INVITATION ORGANIZERS The German-Israeli Cooperation in Cancer Research was Scientific Program Committee founded in 1976 and is the longest lasting scientific coop- Ministry of Science, DKFZ: Prof. Dr. Hellmut Augustin Technology and Space eration between Germany and Israel. To date 159 projects Israel: Prof. Dr. Eli Pikarsky, Prof. Dr. Varda Rotter have been funded. Beyond this, the cooperation has led to friendships between scientists of both countries and other partners ( German-Israeli Cooperation in Cancer Research In 2013, the 6th German-Israeli Cancer Research School will DKFZ: Prof. Dr. Peter Angel take place in the Negev Desert in Israel. The focus will be on Israel: Dr. Ahmi Ben-Yehudah, Nurit Topaz mouse models of human cancer. Prominent Israeli and Ger- man scientists will present their latest advances in cancer Administrative Coordinator research. Dr. Barbara Böck Advanced preclinical tumor models have emerged as a criti- Scientific Coordinator of the Helmholtz Alliance cal bottleneck for both, the advancement of basic tumor Preclinical Comprehensive Cancer Center (PCCC) biology and for translational research. Aimed at overcom- ing this bottleneck, the speakers will highlight recent de- velopments in the field of mouse cancer models that better Contact Address MOST mimic the pathogenesis, the course and the response to Nurit Topaz therapy of human tumors. Ministry of Science, Technology and Space The format of the school will include lectures in the morn- P.O.Box 49100 ing and the late afternoon, framed by social activities. Dur- Jerusalem 91490, Israel ing the poster sessions, the participants are expected to phone: +972 2 5411157, fax: +972 2 5825725 give short presentations, highlighting their research proj- e-mail:
[email protected] ects.