The Litany of Fourteen Holy Helpers
LORD, have mercy on us. Saint Catherine, victorious defender of † Christ, have mercy on us. the Faith and of purity, Pray for us J.M.J. Lord, have mercy on us. Saint Barbara, mighty patroness of the dying, Pray for us Christ, hear us. for us. Pray Christ, graciously hear us. All ye Holy Helpers, Pray for us All ye Saints of God, Pray for us The Litany Have mercy us. on God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us. In temptations against faith, Pray for us of Fourteen God the Son, Redeemer In adversity and trials, of the world, In anxiety and want, for us. Pray Holy Helpers God the Holy Ghost, In every combat, Holy Trinity, one God, In every temptation, In sickness, Holy Mary, Queen of Martyrs, Pray for us In all needs, Saint Joseph, helper in all needs, In fear and terror, Pray for us In dangers of salvation, Fourteen Holy Helpers, In dangers of honor, for us. Pray Saint George, valiant Martyr of Christ, In dangers of reputation, Saint Blase, zealous bishop and In dangers of property, benefactor of the poor, for for us. Pray Pray us. for us. Pray In dangers by fire and water, Saint Erasmus, mighty protector of the oppressed, Be merciful, Spare us, O Lord! Saint Pantaleon, miraculous exemplar Be merciful, Graciously hear us, O Lord! of charity, Saint Vitus, special protector of From all sin, Deliver us, O Lord. chastity, From Thy wrath, Saint Christophorus, mighty From the scourge of earthquake, intercessor in dangers, From plague, famine, and war, DeliverO Lord.
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