Journal of the 1546 T130.11

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Journal of the 1546 T130.11 T130.11 JOURNAL OF THE OCTOBER 18 ``Sec. 402. Sense of Congress; notice to recipi- agement purposes in waters adjacent to the Forbes Latham Roberts ents of assistance.''. Pacific Insular Area with respect to which Ford LaTourette Roemer the fees are paid. Fowler Lazio Rogers TITLE IIÐINSULAR AREAS Fox Leach Rohrabacher ``(3) A PIAFA shall become effective ac- SEC. 201. SHORT TITLE. Frank (MA) Levin Ros-Lehtinen cording to the procedures of section 203. Franks (CT) Lewis (CA) Rose This title may be cited as the ``Pacific In- ``(4) The Secretary of State may not nego- sular Areas Fisheries Empowerment Act of Franks (NJ) Lewis (GA) Roth tiate a PIAFA with a country that is in vio- Frelinghuysen Lewis (KY) Roukema 1995''. lation of a governing international fishery Frisa Lightfoot Roybal-Allard SEC. 202. FINDINGS AND POLICY. agreement in effect under this Act. Frost Linder Royce (a) FINDINGS.ÐSection 2(a) (16 U.S.C. ``(5) This subsection shall not be considered Funderburk Lipinski Rush Furse LoBiondo Sabo 1801(a)) is further amended by adding at the to supersede any governing international end the following: Gallegly Lofgren Salmon fishery agreement in effect under this Act.''. Ganske Longley Sanders ``(10) The Pacific Insular Areas of the SEC. 205. ENFORCEMENT. Gejdenson Lowey Sanford United States contain a unique historical, Section 311 (16 U.S.C. 1861) is amended by Gekas Lucas Sawyer cultural, legal, political, and geographic cir- adding at the end the following new sub- Gephardt Luther Saxton cumstance, including the importance of fish- Geren Maloney Schaefer section: eries resources to their economic growth.''. Gibbons Manton Schiff ``(f) ENFORCEMENT IN THE INSULAR AREAS.Ð (b) POLICY.ÐSection 2(c) (16 U.S.C. 1801) is Gilchrest Manzullo Schroeder The Secretary, in consultation with the Gov- amendedÐ Gillmor Markey Schumer ernors of the Pacific Insular Areas shall, to Gilman Martinez Scott (1) by striking ``and'' at the end of para- the greatest extent practicable, support co- Gonzalez Martini Seastrand graph (5); operative enforcement agreements between Goodlatte Mascara Sensenbrenner (2) by striking the period at the end of Federal and Pacific Insular Area authori- Goodling Matsui Serrano paragraph (6) and inserting ``; and''; and Gordon McCarthy Shadegg ties.''. (3) by adding at the end the following new Goss McCollum Shaw paragraph: SEC. 206. CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. Graham McDade Shays ``(7) to assure that the fishery resources (a) Section 307(2)(B) (16 U.S.C. 1857(2)(B)) is Green McHale Shuster Greenwood McHugh Sisisky adjacent to Pacific Insular Areas, including amended by striking ``204(b) or (c)'' and in- serting ``204(b), (c), or (e)''. Gunderson McInnis Skaggs those within the exclusive economic zone of Gutierrez McKeon Skeen such areas and any Continental Shelf fishery (b) Section 311(g)(1) (16 U.S.C. 1861(g)(1)) is Gutknecht McKinney Skelton resources of such areas, be explored, ex- amended by inserting after the citation Hall (OH) McNulty Slaughter ploited, conserved, and managed for the ben- ``201(b) or (c)'' the words ``or section 204(d)''. Hall (TX) Meehan Smith (MI) efit of the people of each such areas.''. The bill, as amended, was ordered to Hamilton Meek Smith (NJ) be engrossed and read a third time, was Hansen Menendez Smith (TX) SEC. 203. DEFINITIONS. Harman Meyers Solomon Section 3 (16 U.S.C. 1802), as amended by read a third time by title. Hastert Mica Souder section 4 of this Act, is further amended by The question being put, viva voce, Hastings (FL) Miller (CA) Spence redesignating paragraphs (39) and (40) as Will the House pass said bill? Hayworth Miller (FL) Spratt paragraphs (40) and (41), respectively, and by The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. Hefley Minge Stark inserting after paragraph (38) the following Hefner Mink Stenholm LAHOOD, announced that the yeas had Heineman Moakley Stokes new paragraph: it. Herger Molinari Studds ``(39) The term `Pacific Insular Area' Mr. YOUNG of Alaska demanded that Hilleary Mollohan Stupak means American Samoa, Guam, or the Hilliard Moorhead Talent Northern Mariana Islands.''. the vote be taken by the yeas and nays, Hinchey Moran Tanner SEC. 204. FOREIGN FISHING AND INTER- which demand was supported by one- Hobson Morella Taylor (NC) NATIONAL FISHERY AGREEMENTS. fifth of the Members present, so the Hoekstra Murtha Thomas Hoke Myers Thornberry (a) AUTHORITY FOR FOREIGN FISHING UNDER yeas and nays were ordered. Holden Myrick Thurman A PACIFIC INSULAR AREA AGREEMENT.ÐSec- The vote was taken by electronic de- Horn Nadler Torkildsen tion 201(a)(1) (16 U.S.C. 1821(a)(1)), as amend- vice. Hostettler Neal Torres ed by title I of this Act, is further amended Houghton Ney Torricelli It was decided in the! Yeas ....... 388 Hoyer Norwood Towns by inserting ``or (e)'' after ``section 204(d)''. affirmative ................... Nays ...... 37 (b) AUTHORITY TO ENTER INTO A PACIFIC IN- Hunter Nussle Traficant Hutchinson Oberstar Upton SULAR AREAS AGREEMENT.ÐSection 202(c)(2) T130.11 [Roll No. 720] Hyde Obey Velazquez (16 U.S.C. 1822(c)(2)) is amended by inserting YEASÐ388 Inglis Olver Vento before the period at the end the following: Istook Orton Visclosky ``or section 204(e)''. Abercrombie Brown (OH) Cubin Jackson-Lee Owens Vucanovich (c) PACIFIC INSULAR AREA AGREEMENTS.Ð Ackerman Brownback Cunningham Jacobs Oxley Waldholtz Section 204 (26 U.S.C. 1824), as amended by Allard Bryant (TN) Danner Jefferson Packard Walker Andrews Bryant (TX) Davis Johnson (CT) Pallone Walsh section 5 of this Act, is further amended by Archer Bunn Deal adding at the end the following: Johnson (SD) Pastor Wamp Armey Bunning DeFazio Johnson, E.B. Paxon Ward ``(e) PACIFIC INSULAR AREAS.Ð(1) After con- Baesler Burr DeLauro Johnson, Sam Payne (NJ) Waters sultation with or at the request of the Gov- Baker (CA) Burton DeLay Johnston Payne (VA) Watt (NC) ernor of a Pacific Insular Area, the Sec- Baldacci Buyer Dellums Jones Pelosi Watts (OK) retary of State, in concurrence with the Sec- Ballenger Calvert Deutsch Kanjorski Peterson (FL) Waxman retary and the appropriate Council, may ne- Barcia Camp Diaz-Balart Kaptur Peterson (MN) Weldon (FL) Barr Canady Dickey Kasich Petri Weldon (PA) gotiate and enter into a Pacific Insular Area Barrett (NE) Cardin Dingell Fishery Agreement (in this subsection re- Kelly Pickett Weller Barrett (WI) Castle Dixon Kennedy (MA) Pomeroy Whitfield ferred to as a `PIAFA') to authorize foreign Bartlett Chabot Doggett Kennedy (RI) Porter Wicker fishing within the exclusive economic zone Barton Chambliss Dooley Kennelly Portman Williams adjacent to such Pacific Insular Area or for Bass Chenoweth Doolittle Kildee Poshard Wilson Continental Shelf fishery resources beyond Bateman Christensen Doyle Kim Pryce Wise such zone. Becerra Chrysler Dreier King Quillen Wolf Beilenson Clay Duncan Kingston Quinn Woolsey ``(2)(A) Fees pursuant to a PIAFA shall be Bentsen Clayton Durbin paid to the Secretary by the owner or oper- Kleczka Radanovich Wyden Bereuter Clement Edwards Klink Rahall Wynn ator of any foreign fishing vessel for which a Berman Clinger Ehlers Klug Ramstad Yates permit has been issued pursuant to this sec- Bevill Clyburn Ehrlich Knollenberg Rangel Young (AK) tion. Bilbray Coble Emerson Kolbe Reed Young (FL) ``(B) The Secretary of Commerce, in con- Bilirakis Coburn Engel LaFalce Regula Zeliff sultation with the Governor of the Pacific Is- Bishop Coleman English LaHood Richardson Zimmer Bliley Collins (GA) Ensign land Insular Area, may establish, by regula- Lantos Riggs Blute Collins (IL) Eshoo Largent Rivers tion, the level of fees which may be charged Boehlert Collins (MI) Evans pursuant to a PIAFA. The amount of fees Boehner Combest Ewing NAYSÐ37 may exceed administrative costs and shall be Bonilla Condit Farr Bachus Everett McDermott reasonable, fair, and equitable to all partici- Bonior Conyers Fattah Baker (LA) Hancock McIntosh pants in the fisheries. Bono Costello Fawell Callahan Hastings (WA) Metcalf ``(C) Amounts received by the United Borski Cox Fazio Cooley Hayes Montgomery Boucher Coyne Fields (TX) States as fees under this paragraph shall be de la Garza Laughlin Nethercutt Brewster Cramer Filner Dicks Lincoln Neumann deposited in the general fund of the Treasury Browder Crane Flanagan and shall be used, as provided in appropria- Dornan Livingston Ortiz Brown (CA) Crapo Foglietta Dunn McCrery Parker tions Acts, for fishery conservation and man- Brown (FL) Cremeans Foley 1546 1995 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES T130.18 Pombo Stump Thornton MOLLOHAN, SKAGGS, DIXON, and OBEY, Green Menendez Roybal-Allard Scarborough Tate Tiahrt Gutierrez Mfume Rush Smith (WA) Tauzin White as managers on the part of the House Hinchey Miller (CA) Sanders Stearns Taylor (MS) at said conference. Jackson-Lee Minge Sawyer Stockman Thompson Ordered, That the Clerk notify the Jacobs Moakley Schroeder Senate thereof. Jefferson Morella Schumer NOT VOTINGÐ7 Johnson (SD) Nadler Sensenbrenner Chapman Mfume Volkmer T Johnston Neal Serrano Fields (LA) Tejeda 130.16 DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS Kaptur Neumann Shays Flake Tucker On motion of Mr. YOUNG of Florida, Kennedy (MA) Oberstar Skaggs Kildee Obey Slaughter So the bill was passed. by unanimous consent, the bill (H.R. Kleczka Olver Stark A motion to reconsider the vote 2126) making appropriations for the De- Klug Orton Stokes whereby said bill was passed was, by partment of Defense for the fiscal year LaFalce Owens Studds Lantos Pallone Stupak unanimous consent, laid on the table. ending September 30, 1996, and for Levin Pastor Thurman Ordered, That the Clerk request the other purposes; together with the Lewis (GA) Payne (NJ) Towns concurrence of the Senate in said bill. amendment of the Senate thereto, was Lincoln Payne (VA) Velazquez taken from the Speaker's table. Lipinski Pelosi Vento T130.12 CLERK TO CORRECT LoBiondo Petri Ward When on motion of Mr. YOUNG of ENGROSSMENT Lofgren Pomeroy Waters Florida, it was, Lowey Poshard Watt (NC) On motion of Mr.
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    Calendar No. 352 113TH CONGRESS REPORT " ! 2d Session SENATE 113–146 OMNIBUS TERRITORIES APRIL 8, 2014.—Ordered to be printed Ms. LANDRIEU, from the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, submitted the following R E P O R T [To accompany S. 1237] The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, to which was referred the bill (S. 1237) to improve the administration of pro- grams in the insular areas, and for other purposes, having consid- ered the same, reports favorably thereon with an amendment and recommends that the bill, as amended, do pass. The amendment is as follows: Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the following: SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Omnibus Territories Act of 2013’’. SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title. Sec. 2. Table of contents. Sec. 3. Amendments to the Consolidated Natural Resources Act. Sec. 4. Study of electric rates in the insular areas. Sec. 5. Reports on estimates of revenues. Sec. 6. Low-income home energy assistance program. Sec. 7. Guam War Claims Review Commission. Sec. 8. Improvements in HUD assisted programs. Sec. 9. Benefit to cost ratio study for projects in American Samoa. Sec. 10. Waiver of local matching requirements. Sec. 11. Fishery endorsements. Sec. 12. Effects of Minimum Wage differentials in American Samoa. Sec. 13. Office of National Drug Control Policy. Sec. 14. Drivers’ licenses and personal identification cards. SEC. 3. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSOLIDATED NATURAL RESOURCES ACT. Section 6 of the Joint Resolution entitled ‘‘A Joint Resolution to approve the ‘Cov- enant To Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union with the United States of America’, and for other purposes’’, approved March 24, 1976 (Public Law 94–241; 90 Stat.
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