Parish Council


I hereby give notice that a meeting of the Parish Council of the above named Parish will be held at the Church Hall, Church Lane on Wednesday 17 April 2019 at 7.30pm

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting. Dated this 11 April 2019


Item Lead

1 To receive apologies for absence

2 To receive declarations of interest

3 Confirmation of Minutes a To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th March 2019 4 To receive District Councillor’s update

5 Planning Chair 1) To agree consultation responses to the following planning proposals: a Proposed attached single garage, 8 Abbeystone Gardens, Monk Fryston b Proposed erection of 3No. dwellings, The Stables, Old Vicarage Lane, Monk Fryston 6 Finances Clerk a Authorised payments since last meeting: 1 Clerks SO salary payment 2 HMRC (£192.20 – cheque 1128) b Current Account Current Account as Statement to 1 April 2019 £4632.29 Previous Balance £13565.76 Cash received £00.00 Cheques issued and cleared £8933.47 Cheques not cleared £35.64 Cash available when all cheques cleared £4596.65 c Bank Savings Account

Savings Account balance £113,015.30 d BS Account Account balance £71044.25 Monk Fryston Parish Council

Item Lead e Future Commitments / Income Liabilities as set out in Balance Sheet schedule (-) £7431.33 Creditors (+) £3772.78 Total Commitments (-) / Income (+) (-) £3658.55 f Cash Book Cash Book Balance at 7 April 2019 £4596.65 g Current Account / Cash Book Reconciliation The ‘Cash available when all cheques cleared’ (b above) reconciles with the ‘Cash Book balance when all cheques cleared’ (f above) h Expenditure / Budget comparison The comparative expenditure through to the end of March was £30965.57 against a forecast of £28520.00. However the budget included £3000 for Christmas lighting. The end of year Receipts and Payments and Debtors and Creditors statements (issued under separate cover) sets out the PC’s financial position at the financial year end. i Audit Control Councillors to confirm that they are satisfied that the above demonstrates that the PC is maintaining an effective system of audit and control including taking account of commitments and liabilities as required by the annual audit. 7 Clerks Update Clerk a Election 2 May: SDC received six nominations for the seven seats on the Council. All six nominees were elected unopposed and their term of office will commence on 6 May subject to completion of statutory undertakings. b Research is being carried out to establish which powers the PC can invoke to carry out traffic calming measures and / or purchase appropriate equipment. c As required under the enabling statutory legislation the Community Association has provided its written report (issued under separate cover) on the use of the sound equipment donated to it by the PC last year. d The summer planting has been ordered with availability expected in May subject to appropriate weather conditions e Following the meeting with representatives of SDC and NYCC the PC is awaiting NYCC’s deliberations on the two improvements requested for the re-design of the A63 / A162 roundabout. However the timing of the actual delivery of the intended alterations to the roundabout remains ‘at large’. 8 Motions (in bold italic) Various a to make payments in accordance with payments schedule (issued under separate Clerk cover) b To agree a revised budget for the current year (issued under separate cover) c To expend up to £500 to obtain legal advice on the strength of the PC’s case that Cllr BH Monk Fryston Parish Council

Item Lead NYCC is responsible for the maintenance of the Church Lane footpath. If agreed engage Elmhirst Parker to deal with this matter. d To consider the application for a grant received from Monk Fryston Pre School Cllr BH and to determine an appropriate award (application issued under separate cover). e To consider the request for a donation received from Age UK and to determine an Cllr SS appropriate award (application issued under separate cover). f To take steps to register ownership of the triangular area of land on The Mount i.e. Cllr BH the one where the bench and waste bin are situated. g To agree the heads of terms received from NYCC for the lease of the Triangle Cllr BH (document issued under separate cover) h To replace the three street lights on Fryston Common Lane with led lamps at an Cllr BH estimated cost of £3000 including utilising the PC’s one remaining previously purchased led light. i To agree if it is appropriate for the Parish Council to become a member of the Cllr BH newly formed Community Association CIO and to pay the membership fee of £1 before the 30th April. j To extend the order for the cleaning of the bus shelters to include the two new Cllr BH ones k To identify any items requiring repair and / or maintenance and to agree action. Cllr BH 9 Discussion Items a Residents issues Cllr BH b Filling the vacant seat on the Council Cllr BH c Loneliness in the locality. Cllr BH d Capital projects working group Cllr BH 10 Updates Various a Burial Committee. Cllr SS

b Community Association. Cllr NS

c Pedestrian Highway Safety Cllr BH

d Village Decoration Cllr BH

e MFPC/HPC liaison group. Cllr SS

f New bank accounts Cllr BH

g Lumby Lane cycle / footway initiative Cllr MJ

h Footpath adjacent to Community Centre. Cllr BH

i NYCC meeting re Battersby’s roundabout alterations. Clerk

j Footpath working party Cllr SW

11 Correspondence POST IN a YLCA membership invoice b Grant application from Preschool Monk Fryston Parish Council

Item Lead c Amberol invoice d SDC planning consultation re 8 Abbeystone Gardens e Yorkshire Bank Statement f Zurich Municiple unsolicited mail g Age UK donation request POST OUT a Maypole Manufacturing Ltd. payment b HMRC payment c NYCC payment 12 Items For Next Meeting All a Items to be with Clerk before 26th April for next meeting on 15th May Receipts and Payment Account For the year ended on 31 March, 2019

RECEIPTS 2017.18 2018.19 PAYMENTS 2017.18 2018.19

Current Account £ £ Current Account £203,240.05 £33,602.87 Balance at 01/04/18 179,748.67 4,025.74 Account Transfer 170,000.00 Precept 19,450.00 20,020.00 Asset Purchase 7,742.34 9,295.38 VAT Reclaim 2,527.94 3,612.71 Audit` 561.00 335.00 NYCC for grass cutting 291.07 291.07 Burial Committee Precept 1,249.73 1,335.42 Transfer from YB Savings Account 10,000.00 Christmas Decorations 155.00 CiL Payment 5,248.11 Clerks Salary 3,689.84 3,829.85 SDC contribution to replacement bench cost Cllr Expenses (Church Lane footpath research) 18.80 15.60 Third party payment for valuation 180.00 Consultancy / Professional Sevices 1,182.19 3,412.87 PC 70.00 Council News Letter 167.50 Donations 110.00 Yorkshire Bank Savings Account Electricity 561.26 640.14 Balance at 01/04/18 13,051.65 113,107.17 Grounds Maintenance 3,421.00 3,005.08 Transfer from Current Account 100,000.00 Insurance 423.53 425.51 Proceeds from sale of Quarry Land 9,800.00 Landscaping and Planting 835.00 1,771.93 Interest 55.52 108.13 Replacement, Repairs and Maintenance 674.82 673.06 Room Hire 175.00 100.00 Skipton BS Account Running Expenses 107.29 532.98 Balance at 01/04/18 0.00 70,000.00 S137 Grants and Payments 230.00 1,153.29 Inteest 70,000.00 1,044.25 Sale of Land 1,269.00 Statutory Grants 1,500.00 3,748.31 Street Lighting 9,140.85 86.41 Subscriptions 376.00 387.00 Traffic Management 1,200.00 1,200.00 Training 41.40 63.54 Balance at 31/03/19 4,025.74 4,596.65

Yorkshire Bank Savings Account Transfer to current account 0.00 10,000.00 Closing Balance at 31/03/19 113,107.17 113,015.30

Skipton BS Account Withdrawals 0.00 0.00

Closing Balance at 31/03/19 70,000.00 71,044.25

TOTAL £390,372.96 £232,259.07 TOTAL £390,372.96 £232,259.07

Signed as properly presenting Signed FROM BREAKDOWN SHEET FROM BUDGET SHEET

actual expenditur 'current' e (net) to original 'budget' underspend remaining in end Dec to end Dec to end Dec budget

Burial Board £1,128.40 £1,200.00 71.60 £0 Clerks Salary £2,276.80 £2,439.00 162.20 £813 Clerk National Insurance £0.00 0.00 £0 Council News Letter £140.00 140.00 £200 Clerk Use of Facilities £270.00 270.00 £90 Councillor expenses £10.42 £180.00 169.58 £0 DPPO costs £232.00 £400.00 168.00 £0 Electricity for lighting £475.92 £600.00 124.08 £0 Grants £2,794.00 £1,612.50 -1,181.50 £430 Grass Cutting £2,580.00 £2,988.00 408.00 £0 Income £0.00 £0.00 0.00 -£300 Internal and external Audits £156.00 £290.00 134.00 £0 Knotweed Treatment £272.00 £272.00 0.00 £0 Lighting repairs £108.33 £940.00 831.67 £0 Office Running Expenses £135.72 £135.00 -0.72 £45 Op Costs for C A £1,500.00 1,500.00 £0 Plants £561.67 £1,200.00 638.33 £0 Quarry Planning application £500.00 500.00 £500 Renewal of street lights £5,000.00 5,000.00 £2,100 Repair and paint fencing at the triangle £100.00 100.00 £0 Rights of way footpath leaflet £75.00 75.00 £75 Room Hire £176.00 £135.00 -41.00 £45 Statutory Insurance £433.51 £450.00 16.49 £0

Training and Prof Memberships £382.00 £200.00 -182.00 £100 Xmas Trees £140.00 £100.00 -40.00 £75 Unplanned £564.47 -564.47 £820

Total £12,427.24 £20,726.50 8,299.26 4,993.00

Currently projected end of year spending £17,420.24 Originally expected spending £21,792.00 Potential underspend £4,371.76 Quarry Land windfall Income £5,250 DEBTORS AND CREDITORS 31st MARCH 2019

CURRENT ACCOUNT 2017.18 2018.19 LIABILITIES 2017.18 2018.19 Current account statement 31 March 2018 £4,579.58 £11,349.89 unpresented cheque no 1063 £75.00 unpresented cheque no 1123 £35.64 unpresented cheque no 1064 £150.00 unpresented cheque no 1126 £6,717.60 unpresented cheque no 1065 £155.44 unpresented cheque no 1066 £173.80 vat overpayment £18.83 YORKSHIRE BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNT Unbilled room hire £12.50 Unbilled room hire £62.50 Savings account statement 31 March 2019 £113,107.17 £113,015.30 Street light repair £200.00 Street light repairs £200.00 lock £15.00 lock £15.00 SKIPTON BUILDING SOCIETY ACCOUNT CA audio grant £2,583.33 Savings account statement 31 March 2019 £70,000.00 £71,044.25 highway consultant services £2,950.00 Replacement street lights £3,300.00 provision for electricity supplied £600.00 provision for electricity supplied £600.00 CREDITORS Income -vat £3,612.71 £3,702.78 Hillam PC path clearing refund £70.00 £70.00 village plan £150.00 bench floor improvements £100.00 Total £3,682.71 £3,682.71 £3,772.78 £3,772.78 pre school grant £194.90 initial registration of Parish Council land. £154.00 bench floor improvements £100.00 banner planning applications £250.00 initial registration of Parish Council land £154.00 encryption £50.00 plants and planters £1,816.31 replacement planter £150.00 fence repair Chestnut Green £150.00 planter removal £50.00 newsletter £200.00 hardstanding for police £1,000.00 time capsule tree £50.00 yellow lining £1,850.00 Total £191,369.46 £199,182.22 £9,480.28 £14,803.57 COMMITMENTS (RESOLUTIONS etc) CREDITOR (ACTUAL) HISTORICAL Unbilled room hire £37.50 village plan £200.00 girl guides grant £191.25 bench floor improvements £100.00 initial registration of Parish£154.00 Council land. Total £491.25 THIS FINANCIAL YEAR mill close light repair £188.23 electrical test £543.51 Total £191.50 litter bin £350.00 cleaning of bench £20.00 Total liabilities £7,694.99 CA grass cutting grant £387.50 Total creditors 2,471.37 repair to sign £20.00 Commitments 5,223.62 CA statutory grant £1,500.00 spring planting £250.00 Debtor Value planning consult. Shelters £50.00 vat £2,527.94 grit bin mill close lighting £4,000.00 st wilfrids floodlighting Total £7,309.24 From: Robin Parkin Sent: 08 April 2019 20:26 To: Clerk Cc: PC Chairman ; Ray Newton Subject: RE: Purchase of Sound equipment (S137 Grant purchase for CA)


Apologies for the delay.

Details as follows:

Provision of Audio Equipment for Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Association

In May 2018 Monk Fryston Parish Council provided us with a newly installed Audio System, comprising an amplifier, speakers and radio microphones and with Bluetooth connectivity. The system was professionally installed within the main hall of the Community Centre. This system allows all users of the hall to play music and watch videos on the pre existing projector. Many of the groups that use the centre on a regular basis have subsequently used the system including the Beaver unit who used it for a disco and the Cubs who have used it to watch films. The Audio System is also made available to casual users who otherwise would have to bring their own equipment which would not be of the same quality and may not have been PAT tested. The Community Association have also made use of the system for various events including the Wise Owl Quiz and other events where it has allowed music to be played within the centre. We would like to extend our thanks to Monk Fryston Parish Council for their generous grant and we anticipate that the Audio System will continue to provide many years of service to the residents of Monk Fryston and Hillam

Robin Parkin Chairman

From: Clerk Sent: 02 April 2019 13:57 To: Robin Parkin Cc: PC Chairman ; Ray Newton Subject: RE: Purchase of Sound equipment (S137 Grant purchase for CA)

Hello Robin

It would be appreciated if you could let me have your report as the four week stipulated period is coming to an end.

Yours sincerely

Philip Scott Clerk and RFO Monk Fryston Parish Council From: Clerk Sent: 04 March 2019 15:14 To: Ray Newton Cc: PC Chairman Subject: Purchase of Sound equipment (S137 Grant purchase for CA)

Good afternoon Ray

In May last year the PC purchased and gifted the CA with sound equipment costing £2520.34 after deduction of the vat element from the overall cost of £3024.41.

When assistance to a voluntary body, charity and / or disaster appeal fund exceeds £2,000 in any one financial year the PC is required under the enabling statutory legislation to insist that the recipient (i.e. the CA in this instance) provides a written report on the use of the said assistance within 12 months.

On the assumption that the CA falls into the category of a voluntary or charitable body, the purpose of contacting you is therefore to request such a report setting out how the sound equipment has been used over the period since it was purchased.

It would be appreciated if the report could be provided within the next four weeks. If it could be provided before 12 March, though, it would enable it to be presented to the PC at its March meeting. Please note in preparing the report that, once received, it will constitute a public document open to public inspection.

Yours sincerely

Philip Scott Clerk and RFO Monk Fryston Parish Council SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Meeting 17 April 2019

Payee Invoice No Amount Vat Item Cheque YLCA n/a 306.00 n/a membership fee 1129 Community Trust 2019305 230.00 n/a grant for Sherburn library 1130 Amberol Ltd 18210 119.70 incl Purchase of planter 1131 Clearvision Window Cleaning Services n/a 60.00 n/a Bus shelter and bench cleaning 1132 Clearvision Window Cleaning Services n/a 10.00 n/a Bus shelter cleaning 1132

Total £725.70 Original Revised Variance Budget Budget 21430.00 22809.00 1379.00 reallocated from captial for street lights

Monk Fryston Parish Council Budget Sheet 2019-2020 Start Budget Item Original Change Revised Comment Definite Fixed Costs 9900.00 0.00 9900.00 Clerks Salary 3700.00 0 3700.00 Clerk Use of Facilities 250.00 0 250.00 Clerk National Insurance 0.00 0 0.00 Statutory Insurance 450.00 0 450.00 Burial Committee 1450.00 0 1450.00 Internal and external Audits 300.00 0 300.00 Grass Cutting 3150.00 0 3150.00 Electricity for lighting 600.00 0 600.00 Definite Variable Costs 1030.00 400.00 1430.00 Lighting repairs 200.00 0 200.00 Office Running Expenses 300.00 400 700.00 Room Hire 200.00 0 200.00 Councillor expenses 180.00 0 180.00 Winter Gritsand 150.00 0 150.00 Optional Costs 10500.00 979.00 11479.00 Grants 2350.00 0 2350.00 Replacement of street lights (led lanterns)* 3000.00 0 3000.00 Highways infrastructure (New Mar 2019) 0.00 3129 3129.00 Training and Prof Memberships 400.00 0 400.00 Cleaning of bus shelters and benches 300.00 0 300.00 VAS hire 1000.00 -1000 0.00 Moved to Highways infrastructure budget Triangle licence 300.00 0 300.00 Land inspection 150.00 0 150.00 Refurbishment of railings on Mount 1000.00 -1000 0.00 400 to office running expenses 600 to highways infrastructure Village decoration 1650.00 0 1650.00 Newsletter x2 350.00 -150 200.00 Total 21430.00 1379.00 22809.00 * Funded from the balance of the CIL fund and 1621.00 Capital Fund 1379 3000.00 Requirement 19809.00 0 19809.00

Heads of Terms – Lease SUBJECT TO CONTRACT Landlord County Council County Hall Road DL7 8AD Landlord’s solicitor NYCC Legal & Democratic Services (address as above) Landlord’s agent Shaun Wilson (01609 535697) Tenant Monk Fryston Parish Council Email [email protected] Tenant’s solicitor None – draft lease to clerk at email address above Tenant’s agent None Demised Premises Land at the junction of the A63 and Lumby Lane, Monk Fryston, as tinted in pink on the attached plan numbered 7157 Term Six years from 22nd May 2016

Break Clause In favour of the landlord upon three months’ notice in the event that the land or part thereof is required for Highway improvements. Rent £60 per annum payable annually in advance. The first payment to be made on the signing of the lease. Rent Review None

Legal Fees Tenant to meet the landlord’s reasonable legal costs, to a maximum of £300. Rights to be reserved The right to enter the premises for inspection purposes at any By landlord time subject to reasonable notice. Permitted Use The land is to be used as amenity land for the benefit and enjoyment of the general public.

The following activities shall not be permitted upon the land:

1. Vehicular parking 2. Ball games 3. The exercise of dogs or other animals 4. The riding of bicycles or use of skate boards 5. Any auction Maintenance Tenant is to maintain the premises, including the boundary features, to the satisfaction of the landlord.

The tenant must keep the land free from litter and weeds. Alterations No alterations or additions may be made to the premises without the prior approval of the landlord in writing Indemnity The tenant is to indemnify the landlord against all claims arising from their use of the premises. The tenant is also to carry public liability insurance in the sum of £5 Million.

The Licensee is not to cause or permit any nuisance, damage, disturbance, annoyance, inconvenience or interference to the to the owners of any adjoining property Outgoings Licensee is to pay all existing and future rates, duties charges, assessments, impositions and outgoings whatsoever upon the land. Alienation The lease may not be assigned to third parties. Subletting is not permitted. The tenant may not share occupation of the premises with third parties. Landlord & Tenant Sections 24 to 28 of the Landlord and Tenant act 1954 will be Act excluded. 1954 (the tenant will have no right to remain in occupation after the end of the lease term) Termination On termination of the lease no compensation will be payable to the tenant in respect of any alterations or additions. Furthermore, such alterations or additions will be removed by the tenant if so requested by the landlord. Drafted: Lynne Hall Last Amended: 2nd April 2019








1 9







9 Beam House


1 1

9 2 2 2

a 2

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