Harrywills Outclasses Luis Firpo with Ease
SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 ARIDAY, THE SEATTLE STAR 21 Harry Wills Outclasses Luis Firpo With Ease I lack Panther 1oo>mart Gregg Wins Another Game Stagg and Y ost are Veterans for Right ; for Wild-SwingingWild-Swinging Right - - Is lofBig Systems ills Ten Coaching Wins Star Portland | Wins Every One of 12 Rounds in Jersey Fight; t Eclectic Play Sept. 12.—Two veteran football coaches will again lead their charges in Is Estimuted at 80,000; - U A e "No Decision G:ven;.Crowd Trimmed by |{ CHICA(}(),the chase for the Western Conference championship this fall. They are Alonzo Below is Claude a who Boost His Championship Stock Stanley, 12-handicap man, won rimme W Didn't Any' | A. Stagg of Chicago and Fielding H. Yost of Michigan. has been at the Midway Wills the Eeclectic at Stagg cup competition Inglewood yesterday. ' : S school since Yost at since 1901, Photo Frank || 1892; Michigan THIRTY ACRES, City, by Jacobs, Ntar Stelf Phetographer | ! Jersey N.| s Lefthanderf h d e SRR L ss o | ; This will make Stagg’'s 33rd season as Chicago pilpt and Yost's 24th, a long time to BOYL?.SJ., Sept. 12.—Before a crowd that ap- | , i || serve one school in the same capacity. Within the last year or so Yost has turned over proached 80,000, Harry Wills, former New 'lCregg Turns Back Invad- of detaiis to George Little, his assistant, but the “Hurry Up” one's word is Orleans clearly outpointed Luis §tevedgm. 5 in {|, stillmul;'h!final,lthe South American ers, to 2, Game Angel Firpo, henvyweizht' .
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