counting down. II f*r Vl«*nna. w h* r»* h«* will o\«-r«*‘«' th** LAST CALL—LAKE CHAMPLAIN TERCEN¬ Jep or tearing off. M. C. GREW Jt M.VNDI7rr, t-i iv'lTii: of th<* \* w \ni»o t an U »ll**r Kmk In Breese. 111. ihiT .ii\ a w**«>k **r '*». r**tnrn'ni: t*> Tarl* *' 1 In Mr tVnwfor*! In I'arl* th*- ftrin ha* TENARY CELEBRATION, FALMOUTH FAIR. 4 Great Days 4. Sept. 29-30- I* - - *1 fi*r a i»um!***r of a**ar«*. a '‘It**. f *r w h t h Oct. 1-2. 1909. Falmouth, Ky.—Bids for i>rivi- *• I'aa 'm: $.*.'»>•«» \t ir f**r an I w.^rk leges itivited. We also vvatit to IxMik sevral - n. .il :.n th** N* w kriM-rit in U*'ll»'r .\-l attractions on ix-ri-entago basis. GihnI fn-e ’• '* Tt it 1» whhil r«»»t In thr n**!»:l» attractions wanted. No gaming. .Address J. R. ^ - -if %] lai laai Burlington, Vermont, July 4 to 10, 1909. •WILLIAMS. Secy. WANTED-For Mstorsvtlle. W. Va.. Big Dh I M *a - o:u* ,*f til* .iMikkt akatlnf art* In ('uiic(\s.siims of all kimls for .sale—no o.xclii.sivos. Come on. Conntr\- billed of .Inly Celebration on the .'ith. Two Kh ' .\cts • ' arr ‘till at I'mp^**. I o-nlon. like a eircu.s for liHI miles in ever\' dinvlion. AMBASS.VDOliS BRYCH and Shoxv to work on jx-rcontag,' * •Mfiir III. w ni*r in ll•*l| ;n•!. E. J. QUIGLEY, Mgr. ■I t‘* -. 4 th .‘h i IT 1*1 rf -nio r** th* thrlr ami .11 S.'^1'R.\.M>. I’re.sident Taft, Governors lYonty, of Vermont, and •' 'inM flip-, iviiiv In.‘LMti « that n**lth*T PRAIRIE DOGS aii|val to children. Mon- fun -• tr.*. I .:ii-*i *11 th#* h:t\ 'rir-lr w«*rk !*» 1111)^1 le.s. of New ^drk. will also be here. C()L. FR.VNCIS Fl^ltARrS than a barrel of jtionkeys. Great f-ir Zixis, ’Iv' * -'1. aiitl of th»* Ti ilaay* Shivvvs, Wimb'vv Dis^lavs. etc .\n cvcrlasiltig snows will furni.sli aliraction.s. No strong jjames of any kind. Those attraction. FLINTS PRAIRIE DOG FARM. + N. Waterford, Maine. Visitors w.lcotm-. 'I IhiUi hail-., n lilH Uli fr in Pltt^ that write iM-fore. write anain; mail lost. Atldres.s 1.. M. HAYS. iitiI».*rn IntvTrii. trf-vt f'-r th«* t'raw Secretary X’ermont Tercentenaty Commission. Burlington, Vt. ■WANTED -Sister Tcatii. (■..imilian. Ilirry t an! WilkIna. at tin- o'.imp'a. ha** ••lartftl Small write. (»|x‘n in Georgetown. Ky liiiy ’ • r**a*! irlilnir • . |. |».i ♦ iw. of fam \ '•kal 12. .Address GEORGE ANAGNOSTICOS. 3 E. H •th! t»». i-l.-ik t litfh r,.h la mik.ufc: €th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. '•n llh' rink*^ w rr *»h*‘ app'ara Wanted, Carnival Performers Music set to words stid arrang- d f -r Bmd. I It lh.rii**a u ii. \nirt - in ri ik luin** an I lb riiiaii |■••llll■d:*n who lx 'tr- ng on eoniixly. in fiflix-ii minute ai-l. for my famous Ixvndon Ghost Orchestra or ativ tpimber of instripnn"' >• - 1 ’■‘*1 -kalfi« Mill r « u'fhv r i*r\ kl’»illi. Mm-« lai.l.v with xnixll ihild. from O to IP vearx of age. who can sing or danee: altraelive lady stamp for i>rU-e list. A. C. BUSCHLE. 4237 " ' Mk' hi.. ..f ih Ih-i.* Ulnk. Slitg.ix and Daiux-rx. D-or TalKiis who ean iiiako |irtn<-l|>al o|Hiiing>: g.xxl Blano Flavors, etc. Virginia Ave.. North Side. Cincinnat:. 0._ ' I . Miitl hm'i. ' :.i., rink with Mi.-h Se i.l idiolo ami all parlh-iilar' W ANTED For my big Dixieland I'lantatlon Show -Colored I’v-r- n tfww thill th. I'l.i.-i- ii. pat I .1 n.-ry f,-riii<-t' and Mii'lilanx. lb,-',- vvh.- have w-.-kml for me before and made gvxxl. xvrite. Show oix-ns CAR WANTED I'si f.M.f r..mtdnati.iii far. suit¬ Aiig IP. In Keiilii.l..v Jimmie lliirnx. Babe While. Little ’rriMe, Kltig Sisters. Wiliie atid Etiie able for Mitistrel Show Give descrip¬ M.'-n-. T.-m Spii-oii ati.l I'Hnrs, write. 14 xxia-kx' nlee work. Fittest eiiuiitpi-d shows tion anil lowest iiriis'. S. D. S., Billboard Of¬ •hnt'ue altnatloii In K-itrlin.l I"* e.»«*.l iio-iiev ever hnilt of their klti,l. Ail.ltxss fice, Cincinnati, Ohio. ‘taiitllMir that tin- inah*rtli .*f tin* i:-»**l CAPT. W. D. AMENT, care Elite Theatre. JACKSON, TENN. » in- *|.-ii| f..| tt)«y •iiniin**r. + Tin; uii.i.BoARB’S <'i,.\ssirii:i> lu sim;ss rikkitoka' <;ivks TENTS-AllSizesinStock T-:.' M.tii.hiii iin.l hi** pr.'tti wif.* pah! a M. MAGEE & SON, 147 Fulton St.. N. Y. City. *l‘'r of Uaiu tt. tin* hala***.*.|.r. to Tin; .\i>i>ui;ssi;s nr .M.ii Tiir, i.i;.\i>i;ks.

    1 24 X ti e Billboard JULY 3. 1909.

    Baltimore—Herman’s New Electric Park, J. Revere—Weinlerlanil. John J. Illggliis A Co., Joplin Xi'hlffiTilecker Electric I’ark, Schiffer PARKS. H. IL-rnian A Son, pr»|is.; J. T. McCaslIn. j props.; John J. Higgins, nigr.; alsu mgr. decker Kbs-trlc I’ark Co., mgrs. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II (41; McCaslIn, attr.; (II (3i; John J. Higgins, looks vau Joplin luikeslile I’ark, Southwest Mu. U. R. (Contiiiut'd from 21.) Circuit; J. T. .McCaslIn Issdts vaudeville. devllle. Co., props.; .41. R. Ilascoiii, mgr.; also mgr. Baltimore—Mitchell’s Back River View Park, Sloiix City—WoodUwn, Iiit«»r*t«t** IJve Stock Salem —Salem WUIowt, J. W’. Gorman, ifop.; M. altr.; (I I (3| (xxl; AL R. Baseom Ituoka S. Mitchell, prop.; Frank Emmet, mgr.; J. i J. Doyle. lugr.; J. W. Gorman, mgr. attr.; Fair Assn., yroiis.; Jlln—Lyric, Lyric Thealiv Co., prot>a.: Chaa. Circuit; J "T. McCaslIn books vaudeville. hooka vaudeville attractions. (1i-vllle. E. IltNlkliis, mgr.;; also utgr. attr.; Lyric Baltlmori*—Wela-r’s, Herman Kraft, prop.; J. Springfield—Riverside Grove Park, S.vlvta Vllllsra—Tylcr'8 Park, K. P. T.vler, pro|>.: Vaudeville Circuit (II (3|; Chas. E. tludklns T. McCaslIn, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1| (41; i Steamboat Co., props.; Elinor H. Smith, mgr., biHika vaudeville attr. Tylor Prollicrs, nigra.; K. P. Tyler, mgr. McCaslIn Circuit; J. T. .McCaslIn liooks vau alsu mgr. attr.; (2| (3l. Jo|>lln—Crystal, Chat. E. Ilotlklna. mgr.; also attr.; (1) s.; 11. E. Rey K. J. Nlrbola, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) Id'ric Circuit; (41; Chas. K. IliMiklua, books prop.; I..ew Carroll, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; nolds, 84 State st.. Roston, mgr., also mgr. attractions. (3(; Western Vaudeville Aaau. (I| (41; .McCaslIn Circuit; J. T. McCaaUa attr.; (1) (31. Kansas City—Electric, M. J. Helm, prop.; Sam KANSAS. iKuiks vaudeville. Widoter—Beacon Park Theatre. George W. Beajamin. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II (Si; B.xlUmorv—Nortli East Park, Wm. Backus, Ateblaon — Koreat Park. Atchison Amuaement Smith, mgr., Miixic Hall. lt<>-.ton. Mass. Wm. Morris Istoka vaudeville attraetiona. prop.; Chas. Gremllcb, mgr.; J. T. MeCas-i (•«.. props.; A. S. I-ewla, mgr.; alao mgr. Wi'i>tboro—Chaiincey Lake Theatre. Geo. W. Kansas City—Forest I’ark. Forest Park Realty attr.; (\il (3i; A. S. Lewis hooka attrac- lin. mgr. attr.; (II (4); .McCaslIn Circuit;; Smith, mgr., Miiaic Mall. Iteston. Co., props.; Jim P. Anderson, mgr.; also mgr. J. T. McCaslIn tiooks vaudeville attractions. tlons. _ , . Worceoter—White City, Lakeside Construction attr.; (2l (41. Baltimore—lledo. Easter A 8oo, mgrs.; John East¬ Mols-rly—Forest Park. City of Mols-rly, pro|w.; mgr. attr.; (2) (x) (4). David Assn., pro|)«.; Coy Purnell, mgr.; also Hutchinson-Riverside, Riverside Park Asan.. er, mgr. attr.; (ll (41; McCaslIn Circuit;! Tony Firorita, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) J. T. McCaslIn books vaudeville. I mgr. attr.; (II (Si; (xi. props.; W. A. las‘, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (31. Baltimore—Pabst Park, J. R. K. Collins, mgr. { Detroit—Rlvervlew Park. Milford Stem. secy. (1) (41 lx»; W. A. I>oe books vaudeville Nevada—Lake Park Springs, H. C. Moore, prop, A prop.; J. T. McCaslIn. mgr. attr.; ill IVtrolt—Electric Park, A. H. Gaukicr, mgr. attractions. and mgr.; John C. Tyler, mgr. attr., also (41; MeCaslin Circuit; J. T. MeCaslin books' Detroit—Wayiio Casino. J. T. Hayes. Lawrence—P<‘«ple'8 Summer Theatre, J. P. books attr: Crawford Circuit; (ll (31. vaudeville. ! East Tawas—Tawas Beach, D. A M. Ry. Co., Campls'll, mgr.; (h) (xl. St. Joseph—Lake Contrary, St. Joseph Light. Baltimore—Stoildanl’a Palm Garden. James props. Wm. Sutherland, mgr.; (Si (x|. l.*‘avenivorlh—.Mrilome 'Theatre, Charlie L. Heat A Power Co., props.; Palmer L. Clark, Flint—Thread laike Park, .\bram Peer, prop. Stoddard, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; I mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (I) (Si (xl; P. L. Keane, mgr.; (xxi (1). A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II (3l (xl; Abram (II (41; MeCaslin Circnlt; J. T. McCaslIn' Clark books vaudeville attractions, l.s-avenworih—ABso»'latlon Park, C. A. Sparrow, Peer books attr. txxiks vaudeville attractions. i b't. Louis—Suburban Garden, Suburt>an Ry. Co., secy.; (51. Baltimore—Electric Prrk. United Amusement ' Grand Island—Seneca Island Summer Resort, J. Leavenworth—People’s Park, M. J. Cunningham, p.'ops.; Jas. Smith, mgr.; Sol Opi>enbelm«r. (’o.. props.; Max Rosen, mgr.; Max Rosen, i S. Mudge, prop. A mgr.; (1| i3l prop, and mgr., also books vaudeville attr.; mgr. attr.; (SI (xl. mgr. attr.; (ll (31; United Amusement Co. Grand Rapids—Ramona Park, Grand Rapids St. Louis—Forest, Park lligblanda. Park Cir (11 (4». Circuit; .Max Rosen liookt vaudeville. I Railway Co., props.; L. J. DeLamater, 38 Ottawa—I'or»>st Park, City of Ottawa, props.; cult and Realty Co., props.; John D. Tlppetta. Baltimore—^Suburban, J. Kehoe. prop. A mgr.; I N. Iowa st., mgr., also mgr attr.; United (2| (xt; plays local bands only. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (li (4l; Western Vande also mgr. attr.; (II (41: MeCaslin Circnlt; Rooking Circuit; vaudeville attr. booked by Parsons-Lyric. C. I>. HiKlklns, Joplin. Mo., vllle .4tBn. J T. McCaslIn books vaudeville. Western Vaudeville Assn; (11 (41. prop.; Lloyd Spencer, mgr.; (1(; Lyric Cir¬ St. lAMilt—Delmar Garden, Obert Brewing Aasn.. Baltimore—Gwynn Oak ' Park, United Railways Grand Rapids—Godfrey Pavilion. Cbai. God¬ cuit: C. 1). Hoskins. Joplin. Mo., books vau pro{>s.; Delmar Garden Amusement Co., mgra.; A Electric Co., props.; Jas. R. Pratt, mgr.; frey, prop, and mgr., also mgr. attr.; (II (41 J. C. JanoiHKHilo. mgr. attr.; (21 (xl (Si. devllle. also mgr attr.; (II (31 (xl; Jas. R. Pratt i (xl. Parsons—Klectrlc Park Theatre. Chas. Moor¬ St. Louis—Wtat ^d Heights. Dbe« Brewing Nxvks vaudeville attraetiona. i Hillsdale—Bay Breese Park, N. U. Mldger, head. pnip.; Lloyd Silencer, mgr., also mgr. Co., props.; Loula Obert. Jr., mgr.; Sol Op Baltimore — Bay Shore, United Railways A ■ prop. A mgr.; (1| (4) (xl. penhelmer. mgr. attr.; (51 (xl. attr.; (2» (3) (x). „ „ Electric Co., props.; Jas. R. Pratt, mgr,; Isbpemlng—Union Ball Park and Cleveland Plttslsirg-Idle Hour, Idle Hour Park Co., I St. Louis—Mannion'a Park. Mtnnlon Bros., also mgr. attr.; (1) (3| (xl; Manager books! Park, Marquette Cosnty Gas and Blectrte Co., props,; Etiw. Mannlon. mgr.; Jim Walsh, mgr. props. vaudeville. I propa.; W, J. McClrjubdake, mgr., also mgr. attr.; (II (41; Western Vaudeville Assn. Topi-ka—Vlnewood. E. C. Wilson, prop.; F. Raltmiors—River View, M. J. Fltxalmmons. ' attr.; (21 (31 (xl. Ci. Kelley, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2( (3); St. Louis—Eclipse Garden, Henry Graen, prop. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2| (3) (x). i Jackson—Hague Park, Jackson Amusement Ce., A mgr.; Arthur Stanley, mgr. attr.; (51 (X' International 'Theatrical Circuit. Baltimore—Hollywood. Jos. Goeller, prop.; props.; Mr. Savage, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; Topeka—Oavfteld. City Board; Oeo. Allen, mgr.; Wm Mahoney, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; McCaa- i (1) (41 (x); Mr. Savage books vaudeville St. Louis—Grand .\venue I’ark, Sonneman Oro. (leo. Allen, mgr. attr.; (1) (31; Geo. Allen Co., props. Itn Circuit (1) (41; J. T. McCaslIn books vau- | attractions. St. Ixiuis-^'ollseum Garden. Guy E. Gotterman. txMiks vaudeville attr devllle. Lansing—Waverly, French A IVnamore, props.; Wichita—Wonderland. J. T. Nuttle, prop. A mgr. Baltimore—Hoffman House Casino, Fred Ws- [ H. P. FYencb, mgr.; Ixil (II t3i. n. Leals—liemp’a Park. Lemp Brewing Co., mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); J. T. Nut¬ gant, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) ; Muskegon—Lake Michigan Park. Muskegon Trac propa.; Robert Bacbmann. mgr. alao mgr. tle books altr. 141; MeCaslin Circuit; J. T. McCaslIn books tlon Co., props.; Witerman A Ray, mgrs.; Wichita— attr.; (3i (Si (xl; book Independent. Wonderland. J. S. Nuttle. mgr.; alto vaudeville. Harry Waterman, mgr. attr.; (1) (41; West¬ •t. Louis—Oeve Couer Lake Park, United Ball mgr. attr.; (1) (3); J. T. Nuttle books at¬ Baltlmors—Kline's Shore Line Park, Geo. East, | ern Vaudeville Assn. ways Oo.. pro|«.; J. C. Jannopoulo, mgr.; tractions. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (11 (41; Me- { Owoaso—McCurdy'a Park, Corunna Park Board, KENTUCKY. also mgr. attr.; (2l. Caslin Circuit; J. T. MeCaslin books vau- Corunna. Mich.; (1) (31. This park Is altu I ft. Loola—Empire Garden. Joe. Oalltgber, mgr.; Ashlcnd — Clyffeslde Park, Clyffeslde Park devllle attractions. ated tietween Owosso and Cu.-unDa, Mich. alao mgr. attr.; (ll (4l (xl. Amusement Co., props.; E. V. McGrath, Baltimore—Flood’s Park, John T. FIcxid. prop.; Port Huron—Keewabdla’a Park, A. A. Oravea, I edalla—Liberty Park. City of Bedilla. props ; mgr.; (1) (3). W. H. Trueheart, mgr., alto mgr. attr.; (1) ! prop.; R. M. Melsel, mgr.: alao mgr. attr.; ■ H. 0. Idiedemann. mgr.; Liberty Park Board, Frankfort—Glenwood. Central Ky. Traction Co., (SI (xl. (II (x) (21 (31; R. M. Meiael books vaude mgrs. sttr. • props.; J. I>. Solle, mgr.; J. D. Solle, mgr. Cumberland—.Merryland, John Kirk, prop. A vllle attraetiona. attr.; (1) (4) (x); J. D- Solle books vaude mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II (x); John Kirk K't. Joseph—Silver Beach, Drake A Wallace, •ptlngfeld—White City, b'tooe A Neville, props.; vllle attractions. books vaudeville attractions. props.; Louis D. Wallace, mgr.; Leo J. Sil¬ A mgrs.; also mgra. attr.; (II (Si; Chat. Henderson—Theatre, Cyril Padswell, mgr.; (3). Cumberland—Rlvervlew. R. R. Henderson. , vers, mgr. attr.; (2|. Hodklns books vanderllle attr. kprlngfleld—Doling Park. Doling Park Amuae- Louisville—Fontaine Ferry Park, Hopkins Am. prop.; Thos.. Reynolds, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; j MINNESOTA. Co., props.; Tony Landenwlch. mgr.; W. Q. (21 (3; Thos Rnynolds. booking mgr. ! msnt Co., propa.; Wm. H. Zesxard. mgr.; alao Austin—Lafayette, A. Frederick, prop.; (5) (xl. mgr. attr.; (8l; play opera; (xl. Relchman. mgr. attr.; (1) <3) Frederick—Lake View, C. J. Remburg. prop.; I Ixiulsvllle—White City. A. 11. Stone, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2i Austin—City Park. City of Auatin, prop*.; A. Webb City—Lakeside, Southwestern .Missouri R. Ftoderlck, mgr.; (Si (xl. Maysvllle—Beechwood Park. Maysvllle St. Ry. (31; book direct. R. Oo., props.; Al. R. Kaacom. 613 W. 2d st... Co., props.; T. M. Russell, mgr.; also mgr. Frederick—Braddock Heighta, Frederick A Mid- | Duluth—Joyland Park. The Brunswick Co., Wsbb City, Mo.; (2| (3| (xl. attr.: (1) (3i (x|; T. M. Russell books vau¬ dletown R. R. Co., props.; Geo. E. F. An¬ props.; T. P. Getx. mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1) MONTANA. l8l; T. P. Gets hooka vaudeville attr. deville attractions. derson, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (ll (3) (x);| Anaconda—Washoe Park. Electric Light and Owensboro—Chautauqua Park; T. A. Pedley, books direct. Duluth—Lester Park. L. A. Gunderson, pryp. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2l (xl (31. Railway Co., propa.; F. H. Clinton, mgr, alao receiver; t2( (3) (x). Glen Echo—Glen E'ho Park, Glen Echo Park mgr. attr.; (21 (Si. Owensboro—Hackman, S. C. Ray, mgr.; (1) Co., props. A mgrs.; (2l (3). Minneapolis—Big Island Park. Minnesota A St. Paul Sub. Ry. Co., props.; P. J. Metsdorf, Batte—Columbia Gardena, Butte Electric Ry. 13) (XI. Ocean City—New Atlantic Casino, John H. i Oo., propa.; J. R. Wharton, mgr.; (2i I8l Paducah—Wallace. Paducah Trac. Co., props.; Gillespie, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) mgr.; alto mgr. attr.; (1); plays bands on Sundays and holidays only. (XI. Wm. Ih-al. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (xl i4l; J. H. Gillespie books vandevllle NEBRASKA. (xi; Wm. Beal books attr. attractions. Minneapolis—Twin City Wonderland, Park Coo- atructlon Co., props.; F. H. Camp, mgr.; also Beatrice—Beatrice, Cbautaugui Aasn., props. A LOUISIANA. Ocean City—Windsor Excursion Resort, Daniel Tramper, prop. A mgr.; GrinvIPe ITamper, I mgr. attr.; (1); F. H. Camp books vaudeville mgrs.; (2) (8l. Crowley—City Park. City of Crowley, props.; mgr. attr.; (I) i3l; also motion pictures; attractions. Osvtd City—(Thaotanqua, Cbintauqua Park Co.. (2| (x); plays city bands. Iianlel Trimper books vaudeville attractions. Minneapolis—Forest Park. Foreit Park Amuae¬ propa. A mgrs.; (21 (xl (SI. Lake Charles—Casino. Lake (Tiarles St. R. R. ment Co., propa.; S. H. Kabm, mgr.; also Fidrbary—City Park; (11 (31. Co., props.; (21. MASSACHUSETTS. , mgr. sttr.; (ll (31. This park Is located at liBColn—Capital Beach. Capital Beach Oo.. Lecompte—Moore Park. C. C. Moore, prop. A Athol—Brookslde Park, Athol A Orange Ry. Co., ' Columbia Heights, a suburb of Minneapolis. props.; J. A. BnckstiS. mgr.; alao mgr. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); Alexandria props.; W. U. Smith, mgr., also mgr. attr.; ! Minneapolis—Lake Harriet Park. J. H. Eseb- attr.; (1) (81 (xl; J. A. Buckstiff book* CIrnilt; C. C. Moore books vaudeville attrac (1) (41. ! man. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2l (31. TtadeTllle attractions. tlons. Attleboro—Talaquega Park, R. A. Harrington, Mlnneapolit—Mlnnekaba Park, Harry Green, Nsrfolk—Freytbaler Park. John Freytbaler, prop. Monroe—Forsyth Park, City of Monroe, prop.; prop, and mgr., also mgr. attr.; R. A. Har mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (3i. A mgr. Glen Fleming, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) rington’s Circuit; (1) (3l. Minneapolis—Ltmgfellow's Zoo Gardens, B. F. Omaha—Knig. Western .tmiisoment Co., props.; (41 (X); Glenn Fleming books vaudeville at¬ Aobumdale—Norumbega Park, Norumbega Park Jones prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II. W. W. Cole, mgr.; (2i (3(. tractions. This park Is used as a fair ground Co., props.; Carl Alberte, mgr., also mgr. . Rochester—Mayo, City of Rochester, props.; •tmth Bloux City—Crystal Lake Park, Hairy A. every Octolier, and vaudeville Is booked for attr.; (1i (3). , (5l (XI. Foys, prop. A mgr. this week only. Auburn—Woodland, John ()ulgley, prop. A mgr., Rochester—Central. City of Rochester, props.; fork—Otty Park (?lty of York, prop#.; (3l (x) Natchitoches—East Natchitoches Park Assn.; also mgr. attr.; Quigley’s Circuit (1) (S|;i (.51 txl. (Si. J. Aiph Pnidnomme, president; J. B. 'Tucket, John Quigley books vaudeville attr. St. Psnl—Como Park, City of St. Paul, props.; York—East Hill Park, City of Yark. props.; (Si secy.; 8. J. Henry, mgr. of park.; J. C. Rellingham—Hoag Lake Theatre, Geo. W. , (2) (3). (X) (ll. Clark, mgr. attr.; (2i. Smith, ragr.. Music Hall. Borop(h; W. H. Labb, St. Paul—Wildwood. Street Ry. Co., props.; H. Moody, propa.; Oeo. B. Moody, mgr.; alao mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); booking direct. (II (31; Park Ib>oklng Circuit, 14f>2 Broad-I M. Barnett, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (3|. way. New York City. mn. attr.; (1) (8i; Oeo. Moody books vaude New Orleans—City Park, City Park Commls St. Paul—St. Paul's Public Batba, City of St. rtUe atiraetlona Brockton—Highland Park. Old Colony St. Ry. j sloiiers, [Tops.; J. Bernard, mgr.; also mgr. Paul, prop.; Dr. O. A. Rent, mgr.; (Si. Owrord—Contonock River Park. W. F. Ray, attr.: (li (3); book direct. Oo.; H. B. Reynolda, 306 WaabingtoD at.. Bos Stillwater—Lily Lake Driving Park. Washing¬ too. Mats., mgr.; also mgr. attr; (1) (3i; also mgr.; (ll (3l. New Orleans—West End, N. O. Ry. Co., ton County Fair Assn., props.; Jia. G. Arm- Keane—Keene Diivlng Park, Keene Electiir props. A mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; O) (3|; light opera; J. W. Gorman Circnlt; J. W. Gor¬ son, secy.; also mgr. attr.; (x| (3l. man. 100 Boylston at., Boston, Mast., hooka 0>., propc. book direct. MIBBIS8IFFI. Ifaachaster—Pina Island Park, Manchester Light New Orleans—.kndubon Park. Audubon Park vaudeville. F1teht>urg—Wbselen Park. W. W. Sargent, prop. Coliimbiia—Washington Park, Columbus Ry., A Power Co., profis. Address all rommunlca- Commissioners, pi»ps.; E. Fonts, mgr.; also tioas to aborve romiNiay at 4fi Hanover at. mgr. attr.; (II (3i; books direct. A mgr., also mgr. attr; plays opers; (S';| Light A Power Co., props.; D. J. S<-ssmuB, book direct. I mgr.; also mgr. sttr.; (Si. 'This park la fslsm—Canobic Lake, Grand A Rtmotlell, props.; Shreveport — Summer Theatre. ’Traction Co., R. B. Graver, mgr.; Franklin Woodman, mgr. piops.; Ehrlich Bros., mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; Franklin—Lake Petri, W. L. Evergreen, propr. for co'ored ;>eople exclusively. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2). ' Columbus—Lake Park. Columbus Ry.. Light A attr.; (ll (8); Jos. Flynn bouka vaudeville (XXI (XI (41 (2i; Ehrlich Bros, book at¬ attractlaas. tractions. Haverblll—The Plnei, Boston, Northern A Old Power Co., props.; D. J. Sessmns, mgr.; (1) MEW JEBBET, MAINE. Colony St. Ry. Co., props.; H. E. Reynolds. ; (31. Augusta—Island Park, F. L. Hersey, [irop.; M State St.. Boston, mgr., also mgr. attr.; Corinth—Moore’s Park, II. C. Moore, mgr.; Bayonne--Bayonne Park. Wm. H. O’Neill; (1* Harry Hersey, mgr.; (1) (3l (x); F. L. (1) (81. ' also mgr. sttr.; (5i. (3i; also musiral rometly Hersey books vaudeville attractions. Lawrence—Glen Forest. Boston, Northern A Meridian—Alrdome, John Woodford, mgr.; (II AmuwmenI Co., prop*.; Freeman Bernatein, Cape Elisabeth—Cape Cottage Park, Portland R. Old Colony St. Ry. props.; H. E. Rey- | (XXI mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1) (3|; Freeman Bern R. Co., props.; E. A. Newman, mgr.; E. V. oolds, 84 State at.. Boston, mgr., also mgr. i Natrbex—Concord Park, Oeo. M. D. Kelly, prop.; stein bo>>ks vaiKb'vllle attr. I’helan, mgr. attr.; (5l (xxl. of attr.; (1) (31. (1>. Belleville—llllltlde I’leaaure Park. W. E. Thai I>ewlstoo—laike Grove Park, L. A. A N. 8t. Ry. Lexington—I^exlngton Park. J. T. Benson, prop, j SertntoD—Anden>oo Park. Ptsesgonia St. Ry. lar, prop, and mgr., also mgr. attr.; (1) (4> Co., props.; E. Reed, mgr.; (1) (41; Flynn A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (ll (3i; New Kng- | A Power Co., props.; Q. R. Chapman, mgr.; (xl. Circuit. land Circuit; J. T. Benton books attr. also mgr. attr.; (II (41 (xl. ■ridgeum—Tuinbllnc Dam Park, II. L. Tyler, Norway—Central Park, A. P. Bassett, prop, liOwell—I.akerlew Park, Boston. Northern A Old Vlcksiturg—Suburban Park, Vleksbiirg St. R. R. mgr.; M. Rudy Heller, Keith’s 'Tbratre Build¬ and mgr.; Miss L. A. York, mgr. attr.; J. Ctrfony St. Ry. Co., props.; H. E. Reynolds, Co., pro|is.; E. R. Booth, mgr.; also mgr. ing. lllf ('/beatnirt at., Phllsdeipbla. Pa., Harvey McBvoy’s Circuit; (1) (3). 84 State at., Boston, mgr., alao mgr. attr.; I attr.; (1| (x) (8|. booktng mgr. (11 (31. ilSM May—Sewell’s Point, M. Buily Heller. Old Orchard—Sea Side, Maine Investment Co.. MISSOURI. props.: Waley G. Smith, mgr.: (21. Mendon—Nlpmne Park, Milford A Uxbridge fet. Ksttb’s Theatre Building, lllfi Chestnut et., Portland—Riverton, Portland R. R. Co., props.; Ry. Co., props. A mgrs.; Boom Circnit. ' Retbany—Roleke Park, Ilertnao Roleke, prop. Philadelphia, Pa., iMtoklng mgr. rianlei B. Smith, mgr.; J. M. Gorman, mgr. Mendon—Lake Nlpmue Park, Milford A Ux- | A mgr.; alao mgr. attr,; playa home talent; Osps May—Aewell’a Point, M. Rudy Heller, attr ; (1| (4i: Gorman Circuit; J. -M. Gor¬ bridge St. R.v. (^., Milford. Maaa., props.; W. i occasionally fintt-claaa eompaalea, ebautao prop, and mgr., also mgr. attr,; Heller’a Raat man books vaudeville attr. L. Adams, mgr., also mgr. attr.; (II (S|. quaa, falra. carotvala. etc. em Clarnlt: (t) (41. Portland—Greenwood Garden. Greenwood Am. Nantasket—, Atlantic Park Co., Butler—Amiis'eneat. Trimble A Van Hall, Ksyport—Pavlllna Beach. Mgr. Knapp, prop. A Co., props. props.; Geo. A. Dodge, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; props.; G. Van Hall, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; mgr.; (1) (4i. Bkowhegan—Lakewood Park, H. L. Sweet, mgr. Wm. Gofslwln. QIrsrd Theatre, Philadelphia. (11 «4| (» I. Maplewood—llollywtMid I’srk, Harry L Morris. and prop.; J. J. Flynn Circnlt; (2) (8) (xx). Pa., I>«r>ki vaudevllla. ' Carrollton—Ilelna* ParA, Daa Heins, prop. A mgr., .58 riludm at., Newark, N. J New Bedford—I>akealde Park, Old Colony St. mgr.; also mgr. sttr.; (2) (8|. MsIrlUs—Union I

    N.wark KlHTtrlc rark. ElrofrlP Park Amuaa Peer, 734 Powers Bldg., mgr., also mgr. attr.; Mt. Vernon—Hiawatha, Mt. V. Electric Bt. B. Exposition Park—Exposition Park on Conneaut < <•.. pri>i>a.; II. Kiiulap. DiBr., alao iiigr. plays outside spectacular free acta; (3| (x). R. Co., props.; C. G. IrTiller, mgr.; alao mgr. Lake, Ojnneaut Lake Co., H. O. Holcomb, ,tlr . Tanlipr Clrrult; (1) (H). Si mb Beach. Staten Island—Ha|>pyland, Her- attr.; (1) (3i; C. U. Fuller books vaudeville prea.; F. W. Hennlnger, Secy., ivops; also \.«ark IJarilPU, liana W>»i*ra, prop. geiibaii Aniiise. Co., propa.; Albert llergen- attractions. mgrs.; (ll (3| (x|. \ iiiirr ■ «prliiBll*lks attractlona. Howe A James, Oil City, Pa., mgru. attr.; Illfl C'h<«tnut at., I alla<|p|pbla, i‘a. booking A mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; I2t; local bends Sewark—Buckeye Lake Park, Will D. Harrii, (2| (3|. This park Is located half way be only; (x). mgr. A leasee; Will D. Harris, mgr. attr; tween the two cities, and Is practically con r'"*iiloa ralUaib'a Park, I'alUailra Park Am. Syraeuae -Fellows’ Park. (\ M. Fellowa. prwp.; (ll (3i (xi; Will D. Harris booka attractions. trolled by Oil City parties. r„ propH., Iloa lai. Paltaadia. .N. J. P. J. Houold, mgr.; Syracuse Rapid TTannlt This park la located between Columbus and Glrardvllle—Woodland. Schuylkill Ry. Co., CnT.-r’ioin l.nkf Vli'W Park, .National Amif.**- A Ry. Co., mgra. attr.; (1) (41; Keith's Cir¬ Newark, on the Ohio EUectric Railway. proiis ; Geo. II. Gerber, rugr.; also mgr. III. Ill fo.. prop" cuit; L'nlted Bixiklng Offleew, New York. Sew Philadelphia—Tnscora, Tuscora Park Co., attr.; (1» (3l; Boom Circuit; Maurice Boom l „l. r«oii Ityb-. •kn>'i"-iii. lit Co., Troy—Mobiwk Pliiea. J. M. Wllaon, firea., props.; Wm. J. Wise, mgr.; (2| (3); Manager books vaudeville attnactlons. W. I'.. I'.arl, mgr. .Mohawk I'ark Co.. P.ov Orj, Troy. N, Y. booke vaudeville attractlona. Greensburg—Oakford I’ark, Pittsburg, McRaes I’.rih \mlM>y lloynl.m It.aili, lloynlon Hroa., I'llea—Little Coney Island. l.ajuU liyinan, prop. '(Ilea—Avon. Avon Park Amusement Co.. Girard, port A Greensburg Ry. Co., props.; M. A. ; P llojnton. mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; A mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1) l(i (xi; L. (>., props.; J. W. Wees, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; > Coffee, mgr., also mgr. attr.; (ll (8) L'nlted 1. I' ii.iMilon liooka raiiili.vlllp attr. Hyman biaika vaudeville attr. (ll (3i (xi; J. W. Wees bo^a attractlona. Circuit. Plliuau-Alryoo, tJ. W * H H «'«T. l>rot>a.: I'tlea—I'llea Park, Sebrain A Donohue, props. Portsmouth—Mlllbrook Park, Portsmouth St. B. Harrisliurg—Paxtang Park. Central P. T. Co., li W. Parr, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; Ill (3|; A mgra.; alao mgra. attr.; (Si. R. Co., props.; Levi D. York, aigr.; Raymond proiis ; Felix M. Davis, mgr.; also mgr. W W Parr booka *auil*-»lllp altraPIlona. Waverly—Keyalono Park, YV. 8. A A. Tractlcm U. Yca-k, mgr. attr.; (2| (3|. attr.; (ll (31 (.xl; YVm. Morris books vaude ■*.a Iflp Pity —Npw tltaau Pbr. M. Kuily Mel- Po., pro|>a.; W. E. Case, mgr,; alao mgr. attr.; Put In-Bay—I'ut in-Bay, O. 0. Heldle, prop. vllle attractions. lar Kflth'a Tlwatra Hulbllng, lll« Pbratuut (1) (St; W. B. Case liooka raudavllla attr. ttavenna—Lake Brady Park, Lake Brady Park Harrisburg—Hippodrome, A. L. Roumfort A Co., props.; S. Frost, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; Co., owners; M. Rudy Heller, Keith's The at .' Phllailolpbla. Pa., booking mgr. NORTH CAROLINA. Wlli1«'»'>l—Npw lippan PIpc, M llmly Ilellpr, (ll (3| lxx|; Akron Circuit. atre Bldg., 1116 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. Atbevlllo—Overba.k Park, {.altarbe. Moat A gsnduaky—Rye Beach, R. C. Bruns, prop. A Pa. kpitb’a Tboatre Btilldlng 1116 Pbjatniit at., Cbllea, projia. A ni({ra.; Mr. Chiles, mgr. attr.; rntladplphla. Pa., laMiklng mgr. mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (2| (3i; book direct. Hazleton—Hazle Park Lehigh Traction Co., (It (3i: ludeiieudent. Aanduaky—Put-ln-Bay, Board of 'IT'ade of Put-ln- props.; C. B. Houck, mgr; also mgr attr.: NEW MEXICO. Asheville—Hlveralde Park. Asbevllla Electrle Bay, propa. A mgra.; also mgra. attr.; (1) (II (xl (3): John C. Jackel. 145 2.3d st., E.. Albu.iuprrot>a.; M. <*. Pbadlx.urnp. mgr.; (1) Ill (3i; Independent. 4anduflky—Lakeside Park, Rev. Lonnlng, prop.; Hershey—Hershey Pars, M. Rudy Heller, book Charlutts—Latta Park, E. D. Latta. prop.; T. iSi 111. I-Jikeelde Board of Trade, mgra.; also mgra. lug mgr., 1116 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, ■aat laa pgaa-Calllnaa Park, Pity of Eaat I.aa J. W. Brown, mgr.; E. D. Latta, mgr. attr.; attr.; (3i; Board of 'Trade books attractions. \>gaa. i>ra.: K. K. Uwitphell, mgr.: (S) (x). (2l (3| (X). S*‘vllle—Chippewa Lake. A. M. Beach, mgr. Jersey Shore—Nlppono Jark, N4i>pono Park Co., Charlotte—Electric Park, E. D. Latta, prop.; NEW YORK. 4prlngfleld—Spring Orors, Bprlsgflsld Mj. Oik. props : C. B. McCullough, mgr.; (2) (3l. W. Carson Davis, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; props.; (ll (3l; Sun Circuit. Johnstown—Luna Park, Roibury Amusement Albany—Altro. Altr* Park Amu«wi strong, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Central Amuse¬ Lancaster—Peoples’ Park, J. B. Peoples, prop. Elu trlc Co.. pro(>a.; R. A. lluypr, mgr.; (6|. (4i; W. B. Smith hooks vandevllle attr. ment Exchange, of Rochester, N. Y.,; C. W. ; A mgr.; alarop A mgr.; als<> mgr. attr.; (li Cli (ly; Toleilo—White City Park, White City Park Co., attr.; (2) (i| (3l. riiidpvlllp attractlona. M. L. Jackson tKXika veudevUlu attr. props, and mgra., also mgra. attr.; (2| (3l. Uatich Chunk—Flag Staff Park. Carbon R. R. H'ngbamton—Caalno. Binghamton Ry. Co., Washington—RIvenIde Park, \Y'. H. Kuaa Rron. Toll'd')—Caalno. Co., props. A mgrs.; JI. Mounty, mgr. attr.; propa ; J. P. E. Clark, mgr.; alao mgr attr.; Co., props.; W. H. Rasa, mgr.; (2l (Si. Toleilo—Beach. (ll (3i (XI. III; local lianda only; txxik direct. YVinalon—Ni.-seii Park. Tries Mfg. A Power Vermillion—Crystal Beach, Geo. P. Wahl, mgr. Meadvllle—Oakwood. .Yleadvllle Traction Co., Hti.gbimti«—Caalno Park, Bliighamtoa Railway Po.. (iroiie.; J. J. Sigg, mgr.; (2i; playa attr.; (i) (11 (3|. prps.; F. R. Shryock. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Po., pri-pa,; J. P. E. Clark, mgr.; alao mgr. only loi-al bands. Willoughby—Willoughby Beach, The Willoughby (II (xi (31; F. R. Shryock books vaudeville attr.; (II (41 (XI- OHIO. Beach Park Co., props.; J. Jordan, mgr.; B. attractions. H;iu-liamton—Whip- Pity. Wag.-ncr Park Am. L. Schinock, mgr. attr.; (2) (3i (xl. Meadvllle—Exposition Park, Conneaut Lake Akron—Lakeside, N. O. T. A L. Co., prop*.; I . I.. E. WagPBi-r, mgr.; alao mgr. Youngatown—Idora Park, Park and Falls St. i Co., props.; H, O. Holcomb, mgr.; also mgr. Harry Hawn, .'nip'.; alao mgr. attr.; (It (3); .iitr.; (li (3l. Ry. Co., props.; Geo. E. Rose, mgr.; also' attr.; (1) (.31 (i); H. O. Holcomb books- Rty VIvw—Bay View Beach Park. Adolphna Harry Hawn Circuit; Harry Hawn booka vaudeville attractions. vaudeville attractions. mgr. attr.; (II (4i: Keith's Clrrult. liuK-h. Rlaadell, .N. Y.; (21 (x|; bar# own Youngstown—Southern Park. Youngstown A Milton—Milton Park. Richard Barrett, prop. A b.ioi1. Alliance—Lake Park, C. W. Goodwin, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2| (.31. mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (2i (3i. Soulli-rn Ky. Co., props.; E. Raupp, mgr. Buffalo—Uina Park. R H. McBroom, prop. A Youngstown—.Avon Park, Adams Amuse. Co., Mt. Carmel-i.Maysvllle. Shamokin A Mt. Car mgr.; ill (4i. Beach Park—Avon Beach Park, I.ake Shore mel Traction Co., props.; Prof. Chamberlain, Electric Ry., props.; F. J. Roth, mgr.; also props.; (ll. Bnffalo—BpIIpiup, Intomatlooal R. R. Oo., Zanesville—Moxabala Park. Moxabala Park A mgr.; (2l (3|. pri>|ia ; <&> (x > mgr. attr.; (hi (i). New Castle—Cascade Park. .YI. A S. Ry A . Cambridge--Electric, A. J. Mld-llc*wartx. mgr.; Amn«e. Co., props.; Louis Cohn, mgr.; also Pbarlottp—tintarlo Beach Park. Ontario Rtach mgr. attr.; (2| (31. Light Co., props.; W. C. Smith, mgr; Geo ll'itcl and Amuopment Co., iituiib. ; Rpn L. (5» (Xl. G. Rose. mgr. attr.; (11 Keith’s Circuit; Jul<- Papr. mgr.; alao mgr attr.; (ll (Si; Cantral ■"anton—Yleyer* Lake Park. Northern Ohio OKLAHOMA. Delmsr, of l'nlted Booking Offices. New York Amuacment Exchange. Rochealer, N. Y., booka Traction Co., proiis.; H. B. Riti, mgr.; alao Bartlesville—Coliseum, Grey Bros., projia.; C. W. books vandevllle attractions. taudeTllle. mgr attr.; (1| (4i; Hawn Circuit; Harry Stater, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (51; Southern New Brighton—Junction Park, Beaver Valiev Pi'ney laland—Dreamland. Dreamland 0>.. prop#.; Hawn booka vaudeville attractlona. Clrcntt. Traction Co.; M. J. Maxwell, mgr.; alsl' Mill (ouniperlz. mgr.; alao mgr. al(r.; (1) Jedar Point—Odar Pednt Park. Geo. A. Boeck- Bartlesville—Oklah Atrdome, J. L. Overless, t mgr. attr.; (1) (41 (xl; M. J. Maxwell i3 . own clrrult; Iirpamland Co., 220 fifth ling, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (ll (3) prop.; John F. Fllnn, mgr.; also mgr. atttr.; books vaudeville attractions. ate.. New Yiwk City, booka raudeTilla. (XI; Jos. A. Ryan, books vaudeville attr. (.■il (II. on City—.Ylonarch Park. CItlxens' Traction Co r-t...—i\>»,iiea Ice Rink. Theo. Wallace, prop.; Cellna—Cellna Park, J. E. Uamberger, prop. A Durant—Iris Alrdome. Dad Kennedy, prop. A props.; Guy Hecker, mgr.; (2l (31. J 4in Wallace, mgr. , alao mgr. attr.; Baat- mgr., alao mgr. attr.; (II (3i (xi. nigr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3i: Yale Am. Pen Argyl—Wind Gap. State Belt Electric St. • rn Ni-w York Plrcnlt; (Bl. Chlpp«‘wa Falla—Irvine, City of Chippewa Falls, Co.; Dad Kennedy books vaudeville. Ry. Co., props.; J. T. Hamilton, mgr.; also- I'onej laland—Hteeplechaae. Opo. C. Tllyoa, props.; M. S. Bailey, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; Enid—Delmar Theatre. Enid Theatre Co., mgr. attr.; (1' (.31; manager of park books pr .p A mgr.; alao mgr. attr ; (1) (3|; book (2i (31 (XI. propa.; Albert Loewen. mgr., aleo mgr. attr.; vaudeville attractions. lUrcct ■Tnclnnatl—Coney laland Park. Th# Coney la- Sontbem Theatrical Circuit; (2i (SI. Philadelphia—Willow Grove. Philadelphia Rapid P.'my laland—I.una Park, Thomtioon A Dundy, land Co., props, and mgra.. also mgra. attr.; Guthrie—Crystal Alrdome, Brooks A McKenaon. Transit Co., props.; (2| (3). projia.; pted McCIpllan, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; Geo. W. Engelbretb books viudevUle attr.; (1) props.; (2| (4) (xx); Dallas Atrdome Cir¬ Philadelphia—Woodside. Woodstde Park Co., I' (.‘ii; Tbompaon A Ihindy book randoTllla (3) (XI. cuit. props.; W. J. Deering. mgr.; also mgr attrautlona. Cincinnati—Lagoon. John V. Hunt, mgr.; (II Hugo—Star Alrdome, Star Amusement Company, attr.; (1) (3); W, J, Deering booka vaude¬ laland—Brighton Beach Park. Brighton (Si; National Park Managers' Assn.. 1402 props.; Frank Marks, mgr.; R. L. May. Mus¬ ville attractions. Ib-ach Amuttvmcot Co.. pn>|raper. booka attractions. MoAlester—Lake Park. Wm. Busby, prop.; A. Philadelphia—White City. White City Park Co., .abo mgr. attr.; (2t IS>; Q. II. Oarrlaon ijlnclnnatl—Chester Park, I. M. Martin, mgr.; B Eatei, mgr.; A. B. Estet. mgr. attr.; (5) props.; H. B. Anohy, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; b a.ka attractions. also mgr. attr.; (1) (4l. III. (tl (.31; H. B. .Anohy Itooks vaudeville at¬ E nilra- Eldridge. City of Elmira, propa.; Enoch (Tlevrland—Euclid (hardens. Garden Amusement Ytuskogee—Hyde Park, Muskogee Electric Trae tractions. I.l’tle, mgr.; alto mgr. attr.; (II (Si; Enoch Co., props.; Mr. Wilson, mgr.; also mgr. tlon Co., props.; R. D. Long mgr.; also mgt. Philadelphia—Beechwood. Beeohwood Park Co., Little bonka attractlona. attr.; (II (3). attr.; (II (3| (xl; R. D. Long books van props. F.lm'ra—Rorlrk'a 01«o Park, Elmira Water A TUveland—Euclid Beach Park, The Humphrey devtlle attrartxina. Pittsburg—Kennywood Park, Pittsburg Kennv- Light Po., proiui.; Samuel J. Dill, mgr.; (2) Co., D. S. Humphrey, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; Okmulgee—Star Alrdome. B. J. Greenwood, wood Park Co., props.; A. 3. MeSwIgan. i3 ; Manager bka Tauderllle attractlona. |8> (XI. mgr., also mgr. attr.: (51. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II (3). Falla -Clenn Ijike Park. Herbert Orel- Cleveland-Luna Park. Ingersoll Amusement Co., Pawbuaka—Lylrc. J. W. Ramsey, prop.; C. W. Pittsburg—West View Park. West View Park ' ■ mgr prot>a.; Elwood Halsbury, mgr.; also mgr. Stater, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (51 (xl. Co., props.; O. C. MoKallp, mgr.; also mgr. Ithaca —Renwick Park. Renwick Park and Traf attr.; (li (Si; Independent; Elwood Salsbury Sulphur—Tba Vendome, Y’endome Amuse. Co., sttr.; (2) (31 (x|. fle Aaan . props.; R L. Pi>st. mgr., also mgr. hooka vaudeville attractions. props Pittsburg—Southern. Pittsburg Kennywood Park attr . i2i i.Ti ixl. Columbus—Indlanola Park. Indlanola Park Co., Tulsa—Owen Park. Chsuncey Owen, prop.; (21 Co., props.; A. S. MoSwIgan, mgr.; also mgr. 1 lMtiib-<|iH>lt—Sea Breefp Park. Rocheafer Ry. pro[va.; C. E. Miles, mgr.; (1) (3i; Gus Sun (41. attr. (1) (31. Po , proiis.; n E. Wllaon. mgr., alao mgr. Clrrult: C. E. Miles booka attr. Tulsa—Coliseum, C. W. Stater, mgr.; aleo mgr. Pottstowu—Sanatoga Park. P. A R. St. Ry. attr 111 i.Ti: Pentral Amusement Exchsnga. Columbus—4>lentangy. Duaenburv Bros.. prr. M'idlatiian—Midway Park. Wallklll Tranalt IVv., Dayton-White (Tty Park. White City Park Co., tractlona. booka vaadevtlle attractions. pr.,|,« A mgra.; also mgra. attr.; tl) (Si; props.; Geo. H. Hetser, mgr., also mgr. attr.; .Altoona—Lakemont, American St. R. R. Co.; Beading—Pendora, Pendora Park Amuse. Co.,' Park Biaiking Ptrcult. Inc. Ill (31 (X). I,ee T. Shannon, mgr.; (II (31; Melville props.; A. V. Arrowsmlih, mgr.; also mgr. '>• 01 gl: orange Lake Park. B B (Mell. Ml a uce—Island Park. W. P. Engel, prop. A Circuit: Frank Melvills books vaudeville at attr: (1) (31; A. V. Arrowsmlth books vau D pr.i|i ; l: H Fltihngb. mgr. ; alao mgr. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5> (xl. fractions. devllle attractions. III (41 (VI. last Liverpool—Like Brady Park. Lake Brady Bellefonte—Hecla Park, Central R. R. of Henovo—Farwell Park. Stock Co., props.; W. .N.w Hartford—Little Poney Island, loula Hy¬ Park Co.. proi>a. Pa., props.; W. R. Galnsford. mgr.; alto C. Noll, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (ll (3| (xl; man. prop. A mgr.; (II; Manager bxika vauda Tndlay—Riverside Park. City of Findlay, props.; mgr. attr.; (21 (xl. W. C. Noll books vaudeville attractions. V tile (ll (31; Frank B«>Mora. manager of park Bradford—Rock City Park, Bradford A Glean Riverside—Dewitt’s Park, DeWltt Bros., N o l.,rk (Tty Miner Park. W. T, Texter, theatre. _ _ _ Traction Co., pr-qva.: (21 (31. props.; n. L. DeWltt. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; III (.k. TKBn Railway Co., W. n. Pape booka vaudeville attractlona. Scranton—Luna Park, Luna Park (jo., props.; N « York (Tty - lAgn Park props.; (21 (31. Chambersburg—Drv'amland. Aug. Wolf, prop. A Len B. Schloss. mgr.; also mgr. attr.: (li N ' Yerk (Tty—Bergen Beach, Bergen Beach rranklln YHaml Valb-v Chautauqua. (hautan- tngr.; also mgr. attr.; (ll (3i (xl, Aug. (3i; Len B. Schloss books vaudeville attrac¬ .kiniiarinent (V (]ua .(asn , props.; F. G. Cromer, mgr.; also Wolf books attr. tions. N. w y „rk (Tty Manhattan Pa«lno Park. mgr attr.; (11 (3i Cleardeld—Clcarneld Driving Park, Thos. E. Scranton—Rocky Glen. -Arthur Frothingham N-w l..ik (Tty- IT-lham Bay Park —anrine I.ake Resort. Joe DeFuer, prop. Clark, mgr.: (2| (.31. prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.: (ll (.3>; Ar York (Tty Sulaer’a llarleni Hirer Park. A mgr.: ■ (xi. Columbia—Cblcxles Park. C<-nesti>ga TT’action thur Frothingham hooks vaudeville attrac F T. S'ulier. Irontiui—Beeehw.wsl, Ironton .Amusement Co., Co., pivips.: H. .Apgar, mgr.; (51. tlona. prvH«s ; IWward C. Ttimey. mgr; (2i (xl tSi. Shamokin—Edgewood Park. Shamokin A Edge '■ Oer New Y'ork-Htalan Island, Happyland, C-olnmbus—Recreation. Columbus Park Assn.. mil Beach Aiiiiisetiient Po dent -Lake Brady, Eaat Liverpool Dev. Co.; wooil St. Ry. Co., proiis.; M. H. Keeler, 8. H. Frost, mgr.; F. K. Johnson, mgr. attr.; pro{>s.; E. E. Bush, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2| (xl; plays Io<-al ^ ' Yiirk (Tly Fort (Ii-orge Park (21 (xl; plays local bands; use moving pic (61 (Xl ixxl; F. K. JiMtnaon N^oka attr. bands only. N 'lc-ira Falla - Frontier Park. Frontier Amuse. tures. ' nropa ; (leo, J Simona, pres deotoo—Idlewtld. Arthur Hallabury, prop. A Sharon—Idlewlld. Roseville .Amusement Co., (til.If KUltn, Pharlea Amiiagfeient Po.. props.; mgr.; (51 (ii. _ Dsnlelsvllle—DAnleJsvllIe Park. DanieUvills R. props.; (1) (31; E. E. Clipper, secy., books J Harvey Darer, mgr.; ala* ntgr. amuaa.; (II (.ginraeter—Maplewiwwl. Chaa. Thompson, prop.; R. Co., props. A mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; vaudeville attractions, ■S'. W S. Pleveland Circuit. U H. Ibiraeh. mgr.; also mgr attr.; (tl (SI (21. Somerset—Edgewood Park. J. -A. Berkey. prop.; If oirott Beach, Interwatlonal R. R. Po.. (xl; U H. Pursell Nwvka vaudeville Easton—Island Park. Easton Amuse. Co. W. D. Lambert, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; 'll I' : J,. Lang, mgr ; (I I (SI (il. (..anoaater—Rising Park. City of I>aBcaatfr. props.; D. E. Segri'ene, mgr,; also mgr. at (.31; Afanager books vaudeville attractions. "“•an Hmk (Tty Klyerhumt, Weolem N. T. pro|> mgr. a(tr.; (51. St. By. Co.. Thoe. Maloney, mgr.; alto mgr. Norfolk—Ocean Y’lew. Otto Weils, prop, -ant?: (■ 'p A mgr.; alao mgr. allr.; (11 (41; Hew Llatmn YVlliew Grove, Chaa, ('rof(. prop. A ' ■! YV Baker Iwsika attr. attr.; (1) (31; Frank Melville books vaudt mgr., also mgr. attr.; (21 (31: Wells (Mrcult. mgr.; iM. vllle attr. '’••'kvktll Shady Lake Park, Shady Laks (Torn- Petersburg—Femdale Park. Virginia P. A P. Manadeld 4a.; Wm. 11 I,ent. mgr., also mgr. Erie—Four Mile fYetk Park. Erie Brewing Co., Ry. Co., props.; Jno. Harvllle, mgr.; slit* pnopt.; H. F. Foster, mgr.; alto mgr. attr.; mgr. attr.; plays nothing but pictures; (31 - "■(r ; Tanner hooka attr.; (I) (81 (xl. j prvT»s ; K- It. Entlley, mgr. Middletown--Alrdoiue, YVm. G«>rdon. prop. A (II (41; C. 8. Booking Agency books vaude It ^ beater—Ontario Beach Park. Ontario Boach I villa attr. ' (Contiuued on page 2ll) D'lel A Amiiaement Po., props.; Ban. L. * mgr : (ti (('; G"* s’"" Clo-nlt. Xt\e Billl>oarcl JULY 3, 1909.

    l*\v\ Ill Kdwnril'-e. Ktlx'lyiie, A (Veil kVissI Clarendon H,Trill. Kraiik l.Vrcaib'i S.iiilt Sic Murlo. \llili.; (Star, Cortlele, Ca.; (kauilevllleI llattli'slmrg, Nigaiiiiii'i' .■> 7; (lliji'iii l'li|H-Miliit; k in. kllss., 3 In. liniin. ilcirgo it'.'iii-.i IhI.iiiiIi t';; il'am- K|,ps A Lauretta' ClKsloirg. i'yi Indians|H>lis ,*■ in. Kliion t.kirdoiiie, (’oncordia. Kan. Ii.'ibl. r.iiiily \ Jos«l<- iltljniii Wliiiilpi't:. fan.; Kiiiiiii-tt Br|„.lH«n i Fi,'lds, kV. C, (Collsciiiii I lamdoii, Kng., May Circlri l!li‘, O., -S ;tn; (Orplli'iiin i ('liiilirolho 24. Imlef. 1 !■ limeys. The (kVhile City I Clilcago. IkTolhy. Cavin iWTirwaini San Trami'in; ila's Fox A Hnphes llrwini Coali‘ .k ll'iyli' iliinra I’arki Ynmnrsimn. O., Fielding A Carhw (Ces.\ , Hoiislon. Tex. ManaKcrs and performen are regpectfully requested to contribute their dates for this depart* .*■ in. Flelclii'r A La Clerri' iC,'i„l Bellot. Kan.; (Falr- ment. Routes must reach The Billboard Saturday, to insure publication. Ii'iinrn Urns. & f'rlil.iy: Illa.‘ti|>‘S>l. r.m:., 14 niiiiit Park, Kansas City, Mo., 4 In. The Billboard forwards mail to all professionals free of charge. Members of the profession July I'J. Felsman A .Vrlhnr iMysliei Ionia, Mich., 'Js ;((); are invited, while on the road, to have their mail addressed in care of The Billboara. and it Il.inkmar-Snhillnrs. Thi> (rriMinr's ,',lh .VvnI N. will be forwarded promptly. I New ItlJonl Katori Bapids 1 3; (Crtueess) k . f. Marshall 3 7; 1 Bijou, .klldon sin. p'^k^'ullfTaln’r^o;""' Ili^lyn.Iiyllyn. J. It. (.Iran-V(ilrainll Sicrsmnntn.S-irrsinnntn. fal.l',-!!. Fleti lii'r, ('has. laswiard (Keith'sl Chila.; (Croc- Telegrams inquiring for routes not Itnswnrlli, Jack: lUalhn. Kan , 30; Hiawatha o': i.rvnn ( Itirnilnchani. Kng., tor's, Newark, N J . .3 in. given in these columns will be ignored 1 Si.liilia. .Mn., 4 10. Fliiwer, Hick J. (Ti'iiiph'i Hetixdt; (Shea'a) Buf IV'llollis & Valora (Fast Fnd Carki M> midii.s. unless answers are prepaid. Haiiyan 11 iriilimim i llarrisburi:. Ta. falo 3 III Iiri'M. Frankie, .k Hr" oinstiik Witches (.Veiv Itaknr ik I'nrrK'lla iliramll Nashville. Tnnn.; Fi>x A Finns (Bi-p -iit Carki Kxra'lslor Springs, The names of Performers en route Slim Sprinutleld. O. kill.; (Klectric Carki Kansas Clly 3 in. Iiir|ih<'nin 1 Kvansiilln. Inte A I.anBtry iKnhyi M.-mptiis. r.’nc.; klas'., .3 in. PERFORMERS’ DATES. Y. (Majestlcl Hi>pklnsvllle. Ky.. .3 in. Conroy & son (Hlklci Ihirliam. X. 0. Fogsrly. Frank Brtsikljn 2s July KV Ho’yer. Itilly (Crysi.-.I .kirdoniei Sialilia, M'>.; Fnslrii’ka Ba.i niond Trio (Teiiiplei Ih-troll. (When no date is given, June 28-July ■ c11. Mr. A Mrs. Murray ((V H 1 Sidney, Adclnmnn's. Jos.. Musical Knsenddc (Yard, M'X- 1 ^ ‘ ii c ,, X. .s . Can. coiv Itiissi.i JnncSJulv 1.-,; (.kpolln) Xnr.m I CI.ITnri!,Tor.!, Have (Hiioiil(Hiimil Huron. S. H.;!>.; (.kir(.klr Ch'veland; (.kmerican Miisie Halli X Y C., I'i'X. Feireiiia CIllM-rt iCasInoi KIkIns, kV. Va.. I'lirc Her kng 1 .31 ‘ i 'Innietdniiiet SiotiiSioti>. City. la.. 4 10. 3 in. 2s :tn; (Family, CraftiHi J 3; (.krea>lei Ah"arn. Clia«.,‘Tmiiis' (CnllsiiinO London. Kub.. Co\. I-muto-I.o:,j!o. A <’"•Co. tKanillyi(FamilyI kVarren. Ca.;Pa.; (Or(Or- Is Bussell. Mavme. A Co.' Fon st. O. Briiwnsvlllc, Ca.. 3 7; ,Star> Charleroi SB). j,,),. - •() Itheiiml■■heiiml Oil City .3 In. H»rl,i. kV.: HiS-k Hill. S. C. Ft Itoii, ('has M iBIJ-ni Tulsa, dkla. Arnold,'Croat (I.yrici Indlanaisdis. Clipin('lipiM'r r Comed.vConindy FiairF.air (Fairvlew(Falrvlew CarkiParkl Hayton.Hayton Haly A O’Brien tM.V'*rs Ijike I'arki Cau|i«i. «». Frey iSalna A Co. I Brighton Beach Mu'le Hall) Austin. Harry C. (Orphniinil Savannah. Ca. o.; (SpriiiK•‘•’I'rinK tlroveCrove I'arkICarki Sprinyfleld 4 10. H.ipwell. Xatalie A -knrle (Kelth'si Biwto', Brighlou Beach. X. \ M.‘xand> r A Scott (Kinpiret .Shei>herds Itiish, ( hinko ((,randl Manchester. Knc.. .. lO; (Ca Hare A kVoIford iCaseadi- Carki Xrt 12 17; iKm 1 vllioni (ilrsBow. Sen,.. 12 (Calais d'K.te Ca. Farrell. Frank F iKIyrlai Klyrls. 0 Brussels. Bilpiiiin. C.l-.kup. Hi’novan A Mackln (firandi Halhirt. Tex. pire) Hackney 1!I24; (Calacei Manchester 2''>- j Fli'fchi'r, Tom i.Siiiilh'st Br dgi'|H>rt, Conn. Costelhi A I.a Cr^dx tBiJon! Ishjs'mlnp. kllch., Hiiwni'y A IS'ane (Meilfonl Bi'iilevardi Bedfiird. 31. • • I ’ Fariimii, Bud ,.k|H>lloi Cbllllixihle, u., 2s 30; 2s 30; iBIJ<>Hl X,'saum'»' 1-3; (Urandi Mar- klass.; i XorniiilH-pa Carki Bi*stonllisdon 5 10. ■Mi's, Sic Hassan Iten. Arabs (Majestlei Mil¬ (KI*-i‘tric, ('.islns'ioii 13. waukee; (Malestlcl Cldcapo 3 10. ipiette 3 in. |s-Benzo A I.aHne (kV'ssBanil Carki .kshlanil, Fris'iiian A kVsts.,n iFnipIrei klartin«lHirg, kV. Arihdi Bros. (Family) Itutte; (Family) Helena, Sisters A Clek (Niagara I Xiapara Ca. Va.. (.Surprlsi't .klexaoilrit, Va,, 4 in klont., 4 in. I Falls, X. Y.. 2S :}n; (ImiH-rlal) Tonawanda KlHs-Xowlan Tn-iipe (Orpheiimi Otkitnil. Cil.; 1-3. lOridieuni' l-.e. .kngel,-s 417. Alvano. Mailanie, A Co. (Family) Itraddook, Ca., Fiecbtl’s, Otiii. Tyrolean (Jiiintctte tMajestic, St. Caul; iCnopie, lies Midnes, Is., .3 in. 2k 3(1; (l.yrlc) Cnlontowii July 1-3. *Carhw'. (’has.. Ponies A Hops (Four Mile Creek, Kvers. C,s,.. A Cork Chop iklajestlcl St, Caul. .kn»el A IiiTian (Family) Creat Falls, Mont.; Krle, Ca.: (Ci'lerou Park, Jaim-stown, X. Y.. (Bijoni Virpinia. klinn.. 3 in. Ferry. Frog i Fairvlew Carki Hayton. O.; 4 10. Khrenilatl Cri«. A Hiitton (.klrdomel .kiton. (Spring Croie Carki Sprlngtleld 4 in. (F.amilyi Helena 3-10. .kdanis A Mack (I’antaires'( Sacramento. Cal.; 'ClKTord A- C.nrWe (Forest Carki Sr. leniis; HI.: iFnIon Carki Hiilmniie, la.. 4 10. C.Tken. Kd. 1 Lyric I Macon. Ca. Cantapes'i San Francisco 3-in. (Fontaine Ferry Carki I,oiilsvllle 4 10. Kmi-sts. Tlirtn' lSi>rlng Crove Carki Sprlngll<'id. Cr.inat. Lmils kl . Itidgem-ld Park. X J. .knstin A Sweet (Orpheiiml Virclnla, Minn. i 'Carson A- kVllIanl (Majestlcl Chioapo ,3 10. O.; ikValdanteer l arki Krle. I*a.. 4 In. Critntl's. .Myrtle il.yrici I iiiiintown. Ca., 28- .kdc'c's l.ioiis (Mill Slimmer Kxposltioni Iluffalo | .'1(1; i''amilyi Bradilork 1-3. 2t Jnlv 3. Craiits'iry A lot k|.>n (Fslriui'iit I'srki Ktnssa .Mvin A Kenney (ItIjonI Jaekson. Mich. City, .klo.: 1 Klectric Carki Kin-as City, .kndersim A Havenisirt (Start Cleveland. This blank is available for route data in case you have Kan . 4 I’,; iSlaiiford'si Olathe s |ii .‘.niri-r. Capt. Ceo. (.klaiestici Cldcapo July 5 CiT.v's, .krlhiir 1... Xmell.v .kllnsirels (.Smith's) C-((''Va. X. Y.; (New UensM-taeri Tniy 5 10. >"• no route cards. Cards will be mailed upon application. .krn'stroiiR A Clark (Orphcnnii San Francisco. . Ci1r>y, Hayiie-. A klontgf Cardcnl Crecn M tss , (kk "ndi-rlami, Bo-t''n 3 In. held. Inil.; (Arcadia) Hartford City .3 1(1. Clll'ngwat'r. Cland'. A C" lOrpheiimi la* .kn- .kvirv. Mary (Cramp’s Carki Macon. Ca. peles 27 July I'l .kr,'do. Jos. (.kl,-domel Concordia. Kan. (ii'rlaeh. Mr A Mr- Cirl Ceary. Okla. .krmond. Crai-e (l.ak**side Carki .kkr*m. O., 3- Crtinm A Sstrhell (White C.ty • Chicago. 111, Cilden Sl«ters. Thr.-e (.kn-ade, iHirhsni. X C. .knstin. Ceo.. A Co. (Coney Island) Cincinnati. C-,tTi,ey Ctrl-. I'lie il.iri,' .klrdomei oklibuma Barnes A F.dwins (.klrdomei Hot Sprinps. .krk. City, okla Bellows. Tempi' A -kll'T (I.amkln's Alrdomel Crs'iillle A K''per- lOrplieumi ll's-kford. HI. Tvh r. Te\. C.n I Trio (L.T'ciim, la-tlilirl'lg''. Can. C.'Tcl'in. Steve (Hampton Cark .klrdc.mci C'"" . .kiigii-ta iKeldi's, Chila Clinrtest ,n. S C. Ci-nar', A rh'-'I iColl-* ,11111 Chi»-n x. .kris. Blp Cilv Four (Caiae,') lyndon. June 21- , Carr.-il Cr"- lOiidt'-um. kVi.-hlts. Kan.; (Crya- t 'll St J "-eph. M'. .3 in Inlv .31. - . -a Be' <1. K."inetti .1. (.kinloniei Oidweln. t i. Car'-liflll Br— (.kl'-azar, kl.-xlco City. Mex., Colllsoii A Bo.xer iiiih-iiii Clarkslnirp. kV. Va.. Kveleln. ,Or|iheiimiOakl iinl. Csl.; (Or Br-’ton Uiinkle Co. (Hlxi,'i IMirham. X. C. ‘ •Js July '.’4 2s .’{o; I i;ii-.-trl< I Kairmont 13; iKm|>ir,'i kVin liheiimi lee- .knpi-i. - 4 17. Brewn. Harris A Brown- Uivor«l’e. K I. | (till A kker ikV'>-llBn'l Carki .k-hland, Ca. ehestiVa.. .3 7' , K;iil>lri'1 Martin'hiirp. kV. Kdnian A Ci>l,ir iKIi-cirlci Fairiii'Sit. kV Vs.. Itodnli'k. sti-v" (Barrlsonl kVankepan. Cl. ■ C'I'l* ,1 Bichard , Keith -1 Chila Va.. .s-in, •Js 30; lO'l.'.mi ciark-liiirp I;’. Biiriiank. Mnide. A Horse Hynamo (Klk's Clr- Canlii'-r. k\i-l A Siin-ldne lOrpheumi llarrlo- Calvert. Cn-at (I.una Carki Si-ranton. Cs.; Kxcela A Franks, .m il.yia'iim. kli-silx ille, ens, H"'roit; (Klk's Clrciisl Kalamaroo. Mieh.. loirg. Ca (Beach Cark, Bi'ach Cark. ft.. 4 in. Ca,, '2s .*1,1; il.It-ali Tiin-vill,* 1 ,,(rplicuni, Inlv 3 m. Crstiai-i A I raley 1 keaileiii.t > Charleston. S C. Closi's, Original. Ti;ree ,1’oloniali Krie. I’s., oil City 4 7; 11 irphi',iiii, Craiiklin s |o C.l'iiniddn .k Helir (Ha\Idson’si M.mcton. X. B.. ' Cl it. , ,v (tiliii'T' Dtraii'li MaiBson. Iml. (Iniie-rial, Tonawamla, X. V.. .3 10. Kdwanls A Bixnionil ,l’rln,->-«i Clexe'.nn'I. O . Can.; (.ki-k,rst Halifcx. X. S.. .3-lii. Ct rtlCiTh.-lnia (" t V aich-i III.-' B"wlliig Cra'co. Carew, MsIm 1 (Cra',«H Vii-toria. B. C., Can.; I Bljoii I L'-ra n 3 in Br.-n-'ii. IHrlx-rt. ll.-Ien H.iwnlnp .A Co. (Bell) K, . I k ao'l.'itil.'' Cxilat.n. T'eim . 7, In. tCranili Tacoma. kVash.. .3 in. Knn r.vs. Tin (Mi-t,.- .klrdi.iin . kV. II. Citv. Oakisnd. Cal.; (kVIpwanii San Francisco .3 10. Maiitiiiaii. S ni (C...|.eri kit k ernon, o Carter. Hora .s. ,Maji-«tIc, I’aris, III.; (.kir .klo.. 2S.’tO: ,M.,J -i;.-, X.iwala, ‘V. .Icdin (Famllvi IL'Iena. M nt.: iC.IJoti. Hewlett -. '13, ' iFiop r'-i S|,ri,ipll. I'l HI diwne, kV.ashington. Ir.d.. 3-10. I Pastime I Clari'iiiori' .3 7; (Klcclrlci Jo|illii. Mi^s.'.ola 1 in. Horwo...! W 0 'I.w.ti Carls. T.x Cofi-r. Tom (kVestern Star, X'-wimi. Kan.; k!o.. h 10. Bs'iks C.r,': real,' Hno (Orplicn-n, Spokan-': Okr- Hv'tt. Larry H yIaiMl) .Statin I'lainl. X. F'niin-tt A le-wiT 1 I.t •-•'iini t iig.l. ii, Ctali Coffalo; tCri«-li>r’s .3th kM'.l X. Y. C.. 3 H ri. BalT'l, (’ iCro'r-'r*- 341, .kv*- ( X. Y. C.: Y. F.llte Musical Four, ,M i|i «,li-i H•■llv•'r. 3 lo in. iK. ilh -. Clilla , .3 in Clernninto’s Black Hrag<»in« (kVlMw i«..l Carki Kliina-e A Ba.v (Star, In-s .Moines, la.; iF.niiilyi C' V. Clias. H. (Cant -iri-i Tacoma; 1 C.(ntBP'‘«'i' iFinidr.-i Irodl'n. o . (Kagl.-i Charlea Cntnam Conn. Sioux City, .'■■ III. CortlaP't. Or.',. .3 to. Ion. W k a , 3 In Collins. Jas. H. (Ci-ml k|i,nt(e'II, r. o. Kins’ll (Scaintap.'i C.irk, Clovi-rsvllle, \ V C. rn"s. C. inin'r A Co. (Craii'li Victoela. B. C., C'issar. klr. A Mrs. John H. (Maji'stic, Cali<'s H-Csioa". H'-l. A kV..|.|N r SI-1, rs ((tran.l. Chil¬ (’■'11 ; (Crwntt T;o'onia 4 H*. Lilniiinds. .kp„i-- lC|.■\,'l.',n■l Bi-a, h Cark, C!,'Ve land. (I li;-locg. I‘a . _'s .',0, (BIJ..,ii 1'.vr"ii.' .'II July Iiini (;.,l'.'n I'lavers (.Virlomei Soiilti Mc.klos- ton. Ti'X. C:is,on. Have (The Carki MontgorinTy. .k'a. t'-r. okla.; (Ii-lmar Cardeni (iklalionia City Kck.'l A Ii.i;.r.-e (Hxiani! Park, kk’li,.i...|. Conn • lliti.'v, IMilh (Family, Butte; iFamtly* ll.-lena (’riiiP'. kk j ■. H,o\.-r«. W' .V ('rie.k--r (Vontan" F'-r-y Cl-as*' A Carnia (I'.lJ'm, Crei-nsteiro. X. (’. Cark, I 'lii 'VlII.'-. ikV. -t Kil l I’arki M> inpliis Copan 'k- Bancr.ift 1 kVasliingtim 1 S,iiik:i!,e; (Star, 3 1(1 Si'atlle .3 in. Coiie'ii'i-'s. Till'-" 11'oro't Cark lllphlandsi St. . Clipiier Conieilv l^iiarti't (Iiipi-rsoll Park, H,-.* 1 "oi. 4 in Miiln'-«. la.: Iklab-'lic, Chic,,go .3 10. C""'ks, W'ait'T Julian (.VIr'l 'no'i llntcliison. I’ .rr Trio (I.yri.-i M.d.ll.. .kla. Get the Best-We Otter the Best Ka,i.. 27 .Iiily in Carr,,II. Clia«. (Star, |■:•llllcah. Ky. ... \|o. i.-il (Bolen-oni ( ini-inn-itl. Cri'lpliton's It irnyanl Cin-ns 1 M.ije-.i o-, To None better in the world than our Hr. I.lwi k*. T'l ■ (I.ikoaiew Cirkl I.ake\iew. X. ro'ito. .1 Canidh' Trio (Orfihi-nni 1 San<’l«c<.. C.. .,r ki ilo IlisMnps. Nell.; Kiarney .3 10. Cari-w. Matn-I, A Co (Crand, Vii'liria. B C. It. .'; . J'-.'n I H:'inmi r'tei'''s Boof i X. Y. C., (’.-III. FILM SERVICE Cli'iipatra iK'.ath Icnc-- Is-nvcr C . I V. II ■ 3'rio ((irplii'iini I l.os .knp> I Clayton Hri'W Players (IFirki .kret* r-i>n. Iinl. Write us a few questions and 4'...a..,, .k Haydn Bros. (Kinpin'i Sin Ciists lt, .kila il.nni I'lirk, Hartf inl. I' iiin. Frill. (-.ii. C,si|.>'r A Lynch (Si-ir, Charleroi, Ca.. 2s 3:ii|<'ri. Kiig . Onr Kipcrt Rsniicr and Makes of Machinss and Supplies C’-'s kman. SI C'T (Cramli Cortland. Ore. .k,ig. 2 S'-pt. 4. PnstsT f.:olc,r Artiat C.'iit'.' V, llain,is|i.:(d iC'^mi Hattieshiirp. Mi-s.; Honovan A Mackln (CoI,mliI( Hall;-. T'-- - JOSEPH HOPP. Prasidant. I Ii \ I ■ 1 ('.nlfjiort 3 m. Harle iKi'ith's, C.ictoii; ICr' t .r'* .30, .kv,. 1 C.-I i-r. M-tv,' iV FOii-1 (Flt'etriei Vinlen, III. X. Y. .3 10 C.arro.v ,k- kli'... iBil',ni Knovvilh', Tenn. Hordis-ns. Four (Karli Cinhlo. Col.; (Crjslali Ca'iots. Tl'i. (C:ipifi,1 Carki I'reotfiO. X. J. St, Jie. '(,1,. Mo., .3 in. STANDARD FILM EXCHANGE. T’.i-en..,!, Frill .k. (Hi|iici'1ri'!noi Chile. HeCo*rei A B‘-p'» (Xovi-lty, Hto'kton, Csl ; Lioanaaaa Motion Plctura Palanis Co. C' Car Si-liTs (Biloti, Cr*-*n Ba.v. kVIs, (lira,,,I I Sacramento 3 H* I’ond. kk' .V Co. (B;.ioiii Cr,-en Bay. kVls. Hi-Vi lde A Zelila (kVital Carki TVeiiton. .N. (Vallaniont, kVi|Ilan,-|e,rt .3 10 H."venie>rl. Ci'.irle (Star, cieceUnd

    ( JULY 3, 1909. Xl^e Billboard 27

    II fn.M. T<'iii toriiln’iiiiii (l.>rlo) I.bP."IIp Tr"ii|..- (Iliiiihii|-H I'.iln* i 'rnr'.iit". Can.; . Ala . r> 1'l iSnliiii.r P.irki M...|Ii-..hI 1li ll.illi ltli.i<'N, .N. V.; O . 4 Id. I.'.lt'iy, Mairli-laii ll•.t>' t■.•nr iCIi-v.-Ihii'I ll<-»rli I'arki (■|<•^•■lt^lll|. I.i. aa. Mr A Mra. I .1. i(;r.i.-n!i p.lri'iliinlinin. ||..!im'Ii |lr..». (.Vllrii l«l»ii.l I’arki .Mliali.'. Kill!.. .I Id 11.. wf \ II..W'' (lai' llil A»iM ('ll-*! UikI. It. l.'-all". I.Ml'. iT'iiii.l.., lE'-v r- P,....i'.>i. P.oa- Il. 'ir.i .V l.ln l (ll••llri-« (.klrtlmiii-1 \Va»lilii|{»'>ii. Iml. la.,ill! .V I.*'.ill iMyalirt K.-iinri*. Can. A FEATURE FILM FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY SEASON il. rniiiiii.'. T«<. (Sl.iri Wllkiii'liiirif. I'.i. ’.Ii'lv. li'iia III, II. I Sal'-iii, o. II Hilly lliiiii" III'-. All I.ainl'r..' K.iinlly iStar' Miiin.ppi.ii. Pa. “THE MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY.” n.,r.liiiin J- A ll-.l Si.rliif. Ark. I I 111.lit. |.-raiik (liiii'-rai.ll P.irki Ii'.a M-.lnei.. j II.nil'll A 1.>I- •.' Id 1! II .V Wlillak'-r iravlll.nii l•la^;rl>«■. Si.'ilainl. I.;In.|I'.a Koiir Kanlaallr I Panlaifi.a'i S'.attl**; A Fascinating Story A Wonderful Lesson in Patriotism. '.Ill ll'alarri .KlHr.l'in I'J 17. (('"i;''111111 iPanl .i!'''! Tanoma .A Id The (fmatpst war acme ever stacnd. -An eDitagemciit hetwts'n inipoalng friitateg at sna. The I ■..i..ii Kill.' •-’•■' ll. Illllilaalri'iii' I Smilli- l.nkniia ll.irry. .An niala il.iina Parki Wash.. quarter deck and the Kreat Kuna 'lurint; the nerve leiisinK action. The battle lust and the roar ■.■iil.l.n .\iii: -7 H. C of conlllct. ’-Hid Clory” nailed ’midst shot and shell, to the wave tossed mast. Scenes, tbrilla II- .Ini'. Thr.-'' (Slari Wllklii'lmri:. la.; Mo- !.a\*alls. 'rin* i.Alnarar iCKlni Paria. Krannp, ao'l dramatic interest without a parallel. fit-oHfti r» , .'.Jill.' Id. iKiii|iirn. Hull. Km:. 17 17: iCity A uiaKUiflrent play, splendidly acted, leadini; up to a dramatically powerful climax that will II fi'N. Marlnni-lli •• I M'-lrnic-lllan Alr.k.iiifi K. of A'arinilnsi Knc'ls l!i74; iKiniir'-a-i Hartnl- brlnif cheers from any audience. S' I..aiU. Ill |MH.l 7»tJ|. The film you must have anil have early. Your patrons will discuss it In their homca. They ||.'mail"*. T».' iSiari Wllkliul'iiri:. I'a.; (Star. |^.\oir'a .Mari'iirtt'-r il.yrl'. .\lr,l'.inn, Oklahoma will advertise it where they work. It will bring crowds of new faces to your theatre. City, okl.i. ir \ < Aimn* M.1i IlutN*r, * ^ I.ianTt.. I AIIII'T Sli.'Uai .Alia, okla, No. 6477. Code Verliesees. Approx. Length 1,000 Feet. II,-'.. .V V|.|.a-'| I I'r.a-t..r'» Mil A\'-.l N. A (. I I'.yil. .Alin.. (A'lHini! ' P.'.n .Allantio Cilv. N. H,rr'- A llllHar.l c A.-a.l'-ni} ' Itiiffil.' J II V A llal'-y iHr.'a'U ayi I..n<|,.iis. Koiir (K.'ith'ai Phlla. Released July 6, 1909. Il'rrVl'i A S« ■•lii-r (Tarkl Siiiil'iiiv. I’a 1.. 1w r".n.n. Ii. r; i It ...f Car.lnni (:r..«.nlinlil. Inli-- Kran.-Ni-" 'I. I>..nall A C.irl.iln l.Ama.I.. > AA'allarn, Ida. ment and every stage of the process until they become finish,si sailors. This film is made with II rt. ii A I.a Trlrka (N'» Ilrlulilnn. Ilrltfliton .Alani:'.|<. J'.hn \A' i.Alrilomm I.ap Criinns. .\. M the approval of the I'niltsl States (iovermuent and every facility of the Government Navy Yards Jniin 1, Inil. r Il..-'ili. N A' .... V V and vessels was afforded our company in making the original pictures. II. n -r.l A III!" ir.l irr.H-t'.ra .>tli •V'l’. > .a A. Alnhall A K'li.' iK'.lll. s |l. ri:. rt.i M. xUo City, M. \ . May Iml. f, No. 6480. Code Vermily. Approx. Length 1,000 Feet. II ''nan. llarrr il/>r.r*i f;i"ii'-"‘t'r. Mi»< M'-'.n A Horan illljoii. Xn» I,..n.lon. Conn Released July 9, 1909. Ilnrl'-v |lr"« iIkiiiilnlin I’a'k- M..n(r<-il. .Ma-innrla Sivi.rv Thr.-.- i.A. Y. P.i Kxrs).l II'1 matin. I'r Carl (Julian. < lilran" S' .iiil... Jiin. 1 <1. I. 1. A SQUEEDUNK SHERLOCK HOLMES. Ilrml'i 'ii A Ita.a.-lt il.\r'-. Naalnlll'-. T'-nn. Maxim a M -1. is ,Wh!ln Cllr Park. Cliioairo A laughable film showing how a country constable with the Instinct of a true Slierlook Holmes llar.l A Hmkl.ia llll).ii' Jark'-'n Mli-h Alllmars. Tl.n, A Ilal.y Junn (.A. V I*. Kxia. 1 followeil up an imiginary crime. A realistic travesty on the ambitious of the typical country l.l.lkaaia Itriia. (Ilirl»*ni I’arki U-a-kforil, Ill. .S..alt:. constable. ||i Clill.l M.-ntil'-l '.Jraii'l. Klin ra .N. A'.: A'"ntai:n.. Ap.iia iStanilar.l, It.ik.-rsfinld. Cal. No. 6481. Code Verminaeao. Approx. Length SOO Feet. . ki'niii’i Pu Il'i'. I’a . •' 'll Miinll..' .A- Ain. 11.T- S.ainaw. .Mlnh. l-M-rl.-iI Iiai.i.-r. SU iSli'.t’.' T.>" Mas..., i, ,p;illli|.si I{li.ljm..n.I. Iml.; Released July 9. 1909. Ini.. A Itiaii t '. .t'T I’ark. (Jn.-inn.itl • Siiiri Mom ' • l'». THE ABSENT-MINDED CUPID. I .p. A i-ir'-m I \ra.l'-a.T ' IliifTil". iMaJ' 'Indp*. Hirp'jourui SjH'kan**: H>rphvum» S**- T .r .nt.' .A m „ lo. A comedy subject. Harold borrows an overcoat to take bis lady friend out to dine. The bor- J. k .V C'alrr (W nl'rlaii'l- SI Mary. la., M* Nin • K .is l .n.l TroiiiM- iii. H.i Hiinlinaton. row'i-d garment was put on by an absent-minded old gentleman, causing Harold mush distress when .-s ai III H ' icl''c»a> I 1. AA’ar Pa : ilriii'li P lillii'sl'iiri: .'.Id, 11'- di8,'overe1 rnlr. N T"iii» aii'l't. N. I Hi|>|..>lr"mni rh.irl.-ston. W \’i .'>10 M..|liv..;i Thmn lMa|.»tlri A\-Tan'«.. NEXT WEEK’S SUBJECTS f Ciilli'iC iilran.I' Miniil'-ll'- .Mn-h. Mii h - iC.illIiis’ Car'll nsi Coliiml'iis. o.. .'. Id. 11'ri'Ki'iim I l’"rllan'l. or*', Msrio Tr'o Parki Ik-s M..inns. la Released July 13. 1909. i. Carr.'ll oaklan-l. Ci' Aloriran A .M'SUrrr .V Hancinc Clrls l\'arinM''S) THE SECRET OF THE LOCKET. Dramatic. pr;*u^«'k ^ khr.l.ti T-rr.. Haul'. Iml ; i Kamily, I.aKaTctto .Aid. No. 6463. Code Verm naria App. Length 915 Feet. ■. t. n II Mr\A-|Iii.ims. Croi. r iii 11. i AA'i>nnshnrir. Pa.: « .V M.irl n I Whit' CIIT I Ila> I'.n. (A ; (.VIr • Casino' \A-a«hini:t"n. Pa.. .'.7: iStari New Released July 16. I9C9 ... , M,.n*fl.l'l « 1“ K' lislneion s In CAUGHT BY THE COUPON CRAZE. A Merry Farce n Mari' it'"n''T I.laml' ('ItiPlnnall Msnnlm: Trio lO H i A' 'iinirst.iwn. O . 2S rto- J K-air i^'iarl' tt'* i .klr,|.'nir i Il.milnilliani K I ;i' rt"sd 1 1. No. 6484. Code Verminate. App. Length 475 feet. Msnn .V Pranks 'Nalionali San Kran.-iss-o; (Itnlli K.”v A Ma.»'-v (rnlrnir'i lai« Vnppl*"'. Cal in. Released Jnly 16. 1909. K.'A Willi-r C (I’flara- I..>nst.oi IK nvnr -JSJnly 17. K.I'V s.i.ra Thr.a‘. A IMIlr Ciinimlni:* n'r M'-lxln Bros.. Tlnxo' (I.aknsiiln Park. Canton. DEALERS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. . .'im I I.lma. .o ; i('Tyalall .An'l''r».*n. In,! . O r. Id Mlllinan Trio iTnmplni IK-iroit. K. -p.v I itrlan il TPriimi Si ln'.r. Caiw Brol'n. Mirl.'wn. Plunk'll A It..Ill MnrrI (H ip|HMlrom,!) , p iKrllh’-i SI J'hn N H. Cl'ktii'slon. AA' A'a. K.''i*-.'r A C•.|ll••r iSmllh *' (Icnraa. >. A' ; MarCn. Kathnr.m (l..irli'i MoliMn. .Ala. CALIFORNIA FRANK'S ALL-STAR It. i,aa. Ia' r Park I Tr"T ' !•' Iliif MaxK' II A Slannlon i W.sslsl.H-k i Wo.slsto'-k. K ;ipr I. a«lp. Tr.aii>p (Iliifral.. Kv|«.«-ll''n. II!. r,l. 71 Jiilr A; il.iina Park i S ranl"n. la. , Alal's.ln'*. Kmma A l^'l> r (C.-mi Washlncion. '.'ll o , iKanillxi I.ano.isinr .'. in. K i ll \ II (Ijik.. Harr' ll Mlnn^aMl* i Mfsh Int.rnailonal Trio (Main, lAkl.ihoina City, WESTERN ATTRACTIONS K -’.Ir.. V Kllflon (HIJ'.iii' Jarr. Saak.. , iikla. I'm - lllll'aii Krclna .’I Id , Mirrlott Twins (Kxisisltion) Buffalo. -CONSISTING OF- K rk II Arthur (MaJ.-alln IVIr.Mt; (A il'-n MIII'T. loiiis K . A C". ((7ran'Ii .Aiiciista. Ca. 'll.. ' T. Ipilrt .A O' ' Mill'-rs. Thr's' Jntiulinj: i.A''.nii'.i I,.wiisvlllt'. K.Pam Ian- J il.yrln km'-«. la ; lT'm|.l«*i Man In Br..« otraivli Iv lriy. Ml,'h. Miss Mamie Francis and Her Dare-Devil Diving Horses K«r> A Knn\»lllr. T«‘nn . in- ^ Msr;on. I..Hi|s>. i.Ariloni'-i N. S. Plttshiirff. Pa \f1tinta. On . I*' Al.Ti'liiiils Th'. (Kamllx) Kiiisl'ic. Mich. A SMim’T lOriHAp In.! PRINCESS WINONA MLLE. SOMMERVILLE Mark, wni'iir (Maj'sil.i Chlrai:... K 'll!* r .% kilnm* iila; (.Air- M (Sh*'a'«t Toront.i j ,l,.ni.-' Kl AVayii.' Iml . .5 Id. _WILLIAM HIRST, WlHl] QUICK._ l"lMnn«lo. OiVNf il.ima Park* \Va*li . P P , MalHi''-.,s, Him H iOtphf-.iml Chlllloolh.', O. 1 Mr A \V. *r H. a lOo Plf v N J M 'IT Prof Klk I.ak'-. Ont . Can I ** irnoi- Walkt r i \1iln» Man^ftoM. H Mll'-ti.-II A Craiit iBHoiit OC'Irnsl.iiri:. N A'. 1 *' A l i.ktiaril < \lratar •I’Ktoi Parla. Pranco. , M.-rrlln-n ,A It in<-r iPlililins) Itirhmond. lint.; aliih I .11 I (.Arrsili'l Toll'd". O . Id, I Al iks. T»,i il.niia Park' Hartfi’ril. Conn. !'i ’• P’t A lla»»l 1 \rnol«1 Park* laak** Oka M lain .A Hii ti'opii H«'iiston. T.'X,; |I.jr Youn^ and Marden ’-■11 Ik'.n lu rl nl ■ Id MrlKTiinilt. AA J, 1 Alnl'nii't loi Cross.'. AA'ls. H>ri.hf nriH Kiltn.itititn. \!la . ^ 10 Novelty tianee music, combination of piano and drums. The I" PMfltiiich. A Po M;or»l.*n Park! PUirln I Mai k .V Si'h.'fli'IN I I'liipiri'l Sprliii:fl<'l.I. HI. I Normans, K-,p JiiuElIni; l.'»all A rt Salt l.aki' •• 4 I« I I f\|oicii«» biji^ctit “ lirr” yet. Ctct busy and write NOW for terms. Clly rtah; lIK arhl Salt I.ak.' Clly 4 Id. ' *!• A l.«'Mar tWh«*f|inir P-irk* \Vho»*llnir. \V. I ' ' ; ' Id. Slntf Poitu Ilnfralo; I nappy j N.'lson. Ni',l. A C" - H.'iii''s|i ail. Pa. ILS .\M> l*K.UtX>li>IKl{S AT I.lUiaiTY SIIOl 1-1) AVAIL ll *»iri Kliiilra \ V , .% 10 Mi iiii'.i'T. Jo.' H iKorr.'sl Parki t'hlt'aKo. *Oir in rt A iTomploi 0i’(rt*lt. (Sh«'a*a! I SaKi'l. C*'0 . A Co il .irli'l Joplin. M,». 'nii.MMiAFs t)F Tin: scixial i’OMi*i,i>iKXT.\itv ai)m;utisi.n<; Porta)• OU1 ato to I \.<„ton. Cl.nlis iJi'ni'lli Kraiikltn. I.a. ’ UA'I i: Al toum.l) MI-iMItF.ILS t)l’ TIIK 1‘1U)FKSS10.\ FDK 1*1 HI,It A^ 'Mar., nr.ith.ra, Tlirr.* t|ll|..ii) Itiiliilli. Mllin : j TIO.N OF .XT I.IHFHTY F.XIIHS. 'liil'inrl M|niiPa|H.|ta In 1 (CoiiHiiii.'.l on pasr 7d) 28 Tlie Billboard JULY 3, 1909.

    Park News INCREASE Not a Gold Mine, PARK NOTES. Just a Magnet tContIuued from page 151 YOUR That Draws the The formal opening of Indian Park, WllliamsiMirt, l*a., took place June 21. I.arge crowds were present. Mayor Wolfe made the Nickels of Thou¬ PATRONAGE opi'nlng address. C. L. IVaaler, preaident of the .\ssparahle bluge, tpatriitedl, easy to clean; aivurately gruuiul faces; buffid and |s>l- goiK) attendanee since Ita 0|M-aing. Vaude¬ ishid plates, smooth as a mirrvir: plates sutficieutly heavy to diffuse beat ami uot warp; ville Is one of tlie park's featiir«“s. the hill for will save its price In fuel and dltH-omfort In one season; does not require an expensive Ibe wiHik of June 19 including Kadura's Japs stove; evdd rolled steel hatvdies. will m>C break; three alm|de parts; a steel Upped cv>na ami other Mg acts. roller, worth doutile Its prlcv* of $8..VI each. TF'KMS—Cash with order, or one half cash, balance C. O. D. Wire, write or phone. Minewa Park, Peru. 111., managed by Instant shipment. ('has. It. Wagner, is playing to big business. Ot’K GL'.VK.4NTEE—Your mom-y back if after 3d days' test, this It m>t proven to Teddle Davis, the Wliiatling Aeriallst: Davis lie the treat Cone Baker—the one that prvrduvvs tbe lieat couea. and Merrill, uniqne entertainers: Davis Bros., comedy instrumentalists; Kobt. Whitfleld. sing STANDARD MFG. & SUPPLY CO., Drawer M. Monongahtia, Pa. er. composed the vaudeville bill for week of June 20. i

    Cheyenne, Wyo., ha., was the attraction has commented U|sin It and now the public know that motion |dctur(>8 uninjurious to that drew the big cnwd on opening day. the eyes are exhibited, and jssiple are patron- After two weeks of stock, the Glen- IziiiK exhibitors shoHiiiK snch pictures. Why dile Casino, at Glendtle Park. Nashville, Tenn.. not. tbeli cel The Film Steadier and a»>cure WANTED TO JOIN ON WIRE will ts' devoted to vaudeville. Manager Wm. this pairoiuice? It tits an.v standard machine. Bordleser i»i>eur*Hl I.lpnan and I>evy as the head¬ Write for mor«- particulars alsiut It, or cive us tbe tisme and make of your machine and liners of the o,H‘ning hill. let us send It to you now. Sent prepaid and his Band will not appear Sister Team, when cash uccompaiiies orders, or will ship at any park this s<‘ason with the exception of f (». D. bis annual engagement at Willow Grove. Phila¬ delphia, for thns.' wis-ks. commencing August Small Chorus Girls, Novelty Acts, PRICE $7.50 1.-.. The new vaudeville theatre at Wal- I'auu'er Park. Erie, Pa., which Is manageera Company, at Worcester. Mass. SALT LAKE CITY, DENVER, OMAHA, H. N. Gould and G. II. Ruhling have Ridgewood Celebration, WASHINGTON, NASHVILLE. ATLANTA. opened a photogra|ih gallery at Waldemwr Park. Erie. Pa. Kings anil (Jueens (■oiinlb-s mniblnisl fur this monsti-r .‘veiil, b.-uce the change of dale. On the Woo. Me will Im- Injiageant parade, l•ou't wire, write full iiartUulars. Addrvsa DIRECTOR OEMERAl., pareil cre|s- pu|>er. Will stand Headquarter! 1481 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. a shower of rain. Two sain- pb‘s maibsl on rwidiit of Htc. CAPT. W. D. AMENT’S ENTER¬ OSCAR LEISTNER, PRISES. 119 Franklin St., CbicaKo. I'arawds, Ijtnierus. Seris-ntiues; ('apt. W. D. Am( at will launch two high- ever.MbiiiK in tbe line of paia-r ell-*-. kIious this fall and play the fair circuit. Wanted loi Itie Gieat Hines-Kimball Shows lb •soations. He has tia-m leiokeil solid for tlfteen w•s■k^. com- Perfunnera In all hraurhes, exr<-|)t riders; gissl Talking aial Hinging Clown with giasl entrlea; mcuriiig .August Id, at some of the ‘arge>t also MusU-ians on all Instruiueuts; Band nml Drehestra la-ader, gisa) Ibiaa Cauvasman for 70 ft. fairs in .Ymerica. He will make many Easlem Bound Top with 4d fl. middle ttllier wurkingmeii write or

    We open in Nashua, X. II., week of July 12, on the main street, under the auspices of Sons of Veterans and Merchants. T he city will be decorated and brilliantly iiluininat(‘d; excursions on all rail¬ Last CaU! roads; population ot city .‘1(),(K)0 with 7/),()()() to draw from. Have All Shows holding contracts for engagt^ all my free acts. Wanted, a Ferrii Wheel and one or two more Shows; also, one platform show; must be money-getters. (Jet Flagg’s New England Carnival Co. in line lor the big ones; this will be the grandest, greatest and best Acknowledge this call by letter or wire. money proposition tor shows this season. Other big cities to follow. GILBERT FLAGG. 29 Bowdoin St, BOSTON, MASS. JULY 3, 1909.

    ■ ttr.; (1) (4|; K. Q. Olmn book* Tko^cTllle. mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (II; Pollard Circuit; Milwaukee—Schlltz Park, Soblitx Brewing Co., PARKS Vumrllln—(i)fowood I’«rk. Nut)lr( Hro«., prop*.; (3i; Pollard books vaudeville attractions. props.; G. E. Schubert, mgr.; also mgr attr.; Joe Huatoa. mgr.; II. fl. Elliott, mgr. attr.; Charlottesville—Jefferson Park, Cbarlotteaville (11 (3). (t'ontiBied from page 25.1 (X) (ix» (4). City A Suburban Ry. Co., prop*.; R. H. Oshkosh—Electric Park. Winnebago Traction Auatin—Hyde Park, Ja*. Miller, prop, h mgr.; Fife, mgr.; (B| (z). Co., props.; J. P. Pulliam, mgr.; also mgr. Kli hraoiid—Forest Hill, Forest Hill Amus*. Co., alBo mgr. attr.; (It (x| (3). Danville—Ballou Park. City of Danville, props.; attr.; (51 (x). props ; Vsl HtilD, mgr. Clarkavllle—Iteonlon Park, J. K. P. Jamlaon, A. B. Huyler, mgr.; (1); Jake Wella Cir¬ Oshkosh—White City Park. Campbell A Dan- H,,.nPke—Mountain Park. Roanoke Ry. Co., mgr.; II. M. Kelly, mgr. attr.; (2) (3). cuit; (4). fortb. props.; H. C. Danfortb, mgr.; (1) (3); i.rop* ; Alien Jeakin*. «igr.; alao mgr. attr.; Clehume—Alitloaie, Jobnaon it Murpby, propa.; Hamptosi—Buckroe Beach Park, N. N. and O. H. C. Danfortb books vaudeville attractions. (ll- Heath Weill Circuit; (3; Allen Jenkins John K. Johnaoa. mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (B); P. By. A E. Co., prop*.; J. T. Bickford, Timsiiua—.Manila Grove Park, Eastern Psnnsyl- Houtlirrik Hummer Olrcoit. mgr., also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (x). Racine—Lutz Park, John Lutz, prop. A mgr.; taula Ry. Co., pro|»*.; O. J. t^lmbach, mgr.; (TolMnaii—(Xtlemaa Park. ColemaD Park Aaan., Lynchburg—R1 Vermont, Lynchburg Traction A also mgr. attr.; (II (x) (3); J. Lutz books Fred Ingram, Lanaford. Pa., mgr. attr.; (1| prop*.; J. A. B. Miller, mgr.; (S| (z). books vaudeville attractions. vaudeville attractions. I.Xi (XI (xxi; Frsd Ingram books attrac- Dallaa—Cycle Park, C. R. McAdama, prop, k Staunton—Highland Park, J. M. Spotts, prop. Racine—Union Park, Trades and Labor .Union, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1) (x) (4); C. R. Ma- A mgr.; (1) (x) (3). props. A mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (II (xl Tirul^ile—Fleldmore Park. I. N. Burcb6eld, Adam* booka eaudeTlIle attraction*. (31; Trades and Labor Union book* vaude WASHINGTON nriut- A mgr.; (21 (3| (x). Oonlaoo—Woodlake Park, Dentaon St. Ry. Co., ville attractions. lulootown—Shady Grove Park. Shady Ororv* prop*.; J. P. Crear. mgr.; (1) (xx) (x) (Si. Seattle—Luna Park, Chas. Loof A Sons, props.; Wausau—Rothchlld’s Park. Wausau St. R. It. Park Co., prop*.; R. S. Oiyle, mgr., alao mgr. Cl Paao—AIrdome, Krank Rlcb, mgr.. Box 61, Chaa. Loof, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1| (xl Co., props.; Mr. Coates, mgr.; M. C. Ewing, attr.; (21 (SI (xl. El Paao, Tex. (3i; Sullivan A Conaldlne book vauilevllle mgr. attr.; (2) (3). Meat Cheater—licnape Park, Nofhet Hainlltao, K1 Paao—Electric Park, Frank Rich, mgr.. Box attractions. Wausau—Wherle Park, J. P. Wherle, prop. A i.r'ip A mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; CJl (81. 61, RI Paao, Tex. Seattle—White City, White City Amuse. Co., mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (41. Wilkes Barre—Saa* Houcl Auto Speedway Oo., Ft. Worth—Lake Erie Park, Northern Texa* props.; L. B. (3orbam, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Wausau—Columbia. Ruder Brewing Co., props.; Inc . prop*.; Geo. K. Brown, mgr.; also mgr. Traction Co., prop*.; C. L. SIkea, mgr.; alao (11 (XI (3; Sullivan A Conaldlne book vauda- Geo. Ruder, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (51. attr ; (1|; bands oo Sunday only; Park Book mgr. attr.; 12) (3); C. L. blkea booka rau- Tille attractions. White Fish Bay—White Fish Bay Resort, Rich¬ devllle attraction*. !ti|{ Co. Spokane—Coeur d’Alene Park, City of Spokane, ard Becker, prop. A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; WIlllanjstKWt-Va-Ilamoot Park. Vallamont ft. Worth—Lake Como Park. Lake Como Am. props.; A. L. White, mgr.; A. W. Jones, (1) (31 (xl; R. Becker books attr. Traction Co.. pro|>*.; Ernest H. Davis, mgr.; Co., pro[>*.; H. T. Pangbum, mgr.; alao mgr. mgr. attr.; (3). CANADA. alao mgr. attr.; (21 (41 (x). attr.; (2i (3i. Spokane—Natatorium, Washington Water Pow¬ Wllllam*|>nrt—Indian . Indian Fort Worth—The Folly. II. Edmondaon. prop. er Co., props.; John W. Pace, mgr.; Also Alymer, Ont.—Queens Park. A. A. Leslie, prop, .tmusement Co.. proj>a.; F. L. Moyer, mgr.; A mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1| (xz); McAdama mgr. attr.; North Paclffc Circuit; (1) (3); and mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) (3) (x); A. .4 L. Scholl, mgr. attr.; (1| (3|. CIri'ult. J. W. Pace books attr. A. Leslie books attr. Willow Grove—Willow Grove Park. Phlladel- Oalreatoo—Electric Park. Oalreatoo Electric Spokane—.Maneto Park, City of Spokane, props.; Brantford. Ont.—Mohawk Park. I bla Rapid Transit Co., props.; Geo. C. Park k Amuaement Co., prop*.; Cbaa. Frenkel, A. L White, pres. Park Board, mgr.; A. W. Calgary. Alta.—Victoria Park, City of Calgary, Wynkoop. Jr., mgr.; (2| (31. mgr., alao mgr. attr.; moving picture*; (3). Jones, mgr. attr.; plays local bands. props ; B. L. Richardson, mgr.; also mgr. Oateavllle—Confederate Park, (jonfederate Park attr.; (1) (3| (xl; E. L. Richardson books (To., prop*.; D. It. Hall, mgr.; alao mgr. WEST VIRGINIA. vaudeville attractions. t'trt Providence—Crescent Park, R. A. Har¬ attr.; (2) (3); Ontral Texaa Circuit; D. R. Bluefleld—Union Park, Jno. Walters, prop. A Cornwall. Ont.—St. L.iwrence Park. Cornwall rington. prop. A mgr., also mgr. attr.; (II Hall bonk* vaudeville. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (x) (3); John Ft. Ry., L, A P. Co., prop*.; Wm. Hodge, tSi; Harrington's Circuit; book* direct. Marlin—Bartlett Park. Mra. Z. Bartlett, prop.; Walter* books vaudeville attractions. mgr.; Gleo. Browning, mgr. attr.; (1) (3) >r«»port—Freebody Park. M. R. Sheedy, prw.; (Si III. Charleston—Edgewood. Kanawha Valley Trac¬ (xl. Cbs*. E. Cook, mgr.; (ll (41; Hheedy’s Cflr- Mineral Wella—Beach Amuaement 0>.. Y. H. tion Co., props.; Steele A. Hawkins, mgr Fort Erie. Ont.—Fort Erie Beach, International .iilt: Cbs*. K. Cook books vaudeville attrac¬ Wagner, pro|).; C. W. Welngart. mgr.; Carl attr.; (II (3) (x); Steele A. Hawkins books Ferry Co., prop*.: F. J. Webber, mgr.; also Hack. mgr. attr.; (1) (4); Jack IMckey West¬ tions. attr. mgr. attr.; (1| (3| (x); F. J. Webber books ern nreult. Carl Hack booka attr. Providence—Vanity Fair Leo 8. Meyer, mgr.; Chester—Rock Springs Park, Rock Sprlnga Park vaudeville attr. Parla—Warllck Park, Part* Tranalt Company, also mgr attr.; (II (31; Wm. Morris books Co., props.; J. Howard Maxwell, mgr., also Halifax. N. S.—Melville Park, Melville Park props, and mgr*., alao mgra. attr.; (1) (3) TBudv vllle. mgr. attr.; (1) (4); Keith’s Circuit; J. How¬ Co., Ltd., props.; C. F. Langley, mgr.; F. Warwick — Rocky Point. R A. Harrington, (X). ard Maxwell books vaudeville attr. F. Westhover, mgr. attr.; (1) (3); B. F. San Angelo—Civic I/Cague Park. City of San prop A mgr.; also mgr. attr; Harrington Clarksburg—Union Land Park, Denham A High¬ Westhover books attr. Angelo, prop*. A mgr*.; (2l (xl (31. land, props. A mgra.; also mgrs. attr.; (5l ILsmllton. Ont.—Maple Leaf Park. Maple Leaf CIrriiit (ll (31; R. A. Harrington books San Antonio—Electric Park. Electric Park Co.. attr (x). Amusement Co., Ltd., props.; S. L. Robertson, pro]>*.; M. L. Oppenbelmer, mgr.; alao mgr. mgr.; (1) (3) (x); Melville books vaudeville SOUTH CAROLINA. Fairmont—Traction Park, Fairmont A Clarks¬ attr.; (II (xl (31. burg Trictlon Co., props.; A. J. Ruckman, attr. Charleston—AIrdome. Matthrna A Smith, props. Sherman-Woodlake Park. J. P. Crear. prop. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) (3). Kingston. Ont.—Lake Ontario Park, Kingston A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5l (xl (xx|. A mgra.; also mgrs. attr.; (5l (xl. Fairmont—South Side Park, Fairmont Coal Co., St, Ry. Co., prop*.; Hugh C. Nlckle, mgr.; hhermau—Mineral Well* Park. R. L. Carutb- Columbia—Hyde Park. Columbia 8t. R. R. props.; Thos. Haymond, mgr.; also mgr. 1). P. Branigan. mgr. attr.: (II (x); plays er*. prop. A mgr.; alim mgr. attr.; (S| (x) Co., proi>* A mgrs.; (ll (3|. attr.; (2l (31 local bands. Verbeck and Farrell, Oil (?Ity, dpartanburg—Bock Cliff Park. J. T. Harris, (XXI. Newell—Newell Park. Fred Lawrence, prop, and Pa., book vaudevlllo attr. Sniphur Spring*—Meagher Park. City of Sul¬ prop A mgr.; also mgr. attr; (II (Si (xl; mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (II (4| (xl; Fred Law¬ I.s>ndon. Ont.—Sprlngbank Perk, Water Com¬ phur Sprlnga. prop.; K. II. Coffey, Park Com- J. T. Harris books vsndevllla attractions. rence booka vaudeville attr. missioners, proiis. A mgrs.; C. B. King, mgr. mlsaloner; also mgr. attr.; E. H. Coffey Parkersliurg—Terrapin Park; Parkersburg, Mar¬ attr.; (II (xxl (xi (4). booka vaiidevllla attraction*. TENNESSEE. ietta and I. U. Ry. Co., props.; C. H. Shat- London. Ont.—-Alexander Park. S. W. ’Traetlon Temple—Midway Park. Belton Temple Trac¬ A tuck. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) (3|. Co., props.; also mgrs.; (xl (1) (3). Hrlstol—James Electric Park. B. J. James, tion Co., prop*.; W. O. Haag, mgr., alao mgr. .Montreal, Que.—Sohmer Park. Zoological Gar¬ prop A mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (51. Parkersburg—Shattuck Park. West Virginia attr.; (II (31 (xl. Fair Co., pri>ps.; Thos. Logan, mgr.; (51. den Co., props.; L. J. Lajoie, mgr.; D. La ihattarsMiga—Olympia Park. Chattanooga Ry. Texarkana—Spring Lake Park, Clarence Green- rose. asst, mgr.; (li (31 (x). I'o.. pn>ps.; W. M. Wilts*, mgr.; also mgr. Matt. prop. A mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (1| (xl Montreal. Que.—Dominion Park. Dominion Park attr : (I) lx) (3l; W. M. Wilts* books van- SlatersvlIIe—Paden Park, Wetzell-Tyler Trac (31. tlon Co., props.; (31. Co.. Ltd., props.; H. A. Dorsey, mgr.: al>p. A mgr.; (2l (x| |3). Wheeling—Coney Island Park. Coney Island W. Bennett books vaudeville attractions. also mgr. attr.: (ll (31. Quebec, Que.—Montmorency Falla. Q. R. L. A Kn-ivllle—Cbllhowee Park. Knoxville Ry. A UTAH Park .4sen., props. Wheeling—Wheeling Park. American Amuse. P. Co., props.; J. A. Everett, mgr.; alao mgr Light Co., tirops.; Eugene R. Roberts, mgr.; Ogden—rtahna Park, Northweat Theatrical A* attr.; (11 (31; Park Booking Circuit, New *1*0 mgr. attr.; (I) •xl (3l (xxl: Eugene R Co., props.; Geo. A. McLaughlin, mgr.; also aoclatlon, proj**.: R- A. Grant, mgr.; alao mgr. attr.; (11; United Booking Agents’ Cir¬ I York City. U( iM-rts books vaudeville attrartKms. mgr. attr.: (II (.31; Sullivan A Conaldlne Clr- I Ridgeway, Ont.—Crystal Beach. Lake Erie Ex tl'mphl*—East End. Hopkins Co., props.; A. cuit; (3); Geo. A. McLaughlin books vaude¬ cnlt; R. A. Grant book* attr. ville attractions. curslon Co., props.; H. B. Rogers, mgr., also It MorrlsviO. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (31; Ogden—Sylvan Park. E. T. Rlchapilson. prop. mgr. attr.; (II (31 (xl; Lake Erie ExcursP-n Ilo|ikln* Co. book* attr. A mg'.; alao mgr. attr.; (11 (8| (xl; E. T. WISCONSIN. Co. books vaudeville attr. Al.mphls—Dixie, Dixie Park A Amusement Co., St. John. N. B.—Rockwood Park. Frank Whfe pnips., John Griffin, mgr., also mgr. attr.; Beloit—Yost Park. Geo. Yost, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5| (x). Catering Co., props.; also mgr. and mgr. ■>t *. A mgr*. prop., 107 Yonge st.. Toronto. Ont., Can. Amarillo—Eamous Height* Park, Denlti A I* Green Bay—Helgemester’s Park, Ilelgemester Toronto. Ont.—Scarboro Beach, Toronto Ps'k aa>s. props.; Uua llollaoder, mgr., also mgr. Brewing Co., propa. A mgrs. Co., Ltd., props.; H. A. Dorsey, mgr.; *I»o Green Ba.v—Ridge Point. Green Bay Traction mgr. attr.; (11 (3); Park Booking Circuit Co., props. A mgr*.: (2) (3). books vaiidevllie attractions. Keniwha—.Anderson Park. A. Anderson, prop. A GENARO AND THEOL, Toronto. Ont.—Hanlan’s Point, Toronto Ferry mgr.: also mgr. attr.; (11 (xl (31. Co.. Ltd., props.; L. Soleman, mgr.; also Kenosha—Central I’ark. Peter Steinbach. prop. mgr. attr.; (li (31. A mgr.: also mgr. attr.: (11 (xl (31. Kenosha—Schend's Park. Klrar Bros., props. A Vancouver B. C.—Recreation Park. Recreation mgrs.: also mgrs. attr: (2| (xl (3). Park and Amusement (Company, Ltd., prop*.; Marinette — Lakeside Park. W. R. Putnam, Harry J. Dlrker, mgr., also mgr. attr.; (2) mgr.: also mgr. attr.; (II (xl; plays 1(m:*1 (3) (X). bands; I.. D. Henderson books attr. Woodstock. Ont. — Fairmont Park, Wixtdstock Milwaukee—Pabat Park. Pabst Brewing Co., Electric R. R. Co., props.; Ira Warffeld. props.; F. W. Harland. mgr.: also mgr. attr.; mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (3); Ira Warffeld (II (3| (xl: F. W. Harland books attr. I books vaudeville attractions. WANTED IMMEDIATELY J. H. COBURN'S GREATER MINSTRELS SOBER. RELIABLE PEOPLE. ALL LINES ('oHicdiaiis, Singers. Dancers, Musicians, Comedy, Novelty and .Acrobatic .\ctv'<. Single or Double Jap .Act, Principal Comedian. Leader Band and Orchestra (must Ih' A-D. Flute Double Brass, Cello ditto. Bar Double Second Violin. High Tenor to ft'ature, .Alto or Soprano, good Producer with strong closing act. Stage CarjH'nter, l^ops. and Electrician, Double Bni.’^s. Other musicians and useful people, write. State all first Hter. .\diiress all eommnnications, 250 W. 44th Strt'ct. New A'ork City. J. -A. COBURN, Manager and Owner.

    Mar.v lathi .Xiinish-mcut Co. Busim-SM Men's 4th of July Celebration. main ulrcvts. I'lK-ahuntas. Va.; I’rineeton. W. Va.. wi-ek July 12; swell maiden town. Reach. W Va.. July ID; mctnipi>lls> coal fields. W.4NTKD Circus .\rls. Beiilferacte Coolchouse, JapaiH-se iGauic. Palmist, Cuiies and other legitimate Coueessioiis. F. S. W’OLCOTT, as per route. Al. F. Wheeler's New Model Shows The artist* are known as Tlie nexible K<|Ullibrtst». ’I'hey are never Idle W.\NTT:I>. to Join on wire. Single Aerial man for Traps. Rings and Revolving laidder; Ground record of three consecutive years In Europe, flv# years with Kliigliug'* Clreu*. one y< .\ct*. two or iihue .Vets or to doulde Baud or Concert. Want only people who are neat dresaers (lie Walla<-e Hhows alhl Sell* Kioto Clreu*, twenty lauisecull.e w.>ek» at the I.omVm uihl able to stand pro*

    I 30 Xl^e Billt>oarcl JULY 3, 1909.

    fiwaiii. Frank iMjslIci Kt-nora. Can. Park.Hit Carnival K i! ParkiHit. iimr : ROUTES Siicimot.i l roiipe of Japan-'i' iE\po'llionl Ituf Wllli.inison, W. '.'sjiily .'. IlnnlliiKlon $54.00 PERFORMERS. f:ilo to. .III il;:i »l. k». Fm- ii;.i1ii|.\ I .\»hi’\ ill-. \ C. p.oiseler Carnival Co. .V ' Palls.h-r. The Record of the Sl-imrl Th mi:'' Trio I Midway Park' .Mhlillc P-nrils|own. 111., '..s Jnij P-terslmri; i (rouliiiui 'l from prijli' -TI t-wn. .V. Y. Prowii's Fnited Siows, .i II Prown. yjininah. Te\ . js July .Vn.idarko. Nlt«l Sii-th-lil. Eiik'.. 1- Otora Troiipo (I,>rloi Hayton. O. HI.. 2s July 3 fraiuea, er Ei'slivall 17: lEmpIrci P.railforil P.t k*4. (Iravldll .Vuiiisi'iueul Co., J Victor tira.vldlt, groaa. He ludepea O'llriin. Will Troiiis- (Mill Siiiiiim r I St-v-ns. Ma\ lTo|.|i i Man.l-n. N. I' mgr.: Slrmidsluirg. Pa.. ’JH July Ht dent and make Huff .a 111. Stanley. Mr. A Mrs. I,-'v i Family I lietroit. On-it Westi-m Espi'sitiou Shows Pearilslown, money for yuur- 0»4.ii'. Itlllli & May I l.yi'i'iini I Kt. Worth, Toi., i Smith'A .Vrailo iF.mpirel .Milwaukee. Ill., -JSJiily .-I aelf. Write tislay. 2v:tii; ilt.a.lM .Mlmral ■’ Siilello'8 Comeily Itlack Vrt iP. -pleM ( hlcaso Mrs. lllijoiii Jatksoii. Mlih. Matiiie A Si'.-nic Shows. Hr J. E. Eltx- W, 8. Mountfor4, fl’l'riiii. Mr •Js ito; iColiimtiiisi Cliicairo I H. l(a> Maiden l4iae. U asrailo Park i N- " taatle. g-rald. mgr.: iHreauiland Parki IkH-altir. HE. |*i*nilli'loiia, I 111 Thaten Into lEiirekai la-llilirlilKe. .Vita. Can. •i-Jiily 3. New York. X. T. I Tiniiuon**. Kn*l St. l>'Uii*. tlrvater Hixle Shows, Cos. S Marr. mgr.: p..rrv \ Klllolf ((;av.iyi Phila . Imlif. ' Trelsir. Mairiclan: St. Patti. Minn. Charlvstoii. W Va.. ’Jvi.lul.v Priiiri'ss Four i Prliniss i l'‘*;;rl». Va., I Tallersl-v Pros. lEl—tric: Phila. Hatch. J. Frank. Shows: E. st pltlsliiirg. Pa.. Pnlli-n. lla i Vaml*-'iH'-' ( lark'-lnirt.. Minn. Penriaints . I Vaii'li'vir. •! i Turners. ’ Mirpheiimi llllilntn: -Jx July 3. 2S HO: I Vamli vllli i Kalriiioiit 1 Wiiii'lu’slrr S- ' (Stan IHiliith 111. Indiana .Amusement ('.. . J W Thomas, mgr.: Martliisliiirir f. 7; (Vamli ' iHi-• i Taylor Twin Sisters i Mill Summer Exposltloni UiH-kievrt. Hid.. -Js-Julv and Canes (Orph- Joii.-s, Johnny J.. EvimisIMuh Show Sleeltou. PaVro. Iiiik M>riliiiimi_‘l«>‘lanil. *’al i iVuu.VviU. * Mo.. Pa.. -JS July 3. Him I l-"s .^ac•■I■■s 4 1 1 3' (TiT: (M.V'^tlo A roonuM , Y. C.. ‘Jl July I'l. JiiveiiHl A Raniie.v Coiiildui-d Shows. J M Jiiv Paiillm- i.Mmiii iai ' Weiih City P*; (MaJ-stle .Vlrilomei X-wata. eiial. mgr.; StiH-lvill.-. M'».. ’Js Jiil.v I('ri'sceiil I Nashvll'.*'. ronii. Parrish A. H-l-’K’ Kiltie. IH'rti.-rt .V . Shows: SiiiM-rlor. Wls A: Co. (I.yrlci ChaC-i’m itfy, I (Ikla.. 1214. Palimr. Park.r. Texas Comedy Fistr (.Vlrdoinel Raleigh. X. C. July 3: Wliitii|»'g. M 'll Can . 5 17 , Tii'Cano Pros. ((Iniheiitii Rmkford. Ill. Eachman (Ireater Shows. Will E. Winslow, mgr PoTta'"llros. Ai Co. (St.-.-p1 Peananta with fold or lilTor laaf, tbe mgr : Pluelli'ld. W. V'a PotrU rs. Tho < ..i' Ark. ’ Teclmw-s ('ats Minster Parki t i"* Hi"**!. brat aelltnc aouvenlra on tbe market today. We Plkos. Musical (V.Iki line I Inlf hontas. Va.. 4 In. .. Camlirldce, <>. Ptopia Mnsi.'Hl lino: Claremore. Mkla 2^0 alao make Pennanta for any ooraelon. Printed PcpIM-r Twins (Vamlevlll rtlH. F.U^otrlral >h<*ws» Ov*kal«*o^a, Melro|H>Iltaii Carnival Co., Charles (tiitiorney. Penoentt made to order for any relebratloa Prentice Triail~- ' Px';*Mo. nigr.: I'ark Falls, Wls. 'is July dralred. In any atylr. Send for our llluetrated vnnee. ciarl.e (Palacei Eondon. F:ng.. June 1- Xapler A Race C.Miihln.Hl Shows. J. V Xapler. catalogue and we will mall von one free of mgr.: I.aun-ns. s ('.. 2s July 3. charge THE HOLIDAY NOVEtTT MAHDTAO. Neb., con. VII* li. VaVi'p-pps. JacK (C.randi Victoria. P. C.. Can.; Xi'hols. Hreali-r. .Vmnseineiit Co.: Plalr, TTTBINO CO., 17 Great Jonea St., New York il’astimei Charlestoti. S. Il-av-s. Sinciii;: Mir-iiidi Tacoma 10 •JS July -4. City. N. Y. C Venetian S're t Mnshians. Pour iPlJout Maaon Farker, *trfai. Sh»>ws. T. uijjr.S iCasinm Montreal. P-dw a V ' o rdivoniingtoii. HI . Js Jitiv 3 lisellilll I.iindoll. Parker C. W . Shows. H. S Tyler, mgr.; U..\n.ili'v A Iioinira i V:m''Piir.-n IH i. n. A Foster R Close (Arcade) Oroat Kails. Mont.. Js Inly 3; Calgary. Alta.. M,i\ ’ll .Inly 17 Tided.. tl (Eleetrlc Parki Hetrolt 5 10. :BE a “HANDCUFF QUEEN' <1 -an Pl-ri d—an City, X. Klcliiird-. i:r-at mi Vmi Seriv slsteis iPiiffalo Evihw'.H.miI Buffalo. Cnn.. ."i lo Patterson. itnat. Shows. Jaim-s PallerHon. J V. 'i.iderviits. The (Eleetrlci Joplin. Mo, “ESCAPE KING” in- lYalii Kan. mgr.: la.. JsJiily 3: Otlmiiwa Ri|i|ii.I. .laik A Vinos The iWond.rlandi Reven- Reach. M*" i.Vir.loine, Wonderland 5 to |l2 BIG ESCAPES L°," PS5.£.°ii.*.3 *' Kotiison, Pol.'- A vineent, John. A Sadie Rose (Alrdnmei Carroll- Park I Mlnn-aiiolis. PillH-am .Viiiiis. meiit v-o.. K. F. Pllti-atii. mgr.: t**n. 111. , ,, Roadv. .. MIrpli-ii'ii. Iiakl.and. Cal: M»r Manc.donia. VHch . Js Iiilv \|viHn«. Two Tark* <.ran.l lUpWis. Ro'artson. H. W.. Carnival Co.; Plaiiitleld. X. ph-iimi l.os Anc-les 4 1 Mleh : I.vialestlcl Chicago 5-10. itakland. Cal.; Mir- J.. 5 10. Rincllm.'. K I Mirpli-nnii Van. Pilly Mlrphetiml I-os .Vngeles .*s J-.ily 1. Uiildnson Amusement Co.: VV's.ster. ( |.li-iimi I.O- Amrel-S 4 (I.y rlcl Vermi'tle-Vannerson Trio (Xatioiiali San rran- Rosards. Till Mirpli.iini l..nia. July 3. rlseo. 2S July 10. Royal -Vmitsement Co.. 11. 11 Tip|ei. nigr ||.|vton 111. V trdon. Perry A WllldH-r il yrl* I J-'P'In >«<* RIpp. .Ink iMa.|.'tlii little P' ek. Ark.: (Ma- <>itt. Hid.. Js Jiily 3. Walkor. Happy Jaok & Thor»*sa (Turf P**a I". Whitten. Chas P ( Hanyille. Va Js July 3. Ranisov Sisters iMr.indi Taeoiiia Mirandi P Y. Williams. Frank & I>*‘lla: Palmyra Star .Vinnsi iiK'Ut Co.: Clrcl.-vllle, (4 . land Mre , 4 P' wills. Xat I Palace I I.otidon. Eng July .Vug. Suiifti.wer .Vliiiisi'liii'iit Co.. C E. Boyd Roldnson A Pirl-l'iii i F.a;:leCharleston W. **s l.ahar|M>. Kan.. Js tiily 3: Eldorado f" 10. _ _ Va ■ iSiari I,\ n-liliiirc. V a., o 10. wTlllamsV I'rances. H-vgs. Ponies A- Monke.vs St. Isuils Aiunsenii-nt C.o; Xorton. Va., 'JS- Rioo v'. 1 W I Waldainee.- Parki Erie. Pa.; (Savin Rock Park! New Haven. Conn., indef. Jnly 3, (C.isea.le Parki \ewea-tle .".10 Wise. Will «4alel.v( Asheville X. C. I" S Carnival (\>.. Xo 1. R. I- Carroll, mgr.: RaMiionil A Harper tPlttiio:eri (.'11148118. HI. Waters James R tThe Earrai Tolmlo. O.. (Cel- Wing. Minn . .". in. Ra'v. J .1 iPavill.iiii Aiitii:... VV Is i-ron Parki Jamestown. X. Y . 4d0. V S. Carnival Co.. Xo. J. P. E. Carndl, mgr.; No. 114—IKt Qem No. ISS-lKt Roi.iseh A Clil'dr. ss i.Vreadei 1 ol.slo. (t. Wiimls. Rallon A Co. (BijouI EaCrosse. Wl-.. VJi-lncy. III., 3-11. Solid Goltl Tiir»D7e - Hoiid Gold B<»U her R.dH.rts. Prof. C I', and Rats iKitiplri San tlOOt) No ms IKt. 115 lU (Cnluitei Minneapolis 5 10, (tern Hoi id Gt^ld Htud. 110 00 Kranclseo. ,, 1 Watson's Sammy. Farmyard Cireus (Orpheum) R-h .loliti 1,. il.iini Parki Wash.. I>. Siiokan.-; (Hrplieuml Seattle f* 10 H«*«* them lirfore Roniola. Poll illii.pislr.e.iei Charleston, W. Va. Tht**** (tomftar«*rh«'niiral White Sii|>|ihire« and caH'T WihhIs. Fotir Chicago; Streator. III.. 4 10 TENT SHOWS Radiii. J.ronie iPlJoiii Fre-isirt. Itid. TOLI> from diamondtt etc<|tt ti.v •nei|t*it Wllhiir's. J've (Enldn'S) Wash.. H. C.; ( Randolph A l.Hkhart iPijoni St. Joliiis. N. (See Tent Show News Page.) So I1AH1» the? CAIS'T Ik* filed w* will w**®r rrtmrTBA Idn'sl Baltimore 510. a^d letain I'rMiamy It . i' Ilk- , .x 'Whitworth A Pearson (Alcararl New Castle. We w%nt yt u ton e the*e tfema- we will |iay all ei. Roll.* th. I.lmlt kWhit.* ('ity Parki Payton. O. Ind 2k 30; (Royall Anderson 1-3. l»enMii for >< u to i***e them Russell. T-iiie iCisik'si Xorthampton. Mass., Wallaoe. Mr. 4 Mrs. Frank (Empirel Calgary. MINSTREL. OUR PROPOSITION 2s do. . ., , RidnlieliFs. S.c . Minstrels (New Alrdonie. We will M*nd mhi either rinipt or «tod 1| u»trvteN|'^ wmianis^AValkers’ Choiidate Props (Majestic) Hi-Riie Pros ': Hvde Park. Vt.. 30: Cambridge hy C C) lA . all charge* rKKFAll^ with priv. .l-rsey Mile. Ill,; il,-mp‘s Parki St. lanila o- July 1; V*-rg‘-nnes 2: Bristol 3; Mlddl.-hiirry Henver. ilege of eiamioation. ' Wooil Bros. (I'nlipie) MinneaiKdis^. 5: Prindon <1: I'lconih roga. X. Y , 7; Port It you like u pay the ei|ire«n man-^if you don't* Rllter A Foster iTlvolli l.ondon. Eng . 2S July Warren. Marvelmis (Pantage’' Vancouver, P. Henry s; Wesi|H>rt M: Kee»evllle PI. r«‘tum it to him and it won't 4*o«t >ou a t'eni Fair 24. His-k'tadi-r'a. I.»-w. H. Wllsi.n. mgr,; pn*|Mwitioc ian't it* All mounted in aoli«l aold din* Kav A Holden (.Vlrdoiiiei Ciitlirie. (Ikla. ' Whiteside. Ethel (Mannlon's Park! St. I^'il»- Pis.kskill. X. Y . 30; Yonk-rs July 1; .Vsluiry mond mountiriica II^HKNl) FOR HOOKI.irT Roiiiaiiv Iiii-r.i Co. (Xew- Prighti.n i Prighton Wllks. Monte Tom (.Academy I Charleston. S t . Park. X. J.. 2 3; Soa Isle City 4; .Atlantic WHITE VALLEY OEM 00.. X. V , 10. P. I'll. City r. 111. Pe 0. Bog 1411, IndiBnapoIU. Ind. . F'lnr (East End Parki Memi.hla, Wilson A Clare (Eitna Psrk* Rio Pi I Wayne A Fr.y (Amtis.. F.i Uomlhouse. HE. -S Fox’a lx*n.- Star Allnsln-Is. Rov E Fm. mgr : T-nn iW-st End Parki New Orleans, l.a.. 3(1'. (F.alrvlandi Whitehall 1-3. , , . H.-s Moln.'S, X M . -JS 30; Trlnlda.l. Col.. July WANTED TO BUY Moviiig picture oiitflta. 4 10 Winkler Kress Trio (Hreamlandl Coney Island. 13; Walsenburg 5 7. filina. aoiiir am) l«*cture iu>ta. We hare ra’^u Rianos. Foiie iK-lllisi Phila. Oiiv’s. Arthur, Xovelty M nstri-H. Mrs. A I.. rujit«»merM for high grade outfita. Give full de Rooney .Sisters c Keith's i Phila. Williams A- r.orilon (Con.-y Islandl Clnelnnatl. (Juy. nigr.: (leiu-va. X. Y . Js July 3; Troy acriptloD with original coat iTlce ami vonr low Ronald IS. Three iII-IIu.mmI Parki Joliet. HI. I Whlt«* Fl<*r<*noo UMiln^*n> rinrlnnutl. ." 10. enf eaah price NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT CO R,.ss Sisters Three iSan CarlosI Key West. , wordette. Estelle. A Co. (Eaki-side ^'asdno) flii.v Prr.s Medfiird, Mas 2S July 3; Bo Duluth. Minn. Fla. ! .Akron. H.; (Myers Eake Parki Canton 4 10. ton 5 to. Reillv A- Prvan Ml-rni-ini Phila. c City. Ravniond A Ilar|Hr Ml. H.i (Vntralla. Ill.. 5 ; Wehh. Funny (OrpheumI Oakland. Cal.; (Or- Miiriihv' pheiimi Eos .Angeles 4 17. Indef. lo. Walker. N'ella (Majestlel Chleago. Wanted Attractions for Nolan Park Reiklsw. It-lkl-ss. i Co. (.virdoniei EaCrosse. World John W . A Mind* 11 Kingston (Orph.-iim' Wls Annual Carnival Rlee's li.'g. Pony A M'.nkey Cireii' (Coney la- Portland. Ore. Washer Pros, '(Pljoill Fargo. X. H.; (BIJoul BURLESQUE. .Aiigii't IS in. 2ti aii.l 21. Pu>f» tliio day'* Cini Ini'al 1 Valley City 5 10. att.-ii.lanc.' 'J(i la.i |Hs.p|.. SalM'l. .losephiti'' (Fi lies Marignyi Paris, Fr.. .AiMress Nolen Park Wagner. Paul iFalrylandi Hinton. W Va. Pewerv Purlc«'|iicr«. Iliirllg A S.-.nion. mgr*. .Iniie I July dl. Axaocietion, Clarion, Pa. i Walton. Irvin U. (Vallam..nt I’arki Williams¬ X. Y r.. June 7, In.lef, Sanders..n's .Manikin I Elina Parki Scranton, Hinkins' Purles.pi.- Sl.s-k Co.. 1 Hlnkln*. Pa port. Pa. Waters, Tom (Templei Hi-irolt. mgr Phil*.. May 24. In.lef. Savoy A Savoy MIrandi Toledo. II. . -r. F’lll il m* i-f .up- Mo. (-., June 14. Iii.l.'f. Simpson .V- Math-ws iR-yali Metnidils. Tenn. 2** 30- (Stan Charleroi 1 3. plliai at very Hiwest p.iee. Write C C. John Smith. CiiHs i eeil iCrystali Tulsa. (Ikla. Wixon A Eaton (Farmi Toledo. O. ton. 4420 Cottage Grove, Chiceirr. III. Siieiie-r. Iliigli iCidonlali Pl'Himington. III. WiHHlward. V P. (Chester Parki Cincinnati S--wart Coin-ily iiirplieiimi Canihridge. (I. Wyatt. Ja'k. A C. Blanche Rice (Orandl Ta- MISCELLANEOUS. Stuart iCas'iHu Piienie; .Vyr-s. Smith .Vmerica. com H. June l."i Sept. 1*1. A Van All.-n iSlarl San Antonio. Tex. .A.'r..naut J. tinny Mack. Co. X'.. I, Air*. J.iliiiny -X' Worthlevs. The (Malcstln Milwaukee. S-nioti Into il.ak'side Parki Hayton. (1.; (Riv¬ Mack, mgr.: Illillsi.l.- Park! X.'wark, X. J.. West A Fowler (MIIIsi Sana SoucI Parki Chi¬ erside park ' I Findlav 4-10. May 22 Xuv. I. f_ACTRE.5S o" ORATOR, cago. S'lerm ins. Tw.. Eanslng. dlch . 2.'.:{0; Flint A.-roiiaut J.ilinny Ma.-k, Co. Xu. : imm mam maoo wmmkiy 1 South P-tid. Itid . lo. Williams A Sterling (Crystali Atlanta. Oa. mgr.; (Morris I'.-irk. N. Y. • Warren, l.von A Meyers (OrpheumI Oakland. r Tha tii"«t fasrifiBitfir and he*; ;*arinc |m>fe*«U»9i In St-Miis A W.ishliiirn iR-ginal R-gina, Sask., 1. w* th«« nlB fvarywhara flovklet kraa Chicago j WiHMlwani. the Jiiggli-r (Chester Park. CIncIn S-'tt .\ In* is I Wasliiiigtoti Spokane; (Stan Kchool of Elocatloa, 7 y | Oraad Opora Womm. Chicago s. attl. HI. natl. Young, ollle. A Thr-e Pros. (Orph.-iimi San S-ars Hladys iMnlw. East H.itiipt'in. Conn.; —: SOLD EVERYWHERE :— l-'r.vnclsni 'J*. Jnl.v to. ili.ti'iy-ri M-rid-n FOR SALE A new Kinplre f'aruly Floaa Ma Vmingi-r Pros. (.Virdomei Savannah. Oa. Smith A Winters iKI.-etnei El.vria. 2*1 30; JEIN^ MAKE UP ehine aiifl outfit at <<*. prU*** Itig tnoio'jr maker. Young. Frank .V Ipaiirivrd Sliowi Itlehard 1 lih-.'l rl- - N-ru alk 1 d. F. R. ERICKSON, st Orooa St.* Mintioapollg, Mo.; (Panninl Show ' VliiltH-rry. Kan. ."10 S. it- ri A l.indl. y Co I'Vigwaim San Eranclsrai; ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Minn. il'.s Vng.l.s. E'.s Angeles ,".10. Yule A Simipson iCnseade I'ark. New Castle. Fn Sear!, s A- il-org- iMak Siiiiimit Parki EvansvPle, Ind ; (.Vlhamtitai Chicago 4 to. /-•■nda tAlrd'*.n»*» t’hMti«tifi«>ga. Tenr Zerh A Zerh I l*antag» s* i V.incoiirer. Syni.iiils, Jaik ipaiitag-s’i Spokane ."i 10. CIGARS $9.00 PER THOUSAND .Sc I r sh' A Miilv-y Mlrph-iimi .Spokane. Sehr y-r. Hare H-vll i Mid Summer Exmisitl.inI Send us cl Trial Order Today. (joods sliipix'd .same day ;us order PiitTH.i. MIDWAY COMPANIES. Steith A Uiision: Keota, la. .America ramlvai rv. ; North V.-mon. In

    At'p'iiaiit I'r.iiiK S>lv»ii. N". 1. Kriiik S\I- Kryl A Ilia Itan.l. J. Chimera, mgr.: (Z'aii CIn- I \mi. : ll.iiim SfHll!«*, May 'Jli, elniipti, II., 13 July 4. lifli r. le'iiileln'H, Phil.. Itaml: (I.iina I'arkI Coney la A'-rt'iiaiil ll•rrl:lltll f<>. N'>. 1. \V. I». lan l. N. V., May Pi. Iml. f. IliiriEiitli. intT aiiiM- City. O.. ‘Js Martorana'a Military Itaml: (Waahlngton Parki : July ;i; Van WiTl. i».. Itiiy I'lly, MUli.. I’hlla., May 21. Imh-f. ! )i |)> Macagllo’a Itaml: (Ch.ielaml Iteach Park I Clevo- I Aeronaut lleirK’uli llroa/, Co.. No. 2. It. C. laml. ti . lojuly 3. I VITAGRAPH FILMS Ilirryiiili. iiijir. nuoaioi, Mli-li., :t; Klyria, Nath-Ilo A Ilia Itaml lln'lmar tlanlenai St. (> . I.oiila. May I S.-pl. I. A.-roiiaiit lli-rritiiiu llroa.' Co.. No. .'t. K. It Neel'a, Carl. (Iroal.-r |.k.ii;lh"rn Itaml : Plnevllle, llerri;iilli. iiuti .: Siotlilal*-. I’a., &. Ky.. 27 July 3. » Il.irrv, ^■a^llll>n I’late Show: Troy, <».. I’hlllppiiii'*. Poii. Itan-I, Neil Hank, mgr.: (Sana ' js :!(i, IM'iua Jill) 1 .Shliiey 5 7; Auiia S; Soii.-I Parki Chicago, June 20 July IS. \Va|i ikoiiel a !♦ HI. Ijoaglla’a. Prof, l-oiila. Italian Itaml: (At Erea The 11.11 iitto'K Willi .\iiliiial Show : (Mhl Suiiiiiier CO P irk I Pe >r':a. 111.. Miy 1.3 Si-pt. 23. i:\|io. I IliilTalo. 21 July ;t. 11.1**1111 u'a CowlH.y Itaml. N.>. 1: .Molillc, .kla., r.ioliH-k'* Viiliiiala: Coney I^lainl. N. Y.. Iio'nr. Imh'f. t ally. llt|inoli.t' Nl.iii'oii. la.. June 2S, liiilet. K.o*'niira Cowh'.y Itaml, No. 2: .ktlanta, Ha.. Films of li. I.'a ii. ne«la. I’rof.. lly|inoilet Ai Macleian: Im'.C iMIilwat l \ onife. Cal.. Jiin.- 111. linlef. K..\al .\rlllhr.y Itaml. Inc., Jiei. I).’Vito, gen Iireaiiil lint Kloaliiur Theatre. A. .N. MrKlliney, mgr.: iltlierilew Parki Italllmore, Inilof. inur.: Ttroiie. Ky.. I: Warwjek 2:1: lli);h ICh-el'M. Prof. Ualph. Premier Concert Itan.l, .k. llrlili;i' 4 '1 Caiiiii NeNmi 7 S; Valley View It ' H.irii. mgr.: iCajiilol Parki Trenton, X. i “Quality” III. ! J . II July 4: (Aliro Parki .\lhauy. X. V., I ti.lnioiiCa Meiry Makir> I.alrolM-, I’a., 21 July Uoiin.l*' I.ailiea Itaml A Drcbeatra, II. <1. i:iner-in Show- Itoat. It Knier«oii. niKr.; War- I(..iiml*. mgr : Whltellsh Hay. Milwaukee, NEXT WEEK aaw, III.. 311; Keokuk, la., July I. Wl*.. June It .Iiil.y .3; Jackaon, Tenn., 4 k;*'. J s . Ziai ClevelaiHl, ().. llilef VaI|.aral*o. Iml., '.*12. Viaite. CoinniiMlore, Ik Mater yiieeiile, l,lli|iu- U"ll.r Sl*tera’ iir.'heatra: (Forest Parki Kansas llaii': ft. Wavne, Iinl.. June 1 ’Ml. City. Mo., (n-hf. Ileriala'a Tein|ile of I'aliiilalry: .Maiiaon, la., .kl;.f. r. Wm E.. amt His Marine Itan.l June l.'i. Iiiilef. iltrlghtoii ll.-ach ll-.lelt ('on-y I*lauil. N. Y.. n..|>teln A Saiiirater'a Cnlteil Showi: (Mhl Sum ' In.', f. nor tlxiMi. I ItiilTalo. 21 July 3. Slr..*rii’s Will.. Itaml: (Itayonne Parki Bay T-nt lahow. K.t. Croaa, mcr.: .kverlll, ollll. . N. .1., Imlef. Saturf, «Jul>f 3<1 M .'ll . 3rn Hrin.l niera Co.: Newark. X. J.. .April liri'ti 3 Hamlley 4 2«. Iriilef forces. His battles, liardsliips and final overthrow of tlie Brit¬ r-rry'a I’.nillo'n Theatre Cr... K H. I’erry, .M'.U'n f. Mile iiiwra C..,: Wash., P. C., May mtr.: WIneheater. III.. 27 July .3. 3. Inihf. ish forces. His unanimous choice for president and inaugura¬ t’.rry .\inu-enient Co.. K. II. I’erry, mgr.; .Vle.rn ilran-l i*ie*ra Co.: Hetrolt. Mich., May tion. His domestic life during declining years at .\lt. \'ernon. S|irlng1ohl. III., Imlef. 10. Imhf. !la|ip. Mr * Mra . .Vuguatua Itapp. mgr : St. .Ms-ru C-.inlc i>;s ra Co.: Cleyelaml. J lue 7, , l_enalti 895 feet. J.-eph. Mich.. May 24. Imh-f In.Ief. Itatnn nil. the ilreat. Maurice K It lyino'iil. .Alr.t.ime Musical Coineily Co.. Frank K. h. mgr.: nicr : Cri*.- Town. .South .kfrlc.y. Jime 2. El Paso. Tey.. June 12. In-tof. Elaborate Settings Magnificent Costumes .1. f Alaskan. The. Wm. Cullen, mgr.: Chicago. !t. A Si’ieriia Alrilome Sliowa, I,. Iticouithal, April 11, Imlef mgr liieenvllle. s. C.. 2k July 3. .Armstrong Mii-ical C.-meily Co.: San Hlego. A Select Cast. II. 'ial Ciit.-rtalncra. It. K. lH>wn«. mgr.: Car Cal . In h f. r- 'lioi. Kt . 2k July 5. Beauty Spot, with J.-tTerson In.Ang lls. Sam S. It 'ial Cireiia' iMhl Summer Ka|>o.i Itudalo 21 A Shiiliert. Inc., mgrs.: N. A'. C.. .April THE QRE.4TEST PATRIOTIC FILMS EVER PRESENTED TO THE Jiil.t 3 pi, Imlef, T.»hl V.iu.letille si,ow. Wm. Tiahl. mgr.: Itur Hr. ken Mol. B. C. Whitney, mgr.: Boston. AMERICAN PUBLIC. llnct .'1. N. C. 2k July 3. Mav 31, In.Ief, fireat. Wm. Van.hrg.Milil. mgr.: Itiirg.imaater. Tlic. AVm. P. Cullen, mgr.: BH- \rkrn»-- Cltv. Kan. 2k July 3; tliithrlo. lings. Mont.. .30: Mih-a City July I: Hlemllye iikla r. 1o 2; Plcklns-.n. N. I'.. 3; Manilan 3; Bismarck W'M. ii. M.igiclan. M. E. Worilen. mgr.- T'|■• ||. Illuli.i E Ci|a>ne. Prov- Fnglish 0|M-ri Co.. Max Faetk-nlieiier. mgr ■ hh n.a.. It I . In.I. f, iClo-sti-r Pirk- C;m'lnn:ill. Jun.- 'tJuly 3 FILM SERVICE Itran.lman’*. IJ-v. C . C.>ncerl Itan.l- 'I.akeahle Follle* of P.""'. F. ZIegfehl. Jr., mgr.; N. Y. Park! Charl.>lle. N. C.. Jan It S-pt. 1.'. C . June 14. In.Ief. Itan.ln I'ou.'i I'lan.l, N. V . Oa'ety Ot«-ra Co. : Gah shr.rg. Ill.. In.Ief. M*r r, 'n.lef G.-rman C.imie 0|s ra Co., l.i-on Bi'rg. mgr.. llr.a.kiri. Marne Itan.l' I Ith'ca.lonna II.M.-li N A' C . .Aorll 24. pMl-'f Cannot be compared with others is, that, we purchase Itr'ghton It. aeh. N V In.l. f Gl'l from Yama. Alfrml F. Aarons, mgr.: Phil r.-' Na|H>1|. S Van Morn mgr.: i Electric a.'eiphla. M.ay 3. imh-^. from one to three copies of every subject manufactured Pirk. Iialtlm.ip-. 14 July I C, .Men GtI. Mort H. Sing-'r. mgr.: Chicag... Itrli ah iluanla' Itan.l: Manhattan It.'ach. N. F.h. 13, 'n.lef. Y III liil.t 3 Hartman. P.-rri*. Musical <'o.: Scat by the Licensed Manufacturers, and you can get what 4’'.rra.I..'a |{..yal Italian Hau l. All., rt Corra.h'. tl... June it, in lef. niLT • iM.inriH' Park. M U.ll.-. .\la.. May 2. I'av-na. with .1 I'nc* T. P.iwer*. S. A you want when you want it. In.l. f Shiih rl. Inc., mg-s.: V Y. ('.. F.'h. 13. In- Ch'.ai;.. Philharmonic ilrilo atri. Ch.'vali. r WRITE TO-DAY FOR OUR K'liann.l. ron.lnetor i Itarlnhi Park i I'hlcago. I. ittest C.wm In Plxlc. S H P'l.llcy. mgr Jitp.. pi. Inh'f. Carlisle, Pa.. 'Js 30. ChamlH'r'hiirg .31JuIy rr.'.-.i..r.. a’.il Ill« Itan.l. Il'.wj.r.l P.-w. mgr : 2: Hagerstown. M.I.. 3 3 Special Service Proposition .wi. l. t IVI chh ag.i. Mat 1.3. In.h f lltchciH'k. Kaym.>nil. S. Flshell. mgr.: St. C.iewav an.l III* Itan.l. Manhattan It..|.h. N. louts. 13 July 3 V Pi July 3 mi'ei al Musical Comely Co.: I'ortlaml. »*rc.. Conway an.l III:’ Itan 1. "atri.k C.eiway. mgr.: tun-. 7. in.h-f. Chh .'g. 27 July 24 nternalheial Gi-.aml Oia-ra C.> . Frank M. N-w June 14 Aug 7. 0. T. Crawford Film Exchange Co. 1ni;r.*r, MaMim an.l Ilia Itan.l iITcctrh’ Parki ei-. *s nigr : Sin Fr*e.'i*eo. H.'ly (Licensees of Motion Picture Patents Co.) W«i.rl.«.. la . Iii.h-f ^,*ne C..uiir Opera Co.. It .’>1 K ine. mgr. P'I'rliano'a Itan.l: il.iina P.trk. CMcigo. M i> ok>'. M'iss . Jun* '« .Aug -Jk. 1-101-5 Locust Street, - St. Louis, Mo. 17. Ir.iTof. A pm- I.. « Ang. Ies. Pl.lef 131. rCp Ii. ntcr. Jolt .'.31 ..wla A lake Musical Co- iP.lmar 421 Fourth Avenue, - Louisville, Ky. Ga'.leiis. Oklahoma Cit.i. Okla.. July P' Priingi r .in.l III* Itan I il.Ior.a P irk. iViklan.l. S14 Carondelet Street, - New Orleans, La. ' .al . 2k July 17. il .nhatiau Op..ra C-v: Fluiln. N. A . May T.' in.l II a Itan.l iW ..pUhl.. Parki 31 s.-ot. 11. Pi'll. PI July pt II. iihaitin 0|a-ri Cl. It.'ht Kinc. mgr. AA .'r I 'nii-NMl I.a.II .a C('nc..rt Itan.l \ S timl-lt. ee*l-r. Mass, M ly 30. Imt.f. ■I' mgr illaiilan'a P.>liil P irk i Tor.uilo. "o July 3 .111-... 7. In-'.'f Fi'h.r ami hls Expos lion Onh-sira p.ox a Atl't'iigtit S..ns. with I’'he Ititig. Shuhert l ia. . Alleh , .'io nigis ; N A C . M ly ■>,1ef AT UBERTY V '-.r IPchlan.leys’ Itan.l AA' E p. war. mgr ; M,>r..r Girl. Crank Ileiin.'s*.'y, iiigr.: N ., ItulTalo 2k July 1 Akn.n. o .Pm.' 13 I'l.l.f AM A' 3: ltlcl'iii.>nw. H.nry W. Sayage. mgr Oak Miss 1 . mih.'a It iml. l>am*esco I'.-riillo. e.mluclor: laml. Cal . 'Jk July 3 Leola-XHE DIVOL AS (Air i'‘..|...euiii Gar'h‘111 Clilcag.t. 14.Inly 3 M..rrv Maes C.> . Fre.l Mackley. mgr: .l-.tii..* Corning. M.* . 2k July 3. Vr...k..a. \-than. Bainl: p'enlral I’.irki N A' J.'II'S ' II lull 3 Mallne.. Girl C.> Frank 1*. Alh-y. mgr o vilaml s Military Itaml iPh-elrh' P irk i Al |MVr4». Ark. 27 Jill X 3: Mi'iiiphla. T.-mi . 4 1. M..Ilian, Frank. H F Klee, mgr.: Clih-ago. ''"11. N Y . May In.h-f High DiverS“Net or Water G.itr* Itan.l I Iti aii'ti w Ine Springs Parki AA'Il '.iliigton. P- l . Imhf. o.impla 0|a ra C...: iWlill.' City I New Orleans 'I'.ggs liuiH-rlil Bnii.l- ("Iiie r..r:v I’lek' P s|. Jam.s, FOR PARKS, FAIRS OR A-1 CARNIVAL CO. I -.u'si 111.', K\ . M II 10, In.Ief Apis' C .mcly to.' Nan Ph-go. ' 'ttlan.l's pla. k Hussar llai >1. Augustus Fll Cal . in.t.'f I’rln.-.-'s Th.-ilre Miishal Comely 1.0 'l"» mgr ■ iln.llniiola Park! C..liiiiitois, o . '.’".Iiiti ;i .Aiigi-h's .Inn.' 21, Imh'f N. B.—This is positively the highest, most elaborate and scientific It .'I. ri.ia-i»i*s Jennie. Chleago B.a.lh's* Oreli ‘stra C'lwers Jaiii.-s T S.'.* Havanna. P. s Ali.lm-s. I.i , In.Ief Diving .Act before the public (bar none). ”•’01 .A A,..iiie’a AIIIP iry Itaml. Chas 3' F.l tCoulluui..l on page 341 " mgr ■ iShellpol Parki AA'IliiiPigl .n. ADDUKSS P.1, Imt. f —: 80I.D FVKRY'AA'HERE — lams' Oreli.-slra Itan.l of N.-w A .«rk I H ^'"ui’i. mgr : lA V I’ I'xim i S.allh', June S. DIVOLA, - - _ Seymour, Ind., until July 6. I lull 12 1'. p..ssx‘s Hungarian llin.l lE.I.ii AIus.m.i N, , ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. then Billboard, Cincinnati, O., or Western Agents. A C.. 21 July 3. I 32 Xtie Billt>oarcl JULY 3, 1909.

    rar'i. with h Keatlnn of rijrht porHonH soiial attenibui to his Intereals at M.uts' l.ake Tlio wh»*i*l «t thr S»*atth* K\i»‘»‘ltlou In Fark itVi'F twiro the niju* of tin* one the Si. Knir. A re<*onl iiinile t»y the IHI The llrst uniuial Cotton C;irnlviil ut (Vmipany In hiUhUiihr thin niAtiimoth ntnieture, Oalveslon, Tex., will be held tin* llrst wis'k Id ji« the first pl»*ee of ^l^•el wns rut In the KII .\ugust. Maleidm Crahnm Is I'hairmnii of th* FAIRS A^D CARNIVALS nhops at ItiMMlhoiine. «»ii .Vpril s. e\i r.v |»leee cxi'cutlvc coinmiiti'i'. Ituilr complete, cmpk aii«I all. nn*! tlie wlieel The liOui.siiinti .Vinusomeiit Company o|»er.nte. nuiklii^ a rec«ir«l of len*. than nUty dayn Ambitious Plans for the Exposition to be Held at Denver — for iMindlng and shipping It. A Street carnival will Frobably be held Uh'ler the auspices of Hie F. O. Kaglea, at Hartford City, Iiid.. ilurliig .\ugust. Eli Bridge Company Install Big Wheel at Seattle Fair that BROWN’S UNITED SHOWS.

    Surpasses the hamed Ferns Wheel of Chicago and St. Louis Hrown’s I'nitisl Sliows jdayed Wichita Falls. FAIR NOTES. Tex.. wi>ek of Jum- 14. under the au'plces of the in Size Notes of Fairs, Expositions and Carnivals. Volunteer Firemen's .\ss.M-l itlon. Knsiness was giMsl. despite the rain, earl.r in the w««'k. !>ur- It has been clecbleil to extend the Ing the latter part It was so warm tliat the matinee attendance was small, hut only mis'ling of th> .Mabaina Stale Fair, at Itirminx served to swell the crowds at night. ham, .\la.. one day. TIm* dales ari> now tb'lolM-r president; .1. K, ('ripi«‘ti. treasurer, aiul K. H. till*' of the saddest I'Vi'iits of the seas«*n was II to 21. The otths'rs of the fair arc C. W. EXPOSITION AT DENVER TO HAVE Ffford. prcsldeiil. S Caticeii. first ... BIG ATTRACTIONS. Smith. siK-retary. Tim dates for the fair arc the death of Mr. T. II. Kellv. who died of hem¬ Septeniher '.‘7 oil. orrhage on TImrsilay. Juts' 17. Mr. Kelly had John I., Farker. treasurer; K. K. (Jreeii. assist only Is'en with the company a short time, hut aut sis-n tary. Tli<‘ I'Hir Hixl K\|Hi«ilion at IniiviT Is lining was well known by many of the older showmen. The Missi.Hsliipl Valley Short Ship ii|i lil>r nllr.irlions for tlioir sliow, wlitpli will ROCK ISLAND EXPOSITION. Inti'rment tisA place Frida.'. Jiim' is. In the Clretilt Is thi» M'asoii offering F'JP.oMi in I'urwa 1h' i.iilliil o(T 111*- wis-k of I'J of tills t’athollc Cemetery, and was attended by the for racing. jo'jir. <; rulliT, s<any. 'l'.\I>.>»iijiHi. nnnonn<‘i.s lio lias closs-d for rectors of tlH‘ ItiM'k Island tlll.l exposition dsilioti of fancy Clancy tis.k charge of the front of the .Mi-lba Ii0S4ia.v. tlio l.'illi. a oiHK-orl hand of sixty piiM-ox. riding hor-es. harness Isirses and hurdle jump¬ Show', and Mr. Ciuldsnilth luit on two cotices Hiitl a niiiiilM*!' of stH‘(-ial shows for the pike ers. to Invite a disiday of heavy draft horsi's. slons. BALLOONIST foatiiro. which is iH'liexed will prove an liK-entive to Ttie company now carries eight show-, ten Wiiilo this ex|«isitioii is hut in its infaiiey. awaken a ihs'|H‘r Interest on the part of the conc'ssions. Ferris wheel, jumping hors.-, carry tlie silow heiiik tlnlr sis'oiid annual farmers in the ex|M>sltlon. UB-all and free act. exont. Mr. I'lilior states that tliey hroke ali At Liberty I'l.itis were ado|ited which will Insure tlie most rw-ofils ii'st yar for first oxp..sitions of this magiiilh'eiit disiday of fireworks on tlins' nights eliar.ieter. atid tliat tli<‘ one of this year will of the week, that has la-en sis-n west of t'liicugu. CARNIVAL NOTES. «July 3ri. es of W. tourist travel and attraets resident visitors from The roster of the Ca«h and Hines .\mtisement O. W. Columbia Camp \o. 7s. with the tile iTltire illterillolintaill recion. Cisnpany Is as follows: llarr.v Weiler. tnanager; Farki'r's Shows as tin' feature, bids fair to^'e Till' "Id itverl.iiid race eisirsii grounds, consist¬ Walter ilroicr. s.-cretary ami treasunr; Frank tlw 'Idggest ever" pullisl off iu IMibu iin' «' t ing of 11*0 acres, was taken over hy tile asso¬ F.rler. master of trans|M>rtation; T. 1. Cash, , uinbia Camp has a membership of neaH.' a ciation wliich is Iiandling the fair last year, and tlKMisand and every mt'inbi'r a ••b'N.«ter." for WANTED general agent: Frank Millikin. twelve-day man. a great deal of nioney was sismt In Is-antifying covering country routes: Harry Haler, queen their carnival. Many Inibii'iiie biisiiw 's nii-n .ire ED. BUSY, Gsy Psree Talker, telegraph your the grounds and in hiilldlngs and other Iniprovo- contest: Karl Ueeil. twenty-four hour man; . iiien bers of the caniii and carnival eiithiisia its. ad'lios lo OEO. JABOUR, Streets of Cairo, iiieiit'. and tlielr tdant Is now one of the tiest Harry Williams, chief electrician. I*ay attrac¬ and every piirchasi' package going rtation facilities an- un- •s|ii.illed. Iloantifitl autmnotdle drives also lead WAIMXED dir.'ll to the grounds, which an* located atsnit FAIR SECRETARIES AND MANAGERS are respectfully m,uested to ron open air Flee .\ets. for Big Annual Celebratlou, four miles frian the hiislness section. -- tribute their fair tiates for publica- July 20 21 and 22. at Kl Itorado Sprtnga. Mo. ' Coii'hini«. Isit $*21. Will easy clear, $* tloti; J. J. (Jarland. president; K. 11. .Muir, I . wis'kly. Ik'iiglas Souverulr Fostal, $.'•. l-argc Vi.president; .1. A. Frasi'r. second vice-presi¬ ' FIstforiu Hand iMivver (K'can Wave. $Iisi. ‘reniis Name of Vice-President . dent. and Arthur W. IIumlH-r. si*cretary. half cash, bslania un arrival. W. I. COOK. Jackson, Tenu. BIG PREPARATIONS FOR AUS- Secretary TIN S FAIR. Marne of Treasurer Musicians—'Performers Tile Mower Founly Fair, at Austin. Minn., | For Geo. S. Ely's 2 Itlg Kbows. liarlurt. Slide Name of Manager will, this s<'nsoii. is* held under new manage¬ f-d. arts; alisi Comcvllaii. fake |•|BIH•. whiH'l; C. W. Buell, twentieth century awing. event of Ita klml. ever held in Cyntbiana, Ky., .Sketch 'Ih-aiii write. Chas. ixralue ami Wank AL FRESCO HOME COMING. j Ere*' acts: Hare Devil Cole, leap the gap; Fro*. will Is- pulled off July 3. The featura of the Gaoliier write. Clifton Rem. Co.. A. J, Xinuo- Ferry, flying trapi'w; Al. and Frlwla. o., I now touring North Dakota and aurruuDding tions. arrangemeiita have Is-en laade fur large .kugus't 2.'! to 23. The carnival Is Ix'ing pro- | statea. crowds. PLATFORM MEN Here It la! Elsie The Won nu.fisl by the local Chamts'r of Commerce and Is I Dare Devil Myers, formerly with the ■b-r. 'I'he WiMilley Face Girl. Alive, alive. Has backed by all of TVdisIo’s most prominent clti- mere legs than ai;y liuiiian iM-liig on earth, with Ilobinsiai Amusement L\>m|iaDy, baa contracted r.cns and nu'n'hanfs. .4 large amount of inone.v QUAKER CITY’S FALL ENTER¬ 2 m-w iiaintliiKs. iFJ.'i. Six leg Folly Mno /like with the Greater (Vwmopolitan Sboww to appear lias iM-en sul>scrilM'd and mammoth pri-|i.arationH I ami paliiHi.g. $1.%; 3 tune, lowl hand organ. $4llle obt.ilnaldc. Showmen and conc*'“slonaircs frtan j Entertainment, and Cheater H. Steele, s**cretary. Join the company at Beardstown thla wci-k. Wt-ek, July 13 l*i, Kiiiiiiltshiirg, Md., or will all parts of tlie country arc coming In and the play individual sls>ws. Must Im* clean ami piildiclty will cover every newspaper In the I Van Wert, Ohio, will celebrate the nsMlcrn. Governor of Slate In Im- pre«<-nt. Vlr Fulled ’ Stati-s. Ttie King Wanilia event Is BIG FERRIS WHEEL AT SEATTLE. Fourth of July on the fifth: fl.’jat have l(e«'ii glu territory. 8. OALT. Emmitiburg Md. apro|H>s of Toledo's origin and has Its embryo raiwsi an old fasliiom-d fourth with all the Branch Railroad, no other diviaiont. from an ancient Spanish legend. It Is propoaeil old sports, will Im* pulled off F. W. Leslie has The Ell Bridge Company, Inc., of R-sidbous*', to make this an annual affair In Toledo and an Charge of privileges. effort will tie made to make It a formidable HI., are the builders of the monster Kerrlt SLOT MACHINES riva> to Hie famous raniivals of Europe and wiie»'I now in oi>eratlon at the Seattle Expos! Doc Flack, the carnival concession¬ Bought. Sold and Exchanged CONSOLIDATED tioa. This wheel Is aaid to lie the largest In New Orleans ] aire, is sot on the road tbia season, but is lo¬ MACHINE CO., in Heed Building. Philadel- the world, carries fourtei'n cncb*sad aollil at*u>l cated at Canton, ()., wla-re he la glvlDg bis per- phia. Pa. FLAGG’S NEW ENGLAND CARNI- i VAL COMPANY. Are Thoroutihly Flagg’s New England Carnival Company will lOWA-NEBR-MO-KANS-OKLA-ETC! Covered By make its Initial cqii'nlng at Nashua, N. H.. July 12. under Hie au«pb'e« of the Sons of Veterana And if you are operatinf* a houst- in an.I Merchants. .Mr. Elagg has aln-aily booked this territory, that plays vaudeville, some of Hm' largest and biggest money getting TED SPARKS CIRCUIT shows en tour this season, "nie merchants will I communicate with these offices at once co-oiM'ratc with Mr. Elagg In making thla the ■ AND GET “SURE-FIRE* ACTS LIKE THESE biggest event of the season In that enterprising OHARA & WATSON WATTLES & WARREN BILLY DRYER UTOPIA DUO N'vv England elty. Tlie Mayor has granted CHRIS. CHRISTOPHER Mr. Elagg the use of the main stn-ct in th? ; FLEXIBLE FREDERICKS RAND’S DOCS BAVIS & DALYRIMPLE lie.'irt of the eily. which will Is' specially dec- [ FOSTER & RAYMONO COOK & MYERS HAROLD CUSHMAN THE VETTER BROS. ■ 'rated and llbiniinatisl for this event. Nashna MORRISON & PARROTT has a iKipiilation of SO.tSai with 7.''i.()

    Woodford .ind Marlboro have re- I Balloon Ascensions and Free Attractions oiM-m-iI tlii'lr Ci'iii Tlwatre, at Meridan. Miss., tcmtsirarlly and will sisip erect a tent theatre I at Highland Fark. This move was caiiwd h> i TED. SPARKS’ VAUDE. AND DRAMATIC EXCHANGE, Kansas City, Mo. the destruction by fire. «f tlielr new Alrdome. . INDEPENDENT STREET FAIRS AND CARNIVALS PROMOTED AND DIRECTED I

    JULY 3, 1909. Xtie Billl>oarcl 33


    W I LOVE^ Rare Freaks of Nature, animate or inanimate Money Maker*. Splendid Seller*. We W Y wife' ()ssifie(l man, fat men and fat women or any attraction which will j^et have a large and aplendid *tock, and at money. 1 want a (irinder, all day hustler. All state lowest siilary in price* that ARE THE LOWEST. W)H. YOU KIDJ first letter. First come, first served. .411 day stands, and pay all after Oh. You Kid Hat*. $7.25 per gro** joining'. .Address as per route .Miller Bros, and .4rlin<'ton 1()1 Ranch, StT.d for our large HK)9 catalogue and GEO. W. ROLLINS get in right with the righ^iioui^. July 1, Norwich, Conn; July 2, New London, Conn.; July 3, New Haven

    ^ ^ ^ ^ Wholesale Notions, Jewelry, (Cutlery, JOHN C. JACKET & CO IVr K ioWV *6:w Watches, Noveltie.s. Ktc. 242 E. Madison Street, - CHICAGO, ILL, ARE NOW LOCATED AT ATTENTION-Parks, Fairs, Garnivals-ATTENTION Suite 332-333, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg. 1402 BROADWAY, - NEW YORK CITY

    C L E O ! No longer with National Park Managers’ Assn The Original Girl in Red Printed front 'li.i. Ililf I. i-xiiyrlKbl.Ml. Ih’gl.t.T No. Washlugtou. 1>. C. Has a fow oiK-n flmr ROLL TICKETS .MiT July 'itb. ami would llko lo bi-ar from MaiUKora of Tark., Kaira, aud CarnlTala. etc. Cloo and back... I. a brat 1 laaa girl »bi>w j.rfimulluK |daKlti|m‘, aud Orloutal Pauclug. Cloo bas bwn fea- Your own special ticket, any printing, any colors, accurately numbered, notched and ' .'.il a. au oxlra attrarltuu at tbo iohdiug Iliirleaquo Tboalro. and takoa top muiioy wborovor perforated; all rolls guaranteed. >hv apix-aiK. IliT hIhiw 1. Ural el a aa Id every reaiHK't. Uix.l looklDg glrla with of wardrobe. Il. r >la>n baa a iM-aiiliful friMit, a frame up Ibat la a ideas ire to ms-. IMayed Centralia and Mit'li.'U. 111., tbe |wat two wmka ami aa uaual Imik top money. Tbia week playing Terre Haute, 50,000. S6.50 li.l : next wwk, tbe big eelebratiou In Hauvllle, 111. WANTEIt— A C

    LEVIN BROS.. Est 1886. Cor. 6tli and Cherry Sts.. Terre Haote, Ind. Plates to Fit all Cannon Machines, Camera-Scopes and Telo-Camera- America** Foremost Strectmen’s House. Scopes, 65c a 100 for a 1,000 or More, less than a 1,000. 70c a tOO.

    riates, size $t per 100; Meunts, $1.7.") and SJ.SO |>er 1,000; Frames for all oiie-iiicb Button Maebines, 96 cents a grots, complete with pin. Tbe neatest aud best plaUMl frame on tbe market, $1.00 per gross. Developing solution, m c«-nts; 3 developing formulas s<‘nt wltb your order. Give u.s a trial order aiul convince yourtk'lf that our goisls and prices are the b*-»t on tbe market. Terms-—A cash deposit with your order, the balance F. O. D. rntll the Fourth of Jnly we will send free with each 1909 MODEL 8LEETE MACHINE. 1 TtIikmI, 100 Mates, size I\z3i4; 100 MounU, 1 |t , Set l>eVFlo|>er. CUT-RATE PHOTO SUPPLY CO., 500 S. Halsted St., CHICAGO. , OXIB 1909 MODEL SLEEVE MACHINE WILL GET YOU MORE MONET THAN ANY OTHER MINUTE PICTURE MACHINE ON THE MARKET. 1009 Model Cannon Maebines, S15. I’lates to Bt all Cannon Electric Scenic Effects and Stage Lighting Appliances FMachine*, OOc a llhi. Frames, $1.7.'> a jposs. IMatet, slxe l%tS3H. $1.00 Complete line of CXOCP Effect, SNOW, RAIN. FIRE, Etc. Also SCOT and FLOOD LIGHTS. . i* per 100. Mounts, 25c to 35c a 100. Developer, 15c. STAGE DOCKETS, I*LCGG1NG BOXES. RHEOSTATS and everything used In connection with Electrical Stage IJgbting. IMBORTED Carbons, Lenses and Gelatines at low price*. Send 10 AMERICAN MINUTE PHOTO CO., cents to cover i>ostage a*d mailing of NEW CATArxXJCE. JCai.rH MENCHEN ELECTRICAL CO., I,argest Manufacturers of Electrical Stage Appliances and Effects in the World. 300 West 269-277 West 12tli Street, Dept. H. • • ■ CHICAGO. ILL. 50th Street. New York City, U. 8. A. PADDLE WHEEL LATESX success. ■Q llandaomeat, strong,-at, ligbrsi weight wbe<-l on tbe market. Beautifully i>alDte

    MSI - - IH carry for traveling. in display. Price and quality fully guaranteed jro Ct»MDI.$nK WITH r'!*, «7 DADDI.F..S. $12. Spin I ^ die*. Striker*. Bee ..J I live*. Drop Case*. Ihdl Backs, Cagi-a ami all A NEW CRAZE. EVERYBODY WANTS IT. A BIG SELLER. BottoD, Hilh Metal Doll Pendant, per 100, $1.50. Bntton, with China Doll PendaLt, per 100, $1.50 OH! YOU KID. HATS (a gtod one), per gross, $7.50 Our factory makes 10,000 Pennants per day, all styles and sizes

    Three days required for orders of “special wording” NOVELTIES v' Fancy Omni* and Jaw- SEND FOR OUR FREE airy for all lu-caalon*. PENNANTS **'I'I’*J Stractmen, New 1909 Complete Catalofiue Darnlval*. 6c Thcaln-a. Amuacniant Dark*. The best ever published. — Knlfcboanl Mi-n anil Novally Ib-alcr*. K<‘nd f'-r catabigiia, l>a|Mialt r D order*. OOLDBERO JEWELRY CO., Ill Wait eth Btreat, Kanaat City, Miaaouri. I Biggest In Amarica. Manufacturers* Importers* Wholesalers Square deal to all

    ranted QUICK!—Bkatrh Team, Hong and I .III,' Di-opla and any act aullabla for vaudaxlllc ' iri ii*. Htata aalarv. D. H Hick* coma on or N. SHURE CO 220-222 Madison St., Chicago «'>'<• WM. XETfeOW, Ridgavill*. July IS: 34 Xtie Billboard JULY 3, 1909.

    ROUTES Dri'W. Ji'hn: S# e Jack Straw. IkmohiH' Plnyi'rs. Geo. D‘>nohue, mgr.: Butte, .M-ml.. 20 July 3. MUSICAL. Kllle StiH-k Co.. Chaa. Ib'rkel, mgr.; Da\iu |a>rt, la.. Ma.v 24. indef. (roatiniKHl from |>ase 31) Fiiipire Stock Co.. .A. A. Siilta. mgr.; Provl- MADE IN FRANCE d> n#'c. U. I . .A|irll 'Jtl. Imb'f U •l>lnwi>ii <»iM-r i (■liln»on. worth, props.: I’hanule. Kan.. 27 July 10. mgr.: Hliigliamloi. N. Y.. .Mh.v 31, lii., June 14, !n<1i.f. F« rrls SliM k ('<•.. Dl# k Ferris, mgr.; Mlniea|> UoyMl ('**iiiic tliH'ra C<*., t'ha!.. Vaiiltj tic. <11 oils. May :t0. Imb'f. D r#»ell. Koval <)|M'ra Co.; .Mcmiibla, Tcmi., M ly Hi. Mass., June 14. Imb'f. b c Imlif. Franklin S.|uarc Slmk C.i.. Travers Vale. mgr.. King. IH.iik'Ik': S4‘c Mblnlglit Sona. W*or#'#*st*'r, Mass., Mav 31. Imb'f. Waym- Mnxli al Coiinxly Co., ('.rant Il.-tli. ingr.. 3 Fno'se, J. J., sioi'k Co.; Watertown, Wls.. In (W<-lls Casino! l.yiK'lilinrg. Va., 14 July 3. Yank#'.' .MamVarin. Coinst.K-k .\in\i'o't.i<'nt Co., ■bf. Friclinwahl S;o<'k Co.. N#vriiian Fri#'#b'nw abl. jngrs.: Koston, Maas., June 14, liiil.'f. CQ mgr • Davi iiport. la.. Indef. Frleiid Play# rs. .Arthur S. Friend, mgr ; Mil 0 waiiki'<'. S<'|it. 14. Inilef. DRAMATIC. ; Fulton St.s'k C#i.. J#-'* B. Fulton, mgr.: Lin •9 #'oln. X.'b.. D t. 14. indef. Af’inv* St' le-k Co , C. D. W. Schiilti, mgr.: Ev- i F ske. .Mrs.: S#'0 Salvation N#'ll. Wiish. I Gagnon P. Ibs k S>#v k Co.. Bert C. AllM-f St <« k C# 1.. E#lw F. Alla'#', mgr.; Provt- nigr. • Dallas. Tex.. Imlef. r It. L, Mav 1.6. imb'f. Geiitbnian fr#m Mississippi. Brady A Gristlier. AU'HZHr SI.K'k v'o.l B.'laaco A Mayor, mgra.; mgrs.: .N. Y. C.. Sept. 29. Indef. 0 I'ri'iiclsoo. Cal., Imlcf. Gentleman from Mississippi. Braiiy A Gristlier, Armory Sto.. ‘JSJuly 10. ! Glaser Stock Co.. Vaughan Glaser, mgr.: IV IlilH'ock. Jan#'. St#K'k Co.. Jak#‘ Kosonthal. mgr.. I troll. Ailch.. .April 4. Indef. Kill mine. la.. May IM. in#l#'f. ' Going s>nie. Sam S. A liOe ShulM'rl, mgrs ; X. I!anilsl#r <:r#s' Stm k Co.; (.Mr#lomo) Mo- I Y. C.. April 12. Indef. lln#<. Ill , 111 Icf. I Grithii St#x'k Co. Arthur Griffin, mgr.: I'nlon K'laaco A Stoi'c St#a'k Co.. Kclaaco A Slone, Hill. West Hols.ker. N. J.. Imbf. c ? »iigrs.; lx#s .\ng«'l*'s. ln#l#'f. ' Goblen Comtsly Co.; Toms Brook. Ya., 2S CD K.'lasi'o Tli. alr" SI*## k ('».. 1.. Slixl.lart, I •'o'V . . mgr.; Waaliinglon. K. C.. Jiri#' 14. lii-lef. Hall. Doll C. (Kepcriolrei; Stevens Point, Wls., OD Kisliop's 11. \V. llislioi#. mgr.: Oak .lime 7 July 15. lan#l. Cal., In#l#‘f. ; Hall. Laura Xalson. Stoo'ia. Pa.. June 7. Imlef. mgr.; ItiifTalo. N. Y.. Al«ril 2«. Imlcf . Haywrril. Graiv, Stix'k ('#»., Ga#l'vay Tlmalrc SIm'k Co.. J. . Kiisk, Ibvnie St#iok Co.; Kan.. .April ‘Jd. mgr.; Caiiiil<'n. N. J.. ln»rs. Harlforil. C#>na., 3. Iml# r. Mav 1<). Ind'f. It'jntlng. Kniiiia. Co,, Kiisai'll & Drew, mgra.: , Harvey Sto. K. Kohlnson. nigr.. Henderson. Mamie. Co.. Jos. Par.'nt. mgr.: So. Wimlaor, Vt.. ‘Js .30; Woodstock July 13; Havi'n. Mich.. ‘JS July 3 K*'ll'»wa Falls 6-10. Imson Dramatic C«.. Burt Inis. Klngham. Am#'lla i K#'p«‘rlolreI: tSulmrhan Gar Keating. A'trginia, St#H'k Co.: Maillstin. Wls.. ...WANTED.... tleiisi St Louis. Mo.. 7 July 3. Mav 10. Imlef. Callh'ott Slocl; Co.. '."l.iMe K. Calllcotte, mgr.: Keltic# Stock Co.. Janpx F. M#sire. mgr.: Port¬ Galeslmrg. 111.. May 34. Imlcf. land. Me . April 19. Indef Calumet SI#H'k ('•>. .l##lin T. Conivrs. mgr.; So. Kellev S'lvk Co.. Jewell Kelley, mgr.: Knox- Chicago. 111., ln#l*‘f. Tllie. Ti'tin . May 17. lnd>'f. Cannlen Sl#sk Co.. M. M. McCallums. mgr.. K'l'nmsly. All#-#*. Co, W. A. Partello. mgr.: Caiml# n. N. .L. May 17. Imli'f. Man'-d#'!#'. D., Inib'f. A Performing Chimpanzee Campivll sunk Co.. .1. M. Campbell, mgr.: Kenix'd.v. .lames, Co.: Iciwell. Mass.. June 21- Faribault. Minn.. Imlcf. Si'iit. 2-3 Carroll C.#ni#»#ly Co., Ion Carroll, mgr.; (Luna K'vstonc Dramatic Co.. Max .A. .Amohl. mgr : ('an give an act of this natiin* Park) Johnstoivn. Pa.. May 31. in#l*‘f. Ainal Haven. Me.. 2b July 3: South W#‘st Har- Chicag.i StiM'k #'##.. Clias. 11. Ko'sKam, mgr.: t>or r# Id. IV'trolt, Ma.y 10. Inili'f. Keyes Sist#-rs‘ St'>ck Co., iimlcr canvas: Black TWELVE WEEKS AT ONE STAND Chorus La#1y. with 11'“##' Stahl. Hory K Har¬ Lick. Pii.. 2'* July 3 Indiana 6-10. ris. mgr.; l.#»mlon. Ktig.. .\i»ril I'.t. Iml*'f. Kcmiiton Konieily Ko.: Crli>iile Crm-k. C'*.. Write full jiarticulars and salarv. and available date to Climax. The. Jos. W.ler. mgr.; .S. Y. C., 2S Jiilv 3 .April PJ, liiilet. Krifchfit'ld Dramatic Co.. J. S. Krltclifi.-hl. mgr : Columbia Play. rs. M-tr, rott k B. rger. mgrs.: Clarksburg. W. A'a.. 30: Liimlx'rimrt July 1. HALTER ELKAIN, 6403 Vincenne.s Ave.t Chlcaj|o. Wash . K. C.. May 3. Imb f. lyols The.atrc Stock Co.. Abx. Pan*ag#‘S., mgr.: Columbia St.s k C## . Frank G. Long, mgr ; C'V Seattle, Aug, !1, in.: arlf'iril. ('o;in.. Imlef. . Way. Lyei'im Tlu'.atre St#ick C*. lyniis Philli|#<. mgr.; mgr ; (Uiversl.b- P-irk) Saginaw. Mb'!).. Inilcf. Brooklyn. .Aug. lo. In-b'f. Write US for quota¬ Court 'Pieatro Sloik Co., Gisslman &'heliler. Lyric Stm-k ('<#.: Portland." (ire.. Inib'f. mgrs ; Wh'‘«'litig. W. Ya.. In#l#'f. Lrtell. Ib rt, St#i# k Co.; Ib'!i(on Harlsir. Mich,, ^heIAKE ’AnSFACTOIOr ( i-alg S'o.. •Js-:!#i: Giltm-r July 1 :t. ton Harlsir. Micii.. Jim#- 20 July 24. I.on'< Star C.amsly Co.; Barib'si llle. Dkla.. "J* prices. CollbT. Will.; S.s' Th.' Man from .Mexlisi. J#il> •'! ERVERS X (haiiiM'll Wlnterlioff SlO'k Co.. Harry Cha|i|>*'ll. |ycl:#>y A'D p.'Plar BlnfT. Mo.. JS July 10. 10. Callahan Kriimalic Co.. L. W. Callahan, mgr.: The Lake Shore Film & Supply Co. t Mnloini'i KMormlo Si>ringe. Mo.. Js-July 3. Davis Sl.s'k Co.. Harry Davis, mgr.: Pitts 312 Superior kit., N.E. CLEVEIINO, 0. burg. .Inn# 7. imh'f. TENTS-A!! Sizes in Stock I # Iji V, l.i'lgli. Stis'k Co.. Monte Thomiis#in M. MAGEE & SOM. 147 Fulton St.. N. Y. Cltr. mgr.: Brockton. Mass.. .April 12. Imb-f .M.\.\ \4;i:its \M> 1*1.1(1 OK.MKKS .XT l\nCTISl.Mi p'l.rmr St.s-k Co.: Yonkers. N. Y.. May 20. K.XTi: .\( (<>i(i>i;i> xii:.xii(i:it.s or i iii: I'koi rs.sio.v i ( x. Imlef. J^g'reiN’^ MAKE UF D-'ro. Malle: S.‘e The Morals of Marcus. TIO.N or XT l.llll.KTY 4 .XKIlS. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Attention, Fair and Carnival Workers—The Leading Parks are Coining Money with Our Device WHY NOT YOU ? It Speaks for Itself, AUNT DINA’S HAND LAUNDRY. The new automatio bawhall game. Thmw three hallii: flrat hall hn-aka window, and preatii— the iloora ojien, and out i«>pi iilggcra Hhouting and iiuib'a braying. Tli#' wcond and third hall knock* the niggera in again. M-irc fun an.l excitement than a three ring rlrc.ia. 'I'hia geta (he crowd* and holda them until 1OL' GET IIIKIK XICKEIJt. Ganu' can Im- ina.Ie #a.y or hard It) Ixat. Automatic, aubatantial and ImiKwlng. GCAKAXTEED XDl' TO BBKAK. P..rtaMe aiut caay lo nhip. Can lie tjuickly act up or taken apart. Ordinary apace r)'#jiiln'a, oiM* mule head. back-ato|» with ablea, baek and top. picket fen#b'. 2 dfix. balla, 1 al#*#'! ini'charilaiii. Ib vlce complete to take in the money, price, $.3«.(a). Terma. $25.(k) with order, balance C D D . f. o h. (■locinnafl. Parlloiilara FKEE. Ad.ln-aa WORLD 8 GREATEST NOVELTY CO., Highland and Dorchester Ayei., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wli-lihi St(»|.r ami Mal.Mlc Sl...k Co, .\ (• M.ilnk. mgr.: t il.a. M '»ire Sl<«'k ; (.Minnei|uu I’ark) Cuelilo, Col., rcllalde. A.ldress at once, E. W. HERMAN, Y., May in. In.l.f, inil< f. 1523 Grant St., Springfield, Mo, Man fr. m, I,|. t.ler A Co., mgr- ■ \ V W .(el\< .ipi Sto<-k t’o., o, ft. W'Kulwaril, mgr.: •V Aug. 17. in.l.f Omaha. N-li . .May 1niei Atehli-on. Kan., 27 Jul.v Id. Striker, Ice Cream Cones, and other I'rivilgees. Profit from Box Ball^l In.|. f. WiHid, Itoridhy. .'-JiiIy '.i. and nights. Write at once to Crae. f'.r l-i 111.'. Iml . 2*. July 24. l*arkuveriige.l*2KKa wci klasl kca- ■ Vile .StiK-k Co.. .Monte Thoniiison, mgr.: New ■WM. A. JELF, Nicholasville, Ky. Si.a-k Co.. II .rry .M. Kee. mgr : I’ "rl- son isn't that recoidhuid to l>eat ■ '•..•dfor>l. .Maaa.. April 1!t, indef. ..Ill, o M . 17 July .'ll. when a box ball alley costs less ■ Yankee In^HlIe Stfa-k Co., fleo. V. Ilallday. M. rg.ii S'... k C,. C.jar Itapl.N, la. in.l.f, FOR SALE Three Moving I’ictiire Tlu-atres In than an ordinary bowling nlley ? ■ mgr.; .Maniuette, .Mich., 2.H-July 3; Calumet towns of 2.1X10. 3,IXX| an.l A.imm) istp. Hunuing MorrNon SI... k I'o.. I, n.Nay M'.rrlM.n, mgr.: t'rowiU go wild with enthusiasm I 4 IK. !to«i...i. June 14. In.l.'f. steady neijrly two years. Kaeh .■..iisists of over this game. '7liey never lire— ■ Z* ke. the Country Hoy, H. T. Ollck, mgr.; piano, chairs, an.l exliildtion maeliiiies. etc. Mor.-I- Th =;-t..n Si.hW Co.; I*av cliv. Mlih.. Iron Itiver. .Mich., .'{K; Nort^ Crandon, Wis.. Cai.aelty avi'nige, I2."i. fsixi cash lakes all. the more they play the more they ■ Ind. f. July 1; Ithinelamler 2: Minoequa 3. Ad.lress BOX 301, Coal City, Ill. want to play. Once you make a ■ Minnelli Mr*' .’ Iiram.itlc Co.; Miaim-tiiirg. O , eiistomer he becomes so (asci- I 2NJuly .'1 n.ited that ha invariably wants to ■ Marlin .st.ak C... <1... K. C.Khran*'. mgr.. p ay wrhenevir he Is in Hie park. ■ Salln i. Kan . 'JS July lo. Keerlpls all pp'llt eni I t t..r n nt— ■ M>'tro|N.llian S|.» k C..,, No. 2. Cram l* .1 Mr |.la.era set gins with a lex r. isi no ■ Carihy. mgr. Arkan'.aa City. Kan.. 27 Ju.y pill iM.y Is needed. Hue n.aii lo *x>l- L 3; Hiitlirle. okla., t IK. lei t the money can easily tnansge ■ ten alle*s. Can Is- a* I up or taken ■ Mann-r Si.« k Co.; i.Virdom.-i Cuthrl.'. Okla . d..wn (lulekly for ira**!. Write for ■ 27 July 3 Hln.trat.d Iss.klet < yplainirg «.ur ■ Morgan I’epple Stirf'k Co.. T Iiulght I’eppl.'. arw K A S Y F A ^ M F N T I'LAN. fl mgr : llulrhin'on. Kan,. 27-JuJy IK. Moral** . f .Marcii**. with .Marie Hop.. Cha**. Kroh man. mgr ■ San Kranclsr... ‘Ji July 3. American Box Ball Co. McKIroy. .1. II. nry. C. H. M..hl*'r. mgr : .\rth Hros.’ Come . iMils A- Cliiir.'Iiill. ingrs.; wc maiiufac- P.'..r!.s. III.. May 3i 'ml. f tnrt‘a full line 0'N..|11. James. I>. K. Huss.-ll. mgr.: St. Louis. 20 July 3. P .g. .St.s k C" Rl. hmon.l, V. . May IK. In lef. Pa ge. M .txd, Stoi-k C., M Hidii". mgr.: ENAMEL J- k-.nvllle. Fla.. F-h. s, In.l.f, p ■T't.'ig. -' Plsvers S.'ittl.', .kng. K. in.', f BAKED TINSEL ^ P-.ri.'IIo St'iek Co Fast.Til. Harry J. L.lan.l. mgr ; iMI. nd.l Park Ncw.ark. H. M.iy 23. PENNANTS m 'n l. f. P.*rtell.> St'Vk C" 'W -tiTn'. Harrv J. .’^r*'!!- which are the U'st wj man. mgr,: T aCr—>■. WW., Ir.l. f sellers this season. W P--tidl., St's'k C.. .C■•nfr lIi. K'' It. M, mgr ■ Pi-iua. i) . June 2*4 .Vug. 7. This Fine Carousel Ready for Shipment .Size “.xl."), with cane, f .n's Its- .Vv.niie S''s'k C.. . C..rkl,vn. .Vug. IK. i'l.h f. Tlie Carousel Is for sale on e.asy terms, or we will oinrate at your resort on percentage l.iMi per 1(M>. WrUe P'-ru.'hl Ov[>r.-ne Co.; rampa. Fla.. In¬ tiasis, if you have suilal.le liuil.liiig. Carous.-! g.ssl as uew; uewly painted and decorated; all for illustrations of the l)est selling i' f parts in g.ssl first-class coii.lltion. Write or call, P'.ll St", k Co , S. Z P"II. mgr.: Rri.1ge|>ort, PHILADELPHIA TOBOGGAN CO.. 130 E. Duval St.. Germantown, Phila. novcltit'S of the s<*ason. I'. iin . M .y 17. In.h f. p..;i St. . k C.. . S Z P dl. mgr.: Hartf.vrd. RIDEL A SHIMMEL, 45 Fulton St., N. T. City Co'in.. Vla.y 21. In.hf. P"" Co . S Z P.dL mgr : S( Pa . M iv 10. Ind f. We can furnith ten»a\ional acts fer P'dI Sli-s k C".. ■« Z. Poll, mgr : SprlngtleM. all occasions. Let us know what you Ma-s . May 10. In.lcf, A Pound of the Powder Makes Forty-Five Gallons of P dl Sl.s'k Co . S 7. P'd!. mgr ; Waterbney. want and we will quote prices. C >nn . Mav 3, in.l. f. Delicious Orangeade and Retails for $40. p..:rs Sl.-'k c . . S Z p.dl. mgr.: Wilkes- We gua;antce this powder to make the Ix'st Or.ingoade on the market. Tastes the host, GREAT WESTERN BOOKING ASSOCIATION, P irp'. Pa . May 3 in.h f. and p.-ivs you the best i.r<.fit. no'- contain Coal-Tar color or anything prohibited by any I'nre F.hsI Law. I'. S .Serial No. 117<1S. No trouble to |irei.are It, simply a worth of samples, prei.aid I’r ng'.'. Ih'llr. Co : Holse City. I-la.. July 20. f..r #1.1X1. Sam|.le of any one kiu.l, IKc. Priea of Oiaugi'ade. $'2.(X» iht poniid. pre|>aid; Ind. f reilHecI prices in iinantities. We have an excellent iiDix.sition to offer agents to sell oiir Pair "f Country Kl.Is iC. Jay Smllh'sl. E.l. drinks to stores, restaurants, sal.auis, etc. We sell esders, glass Jars, tumlilers an.l tumb¬ Ka-h'W. mgr : Saiilt Ste. Marie. Mich.. .30. ler carriers at k.west prices. Attractive signs, from engraved i.lates—FREE. TRICKS U'lx-r. Kalheiin*. St.ack Co. S. Hastahle. mgr.: Address COLUMBIA MFG. CO., Dept. 7. 1159 Harrison Street, CHICAGO, ILL. ■s.* ra '.ise. N. Y . May 17. In.I.-f, ALL THE LATEST AND BEST. H'tsrts, FI.T. nee. J.din Cert, mgr.: San Fran- -'OST A COMPANY. SW Filbert Street, . :«co. June T! July 24. (Mtabli»hed 1570). Philadelphia. H.'.i.lick St... k Co . M A. Franclllon. mgr.; A*' New, Enlarged. Illustrated Catalogue. iC.x Ie Park! Pallas. Tex.. '27 July 3. Il.nifr.'w's J.illy Pathfin.lcrs. J, N Itentfrow. mgr ShrevcisTt. La.. '23 July 3; H.>t Springs. NOVELTY HORNBERGER V k 17. W'ANTED—Partner that can furnish horses and 4 Ills s .11.1 St.a k Co : Chicago. May 22. In.lcf. Wagons f...' small Tent Sli..\v. Can aim us.* a s.'hiH. r Plav. rs: N.Tf.'Ik. Va.. .lime 14. In.lef. f*'* luor.' p.’rrorniirs an.l man with tdcinre S'lal. r 'I; k'C.v . Jas. .M< Rrl.le. mgr : Hl.iomlng- Boy Gymnastic Wonder •mirt T. 0. KEPLER. tl5 Allen Street. lon. I.i.l . In.t.'f. Shu.nun. «:.'r‘r>iile. Stork Co . 1 anr.-nce H. Me- Dayton. Ohio. N..W on 10th week of The Princess Theatrical Time. Address OPERA HOUSE. Danville, Ky. ijill. mgr Hutlalo. Max 24. in.lef. PRINCESS THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, Louisville. Ky. Regards to friends. WANTED S. Smith's S's'k Co.. O. C, Smith, mgr.: 0,.k Ian.' Cal . in.lef, Stanley Sl.-'k Co. .Vrthur Stanley, n cr.: St. lauils. f DISENGAGED — CHAS. A. HOSIER Slop.' Mill Sto.k Co.. Frank Crave, mgr.; Pe- wanted to RENT F.>r M.'ki'loibon or Vau- .■rla 111 . April .'i. I.'.lef, «' l.iilblli.g to fi'.'t ebb*. I.'si Siit.iirh'in'n Sl-sk Co.. Opp.'nhelmer Hros.. CIRCUS AGENT (THEATRICAL) b•.'nti..n an.l fim-st elty In the mgrs ' St Louis. Mav 17. In.l. f. Handle anything. Years of ex|>erlence. Have no eqna! as a heavy billing op|x>sitlon agent. 1 |N'r 111.*1.III. Will glv.* one to Sti'.rtrl.lge, Cnat. Shows, ut.iler crrTs«. F M. ix.nsidiT g.ssl ReiH'rloire pro|xislllon. Write or wire, Columbus. Ohio, Gen. Del. lx.ii'i forgi't. right I.M'at|..ii Sh-Tlrltlg.', mgr : W ixtI.v. la.. 2S..Tnly .3. lly Write elr.' J. JONES, s..1»atl..n N.ll, nlih Mrs FKke, Harris n Cr. y re.. Rock Island. III. Fi-k.'. nigr ' Fysno. Cal . :t0: St.icktj.n Tiily JULY 9 and lO— BEST ONE YET —AT ADRIAN. TE X ire a "iliib" in the hii'liiess. 1; Sacraiueiito '2.3; P"rtlan.l, Or*'. .. Si«"hl.n .V Paige St.s-k Co. Sam Sp..!. .-n. mgr.: VlMTilei-n. S I» . 27 July 3. s.r.anl In the H.'iis.', H.nry Mill.r, mgr : Where the Concesslonists will have an army of peoj.le to work to. 0( WANTED Seattle 27 Jilla 3 T'.alla Sl.'.k Co. Max Mis...n :r. mgr - N. 4. rreaiii of the Panhandle, a bigger celebrath.n than the 4lh of July. Eve At tho Gem Theatra, Maridlan, Miss. —.C first- Want a few more .Xttraclioiis an.l Concessions. We are lils-ral. Write ' - Vaudeville Pianist; that is cuiits'lei.t C. 'I.iy 14. Imlef REUNION COMPANY. Amarillo. Texas. •''1 r.llabb*; must trans|His,'. Iiiiin.sllate an.l Tli'r.l I'"gr. . H'"T,. H Harris, mgr N. Y. C., . i.g'.g. iiM'iit til Hie right i>arl.v. Win* i|iib k F. h I. nd. f JOHN W’OODFOHD. Prop, and Mgi I'l'ir-ton. H>»ar.l. Magielan: Vt'ani!.' City, In.l.f finny ARCADE FOR SALE 4 .tlyle H Mill. rriMlI'ig Sa’.'siiiiin . Vi. Il.iiry H. Harris, mgr.: CMeig.'. Vprll 1in.l.f VALLEY FAIR, Charleroi, Pa Tr'xI'i'g Ssl.-m n iH . H.nry H Harris, mgr H'st.'o. Vprll H‘ In.l.-f Taxli.r St., k C.. , H W T.ia lor. mgr: Wash liigfen. Pa . 'Js Jill,. IK T.'iiiiS'st !>ramatli' C.» . .1 1 r.-miH'sl, mgr For One Week Beginning.July 26th. I ike Pla.-ld \ Y 2s July '! St«M k t*’’ \\iiti*r ll« fT , mcr . •K lo .Vug 40. at Surf Paik First An Sin l-'h'aiiels.'i'. Sept. 12. In.l.f, Will want for this I'air first chuss .Attractions and Concessions of all kimls '■|.ll..n Carnival. Tlmre will 1m* ilK.lXxt - I** tills Port. C.iiiipany with slrelig with jjootl displays. Also I'roe Attractions and Balloon .Xstrnsion. No sttiai-lb*ii atiil band Tvv.i ri-al live Snii Evi'iylhlng g.Ms Viblri-ss A P. RUTH- TENTS TO RENT <^an1hlin^ or immoral show s w ill he considered. Write at once and describe Ngr. Surf Path. Oalvaaton. Taxaa. M. MAGEE ft SON. 147 Fulton St.. N Y. City. fully what yon have to oiler. Alsti state lowe.Nt,percentage anti sidaries CONCCSSIONB I. Ciiiieessloiia fur .Viiniial Encamii —: SOLD FVERTWHFRE — for free acts. .Address, iia Nalliiiial Hnard. Vug Kill t*> I*. 3.iaai aobtlers- 1 .‘sXI vNllora MAKE sa 0. B. COTTON. Mgr., Darda- ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. R. L. BARNHART, care of Palace Theatre, Charleroi, Pa. 36 JULY 3, 1909.

    Erama •Thayer, Mary P. Bewera, J. Commie, I/eon Bldwardt, L. Uartsr, Burt Ruaaell, Mra. M. Thomas, Effle Bradimry, Jaa. H. Conaway. George Ehing. VYank Harter. 8 It. Rnaspll. Miao Mlllan Thomas. Mrs. May •Brandon's Gilt Edge Condo, M. Bldson, Dork Harvey, Jacob RiiskpII, Nellie Tlnch, Halsy Show Oundy. IsMila II. Kloy, Koy Harvey, John H. Ruaaell. Margaret Tyson, Effle Brannan. E. L. Conlln, Al. Elliott. K. J. Ilarwlck, B»(>by Ryan. Naa •Van. Winnie (Tele.) Cennera. Musical •Kllswurtb, Hoc. J. Ilatcbcott, Prof, Rob ••.Sahw, Ullan Von Theile, Elaloe Brannan, E. L. Connors, John F. W. LET^POX nit Barnffiaon, Billj •Vaughn. IVirothy (Tele.) OoBDors. B. E. Elmore A Elmore Haatinga, Zeno Schulte, Mrs. Ed¬ Velare. Maye Brion, Carl Cook. Jamiw L. Kiuraerson, Walter Ilawna, Aleg. ward Vernon. Eatelle Brock and LaRue Cooksey. Curtis Euimert, Geo. E. •Ilayeo (HandeulT ar We can not undertake to rcmall PARERS or Scott Maude Rronston, Mr. Kffen Co|>rIand Bros.' Show Engelke. Wm. J. II. Voerg, Mra. Prank tiat) I“AOKA<;FSt on which la riHjiilred extra postage ’Scranton. Itaxel Walker. Madrid Rrooks, Elmer Coon. Harry Knoco. E. ••Hayden, Tellen to forward, unless the n’M'cssary amount of S<‘aton. Violet Walters. Clara Brmiks. Herbert Cooper. C. H. Kuterprise Flag Decw'n Court. Percy "Roullla" •Heaton, I*rof. s. L. Sharp, Lovera Wayland, Eva •Rrown, James J. Cousins, Jack •Erlxom. Ira lleeker, H. F. Applications for mall advertised in this list Sini|ison. Helen Welse, Hot Brown, J. GalTney Oowper. Wm. O. •Eatey, Chaa. Heekesaen, Wm. must be signed individually by addressees. •Smith. Gertrude ••Wells. Maxine Brown. Al. T. Craig. Charlie •Kstry. Chaa. Smith. Mary E. Wells, Katie Brown. Fred Crawford, Earl Everett. Sterling HelTeraon. John L. •Smith, Mrs. Walter Everhart, Anioa Ilelkea. (Vd. Harry •.Mall In New York Office. •West, Mrs. Col. Wm. Brown, Jessie Crawfoixl. Guy L. Smith, Bessie R. White. Mrs. Estes M. Rrown Family Falkenateln. Walter ••HeniWratin, Frank ••Mall In Chicago Office. Crawford. Winnie •Solar, MalH‘1 Williams. Theda •Brown. J. L. •('Timings and Gore Fass<‘tt and Klltott A. •Sollce, Garlirilia Williams, Mra. Cbas. Rrown, S. S. Croft. 11. n. Faulk, Albert IleDdemon. Mr. and Siitankl, Priucesa Williams, Giissle Rrown. Carl Crook. Charles Faulkner, George Mra. George A TRANSIENTS ARE RE Silencer, Mrs. Harry Williams. Mrs. Han- Browne. Frank S. ('rossman, L. Feathera, I..eslle ••Hennings. J. W. k. nil I I 11 r^l gCESTEO. WHEN CON- nte Browning and Jones Crow, Pat Pat Felmas. Tlie (Tele.) * l\^l.le XkNIE.NT. to have •Spencer. Nellie Willman. Miss Dixie •Bruce. Charley Ciimmingham, Thomas Fenn. Harry Ilenrlcl, Russell THEIR MAH, SENT IN CARE OP THE BILE- Star. Waoeta Wilson. Elsie •Bryant. Harry F. •Ferarl. Joa. •Henry. Amey T. Stevens, Rose A. BOARlfS I’lBI.ICATION OFFICES AT CIN Wilson, Gertrude •Bryant, Bill vNinnlngham. Freddie \ Ferarl Brt>s. Hentgen. Isuils H'lNNATI. RATHER THA.N TO THE BRANCH •Stevens. Mrs. Hora Wilson, Jean Bryant, Bill (Nirren & McCue i Ferges4>n. Clarence •Herbert aad Vance aiFKICES. Stevens. Kathryn Herbert. Victor Winston. Laura A. Buchmlller, Albert ('urtls. F. W. Ferrar, Carlaa Stewart. Lillian Cutler. Frank J. •Perry •Herriek. Howard J. Stone, Haxel Woods. Grace •Buford. Geo. Woods, Lulu Cutter, Frank J. ! Fleke, Edward U. Hersrhel. Fr«-d Stirkney, Rose •Bucker. Edward LADIES’ LIST. Woodruff. Hora IVBar. Harry Fink. T. 11. Heyward. Harry SHckney, Ixiiilse ••Bulmer. II. P. Worth. Maye E. Finkel. Felix lllltbert A Warren Slillwagon. Jessie Burge, Lawrence He Estang, Marcy j •Adams. I.uella Oramlin. Mr«. J. L. Yapp. Mrs. Anna •FInkle. Felix HIrka, Howard Slirk Maude Burke. Frank •HeKreko. Gabriel I Aden. Mrs I.IHe Or..gory, Margarette S’ates. Mable •Finn. Mickey Hleka. Clinton Swan. Olive Burke. Lawrence J. HeLsne. Hoc. Joe Alla-rta. Mrs. Bulah • irose, Virglola L. Finnegan. J. P. ••Hlel, H. E. •Swan. Olive Youngblood. Eola ••Burke. Orln T. HeMaln and Roohte I .‘.lliion. Miss A. Hall. Edna ••Finney, Frank HIght. Fred Swlgert. Gerfriile Younger Mrs. Bob •Burk. Cbas. Henry IV Monde A HInsmore •Halis*rln, Nan Fishers. Flying Hightower. (). L. Allen, Bertha Taggart. Marie Zelda. Queen Burns. Jess •HeSIlvIa. Prof. Hec¬ Fltabugh A Shortrldge Illlfert, f^as. •.Vnibony, Mrs. Jack Hathaway, Maybelle Zi'iilof. Mrs. Burton, C. K. tor •T -drc. Henrietta Hill A Etlnionila Ardell, I.llUaii Hayes. Zora IVVan. Jack Fletcher, Kirl H. Teets, Mrs. Lilian Zcnola, Madam Busch, A. S. Hill. Joe M .Arnold. Mrs. Teildie •llermls. Marie HeVoare. Harry Floodas. Prof. R. Terry. Jessie E. Zenora. Queen Bush. .A. S. Hill. Ed. -Armstrong. El»a Hester, Nettle IVVery and Dayton Flowers, Howard Texana. Nellie Zera. Marion Buttons, Mr. nilla. Acmbatle Ashton, Josle Hiniiiieiciii, Je«»le Flowera. .Augustua Atkinson. Oladys H. -nderson •Flynn. Earl •Hlnea and Remlnglno •Ilamgaii. Clara Huiiibest. Mallei Fonda. IVII and Fonda Hinton A Howard Harg'H, Madam •Hunt, Ethel i Footea. Wm. •lloagland. I.arrv Hodges. CW've A Fcasley. Nona Hunt. Mary B. . Ferre. Mr. and Mrs. Bell, JisM'phllie •Irving. MildnsI Fix'd •Hoffert. Wm. Ben-svllle. Mae Jennings. Orac C. Forrest. I/ee He remalled to them with great< r despatch than from the publication offices at Cincinnati. Freeman. J B. Hunt. Harry Burnell. Mrs. Bessie Knapp. Virginia No attempt Is made to handle mail addressed to the branch offices without specific Freeman. Maurice Ingram Ilamish •Cain Slaters Kramer, Maude instructlnna while thousands ot pieces of mall matter pass through the Cincinnati offices Freneh. O. W. Ilian. F H Camldull. Mrs. Jack Krueger Sisters every we<-k and are remalled to addressees from Information at band without the delay Frepler. Paul R Irion. Chas. Capi»s, Mrs. J. B- I.a Count. Bwsle of bidding and advertising these names In this list. Frieillander. Rlllle Irons. Warren B. I'arlton. Mrs. Marian •La Crandall. Carola FrledlateVr. Wm. B. In addressing mall to Individuals In care of The Billboard, kindly Indicate what com¬ Jarolia, J. C. I.a Hue. Florence Frit*. Ilarrv Carniisly. Mrs. C. O- pany (if any) each la Identified with or In what line of the business be la engaged. Jacihs. W H. I,a Salle, Edna Fr<>ml*erg. M. t nrroll. Mrs. James Jaeolison. Tom I.a Zettes, Madam Press Bros Castle. Itollle All mail advertised In this list Is being held at the Cincinnati offices nnlesa otherwise Johnson. J. K. •I>“ Baron. Ixuilse Frotblngham A Hen ( astle, Orace indicated by the characters • (New Y’ork), •• (Chicago). James, Osi-ar Ix'Hrew. Mabel ham Cecil. Eillth James. E P. Cluipin. I.a-ah I.«-Roy. Pansy Fuller. F. H. Lancaster, Viola •Fuller. Heetnr James. H H. Chapman. 1.11a Jardan. Chaa. t liMp|M*lle, Marie I.ascello, Eulaliu Pullen. TViiglta Jarrts A Tudor ••Clarendon. C<‘cll l.eonard. Marie NOTICE Gahle. F. P. Jelllson. Joe A. Clark. Mrs. Harry P. Leslie. Beatrice Gilweath, 1. J. Jenkins, E C Clark. Irene •I,<‘ster. Beatrice Parciis for the following arc now being held at The Billboard's puldicatiun office Galbraith. C O •Galetilner. lllehard Jennings. J. J. Clifford. Bertie l ewis. Haste Belle liiey will be forwarded on application. lYie figures Indicate the amount of |K>stage •Gallagher. CTiaa. ••Johnson. Julius Col.urn. Myrtle •I.»>wls. Mrs. Alma u«fc8sary. ••Garland. Wm. Johnson. Chan C.di-. Maud C. l,<'wls. Mra. Harry Gasiwiy, Jeane Johnson, ('has. Col... Phyllis I. liidsay. May Boyce Nickolson. A. O. 2c Pina, Manuel U- Spalding A I)efall 5c Johnson, Otto I ..iin. 11. Mrs. I. M. •l.llip<*rt, Mrs. H. C. Ga«ton. .Alliert Neeklck, F. W. 2c Bussell. Mrs. M. 2c Still. Frank Ic Johnson. AA'III • •4‘onn»‘ll,v. l-^'**!!***"*' I- I.lsettc, Mile. Gasten. .Albert Newman. Julius 6c Reeil. Pearl 4c Tyler, Ed. 4o Johnston. Kid Cornell, B.lle Eoiiergan. Teeley ^ Ga«usta. Gi-orge Olcotr. Chaunoey Ic Rayuiond, L. A. 2c Walker, Idlllan 0c Cot lew, Borothy I/mgworth. Gypsy ‘ Gates. J r. Jonas. Jim Osterllng. Oeo. 8. Reynolds. Earl 4c Weinberg, Gus Ic C.iurlland. Orace AtcAdams, Miss F. Gay. Matt Jones. Little Johnny Patton*. The Four Reid. Ella 4c Wells. Billy K. McHade, E. C. Genereaiix. Earl C. Jones. Hon C..X. O.sirge L. I’liync. II. C. 6<)c Rolierta, Geo. W. Ic Wheston, Anna 2c McHade. Mrs. E. C Gi-orge. Wllsnn H. Jones. Blllv Cox. Mildrinl l^■r■icll. Wm. 2c Eeeman, Adolph Wheeler, Jack MacHonald. Flora •George. Turtle Jones Family (rolo.) Curtis. Mrs. May lick. Itnv 2c Shah, Manek 14c Wl.-dlng. David C. II. Bar.l. Mrs. Clias. McHoiiaht n. ■■tvs Gi-orges, Frits K. Jam'S. J. Harry MeT'.,i, iM, ni.ile PottiT, Fred M. 2c Smith, A. W. 2c Williams, Geo. Ic li.-Koveii. Mrs. Stella Gerano. Prof ••Jones. Tisnmy H. '• lioiihl. Erh.l •II.. I/eon. Millie Gltilis At P Jordan. Wllmot C. Ii. MlIley Mr- M ly ” Or.itii. Effle Gifford. Jiidson. Msurire Mark. Mrs. E. J. Ksht. Samuel •Ii.S..t:sa. •'l*y Gilman. Harry •'lick Ainha Kalda. K. • m. y.aing. M. Glassforil. Cleo 'lackav. Bessie luiPars. Haiiclng Glening. H C. •Kaln. Itotiert M ir’ow. Miss G. C. •Hallurg. Camille GBek A Yoiingheuse •••'Kslaeratua” M-.rks, Mrs .Amy linl.. Sisters GENTLEMEN’S LIST. B.r« rs. Fred 8. H'Ormand A I'uller Gllek. Jos B. "Kalnia" •M-TshiiH. Mrs. I.eon liiiMiie. Tody Campl>ell, Jack •Hallett, M. Gless Briw Kanell. William liav.'iUM.rt. Orace Alv. II. •Baldwin, T. 11. Campledl. .Alex. Dalton. Ixiiils Gedfrev John C Kanes, ('apt. Wni. M .r-ilen. Violet Iiax.'iiis.rt. Norma Acarlo, Signor Dane. R. C. Capman. Bert Hanker and Cardwell Gneltech. Jr. Hans Karl. W. F Mirlinl. Birdie Havls. May Owen Adair, Eddie •BarVair Family Rand Cardwell. W ••Darling. Prof. Ed. Goldstein. Fixdle Kauffman Bleyrle "iiitille Blanche Ucck.-r. I>*n Adams. Hick Hirfleld. C. E. Carhart. Harry •Daugherty. James Giuststadt. loiils M. Trotiis* •''■>x<>n. Grace ••Il.llnar, Ethel -Ailams. Frank Rarker. Ge*>rge Carney, Edward Havle. ItUHHell •Gordon. Tony Kaufman. I) ••Mav. Bonnie rtelnialn. Ethel .Ail.-tiiis. John F. Bameli, I^lward •Carningham. Arthur Havls. II •Gorman, James •Kealllalbiie, Joseph \Iav. Ethel OelT.ell. Jessie .Aildlsoii. 11. M. Barrington. Sldn'-v •Can>er. Percy It Haye. Jack Graham. AA' I. Keaton. O. C. '1 I'lelle. Mrs. n. 0. Carr. Jaa. A. I>..nips<-.v. Myrtle Adkins. Itlll-y Barton, Charles ••Dayton. I>>\v|a Graham. 1'r*»f E B Ki-efe, Jonathan Mentell. Blanch ('arre. R. la's Iiiouiioiid. Cecil A.lilll, Prof. W. Bassay. 8lg. ••Ih-an CTias It Graham. Osear •Km-nan. Janies •''ilev Kathrvn Iiinney. Mrs. Al. .Akehart. Clan’nce ••Bates. Frank Carrharl. Harry H. |)<‘an Thomas Granada and F*slora '"U-.ii Sl-ters Keetch, E. 11. • Iioikrin. Elisa .Alton. Thomaa Bates A Ix>vy ••Carrtdl. Will M. lO'drlck. Have Granls-rry A I.a Men Miler. I»ult Keith. Frank ('. Ploherty. Mrs. F. J. All.r.ght. Han M. ••Bates. Mr. Carroll, Prof. Ttu... IhH-rfieit. Hr, Wm. ••CranlM-rrv A LsMen •''iller. H.sisy Kellar Itrotbera Iionns. Mrs._ Walter •■.Allxaky" Itaiiglitons. Billie J. IO‘llagiinillf>. AlphotiS4i Grano, Prof ''•■ntcomery, Mrs. Kelly. Jaik H li..wnard. Kitty •.Altenliof. Jack Baiimlster, Ed, Cartwright A Aldrich H'imaln. G. E. Grant. Roland Hom«*sle Kelly, Jsrk 11 •Hula. Alice •-Altole 111. Frank Beauchamp, Al. Carver. Hr. W. F. ••Hemorestlo. Joe "oore. Edna Grant. Hr Horace Kelly A Rlu luiiilap. Mrs. Helen .Vlvano Co., Mme. •BeaufoiM. Jos. Ca.ev. T. H Denison, Harry Violet Gray. 11 C. Kellners. The Hv.r. Mrs. .Alvin. Peter H. Becker. Ned •Ca«-hlT. J M. IVnl«on. I. )l..r.ffe Sl«ters Gray. Rolii ••Keltons. Hiree Mo ••F.arl. l/il* I^a Co. .Alvino. Pedrf> B* echer A May Castle, F. It Heralla. Have 'Iiilllcan. May Great Eastern Shows alral •F.arl. Virginia •.Amant. Capt. W. Bell. Jrwu-phine Ca-tle. Fred It iN-rio. Totu Murrell. Marie Kenadv. GImney F.srlc, Ileirest H. Hell. H S. Hi-a-ea. Allsrt Gria-n, .Arnm ' Miss Patte Chanilierlaln A Sler •.Ams.lell. William 1. Green. Jolin E. Kendale, llerlM'rt r.ast. Mrs. C. L. Bell and WasliMim ling Diamond. Chas Nerllls. Anna .Anagnostlcos, G.s., Greene. I'lill H Krnnard Slslt rs F.d wards. Ethelyne Renans. The Diamond. Bill V.-u ton. Ora ••iiainplon. Jack (Jta-gorr and Elmlna ••Kenneily. B|||y A ••I' Mrs. Har- Anderson. Chas. E. ••Benjamin. E. It •Diamond, Jim Diell. Bird Chapman, Hell Gri'V. Bud Bessie •.Anilerson. Alfred Benjamin E. It. rv J. “r'.i't try Chapman, .1. H Hills. C. Af An.l.'raon. Jas. K. Bens/in. W. W. Griffin. J W Kenmxly. J(.hn n.loii. Madam Osg.sHl, .Anita Charles. John ••Hlllen, Wllkon Elm Francs M. .Anderson. R G. Bentley, Hampstead Griiberg. Ileiiis-n •Kenny, JoJe Owen. Mrs. .A. M. Chas*' and Carma •Hlllen. WlliM>n Anderson. Ed. Herling. Harry Grmiiliaek. Chas. Kershaw A Glenn Eirmerson. Hollle Psulv. .Anna Cliati-aiihrlard. <'oI. E Dillon. Wilson .\n‘ire«» h. Mrs. Helen liiliirw. Rose •Chlldera. Air. Dixon. Samuel F. Jack Berry. John W. Guettrv. France Klchiiehl. H. •Ern.s1il« Fr'nces T. .Arthur and Ixing Bitting J H Clark. Harry M Hiiba. I-eo ' Hall. F. C Klrcbner, Alvin Franklyn. Miss B. Rhoda. Cecelia •Artois. Walter Black E. B Clayltin. Joe Hiinhaiigh. Hoc I llalaey. Seth CalM-l) •KIrke and Stone Fross. Mrs. VHian Katl'eryn A-tilon A Earle Blackwell Jin Clemliiga, Harry Hiew Duran. W. M "Red' • i Hamilton Comedy Co. Kltamiira. Hatch Fuller. Mrs. BatlB , It I nil art. Florenre Atlas Am Co. Bleyer. Max F. ter Eagis Eye. Wra. Hanford. Chaa. It Kllng. Fred Gi-orge. Gladys Itlo. Violet Atwood, H. M. Blue, Chas C. •C/itdirn. J Earl. Blackle •Hanford. Chaa. H. Knox and Alvin Germain. Miss Billie •Itinley. T/Oii .Aiilger Brothers B'r.dker tlarry C*slv. A. n. •Earl. IVrt Hanley, A Kolar. Veasor Gerren. Marie •llohinson. Nells ••-Austin. Gllliert Boher, Wm. Colcher. Harry •'Earle and Barllttt Htnvay, Billy Kohler. Kid .Avers. Chas. Bonzis. Chss Gilbert. Miss Blllya Robinson. Jessie M. C«de. Fred . Earles, Bert ••llarrla, Jark R. ••Kohler. K H. ‘•Gilson. Ix>ttle •Rogers. Mrs. Itadtsre Bacon. Hoc Rc.ruelll James Cole. Mr ••F./k. Eddy ••Harris. Perry Kotaro, Frank Hallev. Harry A. Gold. Miss L. •Rnonnv Mattie Polan. John Coleman. Ixsila •F-dlson. Hr, It Harrison. Happy Krause, Oscar J. •Goldie. Anna H. tinsle. Alma Baker. It L. B^nnhsin. J W. •Collins. Jack Bailey Harrlly A Herr Kraiiae, Simon fVechelke Gordon. Irma Royal. R*se •taker. Johnny Jt •Colllna and Jewell I4J wards. E J I Hart, Riiasell Krliw. Joe Russell, Grace M. Baldwin, Jack B.sirhfoti Billy Otace, Eleanor C/dton. James R (Tele.) I Hart. Chas. KrIIrhneM. J. H. T JULY 3, 1909. e B a 37

    Kublmao, I’hll Mllra, Kar Kcit.el, Thao. Smith, Alyin ! •Wallace, Joe Willard, Le Roy I,a RIrd Kamil/ MIntum, Hr. B. E. Kellly, Floyd •Smith, Henry E. i •Wallace, Jaa. Willlama, Slab —OUR- !.« OwDia, (‘haa. MItrball, Curly Reiner, Prof. T. H. Smith, I.,<.on C. Wallrapp, J. L. Williama, Edd MMIt. KlU/ Mltaball, W. J. Rancher, J. W. Smith, Bot> I •Waltem, 8. 8. •Willlama. J. H. l,a Paiit. Frank Mltahall, J. T. Reno, Fra-u FREE CATALOGUE Smith, Herman A. Walton, Gonlon Willlama, Robert •I>a Kajr«"tt«“. (lf«*at •MItrball, H.-rliart U. i R.ntfroi.i, J. W. Smith, F. J, Wampler, W. Williams and Lee Now ready. Containing numerous good selling Montgomary, E. B. Kenao, Bert I.a (iraiice A Uurdoa Smith, Will Z. I Warde, Harry Williams. J. D. articles, suitable for Fish I’onds, Jewelry M. aaty, Kaliiti Kenaoa, The l.a Marr, h. B. ••Smith, J.n* WaUoD, Bobby Wilson, Conrtland Stands. Knife Racks, etc. Write for same to¬ lai Mimm, K. Caiit. Ilarld Morlork, R. W. Khodea. Dusty Co. FOR SALE CHEAP Weaver, I.«rry Winter Garden Co. Mon all, Frad l.atto. Will. Rice Br.ia. Hparka, Harry Craft Webb, Thoa. E. Wirth, Phil Morrlaa«.y, Billy E. l.aHioi, I'laiid** Klee, Wm. 11. Silencer, Clarence Webb, Y, E. Wolfe. B. K. ••.Morton, Great Klee and Conley I.a»'<», li. ••SiH-aaardy, Paul i Welnbourg, Gua ••Wolfscate, Roy Mott, Ed. Klee, E. L. ••SiKn>ner, Dram. Co. i Wonderland Amuse. ,0ne Practically New Teat I.awri-un'. UoUTt Welk, C%a8. H. KIcharda, (H-orge W. Munu-, W’. A. Staddler, Albert ' Weldon. Jamea Co. I.avton. John I.. KIcharda, E. V, About 75x.1o feet, 12 or 14 feet high. Also Moaattauango Stanley, Ivt Wood, G. T. l.iaKli, Itlarkvy Wella, Ben L. Moving Picture Car and apiiliauces. Address •Muallar, Gua Richard, Joe Stanley, Steve I’afi-i. (Jroat Wella, C. L. Wood, R. M. Orrin £. Jones, 67 Central Bt., Providence, R. I. Mullen, Tboa. T. ltlchardsar-nrr, Mr. Stey.-na, Iico. Turvis Neal. Shoala .\m. Co. Hiikr K. R.ilo-rtson, E. M. Stevena, M. A. Whitehead, Joe Yorris, Ben Edwin N. arilla, Guatare •I.4H.. Jark KotHTtaou, Jamea Steyena. Will H. Whitney, Alvin M. Zanfrellaa. The Nelklrk, kVed W. l.••nl■lll•. Wm. •‘Spot” ••Stewart, Wm. Whittaker. S. T. Zarrow, Happy Nallo, Mr. ard Mr*. ' Itohlnsoo, Nat C. Stewarta, Three Mus i •l,»oiiianl. Cr^rgp F. Whittier, Norman Zelma, I. Z. LUCKY PENNY MACHINE. Roll out lucky Nelatm, Chaa. •itoblnion. Henry leal ! I.vslf-y, Robert Whittington, D. Zera, Edward pennies for 5c. all profit; 9 different patterns; .Nalaon, Vic Stewart and .Malcolm •la-xllr, Joa. ••Ibslln, Dare Wlelke, Ernest A. Zerber, W. E. big money maker for fairs, carnivals, etc. Ma Stewart, Claiidle ' N'^llo and Wllllaiua .Neatl, Hugo Regers, W. P .1). Wilbur. H. C. Zlerke. Rob?rt chine cost How much am I offere.!; N.-ugpnt. Jamen •Stewart. May. The- , I.<«Ilp, r.1 Mr. Ot.erfleld. Wm Rusk. J. 'A' Sullivan. Neal RtiS'.-ll Br.«. •I-"-ne. Mrk • htden. Mr. and Mra. Sully, Daniel desired. Last season at Pabst Park, .Milwaukee, Wis. I .*011 |>or Chaa. T. Russell, Dsd Wm Sutton. Birt Russell. Jim I. ■' *r. llomiT Ohren, E. E. Swan. Bert Ruth. S<-oit •I.-lx-i I.rtundio re Glir.-r. J. A. ••Ruth. W. Swia-m-.y. Henry C. I. ul«. M'Pllani Gl'ierman. Wm. Sle Fleiire. Rt.lpric .Swe*«.y, Carlton J. Sallsliiirc. George All Strictly Sober and Reliable. I J.amca Greal. Harry •.Swift. Herliert I.-'ilt. laxl.-r Gregon. Kl.l .'tsif.r. Ed R. •Sylvester. H. H. 1 •gsltey. Chss I.* a in.lf, .\ A. Grletta and Taylor Sylow. Henry Hamayoa, Mr. SAME BtNCH TOGETHER FOUR YEARS. I « •*.,1. «. I Krar Grr. E. ••Taggart, Gacar I..«..ry. Geo. B. Gatewna, J. A. • Rsipb Talbot. Ralph •S.snipaon. L. •I. wih*-r. Prof. I.loyd Gakara. Harry •Tanaka. H. nry Ssmps<'l and Amsmsn •I. .■ * Lora G«t.-rllnr. G.>..rge Taaa.-ll. B.rnanl Samteam. Dr. H •Gatrado Tate. Fre’, I ”. .• J.din W •Ssnfonl. IHW .Ales. I •. i|.hln. Charlla Orerlan.t .\mua.-mant T Tayhw. William C.i. Ti-iler. Ivar Dahl I dy. A. S. Ssn.lerson. Clarence J Week of 28tli, St.*Paul, .Minn. Gut-wney. Chaa. Temple .Amnae. Co. 1 > lan Tatna •Stng. Don tMit.-n. Babe Templeton. C M. I.imanx. Walter Ssnger and Ray Gw..i.». Fre.1 L. ••Ti-nalilro. The I'li'h. Huii>|>hr<.y •Amusement Co. I'a.lKett, Joe Ti-ndehoa. Chi.f •M. .\l... r. Tk.w J. ••Ssnsanelll." Hypie-f Ge.Wge M Tall. Gao. H. Tvnneg.-n. Te.l WANTED-TO JOIN ON WIRE 1st Painter. Alfred Mfall Trio Sa|.p!ngt(.n. Chas ••T.-rnialn. Mark Paim.-r. Frank Terrell. Mr. M ‘‘aiinark. Kid •Sargent. F. P. Palmer. Thoma* M.i'xrty. H K Sster. Henry Tetuawary, Y. Good Door Talkers, Contracting Agent, •M.a'aaaan. Wm. Palmi|uNt. Gee soIkt. Can place A-No. 1 Platform Show, .lap Bowling Alley. Park Horan Airship X! 'Hade. Iiarld T. P. Th.impaon. F B Co M li.mald. J. B. S.'bulxe. Ernest •Thonii>s..n. Flovd C Coloretl IVrformers for the Jubilee Minstrel Show. Preemairand Tim Partink. Gtto Mrpe'! Prof Sebupark. Sam Thompaon. Floyd C Patton. W B. Co. M <."»n Pn.f Harry Sett. A G. Th.Migo, Prim.' Moore, write. Address ST. LOITS AMUSEMENT COMPANA\»Norton, Pearra. It. M Graih A Paga Sc .tf and Rankin Thorne. Ev.-re-f M IVarwm. Harry M>i:r»a.vy. Jam.-e •• H. J. Tliorncr, Juggling Va.. wtTk June 28th; -Appalachia, Va., week July 5lh; Abingdon, \'a., Pe.k. Fr.d I. M •<;u r»'. Tinn •Sett, Ed H Thornton. R F Pan.Iergaxf Je«a M Ilrnry. C^irnal ••Scranloos, The Thrrnian. Smith week July 12th. Perkins. SI M Intyrv. Frank J. Senrlock .Amusement Thu rat on. C F. M Ki-nna * Parka •P. rrlno. 1‘rof Company Thuraton. Harrv K M- Mahara. Frank J'.rry, Phomaa V.-n.lIng C..- ••nM.ltta. THE ONE BIG EVENT IN TEXAS. '|. Mahon. J Perry, C llerta-rt S.-.-llg an.l Meyer TiS.ln. Maurlci- M< Vlaniw. G T. Pena-h Wm. S.-.-man. .Ad.dph Toledo. Sidney ^1 Mlllan lion •Pete Rnoi Seltr. A Torheft. Emery M. \aIlT. Pat Patera. Kara S'el.loin. T*>m M Tralnor. G<'o, ••Patera Jack MrVallr. Bnha S. nrab. Billy Travla. Fri-d Petrie, P r MxrNVIll. Great Si-nrsh Billy anil Trask. Clarence 'I k K J. Pfelfr, Wallie Mae Trlamunlran. Jamie Ma. k H«-nry C. Phaw. E.title Big Home Coming Week Trlhlev. H F PhIpiMi. Ed. S' tiiell Bros. Maikara Kiimpaan Tr mhie. B I.. I’lrriia •Pierce. Harry F S.'tti-r|rh. Jsek Shallcriws. H .A Trixie. l.Htle TYLER, TEXAS, JULY 5th to 10th. ••Plckn.-ll H K.-rl •'Ixf.ra Patar A Tmk.r, T S' M Walter I. Pllrrlm. H R Shsndeaiix. Prof Shaw an.l Burton Tiimbar, W R Advertist'd all over the South. Danville Carnival Co. furnish all attrac¬ Mi1..r. Sam C. Pindar, kl Shesn. Billy Turner. Bur« 'I ille (' F.rnard I< w I Sh.'ls>, J.s' •Turner. Walti-r G tions. Can place grind shows. Concessions wanted at once, (iood grinder Platt. H W Maliette, llaiman and Sle.-he. H J Turner. Do.' Plel.. W A. A-ttla Sh.'lby. Jsm.-s. Shows Turu. r. Gli-a.m and man that can make opening. Cornet, Clarinet and Slide Tromhom’. Pi.-llng. Al. 'I'l-tta. (I. L. Sh.1h.y. HI ••Tuscanc. I'tia M ’ 'ni'y. Joa Poirier. .Adolph Chanieter Comedian. ^No time to dicker. Wire. 11. B. 1)AN\ ILLE, Sh.'Ihv. Chss Tuttle an.l May Ponro and leo 'IxiitiliHf Alfrixl Sh. l.|..n. G H Mt. Vernon,, June 28 to July 3. Pow. r. W W Tvler amt Burfiui M . .lUi Fanillr Sheldon Stia-k Co Powley, Wm Txaon P. •Maral.Ia T II Shepard A .St. .Ang Pratt, Benny I'ncle Sam Trio 'I ■.11. r A m.m Van Clen- IVutcMi Co I’Ventlxa. «l Frank 'I f'liall. la-on W Shei'psr.t t' W •Prentice. Fark Van Gonler. Harry ....WANTED... 'l irlln. J A. Sh. rmsn .A IVKoresI Pre»««-y A Preaaoy Van W.s.hlrr, Mr 'tin. H n. •Shl.-kl.-r, A and 'lr« Pn .ton G. S<-I,sf. r 'Inrun. Harry •Vasa. Victor M i loti .krthiir Prl«-e. tVipt. E. A. Shl.-lds. 11. S. Price, Ben ••Von Fassan. Harry Ohon Avakian’s Beautiful Orient Mirii'll,.. I'haill'a SMol. K. Prlmrim... George ' al.lli-s, Jamea M -ignl. Staplu-n Shot. H. M PnlGT, Milton M Shumski-r. tli'o W Vallait Jamea Oriental and Spanish Dancing Girls, Oriental Hai^eolet Player, -G.k. Altmrt Van. Chaa AJiiei-n and Crean-nt Shiilts Wm G ••Miatan. Marry Var.I.-u, I'.TTV anil Gun Spinner, S'k'ord Fighter Thi.s show never closes. Plays ^ Shows Sillers F .1 Mn\well. C. M. wnie-r •IJiiInrv. Thomas Slish nh.'rg. H V winter and ssoimer. Salaiy .sure. Write, wire or call. 'li\w..H, HlHj Variilr, V .A •tjiilrk, Billy Sleffi-rt F. llx J *'taifalr. Vaati-r •Kates., Elephant Bo.r MImt a Ih Vere Vaughn.-rs. Th.* .\ddress Mni|drau •Veaux. Clyde lla.lcr. Hare Sim. s. W * '!•. ra. It«-4irgi- Vi-rm.-ltn. Ray ItrmNi, Hairy j ••Simons, Roht M 'l' i:*. Han J OHON AVAKIAN, 810 Walnut Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Kami... Geo Jr. V.-rn.'lI, K.I.Be '!■ '•ii-n Charlla V.'ino, TTie .Arll«t Kan. hsr.l, I*<.c Slnimons. Is-ster 'Mr. Harry Kandolphs. The Simmons. Harry Ver.ina Musical Trio "•■Irlumi. Paul V.-tti-r. J K Kan. y. I'w.-.t Six. Hsrry 'l.i.ra, Oiaa R A BIG DRAWIPSIG CARD Kann.-.i. G.-ra M H Co K.-rlln Gttakar Sinclair. G, It If you want to feeil 100 to 10,000 people at small cost at big gatherings, reunion.s, ••V.s-rg Frank 'I'.'ar A Maaon ••Kaw hnson. G Slngi-flsr>. J H Vogle Jmv "• Jon vent ions, etc., I am the man you are looking for. "■'k. Harry C II Slillg. Geo •V.xIll.T. Frank H. 'Gllar.1. John K •Kaym.ind. M B •Skoxgsard Conc.-rt OLD-FASHIONED KENTUCKY BURGOO AND BARBEQUES ••Vonti'lla aa.l Nliia 'llllard. Ira K.-a. C.> 'llllanl llnai " Keailr and Wright Slagle. Jack VoBwax'. K. C. preparx‘d in all ^mrts of the Cnitexf States. D aws better than a Circus or Street Fair 'ClI.r. Mad Ki-agan. John Small. Harry I. Wagner. I.loxil N’t) CO.MPFTlTt>US IN MY LINK. Reference, City .National Bank, Lexington, Ky. "'ll. r. laai K. Keece. Happ.r Sini-lkal. Mcnha and ••Wal.lron. Aiidr.'w ‘I'llt-r. John K.eice, Nat Ring Wal.lron. Cha« E IM. D. LAWRENCE', ... - LEXINGTON. KY. '"llT. Rrnia K...1 J. H. I ••Smith. F.MIe Walilr.m ami Hal.-y Mill. r. Marab K.>ckle. W H Smith aiM ' Wall. .Arthur IF YOl’ SF.F, IT IX TIIF BILIJtOAHD, TKLI. TIIF.M SO. '1 Gina K. ••Rcarea. Eil.llr I Smith. W 1 Wall. Lawrence P. Xl^e Billt>oar<] JULY 3, 1909.

    CLASSIFIED CORRESPONDENCE Krom now until September flr»t. only the big cltle* will b« represented In this De|>srtment.

    ilevllle furiiishi'd by Sparks Cir. iitl Is HLU.ALD Svjr.AUFl (Harry M Hyams. mgr.) CALIFORNIA. M.VJI>TK’ (l.yuian 11. Ulover, mgr.) Vaude¬ ville. INipular. Ji-ITi rsoii Is-.Aiigli-ls III Tin- Beauty S|n>i le-gau LOS ANGELES.—.MASO.V (II. C. Wyatt, mgr.) I'KlNfK.'tS (Mort II. Singer, mgr.I Tbe Gol WM. W. SHELLEY, Ids iwi-lftli w.s-k June 2s. I’rini'fh^ riiialn- Oiii-ra t'o. <>f San Kranclseo In den T1(' .MrVK'KEK'S (Geo. 0. Watren, mgr.l I>ark. Cosiiiaii. mgr.l MellHU-iie MeIK>w.-ll an.l Vir¬ Is-gr.-i- Is-gaii Its Iw.-nty stssiiul w.s-k June '2h. <(Mlv**r mgr.l Tlir*-e Weeka wet*k of tiltl-..^!' NOItTlIKUN (1-. (.. Kberta, mgr. ginia Drew Trescotl. Orpli.-iis ( F'.oir, HIUT..; A SE.AAIONS MISIC HALL .Sam JuiM- ^I. I'.Kl.ASi'O (.lohii II. HlaekwiMKl. mgr.l Tin- Alaskan, elovenlli w.-ek. Slt an.l Wilson. Iloliiu-s an.l Hi-lm.-s. Frank Hnrtig. mgr.l Jm- F'lelila hiirl.-si|ue company Seennd week of Uieliard Iti-iinelt, Kloremv Iteial 1 aSAI.I.E (Mori 11. Singer, mgr.l Park. Groli and moving picinr.-s wxk 2o. BIJItU clos.-.| June 2«. and till- Iti-lasr-o Stie J.AUDIN ih- PAItlS (N.-w York U.s.f Ganh-nt Moma- vveik of '.'I. Ill Itl’.ANK (Oliver Moroa Shop, liir. s ami songs w.s-k '20. I \ Ul(' THE.ATUF: F'ollies of Its <1 i-|> Ils tilir.l w.s-k Jil'ie 2*1. CO, mgr.) Itiirliank Slm-k Co. In The Traitor OI V.MI'IC. Moving pioturea. (('. U. Puilley, mgr.) Moving pi.-liir.-s ami songs KEITH A PUtM Toil’s llh AYE. (E P A1 week of 'J(i. Gli.wii Ijobu II. lllackwuiHl, r.rsil TE.MI’I.E (Sam P. Geraon. mgr.) IKuk-. w.s-k 20. .AIKDOMFI t PUilli-y ami VaiiHoUteu. Ihs-. g.-n mgr.l A ail.lcvllle. mgr.) Gr.iPd (h>era stiak Co. in Hiiiico In The Kourih Itace and 'ITie Greatest Gift. mgrs. I We.-k 20. North lies' Sl.s-k Co. In KF’.I’I'H A PIllK’lXGl S l2-'.th ST M-.vii.g ArUona week of ommence.l Ha tliini wis-k June iaitonla. novelty mnsielans: l.ulii ItiH-son with itottom. 27. same .-.-mpaiiy in Mika-lo. S-nilb St. Jose|>h •2S. Ward and Weta-r In Night In K,l l’a»); Flo jlt(KTltlK'.aDI'KO .apl.l (T. M. Welugarden, mgr.) Gay Stt.s-t i'air with lilt- lists Shows. iiii.I.-r the MAJESTIC lAA’ I. Ilowlaiiil, mgr.l A Adler, aii.ger; Coiintesa JtossI and M. I’aiiln Coney Island maiiageiiii-nt of M. J. I h-tr. 2s to Jnlv 1. villi- aiiil moving pictures. MAXINE ELI loFT’S iG J .Ai>plelon. mgr i and innvitig phtiirea week of 21. I.OS .YNGK- MARYLAND. JESSE J. W.VGNEU I.K-s (Cisi .( Hovyer. m"'r. i Sidney ((rant, come¬ Going Some It.-gxU its s.-is.ti.l week sti Ills dian; Elite I'oiir, iniisieiuna; Count IVItutz and BALTIMORE.—M.MtYI.AND (F. C. Sehan- NEW YORK. Is.iise June ‘2S. Tlsell. cyclists; Miller and Tempest, aero- h.-rger, mgr.l Gus Edwards. McKay and Cant- MINl’Il’S LIGHTH AYENl’K (E D Allii.-r, hats; Zay Holland, violinist, and motion pic- well, IVter the Great, Folk and Folk, Yvonne NEW YORK CITY'. AI.HAMBUA (P.-r.y G mgr.) Moving |deliir.-s sii.l vsinlevllle. tun-s Week 21. WAI.KElt ij. Henry Fleis-r, l.tinsir, VIollnsky. Percy Chapman and his Williams, mgr.) Vaml.-v ill,-. TIHUD AYLM'F: (Flsuk keeuey, mgr.) Vsu mgr.) Elitnle-th Iloiiston Co. In comedy act; Klonde Tyis-wrlters and moving pictures week AMEUICAN MI SIC HALL ) W in M-.rrls. liie.. ilevllle an.) moving pleliins Wllhnr S Wisterman, black face (simedlan; of June 20. AC.ADE.MY OF MVSIC (M. J. la-U- mg.-.) Y'audevllle. VUrroItl.A IKKIK GAUDFIN (Os.-ar Hammer Gl'idys IlipiM-n, sonhrette; Jos. Manley In Ulna- mayer, mgr.l The Easterbrixiks, Moore and .ASTHU (W ageiihals A Ki'iii|s-r. mgrs. i Th. St.‘III. mgr.l A'aiiilcville. tratisl songs; travelettes and moving pictures Young, Jvlng Jugglers; I'.rn and Mack, comed.v; llarr.v Fields, C«i.. I»e Itio’s .Vnlinals, Evelyn Sisters, Silva t'VSING (Sam S. A I.*-.- Shtils-rt. In.-., mgrs. i pletnr.-s anil v sislevDie. character singer; rni<|iie Musical Cotmsly Co. and Sdva. F;iizalH-lh Mayne. I.a Uos»* Brothers. .lam.s T P..w.-rs in ;iava;ia Is gan his tw.-nlv I.O.NIKIN (lUi k Curley, mgr I Astidev111.- sisl In .My I'ni-le fiom Jaiiati; lllustrati-d songs, and tlniega Trio and moving pictures wtH-k of June first w.sik Juui- 'Js. moving pictures. moving pictures week of 21. FISllElCS tSmitli 20. El.EcTltlC FAKK (Max Itoimn. mgr.) BUtl.ADW.AY .Sam S *Y las- shiih.-rt. Im*., ATI..ANTIC G.AUDEN (AV. KrstiH-r’s S.iis. and Warren, mgrs.) Eight Itoly poly Girls In simedy. faiimus diver; outihsir attractions and mgi-s.) Tile Miiliiiglit Sons coiniii.-mssl Its sixth mgrs. t Vsuih vllle. The T'shly Bear Dance; Annie Montgotiier.v, sing hand concerts wt-ek of June 2t$. BAY SlIOBE wis-k June 2s. COMFIDY (Alsx Ols-riMlorf. mgr.) Moving pIc er; Mile. wnnwisM). dansi-use; Ballard and P.\KK. Bostonia Ladles Orchestra and out- CDLDNl.AL I Pi-r.y G. Williams, lugr. i Vau.h- tures. Alls-rta In Dick’s Iteturn; Frank M. Wi>eks, dera |,,r. .MiHman Tri". Augusta Glos.-, F:s<-herun F^yt's w.s-k ..f 'Jo; same ompany in an.l Downing, Mals-l M.Kinl.-y. C.s.k and Both Glitt.-;lng (doria w.s-k of ’27. TWIN CITY DO YOU EVER THINK ert. la I..l.‘ H.-l.-iie and movl-ig pictures we.-k WONDFHll.AND PAUK (F'. H. Camp, mgr.) '2(1. WIGWAM (Sam Harris, mgr.) Harry Bur- F'ink’s .Muh-s. I.e Claire Brothers. .Airdome, g'lyn.-, and Burt. Burt sh.-i>|>ar.l. Tem|itati.>n. Affinilv. Old Mill. Iiu-uhators, Mln- How much you lose when you run poor films? Do you Sa.ina. I ast .«f the U. giinent. Carr.dl J.dinson, n.-s-.ia Slate Ban.I. etc. w.s-k of 2enalr Tls-atre, F.MI lUE (W . 7. Tiffany, mgr.) The Sa.,-tons. Fll.s-tric F'.iuntain, Dancing. Palmistry. Picnic realize that many a patron is lost because the pictures Four Llnks. Abrams and Groiimls. Uefreahment Pavili..n. etc. BIG IS Joli'is. Shah- an.l Cole, The Murravs. an.l mov- i.aND P.AUK (P. J. Metzd.irf. mgr.)Lln.pilst he saw were poor ? lli^h-elass Films, the kind we fur¬ iDiT \viM>k STAU (Zlok Svmplionv Holler OFanter, niirr.i V.nul. x fll«* nn.l nmvlmr plrfnres w*><*k 20. Mv>(lc Uiver. iVlp Throiiirb He* YeUow}T'ATM: dke Mnrkj*. (inniinlh. etc. I'MgT K THKATUK Uaek nish, are steady business brin^ers—that means more an.l iimviiur pictures w.M*k 2(K OKANH Klllott. iiitfr.l LII.In-.v an.l Tray.r. Cora WUmet, lAHnirn A l.« ahr. mirrs. I V-nnlevUlo and mnv- i|«>rb« rt r.rogu.-«. m.>li<.u pletur«-s and Illustrated Girl of the Gohl.-n W-vt w--i k 21. BUO.AD- songs. AUDITOKirM THFLATUF: llh-ht. Flst.-r- FOR YOURSELF W.AY (Guy Smith, mgr.i Stork ci.mpany in mgr.l .Mine. .Anna H.-Ilstrom Os.-ar im-I.Mlraii-n-^ vv-.-k 21. tlUPHFI’M " (G.-o. Ebey, by Herr Martin Os.-ar In grami eoi-.s-rt. W-d- mgr.l Ch.-rlilali Sliiii-s,.ii. Nov.-ltv Iiaiicliig Four! nesday ev.-nliig, Jmie Iki only. IJ).NGF'F;IJ.0W Our name is a I'uarantee of the BEST SERVICE p.-llaton ami F'oraii, I'lps N,,wI'an C-i. A Night GABDF^NS (It. F’. J.-in-s. mgr.l Zi»-Iogleal C-d- lii till- CIrens, Mahid Hite ami Mike Donlln, hs-liiiii, Bolaniiieal Ganh-iis. animals. Maziiz and Miizi-tt*-. The VIn.lts.nas, Billv Van! military l.aiiil .s.-i.s-rts. etc. w.-.-k of 2**d 7 fx* r>on/‘>*HNhFriii>«4‘. sixth w.s-k. l'•aeh*•lora. Tie* AllisTsitor I*arrn. FI W Huttoii'a coi/iNI.AI. (G-o ('. Lish-r-r. mgr.) T.-mh-r- fai*H 11- plefur*-. Nana. *tr HAHK SERVICE f.Hit . tJliii. I*. ArMbr"**!!. lu^rr » Tie- lar/** IrririiiriK AMEUICAN MCSK HAIL (AV T. Grover, |oi»| fui* of th*' faT**r*d attraefjfin-,. »ith ldv**r nigr.) Vamlevilh-. Ah*»rn; Tin* H••lt**^ SI-tiT- ftr4'h»'«*ra Tfe* Mum GU.AS'D OPEU A HoCSF; iHarrr .Askin. mgr.) fd • In tj-r. 'H:*' Jolly ^■•lll•>« H^<*rde Hallway, Security Bldg., Chicago, Ills., U. S. A. A (l*-iitl--maii f ,,m Mi'-issippi. nint)i w.s-k. Daiieitik' l*avi!i<>n. i'anama ', < tr FA lit H I INtll.s lAA'ill .1. Davis, mgr.l The Travel Mol’N'I* I’AHK ' W F Hfi.iMi. ii.k'r > i'-'-tUun. lug tvvi-lfih w.s-k. tfatliiiik' Htal ,k' ('*»ri/'*'£Ai**n« Van I Love My Coney Island But Oh, You Dreamland! EVERYTHING

    NEW BUT THE OCEAN. Streetmon consider tliis holiday tlie most prolitahle tor operators of the


    Send in your order now. You can \ -1 learn the business in one hour. Good Fellows Visit Our C.WXOX makes finished Plioto Buttons in 30 seconds, ready to wear. Xo e.xperienee nor dark room required. Can be set up in 20 seconds, ready to operate. .\ regular gold mine on street corners, LEHMAN’S at fairs, picnics, carnivals, and all outdoor celebrations. Oceanic Walk, Cooey Island PRICE OF COMPLETE OUTFIT, $25. This includes •‘Wonder” Cannon, Tripod and supplies for making ATLANTIC CITT.—AUOU O THEATRE iKr*.-nce Baden and morlnft pic- SENSATION OF ttirea week of 21. YOUNG’S I’lER. A1 I.each THE CENTURY an.l hia Three Boa»biida. E.lna I.nhy. Will Bog era. Pearl an.l Koaco, Weaton. Honey Jobnaon, Turning ITicm away at Pllla and Tcm[ilelon and moving pictures week Chicago Ferrotype Co of 21. CREATION. Iv.lng big bualneaa. STEEL Dreamland, Coney Island. I'lKB. Vesa.lla'H Ran.l. moving jdcturcs rnd niln.trel ah.'EW OIUGIX.XL M.WUFACTURF R5, I'lEB. ’The I'hill|>iiine Band week of 21. STEE- I'I.ECH.ASE I’lEH. Mias S.aton, Malvern SOLE OWNERS anui.e, Nico.Iemua Muaicil Trio, Burt and Janiea. Miiridiy an.l White, Millie Batila. an.l nMivIng pUtiina w.-ek of 21. CRITERION. R. 120 Ferrotype Building. Thuraton and Co. In a rei*ertolre of magic Exact reproduction of Photo oiM‘n«al June 21. ATI..ANTIC GARDEN. Ran- CHICAGO ILLINOIS Buttem and Frame. wtte and I yman. E.lna Roberta. Sf. Clair Sla- Greater Than Ever tera. Naiarro ’rr..ui«‘. Patfera..n an.l Tllua. Ruth Maitland. Rairse.v an.l Watera. St. John and A Feature at the Palisades Park, Barfell, Jewett and Hayea, CalTrev and Grant. Gratf and Graff, r>..lan and Riley. Madaline Palisade, N, J. Webb, and Chaa. Millimann week of 21. CARLISLE’S Wild West and Indian Congress CreatinR a TiPinrmloua Sonsation PALISADES PARK. - NEW JERSEY ON THE MIDWAY! Cook’s Concessions. ‘ling Gallery. Plate Board, Cane Rack, ami il thing* to eat. Clam (’bowder, K..ast Beef d.lcbe., PAI ISAI)E.S I'ARK, N. J.

    CANADA. MONTREAL. —PBINCE.SS (W. B. Moore, ntg.-.l R.>hina<'>n 0|«-ra C.i. In TTie Chime* of Noriiiandy wi'.-k of 21. KK.XNC.AIS (F. W. AND OTHER IjM'lalr. mcr.l Cnmming* Slock Co. In The Clr- cn* Girl week of 21. SOIIMER PARK (X. Iji FIRST-CLASS AMUSEMENT DEVICES ro*.', mgr. I Jc**ika'a TralmM Monkey*. Mar- tell Family, Malcolm Trl.». Mi** Sa*ka Gorilicn. VV. F. IVfANGEJLS CO. Krmenian Brother* an.l the Park* Military Coney lolAnd. New Vork Ban.l w.*k of 21. IXIMINIGN PAUK IH. A IV'rwy, mgr I The Ro»*Icy». B<’nlleT "Trio. Jul>>s 124 East 25th Street, TroujM*. Ml** C*. Ilammcl and WII*on Franklyn -- FOR SALE CHEAP - week ..f 21. C.XMNO (.V. N. Shari>. mgr.l GAUMONT CO Barnc* aixl !*»«>. Montgonnwy an.l Co., Thomp 9 NEW YORK CITY. Mrti.*. L.*nir<' Sllil.a an.l Pa|>.r f. r M G. *.in TroiijM' athi mo\lng j.lclure* we«'k of 21. iim * Trip I’lir.Migh T«o IVnIicntlarle*. Beat H. W. SHANNON. Giir latest lS) .l.«lg. r«. S.lUki hcr- ;i 1**1 whnl.'W car.l*. 2,<“*i achind ticketa. in one minute. No expi-rlence reijuired. Can *li.n.|«. ra> N »hccl*. Will *cM all at h*> set np in .10 ready to oin-rate. - at hirgain. OINBO CHEMICAL CO., 1»0« Price of Telo Camera Scope. SIo.Oo. Plates I Doiifla, Aye., Wichita, Kan. WANTED to fit any button machine, SKV per 100. Put- Frames. $1.50 per gross. We are the largest an.l only original manufacturers on Fiisl-Cbss Cainiial Co. the market. This is our ninth year’s ex ivrl. nce ('nr P.HtO .Mfslel Wonderful Sleeve F r (ho first or •cc.'n.l week In Septemher. Car Machine takes pictures l*ix2bj in.; can nhal (.» !*■ bcl.l on stroets of I*'\lngf.>n. M.\ N . 'n.Oibbial allracllons ncial aiiply. E. FEO- be reversed 10 take a gr.iiip; also makes V'RT. 8c< rotary. hut tons. Can b<‘ used at fairs, picnics and gatherings. Tour S|MH-lal Ticket, printe.t both aide*, and FOR SALE Tw«» I'andy M;iohln«'«, ono Price .>f .lur No 1 Wonderful Sleeve Fer- **ery roll giiarantisNl; Kiuptn* Mirhln**; f Hi. r»B. nfw : r'tyi*' maihine. $i.'). Plates l\x2'.j In.. $1 iO.OOO . te.$o will tNko othrr will tnko GuArnn 100.000 . . .!.!..!! 10.00 II c'*'*! o'ntl tlt*n JOHN QUINN, 61S I* r 1. M.'unts. ilc an.l ,’UV per him OOC.OOC . IS. 00 Walnut St. St. Loiiii. Mo. dr-,1. Write to day for free catalogue. K.aliicisl ratia to large liiivera. Strip Tlrkrt* aial cui,|M.n iMH.ka. Cash with order. Home Coming and Farmers* Festival \t Viigiisla, Mich , July ’2121 C. M. FAUDE, MINN ^0RK l-BRROTN PE CO., 142-144 Bcbncey St., .New Vork City 8e. tetsry.

    ALWAYS MUSICIANS WANTED. QUICK F..r I'anipb.ll Bros’ Shows Baritone, lias* THE Tr.>nit*>n,‘. mi.I |w.> Mrnmmers Gfher musicians Bright, sparkling, beautiful, gn'at hardness, prmluclng permanent brilliancy. will.' L. W. CRAMFR. Bandmaster. Fairbury, Tb.-e al.'iics d.i not have backing, an.l will stan.l all iiisp.H.’tloiis. Heavy, solid PEABODY, MASS Nch,, or a* per route. g.'bl. Tiffany se t wllh t K. S.-i-iitific Piaiuond, PRICE, $5.C0. Sent (’. O. P. on dei*>*it of .W. Prepaid, cash in advance. Send for catalog. the newest thing on EAMTH W. H. HOLLISTER A CO.. Importers (Dept. K.), Masonic Temple. Chicago. Ill. unl'n «'"> «>"' 'cIl AI.RVB Large Cartoon SOAP? 1 guarantee ten times the sale of Albus ^>*P to any other. II ha* Hie talking point*. Of Yourself ii'Mf Bfit'k.-iRi* A •lip (Mitlri'lr Suitca 5S5-SS6-5S7-SS8 and 539 Knickerbocker Theatre Building. 1402 Broadway, NEW YOBK Great f.'r win.b'w .IKplai. or ncwi '^‘un t»i!nr. .\1i*«llrlii«* IXtkpIi* mid THE WORLD’S LARGEST INDEPENDENT AMUSEMENT CONTRACTORS. BOOKING iint> fill m f Miiii|.|c liv rt iii fting wrtlsing s.' ,1 .lollar an.l ALBUB SOAP CO.. Tiaverae City. Mi.h. MA studios. Springfield. Ohio. PARKS. FAIRS. CLUBS. CELEBRATIONS. CIRCUSES. THEATRES. ETC. 40 X ti e B 111o a r d JULY 3, 1909.

    I • »l « I a!i ixwitlMc in tlip Jramatlc form tbo Bare jiMcmont to rioffuian Ii.t riofault. The for hi* now xtarriiiB vehlele ralnxl Kaiil of I llA Mf AAV in INIaIAT Y oriKlual In.lian which wore nathert-d c»m wiii N- ainnaieit. Taraua. The i>lay ia the work of KtiKar Tlaain 1 Uv Tf CvIV lU llVTf 1 l/l IV ami tranalatoii hy Walter Mac<'ltnt«>ck. a youim An injunclton enter laan,>,l by Juatlce tiilder liuiii. an lllinoia «alltor. .\uierican etlimilogiat who baa ma>k> a ai Jack lleiiileraon. «lio »aa laat He»-n in Clilrago of Indian folk lore. Mr. Nevln’a acore ia baaed I*. Adler from interfering with AIIhtI II. in The 'nm-e Ihaiiia, ia iiow playing in The (txiiitlnmal from [age 0.) ixpou original Indian tbtouea which he hlmaelf Wooda’ iM»K<>aaion of the Crand Strwt Theatre, Tandy Shop. JOHN J. SPRINGE® LEASES GRAND OPERA •d.talnedoittained at tiratnrat handuai fnrni the liuliaua of the waa aflirmtxl l>y the Ap|H-llate liirlalon. Kirat l'u|iid and the 1‘riie tighter oihmiixI ita aaa-ond •Northweat. Hie work, aa an op<‘ra. la, bow- IK-partinent. June Uli. Ttie lii)unrtion nonaina in week at S«>utli Heiid in lha Auditorium and the HOUSE IN BROOKLYN. ever. ^anatroctlalCjnatroctial "uuia>u the accepttal lluea of fon*e iwnding a trial of the ditneulliea that general verdict ia that |•owell and t'io.ra Ilona.- in pnaiiietlon of Poia at the Berlin ainc- W.mmIj. leaaed the theatre from Adl.-r «»n fhicago i.nNlue.-ra are to quite aetiv.- next Itro klvn When Vlr SoHim.-r it known <»ia ia Ho'n«- "111 .K-cur next w-aaon and a Ger June for two yeara. at a yearly r.-ntal aea».Mi »l..rt Singer will a.-ud out llv.- aliowa. hat tak.V ."r,«-sai.m .7 thiH^^^^^^ ">«" tramvlatlon of the libn-tto will l>e uaed. ' of $2.-..000. ; . . "«"•» A-kln will have o.h-, laS-ompte amt inat n< tak. a laww salon or tins ja.piuar i ia> Two attractionsat tract Iona closedcloaed In New \ork. June otl..•«. y u-aher will have two. Will Kllroy will liav.- Iioiise on August Isf. und.-r an agreement with REASONS TO CLOSE CONEY. The Man Krom lloma and Tlie Thlr.l Ih-gn-e. t*o. Rowland and Clifford will have tliree. \\ V.-sara. Klavv ami Kriaiig.-r. it causiMl a great T.vo much heat. .leal of ... aa thia th.-atre ia Is-I^ng ad Froderic TllompS'^B, the proprietor Of ‘'E.lua*^W^11 aw Hopp.-r sailed for Euro|w June /wo'.’*’*'^*"' .'.ne' .Tr' fh"‘i‘r *1 "u.j' **' "'‘T'* lawyers. 3*5 y,,.ri,. n .N.g-ton Is making hla aiimni.-r ii.-ad th.^ ..I Im. o, W ingate and Cull.-u. that, throvigh the tor|wta , Jimmie liumalin and Maude Bauvard were ,,„,rtera at S.veaniore. 111., and will th< th. Btr.’ .Ilong the li'**^ .i***' ''™“'l Iffara Counsel, bad liev-n made against' niarrted laat week. Mlaa Banvard will travel ^,„1semi ||Hsollce intervention. These and Mr. PiiDMiliu with the Punedln Trouia- saw. Freular with Ita patrons everjv North la the i..a«-as..r of a g.-nulnelr g.-Ml V ."‘'r i'"*V disorder in (oneyi (tv.ntlnucl(Continue.! from page day. Mr. Coialernian, who la own.-r and man voiis* fttifi it 9Aianiii niif ha* MiirtkriaiiniP Mr iRiand oo Sunday, a |>ortiaa of Ibt* |M>llce force > uger of thia hoiiM-. la very enthuaiaatlr over tie- .Savage sli.iiil.! .-iitniat him with lm|Mwtalit T/ ‘"ii'*’’*! h' ' ?n The‘”prlma Th.lISa' aucc-ss already, ami is olf.-rliig some of haritoru* fourth charge U that, by allowing the lieutenant in The I rima Iwmna. the very la-at tsl.-lit In his shows. ainiiaeuient proprietors of Coney Island to re- Henry W.aalmff has Bign.-

    tTiapp.-!! has the (YiapiH-lI Wlnterta-ff Company ' 7,.... t . .in., fis-l tall ami a traimsl atlilete. 'less honest for doing so. on"th»on the Alnl.mieAlrd.a Circuit. >'7. Chapis 11 la Iwing cor.a1 ~ veral IlnwH., c.HU|»-ll ng tli.-m l» sing R & E. BOOK SOUTH. In reply to the charge that the dls congratulat*Mcongratulated owing to the birth of a son who more of their catchy «mga amt aay more of tlM-lr An agreement wtus entered Into be- Vl’ V‘T ^•**i‘»ti'- Mf- Thompson tw.s-n Klaw and Erla.iger and Albeit Weis. ^ ‘'‘‘■‘"'I >» of the American Uxcliange, whereh^ ** "H int‘--r^t«l Klaw ami Krlanger are given the excliiaive 1" kmualng New Fork, laa.kings of the Grts-iiwall llieatre Circuit “rr, ,s . .s 11 ihnuigli Tixas, wiilch in.-liidea ail the cities rhomiaem thiuka that the idea that the In that State cxr. |.t Kl I'aao. and of all the ' L*"' ‘“'l>»ire.l by the necessity of Ollier lerril.M-y l.v Ih.- Am.-riraii "“'"'R * of '•>“ force at Coney Island is TheatricalTheatrleal Kxcliang)-.Kxcliang.-. vv liicliliieli incliuli-sIneliides all ,the1,^ 1' rliiiciiloua.rldieiiloua. He iM-lleveaiM-Ilevea that citizensciti» iis abouldshould 1‘ebe - ^ ,iH,ut twice aa fast aa wa« exhlblle.1 Thomas and Payne. Ilie r.dor.-d entertainers, had lioiis)-a III Oklals-ma. ami llii- cilli-a of Little 1 I'rotecttsl in on)- part of the city aa well aa In , , portion of llie conra.- bv the racing cars » -me V)-ry g)ssl songs and dbl a very g<.s1 pu: It-K-k. nia- Bluff, Hot S|)riiigs ami Helena in ““other, and be thinks that when one fifth pn,ore)l in the nns-t. Th)- result waa that Mac- ging stunt 00 roller skat.-s Ka)-h i» rf-.rman.-e Arkansas. Tlie agns-mi-nt ia for ten y)-ara. "J ’own gm-a to Coney Island a propor-| and the two other oecupanta of the car la onclmle)! with moving t-lctuis-a CIRCUS GIRL REHEARSING ON BROAD f|on“te part of the [vollce force should go. too. ji., lo sonM-raanit that put h- shame the WAY. ‘■“V'* */* *•”* f*';f ”**f ‘•'♦'re baa jumping atnnt of Barmim and Ball)-y-a CIr — never l)e)-n a diaturhano- in Luna Park vvhich eua. Mac aava that they went a mil)- in tlie air MARRIAGES. Mls-S Ida St. Loon, a isevonteen-year- m-cesaltati-d the calling in of the lavlice. , ranie ha.-k to .-arth again in a tiim- apace 01 old )siU)-atrli nm- wh)i ia still in the ring and is While ahopki-eia-ra elsewhere are aakeil to i leas than .1 fi a of 1 a)s-on.l. Imllvl.lually the raiiiillar to ev)-r.vMihte)|ly VKI.SOX KKl>KY Mr \Vm K K-Is. y -f Is th)- last two years, la n-lu-arsing In Polly of that tliev have an excellent chance during six '•'* "••'•‘fsl of Mac's friends (Ideag--. ring ix-rfi-niu-r m-w playing In vau-le ir..?'’ 's' vn-* Garden ,iay, „f'.he wo-k. During those six d.v. the vlile. and MIs.s IjiVaile N'i-la<>n. of Coming, la i.arl* which Ml« xtihM T.I Is working for s ; b'™ . --i,...,..,.. were maiTli-il at tlx- Cry.tal Ttw-alr)-. Marysvllli-. Ing has little or no optxvrtnnity for reen-i . Vuov'^'o V 11 n .ml Mo... JimeJimi- 1lx Til)- wiHl.llug ti.ik |daee on thi* !ir-:,',i,v»c’; ur,r^h^.*‘i\';-":ev:-r’:o;V-d“o"n n. .r\»Ar""y-o?;.«Th.*ir day of ru«!ley» l* ft «^Ich*.o nt** ntl> f >r the crowil country. nal llp-adwiiy t)xl. For the past live years. .Mr.Mr. Turner will giveglye him an )>p|x-rtunltyoptx-rtunity to -h«h.-w -w hi-hl»'tal. x v til. y will start dir.-< t for the Pacific (osat. hass lx-)-nIx-i-n with the L. A. Thompson Scenic Rail- VV. K.K IIjimhi-rt.4imt»-rt. wh)>who lastla«t a)as..nai-as-.n hailhad Tlx-Th.- Girl 'HMI Ill’HvIll-H> Mr. (..-. I Murphy pv-f. - PLAY IN LONDON. "'“.r Company at Dr.-aniland. This week he ami the Stamixsle on tour. Is si.-nding Itx- sum- sl.mmlly known a- F.iniile M-.nric. .il-l Thur.)lay Marlin Hnrvev the l.'ntrilsG ootos *'** »« the i.oaitlon of legal adjuster ! nii-r at hla l.-mi.- in Waukegan. Hi., and an m.uTilng .luix- I*' «t J’"’"”! t.iMi .. . r I " \ ' 1^-10f.T the same eoni|>any'a variousi enterpriai-s at ' mxinci-sm'nnci-s that hi- will enter van.levill.-vamlevllli- next ai-a- -«'•-h'l W" lA>lhl.’•In -ins-i.-Iris-I. .-exNew ^orki-x. .hi.( lly. .i.e,after an "lav •n;,. W.,rl.7T.? ''m. •‘'■‘Kht-’n »“-lami Rockawav. --n to ix>nd) f.a-f-a- h-n-ralii-n'-ra with G.i-Gii« (’-.h.Cohi-n. n. Go-Gil« lllm-aslllni-as ,.rof ..v.-rlo.-r a ,r Herli-r lastlaat .ingag-’mi-nt ngag- m.-nt wa. i-n’.iry I . .! *' Adeli.hl Mr. Turm-r’a host of frii-nds wishlah him well iniii . CohenC‘>hen has t with ri-markal-l>-remarkal-l>- aiiee.-a.saiiee--a.s since In Taii.hTainhvill.' v ill.- th- act l-.-IngIs-lng known aa .Murphy I li-alri- 1 .-n.Ion Mr. Harvi-y iireai-ntixl thia ni.Ilia „•»new undertakingunderiakine i1 hetiu di-i-rteild<‘-*-rte)1 111)-)* one nightr.igilt «?aixta-taixta an.lan*l i-nt.-r.-li-nti-r*-! andami WhitmanWhitman-«Prevlim. to time she ha-t play at Birmingham la-t Iti-is-mlx-r uniler th# ■ vaml.-vllle an.l is well

    the direction of ID-r m tj-b. Who la playing rv|c - ». r.- h.-hl morning at to , m AS BETWEEN MANAGER AND STAR FISKE ABROAD. the leading male pol.-s i.lm-lf whlh- Mi-a Marlon Intern,, nl In I .a«t Jor.lin I .mu-l.-ry -n..- plan- Thf-rr ooourred a characteri-^tlc e Hill l*v IIm* U*.id»njr woman. MIh** Addle Ih'HRrd n*-*- < h,i*NaT. an» «tlil lnd«

    Merle K. Smith a* liuslne— manager an.l Will shortly afi. Mr (illlla was priHuole<| to in.' niiitli hirtliiiay. W illiait. Collier eatili-d his man* Itis-d Dunroy as i-n-sa agent. |xis|iion of s n-tary at tlx- l/.|s Theatre. Si-at iigi-- .as f.ill.ivv-:: .ii|ile liave DIM- ihllil. ag.-d Ihiv.' ••Froliiimn. Savoy Hotel. Ixm.lon. A W'ONDERFUL FILM PICTURE. Miss A.Idie Ixxiglierty. live Inginni- for the Tl,.- ■'Manyanv liai-i.yliaiii.v reiiirns—fromreiurrs—from all«ii' yourro..r *io..tliea- r>o-as.>ii.a>-as.iii. a nieni niontiisnionibs tr.-s, • . tliea- Patriotism, aiid Just the kind for a Ix-r of the comi.any at the Colleg.- Tlieatr.- an.l KF.I.I.^ Frank H Kelly, an old ahowniaii rniiixr ” 's glv.-n fr.s* rein in has gaiui*il an envlalde reputation for lirlgiit dl.-d at Wieliita Falls. T. yas. June Ix. Tiu' Within llir.-i- lionrs Mr Collier rix-elved this Ih ”'‘"'‘7 ' l»«ltraph Film. Washington Cndi-r work. lll-•.'ael•ll ha.l tx-.-n showing th.- big gorilla with; rK;elved this the Amer.ran Hag. The plctnce, shown at a Hermann Lleh la the new aijti.r miD.iger of the Brown Carnival C.xiiiany at the time of hl« ••(••.Ili.-r. Cnrriek Theatre New York recent private exhibition, carrl.-a extraordinary tbi)H Bush Ti-mpleTV-mpIe Theatre. ,,|.-aih1.. Mrs Kellv will eontlniie to ah.-w th.- "Tiiaiiks Your vv ish.-a c.mW trou >n<-Tlt. that shoiil.l atrlke a m-xit novixmalve Eugene, who haa Ixx-n playing In My g.gix-llla. Slu- Is at pr,-a,-nt with tlie Park.-r AIm.r-t f-ared voii w.-ri- to aa^ flirt’s (““'’inS idetiire devotees. Ita con Boy>y Jack, haa returned to Chicago to prepare Amiia,'nx.ntAi C.impanr. r.-st ■ h II g to aax ror a ceptlon la daringly original, ita exeeiitinn s ..C C- .. maaterpli-ee of film art. IJIx-rty. from the rradle Ear from .piloting Mr. Colli,-r. thia cable TLvivid effect. ^ on the. contrary, drove him lu-adiong hack to ’’*'*'"’' **’*• l*atrlrk Henry'a forceful, WA ^ the tel,.graph offlD-s, with the re-n"f that he «"■> ‘•'•‘•''.v with pat ! ■ W ^ fore the end ..f the dav Mr. Kn-hman wSi the Washington, aa the com It Costs ^Less rleh.-rrh**r f»»rf.>r tin-tin* r-dlowingf'lllowiii^ eald)-grani'cahlp^ram: mand.-r* » i * of trthe t ( olonial. .fore,-a. . It shows the:, to atari a laiiigliing Mirror Show tlian any other attraction of )-|iial “Knihman. Savoy Hotel. I>»iulon. Inoitriated IlesHlanH. th^ Dolaware river epiaode, I i-aiiilng rapaeity provi.ling yon hoy a a.-t of oiir lm|in.v<-.| M.-lal ‘"Tlianka for eal.le suggesting mv taking rest *"1 • ** shows the ioiiigiiration. I Laughing Mirrors. Tlie mirrors ar.- iiia.le of a blgbly ixillahi-il iilrki-l Is-n.l tix- on,- of yoiir tlu-atn-a fn'r the r,-st of * " 'P*“>'‘Btlr life at Mt. Vernon. I fr (sim|M)s|t|.it.. They lixik like th» fine plate glaaa mirrors an.l they the Huiniti«'r. and y<»u ran keep the rent. rroni any antrle. the film la one of the very i aiixwi-r prai-tirally tlie same piirtxxx. at far leaa oat. This la tin- “Collier.”“Collier.** lM*at ev«*r pnt the market. The photography i tx--l aniiiai'iiii'iil |>r)qMx,|tlon today, either for a park or for Iray)-! lug. Aiiyoiii- can tx- aiieeeaBfiil. aa It la ,-aay to Inalall ami i-aay to AMERICANS SUCCEED ABROAD. AMERICANS SUCCEED ABROAD the'*"t.riun»eli"‘j.l'‘^the talented Joaeph h"'’u-n* Kiljconr, who1." ImperMonatea»<»•> n|xTale. All you I ,-)>f tlie Royal Oja-ra House In US)- a li-iil. Ituiinliig ex|x-na,s (x.nalat of light, ticki-l ix-ll,-r aixl BALLOON GETS ASTRAY. B*-rl!n definioly aceepti-d for pnxiiietlon a graml lleki-l lak.-r. The ah.iw la alwaya ready for luialiieaa and can l-e |irofitalily o|H-ral.-)l ,-v,-n at llin,-a whi-n there are not i-ii»iigh ix-« tiieir piv.phet njavn earth. .\!iron Hoffman has obtalnr-fl Ju)]:;- 1/ Per dozen.$ 1.00 The I.-geiiil u|Kin which the libretto Is fnnnde)] mi*nt ag.iln-t Gus F^lwards for $1 from - 7 • p«, orn«« 11 Rfl .is really the Christ story of tlx- Iixiiins of Jiisllce O'Gorman In the Siitireme Court. Hoff / "T”. FT \ K*””. the Norlhwi-st. It differs from aiinilar legends man had t.ronght suit against Fulwards for royal / R,-i..l f.x- oiir Free, S[H-clal Summer lliilleiln. TUx U I ICWFI RV Pfl,-ase.l l.y ail rara-x ctili-lly in that fact that tl)-s said to lx- due him from the |>rrx1iiet|I Iiays at the Circle Thi-alre and elwwhere ^ ' ' \ swA 'p..., u..4i..._ «« Phi-saxA III hero to sidritiial ix-rlm-llon. The action takea last fail. Max D, St,.. who represented Gus : - 2S6 Eaat* SHaaiaonMadiaon St ,. kenioago.Chioa«o. m-Ill- place .at a |x-ril all inilii-.iis p,-rsnements ...... I'.gy. Mr Harlh v ha-, it i- -al.i. follow)^ aa hut when Mr. St,-uer failed to app,ar the Justice TIIK AlFlIltl'y^KS OI" ALIe THK LKAIIKIIK. i

    JULY 3, 1909. Xlie Billboard 41

    new YORK VAUDEVILLE NOTES. Nat Wrothe, who has just closed a May Addison, known as “The Girl ] Erie, Pa. They will s|m-ii«Ki‘ h.» oiHMi tlie fall HeHHon in a muHleal ooniedy. under weeks on the Western Vaudeville Association ’ West ill the fall. the inanaKement of Mack and WrotU»\ for i time, and la now maklnp her way East. j Waller .Mack, vvlth a wupportir^ H'lileb rebearsals will soon bcRiu. i 4* ' + The Two I’eerless Macks have , ..iiiliiiiir. "HI l'r«»'-iil Hii B'l l>y Kiln H. ampton and Bassett have con- | signed with llrt-xv and Camphi-.II's Lady Bucca¬ Wh.M-liT Wilcox. Harry Louine ha.s closed a twenty- eliidoil fhelr thirty-third wis-k In the South and ‘ neers for priiiciiial .soiihrette and sia-elalty ♦•ir Staithwi-wt, and are Marki*,! solid In that terrl- ' + I wo wtN kn' eniraKeiiieiit on the Webwter CIr- ; next season. tory until the latter part of August. , (lus I-alwanl.s’ iliillaiir the Western Vauile- Atl NewlM-rKerm cerlainly has twuhlin .Min.s'rel. of the Illjiat Theatre, Kenoaba, Wla., and H. I at the Wells house in Augusta, Ga. KnlckerlHM-ker. of the aaine city, bare framed ' Ark., June 14. I ri-cc.xia Nu.kliiii >i>r an ciitlri' year fmin 4* xl-rtlii neck. np a raudexille ahow-, and are playini; the ! 4- + aiiialler towna of VVlaConain. i Harry Langdon, of The Langdons. Clark and Clifton are playing the John Funl has rx*turned to America was e.Kiifs'lled to cancel txvo weeks' time on South with their old laiigh-gx-tter. Before and account of a sprained ankle, sustained while after liP Kiiro|< an Micie»a. and will 1h' seen After Takiiip. Hampstead Bentley,, known as the playing baseball at Rye Beach, N. Y. .'e re .xii.iln. 4- Pixie l.-nor. formerly with Carter'a Original *<• + Pixie (Jiiartet. la now woiklnir ainitle, dolni; a Will G. and Emma (Jenaro have Mile. Zelle duLussan closed her sea¬ t’arl Lathrop Is now h lokint; lor -MIS and nionoloirne act. lie la beini; ho<>ked clos.xl their Company after a moat successful son in vaudeville June 20. II..' M.«'r aU'l W Is'Klna liuii»c< in K.a-ln-ster and hv W'lniaiiia and Kiiehle. season and will r<*st at their summer home, j P troll Cap.* Napai'e.*, Clitberall, YIIdd. * + Itonita and her hii'hand. Lew Moain. Joe I>*onard, late of White and ♦ « II .ii'iM'xr in xaiidctllle tocetlier next season. la-oaaril. haa cloaxal a Hiieeeaefiil aeaaon of 2S Will Dundas, Emperor of Melody, is + xx.a-ka In X’audeville, auil la preparini; to take at his Ixome in Peterborough. Out., preparing AM THE MAN .Murray an.I .Mack open at tli ? • ir- out a Mk iniuxleal fare* tbrouirh the \Ve«t when a hip new novelty musical act. He will play the fall aMas<'n o|M-Da. vaudeville early in September. I'liellUI. I’.lllli . Mclll . AiIKIIsI II ♦ 4* WHO SAVED The LaMothe Trio, after playing Maurice Levi ami his famous Ihm 1 Happy J.ack Walker will shortly con¬ the Interstate Circuit, open on the Western OVER e ;l ..|Hn i:i xaiidctllle next week. clude an elirhl«*en w-.H-ka’ enitairemeiit x>ver the V .xndevllle Mcnapi’rs' Association Fair time, ll.-nry Taiide\-i|le time in California, and .»pen Jill.v 5, for twelve weeks. Ned Norttin will pr.-s m a nexv i-iti. July 2d. plarine Bert le-x-y’a independent vau- + Ulc blai'k slnttinK act. d'Vllle elmiit. George Arken, Hebrew comedian ar.d $100,000 + + p-rotie iiii> Sweeney and Rooney, novelty ladder preat success. Bills 'Ian.•era. ofa-n on the FPher time at the Empire rk. Klsie Williams, a Sharon (Pa.) girl, 4* NOW I WILL SAVE VAUDEVILLE NOTES. made her d.*tiut In Taiideville at the Family temlH-r. on your Incandescent Lamp Current kn.’wn aa Marie Klmore. U ronftmxl to the N. w 4* 4* ^.lrk Ophthalmic ll.iepital. whtre ahe baa leen Y. .\lley, of Alley and Thorne, Leslie and Baker, impersonators, are Bill with My -.nee May Pt. She la letw al«*wly ri'xxiverinir -tH'nt laat week at hla home in Nafxhrtlle, lxo.dte.1 solbl for the summer season ami xvell fn>m a mtIoii- troiihh with her cyi-. Mi— Ki Teiin. The team haa recently cIoa*Hl a twenty- Into iIh* fall by the Western Vamievllle As ■ m.rv ha|H*a t«> m.h>o te* 'Hit oQ the roaII... 4» The Taylor Twins have Just finished oponc'l her s.>ason at Keith & Proctor's Fifth P.ej ml' nd to . |a.n a vau.lexille hhmep Park. Mon- hip hit. Flaming Arc I.:unps, Buzz and Exliaust + Irx-il. and .kllr'x Park. In .Ylhany. and akated the Axl wia ka of June 21 and 2S at Buff.xlo Midsummer Fans aiul the Beet M. P. Machines. Get Fug. ijc \V**i»t and Catherine Henry Kx|Mieitlon. Fiax. I'.a-r. pla.x Inir th** S.mthern elrcnita -ince R;irtholdi’s Cockatoos closed the sea¬ acquainted. A post card will do it—NOW '."t In-.nitor. pr.-*.'.iitlna lhi*ir .nie-ac| a*xci»'t.r + son at .Alton. Ill.. June 19. Tlie act will re Musical Seeley and Florence White ojM*n .August 22 at Forest Park Highlands. St. thr .Iich Pl.wlda. i:.-.a-cix .Ylat.xma aii.'l J. H. HALLBERG, M —,=a||.. n C, Mill •h-Tll.r return fx .N XV haxe Just finished ten weeks of Michlpan time, I-'XIllS. ^..rk t. naiiiio- Ihtlr •Iraniatl- w..rk. harlni; and ••|>einxl June ‘JI at the .M.xjestlc Theatre. :»a*D en/aciil l.y a pr.>mlii*-nt lli.xn.lway linn. Infrolt. fiH* C'*ney Holmes, with the circuit to Fox and Evans have finished a suc- 30 Greenwich Avenue, NEW YORK. f'dlow. e-s-fiil season with Tlie Girl Qu**stlon Com¬ Harry <’..i.-,,n iMark.- .and Margaret + pany. ami have N*en re-engaged for next wa- son. Pale ou, n ►. .re.1 at Ih.. C .li-*nni. le.n.l.m, xcck Jimmie Marnell. the black-face co- 1. EISENSTEIN & CO. *f JiiiH- 7 filth a wk.'trh. «Mit1tUNl ifh. Y.>« m.sllan. haa recover.*.! from the effects of his 4* WlllUm Nir t lark.* wa** orT..nNl latir t;m.* r.c-nt accident, i.s apaln hack In harness. He Al. Hessie. eccentric juggling come¬ Headquarters for •n iii«‘ rlri Hit .iikI mUl ai'<'«*nt putthit; I*, at prx-M'iit playinp the Western vaudeville dian. after playing eight wt*eks for Jack Piekev. •0 t»'» «»n hi** r«tf!rn fr«»m a trip II m.-. oTxt'ns on the Wells time at Motiile. .Ala.. July Ihr llollaiitl anil Ih lirhini. 4* V2. Honovan and Maokin are now on thx* 4* Canes, Whips Mr Hover, of ColHsxxn niul Boyer, E. 1;. O'son Circuit of Parks and .\lr.l Iicirolt and time. 4. < ..Ininlxiix I1X.IB. of the T M. A . f..r m.allcal ► 4. B.aker and Long are playing their or¬ atl»*nth»o r»‘nihT«*«! him ani*r ar** Jean Clermont has sxailed for Ger¬ plailny fhi* titia Sun llm**. iginal act. The .Actor and the S.lly Kid with many. hla home, after a anccessful American cr.*at siiee.*ss on the Clias. P. Gilmore Circuit. I *** tour Me wll rx-liirn to ihtw eiwintry next 4» n#.ks' vacation at their siimm.'r an«l ttM> C'lmn. wrltti*n »«i"‘rlanT f'»r th«*ni hy 4* J pNr’kMinit. f%|th •iw'olal muRlr hy Janp'x house at l.'t'JI Vernon sfia'ct. Harrisburg. Pa. I I»ali-r. Th^ art fit o»>w playint: rh«* W. P Nellie IdtMoth*'. of the I.eaMothe 4» finii* with k****! Ka**frrii timr l<> Trio, has fully tvcovereil fr.*m the e(T.*cts of the Murray and Murray have deserted ''•Jhiw. fall she r.*c**|v.'d xxhile playlrp Will S. .Yllxerfa vamievllle and an* now en route xx-lth the Ber¬ .Mr.lonie, al Chxtlanoek«’ ensaKo no-nt oxi'r the Soutlnni time. set. s It.xv K l .ix Mliialrx la. lie n.'ss Th. BETTS. " aahlnpton P. C , f.n- w.* k of Juno 14. waa ly. Mr. Mack la manaplnp l.ladys t’re. the Van Hoven. the mad magician, is now In his sixth m'nf at Ihe Palace Thealn*. Ma friends an*l rx’latlves In Stx'iihenx llle. O.. and oewl04l>Age Band (a- •lb coo. Ua . sincinp e,»>ii ■••nps. rnd has isw'n.'d at ■trumeDt CAtaloar Seat the It.»>f Uardeii. .Atlanta. Ua.. for four weeks. FREE. Write to-day. Billy Browning is no longer doing —: SOLD EVERYWHERE la now working *A ne HDOirH wuurm oa with a parliwr In an i>erentrle miisleal novelty, Hyland B. Pbanv has closed a MAKE DP Kt C.4th St. Cln««iMiaU;*r. "•lie act la known aa llrowiilup aii'l Bair and fwentv xxeeks' enpap''ni<'nt with the Motivxix.ill Si* WsSash AM. Chlaas*. ML naa Ih.,-,, f„p xxeeka on the ONon tan Vaiid.-xllle C'xnitianv. and Is shixetl.v to lime piXHliiee a ni*xx act. calbsl The I>>|i.> Fiend. I AB80LDTELT GUARANTEED.

    I 42 X ti e Billboard JULY 3, 1909. Films Reviewed

    OvtT 7" p«‘r o»‘nt. of llio floost llu-nlri'H In tho Tnllfd this tIaK tho lovors tako. and hand In hand, and I'uiiadn aro fiiriiiolu-d with llniii M Iwy are In 318 tooy ask father for Ids lilossiiiB. Ills fa uiovluK (lii'tuif thoalri'a in I'hiiatio. conios cloiidod in aiiKor as ho (ks-s tho yoiiiiK man attain. To moot tho intmont w«* havo orlglnatitl a miiiit«or of alyloa which, though lnoip«'ii- that did it. not that, hut I could not rofiiso airo. aro charaolorlklic of the {>loa of tho old Hat:." thinkint; of his own ANDREWS QUALITY yoiintr ila.vs of lovo wlo-n this very sanio Hat; Wrifo for oiir larto cataloiriio, Illn^IrHliMl In colora. which will hroiittlit hini tho haiiil of his dear dopartod. L'lildo aiHl aaklal you. nhon i-ouloiii|>la(liiK tho |>urchaHo of i>lHTa I'haira. M.MtY. .I.KNK. VISITS. IIKK CiilNTItY COfSlN. Mary Jano t:f tho SAN FRANCISCO country folk. .Mary .lano. howovor. vows moor TACOMA attain to accoiupauy lior oountry cmisiii.

    VITAGRAPH. TIIK iti.l) iiltii.W.—Tho story opous in the slinplo hut comfortaldy fiirnisliod parlor of a We would advise you to write ’us country homo. Tiio oM motin-r is (ilavlnc the iirtraii; hor son. Jidin. iiiil his younc wife are immediately for our prices on lilm sittintr on tlio sofa, chattinc. whllo tholr little daiifthtor of five Is playiiii; with hor doll on tho service. tl'~>r. I’rosontly Joint t:ots up and. with his They are interesting. wife, starts on a fl'hint: trip. Mo sits in the lioat, smokiiiir his pits', while his wife Is ah sorls'd In fishitit;. A sudden tut: at tho line ex- FILMS FOR RENT

    and. antiolpatini: a tessl prize, ; she jiimiw imi and■ the boat capsizes. John crabs Ills wife, shouts Iftvr help, and finally All the very best Foreign and Domestic cols her iMit of the water, Slio is taken home, a doctor siimmonisl. hut too late to save her ; Filins purchased weekly. life. John, heartbroken < iM'roavcnunt. ; "Renters 62 N. CLARK ST., si'os an advortisomont in the m'w ipapi'r calllne for men to co lo tho cold Helds. I/oavliic his ; of Film ’ CHICAGO, ILL. little citl with his midlior. he starts for the Machines of all makes constantly ready west. Fortune smiles up-i him: he striki-a ore. hut while prospis’tinc 1' accidentally hllnd- for shipment. ed by a eharce of dynamite, Ilereft of his eye- sicht. .Tolin determines to ro irn Kast. We find him wanderlnc tlirouch th" e

    Its use may liK-reas.- the N'm-ipts several dollars j«r day. Afler wv •-ral yeara of pheiiomeual sm-r-r-ss and alill KaluliiK. it ha* been further AT LIBERTY Improved with 'M new featurea aud MODELS 1909 THE M0TI06RAPH STYLES The KliiK aud the 1*HIN<'E of Motion Tleture Marliiiiea are ik,w ready A PHOTOGRAPHIC MARVEL. for deliverv at jirlees from fl.'siir, up The Motb'Kraph Is truly a won di-rful uiarliiiie. Chleatfo lUisliui. Sew York, and 'Krlsrs, approved, ami Is I.leeiiwsl .sn ( K2<.sKri, F.XHII’.n'OltS are barnli.K that I'KIllT.t'T LEON FINCH -M>o>it five years ago a yoiina was I’KTL'UES mean a .MOTlIhlKAI'H lu the Opreator'a ihsith. Write for str.,nded in a southern elly. Heine of .m In¬ (.'ataloK. “The Boy Who Sings with the Band" ventive turn of mind he built a eri d" lookine e.xmera, which he called a portable (ili-.toerapb Enterpriti Optical Mfg. Co., 87 W. Randolph St., Chloaso. For l*:irk.N. I'airs and Coldirations. ealb-ry. ancl with It fn tlir stn-et cor¬ ners with tills machine, that I-oiils ManbI, June 28ili and wwU, care .\rIin^ton to whom we refi-r. fir«f onm-Ivtst the Me* r.f an aiitoma photo button machine. .Yfier a ye*r Hotel, l-'iiidlay, Oliio; after that of iititirine latsir h" broiieht hi* bb-* to a cart' HilllMjurd. succi-ssfiil comidetlon by pr .lucltie th" W- .i- der .Automatic, to !*• followe,] a year later by the Wonder Cannon I’hoto I’.uttor Maeh'ne Rtitased by the MOTION PICTURE PATENTS CO. The Wond'T Catinon has re, o'utlonlzed the photo button In'lustry. In lb" lli'r>l seas/.n of WANTED QUICK its existence It lias broken kll re’ords for pop- tilxrlfy ainone Mr<-et men an'l publle It com¬ Trap Drummer, Second Fiddle, bines siKH-d with aeeiiracy. 1. atlr'otive In ati- jH-aranee. and rontrliis all the attribute- whbh C. J. HITE FILM CO., Double Clarionet, b.a,e made It «o utiltersally ’cp'ilsr It .• a veritable Eattlliiir irun. and in t ie hniid' of a 360-365 Monadnock Block, CHICAGO* ILL Musician and Actor all lines. eom|ie|ent ojieralor li». a caiia<-|ty f..r m.ik ng 'JTAi an'l ."•isi jihoto buttons In in hour. PERCE R. BENTON, Frederick, Okla. The Clileairo Ferrotyjs' Co.. I'rteutei-s and ■■'.le owners of the Womb-r Aiitomnlic I'hofo Itutt.rti Maehln"*. and which |s c<,m|sHi.'d of MriVIKir* WE IVfAKE I.ouls Mand'l and Ida brotle-r. M. Maii'l"!, i.ave mUYInCj curxaipjs. rulleys, R BEHl WANTED crown ao rapidly that In thr.-. j-t- Its ...ace has Increas,.'! from t'tie slncl.- In a Clil PICTURE SROX LIGHTS, HARDWARE, | Talkers, Pit Show People, Ballyhoo Acts, etc caco office l.’ill'llnc t., Its own iii'Hbrn Ihr'-e “lory faeiory hulMluc on f oncr.-ss at.'l I.afilii ciirxtirc MOVINJG RICXLRE HOOXHS. THFATR W. H. SMITH, 163 Herkimer St. stre.'la. SHOWS WKITE FOR CATAl^OG C. BUFFALO, N. Y. UMIOM ELEVATOR MlACHIIME CO The Hiiycrw' IHrti'tor.v TENTS TO REM 14

    Si'lf, lij Ainolla ItlnKliaiii. at SiilnirliaD Oardon, llila wifk, till- Mi-aarM. < i|i|H'iilii'<'ii.-r liavo In kliire for ua tliN Hiiiiino-r K,'vcral moro flrat liriMliirtinnx, and nincli inl'Tckt in Ih-Ihk taken i:i tlii’lr arrival, 'riila w*i-k llie 0|i|H-iili<-iiiimer Gelluloill Buttons Itrotbera paid ll.iai'i raali In advance royalty, for Fairs, Carnivals, Celebrations; also all klndt for the priMliietloii of IN ter I'an one week at ; of Motto and Society Buttons made within Streetmen i short notice. Badge Bars, Badges, ITameg and the Niihnriian tianlen to iH-irln ahortl.v. .Mar ipierlte Clark will la- played in the title role. We are headquarters for cheap Jewelry, Photo Jewelry. Get our estimate before order¬ Koreat Park lllelilanda lina a nionater vau¬ Watebet, Cutlery, Opera Glaeaet, etc. ing goods elsewher.'. Circular mailed ui>on re¬ deville bill on tlila week, ami one eapeclally quest. S. BUNIMOWITZ, 22 E. Broadway, arranit'-d for the St. lanila P.llee Relief Fund, N. y. C. whirh will lienellt for thesi- two weeka. On the Novelties for Carnivals bill are Chip ami Marbb'. Ce,li,ra. Itowera, Wal TENTS FOR SALE AND FOR HIRE tera an.l Crmiker. laije-z and I>ipez. ENle Kay AUGUST F. WINBERG MFO. CO., 522 Hudson and .Miller and Weaton, .ViHl.vIe and bla Ani- and Street Fairs St., N. Y. C. Phone, 1887 Chelsea. oiala, lilek Itirharda’ Thre,- Little (!oppera and Whl[>a, Gaa and Whistle Balloons, Blowoats. motion plcturea. Cavalo'a Rand In the tlar- SlapiMrra, C'Aifettl Dusters, Jap Canes. Shell Juat the thing for the Summer Months. Start a ilen bar the return of Myrna Sliarlow aa »olo- Purses, Klblmn Badge Novelties, Rubber BsJls, lat. T.«e Witclilnit Wavea la provine a jeipnlar Glass Novelties, Besd Necklaces and Bead ricllnit di'Vlee, and. altl.oiiKh It Invnlve,) the ez. Chains. IM-ndltiire of IRMVKi, and bail a late atari, 1< BABY SHOW erowdel niithtly, and the oapaelty of the device !a tednit teated. Both .Manaiti-r Tlppeta and As- CANES At Your Theatre abtaiit .Maiiaiter Leo .Mi'.Maiiiia repiu’t a blK We handle 1. Elsenstein ft Co. Cane Rack Cane*. Get the motliers Interested. X’ou'll be surprised inereaae In attendance at the IIii;b!anda ainco Price In .St. Lrmis same as In New York. Cst June 1. at results. This attraction will jam your house. alogue free. Deposit required on all C. 0. D. Write ua at once—we’ll tell you how. Wi-at End lleR-hta haa another hit this week orders. _ In Ite^era llrothera at Harvard. Klee and NOVELTY CO., 221 E. 53d St. New York City. Cady are aa funny aa ever In thla piece. Kraalein Lillian Iloorieln ayain demonatrated her veraitllity In tbla weeka' bill, and her SHRYOGK-TODD NOTION 00. voire hav cbtrmeil all her audieneea. Her [Mip- FOR SALE iilarlt.v haa much In the Fupi>ort of the 822-824 N.SlhSt., SI. Louis, Mo. About fifty rolls of music, suitable fer Reliable Weat End Helghta Co. The company la excel¬ or Majestic Automatic Pianos. Guaranteed In lent. and ManaKer Opie-nhelmer haa not apared good order. Price, 7.’>c i)er roll, or will ex¬ m iney In atairini; thla weeks' ahow. change. BLEICH & CO., Jonesboro, Ark. Miiinlon'a I’-rk thL wc-k I,,« a -itrone hill TkoflilrA pAr QaIa of v.tndevMle. Incliidlnt; Jack C.rinell.r and wwi ■■■wMiiw ■ wiilC Mirjjaret W, bb. Trio, Cantor and Cur- LITTLE GIANT tla. Lavellea and motion plcturea. Hualneaa In a wide-open Northern Illinois town of JTimmI. 15.t»0k a few strong Vaudeville .Acta for two a-t and la a mnaiclan. night stands. .Also b<«iklng first-class attractions Mias E«!her Rajero writes fri-m Denver, Col., Ilrtit Utiiii S«-Ilfr ou the Marki-t. Writf for I’rlfMi. ...WANTED... for next season. th-t aiie ha« entirely recovered from her Illness MAJESTIC THEATRE. WHITE VENDING CO.. of laat winter and that ahe will acaln take John E. Clem. Mgr._Buahnell, Ill. the road thl« fall. She la at present playinc a 5 W. Madiaon St.. CHICAGO Small White Band aiimmer atis-k encagement In Ikmver Quick, for Car Show. .Address J. M. Dually has purchased Dana Thompson's MANAGER CAR SHOW, Sanger, Texas. Dixie Mlnatrela. and will play them through 10,000 Live Snakes AMAMMSIKAS lie haa changed the name to The Ttixle Mlnatrela. and anticipates cssl hualneaa. Fixed safe to handle. Get your money’s worth The New Coliseum here la to b** given over and order vour Snakes from MEXICAN PAR¬ CLRkLSS I M Wanted, Quick ROT ft SNAKE CO., 1221 S. Florei St., San t' motion pictiiri-a for the summer The Motion CRrORMINA" ’ Picture .\musemcnt Company have lena.-.! the .MISICl.ANS—On all Instruments, to enlarge Antonio, Texas. hii'liPng and will put up the larg -at screen In band for The Great C. W. Parker Shows. Wire ETi k\ the (iwintry. C. G. BURROUGHS, Harper, Kans., June 28- FOR SALE—l.tHKi feet Reels of Film released to Kahlhaa-. the macician. has opened a large July 3; Kingman, Kans., July 5-10. .line 1. $10 per reel. Eillson Machines. $40 to building on the Pike at Ibdmar Carden, and $*50; Magazines. $7..'><). FDR RENT—tt-tsst ft. will make It a the.vtre of magic and Illusions. of Film. 3 sets Song Slides. $l'i weekly. XVlll It will he a novelty In Its line. bii.T Passion Play, machines, film. H. D.AVIS, J. S love, of the Erie Show Print, was a ...WANTED, • • Watertown. WIs. ■ a'tor In St. leviils la«t w.s-k. and reports him- ao'f :n health and prosi>erous. Man to post bills and work on stage, In Wiscon¬ Xtra. Dr. Chaa. I’. Hunter la In St. I.otiia sin; steady work the year around; one-night For S8l6~’Human Roulette Wheel ft'la week. looking over a car that ahe will pur- stand. Address MANAGER OPERA HOUSE, ' ia.i for luT allow this f.all. She repiorts pros- care The Billboard. Cincinnati, Ohio. RORXABLE A few open dates for the only at¬ I~-r'ty t'artoon'at Ceo. Orinham. of the St. leuils FOR SALE Seats and Side Wall; in use now. •Address traction of its kind for in or out doors. Star, has Is-come very jiopular with the profes¬ P. 0. BOX 499, Cincinnati, Ohio. sion th-ivigh hla clevi-r cartoons. Ills skill aa .Almost new. Herschell Spillman -iO ft. Twentieth At Pella, la., July 4 last year, receipts n artist and contortionist Is widely known Century Merry-Go-Round; nice Tent. Engine and GOOD PRINTING CHEAP—1,(HK) Bond I>>tter J H. Royer'mplatea sending out a No. Organ. In .A 1 condition; machine is running to heads, $'_‘.(I(I; l.tKSI tl-xi White EuveUqs'S, $1.25; tor 2 performances were $673. Have show In h'a now JT.reai car ju«t built. The big business here; will sell at sacrifice on ac¬ l.iKAi Statements, $l..'Kl; l.Otai Noteheads $!.;». June 30. July 2-3-5-6-7-8-10 open in . ir Is s-j fc.-t long, and l« the finest traveling count of isK>r health. Come at once. 11. G. larger quantities clK'aisT. A. H. KRAUS, 401 o-ir ever built. Hi* Ten Nights Show Is niak Wl.NDER. care Merry Go-Round, Senoia. G-t. Chestnut St., Milwaukee, Wis._ Iowa; also a few other dates open. iiig nion.iy. The following Is the p.Taonnel of the stivck WANTED -Pianist and .Singer for M. P. The¬ —: SOLD EVERYWHERE Have special advertising matter. comjiany at West End Heights- Pn’d M. Ca atre. male preferred; mnst lie g,skl and a gen¬ ilv. Chas. o. Rice. Thoma« R'chards. Harry J. tleman: night work only; might use giHsl man MAKE UP FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS ADDRESS AS S Cha* M Ml Donald. Martha Ol.iua. For and wife who can play, sing and double traps PER ROUTE. eat Cleveland. C-rtriide Hutchin«on. Phyrynette or other music; state all iu your first. BOX og.b-n. William Warreu. Jack Williamson. Marc .">t'>2, Washington C. H.. Ohio. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. •li«l> I. MinuDi. III.: .Iiil> ». S|M‘iuiT, Ditton. John Carroll. Carl Sidney. Josephine In.; .Iiil> fj, .lacUM.ii. 'rt'iiii.: .Iul> U>. Stolba. ILinl Jamlcaici. Dolly Pacy. Callle Wliilit'hl, Kan.; .Iiil> i in. Il,‘i|i,‘>,la. O.; .Xiiifn'l IS. ( olnniliii>. .IniK lion, la.; .Xnmi^l 13, A TindevIIle bill of Stirling quality was pre ecelve Exclusive Subjects, A-1 Condition. .Xiin-H la.; Xiiun-l S;l. XXalliiMi.i, Kan.; sentisl at the Grand TTieatnq Hamilton. Ohio, SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUMMER MONTHS. .Xjijf,|..| ‘j.-,. 1(1, linioinl. Iinl.: .Xiiuii't last wiH-k. The fallowing nnmla'rs are on the program t' Stowe, In Shakespearean char- • », .Xli ,|ia|MiliH, la.; .s,‘|ii, i, .siicnan- icRts: Trolley Car Trio, ciunedy acrobats; The We handle all makes machines, supplies and repairs. (lonli. la. Ia*ni,>n Diii>. s.>nc .and dance arti-ts. and Frankie Write for Catalogues. Let us quote prices. Drew and t',«nii>any In a sketch from The Isle •f Spice. MiS'arthcy and WaM. the managi-rs FOR SALE of the Gram! Tlieatre. deserve mnch crxMlt for ELDRED EILIVl SERVICE the e\cclli-nt bills they have been presenting 7» Dearborn St. C. H. WYATT. Mgr. CHICAGO,.ILL. ALL KINDS OF Automatic Musical Instrumants, STAGE EMPLOYES’ BENEFIT. 1 iin<.«. Itcnjii*. ctr., at r.Ty l<>«vat iirlooK. "rlif f..r iHirtl.'iilam Tlie Stage Emidoyes of Honos«lale Pa., con- ... ^ STAR MUSIC CO., dnete,! thi'lr M-con.l annual ball and entertain Drarbom Bt. Chirairo. m«'nt at the I.yrle 'nieatre. June I nder a CHICAGO STEREOPTICON CO. Dark was the title of the play which was pra-.eiitcd under the dlia'Ctorsliip of J>>hn I'ar STEREOPTICONS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Look, Fair and Park Managers ndl. Agents for Motion Picture Machines, Films, Illustrated Songs. the great telson 56 Fifth Avenue._CHICAGO. ILL. t'llti l>N rmiHiii* ''Sllilo fur IJff.” on l.oiiii.lInK •Ir.-.. 7,-. f, ;n, r, 1,1^1, ,,,11 1‘ iiniifc. r.ill.T -.kai. - I ..r |.niIi.'iili,r« a.lilr.".-. Miiht. I0‘. M Mmutt Station I'., Eail fliand Rapida. Mirh., caro of Ramona Rollrr Rink. TAKE NOTICE! CARNIVAL PROMOTERS _I Rose! I r Wd fflr I ron' -- 8^ W A N T E D “XJ Fhlll $t- 50 I * t Sn' -Wr t, lu, PodKeUrj - The Volunteer Firemen and Business Men’s "i^itaii I'lati'r sk. i, „li 'ri'niii i«.ipli’ In all llin-'.. —- K-KX-WYArr CO- .. . ' k >L ren GERMANIFRMAN MEDICINE CO., V LMINCASTCH PA «r"»n(aatln, tnd Association of Liberty, N. Y., will hold a the blonoin sho^ wants A 1 to iimitiiia iM\ ft. top. with iiihI **«i, iinmt iiiulonitiiiMl hmnlUnK »»»*iitii mul ----WANTED-- Street Fair and Carnival aIiIi* to o a r <1 JULY 3, 1909.

    If you ««nt Iboin froiih, now, |M>|iuliir, U|i to any day and a full wwk’a au|i|ily at ono tlroo. W’o'n- nottlnc tbo latoHt illiiittratml hoiikk iiiado In I'bloaKo, Now' York and ollior |m>IiiIh oaob w'<>«k, and If yoB Joat. and Juat aa uit to dato ai tbo big olty tlwatrow havo. WESTERN SONG SLIDE EXCHANGE, ’•cai.fJSg.'*'*

    nionoy to hor. Aftor the mob dlaiH-raoa. they wish tlioir uionoy bark, aud abo wllllugly Film Review. paaaoa tbo bag* and packapo* back to tbom. Sho tbon plaou* a ohiaol and almlpo within A Novelty Dall Game aa raaclnatlng aa (t'ontlnmvl from pago 42.) tbolr roaoh and Inatniot* lli-in to broak tliolr P. k.-r playing. Twenty four mammoth play way otit thnaigh llio window. KSHiIII lug .-ar.lH on a rack ao th.-y will fall VITAGRAPH Soon tboy aro nillo* away, and a* thoy git w »“■ tboy dUoovor that tbo when struck with ■ ball, tbe indicator In W AMIIM.TON I M>bK , 'V ! bag* of gold aro only Iron wasliors, and tbo .At.. -<;o„rgo Waabington w«* born In I..12. i rn.iit showing JuhI what card* have lieen and la-oi-lvod a plain but praotloal »Hluoatlon at I To add to their Injiiroil foellogs. they dlaoiwor kiHN' .town. Throw five ball* aiHl make tbo dlatrlot soIhm.I*. and later at an aradomy, ' a note from the girl, which nada: "Tbe lM>y« niiioli of bis learning, however, eoniing from any |M>k.-r li.itsl. Iss.k* easy, lint tlu-y don't I are after you. ao stay in the E'ar-a way. llird- tbo toaoblngs of bia older brother, who waa get III.' big bands very oft.-n. AA'ill Is- al- , le.” tslnoalml in Kiiglaml. wh.-r.'v.-r ..tlier ball gain.-* are usnl. Wo find the aiibjeot of onr picture, at the age of alxteen. on a surveying eaiHslItion with Et.-ryoii.' Iri.a th.- game wlH-tli.-r they are ib-orge William Fairfax. Tbe day'* work endiil, IX)VE PI.OTTEltS.—An old man catcbes UU rtaugbter and her young man g|Mhinlng. and a* car.l player* nr ih.I. Material aiul w.irkman- Ibi- party of anrveyora camp for the nlgbt. Wo s.s> the Indiana ateallng ui>on them, and i other plan* for hi* daughter baa *bl|i Ibl- iM'st ItH.'k ma.Ie of *li>.-l ami wihmI. Waabington'a e.rlv ability aa a aoldler 1* hero .voting man from the promla.*. Canls ar.- sl.-.-l plat.* liaiirate, and divldog to h. P.'orla. a ml*'Ion to the French, where he was received j elo|>e with tbe girl, and write* hor to 1k> pre Imliffi rently. prcsiiiiiably on account of hi* part'd to take advantage of the flr«t opiKirtun- \onthfnl api>oaranis‘. ity, which come* msinor than expt-cted. l•re^>arst|ons for war wore Iw-gun. and at The oM man la alunit to take b!* daughter A niechauioal fi*hiug game repre- the ilealh of I'olonel Fry the command of the and leird N'taltbeilougb. whom ho ha* cboaen iH-utiug an old mill lu-eue, with th.- regiment divolvial on Washington. AVo find for his daughter's husband, out for a ride In hi* him at Fort Necessity, a palisade built of water rushing llin.iigh the mill auto, but be has not reokoniHl on tbe young rao-. the mill wh»-ol In motion, fish rough logs, and probably nanieil from the pro- man. Just as they ari' about to drive off an swimming, etc Dip la-ls «r<- ns.-.! v.nliing condltbms of the time. <'n'1''<"orlnp to I previously to eatch tb.- fish wlileli are niiin- repel an ntlack of the French Ib ing ProatlT arranged for by the young man. and as the old iH-n-d to liidh-ate the prtie won. outnumbered, be was forc^ “"J '‘"-'I »<> '‘‘v An Ingeniously construct.-.! ilevlc-, Great Meadows^ Shortly after this t me W ash- . lH-rfe«-t in detail. Ih-aullful sc-nh- ng .in res gned bis ssi^ and v^t'irm‘1 *,te side. o,H.ns the throtilo and away they^go. elT«-ct. Hau.Isouic front. Will at¬ to his mothers home at Mt. ' ernon. J* Tliev are married iM-f-re the old man anil hls tract atlentb-n au.l get the lu.Hi.-y. "I fo^ «"ly'‘ ^-n the sene. Portable ami easy to ship. Space i»f tho Tlritt!sh MlnIstiT. min propHratlons for i *, luxlu Ds-t. Shipping iiillltarv oiHTHtion* in Amorlc* were nt ox\<^ \ Tin* nsual ang»*r anj afterward reWntinjr weight l-'-P iHinnds. Prli-e with in iriin. ’ Oi»m ral KMwnrd nradto joinJoin hi-hi* staff.atnff. DespiteDo^plto the onen¬ nT'Ofli For further information address treaties of hishls mother.inothi'r. Washington could'•ouhl not X|||, MUIlli I‘Util 1LK risi»trislst thistliN ideaTiloR to him. and beho ImmediatelyImmodlatoly r-'portedri'ported to Itr'iddockIlriddock at Alexandria..Alexandria. The Iq file MOVin0 PlCtlire Line. J. M. NAU6HT0N march to Fort Duipiesne. the presi-nt site of |•■|t*bu^g. was iM-gun. Washington’s knowledge Amusement Construction Co. of the country and the mode of warfare sug¬ ORIGINAL COPYRICHTCD gested to hls sniierlnr the sending out of scont- Hotel Mayer Bids. PEORIA. ILL ifig parties. liraddock. However, would not ’i'ten. and In consequence hls men were shot down mercilessly, hls forces completely routed PICTURES •'nd liraddock himself mortclly wounded. .After ^ or THK the d-sth of Dradilock. Washington was ap- Ofdnted t'ommnnder In Chief of the forces In the INTERNATIONAL colonies, and. after recovering from an Illness, he set out at once to capture Fort Duquesne. LIGHTWEIGHT The E'n-nch commau'ler finding himself out- e'imh<'re.|. waited until the English army wa* $5000<^ within a short distance of the fort, took hls troop* away during the night and set fire CHIMPtONSHIP to the fort. The following day Washlngt-m f-arched up and pl.inti d the DriCsh flag on ^ ^ BATTLE the ruins The capture of Fort Duquesne prac¬ tically *ermlnated the canu-r of Washington ^ TAKEN AT THE tlNCSIDC a* a Dritish soldier. NATIONAL SAOBTINC CLAW Itefore starting on tl I* last campaign Wash¬ 1^1 LONDON. CNCLAND. FtB 22. »09 ington met the rich and charming widow. Mrs. jK CONTEST FOAXIMT Alsrtha Custls. who was lmme(li.*tely smitten. ; V imOCR ENCLISM RULES 11" Improved every opportunity to press hi* stdf. so that lM‘fremony took place at We are the originator* of the famons DAKED TINSEL PF.NNAN'n^, and can fumlab yon the residence of the bride on .Tannary fi. IT.Ifi. with tbe very tiest .b-slgii*. -A* we are the iiicnnfaoturer* we can make you a|>eclal d.-tlgtia on s’jort notice. «)ur Pennant* have to b<- tbe great.-st am-cea* and money maker of tbia SUMMERS season. WASHINGTON t'NDER THE AMERICAN rr.AG.—Cassing ov.-r Ihe Intervening year* he- CLEAREST We are Making Special Pennant for the 4th of July. twts n W.sshington’s marriage In IT.Vt. 'we come nCMT PICTURES This Pennant cann-.t be Imat In I'KSIGN t)ll PRICE I’laee your order at once. We alao to tbe meeting of General Congress at Phila¬ EVER TAKEN carry a cimplelc line of the lal.-at anil fast.-sl s.-lllng Noveltb-s. AA'e carry PatureF* Rubber delphia. whi-re the foundations were laid toKida. El*«-nateln'a Can.-*, Duttons of every d.-*crlptloii. am-b a* "I I*.re .My Wife, Hut Dh Too our mighty nation. Congress assembled In Kid, and a great numlw-r of oth.-r fniiiiy saying*. The lateat Panama Hata, tbe I'eachbaakel Hat, Carismter's Hall, where Patrl.k Henrv made Merry Widow, and etc. etc. Send for our new catalogue. hls famous K|M-ech. the keynote of .American lnde,M>ndence. The spirit of revolt against If yon want a winning attraction, one that i RUDOLPH BROS.. KO S. Sib Sir**!, PHUADELPHI*. PA. Tngllsh oppression wa* growing In America, will crowd your bouae and get the money at while In England the Wlef was that the ap- trery performance, write for onr low rental IH-sranee of an English armv would surely tarma for the bummer* Drift Fight IMcturea now. CONCESSION AND PRIVILEGE MEN, COME AFTER THIS, QUICK subdue the colonist*. Washington offered to CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE. the command of an army should occa Hoaaler B. Bldg., ... Chioago. IIL Sion r.spilre It. Furth.'r and more stringent measur.* were adopted In Parliament, and preparations for hostilities began at once. SURE Military store* at Concord were destroyi-d. the battle of Tg'Xlngton followed, and'by thl* QUALITY Moose Mid-Soinmer Festival and Bazaar t me thor.uighly aroiis.-d th.* countrvm.*n from all quarter*, who hastened to P.ostoii the cen¬ ter of ofH-ratlon-!. At this time Congress was AND In s.-sslon at Philadelphia, .and Washington JULY 20-31 w as th unanimously chosen General Com PRICE mrinder of the Contim-ntal .Armr. He set out Imlianaii'dla l/slge No. 17.. <2..Vin men), and City kl.-rrhanta Aaaociatlon. (.V)0 men). On tha at one- from _Philad.lpkia. arriving at Cam- streets of iDdiaiiaiadla. Indiana. Ten big day*. July 'Jti.TI. All atlraetloiia by I'ldted •r dge July .T.1T7.». wh.-re he assumed command OPERA CHAIRS Fair Risiking Kxch., Chicago. This great ex|a>*ition will Im- vlalt.-d by .'aat.iaai iw-ople and will ba of tin- srmv. advertl*«-d and .-xp! biter Dud and hls pal return to ST. LOUIS : JOPLIN : MILWAUKEE th.- n.- ghb.irh.sid. They proceed to get drunk Licenaew Motion Picture Patenin Co. an’ up the town, for which they are tal-'.-n into .md thrown Into Jail. Im ag ue their siiri.rlse to dlscver that Carm.-ela AT LIBERTY! n.-w the sheriff s wlf,-. I* th. Ir Jall.-r. Experienced Operator on Powera Lateat Pu.t b.-g* f.,r their r-lease and vow* that he 117 A m W?Tk ^ Haritonp Playor who can double * ... '"■v. but she only laughs at him. Single. Uellahle, no had habits. Hostler tn-1 finally he f.-II* her that If she will let th.-n strictly att.-ntlve to biiHlne**. Cm act «a A*- WW/II^ I f.ll second violin—Tuba doulile Hass— et f lh.-\ will br.*nk Into the county tr«asur<*r'* sistant .Manager or Tieket 8.-ller. Address .fli*-.- .-'.n.t st.-al yq.fkat which th.*v know t.. Is- (-’ornet - Slide. Address, ou,*It th.-re an.I divi.le It with her. She OPERATOK, Princeaa Theatre. Battle Creek, finally eons.-nts to this plan, but to ln*ur.- tli.-ir Mich. GRIFFITH SHOW, 203 Schiller Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. ••eturn. sh.- tak.-s their clothe* and make* th.-m put im f.-male attire. They dlvble half of th.-lr siKiIls with h.-r and s'le make* th.-m re .-nt.-r the Jail to g.-t th.-lr .lot'i.-s. and as they do so. she bangs th.- lu-avy WANTED The John R. Smith Shows d lor afl.-r th.-m an.I again giv.-s tlu-m » SiiJjrififf. lurirlnff. Saturrlfijr th.‘ laugh. mihI Siiiffliiy only. IJlipijtfaiiR. (%rorii«'ni. thit Want more G-sel. High Cl*** Show* amt K>-rrl* Wlii-e|; two lady Acrobats that can do lr*|ie*e telling th.-m a mob Is coming, -he . f-mi writ*. TitRfiiM mrif*-. SPRAGUE wrirk; tw#i M«-ri that can ilelivcr the go.*!* for C<»iinlry Clrcna. aiirl otto-r Novelty Acts simI 7 piece g. i“ them t.i pas* .-ut th.-lr half of the stob-n GREEK, Mgr. G%i^ty TbR«tr«, Ft. WayiiM, lud. liiiol. .Slate nil In first li-lti-r. To J wts-k of July 2''h T JULY 3, 1909. X l\ e B i 111> o a r <1 45

    The new Alnlooie, In tjuifport, Mlsa. friH-ti."! made thla company a Hreaklnif erowclB. The their patrona. flere are a few T. M. A. News hiHiMe la iimler the inanaKeuieut of Jlintn.r Kelly, Tlie Chieago Ladiea Orch.-atra. under the dl- of New Orleana 1 rxtlon of I*. M. Iladerniann. la another feature ♦ ">f the company, ami their coueertM before th«* -PRIVILEGES- rlae of the curtain at each la-rforniance are CHATTANOOGA LODGE NO. 59. W. R. Cialy. tiiHliHger of rhe U'elllnKton Air- ' alone well worth the i»rlce of adniiaaluu. The dome, hegaii a aiintiiier engagement with the forimT goo.1 impreaalon left h.v thla comp’any National Stock Coinpaiiy, June 1. That can lie sold if advertised in ('lnltaii|l« l.aitive guarantia* of the ex- lell.-net- of Ilia attractions. ^VIlll only a fi u eliartir lll•'llllle^ll. It liaa icrown Jake Itom-nlhara new AlnliHiie. at l»iihmpte. i to a |>rei.eiit iiieiiilieralilti of 111.'. I’leaaaiit <|uar Iona, o(H.nei| aiiepIcIrHiHly June 21. with the tern, a i;oociuii to ifreet vUltluK STOCK COMPANY RIGHTS SOLD. uieiuliem of the llieatrleal |irofei.alou ami ex ❖ leml the olo-ii haml to the I' M A 1‘aiil (onniron. of tlw Sullivan ami Con«lillne A bill of nul4* WHu HUmI Jun4* 22 at tin* Dav* Aiiioiik the reeeiilly ileetiMi Maa Mra IahiU t'Irciiit. with ottleea in Chicago, la leHiking the ‘•n|M»rt Uowai r*H!rt Hon?*** wluTi'hy fi>r the Worth, vyboae huithami !■ al>. a uieinher. ami Alriioiiie. at Ited Oak. la. sum of (‘lyil** H. Callicottoe transfers all Ihe ♦fTortH of tho Cani(*otT«‘4' Stock rompany, to who baa ^t't'0 havlUK Kr. ot eiiei'ena on the Wella + I'lmtit, toiceitler with Mi*. Klla Kalllee. of the Ii**\v SiI?or**, Tlil« ineliulos tiio sconery, plays The Lake tjrove Park Aird'me. Aulnirn. .Me., Mn*l all othor efforts of the company. Koiir llAllltltH. .. - op«.ned the aeaaon June 21. with J. J. Klynn’a ORANGEADE BAR ('hatfamBitta No !>!» h..« riB.iiily elected the liuater Brown Company. LEMONADE RESTAURANT follow.nj( lie* yitli ij-a f..r the enaitlnx term., MORTIMER SNOW’S RECORD IN (♦reahleut, r. It. OiB'krau. »lee preehlent. John j ♦ SODA WATER LUNCH STAND T Kairhank, past prealjeiit. Shelly .SamU, re | Krank Mauty haa Joined the ltu«e and Severn ALBANY. ROOT BEER COFFEE HOUSE t'orillng aecretary, John J Keim. tloanclal ax Ulg .\lrdntne Show a. aa agent. r»'tary. John F. IIar|>er. ;i'>«iiiaaiit aeeretar.r, Tlie last Week of the .Mortimer Snow Com¬ NEAR BEER TEA GARDEN Thoa. J Maliooey , luarahal. Tlnai T. Tboinpaon: pany was to Strongheart. wta-k of June eergeanr-at aniia. (Seorge Sbaw . trueteea, J. It 21. This has taa-n the moat anecesafiil engage¬ POP STAND Klrktiatrlck. J It. Morton. Carl Yimiiii;. ment ever played hy a atia-k company in Alhany, The latrh atrlng of No. 5:i i« alwaya on the Among the Stock and strennoiia eff.g'ts are la'lng ma.Ie by Manager Anything In the way of a Beverage or FVxvd .'Ulalile for tUetnlM’ra of the profe^aloii. J. T. P.-araall to arrange for the eontlniiance of the eoiiiiiany under the new leaaeea. the Shu- offered as a privilege at a Fair, Park or Ex- WHEELING LODGE NO 51 Companies iM-rts. who tiaik control of Marmanius Bleecker |K>altlon can be sold by advertising in the only Mall July 1. If h.‘ can la-raiia.le them to delay Hev.rage and Piaal Journal in America. int.-mh'd alteratiima till August, the company Til. V li.a'ling T M are after the PHI A Tile lilliiK.r.. Brown Playera are now In the will continue till then. .A r.-cord of not one va¬ r>‘n». ntlon Th.-y have engag>-.| nauiia at Nii.o cant a.'at for any la-rformance In a theatre j - ADDRESS- leit lloi. l, Minn. aiH.liK. jinlte . w lo re all eleventh w.-ek nf their anmmer aeaaon. playing 112 a.-ating ov.t three thoiiaaml. la somethlcg to be .h-iegatf.- are weleiajo* |.> g.aal Inialm-aa. Tlw waaon ..|a'maj at Kan., ami aliic.' tin'll the .''.lupany played proial of. Ilf. Il.e-k.tii. of .Samliiak.t No thl. att.-mled The Beverage and Food Fub. Coa, tl.e iixetlng of Whwllng lealg... hehl June p.i, llip.iigh C.ilorado. Wyoiniiig ami will play the l.alaiice nf the aiiiiiiiier through Ctab and Idaho. .Mr M..'k.»ii la pulling on a t>. iieflt at WlKa.llng STREETER AND BRYAN’S PLANS. I’arl for the M.a.a.. The et.-llt will to- h.-M riM- r.-t. r I- aa f.>Ilowa: Cllmore ' Brown. P. 0. Box 54, Cincinnati, Ohio Krankltn Sallahury. Bryce Ii.' Jacka..n Jolt III Streeter and Bryan cliwe.l their companies. Pro I lank Warner will r.-preaeni the I lUgt.i. tlrvtlle Brown. Krank tlallagher. Armand i A T J.'aiia..n .Alfay ll.-rman, Klliaheth Paltera Mr. Streeter end Mias Bryan have gone to Texas lire rii.H., la-roiir la in charge of the roll.T M. argar.f Cened at Wheeling. W. Va., Vatu, Th.-reaa Marlin. Blaneh.- K.lwarda. p.iro gas and water. Made more than Its cost the «tri iit;t)N*n«*«| hy ii**arl.T tm**nt.v niemtM'rik. June U. for two weeks, to be followed by a first day. Write fur details. DUDLEY H. thy ik-'ere. B'"a Nela..n and Marie LIncecum two weeks' engagement at Steubenville. The Tti>‘ InitljTton tsMkk i^as*** at pw»tiiH >»f SCOTT, Euclid Beach Park. Cleveland, Ohio. ili«* liH <<1 an«l a pifiiwjitit **v« iitnt: «aM lajn-nt + opening bill at Wheeling was Just Pals, and all roiiiNTiitMl. Vtie na'iK'A of ih#* now tD**rn It C Stnne. proprietor ami manager IHeni.-r. the ca.nipan.v scoreil heavily. |h nr.‘ Mr ami Mr* l»a«*‘n|ii>rt. iTjan. Wal ..f Central Park, at Siwingflald. M-*.. have en WllPa Van and Miss Donna Riche are the !• r. Arthur Ih*Vt»f. Jo**i.h the Iit.'Oier St.ak Company. Mairy Lixm laf<-«i additions to the company’s roster. CHICAGO MANUSCRIPT company K.iiift. fill* IIo\t. li irti*»M. Al ard, nianag.r. for the acaaoii f .r the aiimmer Manager Marry Chappell N all smiles these I*, tru- \lltf lM‘lt. Kr« M «; Ih.'atri' Mr lex.nard'.l hia r.ia.1 engage¬ d.tys. Here's the cause: Bom. June 13. at ROOM PLAYS'®" SALE Chicago 4;4r>in. K^rtzk’* r anrll! TU»*r.‘ ment at Coraleana. T.'X-- S.iturda.v June IP ami K.insas Clt.v. Mo., a ten-poiiml bo.v, to Harry 3A l■♦4■ LA SALLE ST. ILL w n* a aft«*r th** Initiation •in ni eiie.| at Central Park Sunday. June ''ith Chappell and Sarah Marlon Chappell. TufAtlaT ••tfnint; Jum* Tl. the TtIe»i|o Igoitfi* Mr ami Mra. Mniintx. nf the Boat.m i>|a‘ra C.itii- Mr. Cbapp..]! has signed to manage The Hon- *.*«» riH'alrical .\I*^lianM*al K'iati«»fi. h» hl panv the li. Ariii.gid Siat.'r-. Caa.-y Raiia.m. co- eym.«m TrMl for the Prlnc-ss Amusement Com¬ —WANTED— a Ini tiioe'tini: ami haiH|u*‘t lu hon<»r of it^ ni.aiian. and C S Vlna.>n aia-elalttea. pary. 0|M>niDg the season August 2!*. il. I'tfti# * to flo* rtmiing r.ttMoutHm at .Mliino 4* For Lovington, III., Home Coming a|**»!|i* N**arl> ••tt*r> |»‘rf'»riii«'r pla.rini: Id To ENGAGEMENTS. 1 .1. Inwt \w. L a T \l . aii«l .»v«t \:*t The Wolf.- st.a'k c.impany la playing the late August 11, 12. 13. Three big days and tbraa ♦ Ultiiik’ hrothsT iH-rftrnM'r* ami KtatTv hamir p.valtv plava at Mlnmapia Park. Pm-hln. lot- big nights. All kinda of concessions and shows ««r* Th«- r.*t.-r Of tin- company Incliidea La'vr>'nce Harrison J. Russell has been engaged on a per cent. Free acts booked. Write Briaika. Mertwrt I>.dd.lna. Barry LaPalge. Jaa t.y Harry Scott for one of the principal rolea A, HOOTS, Lovington, IlL AVatem. Harold Wilke. Cheater In his production of The Girl From U. S. A. MONTGOMERY LODGE NO. 48. J,ihn«..r e.race Huff. Marel Stone^ Jane I. lixl* J.vhna.« J.Jin A Wolfe Carmen. Sal.imy Montffom^ry. Ali . Unlg. \t» 4S. T M A . will Jam- Men-lv Mary .Ann and In the Biafcop a gl'e* another l«artM*<’Uf on July ' Uanclog will CaiTlage an* In reiwrtnlre BALLOONS I*** In or Ions aDil prlt**^ awar>1«Hl + The falsest TiT Hot air Balloona of all alzea In stock at all TbN «*»»‘Dt ^111 !m- f«»r th** t**u**Ilt of the elck times. NOETHWESTEHN BALLOOK CO., The Itoyal Comic Op.'ra C.Htipany la tncetlng fund 880 Clybourn Ave., Chicago. Ttn* r*ut» r«*>tii« ami huffft an* the f»*ature of with gn-at aiicceaa at the Family Theatre. VAll- Ilamam-rt Pa The Chimea of Normandy was t!i‘ T M \ \iHitlns t»rotli(*r« ar** welrotm* at Act in WANTED -S.‘<'..Dd-hand Tent, about 2.3x60. n™ ^.al week of June 21. Oahome Clennm. all tliiif* With th** fptM- roiillntf r«NHn<« inak»^ State price, height of walla, etc. DOC JONES, It <%>*rili oiiv’a w|itl»e iMhIli* ill tio* rlt>. to f..'n.erlv of Hl« Mnn.a- The Mayor. i .vmpan.y. Odell, Neh. • oti.«- up -nnd S' t that m« whleh N only Jnimal the company last week the World. «\t ndi ti 1'.^ th*‘ T M A all or»*r th** worl«1. a verv talented actor. Stage I'lrcctnr Chas lta In Min- Best and most brill¬ ORGA.IVS t)*«ap>h* 4* iant nlcht feature lOM Binio a Ml, • 170 Farit Itw, 1. T. No ha» ma«1«‘ tstt hIow |»rosr»»**!i in Arthur B.-rthclet la manag.r "f the fsalno Thrlllinc electrleiJ fh» of ti*' tins 4« m w im-tnlMTik ft»r th** St.ak C.mipany. at Mllhr.vok Park |■..rtam.wtth fireworks flnlsk » iiiph* r«‘s,*«*n that th«*.v will not take In * v«*ry o Ttie compaiiy a r.wt.-r la aa f.dl.'wa Wa.t.r ContAina many American Film Exchange 4*ie* that alpha f.»r adTiila*,oi). itmI *ine haa P>n. UcA de original and 630 Halsey St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Moving rictnre f t Im\« w'liit'thiiur ti» *liou w.o and >«bat he A riark. Arthur . Handtl I.loyd. I* t‘.f,.|. h» |« lo*.!! <'««n«t«1fr*^l startling Feats tbat Machines and Films bough, sold and rented. J. din IVi.lng Mtaa Klliala th Vj'"''";, imitators dare Tti*' -ki^tsTa are tdaiinihs f*»r Ms ttuie thla fall .-rln.' Camphell Ml-a Kdna Marshall and Mlaa Y'oii are cordially Invited to visit the anti mill six#- lahat h kifnii a^ a T M bull not attempt. le-.iia Ball The oi«-nliig Mil waa Sw.a-t Laten FINEST MAGIC STORE IN A.MERICA 4pi* t Vi*ltins uieintMTA that attended the one ,l.r. and dr. w large andlenc.-a Foe parhculsn of this ln%f a*«>u Mill kn* w what that m«*an* rp‘pa famous *ecord break* t ithm* are Indns made f.*r a lars»‘ att«»ndanre. ing* CTOvvd -drawing* Tl»« pr'**'**«U derhssi from thl» bati'iiiet will be n.e Chat la ll Wlnterlvoff Stock t ontpany •pectauUr feature* Halton & Jansen Co. a1m'tl.>na I.atlni.we MAMMOTH Bethlehem, Pa. log of standard tricks free. Mr. Frank Shrrry. a inemlver of Igh St.a'k Comt'anv .>iM'n>'d a tw.) w.aka cn M anki sail 111 . T M f^iHtse N«» dt* at t*. g.-ment. June 2s PHOTOS—Gablnets. |2,50 i>er 1(X>. First class WANTED—High grade SpecUltlea, etc., on inurrled June !d to M|%v. Winnie M.i«tltiS4. i*f 4* work. L-xrger sixes In prois.rtlon. Have alt- percentage or otherwise, for flne moving picture 1lei*f*n. 111. Tint an* takins an :'\ten«*t'e la.illa'a, wh.. haa laa-n with the Keyes' tings or send i hotos or u.-gatlves. Established • ,i,ow seating .300, THE OEM. Red Wing. Mina. F I*!* m trip anil t%heii the) n turti ttlU ri M«le it.-ra' St.a'k iMmpanv b« miiaical .Iln'Ctor. has 27 yrs. JOHNSON, 198 Wabash Ave., Chicago. | at M :iuk« san. Hi „rn d to hl« home In .Alliam . . <* . when* he II aj..-n.l the aitmin.'r Mr'« will again Notes of the Airdomes .11111*' Ilia w.»rk In th*' fall. GREATER PITTSBURG FILM CO. '.-n-v a Big Pavilion Th.-aln- .‘la-n.-d June 21 305 Berg«r Building. PITTSBURG, PA. Whil.'hall. in . t.> Mg n'liirna. Mias M.vrtle Tile Sherman .Mrtlunie Circuit new: conalafa nf ■rliigton la plavliig aiipporl.-d I'V su¬ IXDHPENDKNT FILMS FOR RE.NT. Special Summer Rate of $1.00 • he r.Hewing tiiwiia Coliinihia. Cavetfe. pivpiar it aril'ta ami th*' K'Uir P*'rry«. Kliifr Mevlc. ICxiinlIle. Mil nelievlllc. Cairo [ler (lay. Write for list and particulars. FOR S.ALE, 50 REELS. All an.l Jera.'t \ llle. Ml . an.l Princeton and Linden. 4* Ind .km.iiig the ri.iiipanle. tii.w^ Inuring the ■.■r*'v ll.-rla-rt. a favorite vvil.i Cie J.ane Bab makes in r(hx1 shape at $10.00 a reel. clniili are the Victory Miller .st.Ick Ciwnpany. k St.a'k t'omi'aiiy In Imt.u in*'. 1* . la-jt sum- llaatinga liraiiiatlc Coinpanv. Kane il.irrell t'nm r. haa n'loln*'.! th*' .■.■mpaiiy f->r the balance . Ciilhaiie'a C-miedlana. Il. nd.-raon Stock Ihia aiinimer'a < .in|.an» CoMlna Si.« k C.'iiipani and the Shor 4* man Sta-k Ciiiii|iany Mwl of tlie alrilninca THE LONDON oia-ned Mar 17 anil con'idcring the liad wcafh K I.*-at.'r. n.'W with lit*- Mr.-at Sln.rtrldge cr havi' done »i rv nell \i « airdomea arc iwa will manag*' mliig a*'aa..M + 4* Til.' .MiMoim- at Chrichai Mle. II . iimh'r the 'h*' K.twln Barrie Sta-k C.-mpany cloa,.,! a MUSIC HALL • lainigemeiil nf Miaara Krapp alnl'kcy. , ..»«fiil two wi.-ka' I'ligagenient at the !• the rpcogniiBd organ of VaodevUl# Artlatn throngbont tha world. AmaiicaiM viaitlBg tn ■•la-ne.l thin •.•aanll .lull*' IT t.» large r.’tiirna 1. nie. Sli.-rinaii r.-vaa, June 11*. Tin- o|M-iilng lillt in.natali-d of Tin' Cllffnrda. J-a' win And a friendly welcnma at 14 Letoanter 6traat. W. C. NEW YORK OFFICES, If W, Twa^ty J'lr-laii. Mnr\ Meara and lllii*lrali'.l a.niga an'l fourth Stpeat: Talapbone 17T2. Madlaon Sqoara. pli tlir. a. r.'i1i'rlck B l»Mm'n, h'a.lliig man with the ♦ fn.w St.a k C.atipaiiy, moiirn» th.' loss of Ms rile Hareniirt C-*niedi ronelinl.'d a two weeka' li.-r, w h.* < Jiiii*' It - ngagi'iiient al the Trl Slate .Miihanr. Sleiita-n 'till- II .Inn.' '.'ll Tin* I'aletl.' Alien Coin.'di NORTH BROS. IN LITTLE ROCK. i« now tiol.'lng ti e la.-riN al the .AIrtloiii.' fnr a two Hei-kH* ellgilg.'lllellt Trick Cyclist Wanted Th.' \..rlh Br..tilers' C..m*.dlana jiiat*,! a + . f..iiT vy.a'ka* .'ngag.'iii.'nl at Mot St*rlnga. .Ark., Th.' Sen .Alr.|.>m.-. Il.'l.'na Atk . nm'ii.-.l Jnl.v an.l ar*> m.w plaving a Ihn'e vve.'ka' engage To join act. State age and experience in first letter. Straight 1. ^.'atiirlng llraf run i.i.'liir.’a .and iMiiatrateil im-nl at I Itil.' Il-a-k Ttie pr.aIm-tl.Mia ar.* tindi'r a-'llga It a.'ala f<.ur linll.lla'.l nil.I tlfl.V |an>plc. th.' |a'ra..iial .llr.a'tl.'ita ..f Mr. J t*. Stutaman. S IJ Spangl.r la pr.'.l.leiit iiii.l I. C Thniiip I an.l th.' alrlct attention pal.l to ih-tall. tog.-tlier rider preferred. Address, A .O. H., care of Billboard. . ai manag.'r 1 with th.' am.a.thn.'aa «»f Ih*' ta-rf'*riiiani'*' haa j 46 X ti e B i 11 D o a r d JULY 3. 1909.

    IVr. 1.’. IS. Morrid. M.»in*-*iims. Is. Slum (Mty—I’. U. Kiiiirlit* <>f I’yllilas (Iraml Kiicaiii;iiinMit. Aiu. 7 12, Si*«ix rily—I.iWM Ominty SiiioTvIdiird' .^dsn. Au(j. IM:1. I. 11. Ta>:c«rt. Hradyvillc. la. KENTUCKY. Conventions I.i-xliiBlon -Kciiturky Nysro Janitor*' t'onvon- lloii. .Vue. Ijuildvill. - ,Sii.t,- It- tall J. w.-liT*’ A*sn. Aug. Reunions —. I,. r.i'fiidiiillli. foviiietiMi. Ky. I»ul“vlll<'—KtiieliiH and l-adlo* of Honor (Irand l^Mleo. .Vue —. 11. Si-lio|i|M’nliU'''t. is’.'ii W. Conclaves [ Mark. Kelli. Koanoko. Va. NOTICE.—Only inch dates as have not been MASSACHUSETTS. published in this list before appear under the ('.■•nilirlde*' — HiatrUt tlraiid I*ale*‘ No. ‘Ju. general headirg. "CONVENTIONS." Bach of Ma*'a<-liux''t«. .S'pt. 12. Jaiuoa S. K|i|ia. numbers containing previous instalments can al¬ ways be obtained by addressing the publishers. 4t. 21. Sam T. IVmia. .‘>.*•1 Truniliull av»*., week. Bay t'lty. .viUli. The Convention list in its complete form is Hotrolt—I'nltod Tyi'otliota of .VinorU-a. July published in these columns every 4th week. Complete copies of this list may also be had IN'fndt—Mlelii'iiii Kleetrlc .V—in. -Vug. 171!*. by sending 25 cents to The Billboard Pub. Co.. .\. f. Mar^li.-ill. I’ort Huron. Mieli. 416 Elm Street. Cincinnati. 0. Flint—I. «>. <>. F. High Court. July 10. E. E. StiK-kurel. 22 White Bldg.. Port Hiirou. Mleh. ALABAMA lonij—S'.Hte i'Hlnolie Mutual Boiiotlt .V**n. ic.iillierii Nurserynnn's .Vssn. .Vug Sfpt 1. H. S. 4• irolt. Mil li. -airaiid Royal .Vreli Chapter of AI K.alaniiziNi—Stale .VIedieal .Vs*n. Si-iit. —. B. .•e. U. tieo. .V. Biauehamp. .Mont- R. .Sh-uek. .'erj Washington .Vreude. Ih trolt. Mieh Monigi inery -i. -If Tournament. July * 10. I.ensiiig—Miehigan Knight* of the clrip. Her. I'u*kogiH- -'a. F a a. M. Crand l.<«lge. .Vug. 2s-21t. VI. V. Foley. i:!2 S. Baum *t.. Sag 17. (1. .V. P.euehamp, Montgomery. -Via. iliaw. .Vlieh. I.siirium—riuM’r l*enin*.ila Firemen'* .V**n. ARIZONA ■Vug 1* 21. T. J Flynn. Negaiim*'. Mich. Phoenix Knicliis of Pythias. N'ov. —. John St. losepli—K. T. Clrand Coiiiiiiandery. -Vug. l». Isomt. vr-a. .Vri. 17. .1. Frank Uiekard*. I'J.I Maeomh st.. Ph'H-iiix PMliian Sl*ler». Nov. —. Mary Me- Hetrolt. Mleh. Vliillen. 1211 Hoff si.. Tue*on. Ar'r.. Treniont Lake—Keiinioii Miehigan Veterans' .V-*n. -Vug. 2;i'2*. S. -Vilen. Fremont. ARKANSAS Mleh. )|..|...,^_||,,iiH.diold ol Ruth Histriel Clrand MINNESOTA i.iHige. No. 2. -Vug. Texarkana National Order Masonie Templar* l'risik*lon—Northwestern Minne*..t i Ediieation- of .Vmerlea. .Vug. 2 .*>. J. E. Bush. Box 402. al .V-sn. H.".t*‘* not s«*t. N. .V. Thorson. Little Risk. Ark. ('riH.k*ion. Minn. CALIFORNIA. MISSISS~.?PI. 1-os .Vngele* State Opt elllet rist s' .Vssn. Jul.V West Point—I’nlon of WissInien Supreme .1 Cl. H VV Clark. 2*22 Oetavla st.. San J..alge. .Vug. 24 W. W. fox. Indianola. Fralieiseo. Cal. I.os .Vngeles—California I'harmaceiitleal Assn. Vug. Cl 14. F. W. Msh. 1022 Masonic ave.. San Fr inelseo. Cal. Oskland Young Ladies' Ile-titute State Con- v.oiih.ii, July 12 17. Jie.*‘phine T. Molly. liNKi Fell s|.. Sun Fraiielsio, Cal. THE COLISEUM San Fratieiseo—California Plioiograplier*' .Vssn. Sept. —. Fiyeiie J. Clule. 71.‘! fail Bldg.. Ft. Wortti, Texas. San Franeiseo. Cal. San Frinei^eo Wi-stern Hotel Men’s .Vssn. Seating' capacity 5,000 in galleries and arena or 3,000 in gallerie-s alone. Her. —. San Jesi- V. M. 1. Ciratid Ciaineil. .Vug. l.V .All comfortable opera chair.s. Fine acoustic properties. Suitable for 2". Ceo. .V. Stanley. 1*2 Saiieliei st.. San ('••nivird—tlraiid ChapliT «t E S. of N«w Fr inel.xai. I al. HHmp*hir<‘. S,'pt. 12. Mrs. B*‘»s1h 1*. Mi>r Circuses, Music Festivals, Horse Shows, .Auto Shows etc. Fine car COLORADO rl*. ,'.l Islington st.. prirt'iiioulh. N. 11. service. Population 87.0(M). Few attractions iHMiked in Ft. Worth for Crlp de Creek—Improved Orih r Re.l Men. NEW JERSEY. summer. Gihx! proposition for long stands. For terms, address, .Vug lo. J.ilin. .V. Holenlsrg. Klttredge .Vsliury P••rk-•N<•\v JiTx-y .Stat,- .V«*n. Pnsldon Bldg., lleUVi-r. Col. llsl Posimastor*. S>'pt. —. Cha*. H. Stain ton. Engh'iViHMl. \, J. 0. W. MATTHEWS, Secretary and Treasurer, Ft. Worth Stock Tard Co., FT. WORTH, TEXAS. CONNECTICUT .Vll.antlr Cil.v—.ViiKTiiin S**-h'ty for Tostlnc Hantiiiry Conneilieiil 1 niversalist* Convention. Matorials. Jnn 2t*-Jiily it. Edgar Marhury, S- pl. l.‘i 1<1 Re\. W F. Hiekerman. Mi Eu- Philadolphla. Pa. eli.l ale . Walerliury. Conn. Noll ark -»trdi r of Iianghtor* of st. tli orgo DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA .Vug. ’Jd. Malidtia .V Hay. li;'2i Clint‘*n ave. WashlieCon—Son* ..f Vet.*rans' Ladies .Viix- S.. B.Mh.«l.r, N. V. ROLL TICKETS Illary. .Vug. Mis* .Viina W.lliam*. i iex NEW YORK. piesidenl. -Vlhany. N. Y. .Vntmrn—Knight* of SIktwoihI For GEORGIA. CoiH'lavo. ,Viig. !• II. Jo*. Javii Your own special ticket, any printing, any color, on good *t«'r uvi-., SoiioTi ill,-, Ma**. AUiatiy—cirand t’niteil Order of o.M Fidloiv*. Iti'ffalr,—.National .V*»n. H,-at. E' Ccncral stock, well perforated and accurately numbered, Aug. —. B. J. Havls. Jitk. S. Pryor st.. Insulator* ami .Vst»-*tisi Work,-i f .V mcr .Vllanla. Oa. h a. -Vug. 2. . P. n 50,000 . S 0.50 aif.. St. I.oiiis. Mo. 14 E Will. Weeks. .%o7 Hall Bldg.. Kan a* Elmira Intornalhmal Ih*! Carrh-r' iml Bnlld 100,000 . 10.00 City. Vlo ing I.its,r,T'. Sfpt. It:. Ertif*! V C«duml us—Mas.>nie Fourth Histr'u't Conieiition. aril. Real ty Bldg.. Elmira. N Y. .Vug. 1*. W. VV. Kelley. Oa. MM-!inn|<*villf—Il.Vlh Rogltm-nt N. Y. V, 1. Stock tickets for every kind of show and amusement device, Piiicoel. Sundny Sell....]. Valdosta Histriel. Con R,•union .V**'i. .Vng. 2t!. N. J, Hffiraft, leiitloii. July 14. Mrs. .Vda S. Clark. Box til. Miltoii, Cia. Sfh,'n,-<-tady. N. Y. 25,000.0 cts. pep 1,000 Millport — Engliiffr Brigadf. .Vrny of iho Poto¬ Cyii'lmsn—Siali .Vgrleiiltiiral S •elety. .Vug. 11 mac. .Vng. "Jd. J. It. William*, cacf Na- ’2. Vlarliii V. C.aliiu. Ex|M'rlmenl. Oa. Every Roll Quaranteed. Positively, cash with order. Tyts’e S’ale I. iiindry men's .v«sn. .Vug. It lo. th«nal Bank of C,imm, ra h, *l< r. N. Y. Ri«'h>-«t,T—Ham*'* of Malta. S,pt. 14 1.1, L. IDAHO H. WisHllngton. 241* N. Banc.-oft ft,. Phlla dfiphla. Pa. Wsilaee I. o. R. M. Oreal Coumil. July —. THE DONALDSON LITHO CO I!'Mlif«l,'r — Th,-ia Phi Erat'Tiiity National B'Ut V...'*|Oire. I'ea: Eiglith st., Wallace, Ida. Ci'iiviT.tlon. <*<'t. —. .Vrthnr Juckmu*. H- ILLINOIS Cameron R< uni.ei Warren c'ounty Soldiers and Sailor*. .Vug. 20. J. S. Clever. Klrkwosl. hl«trlrt ('<*n A. K. AniiKtront:, FIRST CLASS SIDE SHOWS WANTED DECORAH will Celebrate Winneshiek Co., Home-Coming and Fair, WEEK AUGUST 23rn 111* —Aiiiorb‘an obst«*trii iaiis and tiyn**- —. U. K. SiniiiioriH. N. t . Addraas C. N HOUCK, Seo'y, Decorah Iowa, obiL'istw’ A'"*>n. S. ot. 21 2‘1. Or. \V W. Salisbury—I. O. F. dirariil Aiitf. l*ott« r. 2oN !»• lawjiro ItufTabt. N. Y. ID K. II. Uani^t-y. CliHrbttt*'. N. (’. IndlMiwipoliv- S*H*b*ty •»! Sr an*' OHIO I Vohiil.itliii: July ir»-lti. \V. \\v- Mark.iv, lt'»\ iviv. \4 \v ^^*rk \'\\\. Ib'Dalrf-Orand i,f Athlo. hitiTrifitlonal Itulianapoli** -St:U«' ilMyiiiHk**ri»' AuR. !♦. oril**r <»f tiiMMi T«‘iiif)ljir^, Auat. 1** lt». S. I*or«'t Iturr. tka; \v. Main ^t.. Miiurb*. Iiid. li. T>i\b»r. .■{.'kDl \V»*Kt ‘i’lfli wf.. I'l«*r(-Ijiri(1. o. IndiatiapolK I'. S. I*r w iiii»*i4 r»*‘ A?*sii. S« pt. Catit'm '1D4 i». I. I(r<»th(rhr»Mti. July Ci«l*ir l*.dnt -Knlifht** <*f i'o|iirnt>«ix. July 4 liJ 27 2b c. 1 ptln ^rrov**. :;*« \V l.Vtli ht., Om rnr'^vilb* Ind. FMuanl K. iCyNti. Norwalk. O. Vin

    Corrections and Changes COLORADO

    'rrnvfitiit; Kim.n.HT*' As^ii Aiii: 'J'.\v II Tli.Hii|i«.‘n. I’liri' Ni’w Biftirrst rarletlfa, lowest prices. ^.•rk ('1-111^1. JtiilTalii. N V Or.lera shipped same day as re- NEW YORK celveil. Pennants made to onler. au.T wonting destreii. Write for \.'iiWir« lilt.TiiHli..III! Itr.'tliiTlKMHl of Stxtlon free illustrated catalog. «r> l-'ii'iiirii Ani: !• L. siiHr|i. SI-4S Per Gross. S2.75 P*T Gross. N. iMli . l•lllal•.ll. Noll, WEBB FREYSCHLAG MERC. CO Kansas City. Mo. OHIO 'itu-liiii It 1 Viiirrii'.iii I,if.- Ah«ii. Oct. 7 a. T PENNSYLVANIA. W Itla. kt.iirii. OiiiHli.i. N.-t. iLiing M.-n’. In.tiliil.-. RHODE ISLAND Il.-ris-rt. All.-iia, Pa i‘r..\ i.lciii <- |i.iiitciit.-rN ,.f l.ito riv National U..tin..-n Kntiilils of lli.* f'.iiii. il. All.- '.•4 W i:ikin'. Iik-l fa» y 1(11 k« I'.Hinl.i .kiiK link .•l^^•.. l‘liil..|ilcl|.|ila. I'a. iymki-rto«n. Pa. i- \|..r.i\.4n (■ P l iil.a UTAH .aii.niloii July J7 Jii Silt I.iki (' y liaiik'litir-. of Vi'ti-raii* Na¬ The stn-nc.-st trunk in .Vraerica. N \..rlli IiMli «t , P.a»l..n, tl..nil .Viic. !> 14 Ml>' M. Ila- n.i weakn.-i".'. Our catalogue ii.i V ilional \«'n of 4\ llTi.r. pr. « .>»7 Lak.-al.lo -.vill tell you why. ■e'.l Is.’.,*. S.-pf Id IT j;r. .. .t P . l>-iroli. M Irom I4UI.32 iiu li_.$10.00 la .-f .\iig (■ W le>i

    10 •• . 13.00 The Belber Tniik & Bag Ci. X<>. mil X. llaiuxK'k St. SOUVENIRS! . p.\.

    RHODE ISLAND IN JAPANESE WARE K iig'. lisiighl. r- an.l S..n«. Nov We gire you the greatest value for the least It P Kainioii.l .47 st.. . K I money. Drop us a postal. Catalogue free on SOUTH CAROLINA. application with a new supplement of special Kop Outdoor XacklriQ offer for si.UTenir buyers. 1 n -f II P iJrand I..-alee, Printed Card Board Signs, any color stock or ink, sizes from 11x14 to 22x.34 inches. \V II lliitberfor I. lto\ '.ai. p..liim The printed signs are specially prepared to withstand the weather, and are con¬ siderable lower in price than any other kind of sign and equally as serviceable. Prices depend upon quantity, size and amount of composition. In asking foi prices, plt'ase state fully your wants as to size and .00 etc., than any other catalogue iawiieil. Every thing new in real noveltlea. Carnival gi¥ida. Improved Cane Assortment. 240 Canea, including 100 Ringa . 10.044 Jew, Iry. Watcheii. Silverware. Cutlery. (Vptlcal Improveil Cane Assortment. S-V) Cauea, including liXI Rings . l.A.iai Uianla. etc. Improved Cane Assortment. 600 Canes, including 200 Rings . 25.00 By aatUfylnc ii* that yon are a legitimate Extra Long, fancy loop handle whips, ass'td colors, best made, [ler gross 5..'i4> UTAH dealer, an we -vaot to keep thla book out of the ShiKiting Gallery Outfit, complete. 2.■*>67 pieces fi>r only . 2'_'.00 It « Nvti .nal E^ncamp ■ con«um..n«* and a,.n.llng in your jiermanent 200 Assorted Focket Knives, for Knife Rack, a gissi flash . l.*>.iai Mary I.. Gilman. 15 <;i: addreaa. we will b,> plea»e.l to »,-i)d .vou thia h<«>k free. Sen.l for It today. You cannot Large Catalogue Free. Knives, Watches. L'luhrcllas. Toy Whips and Cane Nets. Terms—Half l>ei>,>sit. balance C. O. D. VERMONT. afford to be without It. CLEVEUNO CINE CO., 727 Woodland tvonue, Cleveland, 0. SINGER BROS 82 Bowerv, New York. GAMES THAT GET the MONEY ESTABLISHED IN 1851. Great International Balltxjn Race, Doll Racks. Shooting Gallerit-s, Fish Ponds, Air Gun Galleries, Candy Wheels, Pin-board Tables, Japanese Bowling Tables, Water GE0R8E A. PATUREL, Motors, Board of Trade, Base Ball Rolling Board. We make them.

    VIRGINIA 41 and 43 Warren Street, NEW YORK. 1500 W. Van Buren, Chicago, III. A. j. SMITH The Largeat and Olilest Ih'aler and Importer of 6AS, WHISTLING AND ADVERTISING Firemen*s Carnival and Outing II Fll.h>-r I’.-l.-r-t.iirt NYACK. N. Y. June 29lb-Jaly 5tb. WASHINGTON BALLOONS'- F.r. tli)-rli.-.l I'u.i.-r aiispi.vs entire F'ir>' Itepartinent. .\ttractioiis furnish)-.! by the Fnlhill Also Novelties lor Streetmen. Can (ila.-e f.-w- mon- shews and ssmeessions. Want a Ik.g and Monki-y Circus, s ‘■•--.lamh-r. .k Y F 1 We re<-eive every week from ("Ilf g.Hsl LYeak. N.) Girl No strong or chanc,- gaui.-s. Carr.v our owi our factory. Ball.s>na of all kind* c,«.k house, etc. Bi»>kisl s,4i<-|>«rtuieiiti WEST VIRGINIA ¥ an.l sixes, that we guarantee of M. E. POLHILL. Matteawan, iigw \\'.-*t Ylrgln..! B;»r >u|>erior .iiiality to any offered on '■lie, *<<-hiiiiill.a) h liidg . the market. We also cautli>n our customerx an.l the trade to t>ewape of In f.-rlor ami false numi.ers offered at cheap prices. Price List on Application. Streetmen! -- ....TOY.... GEO. C. TILYOU’S STEEPLECHAiE ISLAND C\\ // Parachute GREATEST AERIAL TOT § OF A6E! Almost lnilealrnctll>Ic--no loss from bri'akage. E'.vrrythliig la up In the air. (let busy. Get Wanted at all Times, Good Vaudeville Acts In on the wave. All abort Jump*. Deacnb« your act fully and atate th« loweat Mlary for aanie In first lottsr. Alao have acme good airdomrs for musical comedies and rep. company. Managers la tSs Sooth, THE TOY PARACHUTE CO. give me n trial. 1 see all of them before you get them. KNOXVILLE THEATRICAL EXCHANGE. Main Offloa. AshsTilla. N. 0.. Post Bos 5M. Front and Chestnot, COLUMBUS, OHIO

    FAIR Harbor Beach. Mich., Sept. Si-SO, 1909. C..rresp..nd.-ti.-. with Shew., .ktlracllons. etc., -C H 1 C AGO.- .edi. ited. B. B LINCOLN. Secy.. Harbor Beach, I hava now ramored to my new and Modem Studio at 2S1 Ogden Ave., and am bettar pra- parad than aver to baodla anything In the way of scenery. Offlee, 549 Van Buran Straat. Mich The Light That (Coutlnih'd fmoi !- ) Tin- Miiroo<’*n Kmbn^'V (•(••• frotii ■ *wtoo mueb , fharlotle Wiwbe gave a .■«« to the Irenuency of the flickers. In other | Michel yeatenlay. pond. Knt Coinaedia. a theatrical daily pnb- . words, what tires the eyes la the slowness of j llshed in this village the otlier day, iirinted ' the shifts; therefore, what U needed 1* to in- i crease the vibration*. This Is acompllshed liy i two big pieces of art under the heading. “The I Pii-rre II rton'* new play. I.a Kem ontre i I'ln l»e I’rosynskl by means of a almtde arrange- I I'oroaedia in X*w Vi«-k." The halfloms liad ; Meetiiigl will given it* dress rehearsal Sat ment placed In the projecting part of th“ ina- ! l-cen taken from tlie Sketcli. an English pnbll- : nrday next at the Comedie Frani alae. cation, tint that didn't make any difference to i chine, which Increas*** the tllckerings four i the fellow who wrote tie- lines under the pic¬ times. This, concluded Daatre. by actual test, ture*. ! (’ompletely did away with the dicker, the rapid- ! The costiinies for the play. Chantecler, as The picture* showed two scenes taken from j lly of the light ch.snge* giving the Impression iH-giin liy an English firm, are the subject of a of absolute continuity. 1 Tlie Chorns Girl, and represented a lot of I WwmMi vvliicli 1* on at pre*«-nt. The costumers niske-belleve rborns la-lle* in their dressing ; So far so goml. Hut up to the present 31m* | claim they bad already practically completed room—yon know the east. In one of the pic are usually iincrlortsl and the images are not | them, to the delight of Edmond Kostand. the tures Miss Sialil was representeil in tlie fore¬ in re'ief. but are proj*vt»sl dat. like a photo- i ai thor of the pla.v. and of Co presented to the Koyal ! of costumers are well along on the job. lean theatre; the second pii'tiire shows ns. In . Society at lamdon a motiou picture machine. I the foreground. I*atrici.i vi'llricine ( name now comes to the front with an arrangement by i Hose St.ihli, a faniims American chorns girl, which all films may be colon'd. and what Is Gtsirge Grisler. dramatist, who 1* romliiciing tin- rtant. the images will be In re | manager of the Theatre d'. Theatre." Hef. exactly as In real life. The principle a* lie bad iH-en a long time 111. Door Miss .StahlI Si tliere is at least one explained r.piiears simple. At this early date I'orson In all tie- world wlio si ill believe* that mv own information is a bit lacklug, but I she is a sure -nongli i lionis girl, however fa- II give it to The Dlllboard reader* a* nearly as ' nioua a one she mlglit Is-! ca 1. .\lmnst everylxsly ha* looked at picture* Manchester Letter Eitablithad 1176. WILL SEND IT AROUND I threiigh the double lensed alTairs which one ad- iContlnued from page 11’. I Charles I'roluniin, in s|H-akIng alsiut hi* rep¬ Insis. to the eyt*. The photograph* are dou¬ Diygeti and Hydrogen Gaa furnlabed In tank* ble. hut when put in a frame and focused, the Tiic report* coming to this city fr-mi .\merlca. for Stereotitlcon aud Moving Picture Machloea. ertory comiiany wliieli lie Is to put into being ] telling of the splendid business le-ing done by next Season. d--elared tliat he is anxious for eyes pi‘ering tlirough lens>‘s. the picture* are All ordera to any part of the Unltevl State* superimposed, one on the other, and the images circuses, is very gratifying to at least a d-meh filled. Amerleans to see what lie is doin-g in London, ex menihiTs of the iiduiinlstrative staff* of Ituf- and for reasmi he Intends -ending the aoiH-ar to stand out as adtldly as in life. This Agenta foi all makes of Moving Picture Machinec Is the principle wbic’h FTle*t‘ Greene has utll- falo Rill aud Harnum A- Italb-.v. who are now London eonipan.v to fill a two weegs* engage located In tills country. Itis-elpts such as were . Ired 111 his improvement, only the entire thing ment at his Empire Tliealre tliere. In case the enjoyed by the "Rill’’ Show In Phil idelplila. are SEND I OR TERMS. I is reversed. There will be two films, in two thing is |sissili|e. .Mso he ex|s*( ts to give alm-wt Inerevlible to the average Euio|s-ati. and, : n'ciliiin's. the two machines working with one Parisians nn.itliei- treat. He will send the with the ordinar.v traveling circus, would rep CINCINNATI CALCIUM LIGHT CO. English artist* to this city, also, for a two niovenieiit to Insure |«-rfect accord. Now. If resent a s<-ason's takings. weeks’ run. j the two images were thrown on the screen, one The summer *4-a*on at Rlack|M*d. Soiithp<>rt 106 W. 4th St„ Cincinnati, O I h: Ho- sitl - of the other, a* the plctnro* are ar and other M-asIde resorts o|m-dhs nitmthunM, ever.v one in the audience eondition* have tieeii such that nothing h.-«s l>een now lieing org.inisisl In Paris, the olijeet lielng w itilil have ti> use a kind of double glass to get done since. One of the leaiUng newspa|>er« is to afforil students a thorough prep.iratinn for i the ilesired eff M-t. Dut Kriess" Greene has so writing eilitorials regarding the extreme poveiiy $125.00 MADE IN ONE DAY an ojieratlc iare*-r. The institution will have I tn;idi‘ his machine that the two imiiges are sn- of the working and middle cla*s4-s of tlie dis a contlneiilnl Jury but will In- under .American I fe-rlmposed exactl.v as tlie two pho;.igrai>h* on trict and the fact that the holiday-makers an- INVISIBLE FORTUNE WRITERS direction. Til-- faculty and jury include *uch i the same card *n|M>rlmi>ose each other, and the s)iendlDg less money than over in the memorv men as Massenet. .Vlliert Carre. Oscar Hammer- I result Is exactly the same. The Image* stand of resort managers. Fortunately for White City, The "New Wand" stein, la-on .lancey. E. Clem.-nt. Felix Welngart- it rwinlres no exiM-nditnre of railroad fares to (Pat. applied for.) ner, Is-idore de Lara. Cam lie Eilanger. Ed reach It. therefon- it actually fe-nefits by thu A handkerchief, scarcity of money, and. during th«- thnw- week* tftlck or water max Oiard Colonne, .Mtiu-. Lneieiine Rr»-val and oth¬ be paiwe J throuu it has been o|m-u to the public, its growth and er*. ’lA and" while Tlie h<'adi|narters of this |daee Is at H Rue net takings have excissltsl tb«- same 'lerloil of working to abow It Magellan. Washiiigloii Palac--. Leading Euro¬ either of its pri-cedlng veai-s. is enipt.r "Maflo pean Instrnrlors. as w ill In- seen fr uu a read¬ H WILLIAM Wand" cutnta ing of the alNive list of names.are assured for from B nu op volia- and the languages ne.-ssary In a thor- ‘ Uipa.s Uoeen “ outfitM from 117 00 mich training fur tlie oie-ratlc stage. There UiCKUn "Hindn are several s<-liolarshlps. some for Eui'opeans from and some for Amerb-an pnidls. Massenet, of (Continued from page li BW t4i noon. "lavialble Papers" at BOO and the National opera, will liead the .lury of BIW |ier 1 lU). No experiem-e required Almowl Indges, and griidnates will lie guaranteed an In Gi rniauy during the last two nr three year* uothlng to carry. The lieat paying propcaltion for European debut under tlie m.wt aiispii Ions cir¬ or are projecttsl, have a very small av-ating caps amount invested. For rireular* and sample papera cumstances. Subscription concerts will afford eily. blit with the reilucHon gm-s a very a^i addrvwa. S. BOWER, 117 Harman Ht.. Hrm klyn. N T student* a cliance to In- lieard in various rob-*, preelalile increase in price of ailiiilssion. No surrounded by Hie finest artists the world af- doubt the siiiall theatre is a more fit place for f'lrds. the pro|i.-r preM-ntatlon of most of the newer and some of the older dramatic works, the actor ORGANS NAPOLEON FILMS may make natural use of his voice In the small For M R K K Y - O U- One of the most isipiil-tr of the motion pic¬ house whereas he Is forced to s(>eak unnaturally KorNDH. 8 RAT¬ ture films now showing In Paris, is that of the loud in most of the old and tisi large bouses ING RINKH, TENT •At the Folies Bergere the following artist* 8HOW8. ETC A life of X.a|«>leon. Tin- art film portraying the The natural result are much Is^tter is*rforiuane«-* are te-liig seen and heard: The Harmony Four, few me-iium alae re- lirlnrlpal events in the life of Joanne d’Arc in the small tbv-atre. Miss Compton. The O'Kabe Troupe of Japanese, pairvst and rebuilt made such a profisin>l imiiression that the otb Munich come* to the front with a bit of the with NFW rPTO- The in the Shell. The Little Kaufmans, s-r was not long in making its a|ipearano<‘. and atre gossip from the Liiststdelhaus. where, during DATKMPSU’.oaur Chris Rlciiards. and Consul Peter, the monkey, a rehearsal of the m-w o|ieretta Heart of iiow the twii greatest fignrt-s in French hls- ed at a U)W PRICE l iry are made to live again by tlie picture ma- which Is to In- seen in many American cltlea Woman i thns- eorm-nsi wrestling match re W« M * NC K AO- TCKE. REPAIR and r'llne. Xapoleon's earl.v day-, hi* coronation tills coming season. snlttHl in fainting s|s-lls and a dismissal. Stage director Ras<-h had a very |sv|nte-|eiised from her MISS TOMA HANLON nintraet. When director Ras<-h cisdisl down and found hlmsi-ir without prlina donna It GIvu avarav Souvaniru and daw-red u|sin him, that the singer had piinsm-lv Kaap tha Crovard’a Comlnf driven him with her sbarti tongue to exas|s-ra tion ami he is now moving heaven and earth We handle the largest yarlety of Sou to force h“r to the contract which he hliiis<-ir veuirs and Premiums In the country. 8eitd I term ina t


    Riirlesipie Nulla. • otta, .Ankle Dn-aw*. Tight*. ItelllHiy Suit*, Maid Dr* **•-*. AIniiiI '.’•ai Item* Will riinitsh Hat ii|s>ii Bppllralbiii Enough iiiat*-rlal to eipilp 4 show a. Adilre*w "CLOTHES,” car* Billboard. Chicago. WANTED AT ELECTRIC PARK, NEWARK. NEW JERSEY. SIda Showa of all hlnda. Good Fit and Tant Shovaia. Rantal or parcantaga. Wa gal tha paopla. C. A. DUNLAF, Managar.

    I JULY 3, 1909.

    CHICAGO MUSIC NOTES. NEWS ITEMS FROM WILL ROSSI- pheiim time. They are meeting with fine sue Jim Kendis and lleriiiaii Paley were the writers eesa singing My Cowboy I.aily, Murry Back and of Sympathy. Clieir I'li, Mary. Won’t Yiai Fondle (Cuiitiuued from page U.) TER, "THE CHICAGO PUB¬ Dh’ .Miss .Alalluda. .4Ie'? Kei'p On .«iiiiiliiig. and other big hits. LISHER.” + Shapiro opi'iii'il Ills well-eiiulpped Atlantic .Mr. Suiiiufls. 44 hit Is now In charntt Doyle and Fields xvere Rossiter C’ll.v store last tsaturday. Despite the wave of astonishment caused by ..f Sliiiplro's iTili-agu oltli-e recently )lemonslrati-i| Jetinnette Adler and "I’lcks,” is callers this week, having Just returm-d from a Gloaiiiing. the lilg song hit from tbia b<>uae, at these triple sensations. Shapiro Is bellevi-d to eoiiiltig llast agiilii. thiH time slm baa an entire successful tmir of the South. They say that the the l•r|>llellm. have other colossal suriirises In store, and smiles eoi.ll.i Is4-e ami (taiitilbal Isle, rrom the Simllght tliiatrleal liiteri'sis. John M. Cixike becomes Music eci. t'f Kills, with Harris and ItobliiHon writers oi Bert William.s, noxv for a fexv xveeks mi.nager of the .Aloore Theatre, Seattle. Wash., Games of CblhlhotMl Days. Izzy the Molass.-s + In vaudeville Is making the hit of the bill wi'li s'lcceeilliig Harry Cort. son of John Cort. who Kilt, and many other song hit,. Is nothing less Hob Ailitms’ HunK. <>h You Canily Ills own song. That’s a Plenty. "Hert” h i- Is hereafter to represent his father in connei'- than a theatrical "liot" last week at the Kid. iiulillshed by (Tias. K. Ilarria la the hir protiahly start.'d more comic song hits in tu.'s . tion with hig road Interests. Carl D. Reed will I'nlipie, Mlnneaiiolis. and thia we.-k In Itiilutli. countty than any one comedian. r Tim Candy .Shofi, miw iilaylng at the Slmle- The rritica say, wltlsait the slightest doubt, he siteceeded In the management of the Grand, l..iker. that this Is the liest "kid" act In the show ♦ Seattle, b.v fjllbi'rt G. Barry, at present assist¬ ♦ liilsiiH-ss. niey are lifsiked solid on the SnllL The Girl xvlth the Angel Voice, the ant auditor of the Xorthn esterii Theatrical .As¬ sociation. of which Mr. Cort Is the executive ■Matthews anil .\shli y Rulned much ran and Consldlne time. most talkeil of song act In the business today. head, and Mr. Barry will Iw aueceeded In .4Ir. .pidaus,- at the .4nierlraii. ainging Tmt Snyder's Is singing exclusively songs from Will Rossiter, + Harris' offices by Henry E. Schroeder. who has Ml 4411. lias gone to the Country. Hurrah! "The Chicago Publisher,” that means giKsl luck La Villa Girls is another nexv act N'l n connected with Mr. Cort's New York of- Hurrah' — for all concerned. Unit got all Its aonga from Will Rosalter and hi'i'g. John Edward (Eildiei Cort. at present * rehesr-ssl under his critical and trained eye. assistant trea.sitrer of tlie Grand, is to he made Itella Fox. lust week, secured .a They are working the Western Vaudeville Asso- The Four Ford.s are continuing to ' treasurer of the Theatre, San I'rancis- clati'in lime. Dhl Miss .Maliinla Is one of three great siteeess at iIm' MaJ.-alle singing Reiniek's lie a big singing and dancing success at Hani- i eo. ami Ben Ketchiiiii. the treasurer of the hits, wl He their haaehall niiiiilier and Camille I'an't Yon s*s- When tlie Right lilrl Coin's niersteln’s. and are still featuring their favorite ' Grand, la to remain in ills present capacity, Along. I.a A’llla's throwing up to the gallery U a po4vn and Make ♦ The manager of the Colonial Theatre. San Fran- Will Rossiter has'just signed Miss Yonrsi'lf at Home, from the Mialem Music Co . Adele Ro44land, formerly of the . PiBco. is to hi' Fil'd E. Biisey. who represented Is ts'lng us»-d very aucceasrully by Ib-rt WII- Prince of Tonight. Is in raiiderille. playing Edith Livingston for a term of years to Is- Mr. Cort while Oalve was making her concert llama. the Majestic. .Milwaukv'e. week of 14. She is featured In vaudeville. It is said Jack Levy i tour under his illreetion, and who was later will handle the act. I manager for Mr. Cort when Coiiiineneement + featuring Games of Ctilldhisid Days ami I Like the way Ymi Two-step, two frfmi the Rossiter Days was iiroduced. The Still t'lty Quartette, 4vho are slsip. with si«-clal pattern verses by Harry New¬ I W. .1. Herrmann has l,een ehosen as the man- iraii'llng thpuigli the South, an' featuring Ixiiie ton. and n-rsirts siictvss with them. SHAPIRO ACTIVE. I ager of the new Cort TJheatre, Chicago, which Tills Is one of E A. .Mills’ publications. + i Is now aiinoiineed for opening Octoh.'r 10. with j a new .-niislcal comeilv. called The Kissing Girl, The CHympla Quartet shoxved their The event of the week. In fact. In many weeks, in music publishing circles is the pur¬ which 1- the joint work of several well-known ndees lo the Rossiter folk- the other day. and i Warren and Hlanchard are In Chl- I men. the his'k ts'ing tiv .Stanislaus Staiige, the all business stopiwd. They us.- a medley coin chase by Shapiro of the sole selling agency of c.'tgo and will start work In .August singing the Gus Edwards Music Publishing Company, a I lyrics by Vincent Bryant and the music by I’tias K Harris' I'll g*'! You y.t l.lltle Girlie. (ewcl of Murry Back. Games of Chlldhmsl Days, iiinl Drifting, anil the natives all stanil concern possessing one of the foremost cat¬ i Harry Von Tilzer, .Amo-ig the principals al- + and listen. They will shortlv aprs-ar at the alogues. constantly being added to by the pro¬ I ready engaged for riie Kissing Girl are .Ame- ' lla Stone ami J >seiih Myri'ii. About the first of July Gotham- Vieerl'-an Mu-le Hall. lific "Gus," and popularized b.x bis half dozen George Ileml remains us Imoking agent of the 4tiuek will hale six new nuniU-rs. the names of headline vaudeville acts. In fact, one o* th-- j + j -Sorthwesterii Theatrical Association. which the.i are still holding under their hat. principal reasons for this deal was the demand Maud Lambert, who is credited made u|ion Edwards’ time b.v bis vaudeville In¬ with making f.xmoiis \Vhen ihi' Momi Plays terests and bis inahlllty to give adisjuate atten¬ P'lkahisi. Is breaking all previous -eeords ‘Ilia Grannon. who receiitA left over tion thereto. GEO. M. COHAN PRESENTED A with h'-r lnti-ri>retatli>o of Ge».! hut Th-'is-'- •ver the orplH'um rireult amongst other songs .Although the ri'clplent of flattering bids and t'Inss to a Girl like You. and Dh! .Ml«s Malin-la. DAUGHTER. ii;il featiin- E .4 Mills' hit. l.oaeai'me. proposals for the control and exclusive selling .411 the critics are lilsral with their ai'planse agency of his song successes. Edwards dt'Clded ♦ There was hnpidncss In the lioiiie of .Mr. and of h. r artistic work. Shapiro was the man of his choice. and ■ Mrs. George M. Cohan, at No. ."7 Central Park, Grace Tyson recently made a bin + di'cunii-nts carrying a cash consideration calcu¬ Wi»st. New York City, when on June 'Jl. a little hit at the .American Music Hall, singing Krr The I^Villa Girls act is plea.sing lated to produce heart failure In other directions. daughter arrived at the home of the author- nier's I l.oxe my \4'lf«-. but idi you Kid. audiences in the city this week. Tlieir dancing Were promptly signed. i-iani'ilisn and his wife. It was antiounced tliat + Is a strong featiir'. while each niimls-r in the Tills Is the third time in a few weeks Maurice the child would fs' named Mary. singing line has l»-*'n most carefully staged. Shapiro, the bead of the big music publishing The team of Darrow and .Mitchell I'd Like to ts- a S'ddler I’.oy in Itliic. Oh! Miss firm hearing his name, becomes the one topic of n-cently fi-atiinsl at the Tr's-ailero with great Maliiida and Khlland are Rossiter hits inakinj conversation among those In any way Intereste.l T. Roy Barr.e.'t and Bos.sie Crawford, sticcsu Shapiro's AA'lld Elon. r Song good with the girls. In the pofiularizing of songs or Instnimental "The Faker and the Prinia Donna." have been ♦ + numbers, not only In the vicinity of Long .Acre enjoying a three wts'ks’ re-t at Branch. N. Sijuare and 4J4 street, but through the length Moya and Moya, who are usinR F. What looks to be like the J.. fishing. Isiating. etc. They will fill in a few emn song of the year was rec.-nily l.y and breadth of the land. weeks of summer time, working Shea's Theatre. 4 Mill- Joy Ride n-is.rt to Mr 4V.s,l that Tlie first surprise was when Shapiro purchased this is g.dng big with them. Will R'-s«lier. liert Williams Is singing 'f. Buffalo: Fifth Avenue. New Y'ork: Brighton and Is also the comiseser It is calhsi Tim's th" Tohan anil Harris Music Company cal- B,'ach. etc., and will go West over the Orpheum a PUiity. and Is typically a Wllli;i#is numln'r. ah'gue. embracing many of the hig song hits of tour, opi'ning in Butte. Mont.. .August 29. G«'o. WhltliiK. 4vho xvrote Ibautlful Is’th In e,.ni.'ily and mehslv. Harry M-n tixi will rei-.-nt years. Rut Shapiro was there with the El'S Is also the author of Mi 44’lfe has Gone to 'lieclal Verse it. w highi-st hill, so he bought what he wantisl. the Country. |iijb’ishe a Correct Interpretathm of the .Ante, Innes and Kyan are seoiing great lean siiri-.-ss singing Krein«r's I lane Mi 4\’lfe. but + •t. Voil Kid. The Imperial Comedy Trio, recent¬ fl BOOK STRIP TICKETS + ly r"organlz«'d. are at work again. Th*' Kosslier TI-IE “OlXi C-l-f AfAiJ O" -riOBKET fidks re.-elvisl wool from them recently Josephine l>avl.s is using Kremer’s AS FAST AS HARD TICKETS NUMBERING 44'hen I gi> March I'.tXIKi.. Stvretery. Railfonl to Tazewell. Va. Radford, va. .. ^ptember 7, •. 9. lo. RALEIGH. N. C. October 18. 19. 80. 81. 28. 23. Tazeoell to Roanoke. Va. . r.'s I \V. r.tUlt, S.'rretBr\ Jt>S E. rOGl’E. Secretary. Roanoke to Lynchb-tri:. Va. . 1 TAZEWELL. VA. ... .September 14, 15. 16. ^ H I’ S

    Xtie Billl>oar€l JULY 3, 1909.

    yv TTfcTTI twililsnilth Toy & ImiiortiiiK Co., E. 4tb •t.. FESTOONING. JEWELRY. •*• .1. .N«H(ial« UroH. Commercial. Horton, Mari*. National Tissue Mfg. Co., .%3 l{>H-kwell riace, For Stage Use. Brooklyn, N, Y. _ NfWinan Mfc. Co., 041 \Vle. Chicago. E. S. Flag Co., 331 IsK-k st.. tTucinuatl, O. \V, II. Ilolllaier, Masonir Temple, Chicago. Of Agents, Hotels, Music Publishers s.'l^hocn & Son, 5t) Ann rt.. N. Y. city, N. Miure Co., 'J2U .Madlaou at.. tTileagu, III. and Dealers in Theatrical, Circus N. shure Co., rjo Maiiirou n.. Chicago, iii. Shr.vtHk Ttsid Co., M'.’l N. t>th at.. HI. Lmls. .Mo. and Park Supplies,iplies. Alphabetically shryock-TiKidShryock-TiKld C«..c«.. M’m’ .N..n. hthmIi st..rt., st. Louis,Lrmir, Mo.M Kanufacturers. Dealers in and Rental Bureaus, singer Bros,, S2 Bowery, New York City! ' Mnjtcr Hroa., Bowery. New York City, twrrangea._ Singerj. Bros., S2 ».(jBowery. New York City.o. Acme Filin Each., tai.Y Smllhllcl.l. Flltstiurg. Fa. Western Bargain House, 272 E. .Ma.llsou, Ch’go. _ J,. '*1V'''‘**,'1 1*^' , .Yelograph Co.. ot» Union S*!.. N. Y. C.; IToy, JUGGLERS’ GOODS , ...... WesternWertern ItarnninBargain House, i;722<2 Madison, Clilrai;Clilcago. NY «njvs* vav.rv.ri^9. AdTertisements not exceeding one line in Alamo Film Ex.. 40:> Main st.. Hallas, Tex.; Uilw. VsiiWyek. Hhh*. Fulleu ave.. CIneluiiatl. O. length will be publiihed,hed^TrolSVclassifiiSl. properly classified, iniS CARBONS,CARBONS. ’ «- this directory at the raterftte of SIO$10 for onoone year , „ ,, „ f^iinSan Aulutiio,Aulolilo, Ye\. i^KJiv/cc^ 1^ .».p^ (62 isues), provided they arcare of an acceptable 1- Carytary Co.ICo.. .V.i larkPark II1ac^, lace, N. Y. CltCity. AiiiericauAiiierieau FilmKlliii Serv., S»‘curltyS*‘rurlty Bldg..lUtlic., Chicago.t'bloairu. rMvIVtO.>\iNIVco. pa one vear *1 aiibacriDtion ^ a n a ^ ai a ai r> ^ \/ $_* a i ip n a Xiuerlcnn\iuerlcan 1*Film 11 id Kxeb..Etch.. NVWahash al^aali Bldg.. iFIttsliurg. It t atiurit. (Cleveland li^VflaDtl laiit*Cane Ifi*.,Co., ll**v**laiMl.Cleveland, i).l>. “*Th*e Bmbolrd"'*"**'* ^ ^ CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS. Auteiii-auAuieiieau nimI'llui Kxrh.,Exeh., tilto lUUcyHalsey m.,st., Unioklyu.Brisiklyu. ii>ddl>erg(itadheri; JewelryJewrlr> Co.. Ill W.\V. tllli«th at., KsnsatKanaaa Etch additional line or additional classification J. H. lialllHTg, 30 tireeuwich are., N. Y. C. .Yiiiericau Film Serv., l.'iS N. Msiu, .Mem|iliis. City. Mo. without subscription, S7.60 per annum. /'ADniieci e .till. Vitagiapli Co., IHl Nassau st., N. Y. City. Neuman Mfg. Co., till WiKsliatid ave.. Cleve One line will be allowed to advertisers free of CAROUSELS, .Aiill TrUHi Film Co.. 77 S. Clark st.. Chicago. | laud. t>. ohaige during time of contract, for each $60.00 o. a. Heutiel, 31,41 Ucriuautowu are., I'lilla. Chicago Film Exch., 120 E. Kaudol|ih, Chicago; singer Briw.. S2 Bowery. New York City. worth of space contracted for, provided all con- /'Aoe to D\ • Imaha: IVuver; Washington. It. C.; Salt lUriv U Welaliaiim, J42 E. Madison, ChUago. ditions of the contract are complied with. CARS (R,(R. R.) Ijike City; Imulsvllle, Nashville. shure Ch Ci»., lltl Nassau at.. N. Y. C. AMERICAN TAILORS. Laemmle Film Service, IIW Lake. Chicago; v hi..,go steie«iptlcou Co.. .VI %th ave., Chicago. Nb'page Bros., llUi Bay st., Toronto. Canada CIRCUS SEATS. Evansville, Ind.; Memphis. Tenn ; Omsha. p-iiu, s,.rvlc«'. 79 IVarlwrn st.. Chicago. New and Second-Hand. Neb.; Salt Lake City; Mlnneaisdis. .Mluu.; stebblns, 102S Main at.. Kansaa City. Mo. AMUSEMENT CONSTRUCTORS. Fortl.xnd. Or-.; Montreal. Que.. Can.; Wiuol- .. i_i a si lo a i a as i ic c as c ai-r „ „ ... F. .\. .McHugh, 1.3.-)%1.3.%% Euclid ave..sve.. Cleveland. O. iK-g. m,uMan.. i',nCan. MFRS. MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT *''l'luelnnK?l *()■■ ••orch.-ater aves., s. lent A Awn. Co.. 47 5:1 S. IVsplaliies. iVke’shoreIjike Shore ’EUiu'Kiliu and Supply Co.,Co.. 314 Suiwrlor DEVICES. • Chicago HI. *t.. Cleveland. O. TheTifJ"n'^*i'ithI.'r'c.? H. I.iebv-r Co.. 24e. Washington\Vs.iiiiiet..n st.,st In¬In American Amusement Co., Ludlow, Ky. AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES. • “ • " American B.-X Ball Co.. 12«0 Van Bureu at.. CIRCUS WAGONS. dianapolis. IikI. Chvii‘go"'Tir ‘ Cages, Dens and Band Chariota. S. I.iibln. 926 Market st., Fbiladelpbla, Fa.; spr.n.v,lle. N. Y. C S .Music t'o.. Iivut N. Western ave., Chicago Ib'kSS Wagon Co., Kansas City. Mo. Cincinnati. O. .Monarch Film Exchange, 2ltl Tbumpaon Bldg., ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. A Eagle. 1% Canal st.. Peru. Iml ''oiTutn^'ettv’^ok?.''"^Oklabema City, Okla. Is-vlI).v. Co.,.V) 64«a E.V 14th.. st.. NewVW Y’ork.v..,g N.v Y’.v CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. C. J. Murphy.Murphy, .Meadville, Fa. v **'v* ** *"* * *'• Nat. Film Co.. lOo Orlsweld. IVtrolt. Mich. ANIMAI DFAI PRQ • 127 Michigan st.. Toledo, O. Nat. Film Co.. lOo Orlsweld. IVtrott. Mich. ' iava n..i.n,.nt sva I'hicsm SMUiiviMl. uc.MI_C.ria. , L. Tarb.Il Mfg Co., 246 Klnxle. Chicago. Nat..N'at. Film RentingHenling Co., 62«2 N. Clark,iTark. Chicago. ^ Will Bartels. 160 Greenwich st.. N. Y’. City. ■ Jap. Novelty Co.. Battle Creek. Mich. New York Film Exch..Exch., 7 E. 14th st.. N. Y. C. h" v n v Carl Hsg*-nl>e<'k. St<'lllngen Ilamhiirg, Germany. I anier A Dileslisch. 31% John s’t.. Cincinnati. O. Nov. MOV. Flct. Co.. 41S Turk. San i L'rsnclaco. u I 'n'’ ■■ . - - ' . .... Ohio Film Ex., 2ti20 E. BroadRroad atat.. Oduuibus.C«duuihus. O. '/'.a'',•»**'*,{mJ^’st ' C^'icaao I.IiiwihmI H. Flint. North Waterford. Me. W. Z. lioiig, 172 High st., biiringtield. O Fsclflc Fosst Film Kich %47 S BruadwaV J- Cdm W. tan Buren st.. t hicago. Horne's Z'Hilogical Arena. Denver. Col. Staixiiird Mfg A Sutiply ’Co.. Drawer O.. Mo- F«olflc* Coast FilmFsl Exch.. %47 S. Broadway.Hroadwsy. Novelty Co.. 12th and Kace. Cincinnati W. Odell U-arn. San Antonio. Tex. nonvshels Fs I"** Angeles. Cal. Uiuls Hiihe. 24S Grand st.. New York City. * ■ — Path**Fatl^r. Cinematographn^matog^aph Co.,Co,. 41 W. 2.'> st.. N. Y*.V. ^ v^"nt, CONFECTIONS. Pittsburg Cut-Rate Film Exchange, 300 Lewis Weiii A Markens«'n. Y'ardley. Fa. f'."" cl. 10 T.«,4, rouM Knt-ekheim Rros. A Eckstein. Harrison A Peo¬ Block, Pittsburg. Fa ARCHITECTS. ria sts, Chicago. III. PittsburgFlttsbiirg Csl.Cal. Light A Film Co.. Pittsburg. Ps.;Pa.; Dldg.. Ihlcago. Ill _ For Summer Amusement Parks and Theatres. Dcsn<'S Mollies. la.; Hoch)Uiler.Kochimler. N. Y'.; I.Incoln, MERRY-GO-ROUNDS AND OR- CONFETTI. N.b.;Nib.; Ciiieiimati,fiiieliiiintl. ti.;<>.; Diiiabn.Diiialia. Net.Neli., . Wilke- CHESTRIONS. H. stemui, 818 Singer Rldg.. New York City a. Engle Mfg. Co.. Onawa. low B.irre. Fa. ARC LIGHTS RiHloliih Bros., .'>29 So. %th st.. Fbila., Fa HellgSellg'^Folvscope Polyscope Co.,Co.. 4-i4% E Randoliih.Randolph. Chicago. I yon A Healy. 2U3 Wabatb ave.. Oilcar.. 111. South. Film Exch.. 14« W. I■•tftb. Cincinnati. Niagara Musical Inst. C*v. N. Tonawands N \. South. Film Exch.. 24% Main. .Norfolk. Va. Uudolph Wurlllxer to.. Cincinnati and t hicago. Standard Film Exch.. 79 IVarbvirn st.. Chicago. MILITARY GOODS FROM GOVERN- Spoor, Geo. K.. ti2 N. Clark st.. Chicago. MPNT AUCTION TYirner A nabnkeii, 13 Rouery, N. Y'. C. Chicago Costume and Cotillion Works. 60 Dear- Western Film Exch.. 841 Century Bldg., St. Curtalnyllne Curtain Co.. 401 Ashland Ubasli C'hicagd, 111 A. T. Dietz. V27 Michigan st.. Toledo. O. Y. ('Ity Cincinnati Film Exch.. 214 W. %lh st.. Cln'tl. Crawford. O. T., Film Exch.. 14ol 5 liocusi at.. Nlagiirs Mu-iial lust. Ci>.. N. Tonavvanda. N.Y’. I anier -C Drlesbaeh. :H5 John st.. Ciocinnatt, O FIREPROOFING COMPOUNDS. Itmtolidi Wurlllzer Co., t'lnclnnntl and Chicago. F. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co., 246 Kinzie. Chicago. St. Ixxtls. Mo.; lAiulavllle. Ky.; New Itrleana, F. S. Music Co., lOTlo N, \Vesl<*ru ave., Chicago. ' CONE OVENS S.nm’l Wlndecker. 18% Wabash ave., Chicago. *-■ * .. . FLAGS. Cha». F. Dreasler. 14% E. 23d at.. N. Y. C. balloons. .... T-l-.,■'ietz. -.)71'27 \f|-KI.>.nMichigan mfst.. 'Tnl.wl..Tol«slo. FtO. Edison Mfg Co.. 10 %th are.. New York City, .Nassala Bros., '223 I'omiiwrcial, Boston. Mass. ' I s;.. C Drlesbaeh. 31% John st.. Cincinnati, O -Annin A Co., !iU Fulton st.. New Y'ork City. and Orange, N. J. V \V. BalliHiii Co.. *811 Clvtsiru. st.. Chicago. i Stsi-’ Mfg. A Huii|dySuiddy Co.. DrawerDrav»er O., \Mo- ; • *’• Glotie Film .SiTvlce. 79 IVarborn st.. Chicago. G.s» A. Faturel. 41 Warren si. N. Y’. City. ' nongnn.-la.nongniiela, Fs.Fa. ' *-■ Flag Co., 331 I»ck st . ( luciiinatl. D Harbach A Co., 809 FTlliert st.. Philadelphia. Ball.s.n Mfg Co.. Akron. O F. L. Tarbell Mfc. Co.. 246 Kinzie. Chicago.Chicago I U. S. Tent A .Awn. Co., 47 .Vt 3. lVs|>laliies. L. Heti. 302 K. 2;id st.. New Y'ork (3ly. Chicago. HI. C. J Hite ft Co.. 360 Monadnork Blk.. Chicago, BAND INSTRUMENTS. CORN POPPERS. FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. r. F. Klelne. ir,2 6lh ave.. New Y'ork Ctty. Frank Holion A Co., DKt Gladys ave.. ('hicago. .A. T. Dleiz.Dietz. 1‘27 Michigan st.. Tolislo.Toledo. O. Laemmle Film 8.r*lre, 196 luike. Chicago; I ,voii A Ht'aly, '20% Waltash ave.. Chicago, 111. W. Z. Ixvng.Ixing, 172 High st.. Si>ringlleld.Hi>ringlleld. O. M. L. Schlnefer. .38 S. Canal st.. t'hlcsgo. III. EvaiMvllle. Ind.; Memphis. Tenn ; Omsha, liudi'lph Wuriltzer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago. CUTS Neb.; Salt I.ake City: Mlnm-aisdls. Minn.; CUTS. FLOSS CANDY MACHINES. Fortlsnd, Ore.; 6lontr«-al, Que., Can.; Wlnnl BADGES. BUTTONS, ETC. Half-Tones.Half-Tones, Engravings. Etc. Bartell h'loss Machine Co., 31 Frankfort st.. |M3 S Desplalnea, U. S. Flag Co.. 331 I»ck st.. Cincinnati. O. GAMING DEVICES. Fsihe CIneinstogrsidi Co.. 41 W. ‘2%lh st.. N Y. Chicago. 111. rxce-cxDECORATORS. D A Tcx D o I'Ittsburg Csl. l.lght ft Film Co.. Fltlst.iirg. Fs.; BILLPOSTERS’ SUPPLIES. Spindles, Club House Furniture, Etc. D*-a Moln*-s, la.; Horheater. N. Y'.; I.ln.; Wilkes ( has Bernanl. Ik 9 Ib-ctor Bldg.. Chicago. Ill Reek A Sons Co.. 10 Garfield Place, •• ^ Evans A <’*>., F2% Clark st . Clilrtgo. Ill Bern-. Ill. BOOKING AGENTS. (.'inclnnati, D GARMENT CLEANERS,CLEANERS. Flttsbiirg I'll! Rate Film Exchange, ISO la-wla Block. FIttsliurg. Fk. Atlas Ibs'k. Circuit, 1402 Broadway. N. Y'. C. DIAMONDS AND WATCHES ON Ib-rkerIb-cker A Wade Co., 2.'8I12.'SI1 Cottage Grovelirove aiav* Elcrhard S.hiahVr. 109 K. 12th st.. N Y. C. W. S Clev.'laud. Knickerbocker Thi-atre CREDIT. Chicago,Chicago. III.Ill Si'llg Fol>iico|s- Co., 4% E. Ualidolph. Chicago. Nat*'park *.Mgrs.*''^*^.A*ssIc. Uou B'way. N. Y'. C. F-ros.. 92 Slate at.. Clilcago. III. GASOLINE BURNERS. South, niiii Exch . 24% Main. Norfolk. Va. SiMs.r. Gis> K., 62 N Clark at.. Chicago. Park B.»>k. Circuit. 14e Mfg Co., 112 E Ualid»I|>h Chicago. Calgary. Alta . Can ELECTRIC FANS. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Vlaaeojie Mfg Co.. 112 E Ualidolph Chtrago Make-up Boxes, Celd Cream, Etc. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. BURNT CORK. .1. H Hsilherg. '!o Greenwlrh sve.. N Y' C MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ctilrago Cosinme and Colllllou Work*. 69 Dear Lyon A Healy, ‘20.'i Wnliash ave., Chicago, III M. Stein t osiio'tlc Co., i:{92 li'dway. N. Y. C. tutuELECTRIC i mu BELTS,duuio, ■INSOLESivouuc.o smvAND u gt Chirsgo III Niagara Musical Inst. Co.. N. Tonawanda N V, BUNTING & FLAG DECORATORS. INHALERS. M Stein Cosiiielle Co , i;i92 B'way. N Y C. North Ttuiawaiida Musical Inslriiiiu'nt Works, K M Uisfelder. ".8.3 Mc.VHI«ler. Smi Frnneisco. ElectricalEleetrlcal Ai>it'.laneeAi>it'.lance Co., Burlington.Biirlliigtnn. Kan HANDCUFFS AND LEG IRONS. Norlli 3'oiiswan. r.rg Metroiiolitiiii ave., Eiker Hro-., I'sG Dlive st.. Si Luiis. Mo. , ,, , Bi.s.klvii \ V Jos W. Stern ft Co.. 102 38ih st.. N Y C. I'oluiuhia .Mfg. Co., ll.'>9 Harrison st., Chicago. Indianapolis Caleiiim Light C*... 116 So. Caidtol "'I'-imhia Mfg (o.. 11..9 Harrison st.. ( tiieago. " ' *. MUSICAL GLASSES. ave., iteiianapidis. iiid. EYE BROW PENCILS. CREAM CONE MACHINES. EYE BROW PENCILS. L. Brniiiielts, 484 Flalliusli, Brisiklyii, N. Y'. *'‘i8::!‘"Jr,‘n:i:; ^^.J^n'"n?r" N*’* Stein Cosmetle Co 1392 B'dway. ‘n. Y. C. I" J’. '* NOVELTIES. CtM-, Y»iig)- ft Co., !M|% Lucas av*-., St. l)Oiila. l;:.ll. F. .. V V c INDIAN COSTUMES AND RELICS. M. Gi-rlM-r, 729 South at., I'lilladadphla, I'a. CALLIOPES. ' '' W. H ItJirton.Barto,., (iftnlon.Gomoi, Net, Goldsmith Toy liiipt. Co.. f22 K 4lh, IllirIn'II (h**(H-I.4. Kratz.Knilz. Evansville,KY'HtmviUo. IndIinl. FEATHER FLOWERS. ILLUSIONSILLUSIONS. Gonloii ft Morrison, tiai '20l K Msorlllii'artiorii al.,at., Chleagu,Chlcagu. IIIIll CANES AND WHIPS. Holiday Novelty .Mfg Co., .''.7 <;reat Joiiea at. L. Itoalii ft Son. 4 E. Pearl at., Cliii'liinstl. O. Clev.-lHiul ( ale- I'*!,. Clevi-lMiHl, O. N. V ( . JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. Uudolph llriH*., ri'20 S %th at., Flillaijid|i)ilB, Fa. I. Eis-1,-ietii. 14 .\iiii st.. N.'W Y'ork City. C. 8. Flag Co . 3.'!! I/s k st , ciMlnnall. <1 i W A M.'iitz. r. 9'2 Lake sC. ( hl< ago. III. N. Sliiire Co., ‘220 Madlaoii at., Chleago, III T JULY 3, 1909. Xlie Billboard 51

    Shrjrork TixM Co.. M’l N. 8)h ■!., St. l/>iili. Mo. SIGNS. TALKING PICTURE MACHINES. HIiik't t*2 Howory. Now York City. Wi-lili Kroym hlntc .Mrrr. C>o., KaiiKaii City, Mo. Atlantic Electric Sign Co., 1533 Atlantic are., i Gaumont Co.. 124 E. 25th at.. New York City. NVfHtorii llarKaIn llouto, ‘.*72 Matllaou, cjiiraKo. Atlantic City. N. J. Aiitolectric Sign Co.. 134 E. Van Buren, Chicago. TATTOOING SUPPLIES. Canvas Sign Shop. 4.3S Suiunilt at., Toledo. O. NOSE PUTTY. Eilw. E Chase Klee. Co., 1(»2 Eranklln st., Chicago, III. Brown, lOtiS Franklin ave., St. Louis, kl Stolii Coaniollc Co., i;tl»2 IlMway, N. Y. C. .Mo. nmiii HEB OPERA CHAIRS. SKATES. TENTS. American Seating Co., HO Wabash ave., Chicago.. -tmerlcan Boiler Itink Supply Ce., Sandusky, O. Baker A I>K'kwo., Canal Ihiver, Ohio. Dougbert.r Bros.’ Tent Co., 109 S. Main at., St. BIchardsoii Ball Bearing Skate Co.. .501 Wella Lz.ula, Mo. Ilo.val Metal .Mfg (.’o,, 1S21 Itearlsim. Chicago at., Chicago. III. J, C. tJoHS A Co.. Detroit. Mich. K H. Stafford Mfg. Co,. Cblcag.., Ill The Samuel Winslow Skate Mfg. Co.. Worcea- AT LIBERTY StiM-l Furniture Co., Grand Haplda. Mich. D, .M. Kerr .Mfg. Co.. 278 W. Madison, Chicago. ter. Maaa. W. H. I.uabbaugh, Covington, Ky. . ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. M. Magee A Son. 147 Fulton at.. N. Y. City. SHOOTING GALLERIES. Murray Tent A Awn. Co., 1-7 Meridian. Chicago. LADY ORCHESTRA 1.. Itathan A Son, .'Itav Spring Grove are., Diamond Novelty Co., .Sebeneetady N T Schaefer Tent A Awn. Co., 1421 Larimer, Den¬ Cincinnati. U. E. E. Hippie, MW Vine at.. Phllailelphla, Pa. ver, Col. FOR PARTICULARS WRITE Gavloll A Co., .31 Bond at.. New York City. E. B. Hoffman A Soiia. 71 W. Jacksrm Bird.. Ttiomaoii A Vandiveer, 816 Pearl. Cincinnati, O. ' Jobannea S. Gebbanit, 3024 I.awrenre at., I*hlla- Chicago. III. Sun Tent A Awn. Co., 9 Beale. San Francisco. Lock Box BTS, Enlkla. ilelphla, i*a. W. F. .Mangela Co.. Coney laland. N. Y. U. S. Tent A Awn. Co., 47 53 S. Desplalnea, I .von A Mealy. 2IK*i Wabash are.. Chicago, III. J. J .McCullough, Sberldan’a Walk, Coney It- Chicago. Ill. Ji'bn Maazlo A Son. 17h I'ark How. N. Y’. C. land. N. Y. Niagara .Musical Inst. Co., Timaw.indi). N.Y. A. J. Smith, 1500 W. Van Bnren at., Chicago. THEATRE FRONTS AND CEILINGS. North TVinawamla Musical loatrunent Works, Wm. Wiirltleln. 2tW N. 2d at.. Philadelphia. North lYmawauda, N. . Kanneberg Roofing A Celling Co., Canton, O. Hiidolph Wiirlltier Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. SLIDE MAKERS. Ounby Broa.. 10 E. 14th at.. N. Y. C. THEATRICAL COSTUMES. ORANGEADE. The Wm. Beck A Sons Co., 10-12 Garfield Place, August 5y 6y 7y 1909. SLOT MACHINES. Ttw Corner Co.. .3(>3 .MarylamI at.. Buffalo. N.T. Cincinnati, O. iionairea md Privilege Pioplo address Columbia Mfg. Co.. 1159 llarrlaon at., Chicago. Manufactnrera of and Dealers in. Geo. Ijiuterer. 164 Madlaon at., Chicago. all eoiiiinunleations to J. RIEF, Supt. of Priv¬ Coin Auto Co., 451 Kane ave., Hammond. Ind. Rotx-rt Warring. 467 W. 34th at., N Y’. City. ileges, Lawrenceburg, Ind. PAPIER MACHE. Diamond Novelty Co.. Schenectady. N. Y. THEATRICAL LUMBER. Camiral I’apler .Mache Works. 2«5 W. Water Lyon A Mealy, 205 Wahaah ave.. Chicago, III. St., Milwaukee. Ws. Mllla Norelty Co., 1«« Mllla Building Chicago. John Gillespie Lumber Co., Lumber and Seward A BIG XHING Scenlscoiw Co.. Jackson Bird. A Grew. Ch’go. st-.. Chieago. 111. PATENTS SECURED. United States Music Co.. Milwaukee and West¬ ern aves.. Chicago. III. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. Evans, Wilkins CV).. 323 K. at.. Washington. D C. The Soldiers’ Reunion U. S. Coin Izwk Co., 220 W. 47th. N. T. C. Slegman A Well 78 Wooster at., N. Y’. City. SALEM. ILL. PERFORATED MUSIC. United Vending Machine Co., 150 Caxton Bldg., Clerelanil. (». THEATRICAL PARADE BANNERS. Aagust 2ltb. 25lb. 26tb. 27tta. For Elootric Pianos. Budolpb Wurlltzer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago. Chair and Table Corari for Vaudeville Artiata We want «ttr:i<'tirt Ky Mlllot Bros.. 47 W. 3d at.. New Y'ork City. ville. III. AMUSEMENTS FOR BELTON FAIR AND LIVE S’ Mo. L. Rauchnt. 1.529 N. 4th at.. Philadelphia. Pa. STOCK SHOW, JULY 26-30. 1909, BELTON, <>IIIe Show ITIntlng Co.. 22.57 Mlaskm ,t.. San SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. Western Uniform Co.. 214 Clark st., Chicago. Iranclaco. Cal. TEXAS ADDRESS A. J. EMBREE. CHAIR- Low-priced. MAN AMUSEMENT COMMITTEE._ Ileniwgin A t>>. Sth near Main. Cincinnati. O. Singer Bros.. S2 Bowery. New York City. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. Francis 5 alentlne Co.. 2S.5 13th st.. San FVan Wm. D. Hall. Keith Theatre Bldg.. Phila., Pa. cisco. Cal. STAGE HARDWARE. Wm. Morris. 1449 Proadway. New York City. PRINTERS. J. R. Clancy, 247 Sallra at.. Symeuse. N. T. Pacific Coast .Amusement Co.. .American Bank Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. Wanted—lady Musicians Theatrical Letter Heads, Contracts and Pro- STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. Prudential Vaudeville Exchange. 1402 Broadway. grama ’I'llba. Baritom- .and otli. rs. Isiiig engagemert- Jos. Menchen Electric Co.. 360 W. 50th at.. New New York City. tPnrch Printing Co., 4ld Elm at.. Cincinnati, O. L.. care Billboard, Cincinnati. 0. Y’ork City W. P. Rs'ady Vaudeville Exchange. Crescent L. B. Ileiinegan A Co, Sth near Main. Cincinnati, O. Theatre Bldg.. Nashville. Tenn. PRINTING PRESSES. STAGE PROPERTIES AND ACCES¬ Ted Sparks Theatrical Exchange. Century Bldg., COMEDIANS AND TEAMS—rho P.rformers' Kriend is wl::it y.iii ..I. and while the present Aua>mvtlc l-rtg l*r.-ss Co . 4heum Theatre Bldg.. Springfield, O. supply lasts I will send the four back numbers ROLL TICKETS. F'lir.K to those sending ’J-Te for No. 5. This STANDARD CONE BAKERS. VENDING MACHINES. * S.rcamore, Hnclnnatl. is your e*>auei‘, s,i aet ipiii*k. No. 6 will soiYU National Ticket Co.. Shamokin. Pa. Standard Mfg. A Supply Co.. Drawer O.. Mo- Crystal Vending Machine Co.. Cohiinhus, O Im- out. E. J. Vezina. 322 Wealthy Ave.. Grand I Ttcket Co. 722 Br^>a Madison st.. Chicago, 111. STREETMEN—Besiirreetlon Plants alw-lys get ROSECAKE MOLDS. National Stereograph Co.. 209 57th. Chicago. i Singer Bros.. S2 Ih'wery. New York City. I the mOMe\ S-impIe-. loe' pi r lia<. A 1. Dleli, 127 Michigan st., Tol«do. O. SPIRIT GUM. JOHN H. SMITH. 183 Remsen St.. Cohoea. WHIPS. ROUGE. M. Stein Coemetic Co., 1.392 ICway. N. Y. C. N. Y_ E W’ Hadley Whip Co.. W’estfleld. Masa. M Stein Coametlr Co.. 1392 B'dwa.r. N. Y. C. STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. MERRY-GO-ROUND wanted at Put In Bay. “SAYSO” CONE BAKERS. For Fair Followers. WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. 1 Dwinir to a disapisiiiitmeiit we still have this ■eoiieession op.ii: must be first elass macliine. A T Dietz, 127 Michigan at., Ttdedo. O. Coe, Y’onge A Co,. 18X5 Lucas ave.. St. l^nils. l*T>tn*tTrs anil Wlltl Animal Stori'. 490 HEIDLE A MOORE. Put In Bay. 0. E. M. Davis Soap Co., 32 Union Pr. Place, WaiKhlnjrtoii st., lUiflTalo, N. Y. SCENIC PAINTERS. Chicago. HI WANTED. VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE — .Singles And Dealers in Scenery, Etc. I. Eisensteln. 4t .Ann st.. New Y’ork City. WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES. Ijigi-ne t'or. .54]! Van Bur»*n at., Chicago, 1’ho A Kngle Mfg Co.. Onana. la. Bennett Jewelry Co.. H'>4.5 N. loth st.. Phila¬ i and Teams. I .uig engagement if .voii can i.nki'lHill Art Co.. 530.5 N. 27th, Diuaba, Neb. Francis Klcke. 1T78 Pi»t. San F>anclsco. Cal. delphia. Pa. i State |».sithe lowest in first letter. Il' nsril IMtlle, .Vt2 27lb at , Mllwauke.-. Wla M. GerN-r. 729 South st.. Philadelphia. Pa. Keach. George .A., 109 Friendship st.. Provt- ' Make It low, as eertain. F. K. MILLS. Hover .lobn llerfurth, 2I*>3 Ibioiie at . Cincinnati. O. Gordon Morrison. IW* 201 E. Mailison. Chicago. denoe. K. I. Parle. Lima. Ohio. Si bell a S<-enlr Studio, 3211 Svcaniorv* at., Oo- Goldlu-rg Jewelrv Co,, 111 W. 6tli. Kansas City. T O. Mott. 41.5 Dearborn st.. Chicago. 111. luudiua. t* Mo. I FOR SALE N. w Kmpiri' Candy Pl.-s .Maeliine. S' oiisn A l,Hn>lla. ltd s Clinton at.. Chicago. The G>ig hii for gis'd ( R. S. Schermerhorne. Belle Plaine. la. [ A Healr. 20.5 Wabash ave , Chicago. III. levin Bms , Tern' Haute. Did. I'lreuit. Befereiiei Mr- Boldn-eii. st Wa-lcng _ Biiilolph Wimltzer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. W. F. Miller. 141 Park Bow. New York Cty. t ■■ street Cliii ag" M. L. D.AVIDSON Bur- ! firemen's Celebration and Carnival, Geneva. N. ' Music Co into N West. rn ave., Chbago Newman Mfg. Co., t’'4l Woodland ave., Cleve¬ lingame. Kansas. Y., Aug. 2-8, 19C9. Lionel l.egare. fns' attrac- land. O SHOW PRINTERS. I tioii. Waiitisl. F Whoel. Platform and -Vni- Dtto Supj'l.v Co., 270 W. 39th at., N. Y’. Cit.T. WANTED iirres|s I'd with fir't ehe ’ arm- j S1h»w- t’ouei --IOI1S of all Uiiiils for sale. Male'll Show Print. Naalivllle, Tenu. Geo. A. I’atnrel, 41 Warn'n at.. New Y’ork City. \al Couipames and Indei-'inleiit .Vttraetioii- for AiMiess CHAS. E. YOUNG, Secy •'Blch," the .Airship Man. Glrnnl, Kan. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. Mereer's Hid Home W-.k. Mereer. Pa., Sept. Standard Mfg. A Supply Co.. Drawer t>.. Mo FOR SALE, CHEAP S|.iral Tower and Bolling ^ Bock. 112 Blue Island ave . Chicago, III. nongaheln. Pa. 6. T. s. and lo. Hast Would like to hear ]l C Cutiiniliis. 10,5.5 Wilcox ave . Chicago. ShryiM'k Tisid Co . S24 N Sth at., St. Unils. Mo. from oul> first e!a— altraelioii- and tlaise able Globe. .Vddre— Mrs. HARRY LA ROSE, Bronx- I nkelMdl Art Co . .V10.5 N 27lh, Omaha. Neb. N. Shure Co,. 220 Madison st.. Chicago. 111. to fund'll a bond \diires» wood Park. Williams Bridge. N. Y. ’ J Ma.vileii A Ca,. S2 Bowery. New Y'ork City. Will sell or trade for whlto tent and few Chicago. Ill Slack Mfg Co.. 120 Kraiikllu st.. Chicago, III. WANTED Blue ami r-d -ti oed of bj lek lined seetions of cireus seats. Wurlitzer Tonophone. Westeru Bargain House, 272 K. Madison, Chicago SIDE SHOW SUPPLIES. Tint, .ilsiiit 2’i\rai ft Mu-i be right and i.Automitic Piaiaii. Cost $7.’i

    62 Xtie Billboard JULY 3, 1909. > FAIRS Je "a “live wire” man

    NOTICE.—Orly luch datrt ai have not been take in upi to ^75 a day publiihc-d m tbit list before appear nnder the g-eneral beading “EAIRS. ” Back number! con- tainina previoui initalmenta can alwayt be ob¬ tained by addretsinic the publiihert. if they are not to be had from newtdealera. Under the caption. “Correctioni and Cbanrei." Lakes Novelties lor Fairs and errcri will be emendated and chanret indicated. Get Into the Gold Wire and TaiinTr Tkoie who with to collect copies of the Fair lerslmilsleor complete list are advised to preserve iheir cop¬ ies of The BillboardBillboatd from week to week. The_ Novelty Jewelry Business complete Fair list is published in these columns every fourth week. It appeared in the isaue of Sales are made as fast as you can hand them out. May 22. Complete copies of the list may alto be had by sending twenty-five centa to The Bill¬ Street men everywhere are takinji in money hand ^ 0 Wire Artists Sopplies board Pub. Co., 416 Elm St., Cincinnati, 0. over fist. Receipts average them daily up to $75. Featlier Flcwers CONNECTICUT. You know yourself the big crowds the wire men T. D. MOTT, <15-17 DURBOR'^ s‘T..CHir4t0.llll'*0IS I’litnniii —l*iilnam Fair. .\iis. 31 S-pt. 2. Kritest have at Fairs and Carnivals. The novelty of making M. .\rii<>lit. so• 21120 to 14121 a« 10 > The effect is wonderful—marvelous! v14 +4 Cash with order IOWA. ISHip aanie day. Kuah lUs lb —Wlnnculilfk Fottiity Home f.tmlnc POSTERS Uouar. TV Filth Av.Cbii aso (Vlflir.itlon, .\tt>: 2s 2!* C. .V. Ilotfa, acc V. Rake in the Sheekels a$ a Wire Worker ATTENTION ! KANSAS. Nfss City—Cotinty .kxriciiltiiral .V-^-n. We furnish all the materials ready to be put W Sept. 22 24. Tli>>«t. Rinel»-y, i<.>cy. STREETMEN Ull.y Illl.-y ftoin'v .VKrii'iiitiiral S'lciety, .Vtijr. together instantly. Send for our FREE 32- IT 20. tV. It. t'raiir. We send a beautiful illustrated catalog FREE, Fit ill—I'llall .Vgriciiltural S.'cU-lv. Sept. IS I**. fiage Illustrated Pocket J. W. IliulH'. pri-t. showing elaborate pictures of the goods you can kxjklet of KENTUCKY. offer for sale, together with a free Guide Book, WATCHES Ui'ri'a —V.iTi-a Fair .\ssii. .\tip. .'i-T. E. T. Fi»h. ui-cy. which shows you step by step how you yourself jewelry rarrolltiin -Fsrntll rotinly Fair .\ssn. I»at.-a 1000 NOTIONS not Kt. 11. M. Hark.-r prtn.. Box s«t. K F can make this handsome wire jewelry and CLOCKS n Nil. 1. W.irlhvllle. Ky. Horne rave—Hart Foiinty Fair S.‘pt. 21- KNIVES 21. I>r, II. F. Bruner, m-cy. Start in Two Hours—No Experience Needed NOVELTIES Versalllen —Fair. .\tiB. 4 O. Fleming MiM-k. Send for New Cut-Price Catalog With Extra 10 Per Cent Off etc ,etc. Drop ue a postal MAINE Kai-ntltiBiiin—I'ranklin i'lninty .VcrictiUtiral S'l •jTABLISHED 18T7. elely. Sept. 2S 30. t'ha«. F. Smith, lu-cy. See the big Red Supplement showing goods at I—SaBHilahi.' CiMinty Fair. tVt. 1214 cut prices, with 10% off anything in tH>ok. / S. s'l B. C. WEINHAUS CO. J.tlin F. Biii'ker. nery. If you are a “live wire’’ and hniking for some- i 722 Pe' n Avenue. Pittsburg, Penn. MINNESOTA. Jackson -J leksi.n founty Fair .\ssn. Sept l.‘> thing good in the line, this is decidedly IT. One of the greatest 17. F. I (Tillesple. woy Send a postal for the two iiig cut-price books. -Ki amusement rldlng'de v.ices and money MONTANA. Don’t delay. Write while it is fresh in your getters. H.070.M) Bis Timber—Swis-t Crass County Fair .4ssn. mind. The Fair and Carnival Season is opening V jKl receipts St one fair. Sept. 21 24. H riemiohle. s«Ty up all over the countr>\ and everv moment is $2.'i0 in fire houra at NEBRASKA another. fBKi in one precious and means money. Send a postal now to day In a park. An .\1iiia .\Iiiia Interstate Fair .\s«n. S<'pt. s to. other carried 26,052 Fliil M. F.terscin. seey. passengers at fi Nordeii—Keva I’alea Cetinty .Virrlciiltiiral .4s*ii. ROGERS, THURMAN & CO. street fairs; $l-,268. Sept. 1." 17. Bert ftiuvia. sect. DepL 1,^0 Wabash Ave., Chicago 75 clear profit. Write NORTH DAKOTA. for new 4S-{iage ca Fesseuilen —Wells Ciiitnty Fair .\'Sn. July 13. talogiie full of facts, F. W .Schliflitcr. se-cj*. figures and photo graphs. Eli Bridge TEXAS. Co., Box 143 B., San .XtiL'elo—San .Xmrel.i Fair .Xssn. Oct .■.-<1. Roodboute. 111. fjisi. llaBelsteiii. nicr WEST VIRGINIA FEED A.T THE SIO.OOO.OOO. OO InwiMsl IntvisHl Fair .Si'pt. 14 17. S B. Cttn 4tti OF JLJLY COIME COUNTER. STREETMEN! nintrltam. s.^-j. uplex CANADA. log on these new' novelties. Sam- Baker*, and the nioi . y is yours, as you will have the quautlty file I’arasiil inaibsl Ufsin re XmliiTsi. N. S.—Maritime Winter Fair. lu-c. as well as quality of eoties to m-II to tla- patriotic crowds, all reeelpt of l(»c to cover (sistage. Spe "2,^ u F I, Fuller, sicy.'er aial anxious to buy and eat the dellrloiia and refreshing cIhI colors for 4lh of July and Elks' t'ii-r'et'et.wti. I* K 1. I* F 1. Frevin-ial e .ne Tlire,. Iiiipl.-x over a thre«* luiriwr stove is III prislitee llOit W' rili Ilf intie business. The tiupU x idate fai-es are lilglily |W)l •.. R. O. HUNTINGH0U8E ' r.iir. S-I t. 21 24 C. It. Smallw'sHl. sis'v. Islieil. bandies are a IJiistab'e. and tlie plates will not w trt>. 1 COTILLON WKS., 518-615 Larrsbe* I ' Itelfci. lint. I i ii.. Fair, pt 2.”i 2ti R. Han St., Chicago, Ill. ^ < ni. seoy. Diiplev. Iiaking two isiu,.s over 'Uie burner. Sp ."si, 2 Puplex. Iiak Freilerictiin. N. It Frisbrioteii Fxliiliition liiB 4 cones .Iter 2 Imriiers, $17 'si. 3 Duplex, baking 6 cones .iier 3 biiiiiers. $24 511 Itoii'l Is- mislead We (sHiltlvely giiaran -: G. MINA.- Sept 14 23 W. S IIiMifier. s«-cy. Mitctiell. tint Fullaibiii I.uiran ami Hilitiar.l tis- 1 Duplex to liake twice as in.iiiy cum-s as any other baker II First Street. New York. ”11 Ibe market Ternia cash, or half rash, balance t>. D. Mfr. C.vllnilcr l’'ani. i•; B.ins .Xericiiltiiral S-iciety. .s pt 21 22. James Bartlett, wcy. T.XKK NdTICK—We have patents is-iidlng. We furnish foriuulaa. single ai t;.Ill aini w itb Velsoii. It C. Nel...ii .\BrleiiIluraI and Iti'lii'- dipper, rulUog pin. etc i1”i;i. atl.irlimeut. for Skat trial .\sii. It. C.. Can go roiiiids, Tent and ^ « Inutiin. Ont Stormiuit IMstrii t Fair Sept. 116 E. Psarl Straet. Cincinnati. Ohio. M I'. Shows, etc 21-22 F Janllnc. si-ey. New niiisie to order Tisstvnfer. tint Tisswafer .Xtrriciiltttral .X'-.i. Spei’inlt.v in sissind O.'t. c, Ii hn Faruulianiin. s.a-v. lian.l piar.' s with n‘-w inuslf Yartiiouth. N. S Yarnieiith F.xbibltlun. fnl 0 at r-'dined prices. *>. Wm CiirnitiK. "■?N“o°urSOAP-o«AC Jewelry, Watch Chains, Get our prices on soap and toilet articles. They will Intereat aaaorted (lackagea with valuable tiremliima have the fiaah and value Charms, Stick F’ins, Bracelets, etc Corrections and Changes Everytssly uses them. MAKE GltF.AT S(»rV5:N|ll.S FDH SllftWH. TENNESSEE. Money getters for canvasaera and fakera. One young man cleared I i-onil 2c stamp for price li«t,. straight on a bouse to bouse canvass Are von doing as welll ff n< J. SHEPHERD, We will teach yon bow. E. M. DAYIS SOAP CO.. II Union RED BLUFF, CAL. STREET FAIRS The New Chicago Straight Pin Set Spindle NOTICE.—Only such dates as have not been After years of cxiierlmenllng we are the only firm to product published .n this list before appear under the till' grestisi spindle ever Inveiiteil. guarauti-ed to work iwrfvct. general hmdirg "STREET FAIRS. " Bark num¬ Sl/.e. 2'2x22 liii-bi's, comes In handsiinie case; prli'e. $.5ii tat. He bers containing previous instalments can always n•l'ml•e^ w>- are still si'IIIng the twlsti-il wire si't Spindle; price, Postal Card Stvn.i, flnislicd while you wait; be obtained by addressing the publishers, if $20 no The World's Fair Striker, the Evaiia Bii- Hive Drqi will guarntitim Idg r<'v of all kinds. We make and s«'ll more of Those who wish to collect copies of the Street tiles.. g.MsIa than all i.tbers couildmul Si'inl for Free Catalogue. BOX BALL ALLEYS- Fair complete list are advised to preserve ;reir AdiVie.s H. C. EVANS A CO.. 185 Clark Street. Chicago, III. I .'1. 1-i ti ..r payiiiiiit.. i copies of The Billbcard from week to week. The complete Street Fair list it published in these I'AI F <■ I . 211 Flocirlc Bl.lg columns every fourth week. It appeared in the issue of May 28. Complete copies of the list mav also be had by sending twe->ty-flve cents AT LIBERTY to The Billbcard Pub. Co.. 416 Elm St.. Cin¬ 1 W it. EH. SCHWIM.HER, cinnati. Ohio. Ave.. Chicago. Reliable Manager for Moving Picture or Vaudeville House ILLINOIS FOR SALE ][i-i>ilh*ll iV Ariiiit:!^*' M4*rr> *:■» (Miiii.l • EiimiM* Hilt) Orualt: LNith |•Apprt 0|K'r:il(ir aiul Upt'lnt'ian. KpfpnMU'p, y<’s. Salary n‘a.s<»iial»l<* inr\ A <|iiifk uiHi ihf fii’wli »rKHiii. \Vrii»* <*tiiii*' it. i;i:kl CkllSSWHI.I., l pper Xllon, III. A POLKINGHORNE. Jr.. Natchez, Miii.

    <* 111 iMf 1. T., .Vl.'stl • •till r lll•>ll•>y iiinkti.; THE PAYCEN STOCK CO <>)•! W’THli tilt -Foaliirlng- Carmel. III. HEL MAV CLARK INLI.1NA A place for fH-rinsncnt Stimk for comliig scasrin iwii Due myslty tdll a week I a»t M a«on I‘ar.o„., K.i,.; «!«, | dntc In JEFFERSON CITY, MO., Junr niHUIIf THICK 87 to July 10. ed. Free Free MAGIC CO.. Dept. 2. 270 t i..\ssiFii;i» III sim:ss W. 39th St.. New York. r THE i.i:.Ai>i:i{.s. I JULY 3, 1909. X ti e Billboard 63

    iMiliini''*'— Krf<. Stri-tf F*lr nml furnlval. July 1'.’ 17. W .M. .Mix**-!.-). .(47 Klithtli Ht.. Im Tlifi Automatic Theatre Chaii l>ii<|iix, la. Wanted F’or It !a a aj.arx aar*-r, life aiiver | MISSISSIPPI ami iiKiuey aar«r. Khl|i|M.<1 liiillt i .l, -Annual F.iicHtniuin-nt .Mlaalaalppl Na ii|>. II la the O.M.Y SAMTAHY tloiial 'luanl. July I'J ‘Jl Tlu-alre Clialr. I'at-il l.y l\«-llli. | I’riH' anr Circular | i:; 14 J S Frarh-r. lt lai(r It-illlni; A'«n July 2S. THE HARDESTY MFC. CO., ;;'i. \t' K A'littell. St, .lauiea. .Mo. Canal Oowar. Ohio | NEBRASKA In itrl*-.- Mill Suninii-r t'ar-ilval. July 12 17. \ |i Whit.-. U. atrlie. N. b. OHIO. "IX A” Ur.'an ll iiu*- I'>iiiltii:. .Aus 12 14. .A. I.. aix-r Meu and I canoe flty. <1 I iililie aa the lunat (ilM-Dom- Tole.lo -Kl-.j: Waniba Carnival. .Auk. 2;i 2!'. ei al eiiitriiia <>f the decade, I August 23rd to 29the F. Wall, .an- ItixHly Hiaia.-, Toledo, O. iii)xllfyililC the wlaeat. Ita ! r. !• ia>w !ila)liii; luteralate I PENNSYLVANIA Good Concessions and Attractive Midway Shows write at once. time, ami la |iriiTliiK .id*- uf { th. iH-at tail ■iltli'e wiuuera. { Carii.-Kli-—Carnival Wi«-k. July 5 10. Ellis h. YOU WILL BE SORRY IF YOU MISS THIS ONE. TEXAS WANTED Ibuiham -tild S-tib-rs and ohl Sohllera’ Keun ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO Ion Jill) 2S2I. .A. J Sti-v.-nson, mitr., C. X. WALL, Boody House, Xoledo, O. Pay Shows on Percentage I Itunhani, Tet. Alau all kinda of Cooct-aainna for tale, for Clin Corrections and Changes. t<« Conul* Fair. Se)i| s li, iuclualre. A. W. ; GRUNZ. Secy., Breeae, Ill. IOWA Earhllle—E.-rlvIIh- ■.'ar-ilval Auc. 1!*. J. W. LIST OF CONVENTIONS STREETMEH AMD FAIR WORKERR-A boi.k Jatvha. prlvlli-i!,-.; II, .A. Tohle. attractions, that tella you bow to set the money In lOt KarlC.lh'. la different «aya. I'rice, Me. Alao the Faraebut* MICHIGAN. Dorelty that aella to all the kida at ten cenia St. l.iMii- HIk Mom.- C'liiilnK an-1 Farmers' Every issue of Signs of the Times carries a big list Coata you R^.tiO 4M*r hundred. Send two-eeo< wre.-k .Au-2 115 21 I S liii-sinK. St. Louis atamp for circular of either. B. D. OAUSE ! Mich. of conventions. Montpelier, Ohio. |

    ('aaavllle. Mo., 2tlh Annual Old Sa In thla at-etlon. which inaurea > a lari:.- attendance, caualni; the |M-.i|>le to tx- INDIANA. They are far enough ahead to do you the most good. lile-ral aiK-mlera. For attractloua a.bireaa Amnae j IlIoomlQKIOD—Telebralii n. July 5. Harry Or ment Committee; Fiir |•rtTll.-|:.-a. aildreaa Priri- 1 .-i.arii. Itlix’niiDi.'tiiii. Ind. leye Committee. Caaavilla. Mo. Tina la one of ; Send in your dollar now for a year’s subscription to the li.-at reunion In the \V.-»| IOWA tSuthrl*- Cent* r —Cel*-lirati'*n July 3. Iir. F WANTED I'trlui-r. with little capital, with W r.ecbly. t'lpt. prlvilcKea. I’li'tiir- Mai'hlii-- to up* u up iii) hnu.i- S-i- Signs of the Times. Address MISSOURI f* nilx-r 1. I uanitlni: fr -u vaud'-vllii- t • hvi-n-H' ^ ll.i-a'r- . ..-it-. 4i«i Fierythlnt! rev'ly i vo-iit ilrani Cifv —Fourth --f July ('>-I*-l>ratlon. July mmlilii* and .-\tra l.KbtlDi: C. D. CHAD- i 5. F. F. Ili>is*-r. tirant Cit). Mo. WICK Proprietor Cryatml Theatre Muikeron. NEW YORK Miib. F-nn A'an In l-ix-m'.i-in-*- I>:iv ('. lehritlun. July SIGNS OF THE TIMES r.. F Miller, IVnn Y:;n. N. Y. AMATEUR ACTORS If vou wish t-‘ Kalii .a 416-418 Elm Street f --lli--'il 111 th- pri'fi-'>|i>nal world. The .Aiiia OHIO t--ur 1*1.*).-r .taiiil. reaily t-* help )*iu .\n> Illanrl-'xt. r • •■iirtli *'f July ('«-h-bratii>n. Jul.v l-if. I'n.i! . -ii til it )iiu iii.ay de.Ire - an la* .'b 3 II K. Chaney, secy. CINCINNATI. OHIO t.alii-d tiir-imh tin- piihll* atl-ui Ad Ir* f-r Chilli*-•th*- -< Vh-lii 111 ..1-1 ami Fl*-ti:i-. Jitlv ~ aampl. . j.;. - THE AMATEUR PLAYER Mt. It II M .hi.Ix 2.-.1 S II; k r) .t.. Chllli- Vemor. Ill. cothe, O. THE CUTLERY KING’S 1909 CATALOG OKLAHOMA !• xK)w readj and It is Tourt for the asking. Contains moDey-mskers In MINIATURE R. R FOR SALE-Mak- lx «i IF h<- eiiitim-. 2. rarx. Chi-l'. a It —l. r Carnival. Jul.v 2 .:. J. H. CUTLERY FOR KNIFE RACK MEN ami al.*-iit <.«i ft .*t rail., t aKix-y Itr.-x luak*-. J--hnx,in. Ch Ni a, l.a. HARRY •-xl wlxii u-w. fl.xiai Want to buy a Jump SAYS liu: lliTx. Ml rry k- r<*iiii-ix,. f* F. n*r«, I ari!*' Ilai:. I aiiipx. etc It*'ady I- xhnw. K Ktaiix in-I rr. il <511.* i. .>f th** Oni-ctita ri.*- Moll,) K* li*'r <>lb»-r t*uxln.*.x r*-a*x>ii f-r *M-lltiii; atre. On-onta. \ V . who will o,x-n tlx- xame HARRY L. WEiSBAUM JOHN HENRY. Moberly Mo. '>n M**ixlat Jniii- J**. with t ainli't lib- : ml iixit- Ins pl;-li-r. X ami ax tlx- x, ^.xon ailt iix i'x wl.! 256-262 E. Madison St., 9th Floor Hunter Bldg., s.o. cor. Madison A. Market Sts., CHICABO, ILL. VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED Cx.l acta l-ta-xenl tlfxt * laxx attractl..nx. The r*-xidcnt inanaK*-r will lx- William rai*-nthall. i>f oix-.>nta. roiiiliiK thla way. write for tim* R, B. MOR- wh.i bax Ixa-n l■.4^nl■ct*■*I with a l*4-al lh*-.atr*. RIB. Mar. Empire Thoatra, Houiton. Texas for a ntiinlx r of ta-ara. I. xiiU-x Ix-ini: lnt*-rf-xt. *1 In ollx-r t*-ntur> s <'f a xir.iilar charact-r. SPARKS SHOW WANT IMPORTED MECHANICAL THEATRE. t>nly In America. waiil« to Join tirxi . I.a.x i-.-ir To Handle Cook House and Two Circus Cooks, must un loiiii.fn) DR. SCHWIMMER. *78 Cly- USING FICTITIOUS NAME. bourn Ave., Chiraco. be sober, experienced men, no others need apply.

    FOR SALE CHEAP — A set of ten uilrrors for .\ *I.viii-* r, ^illl‘•^ ax "l.aF- lit*- .\ h-Iai*!*-." ha.x Address CHAS. SPARKS, Mgr. Sparks Shows, WelUboro, Pa. ar*>ux**l tlx- Iff of M in.HK'-v 11 C. I.l-*)il. I'f Ciie Isiighliii; Ktllery: were only ustal a week. Add. oilKlnal I jiFi tlti- .V.l*-l.ililf llx- *l.inci-r with W R. TRIMBLE. Kane. Pa. tlx* tl*till.Ml' nmx- hax iliirini: tlx- pa't f* w nxtnthx nil.-*l l■nl:.s^:-m•■ntx ilir*>iii!lx>'.it th- C.-n WANTED FOR THE GREAT ELLIS SHOW. RLOT MACHINES -MIIN’ i^tiart'*.*x,|x-x SI.-*; Ira* Strit-X ami yianai:*-r I.I'Oii hax ixxn,-,! a .V f-w more k*h.1 tlroiiml lVrf*>ru)erx. CroumI Far Team with Bars. Contortlonixt ami Slack Wire. Fin iJiMi Msi'liiix-x. St. I’i.iol T.iritil. \l.>ix-y warti'iii! I" maiiittrx aK'iinxt i -r rjx- I'riitin-il K'xxl Ku*x-k .ilxuit flown. i;»-ro|iie .\bl>y. write. laidy iM-rforinerx write. .Ml iiial- ix-rf'*iiix-rx to Kai k Ma*|i n*. Sl.‘- Ir-'ii Mul'*»c*>|>-x. SIO. l.aFi-lll- .\.l*l:iiih- tx n-*w .41 tlx* itrplxum Cir imi.l*!*-. 1*11 all tirxt letter. Slate sa'ary or no auxwer. .Also f..rix-t. Alto. Harltoix- ami Tnha; Mill. M il Itb.w.r. S4t' M :i» Falmlxtri F'T eit't and hax !>»-*-n xince Ix't \1 m-h. She wax I larltx-t ami .\llo to xtn-.iKtIn-n It. A: O. Salary must la- low. We pay all after Joiuiiii!. Those iiiu- T.II-r. ».-*<• L N CO.. 811 W. Y'oik. -n till- lilll at tlx- itrpln-um. S.-n Frinrtxix*, eiiKaK'xl write i|Uick. F-ruiaix-nt aihlress. Box 4-4. Kltitcflxher, Okla. Muaielaus aihlroxs 1). S. Philadelphia. Pa. w,ekx of Ji'.ne 11 and 21. liresK. .Ml otbi-rs write S. L. ELLIS, and be read.v to Join on wire. A “SURE WINNER” The Faultless Improved “Sixty Gas” Toy Balloon

    Write for a sample, also Illustrated Descriptive Circular, showing the eoinplele “FaultU\ss” liii" of SEAMLESS TOY BALLOONS and PATENTED BALLOON NOVELTIES. E.xtra quality. gt)od weights, brilliant colors, fresh stock direct from the makers— m fact our proposition is the '^BESTEVER.** Do not overlook it. The Faultless Rubber Co. ASHLAND, - - - OHIO, U. S. A. Six Flying Banvards -: \V<>KM>*S (iUKATKST AKUIAL At'r :— Address REUT BANVAliD. Manager, care The Billboard, New York City. Touring Europe all Winter. For Parks, address National Park Managers’ Association, John C. Jackel, Booking Mgr.; for Fairs, address Miss Zue Mc- Clary, both 1402 Broadway, New York City, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg.

    BIG OPEN Allt .\'n'H.\Cn'10.\ Cm?ANY Flying Baldwins the IlieiitrHral CAROUSELS I Aarlnl Kctum and Caating Act. T. W. OHEENLEAF, MOB., S14 N. 3rd 8t., Quincy, Ill. Merry-GO'Ilounds. Riding Galleries, Mead Mamie !«Hi5>h ^riide Razzle Dazzlt's, Striking Machines, liilter-lieiicl ut l>oIl Racks for Parks. Picnk's, Fairs Aerial Gymnasts of Quality iinws|)ii|)orciib and Carnivals., Amusement Outfltters. For Parks, address JOHN C. JACKEL. National Park Managers’ A.ssn.. 1402 Broadway, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg., New Y'ork. For Fairs. MISS our •sp^jcialty. HERtCHELL-tPILLMAH CO., ZUE McCLARY, same address. Permanent address. MEAD WEUNTZ. 4200 Swei<*n«*y Street, Broadway. Cleveland. Ohio. SKETCHES SUBMITTED. NORTH TONAWAXDA. N. Y., C. S. A. State St. and Union Atc., _> Knoaaille. Tenn. Owing to disappointment, prominent Bandmaster and Symphony Orchestra Director owning large library, will locate or travel. Address M. LOMBARDI, care The Billboard, Cincinnati. Date Books

    MYSTERIOUS MISS JEWEL The kind that serves ail purposes. THE WHITE SEERESS IN DIVINATION Designed and compiled expre.ssly for the PROFESSION. .MANAGER. PER. I iPTQ R PEflPI F For particulars address FORMER. AGENT. ETC. t AulO( 0 rLUlLL HARRY J. FREEMAN, this office. nti an .virriif to aiivcrtiw' this For time and terms address Cloth Cover, 10c ittracliiili Olio w.-.-k alioaM of HAVE YOU BEEN THE ta ariitai In your oity. SAM DU VRIES, 67 S. Clark St.. Chicago. BOY WONDERI Leather Cover, 25c FREDDIE CUNNINGHAM Ttio undlRputad Kluf of Strong binding, well printed, completa tho blKb wire, on bl, t4-lncb EDWIN HODDY, wire. S(> and flO fret from aRNSATIONAL ARAIAL OTHNA8T information, etc. Complete for the lb* ground, dolug 12 daring Head Balancing foata. It will pay all man Season 1909-1910. Contains data to GInnt Swlnx by tba tretb of 36 fret. Samaonlan aitora of Parka and Falra to July. 1910. btiok tbp kid for IBOB. to foats of arrenytb. Greateat act of Ita klod In draw tbe poople. Addreaa tbr world. Electric Illnmluated. Special Paper. Klttabblng. Pa. Open-air Dates Wanted. Prepaid wire, 2503 8. Adama St., or Boi 630. Peoria. Ill. The Billboard

    LOHSE 8k STEREII^iG 416 Kim Street. Rrtraordlnary gymnaata on aerial rigclnx 40 feat blgb. KINDZORiA BROTHERS iWnaatloDal leverage board arrobata and doable KNOX and ALVIN aomeraanltera. FiinH' IVirk. Mo¬ bile. .tia . tli>' 'aiiMt lip to ilaale Park In tba Avenue Club House, Cincinnati, Ohio. South. Full partia-iiljrH. 314 West 43rd Street, N. Y. CITY LEO ELDRIDOE. Mobde. Ala.

    Pathr'a II. C. Paaabm Play and Holy City; 106 rrela ge niarblne; model 11. gai ma¬ chine; lot «)f wang iillde. Sa-rrlce at reaaon- able prlcea. DIXIE FILM EXCHANGE. Owana- boro, Kentucky,

    For Sale or Bent —Iteaaonable; Patbe'a hand- Please send us the dates of your Food Show, coloreal Piaalon Play. A-l comlltban. For Sale- Film bargnina; 35 aeta aong allclea, 31.00 per with names and addresses of committee in aef uji. Wanla^l picture machine; atate price and make. 0. J. Muiphy, Boa 171, Meadrilla, Pk charge. Will reimburse you for the data. 5fOOTlNcGALLEB'^^-2=S %.7 NOTICE!—Merry go nauod and other concea- •Iona wanli'.l for the Great nanville Colored Pair at lanuvllle Kv Aug. IR. I». 20. 10(«. ^Novelty BallRacks Write R. B. HAMILTON, Secy. r Send fob our Circulars The Beverage and Food Pub. Co. DIAMOND NOVELTY CO. ScHENtCTADY. N Y 416 Elm Street, - - . CINGININATI, O THEATRICAL LAWYER, M.4URICE HAKOLI) HOSE. Wanlttl-FIH.Sr (’I.ASS ( AHNIVAL 140 Naaaau Streot. NEW YOEK. STILES. BATTENS. STBIP8. BAILS. Seduced rate, to tbe profeaaiob. SHOES. PBOFILES, STAGE FLOOBINO. ETC. CO., wf«*k August Hi; would also like to Alwaya on baud for prompt abipment. Write for delivered pricea. Sbipmenta made bfiir from (11*0 attractions State Klks’ In any quantity dealra-d. OAT CUT C BECUBED OB FEE BETTJBN- Con vent ion lute same we<*k. .XdalreNg r M I k la I .3 ED. Free report aa to pat¬ THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPANY M. C KF.ld.tHid, Secy . DeadwiKxl Busi¬ entability. Illuatrated Guide Book and Hat of Lumbar and Saward Straata. CHICAGO. ILL. larentlona wanted aent free. EVANS. WILKINS ness Club k CO.. 823 ‘ F” St.. Washington, D. C. WANTED Tattooing Outfit, $3.00 EDWIN E. BBOWN, 1603 Franklin Are., St. For Annual Enoampmtnt MIttittippI National Quard ItallooD Uare«. Manintoth Hallooua. irHl all the latt-at In tiaihKinlng ooi»f1iirteti« where d«*alred« Uy one of Ainerlra'a heat aeroiiauta. (’aniMiii art, write fjtilrk. Woulrl To »»-ll Sa-vt-raiici-'a Kapid I'alculator; must l>e roiiiiil, I Fwliiie. two or tlinM' itimhI platfurni like to hear from lanfl aale men. iTlna reafwmahle for aerrlce to be remiereft. IMataure ami MhnwH tlmt tU* not (Tintllrt. Uinhh fur ciii* irood qulck in ngim-s. Big iiiiiiK-y to right men. ex^ieuaea consirlerefl. Fur full partlrtiiara adilreaa the aeronaut. Sample py .'sic. returnable. D. N. Severunce, |i*tit nIhiw ; hIm> few 0n*l «*oiM*«*«iit4iiifi for S71 Oak Street, Chicago, Ill, PROF. CHARLES SWARTZ, Permanent Address. Humboldt, Tenn. «mI(c Attciidititre, vliilti*rfi, TiU.tMNi, ii4»l4llera, 2r>.

    I JULY 3, 1909. Xtie Billboard 55

    AUTOMATIC MOVING Second Annual Parks. Fairs. Privilege People! SHOOTING GALLERY A Big Money Getter.

    FARMERS CARNIVAL HAPPy HOOLIGAN BASt BALL GAME RRIIMCETOIM, ILL. September 27-October 2, 1909. Want to book our free open air act -two performances daily Three or four good, clean, little tent sho As can make money All concessions sold in advance. Write for prices. Biggest 4M) HASKIiAMi NOVKIiTIES. thing this section ever saw. A. R. UNHOLZ, Secretary, Princton. III. Writ, for pric. lift. WM. WURFFLEIH, Mrr., •08 N. SM^nd St., Pbilad.lpbia, P.., 17. B. A.

    FOR SALE FOR PLEASURE RESORTS, PAR A.MUSE.ME.N'T PARLORS A mo.'tt profitable and easily managed game, SIX-LEGGED BULL Requires but little attention, Attractive. Durable. Automatic. Oive.s much pleasure, moderate exercise, A Gets the money at Parks, Fairs, Car¬ Hecomes very fascinating. J nivals, Reunions, Picnics and Amuse¬ ment Resorts everywhere because it represents one of the most comical Standard characters constantly appearing in the I>pngtb comic papers and everybody recognizes — — description, send for catalogU' “Happy” at once and hand you the SU Keet nickels and dimes to knock his can off 8KEE-BAI.L ALLEY CO., Philadelphia, Fa. or hit him in the eye. The head U carved out of select hardwood, DEALERS IN ANIMALS AND BIRDS. painted naturally, and Impossible to break or get out of order. The eyes give winking effect I. Vardlty, Bucks Co. Penna. when knocked out. or can Is knocked off, bell rings and everything returns in imsition auto TINSEL PENNANTS matically. No strings to pull or delicate parts to get cut of order on the busy day. Quickest The biggest money-getter this season. We are the manufacturers of the latest and Rail Game ever invented, as there la no time best designs of Tinsel Pennants. We can make any color, design or size you wish to lost In resetting. Will last a lifetime. Space required. Sxlo feet. Shipping weight, 150 Some Great Bargalna have Prices can not be beaten. We are in position to fill all orders promptly. Write IT.s. Price, complete. Head. Rackstup. Polea, Sign, 3 doz. Ralls and Packing Case. $.3(5. f. o. Wc ca- furri«h a-ythinr you want for our new catalogue, which is just off the press, anc contains all the latest and up- b.. Cincinnati. t». For terms and full partic¬ in the thcairical lii e v\riie uk. to-date novelties, such as Canes,Whipt', Balloons, Confetti, Dusters “I Love My Wife, ulars address. WHITNEY COSTUME & SCENIC CO. but Oh, You Kid,” Button and Doll Perdant; Shell Chains, Peach Basket Hats, Merry Widow Hats. SHaPIRO & CARR. 428 South Street. Philadelphia. Penn CINCINNATI NOyELTTRO.. o. Whitnay Otflcas, DETROIT, M

    BLOT MACHINES. I'ad-ng iimk. iiow and Kllgl.ll, a thoii'Hiiil iiiai'liliii' •■iiil.rai'iiig Best in Northern Okla.—Blackwell inter-state Fair all -t> If-. (.ought mihI .Id ION SPECIAL .M>l lliATi.n MVCIllSK » (» . 'SJ 00,1 Itidg.. .Advertised like a circus. Plenty of Juice. Philad.'l|dil« I'oiiiia. JULY 27, 28, 29 and 30 FOR SALE Wanted—Concessions of all kinds. Good water, plenty of shade and big ciowds. Si.-v and »h.K \

    QUICK FOR FOREST PARK LITTLE POCK, ARK. ALAMO PARK, Cedar Rapids, la Cracker-Jack of a town for Carnivals, Wild West, Dog and Pony and Novelty Shows. .A few concessions open. Have you an ocean wave? Bands and free acts write. Would like to rent or lease a theatre. «J. A.. KE:Y1V1E:M, ^/lanager.

    — LOOK — AT THE PRICES! This Trunk is made ol WAPELLO, S8 .flO.OO 3-ply B B. & B. Trunk IOWA. Notice! Park and Carnival Managers SO . 11.00 Wood, heavy Duck Oot- 82 . 12.00 ering. Hickory Slat*, AUCUST 10 and 20, 10OB. “The Up-side-down Zeraldas” 84 18.00 Mint, iiu.riil «nni'p«»l>*n!. uml nhmvn 86 14.00 Malleable Scroll-Bound W.- «r.- .|M'iiilltig $1..*>i«t .>n g.lvt-rt -lng nn>I fr.-,' lady and gentleman head and hand balancing act that draws the crowds. A 88 15.00 Hand-Riveted Tip^nf • urarti,.i„. JOHN G. KECK. Fnvilrgc Mao. 40 16.00 free attraction that is a feature, and gives full value for the money. If you want to 42 17.00 Tray. GUARANTEED. please your patrons and make them talk get this act .\ddress care BILLBOARD. THEATRE MANAGERS Three Storea. Send for Free Catalogue. Acts Furnished for All Occasions Ruby, Green and Ivory Specialties B. B. & B. TRUNK CO., 447 Wood Btreat, SUITABLE FOR ENGRAVING. Enterprise Amusement Co. 109 Federal Bt., N. B., 625 Smithflald Bl., I1D Ball Block, - Cincinnati, 0. Send for new illustrated catalogue. PITTSBURG. PENN. AlVfERICAN GL^SS SPECIALTY CO. ‘‘Mirror Vitae” Products P. 0. Box 428, MONACA, PA. Rrolaclors and Film Making Machinery EBERHARD SCHNEIDER 109 E«at 12th St N«w York City Vaudeville Acts Wanted First-Clas.-^. A-1 Vaudeville WANTED Act.'j; Novelty .Xct.-^ preferred. In first ( auxivai, anp opkn aiu letter state length of act: describe 4<>mpami;s roit A in AcuK r fully, lowest salary, etc. (Xnly box- Hoik. I'A ABE SHALALA. Mgr. ottice attractions wanted

    hRKT<'IH',.S. IMi.XY.S, LlltUim'OS. W. P. READY'S VAUDEVILLE EXCHAN6E A piirrTVRful milhor of play* will ■poqit ■ Craaoant Thaatra Building, NABNVILLL TENI. lliutlr.1 uuiiihrr of roiilrarta for Skotcho*. I'laya. la the orlglaal and boat, Itawara of aubafltutaa. $.30.00 pro6t on arary pound, •f BvMika for tVpora or Muatral ('oiiiisIt A«Ii1. tha V. S. Gorarnn.anl I’una FihhI Ijiwt. Serial So. 034(5. Tha baat and moot X. Y. 2.. cara Tha Billboard. I'arka. Kalra. Kiitartainmvnta. ate. Ona iHiund makaa 40 gallons; orlca $2.25. aampla gallon. Writs for prioaa In larger guantittea. TH£ COBJfER CO., D* land Btraat. Buffalo. Naw York. Wanted to Buy Car^ Sleeping or Privilege. WHIPS, CANES, BALLOONS and PENNANTS Address, CASH, care of Billboard, Cincinnati. Ollulold handU Whliw, iagal, Premlom and Uttia Cartnor, (hat will handle (Inu* advauo. Two Giant: buy. sail and repair all other kind*. fur ri»ciw. aln-ady for ttw mad. Addroaa. Ilaadquartara fur Cana and Rnlfa Rack Mas. A. J. FISHER A CO., FltUbnir, Pa. C. W. RIOOH. Bt. Louia. Mo. NASELLA BROS. 123 Commercial Street. BOSTON. U. S. A. trrWANTED'ca Tor balk » AllmiH Sli aiitl Itlnrlc xxIid>«>In. U TiiF, iui,i-iu>.\ui>’s ciAssini'.n bpsixf-ss diuf.otouy Legitimate aubstltute for Slot Ma- royal novelty CO., 804 W, itentad; aalls on tight for $1. Far- Homaitaad. Pa. : .\I>UKi;s.SFS t>F ALL TllF. LF.ABF.US. OISHA CO., Andeikon, Ind. I

    JULY 3, 1909. JULY 3, 1909.

    RtckedHouses for** Mine ’ JIL

    “My luck chanj'cd,” says Man¬ ager Coed N. Wise, “tlie moment , I quit ‘job lots’ and took on The Pittsburg Calcium Light and Film Co. service. It’s packed houses for mine now, Ixrause 1 ^ give ’em films that make ’em laugh and films that make ’em cr>’. “(jo thou and do likewise,” say \VF to the manager who would enlarge his audiences in leaps and Iwunds. Arrange for a “licensed ser¬ vice” from here and have the cleverest brains in the producing world THINK for YOU eveiy- day in the vear.

    THE PinSBURG CALCIUM LIGHT AND FILM COMPANY EASTERN OFFICES. WESTERN OFFICES. A Better Show PITTSBURG, PENN. DES MOINES, IOWA WILKES-BARRE, PENN. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. ROCHESTER, N. Y. CINCINNATI, OHIO. A Better Chair And 10 cents Admission That is what live ones are bringing about. THE COMPENSARC Throw out your old chairs and put in For Controlling Moving Picture Machine Arc Lamps stronger and neater ones—not nece.ssarily expensive. C'ompensarc eliminates all J -d 'A D We cat ry goo

    The Compensarc is approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. FORT WAYNE ELECTRIC WORKS THEATRE FILM SERVICE CO., 8S-81 Dtarbsrn SI., Chloafo, III. Department C. FORT WAYNE. INDIANA

    For the .stimo, or jus gcHwl for lc.s.s money, i.s what we guarantee. Ix't u» POWER’S CAMERAGRAPH No. 5, have the full partieiilars of your present service, and we will makv giod. “XEW" YORK APPROVED EQUTPMT:XT," The one best bet In M. P. Maohinee. UIMITED STATES FILM EXCHANGE. ':•! I Nicholas Power Company, INDCPINDENT- - NO LICENSE. 132 and 134 E. Lnke Street, ... CHICAGO.
