PRICE TEN CENTS. THEATRES^ CIRCUSES PARKS FAIRS REGISTERED IN UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. Volome XXL No. 27. CINCINNAfl-NEW YORK-CHICAGO July 3, 1909. Fabius Henrion THE LATEST MUSIC CHEAP For Electric Pianos is produced BAbMlutaly Mon-BreiduiDU '' * ’ concern, because they Hullalilr for (inall thcalrr aiut nioTlug make a specialty of it. Have you l>UMuro atiiiwa. Wa carry (bear ebair, had our cataloguesand bulletins? 111 atiM-k aiul ca, ONLY abl|> liumnllataly. Socunil band obalr, NOISELESS d»l or PER ROLL lor a DOZEN or MORE. alao M-atlug fur out of dour use. Add. - Less tban a dozen, $1.S0 each. m-I't. STEEL CARBONS h:hmti'he co.. <1 r a u d Haplda, UlMITED STATES MUSIC CO., Mtrblgan. Hoatoa ON A. C. Large,! Maker, in the World. (>tn<>-. irJ4 t'oiigreea at., Itiaiton, Maas.; Write for Samples and our List of 4» N. Western /We.. CHICAGO, U. S. A, Muuadtiurk Kldg., San Kranrlw-o. Cal.; N. Y. 44 I'ark IMars. FILM EXCHANGES. Immediate —Sole Importers— Profits Often, Edward E. Cary Co anti the nucleus of a -INCORPORATE] permanent, profitable business for less than •>200. We originated and sell Park and Fac¬ tory equi})ment for making Fritter-Crisp- FORTUNES HADE IN A 8INILE tUION ()|>eratiD« tbe "Circling Warp” Amuaemant De¬ ettes, a delicious, quick vil... If yon want to ELin ATE MANKI.M). If .vou want to make tbe (tld 1‘p.ple glad, tbe selling pop corn confec- Young IVojde baptiy. and .kll tbe I'eopl* merry The“LONQ” be pure you have a "Circling Ware" for the aca- Machine lion which nets a profit .on of nkM. Re Brat to work your own territory 5rringflel4. O. with th( moat iiractlcal and Icaat extx-DtlTe Rid¬ of ing Device In uac. Operated by gaaidine engine. 500%. Send for ny book. lilgh-cUaa mualc by a blgb-rlaa. cylinder organ or piano. Write for catalogue with price and 173 High Street. Hat of tcstimimlali. ARM1TAGK A Qt'INN, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Sprlngvllle, Erie Co.. New York. TART A CONE FACTORY Selling Agent for ' FOR WHOLESALE 1909 MODELS FOR RETAIL M. CARY “WHITE SEAL" CONDENSERS We are headquarters for all tbe latest dot. ~^7~aUt0MATIC PARISIAN ICE- elties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, CARY COATED CARBONS. ovens Canes, Knives, Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gas Balloons. (PATENTED DIP SYSTEM.) MACHINES ^ ICE-CREAM PUSH-CARTS We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati and C. B. KLEINE True metbod of making cooea—no rolling, vicinity for I. Eisenstein &, Co. Prices in DO burning handi. no waata batter; aarea Cincinnati same as in New York. 662 6tli Ave., New York, N. Y time, labor, money, fuel. It makea that never drip, that artlatle. that lit to cat cone, tbe I'arlalan, far abead of tbe tough leathery kind. We build ma cblnea for tbe iargeat manufarturera. 22 C. Fourth St,. Cincinnati. O. Ton can't afford to overlook tbia gold mine. Write quirk for clrculan and price# cover WHIPS Ing tbe butineaa fully. Theatrical Goods Woreted Tlgbta and Shirts, |2 each; Tippecanoe City, O. t-'uttuo Tights etui Hbirte, Sl eicb; Miami Co. I'auvaa I’umi«. '.loc., with leather Pat'd Dec. S&, '06; Feb. 26. '07. Others Pending. Hole,, .'hit,; all l.c'ttber I’umits, 11; ESju| t'anva* Shoes, Sl; with leather sole,. THE INDIAN SACK MYSTERY m/Mjt S1..V>; all la-atber Sbuea. soft sole,, New, Clever and Myetprioua. Can be per¬ V ^ S.’I .Vt: Kiaetlr Kuptxirtere. fl; Satin formed by anyone. A eack is thoroughly ex¬ ■ rvl Trunk with evillar and ruffa, ei'angled amined. after wbirh the performer gets Into Increase Your Seating Capacity n fjl and tritiiuied, S.%. Ite sure and send It and the neck of the sack is then tied and U ^ klze alel eolur. I>e|M«tt required on eealid. A screen is |ilaced In front of It and in ....WITH THE.... B jW all gu<M|. ei-nt C. O D. t'ataiogue, less tban two niinntee be eecepes and the knots * telling all altoul alaive giMids sent are found iintourhi-d and still sealed. ITIce. on complete with sack. THE OAKS NOV. B. CALL, 24A Main Street, BpnngBeld. Mass. ELtY (X)., Dept, 60, Oshkoth, Wia. 1’. S.— Milner Seif-Righting ■ Mention this paper and we will send free with Hark, the full directions for escaiie from any handcuffs, leg-irons, vault and large safe. NEXT SEASON HIGH PITCH MEN, PeiMlern. Hat “All-Aisle” Onera Chair 11 h hlir oiu* til \Nii«l«‘vlllf N»*w Joint AriifdtK Mini all U«ia<1 IVo|*l*», my • Mhil I'd « iiiaiiil f«»r iMHiple .It-Wflry atlwrtlwdmF-nt in Th»* H!lllN)tnl, Grades for all uses. Send for Circulars. • » luM*' II* \% 1 have m** your nam** an«l athlnwg, your husl- •II wriiiiii; f.ir «’««l«iiial ii**** noH*i. I will put r«ui onto tho *)ulrk an<l eaBy monoy. J. J, SHEPHERD, Red Bluff. Cal. Sketches, Monologues FOR SALE -.t.-.iNi comidete Canvas Theatre. Stored. Marion. Ind. Stage, Scenery. Lights, THE A. R. MILNER SEATING CO I'arei'.. <>. and Drama- I writo Seats. I’lctiire Machine. Marquee. Itox Office. Gas ■ ■nl.\ nnli-r. .Ml wurk giiaraiil-.-.l to make Tanks, Dump. Hags. etc. Top, (kjxik*; capaclay. * No diipIn-Bl'd iiialeriHl Iteanoialile l,l<st; 12 re<l duek Rand Suits. AH practically Address Lock Box 946 CANAL DOVER, O. ra!*-- for eialt-rial fliat vvHI inaU*- g»MM| lu any new. I’hotos. Ha- eaeh. Address Ibis paper or lle ntr. '.r .o. r anv elreiill BOB WATT. Dra¬ see route. THE KINGSBUEYS. PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE matic Author. 806 Walnut 8t., Philadelphia. Pa. $80 WILL BUY THE ONLY BEAL DOG IN THE WORLD. Two years old, healthy, with I I niy tvM. Iiinil l.-gs The pr>e can ta- taken I in lu ..in (la.i .at .iiiy fair. .Vddress F. B. DA¬ VIS. Lawrence. Maas. GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE SULLIVAN AND CONSIDINE BLDG., THIRD SUITE 9 AND 10. 1I5S BROADWAY, ^BALL RACK AND DODGER MEN Here is a AND MADISON STREETS. piaigain. o.imsi liaselialls, covers sliglilly staine'l SF-ATTI-K. WASH. NKW YORK CITY. ,v water. gi«Ml as new. I’rlee 2.V- [a-r lift. I>o7. |..t- A B. HATCH, 26S N. Monroe Ave., FEED LINCOLN, Gen. Mgr. CHRIS. 0. BROWN, Mgr. Columbus. Ohio. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES. I•■lri- Win-. I, M« ir.v go nniial ainl lll•l■'|H'’Mll'llt altriletli.lia fur 67 So. Clark St., Third and Maditon Sta. 1117 and 1126 Market St. Tipton's Seventh Annual Street A Merry-Go-Round lor $500 cash Fair \iig Is J1 liieltii,)i,-. A. J, Chicago, ni. Seattls, Wash. American Theatre Bldg., Seats nO: horses and chariots, boiler, engine, San Francisco, Cal. THOMAS. Sec; ., Tipton. Mo. 16 military hand organ. Write quick. Com PAUL GOUDEON. HARRY LEAVITT. ARCHIE LEVY. plete I’ennv .triiule. 70 niarhlnes. 11,1100. JOE A. WALLACE. Oswego, New 'York. Moving Picture Machines, The greatest mnie-ymaker. Full line of aiip - NEW IDEA HAND STRIKERS — pll‘-s at very lownai jirices. Write C. C. John¬ Stereopticons, Slides, Accessoriet. liel Me- iie'iiei nt parke. la'Ii lirall'Uia aial son. 4420 Cottage Grove. Chicago, 111. nil » iviee I-.. 8I.‘, .tihlreaa Shepard Co., 38 Eagle B'dg., Salt Lake City, Utah. HAVE YOU AN IDEA?—If so write fur oiir CHAS. M. STEBBINS, Books: "Wliy I'ateiits ray." "What to Invent.” Send .’ai els for lilg pnifi sslonal "liai Meeli}iiii<-al .MoM-iin-nts" and a Tn-atls*- 1028 MAIN STREET, ' - - KANSAS CITY, MO, on I'ertn-tual Motion—.Vi illii-trations All ealiilog. irieks, |lliis|<i|is iWIII- mailiol free F. DIETRICH A CO.. Patent Law- Large Lins of Edison Goods. Est. 1899. loanirs iiiaiiiifael lire I. BAM¬ yen and Experts. Ouray Block. Washington. BERG MAGIC and NOVELTY IK VOi: SKK IT IN niK HILliHOAKH, TKLiL TIIKM M). ,CO.. 1198 Broadway, New York. r«5'**)c‘»*^C»i4T"nvSf C^PNGINW;^.! jggggjgwawwljwu^ Volume XXI. No. 27 CINCINNATI—NEW YORK -CHICAGO SEBVBVIiiONS Or 1E8 ^ Ah Ml.'.< Kdwina Harry, thv cK v« r star of Jitnnii<‘ Harry's i-<tme<ly sketch. ten hours as to exclude the possibility of giving recurrant thought to the The Hoiio tireaker. hail a train recalleil thirteen miles hy the |iresiileni of the execution of your commission. 1 assure you I have no desire to fatigue roail, h*Tause it iliil not wait twenty ininute.s fm- her train, which was late. you with extraneous, unessential and superfluous details, and I believe it is ___after she hail tele>;rapheil to haYe within the range of probability that you will aiipreciate that many matters i ^ the ciinnei.-tinK train helil. It was on not germane with your commission have, with a succession of unanticipated L __, a roail just thirteen miles long, and and unforeseen events, served to obstruct my determination, founded upon I r" only train that made the con- your request. Will you permit me to remark, without the least-” I ' flection with the automobile that runs "In other words. Jinks, you forgot,” interrupted Sun. j ^ I to Dingman. Ha. (.Miss Harry's coun- “Mr. Sun. yoiy' interpretation of my transpari-nt explanation, unincum¬ 1 ^ hornet. The president, who is a bered and unobstructed by any attempt on my part at verbose communica¬ ! jolly, good fellow, and has the road tion gives me pleasure and-” :is a promoter for the summer resorts "Hid you forget to tell Fennessey?” along the line, not only had the train "1 trust.” rejoined Kelley, “while it is al.«o unpropitious, and, in view of Conte hack and take Sll.ss Barry and her husband (William Hichanlst.
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