The embryonic stress response to in vitro culture: insight from genomic analysis

Gael Cagnone and Marc-André Sirard Département des Sciences Animales Pavillon des services, Université Laval, Quebec, QC, Canada Correspondence should be addressed to G Cagnone; Email: [email protected]


Recent genomic studies have shed light on the impact of in vitro culture (IVC) on embryonic homeostasis and the differential gene expression profiles associated with lower developmental competence. Consistently, the embryonic stress responses to IVC conditions correlate with transcriptomic changes in pathways related to energetic metabolism, remodelling and inflammatory signalling. These changes appear to result from a developmental adaptation that enhances a Warburg-like effect known to occur naturally during blastulation. First discovered in cancer cells, the Warburg effect (increased glycolysis under aerobic conditions) is thought to result from mitochondrial dysfunction. In the case of IVC , culture conditions may interfere with mitochondrial maturation and oxidative phosphorylation, forcing cells to rely on glycolysis in order to maintain energetic homeostasis. While beneficial in the short term, such adaptations may lead to epigenetic changes with potential long-term effects on implantation, foetal growth and post-natal health. We conclude that lessening the detrimental effects of IVC on mitochondrial activity would lead to significantly improved quality. Reproduction (2016) 152 R247–R261

The purpose of studying embryogenomics in the lower quality compared with naturally ovulating assisted reproduction context , which is a major determinant of and developmental success. On the other hand, sub-optimal Embryo culture is an essential aspect of assisted culture conditions also reduce embryonic quality reproductive technology since its purpose is to allow the due to improper homeostasis regulation during early to grow, divide and reach a stage at which it can development (Summers & Biggers 2003). Moreover, be transferred to the uterus. The first media formulated the impact of IVC may be variable between embryos for in vitro culture (IVC) of mammalian embryos were originating from in vitro or in vivo matured , quite unreliable, often causing early development to stall inducing different stress responses that compromise the at the maternal–embryonic transition phase (Brinster chances of successful implantation (Leese et al. 1998). 1963). Improvements in medium composition have Therefore, in vitro conditions could be optimised to largely overcome this problem (Brinster & Troike 1979, reduce the impact of ART on embryo viability. Schini & Bavister 1988) and commercially available The first few cleavages after fertilisation take place culture media now support embryo development to the under a regime of transcriptomic silence that persists until stage in various species. The rise of assisted embryonic genome activation (EGA) is complete. During reproductive technologies (ART) is accountable for a maturation, the genomes therefore invested growing portion of the livestock population. More than heavily in sustaining the first zygotic divisions and only 5 million human beings are born due to ART since the cytoplasmic compartment of the early embryo cells Louise Brown in 1978. This currently represents about has any significant capacity to respond to stress. After 1–2% of births in developing countries. EGA, the embryonic cells acquire a transcriptomic Despite its widespread use, IVC continues to produce plasticity that provides certain responsiveness to external embryos of lower viability compared with natural conditions (McKiernan & Bavister 1994, van Soom conception (Nair 2008), making multiple/repetitive et al. 1997). Moreover, the acquisition of gap junctions transfers necessary. Its impact on early development and during compaction provides a better co-ordination hence on the quality of the transferred embryos remains between embryonic cells in terms of metabolism, signal considerable (Nelissen et al. 2012). On one hand, almost transmission and response to the external conditions. all ARTs use either superovulation or, in experimental Because early embryos behave as autonomous cells procedures, abattoir-derived material, to obtain mature until EGA, this contributes to their heightened sensitivity eggs for . These eggs have usually to IVC-related stress compared with the later stages

© 2016 Society for Reproduction and DOI: 10.1530/REP-16-0391 ISSN 1470–1626 (paper) 1741–7899 (online) Online version via Downloaded from at 09/25/2021 05:16:29PM via free access

10.1530/REP-16-0391 R248 G Cagnone and M-A Sirard of preimplantation development (Brison et al. 2014). physicochemical (temperature, osmolality and pH), However, a considerable percentage of embryos still stall oxidative (pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant balance) and at the -to-blastocyst transition, and transcriptional energetic (production, utilisation and storage) stresses, state in may remain compromised due to the all of which can compromise further development adaptive response to the IVC environment (Summers & (Summers & Biggers 2003). Biggers 2003). Total transcript amplification allows screening for Responses to physiochemical stress several thousands of cDNA probes using only a few cells (Rizos et al. 2002b, Zheng et al. 2007, Smith Very few studies have examined the effects of osmolality et al. 2009, Seli et al. 2010). This approach has and pH on early embryo transcriptomes. It is nevertheless been used to assess the degree of modulation of the known that these parameters vary during IVC and deviate expression level of developmentally important genes from the corresponding in vivo conditions. Embryos are in cultured embryos of different species (Khosla et al. able to tolerate a range of osmolalities although first 2001b, Lucifero et al. 2004). Although gene expression studies showed that a reduced osmolality during IVC levels do not necessarily equate to functional effects (around 270 mosmol) may enhance developmental rate in terms of active proteins, transcriptomic analyses (Brinster & Troike 1979). However this is unlikely to be have been valuable in picturing the global genomic optimal, since in vivo data suggest osmolality of around impact underlying the embryonic response to different 300 mosmol in the oviduct fluid. The hypertonic stress in vitro environments. Notably, during pre-implantation at physiological osmolality may be due to inappropriate development of cattle embryos (in which EGA is late, concentrations of specific osmolytes in interaction with as in human embryos), large numbers of genes are the salt level in the IVC medium (Richards et al. 2010, expressed at different levels depending on whether Baltz 2012). Osmolytes such as glycine and other amino the embryos are produced in vivo (under optimal acids become internalised through transporters and conditions in the oviduct) or in vitro (Wrenzycki et al. allow volume regulation during blastocyst expansion 1996, Niemann & Wrenzycki 2000, Lazzari et al. 2002). (Richards et al. 2010). More recent formulations of The time-dependent sensitivity of early development to culture media therefore tend to include amino acids IVC is particularly apparent in cattle, in which transfer and organic osmolytes in order to increase osmolality of embryos from the in vitro environment to the uterus to physiological levels, such as in oviduct fluid is generally successful if timely (Gad et al. 2012). (Van Winkle & Dickinson 1995, Baltz 2012). Some Using biopsies before uterine transfer, a studies have focused on the impact of hypertonic posteriori analysis of cases in which the recipient cow stress on responses mediated by mitogen-activated was not the donor has revealed IVC-specific protein kinase pathways such as p38 activation (Fong differentially expressed genes (DEG) that are associated et al. 2007, Xie et al. 2007) or aquaporin expression/ with gestational success or failure (El-Sayed et al. 2006, localisation and via MAPK14/11 and MAPK8 Ghanem et al. 2011). respectively (Bell et al. 2009). However, the extent to Such breakthroughs have suggested that the which the transcriptome responds to hypo-osmotic measurement of transcriptomic perturbations could condition is still unclear. provide a diagnostic tool for assessing developmental The pH of a culture medium can increase competence (Lee et al. 2001, Jones et al. 2008). quickly when the culture dish is handled outside However, the importance of these perturbations for the of the incubator, but it can also change due to the quality of IVC embryos remains difficult to interpret in metabolic activities of the embryo. Depending on the terms of direct links with the detrimental impact (stress) metabolic state of the cytoplasm (where glycolysis of the different culture components. In view of the takes place) and the mitochondria, where oxidative considerable differences between in vitro and in vivo phosphorylation (OXPHOS) takes place, ammonium conditions, effects of IVC on embryonic gene expression ion can be liberated from amino acids, while lactate patterns are to be expected. While there may be key can be produced from pyruvate. Moreover, amino DEGs that characterise inadequate stress responses acids may spontaneously breakdown at 37°C, releasing indicating a detrimental impact on embryo quality, it ammonium. The bicarbonate buffer used in culture cannot be ruled out that some and perhaps many DEGs media is likely sufficient to counteract pH variations represent developmental adaptations to IVC rather than in regard to the slow metabolism of early embryos. damage to the embryo (Plourde et al. 2012). However, stressed embryos may release excessive amount of ammonium and lactate into the culture The embryonic responses to the IVC medium, which could decrease the local pH and, in turn, compromise embryo development (Dagilgan stress conditions et al. 2014). More importantly, ammonium build-up Under IVC conditions, embryos are subjected in interaction with the oxygen level negatively impacts to a variety of homeostatic pressures including on the metabolism and gene expression during IVC

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Downloaded from at 09/25/2021 05:16:29PM via free access Embryogenomics of the IVC stress response R249 of mouse embryos (Wale & Gardner 2013a). Fluidic cellular pathways that determine differentiation or culture systems have been developed to renew the proliferation, while higher concentrations appear medium continually, while closed chamber systems to affect the integrity of cellular constituents such now make it unnecessary to handle embryos outside as lipids, proteins, amino acids and nucleic acids of the incubator (Krisher & Wheeler 2010). On this (Guerin et al. 2001). Early embryos produce ROS subject, detailed information on the effects of chemical naturally even in the presence of low levels of oxygen, and physical factors on mammalian embryo culture since they carry out OXPHOS as well as other redox can been found in the review from Wales and Gardner reactions (Nasr-Esfahani & Johnson 1991). However, (Wale & Gardner 2015). several analyses have shown that one of the ways in Temperature shifts experienced by embryos handled which culture conditions are detrimental to embryo outside of the incubator may cause heat shock developmental competence is by increasing oxidative (Sakatani et al. 2012). The early stages of bovine pre- stress (Nasr-Esfahani et al. 1990, Nasr-Esfahani & EGA embryo development are particularly sensitive to Johnson 1992). heat shock; this is associated with major changes in Oxygen tension is an important regulator of oxidative the transcriptomic profile at the morula stage (Sakatani metabolism (Wale & Gardner 2013b, Wale & Gardner et al. 2013). Responses to heat shock include the 2015) and in vivo developing embryos are exposed to production of homeostatic regulators involved in the a lower oxygen concentration in the oviduct/uterus unfolding response via the ubiquitination pathway and compared with the atmospheric condition (Khurana the glutathione scavenging response to & Niemann 2000). An atmosphere containing 5% (Arechiga et al. 1995). These regulators consist of not oxygen is recommended for human embryo culture only proteins (Edwards & Hansen 1996) (Gardner 2016), and numerous studies have shown the as well as apoptosis-related proteins such as Bax, Bid deleterious effects of oxygen at normal atmospheric and Caspase-3 (Yadav et al. 2013) but also proteins concentrations (20–21%) on embryo development associated with developmental competence genes, such and quality (Fujitani et al. 1997, Orsi & Leese 2001, as PLAC8 and CDX2 (Silva et al. 2013). A transcriptional Balasubramanian et al. 2007). High oxygen tension dysregulation subject to wnt signalling in conjunction increases H2O2 production, DNA fragmentation and with heparin sulphate proteoglycans also may result apoptosis, and thereby decreases the percentage from HS exposure (Sakatani et al. 2013). of IVC embryos reaching the blastocyst stage (Van In cattle, the impact of heat shock can be lessened Soom et al. 2002, Kitagawa et al. 2004). By affecting by IGF1 stimulation through MAPKK and PI3K (Jousan oxidative homeostasis, it might actually decrease energy & Hansen 2007), but this metabolic rescue is possible production by the mitochondria (Harvey et al. 2004a). only when the shock occurs after EGA (Bonilla et al. Uncouplers and inhibitors of OXPHOS appear to affect 2011). Supplementation with free radical scavengers embryo development in a similar manner (Thompson such as beta-mercaptoethanol has also been shown to et al. 2000, Machaty et al. 2001) as well as the decrease embryo mortality due to heat shock (Sakatani expression of redox-sensitive genes such as HIF1A and et al. 2008). In a mouse study, it was noted that expression HIF2A (Harvey et al. 2004b). Reduced oxygen tension of the X-linked gene for the metabolic enzyme G6PD increases the expression of metabolic genes involved in was stronger in female embryos (Perez-Crespo et al. glycolysis such as LDHA (Harvey et al. 2007). Recent 2005), which would increase tolerance to heat-shock- microarray analysis of human embryos has revealed induced free radicals during IVC. This indicates that the the genome-wide impact of oxygen tension on gene stress response during pre-implantation development expression related to metabolism, the cell cycle and results from the impact of heat shock on the metabolic OXPHOS (Mantikou et al. 2016). state, which affects oxidative homeostasis and thus Exogenous ROS will also stress the oxidative embryonic signalling. homeostasis of IVC embryos (Bedaiwy et al. 2004). Metal ions in the water, serum amine oxidase and visible light could contribute to increasing the concentration of Response to oxidative stress ROS in a culture medium (Guerin et al. 2001, Wale & Oxidative stress is the result of an imbalance between Gardner 2015). The pro-oxidant factor 2,2′-azobis the production and elimination of reactive oxygen (2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) is known species (ROS). ROS of intracellular or extracellular to induce a self-perpetuating free radical formation origin include various free radicals such as superoxide that initiates lipid peroxidation and anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, hydroxyl generates ROS. Adding AAPH to the medium mimics ion and nitric oxide, which are formed during reactions the contribution of external ROS to developmental that reduce oxygen (Agarwal et al. 2006). Oxidative compromise during IVC and has been used to assess stress can affect numerous physiological mechanisms cellular responses (Feugang et al. 2003, 2005) and and can be lethal to embryos (Yang et al. 1998, Betts & transcriptomic responses (Cagnone & Sirard 2013) to Madan 2008). At low concentrations, ROS can activate oxidative stress in bovine embryos. Reproduction (2016) 152 R247–R261

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Exogenous ROS (AAPH exposure) has a major impact with oxidative metabolism. Such a profile is typical in on blastocyst integrity and activation of signalling embryos produced in vivo and exhibiting a quiescent pathways such as ERK1/2 as mechanisms of adaptation homeostasis, which might also be a marker of the best and survival. It also induces a rapid inflammatory response quality of blastocysts obtainable under conditions of (TNF and IFN signalling), due possibly to lipid oxidation extended culture. However, experimental validation (Kim et al. 2010, Kopp et al. 2010). An inflammatory is needed to ensure that conditions that select for this response during early development may further affect ‘quiet’ state do not do more harm than good. embryo competence (Van Sinderen et al. 2013). If this is true, cytokine release should be a useful marker of Response to energetic stress the oxidative stress experienced by IVC embryos before transfer (Johnson et al. 2003). Moreover, the use of anti- Accumulating of evidence shows that IVC embryos inflammatory factors (such as pre-implantation factor) bear the hallmarks of energetic stress in terms of might improve the embryonic signalling in response nutrient utilisation (increased conversion of glucose to to stress (Stamatkin et al. 2011), although it would not lactate), nutrient storage (lipid accumulation) and ATP likely prevent internal ROS damage. For this purpose, a synthesis (Spielmann et al. 1984, Thompson et al. 1991, redox-balanced environment still needs to be designed, Van Blerkom et al. 1995, Khurana & Niemann 2000, based perhaps on a cocktail of oxidative regulators Swain et al. 2002, Romek et al. 2009). This metabolic and anti-oxidant molecules (Takahashi et al. 1993). state occurs because of inadequate support in the However, while the role of factors such as glutathione in vitro environment. Numerous attempts to replicate in maintaining the oxidative balance in the oviduct has the conditions of the oviduct, including co-culturing been brought to light (Salmen et al. 2005), researchers embryos with feeder layers of somatic cells (Lee et al. are still troubleshooting the optimal metabolic 2001), have met with little success. As support for conditions for embryonic oxidative homeostasis (Truong proper energy metabolism, in vitro conditions remain et al. 2016). sub-optimal and require further improvement in order Both the maternal environment and the embryo itself to lessen the energy stress response during IVC. provide defences against ROS (glutathione, vitamins and One of the first things understood about the impact albumin), and different enzymes such as glutathione of IVC on metabolism in embryos was that the glucose peroxidase (GPX) or superoxide dismutase (SOD) are concentration used typically in culture media for produced to eliminate excess ROS (Lequarre et al. 2001). somatic cells (around 5 mM) is deleterious for early Reduced glutathione (GSH), synthesised primarily from embryos before MET, causing a Crabtree-like effect, cysteine, glutamate and glycine, plays a crucial role in that is, overstimulation of glycolysis, alteration of scavenging hydrogen peroxide, an oxidative reaction mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and increases catalysed by GPX. The enzyme GSH reductase ensures in ROS production (Schini & Bavister 1988, Seshagiri regeneration of GSH and thereby allows detoxification & Bavister 1991, Leunda-Casi et al. 2002, Scott & of the cell. This system is present in the oocyte and the Whittingham 2002, Diaz-Ruiz et al. 2008). While embryo; GSH being stored during oocyte maturation in vivo glucose concentration is low in the oviduct, is then utilised during pre-implantation development glucose concentration increases in the uterus in order (Gardiner & Reed 1994). This dynamic pattern reflects to support the proliferative homeostasis of embryonic the change in oxidative metabolism from a quiescent cells during compaction, blastulation and implantation. state before EGA to an active state after EGA. We note These findings were crucial to reformulating IVC with interest that increased GPX4 expression in response medium composition (Downs & Dow 1991, Fissore to oxidative stress has been observed in cattle blastocysts et al. 1992). Much lower glucose concentrations produced in vitro and that this transcriptomic response is (around 0.2 mM) made it possible to overcome the correlated strongly with failure to bring about gestation developmental blockage at the MET in mouse embryos (El-Sayed et al. 2006). (Matsukawa et al. 2002). Afterwards, sequential media The sensitivity of cultured embryos to ROS may be with increasing glucose concentrations were formulated due to impaired GSH turnover (Stover et al. 2000). in order to extend embryo culture until the blastocyst Adding l-buthionine sulphoximine to the culture stage, thus selecting more competent embryos for medium aggravates this deficiency by depleting transfer. However, the use of sequential media is the GSH reservoir in the embryo, thus causing a arguably another stress since relocating suddenly the developmental blockage at the time of increased embryo from one media to another might have an oxidative activity. Based on transcriptomic analysis of impact on its homeostasis. blastocysts, the resulting inflammatory response is clear However, IVC embryos continue to suffer from (Cagnone & Sirard 2013), although genes involved in energetic stress and around 50% of them go into glycine metabolism (a component of GSH) are also developmental arrest before the blastocyst stage. To overexpressed. Embryos that survive this treatment understand the molecular pathways associated with also show decreased expression of genes associated energetic stress, experimental models have been

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Downloaded from at 09/25/2021 05:16:29PM via free access Embryogenomics of the IVC stress response R251 developed in which embryos must cope with maternal be due to any of the various factors present in serum hyperglycaemia or with increased glucose concentration (glucose, lipids, growth factors) (Leroy et al. 2010), and during IVC. In murine embryos, hyperglycaemia can some studies have shown that the lipid fraction of serum induce DNA fragmentation and apoptosis through increases the triglyceride and cholesterol contents of the expression of cell death effector pathways (Moley IVC embryos (Abe et al. 2002, Romek et al. 2009). et al. 1998). In one study of cultured cattle embryos, A recent analysis of bovine blastocysts produced in increasing the glucose concentration from 0.2 mM medium containing BSA plus the lipid fraction of serum to 5 mM during early cleavage stage had a significant revealed transcriptomic profiles exhibiting signs of lipid impact on blastocyst development, metabolism and peroxidation and metabolic deregulation, in particular the transcriptome profile (Cagnone et al. 2012). Early downregulation of LDLR, HMGCS1 and MSMO1, exposure to high glucose concentrations decreased suggesting a stress response to accumulated cholesterol the ATP content during blastocyst expansion and and inhibition of SREBP and PPAR signalling. Pathway induced premature changes in the expression of two analysis showed activation of the metabolic repressor transcription factors (hepatic nuclear factor 4 alpha and NRIP1, which is involved in triglyceride utilisation pleomorphic adenoma-gene-like 1; Gae L M Cagnone, and balance between energy storage and expenditure Isabelle Dufort, Melanie L Sutton-McDowall, Hannah (Cagnone & Sirard 2014). These findings are in agreement Brown, Jeremy G. Thompson and Marc-André Sirard, with those of Leroy et al. (2010) who showed the unpublished data) at the morula stage. impact of IVC medium supplementation with high-fat Like the response of somatic cells under conditions of and high-carbohydrate serum on early embryos (Leroy diabetic hyperglycaemia (Pampfer et al. 1997, Pavlinkova et al. 2010). This supplementation was associated with et al. 2009), the transcriptomic response to high glucose compromised blastocyst development and differential in bovine blastocysts includes polyol pathway activation expression of genes involved in apoptosis, oxidative (to clear excess glucose) and affects the oxidative stress, metabolism and pluripotency. Finally, expression homeostasis (Morrison et al. 2004). Excess glucose also of ACAT2, a cytosolic acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase involved induces an inflammatory reaction, possibly because of in mitochondrial utilisation of lipid and the synthesis of increased advanced glycation end products (Haucke cholesterol in the (Zolnierowicz et al. 1984), et al. 2014) and activation of hexosamine pathways, in is regulated upwards in blastocysts that ultimately end particular O-linked glycosylation (Pantaleon et al. 2010, up as . This upregulation suggests impaired Pantaleon 2015, Wong et al. 2015). Other pathways that cholesterol metabolism, possibly in the mitochondria. are activated include protein kinase C signalling and Supplementation of the medium with serum has extracellular matrix remodelling into the fibrotic-like been shown to accelerate development and increase phenotype. According to the long-standing consensus, the likelihood of blastocyst formation in cultured cattle the polyol, advanced glycation end product, PKC and embryos, but it also appears to increase the incidence hexosamine pathways are activated due to increased of abnormal developments such as large offspring mitochondrial ROS production, which inhibits GAPDH syndrome. In rodent studies, cultured blastocysts that activity (Nishikawa et al. 2000). Such an effect has been developed faster had abnormal gene expression and observed in embryos from diabetic mothers (Wentzel imprinting patterns (Market Velker et al. 2012), while et al. 2001, Wentzel et al. 2003) or cultured under stress embryos developing in mothers fed a high-fat diet created by high glucose concentrations (Karja et al. displayed compromised development (metabolic and 2006), suggesting that energetic stress in pre-implantation inflammatory responses as well as mitochondrial stress) embryos is a result of compromised OXPHOS (Moley and long-term effects on offspring health (Shankar et al. et al. 1996, Chi et al. 2002, Mitchell et al. 2009). 2011, Bermejo-Alvarez et al. 2012). These effects were Besides having an energetic deficiency, IVC embryos enhanced when both parents were obese (Finger et al. also differ from their in vivo counterparts in terms of 2015). The effect of the high-fat diet can be reversed lipid metabolism (Romek et al. 2009). Lipids are an by treating the mother with rosiglitazone (an agonist important source of energy and anabolic products of PPAR gamma), which induces weight loss, improves required for embryo development. The lipid droplets oocyte quality and modifies the expression of PPAR in the cells of an embryo are composed primarily of target genes involved in cholesterol transport (Minge triglycerides and cholesterol esters. It is noteworthy that et al. 2008). Maternal exercise and diet management adding serum to the culture medium increases lipid was also found to restore metabolic status in the embryos accumulation in embryos (Rizos et al. 2003), which may and the resulting foetuses (McPherson et al. 2013). affect their ability to survive cryopreservation (Rizos et al. 2002a). The low cryotolerance (Sudano et al. 2014) Common transcriptomic manifestations of IVC and cell degeneration (Huang et al. 2010) observed in these embryos correlate with differential expression of stress in low-quality embryos genes involved in lipid biosynthesis and cholesterol The transcriptomes of pre-implantation IVC embryos metabolism (Van Hoeck et al. 2015). Such effect could tend to exhibit certain similarities that correlate with Reproduction (2016) 152 R247–R261

Downloaded from at 09/25/2021 05:16:29PM via free access R252 G Cagnone and M-A Sirard decreased embryonic quality compared with their in vivo coding for matrix structural proteins (LUM, NDP, counterparts. For bovine blastocysts, we have compiled THBS1, CD9, JAM2, GJA1, COL3A1, LGALS3, microarray data from the EmbryoGENE transcriptomic LGALS3BP and EDN3) and remodelling enzymes such as platform, which allows highlighting several stress proteases SERPINE1, SERPINA5, PLAT and PRSS23 and response markers in association with developmental hydroxylase PLOD2. Extracellular matrix components competency after , as summarised in are crucial for proper intercellular communication and Supplementary Table 1, see section on Supplementary adhesion during embryo development (Aflalo et al. data at the end of the article. Based on differentially 2004). In particular, morula compaction and formation of expressed genes between in vivo and in vitro produced the blastocoel are dependent on tight cellular junctions, blastocysts (Cagnone & Sirard 2013), we can appreciate allowing polarised trophoblast cells to generate a the correspondence with another study comparing cavity by inward movement of water. Remodelling is transcriptomic profiles from embryos culture in vivo, essential for trophoblast invasion into the in vitro or sequentially before and after EGA (Gad et al. and formation of the placenta (Armant 2005). In the 2012). In addition, we have overlaid the transcriptomic murine endometrium, expression of the small leucine- profile of biopsies from in vitro (El-Sayed et al. 2006) rich proteoglycan called lumican (LUM, Supplementary and in vivo (Ghanem et al. 2011) produced blastocysts Table 1) is regulated during decidualisation (San Martin failing to result in calf delivery (i.e. compared with those et al. 2003), but the role of this molecule in embryo resulting in calf delivery). Finally, we show how DEGs implantation remains unknown. Proteomic analysis of in IVC blastocysts reflect the response to different stress amniotic fluid has revealed that foetuses with Turner conditions of culture (Cagnone et al. 2012, Cagnone & syndrome have a higher lumican content (Mavrou et al. Sirard 2013, 2014). Data from mouse (Heras et al. 2016) 2008). and human (Highet et al. 2015, Kleijkers et al. 2015) Impaired matrix remodelling capability in studies using different transcriptomic platforms are also trophoblastic cells could interfere with the dynamics provided. The transcriptomic biomarkers associated of endometrium invasion, with decisive consequences with compromised preimplantation development after for embryo implantation (Dimitriadis et al. 2010). In IVC are involved in important biological functions the process of invasion by , the action such as metabolic homeostasis, extracellular matrix of urokinase-type activator PLAU on plasminogen remodelling, inflammation and signal transduction. contributes to the activation of matrix metalloproteinase (Martinez-Hernandez et al. 2011). Expression of serine protease Prss23 has been detected in peri-implantation Metabolic stress response mouse embryos on day 7.5 but not in pre-implantation A large number of DEGs found in IVC embryos are embryos on day 6.5 or earlier (Diao et al. 2013) and associated with the metabolic stress response that serine protease secretion is correlated positively with involves the glucose (TPI1 and PGK1), lipid (LDLR implantation potential (Brosens et al. 2014). Galectin 3 and ACAT2), oxidative (GPX4, GPX8 and OLR1) and (LGASL3) promotes embryo implantation by regulating ion metabolism (S100A10, S100A14, KCNIP4, FTH1 endometrial cell proliferation and adhesion through and CLIC1). Although the molecular consequences of interaction with β3 (Yang et al. 2011), but their differential expression during pre-implantation oversecretion of Gal-3 is detrimental to trophoblast development remain to be defined, impaired glucose invasion. The receptivity of the human endometrium and lipid metabolism are known to compromise to blastocyst adhesion during the pre-implantation development. Signs of free radical damage such as lipid window depends in part on signal recognition via peroxidation are clearly associated with embryonic membrane domains rich in tetraspanin CD9, a receptor degeneration. Finally, changes affecting the metabolism of -specific glycoproteins (Wynne et al. of calcium and other ions are also correlated with 2006, Dominguez et al. 2010). Overexpression of CD9 disruptions of cell function that further compromise in blastocysts could inhibit implantation by reducing embryo viability (Im et al. 2007, Wang et al. 2013a). embryo invasiveness (Liu et al. 2006). Culture conditions need to be optimised in order to lessen such detrimental metabolic responses, and here Embryo-maternal recognition we indicate potential markers of the biological pathways involved in determining the impact of culture conditions Maternal-embryo recognition is based on the regulated on embryo quality. expression of inflammatory signals by the embryo and the inhibition of the immune response of the endometrium. The transcriptome of IVC blastocysts appears to contain Extracellular matrix synthesis and remodelling features of excessive inflammatory response that might Effects of IVC on genes involved in extracellular explain the failure of the maternal-embryo recognition. matrix synthesis and remodelling also appear in the Stressed embryos have shown repeatedly differential transcriptome of blastocysts. This includes transcripts expression of genes involved in immune signalling (IFN-t,

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IL27RA, OAS1, PSMD1 and BOLA) and inflammation stability is involved (Treff et al. 2011, Vazquez-Diez et al. (TNFRSF1A, TNFAIP8L3). The cytokine IFN-t is well 2016). Moreover, communication between nuclear and known in ungulate species to signal the presence of an mitochondrial DNA is crucial during meiosis, fertilisation embryo to the maternal (Forde et al. and early pre-implantation development. Since the 2015). However, it remains unclear how too much IFN-t energetic metabolism is slowed-down until EGA, the would affect endometrial receptivity. Overproduction of early embryonic cleavages may not require important inflammatory factors by the embryo might be perceived oxidative activity from the mitochondria. However, these by the maternal immune system as a danger signal, early stages do require a synchronisation between the and the endometrium might block trophoblast invasion cytoplasmic accumulation of proteins, mRNA, mtDNA, to prevent wastage of resources on the development of etc. and the activation of the embryonic genome. In this an embryo of poor quality. Placenta-specific protein 8 context, intracellular bio-sensors such as the CHK2 kinase (PLAC8) is involved in placental development and might or the sirtuin deacetylases might intervene to communicate have a role in blastocyst hatching (Rekik et al. 2011) the state of cytoplasmic maturity to the nucleus, and and embryo-maternal recognition (Klein et al. 2006, regulate the proper segregation of chromosomes and the Ghanem et al. 2011). Platelet-derived growth factor is acquisition of developmental competence (Bolcun-Filas expressed normally by the embryo and the endometrium et al. 2014). (Jaber & Kan 1998). PDGFc overexpression may interfere The response of embryos to IVC involves a variety with implantation by inducing uterine fibrosis Bonner( of metabolic factors that act as signals (homeostatic 2004, Horne & Critchley 2007), which might otherwise sensors) of extracellular and intracellular conditions to result from excessive inflammation due to embryonic which the cells adapt by modifying the developmental distress signals. programme accordingly (Fig. 1). These sensors include notably the PI3K/AKT, mTORC and AMPK pathways, which are sensitive to the thermodynamic phosphate Mitochondrial signalling potential (Riley et al. 2005, Diaz-Ruiz et al. 2011, Much evidence suggests that mitochondria play Guerke et al. 2016) and regulate energetic homeostasis a central role in proper embryo development and (Li et al. 2013, Toyama et al. 2016). Other factors metabolic adaptation. The lactate production/oxygen will also regulate mitochondrial metabolism, such consumption ratio (essentially the glycolysis/OXPHOS as HIF1A in response to oxygen tension (Zhou et al. ratio), lipid utilisation rate and amino acid turnover 2012), HNF4A in response to glucose concentration are under mitochondrial control and have been found (Wang et al. 2000, Dankel et al. 2010), or PPARg and to be good predictors of embryo viability (Ballantyne SREBP in response to lipid content. Others suggest 2008). Aneuploidy has been correlated with altered that mitochondrial biogenesis is controlled in direct metabolic status (Picton et al. 2010) and slower response to the energy demand via PGC1A or sirtuins development and decreased viability (Lee et al. 2015) in and that these sensors should be targeted using suitable human pre-implantation embryos. Moreover, increased compounds to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis mitochondrial DNA in the trophectoderm is associated during IVC. For example, supplementing IVC medium with aneuploidy in humans and is a predictor of the post- with ADP and l-carnitine may be beneficial to implantation potential of embryos (Fragouli et al. 2015). OXPHOS, since they contribute to energy expenditure The replication of mitochondrial DNA is under dynamic and lipid transport into the mitochondria. In addition, regulation during pre-implantation development resveratrol (an activator of sirtuin deacetylases, (Cagnone et al. 2016) and stress responses could trigger which regulate proper mitochondrial function) could the release of this DNA into the culture medium (due also enhance embryo quality through its action on to cell death or clearance of damaged mitochondria). mitochondrial maturation during oocyte growth and Recent studies have shown that an increased copy early embryonic development. number of the mtDNA genome in embryonic cells and Changes in mitochondrial activity may also have an in spent media is a sign of a metabolic response to epigenetic impact on the developmental programming developmental stress (Stigliani et al. 2013, 2014). of energetic metabolism (metabolic memory) in the Chromosomal abnormalities such as aneuploidy occur embryo. As biosensors of the surrounding milieu, because of improper separation of chromosomes during mitochondria communicate with the nucleus to adjust meiosis in or mitosis in the early embryos. cell metabolic homeostasis. In particular, mitochondrial Some PGS studies have shown the impact of IVC on the production of acetyl-CoA and methyl groups, which increase in the number of aneuploid cells among mosaic are dependent on the availability of glucose, lipids embryos (Bergh et al. 2004, Elaimi et al. 2012), but the (cholesterol) and amino acids (notably l-methionine, underlying mechanisms are not completely understood vitamin B12, folate and other substrates involved (Labrecque & Sirard 2014, Taylor et al. 2014, Pfender in one carbon metabolism), will regulate histone et al. 2015). However, it appears likely that differential acetylation and the DNA methylation in the nucleus expression of genes controlling chromosomal segregation/ (Steegers-Theunissen et al. 2013, Xu & Sinclair 2015). 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(Chason et al. 2011). Such regulation can be useful In vitro culture impact for short-term metabolic adaptation to overcome IVC- related stress. However, early changes in epigenetic Zygote 2 cells 4 cells 8-16 cells Morula Blastocyst programming, specifically epigenomic upheaval during pre-implantation development, can have long- term consequences on health and disease (Chavatte- Palmer et al. 2016). IVC and serum in particular have MBT block been shown to affect the establishment of epigenetic GlucoseLipids Developmental compromise marks notably in gene regions such as H19/IGF2 Anti-oxidant Amino acids? deficiency (Doherty et al. 2000, Khosla et al. 2001a), which are Pro-oxidants pH? Osmolarity? associated with developmental syndromes such as Temperature? Beckwith–Wiedemann Syndrome or BWS (Lucifero

Mitochondrial et al. 2004, Fernandez-Gonzalez et al. 2007), thus Hooded biogenesis providing compelling support for the hypothesis of the mitochondria ? Orthodox developmental origin of health and disease (Hart & ROS Crabtree mitochondria Norman 2013, Chavatte-Palmer et al. 2016). effect

A unified mitochondrial hypothesis s fect ATP turnover The various interpretations of the repeatedly observed Warburg ef

Energetic n responses of the transcriptome to stress associated with homeostasi Oxidative phosphorylatioAerobic glycolysis IVC converge on a unified hypothesis according to which the central cause of compromised development of embryos is disturbed mitochondrial homeostasis. Provided by the oocyte Synthesized by the embryo Molecular genetic analysis has shown that mitochondria originated from bacterial endosymbiosis, which mtDNA established effective intracellular communication

RN A amount copy number between prokaryotic and proto-nuclear DNA genomes, leading ultimately to the development of the first eukaryotic cells (Wallace 2009). As energy control Metabolic homeostasis - Glucose: TPI1, PGK1, LDHA, TKTL1, IGF2, HIF1A, HNF4A units, mitochondria play a fundamental role in cellular - Lipids: MSMO1, HMGCS1, LDLR, ACAT2, PPARg homeostasis and in functions such as cell division, - Redox: GPX4-8, OLR1, ARRB2, CXCR4, CARD10, SHMT1 - Calcium/ions: S100A10-11-14, SCG2, ANXA2, KCNIP4, FTH1, CLIC1 pluripotency, differentiation and apoptosis. Their metabolic functions include production of reduced Extra-cellular matrix remodelling - SERPINE1, SERPINA5, PRSS23, THBS1, LUM, PLAT, TGF-B, ADAMTS1, DCN, dinucleotides NADH and FADH2 via the tricarboxylic JAM2, PLOD2, NDP, PLAU, CD9, GJA1, COL3A1, LGALS3, LGALS3BP, EDN3 acid cycle and beta oxidation of fatty acids, oxidative Maternal-embryo recognition and Inflammation phosphorylation of ADP to ATP (by the trans-membrane - C1QTNF3, TNFRSF1A, TNFAIP8L3, PTX3, IFITM2-3, PLAC8, PDGFc, IFNt, IL27RA, OAS1, PSMD1, BMSCA2, BOLA, TKDP1 proton gradient generated by the electron transport chain), elimination of superoxide produced by the Tumourigenesis -TP53BP2, IGFBP7, MLLT11, ZNF385B, TSC22D1, IFIH1, RPS12 electron transport chain, production of ketone bodies such as hydroxybutyrate (as an alternative energy source), Figure 1 Proposed model for the IVC impact on the homeostasis of turnover of numerous amino acids via the TCA cycle, preimplantation development and the embryogenomic response thiol metabolism, elimination of ammonia by the urea associated with compromised embryonic quality. In this model, the IVC conditions impact the mitochondrial maturation in early cycle, management of calcium pools, mitochondrial developing embryos, leading to OXPHOS impairment and ATP permeability transition, and the release of cytochrome C deficiency after embryonic genome activation (8–16 cells stage in to induce apoptosis. bovine embryos). In order to survive and overcome the morula-to- During oocyte maturation, mitochondria are in an blastocyst transition (MBT), embryos respond to IVC stress conditions immature state, containing few cristae and exhibiting a by intensifying aerobic glycolysis (the Warburg effect), which creates hooded shape (Scantland et al. 2014). This phenotype a metabolic imbalance and ultimately compromises blastocyst is maintained until embryonic compaction, when the quality. Such response induces a typical transcriptomic signature that should be considered when optimizing the IVC conditions to reduce demand for ATP increases. At this stage, mitochondria mitochondrial stress in the embryos. regain their regular shape, contain more cristae and produce most of the ATP made available to the cell by These so-called epigenetic marks regulate the OXPHOS (Trimarchi et al. 2000). However, embryos expression of the genome to adjust the cellular produce ATP also by converting pyruvate into lactate, homeostasis in response to the external energy supply a process called aerobic glycolysis. Embryonic

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Downloaded from at 09/25/2021 05:16:29PM via free access Embryogenomics of the IVC stress response R255 metabolism is thus similar to cancer cell metabolism, first remain to be characterised. Moreover, alternative described by Dr Otto Warburg, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut splicing of metabolic genes (which can be observed by (now Max-Planck-Institut) für Biologie, Berlin-Dahlem, RNA-seq or with the EmbryoGENE array) may control Germany in the early 1920s and then called the Warburg the Warburg-like effect in cancer cells (Redel et al. effect (Vander Heiden et al. 2009). Numerous genes 2012, Yang & Lu 2013, Yang et al. 2013) and should be involved in the Warburg effect are expressed normally investigated in IVC embryos. during blastocyst development (Krisher & Prather 2012, The differential gene expression associated with the Redel et al. 2012), and this compensates for the limits Warburg-like signature may represent either a transient on ATP synthesis via OXPHOS at low oxygen tension. status regulated by transcription factors or the induction Aerobic glycolysis also provides building blocks for of epigenetic changes, or both (Salilew-Wondim et al. anabolism in the developing embryos (e.g. production 2015). Based on our microarray results, several DEGs of nucleic acids from intermediates of the pentose appear to be controlled by epigenetic modifications phosphate pathway). In addition, the conversion of or parental imprinting (the epigenetic extinction of pyruvate to lactate limits the production of ROS that maternal or paternal alleles). For example, differential could otherwise arise from excessive OXPHOS activity. DNA methylation regulates SERPINE1, which appears Although post-EGA anaerobic glycolysis is normal to support long-term memory of metabolic disorders and necessary (Krisher & Prather 2012, Redel et al. (Lopez-Legarrea et al. 2013, Takizawa et al. 2013). A 2012), overexpression of the Warburg-like signature histone-modifying enzyme under TGFB1 stimulation might be an energetic compromise in response to targets the PLOD2 promoter (Gjaltema et al. 2015). stress during IVC. Such compromise could result from Overexpression of IFN-t is associated with epigenetic altered mitochondrial function, albeit the direct causal reprogramming after somatic cell nuclear transfer in mechanism is still hypothetical. During the early bovine elongated embryos (Rodriguez-Alvarez et al. cleavages of the zygote, mitochondria and intracellular 2010). In addition, IFN-t and IGF2 are regulated metabolism in general are quiescent. Compared with differently in slow-developing and fast-developing in vivo, this metabolic quiescence is disturbed in vitro embryos (Gutierrez-Adan et al. 2004) and altered due to the presence of nutrients in excessive amounts parental imprinting of IGF2 in embryonic stem cells is and the accumulation of metabolic intermediates that associated with aberrant development (Dean et al. 1998). overstimulate the mitochondria (a Crabtree-like effect) It should interest researchers that loss of imprinting on and alter the OXPHOS coupling efficiency. Moreover, IGF2, which increases IGF2 expression, is associated mitochondria also sense changes in homeostatic with mitochondrial OXPHOS deficiency, which causes parameters such as the redox potential or the amino cancer cells to shift toward glycolysis (Wallace & Fan acid concentration. External conditions could thus 2010). These results suggest strongly that overexpression induce damaging stress and affect mitochondrial of the Warburg effect in response to mitochondrial stress maturation during early cleavage, forcing embryos to in culture can have profound effects on the metabolic cope with decreased production of ATP by OXPHOS at memory of the embryo and thus will likely influence its the morula-to-blastocyst transition and to adapt in order long-term homeostasis. to overcome an energy deficit. Although this model needs further investigation, it proposes an explanation Conclusion for the overexpression of the Warburg-like metabolism observed in IVC embryos (Fig. 1). The focus of this review is the identification of stress The Warburg-like signature includes biomarkers such response genes that might provide valuable biomarkers as TPI1, a glycolic enzyme that is upregulated in cancer of blastocyst quality. These markers draw attention to cells (Wang et al. 2013b, Poliakov et al. 2014). In addition, specific pathways that are subject to transcriptome the extracellular matrix remodelling and inflammatory plasticity during early embryonic development and responses to IVC accompany transcriptomic changes which would therefore become targets for media are similar to those that accompany tumour progression optimisation. These stress-induced pathways expressed and the micro-environmental modifications required in cultured embryos suggest a unified hypothesis of for metastasis. Lumican, SERPINE1 and PLOD2 are metabolic compromise in response to mitochondrial involved in tumour invasion (Brezillon et al. 2013, Chen insult and excessive upregulation of a Warburg-like et al. 2015, Suh et al. 2015). Type I interferons have been effect (aerobic glycolysis). 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