ARB Approved Meeting Minutes 3-8-2018
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APPROVED MINUTES March 8, 2018 THE FAIRFAX COUNTY ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD Fairfax County Government Center Conference Rooms 4 & 5, 6:30 PM Members Present: Members Excused: Staff Present: John A. Burns, FAIA, Chairman Laura Arseneau, Christopher Daniel, Vice Chairman Fairfax Department of Jason Sutphin Planning and Zoning Michele Aubry, Treasurer Casey Judge, Recording Secretary Joseph Plumpe, ASLA Susan Notkins, AIA Elise Murray Richard Bierce, AIA* Robert W. Mobley, AIA* *Arrived after the meeting began Mr. Burns opened the March 8, 2018 meeting of the Architectural Review Board (ARB) at 6:30 p.m. in Rooms 4 & 5 of the Government Center; Ms. Murray read the opening statement of purpose. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Ms. Notkins made a motion to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sutphin and approved on a vote of 7-0. INTRODUCTION/RECOGNITION OF GUESTS: Denice Dressel, Heritage Resources Staff, DPZ Laura Gori, Office of the County Attorney CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS: None proposed. ITEMS FOR ACTION: 1. ARB-18-LOR-02: Proposal for Phase 2A site plans, public improvement plan and guard tower at the Laurel Hill Adaptive Reuse Area, tax map # 107-1-((09)). The 2001 Lorton Correctional Complex MOA stipulates that the ARB review undertakings within the area eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and that the area within the Eligible District is subject to review as stipulated in Section 7-200 of the Fairfax County Zoning Ordinance. Section 7-200 of the Zoning Ordinance stipulates that: 1) plans shall be referred to the ARB for its review and recommendation and 2) ARB approval shall be required prior to the issuance of building permits. At its January 2017 meeting a workshop was held with the ARB on Phase 2A of the development for the initial adaptive re-use of the seven buildings within the penitentiary wall and drafts of the Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Lighting Plan, and architectural sheets of the proposed façade changes. The applicant will submit materials to the Lorton Heritage Society and VDHR as required by the MOA. Mr. Jim Perry, Elm Street Development, Inc., and Mr. Dave Kaul, AIA, The Alexander Company, represent the proposal. Mount Vernon Supervisory District ARB March 8, 2018 1 Presentation made by Mr. Perkins with Elm Street Development: *Mr. Burns and Mr. Plumpe recused themselves. Mr. Daniel assumed the chair position. • The same presentation from the workshop session was presented with the addition of one slide for lighting details. The parking for Phase 2A would only be interim parking for the temporary storage use of the building. The prison yard was relatively flat already, so there would be minimal road improvements for fire access and minimal grading. The landscaping would be minimal and would not obscure the views of the guard tower. The proposed lighting was the same site lighting that was approved and had been implemented in Phase I, which included full cut-off minimalist LED light fixtures. When speaking about the public improvement plan that covered Snowden Ashford Road, this road was VDOT-maintained, and the grading and geometry had to meet their standards. The lighting proposed was the traditional cobra-head fixture, which was the only approved fixture that VDOT would allow in the right-of-way. Historically, this type of light fixture was used extensively across the campus, as it was a very utilitarian light fixture. Having it along Snowden Ashford was consistent with the lighting used on-site in the past. Discussion: • Ms. Notkins asked if there would be a light fixture on each townhouse. o That would be a part of the architectural approval for the units themselves, and this would come to the ARB later for approval. • Ms. Notkins asked if the pole lights concealed the lightbulb or if the lightbulb could be seen. o They were LED, and the LED array was up in the top portion of the light. It was open with no glass, but they would be full cut-off and no lighting would be directed upwards. • Ms. Notkins asked about the CR for the LED lamps. o He believed they were 80 CR. • Ms. Notkins said that 80 CR was a really blue light, and she requested it be improved with a different LED. The CR rating made a difference, and 80 was below what would generally be acceptable. The LED should be chosen by the CR rather than the Kelvin. o The applicant had already installed lights at 80 CR throughout Phase I. • Mr. Daniel agreed with the applicant and was concerned about mixing up the lighting between Phase I and Phase II. • Ms. Notkins thought it would be a good idea to take a look at a bit warmer of a light, particularly in the shopping area where people should be made more comfortable. o The shopping area was self-contained, as there was a wall around it. But the applicant would be willing to look into it. Ms. Aubry made the following motion: Mr. Chairman, I move that the ARB approve item ARB-18-LOR-02, tax map #107-1 ((9)) located in the Laurel Hill Adaptive Reuse Area for the proposed Phase 2A site plans, public improvement plan and guard tower as submitted and presented at the March 8, 2018, ARB meeting, subject to the following condition: 1) The ARB recommends that the applicant consider lighting within the penitentiary walls at a CR of at least 85 if not 90. Staff will inform the ARB on this decision. ARB March 8, 2018 2 Upon review of the materials, the proposal is found to meet requirements of Zoning Ordinance 7-200 HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICTS. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sutphin and approved on a vote of 6-1 (with Ms. Notkins opposed). 2. ARB-18-LOR-03: Proposal for Phase 2A penitentiary buildings, sallyport and guard’s quarters at the Laurel Hill Adaptive Reuse Area, tax map # 107-1-((09)). The 2001 Lorton Correctional Complex MOA stipulates that the ARB review undertakings within the area eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and that the area within the Eligible District is subject to review as stipulated in Section 7-200 of the Fairfax County Zoning Ordinance. Section 7-200 of the Zoning Ordinance stipulates that: 1) plans shall be referred to the ARB for its review and recommendation and 2) ARB approval shall be required prior to the issuance of building permits. At its January 2017 meeting a workshop was held with the ARB on Phase 2A of the development for the initial adaptive re-use of the seven buildings within the penitentiary wall and drafts of the Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Lighting Plan, and architectural sheets of the proposed façade changes. The applicant will submit materials to the Lorton Heritage Society and VDHR as required by the MOA. Mr. Jim Perry, Elm Street Development, Inc., and Mr. Dave Kaul, AIA, The Alexander Company, represent the proposal. Mount Vernon Supervisory District Presentation: • All of the slate roofs would remain, and there would be a restoration of the masonry work, a replacement of the battered wood, and a replacement of the mechanical system. There would be commercial entrances added to the cell blocks, and of the 27 elevations, changes would be made to only 3 elevations. The storefront showed what potential signage could look like along the metal canopy structure, which would be located on top of a steel frame. The signage was not a part of the request, but the ARB had wanted to see an idea of possibly what it would look like. There would be minor changes to the outside of the guard quarters with the addition of new doors to meet fire code requirements. Around 8-10 cell blocks would be cleaned up and remain as a historic piece. The historic fence would also remain, but the rusted metal and concrete would be removed as a part of the restoration. Discussion: • None Ms. Notkins made the following motion: Mr. Chairman, I move that the ARB approve item ARB-18-LOR-03, tax map #107-1 ((9)) located in the Laurel Hill Adaptive Reuse Area for the proposed for Phase 2A penitentiary buildings, sallyport and guard’s quarters, as submitted and presented at the March 8, 2018, ARB meeting. Upon review of the materials, the proposal is found to meet requirements of Zoning Ordinance 7-200 HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICTS. ARB March 8, 2018 3 The motion was seconded by Ms. Aubry and approved on a vote of 7-0. 3. ARB-18-LOR-04: Proposal for Penitentiary Wall and Towers and Repairs to Buttresses at the Laurel Hill Adaptive Reuse Area, tax map # 107-1-((09)). The 2001 Lorton Correctional Complex MOA stipulates that the ARB review undertakings within the area eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and that the area within the Eligible District is subject to review as stipulated in Section 7-200 of the Fairfax County Zoning Ordinance. Section 7-200 of the Zoning Ordinance stipulates that: 1) plans shall be referred to the ARB for its review and recommendation and 2) ARB approval shall be required prior to the issuance of building permits. At its September 2016 meeting the ARB reviewed the proposed buttresses reconstruction; the Alexander Company is now supervising the reconstruction efforts. The applicant will submit materials to the Lorton Heritage Society and VDHR as required by the MOA. Mr. Jim Perry, Elm Street Development, Inc., and Mr. Dave Kaul, AIA, The Alexander Company, represent the proposal. Mount Vernon Supervisory District Presentation made by John Pluta: • The applicant provided the repair details of the 8 buttresses that were removed by the county Facilities Management Division (FMD) due to deterioration.