Newsletter 3
School Public Special Academic LIBRARY INSTRUCTION ROUND TABLE NEWS Volume: 36 No. 1 September 2013 From the President FEELING LIKE SPRING! he beginning of a new academic year is so exciting! Our students return, in full force, and are, if not excited, at least not quite as exhausted as they were when they left in the spring. So although it’s fall, I always think of it as a time of rejuvenation and renewal—a time for recommitting to doing my best work, giving my all, learning new things, and trying fresh strategies. I would encourage you to do the same. Set goals, enroll in a class that interests you, and take a risk! This is your year to shine! Those new faces, filled with promise, are our inspiration and motivation. What we teach them today will improve the world tomorrow. Your work has never been more important than it is right now. It changes lives for the better. Doors open for students who can confidently access, retrieve, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information from multiple sources and various formats. The skills we teach our students—the acquisition of information literacy skills, the ability to search and apply for jobs, the knowledge to vote for a person that represents our interests, the power to participate in our own health care, and so much more—all contribute to their capacity to be life-long learners and improve their quality of life. Now that’s exciting! From the President: Feeling LIke Spring! by Barbara Hopkins...................................... 1 From the Editor, by Teri Shiel ....................................................................................... 2 From the Past President: Forward Mardi Mahaffy .................................
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