Harrywills Outclasses Luis Firpo with Ease
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SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 ARIDAY, THE SEATTLE STAR 21 Harry Wills Outclasses Luis Firpo With Ease I lack Panther 1oo>mart Gregg Wins Another Game Stagg and Y ost are Veterans for Right ; for Wild-SwingingWild-Swinging Right - - Is lofBig Systems ills Ten Coaching Wins Star Portland | Wins Every One of 12 Rounds in Jersey Fight; t Eclectic Play Sept. 12.—Two veteran football coaches will again lead their charges in Is Estimuted at 80,000; - U A e "No Decision G:ven;.Crowd Trimmed by |{ CHICA(}(),the chase for the Western Conference championship this fall. They are Alonzo Below is Claude a who Boost His Championship Stock Stanley, 12-handicap man, won rimme W Didn't Any' | A. Stagg of Chicago and Fielding H. Yost of Michigan. has been at the Midway Wills the Eeclectic at Stagg cup competition Inglewood yesterday. ' : S school since Yost at since 1901, Photo Frank || 1892; Michigan THIRTY ACRES, City, by Jacobs, Ntar Stelf Phetographer | ! Jersey N.| s Lefthanderf h d e SRR L ss o | ; This will make Stagg’'s 33rd season as Chicago pilpt and Yost's 24th, a long time to BOYL?.SJ., Sept. 12.—Before a crowd that ap- | , i || serve one school in the same capacity. Within the last year or so Yost has turned over proached 80,000, Harry Wills, former New 'lCregg Turns Back Invad- of detaiis to George Little, his assistant, but the “Hurry Up” one's word is Orleans clearly outpointed Luis §tevedgm. 5 in {|, stillmul;'h!final,lthe South American ers, to 2, Game Angel Firpo, henvyweizht' . Sensation ‘ i Of the other Big Ten universities, Bob Zuppke, Illinois, and Dr. John Wilee, Ohio in & 12-round, no-decision bout herei Lacking | champion, State, rank next in of service. Both have been in of Western Confer- last || point charge PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE | || ence elevens for years. These four are the “old-timers” in the organization. Inmght.lcompliance with the New Jersey boxing | Wun Lost Pl| San Francisco p # i ba: Glen Northwestern; Bill Spaulding, Minnesota Jack was | Thistlewaithe, ; Ryan, Wisconsin; there no official b it o law, decision after th& Ak A Seattle D Bill and Phelan, Purdue, have all seen one or more sea- 16 | Ingraham, Indiana, Jimmy but was no doubt in the Oukiand sersnsnanve B 4 ) eontest, there .80 immense| l\'ouxun ¢ sarnbhie N 3 . sons as Big Ten coaches. Of these Spaulding last fall, in his first year in the Big Ten, I " that jammed Rickard's si:ensseiss i|| gathering arena that| Lo ABRSINn i turned out a first-class shenase || team. owas Portiand 1 cfl} the winner. 3] sall Lake | ab 415 ! The only newcomer this fall in the conference will be Burt Ingwersen at lowa. The 0. blocked on all 3 his wild o swings, and pounded sav- Bacramente ..., i 3 i " former Illini star has taken over the left vacant the of Howard to || post by resignation the body, failed win a single round. HERE m.nu)‘ rabout weren't ; Jones, Ingwersen's efforts in his new role will be watched with more than the ordi- was saved a by the same fortitude thrilla 1o Thurs from knockout only nary interest, day's at the to punishment game | R R (the same ability take that he showed in ! B SNR E HESENNCRST TPE Lapel Ret TR R RS N SR R(S U 1!USRS TSN SRR o R et RIR SR eg e Y Beattle ball At last summer with! ———————————— | park, ' Vean Gregg south 3t my. San Francisco pawing his 15th vie fifth, sixth, Loses | e second, fourth, tory In of the ssason Cup Play : and 11th rounds Wills to Los Angeles aover Portland and on his heels with Club} winning in method oight to the jaw, It SAN FRANCISCO, 13.—San hooks Sept. | lcal fashion, & to 2 that the South Ameri- gertain Francisco took a bad an Men beating rroml Seattle tlook League’s Smartest and the immense s going Los Angeles hers yesterday, the An-{ carly lead on Hugh to 118 feet, cheering wild. ose Bedient and was never headed, gels winning by & score of § to 1. The only thrills of the afternoon Seattle Second Sacker Is Brains of Seattle’s Infield Bob Geary was hit freely ' were Frunk Brasill's runin with Um and the Men - Ranks as One of Brainiest That The score: R R SN R pire Burnside, the blind man Kicking only shook his head and San Franelseo ... ..coooene T -A| the FPortland League Has Had in Years; Other -:.4 manager out of the Gossip too B with wild right swings, Los «sss 8 18 ball for much | Bk 5In Angeles. l! game conversation perfect defense with a Butteries Geary, Schorr and over a third strike, an® Jim Poole's | BY LEO H. LASSEN them. ey smothered terrific home vrun that hit the top BRADY is the best gecond baseman that Seattle has in Ritchle; Payne and Jenkins #d to Jack the steam of the right fleld fence far down , L 1 os CLIFFhad since the rejoined the Coast league back in hes that put Dempsey to his and bounced over the partition Indians ad . | him out 1919, And not only is a whale of a second sacker, but knocked ofthe “Red"” Baldwin's long triple opened Brady Four times the Helen Jacobs is of ball g summer. Plays the scoring in the second, the knock ‘the Half-Pinter one the smartest players that ever landed his right Americar counting Sammy Crane, who had stepped out on a Pacific Coast league diamond. and the only re. for National ) the Jaw Title singind Some bugs prefer Kilduff, of the San was a wide New Or. Pete got PHILADELVPHIA, Sept. 12— ANOTHER e Miss Francisco Seals, for their second sacker, but TALLY Helen Jacobs, Cal, found that he had Berkeley, plays isn't one whit better around that bag P Welsh singled, went to second on Miss Alice 'Kilduf! from the right swings Francis, Orange, N. J., for than the 4 ar A sacrifice and to third on a wild Seattle star. American he became the national ‘ girls’ singles tennis piteh, scoring on Rohwer's fly to lert | Kilduff carries more power at the plate, but - e but, he, too, found _ championship here today, The match in the third ] Brady is a smart man at the rubber a he had were and is fine punches Nothing much until the will be at the happened hitter., The man an on the played Germantown gecond place batting in this impression sixth when Eidred singled, went to Cricket club, so that Duvis cup has one of the most on the spec. second on BHowman's bunt and third !slot important jobs altho he tators might enjoy It. The club—getting that around those fv Beautifully early on an infleld out, counting on Crane's leadoff man border near the or in pigaly hnci round malches wert played at On. infield tap. bases putting him a position to score. Portland tallied In the ¢ighth when the master bunter ange, N. J I Brady is and can also hit- Welsh lost Bedient's long fly and the it well is ‘ el dsoscn and-run and, altho he only hitting around | plteher went to third, coming over repeatedly for .265, Brady gets his they He " 'yr?od | Altho Wills made a good show on MeCahn's single, hits when count. on the mg. BRADY has to be a big cog in the Indians’ ma- “‘ brcnk-} he did not boost his stock in hils T™WO FOR proved his seconds pro- - Firpo | INDIANS chine. 'Firpo was outclassed campaign for & championship bout as Claude Stanle BYA | Beattle got two on hits by Gregg The addition of at second and of Baldwin he Brady base gong to the last mdi displayed little than an “Red” fitst more and Welsh and bunt, Hoh Bradys behind the plate have the Indians in the the chance he had ability to smother the wild of Eclectic fight for swings Wins tori wer's fly and Eldred’s third single in ball bout with the champion, boxer, pennant. TKey're real gzlt players, who have something un- a 4 novice ‘ the seventh, “|/der their hats and how - Tourney Here - Poole hit his homer In the elghth, - know Portiand AB R B PO A B use their natural STANLEY. a 12.handi Game Starts ability. il Wolfer, If .iosevee b 0 2 : o CLM‘!»B breesed Advances to cap player, under the , 'Brooklyn MeCann, 39 siiioo'f 0 12 §hio e |to ! . JIM BAGBY'S wire a winner in the third annual Cox, ¢f .ovvnsnsnsn & 1 ‘ e 0 at 4 ' Within a Half-Game of B o'Clock 1 BREAK Poole; 16 covnannve § 1 82059 TOUGHEST by ’ eclectic tournament, which ended its » Seattle and were to re. Fight Rounds 2f ) < ¢ 0 Portland TRIEN, .ovivnnne 0 For and four-month run at the ;. Giants . 8- eight two-thirds innings Inglewood Ib, 28 § o 1 5 o sume thelr hosatilities the Coast Distel, 0000 1 at In 1915, Jim then Country club the other day, 1 1 {back Bagby, pitch. -~ and Braslil, 30 B 1 r YUND ONE Wills out.wcored Firpo repeatedly ocossee &' 1 leagye ball park at 4 o'clock this " 1 w Lod et BT Wuwy | for New the noWw he Is today dishipg out the : PN8 Lcisscisss ,ke, !'lng Orleans in Southern with short blows to the 4 wfternoon, instend of the accus. close in and grazed | body. Mew P o essissne 3 1 o o base Juan de Fuca cignrs to his A York .oficcieces W 4 ' ) leagye, had not allowed a hit, many ,lloviltnl, " in clinch the bell, S &8 ......