MoVI ng

Forwa2r 013annuDaLreport BoarDoFDIreCtors rev.henrya.BelinIII MarioBatali gloriapitagorsky ChaIr CHeF, autHor, reStaurateur HearD City BetHel aMe CHurCH peterL.Bloom Leeschrager JewelJones geNeral atlaNtiC, llC SoutHerN WiNe & SPiritS VICeChaIr NyC love KitCHeN anthonyBowe ericschwartz 76 WeSt HolDiNgS toddaaron gailgrimmett exeCutIVeVICeChaIr Delta air liNeS Michaelsmith SeNtiNel Data CeNterS CooKiNg CHaNNel Carlaa.harris robertweinmann MorgaN StaNley arthurstainman treasurer FirSt MaNHattaN Co. rDD aSSoCiateS, llC tamho M·a·C aiDS FuND stanleytucci JohnF.Fritts,esq. aCtor, DireCtor seCretary serainaMaag CaDWalaDer, WiCKerSHaM & taFt llP aig

agenCyaDVIsoryCoMMIttee CeLeBrItyCounCIL CuLInaryCounCIL rev.henrya.BelinIII stanleytucci MarioBatali BradFarmerie Co-ChaIr ChaIr CHair CHeF BetHel aMe CHurCH aCtor, DireCtor CHeF, autHor, reStaurateur tylerFlorence JewelJones hankazaria tedallen CHeF, tv HoSt, autHor Co-ChaIr aCtor tv HoSt, autHor MarcForgione NyC love KitCHeN KevinBacon Dominiqueansel CHeF stewartDesmond aCtor CHeF, autHor, reStaurateur paulgiannone WeSt SiDe CaMPaigN agaiNSt HuNger KellyBensimon phillipBaltz reStaurateur gilbertDiaz aCtor, MoDel Baltz & CoMPaNy Jean-Marchoumard PHoeNix HouSe LorraineBracco JoeBastianich reStaurateur swamiDurgaDas aCtor CHeF, tv HoSt, autHor DanKluger tHe river FuND NeW yorK tyBurrell LidiaBastianich CHeF anitaFein aCtor CHeF, tv HoSt, autHor KateKrader St. eDWarD FooD PaNtry helenaChristensen KenBiberaj FooD & WiNe MagaziNe stephengrimaldi MoDel, PHotograPHer reStaurateur emerilLagasse NeW yorK CoMMoN PaNtry alanCumming aprilBloomfield CHeF, tv HoSt, autHor LaMaundaMaharaj aCtor CHeF JenniferLeuzzi NyC Hra–eFaP gavinDegraw DanielBoulud aDvertiSiNg, MarKetiNg & eDitorial DennyMarsh MuSiCiaN CHeF, autHor CoNSultaNt NeigHBorS togetHer DominicFumusa anthonyBourdain MichaelLomonaco JeanneMcgettigan aCtor CHeF, tv HoSt, autHor CHeF, autHor CatHoliC CHaritieS CoMMuNity ServiCeS Catgreenleaf timBuma MarisaMay DianeglickMorris HoSt, NBC-tv CHeF SD26 eveNtS NyS DoH-HPNaP ethanhawke DavidBurke MasaharuMorimoto Dr.Melonysamuels aCtor CHeF, autHor CHeF, autHor BeD-Stuy CaMPaigN agaiNSt HuNger MichaelKay anneBurrell seamusMullen Denisescaravella SPortS BroaDCaSter CHeF, tv HoSt, autHor CHeF, autHor, reStaurateur CHiPS LaurenBushLauren andrewCarmellini ruthreichl rev.terrytroia SoCial eNtrePreNeur CHeF, autHor CuliNary autHority ProjeCt HoSPitality oliverplatt CesareCasella Missyrobbins Bennywechsler aCtor CHeF, autHor CHeF MetroPolitaN CouNCil oN jeWiSH robinroberts DavidChang Michaelsalvatore Poverty NeWSCaSter CHeF, autHor SySCo Metro NeW yorK Johnweed gavinrossdale CarylChinn Michaelschlow BroNxWorKS MuSiCiaN oCtagoN CHeF, autHor, reStaurateur Kyrasedgwick tomColicchio Leeschrager aCtor CHeF, tv HoSt, autHor SoutHerN WiNe & SPiritS tonyshalhoub MadisonCowan tanyawenmansteel aCtor CHeF, autHor ePiCuriouS.CoM ahmir“Questlove”thompson yannderochefort susanungaro MuSiCiaN, reStaurateur, autHor reStaurateur jaMeS BearD FouNDatioN JakeDickson Jean-georgesVongerichten DiCKSoN’S FarMStaND MeatS CHeF, autHor, reStaurateur BarbaraFairchild CuliNary autHority Cover PHoto: MelaNie DuNea/CPi FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 1 Dear Friends, as we celebrated our 30th anniversary, three words summed up the past year for Food Bank For New york City: missioninmotion . the work we do hasn’t changed. But the way we do it has. Fulfilling our mission means constantlyimprovingand evolving to meet new demands and better serve New yorkers. our work in 2013 set the stage for even deeper innovation going forward.

When Hurricane Sandy struck in late 2012, it made clear the devastating impact of poverty in the face of natural disaster. recovery will take time. But we will be here for Sandy survivors for as long as necessary—just as we will continue to be herefor aLLofourneighborsinneed .

Food Bank's network of 1,000 charities and schools has come together with our many partners to make sure that nonewyorkerisleftbehind . our strategic approach keeps moving forward in order to meet that goal. We laid the groundwork during Sandy, coming up with solutions tHeN that enabled us to have a greater impact NoW.

For example, we built groundbreakingnewpartnerships and better leveraged existing ones that continue to benefit the 1.5 million New yorkers we serve. We widened the reach of our free income tax assistance program and ended up netting New yorkers $81millionintaxrefunds in 2013. We provided $1.4millionindisastergrantstomember charities , increasing their capacity to serve their communities long after the storm. We used who we were to be what our city needed. as devastating as it was, Sandy served as a valuable teacher— a dress rehearsal for another attack on our city that was just around the corner. as we closed out Fiscal year 2013, a second disaster—this one man-made—was looming. Massive cuts to SNaP (food stamps) were being touted as an essential part of the Farm Bill, but we knew better. We knew that the loss of desperately- needed benefits would knock the wind out of 47 million americans—1.9 million of whom call our city home. So we moved forward again, this time with a massiveadvocacypush , bolstered by partnerships that stretched citywide, to stop the cuts and stem the tide of increased hunger.

We’re far from done. this new crisis is now upon us, but we are prepared because of all that we learned in 2013. as the largest Food Bank in the country, we provide foodandservicesresponsiblefor72.5millionmealsayear . When a crisis hits, we’re called upon to do even more. everything we've accomplished on behalf of those we serve—not just this year, but every year—has been possible only because of supporters and partners like you. it is your commitment and involvement that propels us forward and enables our mission to remain in motion.


Margarettepurvis President and CEO

FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 3 a ne w ho rIZon z t r onoCtoBer29,2012eVerythIngChangeD . a W H C S

hurricanesandypummeledourcity,andFoodBankFornewyorkCitysuddenly y r t i M

becamemorethanahunger-relieforganization.webecameafirstresponder. i D wehadseenourshareofnaturaldisastersbefore,andeachtimewemadesure thatemergencyfoodcontinuedtoreachthetablesofthosewhoneededitmost. Butthistimewasdifferent.sandydealtadevastatingblowtonewyorkers,casting thosealreadylivinginpovertydeeperintoitsdepths,andsendingthousandsof peopletoemergencyfoodlinesforthefirsttimeintheirlives.FoodBankwasthere forthemfromDayone—andwe’restilltheretoday.

FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 5 6 3 , 5 0 0


s e r

peopLeMaKe v e d

partnershIps i n

Crisis brings out the best in New yorkers, so it was no S a n

surprise that Food Bank’s network of charities reached out d y to help people citywide, including Brooklyn-based Metro - a

World Child. they trucked in boxes of food supplied by f f e

Food Bank to distribute to hungry families in other boroughs. c t e as we worked with Metro World Child to fill this unprecedented d


need, we wondered, How can we get more food to more o m

people in less time? the answer came from the most m u

surprising of places: toyota. n i t i e s

“ toyotaandFoodBankarelearningpartners,andwe’re growingbyseeingFoodBankimplementourmethods. We can see the end result of our collaboration and sharing, which is the positive impact on food-insecure people. it’s very rewarding. this is a fabulous partnership for us.”

Jamie Bonini VICepresIDent,toyotaMotorengIneerIng &ManuFaCturIngnorthaMerICa FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 6

haveyouheardof kaizen ? it means continuous improvement, and thanks to our groundbreaking partnership with the toyota Production System Support Center, which introduced us to this production approach, kaizen has become a game- changer for Food Bank’s network. Within weeks, the folks from toyota had completely overhauled the way Metro World Child packed and distributed boxes of food, making the process faster and residents’ wait time on line shorter. little changes, like using an assembly line and switching to smaller boxes, made a big difference in efficiency. the entire experience was captured in a video, “Meals Per Hour,” that received one million views online and led to support from toyota worth one million meals. Now we’re leveraging team Kaizen network-wide to truly maximize toyota’s donation of expertise. r e “ thetoyotateamwasfantastic.theirprioritywas “ wehavefoundourlong-standingrelationship D u o tohelpusservefamiliesinthemostefficient withFoodBankFornewyorkCitytobe r B

e manner. and Food Bank was a key asset; they extremelyrewarding since their mission fits N i r e did so much more than provide food. they perfectly with BNy Mellon’s philanthropic focus H t a connected us with new methods and resources of helping people with basic needs, such as food C y r that will serve us going forward.” and shelter. We are proud that our support has a

M enabled Food Bank to have an even greater Zanita Johnson impact in helping New yorkers well beyond Hurricane Sandy.” MetroworLDChILD Daisey holmes BnyMeLLon’sheaDoFphILanthropy anDVoLunteerprograMsInthe newyorKregIon 1 5

“ thingsarehardformyfamily. m whenyou’restruggling, i

afoodpantryisabighelp. L

I’msogratefulthatwehave L

somewheretoturn—thanks i O toFoodBank.” n

Leslieaguilar P

QueensresIDent O u n d S o f

f r e s h

p r o d u c e

d i s t r i b u t e d

c i t y w i d e

i n

F i s c a l

Y e a r

2 0 1 3 r e t i e r

M i t “ afterthestorm,FoodBankaskedustoserveas adisasterpantry,allowingfamiliestopickupfood orhaveitsenthomewiththeirchildren.Itwasa bighelp.about80%ofourparentsusedit.”

salemaMarbury prInCIpaLoFp.s.329InConeyIsLanD r e l l u F

K i r e FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 9 2 4 2 , 8 9 3

m r e l l u E F

K i r a e L S f o r

anext-LeVeLresponse c h i l

We already had a connection with schools participating in d r our CookShop nutrition education program. So we tapped into e n those relationships and set up disaster pantries at schools in a n d

storm-stricken areas, where people could receive food to take c home—the only source of emergency food for many. Coming o l l e

up with transformational approaches like this one to fill gaps in g e

service taught us the impact outside-the-box thinking could s t have—a lesson that would prepare us to deal with even u d e

bigger gaps created by looming SNaP cuts from Congress. n t s

v i a

o u r

“ Ihavethreechildren,andIhadtomakesurethat c

mykidshadfoodtoeat. the disaster pantry at a

P.S. 329 really helped us through a very difficult time. m

With the help of Food Bank, the school did an p excellent job for the community.” u s


Zorida Mohammed a

parentFroMp.s.329InConeyIsLanD n t r i e s i t u l l e P P a C

H C i r FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 10

needgoesdeeperthanimmediatehunger, especially in the midst of a disaster—be it natural or man-made. While emergency food is the priority, people need much more in order to get back on their feet, especially those who are barely getting by. through our volunteer income tax assistance (vita) program, we’ve helped struggling New york City families impacted by the storm get the tax refunds and food stamp benefits they desperately need—putting millions of earned dollars back into their pockets and boosting their food purchasing power. once again, Food Bank tapped into existing programming in an innovative way, this time leveraging our expertise in income support to combat the harsh “new normal” left in the wake of the storm. today, we’re using what we’ve learned to address the new crisis facing our city—one that has left millions of our neighbors more vulnerable than ever. People need benefits beyond food. empowering our network to offer easy access to financially-based resources within communities helps fill that need. i “ JpMorganChaseisproudtohavebeenable “ FoodBankFornewyorkCityhasbeenvery P C / a

tosupportFoodBank'sfinancialempowerment instrumentalinnewyorkCommonpantry’slong- e N u

work in neighborhoods like Far rockaway to help termreliefwork. our strong partnership with Food D

e i

victims of Superstorm Sandy rebuild and thrive.” Bank helped us manage increased demand after N a l Sandy. Without the supplies and resources they e M gayle Jennings-o’Byrne provided, we would never have been able to develop our ad hoc Disaster relief program, VICepresIDent,JpMorganChasegLoBaLphILanthropy which is now poised to respond to other disasters.”

Daniel s.reyes newyorKCoMMonpantry $ 8 1

m i L L i O n

i n

t a x

r e f u n d s


3 3 %

m o r e

t h a n

t h e

p r e v i o u s

“ Ihaveadegreeinaccounting,soworking withFoodBank’sVolunteerIncometax f i

assistance[VIta]programwastheperfect s c

fitforme.I’msogratefulthatIwasableto a

givebacktomycommunity.” l

y e

alexandraQuinteros a

FooDBanKVoLunteerFroMstatenIsLanD r i t u l l e P P a C

H C i r “ ourpartnershipwithFoodBankFornewyorkCitycreated animpactfulresponsetocriticalfoodneedsfollowing sandy.Bybolsteringthecity’semergencyfoodnetwork, ourpartnershipalonehelpedtoprovidenearlythreemillion poundsoffoodtonewyorkersaffectedbythestorm.this massivecommunityreachwouldnothavebeenpossible withouttheleadershipanddedicationofFoodBank.” Megansheekey o z N

ForMerpresIDent,Mayor’sFunD e r

toaDVanCenewyorKCIty o l e D

N a D FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 13 $ 1 0

m i P i C / L a e L N u D

i e i O N a l e n M

i n

f o o

pLottIngourpath d

s t

Itwouldtakeaninnovativeplanandrobustpartners to help New yorkers a rebuild their lives. recovery began with our 90,000-square-foot m p

warehouse in the Bronx—the hub for food distribution to every borough b e

in the city. But it didn’t end there. n e

our relief efforts had to continue well beyond those first weeks and f i t

months. that’s why, early on, we developed regular routes to 12 of our s

most capable charity partners, including Bed-Stuy Campaign against f o

Hunger, New york Common Pantry, Project Hospitality and the river Fund. r

What began as an ongoing emergency food delivery system to hard-hit n e

neighborhoods has now turned into a sustainable network of charities w

offering much more than food—simply put, a community lifeline. Y o

Food Bank’s new mobile disaster response centers, made possible with r k

support from the american red Cross, are another lifeline for struggling e r

New yorkers. these rvs, equipped with drivers, office space and Wi-Fi, s


will make our ongoing work even more impactful by bringing benefits n

assistance, such as access to food stamps, directly to the people. 2 0 1 3 “ thelessonswelearnedfromsandyhave expandedthescopeofournetwork. Many of our members are now equipped with disaster preparedness and business continuity plans to ensure the continuous flow of food across New york City, no matter what the next crisis may be. our goal is to create sustainability and provide an avenue to permanent solutions to hunger.”

Dr.Camesha grant FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty “ whenyou’reonabudgetandalsohave dietarylimitations,suchaseatingkosher, affordablefoodselectionbecomesdifficult. FoodBankhelpsusfilltheneed.”

alexanderrapaport MasBIa FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 15 8 9 0 , 0 0 0

k O S h E r

DIVersItyoFneeD m E a

aftersandy,weexpectedincreasedneed and difficulty distributing food L to ravaged neighborhoods. But the storm also left something unexpected S


in its wake: a lack of kosher food in the emergency supply. that was a o

real eye-opener. Disaster response calls for emergency food that not only S

is shelf-stable and ready to eat, but also meets special dietary, religious a n

and cultural needs. otherwise, vast communities across our city will be d y

unable to eat. Fortunately, with the help of member charities like Masbia c

and the jewish Community Council of the rockaway Peninsula, we were o m

able to set up kosher disaster pantries in Sandy-affected neighborhoods. m u

the lack of kosher emergency food was one of several issues that came n i to light in the aftermath of Sandy. We knew that we needed to be t i e

proactive now in order to prevent similar challenges later. So Food Bank s convened a Disaster response roundtable attended by various experts who have partnered with us to ensure a seamless response in the event of another disaster.

“ I’m70yearsoldandcareformyson,whoisdisabled. wekeepkosher,sobeingabletogetenoughkosherfoodis veryimportant. i’m glad that Food Bank has a kosher agency right in my community. i couldn’t manage without them.”

Levana Levy FarroCKawayresIDent i t u l l e P P a C

H C i r FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 16

yea rInnyC’sConFerenCe reVI ew onhungeranD poVerty More than 500 people gathered at the New york Marriott Marquis to learn innovative ways to expand their charities and better serve their communities.

speCIaLreport Food Bank’s special research report NYC Hunger Experience 2012: One City, Two Realities re - vealed a widening gap between New yorkers who can easily af - ford food and those who cannot.

FooDnetworK newyorKCItywIne &FooDFestIVaL thank you to the many celebrity chefs, including tomColicchio , guests and volunteers who came out to help fight hunger. your support allowed us to provide t.e.n.taKestopprIZe MsnBCCoVers more than 500,000 meals to New yorkers in need. Food Bank’s tiered engagement hungerCLIFF Network (teN) approach to fighting MsnBC picked up Food Bank’s hunger and reducing poverty Hunger Cliff and helped us share this received the 2013 innovation award important story with the world. from Feeding america.

aheLpInghanD FooDBanK2go the leadership of people like Many of our corporate partners sandraLee and Leeschrager , and decided to bring the volunteer hands-on support from friends like experience to their offices. thank MadisonCowan , helped us kick-start you to Foodnetwork , glacéau , our Sandy relief efforts. McgrawhillFinancial and pimco . FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 17 yea rIn reVI ew a F B

CanDoawarDs woMentaKIngaCtIon Food Bank’s 2013 Can Do awards Dinner in april, Food Bank’s Hunger Crisis Forum: Women taking action celebrating our 30th anniversary, was the best yet! For Women brought together New york City’s top female With our partner and Can Do sponsor, Bankof nonprofit leaders to discuss hunger’s effect on women america , we welcomed more than 650 enthusiastic and children and develop an action plan to help supporters, including ChelseaClinton , who came out alleviate the impact. to help Food Bank commemorate three decades of service in the fight against hunger. over the years, many supporters have joined in our mission to end hunger, and that night we honored several of those pivotal players: MarioBatali and susiCahn , Food Bank founder Kathygoldman , DeltaairLines , and Dianesawyer & the aBC News “Hidden america” team. We also presented target with our Mission Partner award for its commitment to fighting child hunger. Because powerful images are worth a thousand words, we were thrilled to showcase our inspiring and uplifting video, Home , directed by noted photographer nigelparry , which showcased Food Bank’s work, our supporters and the 1.5 million New yorkers we serve. rock icon JonBonJovi closed out the night as our special musical guest, wowing the crowd with some of his biggest hits. r e t i e r

M i

t VoLunteersMaKetheDIFFerenCe We threw our first annual appreciation party at Frames NyC to thank our hardworking volunteers for their service. it was a fun night of bowling, dancing and prizes. areCorD-settIng

LegIsLatIVeBreaKFast $2MILL Io n ending food poverty and safeguarding the hunger safety net were the main topics of discussion for raIseD hunger-relief advocates and political leaders who par - ticipated in Food Bank’s inaugural legislative Breakfast. r e t i e r

M i t FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 18

ConsoLIDateDstateMentoF FInanCIaLposItIon assets 2013 2012 Cash and cash equivalents $6,194,032 $4,168,473 investments 4,558,210 4,306,534 government grants receivable 2,934,588 3,475,824 Contributions receivable 1,480,233 1,889,730 accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful 146,759 147,023 accounts of $11,029 in 2012 Prepaid expenses and other assets 357,375 448,107 Security deposits 131,728 127,424 Purchased products inventory 2,428,040 1,026,843 Donated food inventory 797,139 1,606,119 Property and equipment, net 4,258,902 4,423,040 investment in Hunts Point Cooperative Market, inc. (HPCM), net 255,319 279,370 Deferred mortgage costs 20,282 21,294 totaLassets $23,562,607 $21,919,781

LIaBILItIesanDnetassets 2013 2012


accounts payable and accrued expenses $2,808,043 $932,290 accrued salaries and employee benefits 974,612 888,155 Contract advances 174,056 174,056 Deferred rent 595,450 430,562 Mortgage loan payable 2,363,841 2,418,952 totaLLIaBILItIes $6,916,002 $4,844,015


unrestricted Board-designated $4,250,000 $4,000,000 Property and equipment and investment in HPCM 4,514,221 4,702,410 undesignated 5,451,463 5,626,619 total unrestricted 14,215,684 14,329,029 temporarily restricted 2.380.921 2,696,737 Permanently restricted 50,000 50,000 totaLnetassets $16,646,605 $17,075,766 totaLLIaBILItIesanDnetassets $23,562,607 $21,919,781 FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 19

ConsoLIDateDstateMentoF aCtIVItIes operatIngsupportanDreVenue unrestrICteD teMporarILy perManentLy 2013totaLs 2012totaLs restrICteD restrICteD

support Donated food received $32,172,954 ——$ 32,172,954 $41,728,441 Foundations and corporations 10,285,685 3,342,765 — 13,628,450 8,300,607 individuals 8,791,624 ——8,791,624 6,280,669 in-kind contributions 498,824 ——498,824 386,411 Special events (net of direct costs of $906,841 in 2013 2,002,066 ——2,002,066 1,555,533 and $392,517 in 2012) Net assets released from restrictions 3,474,400 (3,474,400) ———

totaLsupport $57,225,553 ($131,635) — $57,093,918 $58,251,661

reVenue government contracts $15,480,083 ——$15,480,083 $15,037,705 Shared maintenance 137,978 ——137,978 372,213 Sale of food and paper products 1,243,940 ——1,243,940 1,521,625 other income 81,365 ——81,365 54,317

totaLreVenue $16,943,366 ——$16,943,366 $16,985,860

totaLsupportanDreVenue $74,168,919* ($131,635) — $74,037,284 $75,237,521

* in Fiscal year 2013, Food Bank managed and distributed $70.3 million in food product: $33 million was donated, $10.5 million was wholesale-purchased, and $26.8 million was government-contracted, the last of which is not considered a donation or an asset on Food Bank’s financial statements. Ifthegovernment-contractedfoodproductwereincluded,totalsupportandrevenueforFiscalyear2013wouldbeapproximately$100,968,919. expenses

prograMserVICes Food, storage and distribution $52,181,770 ——$52,181,770 $57,440,725 research and policy 2,744,369 ——2,744,369 1,790,702 Nutrition services and education 3,620,816 ——3,620,816 3,684,748 Community Kitchen and pantry 1,527,196 ——1,527,196 1,452,669 income policy 3,027,101 ——3,027,101 2,076,301 Benefit access 2,699,966 ——2,699,966 1,732,185

totaLprograMserVICes $65,801,218 ——$65,801,218 $68,177,330

supportIngserVICes Management and general $5,468,600 ——$5,468,600 $3,956,035 Fundraising, including donated advertising 3,240,871 ——3,240,871 3,115,555 of $2,600 in 2013 and $94,140 in 2012

totaLsupportIngserVICes $8,709,471 ——$8,709,471 $7,071,590

totaLexpenses $74,510,689 ——$74,510,689 $75,248,920

ChangeInnetasset s– operatIng ($341,770) ($131,635) — ($473,405) ($11,399) non-operatIngsupportanDreVenue

supportForCapItaLexpenDItures Foundations and corporations ————200,000 Net assets released from restrictions 185,491 (185,491) ———

othernon-operatIng investment income 42,934 1,310 — 44,244 38,113

ChangeInnetasset s– non-operatIng $228,425 ($184,181) — $44,244 $238,113

ChangeInnetassets ($113,345) ($315,816) — ($429,161) $226,714

netassetsatBegInnIngoFyear $14,329,029 $2,696,737 $50,000 $17,075,766 $16,849,052

netassetsatenDoFyear $14,215,684 $2,380,921 $50,000 $16,646,605 $17,075,766 FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 20

russell Sage Foundation Haights Cross Communications wegrateFuLLy the Morris and alma Schapiro Fund Carla a. Harris Charles and Mildred Schnurmacher james Hays aCKnowLeDgeour Foundation inc. amy & james Healy Scripps Network ira Herman supporterswhoMaKe Silicon valley Community Foundation Stacy & joel Hock the Stop & Shop Supermarket Mr. & Mrs. Kerry and Claudia Hueston Company, llC Nancy M. Hughes ourworKpossIBLe the laurie M. tisch illumination Fund izotope inc. tMi trading Corporation the Kaufmann Foundation leaves of grass Fund the Wasily Family Foundation $1MILLIon+ laurie Kayden Foundation john van rens & Sarah lutz Wille Family Foundation Key Food Co-operative, inc. Macy's, inc. xl group anonymous (1) Carrie & Bradley Kurtzman Mercedes-Benz Manhattan, inc. the american red Cross the lillian & ira langsan Foundation linda & Keith Monda Mayor's Fund to advance $10,000-$24,999 Patricia & Philip laskawy Henry and lucy Moses Fund, inc. New york City lavazza Premium Coffees john Cusimano & rachael ray robin Hood anonymous (4) the alice lawrence Foundation richmond County Savings Foundation Single Stop uSa 12 Bars of Christmas limited Brands Mike Nichols & Diane Sawyer lois & arthur Stainman a+e Networks linklaters llP Shoprite acosta Sales & Marketing Company the lipton Foundation the Spark Fund $250,000-$999,999 albert & Doris Pitt Foundation alice Cheng & robert W. littleton the Staten island Foundation amerigroup Susie & rene lopez Stop & Shop giant Family Foundation anonymous (1) anchorage Capital group abigail & vincent S. Maddi SWS Charitable Foundation, inc. New york City Wine and Food Festival arch Capital Services inc. Marcled Foundation j.t. tai & Co. Foundation, inc. the New york Community trust arla Foods, inc. the reuben & rose Mattus and Doris Ping y. tai Foundation inc. the Starr international Foundation assurant Foundation & Kevin Hurley Foundation toyota uSa Foundation Stavros Niarchos Foundation the atlantic Philanthropies MazoN: a jewish response to Hunger Harper Montgomery & Bradley tusk target Corporation Christina & Phillip Baltz Medwin Family trust viking global Foundation Bank of tokyo-Mitsubishi trust Co. Mesa grill the yum-o! organization, inc. $100,000-$249,999 Barilla america, inc. Million Dollar round table Foundation zBi employee allocated gift Fund Bayer Healthcare Cynthia g. & joseph H. Mitchell Cara & David Berkowitz Morrison Family Foundation anonymous (3) $25,000-$49,999 john r. Bernardi Susan & Seth Mosler altman Foundation russell Berrie Foundation Pauline & thomas Nakios Bank of america Corporation anonymous (3) Bimbo Bakeries uSa Stephanie & rick Nathanson Mario Batali Foundation aarP Foundation the Bloomberg Sisters Foundation Daniel M. Neidich and Brooke garber BNy Mellon Foundation Carrie & leigh abramson BNP Paribas Securities Corporation estate of Marian Butler Hakeem Nicks louis and anne abrons Botwinick-Wolfensohn Foundation Century 21 Department Stores, llC Foundation, inc. virginia Brody Nordstrom Coach Foundation lily auchincloss Foundation, inc. the Brookdale Foundation group Norfolk Southern Foundation Credit Suisse Claire Solot & Sinjin Bain Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund rebecca Parrish Delta air lines, inc. Bloomberg Centre Partners Management llC Patterson, Belknap, Webb & tyler llP rihanna Fenty Dorothea & jon Bon jovi the Chartrand Foundation Matthias Paul the Hearst Foundations Nancy & anthony C. Bowe Nancy & Niles Citrin Plus Foundation Mary j. Hutchins Foundation, inc. Susan r. Cahn & Mario Batali lori Silverbush & tom Colicchio Proskauer rose, llP intuit Financial Freedom Foundation Chef one Corp the Community Foundation for ramapo trust jPMorgan Chase & Co. Citigroup greater New Haven razoo the William r. Kenan Charitable trust CKeW Foundation Cooking Channel red Crane Foundation Mcgraw Hill Financial Community Food Bank of New jersey Bruce Cost Natural ginger ale David rockefeller Metlife Foundation the Concordia Foundation Domino Foods, inc. Phyllis & Charles rosenthal Deutsche Bank Kurt g. Dorschel ruggles Family Foundation Newman's own Foundation Dow Chemical judith gibbons & Francesco Scattone the louis & Harold Price Foundation Durst Family Foundation the Dream Builders Foundation Carlo & Micol Schejola Foundation erica & eric Schwartz eBay eataly Sarah i. Schieffelin residuary trust H. van ameringen Foundation emblemHealth Services, llC edison investment advisors the adolph and ruth Schnurmacher Foundation, inc. Denise & Dean vanech Fairway Foods inc. David elliman Dr. Scholl Foundation Wal-Mart Foundation Food research & action Center - epstein teicher Philanthropies FraC estee lauder Maria F. Sciortino $50,000-$99,999 elizabeth Strickler & Mark gallogly the Howard & Barbara Farkas Senator investment group the gottesman Fund Foundation tony Shalhoub anonymous (5) the green Fund inc. elizabeth a. isakson & Claire Silberman gregg r. Fatzinger jessica & todd aaron HSBC Bank uSa, N.a. Skadden, arps, Slate, Meagher & Fedex Corporation Flom llP Catherine & joseph aresty the rona jaffe Foundation the Sloman Foundation Foundation jon Bon jovi Soul Foundation First Manhattan Co. Sarah & Howard Solomon at&t ellen & Peter Kelly Food Network jennifer and jonathan allan Soros Barclays Capital the leyli Foundation jillian & Patrick Frayne Foundation Bloomingdale's genevieve & robert lynch garden Homes Management Corporation jane & Frances Stein Foundation Brightwater Fund Paula & tom Mcinerney Sandy & george garfunkel liz & Michael Symon Capital one the r. K. Mellon Family Foundation goldie anna Charitable trust S. Mark taper Foundation Century 21 Foundation Mission Chinese Food goldman, Sachs & Co. the Chew Productions Barbara & ray Dalio Morgan Stanley goldstar events, inc. thompson & Knight Foundation the Diebold Foundation National Philanthropic trust Kim goodman time Warner FeeD Foundation abby & george o'Neill the grainger Foundation lizzie & jonathan tisch estate of Doris Firestone PepsiCo Kim Wainwright & Seth grosshandler tishman Construction Company trudy & robert gottesman Popular Community Bank gene groves tommy Bahama the Hagedorn Fund PricewaterhouseCoopers joey o'loughlin & alex townsend-Mitchell the Hertz Corporation Carolyn & Stephen reidy Michael D. Haddad FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 21

tripadvisor Heitman llC the vidda Foundation jacqueline F. Bennett edith S. Hornor Martin von Haselberg Kelly Bensimon uFt teacher Center Diane S. aronson & john Howell Krystn & eric Wagenberg gregory Benton viacom P. Humphrey Wagstaff Worldwide regina & Frank Berk Whole Foods Market iBM employee Service Center the Waterwheel Foundation yonatan Berkovits Beth & leonard a. Wilf inMaat Foundation richard Delaney & Heather Weston David Berlin Point of Hope - a Deron Williams Patricia & Michael intrator adam Winer randi & Bruce Berman Foundation the Carl jacobs Foundation zeldin Family Foundation the Bernheim Foundation, inc. Madelyn & Steven Wils Kim & jack johnson louise Collins & Stanley zompakos D. Brooks Betts the Winters Family Fund Norman Kahn C.o. Bigelow Chemists inc. thomas S. Perrotta & rachel Kane $1,000-$4,999 rajeev Bhaman $5,000-$9,999 anne Hess & Craig B. Kaplan Malavika & Siddharth Bhattacharji Nancy l. & john j. Kelly anonymous (12) lewis Black anonymous (8) gayle King 78th Precinct youth Council Blackrock, inc. virginia aaron edward P. Krugman in memory of Diane abbey Kathy Blake Paula a. Krugman aaron's inc. Barbara ann abeles Sarah Blanc Dannielle & jP Kyrillos Steven Dietz & leslie a. abbey anthony abenante Betty j. Bleivik anne & arthur laBow joseph Michael abraham andrew Saul abrams Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bloch leanne lachman Karan ahooja Nancy jeanne ackerman-Marino Mr. & Mrs. jerry Block Marta jo lawrence Daniel C. Chung & alexandra D. alger Mauricio acosta Sanford r. Block elizabeth a. Braun & jonathan leff altamarea group acumen Capital Partners llC William Block Holly & jordan levy giannella alvarez allison B. adato johan Blok Marita lichtenstein ananda Fund Dianne Balfour & Carl adkins john W. Bloom MacDonald-Peterson Foundation Betsy & Barry adler robert greifinger & Maura Bluestone Merrill & Chris Mahan Steven and Sheila aresty Foundation agriMark robert Blum Kara Masi Badia Spices alexandra & Kenneth alberstadt Francie & Brad Blumenfeld robert Matloff anthony Baer arlene & Mr. & Mrs. andrew Bockelman judy Mclaren Bar american Matt alighieri eleanor & george Bollag timothy P. Messler Beast Mr. & Mrs. l. F. alireza Bond, Schoeneck & King, PllC Heidi & Brian Miller Sherry glied & richard Briffault Barbara j. allen Frank Bookhout g.F. Mueden, jr. Dr. joy Browne ally Financial Boqueria National Community tax Coalition llC anne Burrell robert amdur Carleen Borsella, inc. Nancy & Frank Bynum american Chai trust Chris Bosco vicki Cherkas & David ogrin C. a. l. Foundation, inc. american express abhijit Bose opentable, inc. Carnival Cruise lines american international group, inc. ottavia & anthony Bourdain gwyneth Paltrow Sharon Carson american Securities ronald g. Bourque Pandora Media olivier Cheng ameriprise Financial Mr.& Mrs. geoffrey Brady the Moses l. Parshelsky Foundation Nancy lau & Kenneth H. Chin ernest anastasio Sherry & Paul Brandt-rauf Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Martin Perlmutter Christine H. Chung Salman anwar Nancy Branton Pernod ricard uSa elias a. Cohen Foundation Barbara appel irrevocable living trust Peter Braus Brewster Pettus Common Cents New york, inc. apple Computer, inc. Walter Brnjac Pincus Family Foundation Nan rothschild Cooper & Stuart S. applebaum giving Nancy a. Klein & Michael Brodman Michael a. Cooper Practical law Company Foundation amy Brogger Crate & Barrel Howard Pronsky jim apteker Martha Brooks Darrell Crate the P.t.M. Charitable Foundation aramark Campus Services Brookwood Companies incorporated Creative artists agency leslie & David Puth aryea aranoff irene & Stephen Brotman David Cross ennio ranaboldo abigail arms Campbell Brown Mark Cuban Nancy Wender & Steven rand Mr. & Mrs. thomas g armstrong Cecily Brown Mark & Susan Dalton thomas reeve association of Contracting Plumbers Chris F. Brown Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Kathleen & ralph l. rogers, jr. assured SKCg Bruce i. regal & theresa a. Brown association rosenthal Family Foundation David auburn Stefan Brundobler Dyson Foundation Martha rosler elizabeth auchincloss Diane Bruni eastern Produce Council rotonda Foundation Marie B. austensen Sylvie & Stafford Bryant alissa eig elliot royce ann axel BSC Management, inc. Barbara & joseph ellis Sally & Peter rudoy Backyard Productions gina M. Buccellato Don epstein Wendy ruggiero Kyra Sedgwick & Kevin Bacon Paul Buddington ernst Benz Company llC ed russo veronica & james Baker Munjal Budhabhatti the ettinger Foundation S.l. Benfica transportation Bob Balaban Built Ny andrew j. Feldman lynn yates & Paul g. Saginaw Balducci's Bull's Head Foundation, inc. Food Films america the Salie Family Private Foundation Meredith M. & andrew D. Ball judy B. Bunzl the joseph C. and esther Foster the Seattle Foundation thomas Buonora Foundation lawrence Bank elizabeth & David M. Sherman judith W. & robert r. Burger the Friars Foundation Bank leumi greg Sherman David Burke ge Foundation renee Barach rebecca j. Simmons Carrie & thomas Byrne jerome & Dolores zuckerman gewirtz edwina Barbis Charitable trust esther Simon Charitable trust viviana M. Barcia Patty Cabot Stephanie & ian ginsberg Sovereign Bank linda lennon & Stuart Baskin Frank Cacciola google lee j. Stahl Miriam gedwiser & oren Bassik Cadogan Management, llC Michael l. gordon amy & robert Stavis lidia Matticchio Bastianich Miles Cahn targetCast tCM, inc. Marilyn & armandino a. Batali Pj Callahan Foundation, inc. Daniel green taste of the NFl isaac Bauer joey Campanaro Howard a. greenberg tasting table roger Baxter julian Canas anne & richard grissinger jennifer a. tate Melvin l. Bedrick tara & Stephen Carlino Kathryn grossman tgM 21, inc. Nancy & james Beha edgar B. Carpenter grubHub Seamless tiger Baron Foundation rita & Henry Belin Carrier and Company interiors Halmar international the tjx Foundation, inc. the Frances and Benjamin Benenson Mary Carroll Kathleen Hanna toSa Foundation Foundation Barbara Carter truist gladys Benenson eileen Daspin & Cesare Casella FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 22

Stacie & gary Castle DM luxury llC Mary K. Ford Nohra Haime robert Catalani amy M. Doliveira Deborah Marchini & Steven Hakusa Cathay Bank Foundation William W. Donnell randall W. Forsyth Daniel Han Kim M. Catullo luck Dookchitra velma l. & alfred g. Fortunato Betty abreu & james Hand gail & Charles Caulkins Marguerite & jack Dougherty Kate & alain C. Foster David Handler Cedar graphics, inc. Mary S. Driver george Foster james Harder Miriam g. Cedarbaum regina Ducati Brian Francis Douglas e. Harris Heewon & Norman Cerk Moira a. Duclos george Frank Kathleen Harris elizabeth & jay Chandler roger Schwed & laura Dukess lynn & joel Frank Mark e. Harris the Chaney Family Foundation Susan Dunning joe Bonacci & Cathy j. Frankel Dana Hart David Chang Sonal Dutt vicki Frankenberg anastasiya Haurylenia the Charles Hotel lisa & Bruce eaton Stuart D. Freedman the Harvey School allen B. Chazin Corey D. eber richard Fried Karen Haycox abe Chehebar jina & Benjamin eckstein Barbara Friedberg Patrick l. Hayden Fabrizio Chiesa trudy & richard edelman richard Friedberg r & H Healy Family Foundation theodore Chu linda edgerly jane & robert Friedman Sara Heard Chubb group of insurance edward and Marjorie goldberger Mrs. Stephen Friedman Conchita & Colin Heffron Companies Foundation erin argo Frisz & Kevin Frisz jeanne Hegner Nerina & rodolfo Cilento Matthew ehmer anne & jack Fritts Diana rhoten & john Heilemann jean Cimler elizabeth ehrenfeld Kendall Frulio greer & john Hendricks Cit group inc. thomas eich lorna Fuller Mariska Hargitay & Peter Hermann Nicholas Clemente Barbara & Norman eig Claire & julie gaines tanya K Hernandez Frank Clugage ruth e. eisenberg gerald galison emy & emil Herzfeld Foundation Mary & Michael Coen Kimberly eliashuk lee & james gallagher Michelle Higa Steven a. & alexandra M. Cohen Donna elimelekh Michael a. gallagher Monica Hill Foundation alice elliot Harriet e. gamper Barbara Hillman Coit Family Foundation gordon elliot Peter gangemi lisa Hines-johnson ida S. Cole thomas & jeanne elmezzi Foundation anthony gardner ann Hirth laura Comando elno Family Foundation Steven D. garner tam Ho Community Foundation of New jersey Maria Cilenti & Michael embler laurie garrett Mark W. Hoglund Benjamin Conniff ana emiliano anne & edward garvey David S. Holt Mary jo Conway jason engstrom genentech, inc. Michael Holtz Howard Cooper gerald ente Nina gershon Homestat Farm Nancy Cooper F. erismann alison & Stephane gerson Marcus Homeyer julie & Stephen Cooper lindsay errico Maxine l. gerson Steven g. Horak Charles C. Copeland ioana ertegun george guerrero & janine gianfredi Craig Horowitz lynn Corbett linda & David evans Damon giglio Host Committee, inc. Henry Cordes Mandy evans johnnie Marie gilbert rebecca Berman & David Houts ivan z. Corwin Fairfield County Community gilt City alice & richard Howard Corymore Foundation Foundation amy Plaut ginsburg Katherine & Stephen Howe john & elena Coumantaros Hannah S. Famiglietti laurie & Stephen girsky Mr.& Mrs. Howard Huang CourseHorse, inc. Michelle Fantaci ruth glantz elizabeth & Charles Hubbard Couturier North america Fantasy interactive global Foods john Huber Cra international Sharon Fantera god's grace Christina Fellowship Sophia Hudson Simon Cram john D. Farber joshua goldberg richard W. Hulbert Kevin Cramer Susan a. Srnka & Kenneth Farber lauren goldberg the Hunter College elementary Crédit industriel et Commercial Michael Farber judith & David goldfinger School john Creech Design & Production Colin M. Farmer Susan goldman Dr. & Mrs. james r. Hurley robert Creighton Father's Day\Mother's Day judith a. vowles & louis M. goldring the Dr. Maxwell Hurston Family Council, inc. anthony Cruz Donna & Perry golkin Foundation, inc. victoria Petrusenko & Qazi Fazal evelyn gonzalez & ramon Cruz, jr. amy gonzalez rizwan S. Hussain Dara Federman james Cunningham Dr. adam goodman Christina Hwang Fein Foundation Margaret joy Cytryn angela & Mark C. gordon Charles H. Hyman Marc a. Feinberg Charles a. Dailey Foundation Barbara g. gottlieb ilili jodisue rosen & Scott Feldman the Dammann Fund, inc. Michael gottlieb iNg Capital llC Penny & Stephen Feldman Dancing Sandwich enteprises David gray iNg Direct linda Fentiman Blythe Danner David greaves ingeniera de Software Bancario Sl Pia M. Ferrario Peter Davies Manly green David ingraham linda Field leroy askia Davis ellen j. greene integrative Nutrition Karen & andrew Fife yann de rochefort Barbara & eugene greene ipsos North america the Finkelstein Foundation Bonnie & Warren De Wied richard and Peggy greenfield Philip irwin john M. de yonge David and Hilda Fins Family Foundation a. Willard ivers, jr. Foundation Debevoise & Plimpton llP linda & eric greenshields Patricia jackson-Price eileen Fisher Nicholas Defonte elaine & anthony grillo Dianna jacob Marc Fisher Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Stephen grimaldi Marti & raphael g. jacobs Scott & Caren Fishman Merril Susan Delon Frank grobman jonathan jacoby Fishs eddy, inc. john Demous ronnie & richard grosbard Michael jangl Mara Flanagan anthony P. Denninger grossman Family Charitable trust Catherine jaque Flavorpill New york Brian j. lehrer & victoria Dennis* rachel gruhin jerry jaspar Stephanie March & Bobby Flay David Descoteaux William F. guardenier Wayne S. jew joe Flower Megan Deyoung amitabh gulati jMP Securities Margaret & Howard Fluhr Sanjeev Dhawan Michael gumowitz the joelson Foundation Flute Champagne lounge richard Dicker ellen & robert g. gutenstein Debra joester evelyn Fonseca Cheryl & Samuel Dimon lawrence guth Courtney D. johnson Food Bank of the Southern tier Diversified Foods linda Hacker Douglas e. johnson Foodtown - PSK Supermarkets inc. Sandra & robert j. Hagan Henry johnson Ford & Harrison llP *Deceased Hagar Family Foundation richard johnson FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 23

Bobby jones le Bernardin Michael j. Corbett & judith Mcgrath joseph a. Pannullo Foundation, inc. David jones Ms. Christine leas jeannie M. Mcguire Peter r. Paradiso David jones Henry C. lebowitz john l. McHugh Foundation zhubin Parang Karen & travis jordan jessica l. ledbetter Knox Mcilwain Kimberly Pargeon arlindo & evelyn jorge Family trust eric S. lee Neil Mckelvie elsa Weinberg & Duncan Patton Sanjay joshi jeannette lee thomas D. Mcrae Paulie gee llC Daphne oz & john jovanovic john lee james McSpiritt Paw in your Face Productions Christine a. ju Katie lee jess & joe Meli Mr. & Mrs. Paul Peacock Marilyn Kaggen Sandra g. lee Merck Peapod lillian Kalish Debbie & Stanley lefkowitz Beth & Mark Metzger Foundation, inc. joanne a. Pello the Kandell Fund Brenda & Burton lehman Miraldina & anthony Meyer Carolyn Penney julie Kanevsky Danielle B. lemmon Microsoft the Penobscot Fund jeff Kantor lenox Corporation robert Miglis john D. Perkins Brooke gladstone & Fred M. Kaplan lenox room timothy Milford Diane & Mark Perlin rita & Henry Kaplan les Dames D'escoffier atlanta Mary F. Miller john Peters jeffrey Kaplan anne Claire lester Foundation Michael e. Mills Dr. & Mrs. thomas j. Petrone Natalie Kaplan Margot leverett iliana & Philip Mindlin inc. Susan Karches levi Strauss & Co. MKM Foundation john a. Picarello Miriam Kartch-Hughes Martha K. levin gretta Monahan the Pierre Hotel Michal & Daniel Katcher Mr. & Mrs. Marc levy Diane l. rohman & Charles r. Monet grace C. Pilcer geoff Katz Carol Miller & richard levy the Moody's Foundation Cecily Pinkerton greg Kaufman Karen lewis Bradley Moore gloria Pitagorsky Barbara Kaufmann Marjorie r. lewis Bart Freundlich & julianne Moore oliver Platt Michael Kearney gary li Betty & Frederick Morefield Barbara & Henri Podowski todd e. Keeler Beth & Carl lieberman Dana & Mario Morino Mark Satlof & Dana Points elizabeth ann Keeley Barbara & Norman lifton julia Morris Pearl & robert Polifka jaret Keller Michael S. lillo Susan l. Morrison lev Polinsky Clinton Kelly Chris Brezil & Stefanie lindeman David Moss Porter House New york eB Kelly alec lipkind Mound, Cotton, Wollan & greengrass edith & Sidney l. Posel lori Kenschaft lisa & Mark lippman eva lopez-Paredes & jeffrey M. Movit adam Posner juvaria Khan Daniel lipton Michael Movsovich Brent Posner Charles Killoran leonard liturn Nita Mulani David Pozen Sueanne & john Kim the Margaret and Daniel loeb - third janet Mulligan Karen DeMoss & Steve Preskill Kimmins terrier Foundation Point Foundation Pamela r. lewy & Brian Murphy Seth Price alison King Mr. & Mrs. tim love Pam & Marc Murphy Protagonist llC Heather Klare Matt low Michael e. Murphy Michael Protzel randi Wolf & David Klem ernest lupinacci Murray's Cheese Shop Chris Puma Bonnie Fox & Stuart Koenig tamera luzzatto Maria Muxfeldt Diana l. Purkiss jeffery Kogan Shelly & james MacDonald MySuperFoods Company Margarette Purvis Punit Kohli Christy Mack ragnar D. Naess jen Quainton robert Kolker jenna Mack Monroe and Florence Nash jennifer & josh rabina Martin Kon Macmillan Publishing Foundation radegast Hall llC edna M. Konoff Macro Consultants llC julie & Michael Naughton Susan B. & David a. rahm Clark Korb robert Magill the Needlers Foundation Kent rahman anthony Korner virginia l. Maher jacqueline & george Nelson Susan rainey alexandra D. Korry lisa r. Mahle New Kalman Sunshine Fund, inc. raju rajan eric Kosse Kevin Mailender New york Business Development Mark Coleman & Susan M. ramer Corporation esther Koven timothy D. Malefyt arvin rampersad New yourgrocer llC Daniel r. Kramer Nancy Weiss Malkiel & Burton Malkiel rancho Feedwell Foundation Mr. & Mrs. adam C. Malkin the Howard and Maryam Newman Sidney and judith Kranes Charitable Family Foundation inc. Maclaren randall trust laure Manheimer Kennith B. Norman rastelli Food group Claire & Peter Kranes Sheila & David Manischewitz North Star Foundation adam D. raucher Krasdale Foods, inc. zjantelle & Keith Markel Northern trust Charitable giving elizabeth raymond erin & Kurtis W. Krestinski Christine Markuske Program rBg Management Corporation Nathaniel Kritzer Marquis george MacDonald Nick Notias jordan H. rednor Foundation Susan Kroll NyC & Company reedSmith llP alyssa Herman & jeff Kronisch grace r. & alan D. Marcus Foundation isabelle & Harold oaklander Patrick reen janet i. Kuhl ethel K. Marran Sean o'Brien Donna regii anupam Kundu Patricia & Charles Martano Margaret o'Connell arthur reichstetter Carol & ronald Kurtz jill & aaron Mason Niall o'Connor rachel goodman & Michael reifman l. W. robbins associates jill Hennessy & Paolo Mastropietro Christiane olsen Carolyn Perry & gregory reimers robert e. and elizabeth a. laBlanc one economy Corporation lawrence F. reinalter Foundation elizabeth Mathews one Point Brokerage Peggy revard Mortimer j. lacher Marianne Maurel lisa orberg ed rich emeril j. lagasse, iii Nancy l. Mauro orx resources ridgewood Savings Bank ann & richard lagravenese Margaret P. Mautner greg ostroff Mr. & Mrs. joseph riggio Deborah j. landau Connor a. May Donald a. ostrower anna M. Perris-rigoutsos & gay lane Peter j. Mayer otg Management isidore rigoutsos Christopher lange Sarah & riyad Maznavi Matthew overlan Sandra & eric ripert angela lansbury Meyer and esther B. Mazor Foundation james garret overlock laurie rippon linda lao Mcafee owenoke Foundation risk Control Strategies asma lat Christine McBryan David Pachter Karyn ritter jesse laudon elaine Mccarty Package Pavement elisa rivlin the Bernard and Muriel lauren timothy a. robert Foundation Susan & robert McCaw Patricia & ron Padgett robin roberts richard j. lauria ellyn Mccolgan Piyush Pandey jane robson Susan & David t. lavine gayle Mcdermott Panera llC rock Shrimp Productions FooDBanKFornewyorKCIty 2013 aNNual rePort 24

linda a. rock Celia & Stuart Sealfon rachel e. Sussman Harold Weiss jayne rockmill lucille & Carlton Sedgeley William Sussman jonathan g. Weiss geoffrey rodkey the Seedtime Fund inc. Sam Sweeney Weissman Family Foundation, inc. Charles roemer jerry a. Finkelstein & Nancy D. Seliger Caroline r. & jeff C. Swiatek Marilyn & Ken Weissman gregg rogers Mustafa Sezgin jeanette & Stephen tabb giulia & Marc Weisman Pamela & george rohr vivian Shalom Szilvia & Charles tanenbaum eva & Max Weissman ed rollins adam j. Shapiro Chandler & Paul tagliabue Henry D. Weitzner ronald rose renita Sharma Betsy tanner Frances & Philip Wellman the Frederick P. & Sandra P. rose Sharp electronics Burt tansky WellPoint Foundation Foundation Shami Shenoy tabitha tavolaro Wells joseph rosenberg amy Sherman Paul r. teitelbaum lucille Werlinich annebeth e. rosenboom Barbara Sherr telecomPioneers –Deanza timothy Westergren Betty rosenstock Samantha Shipp Chapter #6B Mildred Whalen goldie rotenberg Shippy Foundation telecomPioneers –Northeast Carolyn C. & William o. Wheatley gail rothbard Brett Shirk Chapter #125 Catherine Wheeler Marcia & Philip rothblum amy C. Short Nancy & Craig tenney lilian Whitaker rothstein Kass Foundation jeffrey S. Siegel amanda lin & Nathan thomas the judith C. White Foundation gillian & james round jerry Silbert andrew tilton gerald i. White irene & rick rounick jonathan D. Sills tMNa Services Deborah Wiener Stanley rowe jeremy abrams & gail Simmons julia C. tobey Samuel Wiener Mary & Winthrop rutherfurd Stephen Simon Nicholas C. tompkins Mr. & Mrs. William Wilcox Steve Sabba jillian W. Slonim gregory tosko libby a. levandoski & Peter e. Wilhelm Mike Sabes janet Slosberg linda tosti William gundry Broughton Charitable Nara Sadagursky Cameron Smalls amy traub Private Foundation aaron Saiger Brian j. Smith Susan & Charles tribbitt William Morris endeavor entertainment St. andrews restaurant Dustin Smith liz troester Keith William Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Salerno linda Kamisato & Mark a. Smith Will turnage Maria & evan Williams SalesForce Sarah e. Smith Melissa & jason turowsky jenni Williams Susan & jason Salgado elizabeth Snyder joanna & Bruce turtletaub Nick Willoughby joel S. Salomon Ms. Sobers robert C. tuschman Wilson, elser, Moskowitz, edelman & Dicker llP Michael Salvatore lori Soderlind rima vargas-vetter & Paul ukena Suzanne Wilson victoria Samadi jennifer Sohn Susan ungaro andrew Wingrove lizbel Sanchez Soho House unilever united States, inc. Susan Saegert & gary Winkel jack Sanderson Solomon Schechter of Manhattan unitedHealthCare Services, inc. Samantha & Mark Sandler u.S. Bank Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis joshua Solomon Cohen llP Sandpiper Fund, inc. Mr. & Mrs. anthony vaccari joanna & Philip Solomon Wendy Wolf Doris & Norman Sandys Diane valentino richard Soto janice S. Woo teena Sankoorikal lee and Cynthia vance Foundation Southpoint Capital advisors lP Wood Mackenzie Christina & jonthan Santelli vanguard Direct Marilou j. Sparrow Samantha Woodruff Diane Winston & Steven Schechter Mark vanhoenacker Christian Stadlinger Wowtoyz Mae & robert Scheff jyoti & anish vasisth terrie S. Stainman Betty & george Wybenga Sandra & Donald Scheier alexander vasserman Mr. & Mrs. Simon Stanaway x10 Business Management limited elizabeth Scheines venable Foundation Cheryl & Brian Starer xerox Corporation Felice Sontupe & Steve Scherzer gordon veneKlasen David Starr ethan C. yake joan g. & richard j. Scheuer vermont Community Foundation the rusty Staub Foundation robin Beningson & Salvatore yannotti robert H. Schlosser Shari & Henry verschell elizabeth Steele Pauline yoo Schneider-Kaufmann Foundation amelia vinal David e. Stein Nelson young gail & judah Schorr vinson & elkins l.l.P. vicki Steinhardt jasmine zain Shelley D. Schorsch judith Kaufer & Max von Hollweg Patricia gelfond & jonathan Stern Margaret & geoffrey zakarian linda Schupack David Caplan & Karen e. Wagner Caroline C. Stewart aaron zakem Deb Schwartz anne Wall Kimberly Stigliano zale Corporation Kenneth B. Schwartz geraldine u. Wallman Michael Stipe Marc zalinsky lori a. Schwartz Karen Walter jessica Stockton Bagnulo elizabeth zeldin Nancy Schwartz thomas Barry & Susan Waltman ellen Kampinsky & lou Strenger rick zeni robert a. Schwartz Patricia Wang Susan H Striepling the Bill and ann ziff Foundation jerome M. Schwartzman xu Wang jacqueline & lary Stromfeld Samantha zinober Mildred Schweder guy Struve Kathleen F. Spessbach & David e. Webb joe zitolo robert Score Philip Sugar robert Weeman lori & David zoll eileen r. Scott Susan & t. Dennis Sullivan, ii Brenda Wehle laurence zuckerman Blair S. Scribner Khalid Sultan robert & elizabeth Weinmann

thanKyoutoourCorporateMIssIonpartners FooDDonors BaKerIes Sky vegetables, inc. hunt’spoIntCooperatIVe tropicana Products, inc. Sur la table terMInaLMarKet vita Coco arnold Products, inc. Sysco Wakefern Food Corp. target all Natural Products a & j Produce Corp. terrafina Bimbo Bakeries uSa D'arrigo Bros. Co. of New york, inc. superMarKets time Warner Cable the Brazen Fox DM rothman Co. vasinee Food Corporation gold Medal Bakery e. armata Fruit & Produce a & P ( Waldbaum's, Pathmark, Food young Shing trading Co., inc. Basics) Kossar's Bialys Fierman Produce exchange Fairway Market levian Bakery, llC FresCo Fresh Direct, llC FarMs Fruitco Corp. gristedes Corporate gold Medal Produce Park Slope Food Coop Buurma Farms inc. j Margiotta & Co. Shoprite 82nd Street academics Dan Dunsmoor Farms Katzman Berry Corporation Stop & Shop abraham's Natural Foods Dagael Farms lee loi industries inc. Western Beef aglocal David allman Fruit Farm Mendez international tropical Foods amtrak- Penn Station Fino Farms Morris okun Baked by Melissa greco Family Farm & orchard Nathel & Nathel whoLesaLers Bloomingdale’s growNyC greenmarket the New Fulton Fish Market at Burke Corporation Hansen Farms Hunts Point austin Meat & Seafood Craft Coffee Harvest Queen Farms robert Cochran Baldor Specialty Foods Dept of education Hoeffner Farms rubin Brother Produce Corp. CiS Wholesale Dept of Motor vehicles Hopkinson Farms Driscoll Foods Dept of Health and Human Services irving Farms ManuFaCturers Farmigo Devry College of New york j. glebocki Farms Fruit importers americas inc. Dole Food Company joseph j. rapasadi & Son Boar's Head gourmet guru Farm Produce Duanereade by Walgreens Campbell Soup Company imperial Bag & Paper Co., llC lichwick Farms Fauna NyC Chobani jag Speciality Foods lynn-ette & Sons, inc. Feeding america Coca-Cola North america Krasdale Foods M&M Farms Frito-lay North america, inc. Conagra grocery Products, inc. lucky’s real tomatoes Migliorelli Farms grand Central terminal Dannon M&r tomato Distributors, inc. New york apple association junior's Cheesecake Farmland Dairies Mom's Fresh Foods Patsy vigneri & Sons, inc. Kellogg Company general Mills Nebraskaland, inc. Pawelski Farms lavazza goya Foods inc. Sahadi Fine Foods red jacket Macy’s j.M. Smucker Company jerry Shulman Produce Shipper, inc. reichle Farms Mosner Family Brands Kraft Foods vista Food exchange inc. rottkamp Brothers Farm Nestlé Nestlé Co. Szawlorski Potato Farms Petco Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of N.y. torrey Farms Quinciple Quaker oats Company voelpel Farms inc. red rabbit Sultana Crackers Wayne Bailey Produce Co. the rogers Collection Sysco ed zilnicki & Sons Farm

ourgoVernMentpartners speCIaLthanKsto: Senators Charles e. Schumer and Kirsten gillibrand New york City’s elected officials NyC Congressional Delegation Federal emergency Management agency: emergency Food and Shelter united States Department of agriculture Program /New york City Board, administered by united Way of NyC internal revenue Service (SPeC) Feeding america the governor of the State of New york Food Bank For New york City advisory Committees and Culinary Council NyS Senate Food Bank For New york City Board of Directors NyS assembly Food Bank For New york City Staff NyS office of temporary and Disability assistance Food Bank For New york City volunteers NyS Department of Health Friends and Funders of Food Bank For New york City NyS office of general Services New york City Human resources administration: office of Domestic violence and emergency intervention Services/eFaP the Mayor of the City of New york New york State Department of Health: Division of Nutrition/HPNaP NyC Public advocate New york State office of general Services: Division of government Donated NyC Council Foods/teFaP NyC Comptroller New york City Department of education: office of School Food NyC Human resources administration Non-Food Service Providers NyC Department for the aging Share our Strength NyC Department of Consumer affairs Staff and volunteers of Nonprofit Community Food Programs NyC Department of education united Federation of teachers NyC Department of Parks and recreation NyC Department of youth & Community Development Mayor’s office of veterans’ affairs LIBertytorChsoCIety isaprogramthatacknowledges Bronx Borough President committedFoodBankFornewyorkCityfriendswhohave Brooklyn Borough President chosentoincludeFoodBankintheirestateplans.tolearnhow Manhattan Borough President youcanbecomeamember,pleasecontactandreae.hill, Queens Borough President seniorDirectorofIndividualandMajorgifts,at Staten island Borough President [email protected]or212-566-7855ext.8073. yoursupportenDs hungerInnyC

“IwantedtobecreativeinmycontributiontoFoodBank, so i photographed some of their food distributions and told people’s stories through images. it was one of the most i P

C moving experiences of my life.” / y r r a P l

e Melanie Dunea g i

N renowneDphotographeranDauthoroFMyLastsupper

Mainoffice(forFinancialDonations) getInVoLVeD: 39 Broadway, 10th Floor, New york, Ny 10006 Donate.aDVoCate.VoLunteer. t: 212.566.7855 | f: 212.566.1463 @FoodBank4nyC warehouse/DistributionCenter Hunts Point Cooperative Market 355 Food Center Drive, Bronx, Ny 10474 FoodBanknyC t: 718.991.4300 | f: 718.893.3442 FoodBanknyC CommunityKitchen&Foodpantry 252 West 116th Street, New york, Ny 10026 t: 212.566.7855 | f: 212.662.1945