W Ell Pay Thursday
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TirURSDAT, JUNE 27r 194t \. Manrh^atpr Eoftting ^^fralD Average Dafly Circulation S D t T E E If Fer tho Month o< May, 1*48 The Weather vr-xel w is torpcloed about 200 Pem oot of |j. a. Wratbor O m o m have h. en amo:.g tho e who died gilles off the China rnaat on Oct. The American Lithuanian Cltl- when the Jap .-hip v.as aunk. 24. 1944. with few anrx’lvors. 9,065 CenUntied nnromfortaMy warm Edward Hvsoii tonight, widely neattered thogder- aena club will hold an Important Manchester •f rrobable Hate ol l>ealh in the two and one-half years MeoilMr ot tlw Audit #how m late thi# ofteraeoa or early About Town meeting tomorrow evening at " The War Department llx-^d the -that Hvaon w as in the Philippines i | Borcaa ot CIroalatloa* o'clock In the Liberty hall on Ool- probable date of death of Tfyson orison < amp member.* of the fam Sell Your Car Hanrlfratpr lEurtiittg Urralb thin erenlng;^natiirday fair and hot. Dale Hook Presumed Lost way street. All present and fu on Of totrer 24. 19M. ily lenived hut thiee brief .aixls Mnnchosler— .1 City o f ViUnge C.hnrm m- A Mr. Iverton ot Falrflfld- ture members should be present as Thursday, July t Mi-i ili.is of the fi-milv. In Inuii him. " "T torni.. won the automobile offered the meeting will deal with the fi A memoiial m-iviie has been Amen, an I-eglon Fireworks Vi ar l)«*|»arlmi‘iil IMarr*. • ai.h i>f me giam of infoima- VOL. LXV„ NO. 229 (Claeoiaod AdverUelog on Pago It) ||M the VFW durlnR the Bridgeport nances of the dub as well as the Pisplav at Memorial Field lon iboiit him. went to Sampson. held in St. F'lan.is of Asaigi NOW MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1946 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CBI }§tata Convention. flection of offi< er*. .Momlay, July M Probable Dale t»f Oealb .N Y.. to Intel view a hiid.ly of ehiirrh in South WIn.lsoi for the rommiinity Va. ation S. h.ad .vJeigf.inl Hvson's in the Jap pris .stanth Winilsor man. Mrs. Matthew Morlarty, past- Bichard J Herron. PhM 3-c, of ofiens at South . hurch. \h Orttibrr 21. I*M I on I amp and he gave them muc h I leader of the Mother’a Circle of 21 Kdgerton street, was honorably Uedni *«la>, .lul> l « delail.Ml, If horiilde, infoimatlon Oregon Blaze Levels IiuhiHtrial Plants the Sacred Heart entertained meni- 1 discharged from .Naval service ves- Junior ami . .'^-niiii Sp<.rlsiiien aiioiit the liealim nt ol rhe H. S \I.U,L t.OtBAN .Siigiant FM. ard K.iil IF -on, ol (Known ^a ^ueen Alice) Foreign Ministers^ ■ bcra and their children at a picnic : tenlav at Lido Beach, Long Island, meeting and movies. evnter piisoiieis'hy th.’ .laps. The in- South Winilsor, a iiiembri of the Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son at her home at Coventry L ^ e last N. Y JSprings park at «:30 foimant. who hail been with Hv- Truman Pledges All R..m U lth a Veil W ell Pay Thursday. Swimming and game* Saturila>, .lul\ IS ■Jilth Arm’.' Ait F'orir.'*. \.l.o uar. son for the duration of his tinif is Reading* Daily. Including Sunday, were enjoyed by the children. Oiiling Hose f'o .No. 1 SMI-I'. .aptuied h> the Japulies.’ on Ba. H prisoner, ftnallv had been slated II \ 9 I* ' f Dr B.v Vpp.dnt- St .Marlborough. IJ«ke I an Pi’lim.Rula on Afird i. If'fJ, to lie tiansteiieil to Japan fiom Gather to Ponder Loc a l / I rlda>, Jiil> 1» the I’ lilippine pnaon i amp Hy.son ment. In the Servk’e oi the Peo .-^pedal town meeting *t High uas pi..xum»d lost \.lu'ii a .lajia- was ill at. the lime and failed to ple for Sll Vrar*. SPIKITI Al. MLDIl'M (;raiit(Ml l)i\or< <*s nt hool hAll ne-e hospital .ship "a s sunk in lh«’ l iotted along with hts bmldv- and Tops Support for Barucb REMEMBER! Siimla>, II \M imly of the l’ hilii«pim - < a lly it was e hile aiaiaid »-later pi isoii 169 C hurch street, llartforil, tonn. ing all hut nine firi.soneis of a n - .•"hip, enroule to .l-apan, that the Phone « 2024 Five Peace Pacts Annual outi.-.g T. d .M.m s S... lal FRIDAY NIGHT IS dub and .Mlantonoinoh Tiihe, poited 1 TT.'i .ihoar.l to th< ii d. athS. Four Mamhester MSidrnt." weie t - granted divon e.s yrsteidav In Su loRM. Carden Cmve .^ei gi ant H ’, -on \\ a Ih' >oii ol OUR HIGH PRICES ARE n C H T NIGHT Saliirda.i. Hi'pl. • perior roiiit in MaitforfI Ml. and .'Its. F'.ail W.ild'. H ’, loii Making Last Minute Ef IN MANCHESTER Rotaiv Clllh's Sort|> Box luilu OUR PROOF Urges House Atomic Power Stan^ I.iireitia A. Hidden M.-ihl'-n .; A fort to Clear Decks was grantrd a dener fioni Havid For 21-Nation Peace .1 H.nddrn of M;im< hreloi on <|e>*ei- Mo^|Hkvll iN o lrs Change Vote Uniterl Nations Atoi lion. Liirialne F < Jih hiK. -l CaU 5141 Conference in Parts Survey Shows Meat Will Haitfoid. wa.s pianleil a divoiif — F O R ^ ic Commission A L ’S RADIO CLIN K ’ fioni Walter F Cddii.-M of Mau- AdTiidteil v c .-liid iv ’ Ml'- F.lla Next Month; Dodecan- On Red Curb Into Working Session] Electric Appliances and Repair# iheRli-i on gioiiind,- of inlolrinl>l> S..ltvh. RiiiUville H..iidd Hanna. Cole Motors eoe Given to Greece Odd Shortages Be Short of All Kind* riiieltv 41 I'nion sticil .Miss Deliu.s V Russia Tosses V< Myrth M i lough of M.ui<lu'.t< i Alfred Dupuis Yoar Pontiac Dealer Cannon Appeals for u a a Rl.an'ed a dl\onr t " ’ni Hiu- Haupt. 1U9 Coopci Hill sti.i l. .Mis. CITY CAB Paris, June 28.— (A*)— The Due to Quirks 2 Months ing Controversy ini t t darsis Road Tel. «0«S old T Floiigh of Syiai-ueo •. ^ . l.iiirame (Idchi.st It." West ( ’cn- Big Four foreign ministers Reversal of Decision 'SAFK. COlIRTFOl’S DRINFRS I.ji|» by Serving N< on gituinda of hahitual inteinp«i- tei stneot; F'.lsic .Mit'nnn. 91 Weth- PHONE 4164 NOW assembled for a free-for-all ance. Kvrivn H Cilmoie of Man- eri’ll street. F'loia and .lohP F'vei- To Put ‘No News-No OFEN AI.L NIGHT siession today on five peace Bread, Butter and Beef More Than Half Butch tice She Will Figl diesler won a degier from .Vllon etl. 22 Donne stri»t De.in Brown, Cash' Tag on Relief L. Oilniote of Wriheisfiold »n 22 Doan.’ stiei t: R.ihi .f Doiigaii, treaties in a last minute ef Situation . Han Few er Shops in Nation For Two-Thirds Vol grounds of intoleiahle iiuelty. 9<i ('hestmit strc'l. fort to clear the decks for a Admitted toflay. Rob.’it Hamil. Washington, June 28—(J*i— De 21-nation peace conference BreakH; Meii'n SuitH Closed as Famine in OIL BURNERS ,’.3 West stfeet; Arnold and John ; New York, June 28.- in Paris next month. The ploring the action as "a direct alap And Shirtfl Still Short Meat Continues Today Stetson. East Hartford: El.«n Ross. at Russia," Clarence Cannon (D., Pre.sident 'Truman pled| ’2H a.arboroiigh road; Roberta ministers, considerably en Now Available! FENDER AND Mo.*) appealed to the House today his f«Ul support today to Shankman. 6R0 O u ter sti.el. couraged by the oolution yester Thla airview was made at the height of fire which leveled a three block sector of Medford, Ore., leaving New 6,’ork, June 28—f/Pi— Would to reverse its vote putting a "no Chicago, June 28 (J6-The na nard Baruch in a message BODY WORK Discharged yesterday: Mrs. day of the DiodecOnese islands and fruit packing and lumber pDnt.s valued at more than 51.000.000 in smouldering ruins. (A P ivifVphoto.) you like to be able to walk into a R.iihel Hopper, 2.A (.’enter .street; the PYench-Itallan border ques news -no cash" tag on future tion's current acute shortage of the United States delegate RACKLIFFE OH CO. SOI.I.MKNK & FI,.\GG Robcit Stetson. F'ast Hartfor.l; tions, instructed their deputies to UNRRA relief. store and buy butter without giv meat probably will continue* for the United Nations Atom! 898 M«ple Ave. Hhrtford INC. .Mrs. Vi.’toria Kurtz and son. bring in skeleton drafts of peace The Appropriations committee ing the transaction a second two months, the National Retail chairman said he was "hopeful” commission went into w o rd U4 Ceafer St. Tel. 6101 F'.s.sex street; Thomas Miirphv’. 27« pacts for Italy, Bulgaria, Roma War Profits thought ? Meat Dealers association says. Tel. Htfd, 7-5191 nia, Hungary and Finland for to that on a roil call vote the House ing .se.s.siop. The president*/ ' Birch Mountain road, .lames Oig- Truman Told Accept Well, go to Kansas City. Sgt. Edward E. Hyson day's session. would nullify the top-heavy stand The association said that a cross mes.sage said; ho. to Olcutt !j,treet: Douglas But if you want a ran of baked ' A British source said that with ing count of 1.64 to .63 by which it country survey of Its .68,000 mem i Platt.