University Faculty Details Page on DU Web-site Title Prof. First Mithilesh Last Chaturvedi Photograph Name Kumar Name Designation Professor, Department of the Sanskrit Department Sanskrit Address (Campus) Department of Sanskrit, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007 (Residence) 134, Tarun Enclave, Pitampura, Delhi-110034 Phone No (Campus) 011-27666657 (Residence)optional 011-27025612 Mobile 011-20443432, 09811982582 Fax --- Email
[email protected] Web-Page --- Education Subject Institution Year Details Ph. D. D.U. 1976 Thesis topic: A Study of Vrttisamuddesa of the Vakyapadiya. M.A. (Sanskrit) D.U. 1971 B.A. (Hons.) D.U. 1968 Career Profile Organisation / Institution Designation Duration Role D.U. J.R.F. 1972- Research 1976 Shivaji College (D.U.) Lecturer, Reader Nov.77 to Teaching Mar.2006 Department of Sanskrit, (D.U.) Professor Mar.2006 Teaching & Research - Area of Interest / Specialization Grammar and Philosophy of Language. Teaching Experience ( Subjects/Courses Taught) 35 years Administrative Assignments Head, Department of Sanskrit, University of Delhi, Delhi-7. Publications Profile optional Books 1. 1991: 1, Hindi translation of Kavya-Nataka-Samgraha, bhaga 1, an anthology of Sanskrit Poetry V. Raghavan and compiled by V.S. Agrawal; Sahitya Akademi, N. Delhi. 2. 1992: , Hindi translation of Gaurinath Sastri’s The Philosophy of Word and Meaning; Sampurnananda Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Varanasi, 1992. 3. 1992: , Hindi translation of P. Sri Ramchandrudu’s Panditaraja Jagannatha; Sahitya Akademi, N. Delhi. 4. 1995: , Hindi translation of G.T. Deshpande’s Abhinavagupta, Sahitya Akademi, N.Delhi. 5. 2001: Vrttisamuddesa of Bhartrhari’s Vakyapadiya: A Study, Shivalik Prakashan,Delhi.2001. 6. 2005: (Ed.) Avanisrih: Avanindra Kumar Felicitation Volume, edited by Mithilesh Chaturvedi, Om Nath Bimli and Siddhartha Shankar Singh, Vidyanilayam, Delhi.