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Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society, Vol. 81, No. 1-2

Massachusetts Archaeological Society

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This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. THE BULLETIN of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Volume 81, Number 1 – 2 Spring–Fall 2020

PUBLISHED BY THE MASSACHUSETTS ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. THE MASSACHUSETTS ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. Bulletin of the Robbins Museum of Archaeology Massachusetts Archaeological Society Volume 81, Number 1 – 2 Phone: (508) 947 9005 October 2020 E-mail: [email protected] Table of Contents

Officers Position Term Expires Editor’s Notes Suanna Selby Crowley President November 2020 Ryan Wheeler...... 2 Victor Mastone Vice President November 2020 Rememberance: Frederica Rockefeller Dimmick (1934 - 2019) Grace Bello Clerk November 2020 Tonya Baroody Largy, Ian W. Brown, John Rempelakis, William A. Griswold, William P. Burke, and Philip Graham...... 3 David Burbine Treasurer November 2020 Vacant Museum Director New Directions on Old Roads: A History of Transportation Archaeology in Massachusetts November 2020 Ryan Wheeler Bulletin Editor John Rempelakis...... 11 November 2020 David McKenna Corresponding Secretary November 2020 Philip Graham Past President Discovery of a Small, Isolated, High-Density Lithic Workshop in Interior Massachusetts Alan E. Strauss...... 27

Term Expires Post-Contact Upland Sites near Lake Chaubunagungamaug Trustees: November 2022 Martin G. Dudek...... 49 Ellen Berkland November 2022 Eric Lott Native Agricultural Villages in Essex County: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Evidence November 2022 John Rempelakis Mary Ellen Lepionka...... 65 November 2021 Gregory M. Lott November 2021 Lindsay Randall Contributors...... 91 November 2020 Alan F. Smith November 2020 Linda Coombs

Suanna Selby Crowley MHC Representative Philip Graham Newsletter Editor Laurie Stundis Administrative Assistant

The Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society is published semi-annually, with a spring issue (Number 1) and a fall issue (Number 2). Individual memberships in the Society that include the Bulletin are $30. Please visit our website or contact the Massachusetts Archaeological Society, P.O. Box 700, Middleborough MA 02346 (508.947.9005) for information on institutional subscriptions and other special membership rates, as well as requests for back issues of the Bulletin. Send manuscript submissions and comments to the editor, Ryan Wheeler, at [email protected].

Printed by ISSN 0148 1886

Vol. 81 (1-2) Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society October 2020 2020, Vol. 81(1-2) Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 1 2 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020

EDITOR’S NOTES REMEMBERANCE: FREDERICA ROCKEFELLER DIMMICK I am pleased to share with you the 2020 issue of sibly associated with the Praying Indian Town es- (1934 - 2019) the Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological tablished in 1674 at Lake Chaubunagungamaug. Apache sites in the San Pedro river valley and Society. We had many positive responses to the Marty makes a good case for the structures to be Frederica Rockefeller Dimmick (1934 – 2019) surrounding mountains.” They returned to New 2019 issue and the updated format and I hope parts of Native buildings and illustrates the inter- England for Dave’s beginning career with the you enjoy this edition as well! esting mix of the associated Native and Anglo-Eu- TONYA BAROODY LARGY Honeywell Corporation. David was transferred to ropean objects. The final article by Mary Ellen 59 Moore Road, Wayland, MA 01778 Montreal in 1966 where they spent “three won- Lepionka revisits the question of agricultural vil- The first piece in this issue is a tribute to past MAS E-mail: [email protected] derful years of skiing and absorbing the culture lages in eastern Massachusetts and their appar- President Frederica “Freddie” Dimmick. Tonya of French Canada.” They returned to the United ent absence from the archaeological record. Largy assembled remembrances from a number Frederica was known as Freddie to all who knew States in 1969 and settled in Natick where they of Freddie’s friends and colleagues, and togeth- her well. She was respected and loved by those of lived for many years with sons, Tod, Warren, and er they paint a portrait of a wonderful, kind, and Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in mid- us who knew her, worked with her, and are count- Andrew. And so Freddie bloomed where she was accomplished individual. Many thanks to MAS March 2020, the MAS Board has made all back ed among her many friends (Figure 1). planted. She continued teaching, volunteering, President Suanna Crowley for suggesting that we issues of the Bulletin available online in partner- raised the family, and began her studies at the publish this tribute and to Tonya for organizing ship with Bridgewater State University’s library: In order to tell Freddie’s story, I need to start at Harvard Extension School for her next career— the thoughtful remembrances. Many libraries the beginning. Freddie’s earlier history, provided Archaeology! She earned her second master’s de- have remained closed or with limited access, by her husband, David, tells about a childhood gree in 1987 and began her second career, which and by making the issues available electronically, This issue includes four articles covering a vari- growing up in Red Hook, New York, where they included many years with the National Park Ser- scholars and students are able to use all of this ety of topics in Massachusetts archaeology. John married in 1960. Freddie graduated from Mount vice. marvelous research. Rempelakis kicks the issue off with a reflection Holyoke College in 1956 and earned a Master’s on transportation archaeology in the state, fea- degree at the Harvard Graduate School of Edu- I met Freddie when she was studying at Harvard turing many of the archaeologists and projects Many thanks to the authors, contributors, and re- cation. Freddie’s first career was as a high school and I was working part-time in the Zooarchaeolo- conducted since the passage of historic preser- viewers who helped complete this issue—I trust teacher of English and French. After their -mar gy Laboratory of the Peabody Museum, Harvard. vation legislation in the 1960s. John also makes you will find much here of great interest! riage, Freddie continued teaching English and It was then I introduced Freddie to Ian Brown a case for the importance of this work, which French at Sierra Vista High School in Sierra Vista, who worked down the hall in the Lower Missis- has identified and documented many significant Ryan J. Wheeler Arizona while David served in the military. Da- sippi Survey Project Laboratory where he had sites. Current efforts at the federal level to erode vid believes that Freddie’s interest in archaeol- an office. Dr. Brown had expressed an interest in preservation legislation will diminish site preser- ogy “began after visiting many ghost towns and having a volunteer and I thought of Freddie. He vation and study; this is a good reminder of why mentored Freddie and taught her how to analyze archaeology is also political—please encourage ceramics from a site he studied in the southeast. your legislators to protect federal preservation She became proficient in southeastern archaeol- laws. In the second article, Alan Strauss revisits a ogy and published her first paper in theJournal of fascinating cultural resources management proj- Alabama Archaeology (1989). Dr. Brown eventu- ect that he conducted in the mid-1990s. The site ally served as Assistant Director of the Peabody in question—subject of Phase 3 archaeological Museum. data recovery—was a high-density lithic work- shop that was not where it was supposed to be. Freddie and I became friends and she began Site distribution models suggest that such sites helping the Wayland Archaeology Group (WARG) would be located near water, but this one wasn’t. with a volunteer field project led by WARG Co- Alan shares some of the interesting analytical ordinator, Paul Gardescu (now deceased), on a techniques that he used, the challenges of dating multi-component site on a public parcel in Way- the site, and the implications for the unexpected land. She was very helpful and supportive of that find. Marty Dudek, in the third article, reports on effort. She participated in excavating, and wrote stone structures identified during another CRM Figure 1: Frederica “Freddie” Dimmick, Christmas- at least one progress report to the Massachusetts (or cultural resource management) project, pos- time 2005. Photo courtesy Tonya Largy. Historical Commission, which we have on file in

2019, Vol. 80(1-2) Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 3 4 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Frederica Rockefeller Dimmick (1934 - 2019) 5 the WARG laboratory. She served as Assistant Freddie’s experience and keen interest in archae- resources. The consistent theme in all or our re- the time, Liz Reid (now Dr. Elizabeth Kryder-Reid) Coordinator of the Wayland Archaeology Group ological issues led her to service on the Massa- lationships with Freddie is her kindness and gra- so for the first few weeks I just had Freddie team from 1985-1989. chusetts Archaeological Society’s (MAS) Board ciousness to everyone she encountered. She is up with her, primarily learning how to sort pot- of Trustees. While working at the Cape Cod Na- greatly missed. tery and develop photos. Seldom do volunteers Freddie also assisted the Medfield, Massachu- tional Seashore, in 2009, Freddie followed me as persist for more than a few weeks at this unglam- setts Historical Commission to learn about their President of the Society and served two three- orous work, but Freddie just kept coming back. In cultural resources as they organized a group of year terms. Philip Graham, Ph.D., who followed Recollections of Frederica R. Dimmick at addition to learning how to classify Natchez Indi- interested citizens to record and safeguard - ar Freddie as MAS President said she “led the MAS Harvard University’s Peabody Museum of an pottery and lithics, I put her on to handling site chaeological sites. John Thompson worked with through some challenging times, and she did Archaeology and Ethnology files, organizing the Louisiana Petite Anse Project Freddie in Medfield and shared that Freddie “was so with a quiet, confident leadership that I very type collection, and even translating a French ac- such a good friend, and so patient teaching us much appreciated as a Board member (P. Gra- IAN W. BROWN count for a paper that I was writing on Plaque- ham, personal communication).” mine culture architecture. Whatever I gave her to about archaeology. What a thoughtful person she 15 Guildswood was” (J. Thompson, personal communication). do, she always took on with a relish. In my journal Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 After earning her Master’s degree (A.L.M.) in Many people contributed to this tribute to a entry for January 5, 1983, I made note, "Hadn’t 1987, Freddie did professional fieldwork and re- very special person. I would like to thank Su- E-mail: [email protected] expected her in today, but it’s always nice to have search for the Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc. anna Crowley, President of the Massachusetts the help." And indeed it was. I knew that I could in . Archaeological Society, who asked me to write I first met Freddie in October of 1983 (Figure 2). always depend on Freddie, even in the first week this tribute on behalf of the Board of Trustees. I was a Research Associate at the Peabody Mu- of a new year. Freddie had a long career with the National Park Freddie’s husband and colleagues over the years seum at the time and had just returned from a Service (NPS). I believe her first experience on an were most helpful to me in sharing information summer excavating sites in Natchez, Mississippi. I remained in my post with the LMS for another NPS project was working as a volunteer with me, and their remembrances of Freddie. I would like In the past, I occasionally took on volunteers in year, until becoming Associate Curator of North while she was a student at Harvard and also vol- to acknowledge their contributions about her the field and lab, but unfortunately, they seldom American Collections at the Peabody, and all unteering in Wayland and Medfield. In the 1980s, life and career without which this tribute would worked out. However, when this mature, sophis- through that year Freddie was a constant help. I had an appointment as an on-call field archae- not be as informative. David Dimmick, Freddie’s ticated woman came into the Lower Mississippi Her energy and dedication led to her taking an- ologist for the National Park Service. In the mid- husband, told me about Freddie’s early history Survey (LMS) office one day and expressed an in- thropology classes in Harvard's Extension School, 1980s, Dick Ping-Hsu, then Director of the North- and their life together. Ian Brown tells us about terest in archaeology and a desire to work, I de- starting with Stephen Williams’ North -Ameri east Regional Office of the National Park Service Freddie’s experience in his laboratory at Har- cided to sign her on. Every Wednesday afternoon, can Archaeology course. Then she took a couple (retired), assigned me to a project at the Long- vard University where he mentored her interest week after week, Freddie would arrive at the LMS of classes that I myself taught in the Extension fellow House Washington’s Headquarters Nation- in ceramics, helping her gain expertise in south- lab ready to have a go at whatever I had on hand School, at which time she met and teamed up al Historic Site on Brattle Street in Cambridge, eastern archaeology. John Rempelakis shared his for her to do. I had an undergraduate assistant at with three other women, all of whom were ex- Massachusetts. I was the sole person doing the early relationship with Freddie as she developed ploring other career directions. These four wom- project under Dick’s direction and I desired a her career and their work together on the Board en—Penelope (Penny) Drooker, Antoinette (Toni) companion! I asked Dick if I could invite Freddie of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society. Bill Wallace, Eva Fridman, and Freddie—became sol- to help me as a volunteer and he said yes. I don’t Griswold and Bill Burke both shared their memo- id friends, eventually colleagues, and for many believe that would happen today! Freddie came ries of working with Freddie on various projects years thereafter attended archaeological confer- to dig on days when she was available and was a with the National Park Service. Bill Burke close- ences together and contributed papers. They all wonderful helper. On those days, we were able to ly worked with Freddie at the Cape Cod National wrote Masters theses and received their M.A. de- do the work faster together than just one person Seashore for the last fifteen years of her career. grees in the Extension School program, and Pen- could do working alone. After her studies, Dick Philip Graham is Past President of the Massachu- ny and Eva then went on to earn their doctorates. suggested she apply for a position and thus her setts Archaeological Society, and as such worked Freddie, meanwhile, was getting more and more career began. The next time I worked with her in with Freddie who preceded him. I preceded Fred- involved in Southeastern archaeology in her role the field was in 1990, as part of the team exca- die as President of the Society, and we worked as a Curatorial Research Assistant for me at the vation at the Carns site at the Cape Cod National together for several years. Both John Thompson Peabody, which she assumed in 1987 and contin- Seashore, led by Linda Towle and George Stillson and myself knew Freddie “way back when” in the ued until my own curatorial role ended in 1990. (Bradley 2005). 1980s as she was beginning her career while as- sisting his efforts in Medfield and our efforts in Figure 2. Ian Brown and Freddie Dimmick (left). Pho- to courtesy Ian Brown. Wayland to learn about and protect our cultural 6 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Frederica Rockefeller Dimmick (1934 - 2019) 7

During the eight years that Freddie volunteered to the discipline. She served as president of the Frederica Dimmick and the Massachusetts Frederica Dimmick and the National Park at the Peabody, in addition to working with me, Massachusetts Archaeological Society. It was be- Archaeological Society Service she volunteered for Richard S. Fuller on the Mor- cause of her dedication to the discipline that she gan site excavations in coastal Louisiana in 1986 made contacts all over the northeast. While writ- and, with husband David she traveled all through- JOHN REMPELAKIS WILLIAM A. GRISWOLD, PH.D. ing a paper or editing a report she would always out central Alabama, familiarizing herself with 7 Fairview Farm Road, Haverhill, MA 01832 Archeology Branch, Northeast Cultural Re- say, “well, have you talked to” so and so? the landscape for a monograph that she was writ- E-mail: [email protected] sources Center, Northeast Region, National ing on Creek Indian archaeology. In 1975 I had Park Service, 115 John Street, Lowell, MA 01852 More than her archaeology skills (which were done a survey of Creek sites along the Tallapoosa I initially met Freddie through her tutelage under E-mail: [email protected] considerable), I will remember Freddie as a kind, and Coosa river drainages that was intended to Dr. Ian Brown at the Peabody Museum where we generous, and thoughtful soul willing to go the be the seed for my dissertation. For various rea- established a friendship that strengthened and extra mile to help out when necessary and make sons that seed remained dormant, or at least it I first met Freddie at the Job Brooks House at flourished throughout the years. Although we Minute Man National Historical Park in Lincoln, others around her feel comfortable. Her positive did until Freddie came along. Having studied both had different research interests, we shared ideas attitude and willingness to accept others was tru- Mississippi and Louisiana pottery, she was excit- Massachusetts in 1993. I had just joined NPS and on archaeology and a variety of other topics as her warm smile and disarming demeanor put me ly comforting. Thank you Freddie, for making my ed to take on an independent study of Alabama the years passed. Even as she eventually went to entry and time in NPS such a warm experience. material, and I was very grateful for her having at ease. Even though I was new to the NPS and to work for the National Park Service and I moved CRM, Freddie graciously accepted me and began We all miss you. done so. The result was her monograph, A Survey on to administer the Archaeology Program for of Upper Creek Sites in Central Alabama, which to show me the ropes. At that time, we were part the Massachusetts Department of Transporta- of the Cultural Resources Center with our new came out in the Journal of Alabama Archaeology Frederica Dimmick at Cape Cod National tion, we often discussed common archaeological home in Lowell, Mass. After that initial meeting, in 1989. It was also in 1989 that Freddie joined and regulatory issues that impacted our respec- Seashore T. R. Kidder in Louisiana to help in his excavation I would work with Freddie over the next decade tive agencies. Freddie was instrumental in re- or so on multiple projects all over the northeast. of the Osceola site, which was the last Peabody cruiting me to join the MAS as a Trustee and we WILLIAM P. BURKE, M.A. Museum project that she participated in. served together on the Board for many years. We Cape Cod National Seashore, National Park collaborated closely in revising the MAS code of Some of the most memorable projects that we Service, 99 Marconi Site Road, Wellfleet, MA By the late 1980s, my wife (then Nancy, now ethics and research guidelines a number of years worked on were at Women’s Rights National His- called Easty) and I had become fast friends with ago. She was such a pleasure to work with. Fred- torical Park. Freddie, myself and Steve Pendery 02667 Freddie and David. Our children knew them well, die always asked questions, not just archaeolog- did so much work out in upstate New York in the E-mail: [email protected] as we often visited their home in Natick and their ical ones, and she was the consummate listener, mid to late 1990s that it almost became our home wonderful farm in Cataumet on Cape Cod. For always willing to hear and understand different away from home. Even though this was definitely Freddie Dimmick worked for nearly 15 years as the last three decades our paths crossed sever- perspectives. She was smart, inquisitive, passion- work and the projects out at WORI were done to Cape Cod National Seashore’s Archeologist. Her al times at conferences and in periodic visits that ate about archaeology, education and travel and aid the park, the projects were “fun” work. We primary job was to advise the park superinten- we made to , but they didn’t cross deeply concerned about the lives of others. Over did a whole variety of archaeological projects dent on all matters archaeological and to clear nearly enough. When Freddie assumed her po- the years, Freddie got to know my wife, Lynne, from testing at the Stanton House, to excavations areas to be dug up by ground disturbing activi- sition as NPS Staff Archeologist at the Cape Na- and I became friends with her husband, Dave. for reconstruction at the M’Clintock House, to dis- ties. With over 5 million visitors a year and- ex tional Seashore in 2001, I could not have been Freddie was one of a kind, is greatly missed, and covery of the archaeological foundations of the tensive infrastructure to support those visitors, prouder as a teacher, and then when I learned will live on in our fondest memories. Chamberlain House. We really enjoyed staying at Freddie played a critical role as “protector” of the that she was elected President of the Massa- the Guion House Bed and Breakfast and eating ground. Imagine all the fence posts needed, sep- chusetts Archaeological Society I was absolutely at the Deer Head Inn. Freddie always provided a tic systems being replaced, roads and trails being beaming with pleasure. I can truthfully say that warm smile, a positive attitude, and pleasant con- improved or relocated, and countless other new Freddie Dimmick was the best volunteer I have versation on these trips. Maybe that’s why I have facilities that potentially could damage the rich ever had; moreover, she was one of the sweetest, such fond memories of our time in Seneca Falls. legacy of sites on the Lower Cape from Chatham most gentle persons that I have known. I am so to Provincetown. With over 230 know precon- lucky to have had the chance to work with her Freddie loved archaeology and worked in the tact, contact and historical sites, and countless and to have experienced her excitement, her de- discipline well later in life than most. Her dedica- other “undiscovered sites,” one can only imagine termination, her commitment, and her laugh. tion to NPS projects, and her willingness to be in- how many sites Freddie saved from the bulldozer. volved in projects and meetings outside her NPS When a new project was proposed, Freddie was employment speaks volumes to her dedication there to review, comment and direct next steps. 8 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Frederica Rockefeller Dimmick (1934 - 2019) 9 Sometimes it meant complete avoidance of an disturbances in Eastham. For the natural resource and learn from our conversations. I was honored Freddie was loved and respected by those of us area, or a slight tweaking of a fence alignment, or scientists, she earned their trust by displaying a to succeed her as President and attempt to car- who knew her well. She is greatly missed by her something in between. Oftentimes she was called love and trust in data and the scientific method. ry on the work that she started. Today, she’s still family and she is greatly missed as a friend, col- on to perform a few test pits to gauge an area’s And for myself as her supervisor and guide, she sorely missed on the MAS Board both for her in- league, and a member of the MAS. Freddie made sensitivity. Sometimes she gave us all the “green gave me what every boss wants: passion for what sights and for her kindness. a lasting impression in all her endeavors. Hers light,” sometimes not. Other times she gave us a she did, accuracy in what she accomplished, and was a life well lived. welcomed “alternative” approach. dedication to what she believed in. All in a day’s work – thanks Freddie. We all miss you here at Some of the sites she worked on at the Seashore the Seashore. References Cited and Select Publications included the Carnes Site, the 1730 Atwood Hig- gins House in Wellfleet, the Payet Cranberry Bog in Truro, the Salt Pond area of Eastham, the Frederica Dimmick and the Massachusetts fields and swamps of Fort Hill and of course ar- Archaeological Society Bradley, James W. eas around the famed Truro Highlands Historic 2005 Occasional Publications in Field Archeology Number .3 Northeast Region Archeology Program, National District. The sites spanned early prehistory as far PHILIP GRAHAM, PH.D. Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. back as 7,000 BP, and to more recent sites asso- 347 Common St, Walpole, MA 02081 Dimmick, Frederica R. ciated with the Modern House movement of the E-mail: [email protected] 1987 Trade Good Use by the Upper Creeks: Seeing Culture Change and Continuity through Documents, Art Outer Cape in the 1950s. Trying to master such and Archaeology. Unpublished M.A. thesis in Extension Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massa- a span of history would challenge any archaeol- chusetts. I had the privilege of serving with Freddie on ogist, and the pressure under which she worked the MAS Board for a number of years (Figure 3). could run high at times as deadlines loomed for 1989 A Survey of Upper Creek Sites in Central Alabama, with a Foreword by Ian W. Brown. Journal of Ala- Something I love about serving on the Board is all important construction projects that would keep bama Archaeology 35(2). the interesting people I get to meet, and Freddie Seashore visitors and residents safe, healthy, and was no exception. As President, Freddie led the 1991 Archaeological Investigations off the South Ell of the Golden Ball Tavern, Weston, Massachusetts. Final satisfied. Freddie was unrelenting as the watch- MAS through some challenging times, and she Report Submitted to the Massachusetts Historical Commission, Boston, Massachusetts. dog of all the known and unknown underground did so with a quiet, confident leadership that I resources, and she did so with an interesting 1994 Creative Farmers of the Northeast: A New View of Indian Maize Horticulture. North American Archaeol- very much appreciated as a Board member. I re- blend of authority, charm and sincerity. ogist 15(3):235-252. ally enjoyed chatting with her about all the places she had worked. She had such a wealth of expe- Dimmick, Frederica R., and Leslie Sampou Yet perhaps Freddie’s greatest gift was her kind- rience that it was such a pleasure just to sit back 1991 Clues to the Past: Archaeology at the Golden Ball Tavern. Preservation Advocate 18(2):8-9. Massachu- ness, humanity, understanding, good humor and setts Historical Commission, Boston, Massachusetts. collaborative approach in all that she did. She easily shrugged off the critics and skeptics but she Kelso, Gerald K., Frederica R. Dimmick, David H. Dimmick, and Tonya B. Largy listened to them with respect and patience. She 2006 An Ethnopalynological Test of Task-Specific Area Analysis: View Stable, Cataumet, Massachusetts. performed physically arduous testing and digging Journal of Archaeological Science 33(7):953-960. that would have other 20-year-olds huffing and puffing. I could always rely on her to represent the truth, and her integrity when it came to commu- nicating what was reality was unmatched. I can truly say that she earned the respect of all work groups within the park. For the maintenance staff, she told it like it was and never backed down while at the same time finding a path to completion for projects. For the law enforcement personnel, she worked closely on many pot hunting investi- Figure 3. MAS Presidents, from left to right: Philip Graham, Freddie Dimmick, Tonya Largy, Curtiss Hoff- gations, especially at Fresh Brook Village sites in man. Photo courtesy Robbins Museum/Massachu- Wellfleet and the Nauset Archeological District setts Archaeological Society. NEW DIRECTIONS ON OLD ROADS: A HISTORY OF TRANSPORTATION ARCHAEOLOGY IN MASSACHUSETTS

JOHN REMPELAKIS 7 Fairview Farm Road, Haverhill, MA 01832 E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction Overview

The fields of Archaeology and Transportation For convenience, three periods in the evolution have been intertwined irrevocably from the mid- of transportation archaeology in Massachusetts 1950s. The seeds of this relationship were sown have been identified based on the types of trans- in 1956 by legislative acts under then President portation projects and archaeological research Eisenhower for the authorization and funding of that have been undertaken in the past 40+ years. the interstate highway system. Construction of They are summarized below: the interstate highway system was intended to make all portions of the country easily accessi- c. 1975 – 1990 ble, defensible and developable. Ironically, the destructive capacity of these interstate highway This period was characterized by the study of system projects and their impacts on natural and environmental and cultural resource impacts cultural resources helped spur the passage of along long, linear transportation corridors asso- federal environmental and historic preservation ciated with segments of the Interstate Highway laws and regulations some 10 years later. These System and limited access state highways, such laws and regulations of the late 1960s have made as Route I-495, Route I-391, Route I-93 (Central the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Artery), Route 44, Route 85, Route 146 and Route state transportation agencies major players in the 3 North. During this period of interstate highway fields of Archaeology and Cultural Resource Man- construction, transportation sponsored archae- agement (CRM). The following serve as examples ological surveys contributed significantly to the of the interdependence between Archaeology Massachusetts statewide archaeological invento- and Transportation: the establishment of task ry. force committees within FHWA and the -Ameri can Association of State Highway and Transpor- During this time, state highway agencies began tation Officials (AASHTO) to identify and resolve to hire staff (somewhat reluctantly) to seriously CRM and archaeological issues; the use of FHWA comply with the requirements of Section 106 of funds to further archaeological research; the em- the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), ployment within the Advisory Council on Historic the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Preservation (ACHP) of an FHWA liaison whose Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation sole responsibility is to expedite project reviews Act. These federal laws afforded archaeologists and clarify cultural resource issues for FHWA; and new avenues for employment in the fledgling the prominent role played by transportation leg- field of CRM, and universities and emergent firms islation in the governmental affairs of the Society rode the wave of opportunity. Books devoted to for American Archaeology (SAA). CRM appeared in the archaeological literature (Gumerman and Schiffer 1978; King 1978), and articles devoted to the business and practice of CRM surfaced in American Antiquity (Raab and

Vol. 81 (1-2) Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society October 2020 2020, Vol. 81(1-2) Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 11 12 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Rempelakis Transportation Archaeology in Massachusetts 13 Klinger 1977; Sharrock and Grayson 1979; Walka 1979).

Not coincidently, this period also corresponded with the expansion of the Massachusetts state- wide inventory and the development of a state- wide resource management plan (MHC 1979) which laid out historic and archaeological re- search priorities across the state based principal- ly on known inventory, geographical models, and existing transportation networks.

Figure 5. Coffin hardware recovered from the- ear Regional and site “sampling” assumed impor- Figure 1. Rock platform feature uncovered at the Ca- ly nineteenth century Uxbridge Almshouse Burial tance in the archaeological literature of the 1970s noe River West Site within the Route I-495 Project. Ground. and 80s (Mueller 1975, for example), influencing developments nationwide in transportation- ar chaeology. Massachusetts proved to be no- ex ception as transportation projects such as Route I-495, Route 44, Route 146 and Route I-391, with Figure 3. Lithic workshop activity area uncovered at their multiple-mile long corridors transecting di- the Bay Street Site within the Route I-495 Project. verse environmental zones, provided a testing ground for innovative (if somewhat expedient) sampling methods (Thorbahn 1982) and new computerized field and laboratory recording procedures (i.e., Ardvarc, Focus). Transportation projects such as the Route I-495 project also af- forded opportunities to explore the important ar- chaeological issues of the time regarding the pat- Figure 6. Relocated Almshouse Burial Ground built in Victorian Style on an abandoned roadbed in Ux- terning of human settlement based on ecological Figure 2. Feature containing shells at Site 13P-7KP within the Route I-495 Project. bridge. concepts (Dincauze 1980; Dincauze and Mulhol- land 1977), foraging and organizational behaviors tation sites, some containing specialized activity terred nearby in a new cemetery constructed in (Binford 1980; Jochim 1976) and site catchment areas (see Figures 1 and 2), and small special pur- Figure 4. Archaeological fieldwork undertaken at Lo- the Victorian style. Circumscribed by ornamental analyses (Flannery 1976). Geo-morphological pose sites (see Figure 3). The Route 85 project in cus 1 within the Annasnappet Pond Archaeological landscaping, granite posts and a commemorative analyses and pollen studies combined with the Marlborough yielded a Pre-Contact Period Native District in Carver. plaque, the cemetery earned a Massachusetts archaeological investigations for the Route I-495 Historical Commission (MHC) statewide pres- American rock shelter site used most intensively sively associated with the identification and eval- and Route 44 projects were instrumental in ex- ervation award acknowledging the cooperative during the Late Archaic Period and again during uation of prehistoric sites, as they also produced amining environmental change and its impact on preservation efforts of agency officials, archaeol- the Early and Middle Woodland Periods (Hunting- a number of historic site investigations, mostly of cultural adaptation and territoriality in southern ogists, and members of the Uxbridge community ton 1982). The Route 44 project in southeastern eighteenth through late nineteenth century farm- New England. (see Figure 6). The Route 146 project also pro- Massachusetts identified the Annasnappet Pond steads and rural residential and industrial sites. duced a Native American rockshelter site used in- Archaeological District whose boundaries con- A nineteenth century almshouse burial ground, Of the 39 Pre-Contact Period Native American termittently from the Middle Archaic through the tained large and small Native American campsites consisting of the remains of 32 individuals in 31 sites identified within the Route I-495 project Late Woodland Periods (see Figure 7). dating from the Middle Archaic through the Ear- graves, was identified and excavated during the corridor in southeastern Massachusetts, twen- ly Woodland Periods (Anthony 1979; Gero 1980; latter stage of the Route 146 investigations in ty were subjected to data recovery excavations. Randall 1981; see Figure 4). These cross-country, Uxbridge (Elia and Wesolowski 1989; see Figure These large transportation project corridors also These sites spanned the Middle Archaic through largely undeveloped transportation corridors 5). After the completion of the osteological anal- traversed highly urbanized areas such as Boston, the Late Woodland Periods and included habi- such as Route I-495 and Route 146 were not exclu- ysis, the remains of these individuals were re-in- Charlestown, and Roxbury. Archaeological inves- 14 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Rempelakis Transportation Archaeology in Massachusetts 15

Figure 8. Cross-mended spiral-stemmed glassware Figure 7. Archaeological fieldwork undertaken at the recovered from a privy at the Three Cranes Tavern Hartford Avenue Rockshelter Site in Uxbridge. Site in Charlestown. Figure 11. Neville Point Variants recovered from Lo- Figure 10. Interpretive Panel (in the shape of a canoe) cus 1 within the Annasnappet Pond Archaeological tigations for the Central Artery (Pendery 1982; ects have played a significant role in educating the about the Nation on the Kenneth Burns Me- District in Carver. Pendery 1984; Shaw, Laden and Cushman 1984; public about the “how” and “why” of archaeology morial Bridge over in Worcester and Shrewsbury. Elia and Seasholes 1989; Elia, Landon, and Sea- and the important stories it could unfold. Stories sholes 1989) and the MBTA’s extension of the Or- about colonial tavern life and food consumption Shrewsbury were integrated into the design and ange Line (Bower 1984; Bower 1986), involving (see Figure 8), early entrepreneurship by wom- construction of the Kenneth Burns Memorial extensive documentary research and selective en, changing land use and urban development Bridge over Lake Quinsigamond (see Figure 10). field survey, identified a broad spectrum of sites and growth from the seventeenth through the Pedestrians and bicyclists alike can learn about and explored a variety of familiar themes. Trac- early nineteenth centuries in Charlestown and the operation of an early nineteenth century ing urban development from the seventeenth Boston were conveyed to the public through pre- pencil factory as they pass by an interpretive sign through the late nineteenth/early twentieth cen- sentations, posters, booklets, a MassDOT (then near foundation remains along a new shared-use turies, the archaeological research touched on MassHighway)/FHWA funded interpretive display path in Acton. Replacement of the John Green- such issues as household consumption, land use, of material culture at the Massachusetts State leaf Whittier Bridge in Amesbury and Newbury- ethnicity, gender, status, subsistence, and trade. Archives and use of actual seventeenth century port included the design and installation of an Archaeological investigations in Roxbury included tavern stone foundation remains in the design interpretive panel describing Native American excavations of a tannery, a foundry, a horse rail- and construction of present day City Square Park life and history along the banks of the Merrimac Figure 12. Neville Points recovered from Locus 9 way complex, a homestead, a jail, and a pumping in Charlestown (see Figure 9). More recently, in- River. These examples show that Transportation within the Annasnappet Pond Archaeological District in Carver. station dating from the late seventeenth through terpretive panels describing Native American life and Archaeology together serve to provide a very the early twentieth centuries. Archaeological in- (with substantial input from the Nipmuc Nation) visible and powerful forum for informing commu- vestigations for the Central Artery project, which and the historical development of Worcester and nities about their histories. began during this period and continued intermit- tently into the 1990s, included the excavation of several Pre-Contact Period Native American sites 1990 – 2000 and a broad range of historic sites dating from the This period witnessed the completion of site ex- period of the first European arrivals. These proj- amination and data recovery excavations at sites ects were also significant for the unique logisti- identified within the major project corridors of cal challenges they presented to archaeologists the preceding period. Archaeological excavations working in highly urbanized settings. within the Annasnappet Pond Archaeological Dis- trict for the Route 44 project identified the larg- Transportation archaeology demonstrated that est Middle Archaic Period assemblage and one of new roads could take us to some very old plac- the earliest known burials in Massachusetts, and es with interesting tales to tell. Beginning in this Figure 9. Foundation stones from the Three Cranes Tavern Site incorporated into City Square Park in provided valuable information on Middle Archaic Figure 13. Winged Atlatl Weights recovered from Lo- period and continuing with greater frequency Charlestown. Central Artery/North Area Tunnel lithic technology (see Figures 11 and 12), atlatl use cus 1 within the Annasnappet Pond Archaeological during the following periods, transportation proj- passes beneath the park. (see Figure 13) and transitional coastal zone/up- District in Carver. 16 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Rempelakis Transportation Archaeology in Massachusetts 17 through the early twentieth centuries (Boire, 2000 to Present Cherau and Begley 1994; Boire, Cherau and Macpherson 1997; Cherau and Fragola 2000). The Interstate Highway System, which reached the The Routes 146/I-90 transportation improvement 50-year threshold for National Register eligibility project in Millbury and Worcester represented consideration in 2006, received a great deal of the largest new project of the period, involving attention from FHWA, AASHTO, state transporta- several archaeological investigations of the nine- tion agencies, ACHP and the National Conference teenth century Blackstone Canal and related in- of State Historic Preservation Officers. As early as dustrial resources (King, Adams and Dalton 1993). 2001, FHWA and state transportation agencies One of the more interesting elements of the proj- were concerned with the tremendous adminis- ect was the collaborative effort by archaeologists trative burden presented by a possible National and structural historians to expose and document Register of Historic Places designation of the in- a segment of the Blackstone Canal, including the terstate highway system under the requirements Figure 16. Excavations at the early nineteenth centu- remains of a dam/sluiceway structure in Millbury of Section 106. In response to these concerns, the ry Town Dock Wharves Site in Charlestown. (Donta 1997; Greenwood 1997). During this pe- ACHP granted an administrative exemption that duced a new point type to traditional Southern riod, pedestrian/bicycle path projects were rare, would relieve the FHWA from the requirement New England projectile point typologies and of- but a few found their way on to the yearly project of taking into account the effects of its projects fered a new interpretive approach to analyzing advertisement schedules. Archaeological surveys on the Interstate Highway System, except for cer- Middle Archaic stone tool technology in Massa- for one such project, the Polpis Road Bicycle Path tain individual elements or structures that were chusetts and Southern New England. Central Ar- project in Nantucket, culminated in the excava- part of the system. Archaeological impacts would tery archaeological investigations in Charlestown, tion of four Native American sites dating from the still be evaluated on a project-by-project basis. Boston, and Boston yielded Native Amer- Transitional Archaic through the Contact Periods In Massachusetts, several bridges, including the ican camp sites variously dated from the Late Ar- (Rainey 2003). Zakim Bridge in downtown Boston, and older seg- chaic through the Late Woodland Periods, and ments of Route 128 which were later incorporat- Figure 14. Exposed structural remains of the seven- the following historic sites: the first home of Gov- The latter half of this period saw a dramatic in- ed into the interstate highway system were iden- teenth through eighteenth century Three Cranes Tav- ernor Winthrop, a seventeenth century tavern crease in the number of minor roadway and tified as exclusions to the exemption. ern Site in Charlestown. (see Figures 14 and 15), seventeenth and eigh- bridge projects advertised for construction in teenth century domestic/workshop sites, seven- Massachusetts. The costs of MassDOT’s (then In the twenty-first century, new commitments teenth through nineteenth century wharf sites MassHighway) annual project advertisement to “fix-it-first” and to improve pedestrian/bicy- (see Figure 16), eighteenth century pottery sites, programs more than doubled during this period, clist access to public transportation facilities have a tannery and distillery and a nineteenth century partly in response to demands by communities changed the face of transportation archaeolo- glass factory (Cook and Balicki 1998; Edens and (outside of Boston) for a more equitable share gy in Massachusetts. With the exception of the Kingsley 1998; Gallagher 1992; Smith, Donohue of the state’s transportation funds. A number of on-going work for the MBTA, the long, linear proj- and Dudek 2000). The display and publication of these smaller projects, however, were no less ects on new locations have given way to small- the results of these investigations have helped re- productive in their contributions to the state’s -ar er project areas within predominantly urban or shape our thinking about Colonial American life chaeological resource base. A nineteenth century semi-urban settings. The emphasis at MassDOT ways and Archaic/Woodland Period life ways. mill foundation and raceway were identified and in the last decade has been the rehabilitation or evaluated in West Stockbridge, and the remains replacement of bridges, improvement of inter- Reconnaissance and intensive level surveys and of an eighteenth century tavern/residence and sections, reconstruction of existing state and lo- site examination evaluations were undertaken for Pre-Contact Period Native American site were cal roadways, and maintenance of the interstate Figure 15. Stone-lined privy (one of five privies) exca- found in Northampton. Fortunately, MassDOT vated at the Three Cranes Tavern Site in Charlestown. the MBTA’s Greenbush Line during this period. highways. There also has been a greater focus in These surveys identified and evaluated Pre-Con- was able to avoid and protect several of these the last few years on the construction of pedes- land area adaptations (Doucette and Cross 1997). tact Period Native American sites dating from the sites during construction through its final design trian/bicycle paths alongside of, or within existing Furthermore, these excavations at Annasnappet Middle Archaic through the Late Woodland Peri- procedures and special construction contract roadways and abandoned rail beds. Major proj- Pond in Carver provided the foundation for a ods and historic period domestic/shop, railroad, provisions. ects designed to improve traffic flow and access future Ph.D. dissertation (Doucette 2003), intro- and industrial sites dating from the seventeenth to businesses around existing interchanges and 18 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Rempelakis Transportation Archaeology in Massachusetts 19 connector roads will continue to be part of the cent to a project bridge in Townsend, structural haven identified and evaluated several Native For archaeologists, the decrease in large-scale planning process, but the trend overall will be to- remains of small nineteenth century industrial American sites spanning the Late Archaic through survey work from the earlier periods can be off- ward small-scale bridge and state and local road- hamlets at project bridge locations in Mansfield the Late Woodland Periods (Binzen and Medina set by the fulfillment of clients’ needs for early way projects. and Becket and more recently, waterpower ele- 2005). coordination, public outreach, and overall CRM ments and foundation remains associated with compliance. During the course of their surveys, While projects involving the reconstruction of ex- an early nineteenth century sawmill complex at archaeologists must consult with a variety of isting roadways typically cause minimal impact to another project bridge location in Royalston (see Where do we go from here? groups, including transportation agency manag- archaeological resources, the drainage, stormwa- Figure 17). ers, resource agency staff, project engineers, Na- ter, and wetland replication impacts associated “Two roads diverged in a wood, and tive American tribes, local historical commissions, with these projects often warrant some archae- The bikeway projects, although more numerous I—I took the one less traveled by, abutters, neighborhood groups and the public. ological consideration (Hasenstab 1991). Bridge than those of the preceding period, have often And that has made all the difference” They must also work closely with other special- The Road Not Taken) replacement projects, especially those construct- followed abandoned rail beds, or have served as (Robert Frost, ists such as architectural and structural historians ed on new location or those requiring temporary shared facilities within existing roadways.- How if they are to respond effectively to their clients’ bridges to facilitate traffic flow during construc- ever, a few in recent years have passed through Revised regulations calling for greater public par- needs and the requirements of federal cultural tion, will continue to threaten both prehistoric cross-country areas, resulting in the discovery of ticipation and earlier coordination, and a trend resource laws and regulations. In earlier times, and historic period archaeological resources. In archaeological sites. Archaeological surveys for toward smaller and less environmentally intru- archaeological surveys and studies of standing recent years, there have been an increasing num- the Franklin County bikeway project identified sive projects will force transportation managers structures were often separate ventures, with ber of historic period sites identified within or ad- and evaluated a small Late Archaic Period camp- and archaeologists alike to take a slightly differ- little information shared between them. With jacent to these bridge project areas. The remains site overlooking the River in -Deer ent path than the one traditionally taken. the current downscaling of projects, a tendency of older bridges, mill and house foundations, and field (Doucette 2005). A survey for the Upper under the current administration to target urban waterpower elements such as dams and race- Charles bikeway project identified the structural There will be pressure on transportation man- and semi-urban areas, and an apparent rise in the ways associated with small industrial hamlets remains of a late nineteenth/early twentieth cen- agers to identify environmental, historic, and ar- number of historic period buildings, structures, have been identified adjacent to or even integral tury quarry operation adjacent to an abandoned chaeological resources early on in the planning and sites encountered within these project areas, with the abutments of existing bridges. Exam- railroad in Milford (Herbster 2004). Archaeologi- and project development process, and to explore there is an increasing need to integrate archaeo- ples include an eighteenth century gristmill adja- cal surveys for a pedestrian/bicycle path in Fair- ways to avoid them as the project advances. Re- logical surveys with architectural/structural stud- cent revisions in the federal regulations have ies. Joint ventures by specialists in these fields stressed early coordination with all potentially have occurred somewhat sporadically in the past, affected and interested parties, including Native but collaborative efforts in architectural history American tribes, local historical commissions, and archaeology will need to become more com- abutters, neighborhood groups, etc. and to con- monplace if more informed decisions about Na- sider any concerns they might have in the devel- tional Register of Historic Places eligibility are to opment of the project. A major concern has been be made on transportation projects. the need to solicit greater involvement by Native American communities in the development phase The roadway reconstruction, intersection im- of a project. This concern led to the negotiation provement, bridge replacement, bike path con- and ratification of Memoranda of Understanding struction and interstate highway maintenance (MOUs) between MassDOT/FHWA and two feder- projects of the present will likely dominate the ally-recognized tribes, the Mashpee project advertisement schedules of the near fu- Tribe and the Stockbridge-Munsee Nation. These ture. As a result, we will see a rise in the iden- MOUs served to define tribal geographical limits tification and evaluation of historic period sites and establish consultation protocols under the associated with important lives and events within federal cultural resource review process. It was communities; industrial, social and institutional believed that these agreements would best serve developments within these communities; use of all parties’ needs, while streamlining the review former and extant transportation facilities; and process and improving the overall quality of the the lives, customs and beliefs of Native Ameri- project. cans. Regulatory requirements to consider “tra- Figure 17. Layout of early nineteenth century sawmill complex in Royalston. ditional properties of cultural and religious sig- 20 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Rempelakis Transportation Archaeology in Massachusetts 21 nificance” have led transportation managers and can be anticipated in the evaluation of site sig- ers, in either Academia or CRM, taken full advan- be construed as applicable to all regions in the archaeologists alike to look closely at sites, plac- nificance on present and future transportation tage of these valuable resources. country. For example, new interstate highway es and objects of historical importance to Native projects. Up front historic research and informant construction, an activity of the past in Massachu- American communities, and not to concentrate consultation will play more prominent roles in ar- Another topic of nationwide concern among setts, is still ongoing in other parts of the country. exclusively on below ground Pre-Contact Na- chaeological surveys, and increasing pressures to state transportation agencies has been the treat- In the years ahead, “transportation archaeology” tive American sites. Bike path projects proposed avoid significant sites will probably result in fewer ment of archaeological surveys and resources in in Massachusetts may trend toward the discovery alongside of abandoned rail beds can be expect- data recovery level investigations. relation to the Area of Potential Effect (APE). This and evaluation (by the very nature of the projects) ed to potentially affect former railroad related fa- issue has been raised intermittently from the late of historic sites, industrial complexes and cultur- cilities (i.e. stations, freight houses, round hous- Given the high profile of transportation projects 1970s on. The issue is a multi-layered one, focus- ally significant landscapes and places; command es, warehouses of rail dependent manufactories, within communities, archaeologists are faced ing on how transportation agencies define the cross-fertilization with other fields; and involve etc.) as well as other historic Euro-American sites with conflicting pressures brought on by the pub- APE, delimit site boundaries and assess National greater connectivity with the interested public. and Pre-Contact and Post Contact Period Native lic’s interest in archaeology and by regulatory and Register of Historic Places eligibility for sites lo- American sites. Based on the results of recent ethical demands to honor the confidentiality of cated partially within and partially outside the More broadly speaking, the most difficult road surveys, bridge replacement projects will contin- site locations and some site information. With APE. In particular, how do archaeologists address facing archaeologists today and in the immediate ue to threaten extant or former industrial ham- increased emphases on public participation and issues of site size and significance, as required by future is one of political will. We must re-navi- lets comprised of historic mills and their related early coordination, these pressures are likely to regulation, for those archaeological sites that ex- gate the path that led to the passage of the key waterpower elements, residences, taverns, and grow in the years ahead. tend beyond the limits of direct project impact? environmental protection and historic preserva- shops. In the case of the Route 44 project, the Annasnap- tion legislation of the late 1960s. During the past Strained storage facilities, current curation stan- pet Pond Archaeological District covered many couple of years, the Administration in Washing- It is important to mention that the trends of dards, and public outreach efforts have prompted acres and extended well beyond the direct im- ton DC has endeavored to undermine, through “transportation archaeology” of the 1970s, 80s the need to revisit many of the large transporta- pact limits of the highway corridor. Topographical cuts in funding and language amendments, the and 90s appear to be relevant to the energy-relat- tion related archaeological collections (including contours and land use characteristics were used efficacy of our laws and regulations in protecting ed projects of today. The survey methodologies artifacts, soil samples, maps, records, notes, re- to define the spatial limits of the district while and preserving important vestiges of our cultur- developed and used in these earlier long, linear ports) that have been amassed over the years. archaeological mitigation was restricted to the al heritage. There needs to be a national resolve highway corridors continue to be applied to en- Managers need to reassess the condition and direct impact limits of the preferred alignment. to preserve these significant cultural and natural ergy-related projects such as gas pipelines and research value of their collections, make hard de- Many state transportation agencies have devel- resource protection laws through personal com- electrical transmission lines. cisions on what to save and discard, and explore oped policies, either implicitly or explicitly, with munications with members of Congress and the ways to make the collections and information their state’s State Historic Preservation Officers U.S. Senate and support for advocacy organiza- Other historic transportation resources of note more easily accessible for research, display and for dealing with this issue. tions such as the Society for American Archaeolo- include some 100 turnpikes or toll roads built publication. gy (SAA), Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) in Massachusetts between 1800 and 1830 by These are general trends in the field observed and Coalition for American Heritage (CAH). private investors to transport freight and spur Transportation agencies and the archaeological in Massachusetts over the years, and should not economic development between communities consulting firms that work for them represent (Wood 1919). Many have been destroyed, but valuable resources for archaeological data and References Cited vestiges still survive in places where they may be- published research. Transportation agencies also come targets for roadway projects and private de- serve as repositories for original layout plans that Anthony, David velopment. Canals, railroad facilities, and bridges often provide useful information on former build- 1979 Final Report B - Phase I, Step 2 Archaeological Survey of Route 44 from Carver to Plymouth, Massachu- represent other historic transportation resources ings and landscape features. The archaeological setts. Institute for Conservation Archaeology, Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Submitted to the potentially affected by transportation projects. collections themselves, including artifacts, floral Architects Collaborative, Cambridge, MA. and faunal remains, soil samples, maps, records, Binford, Lewis R. All of these evolving priorities may cause archae- photographs and reports, are housed and easily 1980 Willow Smoke and Dogs’ Tails: Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Systems and Archaeological Site Formation. ologists to be less conventional in how they eval- accessible to researchers at the curatorial facil- American Antiquity 45(1):4-20. uate the National Register of Historic Places eli- ities of the consulting firms and universities in gibility of archaeological resources. A diminished Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut use of Criterion D and an increased emphasis on that performed archaeological investigations for A and B of the National Register Eligibility Criteria MassDOT over the years. Rarely have research- 22 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Rempelakis Transportation Archaeology in Massachusetts 23

Binzen, Timothy, and Antonio Medina Doucette, Dianna L. 2005 Archaeological Site Examination Surveys for the Little Bay Multi-Use Trail, Fairhaven, Massachusetts. 2003 Unraveling Middle Archaic Expressions: A Multidisciplinary Approach Towards Feature and Material Cul- UMASS Archaeological Services, Amherst, MA. Draft report submitted to the Massachusetts Highway ture Recognition in Southeastern New England. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Department, Boston, MA. 2005 Intensive (Locational) Survey and Archaeological Site Examination of the Franklin County Bikeway Site, Deerfield, Massachusetts. The Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc., Pawtucket, RI. Draft report submit- Boire, Kerrylynn, Suzanne G. Cherau, and William Begley ted to the Massachusetts Highway Department, Boston, MA. 1994 Reconnaissance Survey Archaeological for the Greenbush Line of the Old Colony Railroad Rehabilitation Project, Cohasset, Hingham, Hull, Scituate, Weymouth, Massachusetts. The Public Archaeology Labora- Doucette, Dianna L., and John R. Cross tory, Inc. Report No. 474-4. Submitted to Sverdrup Civil, Inc., Boston, MA. 1997 Route 44 Transportation Improvement Project, Carver to Plymouth, Massachusetts. Annasnappet Pond Archaeological District: An Archaeological Data Recovery Program, 3 vols. The Public Archaeology Boire, Kerrylynn, Suzanne G. Cherau, and Jennifer Macpherson Laboratory, Inc. Pawtucket, RI. Report No. 580. Submitted to the Massachusetts Highway Department, 1997 Intensive Archaeological Survey and Additional Reconnaissance Survey for Proposed Locations Along Boston, MA. the Greenbush Line, Old Colony Railroad Rehabilitation Project, Braintree, Cohasset, Hingham, Scituate, and Weymouth, Massachusetts. The Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc. Report No. 794. Submitted to Edens, Christopher M., and Robert G. Kingsley Sverdrup Civil, Inc., Boston, MA. 1998 The Spectacle Island Site: Middle to Late Woodland Adaptations in , Suffolk County, Mas- sachusetts, Central Artery/Tunnel Project, Boston, Massachusetts. Two Volumes. Report prepared for Bower, Beth Ann (editor) the Massachusetts Highway Department and Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff and on file at the Massa- 1984 Transportation Authority Southwest Corridor Project: Report on the Phase II Archae- chusetts Historical Commission, Boston, MA. ological Subsurface Testing. 2 vols. The Museum of Afro-American History. Submitted to the Massachu- setts Bay Transportation Authority, Boston, MA. Elia, Ricardo J., and Nancy S. Seasholes 1986-1987 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Southwest Corridor Project: Report on the Phase III Archae- 1989 Phase I Archaeological Investigations of the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project in Boston, Massa- ological Data Recovery. 5 reports. The Museum of African American History. Submitted to the Massa- chusetts. The Office of Public Archaeology, Boston University, Boston, MA. OPA Report No. 78. Submit- chusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Boston, MA. ted to the Massachusetts Department of Public Works, Boston, MA.

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Gumerman, George J., and Michael B. Schiffer Randall, Debra 1978 Conservation Archaeology: A Guide for Cultural Resource Management Studies. Academic Press, New 1981 Final Report – Phase I. Step 2 Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Relocation of Route 44: Plymouth York. and Carver, Massachusetts: 4M5 Alignment and Ramps. Institute for Conservation Archaeology, Pea- body Museum, Harvard University. Submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Public Works, Hasenstab, Robert J. Boston, MA. 1991 Wetlands as a Critical Variable in Predictive Modeling Prehistoric Site Locations: A Case Study from the Passaic River Basin. Man in the Northeast 42:39-61. Sharrock, Floyd W., and Donald K. Grayson 1979 “Significance” in Contract Archaeology. American Antiquity 44(2):327-328. Herbster, Holly 2004 Intensive (Locational) Archaeological Survey, MassHighway Assignment #9, Upper Charles Trail, Milford, Shaw, Leslie C., Greg Laden, and David Cushman Massachusetts. The Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc., Pawtucket, RI. Report No. 1659. Submitted to 1984 Final Report: A Study in Prehistoric Adaptations to an Estuarine Environment. Prepared by the Institute the Massachusetts Highway Department, Boston, MA. for Conservation Archaeology, Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Public Works, Boston, MA. Huntington, Frederick W. 1982 Preliminary Report on the Excavation of Flagg Swamp Rockshelter. Institute for Conservation Archae- Smith, Leith, Barbara Donohue, and Martin Dudek ology, Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Public 2000 Emergency Archaeological Data Recovery of the South Boston Flint Glass Works and the American Glass Works, Boston, MA. Company (formerly reported as Crown Glass Works), Contingency Plan Implementation Contos Property, Parcel 60-CS-1, Central Artery/Tunnel Project, Boston, Massachusetts. Two Volumes. Report prepared Jochim, Michael A. for the Massachusetts Highway Department and Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff and on file at the Mas- 1976 Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence and Settlement: A Predictive Model. Academic Press, New York. sachusetts Historical Commission, Boston, MA.

King, Marsha K., Virginia H. Adams, and Ronald Dalton Thorbahn, Peter (editor) 1993 Archaeological Site Examinations of Two Blackstone Canal Segments in Worcester and Millbury, Massa- 1982 Final Report of the Interstate Highway 495 Archaeological Data Recovery Program. The Public Archaeol- chusetts and the Mill Brook Sewer Portal in Worcester, Massachusetts. The Public Archaeology Laborato- ogy Laboratory, Brown University, Providence RI. 4 vols. Submitted to the Massachusetts Department of ry, Inc. Report No. 496-4. Submitted to HNTB, Inc., Boston, MA. Public Works, Boston, MA.

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Rainey, Mary Lynne 2003 Polpis Road Bicycle Path, Archaeological Data Recovery Program: Site 19-NT-50, The Roadkill Site (19- NT-166), Site 19-NT-68, and the Folger’s Marsh Site (19-NT-180) and Supplemental Site Examination of the Folger’s Marsh Site. 2 vols. The Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc., Pawtucket, RI. Submitted to the Nantucket County Planning and Economic Development Commission, Nantucket, MA. DISCOVERY OF A SMALL, ISOLATED, HIGH-DENSITY LITHIC WORKSHOP IN INTERIOR MASSACHUSETTS

ALAN E. STRAUSS Cultural Resource Specialists of New England 222 Fourth Street Providence, Rhode Island 02906 [email protected]

Abstract potential because it was not situated near a per- manent fresh water source and had rocky with The Norumbega site is unique in that it represents irregular terrain. a single component, possibly Middle Woodland, small short-term usage location. This site sheds Most recorded sites throughout the region are light on several important features of small, iso- the result of artifact collecting by avocational lated sites in the interior of Massachusetts that archaeologists. The site locations are biased to are located in low lying rocky areas that are not large plowed fields along the flood plain espe- adjacent to permanent fresh water sources. Ar- cially on river terraces and adjacent to bodies of chaeologists often overlook these types of sites water. Very few sites have been identified in the in the region. Phase I, II, and III archaeological in- interior of Massachusetts away from the coastal vestigations were conducted at the Norumbega plain. It appears that large multicomponent sites site in Weston, Massachusetts as part of the test- are often situated adjacent to major sources of ing of proposed water enhancement facilities for freshwater. Areas which were located near small the Boston area. The site’s Native American oc- brooks or wetlands contained temporary sites cupants primarily used locally available volcanics and activity areas, particularly from the Middle from the Boston Basin in a high-density work- and Late Archaic periods when seasonal resourc- shop. Sites from the Middle Woodland period (ca. es were heavily exploited. 1,800 to 1,200 B.P.) in general, are uncommon in the region. Soils from the site were both dry Numerous prehistoric sites are located in the sieved and examined using the wet pipette meth- Drainage. Archaeologist Dena Din- od to determine the proportions of sand, silt, and cauze indicated that within 600 square miles in clay and grain size and shape. Lithics from the the Boston Basin there were 199 recorded sites site were studied using petrography, geochemical or one site per three square miles (Dincauze analysis, and X-ray fluorescence. The site’s hori- 1974:40). Paleoindian and Early Archaic remains zontal boundaries were defined using lithic den- were scarce in the area, although find spots oc- sity maps, isopleth contour density maps, and curred on the sandy terraces overlooking the three-dimensional block diagrams. Charles River. Middle Archaic through Late Archa- ic sites were more common and were found in a variety of settings, i.e. wetland margins, ponds, Site Models for Interior Massachusetts lakes, streamsides, and the Charles River . Sites in the region area generally located in well- Only four cultural resource management studies drained level, rock-free terrain adjacent to per- had been completed in Weston at the time of manent water sources. The project area was this project (Décima and Putnam 1997; Strauss assessed as having low to moderate resource 1994a, 1994b, 1995). The majority of sites in the

Vol. 81 (1-2) Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society October 2020 2020, Vol. 81(1-2) Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 27 28 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Strauss High-Density Lithic Workshop 29 Weston area have no chronological data. Most of sites may be an archaeological misobservation. the recorded sites are the result of surface finds Summarizing, the MHC study of the area conclud- where no excavations took place. ed, “Little is known of the upland (Middle Wood- land) interior locations (MHC 1980:32).” There are some newly discovered sites in the area, including 19-MD-765, which appears to Most Woodland sites appear as small compo- date to the Middle Archaic period, 19-MD-764, nents of larger Archaic sites, suggesting reoc- which contained debitage and a biface, and 19- cupation or reutilization of the same sites over MD-766, which appears to date to the Middle hundreds of years. Exclusively Woodland sites Woodland. Locally available raw materials were without Archaic components are uncommon in used at these sites, which appear to be tempo- the Charles River Drainage. Very few, if any, sin- rary activity areas where tools were sharpened or gle component Middle Woodland sites have been manufactured. The Crane Swamp site in the up- found throughout Massachusetts. Indeed almost lands of Marlborough, Massachusetts consisted all of the Woodland period sites found during the of a Late Archaic high-density lithic workshop in extensive I-495 project were components of oth- a boulder-laden area. The site was approximately er larger multicomponent sites. No single lithic 12 by 23 meters in size and contained over 1,600 workshops were identified (Duncan Ritchie, per- pieces of debitage (Strauss 1997). The raw mate- sonal communication, July 1995). rials at the site were derived from the Twin Pine member of the Mattapan Volcanic Complex in Site Discovery Dover and Westwood of the Boston Basin. Although the project area was assessed as hav- Regionally, Early, Middle and Late Woodland sites ing a low to moderate archaeological potential, are less numerous than their antecedent Archaic in May of 1993 a Phase I (intensive archaeological Figure 1. Plan of initial archaeological testing at proposed water facilities location. sites (MHC 1982:20). Dincauze recorded only 11 survey) investigation was conducted at the Shaft Early Woodland sites and 17 Middle Woodland N area, part of the MWRA’s MetroWest Water boundaries, to establish a site chronology, deter- sites in her study of the Boston Basin (Dincauze Supply Tunnel Project in Weston, Massachusetts. mine the cultural affinities of the site, and deter- 1974:51). Similarly, the MHC State Survey report Fieldwork for the Phase I consisted of the excava- mine its function. The investigations were also for the nearby Arlington Plain found one collec- tion of 87 shovel test pits in the Shaft N area, 32 aimed at addressing such questions as (1) site du- tion to contain high numbers of Middle Archaic in the proposed shaft location, 40 in the overall ration and seasonality; (2) lithic sources, i.e. local points (Stark: 29) as opposed to lower numbers work area, and 15 additional brackets at the site verses exotic; (3) tool manufacturing techniques; of Middle Woodland diagnostics (Fox Creek:12) (see Figure 1). Two prehistoric sites were iden- (4) group size; and (5) on-site activities (Strauss (Anthony et al. 1980:17). tified in the project area: the Norumbega Site, 1994b:6-7). The site (19-MD-725) was deter- which contained a high-density of prehistoric mined to be a high-density lithic workshop com- This apparent decrease in Woodland sites has debris, and the Seavern’s Brook site, from which posed of possibly two cluster areas. Over 2,000 not been fully explained. Dincauze sees this de- three flakes were recovered. pieces of lithic debitage were recovered from the crease in sites as a “decline in population and combined Phase I and II studies. A total of six bro- cultural fragmentation,” concomitant with a shift Further investigations at the Norumbega site ken stone tools were found during the site exam- from interior sites to the coastal fringe (Dincauze were conducted for several reasons. The site lo- ination. Broken preforms found at the site most 1974:50). An alternate hypothesis is that Small cation—in the interior, more than 500 feet from closely resembled Middle Woodland varieties Stemmed points, used during the previous Late a water source—made Norumbega unusual (see (ca. 1,800 to 1,200 B.P.) for the Norumbega Site. Archaic period, were also used during the begin- Figures 2 and 3). The site also was undisturbed ning of the Woodland and therefore Early Wood- by plowing. Few sites were recorded in Weston, The Norumbega site was considered eligible for land sites are under-represented, while Late and none had been professionally investigated. listing in the National Register of Historic Plac- Archaic sites appear to be far more numerous. The Phase II site examination was designed to de- es under Criteria A and D, since the site had the Figure 2. Location of Norumbega site in Massachu- Consequently, the lack of initial Woodland period termine the vertical as well as specific horizontal potential to provide important data about the setts. 30 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Strauss High-Density Lithic Workshop 31

Figure 4. Plan showing subsurface testing at Norumbega site.

Environmental Setting area for protection from the elements, there is no outstanding reason why this specific locality was The Norumbega site is located about one mile selected for the prehistoric workshop. from the Charles River and ten miles from the (Figure 2). The site is situated about 550 Dr. Jon Boothroyd of the University of Rhode Is- feet to the south of Seavern’s Brook and 400 feet land (URI) Geology Department visited the site east of Schenk’s Pond in Weston, Massachusetts and made several observations (Boothroyd, (Figure 3). The Norumbega Reservoir was formed personal communication, July 1995). The gran- by the damming and dredging of several small ite ledge exhibited glacial striations indicating wetlands in the area in the 1930s. Prior to this that the advance of the glacial ice mass was in time, Seavern’s Brook provided the only fresh a south-southeasterly direction in this location. water at the site. The immediate area of the site The rock outcrop consisted of fine-grained dike consists of rocky sloping ground with elevations rock containing quartz, potassium feldspar and of 230 to 240 feet above sea level. biotite phenocrysts in a dark groundmass.

Rocks within the project zone include felsitic Soil samples from the site were collected for mi- gneiss, plutonics, and orthoquartzites. There is croanalysis and were examined using two types a ledge of Dedham Granite adjacent to the site of standard analyses: nested sieves and fraction- Figure 3. U.S.G.S. topographical map showing project location. (Figure 4). The prehistoric workshop was first ation (Folk 1968). The material in the test pits ap- prehistory of Weston and the region. Since the remainder of this article will focus on the results found in Test Pit 18 and was situated in a small peared to be sandy diamict or till. The samples site could not be avoided during construction, a of the Phase II and Phase III projects. low area or shallow depression bordered on one from Excavation Unit 7 that were examined by Phase III data recovery was recommended. The side by the granitic outcrop and on the other by sieving for sand-size material and by pipetting for a rocky ridge. Beyond the possible usage of this silt and clay-sized material were all poorly sort- 32 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Strauss High-Density Lithic Workshop 33 microanalysis indicated that the soils at the site Results of the Phase III Excavations were deposited by a debris flow of soils that slid off an ice block with water during the last glacial Excavation Unit 6 was placed adjacent to Excava- episode, some 12,000 years ago. The soils (diam- tion Units 2 and 5, which contained large amounts ict) are poorly sorted sand, silt, and clay. The site of debitage during the Phase II. Excavation Unit 6 was subsequently used about 1,800 years ago contained 256 flakes. Most of the debitage was by Native peoples. Their artifacts became mixed gray-green felsite. Flakes were found from 15 to in with the soils through recent soil formation, 45 cm below the surface in both the topsoil and weathering, and cryo- and bioturbation. subsoil. No artifacts were found in level 45 to 55 centimeters. Soil Description and Stratigraphy Figure 7. Soils sifting in progress at the Norumbega The soils within the site area are classified as Nar- site. Excavation Unit 7 was placed adjacent to EU ragansett Silt Loam (119B) (SCS 1989). These soils 2 and 3 of the Phase II in order to determine if proximately 50 centimeters square and were are well drained and formed in glacial till from there were large amounts of chipping debris to excavated to culturally sterile glacial soils; an schist, gneiss, and phyllite (Rector 1981:69). Fig- the north of the central site area. Excavation Unit average of 50 cm in depth. The soils were sifted ure 6 shows a representative soil profile from the 7 contained 653 flakes and one gray felsite tool through 1/8-inch wire mesh and all cultural re- site showing the topsoil and B-Horizon subsoil. fragment. Artifacts were recovered from both the mains were collected and labeled by depth and Topsoil at the site was about 13 centimeters in topsoil and B-horizon to a depth of 40 centime- provenience. Generally, soils are sifted through thickness and did not appear to be agricultural- ters. 1/4-inch mesh, however, studies have indicat- ly plowed. The site area, both above and below ed that many small flakes pass through 1/4-inch ground, contained numerous large rocks and Excavation Unit 8 was located between EUs 1 mesh (Kalin 1981:134; Justine Gengras, person- boulders. Chipping debris was recovered adjacent and 3 in order to determine if there were two al communication, July1995). Test pits were- ar to and underneath some of the large rocks. Usu- high-density lithic workshops. Unit 8 contained Figure 5. Sieve sample, table (top), bar graph (bot- ranged judgmentally within those areas that had ally archaeological surveys focus on level, well- 122 flakes found to a depth of 30 centimeters in tom), showing percent sand, silt, clay from topsoil in the greatest archaeological potential. Meter units drained terrain adjacent permanent water sourc- the B-horizon. EU 7. were excavated in areas of highest artifact densi- es. Often times archaeological surveys are not ty and concentration or in the vicinity of potential conducted in areas similar to Norumbega, which Excavation Unit 9 was excavated adjacent to and features. Excavation was done in 10-centimeter are both distant from permanent water and are to the south of EU 2 in order to determine if the increments within each natural soil level and me- characterized by rocky boulder-laden terrain. workshop extended in a southerly direction. ter units were dug using quadrants. The results A total of 127 flakes and one brown felsite tool of the subsurface testing are provided below by fragment were recovered from this unit. Remains zone. A total of four one-by-one meter units and Methodology and Excavation Procedures were found from 6 to 34 cm below the surface. three shovel test pits was excavated during the A total of 7.75 square meters or 10.33% of the site Phase III project (see Figure 4). In order to ac- was excavated during the Phase I and II projects. complish the goals of the data recovery, the four Three shovel test pits were excavated to fur- An additional 4.75 square meters were excavat- meter units (Excavation Units 6, 7, 8, and 9) were ther determine the extent of the horizontal site ed during the Phase III resulting in a total of 12.5 excavated within the high-density portion of the boundaries of the workshop. Test Pits 1-A, 2-A, and 3-A were excavated along the estimated Figure 6. Representative soil profile from Excavation square meters or 16.67% of the total site area. site. The three shovel test pits were used to fur- Unit 1, showing Munsell soil colors. This section describes some of the techniques ther define the extent of the lithic workshop. western edge of the high-density lithic workshop. used and the results. These tests contained a total of 14 flakes. Test Pit ed with a mode in the medium silt range (Jon 1-A had nine flakes; 3-A contained four flakes; Soil samples were also collected using auger Boothroyd, personal communication, July 1995). and 2-A had a flake and a felsite tool fragment. probes to determine relative concentrations of Sieve samples taken from the topsoil and from Subsurface testing organic phosphate at the site. Phosphates often the subsoil (Figure 5) from Excavation Unit 7 in- are indicative of the remains of animal bone. The dicated that the topsoil was made up of about 50 Excavations were conducted by shovel (test pits) soil auger results are provided below. percent sand while the subsoil contained about and trowel (meter units) in natural soil levels 57 percent silt and clay. The results of the soil (Figure 4 and Figure 7). Test pits measured ap- 34 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Strauss High-Density Lithic Workshop 35 slightly higher readings in areas of high artifact Table 1. Raw material debitage recovered during Phosphate Soil Coring density. There was no pattern for the phosphates Phase II and all phases. and while it is possible that there was burned Soil samples were also collected from three auger Type Amount Percentage Total all transects taken at one-meter intervals across the bone at the site, the phosphate tests do not con- PH III Phasese entire site (see Figure 4). The soil cores provided clusively demonstrate the presence of subsurface Gray-green felsite 755 64.4% 2032 (64.8%) two types of data. First, they provided a view of features. Miscellaneous 269 23.0% 820 (26.1%) felsite the soil profile which was compared with the ex- Basaltic materials 104 8.8% 170 (5.4%) cavated portions of the site. In all cases, the core Material Culture Argillaceous 21 1.8% 73 (2.3%) profiles matched with the excavations. No anom- Black felsite w/ 20 1.7% 24 (0.8%) alies or features were found as a result of the soil Lithic Identification white phenocrysts coring. Second, phosphate samples were taken in Hornfels 0 0 9 (0.3%) order to locate activity areas. Organic materials, Initially, eight major categories of raw material Quartz 1 0.1% 3 (0.1%) Figure 8. Percentage of raw materials from all phases especially bone, will give high phosphate readings (felsite, hornfels, basalt, argillite, quartz, quartz- Quartzite 2 0.2% 2 (0.1%) of work at Norumbega site. and thus indicate areas where human activities, ite, chert, and jasper) were classified in the field. Chert(?) 0 0 2 (0.1%) such as cooking or butchering were concentrat- Several of the most abundant rock types that were Jasper 0 0 1 (0.00%) ed. Phosphate testing also helps to more finely used for tool making were analyzed by Dr. O. Don TOTAL 1172 100% 3136 (100%) delineate the boundaries of spatially isolated Hermes of the University of Rhode Island (URI) activity centers that are not as easily preserved Geology Department. Petrographic thin-sections geological description of each of the raw materi- as lithics (Thomas 1975). Soil core profiles were were prepared to 30 microns using number 1000 als recovered at the site is provided below: recorded on standardized forms at every one me- alumina grinding medium. The samples were ex- amined under 100 and 200 power cross-polarized ter interval; the transects were 2.5 meters apart. Felsite. Three primary types of felsite were recov- and plane-polarized light using various colored Three non-site samples were taken as a control. ered from the site: gray-green, mottled brown filters to highlight structural elements within the to gray (miscellaneous felsites), and black with samples. Testing was done in the laboratory with dried white phenocrysts (large crystals embedded in a field samples using the Eidt method (1973). Ap- finer-grained rock; they can be used to identify proximately 50 mg of sifted soil was placed in the It should be noted that in this article, the com- the type of rock and its source). The majority of center of a Number 40 ashless filter paper. Two mon rock type terms used by archaeologists, i.e. chipping debris (65%) consisted of gray-green fel- drops of a solution of 30 ml of NHCL to 5 grams of felsite, basalt, etc. were used when sorting and site based on the combined totals of the Phase I, II ammonium molybdate dissolved in 100 ml of dis- classifying the raw materials for this study. Dr. and III projects. The felsite ranged in texture from tilled water were used to extract the phosphate. Hermes was more specific, and identified gray- very fine-grained siliceous pieces to very coarse- green felsite, weathered gray felsite with inclu- After 30 seconds, two drops of a solution made of grained grainy samples. In fact, some of the fine- Figure 9. Counts of various raw materials recovered 1 gram of ascorbic acid in 200 ml of distilled water sions, maroon felsite with gray mottles, black grained flakes had a luster and texture similar to from all phases of work at Norumbega site. was added. Phosphate which is found in bone will felsite with white phenocrysts, basalt, and jasper. chert and were initially cataloged as “fine-grained cause a blue reaction when the reagents are add- argillite/chert” in the Phase I catalog and as “si- rite and opaque minerals. The groundmass ed. A strong phosphate presence will be exhibit- A total of 1,172 flakes was recovered during the liceous very fine-grained green material” in the is fine-grained cryptocrystalline quartz. This ed by blue radiating lines and a blue tint to the Phase III project. The table below provides the Phase II catalog. The gray-green flakes and one rock is a sedimentary clastic fine-grained soil sample within about 30 seconds. The sam- counts and percentages of raw materials found of the very fine-grained gray-green flake were sandstone or siltstone in which original de- ples were analyzed after two minutes and the in- during the data recovery. examined by O. Don Hermes at the URI Geology tritus is well preserved. It is probably too tensity of the blue was recorded (Peter Thomas, Department in Rhode Island. Petrographic thin coarse-grained and clay poor to be classi- fied as a typical argillite (Don Hermes, per- personal communication, July 1995). It is clear from Table 1 that the majority of lith- sections were made of the gray-green felsite and sonal communication, July 1995). ics 2,032 (64.8%) are gray-green felsite; the least the results were as follows: The phosphate tests suggest that there is an common material is jasper of which there was overall low background of phosphate within the only one flake (Figures 8 and 9). Macroscopic and The gray-green flake sample from EU 1 con- Fifteen additional flakes of varying textures of this entire area. This may be the result of historical XRF data were provided for the gray-green felsite tains abundant angular grain fragments gray-green rock also were examined. The results activities. The site itself showed a slightly higher in the Phase II report (Strauss 1994b:48). A brief of feldspar (partly altered to saussaurite), are provided in Appendix C of the Phase II report phosphate reading than outside the site area with quartz, rock chips; lesser calcite, and chlo- (Strauss 1994b:48). All of the gray-green “felsite” 36 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Strauss High-Density Lithic Workshop 37 have been geologically classified as siltstones vesicles” (Don Hermes, personal communication, interpretation. Trace elements are within the Various other volcanics and felsites were exam- with varying grain sizes and are all probably the July 1995). range observed at a known source site of Melrose ined for this study; however, spatial constraints same rock type from the same source. Green, and the texture and petrography are simi- limit the amount of geological data that can be pre- Rock Type: “An igneous origin is favored based lar to some samples observed there. It should be sented here. Various colors from gray to brown to In addition, a sample of the material from Exca- on the above thin section description, although noted that this Melrose source area yields mate- almost black, some of which contain phenocrysts vation Unit 1 found at a depth of 18-27 cm was neither the textures nor mineralogy is totally sup- rial of somewhat diverse texture, but similar va- or inclusions, others of which are aporphyritic or analyzed for trace elements. Trace element anal- portive of such an origin. The lack of phenocrysts rieties to the site flake do occur there. Also note aphenytic (without phenocrysts) were recovered ysis is one of the techniques used for identifying and other unequivocal relict igneous textures that it is likely that similar source areas of Mel- at the Norumbega site. Because there was such a possible lithic sources. The results are provided in precludes absolute proof. However, some of the rose like material maybe present in the Lynn-Mat- large variety but not a large quantity of any sin- Appendix C of the Phase II report (Strauss 1994b: features are consistent with an igneous origin tapan terrain, but are thus far unrecognized. The gle type of these felsites, they were grouped as 49). and this is the preferred interpretation here. The gray green color may be the most useful property miscellaneous felsites. These various volcanics rock does not exhibit textural or compositional to distinguish this material from other sources made up about 26% of the lithics recovered from A second sample of the fine-grained gray-green features typical of chert, and seems distinct from within the Lynn-Mattapan sequence of volcanic the site. For details on the macroscopic analysis, rock from Test Pit 18S-1S was examined for the argillite samples familiar to this writer” (Don Her- rocks. “On the basis of petrography, this sample petrography, and geochemistry for the weath- Phase III study by the URI Geology Department. mes, personal communication, July 1995). is most likely my specific Melrose samples MG- ered gray felsite with inclusions (Hand Sample The results are provided below: 3, and fine-grained parts of samples MEL-8, MG- #4), maroon felsite with gay mottles (Hand Sam- Geochemistry: Trace elements were determined 4,” (Don Hermes, personal communication, July ple #5), and black felsite with white phenocrysts 1995). (Hand Sample #1), the reader is directed to the Sample TP 18S-1S (9-25 cm): Very fine by XRF non-destructive methods on the archaeo- logical flakes (Hermes and Ritchie 1997) (Table 2). Phase III report (Strauss 1999). The various volca- grained sugary textured sample. Gray green nic materials were consistent with sources in the on weathered surface darker green on fresh While not as accurate as powdered analysis, the Based on the geological analysis conducted results shown below (in parts per million) are in- during the Phase II and III studies, it appears Lynn-Mattapan volcanics of the Boston Basin as surface. Specimen cut by very thin black well as Blue Hill or Spencer Hill volcanics (alka- veinlets. Sparse black mineral inclusions, formative. The results were plotted graphically of that much, if not all of what was called in the various stable elements including zirconium, nio- field gray-green or green-gray “felsite” may be lic rich), and the Newbury volcanic complex. For and scattered spherical to subspherical more data about the prehistoric use of these var- white clots of material (up to 0.5 mm.) (O. bium, yttrium, rubidium, cerium, and lanthanum be geologically Melrose Green rhyolite. In 1994, pairs, which represent those that most clearly at the time of the original analysis conducted by ious local volcanics to manufacture stone tools, Don Hermes, personal communication, July the reader is directed to Anthony et al. (1980) 1995). discriminate among felsitic igneous rocks. Dr. Hermes, the Melrose quarry source was not yet known and therefore our samples could not and Johnson and Mahlstedt (1984). These concentrations of trace elements are con- be compared with it. However, in 1998 when the Petrography: “Fine-grained uniformly textured Phase III samples were examined they could be Additional prehistoric debitage found at Norum- rock consisting mainly of feldspar, quartz, mus- sistent with those from volcanic rocks from the Lynn-Mattapan Volcanics (Johnson and Mahlst- compared with the Melrose material. The classi- bega include argillite, hornfels, basalt, quartz, covite, epidote, sphene, and some opaque min- fication of Melrose Green is very difficult in the quartzite, and jasper. Each of these raw materials erals. The thin section shows a contrast between edt 1984). Hence, these data are supportive of an igneous origin. For more details of the application field, in fact it has been variously classified by is described briefly below: extremely fine-grained material and slightly archaeologists as felsite, silicified siltstone, and coarser-grained rock of similar mineralogy. Some of XRF analysis to archaeology see (Strauss and chert (Luedtke et al. 1998:25). Argillite of the feldspar of euhedral/subhedral and con- Hermes 1996; Strauss and Murray 1988). . Two types of argillaceous material were sistent with igneous crystallization. Elsewhere recovered from the site: green-gray and brown there are some regions showing what appears to Archaeological Source: Based on the sample col- The Melrose Green rhyolite is a material that can argillite. The greenish material is macroscopically be elongated quenched crystals that are altered or, petrography, and geochemistry, sample TP be found in the village of Melrose northeast of somewhat similar to Narragansett Basin argillite and pseudomorphed; these also are consistent 18S-1S is most like the material referred to as the Wyoming Cemetery (Luedtke et al. 1998:25- (Strauss 1989). Sample #8, EU 2, 18-28 cm shows with igneous crystallization. Epidote for euhedral Melrose Green, no one single attribute is con- 30). The similarity between the Melrose Green a contact of fine-grained siltstone with a fin- stubby prisms, or anhedral partly altered grains. clusive but collectively this seems to be the best rhyolite and samples from the Norumbega site is er-grained layer perhaps true argillite (Don Her- Chlorite and muscovite appear to be late stage most striking for the very fine-grained gray-green mes, personal communication, July 1995). Those secondary minerals. Some spherical to rounded Table 2. Elements found in volcanic rocks at the site samples. One Melrose Green prehistoric quarry flakes classified in the field as argillite may also from XRF. patches in the rock consist of quartz and feldspar is located about 14 miles to the northeast of the possibly be Melrose Green rhyolite. Norumbega site. rich regions (slightly coarser textured). These fea- Rb Sr Y Zr Nd Ba La Ce Zn Hornfels tures most likely represent amygdules or filled 108 224 29 226 11 1745 4 68 56 . Nine hornfels flakes were found during the project. At least one of the flakes contained 38 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Strauss High-Density Lithic Workshop 39 cortex. Hornfels is usually characterized by a Quartzite. Only two quartzite flakes were recov- the site’s occupants making tools from cobbles been used (Justine Gengras, personal communi- cream to rust colored volcanic, when weathered, ered during the Phase III project. Quartzite is an or quarry material and were finished tools being cation, July 1995). A study of the varying rates of that exhibits minute black specks arranged in par- abundant and locally available raw material. produced at the Norumbega site? Stages of tool artifact recovery from stone tool manufacture in- allel bands. For details about local hornfels the manufacture are referred to as lithic reduction dicated that when reducing a single cobble only reader is directed to (Bowman and Zeoli 1978). Jasper. One reddish-brown, waxy thin flake was and are summarized below. 6% of the total debitage was caught by 1/4-inch Hornfels can be found within the volcanics of the recovered; it appears somewhat similar to Penn- mesh, while 1/8-inch mesh recovered 18% of the Boston Basin. sylvania jasper. “Sample #2 (EU 3, 18-26 cm) con- Stages of Lithic Reduction debitage and 1/16-inch screen retained 76% (Ka- sists of ragged-edged spherical clots (up to 0.3 lin 1981:136). Basalt. This material is characterized by a black mm) of reddish-brown fine-grained quartz em- The stages of tool manufacture at the site were coarse-grained rock that retains a fingerprint bedded in a colorless matrix of radially arranged examined to determine what the original form the The Norumbega Phase III project has demonstrat- when touched. The flakes of basalt often exhib- cryptocrystalline chalcedony. The spherical mass- source material was when it brought to the site. It ed that at high-density lithic workshops many of it minute ridges and grooves. One hundred and es most likely contain small amounts of iron that was important to know if raw tabular stone, quar- the flakes can be small retouch flakes or flake frag- seventy basaltic flakes were recovered during the is responsible for their reddish coloration; the ry blanks, or preforms were brought to the site ments that are one centimeter or less in size and investigations. Geologically this material would sample is almost entirely quartz and chalcedo- for tool manufacture. Three flakes containing cor- these would easily pass through 1/4-inch mesh. be classified as an andesite or basaltic andesite. ny” (Don Hermes, personal communication, July tical surfaces were found during the Phase III pro- In fact, 46% of the flakes from the site were less Basalt or andesite was often used for making 1995). Jasper suggests long-distance trade or in- gram. A total of 47 flakes with cortex were found than one centimeter in size. In this regard, the heavy woodworking tools, axes, adzes, and goug- teraction with prehistoric groups to the west of from all phases of work at the site; however, flaking debris was examined to determine if the es. Geologist Don Hermes concluded that New England. Use of exotic lithics seems to have these surfaces are very limited and it cannot be debitage was whole or broken. For example, if a increased in the Middle Woodland Period (Hatch determined if the parent material was in cobble flake was lacking a striking platform or distal or and Miller 1985:227). For details about jasper or blocky form. A few flakes did appear to exhibit proximal end, it was categorized as broken. A to- Sample #3 (EU 2, 8-18 cm) is weathered cobble-like cortical surfaces. Cortex was found on and contains about 5% euhedral opaque usage, trade, and it’s preference during the Mid- tal of approximately 585 flakes recovered during dle Woodland period, especially to make Jack’s argillite, gray-green felsite, coarse brown felsite, the Phase II were broken. This number accounts crystals, commonly in aggregate clusters brown felsite, gray-brown felsite, dark gray felsite (up to 0.3 mm.). The presence of euhedral Reef points, the reader is directed to (Luedtke for roughly one quarter of the total flakes that 1987:43; Strauss 1992; Thomas 1980:67; Thomas with black banding, and hornfels; however, these were found (2,018) from the Phase I and II stud- phenocrysts, and the interlocking matrix flakes were all less than three centimeters in size. indicate that the rock is of igneous origin. and Robinson 1979:65). ies. Data from the Phase III reveal that a total of The lack of cortical surfaces may suggest that fin- 1,076 of the total 1,172 flakes were broken, which Possible local sources could be from poorly ished tools may have been made elsewhere and Chert means that only 96 of the flakes were whole. The studied andesite units associated with the . Some of the gray-green material at the only sharpened, finished, or curated at the site. Mattapan Volcanic Complex, or with one of site was very fine-grained and appeared to be reason for the extent of broken flakes is unknown the relatively mafic dike rocks that occur in possibly chert. Macroscopically Dr. Hermes iden- but may be the brittle nature of the raw material southeastern New England (Don Hermes, tified the rock as “a chert or quartzite which Many of the recovered flakes were retouch flakes, or on-site trampling by the site's occupants. personal communication, July 1995). contains small rounded polycrystalline clots of which result during the final finishing or sharpen- ing stages of tool manufacture. A total of 1,537 quartz within a fine-grained matrix.” There were Stone Tools Recovered two additional very fine-grained siliceous brown flakes or 46.42% of the flakes found at the site Basalt is also exposed in outcrops within the Con- were less than one centimeter, including retouch necticut Valley of western Massachusetts. This chert-like flakes. These were too small to allow a Three tool fragments were recovered from the precise identification. If the flakes are chert, this flakes, in size. The fact that there was such a large data recovery. These consisted of small tool frag- author has found heavy woodworking tools made quantity of very small flakes (which were also of andesite at various New England sites. would suggest trade or interaction with cultures ments made of felsite. The tool fragments were to the west of New England. one centimeter or less in size) may suggest that broken edges or sections of some form of bifacial tool manufacture was done from quarry blanks tool or tool allies such as a biface or preform. Ta- Quartz. A total of only three quartz flakes were re- or preforms. Had the site’s occupants been chip- covered from the entire project. These flakes are To summarize, the most abundant raw materials ble 3 provides a summary of the stone tools that ping raw parent material, one would expect to were found during the investigations. of locally available milky quartz which is abundant recovered from the site were locally available vol- find many blocky fragments and numerous larger throughout the region. The low number of quartz canics from the Boston Basin. Small amounts of pieces of debitage with cortical surfaces. artifacts differs significantly from most sites in the exotic materials also were found but these were No complete diagnostic artifacts were found at negligible. Having classified all of the various raw the site. The presence of bifaces, preforms, and region as they often contain quartz and quartzite It is important to note that a little less than half of as the majority of chipping debris. materials found at the site, the next task was to tool fragments and the lack of blocky fragments examine what stages of tool manufacture took the flakes (1,537) were one centimeter or less in and cortical flakes suggests that tool manufactur- place within the workshop. For example, were size. Many of these flakes would not have been re- covered had the traditional 1/4-inch sifting mesh 40 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Strauss High-Density Lithic Workshop 41

Table 3. Stone tools recovered from the Norumbega site.

PHASE I 0 PHASE II 1 preform, dark gray felsite (A, 0-20 cm) 1 preform base, gray-green felsite (A, @ 25 cm) 1 tool fragment, gray-green felsite (A, @ 18 cm) 1 preform tip, gray-green felsite (A, @ 17 cm) 1 biface base, brown felsite (B, @ 26 cm) 1 projectile point tip, gray-green felsite (B, @ 25 cm) 1 preform tip, gray-green felsite (B, 16-26 cm) (Figure 10) PHASE III 1 tool fragment , gray-green felsite (B, 20-30 cm) 1 tool fragment, mottled brown felsite (B, 24-34 cm) 1 tool fragment, gray-green felsite (A, 10-20 cm) ing took place at the site from either preforms or quarry blanks.

Figure 10. Some stone tools recovered during the Features, Faunal and Floral Remains Phase II testing: (A) preform base/midsection, gray No subsurface features were identified at the felsite, EU 1, 25 cm; (B) preform tip, gray-green fel- site, EU 2, 17 cm; (C) point tip, brown argillite, EU 2, Norumbega site during any of the excavations. 25 cm; (D) preform base, gray-brown argillite, EU 26 With the exception of charcoal fragments recov- cm; (E) preform tip, gray-green felsite, EU 5, 16 cm; Figure 12. Contour map showing lithic densities of basalt (left) and all lithics (right). ered during the Phase II, no datable charcoal was (F) preform base, gray felsite, TP 4, 20 cm. One-third found. Excavation Unit 2 contained a few pieces actual size. Pits 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C indicated that lithic density est together. The System III software algorithms of possibly fire-cracked rock and some charcoal counts diminished to the west. Excavation Unit 8 work best when the data are gathered in a sys- fragments. The rock was scattered and formed no located between EU 1 and EU 3, contained 122 tematic manner, such as a grid system; the fact pattern or shape, there was no burned bone, ash, flakes. This suggested that the site was comprised that the units are not all contiguous causes the or evidence of soil reddening. of a single lithic workshop in the center around software to extrapolate values for those areas Excavation Units 2 and 7. There was a decrease that remained un-excavated and for which there in debitage to the north, except for slightly higher were no data. Since the excavations were done Site Boundaries amounts in Excavation Unit 1. in quadrants rather than exact 25 cm blocks, the maps do not show minor interval patterns, but do Horizontal Boundaries The second type of graphical representation is the illustrate general trends in lithic distributions. Fig- ure 12 shows all lithics from all phases or work, as Three methods were used to display the horizon- isopleth diagram, which shows lines that connect well as the location of the stone tools that were tal distribution of artifacts at the site. The first was points of equal value. These lines encompass ar- recovered. Based on the contour density map, it a scale map which indicated all of the test pits and eas where 10 or more artifacts were recovered or appears that there were two activity areas with- meter units showing artifact counts for each (Fig- where the program algorithm extrapolates these in the overall workshop. The central activity area ure 11). Based on the results of the Phase I, II, and densities. The contour maps were produced us- has its peak in Excavation Unit 2, while the second III studies, it appears that the high-density work- ing Surface III+ (Version 2.6) software developed smaller activity area is located at Excavation Units shop was confined to an area roughly 22 square by the Kansas Geological Survey. Using this soft- 1 and 8. No artifacts were found in Test Pit 18 S-2, meters in size, which is 29.33% of the total site ware, x, y, and z data are entered from a word located between the two activity areas. A com- area. Based on the combined excavations at the processing application in tabular format from parison of density maps for basalt and all lithics site, we excavated a total of 10 square meters or which a grid of values is generated for each of (Figure 12), miscellaneous felsites and gray-green 45.45% of the high-density portion of the site. In the quantities entered. From this grid, the con- Figure 11. Archaeological site plan showing quantity felsite (Figure 13) suggests that the peaks all the central site area test pits contained from 200 of lithics and artifacts in each subsurface unit from tour map was drawn using a set of algorithms. overlap in Excavation Unit 2. The co-occurrence to 1,000 lithic flakes, while only two meters away all phases of work and site boundary with high-den- The contour maps depicted here show the high- of lithic materials all within the same two-meter test pits contained only two to six flakes. Test sity area. est densities of artifacts by the lines that are clos- area suggests that the site was utilized over a very 42 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Strauss High-Density Lithic Workshop 43

Figure 13. Contour map showing lithic densities of miscellaneous felsites (left) and gray-green felsite (right). Figure 14. Three-dimensional graphical representation of the Norumbega site showing quantitative and spatial short period, perhaps a few days or weeks, and the major workshop area was the one to the relationships of lithics. Black and white felsite (left); gray-green felsite (right); all lithics combined (bottom). possibly by a small group of people (Peter Thom- north of the central high-density location. Conse- materials are equally distributed throughout the as, personal communication, July 1995). quently, there appear to have been two episodes soil column. of activity: one consisting primarily of work with The third type of representation used to display gray-green felsite, miscellaneous felsites, and ba- salt with a peak around Excavation Unit 2 and a the horizontal artifact distribution was a comput- Chronology er generated three-dimensional block diagram second smaller peak to the north near Excavation that shows peaks where there were high artifact Unit 1 (however there is no basalt at this second The age of the site is based on typological com- densities and valleys where artifact counts were peak area). Another episode occurred near Exca- parison of artifacts found during Phase II inves- low. The perspective block diagrams were creat- vation Units 1 and 8 where black felsite was being tigations. Two preforms were recovered which ed using the same grid of values that the Surface+ used as well as other materials except for basalt. most closely resemble Greene-like points, a Mid- software program generated from the tab-delim- dle Woodland form (ca. 1,800 to 1,200 B.P.) (see ited x, y, z values. The lines between the locations Figure 10). Projectile points from other Woodland Vertical Site Boundaries with known quantitative data were extrapolated subperiods would be markedly different in style by the software algorithm and are more statistical The cultural resources at the site were found be- from the preforms recovered, for example, only than predictive. tween 6 and 46 centimeters in depth. Most of the Greene-like points have a parallel sided straight Figure 15. Vertical distribution of flakes by level from artifacts were recovered from the A horizon just base without any notching. Most other Middle Phase II and Phase III. The block diagrams show similar trends in the above the subsoil especially the last 10 cm of the Woodland types exhibit much more modification total raw materials and in the gray-green felsites A, roughly between 8 and 27 cm. (Figure 15). In to the base. A single AMS date from Excavation date is associated with the Early Woodland peri- (Figure 14). The black and white felsite consisted Units 6, 7, and 9 most of the debitage was found Unit 2, level 3, 18-28 centimeters was based on od and therefore seems to be earlier than the di- of a total of 24 flakes of which 20 were found in in the second A horizon level (2-A). Excavation charcoal fragments recovered in the subsoil from agnostic artifacts. Since the charcoal assayed was Excavation Unit 8, three in Excavation Unit 9; and Unit 5, however, contained most of the remains 18 to 28 centimeters in depth. Geochron Labo- not from a prehistoric site feature, it is possible one in Test pit 1A (Figure 14). This would suggest in the first B-horizon level. There seem to be no ratories in Cambridge, Massachusetts provided that the carbon was the result of a forest fire that that as far as black and white felsite is concerned, stratification of raw materials by horizon; various at date of 2,590 +/- 45 B.P (GX-23834-AMS). This predated the site’s utilization. 44 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Strauss High-Density Lithic Workshop 45 Regionally, most of the Early and Middle Wood- and not made because if they were made on site, as in his study of small sites has determined that Discussion land sites also contain Late Archaic components one would expect to find primary, secondary, and these areas are generally about 20 to 50 square MHC’s study of the area concluded that, “little is that suggest a pattern of continued occupation tertiary flakes. It is interesting to note that this meters in size (Thomas 1986:108). The Norumbe- known of the upland (Middle Woodland) interior over a long period of time (MHC 1982:40). No- is a common pattern at other Woodland sites in ga site appears to represent such a “limited nu- locations in Massachusetts (MHC 1980:32).” Very rumbega appears to be a single component site New England (Strauss 1992: 343). It is also inter- clear area” with its focus on manufacturing stone few, if any, single component Middle Woodland and is therefore atypical of sites in the region for esting to note that in addition to jasper, hornfels tools. Based on the results of this project, it ap- sites have been found throughout the region. In- this time period. Bragdon (1969) presents three seems to have been widely used during the Mid- pears that the high-density workshop is confined deed almost all of the Woodland Period sites found distinctive ecosystems that played a role in the dle Woodland (Strauss 1992:341). The debitage to an area roughly 22 square meters in size, which during the extensive I-495 project were compo- region’s prehistory: estuarine, riverine, and up- at the site indicate that hornfels was being uti- is 29.33% of the total site area. The overall site nents of larger multicomponent sites; no single land. If we use Bragdon’s tripartite model, the lized to manufacture tools. based on the Phase II was approximately 7 by 11 component workshops were identified (Duncan site would be classified as upland. Rather than meters in size. Similar small isolated sites should Ritchie, personal communication, July 1995). calling Norumbega an upland site, it might be Because the Norumbega site was small, it pro- be expected in the region such as the Crane Data from the site allowed conclusions about the better characterized as an interior site. The site vided data for understanding similar sites in the Swamp and Old Stony Brook sites (Strauss 1997) nature and extent of small interior high-density is not close enough to the coast to expect that region. The spatial boundaries of the site were in the uplands of Massachusetts. The Norumbega Middle Woodland workshops. Generally, archae- its occupants were in any way using marine re- carefully determined using several computer site seems to fit within Thomas’s model for small ologists favor testing in locations close to water sources, however, in terms of climate the site generated map programs and comparative data sites. and on level, well-drained, rock-free ground. Test- was probably more similar to the coast than to from other sites were considered. As Peter Thom- ing at the Norumbega site revealed that artifacts the rugged uplands located to the west. Plant and as (1986:100) concludes: were contained in a location that consisted of a animal resources would also have been similar to Conclusions shallow depression surrounded by a rock outcrop those found in the lowland interior rather than By looking at small sites with low artifact The Norumbega site represents an uncommon and ridge. The site was located at least 400 feet those within the central uplands per se where the and feature densities two advances can be from the nearest water source. Had water facili- overall terrain is much higher and more rugged. Middle Woodland Period single component lith- made in New England Archaeology: (1) we ic workshop. The site consisted of a high-density ties not been planned for this location, it is likely can much better interpret multicomponent that little testing would have been conducted in The site’s occupants were probably obtaining raw workshop (22 square meters) within the overall sites which are multiple overlays of limited site area (75 square meters). Multivariate analy- this area. This may suggest that archaeologists materials for tool making from locally available numbers of artifacts left in discrete spatial need to broaden their areas of investigation and sources in the Boston Basin such as outcrops in ses of the workshop’s spatial artifact distribution patterns during individual episodes of occu- actually revealed the presence of two activity ar- not limit them to locations that are immediately Lynn, Milton, Braintree, the Blue Hills, and from pation or utilization. (2) We can understand adjacent to water, that are high, level, and that Attleboro (Strauss and Murray 1988). The use of eas. All but a few of the lithics were derived from settlement and subsistence patterns that the locally available raw materials that were likely are rock free. mostly native lithics suggests that the site’s occu- are only partially reflected by larger sites. pants had primarily a local sphere of interaction reduced from preforms or quarry blanks. All but Only during the last 800 years did commu- 96 of the flakes were broken and many were less The Norumbega site is located at an elevation of based on social networks. According to the MHC’s nities aggregate at sites of substantial size synthesis for the area, “Early and Middle Wood- than one centimeter in size; 1/8-inch mesh was 230 feet and the surrounding terrain is charac- and for extended duration. appropriately selected for sifting. Furthermore, terized by numerous broad knolls ranging in ele- land materials associated with the Lynn Volca- nics indicate a continuity in the use of those high this site, not being situated adjacent to a river vation from 150 to 200 feet above sea level. The Small sites consist of limited spatial areas that terrace, lakeside, and situated in a rocky hollow, formal uplands of central Massachusetts (eleva- grade felsites into the Woodland period” (MHC were utilized by prehistoric peoples. The area 1982:21). Data from the site therefore support perhaps will make archaeologists reconsider our tions of up to 400) are situated about eight miles used by a group of people can be referred to, in general testing strategy. to the west. The site is about 10 miles from the the suggestion that Middle Woodland peoples general, as a site. Sites often contain the remains coast, however, it could be considered within the were using the same locally available volcanics as from a number of separate activities, such as coastal lowland physical region (MHC 1982:24- their predecessors. tool making, food processing, hide curation, food Data Availability Statement 25). Most archaeologists in New England agree storage, or waste disposal. Because the activities that the term upland refers to non-coastal lo- The few exotic lithics found may also suggest in- took place at different times, the space used for All work was conducted under Massachusetts His- cations, however, the specific definition varies teractions with cultures to the west of New En- them often overlap. As a result, the cultural re- torical Commission permit number 1440 in accor- widely. Some archaeologists classify sites as up- gland where jasper and chert could be obtained. mains from those activities often overlap. The dance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter land if they are 400 to 500 feet above sea level, The one tertiary jasper flake was the only artifact space where the physical evidence of a number 9, Sections 26-27C, as amended by Chapter 254 while others define upland sites as those that are of this material from the site. This might suggest of activities overlaps or clusters can be called the of the Acts of 1988 (950 CMR 70); the Massa- at least 800 feet above sea level. that jasper tools were only sharpened at the site “limited nuclear area” (Yellen 1977). Peter Thom- chusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) and 46 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Strauss High-Density Lithic Workshop 47 Advisory Council 1980. All artifacts are curated puter graphics. The staff of Boston Affiliates, Inc., Ms. Hermes O. Don, and D. Ritchie at the archaeological laboratory at the University Pauline Chase-Harrell and Mr. Stanley Moss, provided 1998 Nondestructive trace element Analysis of Archaeological Felsite by Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluores- of Massachusetts in Boston. CRM reports for this technical support. Dr. Jon Boothroyd of the University cence Spectroscopy. Geoarchaeology 12(1):31-40. project are on file at the Massachusetts Historical of Rhode Island Geology Department visited the site and conducted the site soil analysis. Dr. O. Don Her- Johnston, Eric, and Thomas Mahlstedt Commission (MHC) in Boston and were undertak- mes also of URI Geology conducted petrography, XRF, 1984 Guide to Prehistoric Site Files and Artifact Classification System. Massachusetts Historical Commission, en by Boston Affiliates, Inc. and geochemical analysis of the lithics from the site. Boston. Geochron Laboratories of Cambridge, Massachusetts provided the AMS radiocarbon date for the site. Dr. Kalin, Jeffrey Acknowledgments Peter Thomas shared his knowledge of conducting 1981 Stem Point Manufacture and Debitage Recovery. Archaeology of Eastern North America 9:134-175. phosphate test analysis. The staff of Sverdrup Civil En- The author wishes to thank several people who con- gineers, Inc. provided the base maps for the project. Luedtke, Barbara tributed to this project. Mr. Gerald Macomber and Deborah A. Strauss of CRS proofread the draft manu- 1987 The Pennsylvania Connection: Jasper at Massachusetts Sites. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeolog- Mr. Louis Sardelli of CRS served as field assistants for script. Many thanks to all those individuals who par- ical Society 48(2):37-47. the project. Mr. Macomber also produced the com- ticipated in this study. Luedtke, Barbara, O. Don Hermes, and Duncan Ritchie 1998 Rediscovery of the Wyoming Quarry Site in Melrose, Massachusetts. Bulletin of the Massachusetts References Cited Archaeological Society 59(1):25-30.

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation MHC (Massachusetts Historical Commission) 1980 Treatment of Archaeological Properties: A Handbook. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Wash- 1980 Cultural Resource Management in Massachusetts: A Model for Management. MHC, Boston. ington DC. 1982 Historic and Archaeological Resources of the Boston Area. MHC, Boston. 1985 Historic and Archaeological Resources of Southeastern Massachusetts. MHC, Boston. Anthony, David, Carty, F. and Linda Towle 1980 State Survey Project Interim Report, Prehistoric Survey Team. MHC (Massachusetts Historical Commis- Munsell Color sion), Boston. 1992 Munsell Soil Color Charts. Kollmorgen Instruments Corp., New York.

Bragdon, Kathleen Rector, Dean 1996 Native Peoples of Southern New England, 1500-1600. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. 1981 Soil Survey of Rhode Island. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington DC.

Bowman, William, and Gerald Zeoli Soil Conservation Service 1977 Discovery of a New Major Aboriginal Lithic Source. Bulletin of Massachusetts Archaeological Society 1989 Middlesex County Soil Survey: A Resource Planners Guide. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation 38(3):34-47. Service, Acton, MA.

Décima, Elena, and Barbara Putnam Strauss, Alan E. 1997 Reconnaissance Archaeological Survey of the Weston Aqueduct Supply Mains 1, 2 and 4 Rehabilitation 1989 Narragansett Basin Argillite: Lithology, Chronology, and Prehistoric Tool Manufacture. North American Project. Weston and Newton. On file at MHC, Boston. Archaeologist 10(1):25-37. 1992 Jack’s Reef Corner Notched Points in New England: Site Distribution, Raw Material Preference, and Dincauze, Dena F. Implications for Trade. North American Archaeologist 13(4):333-350. 1973 Prehistoric Occupation of the Charles River Estuary: A Paleographic Study. Bulletin of the Archaeological 1994a Intensive Archaeological Survey of the MetroWest Water Supply Tunnel Project. On file at MHC, Boston. Society of Connecticut 38:25-39. 1994b Phase II Archaeological Site Examination of the Norumbega Site in Weston, Massachusetts. On file at 1974 An Introduction to the Archaeology of Greater Boston. Archaeology of Eastern North America 2(1):39- MHC, Boston. 67. 1995 Intensive Archaeological Survey of the Norumbega Reservoir Project. On file MHC, Boston. 1996 Intensive Archaeological Survey of the MWRA Walnut Hill Water Treatment Facilities in Marlborough, Eidt, R.C. Northborough, and Southborough, Massachusetts. On file at MHC, Boston. 1973 A Rapid Chemical Field Test for Archaeological Site Survey. American Antiquity 38(2): 206-210. 1997 Phase II Archaeological Site Examinations at the Crane Swamp Site and Old Stony Brook Sites MWRA Walnut Hill Water Treatment Facilities Marlborough and Northborough, Massachusetts. On file MHC, Folk, Robert Boston. 1968 The Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks. Hemphil, Austin, TX. 1999 Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery at the Norumbega Site (19-MD-725) in Weston, Massachusetts. On file at MHC, Boston. Hatch, James, and P. Miller 1985 Procurement, Tool Production, and Sources Research at the Vera Cruz Jasper Quarry in Pennsylvania. Strauss, Alan E., and O. Don Hermes Journal of Field Archaeology 12(2):219-230. 1996 Anatomy of a Rhyolite Quarry. Archaeology of Eastern North America 24:159-171. 48 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020

Strauss, Alan E., and Daniel P. Murray 1988 A Model for the Distribution of Poor to Moderate Grade Raw Materials from their Sources in South- POST-CONTACT UPLAND SITES NEAR LAKE eastern New England: The Attleboro Red Felsite Example. Archaeology of Eastern North America 16:43- CHAUBUNAGUNGAMAUG 54. MARTIN G. DUDEK Thomas, Peter A. Commonwealth Heritage Group, Inc. 410 Great Rd, B14, Littleton, MA 01460 1975 Archaeological and Historic Impact Statement Part II: Archaeological Investigation Montague Nuclear Power Station. On file MHC, Boston. E-mail: [email protected] 1980 The McNeil Generating Plant Site (VT-CH-93), Burlington, VT. Man in the Northeast 19:57-71. 1986 Discerning Some Spatial Characteristics of Small, Short Term, Single Occupation Sites: Implications for New England Archaeology. Man in the Northeast 31:99-121. Abstract The location of the stone structures is within wooded hilly uplands in the town of Douglas, Thomas, Peter A., and Brian Robinson An archaeological survey identified three stone Massachusetts. This is in the general vicinity of 1979 The Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge: A Cultural Resource Survey. Anthropology Department, Univer- structures in bouldery uplands of southern Lake Chaubunagungamaug and Badluck Lake, ar- sity of Vermont, Burlington. Worcester County near Lake Chaubunagungam- eas of documented historic Nipmuc land use and aug. Stone Structures 1 and 2 consist of U-shaped occupation. JMA conducted an intensive (loca- Yellen, J.E. stacks. Stone Structure 3 consists of a collapsed tional) archaeological survey under permit issued 1977 Archaeological Approaches to the Present. Academic Press, New York. stone stack associated with hand-molded bricks. by the State Archaeologist at the Massachusetts Judgmentally-placed test pits at Stone Structure Historical Commission (MHC). The work was con- 1 did not recover cultural material while testing ducted according to the standards outlined in at Stone Structure 2 identified charcoal-rich soil the State Archaeologist’s Permit regulations (950 associated with a green siltstone celt, a quartz CMR 70.14 (2)), in compliance with Massachu- bifacial tool, and a wrought/cut nail fragment. setts General Laws Chapter 9, Sections 26-27c All three stone structures are considered to be (950 CMR 70-71), and reported on (Dudek and potentially related to the historic Praying Indian Smith 2013). town occupation of the Lake Chaubunagungam- aug area by Native Americans. Reported Native American Sites in the General Area Introduction A review of the site files at the MHC at the time During an archaeological survey conducted in of the survey indicate that 22 Native American ar- 2010 by John Milner Associates, Inc. (JMA, now chaeological sites are within 7 km of the project Commonwealth Heritage Group, Inc.) on boul- area (Table 1). dery uplands in southern Worcester County near Lake Chaubunagungamaug, Project Archaeologist Of 22 recorded Native American archaeologi- Alan F. Smith identified three stone structures in cal sites in Table 1, minimal data are known on the course of conducting archaeological recon- most sites, and only two sites have a temporal naissance. At least one additional similar stone attribution based on diagnostic artifacts. These structure has been identified since then. The sites date from the Late Archaic and Late Archa- stone structures are no longer on private land ic-Early Woodland. A third site is listed as possibly and are legally protected. Only minimal archae- Late Archaic, but lacks diagnostic artifacts. Three ological investigation of the stone structures was of these sites consist of “Indian cornfields.” The conducted in 2010 since the structures were pro- state site files did not describe the Indian corn- tected from potential land clearing operations at fields. If these sites were once Indian cornfields, that time. Important information on the age and it would suggest Late Woodland, European Con- cultural associations of two of the stone struc- tact-period and/or historic use of the fields by Na- tures was attained, despite the minimal nature of tive Americans. Several pieces of chipping debris the archaeological investigations or tool fragments were recovered from archae- 2020, Vol. 81(1-2) Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 49 50 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Dudek Lake Chaubunagungamaug 51

Table 1. Recorded precontact archaeological sites within 5-7 km of the project area.

Site Town Location Period Site Data 19-WR-51 Douglas Badluck Lake Unknown No data. 19-WR-52 Douglas North of Webster Unknown Rockshelter. Street 19-WR-53 Douglas Whitin Reservoir Late Archaic Small site with several steatite sherds. 19-WR-54 Douglas Whitin Reservoir Unknown No data. 19-WR-787 Douglas Wallum Pond Hill Unknown Charles Arnold Farm: arrowheads found. 19-WR-788 Douglas Wallum Pond Hill Unknown Israel Aldrich Farm: ovoid grinding stone found. 19-WR-789 Douglas Wallum Pond Hill Unknown Alexander Ritchie Farm: stone pestle found. 19-WR-790 Douglas Wallum Pond Hill Unknown Reuben Fairfield Place: “Indian relics”. 19-WR-791 Douglas Wallum Pond Hill Unknown 300 ft east of Fairfield Place, N to Marcy Place: Indian cornfields, 2 mortars, pestle. 19-WR-792 Douglas Morse Pond Unknown South of Morse Pond, “Indian Rock”: 2 mortars. 19-WR-793 Douglas Morse Pond Unknown East of “Indian Rock”: Indian cornfields. 19-WR-794 Douglas Morse Pond Unknown East of Morse Pond: Indian cornfields. 19-WR-795 Douglas Walnut & Arch St Unknown On saddle landform between Bating Pond and Tinkerville Brook: Indian camp. 19-WR-59 Webster Club Pond Unknown “A small village site. A few finds listed.” 19-WR-60 Webster Lake Chaubuna- Unknown “Campsites built over and thoroughly searched.” gun-gamaug On Killdeer Island and the point to the west. 19-WR-61 Webster Lake Chaubuna- Unknown South end of lake. No data. gun-gamaug 19-WR-816 Webster French River Late Archaic? Distal end large quartzite biface; 2 flakes (slate? & rhyolite). 19-WR-57 Oxford Sacarrappa Pond Unknown “Many small campsites around shores of pond . . . a large number of finds listed”; also 1 rhyolite flake. 19-WR-58 Oxford Robinson Pond Unknown “Small village sites around shores of Robinson Pond.” 19-WR-334 Oxford Near wetlands off Unknown 4 quartz flakes. French River Figure 1. Plan of Stone Structure 1 and adjacent “borrow” pits. 19-WR-431 Oxford Lowes Pond Late Archaic Early Orcutt’s Field. Stone tools and features. Woodland 19-WR-514 Oxford Fort Hill Unknown Within Huguenot Fort; several pieces of quartz and unplowed, with a carpet of surface boulders and quartzite chipping debris. and scrubby secondary tree growth comprised predominately of deciduous hardwoods. One dirt ological surveys. Most sites were reported from Project Area Description road had a short section of low stone retaining collector activities or discoveries on farms, with wall banking a low, sloped area; otherwise no little available data other than site location. Site The project setting consists of broad hilly terrain field walls were observed across the project par- locations concentrate along the shores of ponds with few wetlands or sources of running water. cel. and the French River. Other sites are recorded Soils consist of Montauk fine sandy loam,- ex in east Douglas along the and in tremely stony and Canton fine sandy loam,- ex southwest Sutton at Manchaug Pond and Stevens tremely stony, with pockets of Whitman sandy Identification of Stone Structures Pond. Rockshelters were also important locations loam (Taylor 1998). Generally speaking, the up- lands are very rocky and composed mainly of gla- for sites and do not always occur near a source of Archaeological testing for the survey was focused cial boulder till deposits. Bedrock is exposed in a fresh water. at localized areas of proposed development and number of areas, including short cliff-like thrust did not encounter any evidence of cultural activ- faults of granite with localized veins of quartz. ity. During field reconnaissance, a total of three Other than aged dirt roads or foot trails, no ev- Figure 2. Stone Structure 1 with recent campfire re- stone structures were identified. Following these idence of farming was encountered during the fuse, view south; vertical scale in 50-cm increments. discoveries, additional field reconnaissance did reconnaissance and testing. Soils were natural 52 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Dudek Lake Chaubunagungamaug 53 not identify other structures. One bedrock expo- between the lower stones baked earth is present, sure was identified closer to a main road that had suggesting that a mud mortar may have been purposefully-placed cobbles on top of a boulder, used in the construction of the stone structure, but there was no associated cultural material vis- but has mostly washed away. In addition, lichen ible in the area. covers the exterior rocks. Determining the age of the lichen on the structure is difficult. However, Stone Structure 1 was discovered during field re- as noted by Robert Thorson, an authority on New connaissance by archaeologist Alan F. Smith out- England’s stone walls, a stone wall with a good side of the proposed development areas. Once coat of lichens is at least a few decades old, while it was identified, a concerted effort was made to one with a continuous coat is likely a century or look for additional stone structures. Stone Struc- more (Thorson 2005:92-93). At Structure 1, the tures 2 and 3 were also identified by Mr. Smith interior stones and several stones on the top of in a second area over 900 m from the first stone the structure have been fire-reddened and some structure. Stone Structures 1, 2 and 3 consisted cracked, possibly by the recent fire,which left of purposefully laid angular natural stones and charcoal and melted aluminum cans (Figure 2). No slabs of fieldstone. Stone Structure 1 was asso- lichen is present on these reddened stones and if ciated with old excavated pits. Stone Structure 2 present, it may have been burned away. The exte- was associated with an old excavated trench. The rior stones, except for the reddened stones at the trench and pits appear to be contemporary with top, all have lichen on them. Part of the exterior the stone structures and may have been excavat- base of the stone structure is buried in soil. The ed to supply rock and earth for the structures. stone structure is not the result of recent con- Both Structures have a “U” shape at the tallest struction for a campfire, but represents an older standing portion of the structures, with Stone structure that has been modified through recent Structure 1 opening to the north and Stone Struc- reuse. ture 2 opening to the west. Stone Structure 3 ap- pears to be a solid stack or raised pile that is par- The site size, including the stone structure and tially collapsed and may have formed a U -shaped three surrounding excavated pits, measures 11-m opening to the east. A brick and two half-bricks, east to west by 8.5-m north to south (Figure 1). all hand-molded, were located along the south The excavated pits vary in size and are roughly side of the structure. The potential significance 40 cm deep and lack back dirt piles that might be and possible origin for these stone structures will expected if they were the result of recent loot- be discussed in more detail following a descrip- er activity. They may have been borrow pits that tion of the stone structures. supplied earth and stone for Structure 1. If the old excavated pits mark the limits of a living area or structure that fronted on the stone structure, Stone Structure 1 then a measurement of 6-m east to west by 4.5- Stone Stucture 1(SS1) consists of a U- shaped m north tosouth can be given for the size of this boulder rock stack that appears to be a stone area. chimney (Figures 1 and 2). Several old depres- sions surround the north side of the stone struc- Two judgmentally-placed test pits (JTP) were ex- ture. Recent activities include reuse of stone slabs cavated near Stone Structure 1. SS1-JTP 1 was as seats and reuse of the U-shaped stone stack as located about 25-cm north of the stonework for a firewall for a recent campfire that includes char- Structure 1 (Figure 1). Ao - root mat, A1 - top coal and melted aluminum pop-top Miller Light soil, B1 - upper subsoil, B2 - lower subsoil and C Figure 3. Test pit profiles for Stone Structures 1 and 2 (SS1-JTP 1 and SS2-JTP 2). beer cans. However, the age of the stone struc- – glacial till substratum horizons were identified, ture appears older. Within the interstitial space with a buried dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) lay- 54 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Dudek Lake Chaubunagungamaug 55 er between the B2 and C horizons (Figure 3). If this dark layer represents a buried A horizon (Ab), then the B1 and B2 horizons above it are old re- deposited fill layers. No charcoal nor any cultural material was present in these layers.

SS1-JTP 2 was located at the bottom of the larg- est excavated pit. The pit is 40-cm lower than the surrounding terrain. JTP 2 encountered truncat- ed stratigraphy, with an Ao root mat of very dark brown (10YR 2/2) silt loam, an Ae of dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) silty sandy clay, a truncated B horizon of dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6) silty Figure 4. Stone Structure 2, view north with ditch to sand, and a C of light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) right. coarse sand and rock. Pebbles, cobbles and boul- ders were present throughout. The C horizon was encountered at 28 cm below surface (cmbs). No cultural materials were encountered.

Stone Structure 2

Stone Structure 2 (SS2) is located west of a recent road cut made in the spring of 2009 over 900 m from Stone Structure 1. Stone Structure 2 con- sists of a U- shaped boulder rock stack that ap- pears to be a stone chimney (Figures 4 and 5). An oval trench surrounds the U-shaped stack and a rock pile is located to the west (Figure 6). The site Figure 5. Stone Structure 2, view east. size, including the stone structure and the sur- rounding trench, measures 8-m east to west by a depth varying from 20-30 cmbs (north profile) 6-m north tosouth. If the excavated trench marks and 26-33 cmbs (south profile). From 30-37 cmbs, the limits of a living area or hut that included the a gray (10YR 6/1) fine silty sand was encountered, stone structure, then a measurement of 6.5-m with brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) and strong east towest by 3.5-m north tosouth can be given brown (7.5YR 4/6) lenses below, and a C horizon for the size of this area. of light olive brown (2.5Y 5/6) silty sand and rock. Besides charcoal, a single piece of quartz shatter Two JTP were excavated at Structure 2. SS2-JTP 1 was recovered from 10-20 cmbs. was located 40-cm west from the northern end of the “U” stonework (Figure 6). JTP 1 encoun- SS2-JTP 2 was located 50 cm west from the south- tered Ao root mat of very dark brown (10YR ern end of the “U” stonework (Figure 6). The Figure 6. Plan of Stone Structure 2 and adjacent trench. 2/2) silt loam to 6 cmbs, and a redeposited fill of placement of JTP 2 was based on the hope of mottled dark brown (10YR 3/3), very dark gray- finding some datable artifacts associated with the JTP 2 encountered an Ao root mat of very dark charcoal chunks to a variable depth of 22 cmbs; ish brown (10YR 3/2) and yellowish brown (10YR stone structure. Prior test pits at Stone Structure brown (10YR 2/2) sandy loam to 4 cmbs; an A1 a small pit feature (Feature 1) of mottled black 5/6) sandy silt, rocks and charcoal from 6 to 20/26 1 failed to recover cultural material, making it dif- of dark brown (10YR 3/3) sandy silt loam to 10 (10YR 2/1) and dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) cmbs. Below this was a buried black (10YR 2/1) ficult to interpret the age, function, and potential cmbs; an old fill (Fill 1) of redeposited B soils of sandy silt loam with charcoal from 13-29 cmbs; a sandy silt loam layer with charcoal chunks, with significance of that stone structure. yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) sandy silt with large lower fill (Fill 2, between Features 1 and 2) of re- 56 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Dudek Lake Chaubunagungamaug 57 deposited B/C soils of brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) cmbs; and the natural C horizon of glacial till sub- sandy clayey silt with numerous smaller charcoal stratum encountered at 39 cmbs and consisting chunks; a feature lens (Feature 2) of mottled of brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) coarse sandy clay- 10YR 2/1 black and 10YR 5/2 grayish brown san- ey silt with pebbles, cobbles and boulders (Figure dy silt with smaller charcoal chunks from 30-39 3).

JTP 2 turned out to be of critical importance with respect to recovering cultural material. A chipped stone quartz bifacial tool,possibly a stone drill or tapered/stemmed point base,was recovered from the A1 horizon. Asmall pit-feature (Feature 1) in the northwest corner of the test pit yielded charcoal-rich deposits, Fill 2 produced a wrought Figure 9. Stone Structure 3, view east. Figure 10. South side of Stone Structure 3 with or cut nail shank,and lower Feature 2 of mottled hand-molded bricks, view northeast. black sandy silt loam contained a polished green- with certainty as either a wrought nail or cut nail. stone celt (Figure 7). The iron nail fragment is as- In addition to these artifacts, 12 fragments of The bricks were hand-molded using a rectangu- sociated with the anthropogenic soils between quartz shatter were recovered. The shatter does lar form and appear to be colonial era or possibly Features 1 and 2. The nail fragment is most likely not appear to be debitage from stone tool knap- nineteenth century. No test pits were excavated Figure 7. Green siltstone celt, quartz drill/reamer of wrought iron, but it consists of a rectangular ping, but appears to be cultural in origin, proba- at the stone structure, but the bricks indicate an or stemmed point base, and wrought/cut iron nail bly created through a quartz-crushing activity. historic occupation that may be associated with shank from Stone Structure 2 – JTP 2. mid-shank section not large enough to identify it Stone Structure 2. Given the remoteness of the The artifacts recovered were associated with location and the presence of lichen on the bricks, charcoal-rich deposits near the U-shaped rock they are not considered to be a recent addition to stack and indicate an historic (post-contact) oc- the stone structure and likely date to the occupa- cupation associated with Native American stone tion or use of the site. tools. As the seventeenth-century Praying Indi- an town of Chaubunagungamaug was located nearby at Lake Chaubunagungamaug in Webster, Discussion of Potential Site Significance Stone Structure 2 is interpreted as an archaeolog- Stone Structures 1, 2 and 3 – Site Context ical site related to historic-era Native Americans from the Chaubunagungamaug area. Stone Structures 1 and 2 are similar in size, shape and construction technique. While testing at Stone Structure 3 Stone Structure 1 did not encounter cultural ma- terial, both Stone Structures 2 and 3 are associat- Stone Structure 3 (SS3) is located 37 m east of ed with older historic artifacts, with a wrought or Stone Structure 2 (Figures 8 and 9) near a recent cut nail fragment at Stone Structure 2 and a brick (2009) exploratory road cut. Stone Structure 3 and two half-bricks at Stone Structure 3. These consists of an angular boulder rock stack that artifacts are difficult to date more precisely than appears to be a stacked pile with rocks loosely with a broad time range from the seventeenth scattered off the eastern side. The stack could century through the mid-nineteenth century. The have had a “U”-shape, but this is not evident now association of the green siltstone celt and quartz due to collapse, and the stack appears more like drill/stemmed tool at Stone Structure 2 with the a built-up rock stack. The site size, including the iron nail fragment (Figure 7) is an important in- scattered rocks, measures 3.3-m east to west by dicator that the site was used during the historic 2.3-m north to south. The main stack measures era. The implication is that the inhabitants at the Figure 8. Plan of Stone Structure 3. about 1.5-m square. Stone Structure 3 is associ- site were Native American. ated with three bricks or half-bricks (Figure 10). 58 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Dudek Lake Chaubunagungamaug 59 The quartz bifacial tool consists of either a drill or persed farmsteads and the economy was based members of the Nipmuck community associated available, habitation may erroneously be attribut- reamer or the stemmed base and midsection of on general agriculture, with wood products such with the Praying Town of Chaubunagungamaug. ed to Anglo-Americans instead of Native Ameri- a Small Stemmed point. The tool is worn on the as cedar shingles, hoops and barrel staves being cans or African Americans (Baron et al. 1996). tapered end, which could be from use as a drill shipped to Boston (MHC 1984:3-4). During the Regional Context for Native American Sites from or reamer or from hafting wear. Archaeological Federal Period (1775-1830), the economy still At the Eastern Pequot Reservation in North Ston- the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries work at the Gerhard Site in Aquinnah, Martha’s relied heavily on lumbering and agriculture, with ington, Connecticut, archaeological investigations Vineyard, recovered 34 Small Stemmed points, extensive woodlands in the western part of the Several archaeological and ethnohistorical re- directed by Stephen Silliman have identified a se- 12 of which were associated with a terminal town providing lumber as well as charcoal for use search projects have provided examples of what quence of historic Native American homestead Late Woodland/Contact Period radiocarbon date in forges, hammershops and blacksmith shops in forms historic Native American occupation may sites spanning from ca. 1740 to 1860 (Silliman (Herbster and Cherau 2003). At present, there is the region. take in southern New England. Historic Native 2009, Silliman and Witt 2010). These sites inform no data from southern Worcester County to indi- American sites may include structures with stone Native American cultural continuity, including cate historic-era use of Small Stemmed points. It Wood products were among the items contribut- foundations, such as one identified during- ar changes in dwelling design and material culture, is possible that the quartz tool is a Small Stemmed ed by the Praying Indian towns to the local and chaeological investigations at the Praying Indian such as noted at the two sites in Sturbridge, Mas- point that was being reused. More plausibly, the regional economy. At Ponkapoag Plantation, a Town of Magunkaquog (Mrozowski et al. 2009). sachusetts. The reservation was founded in 1683 quartz tool from Stone Structure 2 was being Praying Indian town of about 6,000 acres estab- These investigations uncovered a dry-laid founda- and has been continuously occupied by members used as a drill or reamer and the broken end is lished by English missionary John Elliot in 1657 on tion that was purposely built into the east slope of the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation. The occupa- actually a “T”-shaped base to the tool; the bro- the western side of , the inhabi- of Magunco Hill. This foundation is believed to be tion at the earliest investigated site, Site 102–124, ken surface is not clearly identifiable as either a tants of the Plantation integrated more tradition- the location of the original Magunkaquog meet- is currently placed between 1740 and 1760 based midsection-snap or an intentionally shaped tool al foraging patterns with new activities oriented ing house and its location on the eastern side of on ceramic data. Field observations and prelim- base. As a result, the artifacts cannot be distin- toward the neighboring colonial communities. a slope, an area not traditionally believed to be a inary results indicate that the residential struc- guished asa drill/reamer or a Small Stemmed These activities included planting, keeping- cat location for a structure, may reflect a Native prac- ture may have been a wigwam with some nailed point base. Microscopic use-wear analysis may tle and swine, and fishing in the ponds and the tice of saving flatter lands for agricultural purpos- elements and at least one glass windowpane, or be able to identify wear patterns on the tool to as well as the production of cedar es (Mrozowski et al. 2009). alternatively, a small wooden framed structure aid in diagnosing tool use patterns. shingles, timber and other wood commodities, with no foundation, no cellar or crawlspace, and and the sale of labor as itinerant construction Kevin McBride (1990:110), working on the no chimney. Three pits of varying size contained The greenstone celt is a scarce tool type on ar- workers (Carlson 1987). Mashantucket Reservation in Connecticut, iden- a variety of domestic debris. Ceramic vessels chaeological sites and its presence at Stone Struc- tified late prehistoric, seventeenth-, and early and wares included basic redware, Astbury-type ture 2 suggests use at the site. The greenstone At the Praying Indian Town of Magunkaquog es- eighteenth-century sites interpreted as short- ware, Staffordshire slipware, white salt-glazed appears to be a meta-sediment with a finer grain, tablished in Ashland, John Eliot taught the natives term occupations, “such as hunting camps or (including scratch-blue) stoneware, and Brown probably siltstone. The tapered beveled end may to make cedar shingles and clapboards in 1669. sites of other seasonal activities such as plant- Reserve porcelain. Iron kettle fragments and a have been used in wood-working, while the flat Eliot writes of the natives: “Unto which work in ing.” By the mid-eighteenth century, however, hook, a musket ball, numerous straight pins, glass polished surfaces could have been used as a rub- moiling in the swamp they are fitter than many there is a change from seasonal to permanent beads, white ball clay pipe fragments, and some bing or smoothing stone or possibly as a whet- English, and many English choose to buy them land uses, and this is reflected in the increasingly glass bottle fragments were present. Architec- stone. The finer grain to the stone makes it less of the Indians than to make them themselves” common use of stone “for walls, foundations, and tural materials included forged iron nails, a small likely that the stone was used as a whetstone, (Metcalf 1988:19-20). By teaching the natives gardens” (McBride 1990:111). quantity of window glass, and some postholes. although the underside has an unpolished face, to make cedar shingles and clapboards Eliot was Food remains include domestic livestock, fish, which could have been used in this capacity. doing more than teaching a useful skill; he was shellfish, and other foods (Silliman 2009, Silliman Archaeological excavations conducted by Bar- and Witt 2010). actively trying to integrate the Native Americans on et al. (1996:585) at two historic homesteads Historically, the area was located near the Native of the Praying Towns into the market economy at occupied by Native families during the eigh- American base camp established as a Praying the local and regional level. The extent to which teenth- and nineteenth-centuries in Sturbridge, At Site 102–123 ceramic and material culture Town by 1674 at Lake Chaubunagungamaug in Native Americans from the Lake Chaubunagun- Massachusetts, about 20 miles west of Lake Chau- data indicate an occupation between the 1760s Webster (Carlson 1987:16). The area where the gamaug area were involved in the production of bunagungamaug, revealed “a material culture in- and 1800. The site had significant surface and stone structures were identified was important in cedar shingles, hoops and barrel staves shipped distinguishable from that of Anglo-Americans of subsurface components and alterations to the the town economy for wood products during the to Boston in the eighteenth century has not been comparable economic level.” These archaeologi- surrounding landscape. The presence of at least colonial era. In the eighteenth century (ca. 1720s established, but there is a plausible connection cal investigations led the authors to conclude that one framed wooden-plank house was evident by – 1775), settlement was characterized by dis- to the use of timberland for wood products by at sites where limited documentary sources are window glass, numerous nails—primarily of cut 60 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Dudek Lake Chaubunagungamaug 61 nail forms—sill stones, and collapsed stone chim- The sites from the Eastern Pequot Reservation re- two sides by large postholes; the almost exclusive reported at over a dozen locations in eastern and ney stacks. The main household area included veal tangible ways that the Eastern Pequot made presence of calcined bone and apparent charred central New England and occur in remote areas two chimney collapses and associated hearths, decisions to shape their lives amidst broader botanical remains suggest that the feature served on high ground. Those authors propose that the a deep cellar, a shell-and-rock midden, a small colonial and postcolonial contexts. “European” as an outdoor hearth or oven, a feature charac- locations of these stone structures are “all chosen trash deposit, a partially filled depression/root goods, domesticated animals, and house forms teristic of Nnative homesteads in the colonial era so that the opening faces a natural or man-made cellar, and a small circular stone enclosure pos- that included stone chimneys were utilized by (Mrozowski et. al. 2005). Archaeological excava- horizon marker to assist in viewing a sky event, sibly a base for aboveground storage. Two larg- Native American communities and households tion also uncovered evidence of a foundation and like a solstice sunrise or the position of a northern er stone enclosures possibly served as gardens (Silliman 2009). an apparent cellar, and architectural materials constellation” (Ballard and Mavor 2010:15). This or animal pens. Ceramics included mid-eigh- including wrought nails, L-head cut nails, win- suggests that these sites are more common than 1 teenth-century wares such as white salt-glazed While colonialism shaped economic interac- dow glass, brick and lead window came (Law formerly recognized and that they may embody stoneware, slipware, and agateware and wares tions between Native Americans and settlers, it et al. 2008). Artifacts from the site include large one or more important types of sites. common in the last quarter of the century such also placed considerable constraints on Native quantities of redware, creamware and pearlware as creamware, early pearlware, English brown Americans. By the mid-eighteenth century, Na- ceramics, as well as refined stoneware, Jackfield, The stone structures identified near Lake Chaubu- stoneware, and Chinese porcelain (Silliman 2009, tive Americans in New England were deeply en- white salt-glazed and Nottingham stoneware, tin- nagungamaug are on high ground and in a remote Silliman and Witt 2010). Redware, white ball clay trenched in colonial and market economies as glazed and buff bodied earthenware generally area. Stone Structure 1 has the U-shaped open- pipe stem and bowl fragments, bottle glass, and farmhands, domestic workers, whal­ers, soldiers, dating to the middle of the eighteenth century. ing facing to the north, while Stone Structure 2 iron kettle fragments were common. Metal arti- craft producers, store customers, and consumers Chinese porcelain, tobacco pipe bowl and stem has the U-shaped opening facing to the west and facts also included forks, knives, buckles, finger (Silliman and Witt 2010). fragments, bottle and table glass, cut and pressed Stone Structure 3 opens to the east. None of the rings, a key, and several buttons (Patton 2007). glassware, metal buttons, flaked glass and a ste- stone structures has a good view of the horizon One stone projectile point fragment, a handful of A similar pattern of “European” goods and do- atite bowl fragment were also recovered. Faunal as it is obscured by trees and the stone structures chert/flint flakes, and two pieces of worked win- mesticated animals, and a house form with a remains included evidence of four cows, two pigs, are located on relatively level or recessed ground. dow glass represented lithic technologies used large chimney was present at the Sarah Burn- and two sheep or goats. The results of the excava- In the historic past, the horizon would have been by site residents. Faunal remains included cattle, ee Phillips/Sarah Boston Farmstead, a Nipmuc tions and analysis clearly point to several periods obscured by trees as well. The stone structure lo- pigs, clams, mussels, oysters, fish, and small num- homestead on former lands of the Praying Indian of building and renovation. cations are also not near vista areas where one bers of other local fauna (Silliman 2009). village at Hassanamesitt in Grafton. The home- can see out over open or sloping terrain. stead site dates from about 1790 to 1840, but was Interpretation At Site 102–113 remains were uncovered of a possibly occupied as early as the mid eighteenth Based on comparison with the sites described in framed house that had a small crawlspace be- century (Law et al. 2008). Archaeological excava- The tallest standing portions of Stone Structures the previous section the stone structures are in- neath, a large collapsed stone chimney stack, and tion in 2006 and 2007 identified the foundation 1 and 2 both have a “U” shape, which may have terpreted as the functional backing for a hearth’s a rich trash pit outside. Ceramics and other cul- for a dwelling that probably was home to both functioned as a stone chimney or hearth. The lack chimney. The earth situated between the lower tural materials point toward an occupation in the Sarah Burnee Phillips and her daughter Sarah of buried charcoal at Stone Structure 1 makes it rocks in Stone Structure 1 is baked and eroded, first 30 to 40 years of the nineteenth century. Ce- Boston, both of Nipmuc ethnicity. Given the pres- unlikely that the structure was part of a charcoal- not the work of recent visitors to the site. Stone ramics included redware, creamware, pearlware, ence of ceramics from the mid-eighteenth centu- ing kiln, such as identified in Groton, Massachu- Structure 2 is associated with large charcoal English Brown stoneware, and porcelain. Tobac- ry, the house may have been built in 1749 by Sar- setts (Donohue 2004; Edens et al. 1990). More chunks imbedded in redeposited soils and layers co pipe stem and bowl fragments, window glass, ah Muckamaug-Burnee and her husband Fortune charcoal was identified at Stone Structure 2, but near the opening to the U-shaped construction. bottle glass shards, and nails were common. Burnee. Historic recollections of visitors to Sarah the stone tools uncovered are not the type of ar- Stone Structure 3 is associated with hand-mold- Other artifacts included oxen shoes, glass beads, Boston’s house describe a big center chimney tifact likely to be related to charcoal manufacture. ed bricks such as commonly employed in colonial a glass bottle stopper, a faux paste glass gem, a with an open fireplace; the chimney was located Both sites had pits or trenches located around chimneys. These stone structures represent a site coin with a punched hole and cut edge, two scis- along the back/west wall of the house while the stone structure. Stone Structure 3 was similar to type that has not been well investigated by pro- sor bows, a thimble, buttons, buckles, and other east/front door was at the end of the front (Law the others, but appears to have collapsed on its fessional archaeologists. If these sites represent clothing- related objects (Patton 2007; Silliman et al. 2008:27). Large quantities of collapsed rock eastern, open side. All three stone structures are chimneys or hearths, there remains the ques- 2009). Lithic artifacts included chert/flint flakes, a were found in the excavation including a potential covered in lichen, and there is evidence at Stone tion of whether they are for a dwelling such as soapstone bowl fragment, a celt, and an argillite hearth or earth oven. The feature was composed Structure 1 of earth between the lower stones, a wetu, a sweat lodge, a charcoal-manufacturing point. Faunal remains included cattle, pig, cap- of an almost complete circle of cobbles and more possibly the remnants of mud mortar. or potash-manufacturing kiln, or for some other rines (sheep/goat), rabbit, cat, rodents, fish, large angular stones that were either collapsed in on purpose. birds (e.g., chicken, turkey), turtle, and shellfish each other or purposely piled up and flanked on Ballard and Mavor (2010:15) have noted that (Silliman 2009). about 100 U-shaped stone structures have been 62 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Dudek Lake Chaubunagungamaug 63 sites may be dwelling locations and/or related to References Cited Summary the use of the wooded uplands for timber-related Ballard, Edwin C., and James M. Mavor The stone structures identified in the bouldery products that included cedar shingles, hoops and 2010 A Case for the Use of Above-Surface Stone Constructions in a Native American Ceremonial Landscape uplands of southern Worcester County near Lake barrel staves that were supplied to Boston in the in the Northeast. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 71(1):8-25. Chaubunagungamaug represent small structures eighteenth century. The sites are likely to yield that do not appear to be associated with many significant information on their association and Baron, Donna Keith, J. Edward Hood, and Holly V. Izard artifacts, unlike the Pequot and Nipmuc home- function with further professional archaeological 1996 They Were Here All Along: The Native American Presence in Lower-Central New England in the Eigh- teenth and Nineteenth Centuries. The William and Mary Quarterly 53(3):561-586. stead/farmstead sites which had an abundance investigation. of ceramics and other artifacts. Therefore, the Carlson, Catherine C. stone structure sites may be special-purpose sites 1987 Archival and Archaeological Research Report on the Configuration of the Seven Original 17th Century of short duration use. Occupation at the sites may Data Availability Statement Praying Indian Towns of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Report on file at the Massachusetts Historical have been of a repetitive or seasonal nature, but Commission, Boston, MA. probably not intensive. The hypothesis put for- The recovered cultural materials and associated ward here on the function of these sites is that project documents and field data are owned by Donohue, Barbara Site Examination Report on the East Groton Charcoaling Area (GRO-HA-12) Groton, Massachusetts they were temporary hut/wetu locations possibly the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The col- 2004 . Re- port on file at the Massachusetts Historical Commission, Boston, MA. utilized seasonally by historic Native Americans, lection is curated at Commonwealth Heritage and possibly in the historic wood industry. Stone Group, Inc., 410 Great Road, Suite B14, Littleton, MA 01460. Dudek, Martin G., and Alan F. Smith chimneys and other stonework (e.g., cellars, 2013 Archeological Intensive (Locational) Survey for the Douglas Wind Farm Project, Douglas, Massachusetts. foundations, outdoor hearth or oven) have been Report on file at the Massachusetts Historical Commission, Boston, MA. documented from Pequot and Nipmuc sites dat- The report for the project is on file at the Mas- ing from the second half of the eighteenth centu- sachusetts Historical Commission in Boston, MA. Edens, Christopher, Leith Smith, Jane Carolan, and Michael Roberts ry to the second quarter of the nineteenth cen- 1990 Intensive Archaeological Survey of the Proposed East Groton Village, Groton, Massachusetts. Report on file at the Massachusetts Historical Commission, Boston, MA. tury. These latter sites produced ceramics, nails, Acknowledgments brick, window glass, and, also, chipped lithic Herbster, Holly, and Suzanne G. Cherau debitage or tools and/or chipped glass. One site The author would like to thank Alan F. Smith for his 2003 Intensive (Locational) Archaeological Survey and Data Recovery Program, Gerhard Site, Aquinnah, Mas- included a stone celt (Pequot Site 102–113). The years of tireless service to the profession of New En- sachusetts. Report on file at the Massachusetts Historical Commission, Boston, MA. presence of abundant charcoal buried adjacent gland archaeology and efforts for land and environ- to the near-circular stone work of Stone Structure mental preservation working with land trusts and Law, Heather, Guido Pezzarossi, and Stephen Mrozowski 2 suggests use of the area for a hearth, wheth- other non-profit organizations. I have worked with 2008 Archaeological Intensive Excavation, Hassanamesit Woods Property, the Sarah Boston Farmstead, Graf- ton, Massachusetts. Report on file at the Massachusetts Historical Commission, Boston, MA. er as a chimney attached to a dwelling or as an Alan for 20 years, but his involvement at the Massa- chusetts Archaeological Society goes back much fur- outdoor hearth or oven. The recovery of a stone ther as does his professional work as an archaeologist. Massachusetts Historical Commission celt, a chipped quartz tool and a wrought or cut Alan has a knack at locating archaeological sites above 1984 MHC Reconnaissance Survey Town Report: Douglas. Report on file at the Massachusetts Historical Com- nail fragment from the same context is consistent and below ground and he has been indispensible on mission, Boston, MA. with the range of artifacts identified at other eigh- many a project in the field and in the lab. teenth to early nineteenth century Native Ameri- McBride, Kevin A. can sites discussed. All three stone structures are 1990 The Historical Archaeology of the Mashantucket Pequots, 1637-1900: A Preliminary Analysis. In The Note Pequots in Southern New England: The Rise and Fall of an American Indian Nation, edited by Laurence considered to be potentially significant archaeo- M. Hauptman and James D. Ferry, pp. 96-116. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. logical sites that may be related to the historic oc- 1 The term “came” refers to lead or wooden cupation of the Lake Chaubunagungamaug area strips used to join pieces of glass in a window. Metcalf, Frank J. in Webster and Douglas by Native Americans. The 1988 Indians in Ashland, Mass. Archaeological Quarterly of the W. Elmer Ekblaw Chapter of the Massachu- setts Archaeological Society 10(1):19-23.

Mrozowski, Stephen A., Holly Herbster, David Brown, and Katherine L. Priddy 2005 “Magunkaquoag: Native American Conversion and Cultural Persistence,” in Eighteenth Century Na- tive Communities of Southern New England in the Colonial Context, edited by Jack Campsi, pp. 57-71, Mashantucket Museum and Research Center Occasional Paper No. 1, Mashantucket, CT. 64 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020

Mrozowski, Stephen A., Katherine Howlett Hayes, and Heather Trigg 2009 Magunkaquog Materiality, Federal Recognition, and the Search for a Deeper History. International Jour- NATIVE AGRICULTURAL VILLAGES IN ESSEX COUNTY: nal of Historical Archaeology 13(4):430-463. ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ETHNOHISTORICAL EVIDENCE

Patton, Jonathan K. MARY ELLEN LEPIONKA 2007 Material Studies of Eastern Pequot Clothing in Eighteenth-and Nineteenth- Century Connecticut: Issues 17 Hammond St., Gloucester MA 01930 in Collaborative Indigenous Archaeology. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Historical Archaeology Graduate Program, University of Massachusetts, Boston. E-mail: [email protected]

Silliman, Stephen W. 2009 Change and Continuity, Practice and Memory: Native American Persistence in Colonial New England. Abstract on ethnohistorical clues and geospatial analyses American Antiquity 74(2):211-230. of environmental features. This paper explores issues in the archaeology of Silliman, Stephen W., and Thomas A. Witt Late Woodland and Contact Period agricultural The 1988 edition of the Bulletin of the Massachu- 2010 The Complexities of Consumption: Eastern Pequot Cultural Economics in Eighteenth-Century New villages in New England with a view to developing setts Archaeological Society was devoted entire- England. Historical Archaeology 44(4):46–68. a comprehensive set of physical criteria for locat- ly to questions of defining, classifying, identify- ing agricultural villages in Essex County. Broader ing, and finding Native villages in New England Taylor, William H. issues have included definitions of settlement 1998 Soil Survey of Worcester County, Southern Part. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. ( Articles by patterns and effects of settlement change on cul- Jordan Kerber, Peter Thorbahn, Barbara Luedtke, Thorson, Robert M. tural complexity, as well as origins, dating, and and Elizabeth Little explored definitions of- set 2005 Exploring Stone Walls: A Field Guide to New England’s Stone Walls. Walker & Company, New York. methods of maize cultivation in New England. tlement patterns; effects of settlement change Local issues include historical bias in the archae- on cultural complexity; the origins, dating, and ology of Essex County, a dearth of archaeological methods of maize cultivation in the Late Wood- evidence, and the impacts of climate change and land Period; diagnostic material culture; and the urban development on village sites. This paper paucity of archaeological evidence for villages avoids the various taxonomies and models based outside of the Connecticut Valley. The articles on population size, density, complexity, seden- were in response to a workshop on the subject tism, mobility, number or size of wigwams, pres- with many contributors at the Northeast Anthro- ence of permanent architecture or infrastructure, pological Association annual meeting of 1987 at and the like, and defines an agricultural village the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. simply as the settlement of any group of families or polity for the purpose of converting land for The focus of the workshop was on alternative tillage and planting, cultivating, and harvesting models of settlement systems based on econom- a cereal crop. The Algonquians of Essex County ic activities. Models distinguish coastal from in- were not tribes or chieftainships, but tributary land settlements, but none of the archaeological patrilineage-based bands in shifting confedera- sites referenced are in Essex County, Massachu- tions and alliances. Ample ethnohistorical data setts, which generally is not well represented in indicate they had agricultural villages prior to the literature. When Essex County first received European contact, with mixed economies com- the attention of professional archaeologists, it bining maize agriculture, intensive horticulture of was customary to claim there were no perma- non-cereal crops, hunting and gathering, fishing nent indigenous agricultural villages in eastern and fowling, and clamming. While keeping camps Massachusetts prior to European contact (e.g., for seasonal subsistence resource procurement, Putnam 1867). The two main reasons given have they were moving their agricultural villages with- to do with cultural ecology and the environment: in arable areas for proximity to whatever fields that the people were only seasonal migrants they were planting in a given year. Locating those with temporary housing, and that the coastal mobile villages will need to rely not on artifact plain with its tidal rivers, battered by the North densities and other archaeological evidence but Atlantic, lacked sufficient arable soil. There is- ev 2019, Vol. 80(1-2) Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 65 66 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Lepionka Native Agricultural Villages in Essex County 67 ary than there is evidence for today (Moorehead why couldn’t the Pawtucket, other Algonquians, and Smith 1931). Furthermore, not all the sites and other Eastern Woodland Indians before them Moorehead designated as “villages”—for exam- have done so as well over the past 3,000 years, ple, those clustered around Plum Island — especially with such a concentration of secure were occupied year round (Figure 1). subsistence resources at hand?

It is known generally that the Algonquians in Indigenous people on the and Mas- New England did not specialize in mono-cropping sachusetts Bay interacted with Basque, Breton, maize (Zea mays), as did other indigenous agri- and English fishermen and French and Dutch ex- culturalists, such as the Iroquoians and others, plorers and fur traders during the one hundred in the interiors (Doughty 2010; Johannessen and years or more prior to English settlement (e.g., Hastorf 1994). But neither were they just hunt- Nixon 2011). It has been claimed Algonquian ers and gatherers (Ember 2014). Rather, the Al- coastal villages arose from this contact stimulus gonquians retained a mixed economy, combining to be nearer to the fruits of trade, in furs for ex- farming with hunting, gathering, fishing, fowling, ample, rather than as farming communities (e.g., trapping, and shellfish harvesting (e.g., Chilton Snow 1976:3-4). However, the Late Woodland 2002), which called for “bimodal” (camp and vil- people in southern New England were descen- lage) settlement patterns (Farley et al. 2019:274) dants of Middle Woodland people who had been with both house-lot gardens and “agroecological part of an influence sphere and exchange system landscapes” (Doolittle 1992:386-387). This mixed that included the Mississippi, Ohio, Susquehan- Figure 1. Spread from Moorehead’s Merrimack Archaeological Survey (triangles indicate “villages”). economy was optimal because of the diversity, na, and Ottawa valleys, for example, and who had concentration, and abundance of subsistence made agricultural settlements before them (e.g., resources in their estuarine and wetland ecosys- Ritchie 1965; Seeman 1979). Maize was domes- idence, however—both archaeological and doc- southern New England along major rivers and tems. Almost everything you find in a saltmarsh ticated on uplands of northern Mexico between umentary—for three-season and year-round oc- their (e.g., Champlain 1607 [1922]; and a freshwater swamp is edible, medicinal, 8,700 and 5,500 years ago (Braun 2009; Yoshihi- cupation of village sites with cultivation of maize Smith 1616 [1837]). Among the earliest direct or useful as fiber, and clam flats and oyster and ro et al. 2002). Northeastern Algonquian legends pre-dating European contact (e.g., Chilton 2006; references to villages is an anonymous document mussel shoals provided ample year-round access tell how the crows carried kernels of corn to them Little 2002). At those sites the people grew do- called “Names of ye Rivers and the Names of ye to easily-obtained, high-quality, animal protein from regions to the southwest of them as a gift mesticated crops through the practice of mobile Sagamores yt Inhabit Upon Them from the River (Bragdon 1996a:55-59; 86). from the creator god (Williams 1643:144). Why, farming in swiddens in discontinuous patches of of Quibequissue to the River of Wenesquawam,” therefore, wouldn’t Late Woodland people in arable soils in piedmont terrains, in inland allu- written sometime prior to 1610 (Norton and Bak- New England have made agricultural settlements viums, and on terraces above the floodplains of er 2007).1 Unlike inland people—in the Connecticut Valley, as well wherever conditions allowed? coastal drainages. for example (e.g., Lavin 1988)—coastal people were not able to plant in the alluvial soils of their Aside from ethnohistorical data, documentary ev- unpredictably flooding watersheds or in the sa- If anything, early contact with Europeans led idence includes cartographic entries on the earli- line flood plains of their tidal rivers, especially at more to depopulation on the than to Algonquians in Essex County est maps with surviving Algonquian place names. latitudes with cold late springs, but the ocean was greater concentrations of population there, the English place names containing reference to “In- no enemy. The coast was actually more habitable fruits of trade notwithstanding (Crosby 1976; The Algonquians residing in Essex County, Massa- dian,” “Sagamore,” “Sachem,” “Wigwam,” “Weir,” in winter than the interior, as the sea surround- Snow and Lanphear 1988). By 1600, fur-bearing chusetts, in the 500 to 800 years or more prior to and “Castle” also denoted Native sites, but wheth- ing peninsulas and capes ameliorates weather animals in southern New England had been most- European contact were the Pawtucket, an expan- er they were the sites of pre-Contact indigenous effects in all seasons, with warmer winters and ly hunted out and the fur trade was happening sion of the Pennacook of the Lower Merrimack settlements, special purpose sites (such as forts), cooler summers, except, of course, for the dam- north of the 44th parallel. In 1606, Samuel de Valley of New Hampshire (Stewart-Smith 1998, or post-Contact refuges for displaced communi- aging effects of Nor’easters. Even then, if the Champlain complained that the “Almouchiquois” 1999). The Pentucket around the Merrimack’s es- ties must be considered on a case by case basis. maritime-adapted coastal people of the Archaic in what would become Massachusetts lacked tuary on the Gulf of Maine were another similar Archaeological data is often ambiguous. Warren Period could live year-round among the rocks on beavers and seemed to be interested only in fish- expansion. The very earliest European explorers K. Moorehead’s 1931 Merrimack Archaeological the shore for more than 6,000 years, for which ing and farming (Champlain 1607). He sited the reported what they took to be well established Survey, for example, identifies many more villages there is ample evidence (e.g., Robinson 1985), capital of New France on the St. Lawrence instead long-standing Native communities of farmers in in Essex County and around the Merrimack estu- 68 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Lepionka Native Agricultural Villages in Essex County 69 as a consequence. By 1610, Europeans were ab- fixed-field agriculture with irrigation, fertilization, clusters of unoccupied wigwams here and there, Before reaching their wigwams we entered ducting coastal Algonquians for display at home and crop rotation, but neither were they just cul- colonists often concluded erroneously that the a field planted with Indian corn.... The corn or for the slave trade, and the first major virgin tivating wild grains, pulses, and tubers. “Horticul- Indians had “abandoned,” rather than moved, was in flower and some five and a half feet soil epidemic (leptospirosis) was spreading down ture” is gardening or cultivating specialty plants, their village. in height. There was some less advanced, the coast from the St. Lawrence (Marr and Cathey such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, trees, or shrubs. which they sow later. We saw an abundance 2010). Coastal people were abandoning their ag- “Intensive horticulture” involved cultivating -gar The Algonquians bred an early maturing variety of Brazilian [sic] beans, many edible squash- ricultural villages and going inland. dens or groves in three ways: protecting stands of corn for New England’s comparatively short es of various sizes, tobacco, and roots which of wild plants; gardening with transplanted young growing season by successively saving kernels they cultivate, the latter having the taste of Arguments denying Native agency in civilization wild plants; and planting roots, cuttings, or seeds from the first ears to form on the stalks to sow artichoke…. There were also several fields building are holdovers from an earlier epoch from wild plants. These practices often led to the following year. They also started seeds ear- not cultivated, for the reason that the Indi- when archaeologists spurned low-density New “domestication,” in which the survival, selection, ly in moist clay in leather bags and planted the ans let them lie fallow. England occupation sites, shell heaps, and unor- and reproduction of a variety or a species is de- seedlings in mounds. Even with early-maturing namented burials for the monumental architec- termined by human agency rather than by nat- varieties, soil temperatures must reach 50°F be- Here there is much cleared land and many tures and exotic grave goods of Mexico and Cen- ural selection. “Agriculture” is the cultivation of fore corn will germinate. The earliest observers little hills, whereon the Indians cultivate tral America (e.g., Lothrop 1924; Saville 1919). domesticated grass seed crops for food, and “in- reported that the Algonquians sowed successive- corn and other grains on which they live. Early taxonomies based on assumptions about tensive agriculture” is seed crop cultivation on a ly for early and late harvests, left fields fallow to Here are likewise very fine vines, plenty of economic correlates of cultural complexity went large scale using irrigation, fertilization, crop rota- recover their fertility, planted cover crops, espe- nut-trees, oaks, cypresses, and pines. All largely unchallenged before the 1980s and began tion, and other methods for achieving high yields, cially canebrake bamboo as habitat for deer, and the inhabitants of this place are much given to change only in the face of mounting archaeo- using a greater amount of land, labor, and plan- set fire to fields and forest undergrowth twice a to agriculture, and lay up a store of Indian logical and ethnographic evidence of exceptions ning than is required for horticulture (Bennett year in spring and fall (e.g., Wood 1634). corn for the winter…. (Ryan Wheeler, personal communication, June 1955; USDA 2017). Corn, barley, rye, wheat, mil- 2020). Exceptions include culturally “complex” let, rice, oats, and sorghum are all edible grasses. Controlled burns were beneficial. They encour- When they eat Indian corn, they boil it in maritime-adapted societies that did not practice They were independently domesticated wherev- aged the growth of certain food plants and trees, earthen pots, which they make in a way agriculture, such as the Calusa of Florida (Mac- er found throughout the world during roughly such as blueberry and white pine, and provided different from ours. They pound it also in Mahon and Marquardt 2004; Marquardt 2004) the same time span—wherever humid continen- new habitat for game animals. Burning creat- wooden mortars and reduce it to flour, of and peoples of the Pacific Northwest coast (e.g., tal and dry subtropical climates permitted such ed open forest and parkland environments free which they then make cakes…. They gave us Maschner 1991 [2015]), as well as comparative- grasses to spread after the last Ice Age (Diamond 2 of underbrush, making travel, trade, hunting, a large quantity of tobacco, which they dry ly “simple” societies that did, including mari- 2002). gathering, and defense easier and safer (Cronon and then reduce to powder. time-adapted Algonquians of the Northeast living and Demos 2003). Fires are natural disturbanc- below the 50th parallel, such as the Pawtucket of The Eastern Woodland Indians practiced intensive es of forest ecosystems, and “slash and burn” Intentional surpluses of corn and other produce, Essex County. For generations, however, “civili- horticulture—with nut trees and berry bushes, is an ancient method of clearing land, practiced as well as of seafood and meat, were preserved— zation” was reserved for early states and did not for example, and squash, pumpkin, beans, peas, worldwide. It returns nutrients (potash) to the dried, smoked, or fermented—and cached un- Cucumis extend to hunter-fisher seasonal foragers with cowcumbers (an edible plant in the fam- soil and is destructive only when forested slopes derground for future use or for trade (Russell Apios kitchen gardens and village farms with shifting ily, native to New England), groundnuts ( are “clear-cut” on a large scale, leaving charac- 1962). Algonquian trading networks were exten- americana cultivation, whom one could argue were equally , a kind of potato), sunflowers, includ- teristically thin forest soils vulnerable to erosion. sive, reaching even Canada, the Great Lakes, and Helianthus tuberosis “civilized.” ing Jerusalem artichokes ( ), Through the controlled use of fire, clearings ul- Chesapeake Bay (Axtell 1988). Dried clam meats tobacco, and various chenopodiums (goosefoot, timately grew to parklands and fields devoid of were delicacies desired by inland trading partners quinoa, amaranth)—all of which have varieties trees. Great patches of the coastal plain were to the west, for example, and corn was in such Agriculture vs. Horticulture native to the Northeast—and they also practiced deforested prior to English timbering (Morton great demand by people to the north—where agriculture based on the domestication and shift- 1637a). Europeans were surprised to discover in- corn would not grow—that they annually raided Low artifact density and different definitions ing cultivation of maize (Smith 1989). They prac- of “village” and “sedentary” traditionally have digenous plantations in New England. Champlain, coastal farms to their south to procure it. Rou- ticed “mobile farming” (Chilton 2010), moving for example, commented on them at Cape Ann tine corn raids on New England by the so-called challenged archaeologists attempting to identi- corn crops to new fertile fields roughly every two fy village sites (e.g., Kerber 1988; Luedtke 1988; and nearly everywhere else he made landfall be- Tarrantines—Mi’kmaq (Mi’gmaw) of Nova Scotia, or three years, as corn is a heavy nitrogen feed- tween Piscataqua Harbor in New Hampshire and Maliseet (Wolastokwewiyik) and Passamaquoddy Thorbahn 1988). There is also the debate parsing er and quickly depletes the soil. For convenience, “agriculture” versus “horticulture.” To be sure, Nauset Harbor on Cape Cod (Champlain 1607:14, (Pestomuhkati) of the Canadian Maritimes, and they sometimes moved their villages as well to be 16, 23): sometimes the Penobscot (Panawahpskek) of the Algonquians were not practicing intensive nearer to wherever crops were planted. Finding 70 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Lepionka Native Agricultural Villages in Essex County 71 Maine—are well documented in the earliest liter- build up arable soil and as insurance for future der sand dunes on Great Neck in Ipswich and other than basket weaving). Thus, both core sub- atures (e.g., Winslow 1624; Winthrop 1649). harvests, Algonquian farmers cleared much more Coffin’s Beach in Gloucester, for example (Phillips sistence activities—fishing and planting—could land than was put into production at any one 1940). The shells served to lime the acidic earth, be undertaken simultaneously in separate lo- The Algonquians in Essex County were planting time, a practice colonists regarded as wasteful or but fertilizing with fish waste—preferably lobster cations within the same region. Men converted companion crops in mounds prepared well in ad- indolent. More than one settler commented that and horseshoe crab bodies—may not have been land for tillage through the use of fire, but wom- vance of use. As described by the earliest observ- the Indians wasted time being idle (e.g., Lechford as routine as legend would have it, but done only en had full knowledge of and responsibility for ers, they cleared gentle slopes on forested upland 1642:50). The sight of acres of unowned land pre- as needed. If fish were always sown with seeds we the crops (Williams 1643:37; Merchant 1989; through the cutting of trees and controlled use pared for cultivation but left unproductive often would expect to find fish bones in excavations of Bragdon 1996b). One consequence was that de- of fire (Champlain 1613:115), known as “slash motivated colonists, for whom there could nev- the ancient fields, but we don’t (Ceci 1974). The feated warriors enslaved after King Philip’s War and burn” or swiddening. They then constructed er be too much surplus, to appropriate them. As small size and poor preservation of fish bones in did not adapt well to plantation work. Whenev- mounds of earth and potash among the stumps Francis Higginson wrote at Naumkeag, in North eastern Massachusetts and the difficulty of find- er possible they were swapped for African slaves and roots, which were eventually removed, leav- Beverly (Higginson 1629:43): ing Native cornfields help account for the lack of and risked execution for refusing to do agricul- ing fields with rows of corn mounds. Preserved evidence (Jordan Kerber personal communica- tural work (Downing 1645; Gookin 1677 [2003]; Native cornfields have been found on Cape Cod, Great pity it is to see so much good ground tion May 28, 2020). The use of fish guts or slur- Fisher 2017). for example (Mrozowski 1994), and in 1940 the for corn and for grass as any is under the ry as fertilizer would have left no evidence, but avocational archaeologist N. Carleton Phillips re- heavens, to lie altogether unoccupied, carrying even abundant fish waste to the fields Ancient, traditional patterns of seasonal hunting ported finding preserved corn-planting mounds when so many honest men and their fam- would have been expensive in time, energy, and and gathering and special resource procurement in a drained swamp behind Coffin’s Beach in ilies in Old England, through the populous- resources and thus may not have been routine. (e.g., Binford 1980) continued, but the planting Gloucester, now buried under sand dunes and ness thereof, do make very hard shift to live village became the core location. A “nucleated scrub. Cornrows were arranged perpendicular to one by the other. The Indians do not object Tisquantum’s (Squanto’s) instructions on ale- village” settlement pattern emerged in which the groundwater flows, which were carefully tracked to the coming and planting of the English wife planting was an expedient solution to help planters lacked both high population density and (and perhaps marked with stones) (Johnson here, because there is an abundance of the Mayflower people on the South Shore avoid dependence on planting alone. This pattern has 2012). Mounds were raked up after each rainfall ground which the Indians can neither use starvation (Winthrop 1649:114-121). They were been described as a reflection of cultural conser- to build depth and conserve moisture in the soil. nor possess. This land is fitted for pasture or late attempting to plant imported barley seed in vatism (Hoffman 1989), but could also be seen as for plough or meadow ground. exhausted glacial till during an exceptionally dry a consequence of economic diversification. As in The Pawtucket ate their corn green and also dried spring, and later complained that the fish attract- the Late Woodland loci of the Shattuck Farm site ears in 12- to 20-bushel heaps on fiber mats. “Surplus” land was first to be lost to the Europe- ed wolves and other animals that dug up the crop in Andover, settlement sizes varied over the year Women pounded it to flour in hollowed tree ans. “The hoed ground” on Cape Ann, for exam- to get at the fish (Bradford and Winslow 1622). as groups came together and dispersed seasonal- trunks or ground it in stone corn mills. For future ple, which John Endicott leased from the - Paw Wolf bounties, along with the requirement that ly (Luedtke 1985:309) use or for trade they stored flour and cob corn tucket for the New England Company in 1628 fences be erected to keep animals out of the corn in clay pots and baskets in underground storage (in exchange for annual rents of bushel baskets fields, were the first laws enacted in the English While not leading to great population, artifact pits lined with grasses or cedar boughs to prevent of “Indian corn”), was surplus land the Pawtuck- colonies (Anderson 1994; General Court 1676). densities, and permanent structures, surpluses mildew or spoiling. As Thomas Morton observed et had cleared and tilled but not planted. Land nevertheless undoubtedly facilitated increases in (Morton 1637b:57): leases were common, and as early as 1622 Indian population size and stability, which in turn would corn had become a medium of exchange “more Seasonal Migration vs. Permanent Settlement have stimulated greater production through mo- Their barnes are holes made in the earth, precious than silver” (Bradford and Winslow It is not difficult to imagine a sequence of events bile farming on converted forestland. Staple crop that will hold a Hogshead of corne a peece 1622:201). The use of corn as currency is evi- that would have led seasonally migrating hunters cultivation near recurring subsistence resource Book of Indian Records for Their Lands in them. In these (when their corne is out dent in the and gatherers to undertake farming as well and locations (for example, places for exploiting of the huske and well dried) they lay their (Massachusetts General Court 1861). live in villages (Peterson and Cowie 2002; Hart seasonal fish and eel runs and crossings on the store in greate baskets which they make of and Rieth 2002). For a thousand years or more, routes of migrating birds and game) would have Sparke [rush]…. The Pawtucket in Essex County also planted in the seasonal round would have started in spring encouraged permanent year-round settlement as drained beaver pond muck and transported ara- with setting nets and weirs and planting crops. a base, contributing to the maintenance of the Inherited or allocated band or family “home- ble soils in baskets to seasonal sites on the shore Algonquian division of labor conveniently gave diversified economies so characteristic of Algon- lands” extended along waterways and overlapped to build up planting beds on top of shell depo- fishing to men (and everything else to do with quians in New England. Early observers reported with open resource areas, but all land was used in sitions. Ten to twelve-inch layers of black earth animals other than dressing hides) and gardening that while villages varied in size seasonally by the common (Hannon 2001; Stewart-Smith 2002). To atop leveled shell middens have been found un- to women (and everything else to do with plants number of wigwams and residents, they always 72 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Lepionka Native Agricultural Villages in Essex County 73

Figure 2. Wonasquam (Wenesquawam/Wanaskwiwam) village location in Riverview, Gloucester (central area with ponds on a peninsula between two tidal rivers).

had some people living in them and remained corn mills scattered around the countryside (e.g., occupied year-round. According to Josselyn, for Boudillion 2009; Delabarre and Wilder 1920). But example (Josselyn 1638:99): artifact densities are low, and the few living floors discovered suggest only small groupings of wig- Figure 3. Champlain’s 1607 map of Gloucester Harbor showing Pawtucket wigwams with kitchen gardens. They live for the most part by the Sea-side, wams—three to eight, although each may have especially in the spring and summer quar- housed as many as ten people, consistent with residue analysis has been done there has yielded 1999:143). They were destroyed in two ways: by ters, in winter many are gone up into the what is known or estimated about the sizes of evidence only of acorn meal and chestnuts along climate change and by European settlement and Countrie to hunt Deer and Beaver and the Algonquian bands (Gookin 1674). The Pawtuck- with extensive consumption of white-tailed deer later urban development. Sources of destruction younger ones going with them. Tame Cattle et and Pennacook lived as confederations of in- and deep sea fish (Tanya Largy, personal commu- due to environmental and climate change include they have none, excepting Lice, and Doggs terrelated patrilineage-based bands, tributary to nication, 2015; cf. Chilton et al. 2000).4 Evidence ongoing sea level rise and river embayment, the of a wild breed that they bring up to hunt one another but not organized as tribes (Johnson of greater population density is also lacking. Oth- erosion and redeposition of flood plains and with. 1999; Speck 1915; Stewart-Smith 2002). er than midden burials, a burial ground in Annis- beaches, changes in coastal drainage patterns quam unearthed in the nineteenth century yield- due to continuing post-glacial rebound, and the So, in addition to moving from cornfield to corn- ed the remains of only ten people (Phillips 1940). isolation and reduction of wetland areas asa Locational Criteria field, villages also grew and shrank seasonally, Yet, Champlain reported 200 people fishing and consequence (e.g., Sanger 1988; Cronin 2013). with more wigwams during growing season. An farming on Gloucester Harbor alone in 1606 (Sav- Algonquian villages were at the water’s edge, or Perhaps the greatest challenge to confirming the example is the village of Wonasquam (Wanaskwi- ille 1934) (Figure 3). (The Pawtucket sagamore at the bend in the river, or at the outflow of the locations of indigenous agricultural villages in wam) in Riverview, Gloucester, said to have had there at the time, Quiohamanek, told him 2,000 marsh. In addition, fertile land was the first to be eastern Massachusetts prior to European con- more than 20 wigwams in season (Pool 1823) and more people were coming to meet him, where- leased, purchased, or appropriated by European tact is the paucity of archaeological evidence for enough surplus land prepared for cultivation in 3 upon the French eloped.)5 settlers, and Europeans controlled the waterways them. Why is this? There are certainly plenty Riverdale that it could be casually rented out to (Leavenworth 1999; Wright 1941). They drained of pre-colonial and colonial references to them; the English (Figure 2). But physical evidence of re- marshes; built dams, causeways, and canals; plenty of hoes, mattocks, pestles, corn abraders, liance on corn is lacking. Teeth from one human Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, repurposed indigenous earthworks and stone- and potsherds (from large pots made for ther- skull, representing Late Woodland people on Cape however, as the nineteenth-century saying (var- works; reduced hills and built up harborsides; mal stress to boil vegetables in water) in artifact Ann, showed molar wear characteristic of grain iously attributed) goes. The truth is that there and dug the shell middens for lime kilns and con- collections; and an array of agriculture-related eaters (Michèle Morgan, personal communica- were agricultural villages but they are hard to find struction fill (Hasenstab 1999:144). Throughout curiosities such as preserved corn hills and stone tion, August 2013); but what little pot and hearth now, because they were destroyed (Hasenstab 74 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Lepionka Native Agricultural Villages in Essex County 75 Essex County, the Algonquian villages are under lages have been identified, for example shellfish • Within 1,000 ft. of permanent fresh water wood, fiber, nuts, herbs, fruit, bark, pitch, game, municipal parks, school parking lots, public works processing sites, weirs, hunting camps, butch- • With southwest-facing land containing strati- and land for conversion to tillage. As others have yards, golf courses, protected conservation lands, ering sites, quarries and mines, manufacturing fied, undisturbed, fertile soil proposed (e.g., Levine et al. 1999), to the list of and housing developments, as well as under wa- sites, and cache sites (e.g., Barber 1982; Lepionka • Including abundant nearby sources of fuel locational criteria one might also add proximity ter. 2017a; Levine 1999; Wall 2003). For coastal vil- • And nearby north-facing soft earth overlook- to wetland—a freshwater swamp or marsh and lages in Massachusetts, site location criteria de- ing water for burials vernal ponds; proximity to waterways navigable Archaeologists find assessing and interpreting veloped by the office of the state archaeologist • Plus terrain affording wind and sea protection by canoe; and proximity to estuarine and wet- habitation sites a difficult process even inthe include the following features (Lynch 2012): and defensive positioning. land subsistence resources, such as amphibians, best of circumstances, as at Shattuck Farm where clams, bulrushes, pottery clay, dune plants, seals, • On a partly submerged terrace on an outflow and so on. Convenience to rocks, minerals, and occupations seemed to overlap and shrink and plain An optimal village site, both on the coast and in swell between camps and core settlements (Lu- the interior, would provide access to fish, shell- gemstones would have been a plus. One might • At the junction of two or more tidal rivers also add convenient access to a hill with exposed edtke 1985). Special purpose sites other than vil- • With less than an 8-degree slope fish, and eels as well as to forest products—

Figure 4a. Location map of places in Essex County named in this paper. Figure 4b. Location map of waterways in Essex County named in this paper. 76 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Lepionka Native Agricultural Villages in Essex County 77 bedrock and/or glacial erratics for astronomical European Contact, the Algonquian mixed econ- Masconomet gifted his farm on Argilla Road in edy/Shinnewenameti), Andover (Cochichewick/ reckoning. Algonquians were skywatchers. Opti- omy clearly had become agriculture-based. As Ipswich to John Winthrop Jr.), Newbury (Quasca- Cochichewicket), and Beverly (Naumkeag/ Na- mal village locations would have been convenient noted in records of the Plymouth Company, New cuquen/Kwaskwaikikwen), Topsfield (Shenewem- humkeak) (Figure 4a, 4b, 4c). to locales affording unobstructed views of the sky England Company, Massachusetts Bay Compa- and landscape features convenient for reckoning ny, and in the papers of their first governors, the “Wonasquam”—with a depth of occupation 6 astronomical alignments. first English settlements in Essex County were extending back at least to the Middle Archa- explicitly chosen for their proximity to land al- ic Period—was on the peninsula called River- Even with little in situ archaeological evidence, ready cleared and cultivated by the Pawtucket view between the Annisquam and Mill rivers in the combined weight of locational, ecological, (Leavenworth 1999; McBride 2003; Perley 1912; Gloucester (Lepionka 2017b; Pool 1823)(Figure documentary, linguistic, and ethnohistorical evi- Wright 1941). Those lands included Gloucester 5). Satellite settlements were at Wingaersheek dence for pre-Contact agricultural villages in Es- (Wenesquawam/Wonasquam/Wanaskwiwam), (Wingawecheek), including Coffin’s Beach and sex County is overwhelming. Before the time of Ipswich (Agoaum/Agoamin/Agawam, where the Saltmarsh), on Little River in West Gloucester (Agamenticus), and on Lobster in Annisquam. “Agawam” was in the crook of Castle Neck and the Castle Neck River in Essex Bay in Ips- wich (a site under a sand dune identified today as Figure 5. Pocket park on Wheeler St. in Riverview, “Wigwam Hill”) (LeBaron 1874; Davis 1996)(Fig- where archaeological evidence of Wonasquam Vil- ure 6).7 “Quascacuquen” was in West Newbury lage may have survived.

Figure 4c. Locations of Algonquian villages in Essex County described in historical accounts. Figure 6. Detail from LeBaron’s 1874 archaeological map of Agawam Village on Castle Neck River in Ipswich. 78 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Lepionka Native Agricultural Villages in Essex County 79

Figure 7. Indian Hill village site on Artichoke River (Quascacuquen/Kwaskwaikikwen) on a historical map of New- bury. Figure 8. Pawtucket village site on Fish Brook (Shenewemedy/Shinnewenameti) detail on a historical map of Topsfield. in the Parker River watershed, near a site identi- the Bass River in North Beverly near the outflow fied today as “Indian Hill” near headwaters of the of Great Pond () (Hubbard 1680 Algonquian names or origins did not survive in needs of shifting cultivation of corn, but they were Artichoke River, a tributary, al- [1815]). Most of these place names have been any form include one at the outflow of the North no less permanent, in that each was established though the original location may have been near- corrupted in English and mistranslated using the River in Salem, just south of John Endicott’s grant by the same families for the same purpose and er to the Merrimack (as shown on Moorehead’s wrong dialects of Algonquian languages. Recon- of land from Masconomet (present-day Danver- was known by the same name. The fields those 1831 map) (Figure 7). “Shenewemedy” was at structed Western Abenaki appears to be closest sport) (Felt 1827 [1845]), and one on Sawmill villagers planted or prepared for cultivation were the junction of Fish Brook and the Ipswich- Riv to the extinct “Loup” dialect that the Pawtucket Brook in Manchester-by-the-Sea where it drains the first to be lost to English settlers, and so the er in Topsfield at the time of English settlement spoke in Essex County (Calloway 1991; Day 1998; Heron Pond and Cedar Swamp (Leach 1835). And Contact Period villages must lie under or on the (Webber and Nevins 1877) but may originally Laurent 1884, Thwaites 1898).8 of course, there are others to be discovered. fringes of the very earliest English plantation lo- have been located farther east at the junction cations. Otherwise, locating the Pawtucket villag- of another stream with the Ipswich at the Tops- Clear historical evidence exists for other Late es will need to rely not on typologies, artifacts or field Fairgrounds (Figure 8). “Cochichewick” most Woodland native settlements as well, for exam- Summary and Conclusions their densities, or other archaeological evidence likely was on the river of that name near the out- but on ethnohistorical clues and geospatial anal- ple in Essex above Essex Falls where the Essex Late Woodland people in Essex County had mixed flow of the lake by that name, on the southwest yses of environmental features. River drains (Chebacco/Jebacho) economies that included the maintenance of per- side of Weir Hill, just past Wolf Marsh (which the (Choate 1890), and in Salem at the Forest River manent agricultural villages both inland and at colonists drained) and Stevens Pond (created outflow into the harbor (Massabequash/Mis- the shore. Those villages were sometimes moved Based on the villages identified so far as sam- when the colonists dammed the river) (e.g., Ab- sipequash) (Winslow 1624). Examples of Native around within an area in response to practical ple cases, new research presently underway will bott 1829) (Figure 9). And “Naumkeag” was on villages described in colonial literature whose present geospatial and environmental location- 80 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Lepionka Native Agricultural Villages in Essex County 81

man resilience and adaptation (Ryan Wheel- pertains only to Massachusetts Bay, the South er, personal communication, June 27, 2020). Shore, and Cape Cod and the Islands and does I hope, however, they do not object to my not touch on Essex County. pointing out Diamond’s observation that wild grasses do not grow outside of certain climatic 6 As a policy, the Massachusetts Historical Com- zones. I believe the subfield of environmental mission and State Historic Preservation Office archaeology can make positive contributions. do not officially recognize Native solar ob- servatories or ceremonial stone landscapes 3 As of 2016 in the Massachusetts Historical (CSLs) in Massachusetts. In this regard, Mas- Commission I found only nine CRM reports sachusetts has the most extreme policy of for Essex County relating to Native habitation, all 50 states (Moore and Weiss 2016, p. 45. most not available to the public (Chartier It must be acknowledged, however, that Al- 2001; Dwyer and Edens 1995; Leveillee 1988; gonquians were skywatchers, along with all Macpherson and Ritchie 1999; Mahlstedt the other peoples of the ancient world world- 1981; Raber and Tannenbaum 1996; Savulis wide (Aveni 1982; R. David Drucker personal et al. 1979; Thompson 1978; Wheeler and communication 2014; Kenneth C. Leonard Sachiw 1996). These were done in the ser- personal communication 2015; Frederick W. vice of water, sewer, waste treatment, harbor Martin personal communication 2014; Mavor dredging, and pollution mitigation projects, and Dix 1981). as well as private commercial development. Sites found dated primarily to the Archaic 7 Agawam (including Castle Neck) and other and Paleoindian periods. Cape Ann had radio- locations in Ipswich (e.g., Turkey Hill, Eagle carbon dates for only two Woodland Period Hill, Bull Brook, Indian Ridge, Great Neck) sites. Excavations of Contact Period sites in have long and very rich archaeological histo- Annisquam (Phillips 1940) and Wingaersheek, ries with major collections principally at the West Gloucester (the Matz Collection) (Keller Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, the Ipswich 1965) were undertaken by avocational -ar Museum, and the Harvard Peabody Museum chaeologists and graduate students. The Matz in Cambridge. The Trustees of Reservations Collection is at the Peabody Museum of Ar- owns the site of Agawam Village, which is on chaeology and Ethnology at Harvard. Eugene the Crane Reservation, but their literature for Winter excavated a Late-Woodland-Contact visitors does not describe the rich Native his- Figure 9. Likely site of Cochichewicket, a Pawtucket village on the river by that name, just beyond the lake’s outlet Period site at Essex Falls and his collection is tory there, presumably for fear of looting. at Stevens Pond on the southwest-facing slope of Weir Hill. in the Robert S. Peabody Institute of Archae- 8 To translate Algonquian place names, the ear- ology in Andover. ly historical linguists (e.g., Schoolcraft 1839) al criteria for coastal and inland villages in Essex Acknowledgments 4 Research at the Robbins Museum of Archae- consulted William Bradford’s notes on Po- County, Massachusetts. Locational criteria will ology located human teeth in the Chadwick kanoket, Roger Williams’ dictionary of Narra- be analyzed using Bayesian probability analysis, I would like to thank Jordan Kerber and Ryan Wheeler Collection (an extension of the Phillips Collec- ganset, and John Eliot’s translation of the Bible using data in the form of polygon vectors rath- for their welcome assistance with this article. I have tion in the Cape Ann Museum), and research into Massachuset (1663). Later linguists (e.g., Trumbull 1870; R. Douglas-Lithgow 2000) fol- er than data points. Polygon vectors will offer been researching the Native history of Essex County at the Harvard Peabody Museum of Archaeol- and Cape Ann since 2011 in preparation for a book on ogy and Ethnology located a human cranium lowed suit. Trumbull extrapolated from his re- greater accuracy for villages with shifting cultiva- the subject. There are quite literally a hundred indi- searches into Natick, another Masssachuset tion and will avoid the need for specific GIS data representing one individual (Annisquam Skull viduals and cultural institutions, or more, whose help 50-70-10/N7487.0). In 1939-1941 the avoca- variant. William Bright (2004) included Dela- points—information typically not made available I should acknowledge, and I will start on that list right tional archaeologist N. Carleton Phillips sent ware. However, the Pennacook and Pawtuck- to the public. The results will be subjected to now. skeletal remains of indigenous people from et spoke an archaic form of Western Abenaki multivariate and multiple regression analyses, to sites in Ipswich and Gloucester to Harvard for (Calloway 1991). Although all these languages optimally cluster variables indicating the- great forensic analysis and animal and bird bones to and dialects are all in the same language fami- est likelihood of village siting. These analyses will Notes the Smithsonian for identification. ly, the lexicons created by French missionaries (e.g., Thwaites 1898) may be better sources provide testable predictive models for locating 1 The original document is in the British Library, 5 For pertinent articles on Native burials in for translating Pawtucket place names. coastal and inland villages in Essex County and, it Egerton Manuscripts 2395 (Fol. 412). Massachusetts see the October 1982 issue is hoped, will inform archaeological investigations (Volume 43, Number 2) of the Bulletin of the 2 Some archaeologists apparently reject Jared in other parts of New England as well. Massachusetts Archaeological Society. 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Saville, Marshall H. 1919 Indian Notes and Monographs 5(1). Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, New York. 1934 Champlain and His Landings at Cape Ann, 1605, 1606. American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA. 90 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Vol. 81 (1-2), 2020 Trumbull, J. Hammond Contributors 1870 The Composition of Indian Geographical Names, Illustrated from the Algonkin Languages. Case, Lock- wood and Brainard, Hartford, CT., Ian W. Brown is Professor Emeritus at the University of Alabama and Emeritus Curator of Gulf Coast Ar- last accessed February 2017. chaeology at the Alabama Museum of Natural History. He is also a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Dr. Brown specializes in the archaeology and history of Southeastern U.S. Indians and has spent United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) over four decades excavating sites in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama and writing about the role of salt 2017 Definitions of horticulture, specialty crop, agriculture, etc. in North America, England, and China. He has also written much with regard to gravestones and cemeter- ies. Wall, Suzanne 2003 Aboriginal Soapstone Workshops at the II Site, Essex County, MA. Bulletin of the Massachu- setts Archaeological Society 64(2):30-36. William Burke is Cultural Resources Program Manager at the Cape Cod National Seashore, National Park Service. He obtained an M.A. in history from The College of William and Mary, which included an appren- Webber, Carl, and Winfield S. Nevins ticeship in Historical Archaeology with the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. 1877 Old Naumkeag: An Historical Sketch of the City of Salem, and the Towns of Marblehead, Peabody, Dan- vers, Wenham, Manchester, Topsfield, and Middleton. A. A. Smith, Salem. Marty Dudek is principal archaeologist for Commonwealth Heritage Group, Inc. in Littleton, MA and has Wheeler, Kathleen, and Myron O. Stachiw been doing archaeology in the region for over 30 years. He has a graduate degree in Anthropology from 1996 Excavations at Cogswell’s Grant in Essex. Massachusetts Historical Commission 1667. Brandeis University and has worked on archaeological sites ranging from every time period in New En- gland, from the Paleoindian Whipple site in New Hampshire to twentieth century industrial sites. Williams, Roger 1643 A Key into the Language of America. London (Providence, RI: G. Dexter). William A. Griswold, Ph.D., RPA is Archeologist and Interior Region 1 ARPA coordinator for the National Park Winslow, Edward Service. Bill began his career with the NPS in 1993 and has been with the Archaeology Program, through its 1624 (1996) Good Newes from New England: A True Relation of Things Very Remarkable at the Plantation of Plimoth various iterations, since that time. He has assumed many roles in his career including archaeological advi- in New England, reprint edition. Applewood Books, Carlisle, MA. sor, Section 106 reviewer, archaeo-geophysicist, ARPA investigator, ARPA course instructor, SRE for a POW/ MIA Accounting Agency project in the UK, and is currently the Interior Region 1 ARPA Coordinator. Bill has Winthrop, John co-edited two books on NPS sites including Saugus Iron Works and Saratoga National Historical Park and 1649 History of New England 1630-1649, edited by James K. Hosmer. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. published several peer-reviewed journal articles and chapters in books. Wood, William 1634 New England’s Prospect: A True, Lively, and Experimental Description of That Part of America, commonly Philip Graham, Ph.D. has been a Trustee of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society for 6 years and is a called New England (John Dawson, London)., Past President of the Society. last accessed January 2018.

Wright, Harry Andrew Tonya Largy, M.A. is an archaeological consultant in archaeobotany and zooarchaeology. She is also asso- 1941 The Technique of Seventeenth Century Indian Land Purchases. Essex Institute Historical Collections ciated with the Zooarchaeology Laboratory, Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Tonya has been active 77:185-197. in Wayland archaeology since the late 1970s and was a co-founder of the Wayland Archaeology Group, an arm of the Wayland Historical Commission of which she is a member. Tonya has been involved in numer- Yoshihiro, Matsuoka, Yves Vigouroux, Major M. Goodman, Jesus Sanchez G., Edward Buckler, and John Doebley ous excavations in the Sudbury/Assabet/ basin since that time. She also has extensive field 2002 A Single Domestication for Maize Shown by Multilocus Microsatellite Genotyping. Proceedings of experience in the broader northeast with the National Park Service. As a staff member of the Zooarchae- the National Academy of Sciences 99(9):6080-6084. ology Laboratory at Harvard, she also worked at the ancient site of Harappa in Pakistan. Tonya holds a B.A. PMC122905/, accessed Summer 2017. in Anthropology from UMass Boston, an M.A. in Anthropology from UMass Amherst, and an M.S.W. from Fordham University in New York.

Mary Ellen Lepionka of Gloucester is an independent scholar researching the history of Essex County and Cape Ann from the last Ice Age to around 1750 for a book on the subject. Mary Ellen is a retired college instructor, textbook developer, and author with a Master’s degree in anthropology from Boston University and Ph.D. work at the University of British Columbia. She taught cultural and physical anthropology and world history at Boston University, Vancouver City College, Northeastern University, North Shore Commu- nity College, and Salem State College, participated in salvage archaeology at Great Neck in Ipswich, exca-

2019, Vol. 80(1-2) Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 91 vated an Early Iron Age Bantu refuge site in Botswana, and conducted fieldwork in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Notes to Contributors Mary Ellen also had a career in higher education publishing as a developmental editor of college textbooks. Her book, Writing and Developing Your College Textbook, has been published in a third edition by the Text The Editor solicits for publication original contributions related to the archaeology of Massachusetts. Au- Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society and Academic Authors Association. Mary Ellen’s articles and essays on the archaeology and indigenous his- thors of articles submitted to the are requested to fol- American Antiquity tory of Cape Ann have been published in this Bulletin and online at Enduring Gloucester, Historic Ipswich, low the style guide for ( Manu- and scripts should be sent to the Editor for evaluation and comment at [email protected]. The Editor will arrange for peer review of all submissions.

John Rempelakis recently retired after serving as Archaeological Resources Supervisor of the Cultural -Re All manuscripts should be submitted as electronic files (preferably Microsoft Word .doc or .docx files, or .rtf sources Section. He also served as the Environmental Contract Administrator and Architects & Engineers files). All text should have margins of 1 inch on all edges. In electronic files, do not insert artificial spaces be- Review Board Member for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). John holds Bach- tween lines; instead, use the Format/Paragraph/Line Spacing function and select “Double.” Proper heading elor's and Master's degrees in Anthropology/Archaeology with over 40 years of combined professional and bibliographic material must be included. field, research, and administrative experience in the fields of Archaeology and Cultural and Environmental Resource Management and has worked in both public and private settings. John has been a MAS member Bibliographic references should be listed alphabetically by author’s last name and presented as follows: for many years, having served the last 18 years as a MAS Board Trustee. Gookin, Daniel Alan Strauss graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Massa- 1970 Historical Collections of the Indians of New England (1674). Jeffrey H. Fiske, annotator. Towtaid, Worces- ter MA. chusetts in Amherst in 1977. In 1979, he completed a Master of Arts degree in Anthropology from SUNY Binghamton. Currently Alan is the director of Cultural Resource Specialists of New England based in Rhode Luhman, Hope E. Island. 2007 Approaching Relevance: Public Outreach and Education in CRM. Northeast Anthropology 73:33-41.

Several references by the same author should be listed chronologically by year. Multiple references by the same author from the same year should have lower case letters (e.g. “a,” “b”) following the year. Reference citations in the text should include the author’s name, date of publication, and the page or figure number, all enclosed in parentheses, as follows: (Bowman and Zeoli 1973:27) or (Ritchie 1965: Fig. 12). All informa- tion derived from published sources must be cited, whether it is directly quoted or paraphrased.

Please check to make sure that all citations in the text match bibliographical entries, especially dates of publication.

All tables and illustrations, called figures, should be submitted as separate electronic originals. If a large number of figures is involved, authors may use DropBox to send them to the Editor. Tables should be sub- mitted as separate Excel (.xls or .xlsx) spreadsheets and not incorporated into the text. Figures should be submitted as .tif files, high resolution (600 dpi minimum), in greyscale. Each figure should fit within the space available on a Bulletin page, which is 6½ x 9 inches, allowing for margins. Full, half or quarter page figures should be planned carefully. Width dimensions for one-column images are 3.35 inches. Space must be allowed for captions. Captions should be in title case and should accompany the text in a separate sec- tion, in order and numbered to correspond to the figures.

Figures must be referred to in the text and are to be numbered in their order of reference, with their num- ber indicated in the file name. Every item in each figure and each person should be identified. All lettering must be clear and legible. Scales with dimensions, preferably in metric measurements, should be included with all figures for which they are appropriate.

Dimensions and distances should be given in metric units or in metric units and English units, to the same standard of accuracy (e.g., 10 cm or 2.5 inches, not 2.54 inches). Authors should include a brief (one para- graph) biography for the “Contributors” page of the Bulletin issue.

Vol. 81 (1-2) Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society October 2020 Inside This Issue

Editor’s Notes...... 2

ARTICLES Rememberance: Frederica Rockefeller Dimmick (1934 - 2019) Tonya Baroody Largy, Ian W. Brown, John Rempelakis, William A. Griswold, William P. Burke, and Philip Graham...... 3

New Directions on Old Roads: A History of Transportation Archaeology in Massachusetts John Rempelakis...... 11

Discovery of a Small, Isolated, High-Density Lithic Workshop in Interior Massachusetts Alan E. Strauss...... 27

Post-Contact Upland Sites near Lake Chaubunagungamaug Martin G. Dudek...... 49

Native Agricultural Villages in Essex County: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Evidence Mary Ellen Lepionka...... 65

Contributors...... 91

Cover Art:

©2020 The Massachusetts Archaeological Society Inc.

ISSN: 0148 1886