BEST NEWS 10,000 COVERAGE READERS WKNTY-/IFTH YEAR N. .I., FRIDAY, JINK 8, \K\ 1-,,. ..Me,, New,wp*r I,, Wnodbrldr. 'HKKKU-IN'fS I'M Township Celebrates 265th Anniversary Industrial Site Bureau Approved I.WIION It \NI> (JORS Little Benefit Celebration To Be Held Next Crow's WOonillUIKlK. Tlu» Silver by Township Committee at Regular Band and Klelu Unit of Wood- liridKO I'OFI. No. K7, that m:i(]p •Seen in Town ^, ll» first public appearances at Meeting Held Last Monday Night the Memorial Day parades hen Nest made such a success of ltn Ini- Manager Plan 1 hWSaay Night, JUlie 14th I1Y THE NAVH1ATOR tial appearance that It has been Township Clerk to be in charge of bureau without addi- selected to |4<iy -U the Alumni Opponents of Managerial form point out added ex- tional compensation. —. Township to advertise avail- Day at Princeton University, WHAT, NO MVKDKH? Let's go, and make able sites and advantages of municipality. Italian June 1G. The local contingent pense without change in Monster Torch light Parade and s,.t? o Township's 266th an- group demands that first section of Woodbridge park will lead the clasB of 1H19. type of government. WOOhllltllXiB. The Wood- ,'hiTsiiry 'an event welL.wortfi re- be named in honor of Anthony Coppola. The unit will also play In hrldni' Township pollno depart- Block Dance on Main Street „„ inhering. It's about time the the 2G5iTi anniversary >i',l-:. Although- rep- ment had one ot the busiest •fnwiishlp !)eK»n to think of Itself. here on Juno 14. resrnfHtlv.'s of Ilils paper could weeks In years last week when 1 Th,. ,wo words, "Boost Wood- REPORTS HEARD mil fli^.l any person who l» 'jacking It was culled upon to take to Be Part of Gala Festivities II,-I,IK.'", which were used as a the si-rallni Town Manager plan 1 rare of practically everything 1 ,l^,m of the NRA exposition, It la uiidi'i'stoiKl that the Wood- short of murder. .!(iiiitld be the motto of the cele- WOODBRIDGE.—An Industrial Bureau, which was bridge Township TaNpayern1 as-1 From Thursday, May 31 In- Parade to ttart promptly at 8:30 P. M. — To include bration. planned recently hy Township Attorney Leon E. McElroy, soclalliin in «lu.lying a brochure cludlnft last week-end, Wood- Township bands, fireman and fraternal organization*. Firemen to Honor on the iiiiliji'ot. However, accord- brldse'n "finest" Investigated — Main Street to be roped off between Fulton and Wil- became a reality this week, when a resolution introduced ing tu Williiun Otuighlln, president a railroad crossing death, a .'HiHlilerlng all die mfav- by Committeeman Ernest Nier at a Township meeting held liam Street. — Dance to be free of charge,— Baer fight ,,,-iil.le publicity tfae Town- of the iissnii;iiion, tbe taxpayers' triple crnah on the super-high- to be broadcasted. — Mayor Greiner to Greet Citizens. s|ii|i IN receiving from certain Monday night, advocating the plan, was passed unani- Dead Comrades at m-.ni,> Ins ii"l made nny Btatement way which caused four fatalities iiiiftrtrm, one would tjilnk mously The new bureau will be in charge of Township OH to wlii'llier «r not It Will baclt to date, the arrest of two al- i he jM-ojile would rise up* In Clerk B. J. Dunigan, who will do the work without any Uio plan. leged counterfeiters, the arrest LOVE TO GIVE SHORT HISTORICAL SKETCH. liKitest against tills continual Memorial Service The town <,f Hillside, N. J., is of n drunken driver, the drown HAKKIHX and tearing dowta of added compensation. voting na tin- iil.m on Tuesday and Ing or a Perth Amboy High 1 A complete Hat of all available WOODBRIDGE.—A torch light parade, and a block nut i (immunity's good name. Exercises to be held Sunday it Isyi IUIMVII fuel that the plan School student in one of the Newspaper* can do more sites for Industrial plant* will be Is opposi'.l by members of both clay pits, -.nul a suicide. All tills dance, which will be free to the public, will be part of the 'filed In the office of the clerk, inatlon which wan attended by afternoon in Section 2 of mn,i in » municipality or mujor pnl iicul parties, Interview- occurred In addition to (he usu- celebration of the 265th annivrsary of WoodbridKe Town- (anyone having such land 1B re- Mayor Grelner, Comniltteeman Woodbridge park, ing a ]>r.million! resident of Hlll- rlij'S reputation UM any al "drunks" and petty larceny ship to be held Thursday night June 14, under the spon- otlher medlnm. Thank ; quested to «et In touch with the Howard Madison, Township Kn- I side H l.fiidiT-Jnurnnl represcnln- cases. Hut it wnn all taken 'clerk. The resolution authorizes sorship of the Woodbridge Township Businessmen's asso- any there are very few lneer Clarence Davis and Town- WOODBHIIMiK.—The annual tlve fonn.l tint several persons euro i>l In :in efficient manner. I the Township to advertise the ad- I memorial services under the aus- ciation. ot this type In ship Attorney I.eon E. Continued On Page Ten \, vv Je'nwy. They flourish: for I vanta(.'"P of the community In . ,. McElroy. | niceg of thl. Woodbridge Hre- The parade will start promptly at 8 :S0 o'clock from while, but, sooner or later, trade Journals and bill boards. Another hearing will be heldj men.g E,em,lt Aasociation'B and the firehouse in School street. In the line of march will be l( A group of cltlsens of Italian t,,. dirt and rot, portrayed Within thirty days and the Mayor j the Townnhip fire departments a police escort, the WooctbridntHijfh School Bnivd, the Mid- ex'ractlon presented <i petition will be held Sunday afternoon, at in titeir columns, nauseate* every effort to preBS the reader. asking that the first section of grade 2:ISO o'clock In section two of the! Fourth Victim Of Many Take Part dlser Fife, Drum and Bugle Corps, the Silver Band and the Woodbridge Park he named crossing elimination work. Woodbridge parji. In ease of rain Field Unit of WoodbridKe Post No. 87, American Legion, after Anthony Coppola, of Port Duane Baldwin and Frances the services will lie held In the t'hc lire companies and exempt firemen of the Township, Reading, who died at Chateau Kennedy, of Avenel, were appoint- Woodbridge High school auditor- Auto Crash Dies! jn M. E. Church ,,,l now the Legion band has Thierry on July 21, 1918. They the Boy Scout troops of the Township, Woodbvidge Town- ed constables for one year. ium. ship Businessmen and many fraternal orders. Every organ- ,h to travel to Princeton Unl- pointed out that the youth was The Building Inspector reported Judge Nicholas Albano will be Ji'.K. As a result of I in lu play for the class of the first township boy to be killed that the estimated cost of con- the guest speaker. Rev. W. V. D. injuries -ust lined In the trlplu! Children's Day ization in the Township is cordially invited to take part in n at Hie commencement eyer-;in action. struction for luet month was $17,- Strong, pastor of the First Con- )!611IRI(JII iin tlu> super highway, i the torch light parade. All organizations are requested to Just aix months of exlstence| Mayor AugUBt F. Grelner ex- 150. Mayor Grelner stated that gregational church of Woodbridge near Cr .'ii si reel IftKl WeeR, Mi's. | vVooi>lu:ib(!K.--A largo and be at, the firehouae at ei^'.it o'clock the night of the parade. i la. mitllt's reputation reaches plained that the three sections of this showed an Improvement over will give the Invocation and Rev. tint; program lina been pre- The parade will wend Us way, ~ umlaut the state. The leaders uie park had been named after the past two months. J'lhn Larkin,pastor of Our Lady Southern I'.ottlevard, New York. I pared for die Children's Day pro- t,., urill can bo Justly proud of'boya from Woodbpldge proper and died nt thi' Perth Amboy ISeneral ' through the main Btreets of Wood- Main ojreet, that haa kindly con- William Coughlln, president of of Peace church, will give tltt gram to In- presented by the Meth- ,iniiiii|illsliment8 of the band.Jadded that If a park was built at benedictions. Mayor August F. hospital Monday' morning. Mrs. 1 odist Episcopal church, Sunday bridge and will end In front of the' seated to Install a radio n^ar an the Taxpayers' association, wan Davldovitoli is, the fourth victim Port Heading, 11 would be named present at the meeting and aslu-d Grelner Is, expected to give the lnornint: at 11:00 A. M., at the grandstand which will be erected; amplifier on the grandstand. after Coppola. opening address. Music will be ot Hie a.'i'ldwit to die of Injuries. church. in front of the Methodilt Eplsco-j All the expenses for the eve- l'h>' litrfpst class In Hie hi* when the association could ex- OtheiK killed in the crash weiv: Township Attorney Leon E. pect to get an itemized debt provided By the Woodbridge High The ('oini)leti- program Is as fol- pal church on Main utreet. Muyor nlng will be paid for by th<? Wood- 1,,, > in' u)i« ulgh sobool will i McElroy explained that the reso- School band and the Middlesex Mrs. XI. l.fw;iBB.i and Mrs. James August I'\ Grelner will give the1 bridge Township Businessmen's ivii-hr dlploiMw ..tfal* ...jr«ar.
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