Accurate Fundamental Parameters of Eclipsing
JOHN SOUTHWORTH1, B. SMALLEY1, P. F. L. MAXTED1 and P. B. ETZEL2 1 Keele University, Staffordshire, UK 2 San Diego State University, San Diego, USA ACCURATE FUNDAMENTAL PARAMETERS OF ECLIPSING BINARY STARS The study of detached eclipsing binaries is one of the most powerful ways to References investigate the properties of individual stars. The analysis of light curves and radial Claret, A. (1995) A&AS, 109, 441. velocity curves allows us to find the masses, radii and surface gravities of two Clausen, J. V. (1996) A&A, 308, 151. Etzel, P. B. (1975) Masters Thesis, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA. different stars of the same age and chemical composition. Effective temperatures can Kervella, P., Thévenin, F., Di Folco, E. & Ségransan, D. (2004) astro-ph/0404180. be derived from spectral analysis or from photometric calibrations. Lacy, C. H. S., Torres, G., Claret, A. & Sabby, J. A. (2002) AJ, 123, 1013. Moon, T. T. & Dworetsky, M. M. (1985) MNRAS, 217, 305. The resulting astrophysical data can be used to test theoretical stellar evolutionary Munari, U., Dallaporta, S., Siviero, A., Soubiran C., Fiorucci, M. & Girard, P., 2004, A&A, 418, L31. Popper, D. M. & Etzel, P. B. (1981) AJ, 86, 102. models and the physics which they contain (Southworth, Maxted & Smalley, 2004a). Southworth, J., Maxted, P. F. L. & Smalley, B (2004a) MNRAS, 349, 557. The characteristic properties of several types of peculiar stars can also be Southworth, J., Maxted, P. F. L. & Smalley, B (2004b) MNRAS, in press. Southworth, J., Maxted, P. F. L. & Smalley, B (2004c) MNRAS Letter, submitted. investigated if such a star is found in a detached eclipsing binary, for example slowly Southworth, J., Smalley, B, Maxted, P.
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