Johnson Walter George, grocer & fire Middleton Sidney Ernest, apart­ Springett Arthur William, decorator insurance agent, Post office ments, 5 Balliol road Steed John Edwin, lime manufac­ Lawrence Sarah (Mies), laundry, Mills Frederick John, apartments, turer, Eagle house, Beacon Toad Sandhurst Ivy villas, Beacon road Turner Frederick Wm. bathing tent Lewis George, apartments, i Water­ Mills Jessie (Mrs.), apartments, 2 proprietor, 13 Balliol road loo villas, Beacon road Waterloo villas, Beacon Toad Wheeler Annie (Mrs.), apartments, Louch Albert Victor, boot maker Murphy John, apartments, Rosemary, Swanley villa, Beacon road Manners Albert, apartments,5 Thistle Beacon road Wood Bertie, apartments, 2 Ivy villas, Beacon Toad Packer John, laundry,Beacon laundry, villas, Beacon road Marcham Joshua, apartments, Kim­ Trinity square Wood George John, apartments,Fair- berley, Beacon road Smith Ernest Sutton M.R.C.S.Eng., leigh villas, Beacon road Markwell Robert, apartments, 1 Prim­ L.R.C.P.Lond. & L.S.A. physician rose villas, Balliol road & surgeon, Thanet view I B R O d C L tE Y is a suburb of Loudon, now within the ment Act, 1899 ” ; it is therefore not included in the County of London, as constituted by the “ Local Govern­ Directory of Kent, but will be found in the “ London ment Act, 1888,” and forming a ward of the municipal County Suburbs Directory. " borough of Lewisham, created under the “ London Govern- BROM LEY BROMLEY is a municipal borough and a market and there are 700 sittings. The register dates from the year union town, head of a petty sessional division and parish 1880. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value ^390, with stations on the South Eastern and Chatham rail­ with residence, in the gift of the , way, 10 miles from London, 14 north-west from Seven- and held since 1881 by the Rev. Peter Barker M.A. of oaks and 6 south-by-east from Greenwich; it is on the Brasenose College, Oxford, and honorary canon of Hastings line of road, through Sevenoaks and Tonbridge, Rochester. The Vicarage house was built in 1891, and near the east bank of the Ravensbourne, in the Western there is a parish room in North road. division of the county, hundred of Bromley and Becken­ St. Mark’s, Westmoreland road, erected in place of the ham, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, rural deanery of West iron church, at the foot of Mason’s hill, opened 30 Nov. Dartford and archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester, 1884, is a chapel of ease to the parish church, and was and within the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan police built at a cost of upwards of ^8,000, from designs by (who have a station here) and of the Central Criminal Mr. Evelyn Hellicar A.R.I.B.A. and consecrated 22 Oct. court. t 898 ; in 3906 a tower was added at a cost of about From April, 1867, Bromley was governed by a Local £3 ,000; a lady chapel was erected in 1911 on the south Board under the “ Local Government Act of 1858,” and side of the church, in memory of the Rev. L. J. Elwin, by a District Council of 16 members, under the u Local a former curate: there are 600 sittings. Government Act, 1B94” (56 and 57 Viet. c. 73); by an Christ Church, Highland road, erected at a cost of Order in Council dated August 10, 1903, it is now & ,600, and opened in 1887, is of brick in the Early governed by a Corporation consisting of a mayor, six English style: the church is licensed, and has 350 aldermen and eighteen councillors; the borough is sittings. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value divided into six wards. £290, derived from pew rents, in the gift of S. Cawston The town is partially paved and lighted with gas by esq. and held since 1903 by the Rev. Richard Moore a company, and supplied with water from works at M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Shortlands, the property of the Metropolitan Water St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Plaistow lane, erected Board (Kent district), and drawn from wells in the in 1911, is a structure of brick and stone in the Roman­ chalk. esque style and will seat 450. By Local Government Board Order No. 43,880, which Trinity Presbyterian , Freelands came into operation October 1st, 1902, part of Becken­ road, built in 1895, has 720 sittings. ham Urban District and civil parish was transferred to The Congregational Chapel, Widmore road, waa Bromley and part of Bromley annexed to Beckenham. erected in 1881, from plans by Mr. J. Sulman On January 1st, 1878, a short line of railway was F.R.I.B.A. was enlarged in 1886 and again in 1894, and opened to this town from the Grove Park station on the will now seat 1,200 persons. London and Tonbridge branch of the South Eastern The Baptist chapel, Park road, was erected in 1865, railway, affording direct communication with London and has 500 sittings. bridge, Cannon street and Charing Cross. The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, High street, is a The church of SS. Peter and Paul is a structure of Githic edifice, seating 600 persons. brick and flint, and has an ancient tower containing a There is also a Primitive Methodist chapel, meeting clock and 8 bells, hung in 1777: about 1792, the struc­ rooms for The Brethren and The Salvation Army. ture seems to have been either Tebuilt in red brick, or The Central Hall, in London road, was erected at a 1 so remodelled in that material as to have retained but cost of 15,500 and opened in 1905; is used principally few features of the previously existing edifice; in 1830 for religious meetings, and in the winter is let for the body of the church appears to have been again re­ concerts &c. built, and in 1873 fresh alterations were made at a total The Cemeteries are situated on the London road; cost of ^2,451, but the tower, dating from the 15th the one nearest the town was consecrated September century, has remained untouched; in 1884 the church 19th, 1877, has an area of 5a. ir. 6p. and contains two was enlarged at a cost of nearly ^4,000: there are mortuary chapels: the Bromley Hill cemetery was con­ several stained windows, some being memorials, various secrated on February 25th, 1905, and contains one brasses, and & number of monuments of considerable chapel: both are under the control of the Council of the interest to John Yonnge, bishop of Rochester, 1605, Borough acting as the Bromley Burial Board. Zachary Pearce D.D. successively and The Town Hall, a structure of brick, principally in the Rochester, 1774, the Bagshawe, Smith, Chase and Lacer Elizabethan style, was erected in 1865, on the site of the families, to the Scotts, of Sundridge Park, bo John old Market House: the south end is occupied by the Hawkesworth LL.D. the friend of Dr. Johnson, 1773, to Bromley district Metropolitan police station. The Muni­ Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Samuel Johnson, d. 17 March, cipal buildings, including the Borough Council offices, 1752, and many others; a memorial window was erected police court &c. are in Tweedy road. in 1906 to the Rev. A. G. Hellicar M.A. vicar 3865-1904: The London County and Westminster Bank, erected in the church has 1,200 sittings, of which 250 are free. 1887, is in the High street, and there are several ether The register of baptisms dates from the year 1558; banks in the same thoroughfare. burials. 1578 ; marriages, 1575. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £600, including house, in the gift of The Bromley Conservative Club, established March the Bishop of Rochester, and held since 1904 by the 4th, 1881, in the Market square, was afterwards removed Rev. Donald Tait M.A. of Trinity Hal], Cambridge, hon. to the mansion known as w Bromley Lodge,” in the High canon of Rochester, rural dean of Bromley and surro­ street, and contains a large reading room, smoking and gate. A Parish room, in West street, in connection with recreation rooms, with a library of about 200 volumes. this church, was opened in November, 1881. The Bromley and County Club, a purely social and St. John the Evangelist’s is an ecclesiastical parish, non-political institution, occupies premises in High street, formed December 17, 1880, out of the mother parish and and includes reading and dining rooms, and billiard and embraces that portion lying between Plaisfcow and Wid- card rooms; there are about 200 members. more. The chnrch, in Park road, erected in 1879-80, at There are also local Conservative and Liberal Associa­ a cost, including site, of £$,400, is of stone in the Per­ tions. and cricket, lawn tennis, cycling, bowling and pendicular style, and has a turret, containing one bell: hockey clubs.

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The A Squadron of the West Kent (Queen’s Own) in 1879, at a cost of £2,500, from the Ecclesiastical Com-, Yeomanry, Territorial Force, is stationed in the town. missioners: in 1887 iz acres of adjoining land, called The Drill Hall and Gymnasium, in East street, are the “ Queen’s Mead,” was purchased at a cost of £4*300, the head quarters of the 5th Territorial Force Battalion and is used for cricket and other games. At the en­ The Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) and of trance is a neat lodge, near which is a drinking foun­ the A and B Companies of the Regiment: the buildings, tain, erected in 1887; the whole is under the control of opened in May, 1872, include three halls, the largest of a committee. which, erected in 1889-90, will hold 1,000 persons, and Queen’s Gardens, situated just off the Market square, is let for musical and dramatic entertainments. and formerly known as the “ White Hart Cricket field,” The School of Science and Art, in Tweedy road, was was presented to the town in 1900 by Coles Child esq. opened in 1878, but after 1892 was carried on under the lord of the manor, and laid ont for public recreation by control of the late Urban District Council, partly for the Urban District Council to commemorate the illus­ science and art classes and partly as a public library; trious reign of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria. the present building, of red brick with Bath stone The Neilgherries Gardens, in the High street, are at dressings, was erected in 1894, and a large room has the rear of the Public Library, and are very prettily since been added to the Science and Art school; it is laid out. now carried on by the Kent Education Committee, The manor belonged from time immemorial to through the local Higher Education Sub-Committee. the Bishops of Rochester, and was purchased by Bishop* The Public Library, in the High street, the gift of Alfstan in 967 from King Edgar, but disposed of in Andrew Carnegie esq. was built at a cost of £11,500, recent times by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners; the including extensions in 1912; it was opened by the former palace of the Bishops of Rochester, situated donor May 29th, 1906. It is of brick and stone in the between the Widmore roadi and the railway, is a plain Renaissance style, and has two gabled projections and mansion of red brick with stone dressings, rebuilt in a balustraded parapet: iron railings with ornamental 1775 by Bishop Thomas, and situated on a slope in a piers and gates enclose the front. - small park containing some fine elms and an avenue of limes leading to the house; the interior comprises a The Literary Institute, which is a subscription library large entrance hall and staircase of dark oak; to the and reading room, occupies premises in Widmore road, and has a library of about 7,000 volumes. It is also left of the entrance is the old chapel, a low chamber the head quarters of several societies and clubs. There with small windows, consecrated in 1701: the porch has an excommunication scene in stained glass: here it was are Chrysanthemum and Naturalists’ societies. that Bishop Atterbury (1713-23) resided when he was Bromley College, at the entrance of the town from visited by Pope and Swift and here he formed the plots the London road, was founded and endowed by John which eventually led to his exile; his daughter-in-law Warner D.D. bishop of Rochester, in 1666, for twenty was afterwards a pensioner at the college: the palace is poor widows of loyal and orthodox clergymen: by the now the residence of Coles Child esq. D.L., J.P. : in the benefactions of Bishop Pearce and his brother William grounds is a chalybeate spring, called St. Blaize’s Well, Pearce, who gave £12,000; Mrs. Helen Betenson, a connected with which was once a little oratory, which donor of £10,000; Dr. Walter King, bishop of Rochester, fell into ruins after the Reformation; over the well is who in 1823 gave £300 in Three per Cents.; Mrs. now a thatched roof supported on six pillars. Rose, who gave in 1824 £8,000, and others, the funds Coles Child esq. D.L., J.P. is lord of the manor. have been largely increased. There are now 40 The principal landowners are Sir Samuel E. Scott bart. widows, of whom the five oldest receive an allowance of M.P., D.L., Coles Child esq. D.L., J.P. the trustees £44 yearly and the remainder £38, and a separate resi­ of the late Mrs. LeGrix White, of Leamington-on-Ulles- dence ; there are also three out-pensions of £30 yearly; water, Penrith, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and the buildings, constructed chiefly of red brick, in the the trustees of the late Archibald Norman esq. and of style of the 17th century, form two quadrangles, con­ George Wythes esq. taining 42 houses, and include a chapel of Gothic design, rebuilt in 1875, and seating 130 persons; sur­ The area of the civil parish and borough is 4,695 acres rounding the whole are well-kept flower gardens and of land and 8 of water; rateable value, £284,408; the shrubberies: the college is managed by a body of 11 population in 1901 was 27,354, and in 1911, 33*646, trustees, six of whom, including the Archbishop of v iz .: Bickley ward, 5*493; Bromley Common ward, Canterbury, are ex-officio: the chaplaincy, yearly value 6,319; Martin’s Hill ward, 4,647; Plaistow ward, 7,078; £175, in the gift of the president and fellows of Mag­ Sundridge waid, 4-465; Town ward, 5*644. dalen College, Oxford, has been held since 1891 by the The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in ig n Rev. James White, incorporated M.A. of that college, was : SS. Peter and Paul (parish church), 10,157 * Holy from Trinity College, Dublin. Trinity, 1,266; St. John the Evangelist, 3,875; St. Luke, Sheppard’s College, founded and endowed by Mrs. Bromley Common, 6,969. Sheppard, widow of the Rev. Thomas Sheppard D.D. fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, for the benefit of ELMSTEAD is a hamlet 2 miles north-east, consisting five unmarried daughters of widows, who have resided of a few villa residences, in Chislehurst postal delivery. with their mothers at Bromley College, is situated in Sundridge Park House (now used as a private hotel) is the north-east corner of the college grounds; each pen a beautiful mansion in the Italian style, situated at the sioner receives £44 yearly and a house rent free, foot of a declivity, in a well-wooded park of about 1,000 together with medical attendance; there are also five acres, of which about 100 acres have been laid out for out-pensions of £30 yearly building purposes. The Cottage Hospital, in South hill, established in 1869, rebuilt in 1875 and enlarged in 1886, 1901 and 1910, is At Sundridge Park remarkable fossils, of the oldest supported by voluntary contributions, and managed bj tertiary beds, are found. a committee of 15 persons; it now contains 42 beds; the average yearly number of patients attending the SOUTHBOROUGH is another hamlet, a miles south­ hospital is about 600. east from Bromley and half a mile south from Bickley The Phillips Memorial Homoeopathic Hospital and Dis­ station. pensary was first established in 1889, in Widmore road; the new buildings, in Queen’s gardens, were opened in WIDMORE u a hamlet and village, one mile east 1900, and provide for about 20 in-patients. from Bromley and half a mile west from Bickley station. The Fever and Small-pox Hospital is at Skym corner, In the village is an ancient gabled house, the gateway Bromley Common. A branch of the St. John Ambulance leading to which, almost overhung with ivy, bears the Brigade has head quarters at the St. Luke’s Institute, date 1599 and the initials “ A. B.” Raglan road, Bromley Common, and a station at the Central hall in London road. BROMLEY COMMON district extends for about two A Charitable Society, formed here in 1855 for the miles on the main road to Sevenoaks, and embrace! the relief of the distressed poor, is now managed by a com­ southern portion of Bromley parish, including Shooting mittee of laymen and clergymen. common and part of Southborough. The common itself The Bromley Philanthropic Society was founded 6th was inclosed in 1822, the common rights having been January, 1841, and is managed by trustees. This society extinguished by a Local Act, 4 George III. (1763-4). The has held since August, 1853, a legacy of £2,880 be­ ecclesiastical parish of Holy Trinity was formed 8 queathed in 1850 by John Lascoe for the benefit of August, 1843. The church is of flint, with stone dress­ decayed tradesmen. Elizabeth Lascoe, in 1853, be­ ings, in the Gothic style, and baa a tower containing queathed £194 Consols, the interest to be applied to the one bell: the church was restored in 1884, and affords benefit of tradesmen’s widows. There is a Temperance 400 sittings, 200 being free. The register dates from Society. the year 1843. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value The Bromley Recreation Ground, on Martin’s Hill, con­ £270, with residence, in the gift of the Crown, and held sists of iia. 5p. and was purchased, by the Local Board since 1908 by the Rev. Mark Richard Swabey M.A. of K EN T 8

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New ^College, Oxford* St. Lute’s r Bromley Common, is from the year 1864. The living is a vicarage*, net an ecclesiastical parish, formed 311 May* 1889, from the yearly value, including £50 annual endowment and pew parish of Holy Trinity* The church, erected in x886, is rents, £$6o, with residence, in the gift of E. J. Wythes of brick in the Early English style, and has a tower esq. and held since 1898 by the Rev* William Alexander* containing B bells and a clock; several of the windows Carroll M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford.* The Mission are stained; there are 700 sittings* The register dates church, in Nightingale lane, was erected in 18 88. TW from the year 1887. The living is a vicarage, net yearly Widmore Wesleyan chapel is in Tilney road. The trus-» value £285, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of tees of the late George Wythes esq. of Bickley Hall, are Rochester, and held since 1905 by the Rev. Charles the principal landowners. The area is 718 «cres; the* Carteret Gosselin M.Aj of Lincoln College, Oxford. The population in 1901 was 957, and in 1911, 3,501. Primitive Methodist chapel, on Shooting Common, was erected in 1877, and rebuilt in 1907 at a cost of over PLAISTOW, half a mile north from. Bromley, is an £4,000; that on Bromley Common was erected in 1907, ecclesiastical parish, formed 5th February, 1864, from at a cost of £3*500, and there is also a Baptist chapel, the mother pariah of Bromley, and consists of the ham­ erected in 1892, seating 200 parsons. St. Luke’s lets of Plaistow and Farwig, together with part of the Cemetery, in Magpie Hall lane, contains 3 acres and two London road. Here is a station on the direct line to* mOTtuarv chapels; it was consecrated in July, 1894, and Bromley of the South Eastern and Chatham railway. is managed by a Burial Board of 9 members. The The church of St. Mary, built in 1863, is of flint with Village hall, built in 1898. to seat about 300 persons, is quoins and facings of Bath stone, in the Decorated style, used for concerts, entertainments, lectures &c. and has a turret containing one bell: the chancel was built in 1881, at a cost of £2,000, and the nave in 1864, BICKLEY is an ecclesiastical parish, formed 27 July, at a cost of £4,0001 the stained east window was erected 1866, from the mother parish of Bromley, a mile and a in 1884 by Lady Scott and family in memory of Sir Ej half east from Bromley and 12 miles from London; it H. Scott bart. d. 1 Aug. 1883, and there are two Others: is cheerfully situated and contains many good houses there are sittings for 550 persons. The register dates and modern villas, and the park is richly wooded. from the year 1864. The living is a vicarage, net yearly There aTe stations at Bickley and Ohislehurst, on the value £405, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop South Eastern and Chatham railway. The church of of Rochester, and held since 1908 by the Rev. William St. George, built in 1864 and consecrated in July, 1865, Gowans B.A. of Corpus Chiusti Gollege, Cambridge* is of stone, in the Decorated style, and has a tower Plaistow Cemetery, in Burnt Ash lane, comprises 4} with spire, containing a clock and 5 bells: it was found acres, with one mortuary chapel; it was consecrated in necessary to remove the spire in 1904 to prevent it 1893, and is managed by a Burial Board of 7 members. from falling, but it was rebuilt in 1907, at a cost of The principal landowner is Sir Samuel E. Scott bart. £6,000; there are monuments to the Tredwell and D.L., M.P. The aTea of the district is 656 acres; the Wythes fam ilies: all the windows are stained, and there population in 1911 was 8,038. are sittings for 820 persons, 300 being free. The register Verger, Edward Ford, 87 Park end. OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS &c. Head Post Office, at which business of all kinds is Park Buildings (Mason’s Hill).— Jesse Folletfc, sub-post­ transacted.— F. N. Crabtree, postmaster. master Hours of Business: Sale of stamps, registration of letters Park Road.— George John Nye, sub-postmaster ft parcels, delivery of letters to callers & issue ol JPlaistow Lane.— John. Henry Renfree Richards, sub­ postal orders, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. week days; on bank postmaster holidays money orders & savings bank business is tShooting Common.— Mrs. E. Parker, sub-postmistress suspended at noon; payment of postal orders, money jWidmore.— Walter Thomas Allen, sub-postmaster orders, savings bank withdrawals, annuity ft insur­ t Signifies Telegraph, Telegraph Money Older ft ance business & issue of inland revenue licences, 8 Express Delivery Offices. a.m. to 8 p .m .; sale of revenue stamps, 9 a.m. to 6 £ Signifies Telegrams can be handed in only, ft p.m .; savings bank deposits received 8 a.m. to 8 Telegraph Money Orders are issued but not p.m .; Sundays, Christmas day & Good Friday, 8.30 to paid. 10 a.m. & 5 to 6 p.m. (for sale of stamps, registration The above-named Sub-Post • Offices are cleared about* of letters ft telegraph business only) nine times daily ft once on Sunday Telegraph Offices.— Hours of Business: Head office, week Letters ft Parcels can be registered up to 30 minuter days ft bank holidays, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Bickley, before closing time for each dispatch, or by payment Bromley Common, Shooting Common & Shortlands of late fee of 4d. np to the time of closing offices, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week days only. Bank holi­ days, Bickley, open all day 8 a.m. to 8 p .m .; Bromley CORPORATION. Common, 8 a.m. to 10 a .m .; Shooting Common ft 1912-13. Shortlands, closed all day. Sunday, Christmas Day Municipal Offices, Tweedy road. Meeting days, alternate^ ft Good Friday: head office, 8.30 to 10 a.m. & 5 to 6 Tuesdays. p .m .; other offices closed except Bickley ft Bromley Common 8.30 to 10 a.m.; Bromley Hill, x Members. Widmore & Mason’s Hill offices, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mayor, Alderman George Weeks J.P. week days only; Wednesday, 2 p.m .; closed Sundays, Deputy-Mayor, Alderman Thomas Davis. bank holidays, Christmas Day & Good Friday Aldermen. Letters dispatched at 2.30 (extra on mondays), 5 (mon­ Retire Nov. Retire Nov. days only), 7.30, 9.15, 10.5, 11 ft 11.50 a.m. ft 12.50, Thomas Davis...... 1915 William L. Crossley ... 1918 1.45, 2.40, 5.20 (provincial night mail), 6.45, 7.50, Thomas C. McIntyre... 1915 Reginald Wui. James... 1918 8.45, 9.45 ft 10 p.m. & on Sundays, 7 p.m George Weeks...... 1915 George Lawrence 1918 Town Deliveries.— 7 ft 10 a.m. ft 12.30, 3.45 ft 7.30 p.m Councillors. Parcel Post Deliveries (Town’! Week Days only.— From Bickley Ward. London ft the Provinces, 7, 8 ft 10 a.m. ft 12.30, 3.45, Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Thos.C, McIntyre. 7.30 & 8 p.m Wilfred G. Homewood 1913 I Stanley Hind ...... 1915 Sub-Offices:— | Matthew H. Newton ... 1914 | Post, M. 0 . ft T. Office, Bickley.— James Thomas Hilder, Bromley Common Ward. sub-postmaster Post, M. o. & T. Office, 77 Bromley common.—Charles Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Geo. Lawrence. Norman, sub-postmaster. Letters received through Edwin G. Peill ...... I9I3 John Williams...... * 1915 Bromley William G. C ox...... I9I4 Town Sub-Post ft M. O. Offices:— Martin’s Hill Ward. Bromley Gardens.— Cyril Jas. Page Hill, sub-postmaster f Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, George Weeks. ^Bromley Hill.— Victor Harry Bedingfield, sub-postmstr | William George Waller 1913 \ Dr. Ethel A. Mordaunt 1915 Chatterton Road.— Wallace Pring, sub-postmaster Albert Thomas Harris 1914 Earwig.—Willie Thomas Wood, sub-postmaster Plaistow Ward. Freelands Road.— David Hosier, sub-postmaster Homesdale Road.—George Saunders, sub-postmaster Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Reginald Wm. London Road.— Joseph Follett, sub-postmaster James. ^Mason’s Hill.— Geo. Richard Amos, sub-postmaster John BenjaminBotterill 1913 ] William James Gibbs.., 191$ Page Heath.—Mrs. A. Fits, sub-postmistress | Thos. Hugh Heaysman 1914

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Sundridge Ward. Surveyor of New Streets ft Buildings, Walter John Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Thomas Davis. Winter, Station road, Sidcup Retire Nov. Retire Nov. Sanitary Inspectors, No. 1 district, H. Nightingale, 7 Seaward villas, Orpington; No. 2 district, Andrew Bertram Pearce 1913 Walter Lindley Jones... 1915 Charles Comins ...... 1914 Dunlop, Wellbrook road, Farnborough, Kent Town Ward. BROMLEY AND BECKENHAM JOINT HOSPITAL Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Wm. L. Crossley. BOARD. JohnD. Batterham ... 1913 Fred Gillett...... 1915 The Board consists of 11 members. Meetings are held George Haywood ...... 1914 the first friday in each month at Park house, Becken­ ham road. Members are elected by the Bromley Officers of the Corporation. Borough, Beckenham, Chislehurst ft Foots Cray Urban Town Clerk, Frederic H. Norman ft Bromley Rural District Councils Deputy Town Clerk ft Solicitor, W. Jermyn Harrison B.A Chairman, R. M. H. Ran dell M.D Treasurer, Thomas C. Dewey, London County ft West­ Clerk, Frank Humphrey Gedney, Park ho. Beckenham rd minster Bank Limited Treasurer, Alfred Wright, London County ft Westmin­ Medical Officer of Health, Arthur Frederick Gumboil ster Bank, 141 High street Oodd M.B., F.R.C.S.Eng. 154 High street Medical Superintendent, Philip N. Randall M.B.Lond. Borough Engineer, Stanley Hawkings The Isolation Hospital, Bromley Common Assistant Borough Engineer, Wilfred A. Cope Sanitary Inspector, Thomas Butler PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Oollector, George Stone Board of Trade Labour Exchange, West street, Fredk. Borough Accountant, H. J. Wharrie E. Bullen, manager Inspector under u Diseases of Animals Acts,” Alfred H. Bromley College, London road, Rev. James White M.A. Sly, 106 London road chaplain Librarian, William J. Harris F.L.A. Public Library, Bromley & Beckenham Infectious & Small-pox Hospital, High street Lower Gravel road, Philip N. Randall M.B.Lond. Superintendent of Recreation Grounds, Joseph Miles, medical supt.; Miss F. K. Whitmarsh, matron The Lodge, Martin's hill Bromley Philanthropic Society, Essex Webb, hon. sec. Superintendent of Fire Brigade, C. Norton 27 High street; Alfred Wright, treasurer, London County & Westminster Bank, High street JUSTICES OF THE PEACE ASSIGNED TO THE Cottage Hospital, South hill, D’Arcy Power M.B., F. R.C.S., F. F. Burghard M.D., F.R.C.S.Eng. Herbt. BROMLEY DIVISION. J. Marriage M.B.Lond., F.R.C.S. ft Herbert W. Lyle Marked f are also Deputy Lieutenants. M.D. consulting surgeons; John Phillips M.D. ft tChild Coles esq. Bromley palace, Bromley, chairman Hugh J. M. Piayfair M.D., F.R.C.S. consulting obste­ Baker Alfred John esq. Red house, Beckenham tric physicians; Howard Tooth F.R.C.P. hon. consult­ fBerens Bichd. Benyon esq.Kevington,St.Mary Cray,Kent ing physician; Herbert James Ilott M.D., A. E. Price Gave William John Csink esq. Beechfield, Bromley M.D. Sidney R. H. Mathews M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Chubb Sir George Hayter bart. Newlands, Chislehurst Lond., A. F. G. Codd M.B.Durh., F.R.C.S.Eng., J. Davis Thomas esq. 142 Widmore road, Bromley H. Yoiland M.R.C.S., C. W. Grant-Wilson M.R.C.S. Dewey Thomas Charles esq. South Hill wood, Bromley Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & C. E. M. Lewis M.A., M.D., Elgood Edgar John esq. Orange court, Downe, Orpington B. O.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.RC.P.Lond. hon. medi­ Hawes Alexander Travers esq. Nizels, Chislehurst cal officers; George Russell Edey L.D.S.Eng. dental Holt Vesey George Mackenzie esq.Mount Muscall, Bexley surgeon; J. Y. Hay, hon. sec.; G. T. P. M. Ladyman, Hyslop Robert Murray esq. Cedar Lawn, Beckenham hon. assistant sec.; Miss Annie Carter, matron Laidlaw Sir Robert, Warren house, Hayes County Court, His Honor Judge Parry; Edward Latter, +Lennard Sir Henry Arthur Hallam Farnaby bart. Wick­ registrar ft high bailiff; the court is held every month ham court, West Wickham at the Court house. The district comprises sixteen Lewis Guilford E. esq. Pine ridge, Orpington, Kent parishes, viz. : Bromley, Beckenham, Chelsfield, Chisle- Marsham-Townshend Hugh Sydney esq hurst, Cudham, Downe, Farnborough, Foots Cray, Norman Archibald Cameron esq. The Rookery, Bromley Hayes, Keston, Knockholt, North Cray, Orpington, Powell Robert Leonard esq. Heatherbank, Chislehurst St. Mary Cray, St. Paul’s Cray ft West Wickham Smithers Alfred W. esq. Homefield,Knockholt,Sevenoaks For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that Snelling Henry esq. Cray lodge, Sidcup, Kent of Croydon; H. L. Howell, senior official receiver; Stevens Richard esq. Maywood, Beckenham J. B. Knight, assistant official receiver, 132 York road, fVansittart Capt. Robert Arnold, 24 Cadogan square, Westminster bridge, London S E London S W Certified Bailiffs appointed under the “ Law of Distress Waring Arthur Thomas esq. Woodlands, Chelsfield, Kent Amendment Act,” Walter Mortlock, Tower house, Wheeler-Bennett J. W. esq. Ravensbourne, Keston, Venner road, Beckenham; Fred Bunting, 8 Park rood, Hayes, Kent Bromley; Percy William Goodwin, 7 Newlands park, Whvte Robert esq. Oakwood, Chislehurst Sydenham; Jesse Westbrook Leech, 2 Station road, Woodall Sir Corbet, Walden, Chislehurst Shortlands ft Samuel E. Stem bridge, 102 Beckenham road, Beckenham The Mayor of Bromley & the Chairmen of the Becken­ Customs & Excise Office, Park house, Beckenham lane, ham, Chislehurst & Foots Cray Urban District Coun­ A. W. Woodward, surveyor; Albert E. Jackson, officer cils ft Bromley Rural District Council, for the time (ft pension officer) being, are ex-officio justices Fire Station, C- Norton, superintendent, ft 12 men; 2 Clerk to the Justices, Edward Latter, Court house, motor engines, 1 steam engine ft 2 fire escapes Bromley; assistant clerk, L. Beeston Literary Institute, 22 Widmore road, T. J. Elliot ft Petty sessions are held at the Cburt house every monday F. A. C. Thomas, hon. secs.; O. B. Butler, librarian at 10-30 a.m. The places included in the Bromley Public Library, High street; William J. Harris F.L A. librarian; branch, Raglan road Petty Sessional Division are the same as in the union Metropolitan Police Station (P division), Town hall, ft county court district, with Mottingham included Vincent Coster, sub-divisional inspector; Clement Burton, divisional inspector; 1 station sergeant, 10 BROMLEY RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. sergeants ft 75 constables The parishes in the District are the same as in the Phillips Memorial Homoeopathic Hospital ft Dispensary, Union, with the exception of Beckenham, Bromley, Lownd’s av. Byres Moir M.D. ft C.M. bon. consulting Chislehurst & Foots Cray. physician; C. T. Knox Shaw L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.G.S Council meets at the Union offices, Park honse, every Eng. hon. consulting surgeon; G. H. Burford M.B., alternate tuesday at 10.30 a.m. C. M. hon. gynaecologist; Dudley D’Auvergne Wright Chairman, Sir H. A. H. F. Leonard bart.West Wickham F.R.C.S.Eng., L.R C.P.Lond. hon. consulting surgeon Officials. for diseases of the ear ft throat; H. R. Ram shot ham Clerk, Edward Haslehurst, Park house, Bromley M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxon. ft H.Wynne Thomas L.R C.P. Treasurer, A. Wright, London County ft Westminster Lond., M R C.S.Eng. hon. medical officers ; A.W Henly Bank Limited, Bromley M.B.O.S.Eng., L.B.C.P.Lond., L.D.S.Eng. hon. dental Medical Officer of Health, James Scott Tew M.D., B.S. surgeon; T. Bennett, hon. treasurer; Oscar E. Hill, Durh., D.P.H.Camb. Brook house, Tonbridge hon. sec.; Miss E . P. Hyde, matron Highway Surveyors, No. r district, Robert Craig, Sur­ Town Hall, Market square, Howards Stores Ltd. lessees veyor's office, Farnborough; No. 2 district, W. J. Valuation Department, Inland Revenue, 9 ft 18 Holwood Winter, Sidcup road; Arthur Bruce Thornton, district vainer K EN T 8 *

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Village Hall, Bromley Common Bbomley Registration Distbict. West Kent Main Sewerage Board, Sir George Joseph Superintendent Registrar, Edward Haslehurst, Park ho. Woodman J.P. chairman; , sec.; Alfred Beckenham lane, Bromley; deputy, Percy J- Wiley, Williams ft Son, engineers; offices, Park house, Beck­ Park house, Beckenham lane, Bromley enham lane Registrars of Births ft Deaths, Beckenham sub-district, CEMETERIES. Charles Ernest Manger, Bromley road, Beckenham; deputy, Herbert E. Manger, Council offices, Bromley Bromley, London road & Bromley hill, Frederic H. road, Beckenham; Bromley sub-district, Walter Henry Norman, Municipal offices, clerk & registrar to the Banner, 66 Tweedy road, Bromley; deputy, H. Law­ board; George Huxley, supt. of London Road ceme­ rence Gooding F.L.A.A. 43 High street, Bromley; tery ft , supt. of Bromley .Hill cemetery Chislehurst sub-district, H. B. Hamlyn, The Willows. Plaistow, Burnt Ash lane, Plaistow, Charles Sheldon, supt Selborne road, Sidcup; deputy, Mrs. Rose Hamlyn, St. Luke’s, Magpie Hall lane, John Johnson, supt Ivanhoe, Belton road, Sidcup; Orpington sub-district, TERRITORIAL FORCE. Walter Henry Banner, 66 Tweedy road, Bromley; deputy, Andrew Dunlop, Wellbrook road,Farnborough Yeomanry. Registrar of Marriages, Hairy Lawrence Gooding West Kent (Queen’s Own) (A Squadron); Commanding, F.L.A.A. 43 High street, Bromley; deputy, Henry B. Major Sir S. E. Scott bart.; Second in Command, Hunt, 60 London road, Bromley Lieut. O. (Martin Smith; Drill Instructor, Squad- ron-Sergt.-Major William Edward Hill, 80 Babba- PUBLIC OFFICERS. combe road; Drill stations at Bromley, Catford ft Clerk to Bromley Municipal Borough Local Pension Com­ Lewisham mittee, Frederick H. Norman, Municipal offices, Infantry. Tweedy road 5th Battalion The Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regi­ Clerk to Bromley Rural Sub-Committee of Kent Local ment) ; head quarters, Drill hall, East street; Com­ Pension Committee, Edward Haslehurst, Park house, manding, Lieut.-Col. H. M. Twynam D.S.O.; Majors, Beckenham lane E. B. Willis & C. D. Clark; Adjutant, Capt. W. E. I. Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, Robert Girling, 137 & Butler-Bowdon; Quarter-Master, Hon. Lieut. J. H, 138 High street Cooke; Medical Officers, Capt. F. B. Jefferiss R.A.M.C. Collector of King’s Taxes, J. F. Croome, 5 Market sq (T.F.) & Capt. J. Hamilton R.A.M.C. (T.F.); Chap­ Inspector of Weights & Measures for Bromley Division, lain, Rev. E. G. Burr M.A. (T.F.); Regimental-Sergt.- A. Quinlan, North street; attends 1st & 3rd thurs. in Major, W. J. Osborne month from 10 to 1 Bromley Cos.:— A, Major C. D. Clark ft B, Capt. R. E. Surveyor of Taxes, George H. Hyett, Park house, Beck­ Satterthwaite; Sergt. -Instructor, A. Reynolds enham lane Kent Cyclist Battalion (A Co.), Capt. H. W. Shaw, Vestry Clerk, Edward Latter, 26 Market square commanding; Color-Sergt.-Instructor F. Martin; head Veterinary Inspectors under the u Diseases of Animals quarters, Drill hall, East street Act ” for Bromley Division to the County Council, Alfred William Reid F.R.C.V.S. 10 High street ft BROMLEY UNION. Herbert Springett M.R.C.V.S. 26 High street Board day, alternate tuesdays, at the Workhouse, Lock’s Bottom, Farnborough, at 11.30 a.m. PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. The Union comprises seventeen parishes, namely, Brom­ SS. Peter & Paul’s Parish Church, Rev. Canon Tait ley, Beckenham, Ghelsfield, Chislehnrst, Cudham, M.A. vicar, & rural dean; Rev. Stanley Ernest Downe, Farnborough, Foots Cray, Hayes, Keston, Osborne M.A. Rev. Arthur Howe Stevenson B.A. ft Knockholt, Mottingham, North Gray, Orpington, St. Rev. Bernard Nash Carver B.A. curates; 8 & 11 a.m. Mary Cray, St. Paul’s Cray & West Wickham. The ft 3 TS & 6.30 p.m .; daily, 11 a.m. & 5.30 p.m population of the union in 1911 was 104,455; area, Holy Trinity Church, Bromley Common, Rev. Mark 42,259 acres; rateable value, ^886,574 Richard Swabey M.A. vicar; 8 ft 11 a.m. ft 6.30 p.m St. George’s Church, Bickley, Rev. William Alexander Clerk to the Guardians, Edward Haslehurst, Park house, Carroll M.A. vicar; Rev. Alfred Lewis, curate; 8 ft Beckenham lane, Bromley 11 a.m. ft 3 & 6.30 p .m .; daily, 9.30 a.m. ft 5-30 Assistant Clerk, Percy J. Wiley, Park house, Beckenham p.m .; wed. ft fri. 11 a.m lane, Bromley Christ Church, Highland road, Rev. Richard Moore M.A. Treasurer, A. Wright, London County ft Westminster vicar; 11 a.m. ft 3.15 ft 6.30 p.m .; wed. 7.30 p.m Bank Limited, 141 High street, Bromley St. Luke’s, Bromley Common, Rev. Charles Carteret Believing & Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the Gosselin M.A. vicar; Rev. John Henry Broadhead, Guardians & Inspectors under the “ Infant Life Pro­ curate; 8 & 11 a.m. ft 6.30 p.m.; daily, 9.30 a.m. ft tection Act, 1897,” No. 1 district, Walter Hy. Banner, 5 p .m .; wed. ft fri. 12 noon 66 Tweedy road, Bromley; No. 2 district, Charles St. Mary’s Church, Plaistow, Rev. William Gowans B.A. Ernest Manger, Bromley road, Beckenham; No. 3 vicar; Rev. H. W. L. Snow ft Rev. Thos. Leigh Jones district, John Douglas Higgins Corrie, Moorfield road, B. A. curates; 8 ft 11 a.m. ft 3 ft 6.30 p.m.; week Orpington; No. 4 district, H. B. Hamlyn, The Wil­ days, 8 a.m. ft 5 p.m.; thurs. ft holy days, 11 a.m lows, Selbome road, Sidcup St. John the Evangelist, Park road, Rev Canon Peter Collectors of Rates, No. 1 district, George Stone, Muni­ Barker M.A. vicar; Rev. Edward Ambury Parr B.A. cipal offices, Bromley; No. 2 district, curate; 8 ft 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m ; No. 3 district, Herbert E. Mission Church, Nightingale lane, Bickley; 7.30 ft 10.45 Manger, Council offices, Beckenham; No. 4 district. а. m. & 6.30 p.m * Henry Barnes, Willow bank, Farnborough St. Mark’s Chapel of Ease, Mason’s hill, Rev. Stanley Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 1 district, Ernest Osborne M.A. curate; 8 ft 11 a.m. ft 7 p.m John Mathewson M.B. 45 Tweedy road, Bromley; No. St. Andrew’s Mission Church, Plaistow lane; 11 a.m. ft ia district, John Horatio Tolland M.R.C.S.Eng. 53 б. 30 p.m ' Bromley Common, Bromley; No. 2 district, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Plaistow lane, Rev. Walter Cooksey ft Rev. Peter Hughes; 8.30 ft 11 a.m. ft 3 ft No. 3 district, Thomas William Bailey L.B.C.P.Lond., 6.30 p.m.; holy days, 7.30 & 10 a.m. & 8 p.m.; M.R.C.S.Eng. High street, Orpington; No. 4 district, daily, 7.30 & tues. ft thurs. 10 a.m .; wed. 6 p.m. Howard Howse Dunmere L.RC.P.Lond. Brasted; No. 5 ft fri. 8 p.m district, George Thomas Giddings M.D. 38 Wickham St. Swithun’s, Catholic, Fashoda rd. Bromley Common, road, Beckenham; No. 6 district, Patrick Alexander served from Bromley; 8 ft 10 a.m. ft 3 ft 6.30 p.m.; Leighton M.D. Lindley lodge, Mottingham; No. 7 thurs. 8.30 p.m district, Charles Robert Arnold Sutton M.A., M.D. Trinity Presbyterian Church, Freelands road; Rev. F. Main road, Sidcup; No. 8 district, William Henry W. Armstrong M.A.; 11 a.m. ft 3 ft 6.30 p.m.; wed. ~Blake M.D.Brux., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Bed­ 8 p.m ford cottage, West Wickham; No. g district, Samuel Baptist, Park road, Rev. W. Kirk Bryce; 11 a.m. ft 6.30 Ernest Price L.M.S.S.A.Lond. The Acacias, Red hill, p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Chislehurst Baptist, Bromley Common, Rev. Lewis Edward Bartlett; The Workhouse, Lock’s Bottom, Farnborough, is a struc­ 11 a.m. ft 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m ture of brick, erected in 1837, and will hold 324 in­ Baptist (Strict), College Slip; 11 a.m. ft 6.30 p.m'.; mates ; Rev. Ebenezer Joseph Welch, chaplain; Chas. wed. 7.30 p.m Edwin Price M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical Brethren, East street; 11 a.m. ft 6.30 p.m officer to the infirmary; Robert Alexander Shannon Brethren, Sherman road; 6.30 p.m b L.R C P. ft S.Edin. medical officer to the workhouse; Congregational, Widmore road, Rev. Oswald G. Whit­ Thomas Healey, master; Miss A. C. Vickers, matron field; 11 a.m. ft 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m

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Plymouth Brethren, Freelands gro.; n a.m. & 6.30 p."m 140 infants; William Joseph Sunman, master; Miss Primitive Methodist, Bloomfield road, Shooting Common L. Rampling, mistress; Mrs. A. M. Carlyon, infants’ (Penge & Bromley Circuit), Rev. William Curry; 11 mistress a.m. & 6.30 p .m .; wed. 7 p.m Bromley Parish C.E. College road, first established in Salvation Army, Sherman road; 7 ftn a.m. & 7 p.m 1716 ft re-modelled in 1814; the present school was ■\ Rev. Wm. Arthur Labrum built in 1855, at a cost of about ^2,700 ft since en­ Wesleyan Methodist, High s t .; (snpt.) & Rev. Frederick larged ; present accommodation, 683; average attend* 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; Med. James Bomford; Rev. G. ance, 267 boys, 231 girls ft 129 infants; Thomas 7.30 p.m Stringer Rowe, Rev. James Elliot, master; Miss M. Annie Harper, mis­ Wesleyan Methodist, Tylney Thomas G. Selby & Rev. tress ; Miss Elizabeth Churcher, infants’ mistress road; 11 a.m. ft 6.30 p.m .; George Henry Shafto, Addison road, Bromley common (girls’ ft infants’), built tues. 7.30 p.m supernumeraries in 1883, for 192 children; average attendance, 182; Miss Lilly, mistress Mission Chapel, Southboro’, Salisbury road (in con­ Bromley Common (mixed), erected in 1840, for 234 nection with the Bromley Common Baptist Chapel); children; average attendance, 182; GeoTge William 6.30 p.m Moate, master; Mrs. Julia Mary Moate, infants’ mist Mission Room (St. Luke’s), Elliott road; 7 p.m Bickley & Widmore, Tylney Toad, erected in 1873, for Mission Room (iron), Great Elms road; 11.30 a.m. & 330 & enlarged in 1881; present accommodation, 455 ; 6.30 p.m average attendance, 140 hoys, 125 girls ft 184 infants; First Church of Christ Scientist, Town hall, Market Herbert J. Salter, master; Miss Harvey, mistress; square; 11.30 a.m. & 7 p.m .; wed. 8 p.m Miss Helen Laumann, infants’ mistress Central hall, London road, William J. Gibbs; 11 a.m. Mason’s hill (girls’), erected in 1872 ft since enlarged ft 6.30 p.m for 365 children; rebuilt in 1911 for 194 girls ft 146 SCHOOLS. infants; average attendance, 277; Miss Barnes, mis­ Kent Education Committee Domestic Economy School, tress ; Miss Jane Longford, infants’ mistress 142 College road; Miss Isabel Duncan, supt Plaistow St. Mary, College road, Bromley (boys ft in­ fants), erected in 1874,^ f°r sib children; average BROMLEY BOROUGH EDUCATION COMMITTEE. attendance, 171; Alfred Williams, master The Committee, consisting of 12 members of the Cor­ poration & 10 co-opted members, was formed 1st July, Handicraft Centres. I9°3 . . . Raglan road, for 20; F. J. Jolley, instructor Meetings are held at the Education office, Municipal Wkaiton road, for 20; R. Smith, instructor buildings, Tweedy road, on the second & fourth mon­ day in each month at 8 p.m Cookery Centres. Chairman, Alderman Thomas Davis J.P Raglan road, for 18; Mrs. O’Neil, instructress Clerk, Fred H. Norman, town clerk Wharton road, for 18; Miss A. Goodyere, instructress Treasurer, Thomas C. Dewey J.P. South hill, Bromley Medical Officer of Health, Arthur Frederick Gambell NEWSPAPERS. Codd M.B.Durh., F.R.C.S.Eng. 154 High street Bromley Chronicle, Sherman road; published thurs School Medical Officer, Miss Enid Walters M.B., B.S. Bromley Record, Sherman road; published monthly 12 Park road Bromley Telegraph ft Chislehurst Chronicle, Sherman Attendance Officers, Walter J. Leonard ft H. W. Goble road; published sat County School for Girls, Nightingale lane, Miss C. M. Bromley ft District Times, 39 East street, Kentish Dis­ Waters B.A. head mistress trict Times Co. Limited, proprietors; published fri County School for Boys, Hayes lane, Reginald Airy Bromley Local Guide ft Advertiser (Charles A. Hopper, M.A. head master proprietor), 46 East street; published sat School of Science & Art, Tweedy road, Reginald Airy M.A. director of further education; A. Scofield RAILWAY STATIONS. A. R.C.A.Lond. art principal & director of studies Bromley, South, High street (S. E. ft C. R.), George Public Elementary Schools. Frederick Baldwin, station master Aylesbury road (mixed), built in 1890, for 250; average Bromley, North, Tweedy road (S. E. ft C. R.), W. J. attendance, 186; Frederick Lewis, master Wood, station master Raglan road, erected in 1891, & enlarged in 1898, for Plaistow, Sundridge Park, Plaistow lane (S. E. ft 310 boys, 310 girls, 347 infants & 360 junior mixed; C. R.), Alfred J. Bryant, station master average attendance, boys, 237; girls, 204; infants, Bickley (S. E. ft C. R-), George Privett, station master 236; junior mixed, 305; Edwin Owen Inter.B.A.Lond. master; Miss A. M. Mackie, mistress; Miss B. Hodg­ CONVEYANCE. son, infants’ mistress; Miss Eva Fluck, mistress Motor omnibuses from the Market square to Farn- (junior mixed); mentally defective special school borough ft to London (Oxford circus ft Shoreditch), (mixed), opened 1906, for 40; average attendance, via Catford ft Lewisham 30; Miss Alice Mizen, mistress Valley, built in 1891, for 702 children; J. J. Webber CARRIERS. B. A. master; Miss A. Evans, mistress; Miss Lucy London— S. Soan ft Son, 45 College road, daily, Sunday Warren, infants’ mistress; average attendance, igo excepted, returning same day. Also carriers to ft from boys, 214 girls & 139 infants Beckenham, Shortlands, Penge ft Sydenham, daily, Wharton road, built in 1896, for 360 boys, 310 girls & Sunday excepted; ft Carter, Paterson ft Co. Limited, 351 infants; average attendance, 146 boys, 229 girls ft tbe London Parcels Delivery Co. Ltd. ft Pickfords Ltd

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Alker Howard, Foxgrove, Claremont Apthorpe Cecil, Farringford, Shaw- road, Bickley field park Abbott Herbert Charlton, Broadview, Allan Henry, 9 Spencer road Armstrong Rev. Frederick William Hill brow Allan Herbert, 41 Tweedy road M.A. (Presbyterian), za Edward rd Abel John Harold, 6 Bromley commn Allen Frederic John, ga College road Armstrong Hugh Clayton, 7 Sandford Adams Major William James V.D. Allen H. Percival, 41 Park road road Sunnyconrt, Highland road Allen Mrs. 33 Elmfield road Armstrong James, Awa, Warren Adams Charles, 18 Minster road Allen Mrs. R. J. W. 37 Elmfield road Arnaud John F. 13 Holwood road Adams Ernest Ralph, Bencewell Alston Edward, 134 Babbacombe road Arnand John Norman, 14 Queen’s rd orchard, Barnett Wood road Alston George Hav, Seremban, St. Arnold Miss, 19 Holwood road Adams Francis, n-6 College road George’s road, Bickley Arnold Richard, Redcot, Cromwell av Adams Gerald, 12 Farnaby road Amos John Henry, 86 Tweedy road Ashby William, 26 Hammelton road Adams Horace, Conrteen hall, Lake Amos Mrs. 22 Cambridge Toad Ashton Cyril Frederick, Wychelm, avenue, London lane Amos Mrs. 34 Park road London lane Adkin Beniah Whitley, 8 Hope park Amus Adolph, 3 Elmfield road Ashton Percy Hyatt, 41 Cambridge rd Adkin Francis N. 7 Oaklands road Anderson Alfred John, 15 Hawes road Ashton Person, Whitefriars, Cromwell Affleck EdwinGordon,52Lansdowne rd Anderson Frederick B. zzz Mason’s hi avenne Airey Richard, 59 Plaistow lane Anderson Joseph B. 18 Mason’s hill Astle Arthur, 15 Rodway road Airy Reginald M.A. 20 Cambridge rd Anderson Mrs. 9 Hayes road Astle Wm. Geo.a Oldfield rd.Bickley Alderson AngustnsEdw. roPinewood rd Anderson Mrs. 5 Wanstead road Atkins Frank, 2 Minster road Alderton Ernest, Banshee, Lake aven Andreae Mrs. Crestalta, Woodlands Atkinson Geo. Arth. 1 Wanstead rd Alderton Saml.Wychwood,Oakland rd road, Bickley Atkinson Joseph, 3 Burnt Ash lane, Aldridge Waiter Napoleon, 161 Wid- Andrews Arthur R, S. 6 Gilbert road Plaistow more road Atkinson Miss, 17 Great Elms road

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Attenborough Ralph E*. n Wend over Beet H. Bohun, 29 Lansdowne road tBossom William Hv. 50 Lansdowne ?(Jr road Bell Rev. John (Wesleyan),6 Dodge rd Bothamley Henry H. The Crossways, Attwood William Joseph, 22 Raven s- Bell A. Lindsay, 43 Park poad South Hill road bourne road Bell Arth. Stanley, 24 Pinewood road Bothwell Thomas John, 25 Hope park Atwood Alfred, 18 Aldermary road Bell Ashton Clinton, Queen’s Mere, Botting John Elliott, 83 College road Austen Miss, 55 Freelands road Blenheim road, Bickley Botting Mrs. 2 Langdon road Avis David, 39 Park road Bell Eric William, 3 Cambridge road Bottome Rev.William McDonald M.A. Avis Misses, 4 Holwood road Bell Mrs. 3 Cambridge road 9 Edward road Ayling Thos. Stephen, 5 Wend over rd Bell Stanley, Dalesford, The Avenue, Boullin John, 14 Wendover road Bacon Charles, 19 Fairfield road Bickley Bourne Alfred, Brown cottage, South­ Bacon Sami, Hy. 68 Babbacombe rd Bellamy Herbert, 42 Fairfield road borough road, Bickley Badcock Frederick Owen, Kenmore, Bellamy William James, Sycamores, Bourne Harry Morton, 90 Babba­ Bickley road, Widmore Southborough road, Bickley combe road Baddeley Samuel, 124 Widmore road Benham Mrs. 15 Holwood road Bourne John Thompson, 22 Hammel- Bailey Frank George, 9 Palace grove Benham Walter Wm. 3 Tweedy road ton road Baker A. Ernest, 46 Hayes road Bennett Herbert, Albyfield, Black- Bourne Mrs. 24 Park road Baker Barnham, 13 College road brook lane, Bickley Bourner Arth.Chas.5 Beckenham lane Baker Chas. Montford, 42 Mason’s hi Bennett Joshua,Rose bank,Lownd’s av Bowater Major Frank H. Denbridge Baker Harry Bray, Hayesford house, Bennett Miss, 62 London road house, Wells road, Bickley^ Hayes lane Bennett Richd. William, 14 Palace gro Bower George Clifford, 2 Durham a? Baker Montford, Connemara, Lake av Bennett Robert, 132 Babbacombe rd Bowley Alfred W. 12 Southborough Baker Mrs. 9 College road Bennett Thomas, 7 Orchard Toad road, Bickley Baker W. Herbert, 152 High street Benoy Frederick, 38 Fairfield road Bowsher Frank, 22 Burnt Ash lane, Balchin Mrs. 38 Mason’s hill Benson Frank, 31 Holwood road Plaistow Balchin W. Christie, 10 Bromley com Benson John Allanson, Ghyll-Thorne, Boyd Percival, 21 Holwood road Balding Henry, 104 College road Lake avenue Boyer Frank Harold, 6 Hammelton rd Baldry Benjamin, 64 Hayes road Bentley William, 7 Hayes road Bradbury Mrs. 31 London road Baldry Richd. But ton,3 Queen Anne av Beresford Ernest, 61 Farnaby road Bradbury William, 19 Gravel road, Balfour G. The Elms, Park avenue Berger Harry, Oak Tree house, Wood­ Bromley common Balfour Mrs. 8 Blyth road lands road, Bickley Bradgate Philip, 24 Sandford road Ball Fras. Richd. 138 Widmore road Berk Frederick William, 9 Oaklands rd Bradley Walter Morris, 12 Queen 3 Ball Miss, 140 Widmore road Berry Mrs. 46 'Crescent road Mead road Bannister Archie Bertram, 72 Free­ Berry Walter, 20 Wendover road Bradly Henry Geo. 17 Wendover rd lands road- Berry Wm.Coulan,59Ravensbourne rd Bradshaw Mrs. 8 Queen Anne avenue Barber Richd. 49 Westmoreland road Bertolla Ernest, 38 Crescent road Bradshaw Mrs. 240 Southlands rd, Barber William, 44 Mason’s hill Bertolld Willie H, 113 Mason’s hill Bickley Barham Wm. Sami. 30 Farnaby road Besant Arth. Robt. 43 Farnaby road Braginton William M.A. St. Alban’s, Barker Rev. Canon Peter M.A. (vicar Besant Miss, 1 Minster road 21 Highland road of St. John’s), St. John’s vicarage, Bessant William, Hderleigh, Blenheim Brain Mrs. Braemore lodge, Sund- 13 Upper Park road road, Bickley ridge avenue Barker Arthur, n Pinewood road Best Arthur E. 64 Lansdowne road Brame Edwin Singleton, Korthwood, Barker Mrs. 10 Pinewood road Best Frank, 8 Garden road King’s avenue Barker R. Raine, 3 Gilbert road Best Fredk. Jn. 52 Westmoreland rd Branscombe Mrs. 13 Fairfield road Barker William K. q Langdon road Betts Mrs. 62 Crescent road Bray Robert George, 47 Palace grove Barnard Miss, 9 Siward road Bevan Cosmo, Widmore court, Bick­ Brearey Henry, 8 Gilbert road Barnard Mrs. 103 Mason’s hill ley road, Widmore Brennan Robert John Lewis, 21 West­ Barnby Miss, 13 Pinewood road Bevan Harold, 21 Lychett road moreland road Barnes GoodwinHoward,8 Oaklandsrd Bevans Edward S. T. 52 Sandford rd Brenton Arthur Henry, 54 Tweedy rd Barnes Joseph, 20 Elmfield road Be vert on Albert Edward, 74 Babba­ Brett Arthur Sparrow, 68 Hayes road Barnes Mrs. 25 Ravensbourne road combe Toad Brewer Frank Foster, 153 Mason’s hill BaTraclough R. F. 27 Hayes road Biden Lewis Marks, 44 Farnaby road Briggs Charles B. 26 Burnt Ash lane Barrett Miss, Dene croft, Lake avenue Bigland Mrs. 29 Park road Briggs Thomas William, Oaklands Barry Mrs. 78 Hayes road Billinghurst Edw. Geo. 25 Holwood rd lodge, Oaklands road Bartlett Rev. Lewis Edward (Bapt.), Bindley Frederick Charles Wilson, Bright Arth. 4 Burnt Ash la. Plaistow 20 Gravel road, Bromley common Micklehurst, Cromwell avenue Briginshaw Jn. Warren,50 Sandford rd Bartlett Cecil Edward, Red cottage, Bingley Fredk. Carnoustie, King’s av Bristowe Lewis William, 4 Hayes lane Yale road, Bickley Bird Geo.Fredk. 26 Westmoreland rd Britten Miss, 64 Crescent Toad Bartlett Lionel Arthur,46 Fairfield rd Birdseye Mrs. 26 Cambridge road Broadhead Rev. John Henry (curate Bartrum Stanley, 1 Cumberland road Birnie Mrs. 6 Clarence road, Bickley of St. Luke’s), Turpington, South- Bassett William R. 117 Mason’s hill Birt Yictor, 23 Gilbert road borough Batchelor John Burden, 48 Westmore­ Bishop Ernest, Ronda, Kinnaird aven Broadley John Harrison, 29 Hawes rd land road Bishop Mrs. 62 Freelands road Brock Geo. W. F. 18 Hammelton. rd Bateman Hy. SI. 33 Aldermary road Bittleston Miss, 77 College road Brock Mrs. 7 Burnt Ash la. Plaistow Bateman Mrs. 70 London road Black Miss, 28 Hawes road Brodie Robert, Mowbray, Bickley rd. Bath Richard, Wansunt, Garden road Blake Alfred, 48 Fairfield road Widmore Batten Mrs. The Highfield,Chislehurst Blakemore Wm.A.yCIarence rd.Bickly Bromley Mrs. 32 Wendover Toad road, Bickley Blakey Miss, 89 WidmoTe Toad Brook Fredk. B. 15 Aldermary road Batterham Jn. Dodson, 77 Tweedy rd Blanchard Francis Leonard, 142 Bab­ Brookhouse Charles Turing J.P ,M.D. Bauer M. L. 9 Minster road bacombe road 38 Tweedy road Baxter William, 24 College road Blashfield Alfd. Wm. 23 Sandford Td Brookhouse Herbert 0 ., MD. 38 Bayley Edward Hod son J.P. Elles­ Blashfield Charles Frederick, Messina, Tweedy road mere, Sundridge avenue Blenheim road, Bickley Brookhouse John Chas. 22 Rodway rd Baynes Mrs. Pickhurst wood, South Blatherwick Miss, 3 Stanhope villas Brooks Charles Guy Algernon, $ Hill road Bleckley Mrs. 13 Highland road Wendover road Beaumont John, Ingestre, Alexandra Bleeze Percy Wm. 60 Tweedy road Brooks Harold George, Braaenose, crescent Bloor John M. 11 Bromley common Alexandra crescent Beaumont Mrs. 6 Aldermary road Blyth Mrs. 117 London road Brooks Joseph, 10 Cambridge road Beaumont Mrs. 23 Holwood road Boas Frederick S.t M.A., LL.D. Cran­ Brooks William Henry, 18 Queen’s vd Beavan Fredk. William, 22 Gilbert Td ford, Southborough, Bickley Broomhall Edward, 31 Cambridge rd Beck Arthur William, 66 Crescent rd (Bolton Felix Dickeson, Haimer, Wells Brough Conway Barnabas,Kandersteg, Beck Frederick Walter, Foxlow* road, Bickley King’s avenue Garden road Bolton Harold, 72 Sandford road Brown Col. Frederick John C.B. Hal­ Beckett Edward Henry, Blenheim, Bolton John, 87 Widmore road stead house, Sonthborough * South Hill road Bomford Rev. Frederick James (Wes­ Brown Albert Henry, 28 Farnaby road Beckett Frederick Franklin, 70 Bab­ leyan), 20 The Avenue, Bickley Brown Andrew, 2 Lansdowne road tv bacombe road Bones Arthur, 23 Rodway road Brown E. Ootgreave, Bickley hall* Beddome Leonard Wm.55 Plaistow la Bones Richard, 14 Sandford road -Chislehurst road, Bickley Bedle Edward, Somerton,Cromwell av Boosey Arthur, The Cedars, Oakley Brown Frank Leopold, -14 Hawes scad Beer Bernhard, Westwood, Bird-in - road, Bromley common Brown James Finden,33 HoUigrave rd. Hand lane, Bickley Boosey Miss, Malham,Park hi.Bickley Brown John W ^ S Bromley common Beer Edwin, 55 Westmoreland road Boo thro yd Ernest, xg Palace grovq Brown Mrs. 91 College road Beeston Lewis, 73 Hayes road Boreham Mrs. 26 Elmfield road Brown Mrs. 2 The Avenue, Bickley

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Brown Robert Allen, io Bickley Park Carroll Rev, William A., M.A. (vicar Coad Mrs. 61 Mason’s hill road, Bickley * of St. George’s), The Vicarage, Coad Percy A. 17 Wanstead road Brown T, H. Alvestone,Park Farm rd Bickley Park road, Bickley Coates Frederick Charles, -Fordwick,* Brown William Cbas. 3 Oakland* rd Carter Chas. Hy. M.D. 5 Homefield rd Blenheim road, Bickley Brown William Hy. 107 Widmoro rd Carter Miss, 29 Palace grove Cockhead Leslie G. 59 London lane Brown William Thos. $ Crescent road Carter Wm. Shadwell, 32 Hawes road Cockton Jsph. Baxter, r6 Pinewood rd Browne Chas. Walt. 14 Bromley com Cartwright Charles Knight, 42 Cam­ Codd Arthur F.G., M.B. 154 High st Browne Herbert, 5 High street bridge road Codd George Ernest, 44 Westmore* Browne Mrs. 20 Mason’s hill Carver Rev. Bernard Nash B.A. land road Browne Mrs. 26 Tweedy road (curate), 72 High street Coe Miss, 120 Babbacombe road Browne T. G. C. Barnhill, Hayes lane Case Charles Alfred, x8 Lansdowne Cogswell Philip Dare, 43 Tweedy rd Browning Thomas B., M.A. 19 Alder- road, Plaistow Cohen Percy L. Liscard, Bromley av mary road Catchpole Septimus, 28 Mason’s hill Cohn Thomas, 56 Lansdowne road, Brnce Lady, Yewhurst, Westmoreland Catling Thomas Edwin, 35 Hawes rd Plaistow Toad -< Catmur Thomas S. 64 London road Cole Wm. F. 16 Lansdowne rd.Plaistw Brnce Arthur Kenneth, Stenhouse, Cave Allen Geo. Sandys, Cromwell av Coleman Sydney Fras. 97 Mason’s hill Warren arena e Cave William, 146 Widmore road Collard Sydney, 57 Hayes road Brnce Robert C.B. 53 Plaistow lane Cave William Thomas, South beech, Collen Frank Wm. 70 Plaistow lane Brnyand Sidney J. 88 Hayes road Waldegrave road Collett Charles Henry, 3 Blyth road Bryant Ernest, 21 Fairfield road Caverhill James, 7 Sundridge avenue Collier George Alfred, 16 Queen Anne Bryce Rev. W. Kirk (Baptist), 136 Cazeaux Edwd. Castilla, 49 Plaistow la avenue, South Hill park Babbacombe Toad Cazeaux Edward R. 209 Widmore rd Collings Alfred, 59 College road Brymer John Richard, 5 Spencer rd Cazeaux James, 13 Durham avenue Collins Charles Erling,i3 Queen Anne Bryning Alfred Hy. 32 Sandford road Cazeaux Raymond, 42 Hawes road avenue, South Hill park Buchanan David, 15 Minster road Cecil Frederick J. 18 Bromley commn Collins Mrs. Mill vale, Glass Mill la Buckley Joseph, Winslow, Burford rd. Chadwick John, 15 Oaklands road Collins Mrs. 31 Palace grove Bickley Chadwick Mrs. 31 Highland road Oollyer Frederick, 48 Sandford r ad Budgett Mrs. 3 Newman road Chalmers Kenneth Edlmann, Black- Collyer Fredk. Childs, 40 London rd Ball Francis Henry, 118 Widmore rd brook, Southborough. Bickley Colmer William, Beaulieu, South­ Ball Harry, 34 Hammelton road Chalmers Mrs. 9 Bickley Park road. lands road, Bickley Ball John, 42 Hayes road Bickley Coltman Richard, 66 Babbacombe rd Ballen Fredk. Thomas, 71 College rd Chambers Arthur, 94 Hayes road Colyer Arthur Reginald, Edmonstone* Ballon Herbert Ernest, Kelling,South­ Chambers William, 114 Widmore rd Southborough road, Bickley lands road, Bickley Chapman Arthur, 49 Palace grove Combe Herbt. Walter, 11 Tweedy rd Ballen Miss, 28 Gilbert road Chapman James, 32 Farnaby road Coming Charles, 12 Upper Park road Bailey Fredk. 5 tRavensbourneChapman Toad James, 17 Gilbert road Connell Chas. Robt. 21 Elmfield road Bullied William Hy. 24 Minster road Chappell Henry John, 39 Queen Anne Connett Albert Neauman, 6 High­ Buxnsted David Alex. 16 Blyth road avenue, South Hill park land road Bunn Henry Peter Emans,Howthorpe, Chase Gordon, 11 Hollygrave road Constable Edwin T., M.A. 14 Upper London lane Chater Frederick Clive, Oak Hatch, Park road Banting Hy. Williamson, 10 Gilbert rd Edward road Cook Henry Thomas, 116 Widmore rd Bnrgess Mrs. 5 Newman road Chauvin George von, 25 Sundridge av Cook Herbert, 60 Hayes road Bnrkitt Mrs. 2 Longfield Chavasse Alban, 17 Sandford road Cook Leonard Barnaby, St. Audries, Burnett Thos. Smith, 76 Freelands rd Chavasse Mrs. 34 Westmoreland road Avondale Toad Burnham Henry, n o College road Chesters W.Horsfall,in Widmore rd Cook Philip 1., M.D. 4 High street Barnie Alfred, Holmwood, South- Ohettoe Arthur Noakes, 38 West­ Cooksey Rev. Walter (Catholic), The bOTOugh road, Bickley moreland road Presbytery, 83 Plaistow lane Barrows Mrs.Helmside,Alexandra cres Child Coles D.L., J.P. Bromley Cooling Charles, 18 Homesdale road Burton Mrs. 32 Glebe road Palace, Widmore road ^ Cooling Charles, 16 Mason’s hill Burton Robert, 34 Great Elms road Child John, 33 Shawfield park Cooper George, Whitethorpe, Park Barton Wallaces Queen Anne avenue Child Richard, 21 Homesdale road Farm road Burton Wm. Corwin, 23 Sundridge av Childs Misses, 43 Bromley common Cooper Miss, 128 Widmore road Burton Wm. Kirkham, 6 Rodway Td Chitty Charles, 12 Hawes road Cooper Mrs. 25 Durham, avenue Bnrtt Miss, 45 Bromley common Cholmeley Mrs. 3 Freelands road Cooper Robert H. 45 Palace grove Bash Hy. Chas. 5 Aldermary road Choyce Miss, n Cambridge road Cooper Stanley, 19 Durham avenue Bash James Tobin, 2 Holwood road Christie Theodore, 27 Farnaby road Cooper Thos. Geo. 35 Hammelton rd Bosh SI. 2 Stanhope vils. Market sq Ciecierski Bruno, 72 Hayes road Cooper-Marsdin Rev. Canon Arthur Bashby William, n Park grove Clapham Athol E. Glengarry, Dur­ i Cooper M.A., B.D. Borstaldene, Bussell Fras. Robert, u>i College rd ham road Southborough road, Bickley Bussell Robert Henry, Castledene, Clark Albert John, 159 Mason’s hill Coote Henry, 29 Fairfield road Oakland a road Clark Arthur Bernard, 13 Hayes road Coppleston John Bartlett, 4 Alder-* Batcher William, 44 Tweedy road Clark Arthur Francis, 7 Lychett road mary road Batler Miss, 12 Minster road Clark Charles, 3 Durham road Cork Alfred Phillip, Berryfield,Chisle* Butler Mrs. 41 Westmoreland road Clark Charles Douglas, Eccleshill, hurst road, Bickley Batler Mrs. Woodlands, St. George’s Hayes lane Cork Reginald Phillip, Capertee, road, Bickley Clark Edward, 122 Widmore road Southborough road. Bickley Batler Wm. C . Sefton, London lane ClaTk Fdk. Wm. Dalkeith, Park aven Cornock David S. 12 Freelands road Button Victor, 19 Queen’s road Clark George Ernest, The Beeches, Cornwall Edw. Hy. 19 Crescent road Callick Mrs. 43 Palace grove Avondale road Cottell William Hy. i «j Highland rd Cambray Septimus Aug. 13 Tweedy Td Clark Miss, Wychside, Waldegrave Td Cotton George Edward; 7 Church road Cameron Andrew, 30 Aldermary road Clark Mrs. 13 Hoiligrave road Couldrey Walt. Tomkins,aoRodway rd -Campling John J. B. Rebnha,Park hill. Clark William Horace, Boselawn, Coulter George, 18 Pinewood road Bickley Kinnaird avenue Coulter Robert, 8 Langdon road Caney Charles, 50 Cambridge road Clarke Charles Broomfield, a Queen’s Courtney Claud, 25 'Sandford road Canning George, 5 Farnaby road Mead road Covil Stanley, Brant wood, Durham rd Carden Wm. Arthur, 103 College rd Clarke Thomas, 4 Homefield road Cow dry Arthur. 31 Gilbert road Cardwell John Hy. 9 Queen Anne av Clarke William Thomas D. 15 The Cowing Miss, 1 Homefield road Care Miss, 7 Minster road Avenue, Bickley Cox Benjamin, 44 London road Carey Harold, Elmwood, Southboro* Clarke Wilmer Lei Gros, Pen do war. Cox Mrs. 5 Longfield road, Bickley Claremont road, Bickley Cox Percy, 5 Lychett road Carey Herbert Septimus, 71 West* Clarkson-Swann Mrs.6o Lansdowne rd Cox Percy Stuart, 42 Farnaby road moreland road Clay C. B. Hurst, Sundridge avenue Crabb Ernest, 23 Cambridge road Carey Mrs. 79 Widmore road Clayton John, 41 Palace gTOve Crabtree Frederick N. 7 Queen’s rd Carlyon Mrs. 10 Freelands road Clear Thomas Henry, 5 Elmfield park. Cramer Albert Frederick, High view, Carpenter Edward Wm. 3 Hayes rd Elmfield road Cromwell avenue Carpmael Miss, 5 Hayes road Clough Bobt. Cecil, 28 Cambridge rd Cramond-Miller Mrs. 3 Hawes road Carr Miss, 8 Burnt ^.sh la. Plaistow Clu-bh William -J. Roan house, Avon­ Greedy Herbert James, 4 Sandford rd Oarr William, ?r Cambridge road dale road Cresswell Henry Albert, 108 College rd Carre-Smith Major M. Holmdent, Clutterbuck Herbert _M.I-

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Crossley William Arth. 6 Minster rd Drew Charles Thomas, Druids’ croft, Fentiman Alfred George, Westwood,. Crossley William Long, 68 Tweedy rd Kinnaird avenue King’s avenue Crouch James Morton, 91 Mason’s hill Drew Herbt. Wm. 68 Sandford road Ferry Cecil Robert, 29 Rodway road Crouch Mrs. Holmdene, London lane Driver William Henry, 11 Hope park Fester Emil Charles, Temperley, Park Crowhurst Samuel, 1 Newman road Dry den Miss, 33 Park road hill, Bickley Crutch William Frederick, The Duff Daniel, jun. Coombe lea, Haw- Ficher Louis W. H. 3 Cumberland rd Mount, Mavelstone road • thorne road, Bickley Field Edwin, 13 Homefield road Cubitt Henry Gilbert, 11 Orchard rd Duke George William, 17 Minster rd Field Horace, 5 Bloomfield road Cubitt Herbt. 16 Burnt Ash la.Plaistw Dulieu Henry Charles James,Elsinore, Field Mrs. 13 Bromley common Cumming Robert, 1 Upper Park road Talbot road Filby Elmer George, 9 London road Cundy Mrs. 112 Widmore road Duncanson Edward Ford, 27 Sun­ Filmer Wm. S. 6 Ravensbourne road Currey Arthur Edward, 2 Burnt Ash dridge avenue Finch Ernest Heneage,i4 Oaldands rd lane, Plaistow Duncanson Miss, 4 Bickley Park road, Finn Frederick, 42 Tweedy road Curry Rev. William(Primitive Metho­ Bickley Fischer George Frederick, Appletree- dist), 44 Bromley common Dunell Harry, 23 Hayes road wick, Southborough road, Bickley Curwen Henry, Birkby, Madeira aven Edward George, 1 Queen’s road Fitchew Edward Herbert, The Orielsr Curwood Jn.Nicholas, 13 Aldemaryrd Dunn Herbt. Geo. 7 Newman road Hill brow Cutlack William A. 11 Palace grove Durbridge Tbos. 78 Westmoreland rd Fitter J. T. F. 30 Palace grove Cutler Henry James, 5 Holligrave rd Durnford Phillip Barton, The Hive, Flashoff Rudolph, The Birches, Dur­ Dale William H. 98 Plaistow lane Magpie Hall lane ham road Dalton Jn. Bates, 28 Bromley common Durrant William James, 9 Gilbert rd Fleming Miss, Tower house, Toots Damant Mrs. 19 College Toad Dussek AngeloSebastian,74Plaistow la Wood road Dandridge Absolom, 87 London lane Dusseries Gaston, 74 Freelands road Flint Arthur Rest, 129 London road Daniels Charles, 27 Shawfield park Duthoit Mrs. 99 Mason’s hill Fluck Miss, 95 Hayes road Daniels Sidney, Malabar, King’s aven Dnttson HoraceL.Wycombe,Garden rd Fone William Chas. 11 Langdon Toad Darby Frederick S. 1 Ethelbert road Duttson William H. 13 Edward road Foord Thomas Herbert, 42 West­ Darby Mrs. 7 Park grove Dyer Albt. Thos. Thomond,London la moreland road Darby William Henry, 64 Freelands rd Earle Miss, 26 College road Forbes George James Henry, 122 Dashwood Mrs. 50 Westmoreland road Earle Samuel Robert, 105 Plaistow la Babbacombe road Davey Mrs. 17 Farnaby road Earnshaw Alfred Edwd. 7 Durham av Forbes-Steven Rev. George M.A. 4 Davidson James, 17 Hope park East Sydney Clark, 16 Hope park London lane Davies Miss, 14 Langdon road Easton Albert Percy, 61 Freelands rd Ford Chas.Edwin,23 Ravensboume rd Davies Mrs. 30 Wendover road Eaton-Matthews Hrbt.i5Holligrave rd Ford Mrs. C. R. 85 Hayes road Davis Bernard T. 19 Holligrave road Ebbs Alfred B. 57 Plaistow lane Ford Walter, 69 College road Davis Thomas J.P. 142 Widmore road Ede Perch, 36 Babbacombe road Forman Walt. William, 21 Queen’s rd Davis Thos. Jas. 1 Babbacombe road Edey George Russell, 153 High street Forrer Leonard, 11 Hammelton road Davis Walter F. 7 Holligrave road Edmund Harold, 93 Hayes road Forrester Jn. Herbt. 22 Pinewood rd Davis Wm. J. B. 47 Shawfield park Edwards A. Irons, 31 Farnaby road Forster Allan, 56 Hayes road Dawes Henry, 16 Ravensbourne road Edwards Cecil Harry, Cheveley, Lon­ Forster Geo. Richard, 61 Plaistow la Day Arthur, 11 Highland road don lane Forward Arthur, 4 Lodge road Day Lewis Ford, 4 Blenheim road, Edwards Frederick, 27 Elmfield road Foster Bertram, 34 Sandford road Bickley Edwards Henry, 73 London lane Foster Charles Fredk. 14 Hope park Day Richard E. 66 Plaistow lane Edwards ’Herbt. Cecil,70 Freelands rd Foulsham Chester Thomas,63Hayes rd Day-Lewis Frank Edward, Skerries, Etlwards John M. 51 Plaistow lane Fowl© Miss, 16 Elmfield road Kinnaird avenue Edwards Mrs. 83 College road Fowler Wallace Baxter, 16 Hawes rd Dean Charles Geoffrey, Mosman, Edwards Mrs. Charles, 10 Southlands Fox William Alex. Eliots, Hill brow Avondale road grove, Bickley Foxley Henry James, Westwood,Blen­ Dean Charles Tardley, 32 Westmore­ Edwards Sidney, 15 Wendover road heim road, Bickley land road Elder William George, 13 Rodway rd Francis Henry St.David,50 Tweedy rd Dean Evan William, 10 The Avenue, Elgar Mrs. 4 Highland road Francis Sidney Wilfred, 10 Burnt Ash

BicklevV Ellen John Sidney, 5 Park road lane, Plaistow Dean Herbert Chas. 70 Sandford rd Ellis Herbert 0 . 7 Wanstead road Francke Max, Lingdale, Oldfield rd. De Jongh Alex. 129 Widmore road Ellis Mrs. 5 Ethelbert road Bickley De’lacey Wilfred, 96 Hayes road Elman Mrs. Arreton, Park avenue Franklin James Curtis,2 Freelands rd* D’Elboux Louis, 21 Queen Anne aven. Elphinstone Robt. 9 Ravensbourne rd Fraser Alfd. G. Ardmore, King’s aven South Hill park Elsden Miss, Shirley, Page Heath Fraser Alexander, 27 Queen’s road de Lisle Hirzel William T. The Hut, lane, Bicklev Fraser John, 2 London lane Alexandra crescent Elwin Mrs. 46 Westmoreland road Frazer Frederick A. 109 London road de MontagnacLouisIvan,9 Fairfield rd Ely Horace, White cottage, Haw­ Frazer John J. 54 Westmoreland rd Denney Matthew Jas. 13 Sundridge av thorne road, Bickley Freeman Edmd. Lensden, Edward rd Denny Alfred, 120 London road Emden Mrs. 18 Elmfield road Freeman George Philip, 6 Westmore­ Devas Thomas Geo. 37 Highland rd Emms Arth. Chas. 38 Farnaby road land road Devitt Frank, 94 Plaistow lane Engelhardt H.F.Ray, 20 Bromley com Freeman G. R. 23 Durham avenue de Wael Emile F. H. Pelham lodge. Esler Howard, 8 Queen’s Mead road Freeman Jn.T., M.A. 125 Widmore r

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Gedney Frank, 4 Queen Anne avenue, Grinsted Daniel, 20 Widmore road Hay John V., M.A. 133 Widmore rd South Hill park Gripper Ernest Jasper, 11 Oaklands rd Hay William Robert Garden, East Gibbs Frank E. 26 -Sundridge avenue Gristwood George William, 4 PaTk rd Hopes, Garden road Gibbs John, 126 Widmore road Grossmith John Lipscombe, The Hayman Leslie, Hilboro’,Cromwell av Gibbs Miss, 4 Bloomfield road ^ Grange, St. George’s road, Bickley Haythomthwaite Robert Walter, 24 Gibbs William Jas. 36 Hammelton rd Grout Alfd. Georgran ho.Oakland? rd Gilbert road Gibson Edwd. Aisbitt, 9 Blvth road j Grove George Lindsay, 37 Farnaby rd Heap George Henry, 86 London Toad Gibson William Henry, Ardleigh, Grubb Herbert Charles, 1 Crescent rd Heath George Henry, 39 Tweedy road Quernmore Toad Grubb John Thomas, 1 Cambridge rd Heaysman Henry,24 Ravensbourne Td Gilbv Alfred, Wixoe, Southlands Gunn Mrs. 10 Tweedy road Heaysman Mrs. 1 Palace grove grove, Bickley Gunn William Cecil, 5 Hawthorne Heaysman Thomas, 35 Park road

Giles Robert,__ 16 Tweedvm road road, Bickley Heaysman Thomas H. 37 Palace grove Giles Wm. Thomas, 33 Famaby road Gun ton Josiah, 23 Orchard road Qederstedt Henry BuTdett, 246 South­ Gill Mrs. 39 Shawfield park Gutherie Richard, 40 Crescent road lands road Gillett Frederick, ig Elmfield road Guttridge Harold Cooke,The (Rydings. fiederstedt Paul Wm.135 Widmore rd Gilliland Andrew, 118 College road Woodlands road, Bickley Hedgman William James,Santa Clara, Gimblett Frank J. 41 Farnaby Toad Guy Miss, 35 Ravensboume road Highland road Ginders John Marsh, 21 Tweedy road Gwyn George Richard, Penthorpe, Hefford Alfred Ernest, 35 Farnaby rd Girling Robert, Kerval, King’s aven Avondale road Helder Mrs. 25 Hammelton road Glanville Benjamin A. Buxted lodge, Haab E. O. Coniston lodge, Oak- Hellicar Evelyn, Hildegarde, Wells Edward road lands road road, Bickley

Glen Anneck, 8 Pine wood road Hadden Mrs. 34 College road Hellyermi Bertram Imrie, * 66 Westmore- Godelmann Ferdinand, Lyndhurst, Hading Fredk. Jas. 87 Chatterton rd land road London lane Haigh William, 39 Aldermary road Hellyer Samuel St evens,43 Westmore­ Golding James, 2 Garden road Haines Robert Thomas, 4 (Hawthorne land road Golding Miss, 42 Park road road, Bickley Helm Henry James, 27 Hammelton rd; Good Alfred Walter, 1 Lansdowne rd. Hakewell G. Cotterbury, Garden road Henbest Walter, 15 Park grove Plaistow Hale George Herbert, Tresillian, Henderson Alex. Ardullie, Edward rd G od George Jas. 3 Aldermary road Cromwell avenue Henderson Mrs. 14 Lansdowne road, Goodall Mrs. 117 Widmore road Hale George S. h i London road Plaistow Goode George Alfred, 165 Crown lane Hale Martin, Furzedene, Kinnaird av Hendry Robert, 7 Elmfield road Goodwin Arthur, 4 The Avenue, Halifax Henry Wm. 30 Sandford road Henly Albert William, n High stree«

Bicklev* Hall Alexander Jn. 5 Upper Park rd Hennah Mrs. 48 Cambridge road G odwin James, 12 Beckenham lane Hall Mrs. 4 Homefield road Hennah William, 22 Mason’s hill Goodyear T. Edward, 96 Plaistow la Hamblin Arthur, 18 Southborough Henwood Alfred, 95 Plaistow lane Gordan James Hacker, Ensleigh, road, Bickley Henwood Mrs. Church ho. Church Td S uthlands road, Bickley Hamilton Col. John James, Bromley Heppell Miss, 3 Palace grove Gordon Miss, 36 Westmoreland road college Herbert Haws on, 4 Durham avenue G rdon-Stanham Misses, 5 Hammel­ Hamlyn John, 23 Aldermary road Herbertson-Dawson. Henry D. Arden- ton road Hammersley Noel, 87 (Mason’s hill hurst, Southborough road, Bickley Gosselin Rev. Charles Carteret M.A. Hammerton Ernest, 82 Haves road Hermes Louis, 10 Page Heath lane, (vicar of St. Luke’s), St. Luke’s Hammerton Thos. Moy, 96 Tweedy rd Bickley vicarage, Southlands road, Bickley Hammond Geo. Fdk.17 Homesdale rd Heseltine Mr». 19 Rod way road Gould Hugh Tyler, 67 College road Hammond Miss, 83 Widmore road Hess Charles Henry, 3 Homefield road Goulds Henry, 36 Crescent road Hammond Mrs. Eversley, Southlands Hessenberg Ernst, 5 London lane GouldstoneWm.Vaughan,gyCollege rd road, Bickley Hewetson Jn. Claremont, Oaklands rd Gowan* Rev. William B.A. (vicar ot Hancock George Thos. 48 Farnaby rd Hewett Arthur H. 40 Cambridge rd St. Mary, Plaistow), Vicarage, Col­ Hanson Conrad Wild, 3 Park road HewettFredk.Penchester, Shawfield pk lege road Hanson Miss, 50 Palace grove Hewett Miss, 1 Oaklands road Graham Mrs. 60 Crescent road Harding Fred, 4 Homesdale road Hewett William, 21 Palace grove Graham Mrs. 16 Palace grove Harding Oliver, 16 Langdon road Heywood Thos.sBurnt Ash la.Plaistow Granvden George, 75 Crown lane Harding Stanley Jas. 13 Homesdale rd Hibbert George Richard, Ballure, Grant Fredk. Percy, 33 Hawes road Harding Thos. Fredk. 18 Oaklands Td Blenheim road, Bicklev Grant Mrs. Boscobel, Denbridge rd. Harding William, 9 Queen’s Mead rd Hickman C. T. W. 42 Bromley comn Bickley Hardy Miss, 97 Plaistow lane Hickman Claud, 7 Wendover road Grant Mrs. ng Widmore road Hardy Percy William, 13 Queen’s rd Hickman John Roe, Stotfold, Mavel Grant-Wilson Charles Westbrooke, 5 Hare Miss, 48 Crescent road stone Toad London Toad Harley Theodore, 18 Cumberland rd Hicks Albert S. 12 Elmfield road Graty Miss, 30 College Toad Harlow Arthur, 9 Station road Hicks Hy. Abingdon ho. Plaistow lane Gray JVilliam E. Draycott, South- Harmer Percy James, 9 The Avenue, Higgins William V. 30 Rodway road borough, Bickley Bickley Higgs James 2 Hayes lane Greatwood Herbert Henry, Lindley, Harnett Arthur, 125 London road Higgs Mrs. Richard, Sunnyside, Alexandra crescent Harper Peter, 1 High street Shawfield park Greeff William Robt. 8 Sundridge av Harrington Mrs. 21 Gilbert road Hilder Jas.Thos.6Blenheim Td Bicklev Green GeoTge, 13 Wendover road Harrington William Joseph, Park cot­ Hilder Mrs. 45 Westmoreland road Green Henry, 7 Crescent road tage, King’s avenue Hill Alfred, 11 Ethelbert road Green Henry James, 17 Tweedy road Harris Mrs. Bethshean, Howard road lHill (Bernard, 73 Widmore road Green Miss, 47 Tweedy road Harris Mrs. 106 College road Hill C. Gerald, 1 Avondale Toad Green Mrs. 20 Minster Toad Harris Oscar, 1 Hope park Hill Edward Bernard Lewin C.B. 73 Green Nimrod, 5 Palace grove Harris Stephen Frederick, Rockwall, road Greenhill Miss, 28 Aldermary road Talbot road . Hill Harold B. 28 Westmoreland mad Greenhill Mrs. 153 Widmore road Harris William J. 4 Gilbert road Hill Oscar Ernest, 28 Babbacombe rd Greenwood Herbert S. Trevena, Blen­ Harrison Cholmondeley, 8 Wendover Hillier Harry F. 83 Hayes road heim road, Bickley road Hillier Mrs. 11 Aldermary road Greenwood Stewart John, ^Gilbert Td Harrison Edward J. 10 Garden Toad Hillman Lawrence Hy. 44 Fairfield rd Greenwood-Cramp Rt.Hy.gLychett rd Hartley Mrs. 10 Clarence* rd. Bickley Hills Alfred. 22 Hawes road Greenyer Percy George, Kenora, Hartridge Joseph, 58 London road Hills Frederick Arthnr, 28 Park road Blenheim road, Bickley HaTvey Arthnr W. Home view, Toots Hilton John Edginton, 59 Hayes Toad Gregory Charles Lewis.71 Widmore rd Wood road Hinchliffe Miss, 8 Tweedy road Gregory Edmd. 23 Westmoreland rd Harvey Mrs. 47 Highland road Hinchliffe Mrs. 108 London road Gregory R. A. 5 Blyth road Harvey Thomas Martin, 35 Hayes road Hinchliffe Wm. D. 1 Holligrave road Greves Arthur Edward, Fairhaven, Harvey-Jellie Mrs. 116 London road Hind Chas. Sydney, 18 Hope park Southlands road, Bickley Harvey-Lowe Lionel, 27 Cambridge st Hind Mrs. 16 Southlands gro. Bickley Griffin Albert, 6 Tweedy road Haselgreave Charles, 18 Sandford rd Hind Stanley Arthur, Shawfield ho. Griffin James Thackwell,6 Blyth road Hatcher Harry, Ashleigh, Hayes lane Shawfield park Griffin Robert W., L.D.S.100 High st Hatton Robert, 4 Langdon road Hindley Edwd.Hugh, 3 Lansdowne rd -"'Griffith Col. Frank, 48 Plaistow lane Hawkings Stanley T. 34 Wendover Td Hindley Leonard Albt. 12a College rd Griffith Henry, 101 Plaistow lane Hawkins Charles, The Knoll, Wood­ Hingley John, 88 Babbacombe road Griggs Robert, 1 College road lands road, Bickley Hinton H. A. 25 Hayes road Grimley Henry W. 99 College road Hawley George H. T. 15 Crescent rd Hip wood Charles, a Elmfield park Grimmo Mrs .Westward Ho ! Crown la Haxell Arthnr Baron, Arncliffe, Hitchcock Charles G. 136 Widmore rd Grindley John, 19 Hawes road Sonthborough, Bickley IHoare George B. 5 UurnnV^iTi ail 1 il

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Hobbins Arthur Fredk. 33 High fit Hunter George, 20 Hawes road Joyce Gea. Frederick, 9 Tweedy road Hobbs Miss, 20 Cromwell avenue Hunter John Jas. 10 Homesdale road Joynson Edmund H. East hill, Black- Hodder Matthew H. 25 Bromley com Hurdman A. V. 20 Langdon road brook lane, Bickley Hodge John Henry, 22 Crescent road Hurlbatt Chas. 1 Clarence rd. Bickley Judd Fras. Wm. 30 Babbacombe tA Hodge Mies M.A. 13 Langdon road Hutcheson Thomas, 64 Crescent road Judd William, 12 Bromley common Hodge iSaml. W. (Clovelly,Avondale rd Hutchinson Charles,3 Wendover road Judson Fras. Wm. 35 Great Elms (rd Hodge Thomas, 88 London road Hutchinson Gordon Fdk.4 Newman rd ■ Jullie Frank, 34 Burnt Ash lane Hodges Charles, ? Station road Hutehison Stanley, 9 Wendover -road Jupp John Ambrose, 2 Farnaby road Hodgkinson Charles, 31 Westmore­ Hutton William J. Woodcroft, Alex­ Justice Jas. Norval, 10 Sandford road land road andra crescent Karbe Eric, Werder ho. Avondale rd. Hodgkinson-Patten Herbert John, 59 Hyde William W. 25 Homesdale Toad Kay Rev. Frederick William, Stone- Mason’s hill Iberti Carlo Lorenzo, 39 Highland rd thwaite, The Avenue, Bickley Hodgson EdwardHighton,23Palace gro| Ilott Cyril Herbert Thomas M.A., Keable Benjamin, 6 Sandford road Hodgson Thomas E. 75 College road M.B. Hamlegro, Garden road Keif Henry D. 88 Hayes road Hodson Alfred E. 29 Homesdale road Ilott Herbert James M.D. 57 High st Kelman Charles, 6 Durham avenue Hoe Ernest Charles, 37 Tweedy road Ilott Miss, 51 Tweedy road Kendrick Joseph Thomas, 62 Babba* Hoehs Ernest Emile, 29 Farnaby rd Impey Mrs. The Croft, Beaconsfield combe road Hoghton George W. 14 High street road, Bickley Kennaway Cecil Wm. 21 Farnaby rd Holding Herbert> 14 Homesdale road Imray Jas.MogadoT, Kinnaird avenue Kennedy Alex. 86 Babbacombe joad Holdron Hy.iaBickley Park rd.'Bickley Ingleton Henry, 1 Park grove Kenny Miss, 49 Southborough road, Hollis William, 8 High street Inglis Walter Henry, 8 Lansdowne Bickley Hollocombe John C. Southwell,Quern- road, Plaistow Kent Norman G. 25 Queen’s road more road Innes Frederick, 12 Hope park Kettle Ernest Albert, 47 Farnaby rd Holmes William, Bonnington, Black- lonn Seymour, 56 Sandford road Kevis James Henry, 12 & 14 Ravena- brook lane, Bickley Irby P. A. 14 Edward road bourne road Holroyde Wm. Fredk. 75 Hayes road Irvine John, 140 College road Kiesow Robert, 21 Upper Park road Holt Ernest George, 5 Crescent road Irving ErnestCopeland,8Aldermary rd Kinder Edward, 7 Gilbert road Holworthy Miss, 33 Tweedy road Irwin David, 11 Siward road Kindon Russell James, Cleohnry, Homan Miss, 37 Tweedy road Isard Edward, 28 Cambridge road King’s avenue Homewood WilfridJas.4iShawfield pk [sard Frederick William, 55 Tweedy Td King Lewis Daniel, 43 Sundridge &▼ Honey sett Edgar William, 54 Babba- Jackson Alfred, Larcbfield, Park King William, 77 Widmore road combe road hill, Bickley Kirby Waltei George, 22 Holwood rd Hook Ernest Maurice Hern, Alton vil. Jackson Alfred Robert, Claremont, Kirkman Henry Foster, 34 Tweedy Td Beacons field road, 'Bickley Claremont road, Bicklev Kirton Mrs. 17 Crescent road Hookway Miss, Oak lo.Waldegrave rd Jackson Lewis, 70 Hayes road Kirton Wm. P. Langley, London lane Hope Francis Henry William, Kitsi- Jackson Lionel George, The Vane, Knight Moreton L. Hillside, Avon­ lano, King’s avenue Denbridge road, Bickley dale road Hopkins Hugh Edw. 23 Farnaby road Jacques Mrs. St. Martin’s, Blenheim Knight Mrs. 30 Queen Anne avenue Hopkins Mis-s, 25 College road road, Bickley Knott Chas. George, 6 Pinewood rd Hopkins Misses, 11 College road James John, 36 Tweedy road Knott Mrs. Lauriston, London road Hoppe William Henry, 21 London la James Reginald W. 46 Cambridge rd Koettgen Carl, 16 Sundridge avenue Hopton William Letchfoid, 30 Jamieson Alexander, 54 Plaistow lane Kurtz Mrs. 11 Durham avenue Ravensbourne road Jamieson Jas. Wm. 18 Burnt Ash la Kuschke Mrs. 151 Widmore road Horsford Mrs. 19 Hammelton road Jaques Austin R. 16 Queen’s road Labrum Rev. William Arthur (Wes­ Hortop Mrs. 37 Holligrave road Jarvis Stephen, 44 Sandford road leyan), 7 Holwood Toad Hose John W. St, James, Clarence Jarvis Thomas Henry, 63 Tweedy rd Lacey Arthur Wm. 75 Tweedy road road, Bickley Jarvis William T. Holme, Claremont Lacey-Smith Charles, 10 Blyth road Hoskier Miss, 19 Westmoreland road road, Bickley Ladd Cyril, 6 Exmouth road Hough Miss, 3 Avondale road Jasper Fredk. Hillside, Holwood road Ladyman George Thomas Peter Man- Hounsfield Mrs. 13 Queen's Mead rd Jasper Nicholas Paul, 26 Mason’s hill croft, 23 Hawes road How Mrs. 16 Freelands Toad Jayes Geo. Harris, 3 Farnaby road Lafitte Joseph, 3 Upper Park road Howard H. Crewdson, 20 Shawfield pk Jaymes Alexander, 7 Homefield Toad Lake Arth. Fredk. 11 Sundridge aven Howard Miss, 26 Bromley common Jefferies Reginald Stanley, 68 Free­ Lamb Robert, 14 Freelands road Howard Theodore, Westleigh, Chisle- land's road Lamb Thomas, 5 Sundridge avenue hurst road, (Bickley Jefferson J. E. Kesters,Magpie Hall la Lambert Mrs. 1 Aldermary Toad Howe Arthur John, 63 London lane Jeffery Mrs. 31a, Park road Lancaster Fred, 16 Aldermary road Howell Henry John, e;6 Crescent road Jeffery William, 31 Park road Lane Mts, 53 Mason's hill Howes Phillip T. Elizabeth cottage, Jeffree Frederick, 26 Babbacombe rd Langford Alfd. Edwin, 22 Gt.Elm&rd Page Heath lane, Bickley Jeffrey Alfred, 38 Great Elms road Langmore'HughGrantjioAldermary rd Howie William, 22 Queen’B road Jeffrey Alfred, 3 Holligrave road Langmore Mrs. 14 Holwood road Howlett Philip, 16 Hoi wood road Jeffries Harry, 27 Hawes road Langton Mrs. 10 Hawes road Howtree Frederick George, 60 Babba- Jenkins Mrs. 4 Stanhope villas Lansbury Mrs. 12 Queen Anne avenue combe road Jenkins W. Cumberland house, Cum­ Lansley Sydney, 41 Ravensbourne rd Hubbard Thomas Rowlett, Leecroft, berland road Latter Edward, 7 Beckenham lane Durham road Jenner Arthur, 21 Park grove Latter H. R. Burrell’s Meadow, Beck­ Hudson Frederic B.A. Thorn Braes, Jennings George Charles H. The enham lane Garden road Rosary, Quernmore road Latter William Fredk. 1 Langdon rd Hudson Mrs. 24 Gravel Toad, Brom­ Jockel A.S.The Homestead,Garden rd Laumann Miss, 121 Widmore road ley common Johnsen William Martin, 20 Blyth rd Laumann Theodore Henry R. 23 Hnghes Rev. Peter (Catholic), The Johnson Charles F. 38 Palace grove Queen Anne av. South Hill park Presbytery, 83 Plaistow lane Johnson Charles Orchard, 14 Shaw­ Lavers Stanley Geo. 11 Gilbert Toad Hughes Arthur B. Nannerch, Blen­ field park L*aw Robert Tennant Caird, 97 Col­ heim road, Bickley Johnson David, 5 Station road lege Toad Hughes Arthur Mumford, Beaulieu, Johnson Ernest F. 89 Mason’s hill Lawes Edwd. Bowen, 65 Widmore rd Park Farn* road Johnson Fredk. J. 15 Hammelton rd Lawler Arthur, 14 Tweedy road Hughes Edward, 46 Mason's hill JohnsonLouisArth. Ramleh,London la Lawler James Edward, Sundridge Hughes Ernest F. 2- Elmfield road Johnson Percy Edwin, Monreale,Blen­ hall, Burnt Ash lane, Plaistcw n Hughes F, J. 2 Elmfield road heim road, Bickley Lawrence Edwin D. L. 26 Gt.Elms id Hughes Harry S. 33 Queen Anne Johnston Henry, 30 Durham avenue Lawrence Mrs. Denholme, London la avenue, South Hill park Jones Albt. Edwd. 82 Bromley com Lawrie Aiex Cecil, 99 Flaistow lane Hughes Reginald,Lullingstone,Park av Jones Charles Hy. 27 Aldermary rd Lawrie Ernest, 26 Rodway Toad Humerston James, 73 Tweedy road Jones Henry, Elmlea, Highfield road, Layard Miss, 19 Hayes Toad Humphrey Miss, 31a, Palace gTove Bickley Layman Mrs. 3 Southlands gro.Bickley Humphreys James Hulse, Meadow- Jones J. Arthur, 44 Hayes road Layton Edward, 31 Rodway Toad croft, Madeira avenue Jones Mrs. Wantieden, Denbridge rd. Layton John Edward, 4 Lansdpwne Humphries Mrs. 24 Cambridge road Bickley road, Plaistow Humphry? William, 5 Oakland? road Jones Ormsby, 90 Hayes yoad Layton Mrs. 159 Widmore road * Hunt George, 16 Homesdale road Jones William Prestige, Heath cot­ Lazenby Arthur,f 124 College road Hunt Mrs. 17 Palace grove tage, Claremont road, Bickley Lea Edward T. 28 Tweedy road Hunt Richard, 60 London road Jorgensen Johan, 103 plaistow lane Lee Myer Barnett, Sherwood cottage* Hunt . Thomas, Elmstead, Blenheim Joy Miss,. 46 Tweedy road Kinnaird avenue roadj^Bickley

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Lee-Warner Sir William G.C.S.I. Mackrell Mrs. 8 SandfordToad Meredith Bliss, 33 Ravensbourne road r Glencairn, Southlands gro« Bickley McLagan Archibald Gibson, Ennore, Meyer Mrs. 3 Hammelton rpad Leeming John, 55 KavenBDoume road Chislehurst road, Bickley Miles Alfred H. xi Holwood road Lees Miss, 7 Highland Toad McLennan John, 16 Garden road Miller Arthur, 33a, Park road Lees Misses, 90 London road MacMahon W.Hngh, 12 Homesdale rd Miller Dune, Innisfallen, Durham rd Leigh-Jones Rev.Thomas B.A. (curate McMillan Jas. 4 Oldfield rd. Bickley Miller John Henry4 Atchley, South* of St. Mary’s), 37 Gilbert road McNair-Scott Robert F. 165 Wid­ borough road, Bickley Leishman Mrs. Belmont, Southboro’ more road Miller Mrs. 238 Southlands TdiBichley road, Bickley Maddocks Mrs. 4 Palace grove Millhoff James, 44. Cambridge road Le May Herbert, 5 Hope park Maddox Frank William, 7 London la Milloy Thos. Robert, 58 Hayes road London Edward Cator, a Chislehurst Malcolm Joseph C. Sadler, Eversley, Milstead Henry, 96 College read Toad, Bickley Alexandra avenne Milstead Herbert Henry, 18 Hawes rd Lepper John H. Fairfield, Madeira ay Male William, 10 Hope park Mimpriss Sydney Trevor, 15 London la Levey Ralph, 11 Fairfield road Mallett Mrs. 8 Cambridge Toad Miskin Miss, 19 Holwood road * Len George, 6 Hawes road Malpas William Henry, 13 Hawes rd Misselbrook Charles Leopold, 3 Levin Arthur Edwd. 45 Shawfield pk Man Fredk. H. D. 11 Upper Park rd Minster road Lewin Lieut.-Col. Wilfred Hale, 51 Manby Basil Way, Berrywood, Blen­ Mist Ranald, xi Queen’s road London lane ^ heim road, Bickley Mitchell Benjamin, 16 Gilbert road Lewin Harold Chaloner,i30aklands rd Maney Vincent, 10 Highland road Mitchell Fred, 2 Pinewood road Lewin Miss, 15 Farnaby road ^ ^ Manger George J.P. 65 Plaistow lane Mitchell Miss, 37 Ravensbourne rd Lewin Miss, Senlac lodge,'London lane Manly PeTcival William, 72 B abba- Mitchell ThoB. Thornhill, Madeira av Lewis Rev. Alfred (curate, St. combe road Mobsby Henry James, 25 Fairfield rd George’s church), 5 Clarence Toad, Mann Arthur Edward, Farrington, Moger Walter Henry, 100 Plaistow la Bickley Kinnaird avenne Mollwo Alfred, 4 Rodway road Lewis Cecil E. M., M.D. 8 Page Mann James Saumarez, 47 West­ Mollwo Carlo, Burnham lo. Lake av Heath lane, Bickley moreland road Monaco Vincengo, 26 Palace grove Lewis Frederick, 6 Wendover road Mansell Edmund Geo.Maydor,Park av Mor.khouse Edwd.Wm.45 Highland rd Lewis Miss, 207 Widmore road Mansell Harry Milton, 72 Westmore­ Monkton George Charles, Oakwood, Lewis Sidney Cooke, 3 Hope park land road Park avenue Lewisohon Claude, Kingsdown, Park Manser Walter L. Walcot, Wood­ Montague Whiffen, 155 Mason’s hill hill, Bickley lands road, Bickley Moodie Herbert John, 19 Sandford rd Ley James, 109 Mason’s hill Mansfield Frank Herbert, Engadine, Moon Henry James J. 17 Ethelbertrd Liardet Miss F M. 35 Tweedy road Quernmore road Moon Miss, 94 Babbacombe road Light Thomas Rt. 3 Queen’s Mead rd Mansfield Harry, Ivall, Southborough Moore Rev. Richard M.A. (vicar of Ligbtfoot Edwd. Thos. 2 Oaklands rd road, Bickley Christ ChuTch), Vicarage, 18 High­ Lindley-Jones Walter F.R-G.S. Park- Mantle George, 67 Hayes road land road wood, Edward road Manze Michael, 21 Hayes road Moore Arthur, 51 Westmoreland road Lines-Roberts Arthur, Eulinya, Park Marchant Frederick William^ 63 Moore Jn. Howaid J.P. 14 Orchard rd hill, Bickley Ravensbourne road Moore Mrs. Thnrlestone, Page Heath Lister Frank, 3 Minster road Margetson John, 13 Bickley Park rd. lane, Bicklev Livett Noblett R. 7 Pinewood road Bickley Mordaunt Miss M.D. 118 London rd Lloyd Maurice, 2 Lownd’s avenue Margetson Mrs. 81 Tweedy Toad Mordaunt William Hy. 118 London rd Lloyd Spencer Robt. 8 Homesdale rd Mark Arthur Shirley, 18 Page Heath Moreton Charles James, Elmdene, Loat Edward, 65 Tweedy Toad lane, Bickley Alexandra crescent Lockey Wm. Hy. 63 Freelands Toad Marlow Henry, 17 Orchard road | Morford Rippon, 30 Great Elms Toad Lockstone Capt. Charles Frederick Marriott Thomas Frank, Cantley, Morgan Rowland, 2 Aldermary road R.N.R. 39 Famaby road Garden road Morice Beaumont, 5 Lansdowne rd. Loder Sidney James, 24 Hawes road Marsden J. Whittaker, 42 London Td Plaistow Logan Frederick, 10 Farnaby road Marsh Robert Thomas, 12 Garden rd Morris Charles Thos. 28 Pinewood rd Loly Gustave B.A. 61 London lane Alarsh Robert Thos 52 Plaistow la Morris Harold Arthur,16 Oaklands rd Long Ernest Fowler,57 Ravensbourne Marsh William Ernest F.R.N.S. 3 Morris James, 9 Sandford road road Rodway road Morrison John, Dunthorpe, Walde- Longdon Robert M. M. 32 Palace gro Marsh William John, 12 Homefield Td grave road Lord Miss, 23 Queen’s road Marshall Miss, 35 Queen Anne aven Mortlock O. T. 29 Aldermary road Lovell C. Shaw, 76 Westmoreland rd Marshall Mrs.n Burnt Ash la. Plaistw Morton Mrs. 7 Upper Park road Lovell Edward, Ardne, Denhridge rd. Martin Ernest, 20 Pinewood road Morum Amos, 20 Freelands road Bicklev Martin Fredk. Stanley, 12 Queen’s rd Moullin L. Pembury ho. Brewery rd Lovell Ernest. 38 Hayes Toad Martin Miss, 20 College road Mourilyan Mrs. M. 101 Widmore rd Low Charles Abbot, 93 College road Martin Mrs. 25 Gilbert Toad Moxon Reginald, Stretton, Edward rd Lowrence John, 10 Queen’s Toad Mason David Marshall M.P. Ronak- Muggeridge Sidney, 15 Sandford road Lubbock Sir Nevile K.C.M.G. Oak­ wood, Chislehurst road, Bickley; & Muhlenkamp Henry, 93 Widmore rd ley, Bromley common Bath club W ; National Liberal Mumford Eustace Bardwell, Brae Lucas Frederick William, Gordon club S W & City Liberal club E C, side. Highland road lodge, Southborough road, Bickley London Munday Phillip,Whitecroft^dward rd Luntley Philip H. 130 Widmore road Mason Mrs. 2 Exmouth road Munson Miss, 29 Holwood road Luts August, 35 Aldermary road Mathews Miss, 3 Pinewood road Murray Mrs. 121 London road Lyle H. W., M.D. n Elmfield Toad Mathews Sidney Robert Harvey, 14 Murrin Sydney Stanley, 76 Babba­ Lynch-White Mrs. 48 Mason’s hill Southborough road, Birkley combe road Maby Charles Albert, 15 College road Mathewson John M.B. 45 Tweedy Td Musgrave Arth. Ye whir st, Southboro’ McArthur Duncan Romaine M.D. 12 Mathieson Mrs. 13 Blyth road Myring Ernest C. Lyndale, London la Mason’s hill Matthews Harold Hamilton, 6 Gar­ Mytton Frederick, 89 College toad McAuslan Henry Shaw, 37 Bromley den road Nalty Herbert, 75 London lane common ' Maxwell James L., M.A., M.D. 31 Napier Capt. George F. S. Dial house, McClure Charles, 17 Aldermary road Hammelton road Page Heath lane, Bickley MacColl Archibald McGregor,1 Gras- May j?railk, 199 Widmore road Nash Frank R. 5 Freelands road mere road May John, Hadlow, Woodlands Toad, Nash H. Broughton, 14 Southlands McConnell Robert, Greystones, Snn- Bickley grove, Bickley dridge avenue May Miss, Englefield, Woodlands rd Nash Stanley 1L 8 Highland Toad Macdonald Alexander, 10 Rodway rd Bickley Naylor William A. H., F.C.S., F.I.C* McDonald Gordon, 9 Clarence road, May cock Chas. Jn. 6 Lansdowne rd 27 Palace grove Bicklsy Mavnard Arthur Charles, 6 Queen’s Neale Archibald William, 96 B&bbai McDougall John, 19 Bromley common Mead road combe road MadFarlane William, n Bickley Park Maynard Bertram John Coates, it Neale Alfred, 4 Elmfield park road, Bickley Queen’s Mead road Neale Charles, 3 Elmfield park Macgowan Edward, Inchcape, Elm- Mead Harry. 65 London lane Neale Frederick, Vermont, South* field road Medhurst Frederick, 4 Elmfield road lands road, Bickley McIntyre Thomas C. Northfield, Elm- MedhuTst George,/ a Hammelton road Neale Miss, 9 Cambridge road stead lane, Bickley Medhurst Geo Percival, 7 Fairfield rd Neame Douglas J4 6 Spencer road McKendrick William Pollock, 6 Medhurst John, 44 Hammelton road Neeme Stuart, 9 Elmfield road Southlands grove, Bickley Neely William, 157 Widmore jroad McKewafl William Henry, Wellsfield, Mee Miss, 113 London road Meier Caspar Gottlieb, xi Rod way rd Neighbour James* The Cottage* Pinerf Denbridge road, Bickley Memess Miss, 17 College road road, Biokley

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PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www. pdffactory. com 1 2 4 BROMLEY". KENT. [ k e l l y 's Neill Mrs. 4 Hammelton road Pardon Arthur J. 5 Tweedy road Folden Charles E. Taormina, Blen­ Neilson Harold, 38 Babbacombe road Parfett Geo. Wm. 24 Burntash lane heim road, Bickley Nelson Percy Robert, 26 The Avenue, Parker Edmund Shirley, 6a, Home- Pollitt Miss, 24 Mason’s hill Bickley field road Pollock John, 14 Garden road NetUeton Arthur, 4 Queen’s Mead rd Parker Geo. Clive, 15 Sundridge aven Pollock Walt. Miramar, Madeira avn Nemnaier Fredk. G. B. 11 Minster rd Parker Juhn, 4 Grasmere road Poole-Smith George,131 Widmore rd New Frederick William, Merinda, Parker Mrs. 29 Highland road Pope Rev. George Harrison, Glandwr, Southborough road, Bickley Parkinson Mrs. 3 High street Warren avenue Newland Herbert G-eorge L.D.S.Eng. Parks George, 62 Lansdowne road Pope Alfred, 77 Crown lane 63 Widmore road Parr Rev. Edward Ambury B.A. Pope Howard, 87 College road Newland Mrs. 7 College road (curate of St. John’s), 10 Hawes rd Poppe Mrs. Rothesay, Park hi.Bickley Newport Mrs. 12 Hammelton road Parr Miss, Molescroft, Hill brow Porter Clifford E. J. 3 Fairfield road Newstead Arthur C. 19 Tweedy road Parsons Alfred Wm.24 Aldermary rd Porter Edmund Vernon, 10 Queen Newton Matthew H. Hover lodge,Park Patev Charles, 62 Hayes road Anne avenue bill, Bickley Paton Charles James, Strone, Park Porter Edward, 26 Ravensbourne Td Newton Miss, 21 Hammelton road Farm road Porter Miss, 9 Holligrave road Nichol Samuel J. 51 Hayes road Paton William, 48 Babbacombe road Porter Stanley Wm. 107 Plaistow la Nicholls Lieut.-Col. William, 10 Pawson Ralph, 1 Fairfield road Port way Alfred, 24 Palace grove Southborough road, Bickley Payn Mrs. 16 Page Heath lane,Bickley Potter Charles N. 58 Plaistow lane Nicholson Miss, 3 Longfield Payne Douglas, 1 Elmfield road Potter James William, 112 College rd Noah William John, Woodbourne, Payne Frederick, New farm, West­ Potter Mrs. Wharf mead, Turpington la London lane moreland road Potter Mrs. 134 Widmore road Noakes Robert Cecil, The Nook, Payne Herbert, 4 Bromley common Potter William M. 25 Gravel Toad, Alexandra crescent Payne Martin T. 4 Page Heath lane, Bromley common Nobs Wilfred, Lenton, Talbot road Bickley Poulton Alfred Walt. 12 Sandford rd Nops Walt. I.S O. 10 Ravensbourne rd Pavne Mrs. 1 Freelands road Poulton Gerald, 16 Sandford road Norman Archibald Cameron M.A., Payne Mrs. ± Freelands Toad Powell Henry, 1 Elmfield park J.P. The Rookery, Bromley commn Payne Russel Ernest, 9 Park grove Powell Henry Robert, 7 Hawthorne Norman Ebenezer, 50 Farnaby road Peachey George, 63 Plaistow lane road, Bickley Norman F. H. 19 Cambridge road Peachey Jas. Hindover, London lane Powell Herbert Austin,63 Mason’s hill Norman ton Robert, Nunholm, Spring­ Peacock Jn. Wadham, 2 Newman rd Powell Richard Charles, Springfield, field road, Bickley Peake Henry, 4 Cambridge road Springfield road, Bickley North Mrs. 97 Widmore road Peake Henry J. H. 3 Siward road Powell William, 91 Widmore road Northam Mrs. 6 Palace grove Peake Miss, 24 Farnaby road Powell-Williams Mrs. Tower house, Norton Mrs. 1 Exmouth Toad PeaTce Bertram, 7 Hawes road Warren avenue Noy Mis-s, 80 Hayes road Pearce Mrs. 65 College road Power Miss, 79 Widmore road Nutting W. 24 Holwood road Pearce Sidney Arthur, 37 Hawes rd Pownall George, 87 Hayes road Nye Charles, 23 Holligrave road Pearce Walter, 31 Fairfield road Poyser Walter Ward, 34 Babba­ Nye Miss, 59 Tweedy road Pearn Harry Jsph. 31 Shawfield park combe road Oakley George Joseph, 38 Hawes road Pearse Maj. Hy. Beresford D.S.O. The Prechtel Alfred, 105 Mason’s bill Oakley Robt. Gordon, 67 Freelands Td Crossways, Woodlands rd. Bickley Prentice Mrs. 24 Hammelton road O’Connell Major-Gen. Peter P. L., Pearson Henry, 2 Gilbert road Prestige Sydney Ernest, Park Riding, R.E. 5 Highland road-'" Pearson William Walker, 40 Brom­ Bird-in-Hand lane, Bickley O’Connor Peter James, Glenavon, ley common Price Alfred E., M.D., M.S. 13 High st Avondale road Pease John J. 98 Hayes road Price Edward Ebenezer,ioQaklands rd Odom Mrs. 58 Crescent road Pedlar John Hooper, Clovelly, South­ Price Edward T. 56 Westmoreland rd O’Donnell Dennis, 21 Holligrave road lands Toad, Bickley Price Herbt. Damarell,28 Sandford rd Ogilvie Charles Edward Walker, 14 Peill Edwin George, 12 High street Prior Albert E. 47 Plaistow lane Homefield road Peill Frederick Wm^Ravensbourne rd Priter Mrs. 39 Bromley common O’Hanlon Alfred, Dunoran, Park Peill Robert, 36 Bromley common Priter William, 4 Talbot road Farm road Pelletb Edgar T. 8 Hammelton road Pritt Harry Walter, 13 London lane Oldfield Josiah M.A., D.C.L. 33 Lon­ Peppercorn Mrs. J. E. Brantwood, Prosser Miss, Minshull,Denmark road don road Quernmore road- Pryce Edward John, Addlestone, O’Neill Hugh Clement, 1 Madeira av Peprato Mrs. 53 Tweedy road Beaconsfield Toad, Bickley Oram Engineer-Yice-Admiral Sir Hy. PeTkins C. F. 2 Turpington lane, Pulman Henry Percy, 24 Rodway road John K.C.B. 3 Grasmere road'- Bromley common Purcell John Poyntz, Crumlin, South- Oram John Palmer, 23 Tweedy road Perrott Finch, 26 Farnaby road borough road, Bickley Orchard Edward Hen slow, 11 Wan- Perry Harold Gregory, Walmer, Purvis John, 31 Homesdale Toad etead road Quernmore road Quelch Henry C. Sunnymede, Kin- Grde Julian, 35 Westmoreland road Perry Henry, 86 Plaistow lane naird avenue Orford James, 12 Palace grove Perry Henry Courtney, Redbourne, Quennell Charles H. Four Beeches, Orr David Yint, 27 Rodway road Park avenue Denbridge road, Bickley Osborn Mrs. 28 Hammelton road Peters W. Sylvadene, Cumberland rd Quicke Arthur, 4 Ravensbourne road Osborne Rev. Stanley Ernest M.A. Pettigrew William Clark, Hillside, Quy Arthur, 40 Hammelton Toad (curate of SS. Peter & Paul), 3 Park Farm road Radford Guy, The Corner house, St. Exmouth road Pet*s Mrs. 29 Tweedy road George’s road, Bickley Osmond Miss, 17 Durham avenue Pfeil Mrs. 107 Mason’s hill Rae Mrs. 9 Orchard road Otway Mrs. The Cottage, Beacons- Phelp Miss, 16 College road Bait William, Clifton bank, Page fieid road, Bickley Phillips Alfred John, 3 Station road Heath lane, Bickley Overy Mrs. 37 Shawfield park Phillips Charles, 1 Edward road Raitt George C. 22 Sandford Toad Owen Edwin, 10 Wendover road Phillips Ernest, 20 Aldermary road Ralph Hugh, 57 Freeland road Owen Evan Roger, North court, St. Phillips Frank, Titicaca, Lake avenue Randall Ernst. Edmund,11 Lychett rd George’s road, Bickley Phillips Walter, 15 Tweedy road Randall George, ^ Fairfield Toad Owen Howell Rhodes, Dorchester, Philpot Fredk. Jn. 15 Bromley com Randall Philip Nicholas M.B.Lond. Waldegrave road Philps John Hewett, 26 Hawes road 38a, Tweedy road Packe Mrs. 95 Widmore road Pierce Hugh, Bletchingly, Gilbert Td Rankin Miss, 7 Palace grove Padgham Charles Fredk. 19 Gilbert rd Piffe-Phelps Wm. 69 Ravensbournc rd | Ranson Bayley, Lea bank, Beacons-

Padgham Edwd. 39 Raven sbourne rd Pim Rev. Henry Bedford M.A. 7 _ field Toad. Bicklev v Pain Herbert H. 43 Highland road Spencer road Ranson Mrs. 27 Bromley common Pain Sidney Lewis, 157 Mason’s hill Pine-Coffin Richard, 17 Fairfield Toad Raphael Francis Charles, 92 Hayes rd Paine Arthur Harold, 24 Queen’s Td Pinion William, 49 Ravensbourne rd Rawlings Edward Bailey,21 Rodway rd Palmer George William, 82 Babba­ Pitt Mrs. 31 Hawes road Rayden Arth. Edwd. 35 Cambridge rd combe road Pitts Arthur Greville, Shellev, Lou­ Rayfield Arth. Jas. 38 Bromley comn Palmer John C. 25 Tweedy road don 1ane Read Mrs. 76 Hayes Toad Palmer Jn. Ramsey, 2 Bloomfield rd Pitts Harry, 14 Rodway road Reader Henry, 12 Aldermary road Palmer Miss, 24 Tweedy road Pitts William, 61 Hayes road Reading Percy, Battledown, Becken­ Palmer Misses, Green cot. Edward rd Pitts William Henry, 69 Hayes road ham lane Palmer Wm. Geo. 14 Aldermary Td Pluck Frederick, 19 Station Toad Reed George Dayrell, 22 Park road Palmer Wm. Mitchell, 2 Spencer Td Plumer H. T. 26 Aldermary road Reeve Edwin White, 13 Cambridge rd Pamphilon Mrs. 88 Tweedy rbad Pocock Mrs. Rosedene,Southlands rd. Reid Alfred William, 10 High street Pamphilon Walter James,92Tweedy rd Bickley Reid Charles, 44 Hawes road Panne 11 William, 3 Queen’s road Reid Mrs. 6 Shawfield park

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Reid William, 33 Cambridge Toad Sanderson Mrs. 3 Langdon road Shotter Fredk. Barriff, Beachwood, Rell Harold Edwin, 34 Hawes road Sandford Henry, 17 Hamm el ton road Gravel road, Bromley common Belton Arthur John, 15 Elmfield rd Sandle Hy. Jas. 46 Bromley common Sidney William Stafford, 2 Bickley Rendal Edward, 5 Gilbert road Sandle Sami. Sidney, 5 Bromley com road, Widmore Render Miss, 20 Holwood road Sandle Sydney John, 17 Holwood rd Sier Henry W. 5 Durham avenue Rennie James, 24 Elmfield road, Sandon Mrs. Rovehurst, Waldegrave Siggs Wm. Chas. 52 Babbacombe rd Elmfield Toad road Silver James Alex. 33 Great Elms rd Reveirs Harry, Southview, Claremont Santer John Robert, 9 Hawes road Sime William John, 9 Langdon road road, Bickley Sargent Arthur John, 79 College rd Simmonds Algernon, 46 London road Reynolds Walter, Edgbaston, Magpie Satterthwaite Colonel Edward C.B-, Simmonds Frank William, Dun- Hall lane, Bromley common V.D. 26 Oaklands road church, London lane Rhys Rev. Walter Rowland M.A. 14 Saunter Harry, 11 Station road Simmonds Percy, Meadowhurst, Park Hamm el ion road Savory Ernest Braithwaite, 25 High­ avenue Rbys Daniel, 2 Sandford road land road Simmons George, 14 Elmfield road Richards Mrs. C. 5 Shawfield park Sayer Geoffrey, 18 Garden road Simon Charles Victor, Gladwyn, Richardson Chas. 31 Queen Anne av Scheele Edward, 12 Wendover road Cromwell avenue Richardson William Lucas, 61 Schelbert Elois, Berwyn, Burford rd. Simpson David Chisholm, 19 Wend­ Tweedy road Bickley over road Richardson William Ridley M.A. 15 Schlopp Gustav, 100 Hayes road Simpson David Goudie, 155 Wid­ High street Scholefield Misses, Ivonhurst, Dur­ more road Riches Edward, 58 Babbacombe road ham road Simpson George, 18 Rodway Toad Riches Geo. Ferndale, Alexandra cres Schooling Fredk. Holly dene, Becken­ Sims Arthur, 19 Orchard road Rider Albert Lockwood, Elms id e, ham lane Simson Percival Arbuthnot, Wick- Widmore road Schubert Willy, 17 Lychett road hambury, Lake avenue Ridgway Albert, 48 Palace grove Schwaiger Imre G. 2 Rodway Toad Sinclair Rossiter, 3 Clarence road, Ridley Wm. Wells J.P. 9 Rodway rd Scipio Walter Geo. 8 Shawfield park Binkley Rings Fredk. Daheim, London lane Scott Arthur George, 16 Rodway road Singer Edwin, 77 Hayes road Ripley Edmund P. 17 Holligrave road Scott E. 5 Pinewood i;oad Sketchley Rev. Ernest Powys M.A. 30 Ritherrdon Robert, 32 Cambridge road Scott E. Kilburn M.I.E.E. Yale ho. i'weedv road Roberson Ernest Laughorne, Hazel- Burnt Ash lane, Plaistow Skilton Wm. Fras. 123 Widmore Td dene, Blenheim road, Bickley Scott James A. 1 Bromley common Skinner Miss, 40 Westmoreland road Roberts Arthur Wynter, 82 West­ Scott Miss, 25 Shawfield park Skinner Richard, 49 1 weedy road moreland road Scott Mrs. 13 Elmfield road Skipworth Benjamin Green, The Roberts Ernest John, 29 Holligrave rd Scott Mrs. E. 51 Palace grove Valley, Glass Mill lane Roberts Frank Percy, 18 Langdon rd Scott Mrs. Fitzgerald, 33 Palace gro Slater Misses, 4 Longfield Roberts William Thos. 13 Orchard rd Scott Thomas Arthur, 15 Fairfield rd Slipper John Shipley, 2 Grasmere rd Robinson Mrs. 163 Widmore road Scougall Thomas, Redlands, Park av Slipper Mrs.242 Southlands rd.Bickly Robinson William F. 91 Hayes road Screeton Samuel, 22 Aldermary road Sloan Walt. B. Glen Conner, London la Rogers Chas.K. 12 Page Heath la.Bckly Scrutton Miss, 58 Westmoreland road Sly Alfred H. 106 London road Rogers Herbert M. Langley wood, Sear Ernest Edward, Woodthorpe, Smallwood Josias Wm. 22 Minster rd Barnfield Wood road Cromwell avenue Smallwood Richard Coningsby, 4 Rogers John, 33 Hamm el ton road Searle Mrs. 9 Queen’s road Avondale road Rogers Kenneth M.D.Lond. 16 Upper Sears Mrs. 19 Queen Anne avenue Smart Frederick Chas. 69 London la Park road Seaward Percy Edward, Tantallon, Smee Albert Henry, 15 Queen’s road Rogers Miss, 7 Bromley common Edward road Smee Sydney, Foresterre, Lake aven Rogerson Mrs. 9 Aldermary road Sedgley Walt. Holm wood, King’s av Smith Bert, 13 Farnaby road Rolfe Alfred Charles, 54 Crescent rd SeiTes Fdk. G. Wynhurst, King’s av Smith Charies Marsh, 35 London rd Rolfe William Robert, 89 Hayes Toad Selby Edgar H. 6 Cumberland road Smith D. Warres, 2 Bickley Park rd. Romanis Miss, 48 Tweedy road Selby Frederick Kesteven, The Barn, Bickley Romilly Miss, 99 Widmore road Magpie Hall lane Smith Edward, 12 Highland road Romn-y Miss, 25 Holligrave road Selby Harry Turner, 30 Mason’s hill Smith Ernest, 19 Lychett Toad Rook Ernest Franklin,23Homesdale rd Selby Mrs. 22 Oaklands road Smith Harry Povah Bellamy, z Queen Room Herbert John, 103 Plaistow lane Selby Mrs. 69 Westmoreland road Anne avenue, South Hill park Rose Ernest George, 20 Minster road Selby William, 72 Park road Smith John Wm. 13 Hammelton rd Rose Francis John, 20 Sandford road Selwyn Mrs. 36 Farnaby Toad Smith Keith, Meadow view,London la Rose George, 7 Rodway road Shafto Rev.George Henry (Wesleyan), Smith Lionel Corlett, 52 Hayes road Rose Henry James, 13 Crescent road The Hawthorns, Elmfield road Smith Morton William, Thanet lodge, Rose Mrs. 39 Crown lane Sharland Hy. Jas. 38 Hammelton rd Garden road Rose William Swansted, 21 Alder­ Sharland Wm.Herbt. 7 Cambridge rd Smith Mrs. Betchyrorth, Oakley rd. mary road Sharp Henry, 32 Mason’s bill Bromley common Rossiter Thomas Wm. 102 Hayes rd Sharp Mrs. 22 College Toad Smith Mrs. Romanhurst, Toots Wood Rotter Edward, T9 Oaklands road. Sharp Wm. Fredk. B. 62 Plaistow la road Rouch Ernest R. 12 Tweedy road Shaw Cecil Robert, Stanbury, Crom­ Smith Mrs. E. 6 Cambridge road Routh Miss A. M. 28 Durham aven well avenue Smith Mrs. Henry, 88 Plaistow lane Rowe Rev. George Stringer (Wes- Shaw Fredk. 80 Westmoreland road Smith Mrs. Stafford, 84 London road levan), 65 Westmoreland road Shaw Hugh William, AbeTCorn,Avon­ Smith Reginald H. Fowey, Kinnaird Rowland Mrs. Barham house, Brom­ dale road avenne ley common Shaw John Edward, Silvermead, Smith Samuel A. 3 Edward Toad Rowlands Anthony, Dundy van, Park Quernmore road Smith Sidney Austin,37Cambridge rd avenne Shaw John Goodwin, Thilmere, Smith S’dney Chas. 17 Queen’s road Rowsell Leonard, 8 The Aven.Bickley Shawfield park Smith Stanley Edward, Penshurst, Ruble Arthur Haigh, 95 College rd Shaw Mrs. 109 Widmore Toad Kinnaird avenne Rudge William Meyrick, sen. 67 Shearer Wm. Swinton, King’s aven Smith Sydney, Wyncroft, St. George’s Farnaby road Shepherd M. B. 25 Queen Anne aven road, Bickley Rudge William Meyrick, Park house, Shepherd Thomas, 42 Crescent road Smith Sydney A. Wingate,Avondale rd Highland road Sheppard Henry Winter, 34 Cam­ Smith William, Wilhayes, London la ftnegg Henry, 6 Cromwell avenue bridge road Smith Wm. Herbt M.A. 18 Blyth rd Rush Herbert, 12 Lansdowne road Sbepperd Miss, Montpelier,London la Smvch Mrs. C. 3 Ethelbert road Rush Miss, 21 College road Sherriff Cyril G. 14 Queen Anne Smythson Sydney, 8 Durham avenue Rush Sydney Heath, 7 Garden road avenue, South Hill park Snow Mrs. 28 Stanley road Bussell Mrs. 28 Bodway road Sherriff Francis Henry F.I.A. 58 Soames Rev. Henry Aldwin M.A. 5 Ryall Frederick, 2 Lodge road Lansdowne road • Cromwell avenue Saalfeld Alfred, 14 Bickley Park road, Sherriff Frank F. Ravenscroft, Hill Soames Miss, 29 Westmoreland road Bickley brow Sofield Thomas Howard, St. Clair, Saint Mrs. 28 College road Sherwell John William, Ediac&ra, Blenheim road, Bickley Saint Mrs. Thirlmere, Hawthorne Hawthorne road, Bickley Solbd Frank do Lisle, 85 London lane Toad, Bickley Shillcook George, 13 Park grove Solbe Mrs. 5 Hawes road Sales James. 20 Palace grove Shillcock Joshua. 37 Hammelton rd Somerville Misses, 42 Hammelton rd Sales Miss K. 2 Park grove Shire Rt. Walt. Wyreema, Edward rd Somerville Wm. 74 Westmoreland rd Sandell Mrs. 144 Widmore road Shoobridflre Fredk. Jn. a Madeira aven Southgate Mrs. Rye villa, Talbot rd Sanders Charles, Barnett Wood road Shore Frederick William F.C.A. 1 b**«n Mrs. 1 Holwood road Sanders Isaac, 1 Longfield Hayes road Sparks Alfred, 51 Bromley common

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Spellacy Fredk. Wm. 2 Bromley com Symondson 'Herbert W. Woodside, Towse Frank, 30 Hammelton road Speller Harry Edward, The Laurels, South Hill Toad Towse Miss, 9 Westmoreland Toad Talbot Toad Tait Rev. Canon M.A. (vicar of SS. Treacher Jn. Appin ho. Avondale Td Spence Bobert, 92 Plaistow lane Peter & Paul, with St. Mark’s, Treasure Henry George Samuel,Twei- Spence William A. 9 Garden road rural dean & surrogate), Vicarage, ton, Blenheim Toad, Bickley Spencer Frank, 100 Babbacotnbe Toad Church road Tress Mrs. 10 Lansdowne road Spicer James Leonard, Stanmore, Tapley Walter Edwd. 2 Wendover rd Trevett Fredk. Jsph. 9 Freelands rd Kinnaird avenue Tapp

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Warmington Leonard Blakston, 15 White Rev. James M.A. (chaplain),? Wise Harold, 8 Minster road Wanstead road Bromley college Wish art Miss, 5 Edward road Warmington 'Mrs. 15 Upper Park rd White Frank Lynch, 10 Langdon Toad Wissler Frederick Heathcote, 6 Queen Warren Miss, 40 Palace grove White Harold, 22 Page Heath lane, Anne avenue Warren. Thomas Hy. 51 Lansdowne rd Bickley Withera Miss, 69 Freelands road Warren Walter Richd.25 Crescent* rd White Lewin, ir Freelands Toad Wix Mrs. 6 The Avenue, Bickley Warren* Edward Robert C- 65 White Mrs. Caerlaverock, Bickley rd. Wood Charles Ernest, 30 Westmore­ Farnaby road Widmore land road Warth Thomas, 120 Widmore road White Reginald Jn. 18 Shawfield park Wood Misses, 11 Crescent road Warfch Thomas Joseph, 29a, Park Td White Wm. Baglan, 22 Sundridge av Wood Mrs. 6 London lane Warwick Robert Chas. 114 College rd Whitfield Rev. Oswald G ., M.A. (Con­ Wood Mrs. T. 23 College road Waterworth John Halsted,8 Hawes rd gregational), 36 Cambridge road Wood William Charles* Park house,. Watling Miss, 19 Farnaby road Whittingham Frederick, Kimberley, Nightingale lane Wasson Malcolm McCanl, Somerford, Kinnaird avenue Woodall Edwd.Arth.19 Homesdale rd Park avenue Whittle Edwd. Alfd. 39 Cambridge rd Woodbridge Frank, 10 Orchard road Watson Misses, 16 Highland road Whyte Robert, 24 Sundridge avenue Woodcock Mrs. 71 London lane Watson W. Stanley,Inverleith,Lake av Whyte William, 17 Hawes road Woodford Edwin B. The Firs, Bickley Watts Edwd. Geo. 1 Pinewood road Whyte William John, Narbethong, Park road Watts James, 8 Palace grove Garden road Woodhouse Miss, 67 Oakley road, Watts Mrs. 52 Bromley common Wigram Rowland Lewis, 9 Highland Bromley common Watts William, 53 Ravensbourne rd road Woodman Johnson Musgrave, 3 Wan­ Way Harry, 14 Minster road Wilding Richard, Arima, Denbridge stead road Webb Geo. Wm. 71 Ravensbourne rd road, Bickley Woodward Arthur, 27 Tweedy road Webb James Simpson, 6 Burnt Ash Wiley Percy Jn.Douglas,3o Hawes rd Woodward Mrs. Berily, Southlands lane, Plaistow Wilkins Frank, 40 Fairfield road grove, Bickley Webber Charles, 12 Shawfield park Wilkinson Miss, a Cambridge road Woodward William, 36 Mason’s hill Webber John J. Wivenhoe, Blenheim Wilks James Herbert, a Southlands Woods Geo. Arthur, 1 Hammelton rd road, Bickley grove, Bickley Worth George, 50 Freelands Toad Weber Frederick A. G. 24 Blythe rd Wilks John J., B.A. 51 Highland rd Wragg Robert Thomas, Carisbrook, Webster Harry Bourne, Basildon, Wilks Miss, 40 Farnaby road Park avenue Queen’s Mead road Willett Mrs. 22 Blyth road Wright Alfred, 141 High street Weeden Ernest Arthur, 29 Queen Willey Miss, 47 Park road Wright Alfred, 114 London road Anne avenue, South Hill park Williams Lady, 15 Orchard road Wright Alfred Henry, 21 Sandford rd Weekes Michael George, Edgehill, Williams Ernest Hodder, 20 South- Wright George Cornelius M.D. 15 Cromwell avenue borough Toad, Bickley Westmoreland road Woekes Robert Willsher, 50 Hayes rd Williams Frank, 18 College road Wright Mrs. 9 Oldfield road, Bickley Weeks George, 61 High street Williams Graham Cyril,63 Farnaby rd Wright Walter, 25 Aldermary road Weeks William, 81 Widmore road Williams Howard, 21 Sundridge aven Wally Arthur, The Cottage, Night­ Welch Henry John, 9 Homefield road Williams John, 24 Bromley common ingale lane Weiford Francis W. 120 College road Williams Mrs. 147 Widmore road Wyborn Jn. Middleton, 34 Farnaby rd Weller Wm. Geo. 1 Queen’s Mead rd Williams Robert Enyon, 8 Cumber­ Wybrants Charles W. H. 39 West­ Wells Rev. Rd. J. 30 Oaklands road land Toad moreland road Wells Arthur William, 31 Tweedy rd Williams Robert Percy Hodder, 4 Wycherley Mrs. 33 Homesdale road Wenham George Harold, Charnwood, Wendover road Wylde Cecil Richard, 32 Rodway rd London lane Williams Stanley, 14 Highland road Wylie Robert James, 25 Rodway road West Fredk. William, 54 Hayes road Williamson Edward James, Ashdown, Yarrow Mrs. The Spinney, Wood­ West Miss, 14 (Hawthorne Td. Bickley Quernmore road lands road, Bickley West Miss, 6 Holwood road Williamson Fredk. Hy. 6 Farnaby rd Yelverton Mrs. 6 Hope park West Percy Camidge, 72 Plaistow la Williamson Jeffery W.27Holligrave rd Yolland John Horatio, 53 Bromley Weyman Miss, 49 Bromley common Wilson Rev. Charles M.A. Broad­ common Weyman William, 4 Oaklands road cast, Page Heath lane, Bickley Youens Harry, 2 Gravel road, Brom­ Wheat Mrs. 1 Stanhope villas Wilson Edwd. D. Woodlea, London la ley common Wheatly Francis, 19 Sundridge aven Wilson Percy Edward, 6 Homefield rd Young Herbert Hale, 28 Minster rd Wheeler Ernest Edward, 32 Burnt Wilson-Smith Mrs. J. 32 Hammelton Young James, 2 Blyth road Ash lane road Young Joseph O. 53 Lansdowne road Wheeler Henry, 73 College road Wimble Charles J. Arosa, Beacons- Young Mrs. Dinedor, Blenheim road, Wheeler Miss, 14 Burnt Ash lane field Toad, Bickley Bickley Wheeler Walter Charles, 12 Burnt Winch Herbert Morris, 1 Tweedy rd Young William Arthur, Growland, Ash lane, Plaistow Winch Wilson Hy. 20 Burntash lane Shawfield park Wheeler William Henry, 4 Hope park Winchester Joseph J. 25 Farnaby rd Zimmermann August, 84 Westmore­ Whelon William, 21 Bromley common Winder Reuben, 5 Durham road land road Whiffin Miss, 7 London road Winder William Thos.13 Sandford rd Zimmermann Sidney, 3 Highland rd Whiffin Miss A. M. ga, London road Winterbourne Hy. Wm. 8 College rd Zwicker Carl, Tne Homestead, King’s Whiffin Wm. Stanley,18 Freelands rd[Wise Cedi Thomas,64 Babbacomberd avenue COMMERCIAL. Ancient Order of Foresters, L. U. D. Court Pride of Early closing day, Wednesday. Mason’s Hill, No. 5545 (E. A. Forester, sec. 35 Mason’s hill), Co-operative hall, East street Abbott Annie (Miss),laundress,3 Cross rd. Bromley com Anderson’s Teeth Institute, artificial teeth makers, 136 Abbott Fredk. F.R.H.S. rose grower, 70 Beckenham la High street Abbott William, jobbing gardener, 95 Beckenham lane Andrews Rd. rustic worker, 20 Page Heath vils. Bickley Ackermann Fredk.Wm. baker, 13 The Broadway, High st Appleton Ernest, dining rooms, 30 Market square Addis James Arthur, paperhanger, 94 Newbury road Appleton Herbert, draper, 49 ft 51 Beckenham lane Adney ft Rawlins, boot repairers, 16 London road Araand J. 0 . ft Son, builders, 149 High street Adrienne Ada (Madame), costumier, 83 High street Asquith William D. gardener to Mrs. Harvey, Bracken- Adye William, tailor ft hosier, 17 ft 19 Widmore road hill, 21 Park end Amalie Brothers, butchers, 64 High st. ft 23 Broadway Attawell Harry John, laundry, 60 Chatterton road Alexander George, coal merchant, Railway station, Attwood William Joseph ft Co. drapers, 8a 8c 10 The Southborough road, Bickley Broadway, High Btreet Alford Thomas, grocer, 36 Bloomfield road Aught George Alphonso, boot maker, 150b, High street Alker ft Co. house ft estate agents, Bickley station, Austen Harry Horace, confectioner, 1 Johnson roqd Southborough road, Bickley Austen Henry George, gardener to W. Symington esq. A lid is ft Purser, costumiers, 39 Elmfield road Oldfield, Oldfield road, Bickley Allen ft Sons, bakers, 39 Freelands road Ayling Thomas Stephen, hoot ft shoe maker, 15 ft 16 Allen Ernest, chemist, see Goulden ft Allen The Broadway, High street Allen George, ironmonger, 118 High street Ayling William T. insur. agt. gee Harradine ft Ayling Allen Walter Thomas, stationer, ft post office, 178 Wid­ Bacon James ft Son, bakers, 31 Farwig lane more road Bacon J. A., (Mrs.), apartments, 37 Glebe road Amos George Richard ft Son, plumbers, ft post office, Bailey Alfred ft Son, builders, 39 Palace road 10 Simpson’s road Baker Brothers, market gardeners, Hayes lane Amos Benjamin, grocer, 42 Homesdale road Baker J. ft Co. nurserymen, Snndridge park Amos George Henry, auctioneer, see Monk, Amos ft Baker Marion ft Josephine (Misses), toy dealers, 114 Hambleton High street

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Baker Nelson,chimney sweep,2 i Recreation rd. Shortlands Bright well & Crowhurst, ladies’ outfitters, 121 High st Baker W. Herbert L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 152 High street IBrightwell Kate (Mrs.), dress maker, 43 Beckenham lane Baldock Charles E. confectioner, 25c, Simpson's road Bristow Richard George, watch maker, 5 North street Baldock Fredk. Edwd. cycle dir. ft agt. 1 London road British Window Cleaning Co. 94 High street Baldns John, hair dresser, 186 Homesdale road Britton Kate (Mrs.), shirt maker, 48 Beckenham lane Ban ham Walter, head gardener t-o T. C. Dewey esq. Broadley Brothers, clothiers, 144 High street South Hill wood, South Hill road Bromley ft Beckenham Joint Hospital Board,Skym corner Banner Walter Henry, poor rate collector, relieving & (R. M. H. Ran dell M.D. chairman; Alfred Wright, vaccination officer No. 1 district & registrar of births L. C. ft W. Bank, treasurer; Frank H. Gedney,clerk); & deaths for Bromley sub-district, 66 Tweedy road offices, Park house, Beckenham lane; Infections ft Banning William Thomas, grocer, 24 Plaisfcow lane Small Pox Hospitals (Philip Nicholas Randall M B. Barber Robert, tailor, 44 East street Lond. medical superintendent; Miss F. K. Whit- Barker Thomas, fruiterer, 108 Beckenham lane marsh, matron), Lower Gravel road Barlow Henry W. fishmonger, 10 Sundridge parade, Bromley & Bickley Golf Club (G. F. Fischer & S. C. Plaistow lane Lewis, joint secs.), Bromley common Barnett Frank James, stationer, & post office, 94 Beck­ Bromley Borough Education Committee (Fred H. Nor­ enham lane man, clerk), Education offices, Municipal buildings, Barns James George, assistant supt. Prudential Assur­ Tweedy road ance Co. 19 Nightingale lane Bromley Bowling Club (Henry James Green, sec.), 77a, Barrell Allen, house agent, 32 College road Plaistow lane Bartlett ft Gregory, solicitors, 137 & 138 High street Bromley Burial Board (Frederic Henry Norman, clerk & Bartlett Alfd. Jas. horticultural buildr.97 Beckenham la registrar), Municipal offices, Tweedy road; London Bartlett Arthur Wilson, solicitor, see Bartlett ft Gregory Road cemetery (George Huxley, supt.) & Bromley Hill Barton George, grocer, 86 Palace road cemetery (John Warner, supt) Barton William Henry, chemist, 42 East street Bromley Camera Club (T. Arnold Bennett, hon. sec.), Barwell William Matthew, grainer, 13 Howard road 22 Widmore road Bashford Edward, baker & confectioner, 48 East street Bromley Central Garage, 21 West street Bashford James E. umbrella maker, 5 West street Bromley Chess Club (H. V. Read, hon. sec.), Literary Bastable Arthur, fruiterer, 50 Palace road institute, 22 Widmore road Batchelar & Son Ltd. house furnishers, 11 Widmore rd Bromley China Stores Limited, china, glass & earthen­ Batchelder Frederick William, draper, 37 Mason's hill ware dealers, 24 High street Batchelor John Burder, solicitor, 48 Westmoreland road Bromley Chronicle (pub. weekly, thurs.), Sherman road Bateman William, greengrocer, 90 Jackson’s road Bromley Church Parish Room, 12 West street Battson & Sons, builders, 18 Park end Bromley College foT Clergymen’s Widows & Orphan Baxters Payne & Lepperf auctioneers, surveyors, Daughters (Rev. Jas. White M.A. chaplain),London Td valuers, house, estate, land ft insurance agents, Bromley College of Music (Ernest B. Moss A. G.S.M. & opposite General P. O. (T N 222 Bromley); & at Miss Beatrice E. Youngman A.G.S.M. directors), 6 Beckenham (T N 234 Bromley) & 69 King William High street street, City EC. T N 509 Avenue Bromley Conservative Club (Robert T. Wragg, hon. Beadle LauTa Bertha (Miss), fruiterer, 121 Mason’s hill sec.), Bromley lodge, High street Beardsall Edward, stationer, 49 London road Bromley Conservative & Unionist Registration Associa­ Beasley C. G. oil & color man, 6 London road tion (John King, sec.), 137 & 138 High street Beckenham Chronicle (weekly, thurs.), Sherman road Bromley Co-operative Hall (Bromley & Crays Co-opera­ Beckenham ft District Times (Kentish District Times tive Society Ltd. proprietors), 41 East street Co. Ltd. proprietors; published friday), 39 East street Bromley Cottage Improvement Company Limited (H. J. Beckett John B. butcher, 51 Oakley rd. Bromley commn Titford, sec.), 138 High street Beckwith Bertram Robt. boot repr. 133 Southlands rd Bromley & County Club (John Harrage LeppeT, hon. Bedingfield Victor Harry, stationer ft sub-postmaster, 75 sec.), 23 High street London road Bromley County Court (His Honour Edward Abbott Bee Frances (Miss), nurse, 52 Heathfield road, Plaistow Parry, judge; Edward Latter, registrar & high bailiff), Bennett Janette (Miss), dress maker, 95 Mason’s hill Widmore road Bennett T. Arnold, photo graphic material dealer, 24 Bromley & Crays Co-operative Society Limited (John £. Widmore road Santer, sec.), grocers &c. 41 East street; & branches, Berrv Edward, butcher, 77 London road 2 Simpson’s road & ChatteTton road Bickley ft Widmore Working Men’s Club (Samuel H. Bromley Cricket Club (Charles Lewis Gregory, hon. Gilbert, sec.), Tylney Toad sec.), 137 & 138 High street Bignell George, gardener to J. Margetson esq. Mere- Bromley ft District Chrysanthemum Society (F. vale, Bickley Park road, Bickley Andrews, sec.), 22 Widmore road Bignold Geo rare Edward, laundry, 88 ChatteTton road Bromley A District Liberal Association (John T. Grubb, Bird Eliza (Miss), maternity nurse, 10a, London road sec.), 94 Tweedy road Bird Fredk. oilman, 6 Cherry Orchard Td. Bromley com Bromley & District Times (Kentish District Times Co. Bishop Dora (Miss), dress maker, 54 Freelands road Limited, proprietors ;R. G. Bassett,managing director; Bishop Laban, jobbing gardener, 30 Stanley road published friday), 39 East street Blanks Edward, plumber, g Sharp’s cots. Walter’s yard Bromley Drill Hall & Gymnasium (Kent Territorial Blinkhorn Batchelor, fruiterer, 4 Sundridge parade, Force Association) (J. Spooner, caretaker), East st Plaistow lane Bromley Gymnastic Hall (J. R. Riddle, hon. sec.), Bloomfield Laundry (The) (Miss Grieve, manageress), College slip 49 Bloomfield road Bromley (Kent) Electric Light & Power Co. Limited Boaks Herbert, jobbing gardener, 26 Park road (Charles A. Maby, sec.; R. R. Barker, engineer ft Board of Trade Labour Exchange (Frederick E. Bnllen, manager), 1 West street manager), West street, Bromley Bromley Lawn Tennis Club (P. Boyd, hon. sec.), Sand- Boardman ft Co. Limited, timber merchants, 70 Tweedy ford road Toad & Sherman road Bromley Literary Institute, Reading Room ft Library Boiling Susan Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, 33 Oakley road, (T. J. Elliot & F. A. C. Thomas, hon. secs.; C. B- Bromley common - Butler, librarian), 22 Widmore road Bond & Co. florists, 1 Broadway, High street ft 117 Bromley Local Guide ft Advertiser (Charles A. Hopper, Mason’s hill proprietor) (published Saturday), 46 East street Boorman Edward, cab proprietor, 35 West street Bromley Model Steam Laundry (B. Millar, manager), 8 Booth Albert, boot Tepairer, 43 Napier road Marlborough road Boots Cash Chemists, 66 & 67 High street Bromley Motor ft Engineering Works (R. E. Anthony Botterill John Benjamin, Prince Frederick P.H. 31 A.M.I.M.E. proprietor), Mason’s hill Nichol lane Bromley Mortuary, Municipal buildings, Tweedy road Bourdon W. ft Co. Limited, cycle engineers, 8 East st Bromley Naturalists’ Society (H. H. Mellon, hon. sec.); Bowie H. Drnmmond, ironmonger, 49 Mason’s hill head quarters, Literary institute, 22 Widmore road Brace Rosina (Mrs.), confectioner, 32 Plaistow lane Bromley Nursing Home (Miss Raw, matron), 34 ft 35 Bradshaw Raphael, photographer, 78 Babbacombe road Palace grove Braine Robert, boot maker, 29 College road Bromley Palace de Luxe, cinematograph hall (Arthur E. Brandon Harry, hair dresser, 146 High street Eggleton, manager), 111 High street Brandon William (Mrs.), servants’ registry office, 228 'J Bromley Palace Estate Offices (Britten Holmes, man­ Homesdale road ager), Widmore Toad Brewer Jasper Henry, tailor, 23 Market square Bromley Park Estate Offices, 131 London road Bridger Charles, dairy, 169 Mason’s hill Bromley Philanthropic Society (Essex Webb, hon. sec.), BridgeT William, beer retailer, 1 Napier road 27 High street t

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Bromley Public Library (William J. Harris F.L.A. Catlett Samuel, bird ft animal dir. 64 Beckenham lane librarian), 17 High street & branch, Raglan road Cattle E. (Mrs.), school, 67 Tweedy road Bromley Record (monthly), Sherman road Cawthorne Joseph Wright, grocer, 38 Park end Bromley Recreation Ground (Joseph Miles, superinten­ Cayzer Harold Thurston, plumber, 90 Newbury road dent), Church road Cemeteries (F. H. Norman, clerk to the burial board), Bromley School of Music & Art (Ormond Yearsley, London road (George Huxley, snpt.) ft Bromley hill sec.), 5 Aberdeen buildings, High street (John Warner, superintendent) Bromley School of Science & Art (George Wilson, sec.; Chamberlain Elijah (Mrs.), draper, 32 Homesdale road Arthur Schofield A.R.C.A. art master; Reginald Chambers ft Co.dyers ft cleaners,22 The Broadway,High st Airy M.A. director), Tweedy road Chapman Henry, painter & decorator, 68 Palace road Bromley A South Eastern Permanent Investment Build­ Chapman William, clothier, 55 Chatterton road ing Society (William Frost Masters, sec.), 138 High st Chappell Francis ft Son, undertakers, 25 High street Bromley Telegraph ft Chislehurst Chronicle (published Chappell Fredk. S. architect, 31 The Broadway, High st Saturday), Sherman road Chappie Henry Charles, picture framer, 33 The Broad­ Bromley Town Council ft Burial Board (Frederic Henry way, High street Norman, town clerk), Municipal offices, Tweedy road Chase Gordon, photographer, 53 Widmore road Bromley Town Cricket Club (T. J. Elliott, sec.), School Chaston ft Sons, greengrocers, 34 Homesdale road house, College road Cheeseman F. ft Son, builders, 62 Beckenham lane Bromley Town Hall (Howards Stores Limited, lessees), Chesters W. Horsfall M.B., B.S.Lond. physician ft sur­ Market square geon, h i Widmore road Bromley Trade Protection Association (Fred Bunting, Chidley Arthur, laundry, Lower Gravel road sec.), 8 Park road Chitty & Son, coach builders, 4 & 5 Horsley road Bromley Union (Edward Haslehurst, clerk) ; offices,Park Chitty Charles, shoeing smith, 107 Palace road ft house, Beckenham lane Walters yard Bromley United Friendly Societies’ Convalescent Home Choate Charles, gasfitter, 1 Raglan road ft Hospital Society (A. Thomdycraft, sec.), Co-opera­ Christian Science Reading Room, 16 Widmore road tive hall, East street Churcher Joseph, shopkeeper, 77 Ridley road Bromley ft West Kent Masonic Hall Co. Limited (Horace Claessens Leon, White Hart hotel, 139 High street J. Titford, sec.), 138 High street Clark George, chimney sweep, 8 Nelson road Bromley Window Cleaning Co. 10 Nightingale lane Clark Henry, painter, 27 Simpson’s road Bromley Fredk. Russell, boot maker,see Gale ft Bromley Clark Thos. jobbing gardener, 60 Martin’s rd.Shortlands Brookhouse Charles Turing J.P., M.D., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Clark William George, dairy, 16 Simpson’s road Lond. physician ft surgeon, 38 Tweedy road Clarke Edward & Son Limited, printers, 53 High street Brookhouse Herbert O., M.D. ft B.S.Lond. physician ft Clarke George William, motor engineer, Chislehurst surgeon, 38 Tweedy road road, Bickley Brooks George William, grocer, 38 Beckenham lane Clarke William, painter, 70 Martins road, Shortlands Brouard W. ft Son, drapers, 35 Homesdale road ft Clarke William. John, hair dreeser, 53 Chatterton road miscellaneous dealers, 149a, Mason’s hill Clay den William, nurseryman, 69 Beckenham lane Brown Alfred, greengrocer, 6 Freelands grove Clifford Madame, corseti&re, 19 Church road Brown Alice (Miss), costumier, 85 Southlands road Clifton Charles, gardener to Mrs. Smith, Toots Wood rd Brown Charles Stephen, corn dealer, 3 Hoi wood build­ Coad Percy A., M.S.A. architect, 17 Wanstead road ings, Homesdale road Coal Co-operative Society Limited, Bickley station, Brown Edward Alfred, oilman, 105 Palace Toad Southborough road ft 19 Napier road Brown Edward C. boys’ school, Amesbury house, Chisle- Coates William C. apartments, 25 Glebe road hnrst Toad, Bickley Cocksedge Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress makeT, 24 Westmore­ Brown Frederick (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 27 Farwig lane land road Brown Mary Ann (Mrs.), Chatterton Arms P.H. 41 Codd Arthur Frederick Gambell M.B., F.R.O.S., San. Chatterton road, Common Sci.Cert. surgeon, ft medical officer of health for the Brown Mary Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 4 Station rd borough, 154 High street * Brown Rose A. (Miss), confectioner, 54 East street Cogswell Philip Dare L.R.O.P.Lond., M.R.C.S. ph} sician Browne Herbert L.D.S.B.O.S.Irel. dentist, 5 High street ft surgeon, 43 Tweedy road Browning ft Sons, greengrocers, 33 College Toad ft 95 Cohen Moses, district superintendent London ft Man­ High street chester Assurance Co. Limited, 37 West street Brnndell Walter E. The Oak P.H. 172 Widmore road Cole Albert S. fruiterer ft greengrocer, 4 London road Brunning Arthur J. butcher, 49 College road Cole Frank, umbrella maker, 65 Farwig lane Buchanan W. ft Co. builders’ merchants, Sherman road Coles Henry E. plumber, a Martin’s road, Shortlands Bnckland George, florist ft fruiterer, Market square Oolesworthy Stanley, news agent, 95 Farwig lane Banting Fred, certified bailiff under the u Law of Dis­ Collings Bros, carvers ft gilders, 8a ft 82a, High street tress Amendment Act,” 8 Park road Collins Herbert Ltd. general drapers, 12 ft 13 Market sq Banyan Harry, grocer, 54 ft 56 Chatterton road Collins George, jobbing gardener, 29 Walpole road Burgess M. ft A. (Misses), dress makers, 61 Tylney rd Collins Samuel, teacher of music, 28 Great Elms road Burgess Alice (Miss), private school, Stratford house, Connell James Morris, window cleaner, 2 Park end Southborough road, Bickley Conning George, draper, 32 Chatterton road Burr James Henry, baker, 20 Chatterton road Convent of the Holy Trinity (young ladies’ boarding ft Burton Brothers, smiths,»34 High, street day school) (Rev. Mother, Madame Blanche Delpal, Burton Clement, divisional police inspector, Police sta­ superioress), Freelands, Plaistow lane tion, Market square Cook Thomas William ft Co. tailors, 22 Church road Burton Edward R. pianoforte tuners, 1 Lychett road Cook H. district supt. Metropolitan Water Board (Kent Bush Sami, ft Son, printers ft stationers,41 ft 42 High st district}, 137 ft 138 High street Butler Wm. ft Jas. fencing contractors, 16 Cowper rd Cook James, insurance agent, 75 Bromley common Butler Harriett M. (Miss), butcher, 24 East street Cook Jane (Miss), draper, 46 Palace road Butler Thomas, sanitary inspector of borough ft inspec­ Cook Philip Inkerman M.D.Bnu., M.B.C.S.Eng. phy­ tor under “ Food ft Drugs Act,” Municipal offices, sician ft surgeon, 4 High street

__ TweedvW road Cooke James, draper, 15 Chatterton road Butterworth John William, shopkeeper, 1 Holwood Cooling Wm. market gardeneT, 80a, Bromley common buildings, Homesdale road Cooper Alfred, oil ft color man, 30 Broadway, High st Button ft East, estate agts. Station approach,Plaistow la Cooper George, confectioner, 1 Church road Cakebread Isabel M. (Miss), dress maker, 109 High st Cooper Maurice, tobacconist, 31 Broadway, High street Calder Robert, tailor, 30 Bloomfield road Cope Robert, greengrocer, 30 Plymouth road Oann Reginald W. confectioner, 31 High street Cope Wilfred A. assistant borough engineer. Municipal Car ft General Insurance Corporation (Robert Girling, offices, Tweedy road agent); branch offices, 137 ft 138 High street Copping Brothers, bakers, 50 Homesdale road Carpenter Edith (Mrs.),Railway Signal P.H-i Mason’s hi Copping Herbt. (Mrs.)Aaundress, 7 Bickley rd.Widmore Carreck Ada (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 16 Farwig lane Oopus William, confectioner, 62 Bromley common Carrick Samuel, boot maker, 44 East street Corbett William George, hardware dealer, 36 East st Carrigan Thomas, boot repairer, 7 North road Cornock David 3 . solicitor, 12 Freelands road Carter, Paterson ft Co. Limited (Frederick Chappell, Cornwall Edwin A. coal mer. Railwav bridge, High st depot manager), carriers, 31 East street Oossom Allan, greengrocer, 41 London road Carter James Ernest, house ft estate agent, 56 East st Coster Yinoent, sub-divisional police inspector. Polios Cates Rosina (Miss), teacher of music, 5 Pope road station, Market square Catford Herbt. antique dir. 25 The Broadway, High st Costin Alice M. (Miss), ladies’ outfitter, 8 London road


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Cottage Hospital (Sydney B. H. Mathews M.B.C.S. Dyne Adeie (Miss), dress maker, 3 Matras flats, Col­ Herbert James Ilott M.D., A. £. Price M.D.t A. F. lege road G. Codd M.B., F.R.C.S., J. H. Yolland M.B.C.S., Eagle Henry, boot repairer, 35 Addison road C. W. Grant Wilson M.B.C.S., L.B.C.P. & C. E. M. Eardley Thomas E. confectioner, 48 Southlands road Lewis M.A., M.D., B.C.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., Earing Geo. hardware dir. 7 Sundridge par. Plaistow la L. B.C.P.Lond. hon. medical officers; D’Arcy Power East Annie (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 58 Homesdale road M. B., F.B.C.S., F. F. Bnrghard M.D., F.B.C.S., H. J. Easters Helen (Miss), ladies’ outfitter, 123 Mason’s hill Marriage M.B., F.B.C.S. A Herbert W. Lyle M.D. hon. Eastman A Son (Dyers A Gleaners) Ltd. 83 High street consulting surgeons; Howard Tooth F.R.C.P. hon. Eastmans Limited, butchers, 102a, High street consulting physician; John Phillips M.D. A Hugh J. Easy Henry, baker, 78 Bromley common M. Playfair M.D., F.B.C.S. hon. consulting obstetric Edey George Bussell L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 153 High st physicians; Ernst Ofenheim M.A., M.D.bacteriologist; Edwards Charles, boot maker, 19 High street George Bussell Edey, hon. dental surgeon; J. Y. Hay, Edwards John M., M.R.C.S.Eng,, L.B.C.P.Lond.* L.S.A. hon. sec.; G. T. P. M. Ladyman, hon. assistant sec.; physician A surgeon, 51 Plaistow lane Miss Annie Carter, matron), Cromwell ay. Mason's hi Elliott Alfred, gardener to J. M’Millan esq. 4 Oldfield Coulter George, decorator, 43 Mason’s hill road, Bickley Cousins Charles H. bricklayer, 3 Horsley road Elliott Charles Wm. blacksmith, see Stace A Elliott Cousins Leopold J. sign writer, 27 Freelands road Elliott George T. furniture remover, 35 Simpson'b road Co veil A Harris, butchers, 52 High street Elliott John* fencing contractor, 78 Chatterton road Cox John C. greengrocer, 3 The Parade, Widmore road Ellis Bichard, blacksmith, 73a, Beckenham lane Cox William, Plough P.H. 81 Bromley common Elphick M. A Son, butchers, 7 Tylney road Craker Charles, gardener to D. War res Smith esq. 2 Elphinstone Robert M.B.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. phy­ Bickley Park Toad ■ sician A surgeon, 8 Bavensbourne road Craker Elizh. (Mrs.), laundry, see Hockley A Craker Emilie Madame, wardrobe dealer, 30 Addison road Craker Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 103 Southlands road England A Furness, nurserymen, Freelands road Crick ett Frederick George, surveyor, 61 Park end Etheridge Geo. chimney sweeper, 43 Mooreland road Crofts Herbert Edward, baker, 85 Mason’s hill Euvo Ointment Co. ointment manufrs.137 A 138 High st Crook Henry, coal dealer, 2 Croft road Evans John Albert, manager The London City A Mid­ Croome John Fergusson, collector of King’s taxes A land Bank Limited, High street accountant, 5 Market square Eves E., M. A E. (Misses), shopkeepers, 47 Liddon road Oroseley Thomas A Son, builders, 68 Tweedy road A Eves Edward William, grocer, 25 Bromley gardens Sherman road Ewens Bertram George, confectioner, 5 Widmore road Crossley Henry, builder, 77 Mason’s hill Fagg Arthur Edward, wine A spirit merchant, 43 A 45 CrothaU Clara (Mrs.), dress maker, n Heathfield road Homesdale road Crouch James Morton, ironmonger, 41 Mason’s hill A Fairchild Henry Edward, Two Doves P.H. 37 Oakley 25 Widmore road road, Bromley common Crow Fanny (Miss), shopkeeper, 59 Chatterton road Farmer Geo. Thos. tailor, 39 Recreation rd. Shortiands Crowe Amelia V. (Mrs.), Lord Homesdale P.H. 184 Farmer Julia (Mrs.), laundress, 2 Bourne road Homesdale road Fassam A Sons, fishmongers, 45 Palace road Growhurst John, painter A decorator, 22 Weston grove Faulkes & Steeden, tailors, 206 Widmore road Crowhurst Kate (Miss), ladies’ outfitter, see Brightwell Fawsitt Frederick, leather A grindery dir. 21 Market sq A Crowhurst Felce A Co. chemists (Henry St. David Francis M.P.S. Culver Leonard Alfred, draper, 101 Palace road proprietor), 22 High street A 76 College road Curwood George, outfitter, 14 Market square Ferris Robert A Sons, saddlers, 103 High street Curwood John N. news agent, 2 Widmore road Fertel Emma (Miss), ladies’ school, 33 Hoi wood road Customs & Excise Office (Arthur W. Woodward, sur­ Fertel Frederic, professor of music, 33 Holwood road veyor; Albert E. Jackson, officer), Park house, Fever Hospital (see Bromley A Beckenham Joint Hos­ Beckenham lane pital Board), Skym corner, Bromley common Cutler Robert, upholsterer, 99 Southlands road Field Charlotte A Grace (Misses), preparatory schod, 13 Dafforn Thomas John, fancy draper, 9 Widmore road Bromley common Dalton Palmer, hosier, 6 Widmore road Field Charles, boot repairer, 4 Mason’s hill Daniell Edwin, tailor, 61 Martin’s road, Shortlands Field Charles, jun. boot maker, 3 Martin’s rd.Shortlands Darby Brothers, builders’ merchants, Tweedy road Field Frederick, jobbing gardener, 55 Southlands road Darby Walter George, boot repairer, 24 Johnson road Fielding E. A Co. drapers, 2 Park end Davenport Richard Cartwright, chemist A druggist, 37 Fielding Ernest, draper, 89 London road London road Filby A Son, hair dressers, 89 High street Davies Fred, shopkeeper, 9 Devonshire sq. Mason’s hill Financial Partners Limited (William Strutt A.L.A.A. Davis Bertram, greengrocer, 74 College road sec.), 43 High street Davis William, general dealer, 80 Jackson road Fire Engine Station (C. Norton, supt) Dawes Henry, boys’ school, 16 Ravensbourne road ' Fitz A. (Mrs.), grocer, A post office, 215 Homesdale rd Dawes Henry Jas. boot repr. 1 The Parade, Widmore rd Flatt Kate (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Weston grove Deadman David, carpenter, 7 Farwig lane Fleet George, fishmonger, 63 Chatterton road Deadman Edgar C. shopkeeper, 79 Farwig lane Fleming, Beid A Co. Limited, scotch wool A hosiery Dean S. 3 . A Son, grocers, 55 College road stores, 150a, High street Dean Elizh. {Mrs.), art needlework estab. 84 High street Follett Joseph A Son, bakers, A post office, 14 London rd Dean Francis, supt. Pearl Life Assurance Co. Limited, Follett James P. cabinet maker, 14 Heathfield road 33 East street Follett Jesse, grocer, A post office, 119 Mason's hilk Dean Frederick, coach builder, 145 Widmore road Ford Edward, verger to St. Mary’s, 87 Park end DeR William, naturalist, 15 Market square Foreman A. A C. nurserymen, Lower Gravel roa

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Gedney Frank Humphrey, clerk to Bromley & Becken­ Harrison W. Jermyn B.A. deputy town clerk A solicitor. ham Joint Hospital Board; offices, Park house, Beck­ Municipal offices, Tweedy road enham lane Harry Edward H. cabinet maker, 2 Sundridge parade, George William, greengrocer, 193 Widmore road Plaistow lane Germain Sidney Alfred, antique dealer, 99 High street Hart George W. builder, Bickley Park road, Bickley Gething George C. laundry, 32 Pope road Hart Percy E. engineer, Shortlands gardens Gibbins Harry James, decorator. 3 Wharton road Hartridge Joseph A Son, builders, 143 Southlands road Gibbons Ernest Henry, baker, 43 Chatterton road Harwin Herbert, gardener to H. Holdron esq. Boughton, Gibbs Percy, beer A wine retailer, 81 London road Bickley Park road, Bickley , Gibson John, grocer, 135 Mason’s hill Haslehurst Edward, clerk to guardians A assessment com­ Gilbert Albert R. grocer, 55 Havelock road mittee, clerk to Bromley Rural Old Age Pension Sub»> Gilbert John* greengrocer, 48a, Stanley road Committee, superintendent registrar A clerk to Rural Giles Ada (Miss), girls’ school, 25 Great Elms road District Council A Bromley Local School Attendance Giles Roger Samuel, dress maker, 75 High street Committee; offices, Park house, Beckenham lane Gill John & Son Ltd. coal mers. Railway bridge, High st Hassell Thomas John, nurseryman, 36 Jackson road Gill William, gravel quarry owner, 68 Bromley common Hatch Mercer* photographer, 68 London road Gimson Emma (Mrs.), upholsterer, 42 Southlands road Hatton Jane A Sturgeon Elizabeth (Misses), dress Ginns Frank, boot A shoe dealer, 10 London road makers, 9 Simpson's road Giovanni Pietro, tobacconist, 73 London road Ha we 8 Henry, dairy, 28 Plaistow lane Girling Robert, clerk to commissioners of taxes. 137 & Hawke Banfield, tchr. of languages,5 The Avenue,Bickly 138 High street Hawke John Claude, tobacconist, 19a, East street Girls’ Public Day School Trust Limited (Miss Mabel Hawkings Stanley, borough engineer, Municipal offices, Hodge M.A. head mistress), 30 Elmfield road Tweedy road Goddard Albert, dining rooms, 4 Simpson’s road Hawkins Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 84 Southlands road Gold Samuel, hair dresser, 47 London road Hay John Yalden M.A. solicitor, 133 Widmore road Gooch George, butcher, 85 Beckenham lane * Hayler Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, 33 Simpson’s road Gooding Harry Lawrence F.L.A.A. accountant Ac. & Haylett Archibald Samuel, costumier, 4 Aberdeen build­ registrar of marriages for Bromley district, 43 High ings, High street street & 26 Crescent road Haylock J. W. Limited, boot makers. 16 Market square Goulden A Allen, chemists, 3 Widmore road Hayman Henry, picture dealer, 55 High street Graham L. A Son, builders & undertakers,45 Stanley Td Haynes Alfred Ernest, grocer, 88 High street Grainger Frederick Ohas. sanitary engineer,73 Palace rd Hayward Miss, confectioner, 24 The Broadway, High st Grand Hall Theatre (Animated Pictorial Enterprises Haywood George, builder A decorator, 102 High street Ltd. lessees; Geo. Hy. Moody, resident mgr.),High st Haywood Jeanette (Mrs.), confectioner, 102 High street Granger Robt. builder, 197 Widmore rd. & 1 Tylney rd Head Ernest, boot A shoe maker, 131 Mason’s hill Gransden Charles, plumber, 52 Tylney road Head Frank E. cutler A tool maker, 32 High street Grant Grace (Miss), nurse, 15 Homesdale road Head John, butcher, 3 Aylesbury road Granft-Wilson Charles Westbrooke M.R.C.S. surgeon, 5 Head Sarah (Mrs.), tailoress, 62 Park road London road (A see Ilott, Grant-Wilson A Ilott) Heap George Henry, district superintendent Prudential Graty Walter, builder, 21 East street Assurance Co. Limited, Market square Greed Isabel Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, 143 Mason’s bill Hearn Brothers, butchers, 80 College road; 14 Simp­ Green Sarah (Miss), haberdasher, see Hagley A Green son’s toad A 41 Freelands road Green William, gardener to Mrs. Wain, Clarewood, Heath Henry, butcher, 17 Farwig lane Bickley Park road Heather Harold Fredk. cycle A motor engnr.83London rd Greenaway Olive (Miss), dress maker, 51 Southlands rd Heathman Samuel, hair dresser, 97 High street Greensmith Alice (Mrs.), laundry, 11 A 13 Johnson rd Heaysman Thomas H. estate agent, 72 Tweedy road Gregory Charles Lewis, solicitor, see Bartlett & Gregory Hedditch F. (Mrs.), confectioner, 26 High street Gregory John, firewood dealer, 39 Walpole road Henderson Henry, chimney sweeper, 49 Farwig lane Greig David, provision mer. Savoy house, Market sq Henham A. A Son, house decorators, 39 Beckenham lane Griffin Clara Lucy (Mrs.), draper, 78 College road Henly Albert William M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.* L.D-S. dental Griffin Robert W., L.D.S.Eng. 100 High street surgeon, 11 High street Grinsted Daniel Limited, corn merchants, 124 High Hennah A Roberts, artificial teeth makers, 51 High st street A 18 Market square A Oakley road, Bromley Hennessy Charles, insurance agent, 46 Newbury road common A coal merchants, North railway station, Henry Ethel (Miss), nurse, 6 Queen’s road Tweedy road Herbert John A Son, greengrocers, 27 Newbury road Grishrook Stephen, chemist, 26 London road Herbert A Soans (Misses), dress makers, 29 Newbury rd Gritton Harvey, laundry, 34 Beckenham lane Herriett James, gardener to William Green esq. Moor­ Gront Engraving Co. 37 College road lands, Oldfield road, Bickley Grpve William Henry, Anglesea Arms P.H. 90 Palace rd Hewett Jack, wardrobe dealer, 28 Raglan road Gunton A Son, drapers, 85 A 86 High street Hickmott Walter, grocer, 30 Chatterton road Hadden John Hy. Three Compasses P.H. 10 Widmore rd Hierons John, bricklayer, 41 Tylney road Hadden Sarah Lncy (Miss), dress maker, 44 Park road Hill A Gurr, builders, 15 West street Hagley A Green, haberdashers, 25 Farwig lane Hill Cyril James Page, stationer, A post office, 29 Hailey C. A Son, cart A van builders, Walter’s yard Bromley gardens Hall Beale Frederick, boot repairer, 67 Palace road Hill Fred, market gardener, Lower Gravel road Hall Charles John, pawnbroker, 102c, High, street Hill Hy. gardener to R. T- Haines esq. 7 Mosslea road Hall Harry, house decorator, 67 Beckenham lane Hill Walter, gardener to J. L. Grossmith esq. 41 Hallamore Alfred, toy dealer, 9 Broadway, High street Wellington road Hambleton Edward William, auctioneer, see Monk, Amos Hill Sergt.-Maj. Wm. Edwd. drill instructor A Squadron A Hambleton West Kent (Queen’s Own) Yeomanry, Territorial Hambleton Edward Wm. miscellaneous dir. 10 East st Force, 80 Babbacombe road Hammond George A Sons, plumbers, 37 Freelands road Hills George, cab proprietor, North street A 13 South st Hammond Dorinda (Miss), school, 22a, London road Hills Herbert, cycle agent, 17 Park road Hance Kate (Mrs.), tea rooms, 145a, High street Hilsden Sydney, hair dresser, 53 College road Hannaford William, grocer, 1 Aylesbury Toad Hinchliife Brothers, stone masons, 108 London road; 9 Hardy Bros, dairymen, 17 Freelands rd. A 51 College rd South street A South Eastern Tail way station (North) Hardy A Son, picture framers, 1 Havelock road Hinton George Hy. confctnr. 39 Mason’s hill A 6 East at Harman George, coal dealer, 4s; Chatterton road Hoare Alfred, saddler, 25b, Simpson’s road Harman Herbert Palfrey, photographer, 7 High street Hoare Joseph, farmer,Blackbrook frm.Southboro’.Bickley Harmer Richard, builder, 3 Crown lane Hobbins Arthur Frederick, manager Union of London A Harradine A Ayling, insurance agents, 97 High street Smiths Bank Limited, 33 High street Harris Albert Thomas, ophthalmic optician. 27 Broad­ Hobbs William Amos, farrier, 82c, High street way, High street Hobden James Jarvis, grocer, 5 Chatterton road Harris Edward, farm steward to A - C. Norman esq. Hockadav William, builder, 65 Ravens bourne road Oakley farm, Bromley common Hockley A C'-aker. laundry, 25 Elliott road Harris Elizabeth (Mrs.), carman, 2 Lewes road H ekley GeoTge W. grocer, 47 Palace road Harris Ethel Kate (Miss), shopkeeper, 102 Palace road Hodder William George, boot Tepairer, 31 Victoria road Harris Henry, assistant supt. Prudential Assurance Co. Hodge Martha, Annie A Caroline (Misses), ladies’ out­ Beverley, Victoria road fitters, 30 London road Harris L. (Mrs.), laundry, see Wilkins A Harris Hodge John Henry, solicitor A commissioner for Harris Stephen Frederick, upholsterer, 6 Simpson’s road 1 Widmore road Harris William J., F.L.A, librarian of Bromley Public Hodgson Austin, stationer, 146a, High street Library, High street Holder William, boot repairer, 120 Southlands roa KENT 9 *

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PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www. pdffactory. com 132 BROMLEY. KENT. [ kelly’s Holland Alfred Ernest, grocer, 64 Nichol lane Josephine Letitia (Madame), costumier, n The Bread­ Holman John, basket maker, 4 Tylney Toad way, High street Holmes Lila (Miss), nurse, 65 Mason’s hill Judge Thomas, jobbing gardener, 8 Morgan road Holroyde William Frederick, solicitor, 5 Market square Jupp Henry*, Greyhound P.H. 116 & 117 High street Home & Colonial Stores Limited, 51a, High street Juvenile Foresters, No. 5545, White Hart hotel (W. Hooper Joseph, chemist, 195 Widmore road Layton, sec. 57 London road) Hopton & Sons, coal mers. Bailway station, Tweedy rd Juvenile Oddfellows (H. Hoskins, sec. 5 Weston road), Hoskins L. A. watch & clock maker, 3 West street Industrial Institute, Shearman road Hosier Ddvid, grocer, & post office, 33 Freelands road Keif Henry D. chemist, 32 The Broadway, High street Howard, Morley, Phillips & Co. music & musical instru­ & 104 Beckenham lane ment warehouse, 5 Aberdeen buildings, High street & Kennett Wm.Richd.grocer 32 & 33,& butchr.34,North rd 30 Widmore road Kent County Council Weights & Measures Stamping Howard John, boarding house, 35 & 29 Elm field road Office (Alexander Quinlan, inspector), North street Howard’s Stores Limited, provision dealers (John Kent Cyclist Battalion Territorial Force (A Co.) (Capt. Howard,managing director),59, 60, 71, 72 & 73 High st H. W. Shaw; Color-Sergt.-Instructor A. Martin); Howell Teresa (Miss), nurse, 12a, London road head quarters, Drill hall, 27 East street Howlett Brothers, beer retailers, 60 Beckenham lane Kent Education Committee Domestic Economy School Howlett Philip, fancy draper, 6 & 7 Aberdeen buildings, (Miss Isabel Duncan, supt.), Springhill, 142 College id High street Kentish District Times Co. Limited (B. G. Bassett, Howlett Rowland, grocer, 38 Simpsons road managing director), 39 East street Hubbard Charles Michael, grocer, 35 Heathfield road Kenward George, laundry, 12 Sundridge par. Plaistcrw Ja Hudd Austin, gardener to Mrs. Chalmers, Farrants, Kenzie Bose (Mrs.), laundry, 29 Morgan Toad Bickley Park road Kershaw-Bishop John, confr. 26 The Broadway, High st Hughes Ernest Frederick, solicitor, 2 Elmfield road Kiely Emily (Miss), dress maker, 196 Widmore road Hughes Frederick James, solicitor & commissioner for Kimber John Thomas, shopkeeper, 174 Widmore road oaths, 2 Elmfield road Kincey John Doable, Beech Tree tavern, 54 London road Hughes Samuel, fried fish dealer, 21 Palace road King Clifford & Son, greengrocers, 2 Aylesbrny road Humerston James, upholsterer 37, & cycle dealer 35, King W. & Sons, fruiterers & florists, 87 London road East street & furniture repository, College road King George C. carpenter, 46 Homesdale road Humphrey Fred Basil, printer, 94 Southlands road King James, gardener to W. C. Gunn esq. Shebbear, Humphrey Harriet (Mrs.), confectioner,36 Beckenham la Fashoda road Hunt Brothers, grocers, 53 London road King John Ernest, jobbing gardener, 107 London road Hunt & Goodall, fruiterers, 3 Broadway, High street Kinnaird Park Estate Co.Ltd. (The), 1 Burnt Ash la.Plstw Hunt Hy. B. deputy registrar of marriages,60 London rd Kinsman Thomas, greengrocer, 57 Beckenham lane Hunter John Bertram, gardener to William MacFarlane Kirby & Price, surgeons, 13 High street esq. Elmhurst, Bickley Park road, Bickley Kirby Albert Edward M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & sur­ Hutcherson William, hair dresser, 20 East street geon (Arm, Kirby & Price), Bromley lodge, High st Hutchings James, builder, 104 Hayes road Kirby Geor-ge Edward, watch maker, 38 East street Hutson & Armstrong, drapers, 142 & 143 High street Kirk W. J. & Sons, butchers, 91 London road Hyett Geo. H. surveyor of taxes, Park ho. Beckenham la Kitch Julia H. (Mrs.), nurse, 74 Park road Igglesden Walter, watch maker,4 Aberdeen bldgs.High st Knappett David & Son, florists, 56 London road Ilott, Grant-Wilson & Ilott, physicians & surgeons, 56 Knell William, greengrocer, 38 Chatterton road High street Knight Albion Hampton,chimney sweep,59Beckenham la Ilott Cyril Herbert Thomas M.A., M.B., B.C.Camb., Knight Fred, fishmonger, 39 College road M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon Knight R.E. electrical engineer,4 TheParade,Widmore rd (Ilott, Grant-Wilson & Ilott), Hamlegro, Garden road Knight Richard George, electrical engineer, n Sundridge Ilott Herbert James M.D., C.M., M.B.C.S. physician & parade, Plaistow lane surgeon (Ilott, Grant-Wilson & Ilott), 57 High street Knights Ada M. (Mrs.), draper, 2 East street Independent Order of Oddfellows, St Mary Cray district, Knott Thomas T. & Sons, greengrocers, 5 Lower Gravel Lord Homesdale Lodge, No. 6647, St. Luke’s institute, road & florists, 75 Mason’s hill Baglan road; A. Elliott, sec Knott William & Son, boot makers, 22 Chatterton road Ingle Edmund, Farwig Arms P.H. 97 Farwig lane Knott Martin Alfred, plumber, 120b, Homesdale road Ingles James, saddler, 34 East street Knowles John & Co. (London) Ltd. builders’ merchants, Ingram Alexander John, motor engineer, 158a, The 167 Mason’s hill & S.E. & C.R. (north & south) statns Broadway, High street Krantz Israel, ladies’ tailor, 19 The Broadway, High st Innes F. & Co. electro platers, 9a, Upper Park road Kurn Clarence, shopkeeper, 73 Southlands road Insley William Edward, boot maker, 14 r Mason’s hill Lady Margaret Hospital (Miss Daisy E.Wilkins, matron; International Tea Co.’s Stores Limited, 120 High street Josiah Oldfield D.C.L.Oxon, M.R.C.S.Eng. senior Isard Edward & Son, wholesale oilmen, 7 & 8 Market sq hon. medical officer), 33 London road Jackson Albert E. customs & excise officer, Park house, Lampier Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 67 Beckenham lane Beckenham lane Lane William, greengrocer, 11 Chatterton road Jackson George, grocer, 79 Bromley common Larcombe Frank William, coffee rooms, 16 East street Jackson Mary Florence (Mrs.),dress ma.41 Heathfield rd Larkins Louisa S. (Miss), nursing home, 7 Blyth road JacqueBt Alice (Mrs.), confectioner, 32 Addison road Last Geo. Herbert, bookseller, 29 The Broadway,High st James & Co. Royal Bell hotel, 127 High street Latten William Frederick, collector to the Metropolitan Janes William, blacksmith, 76 College road Water Board (Kent district), 137 & 138 High street Jankinson H. & Son, jobbing gardeners, 46 Lansdowne Latter & Willett, solicitors, 26 Market square road, Plaistow Latter Edward (firm, Latter & Willett), solicitor, clerk Jarman Burt Waylen, upholsterer, 24 Chatterton road to the magistrates, registrar of county court & high Jarvis Edith (Miss), teacher of violin, 63 Tweedy road bailiff & vestry clerk, 26 Market square Jarvis Thomas Henry, professor of music, 63 Tweedy rd Latter Hugh R., F.S.I. surveyor, Town Hall chambers, Jarvis William, grocer, 54 Morgan road Market square Jayes Thomas Harris, butcher, 26 Chatterton road Law Thomas, saddler, 18 London road Jenner Thomas & Son, grocers & oilmen, 81 & 83 Lawrence George, nurseryman, 80 Bromley common Beckenham lane Lea Edward T. solicitor, 28 Tweedy road Jennings Arthur John, draper, 76 Homesdale road Leach J. & Son, marine stores, 75 Farwig lane Jephson Florence Mary (Mrs.), confr. 45 London road Leach James, jun. boot repairer, 23 Farwig lane Job Alfred, hoot maker, 7 West street Leach Muriel (Miss), nurse, 75 Farwig lane Job Walter, watch maker, 51 London road Leathern John, boot maker, 3 Stanley road Johnson Brothers (Dyers) Limited, dyers & cleaners, 150 Leaver Frederick, tailor, 43 College Toad High street Lee David (Mrs.), greengrocer, 21 Farwig lane Johnson John, shopkeeper, 82 College road Lee Myer Barnett, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Johnson John B. tobacconist, 15 Mason’s hill Sherwood cottage, Kinnaird avenue Johnson Joseph Forsyth, florist, Burnt Ash Lane Leech Jesse Westbrook, house & estate agent, 106 nursery, Plaistow Beckenham lane Johnstone H. & Co. tailors, 5 The Broadway, High street Legg Joseph, stationer, 165 Mason’s hill Jones Frank, chimney sweep, 62 Palace road Legler Henry, hair dresser, 44 Walpole Toad Jones Bichard (Mrs.), fruiterer, 59 Widmore road Leishman J. A. (Miss), girls’ school, Kinnaird park. Jones William Henry, insurance agent, 57 Tylney road Park avenue Jordan Harry, gardener to James Douglas esq. Dalmeny, Leishman Sarah (Mrs.), girls’ school, Belmont, South- Hawthorne road, Bickley borough road, Bickley Lennards Ltd. boot makers, 4 The Broadway, High st

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Lenton Frederick, photographer & statnr. 45 Mason’s hill Maxwell James L ., M.A., MD.Edin. physician & sur­ Lethbridge Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 131 Southlands rd geon, 31 Hammelton road Levons W. & Son, auctioneers, Broadway house, S igh st May John William, watch maker, 47 Mason’s hill Leversuch Edward, fishmonger, 2 Pembroke road Mayhew William Hallett, fishmonger, 32 East street Lewis Cecil E. M., M.A., M.D. physician & surgeon, 8 Maynard Frederick, boot repairer, 75 Jackson road Page Heath lane, Bickley (8c see Mathews & Lewis) Maypole Dairy Co. Limited, 137 High street a Lewis Robert, gamekeeper to A. C. Norman esq. The Mead L. k Co. corn merchants, 17 Mason’s hill Rookeries, Bromley common Meathrel Sydney F. butcher, 24 Homesdale road Ley Frank S. teacher of shorthand, 19 Great Elms road Medhurst F. Ltd. drapers, silk mercers, furnishers, cos­ Lidstone Limited, butchers, 23 Widmore road tumiers, milliners, mantle makers, ladies’ k children’s Limebeer Arthur, carpenter, 58 Pope road underclothing, hosiers glovers & stationers; dress­ Lindsey Charles James, plumber, 143 Widmore road making— perfect fit; fashion specialists, 44, 45, 46, 47, Line Herbert, boarding house, 71 High street 48, 49, c;o 8b 51 High street Linnell Thomas Henry, grocer, 65 London road Mercer William, chartered accountant, 43 High street Lipton Limited, grocers & provision dealers, 4c High st Merrett George William, laundry, 74 Homesdale Toad Locke George, head gardener to Mrs. Henwood, The Mersh Isabel (Miss), draper, 13 Chatterton road Lodge, Church house, Church road Mersh Thomas, coal merchant, 62 Tweedy road 8b Rail­ Loder Ernest, dairy farmer, Sundridge Hall farm,Burnt way station (north) Ash lane, Plaistow | Milbank Percy R. tailor, 29 High street London City ft Midland Bank Limited (branch) (J. A. Miles Sidney James, boot repairer, 71 Crown lane Evans, manager), High street, Market square; draw Mill Albt.Wm.8c Co.sewing machine agts.i2Bloomfield rd on head office, Threadneedle street, London E C Miller Brothers, oilmen, 45a, Addison road London Comity ft Westminster Bank Limited (branch) Miller Edward S. farmer, Hook farm, Bromley common {A. Wright, manager), 141 High street; head office, Miller M. tailor, 16 Florence road 41 Lothbury, London E C. See advertisement Miller William Jas. boot ma. 98 Martins rd. Shortlands London Medicine Co. patent medicine vendors, 37 Miller William Jas. jun. boot ma. 25c, Simpson’s road College road Mills Wm. shopkpr. 43 8c 45 Oakley Td. Bromley com London & Provincial Meat Stores, 43 High street Minter Mary (Mrs.), upholstress, 68 College road Longhorn Fredk. Jas. picture frame ma. 79 Mason’s hi Miskin Clara (Miss) k Arnold Mary (Miss), ladies’ LonghuTst John, chimney sweeper, 8 Devonshire square, school, 19 Holwood road Mason’s hill Mitchell Alfred 8c Son, carmen, 38 Walpole road Longley Edgar, gardener to Mrs. Knott, Lauriston, 58 Mitchell Alfred, curio dealer, 76 Tweedy road Park road Mitchell Arthur S. baker, 32 Bromley common Looker ft Son, shopkeepers, 167 Homes dale road Mitchell Benjamin, watch maker, d East street Loveday Margaret (Mrs.), servants’ registry office, 102 Mockridge Florence Harriett (Miss), shopkeeper, 35 London road Recreation Toad, Shortlands Lovibond John & Sons Limited, brewers, 35 Market sq. Monk, Amos 8c Hambleton, auction rooms, 13 West st k 128 High street; stores, 17 West street Monk Howard, draper k boot repairer, 34 Plaistow lane Lowe R. A. & Co. builders, 6 Tylney Toad Monkhouse Clara (Miss), dress maker, 58 Park Toad Lowrence John ft Harry, marine store dealers, Walter’s Moore Alfred, builder, 23 Bromley gardens yard, High street Moore James, mineral water manufr. 105 Southlands rd Lowrence Frederick, furniture dealer, 112 k 113 High st Moore Tom, watch repairer, 15 Chislehurst rd. Bickley Lowrence Thomas, miscellaneous dealer, 115 High street Mordaunt Ethel Amy (Miss) M.D.Brux. physician & ft 33 Farwig lane & clothier, 119 High street surgeon, 118 London road Lyddiard William, head gardener to A. C. Norman esq. Moreton Chas. Rt. tchr.of violin,Oakdene,Alexandra cres The Rookery, Bromley common Morgans William Richard, dairy, 93 London road Lyle H.Willoughby M.D. ,B. S.Loud.physcn.n Elmfield rd Mortlock C. T. 8c Son, picture frame makers, 25 East st McArthur Duncan Romaine M.D., C.M. physician k sur­ Mowats Limited, fishmongers, 58 East street geon, 12 Mason’s hill Moxham Wm. E. picture frame maker, 54 Simpson's rd McGlashan Alex, head gardener to Cosmo Bevan esq Muffitt Eliza (Miss), dress maker, 51 Farwig lane Widmore court, Bickley Toad Mumford William, jobmaster, 46 Freelands road McHarry William, hardware dealer, 9 Chatterton road Munday Harry, boot Tepairer, 11 Weston grove McIntosh Charles, cartage contractor, 53 Stanley road Mundy H. (Mrs.), registry office for servants, 23 East st McKenzie Eustace A. news agent & stationer,9a High st Mann Charles H. hair dresser, 49 Palace road Mackness Misses, registry office, 53 High street Murphy Walter, gardener to D. Duff, jun. esq. Coombe Macnamara Pearce O’Reilly, tobacconist, 31 Mason’s hill lea, Hawthorne road, Bickley Maddams Joseph, shopkeeper, 53 Havelock road Mussell Geo. grocer 8c draper, 168 8c 170 Homesdale road Manison Albert William, grocer, 30 North Toad Myall James E. insurance agent, 19 Church road Manning H.& Co.tobacconists,146 High st.& 22Market sq Myers Harry, tailor, 28 London road Manser Charles, hoarding house, 67 Ravensbourne road Nash Albert Henry, confectioner, 20 High street Mansted Edwin, tobacconist, 104 High street ' National Deposit Friendly Society (Bromley 8c Plaistow Margaret Nursing Home Limited (Miss M. E. Barns, branch) (Harry Parroll Steer, sec.), 98 London road sec.), 33 London road National Photo Co. (The), 109 High Btreet Marks k Spencer Limited, bazaar, 20 Market square National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Marks Thomas N. buildeT, 1 College slip Children (Albert Day, inspector), 86 College road Marler Henry, tailor k clothier, 54 High street Naunton Louise (Miss), nurse, 6 Queen’s road Marsh Brothers, grocers, 64 k 76a, College road Nelson James 8c Son Limited, butchers, 7 Chatterton Marsh Herbert, fruiterer & florist, 8 & 14 Plaistow lane Toad 8c 24 Market square Marshall Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 88 Hoxnesdale rd Nelson Robert & Co. domestic machinery dealers, x Marshall Mark, timber mer. Farwig lane & Sherman rd Aberdeen buildings, High street Marshall Maud (Miss), dress maker, 170 Widmore road Newberry James, painter & decorator, 47 West street Marshall Thos. Middleton, Crown P.H. 66 Bromley com Newby Timothy k Sons Ltd. fishmongers, 7 Widmore rd Marshall Walter, coal k coke dealer, 48 Addison road Newick George, grocer, 48 Newbury road Martin Peter & Sons, chimney sweepers, 9 Freelands gro Newlaud Herbt. Geo. L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 63 Widmore rd Martin T. & Sons, booksllrs. 11 k 12 Broadway, High st Newman Misses, boarding house, 22 Tweedy road Martin’s Bank Limited (branch) (Theodore M. Stan- Nicholls Frank, boot repairer, Sherman road comb, manager) (hours, 9 to 4, sat. 9 to 1). 126 High Nicholson A. 8c M.(Misses),tobacconists,34 Cbattertonrd street; draw on head office, 68 Lombard st. London EC | Nicholson Thomas, plumber, 41 Newbury road Matchett Samuel (Mrs.), dress maker, q Heathfield road Mathews k Lewis, surgeons, 14 Southborough road, Nightingale 8c Co. bakers, 1 Sundridge par. Plaistow la Noble Albert, dining rooms, 169 Homesdale road Bickley & 8 Page Heath lane, Bickley Norman Chas. news agt. ft post office, 77 Bromley com Mathews Sidney Robert H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C P Lond. see Norman Frederic H. town clerk ft clerk ft registrar of Mathews k Lewis Mathewson John M.B. physician & surgeon, k medical Burial Board & clerk to Education Committee, Muni­ officer ft public vaccinator for No. z district. Bromley cipal offices, Tweedy road ft 19 Cambridge road union, 45 Tweedy road Nye ft Son, grocers, ft post office, 21 Park road Matthews & Sons, butchers, 61 Chatterton road Nye Henry, cabinet maker ftc. 36 ft 37 Palace road Matthews Fredk. Five Bells P.H. 29 & 30 Bromley com Nye Henry James, plumber, 36 Palace road Matthews John, cab proprietor, 1 Sandford toad Oakley Edith (Miss), tchr. of pianoforte,67 Freelands rd Mannder Wm. Ltd. bakers 8b confctnrs. 1 ft 2 Market sq Ogden-Smith Walter, athletic outfitter, 151 High street Maxted Joseph, gardener to R. A. Brown esq. Sunpyside, Oldfield Josiah M.A., D.C.L., M.R.C.S.* L.R.C.P. phy­ Bickley Park road, Bickley sician ft surgeon, 33 London road Oliver Arthur, harness maker, 71 Bromley common

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Ollett Danl. carriage & motor body bldr.17 Simpson’s rd Poole John, rustic worker, n Hill View cottages, Burnt Osborn Frederick William, artificial teeth maker, 84 Ash lane, Plaistow Babbacombe road Potter John, baker, 55 London road Ovenden Edward, electrician, 17 Heathfield road Potton William, cattle salesman, 46 Newbury road Owen Alfred, oil & color man, see Smith & Owen Powell ft Lancaster, drapers, 78, 79 ft 80 High street Page George ft Son, greengrocers, 54 Havelock road Powell Henry, barrister-at-law, 1 Elmfield park Palgrave ft Co. photographer, 60 Freelands road Foyet Robert, shopkeeper, 89 Victoria road Palin Milbert, decorator, 25 Lansdowne road Prangle William, chimney sweeper, 1 Palace road Palmer Brothers, cycle engineers, 23 Mason’s hill Price Alfred Edward M.D., M.S.Lond. surgeon (firm, Palmer Emma (Mrs.) ft Marianne (Miss), dftss makers, Kirby & Price), 13 High street 26 Simpson’s road Pring Wallace, chemist, ft post office, 28 Chatterton rd Palmer George, insurance agent, 7 Station road Pritchard Alfred William, builder, 16 West street Palmer Herbert P. asphalter, 151 Mason’s hill Pritchard Sidney, estate agent, 58 Sandford road Pamphilon Geo. ft Son, wine & spirit mers. 58 High st Privett George, station master Bickley station, South- Pamphilon Walt. Jas. architect ft surveyor,92 Tweedy rd borough road Pankhurst Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 42 West street Proprietors ft Publishers of Bromley Chronicle, Bromley Pantry Thos. Ghas. ham ft beef dealer, 37 High street Telegraph ft Chislehurst Chronicle, Beckenham Parker Edwin S. statnr. & post office, 31 Bromley comn Chronicle ft Bromley Record, Sherman road Parsons Alfred Wm, hosier ft outfitter, 38 & 39 High st Provident Clothing Supply Co. Limited, travelling Partridge Frederick, grocer, 24 London road drapers, 28a, London road Pascoe Joseph, landscape gardener, 21 Martins road, Prudential Assurance Co. Limited (George Henry Heap, Shortlands district supt.), Market square Patten Frank Henry, stationer, 48 Homesdale road Puckridge ft Co. grocers, 17 & 19 Tylney road Payne F. & Co. butchers, 139 Mason’s hill Purchase John, gardener to Mrs. Wright, Highlands, Payne Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 164 Homesdale road Oldfield road, Bicklev Payne Ernest Walter, jeweller, 133 High street ft 29 Furton William, business agent, 91 Southlands road Market square Pyle William Henry, shopkeeper, 46 Southlands road Payne Harry, upholsterer, 39 West street Pyrke B. S. shopkeeper, 87 Palace road Payne Herbert T. Bailway hotel, 45 East street Pyrke George Lyde, upholsterer, 147 & 148 High street Pearce Brothers, builders, Sherman road Queenfisher Flour Co. Ltd. flour factors, Elliott road Pearce Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 29 Farwig lane Quernmore School for Boys (G. Loly B.A. principal), Pearce Frederick, laundry, 49 Walpole road 6r London lane Pearce George, tailor, 69 Mason’s hill Quinlan A. inspector of weights ft measures for Bromley Pearce Richard, jobbing gardener, 34 Havelock road division, North street Pearce Walter Harry, confectioner, 69 Mason’s hill Randall H. E. Limited, boot & shoe dealers, 8 Aberdeen Pearson ft Cox Ltd. automobile engnr5.42a,Beckenham la buildings, High street Pearson C. M. (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 20 Bloomfield rd Randall Arth. Jn. shopkeeper, 102 Martins rd.Shortlands Pearson Daniel, fishmonger, 36 Homesdale road Randall Philip Nicholas M.B.Lond., L.S.A.Lond. phy­ Peckham Frances (Mrs.), laundry, 31 Pope Toad sician & surgeon, & medical supt. Bromley ft Becken­ Pegg Nathaniel & Go. Limited, coal merchants, Bick- ham Joint Hospital Board, 38a. Tweedy road ley station, Southborough road & 76 Tweedy road Rands Augustus, jobbing gardener, 46 Croft road Peill E. & Sons, brick makers, 162 Homesdale road ft Ranson Henry, Chequers P.H. Southborough, Bickley carting contractors, 2 Southlands road Rasor Annie (Miss), fancy drapeT, 96 Beckenham lane Peill Edwin, coal merchant, Railway bridge, High st Ray Maud (Miss), boys’ school, 82 London road Pell Wm. Alfd. antique dir. 18 The Broadway, High st Rayfield William, shopkeeper, 16 Bloomfield road Pelly John, refreshment rooms, 19 Mason’s hill Read Albt. Geo. farmer. The Scrubbs frm.Low.Gravel rd Penfold William John, builder, 13 Liddon road Rednall William Herbert, district supt. Refuge Assur­ Pennells Walter John, hair dresser, 26 Addison road ance Co. Limited, 7 Tweedy road Pennvburgh Albert, laundrv, 11 Stanley road Reeves George, beer Tetailer, 69 Bromley common Pensotti -Charles, painter, 77 Park end Reeves Samuel, carpenter, 92 Palace road Perriman Helen E. (Mrs.), beer retailer, 64 Palace rd Reid Alfred William F.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, ft Perry Arthur, laundry, 20 Jackson Toad veterinary inspector under the “ Contagious Diseases Peters Emily (Mrs.), confectioner, 57 Widmore road (Animals) Act ” for Bromley division to the County Petty A. G. & Oo. motor garage, Mason’s hill Council, 10 High street Pfeil Christopher Ferdinand, pawnbroker, 20 The Broad­ Rendall George ft Co. hosiers ft outfitters, 107 High st way, High street Reynolds Sergt.-Instructor A., A ft B Cos. 5th Terri­ Phillips’, boot makers, 26 East street torial Force Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment, 47 Phillips Memorial Homoeopathic Hospital & Dispensary Howard road (Byres Moir M.D. & C.M.Edin. hon. consulting phy­ Reynolds Sidney Herbt. jobbing gardener, 42 Godwin rd sician; C. T. Knox Shaw L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S. Richards Arthur, greengrocer, 105 Addison road Eng. hon. consulting surgeon; G. H. Burford M.B., Richards John Henry R. watch maker, ft post office, C M. hon. gynaecologist; Dudley D’Auvergne Wright 9 Sundridge parade, Plaistow lane F R C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. consulting surgeon Richardson Thomas & Son, bakers, 89 Palace road for diseases of the ear ft throat; H. R. Ramsbotham Richardson William, news agent, 74 Tweedy road M.A , M.B.,B.Ch.Oxon. ft H. Wynne Thomas L.R.C.P. Richmond Emily (Mrs.), tobacconist, 89 Beckenham la Land., M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. medical officers; A. W. Rickett. Smith ft Co. (incorporated with Rickett, Henly L.D.S., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. Cockerell ft Co.Ltd.), coal mers.Tweedy rd.ft Park end dental surgeon; T. Bennett, hon. treas.; Oscar E. Riddick Frank, hair dresser, 12 Plaistow lane Hill, hon. sec.; Miss E. P. Hyde, matron), Lownd’s av Roberts Frank P. artificial teeth manufacturers, see Phillips Lemuel, cycle maker, 61 Bromley common Hennah ft Roberts Philpot Thomas W. Austin, builder, 66 London road Roberts Fred, gardener to William Holmes esq. Bon- Pickard Charles ft Sons, saddlers, 43 London road nington, Blackbrook lane, Bickley Pickard Charles J. sign writer, 78 Heathfield road Roberts Frederick John, shopkeeper, 31 College road Pinchin Daisy E- (Miss), dress maker, 1 Elliott road Robinson William Thomas, grocer, 60 Bromley common Plail ft Maynard, boot repairer, 22 Homesdale road Rochester Diocesan Girls’ Friendly Society Lodge (Miss Plaistow Cemetery (Charles Sheldon, superintendent), Alexandra Nunn, lady resident; Miss Romilly, hon. Burnt Ash lane, Plaistow sec.), 2 Park road Pledger Alfred, tailor, 44 College road Roffe Thomas, collector to- the Metropolitan Water Board Plummer Fred, gardener to Alfred Saalfield esq. The (Kent district), 137 ft 138 High street Elms, Bicklev Park road Rogers George ft Son, cab proprietors, Simpson’s road ft Pocock George W. nurseryman, College slip, High street Tweedy road ft wheelwrights, Yale cots. Mason’s hill Podger James ft Son, builders, 47 College road Rogers Kenneth M.D.Lond., M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Podger ft Sons Limited.dyers ft cleaners, 3 Market sq Lond. physician ft surgeon, 16 Upper Park road Poingdestre A. P. ft Son, builders, 11 Gwydyr road Rolfe Edward, hair dresser, 106 Palace Toad Pointer Henry, boot maker, 7 Napier road Rom ary A. E. ft Son, tobacconists, 18 East street Pollard George, shopkeeper, 10 HU1 View cottages,Burnt Bouch ft Sons, linen drapers, 36 ft 36a, High street Ash lane, Plaistow Ronse Charles Joseph, boarding house, 56 Tweedy Toad Pollard William Henry, boot repairer, 10 Plaistow grove Rowland Fred J. (late W. H. Knight), horticultural Pollock ft Co. art pottery dealers, 145b, High street builder, rustic works, coach builder, ladder makei* ft Poole Arthur Henry ft'Soir, plumbers, 44 Homesdale Td fencing contractor, Sedilia works, Bromley common Poole Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper,-11 Hill View cottages, ft at Sevenoaks Burnt A«h lane, Plaistow Rowlands John David, Crown ft Anchor P.H. 19 Park rd

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Budd Walter B. boot A shoe maker, 47 Chatterton road Smith Jn. Thos. book ma. 33 Recreation rd. Shortlaads & 33 Mason’s hill Smith William Henry, builder, Bickley ores. Bickley Bussell A. A Son, boot A shoe dealers, 140 High street Smithfield Meat Stores (F. R, Hawker, manager), 165 Bussell Geo. Percival, dairy farm, Hawthorne rd.Bickley Homesdale road Bussell Thomas, french polisher, 59 Freelands road Soan S. A Son, carriers, 45 College rd. A 24 Farwig la Bussell William, shopkeeper, 58 Newbury road Soans, Dunn A Jones, motor garage, 93 Mason’s hill A Bymill Frank (Mrs.), apartments, 10 College Toad 40 Napier Toad St. John Ambulance Brigade (No. si Bromley Division) Soans Alice (Miss), dress maker, see Herbert A Soans (A. C. Norman J.P. president; Thomas Healey, supt.; Sole Walter, Crown hotel, 46 Plaistow lane J. H. Yolland M.B.G.S. hon. surgeon; Sergt. F. Field, Songhnrst Wm. insur. agt. ia, Gravel rd. Bromley com seTgt. instructor; Sergt. William Cooling, hon. trea* South Suburban Gas Co. (Wilfrid Wastell, sec.) (branch surer; Corpl. C. E. Farrow, hon. sec.; head quarters, office), 156 High s t.; wor^p, Homesdale road St. Luke’s Institute, Raglan road, Bromley common; Spark Edgar, insurance agent, 13 Warner road B Section (J. Mathewson M.B. hon. surgeon; Sergt. Sparks Edward, jobmaster, 34 Napier road Clifford, sergt. instructor; J. Huckle, hon. sec.); Speller Edward William, nurseryman, 64 Bromley commn head quarters, Central hall, London road Speller Harry Edward, greengrocer, 7 Mason’s hill St. Luke’s Burial Board (John Johnson, superinten­ Spooner Winifred E. (Mrs.), draper, 20 London road dent) ; cemetery, Magpie Hall lane Springett Herbert M.R.C.V.S.L. veterinary surgeon, 36 St. Luke’s Institute (J. H. Yolland M.R.C.S. hon. sec.), High street Baglan road Springett Stephen Henry,jobbing gardener, 15 Palace gro St. Mark’s Club Boom, Mason’s hill St ace A Elliott, blacksmiths, 149 Mason’s hill St. Mary’s Convalescent Home (Miss Ivy Samuels, Stack Henry, laundry, 9 Elliott road matron), 14 Queen’s Mead road Stallworthy Albert, boot maker,. 1 Morgan Toad Sanders Elisabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 39 Palace grove Stancomb Theodcrre M. manager of Martins Bank Ltd. Sanders John Henry, accountant, 39 Palace grove 126 High street Sangster & Son, fishmongers, 82 Beckenham lane Stanford Frederick Houghton, hair dresser, 8 Broadway, Sannders G-eo. confr. A post office, 26 Homes dale road High street Saunders Lilian (Mrs.), tobacconist, 12 Chatterton road Staples John, builder, 62 Southborough road, Bickley Savory Ethel M. (Miss), nurse, 1 London road Startup Henry Wm. jobbing gardener, 36 Stanley road Sawer Bose (Miss), confectioner, 22 London road Steeden William, tailor, see Faulkes A Steeden Scarborough T. F. & W. picture frame makers, 3r East Steer Charles, confectioner, 94 Canon road street A 15 Morgan road Steiert A Sons, watch A clock makers, 21 High street Schneider Paul, hair dresser, 127 Mason’s hill Stembridge Jn. Jas. miscellaneons dealer, 15 Farwig la Scrivener George, tobacconist, 26 Plaistow lane Stevens Arthur Samuel, hoot maker, 10a Beckenham la< Seadon Elizabeth (Mrs.), beekeepers’ appliance manufac­ Stewart A Co. furniture dealers, 81 High street turer, 24 Stanley road, Mason’s hill Stockwell Daniel, jobmaster, 52 London road Sears Thomas (Mrs.), dre«s maker, 16 Tilney road Stockwell Robert, window cleaner, 46 Stanley road Serre Acbille Limited, dyers A cleaners, 30 High street Stokes Henry, shopkeeper, 30 Simpson’s road Shafto L. A W. (Misses), typists, 5 Market square Stone George, borough rate collector A collector of poor Shallard, Fendt A Co. dyers A cleaners, 4 East street rates No. 1 district, Bromley union, Municipal offices, Sharp Annie (Mrs.), upholstress, 14 Palace road Tweedy road Sharp Frank, fishmonger, 100 Martins road, Shortlands Stone Henry, boot repr. 1 Sharp’s cottages, Walter’s yd Shaw A Son, solicitors, 5 Market square Strachan Alfred, clothier, 34a, Market square Shaw Charles, Swan A Mitre hotel, 91 High street Strevens Blanche (Mrs.), photographer, 20 Church road Shelvoke Frank H. umbrella maker, 140a, High street Strong A Sons (Bromley, Kent) Ltd. printers, 39 East at Shepherd George, baker, $ Tvlney road Suburban (The) Window Cleaning Co. 10 London road Sherrill Brothers, window cleaners, 16 Heathfield road Suckling Fred, gardener to Mrs. Butler, Woodland, St. Shillcock A Son, pharmaceutical chemists, 122 High st George’s road, Bickley Shillcock George, dentist, 122 High street Sundridge Park Estate Office (William Pack, agent), 8 Shoebridge William Henry, clothier, 82 Palace road Orchard road Sibley James, confectioner. 49 Chatterton road Sundridge Park Golf Club (T. Caulfeild-Stoker, sec.), Silk Ethel L. (Miss), shopkeeper, 93 High street Sundridge park Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 14 East street Sundridge Steam Laundry (London United Laundries Walter, boot maker, 57 Chatterton road Limited), Scott’s road Simmons William, plumber A gasfitter, 38 West street Sutton Frederick, boarding house, 101 Mason’s hill Simper William, boot repairer, 10 Plaistow lane Swastika Laundrv Co. 218 Homesdale road Simpson Emily (Miss), dress maker, 23 West street Talbot Selina (Mrs.), boarding house, 3 College road Singer Sewing Machine Co.Ltd. 14 The Broadway,High st Tancioni Rienzi, watch maker, 29 Palace road Shilton William F. butcher, 6 Market square A dairy, Tarry Walter, tailor, io2d, High street no High street A dairy farm, Plaistow lane Tassell Joseph, cycle agt. 49 Oakley rd. Bromley common Skinner A Grant, tailors, 130 High st. A 33 Market sq Taylor Joseph A Son, bnilders, 149 Mason’s hill Skinner Charles N. jobmaster, 95 Martins rd. Shortlands Taylor R. Ltd. watch makers A jewellers, 125 High st Skinner Fred, dining rooms, 48 Palace road Taylor David, builder, 37 Stanley road Skinner George Edward, cowlteeper, 154 Widmore road Taylor Florence (Mrs.), laundry, 41 Walpole road Skinner Jesse, draper, 55 A 55a, Oakley rd. Bromley com Taylor H. refreshment rooms, 3 London road Skinner Percy James, confectioner, 17 The Broadway, Taylor Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker. 30 Park end High street A 12 East street Taylor Sarah (Miss), private school, 149 Mason’s hill Skinner Biehard, chemist, 26 Widmore road Taylor William Henry, jun. turncock Kent Water Co*. Skinner Thomas, grocer, 129 Southlands road 49 Martins road, Shortlands Slade John, Freelands tavern, 31 Freelands road Temperance Institute, coffee rooms (William Home, Slawson Emily (Miss), shopkeeper, 35 Freelands road manager), Old Court house Sledmore Ruth (Mrs.), dress maker, 137 Widmore road Territorial Force Battalion (5th) Queen’s Own (Royal Sly Alfred H. inspector Kent County A Bromley Porough West Kent Regiment) (Lieut.-Col. H. M. Twynem Councils (Diseases of Animals Acts), 106 London road D.S.O. commanding; Sergt. A. Reynolds, drill in­ Smallbone Charles Albert, fruiterer 65, grocer 77, A structor), Drill hall, East street wine A spirit merchant 79, Beckenham lane Terry Walter L. baker, 3 Mason’s bill Smedley Sam, secondhand furniture dir. 54 Palace Toad Testar Charles Ogle, boot maker, 69 London road Smith Albert F. A Son, sign writers, 24 Lid don road Teverson R. A. butcher, 30 East street Smith A Owen, oil A color men, 98 High street Thair Arthur, hair dresser, 176 Widmore road Smith W. H. A Son, booksellers, S. E. A C. Railway Thomas Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, r Foxbury road North A South stations; Sund ridge park A Bickley Thomas Arthur Samuel, Rising Sun P.H. 35 High street stations Thomas Emily A. (Mrs ), laundry, 1 Pembroke road Smith William A Sons, builders, 4 Gravel road Thomas F. Lewis, teacher of music, 5 College road Smith A Co. printers, 21 Church road Thomas Harold Wynne L.R.C.P.Lond^ M.R C.S Eng Smith Arthur John, fruiterer, 40 East street physician A surgeon firm, Wynne Thomas A Rama- Smith Austin, boot repairer, 1 North road botham), 155 High street Smith Charles, shopkeeper, 47 Oakley rd. Bromley com Thomas Thos. Percy, Duke’s Head P.H. 32 Market sq Smith Fdk. Hy. butcher, 3 Sundridgw par. Plaistow la Thomsett Luther James, grocer, 20 Homesdale road Smith Frederick W. butcher, 31 Widmore road Thornell Boland (Mra.), dress maker, 27 Oowper road Smith Harry, boot maker, 1 Wharton road Thornton Arthur Bruce F S.I. district valuer,. Yaluation Smith Harry Augustus, beer Tet. Southborough, Bickley department, Inland Revenue, 9 A x8 Holwood road Smith Harry J. printer, Walters yard. High street Threadgold Fredk. Alfred, insur. agent, 42 Heathfield id

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Timmis John, chemist, 147 Mason’s hill I West Arthur, shopkeeper, 2 Napier road Tip pen Edward Arthur, laundry, 34 Addison road Westbrook Isabella (Mrs.), fruit grower, 1 Cross road Tipping Jonathan Eli, bricklayer, 38 Palace road Wharrie Harry J. borough accountant, Municipal offices. Tolfrey H. E. ft Sons, builders, 98 ft 100 Beckenham la Tweedy road Tolhurst George, cartage contractor, 34 Napier road Whayman Edith, Grace ft May (Misses), fancy drapers, Tomblin William, news agent, 203 Homesdale road 137 Mason’s hill Tong Edward, beer Tetailer, 10 North road Wheadon Robert, butcher, 3a, The Parade, Widmore td Tosland Alex, upholsterer, 3 Aberdeen bldgs. High street Wheatley W. E. (Miss), ladies’ outfitter, 6 Broadway, Towell Charles, electrical engineer, 6 Park road High street Town Frederick, Star & Garter P.H. 105 High street White Charles, cab propr. 155 Crown la.Bromley commn Tracey Isabel (Miss), dress maker, 26 Southlands road White Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 7 Hawksworth road Trenholm George, dairy, ft Widmore road White Margt. (Mrs.), residential htl. Sundridge Pk. ho Trigg E. & Sons, dyers & cleaners, 14 The Broadway, White Thos. Lit tier, furniture dealer, 8 Simpson’s road High street; works, 23 Elliott Toad, Bromley common White William, oilman, 67 Chatterton road Trigg Edward J. hair dresser, 40 Homesdale road Wickenden Annie (Mrs.), cab propr. Bickley rd. Bickley True Form Boot Co. boot ft shoe makers, 135 High st Wiggington Edwd. Jn. D. boarding ho. 40 Tweedy rd Tuffin Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 15a, Chatterton rd Wild Nellie (Mrs.), fancy draper, 12 Snndridge parade, Tofnell Philip A. boot maker, 87a, Beckenham lane Plaistow lane Turner & Co. oilmen, 27 Mason’s hill & 15 Widmore rd Wiley Percy J. deputy superintendent registrar ft first Turner Charles, ironmonger Ac. 16 & 18 Chatterton road assistant clerk to the guardians & Rural District Coun­ Tutt H. A Sons, fishmongers, 25 Market square cil; offices, Park house, Beckenham lane Tyler Charles, builder, Westbrook, Clarence rd. Bickley Wilkins & Harris, laundry, Earwig lane Tyne Main Coal Co. Lim. coal merchants, 6a, East street Wilkins J. photographer, 2a, Simpson’s road Union of London ft Smiths Bank Ltd. (branch) (Arthur Wilks Albert, builder, 34 Crescent road Frederic Hobbins, manager), 33 High street; draw on Willatts Leonard H. stationer, 12 London road head office, 2 Princes street, London E C Willcox Robert, grocer, 13 Widmore Toad Upson A Co. boot & shoe dealers, 74 High street Willett Edward Archibald, solicitor (firm, Latter ft Uridge Isaac,grocer,27 & 29 Widmore rd.ft 25 Mason’s hi Willett), 26 Market square Usher William, dairy, 36 Chatterton Toad Williams Alfred, baker, 55 Beckenham lane Yale A. A Co. tobacconists, 21 The Broadway, High st Williams George H. butcher, 53 Beckenham lane Vass Daniel, plumber, 1 Walter’s yard, High street Williams Thomas, photographer, 15 Heathfield road Vickers Ernest Albert, painter, 34 Heathfield road Williamson Frederick Albert, insur. agent, 88 College rd Vickers Martha (Miss), dress maker, 3 Weston grove Willson W. H. & Co. builders, 125 Mason’s hill Vickers Percy, hair dresser, 29 Mason’s hill Willson W. R. & Sons, ironmongers, 182 WidmoTe road Vilixir Co. Limited (The), hair preparations, Broadway, Willson Walter R. jun. plumber, 180 Widmore road ft High street farrier, Lewes road ft 34 Walpole road Village Hall, Bromley common Wilson Arthur, sign writer, & dining rms. 83 Mason’s hi Viscose Development Co. Ltd. patentees, Pembroke rd Wilson James A. piano tuner, 14 Howard road Vousden William, greengrocer, 95 Bidley road Wilson Jane (Mrs.), boarding house, 84 Tweedy road Waddell Frederick John, fishmonger, 21 Mason’s hill Wilson William Albt. saddler & harness ma. 88 Palace rd Waghome David, florist, 9 Palace road Winfield ft Son, dairy, 65 Nichol lane Wailing George, coffee tavern, 87 Beckenham lane Wingham Susan (Miss), nurse, 39 Mason’s hill Wailing John, shopkeeper, 96 Martins road, Shortlands Winton’s Drug Co. (Harry Portlock, mgr.), 17 Market sq Walker John, tailor, 67 London road Wise Fred, butcher, 14 Chatterton road Walker William Henry, dairy, 73 Homesdale road Wise Mary (Miss), dress maker, 58 Tylney road Walter ft Co. grocers, 22 East street Wiss Florence (Miss), dress maker, 66 Freelands road Walters Enid (Miss) M.B., B.S. medical officer to Withycombe William Henry, beer & wine retailer, 76 ft Edncation Committee, 12 Park road 78 Farwig lane ft livery stables, College road Ward L. E. & Co. outfitters, 7 Broadway, High street Wollheim C. L. laundry, 43 East street, Bromley Ward John H. butcher, 76 Bromley common Wood Selby & Son, motor jobmasters, 19 Freelands rd Ware Frederick Charles, fishmonger, 51 Chatterton road Wood Thomas ft Son, bakers, ft post office, 62 College rd Ware William, fishmongers, 5 Aylesbury road Wood William ft Son, greengrocers, 104 Palace road Warren Percival George, sweep, 66 Palace road Wood Frances Louisa (Miss),apartments, 13 Freelands rd Waterer & Dickins, house ft estate agents, 138 High st Wood Minnie (Mrs.), stationer, 80 Beckenham lane Waterman John Thomas, coffee tavern, 92 High street Wood Percy James, decorator, 12 Glebe road Waters Jesse, carman, 186 Southlands Toad, Bickley Wood William Houseden, Tiger’s Head P.H. 14 Mason’s hi Waters Sydney, plumber, 68 Beckenham lane Woodhams J. L. ft Sons, builders, 145 Mason’s hill ft Weatherill Sydney Owen, plumber, 38 Victoria road Napier road « Webb T. H. & Son, builders, 25 Park road Woodward Arthur W. surveyor of customs ft excise, Webb Bertram, piano tuner, 32a, London road Park house, Beckenham lane Webb James Simpson, medical accountant, 6 Burnt Woolley Walter E. jun. cycle agent, 3 Tylney road Ash lane, Plaistow Woolley Walter G. draper, 3 Tylney road Webb John, jnn. smith, 63 Palace road World’s Stores Limited (branch), 50 East street Webb Stanley, cycle agent, 32 London road Worley Arthur, florist ft seedsman, 2 Tylney road Weekes F. & J. (Misses), milliners, 2 The Broadway, Worsfold Thomas, jobbing gardener, 23 Howard road High street Wright Brothers, drapers & milliners, High street Weeks Charles ft Sons, bakers, 1 Stanley road Wright Sami, ft Son, landscape gardeners, 7 Warner rd Weeks George ft Sons, ironmongers, 61 High street Wright Alfred, manager of the London County & West­ Welford’g Surrey Dairies Ltd. i45 High st.; 58 Becken­ minster Bank Limited, ft treasurer to the Union ft ham lane ft Widmore farm ^ Rural District Council, West Kent Main Sewerage Weller Thomas, coach builder, 151 Southlands road Board ft Bromley ft Beckenham Joint Hospital Board, Weller William George, solicitor, 43 High street 141 High street Wells James, boot repairer, 103 Palace road Wright Arthur E. jobbing gardener, 2 Nichol lane Wells Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer, 43 Tylney road Wright John, boot Tepairer, 47 Tylney road Wells William, dining Tooms, 65 Ohatterton road Wright William Geo. blacksmith, 71 Bromley common West Brothers, fly proprietors, n Lewes road Wynn George, gardener to W. H. Douglas esq. 6 Old­ West Kent District Times (Kentish District Times Co. field road, Bickley Lim. proprietors; B. G. Bassett, managing director), Wynne Thomas ft Ramsbotham, physicians ft surgeons, 39 East street 155 High street West Kent Liberal Association (Alfred Mills, sec.), 94 Yeates Alfred, wheelwright, 21 Johnson road Tweedy road Yeates Herbert, saddler, n Bourne road West Kent Liberal Institute Limited (John T. Grubb, Yolland John Horatio M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, ft medical sec.), 94 Tweedy road officer ft public vaccinator No. ra district, Bromley West Kent Main Sewage Board (Sir G. J. Woodman J.P. Union, 53 Bromley common chairman; , sec.; Alfred Williams ft Son, Young James ft Co. Limited, coach builders, 39 London engineers) ; office, Park house, Beckenham lane Toad & 136 High street West Kent (Queen’s Own) Yeomanry^ (Territorial Force) Young Men’s Christian Association (H. Roth well, hon. (A Squadron)) (Majior SirSi] Samuel E. ~~ Scott ’ barfc. M.P. sec.), 136 High street commanding;: Squadron-Sergt.-MajorSane William Edward Young Women’s Christian Association (Miss Gertrude Hill, drill instructor) Firkin, supt.), 67 & 69 Widmore road N E W B E O M P T O N is now ^included in the municipal borough of Gillingham, under which place full particulars are given.

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