790 ■


R.li.S * OflUDec. ?oc. loti; Av . ,1927


1 -V d*e>atc:h Ha. ^02 und led: , 't ~ «■' 2*

^ *308 vjid 1210 T i tf eri-H©«ttr«fc ;-4.

2. 12 02 * 7• I 1.2- -21 veti -Trite >.•, * Kr J.T.^cod } .e hue be** - rointed AeceuaUnt, BeeJUteepar .ar.d *ter*ir«e; 2I' t

^TTisti Kr Slight sr regarding the 10

/' a'; ••- Vuw 6&a*vied* 6i Lie rift. I a:-v t t;..at ' i ■; ..

■ ■' - • 43" CXI- t*:a lT.ti; JcXj, fy Kr 2 viaftLi.* ;■ .L to r .Dair: s ;:use »?«r frees Kr CJrseot pending 10: Vfcod'e urrir.'l

rr.u Kr Crete* till case* ir uteut the 29th, instant vxl s&ll

far U*X* via lL.ntsvii«i in the •Faiklx.nl*.

3. 1309 - 3. AuetLri wcaro'c h*.a been. rsna* fsr tL„ ;■ . * V epsxee but a» eucce.se.' A precie ha* been pre; ared •*- Bnc# tli- nhele eaee and is-sent L ?-#*,< th.

4, 1308' • 4* I ncte that Llbyds nave act ee-e-u their "ii,

tc fall in *ita your proposal* regarding Uio cvadv-ct of

cl'--4«4 other »*..vv«jr« at ?Li* port rt present. I

; Lc. iatereeted te iceew whu.4 L-tited* tro Korxe^i.

s- till ««*

, 32C9 * 5. I note that the veil tie* vtli be ehipoed by

v the * Isuitere6 * TL- replioe of tfc* ■ Challenge Cup for Rifle ». 1.308 • $* safwly end b&e teeo headed aver te the F.I .B.p* f\ S£t»*U< „ i-r rivet 4 for it ties*

rvj / -©ter» \ - uni r n 791 .'. V * / \ HCRUr */ Xlnfilett • •■! «• de-: •: 25,# r ' «• •’ r 1 i-’i * ':■ , % £ ®Ut £ ■' : •1L4 i.Niftr; t. £ v "*&***% win go fervid *t the esst cf 6* 1509 . the sr ’'it* . l ’*7*. ujc*n 1 *'■•'*: r"‘ ’■ '■■-■' ■ ■; ',:«tusa p«< - *'■> V »x* i, * u, d V •-* ev n,V tofc, •ta* *ATe Uui V • ■ u tji# pi- • t# to 3<*. i: *• 1209 - 10. X Mve t# re5 . - «f to T.M Ihemfcc *fc ,. \ I ' * ' ..t ■;i' V--A* V- *M.-. . ■ •’: -in th# l?t ‘ r ly. -T«*k fit. M*. x., : | J ■■ri ps«gx*«ft, .4 ’: 1 tSsra^i 3 ,t *--- • M1 i oxf O4 totgjMin tend

I. 0 4 . 1 V •* ^ x iiQtm tiAt yau Ir * - d : .pi ■ .v.::. &f. V' ****** 01194 ft t ir ftfta#.

XI. 13UD - 5 £ £3. I V;.,.v:- tel-A y. A «... ; ■ fcc ‘Jbfc fefj acst

-«*«'« Mrlft t2.,- ro. 2 \ 4... -’,1- L. d/d.wO/y *.g ti". .-rdt.T

V J~r „ t’v .* • • xg le-f x'i.t «r# c-t jp«>Ti*cl. ‘X.’.fc . ■ H I v 1- w hftgft. i «. tiz e_.i;

• - - i-ly vene,.l:, vsl t.- _ czzi'c w> uut tfevrftfv?e

X; C ui-T eilier rrcvigicc^. I «n flftdt to »*•:# Xr«»

ttltgxais of t5j« lnst#j)t tSjftt ycu , ~ c?n : .: ■

r., Xyj r ft-il ' ;’re . tl:.t* ’Si u us f«iv ;i, ..

"-31 cXi^l' v egg.

I ibb co*fr g«lafc lat. r; . ligating th#

; sjr& mill -ei.tJb. tMft antttr la k# a#xt dk:-.

11* 1110 * 7* 1 to tiuuk j-«a feir tfc# Brit. Uto-.i .

MI. A»fteciMiC£M ?poJc of Bale# for 19f9/50, are *... ;# iMt

, c lin f-T£ r^aioul attendar;ce «a s.s,iX" md* t

r'-riX'-i - hi~.s lean put formsadj -lee s. -t vhtn rwud#tlkq- 9» :l.i tlep xsttftt Is 3ttpi'ort«d by roudsor* und «jctxo.ctft >'1 - frv-. -t: ft ftJblj?f* r\ -1 ■* S. attain Rohertfi could not tgete-i.'. .. Giiiaf 15. 1310 South Oftoygla* I telesradMd yeu on the 25th. Ox fi .c«f that you get in touch «ltl Cu.-Uiri Belgau ^..1T . S ;• u t h t U■ U * L £ mbo trould . ^rht;pe hs&Xzt ua In

or *.»* A ‘ . a jroruagi^- *.• r

4 792 * * t * \ 9, 3. l4, Ulo . lt

* nKm - •* ’ _ J ir.-, ,• *‘*por| , t 1 * ’ 1 ^ ’ -7 C • j'-- * AattOUU, I n*t« «li you v*rii* ir- this 1 ‘“Ujr r~.lL, tt» proapooi *f dJLopssing u i« and *■^>.1 -,,abt!•** is*•:•.£ fr:- ,-au *>: -ntly \ *• *M«PU|g I have order*! r<*. ii *.? *t? .r 1/

** C*T1 *reot r«# pvatoer.o on. - * '■'.**» rard £14*..*^ :a.t T®

four riveter® tc,d 4k. Conroe ocr to

drtT# six ::utaK*r« 4** 40b 3f TO-Or -lUn* Skill ' ' . Sfi; ■ altti-lix;

X note t xi it to sot „ o*>fcifei« as ,■ . - 4. ^tu; « to

to A ■: «i ini te under Stand tx. ,-',v 'J0np&£ag eatOSM?*

rp.-.aim, Wi that if can do satis ;..c* ;y u .n. : v. •''•.•

hzlce* t;w nkeuld be no daubs that -x« si^ll g*t .3 .xi,

‘£r# i'vii'.iifL#*-! r«*«s for repair . ■>rk. sa*^* of no a- , eu.-r -cv&

an I re-heed fro, U* •»ulk:*rd»«« cill. tfc« d . .,-;

undcv.>J.»^; charge* quoted in the letter ua-ed Vt/'iXfrc■>

tis.f acu--:-vcn ,aiin& f oeulir;; OoBpacy are reason v.0 - . I

rob lice that if wn ®at catcher repair work it should increase

our : ?f store#* provision#* coat and •••>.; . -tn

t, 9 oat^iiHC *»4- Bnpnir Boynrtsnn* ©•« ^nXy ..>#sr h-» -w oti^’

J>op»rt£jnxt,» «H1 rn^ -tim ran©fit. s • X rill dttMVM ti*o ^uootion tf s booking repair

skktttrioi Mr 4tt« court*,

0*«, •IWUrlird* arrive * nt jlb^kArle fleer. 10, 1^1 Q * iOUx July *nd *t Stanley or t.: <• :Xnd, South. Gnortfin ■fcjber gc4ii£. and rottumlsf aad proved Sj.o anaoufct-ii-eni bad v ex^* did not lift m many dnaso as 5?j*T total 9*xr>iAg* for tni-*. voy^.e cu;ounted Xispod f«Jf but her aah ■ wore approtira «ely - f£-2, 10* *.. « £ e>7. JO. 1C. “*>«"»•• 115 to cover dopreci&XUn and profit. hsannfi« of f leoaring a

I. r

v•. •*« * t A, w A 79 J ^4*-. *# t *w . 4, ***« OX *«feoeo •■< ..0l ‘ lZi- *i patent iaei i 47/ ,-iv.b l0* tu af tfc« *cl‘**» U oottofoctcxy. 1 he;, tt, **?•■«• fux tUr tjCi** lx, ®* **• thor# ie x large #*: ;k of ,£ ‘ * ■- u . 5#"th teaxgXiL, TJ^t *71# ir j i • ,3• . > __ #1 cv? t; \ IdC ***** t« tb#«# f t 4/- ml, lut t« SBOfcled t# do tbtl *iu “* f t „ lorerrj. IfAJl 61. c*;.:, ,: : ■«

*t*dly ##tt4 •--* t s t*rtovlf,::E r „■ r ~itt;

-ter *hi* *ep%ix ver* 1« gleQ| ' s ^ . .

e»- 1 that X mmt advise you £muL4 the *tx «4 it

to et&U: tore- •■*

W* 1-iC * -.r,. ~ re.cii.ded Er SI# itu..: it.. .r'i \ Yx

\ Bwa-oyasaK* t. uuCs,:."*.iuni that li# i* ogree&tl* t-s re ••err-i;-

to the Colony el £ IS per south es long os ho roaoltn aincU# V it *1 ire .-.. ic ::,-,;.r:iu3 -peart*** &V.xiI:*fcl». 1 t-'-v t ;,

ed yv> . ,.. ...cut fela oci -loo snout six addtti;r;.‘l 2 Ui-.itr

wtoUife xse *l«oghtex ro^uirto.

is.* liic - ass, X mete oil ;■*••> > writ# regarding the -

C;» , . * Aft-orglcs" *a4 of the catch* I ■ l-'la-i t'-.J \ Saa^i . Cespocg that they su©u34 place *♦*••.# ir i course-is

( '..,,u Hr Aedorooft direct*

19. 1510 - .a* I glad that wore ofcl* to .--cWic it*-? V /r^ig ika 7.3.3r.C. in .Hr EU*r’s tiaoi. J •clsfactiOB Wish reference to copies the. tuo let tors 5V0. 1510 - ~7. the admiralty*- • ■ rrclceod ft'Cc: tfMmddd statement of rocof^te and iostje* of oil W- » sail. With regard tc the isone sent yev* W lt«t :5ual eon tc E.S*S.-WiUi Scoxeobi* ex 13th ttsofch 3f 115. aAo soiled without signing the MUfoty *ote| thio wooed into «ect hy ■:: ■ 1. A roc v«d Mi ya« since hoeu ' hi* receipts wad issues of oil ..are re^ar j ; - . hooks ote. T. ■■; r_- hut ire net kept in this Office. r.yri cu^'J >

IQ? * *** 5jia. •«. UK 1 ■ :. ,

4 *•■■•■' * ’. ,1 ■ •«& -:-f *U ^ •*** ta 8th Magn§,%0 tfti

> * **** ^.

■!a Oil l raalaainfc ttm itnk la Oatabaj

*1. *** r^ir«rc* t.o * *i • tic- * . ' » '.

r- c ti r :. th#i* •Uetric 1 * ue4 at pvaaant aaiajp * i total •h-nert. i *? t** t^inlc e that U ' ■ ■ 1' • *- »*rj* v; *’4- .*

; i ty tr -■■ '■ -■■'•** "■ ?*

•urr**t th - tn a*r rws plant, I thin* tl> - •. rv • ■ -

~0%*: ’ v '? “C" . ■ »

«>« CSC avr atnr *ha 1wtt«r It •>.•* Id ta tf‘T b«*l\-oe*.

"■• i>t^a flUUM Ian Jul >t«c"rio 2t*ftt for

tJ'aiX for »,-.*■ ti •„»

If fv:.. at ". la /r. ,c»? a * ■ . - ■ _ ■• . "

a , : v if y#u •••:. #anc*lvjs a list- ♦* * c .- ■•\ - ■

to ti ?§rt ■ 13aa jjlflNlull 8t-jr«, praaant that St«r«, twmamii in T

Boom, faja Oatta^a* •taa&ay Sanaa aad Yha RBtcrtay

re?5*.xllt. •

ft* Orsatty r-vtt-* f\r* n*:

(£} ar^f. r* *?on*»i: 1* - t-. •■-■-:

'?) **4^*1 •« Ip latncr,

ft] station •* «wa1i- daaaraUt* .,• ; ...... "V r*i :*r, estact ch#e> tar *a kart an all eareuarotica. clti ooaae-; Jta»t

\l aaaila&l* at all hatur* hy hattafy ayaratad (?) 2^*- plant.

; #f neat i - A xaugb ! ■' £ £5©* r * cUtri#*,

; -axial# fitting* * !****» 100, 4*5, 1 • ' firing 100 -so* € 450. =assss 795 ' ■ 7 Cv 1 ; ** , * ***«•©* ‘a/ V, S*t5 i: ' t * 1 V "*tiMUl|||i. —•! fsr *£«i »# ,. ■ •

4©* w" ■ * #3UU*Q a r

■., - - *■' ^

* latino oto, S ^ U - •**

«rr5rr «t«, S 10ft *»0« •*

£ 1;*- . .^ s S -7 2 ,. U-... X a »—£. *i jtfeVa«.;,.| j^

HM *f Worn ■#■■ ‘ Har:*e . * it 2 30, T*ua SitU^c, 1* :<■. -

# Mi. #« *16 n '.C :-v l&v Ar .8 1? 3C, • *

.'*«#’ 2e~V\ 4 , rc wU 64 i it ■: ■ : . " . -:. 1 t:r *,A «*r

* 1£5. ¥ • . w ■ 1M *• ... 4,

m ootisitoO if s *a* io ■*» i »A* ’• f *5iu

* lit iy •lootric Ugfat «nd Bw*, #11.

.: „■•':a# 4C7«ft|.wl« ts p’.y ♦•.# ttfcWrfOO 0?**B.

1 1 ro Hfumkn »f«ft «n»» tet arrtorotaoA

tlH^ | 6 - Mi.Ue |l*»t T.attii ?«*-

Uftiwr* Wottooo X»*4, IftiTiJU

y». 10% * 6 » H ?, XOO rsit*, • #fcU 75 a ”

2^ witj Kitfc 4. r*f:«

fffr*»>in protifo Mjl> «ourr#x;t for tb«»*

n|,ll 7j# «1M(4 Sofcro tba t*rtl '•* .* -.?<♦ atoroo

thoi» iaii U'«4.

oa»etA©» Usmmi y»»i«MWlft X •ft.aral; Ka«* t*w If yo* ia «2i# "foot ttoro Txuri tfclofc U e:Ufit Xr Ww to* WiMHagO *« *• XX t. ..: ift la--** •c *o*rol - a r »®*11 el««trlc It gilt plant I If In*tall - tii# A£*a«y for th* plprt sapj-lled, aa sttg^-sortt tliaft wo ooouro car ficr.«r.3trat« to our cli ants its a>smy (S' ■>» ■ rcrfciwf 796 S*. ■i.z , , <*.- H %# ** .A ' ' '' 4 7* ► 7,. •Armxil * ***4 i ^Ubtl«K» _ ... '“*** •*eux* so*-:,' iug,!r:iu, £a. ***** t«

* ■ • A: «*£ £3T 70.. - 23, f he KK(.#ti .•■' Wr.d h*« V»sa carted dov.n to the port T te \ b ***** th« •n*«t*i**« tea *4 tier e * 1> ,. 1 i.rg ewe *. "k ■ 1 ' 3 «« *i rv. tc tt..* •* a ■■: ■ ;* i ’ t v ■ \ twine* %q d Stfctley a# e*xJ o j.m .•• ; ;’

- ■-V.. ,'-1% V*% - w *

gT&JK2tt MflMiin 3. Sf " % ‘W'r Sr * .. it. •??*£.***# m>wrU» fox Tfcy «a4 teh£ ■H".;. .£

c*“ **-• Ut ia«t*nt. to hoi •• r *h« lied te

t«i- afcUi • t * act *rxlr« it Mart!- Are> on til the 5 th. 3 *

:. r*t;.rr* •' i'Ihe«Umm to S»rti Jan ’ire-- tint ~ vnd J - ‘ ‘ nf* SL« 1* t • t~£ 2; *t Aatuot for ■enterrtde® tr;o h. . , A. a«si7l« end Tot St?.

•> ^ t . ri nged for bee t® dry a tt •:: : ‘ ' . . \ . lit* Cv vt »f ii-cklog Jjad two coat* of paint i* Jf 59C (r?u£. \l del lac i'*

fuatdaa anirtl an iy»th Ju'„ ’ ; L" 5x<-'

-g t • * 3'-.e ton*.- 4*3 t-anfi of oil fuel.

RJt.8. OaroAoc it due on t>;» lOtl. August «d 4

r® . vir** 65© tore of oil fuel* it. I uni ore tend that when *r &«cfrurd>>'r. wius

:U#f 3 tor ♦*«**-«* * propoocJI « »*«• t!y** te *h»u3C «® - i“>-

«,t fSrlr frr.ueut iat#rrale t# teqr, fti* is «#11 rortl

cf Ch* opinion th*,t Mr Biol aurdoon tel I ■** fina&ftiol yo*r in o!9*rg# her# t# onuia* hi. to 2j.*re *■ full osunat jodje by thio y*«’t Store reoult*.

few months eerly ir 1911. robnbly get s«ar ^ * 'He otrld 1 fhw.r^ mz?*v$i.l. f‘'2T z 1 tx i^.^dcr I,„ tfce r-^artloo

■ A«#troli^n retail tout#* #' 4- articularly J wr£.a tuy for A Oar tueine** is ooae,:a»#tiT#ly tjVi roTcltioo* t eri *lg- v 8 61 -j t doudtf‘1 if gush first* eoul ■ 7 i.v.-.A,71 .*,nd 3. t m oe«l. e#f#r# you for coneiisretios. ,ut i *>* “* *ray if .you eould depute a - ■ .5 nh'or •t>14 •>•«' : l i t ■So *•* H. 797 ss ** yc yp i

%*Vf i*rtitular %: v.- #aue't« u». £5. with r*?*l«M* to «y tAvkt 1 , .. ttr : a £ w-' . ^ 4 hctt •* tXi, •<$* X Bviwi?." u sr of

XO« tai** "are j f. .

V . ' a ■*.♦.; t; |,E l u tXy ■•>-■.- ~i ioroWUjr be ahi^*** V tJs* ’‘i.outwro* via 7 is. .. : *e, rie £«. *r thji5** C-Io* are: eccU-ead*

X *kWe.-'it&;xd that tM» lariaga i .> coined oy

i---.; u*. ♦?ill you IdttPy MO>i ; ax _i ih«£ COTtr 1 m take ent

It «*{:;:oar.2 that the *areas Britain* haa not boon

-weped out o : nee 191%. Hie water found v ac •-.•«\-; tacted

aitit a eal M«t« and la almost fresh, at I presume that it

ta *£ MOuauletiOB of ralr. water that fc*e fevnd its » ay :.- ■■-•

tlu liulic through tie top leek.

I do not advies repairing ar calking her ieoke

aa It la the of these Jobs which, once began* thsre is no

faiarfay «ben It will and ar vfeat it will oaat. i ^

her j;.., ->. -iS'l, -‘•i ■xni ■ 1 ; ■' "■■.■■nr . ' ■■: -.

aoon as weather j-enaita* and extra dunnage will oe pu-. i n

thu lower toolds* these precautions »■ auld it ample to

geins for eo*e time* and you may reel assured that keep a* will be thoroughly laapeeted at regular intervals in ate fut’-ra* fhie find leg of water is an argument in favour of

' - a instead of the •Or*; at Britain*' (reference ucin£ ■the *Bennie * 18)* but ea •Btnnla* will not be clear your despatch. 11^7 end will then require a certain of fuel tos about a year before the can carry wool* and of wurk to be done unt*• 701 - £3 has a direct hearing on prapoaal *»<*« lfl fV aa the P defer dealing with the ratter until X will our '• ah pMejt jver woyo.gf to Tfonti ridec and I have '■ ' ‘' r-'1" hae ■*£*’ \’c . "a: k*t V V * 798 /--S'. 9. *CE* r*ot.

rif-*•«* to k 4 2«. w-'rk ©n. ^ ***** li - tl# HMtViitttlM k*w worst ** n*» *9**U atoro mui to tod womthmr,

■ ino», ' ■ : * • >.l! «£ ' Foanj %» **'* ss#% l4gg|^i mad ‘■;r .• t-horofor# m d^ngrr to «-riS*tioa mt nxVt%. , •I"- i. ttMMr*:crt 4 c »«.!>! - that the .> i i cur UsdhUr.f t *nd I v 11 a4vl g.« V •'. .f~vtn r .m 5 J i* Sir* i jpT- v c W Oo ~ cl -' ers t - ■• rv rcz t

■Cue : , :

*. v* - •

■ St mt «aeat «« joooon^ *«., l Kmj’mger

J » fcO **'y: • ■■•* 7

5 : • "■■. ' . 7

■ -, i *— « f5;# •!? VX l 3

■ ■ iytfl* BmlMWMMi 3 OtTi. -2BMMi

9, St«x« Lod$*r S*X3M#*» -. ■ • t

i... V ■7/:: M7-7 ■ . • ■ ft

-;7- ■ 7- ' '

7.7 .... - .. ; 7>:' ...... KU 14 -

3U$ ■ 11. C7.’t7 Atf*S? tl». ,■•- ■ -W "s •; V--7 ;C« * 12* Li* r«NK&**>* S J*ly '5 “• ; • ■'■'■ ■ :/- ■ ” ;«7 50 7 +' 7 .-7 7 * ;7: * ■■ ' Vt* 13* % *

15* Oii. ^.vl * '

7 . ’ ' : X s * d» if. —


p*r H.lg.3.*Car*doo%

^CLos * H 3 3.

fisai-^*?«s «*maaU pst "B 3.c/7/29} *»4-*tu>i St,-jo;. Sri?"' (Ai-rl' * *•/)

; ■ ' i;,;- a# 4o Tej* Cottage gg~*« ooaniosion *$•»•*• Wing oyotom FaIjcIw). sags sated j>**.?age rate*, 2 • * * -• • 3 »** £ ft 3 for V*


1. Despatch Wo, 70S

£, St&tnT.eet on Account* So#l

*5* Fft®?pks • on Aoco^wto Vt#I i* St ere In-lent Vo* 973

~ «■■' » Roraarko or Store* Wo.673

5* C * Stanley Ledger Balancoo 20th Juno -

1. Store Ledger Balance* 30th Juno

S. Butchery Ledger Balance* 30th June

3. Remark a ©a Store Debtore.

IQ, Remarks on Butcher/ fiefetor*

Ascount Slot July II. Coal of- damaged bale#. 12. Lieu uf * *0** G*»b Toucher* j?June ■% July *5A 1 > fast Wtcro • i i ahaont & Wages .FI tzr cy .June. 1U 2-etui /■ ox 3 x „ statement of Stocks, 15, Oil Fuel bsi'Ot * Statement; re miooing * par off do Uasa^iR;:4 : 8 (JO

• ., - - ▼la. *toterld*a. ... fi . " . *• ■ 29. ro .

s- >

.. - ■ ' ■' n " T _ ..., w.’

’ 12IX *L.

*Lii:.. * r«a cm. the 26tli tattaat , i : xl ' - ri ■"

70: .

a* r rui* vh r. X ■ ■■■„; ?0r

' -*~• X -ior, r. , t- - tt» lets X «£i

X* 7 kaor wS»i. 7,27:3 o * -r XT" ~ .

'>i t.:*" tha ha ...;/ ■ .\::t ns.* t'*-... ': >’ '

.... ■-^’XcyC’ii 11 *; y.-tlr ."c-, . v~i::u - - * «► -a

;■. . -rs, y: * -f - ..X - :'.;r "5 I ; %fc j?*-.::.£ vX . . i'-.i .-.-i ••*. X'.T, ..." .—1 •■*—.; ....

v f - r:„. y ar :\:L X?' 7 X. .. . : 6 local aa*« leartainly dooming an laa^parm^- - v> % '■■■ fr 7-ark I -• *f i7"-*’" f-v^

v»..'r*_Jr* itrv- jr hX-tx* ■ 7V. -■■■X' tv ...... - Si.*;: : ._

vuex a >ja -..;:Agor..'-hT„- laoh "•>„ ■ g:!ji Ca r ’•

I a.i/X.' ■ c :. the, £4 '■ •' r~- .ty ! ’

cossn^tioc?. aad 1ft* Rlcturtaon agrees witfeay ▼*«»*.

13X1.5, I umderatani that f , .

y w T'-l ; Xa'.c Bortt 5,:..: ,?;; -.:~ * fh* witter of tB&tSvm voyare* far •ffeUtlar-'* i dii'fa-v.; t : V s*aix«5

r;r.*,V,Y' *- :

r S 7 3 e ** *

'• i

- & • 704

* *“■ m * • ■' > ♦ <

T 3kVa to . ■ .' ■ \ :%s rccef..- - of - - ’-rr**r„ «~ „• ’ ’ v "' *■•:: ■'-.'..'•.I-. 7 * ?im *1$: of -* i #ont WLtfc. &Mp** ** 7 * ' ^ i 3* t • ' 77' T n - < •u. i i *

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A fVesly ritii laws in Tioir tf t*»ir relattorai&o ' ®lfio 8io«r Sertgation Colony *«t note tfcat

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tc r-tikkai ««f -•». ..4. :n» in tt:*r wool

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^ ' ■• of ':'x t- M ■-.xv*■■?%*' to AX sat *Xfc * *Y*

to®,.. •Vf.te w** the v- t T sooli io s» oit-orri ss tboy

\ ’car* at^t V * 'IVq'’ in to lo*:. - *' -

(/ tt will t* Uftofc **»»• -i»- ! "t?tor " ~. •-3 i* a : .T',„'l e*

Sv.bje.^t ' " * .- ■ ■■/ 1?' :' •"

• 1 sut*, T. haum *arr»‘..'4?n«l with. •over.-'ror t t^t :,o Boot arid •» *■? ■ t vi a*** ii„ ell no- & f-- •*'• -• ''• ■•' fa* t' :. rin« X9M fwr * »•»••«* ®f * 560 P*r fW*

,, . J„: ;/'•... ..•«■; •>-’ - ' ■* (C'-jf'l '•* of corr*#^<^i" lean* s^oJU ■lie.-.

r- •.. ' ixt-oro .

eue.' yr It'Mi. "t-" - trrtsgaA wit'.. fa Ttjr £'X Jt * r ' ■' -

*11 will V. t’.ie SeaXl'-S X^y-T . Jtt» that «W TUI r«o*»« «• 1 1 • rl% rcr., » to }»x«« 3ara ■ r:aRjt«T*. ■•. e : ..*.v r -j .>a£r*i " : tV t: ;.n 1' -: ..; .'• — - Orinriiv*- t'l*# -ty £tg~ ■v_ e!: r ■" .’e- .3uit o* r i ’'.3- offorA to with, c- ■•;: r- —••rt:-. ^'-'-rr A bAOtt OQ tv&l •'•. 1 -n XtruEr-c brtns do«r. o».- y#**-?- . . T l»pe to t> 1 - MS- }|iM«itty f<* Oovo«*»t* o?X » of !»*<*&'ny roinlt'r.-i * »ai«, s«««4 •* 3>>' ‘ it.... torses , J oacpon»i# ^f-n if wo •“ ^ 1 ^-slX rnrth w*-10 o* ** this Tcutoro is j,M3h *r» *-%XW» or«rti£&& 2®fei 4 or laid up* ess! in raftri *tg rM “ ^

to nota from y»ur oasle d :

. -; *TXa& tforsre-7’ -.n 15at« ^ bacro tncaved . r/rjsit /aa ?;OtJ - y . • - ■ *0-* * I'i, . 814 !

V' /. - = •' v'V, . 5».. «. i * f'»' ' . t. tV.. . * " 1\X px;*?* • Kir * s ‘

S«**di *5W. V

1*.. C'*A" ,. t >.vr* *v-»?«£ed tic- wo! tf--i

fuel 9Mlt ptUa* «at pot it 421 at th® MB* I -i'-'V-'y «9/&d 4* «/- for 3 3 1 i;» ’war,- sorcewi *•.-* »■■•■

* ■* . COn.il--rood OOSCL » -’i »•*» •> ’ -


bust oouraa to adapts X traet yoo '*01

fh« «®ai /oaiti *- !• «* foMo*- t*

*5" St®**!. ■! 4041 %* 30 '' J1 1 *&?.-

* “ :' ; ' 5-. .

i,l<* taoo

T 'iavic« -M.*.-,. • r . ./

(90 WV *Hl: vV.*"- if f .. •* "- 3-s/t. v t-ain* J so

■^r: ••3 c*

■ ' ■ ' > "b- - -

^ V '-I'-* ;■ , 1 ... - o i trr r~ ■

1 ..; „' ■ ■" ■

— : •>.... • • i.;v" - ■ ' * - ;*ir_g aattit ©aaonB^tioa to SOtb.

osr >.' ;•* ai ICC -r., . it wilX *' -in o ■ r - I- -o* * bvx" '• * ai-srUOM. * U. a -r ' '■ - ~ -■- -■ * ?w,; if 1^.10- earitr^ct s*.. '':-

xt ^Kttt«Ti4*0 V.,:?lr.r 2r ••■* f;r I paropoa# C cur* . •v ‘ 4/, iiW,^5 i/s ’■■ — ■ m&jtii 9td*d ,.Od*l ta.u dLboruurl • f3.‘ baling Kt.>S >l *'■ fv iX r^tec TO/*- c** SBJbtmuAn M 2*.' oe ul On ' i V of t’r . S r 1 •. ' : u_ Ml »wl# *„• • ,.;ci., ** cilX not Jmvo to ooiry Mg- Corns ■.v-trd ^ atoclc0* ) ;• 815

***•• 9*r • t -

17 . \ % * *9rr**n>‘*f srrr**. r :. •

vV " *_.; cn ■•’ t*

3rDu % teissty otoafc of hogging has aoetenlatoA maA I «8*at* t* 11,000 yard* aUUt 4,000 yards h»n

00% to V* shlppoO ttador ttes ltO osetroet oitfe ■sosra

r.~ .• ■ 7- '* i.r ■•' - *■ * -"" 1 -■ » I i

■■■-■"• .• ^ r». lliil t total of 43,900 yard*-

aanaal uqjtei — wits ara shoot 10,900 toeol

salsa art w|tt|iTfti and to hara fhefofsro dbont i

i ty-00 „■ : ."4 * *"

ram ten tea yasra stool on hate ate to

soa&ty with this ns Shall »ot roster* froth teook

Ttm tea «U1 tha ttetsr telf «f 1WI mi ***** ■•*

fSBM t.O.’T--' f*> ' "* ' ? era

1: ^r#a*o.

*• '. •; “ . ' ' " vise T ... •• \

7 4JK ‘ v^:t# li' - rlovsc '***« 2-* : Z ' -X i

» .d-.t * „ tti": :

-T*<*.. .'. - ' ' ’ ’■

' 7*? z Xoa9 “ 70.’* *7 ; . - • X ■' ~£ ( ; X* i r. TT-ir-:-' I note fT5----- * • ■ ' ' 53- -t tXSs ‘lit hfc r 1 S&tod 25th Ooptateor a —8th Otetehor naact* te4t* till wo' •!» ' -*■

fee raqulroiS for IteSiwiSi teyt « x x.-,. , r'r " • - r3?


‘ :,■ vf .•;< ■* ‘ilon *te 3Cr Th««s^ .-£ J J t’-» S*-‘ -9 aay holts that any ho mtolrod, horo. *: ■■ •'. -,;r w ■Hth roforoaoo to sf W» 18,-Tho

SO* I ^ ^.ta Vrt T TwMins o-r, r

, . CT«rrc- l -,-t’ -!» ttm Wii «T?Cp' t* . ■ rait MS - "I? *«ort -e. j # ' -: •? - * ; ^ 1


.-5 ! 816

\ 70*. » 9 a*. 'ft,rt*\ir*» :- * > «y ****. .6' T r*jgc ■'■ *c ** - * - ft *, * - » -. ’■«;*• ■ * ;>■ i T. O'* ■ '* ' V ’ . •

- V : ~

* l.v r>gt*% to adrift* yfta cT.

Of *T1 *»• '0 S

i tfcilr: * * toon •*»xtannc \ Wotak angina* and will iott*. »T nia*«* hoilor on

* ' .. .. ? r-r. Skifwitt. I Oent hit* rat *« r *' an Ti ^ ^ ^ ^ >»__Jj ’• "’ 7, *n- _ r"^ " * * •

*' ..; . , / .. ^ . "' _' MKiifig ?*Mihitiuty

■ yrtjlsh t»» $u»t heoa Tmpda%*« '■:

> ■-* ..If; <* t*

'■rtf; r* T' yrt . r (rf '••■ ■ f: ** - r*. ..

ir»t^rettal ’a he." t\ii ft ’.a ofrr -tolly «©tt

r -% ■»- . „. .•«.«.. .

>\ - \*: V ■ ^ -.C •' “ tr^-i Its, - 4 inior? ai ••T^r» 1 £*««I>Xo that *’ ■ : ■rs! :;■ : ■* -: * ~ * oao .vp^nttto'to Cottaj* «a ha» »eX«*i«d «% .. , hail 4 ■ .. *itt tot

:■ .,- rj). v. ,.«_f ; ■**. i X ■ 1 4- 1IIBIIT KUO** raft. ma^ '. 21 ~ , day* as. ■**; ... ' ':.- *■ - ' ~- -,h» t* a*Mt 4ryi ^ jrrsr:" I J’.3 — ! „ ... ‘ Isr- t r - I hojitajj to Isa.'s •’ 13 ' - to -a :•*" ' ; : r ftl- ml*. *n "C “* * a

order tti* 'saS-daa «.

lower hold *h««ld keep qtri * - •' " '! y ... -.. ■; tfj '* i-^e room in *' '., •■■r-'r '■ ■ '

; - -tr wir h. fmar- . • - f «* ■ .' v . ;• I At vv~ C'.; > th Se?t«*b«r doleing: y«w to oooist «rw 1 » A 817 1 ■ >Ao/. $ * ’A .

»0-'" . V ? '* » ra.: b«r .. •»-' '?■ .*' ;*• ' * ■ it© i- L*’* " *R Per •JOsBmxorm* / *L I as. ' m. of sor Kfe/tito t Itfcv.

s ' -r * t’".1S ' ■■■*••'■ •

of &*mm WtntXHlS V ■ ti "th* S: ■ -md 8 e» %h* file® *snt « -•• ' - * ' r - » ■ .r4 r V” •

• 9 salt! %o m 1 8 - «e£- ' ***»

f SA* r^ - ■■ r • ! - r •* • irr. ~9sxn fWtfh. 1

Sn : -- aneX<8»c 3

**f t* - f JTSTA3 v/ " 5-*.V I T6*-v'

. ^e.:4* ’* - ■ ‘ ' •« fc*

Jt _ ‘ i 3 ■ ■' ' ■* ■" on

i * - > - -♦.eattaniV ’V v«r *'wr~ J if *4 ■ - a:rrl99 *»i*t 1 * sr-sots* «*f *c< efcr ' mA Qgfuum *p*AR

TV.^Ot? ^ ***' ? rrr. *v* f% ?■ Tjr'tt fsr •

3 K.W. Ylsnty StlTT fttroot ***$}*& \&> Tat* •« tv

* .■

m * s flflwetl nz ^ocV,

to *rsr *■» ?r * t*t* r* '* ‘ • *“• '

, - - , -1 r- “ . >Of nrrsssnt gouts» tvv w"■■'J‘ '

vi-rM| bai do not propose to 83Ct«i.5 iA i :-. *T2r ' 1 ' ■ V ■ • ”" ' W' ■ ' at tii ref»r«se-t *7 n^* * - ■X t ty* Yseit S»5 of •s-.-ru* 5®tty v,.? I ■

■ A sHfehr r fir d-r-- -roe* / ;•' -;j '■»■■' V f\ * . * 0?® *'■ . : ' * ‘ ' t nt 4-' '' :•'•* ■ .,-^4,..., ,»r-, rmder *• lg-?CT-- *ad i~o ■' ■ •■-> ^ of OetoW a t*-*-*~**T * f T*?rr--3^T ■s—. - 900 >ion.s- A'-'

! 819

** . & -i

*** t -IT &*m 0,i ’ •** ^ •

*fl &

<* ..' kt . * ......

1 Pn*o* *4 V.J. ^/..rW **£»»

wc m ; ;.*>& * A*

KLouf)$fcx Huat» fpak mi CKt Forth. Asw Fool Bbmd l* n ** ■ **t* nfnfi Utrllz *«£ it i* *. -, - •. -■'' ' /

fv \*V* 5. 1. / 5i -t A . 2 -

i ....' - yf 13 W j »**1 > r * A - v • ' 3A

reo~i #•!* vs* ■ISIflIMBrftrjk ft* ■ -

* X* t x**ae Wimifci ini■**««* iW

A ja* V *r f > iMilli rtti~ *»• •eU«

o* X 1* 1W7 . f - v st. . :AX m«P2T ^ ” ■’• * l kit I to **

■ ■ te r M X ‘ ' * ’ s ■ ... :v. : * r tymt»tf*^ tjirfrir ■* ^ ftJ~ ***** *# :^;lr d* «• * * - •r*r lv‘- ' " » ;': fltliag ■ ampma' **#* fl?~' 0 till *• r tl» '*•£'•* 1- •• - ts. r.. ti-A . T s . e. A *• A-AAv ' • .

■-. .-cos tin. V -r-nt m YmfmtL&f tfcft IWilB^ t auao aonoldsxAog Flit Fill torn *aj.:u Iff 18 af t2b*

.^. *.. .- s.A“~ ~ ■•■ ire fisir ~. '*'• " ,0;. At •:•• £ of th» lwilaio«

Flu*a - - /I st W ««■*# ; . . - 10 ... t*‘* .... ■-...... I 820

St’fc *rm 3. - -U

jO.* I c„: :■! ... ’if. •& *■**. *. .

*f i'i» ' Vvil >• *ftlJ -. - v - XsU'

S©*! vl • :* Vr.t ,. • > .••»’••

f it* ^nsri S% .% . ’-.r \. ,v : d .V. J • t •■*.". - '

* ••- ' - i’Rg* flMktlBg. .11 * ’U-

j? Ir^T.vc «.Wv -.• Tlotu .W* 1 *••• *v ont '••

4-l* count**•.

WATT I hu t* *r?-w- •■:

Ster* ^7 • Ji£.T i , - 2 % f- j t« * ,50

\ artrri*.' ;. »t£* T J - «3 . *

. - +.- -' • —v?'_ 'bOKOC '$&&*) -: *•- *

* - an** > . .

■ ." . '. ' * SI tfexj vusmix ; •. 4 - ft--3 a:

w ?*<■ *:lv

T *cs r*c re .#©* 17-. . * x# afcflrtM ■ --

i 1 . . ' ■• - ~ - . ;& " ‘ ' '*rf v e 100 .JE> SlBtfllVJt* TXK51 £

looks fr«E WaAl*» .t—si

T .1 *&mi "■ - - " r *7 ,,itia»srt iirftr ttr % . V «p3, e, 'isrt ■ » ® '

' a-.

;.r VilT «**<-» in atJsKi

IV x* on ?»f'’ T - . : - “ «wtst^t in «»▼«•* *****

^ * ■■ jr*T 'st -sparer" ei or. . , ' ■.:. ...

« t© tttpn «at WL* tfcv.t ■•*•- ^ • -5 v' It W8U» ■ > 55C' - - ■ rs: . - r* Vt ' «»* - tx •» ■- M*M fi.!’•»»*« l«'ff Etf'1'T' *, a <=£ SI* .»Wf* ' !.,. X * E £1ftSf£U£&l < 1 •V' Jt; < -Xi- /I -y .. V,;. • r ' ■ r il.... V ■"> tt.

___ 1 821

* 'V sc. * '-«*ti»i t*- •' c.-.:___ ec.-. • d i*.. *■- v t ied

ts af th* jfett? #c ■ 1 ' *» •-«•■ !J • ttntr it a*,. .,11ST1 *?’ i 1

T a ... ■■■. '!ring or »a* jin ;.

ft- ’ ^ **“ -' ▼ t& r«s?-»rW1

* "if*-* ” " " * *• -C*

#12 Mm 2ac« ®w*t of t r?

■ • • . . ■ - % .

■«■*■ .• ; '. •lit H*g iftCrvr-

-• > -_ •»■.*•■.» "r. << " Arrack *trw

T «*> .

, *

jiii tre*** •W- • " : * ' r

x-% * % ** ;vt Tv. V w ^

T •% f *■> ; • * ItOU ^ X- •« ■ <■ ” '**• ♦■

- r«. /■

; •!. ay* *0£* «r»- . 4-% tv;-- £ is 3*< .ft ■ - » . 9jf W

?*•*>. r® •0*87^0® , «r . on ft© ■«: r • - fT . „.fl fc» '4 •_A' * * Mforf

■ tfce ¥-*<>** - :. r " /• ■ Otf 3« / * •; c '' £ ■ j ; 2S, -_rrr±% t t*Z.t ;n r;T3f '■ $*£*#*»

w ■ J£3 V S * * v’* ■ d m r^vts^ , ,ri KAit » . ^ W '

y - ^ ’

—-— ■ --■______822 r St'** ' J

I ,. , V'-. . n r f' * i4

to -tin ■ - c»i tl t3" e

« r. A*l: 3 axfcf*r xj>'* ~ .• «n * f /. ' tj'.'***<,- # :‘o« t: in wy J

.. >^04 . to ‘H • : .7 ft>' . ?r a,at or-- A '.; • " '. V * 1 /* ' "5 >? " * ...” V H~ ■ * . *■" ac* w.c. V* -c • in . ~ 4&. I rr j1 ’* ; ‘ r ' [ . .• . . • T ! v. ' ’r .' •' • - • : * ; att* ' V

*- ■> -* Feet 3v^,tl,or* r n<£tt* KrTliw^j *• t- *• 'V r‘ ■ '.• «* * - __ h In own.' ‘ lor. .1 *f\ -i tifc* &JB cy 44. ■ -

- ■■' * && TOX . '-' -A:

\ V f -*• _ . A ■Z . * ■ ■ ■ - ^ V: --'• *■2*

?*. & T a- -”2iu ik; *• V * • 1 ■■ ■ ' ” ^ . J. - * w ' 1 % 5 *r " " •, ■-* .• W ■» 5 *»a Y: ' i * —» - * * * ~-,f-..1 ' „ tn. ' . . *"* V-~ ■ ; ' m .. rti . Y„ t'vl <'» ..>' ? - V ' .

r- *..x" -- a;.n'. *'* / • ■ *7* ;l.ey / ,*■ .d:’ ■■ ? ' ' :. "•• ■ *. r^i i»+i 1 * ^ + -1 ]» * « r 11 i ' *

t *» ?Sus * ijBft.tred 7J»*> ausaoint A'- ^ *. r ^ r for

^ u - * of

••-.r/iCA.-. > e c ■».. t atsfclc f * . r • ■** t- ...-

■ ■ ■■ . ■ . .. !,!?I..< rt £■/

. ■ ■ - ., - l ., *. .. to 7 . t’ *- ',. *■ c tbe West. '•* r • • ■1* toga ther p3 : -■■'..'••■ r*

______._ „ . ^ I —“------• * Or it. - ^ f

tx* S^ivr-« SWkttMu ■$t ' •- ■■'**. - \ fclijft X’tTUi -.’ .. . .;*Jt

® i’u,.T a-i q- , t '‘S'., '.jic,: oft it t». < rr.;. n r •* £&& t >j naar pa ergons. * 9 t’ " .0 *f<. Xl;* n:i

v*. : -«vc in&tjji*.* • t

V ■- m fl^r^jay

„«'£?. . - ••« .... V. tii ? ..,' . ■ '-aac.4 Ossi-'-

■be. >ii La - W* l» .no ,

.*••'. vi- *„

5oi Stit .

. V -

.... cnlj be ■; ' -

—• '•*- * n ■ ..,...•

r _ •

i ' ■> * ’\ . -T revert tc

fox your Inf®-* -.'.".on

^ •. . !


W« : * t .

Th.„ S.&*,=. Cc-..,_ .',"■

'■&GO.I £ 11*000 - t’rr; . * a*sl all ’ .*. v aJijL^r* jit to. t.-' _ »- i * £■ .-,.‘ P r .C? ■ —nipt Mi -r «.con- i,—tt ****** e*eoo. a

f fi .• -.♦.£. * «“> «» **

• : . U ‘' " ■' t>Ji 3.

addition .1 Ol ' V ..

,. ■ - -• •*i : r-~ '- ‘ ■

ycTi'i * J 824 * -a* 14/l*\ -

«id 1» roar tlur*« v * T-.’ *

*wi d th» -r^.nr msA m " 2.i- ' *® t\s • r ,, ** end •* YT %»# *jrt> *?’ ■"

WlWiiiL iyr to X*vt>! Battwribwf Iuti 30jf msXB * Ml - / *

tea -a ;v-v*st*«r» to tha r

•: trph: ata ..1*-. tht rr-ortf • '.>'

sr*v... .

8*e. *S

V : - ■

8. ►• ’. S8¥.‘-

'.. I *r X arts? *»%«'»> “ ’ toft *- ♦ K4* S'.tC ,

. a „ * *T-\ . " ’

-- ■• » •

■■' T ' ♦ **%


/ s •'-. r _x


I / I

- • <:f9 sap* —i 825


* * 5 c 3 n K s . ,U «M MW

- •- . .. “ ' ... ‘1 . )4* Journal - r . 3? %t*Le. i. ;v- .\ ,. untf t

• • • ■** .->*-,«• • ft v, ; 2o«fc.^rt5% /; T'n*, ’ ' ' ! t:i ... ; . a

1 - ''' V... >

■* £? ^ ^ f * -■> - r'

£* He«k.ri> >o *£ ■ *■* ». '* * .

S" ' i w «• **** s ■ ^Hurlca S£* / ’

.. L '*F • ...'. Ok£S v •_ • * •• * ' * ■ - ■ - ~~ ; ' 1 . i r ■■"■'-■■> i •■• a - *. ■••'

• ' ft T tf’' y . * * ' ?• :•:. •*' . t- -»*«■*. '

" -. -, ■ 3 * " •r* i -': .. t * ' - •.,■*•■ '■ - * •' * J €*■ 1K&&

-. „ - ,,-■ - -- • - • . 3.. :• * ' -!. - J " .... * •

• -• '.** ~ . ! ; ! •% rft ? t tu?4&> *• i€ ‘ ** j-' "' ' • *. , ~ -v

:" - ?. ., ■” iia. •. r* f yi'C* cs£% diarlfc* (•-! »««t!e *'- / '; , -

■ -:. - f «. / •- •. * C/Tittt ^ -vyca,. ^ i «

. tat Star. M.B y * • - •• nt w«» lu-- [ 21- , - ' r ■ 1

^ Zv* •■* : .' • "■ "• ' -.1 :>T*.C' ■ + * ♦ i-'.. ■ ■" ./ ex-*? ■ • > • •vs IV- + % c *’ - C •■ "

f • ,» ■ ' '

f v • -■ . •" '' - .. ■' ' ^ - i- . r- ■■V * / /■•; •■> "*Lv . ‘ " •j' ! ______Li 826

! i ;1>

I ! i

I ! :

j Vs’aihl * ri a lK-n ts r j ,1 , j. 14th 3ov^j . ! i 70-5* *;


I fc?v.v f.c pu ree-ich;

SeeA ,tsL F*. 1513 ISth Sei; : a. -.1 re • i 172* slat.-x Plr-l ilm rr .rc?.' ; 'To~ 705

I «Ute& Vth OV r, X9c.f.

! 2. 131c, 2. I shall r~51j- irrr; *v, Art': . 7 .. I cl.. ~.s 3c.:.-; :.... 5 r ' ft..

H- * Retail Star-- h- r-rly* Should. I w... - *

srr-’lsd •- mplC for -re *!:n T ' I... -

y»U n.S J. <

3! 1313• ; - V : ... _ «; ; j to *v •,* Vn 0

hair ?eal 3-dra.*. I ai; ci^en ti- u:.a;.

tixau Mr Petersen., the ’.Turlcs T2hr..r.'r cf t'

Ho.: a . ce • v 5Stalin_. Cca , c . a

"Ter I'r 3o" 2 cm Hr Colev: w c. , v v ..-. - .■ - ■ Vi c/ arsons of his inter;lie*:,

I nete frew - :ur cable ‘IwicI let:.

October that there is a narkat fer fair c-:‘kcJ

ekln.2 %-cd the Sfscadtig Company r.111 salt those

dewa in future sc d clip then to hr.. Vri.i 5

HI" -l- "... A iierOl p .reel ’ 111 yc forward 4 "Fa^Udaiid* late loresiber* I note th~i o',i-v. f i *-i. -••.-.•■Id '-o shipped boohed rooo not in c^j -o •...; 4f

pr»~. ic f’. .dhrioed. 1317.. 8. 4. X have rs«d this expression of ye-rr

/ v' *; 1 v-pth. rery great interest. I rill nc J '- by tills opportunity as I cm aruitiur

•-f ire Dir' r' '■ '■ q ■: D 0 IT ! A* ’ ~ 1'x Thuxup-r*® report on *r 1 ' - r ' -.1 1; ..c : b i : ■ :■ x u. s. s -1 f o r ■?, g ar .* i' ~ -» 1 - 5, 1 1 ’* 13. 1..-- i>; ■; -o

on ;n-. ne* Rat*11 It* . - ••" ’ iseor fr 0 f ’

j3n 0 * ■sncloao:• y''.- t:■■>■ v * ?. , '. /’ ‘ h..o v •'.> *■ f. c,..o ; I

- ■ I 13. htzs’i.B }■■:■ ■r\ ?'*.*! ::1 5 xn u - or d I ! tha rtlllng or iter/* hae he»« •- 5,200

(unerete vr-..eh# hare ':*■*& ate.dh *c :>f ...'.c.n Vo . 1 4 W~

r>t to %* nda. The staff lavatories hare been pat

inside the ‘building mm was shown on iho plan sent

you 1mat r:, 11..

fhs *1 or- ' “ xv: Mini** " as • 'Oo *-

hand and I not*-, that the -■*-. of **?,:. e...... Ui

shipped par "Xagtma*. the lot#- shipment of the roof

0 VI?. -1 : :o.,l fcl ■ o ; V . ' ■•■'•'. 1 :■ o ■ ■ ' 1

extent but 1 you «ay the ee- energy of oVJ.i-o ■ 0 ' ••

31a*so *? will cOBi.'o.noato f ■ the delay* 1

00 1315. 14* Re obtaining stone from

Sparrow Core. You will bo intorootod to hear •ot th '

the fadlitio* now provided,, as mch m ?8 tone ox

'.too- >o,or bsrr- -X h ::1 Orlxd .O' ■ :o.0O-'~ • ■

in about 3 working hr dr a by eight men,

T* 133L5. 15. Mr Slaughter and Oaptain

Roberts osere to the eoneloaieet that It was not

advisable to utilise •l.P.auLth* for extending tjj»

Ireeri Tetty on account of th- he--”.l *£*•

T: • -. inwolred in astld.no: her suitable for the purpose.

best, offer then obtained for her was £ 25 .ssd

traa handed oyer as part puroha^s p?.1 * this has' a she

of the movor lorry referred to in ny 702. S2

To suit tha F^rmf ^ oc'tTeai>eace It k...

V. ho-v.n acoilad not to more the An3on house and etabl -.•; '•• • . • / • ... . . ■ ■ ■■ -. • •* ■

' ' ~> > - . \ ■*, ,:f.:V: - - z *~

..:• ,:t rr awu‘ir.

1 o. i:i% Cl. ' 3a.'.--,X ./ h ■ ■ Or c*.: •*“■ 1 . co; „" -.n. -: i.oj.» I V* : 6 -- tc cvuulurtox; t?

tie •:! decide* tc rair-i" - tt; 3tsu;l.,-. Are; - •'’•

hu xefiat ta.tlofsuit-rcy If W ••--- tli-. \/Uolu

' tree. ... , . So .a - •■ - 3 e :/a - : ,a: ,li e :■ r

, *csv.s i.n. .for •». tv- Yisitcrs, ray i- x o.cc’l.-..

a.i f *vtr eea.l.. ’ Ire e , ’

’ .:*C offices - th-/? i oc. a f. v v : - ■

J ecu v: 1...., . ' ■ , a .. ■■ /.. - . : \ ■ • ' ' ■ '■" '•"■•

■ e £. •... slwy ci a ■ ci.uuX'' •? ataelf.

I rile ± - ;’C ^ - Xoi- t: ■* c • -

, r tia I.- s’<-*.* ■ ■■■■• . . t; c *-/■... - L ■ ■" *••

OuLXs.ag uad. &utaU l- -na ycu fOi- : •: - 1 ::v'‘v.J :•: 1 dj* course..

Ifr* ‘nicer U.s ulra. i 1 -a a...... a......

tlxrou^l tier Mwiattr,, that s&s h>8 ispcrtllsd tuti

dae/scar a. i r auxrea ' x ;a ”'c cloeely ce id i J •:•y;.;,,. .. a^ceu tcr c' u; u ■ " c - ■ 1 '■■ jee7 ’ '

yotsl of her IS-,? perersscs*

9* xr, ,« x ~» Stc.;*=- cxj5i-.riust5.cr.* T.-^ H • ;,i .e.a See ■ ‘.J er I A ic.sc&r sl-eets 2:.'-r f.crr ure eyscuti. -"el ' ■ - - *1 ' 4 y ou Tbs k tv ck'Scespi^ ISSCu

1C. 1115. £5. Tas nmabera sir-/:- So tl;-. * etc* haT« beer> u.asd In cru; rx■:: Turlous £ torosi SoJieduls for 1910 1c -ieelt -t - / hire I»»urcnc*

In Baasar'si cr* Aocc.xitfi*

1315. 26. I -a-sa T«ry plafiAoJ. to a-ti. 11. * jlatad letfc Ojtuu: Chat ;u/ t; re. from your c&fcle

■\ ^ J tlroush cults satisfactorily f> beer c .'.rains: X au referring to this matter 1 '.< c 1315 * 30. A 1Sl«. S* •la* or.

- 829 . r

V T-- ~C-: 0 1l/ll/lO , .*•4 •*

15* 1315* 35 . 5£, I

. . ■ difficult;' ir: «t ty.-ltu.;. a. {.\'it.-,ll.:. js.ii for * . A "J?>- JLMsr.d-. Kr C ,tox\ 1 V: y , tJ.eugl you;*.- ; 9, food tupreeaion - I "till ry;oru >r- Mr1 1-'- ! ■ i 14. 1415. U. I th- ;;u„ v:> for 1! v :l 1316* 4. Plefctj Still 4 Co»r. MllMtt avA epecifieuU.ee. J j a S KJT. electric L1 efet e?,t. Their quot**io *.

bat ten etc. appeu: to '* * «-• --'A - t - ''

record aide raoi or Kr Tharsecj, -,:.u X -a, . . u\

*11 thing* feela* IMrusl we •featad fcute preferred tfefc*

tr fcwl the extra est Keen it

lilt yea theta fear* order tfe*

MUn&'tteet£i«a»» Mmgmt Wmu.t .. ^

Cft-y-1 ogi;:; ’It* 3?. "0:

| 5 H«lh 4,000 mtte 100 1 AO rolta 20 axspe «» ■


; *ple* lifting sst caemrleing

a-:'.- rfts;-teas’d, JC 150.


he ;•...• c :> :/. tj ft; itud on Au I 54 call s 120 9^s i Butty?? .,•• ,

and one 7 --, r * a r />- vjr.ance * I uadersta-vi the* tfeaas prt««e

sufeject to 2<# aieccunt. ■Ptcaec .ask far preopt efexpateni ant ■«&!

sf weights etc. rT trr "olne print yii jsftlsoX^* that fe®a*ati

I trust you will fee all* to secure tins

1/ &s£l *A Severe- Electric Ceadpeny*a Agency* ra

_ - Ho* 7Of ; »SkUaun5H 14/X2/C: , : - 5 « „

If* 131G. 3-5* It ie anticipated i-'• tho

■: 4 Korth Am wsoXcl./ will f:. cct^LXX by trc. / month &x:X that it '.ill be utilise for tfeianyear**

1 shearing. Mr thamon £.cae out per »S*siVi.u i * U !

y Buperri»e the erection of the mud dr ^.

16. 151.5* 45* floutin* Bo;t. I not# f ror y •

"'■■■'■-X'tj, Uwwi -CM C,- ot.r tb 4 CM;: 3 . •.. .■ . . ‘ A, out per. *I»frgvr>a* and that you hose aecored 4 rivtiters* I I J It h&e boon decided to erect the pontoon* an the Vest : / Yard alipway - this will involve axaavating a apace

VI ft. ijr C5 ft. on aitl^r M ai ti « a:byway

A concreting the bottom. TMa work will b« commenced, V the ¥«at Yard oleared ala o Skoda 44, 45 and 47 next

week and wo aliall bo ready by the time *I»aguna* arrin

XT. . 1215. 52. •Sx-eut Ixita.--’4. X is nn

think that .Captain Roberta ia so gra- -ic to bl^

tidfc case aa it. appears that tbs- -e h 9 nor nr fct :;-.

system of taking eoundiriya, The punplng in 151S

upparcxMI;/ v:u - mmu M v;Mi ;?nsv: mM m mmu

cje this. There appears to 'be no doubt tfc.t there ¥••* , \ no sign of water after 9Great Britain® had been (

A little puupin,. re®, -ins to be

dry her out uni thereafter aha ¥±11 be sounded and

urbpsd ragulMuy. As Qnptaln Roberta is ashy s® ! » Office* A certain this rill be taken care of by *ar H 1- erlx. scuppers is being amount of ■' ork*. luck as possible I propose to try a ©caticv ■lone and as scon s» t;.j» ~:orst y'MeM' or: cf tar and c&zent on

I tbfejik you for the copy of the SMwp*'-;

back. “Policy. 18. 1515. 54. “KLth reference te your cable I arranged that Bun can McKay and dated 9th October,

would transfer to Messrs Dean & Go. Donald John. J.OoJCdy *** °f; •: per *?slfcl* • ...'' H/U/&. . > S - ,. „

I hit* sent Mr ReVertac*' eepi of

Acre«*e«t* »nt ered into 2dt3. ‘heat* Th» nnrrssjjiwTf i j

•Agreessente with. u« )>»>•?• ht*n <-:?*-»eel! •••..;!.

1?. 85.* l*eJL>l.iuraSs & 2>.-p«nis«cf cc Br-Lv C ■ N X tothl'-g furti-r to r-port st the mcrent and J ~ H revert to the of tM* Cow;*:-.;* 1 iw

20, 1SIE. 56 & 02* Proposed Rond to Vir*!-;, Stn,

I note your wismr with, wfc&ch I ns in eesyxletatco.: ; A ’ A"-d I shall pre.ca -“or *.’■«?. t of tv - ■■: .-,... i i* 'being done on .-. r c v

21. 131,5. 59. Letter* fees: idtrir-C :v v..v \ 121C. 1. X •' -• .and 18th Sept weber last te hand and their j inetr**

e»a.*Britigh Light* arrived here on 8th.

instant and 1* di unharciftiT. Shy h a is vr * y ..

23.* 13!5* A3. T not* th.*'. t-’.o site faclry J-Vt ■

Street South my he ret erred for the erect:'; or. v

hcnee for the Engineer* It is,, of course. swr:. rv

to reserve peddoche fer can? horses on! t X -JX .

this in wind In connection with land salsa.

23. 1315. *4. I nets that the Be er! has

0saeti«-’.:«d h&lf puy ta J.KalfichoJl said F *Fv:..U:y*en

•whilst Eerie c«r. leave.

Re R.Ttnlayror - in your letter dated 11th

SoTenher 1927 to the C&m Menage?, you write -

*Tl,e .'Board is not prepared to establish a prsaeden?, of hi.a p*0ft&&£ anu out agaxii* s-iu r>,:-■•. tir:. “rev-rd to T ie long and 'excellent aervice rlllapprdva •of hie remitting on pay for a perlou not .aaa»eai.n*, l •five months while aheeat on leave and provided cf J- •course he is returning to the Islands * from which. I£r Slaughter understood that you had jrai.vte.-d

leave on full pay* Please advice.

24. I regret to ir f orr. ■-s., . . ..; r- epidewlc ef

/ 832 j.

' f. * •* ; '* 1 '■ * i

***'''+■* * «s l-.c f*>-t ■•: 0-O'Be "j» •• ’• - tMs

«?p«*rs t,m her* b«ea importm* by mut of tb* ’!

« *-.>t •OriU* and - ht> r-v» t.*** * ‘ V

cot*tact with It iurl 5 *>•« - t-i *•• -3t

’‘orterldeo. Rif r- h*T« k*«r. 5 f©A#-

A'”~t O' ' IjT ' • • X. B- t‘L; : ■

ewer* only in Maillji A* etrr 6ha|» it ft

OKorertir* . T »h »‘-i • > - • ’: ~9 ri ^ t •* r 3t-.ute. •-;*■ »f: ««■';: ($►..* -y .< ■ 1 ;

as. lend* sue; * c tr: Si. . a . •a

lit- tnwiitti end Vtat been. pot tiinroin^li aut tv^ttaBl - / 4" t*J3 a 8: r trk dare- r- 7" r: - * * r- • t all!

® forward next. mail

3n » iie. X 3“E* ■ _y , ‘ of l»T T 1." ..; ;.* -,

reports on -

IV- ~ .r ' c Boiler y t _ _■ ■ •_ 0•.v.»

T. e&bl •:•- fey *»• s ^*<**#K’*r ■ r> end ''-oiler Apex*or ?n* Wr Th <-•■'-» a*- , ev.jcrrS-: y the '•lea--.ire; out and eoaHy of t>-e holla; ir .1 .

Boilie Creek- ....v .-•» =* <*-fltMMenelcn - p _** •-S'*' r •W-set.j- «

Ift* T'-*n»c- ’ c Sstf« t «f rrt •.

day® on tl< & en hi. * r-lu. • <> •■•v ■•*> ■ • • '•■

A rite tf fba » ■ ' onre: preoefcemt* he *111 »ot be ebls y to* I will, howerer, v«ep tlr: a work lh?:-.: ..

tv£.t ,r t is. tssra x« ,"?cr -« p«

Oeote 7r*r‘-'.: TSv.cbtnery* - t \ ?>« r; - ~ erers '-o r1' ” ' v“.

rr$ tent on* t.«r * •: or* *r poeriblo.

_p:.ry.ln _ -ryr _<5o:.: ? ^_ Gre^a.

A liet of this is ertrlotei* Ir;■■■;•: .*

c'>xt be earepnei. 8 "i 4 , 5, «, 4 * will .be bronglit

into Stc.ra.ey for ::»• here* It i* thought irc,s 8, ?,

10, 11 ->rrd If adght poeeibly be ueed by the -.l;: ng

Ccr.£j:yy for prclnciyt^;:c a;-y fh-r noTr ubtairoiny • ?■ '["■ '■ ■

•rice c ' » o’ , > - T underetand that thia i b * hpped and 1 esr- therefore aahi j r • -c ‘ y ^ * &i~pB.aton * f t? - - cr i ! 1 •r-, &/Z.: . 3i a se • setting h*e K**n 6‘cM- ’ tM* ..' *. 56-1 ?<* Kiel: *r R S: -f y

«-v.*les of tils ao3.Asr. Te da not require wort tias

- bexee ard the euryltt* 1* *old. ?le.e. oht-J.:. <**£***» .;*?.** wo - xaantity * a »co t tr;- f y • *

, : igtei * .'v.: p. i-.-n. 5? - t>’■ » «* %a *":g at 3r-ca

ffcr »•« <«*ing boiling Am . tM« plant being

t v.'.M li r:it ;v or <: .e-c. 11,

,^nJ.lae-_ 3 i.’ **.,

I andeTsteu l r- c •-■ *■•..."o '■f■ 3 *-

Ivitig* J-i&S '>.;?*« I T. * ' - r-orx *

I Ivvre itsouered the mutt*? r? :' v- SI ■.., . . W ffl- *3

to swk« ’■ etart on the aonetruction «f t • - pie- -*ir,y if

poeeible* As there is conn id-or- tie es&eonr? Tank tc

dace,, it y be .ior- '■•■•*-'■;••: 1 fa y- ford ■ :■

tender but I rill ecvi.ee yon a* tr- this 1 y-......

27. tct '7itl ref-.-roren to —M~ ., tc. n. s 3x-...i. . o*

'.it-- *• Meeting cf 7hc Lrri *1 ‘tv- 3c ,• • il a f- . b-;

before *Orit«.w arrive* and p its A these fytiea. Te * /\ therefor* had- ta pay on tit* Itttefca* ofeicfc arrived per - •Orlta* hut Kill xsafc* an addition.-3 profit on tbs O

op 1st to epee toJtljr ordered, eat :-:ane mont: ; t> %k su:i

•which, arrived previoaoly»

as. I huf6

Legislative Cooneil aa fro» l»th October, 3-if’?* y 29. Hth. refereiO!« tc asy ^05* 43, Er Tira -■

visited Titrroy, ll»ur-ri"‘* Jlorth Ana. ind Speedrel!) f a". ■-y

in connection ;.iti Aeeount* aottera. Tf:ia is mo

beneficial to all concerned and I shall endeavour tc fi f1


■ '*-a. I I -• ■; •Vi v\ y ■'-nee*

; SO, ?" ■- ■' •' i i • •a.^airvia" a> u. cate.- rr« tails! :.e' 1i * 0 ? .•-• ■%

! B.B.nfcudI®* ftafi catchers aadled «b lath Idem tat i

' returned »n 19 th. aae S, an .-e:. 1 ;.■■• . n ■i

* cater.*-* ami sailed again V a 20t’.i, j

R”.'S ■’ ’• ■: CriTBi C'-i i (■ < i next da^.r*

1 s**»*l(elvilla* mad catcher* arrived and sailed an

i fitly*? to* lax tart. !

i a*e, *3rii.-i&L airi-. ' ":T ----

is discharging*

s* su^P:iJLfc$ «r.I* »u* U . v.;,. . ‘ "■< ' :• , f •_' 1» " * : 1

t ,-t - . r.r : i . ;• '* < *. ' ?ic, >:' " :. \ n £Oth Ootc\ ar« Sh* -r. ' .; :

* S ■ ; ; 1 :v. Tc .:• .’■ :. .. v- A1 Or? ■ ' a: 1 ; * ?o:r. .

an tl.* 1. '■■ ' •* ' r >, - .

4U. >i;r»

SI. -.Ti.t ' .t -;v::c i .< r ~~Z.it fiat-el " '

vl - * cn Hr Bolw Ur* r.s re turn tc the Oo: nr;’, /v

rmise-i t;* question cf the of s'-k^Ips r ■■ n,

,'tirg held at xsy ho.-*e on the ^Oth. ldtesu.

nS;Cl! Xwr'.oiw 7^It:nv C-AL, IVr -v ; ' ' '

ware ■•■i-a present* X had di •»«?*« s«>~ t-.as - r

prertoualy with. Mr' Slaughter «n the telephsss mA

j,.. of the opiultn thit prewiding a rs^Mtaie

price eoui4 he secured , it wanli la advaat&gecue.

y-t* Pole IStuis h- c hset; it caKWtfE-lo ■

viis.' Heasrs nul Paelo vr.i P'^n.rr T- ,r -

fat watlsare *?/-* ^ «^e C/- •jrices indica-e'i bo*«|

ttte 4/*« X vi. no-.? «':

Mr Palps x^s.s»- • '■ v: ^ iv':.

t **r WB. 59. X hear that 'Hr K%ail-? aU *» HCit lVi tk': T ' . fp4- IX he ffppp into xt l-i .,,-1. » I •fill , . •, •«. " * fir -.. °wt M* intent*,.t4 ;?

! 33* T ; ■■■■' '■ ' , ■ ?.<*« cf ‘ ! i *' arwnrM yoajr utt*r t0 th* Ooiooia a-cx t : ~r . .v:v ; * PwUarwl intrt ?rvUir Jit* the aoraoMf 1 W1MS t- *rt Vi. _r ... » * *. . T J.ms r 3 i ** a uadreea : - direst hut c & «t*r- ••- *■■>- ui-t * I h.c •Itao.-ssion,

Hi 3 — e -:ier-r ; , ( V ; :.. • th» tax-oe- float u*

.: .. ., ■ .- j,- J . V '• ■ r n*xt Vat a°“' h--1 ** 0:r - oih:tr / '• • V*,' ..• :. .. 7^ '•; harbour will b« t«x*d.

vH.i *- regards tha effect 1 ' •IV ~i L? C 3 r^5 3

1! ' < , ■ ^, .. t.-, ■- His Hr-, av-m, .

the aoat of labour about I3jf eber«M ••* ... ; our laoding- .sn4 halfe ■ V 5fl£. I ttat *

:oa ittsrease wooia have been sa48 :3T-*n 1/ 7 -7 o had not, been brought in ° oli licitt-emr T: :L H:..ii-«Ce rate* bad not been rwimjiative j v- • • ; : .h 'vj : p ;; .

- ■ • ■' that it would have been advi cable

fully exjil^lned the reason for the incr?r.ie whmt it wa«* i,-

aa^e a* th^re now axis* i? rstecrotto^ptien iu 1: niuis

Soverr.v.isut * fww?g *3* lecul i'Vort-ra> ilaich i« very

lifficult fca :c*a«ve sunr. Thi# aLao appliae ta ffatvt«»u» ^ raitjfl* It in eonnidernd that th» lucr . ..j ■ 1. , siv. y J W. orauidit about by thn ha^.n- uivrvv' : 1 m..v l • r-.d

is net .jyrreot V- I endeavour to ia&k« this olear oa ev^xy

iip ■ • j: Puoiiblv oeeanlon ■%

To revert to the 8-hour :I^y,

Ka. 70S cd* 3A/ll/i>9.

♦ -11. - , i *>hsu vux»l|r.

ittz .2X0 -1 iV / • 5- ’ wo "*ca«e his. 2rltlct«i af ^ manaply of dipping >rhteh he alia:;6*1 ce hoi: , cn tluj grounds feat h:ah. or. the subject to ths I Hsant# Ocvvi t tae ; ' rr. fiduni1*1 a ! lie h'./, nor; t i 1 recsl?** r. r.?cT;" fc it* I gathered that ha h%i not a Intended Me cri tides* should eeue to your knowledge. «^ywir •* tMe stage. As 'regards tits subsidiai ; of i *Jleurtts* he stated that this wmm done ae%m net then

} prepared te widertaJee the Xante vti*o y--n* X C : f? -7

Ode natter hatTiag been discussed with

a* but !r a 2xo*ll*v;y states.that hu d

»ith 3Er Ire shea*

(4) * J have criticised, the increasing of duties"and

“••'4fcOif .*& ' ■ .:, 1:.,surplus (tcv 1^;'0 7 • ■ “

ths surplus is estimated. at about e 30,000). >'•' ., f--,. ,.:

st-tw‘4 thut :.s he is not at all oertaio the r 7*C0C

V ; *• contribution fraa ths Dap and. -4',, a b.bl. '.• con :.d ...... i as be considered it ad.Tlae.hle to gat i\., Col y* finances an such a sound basts that- it xa?H T f ■ ■:..

sue:-333i.cn of had years without fear* he had adopted'

this course* Re stated that ha had no. .intention of

increasing taxation during ths rain inter of Ms term of office.

14. In. continuation of i* 1.9 /ire and

with reference to ay cell.. Hied 22n;3 0- r_ taking i 1 over ths management of the Sealing Company* I hare not

00ic* way -iefinite n&rssxsut yet .as on go-L- •.:?.* 0 ! their legal position, I. find that they bare fai led to

comply with most of their statutory obligations, their 3 - 2b account* are also incorrect as it appears that snob

of ths expense of gatting •BellTilla* out and patting !• !

up ^■ store station hu> not been capitalized hut has

-harmed to rarenas* I am aaaJXing than to get th.-i.x- 1 urnMmeg aflonaiad

'T-'» ~c - JKM* - X2 - . ^ J *ff*i'* straight*; _,.d oat and the Re-^tatrsur h*a «raat*i thats -iP to 32 r.t Pecan* to hf*/* *>• , • Statutory -A:' yt | ■: .->! r‘ea*? ' ' ’ *- : '■ 3 *■-■'** " ■ '*4? It ■; ■ : & eanaid*rally - Coy . V’, f •**• Partly to blna 0i'r V- . : h ... ' l^WO*l#dg8 Of C'.^ ;y

in a Excellency iaatn»t«4 ** **11 < ** CM -:-Wi *^r«tary, who i* now Hoa* °° leave, to u*i«t them - - ’ -- '' -i-ailr _

*"* «il that hae ha-» 3one la tc a tar a •*!2m.oranri-.cn of Ae*eci*tion.

...... a Tmluauff ; thers i 6 710 &Cttht thnt t-,., «r» tu ho had and, if i *22. fcha oral , »*rk.,t*d, the Caa^any ahould ae­


Thera has he^p nt> affective control on Sealing Station !;y the Director* - - - * '•••-: :■■ t . .: ; the Manager out there done wha1: A* lik-ad.

lita refereuca to ay report re loea cf *Aftergl r.#f s’* radii or - tJs** ^tapped prodartion, % temporary raider / ^a.3 fitted and she cams into Stanilv and re fitted a aew rotter on to her. S'.« returned to

tA-.-i Station about Sfith October and I hope to hear tiu: pra-1'.ta'^.cr tv. 3

About 12^ tans of oil xr&insi contracts

wil1 ** -vMpped per "IfemanA* fox transhipment tc i r i i l ;• ; .. •• ;• ' 0 c;, • • ] sktna to London* ; ' ! 35. I regret to inform you that -shiliit on htr

I.^.t voyage •yaHtLand* a truck an ohetruc felon off

«K*MA to tegeni: Inlet , Seat VaUOand. xhen •

: ■ entering: to land the two a*a for Pert Stephana.. / On her. arrival I arranged for « diver to

Itne. go donn and surrey the bottom and I enclose hie reporl

to’ether '--1th ^ Thor joofs r&r^rko oud !.!;■ -t 3 - • ■ • ...

\ Be, 706 p«r •ftfcLJcLar.d* lj/ll/29.

« • r : v. tT 0 3*5 UrlarVrlters. I 1 v 3'*U 4. - you whan the reaed will he dry docked later, T ^ • -X ■ I an. i

■ Sir, ;l

V '

‘ • rp‘":I -Ybe&J cr t , 1 v- i :r jt ...... « -- ■•:. '

It • !

‘ - 1. v - i

■ T

: t

. v* ■ - ♦ ^ - .Vfc


v .. U . • x • ••• *: 3SWi: *£# . n* 1- , •. ■<- Ur,

■ id WOO fcf *--'v3 bsile,.-.. ts * ... - A ■ V f • ' * v <• ,. * f' y.*> -U: r. *.


Jr a..; t

■*»# K1 . *«* -: . ., $ .. ■ i i£. * 4 e UU. &c p*n ;. i i$u * "^•4* *i »

'.Oo .. ■*

i . :- C : t <* . M: i . .

■ ' "■ •' ' • • : - ■

I * t Th*ri * & o-: n**i st«Mre*

' ?r';; , ?•: lie*, jw 21 85 •no

* sar ^ T - (pit -ti t! 13 : V *** •__ a* ‘ 4* 14 •5

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x -» 839 / VI' •• ■ >. ■ •: .

■ w n 7, r c« •T R 2 S . j - ■ • *ev.,t4 - , • ,^xn/5.9). '• ■ « ho* 905,. c -t- • K s . a *• o«n‘r - ■ •

P " V: ; ■ -• :• r . •••- ••• r - Tft-; v :■ J4 1 5 •• * " ••. •• ' *' >1 :! i ..k,:-h! ■ 3Uv*-■ U’ ' *

- Itn, ' mm slay.

3, Th *] 1 '?• !

£# i vin-vat: >%<* : • «'«■*«. . B> ■ -

3. H n 'v r ’ "■ K‘-» r.

•> S - c . ..r. , ; r -,,i 7: , f Ts;-*

• ■ • , %• X V . " ' h ieptertw , 1955, P - *.• *%X ' / ■'. _• ,im ,.r- f:... ' ,.3w9,. • ?,5c>: / 1 Jr-i -■>' « •

<■ ?'t Ptor*« o.psv. 1 • 0<_- .... 1 . ' *> L'U\ _ ' I 'c £.... Tv^>-— 1 Groaa r-oias,r?c3. 3-1 ••- it: n '*• ■1 « F: t^r.;y, 8e.pt. 5J.P » i **. .... ?. cJ-i- - i ■ 0 <" V, ” Sre-n Water tube boiler.

- v ■■ ' -’■die Cr-.^k Spsuensios.: Bridge * 1 * *• • t- '■ S-'«ei* Qreen Wc*cfei.»eryv ii

2‘-'* -® ':f a,- * nU r,-. i r, ST-iKJ&y * Dean & Co. ' . - • '• :• I « C- V-4 Isf & 15th. Sett:. 3«»t . .1911, 11. 1.1 »3&gnri n.f - !' • r>• :• • 1929 f i

16. Tc, Hauer* 4 »y - sur-v-ey Report, . .19. lii i'. ’i * .: ;

V* n j r " ■ ? t.

P'oty cf 'irt--, K...Ko-.g:; Direct^ 1 <1/11/29,

. T.I.aiiipirg Psi;"’7'ta

1 Phots a ;'v: 3 » J ;

♦MeiTOC^-TIOWSe tfgaxr*.fcg. i ^- , ,,t, mmm ,i„ r t>n*C 1 Skin fa.. Tallow® Hides -> 111, $ - 21 85 . £ {=> r r. 12 32. 7 .Hr- 93 B X 4. “ 14 * . V. ’■0 ■ . *Ii:r; 1; T!v*:- ■ . • ••• *!• / t > 2 T r l i ? »* v ,<■* ----V. •

; ••• »>• »• - -W Wv> , c?C ■ «• *"• *■: ■: 30, ii5fj i,oir,. ’■ .« •-■. ■ - - ;

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.. _ - - - J1 —— caflpBtaS&s 841

i •Bogota*. 11th January, 30. ?0?» i '! .

i Sir , :

X la*Ye te aonf^txm my ?06 ®f 14tli FeTeaber isailod. par

since nrlien I h&t* fer acknowledgement ysur ***** 1317/20 dated 5th (3) and 7th 2feYeffiber. 2. I 1317, 3, X n«ta the arrangements by which, j you. are forwarding your messages, which sem rery 1 A **t i sf as t a ry • I

V J Kb til at Ian af messages appear to be en the

increase, but we attribute this te the local staff, as this

is ales happening te massegae from Menterids© arid elsewhere.

T:ia correspondence with the Post Office has been

read with interest. I •-> \ i 2. 1317. 4. A rep art on the comparison ef Pudle 1317.10. : had : and SI lea will be sent yeu after we hare/an opportunity ef 1 I; testing the latter*

■- A i 4. 1317. 12. The question #f installing the

*Kteunia* bcilsr en the Sast Jetty is still under / ' / consideration.

5. 1317. 15. Your remarks have been passed en te / J the Secretary of the Sealing Company. -• 1317. 16. All the loose stene conveniently '....• . • - \ placed at JTawy Point has been collected and there now only

J remains a solid wall of rick in the vicinity of the shed,

To work this would mean blasting operations and quarrying - 1 a far from economical preposition. It was for this reason

that it was decided te bring stone from Sparrow Cora.

Th* ir-ussp’iag. Director# r, 0 5 D 0 I »

5 7 ri 842 K*. 7-v per "Begot*" H/l/30. • £ - ./

7* 1317• IS. I note from your sable dated and

Instant that yen desire to work this business direct with

Messrs Sldey ft Peels* X hare since heard from Hr Brans .that , \ i i J . Sidey & Peels are net Interested and Llanse cannot arrange- suitable tonnage* as you anticipated.

8. 1317. 19. You will he glad to learn that

the livestock per arrived in very good condition.

'N The Stock Inspector* however* complain* that

no Yeteriwury Qertificates. were sent by the carrying vessel, d as laid down by Section 5 of the “Liveeteck Regulations \ ! (Consolidation) 1923."

9. 1317. 21. 20 HJP. fc 24. EJ. Boli5derJtagJ.nes.

In reference to the comments relating to the

above subject contained in a letter frsm Messrs lames Pollock

ft. Sens dated September 30th, 1329* it is proposed to open

up the 20 H.P. engine for general overhaul, cum repairs that the U t« Ithix the next week sr so? X suggest* therefore*

matter be left in abeyance te see if the condition ©f this

the expenditure of fitting a reversible engine justifies peopellar.

In reference te the 24 E.P. Bolinder engine,

the device mentiened in the letter has already X understand

been fitted. It was impossible te obtaxn an 10. gLOAXIYS POCK. from the “Laguna* and accurate telly *f •" «i.<*“Ke and ourselves tallied about in s fact betli tUe ship i, «c«. •( th. quantity «i* t. be « *•«*• 400 pieces r .f tlio frenoe, etc. Have been baily bent f\ 1 considerable time and add to straightening will take J ana the either from the ship fM x fear we cannot, recover the ee*t» Vriflw how she was insured, or free. ttoiermrltere. *leaee let nos during discharge. It had been lest everbeard Kething was carting ashore has seen slow. stowed mixed and the ---• - ~J.------• • T7, -r -- •*?**&* 843

m* ?•-* P*r "Bogota" 11/1/30. •» 3 **

VxLli reference tm 70S. XS* the excavations and

^aveting c>? the ^eat Yard Slipway h&e been completed and

bttiwtD* Wff» are being prepared and laid dawn.

Hi-Tetter Ws net* the difficulty you experienced in

•/otaxning tie feur mmn we needed* The three jasu far whom

til* Company w&s to provide Beard end lodging have bean i

placed on the same terra as J.Jazaiesen, that is to say, we

< are paying then 3G/- each per week in lien. . 1 i I Mooring Site. The site you suggest is net suitable

Xitaaeuich. at it la in the f&inrey of vessels risking 'for the

jetties* The site I have in mind is te the north East of

tiie Oevernnent Ueciyarc1. Jetty, but this has not yet been i settled. 1

11* 1319.1. Insurance.

The details you give are neted. j ae&ssK Sire* Hie schedule we sent you on Xdth Ueveciber gave the r.O-a^

full values. of the various buildings etc. but no doubt

you will hare realised this and made the necessary

au. ter at ions before renewing' the Policy*

ITeatiag; Deck. I will advise you in due coprse whether I

consider it advisable to take out fir© insurance.

£»s."Falkland*, You will have seen from my ?05. 15. that

it i* new proposed to bring drums from Montevideo so it

is unlikely that further voyages te South Georgia will

materialiee. I therefore trust that, no additional preaiua

-id IX be called for. 12. 1520. 2. Automatic Lights & Searchlight a. / \J This setter is under cendideratieru 13. 51^ «.t. "Kelp1* i« now hauled up on the slip A for cleaning & painting. Mr Thomson’s report on condition v af bull and engines will be sent in due course.

14. To au intent* and purposes* the extension to Vi Jetty i* completei It only remains to lay a few J :.w Bast, and to cut a doorway through the side of ’ ■i ft *t « £ C C.-V ?. ug

I "O'.:, pay "Bogota"* 11/1/30. 844 *■ *±

jjv.gjn v/here the jetty joins it. 15, ; 81*^ley, Butchery. Subject tc your approval,

,‘"r* Slaughter has agreed that this shall ba m ae a

separate Department. The Farm *111 be credited' and Butchery

debited, la*. 6ft. per sheep supplied. Mr Lsngdon rill :) I \ continue his supervision of the Slaughter House but 1 hops 1 ' / by this near.* ts exercise a better checlc an weights

recelTeft aaft-sold. .

Plaruft ef the new Slaughter house are being,

'V !I prepared and will be a-ant you by next sail,

■ 16. •Haw ^Stores. The outer mils have been ■ ceispXeted*

•<*d erection sf tie roof will. o-wmeBCe shortly. trading 17. a.s. •Falkland*. Upporoxtaate/resnlts of her \ ! voyages to Magellanes {July 29th.) and Me at avid e© (Fovx. 29x1 )

■'Msirallanes. »**

Coal *• 1 •; £ Sid. Msgallarea freight; £ 934

Riumlt g expanse* 53B * Passage money 90

’Pert expenses 65. Coastal freight 452 Balance 556 ; £ 1,467 £ 1.46? ■■■■}■ ■iwk

Hoh.teTid.eg *-

Ceal /*’ £40 Freight sc oil & sldrs 60S : #«■ 308 Bunnirg expenses 300 Ectr.tfcTideo to Stanley# ■ Balaacs 70S *# Coasting, 88 i • ■Passages 88

■ • Mail subsidy 550 \< it &£*>m

•Falkland's* accounts for 1938/9 axe being seat you

by this sail. They Show a trading profit of £‘4*294. 1. 6.

the Sealing business continue* and I can and presiding 'A reason why she should not heap liar occupied* I see no

satisfactory profit for current year. show a. 845 -iO't per •Bogets.*. ll/i/30. - 5 -

n Gkr eat Britain*. The rainfall during Kovenber

■’•i-v- i'iceutcr ws.« abnormal end during three day® particularly

’-"•“y fall* I took the opportunity of examining her afcaln

taking aeundirga. Two thirds of the top deck is leading

--•’iy and tide only cure would he to renew meet of it m it

is AoubtfttiL whether caulking would bo eatisfactory. This

% • old bo tX5en»iT« and I think decides the question of

replacing ttGreat Britain*’ aa soon as. possible. I About the same time, His Excellency again

raised .the hulks question haring received an official

complaint from the Captain of E.M.S.*DurbanM through the

CosKandar in Chief* ¥est Indies Station* regarding the

•I alleged ncngestlnn. caused by them in the harbour end of their

not being »*-% lighted* After considerable discussion it was

a^-reed that *ye«nia* nay be acred to the present anchorage

of ■Lady Elisabeth* and the latter will be moored permanently

jgafit of the Bbrrcwr*'*Fe»nia* will replg.ee * Great Britain” as

a wool vuiir by December 1931 when the latter will also be

reared Suet of the Harr ewe. All ether Company's hulks and

( lighten ore moored South of a line drawn from the East Jetty

t* tha Admiralty Oil Barge mewring, this being agreed to* the

question of lighting was not pursued and the wool hulk xs the

Xlg&tedU Copies of correBpcadence _ exchanged *ia£y ant ia *£©

This &z?TSikXiQ6216nt v?ill suxi us is & Sac* ^ixciss^4.<*

satisfactory corner cm »e*

Te revert to "Great Britain", I da not now

do anything to the top deck - scuppers have been prepoft* t.a twice weekly when holding produce enlarged* she is sounded • will be stowed required. Wbal and skins f e» pumped as ympi a dunnage lias been provided. in. the lower holds' and “Lady SlUabeth.* are to- bs moved •femnia* and

^arlir next week* weather permitting. f The stock at the and of December, 1929 was *- ?S a Coal* /-*■' •- >

Tual 1*390 tons. Total 2,100 tons \J l.u-.-.- 710 tons! — *■* ”.. .. 846

707* per ^Bogota*. 11/1/3 0» - 6 -

ay.t >:>■; 350 tons are due to the Sealing Compare* * . T v.i.rr'u to put 400 tcna of fuel aside for l««al. a les

raid a./dip 30C.tons to Bay in as 3 to 4 years stock.

X understand Darwin has "boaa supplied with

baus-* coal in tine past "but the fuel suite them admix all/

stud I think it would "be. advisable to let then hats a [rood

stock whilst It la available. This will enable me to • *

etapty “feania* "by the end of the year and “Falkland*

can replenish steam coal stocks from Montevideo on s . "* * »* * N - J cratch* r a turn Maclean. & Stapled on indicate 44/6 per ton

for hunker coal for 1930 * the increase being due to

the unsettled state of the coal market. I shall

to L,00C tens Yslah two probably contract for 500

tMr4» jar*., «, third aatU. .V» ®»i to.

t Kentevldeo haa been very satisfactory* reaeiva* a X regret to inform. you that this 20* . *E*igZ* * serious leak* She was lighter-recently.developed a

iaucained and the work require* to make beathad and extensive that X do not think her aerriceable ia a» it advisable ta repair bar* , ... xb,s following extract is taksn frer a

*0** abatement dated Slat August, 1922 t

ta trace the exact history of the * Fairy* X •t aa unable to >«race tne *ld tel3rican slaver. Lilian is ^ ia tWSairy* entered in ■J •It i* possihle thaw rh- i* ^ been bullt in 1036, •Lloyds (tL allies? available, record} *Z find th** i* 18^f l*7*<*« p™. 'Vv Company*s accoun ■ •she «as doing sealing ^ ^ m 1868 Mr F.3.Cobb »aad carrying " *SSw »« *1 add her to “wrote to the Director* ■ s> wanted entirely new •tort*** tor forefoot ,

-»i -:«« «* f»-fLS 5w«PSy r.-«aulrto *y tt» •run to 1le:ra*'tn tha seventies, was carrying mails •CoB^ar *« and naa cut down for use as a •t«»atewiAao in ISBi* 40 years she has been •lighter in 8tiU one of the moat useful •"in sons-^t uae, .jwjj* ^ lf r8

k'ipil coat**-! lying on the ’.Test Yard beach She is now ^55 ■ ...... — t 847

* u > Vvi? '‘Bogota* 11/1/SO* 7

'L";'-^ xxXXs an c\rsry tide* X propose to dispose of her for

-reeking- up 'bat fear she will not fetch. vary much,

41* Berth. Ana woctLshed. was completed early in x. Ta ~ December and 1s/use. /

£2. I returned to Stanley on the 9th instant X Jtavin*- made a short tour of Bast Falkland Stations visiting

- sal Inlet, 3an Carlos Southt Darwin and Fitsroy»

B&. Steamer Hovamenta.

s* as. w British Light* sailed 26th Hot eater for Trinidad*

•3.. y* * Laguna* arrived 15th December and sailed 24 th idem

‘I - for Valparaiso*

a. a** Begat a* arrived January 9th and sails Hth idem for

X London taking - 1,598 bales of wool 319 bales of aheapaJeiiis It barrels of tallow and J 388 hides.

a* s. ‘"FalkLand*1' arrived frosa. Hants video on December 6th

sad since than, has made Island voyages as per schedule.

Dcing' to heavy rain, which has delayed shearing at most

stations, there has not bean as much wool ready as expected.

Homeward mils s -

*Qrdtttt»5* .via Valparaiso sailing 1th - 5th February

*2.abcs“ X ,* sailing 5th March, 1930*

24* With reference to the enclosed Reports from

Hr Thomson i-

lim HydrauXJLc Machinery at Berth Arm woolahed. Si&| will

tried an the esasent walls of the press pit' and Hr.

J ih.uaigon% £'other recommendations will be given effect to assasfcyus bfhtgr Tuba - bailer feae* 30 )■*,. Whas. boiling down lias been completed, I will arrange for

y Mr* TSxa&safflt ta go, out to to examine the boiler. again and supervise the application of boiler "ApaxiorX

gatteries for ».. KXFalklanA,t t (Snc 31) in agreement with Mr Thomson* s view a and am x j W& fully \ j racceding with the installation of the booster and 9 : 848 i : 70.% ! * 11/1/50* - 8 > '

‘ ! • ' ■ ‘ Cv^., ! 1 will advise you later If they cub he used

•- 3«4h«v»«

I au, ■ Sir, V. I your obedient servant,

Muuagsr *


i i i


' i■■ . i : s,

S !



>' r *

I 1 i

■ * V j

• '»' . "» I ■ • V.

-. >»> |

t • ' . :‘ / * ':•> • I

* .. *F 4 i - Av I W* $ I .

- 849

?Q7a per ’'Bogota" ll/l/30>

F R 32 Cl S . +rvz-i*fzy mt» ^ •--^t- ,-^a* X. infirm* So* ?06 per "Falkland* 15AV29 & acknowledges your Has. 151? - 132 0 of 5th. (3) and 7th November * 1929. 2. Rotes arrangements by which messages are now sent. Apparent increase in mutilations of messages.

5* Report or comparison of Pudla & Si>» follows later.

4. Installation of * Bennie* boiler on Bast jetty under consideration,

5. Your remarks re oil, skins, etc. passed on to Sealing Company.

5. All loose stone at Yavy Point collected - other not available without blasting, hanc® collection at Sparrow Cove.

7. Sale of surplus sheep - notes business to be done with Sidey and Foela direct. - cLcx# nrust orixiiZu£&>MZi,

I 3. livestock per "'Lsqrir,;^ v-rrlTed in very good condition. Veterinary certificates not sent with stock.

O. Bo Linder anginas « 20 H.P. engine will be overhauled and reported cm. 24 H.P. engine already fitted.

10. floating Dock - inaccurate tally ex ship. Many frames etc. bent,^ £gk» for particular© of insurance. Discusses mooring sate.

11* Insurance • Marine, acted. ___ Pire - schedule sent you 14th Yovr. 1929. Dock - will advise later. “Falkland" - further voyages to South Georgia no*. anticipated* h 12tt Automatic lights & searchlights - being considered.

slipway for cleaning etc. Report follows. 13. a.t**Kelp" now on

14* Extension to portion. »i 2S ffSSMn?f1

Stanloy Butcliery - propoMl J* «> “ s.pjrata d.p^Wt. 15. * “ sheep to he bought from Farm at 1^6d per head. Plan of new Slaughter House being prepared*

I - reports completion of outer walls. Commencing 16* Yew Stores roof shortly. Akxtxneg V7* »•»* ■““Src3S£w3£2 ^ # 4.1-11 Ra*nort8 condition of top dscJt* "GrA&t ^Replacement by “Fennia* at early daU. 13. Discusses repxacou, j Captain H.M.S.•Durban" CoxcpXaPrtit received x* - v,»iva in harbour. through H.B* the GOTornar re

to sell 4Q0 tons locally and ship 300 tons ... proposal 13 j Coal to Darwxn. coal from Montevideo during 1930. Importation of leakage* Lighter now mlrv’ — reports seriouo ^led at vest Jetty. 30, aorpletei early December. Am v,val*bfi* o SI. Rcrtlx -n------V •

» 850 i '

■ ' 5 %

PRSCT3 - 2

after short tour of Repax s x-.vturn of ICr Young to Stanley Bast yalldands. ' shipment per w3ogota’* • 23* S teaiwer rxmr emant». indicates produce for fl) Mew hydraulic mach-nery 24* C«r »*nt« on Mr Thomson* s reports Green water tuhe at north Arm. wool shed ; Goose 8* "Falkland*. halier and (3) 3?

4. o ft ft ft ft ft e *




I. «*

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\ i 4 . f

. ■?:- ■

* • > \,*y^Zv v r- •Onion*1' ■ria Talpartu.ao 'i 1# .—>? . ** 708, !. -

f ■ ; Sir,

I confirm. my Beei.-afcah Ho. 70!? -* :~te ’ lit1'.. .T r. ,— ■■• k.ad

have aa deep at oh to acknov-ieije frer ”o ,, f. Stature toils are due to teerre ' ?r

a.T.^Laboe* about 5th. March

4th Avyril Konteride-

a*r.S“ aCt- April

: IxLa:: ' ' 1. T *.-s ' ‘,T- : ' ... J xrd to arrive per ' n I as*'r*wLorctc'r c..xl;.! April xul

„-:ohr:h'l-h' oad of April (brings mils tc.-Tir.. *:h_ V s Unite! Hlnydcs. *Ari^naa* H xch loth. next),

2* I ha-e nc*:-. been -painted Italian 'Consul •/; !

5ext Stahl-y* / i < a* ?0t» 20. 1 have not been alls to put the

’clustering of the Afciralty ?tcnp and Boiler house in

v- ::i to shortage of skilled labour but preeimtng

I ; referred to in your sable dated 20th. November. V thb raatas » j

-*0rduna% I shall put him on So h?,: before i J arrive* per i

him out to 2X- r-.-Ln. : 1 It Yuxa been decided that the• Bat: c i. ?06. 22 building is to be erected immediately b- - i &r- - C:;trj.cii-Siur:-. o t 33 ; at of the T *- „ Hall. \ tTw . Director, (/TkC z X, 0 TT X) 0 H .

1 ■ ■ - ...-*-4. 852 !

* 7 o- • "Or" - -., *:/.,', f, » 2 - .>• -

70'!. 8, (&*•& para)* TV.c troxx aona ' i !V. ' "

rs Stanley Ax a daring 1.929 ano-in^r tv I J 0 * *13'!. a,; so-p.,. .- 1 ■ (190-) e 1,648 (192"' X 1I f* ' • '

6, *01, 10. Cn acco ..ni ni f v t x,xx.. ■*. L ' -lx." 1 ■ ■ I do not propose to • -stand th ;• •'S-tcxirO* ' • tv * !?

scrouiid the B'.sm tc ti-a ScjvH --it-. »** /ix... 7; - ' * - 4.

deciding scrapietad cm the last safe. . v. 7 ■:. *x„

N there -..-hen. tlx r_.in berfl la x, ' 1 T .*' l-.r ' r : in badweather. A door «HX ho out leadlx; tla.xsh. -'•S:- «■»>*» *«• I j . ■ • * w»~ a .11 xaatl& the 4^1 ' . :x .a- .. -17 >

line. interfering \vitli the rain berth* Photo? -

7. 709* 5* X h*** to op ilcpUx ftrx. •' \

:* a Totorinaor/ Cert’ XLcjtcs fax II- ■ I- ‘ - ;, \ fhese hare x**& traced hasrirp •®_ ... tl .. Store : i Involves* In. future vrli y-u ....' • 1 "'• » ••'i'-'-

the TJexputcix.

3* 1' XX. -.X- a iietinch falli’V -• ••” ' i

- ...... icx : '-.'-7 ; - • V w'~4. Mill inary Stora. Wo oan

(ill. CX .* */; tribute this to the dl-fx ■ - jra-rio-vC i

ac o ■: 19£&» T'J % : - ~ - *■ ai " 9 .liexnxx 9, * at the "vi.at.r- T H ,' XX ’a-. Sid .gi-by •■• ’a asoinpetitcra .ui-3 bo-'i. i

of opinion, that it it e 1 ri;:.'sle 99 -- ..i jadf '-77' '•-■■ !. .7 7V' ■: 5* discount has therefore Ist^n 7llx I liac \'zz£ > kindly no ta .> ■” - I,.-'.

v 77'.--.a. ••• -7 -■' 9* r*i 33.axnbl.isa7* , I dc nrv. propose to ti 7 li t'' “:- s,3Couat of the lipt V'ii ■i:.-xlter furtl^r an ^uraoe mlra& feat wauli you Watt? «^a ****** i.v ' 3cru.tt.on. ean supplj a ':: /A 20^:7^ 7 a re ser^/'O5- c ta tol-.. 4/ 50 cattdls P-«.c*v/

43 liauir^ tt' 7UxOlIi- burn!r-p* Till* in sx.xCiti.4777 bix- I « ccid la rfviuixad to dbvf.xi-*. ths ■l l-.eit-7.in »* 'rS' 37** fxr '...■; tv... " :-X.p 7X1*.xi:. XXv; OOOta - r ..tsrilxon i , p 3undE5 | > "WTO 'iU*-* - 0,.7;X77’" t v -7 s 7 r u:- ■- 11 '•*’**': mett?.


I .. ,03 ' • l

4. ■• - I- t’ - u j -a," . a ; : 2 Mtiaflari

C2 _-1. v:~-z S V ,.

1 % 1C. 707. 12.. *, *tr o r e ■■t r-r .1« V. " . ~ il-C * »• : .. boiler and engines 1® eacloaed.

. * V ‘ '1. ■‘Bertluv I r'.JLl . .. - '• ‘ 3 a cannot 1 • I i! ;v.2 ral ;e- 12 a-a t' .. \ J Is a a 1.*trs t: .... f H ’ - r*\ ’ 2" u; .... 1 • rr« di®c«*- 1 ‘ 12® t i. : • ’ "/• of this brides aitl ISr Sl&u^ter

f- , * v- •: ': •■ aould be <*c: * tis.r. c'.v; if vg c-nt:*ac-t -ct

; The original pisu'.s call for nasonxy pi®- * y ~v^ «—■ • to drive concrete pile® indtsad r;ill» 1.;' i•: - *

daeapar and eaf« • -. :r • ” • *'• $ y tre; i’yr-.-.' j a. >

a 'a • ‘ * • * o i . - cost of (imvryinc ' — -'Via -

foundation® ard piers- is t£~ ■"1' wanes!'and eltnslo "cr Kith the estimated cost of :..i about & 5?5 ct.'X^a'- - -1 ( *aigbteen pile® about £ 110. * - ; i * .■* 3i I L- St ? r. *■ -./» T'-a 'piles • dll t-„ tv.-s -■; - 1 t „ tlJ #ita* -r ,' D r-d »,-•,•: bout el ,4U' ' ... 24 ' ’ b! . I rC'.V-'’-: - • tb ••v- tiar® as ’> -on x •' ' ' *' - a.lt of £tl&® and of tiaa to tia oac-t. p -ith. sjiip tl-ir. o-'t tc •:/.

fax 1-..- tKla .1» ll-i- -'c ■ ,”ac 'X« :t • - M :;..t cent urtior.* C;i-;r Gras.-fc.rd baa tendered f- tT\w .1 reccHsii-a'ii amounts to £ SBO Hie taiilar er-clo»«d* a a.; - Isava a. r-v/pl; kindly la* :;l£; .-vv-b'ce- ii.7ill. you ;:iS gCCtJ- ^ b&O :.i.ca f.oxk "a 11 Hr ' — as 1 anoux folio anpbr as ?.-. V , Store. T"-''. - at tb® M- . finis-■

.,Hotted *- ••■ j.:-- - teal;.: Creek Brio.«; o - stcepi ’ Plail-y T 3 -1 *2 0 «* do- constr1 •■■ * ft departar. vi v 0 K B B i ^ ia r-.i- . _ox-3C^au 13 ac- • r 0 ?' -C 854 1

So. 70' ' rn.: ‘ '"./V.r- '1 ** In o * Id. 7 -niClcs < !*x Thoiwou* a reports ir • \ vC~ - wul ‘'r^—' v >. "1 s-.irveya -ill :v, ■■

J ■■zukixzll,^ in fn.t-tre. H-I xv'f:ev- - .,;bi */.. T'.. • <- r. . 1 :

* ’’v..- tvexf. ~ ' v 5 -- -.11 ] ■ I ITo* 1 1; - I 1 . . -i fnc F i ■z arr.:. * *»•£ • *»

la time for th* text moil r r v.

14. I .." ' . . v .• t’-.i T ' -C 5c-r • • • . >

agreed to T.i a gnat to t: s filidarl I " and* 3e,'«.• -■

Ua " ,, i'.'O ? »OC ) ,. ♦; of t/.o f nuli

V i ai.: 1'..:, 1:' vl.,.l 1 . \t, ~ i

ye» *s « f ■ -X v - or - : - ■: 'V . t , :c

o;. ... :v . «*» fr. 1 1(0 aptnt :n ty. ' 4rjr- •* ■ f re * - o..

ladns feed water supply of Stanley. I will adrie* yo-j

1 ••■.*■.. - : •: . .1 ».

IS. I .. J :... o t. . ■: ‘

of tile new 33U.ttgjt.tey Boose until Crawford returns from.

I : ! rs Creek Bri'-yi a.' I f 1 • • tl.r.-t ■: s : ....V i W naudx 'natter....ixei'. lu. i.e in. oU-rfe.*

! The Slaughter Ec-u~.: :/l K :';M1 .n-v-.r

pr 'ilea* Ifeea this huilliag Is eonplated,. I ha. to S '.ry.’U ■;■- .1.-- „

- .■■■ ..... it Oct a%w r A?; -rei.» -c ... -

' 3. I (ssdesstsni that HJ£.a.ffDeLa.i'* will i 7iutiJUfe rt i■:t... "atS; - -i&t! Oixi -,

/‘V I -Jio 5# tyoa I.:-.-; t.;vi 17. Sealing Coy* i y ,ii: - H'-or-i Borg-s* Aral aoi< your fur- * I'.or t i ■ 7

It lx proposed to ship oil in 43 gallon Ir^is v;h.c y ■;y--; - • •

i'.icek is eadx-.ustsi* Coed draris su« v-:-s '■■ i jKMjfjeslde o at 1 ' oents f»o.h» -.vii. arv*^ i ''S.-7 - ■ ■'■ 0.1*3. J1*U«3Ceyeli -■ t:i3y .vxo- 1:.. offered tluu ^ 9». «d- a-oisfsatory return frolylt fsr ^P-.lldLend^.-

i- 1

T » 1 855 i - r* a4 r 4 • ‘ : ; - :J.C '-l' V t\z Si cl • c- *. . r ■ ; 1 1. 9. - - J>er l.i . lo a i

- ' '■'£ -Z"' - “ ■"•■■'C in Ir:,vl<

.111-* » 01 . - . 1 f.1_ * *, • ' O'- ; . ■' 1 ■ 4 \ ** V *• 9 10* -.per vc.’ 'j3tl11 H.1 - *

y hi:": , ” id tf c ...: * • , f ve>

v-i*-r*a : 4 • 1 .11 ? '

“" ' , t...r ». v *» 4,. s .A - So - • 1 .Iv- - ' v:' : "'' , - i«. » . A Wc i ?s '1 - I. 1 . uij. / * -‘r«l v g ,*• .* 1 : 1"* 11: J, - & **•

- *Vt -.V. fro4 ’ ctiorj -111 >;•; Mai «> *-'■ " 3*r "*■ , ■ «ct e<;o I ”7 Clio ' 7- ' - 3. ‘/OU Cl '•: * ;r i . c •t ' - ■

- V v ■ ■ ~. ■; *,vcr . *.. c ' Vi’-.’v. c * . •-» 'W

T'% ** . • - r • ■ - 1 • ■ r . - - *" into - . *■' ' . ^ •*! -i : - ‘ 0 0 .... « •, ft _* •••• ' 1.:j "■ I _V-C .- . U, IM IIJIM-—Ml 10* - ■' *7rt^Z -• ^ ' T>-e v, 1 • • •*. ■jnc. . - --. ■ lid . 'All n3 in dur. co ■

- 4 -a*— - *- ‘1 * /

in4 . .." ' tli •.i xJ i - : tie * :

’.‘.t Sl-if. ' o *” :- 4 „ iv ',5 :»; 1. . 4 1; "C.ons* C ',--' ii i trt-lana >

■■■.4 ■ 1 laid up period. clair I’;- rot-vi M

r.. n?t ... r." ... / tl.: t th: - Y'-r-;osr-.i / AS i- -p- i ... «. i- *»* v . l--o - 7 / se tofitructed you t ; insured value of 2 "■ » - ;’ ■•- Yrv. tMte that the

V ; .;:,a^sx*£ * ®j hitche* have la. '■so •-•iSe IL'J * T?--.v !?• dsbatalile poi^t «h*th«r it would and it i* a '.<• 5 -3iV.4 ■■■' ■ the lines originally + cit il-- on ?,w :T - ,i,’t fa on. I do not think the Howev •■a4# ' :':.aa'.44 km T 856 f Hu t ry~ s. i ,, -' ' ■" :. : . £ . , -j.

;. y.t wq?iiJX»c la. Ji:sV.f:'.«S -on til w ■ w*-

, C-.: ’ of H.a 'rail vet v - 1 1 JUS. -.... : ... rl.-. ;.L:"T»a vi: :1a '.r la-'

f: ^ ' 1: "•!: r-at ,a v- "'T' : . ‘ *.V. ■ ' '' *■ ’ 1-it.nd 111 ■*.: • 19, •1 act* f*e» y »« i

•;• w .\ V rxt tV? A?.r .v'-lty ’ —u 2ath£fe** the fa»<***

T ■ - v._at *V - J ■ r fnoi *i f c •7'sl-rin.e* > - „ .8.»llUtittv Reoreahy* a * all : ! '■ of or, - I wrc t*> X' ■ - ax. 7* • S5x - o k*. 0 >x' v> Ml ■ *• i -»«n cl. * : •! *'-i * . r;'k Of tl.® roof RAO - • ■>•■pfel« *'i •n exacted Mid ox V..u,: ' V ' ra- • • ' ~ 1 .V' * J ' ■ :a 31 '■•'*' 3 \:z r..::~c L tO 1^ V --■V.-.-r % -r • /! at:;: vu sail’-* a:: . sv '"•■ -

tlra ..jahXa aad. f; r t ■• * .r, ■"• - - y: ■ *' V’-l la r.TV * 19 t

V c rf1 "3C*f HI :r. ‘ ■hoyc to rssccrro R e. flow-1 - **n ' . -. ...‘ ...... ■ v or. -aitb. tl» sntranao, aaratory to t • ‘ - ^ final 'lroo2-in£ a . tv.« coaoxtetirg toi l *;c '• I--- t na lo-i „ otfLosaont -rill, r-3 ■* of aaxl •aiesk* - 1 the - a ” " . i i roof V-'.a X?er3 •?;t V5s ^r-3C-tlC*r. of tv a f. ;:.:lv:r. ,: 21. to be a tlw 'ir- 'ilc i. * -;■'■*• ori’^t soxtlr,s of ■:. ■; ■ ‘ / :of

largely due to ' thfc' c~ 11,.. ■ T. .. '" r 3 to "be itorad in tV , 'X--- Go aae'iatxy » it Iw. - ju-xd the Co®l’^r»

still to'la .Vla -V. * " ■• ■

O'-a mo:-a laid Va-® coK^X^t^i ’ .>•'t “*eek«» lv* x- ' -ill jrohahly Xe and. this d hat a ar i%--' ■: ,:V -I- - ;: - "

0 aeaotima «!construe -Xaii Va-vJ. ’■'■-VC, 2ir "'3 r.V X--*- • . .V -a t-Xse V a:: J *. dsrrto’x, »«

r.ratad aloagsi 'V vV~ ■ - .V- .. '■'' tC'i& ~ gmiibCX #• t o ■; t:aterial*

r- T *• .■ Mo % 857 O' f •a: '* *« I f\ * " .? 1 v.; I;.. * i. ues . 3 -C >

ti?co1 «ad OrLna a*. ». i.:; "lobo*** ?* ' * • 1* V V' c'fic St Bfewlg^t&aa Ctoa^paay have reeerved egao# f£»' ir : i : <%V , 22* - sr-^ull V.-- Saw" *:r j v--"'"'- ■ ■ *■ ■

■ \ 3*-' . F'.r:, 7V»2£;c# 1 ■’.. •■ \ V , tv 2-"'* ••' vi-\, *• - s .v ' jn -4^ tv." ••'*•••■? ;hcu' •"■. ’. ■ -

, T /•» about this cm the 22r.d «

5* c. n * tSna * ■■+ a > Ot. 'V- V . .... 2 v: •

p::;" n *c " e, &»w?-.vvi. •••:.•:• ".v - ”

■ / .■? 3-c v; t'-v, ■: j.

T ani ' VI t (/ tV rr JSXZii* Colonial Seexetasy Will arrirs V

1 JtfUy i 1 . , i. Six -

V: , i* R yo ur

** -w h

■ IT • ...... w '2 / . juO »•

- . f"ts- '■’• 1 . It* V-a.- * 2SU Cert I o. ■*- o ;

4*^ A ^ r \ ■ *K*« 21 * 7 s,# • • o :>"

f . ■ ■ = ry ‘ -r . . Ctl;. v >o

,.■- • « >'.. ” ,.,y** . »* ■ m

..-s • */

V -v'


t , a tb :• ■ ' '

k '

I ,

— — - ~7—'- - ,+■ I > ------*

T » 858 ?*;• *Or;luf4i<' n/l/zo„ i f ® * l C.O S D R D 3 .

i 1 * S*Hsatch T?o» 70S. ? 2, ®or;t«r: t on aaceunie so.s. !

*“* *• c ,, a . He * r, 4 «, i 7sdcn> tto. 675.. •« • l 5 * kh or> Stored * i

c. Store .Ca%! *r

v-t « Si- "Falkland* ‘ To y 7 .r. ‘

, 8■* r- "Falkl c.r.d * iEia&dee I.tir.-,:]/\r #C * rr9.t;- -E£^xt G:-:- c-.t* •'*>-*•-/ - J.X.Rmwoq 28/1/30. . .10 *- * • "wJU- Hi itc’in* toiler •. « ' I ** II*. . 3 >. * •farnxia* . :io *

12. ‘ -xv- •• Hort*!' Av.i .• 5.eX&kgd •:, • ' ' '

*** 13* - sundry Si&nle-y..

■ 14* 7:\- ' - 7r 7 . H 77... . ” rlard.j ~ :2C . a h 15. Tel .Gxzeittz J>? . c,. 7 77 1 I 1 & r - l : i.l

16* do * do. c o , - Holme a ted, Make & Co.Xd H

17, do • da. da. r ■ U . .. .* " » • - r *t ig,| Bri&ficate specification "Bogota* shipment. i i

19*‘ 0QZ‘J of tender far 3r*r -'ion of Flndl-v 'Vcel 3? id go.

■ £0, Certificate for period of laying up

£1.' 7?allrXa*:d Islands Shipping report.

15 Pagofa," ’saail (as narked} £2. Duplicates

•• f *. gpECinc^rorrs...... s:dhs. FT 7)E,i. kark , 'TOOL, 4 H.P. 32

T.H* 99 32 l Port Isouia* 28 3. 1 H !

• ! »



W T 859


I •3S£I .FriSIEOULu I ♦ ** .il£ * *• tiU'H .8 .si «£>I .81 .v^ aoia«ifaatoO 1 Jaa’ioinI •XI .*1 ,8xe «OX«£X .*££ ^'.-■rjBautixiI .S .855 s .s .SI .7£S£ aio^C X .£1 «.408q^ «V *5 ,lc&s* nrxe’£ .8 .8 .8 .a ."•a »,;,ai.l0H 1

•XI .*1 .*£5 *01.a .508 JocdIi Icf s/l Ir.TBH

.a •dx o08s *8 .8 »dl$ ae iona^A * 3»t.sXu8i?oO

.X .£1 .S **■ ** •XX »IS & ? -XSTTO 0 »1 B jrfs a iuaX . » -■«

o ** •SX si8o5^ .5 .8 *058^5

. *


.aaaaaaig i ! 5 ss^oarfO I.e*x»a?i ■r* ! '« ® > • X*t .v *01 .*0£

a^iSIitfS k a x «a a>o£ *8 »5S5£ •i93tf»Ci ’sptbxiaE • ^ OX *£S ,i .x .a r-?ftxsD .£ .1 s8*X i

t * S M '**>.»

.0.1 *8os* o^l .*£££ .1

.X.'S «^Bloats

.555I ,a*

! i

v - ■««v 1

I " ' r c » 860

. ! ! j si 2. v» ft

! 824. 8* lo. ! 85* 17. u.

568oa ij. * •

28,013. V- "" V 3,

212 4- * 9«

270. iod n. i- .• 44. 7. 1C.

13. 17. lo* * “Ti —. **r *r. Wt. .a, or >.. •*, «• i* *>•. K «. ftr, „ M r<’ *.- «k. «• . I^IJU

7032* 10. 3* S3,057'. 'a- 10.

Lesa Increase . 7,c;*2. :o. 3. I

t 21,025* 5* 7*


Becre&ea. ■» . ■

"37 ■ n 31. 17. 2. » 4770.19* 5*. i •. ... /, ■&>. - ’■ ?7* 9* 5> - ,=• •• • ;•■, ; 14-8* i* 3*

< 'M 14-2, 4 s ■

r-“ . •■•> e' .v- • V* 814. »♦ 4* 31. 17* 2. S45<» 17* 6c *.•*»«**>»•*'

f ; £ 21-,339* 5* n* Decrease in Profit * * * sassw*-"sc"SESS"~r':' r~

EaBik«ex* i V )

861 i'



■. ! 24 th February , 3r

AccorT23 i;k<:. Sic, ;• I tc enclose the «.nm2*l «*<■•:, omits for 1>£J eh..’-? -■• f*

* tf .? >0,647* 1C. 4, ae coapared with

«c * «L* >3d, l5. 3- the pr*v e~r s ;le orease :f

£ IX'&J, £. XI.

2* yA8K £ 42,C'Jl, i. __"^crease £ 25.CI3* C. Z*

i%e Aecreaae is due to t'. n fall i.. prices

obtained for produce ari h,*c Leer offset to a ccrt* .

e- o by a decrease of nearly 2 w * CCC i.. • V .... ur.-^ «.i i Oxi f | stores ond £ 2,000 in salaries and orr^es. ' 3r t"'*---r-j Pole.-3' shew r.n iaorafeo-s of £ 000S

La i* cat?*. hands b-cl.r,* ^^ trha** tt&Jjs5? c 1 iiOa. jiai.* ■ I cmp 1 ;v* ai cfc tv* Slaughter hou#tf cue o£ *iic» is specially 1 1 i looking after the sheepcMuu* ?V L--ro:.g:. :•: .-fiidsre i

ti»t thi* till result in better prises beii^ cliained. '

.»■• 0**a wot is e:^ploy«4 only on del ire* tea o*‘ ^'-U »i *

2 ■ ? ^t-rpticn matcrisls QoJcrpnU you *rill flr.d

■ftl. is in t; mo liafc* a quern tii; cf b&gsias hand after deduct ip* a full year1* C6U- tie eurplca on

Only about >Cf y &•£• of »e* 0*ns*nfc : : :

during the year .ad it Ui not there-co,: u« f jfceted ; to capitalise this nu-li c:-n*i**r%*- hs3«*»«y V&s r.ude in respect of the >r? allcimnce 1 ! { ♦ o the ''cm -. . fjrs* wool aa '■»« have no daiA f cr ia*'’

Dix-'; ••'” *■ * Ttis y&tioelr* . Z Q * ~2 c *: * T — 862 , ?Ts)* 70> 'U r*‘* • c/-” 24/5/30. ' e > t. **

iwlionion of tke J-'-ii.- u.i

-*i' ‘;c •<*•? • Tt i * list P •' . 3 «y

ftll •surges mjtm tir:‘,5-d-* ’ - ' a y ear. Ti.-r* 4 s

UVfeU r,ri«ficn in the ?>:•- u-3i

i...... 1C^ lasraa* /L-Zx*.. AL,.A'

Th.U i - re i % 'os to t' a ;.i of i' ; - ?il

-?*r "British

■ 4. i* r t ?e or; nr j thl* r*tii t..e ;>reviou4 : t r, -i »

•uu* - : ;c '

[x). Itert. of ? = ;!t oe >r

. .ii • ' C3» vsr vi.:.* :... 5 . -- •• ■ ■■ .blirretf ti

"be Jri*,:. ;

'V. Star.:,?y T- *«s i^.lad* € -U ••» -* )? i stsff

far t" «, « ',. » * >i-S - > previous^' chartsi . ar. - j:. t r- £ .v* - or * ■ *1 - * ■ ”■ - ^ u - ■- - - -

v fee- Include tax ,,- -..•«•

£ 104. 33* 4. Peters <4 :...* .r.’ <'.311. 13 v- (d). Travelling expense* (Messrs

ft* actual result is therefore c : *3°0

‘.If I*. 1*23. *■£.$£< ..l£a JU V.- raers Stasl sr sau e • « p * * *- 4 r*c ~ 'r 5 '

icj>«s*i** 4Uaot to ft tr.-.-.n ;-c,7« beet: I

Vat tilir be* leer, offset ty e» increase iu > e tw* *

:;j«vy loss vrUck 1 - tii.s ie-i a faoent shows a

■i o o -e c Vfe‘ *..U-iVate tv i.;. Xj-.:S ; stacks % i down of «3CC«»*ir* s»ch heeler-* . It i» <*°* iu a < s*®e* figures k*eJ wher. it is rsaeved to the etttireUf «9^p ■ *J*& will 1®

3t©'®* Cest S —— —1 — 1 T 803

■rO. 4 * * ■“ * », 24/4/50. “ 3 * iKSJStor^,, *r>-r ;3|*Y *•:<*«e f.rd thorn'- :v* >'•* = : ‘o : ' i fr,j • . *r •*>:urat.cc ch*u\;.'. e;

’by «VMk £ 2,000 due t* Va« ed':j.r*-U aut th* Hearth kstu e-lev#'!.

/ 2-?Sf^ .^lA£iiL laor.*■**»« la zrA .f u '* ‘

cour.ieeW V® Ceorcr, WeiShv^All y Hcbertefa.

l''' * gro** prA.fi" lit 14*3/ of bun; .r«i • >o

a.T Icbj 7 ■*-”"••* " tetu J u., a I r„ :•; L .' •* - f ■■' !

i-Lcei* Urr* !>•*». carefully ecrudl .*.-«! ,-J- u”?-• j-..... -d.

°’4 -ax xtHteced la price ether*

Furshe-i^e e>:ew a !«•;*:. :.e of £ ii,4CC a- .1 *-c••/*•**

/ of •” l3,&CC«

h:t^ vi a- * *■ ■•• ■',....,. ~..,f 1;5sc- £424* 1+10*

Tuts re , or* t*'5 :

a to £ i3G «n-.. t ... ? re. it 'V.-!■ i-. -■; '■• >• j; •’ 5 ■! i a ix Cau XyC) 1* al* a incl- lea a- ;/ . ; -...... A.- s \ l* ? ^ ty >.• « **•-. v ■ - -■ w ■ - * ■• I i

12 7* Fr.cif ic Ak;Kg. /. S&x.5*JU - * r i. 1 GO '. M..A,:; a'.a a oxari ;M a .: a1- - - -

recount 3i* -a-.-R * fcocUe** **''*-* >* i

iitlt lilt *- 3- Gensg-O 2, ehi*f.p *-- '-- *' *" '•" '4 Deere .:'’ fi •f f 5-- *7*

A'•;r-: ^ „ !\X tel ir. t;.e • • •* A .' ” _U_ *! r-^-f. 9. ^r: -1:1 i hot wa t o.. - axel., re J * --• •'• - - e„f£ ".‘'-a*'* T.C .. 3ii ^r------< *’ U ’. Ur.ec ou?b h

«id i*1-11 "'*cre“ .. local ielirery »*« 0- ’ ?UO» rfeet 3U*e II p&Ckia^ r riT i.>. w Cff>t ftr alters., o ?.*■ pekerr^ 2 asxtli cloeete* A.1 ver. rl4> tarr. rreT«i<» clerical " lota o&ciiiag room) drain!t« ^;.ui

«w»r^rt u f J. i6 i',s ^ X'?r^-1

. W”------— 1 !

I 864

.. - I -

> ” t x •*’* nCT>»* - •** v;;' i;. I .. ; -. * - » V»* . t . ^ * r t ■ 'tnr«- , „r., "’ *■* ' * * :■ ■*, ho- v .t.-v . ^ ' e. , * •♦.. . ,% fr,f M P»tr«l 3M. »'« r... l*.*' « * ■ w 1C. T’-« i :.f* X* £ ■’* ■:■■ -: ::

ti'; T'' '•«* ..... * S« i« «fe»ut ...x T»I: .. , , **»-.*. -■* » cf fc-' ■'• J'eujmvl la us i. .: w * 1st 1; t . T il -'l. , t J xyr . If. i

'St V V V \ . .. $> f: s : ■ - c': * i ’: : 1 ~*z , ■A. V, ' • .

• Ir« .‘•J

4. & •K ■' 4 v* -i

V m

3 $, P * S* #- ■«;•■ V*‘, -> .<• • -J*> -- -•■, k f ■. -» . Jgft ^ JJB0 «r>« 'fe1 r-*> - h « f - ' .

■ vv ....

k .. • • ■- I 1 7 - . • '•¥l4 ; I yfc. ) * £ r *»*.. <■ • ' • * > ■. e: : I,; f.w> > « 4 . V w *• *.VH

:» . „. vn $ ■: ■* p #*■ • - - ~ 4Aae*- ■ I . >. -. #| #V 8i V 4» J . t>£

_ ■ ■ •- f "■ t , 4 ■* >•» , wrt^.r«i » ^ ■ • 4 •• V

*> ■

v ar. t -' • ' ■'.. :* v> ■ ' • ' ' ■’ *. h > > ; - ;; : •X gtz ’• - ■ r-y •....’ ; a,;> t: ' : *. . - i - ^ - ■■ ■.

■y+j S> * . . ; ~ *-■ -•• •'- ' .. . - . -

? ■. "•* . > ;;' r 4, . M *


. V- w ■• :irrv- T • . . — 865 V' 1 • w * -,T r- nT,, -// J ' { ? * a r J

^ •* *UUC ?c. ; m •.* t .r fi. ■ .in -?: '* , ***" - w.. -* *-'•"** '";.A „ :.w* . « * *e - -'^e : v i^U-. . „. . . : ' - ; / •. 4* -aylai.i*

- - e: * w: '•••■* - i’ ■ v■ '. « . .: a : ’ C, ■’-tsi;:- - Weekly #o’. *1 >tv

. » ■ ■ i . a ''' | w . — - a. •* .■■lo" tricul «u'. I ■ r:'- "C-fIv? *

*t Itc-s ■ - * . a. *■ - :* i ■... :. Ifcat y? ;'i t» < . '.’i - * „ .. ii.l \r :ja~. ,-r -t*- 4-. . w- . ii, ^ • • *

•■» r" » NflMN »**•• tf'ft*. 4 KU« 31"-1 ».t — -.. - - ' * IzAtiJm for ‘ : . * 1 i „ : . i II ...... <■ ’.*« '■ - 11 • l\.r A---- A. « . f for -y . feta .' * . a......

r. ~~‘tl ‘ r 1? e * Cl'-, ...

* -.:i • *1*3.:-V fer:-«L *Fei\ni*'t - ' ’I.'-.. - ' r \ 2

.... vr ’ ”____: ~., _ ?»•: T.ll’aurc, £3ft*^a - _ ;r :c ' i. . . ' ... ." . 1 J - T1 ” *> - r’ ■' *;t ■£ ?t ..• --- ' bad.r.nets Jf ' •j-rris-.-e - -iiacusilon Uou-?Ut '-.lo-.i iy oaccutioc 13. cf «, ole-- Ter tl-sft il-J '

f >•* .. of ft tatl# Uk /cr ufte a. *

i.A^ A-O- il!--1;. “ yev: to COllesfc f*Cv* 20, 'T'-. ;** "" chars® of £10. 10. t-j -;r« 21. ??* Vr.«r to *t ^taal-v*

y “S ' St 22. if i.-e-flou* docl * * X2 S’io at Ing . niant 0«Ql«t4MU to* *• »«*t2frs Retail .■!*:■ 1'« 24, I7a*^ oJf Fitsr^y of t#lXov? In. li^u -.olal 'ooiicbt ««** ru2‘^« • *W €■ visit to aits in wlalM.an4Ms

h wrao2v - ftdTl»*s logs ex Teasel. ..- **2XS:L':i rrsp^so to secure* t ; M«x’i5lty Bound & Darwin. Reports TOWS * ’rA*'t“ 11 ' 868 i

■ T^OtCIS fa)

28> Pit® pia. . f S) i.t 5t*rJL*v. -W„» cUjr Tt-^ue.,, I 2f>. Stall **€ -^iyaqjr - di»cu*t*» :*,* ya«itiau ■■ i -* ■■ l!i C-MC*i '1 ..... k: , - ; ... -J : ■.. ; ' , ■ ?«rfc-a usit.i*•'.■«■.. t*:’. T-a-rat. r* lx*antint •;i f.li CaeA**?^ • ‘V iris ft i lsbjux U-ov.U«*. 1

So. A&v; f-* & *Ix>ir ** -Uv at Stanley a... ~ " : liJi

! ii. AiaiU1 i„ Icttft. 1 - ,» l..v :....* ... a.,' .: ..

! 'V/'“ --rant Wo. 40 9» isiiUT.s;. <. :. 1 »

is* 2ip - confiraa oat-la of lltH iatt, j 3i«ru*te* ::»? ■ f♦ ■«» FiCI • K. 3i.tr*: r ‘-.2 it 2 *■ - ■.' ..-,, r r Xjn-tefflS# i:- il , «*.' t l^tta - 14 th H -X- -^.

*i & .*• jA i t ** • « « • * * <•

. »

•*\ & *■ I ■■ .-r

■ * V -V- 1 1 >•> ■* ♦' r •f ** .

V '£, •at f?-r: :•' • •" ■ :■ ■ •■-- -


,;■ ' & ' • ••■

4. • t •,." j! *«• ■: .i—*: 1 V~ :' -.1 % V-•- '■- •;? - -> :

;..4' .* V

?■_. - ■y f. : •<■ •. ; H .. . ^r !%■'- - / -.. *> lip-* - ‘ . tfv ■ : - : 4 •' * . : ? V • , ...■■■■ - • ■ ...... ■ • "

if--.A :• ...■?■ ... *:. ": ' ' -.«- 1-. * >- ? , :. ■■ : «a ••' • - " > HT% '•’* .•Vj

-.r - ■- ' " X - ■ .j2V.il t ■•>« & ... . -a- ,•- . ?v • . 4 ^ A* , N . -r». -. i", ’ '. ,.-yt <" . ■ 6c " 4-> • t ■ ■ {si r. H >*; t ^ " * ic. ■■* — -.. X •«- ■ <|Ct - •h ■* ' :. ?* MB- * ' : ■

.' •■■■■■ “r .

f n i, 5:2 -, Vi » t t & v * / h Q* *1 f \ 867 I i

■ 2

■ •» *1" 30 no - " -#

Six, . ■ *, w.. $ 1 sOftfi w ^ *•'©. 7Cci d*.tad :>2*fc JVi..*rjr l*st

s>rd -\-losfiti«4cf reeoipt :f your Dsej-afcihec X •# . 13*1 V I 1322 aritfc mcloararoa r.« ftafc* il*-.!-.

) 2. l cacao t axplaiu the ohivxii ci b.**_ t "irm V

; Government in supportir^, T uciercvv i'.a

ccuV^.t Tiih "Heuruo* oaly covers 3:

■S:r.tv; Sira tl* ad*, t&at sack to;,*** ^ ronicriV-; \ • ■ T*ate. arran*;erne*st and t-vs ruyniat male "" r -rx:i. ires Yoyaxea r®s de >e, a. tasia ol <2 la r~' -j * ’ - ?

’ • S *F&lkLunA,«* first as* rCjXfet t.i« cutcjas

''■-ti... t-a An Col calv 1 Steer*tery *5’.on of. a * payment for as. ilo tarx:'fid h; X #33$.ii*»*'0\iX‘c?ii to ,?-0CU2 ^ Jniy la it. H - to oil ) ftJ,5’lfrl^wA*8 !>0 ?out.H -rUWi{>-^ *•*■* , 1C of 1$S& ‘.v vliitto- i ■••--'• a a t-*£® of Oriliior -s i*o «n««rua' fca* tie-obi ocfc bear. r-r*iro4 t«* &;x vpti -U Duri:« tac ifi&arfiow tie qaoetior of • J1® _^::ra a V3C&c*» M. £ i er: w •“"■.at to Mwateriutfc csxi* ud'isr able fu ^a>:« ii’S-HuOv ?rvtex ai* •• rj® a T

;or oarri**© ■-,: e^.Us -• f,'s pur*ue 12 w 'rill U /allot ox. tv.- ft rt>«i • ', .' Twyo««* gkmtn aocr^i* ttaot I fir it oiTlt'eii bote there

i *Tte 1 vi- fit* in ‘IcT rrwi*At jutiwt pr«Ju(Uo. j a jjc^elloaty waat f .X - 5 *■ :*■ V ' - - - slb! Hi# Qjcol*®

1 £ • •- . ^ a *7*v^ y * JJ D 0 5 * V 0 - . 1 I

T. 808 ! '3 Aa ’ * -**"• ■ ;T../’ /• ' J 2 ' -

highly ©r uer end or f.sptain Roberts it*: rrU;«.:r leee*w

ererjr credit for the good, -word d*-r A ■yUtShrg*.

3. *321. 3. X note that h/ let tin--,}, each year each

Section ehr.ii:, ’*?« sufficient beops :ir i« V v? * ./ •took fur tv. f'. .-'.eeor* eaA this wiU *.rr-. .,, ■" ■ ■

attention. .! 4 m 'Sr r•■_. 1 X.*«j:d beer ;lioi te 4. 1321. 7. < -

i V the Bofeeo* Force Oanteer. uud tl.te t« >*rau"ht r‘e

J decaas-d for it.

Oreif wrd x'eqnec s* -.e -c Utanl j • a for the 5* 1321. 3. .N ■ J inor e as - & an c 1a ®*»e 1 • >»: : .. ■ ?*>.!» •Or >p.l aritriu’ 'is : 6. 1322. ;* ;‘. r. s'.s.i'1 ■. ... nowieetion for driving -tie josap /\ and tile.

10. usaxi.^ ecuipietiuii. } c *T p.&oitL* aas sold te Jens Pedcreen, 7. 1322. l3. A purchased tixe "Preeais" in 192o. t out per " h :\xm* J electrical 4»cu£ **n a, 1322. 2C. The , Plea*e '■ivl’i-n tie ;:. dr tie wiriuh 1 ,m .»«■ “ ta «’* 0 that t-.s fvilowii^ ohortore *** ! general Electric Coispets short cut ef 2-t Case '?*. 3 . One j during uapachinfi found V tiatioas with t***r. ia 1 trust that the n*£»o •7 63^5 SCJlies- I a will tee eucceaeful. their Agercf yeepect of coasaer.dftioo as regus-?e jlr rh«s*tpar * rc 1322* 13. 9* special cer.t. will iATe s** i nten**® «^ork V ■•J.U..4 fl‘»‘ *■ r'=: « W***’ Pitt ruw-un to the - ,Gneene inter* fi t ©d ii. %. stapledca ’-» ■*> i it at * >CC •jiiU t of th« •polldaod" eill tahe part l*a result®$ If hu.elneee m iicnte^ideo • ■* c«i*^ 30 51 reyege. Derein ®n «• frot­ dire°* in Monterideo i* it «P pclder» the price hs re^»>iaf 5 8G9

“* v * “Lc>,cb’! i'j/if. * j * *>0 C%*t« *Mr ***• but the the iufcyia iC saute sui ) •♦ -l new try ire 1 f ****** pxiceo wvj be obtain*! thare, I »UX 9 U fc •- . f&t- Aitpeaal* 10. ljt£* JC ?r -f> • ifc jv?id t 5 par month, as sr/; i cr tha esc!3 \ ■-cu#** Miaa : * v.* glare© • * / Ac ecmmt* £* « krid- "no *113 be s*rieir*d ot Kr .Vinos rt ’ * **mrt tour.

Indent* f- r article* far sale ~; C.--x;. •■‘.ere* j are. • ^iicfully acxuUaiaad by Mr* HlaHuurdaor. and tuar * r:

iisit-e-j«ax>i All atoree hare a ^nmntlty of Tm,vxi*»bla steel:

art idea cat re ;.«6it - te *c. edi they: I;;*;•? Stanley « -~f Ms..

hare a lorre stock of el- t-ell-r *..

m 1322. j£ f^rA para'. T. hare a rex:, at fi^ttrse but Ki«

Bseellesc”. irJTwrmj; me that t;:* -.uvnlua reve'-.v.* for '*.32;. r-~ j J ‘xuaffantefl j t**.ut £ 3^*SCO - T J'' •<*.•• rfter p of 4ato.ilg„.

n, i v22. 3 J-, dJemtc hare been adv ..s' -•*. -I’. .s •'

rates or. ; reduce free at**- •: ta LcntU;: «R5. cf ~-v* $->f~ re* \ ■ r gr of 7». ©*-• -;ar tsx -*cr the currant aeaaoft* j the r.-.st tie a.d»ii tiei.- 1 f < - . I ttotr tfc-'.t i - l £ Z p*x ten an freduce «s pssrta witfcau* a +*xt fmcilitiaa

t fa*, a notified avet porta t~-. t ! h** enly bean applied se "* —* : jjj.0 , ^plle* t© *®4** hide* and id l«*r* A2«$ ■ * fetters it cut tide r* fcaa cs?.-” iaaraas s- froo. clt wool :r«u~bt ia ‘>y

k»la» net* -:v.« net !1. ■-^ ■■fUtr.. lx?.'7-- e V 4/* te tV- per rtaeals trore Sa rmtea per ( .bethw fear ».'•* let'-- .•>,■ ’’ to ee 13* sa*t •fttpU* aueharet Bli^tit;y y.^p- ,f t * »rr*.ws ari :LiV- *• on .unehora„a* Th*;* 'U Ws«t ,y \Lr dj Sli*m»eth/i. (!«!»« C «x:l dvRr ‘:o fey ■Iv ^ the :\ twit "•— *5reat 3ritiia" sad 11 i*y J t.4 no pex-ltle o#t»plaint 'J ..ic Uj.ia there s«n ^-icVat boat# froifl axil It lighter 8. or d*^*r LC of coae***1^ K*3•"ytAon*" arrived or the 2nd ulto. m u ft 1>‘ 1 870 L

"v * f I: **r u ,. * r s/y^o. - 4 '* an* **Ueg ftt tt0oa gay. She enjoye-l excellent I -'•4 * *V t*uoc«s*l‘ul excursion waa run. tv Sj-arrsw Cove'

I 0£* 3rd v n/ SUHWuqcS f

Ul^t uxi# *m cure the trrnVle. t*. it bcinj, cerr ..cl rat 17 / Kutupo-, -He saaeon who 4rrtrei hi "Oriun**, ,nl who will alertly

e,o out to r-?j«

that this warn prewieethit* t» /touftsa should he bi tW|iiilU||

detained *isrs. X htte not sstewtetus • ..-.* ^ ;:.i r*"„

ithe ; . vvr.. _■ ,;r -'Uso,

M V „ * 7 •;: *- a ■ ’■ ; v ?vo. 1. ?J eia . c--* t ■? -v

•t*, teaser. t ;: *'iilinery hx*s, They **re -

iy< S *,347 in ^o?3 ♦ .■• -- l : h,^j±

t > >i4TJTSu St ‘ 1 * ' ' ' ‘> » /3* n* * » 1

3htl«-'fIgw.rs h ■ rtVtr^y ' ; - "v- • in vl-w

cl o.>at* '-■I &' '# ?. 1 Of fllfe* fee t * s.ve of reroute, "’her this 2i55k *uc held '’urias *h? ;w. f the rrhv-s t , c •»■ ,* -tore It -.11 ho r--^."'r" : 1 1. * sSl. • 1.! *• ' h.CV v«.t?flftrtorr woririrj We:-s I fluid ?■** - * 1*t* j •** reference to 07r 70 # 14. "H-e inf oil -7- :«loniel Ssorctory, iu which thi*

■^iwefi >i" ts UUi« tp tr- ho •*:.•* ;.t. * ~ - r - '" —1 .TO. if o5t.se7, 'vto B DessloP-ent Toad faitgi hut frons »he Coloalnl for s. feWifc „ 0cl332lSl ■■.- Secret-r/ cf 5tet# f-* it -h:VCa":"t thio 0OTSrt539U> f!“ tV*e £j®.de suk- hy > h"t" the ^ O * - 4^r- thr.i ho ter 2 of ssrtsin jsrfii 0* !rt*cl*y* ia^revt-'’ r.t /A 2C,opc in reur y-sh-i/

ef e J -.• 50.I of-S !e O It' ■’- ' bS t-f " -0 J out Of the of £ ^»CCC ^aliasak* ^ &r v.l la .rustic-:--:l-*. ill® *J fferou , Itl* lo this .«tl« - %n/ . X. Will rev'rt of ri;^ 1 ih«a 35 ■ 4*te » l^er a’- I

So 7i: 871 L * r - v . v-- '/ • •. *? *0,

v*<» : yroaecutei *. ?■;.« tai ;w;V p *-■ srlth. theft froa I ^ s •'• tar* ja 1 ^'-■ : '-a: _ ':■: 5.;.-;'::. ‘ •-1.2...t c -' I/- ** iM -U. i • * «.i. -*ri... o., t*‘« raetfcod of c* - *y in*

■ **- *a '_re®t wiiL ’air. v;;- 'a m ycXni - TObiX/f '-%i*

‘*Te “w **-*'* t\* hold for want of & ioad sx.d. Isa tare

col.e ; .e 1 - t -~, ... ,.y ;>. t frequent If trot; ah ?. su Ward Uott or

-a > pa'oer pwfoil • ^L* sore la th* proTiaien of a anil ■> juo

Y ari a psot r> m -Mt~lV * «Uttl

k 1 -1 ~ - ' .: ‘ _ ’ 30C pe?* fa. ax t. :*> .. T*-% •' »**

-Oxa*4. •: „ V.t V *v .a c , laii*, i.. T, .k~: ’r*

g 2C tV t . ..'• I’j f c v ur^jn*. X ’' ** ’’ -i %..* SJ 4 *

a-irvxx Cor V. » . -•* use -? T - ' . ; if ig) i;.« I . ; -. t « • ■.« X

prop-'a? ':o xsi -4 c;e ■■?..-;./*» cf;;a(' T-Vr,. '•*-a . * .. y'-rtv-'Vf

preeeiitfc t tael f. x-;. •»' ... .- a ' -■ . Of. 22, V UVT9 u -•« * - _*■ ir. * -*• .Ar.-.-T! Hovas to Eitaro/ ard the "tehio --

to «ouStruct a., ilod •■t.'Vi 1'X It x 20 ft. : :h. .2. 2 -vt: j*

V*t . ' *' w.; * -- 2... V ' „ i a: ar^ia* vo Zcerix Xbc. is*! *isi t> s v.l*r '-■'X'T'vVvj-s ■phct^vsT. * out of the »*ol>le t' -nth V's ,*v :^rvo vi:ar*la for wgar, f^ar, j. ) rat vr>wf jtodtic * It- • -■* ^ tasks #- hop* *-■ i and with Vi« ■ rsx 0T*4C« -I** ; 1 auxS eplci -3 the *Ho«~ ■• \U ^roeari««. •*ir.«o *tt»ro v*-.i preeefit 3S*.et 5t;-xe f-v -*e ee * ®hi? ;.' :*«a?

3 aop - r«?s* ir if ’ w'.r proo«ii wli^» -tfci* ltt -*A* ! It »cpe?iV» th»* turn 1 Kti^ , *" • tui a As«oa 1*■ ii:,v v ,f f -X IX “ cxwiuaJ- fa* .7. ei-i jx a “mid .««*«« "t4x« i»* *- ' ';ntn W*°6 -t fex 1^3, ^ -<** '' v yih- eodeo^ar “ 5»vei xCth rorr. j X.. per the vr i*- = he Jh-* >ii f -* _ -• -** A.y -y fast » -•» « 3v ax* « fivers eeri to he us rvciwon w a

ftu 1 thare “ ■ Y* V “ ■jk. ■* »*& for * j

i ! T 872

B; . ? . 2*r *»- • /'I:'-c, ’ > V5C. ■ *■

i#* '" cui<

not be ^argod, In future, I $xspoee ',a c*v;-7,ji . 1** -t 2 10* 10. “• i*» &4'iiu»*i u 5 4 *• o a dfcsfcur a sac n t * - % •. ~ ? I« * ti*fr ui^a T«e*«l* ere bMm? rti*rge 22 *'<*•• : I* (Ar^a ■' t * r. *x % ■ r: r c -l 'u K- «* uu, «w»lore Blve&vi* with J.OCO tone if oil rU#1 f°r factory ’‘Solgliaf *nd hot* r- V e

4V. #e eoted k* a^eii13 fir tom,

x-.. aj-A-tion ivi i„? ' ?.e :>v ."■- • *

H.. l, *'ar«u

*-*r« "I*)U'i* ■:’ » 3n* b«? ju utu Sis**. *; .', '

14—, •• ST'MS be r.bjr '. " . ----- 1/vi Tw.:..c.s i 4 *L o*r -a 1ft-Ice u.i.A U6 hide :.-•*

V der.

»ir C;-M,,rr a-A ^..Tn^.^n, .f 1 s'.esae*'. ;* •. .

Vi . w #p*ii.'t.u*ifcy* 23. _v. lart lc«.i :'<* :'

*, •■• 1 i«i 'I: •- * t e W?.«t Jetty.

t:,, lo^ plats* proving very fiTfioult to UVl. - do*ever,

* , *■ .V » ..v 2 ...» £if*i llgobar liSfc* !«-•

synced "by holtia* t©ge*H-~ l-- ■ *J- \ will riv*t.0J. si 21. -*< ./ '’• ! V -• dorriek raferrel tc -t ef c «r edj-* 1-*a*1 s■-’ -■ -* MMUit of iroutl • ■'- t» ;i* a C*rt?. -1

1 •, ;Ja-*--—• prow* - * be Imllt -ebioii the poutosa* *x'* -»> - ■Hoc;-,* on ttdl woigVto and yvd will aa?v red nth deary ^.air.e be ■■' ifOJV' 1, i 11 pin; b O * Ik***8 b*3& *sjztended how tae *lif BxiO* delayed .erect 1... of tii9 ■; Ctor®. Wes- Vsen h*Ji 24* ^ JLll iduu^r- :* aow ereoiel #»r.d 0i|T t roof * * emitted. Vne Twlll-^ A. COWOJflOS. ;-j ,ia» V* fi^ ' r CWMM, »■* *. «■*■-• «•“■ J r,i«.trf. -• nsw V be*# tii* iiriJf •> buvvH .« d-v. 'seen flower roc* , rirA . r !


so. nov : *-' ta./ • “I*? bo#* 5/ViO, * * *'■

d f OX 'but *5 lav* nit .ij;: r_t r^i foxtussle i *** GUi ^•■atharj Jm? ***« fo^f ka* V-/- 7ialaii«4, ooajpXekion S$C* -i'! b« in -*i'« •* photo# ar# eanlooed- 25. *41'* x#f srar.ct to try oable -U-«u llth iuat r# *lt*rojr Xert.h, AJ1 the with tha as. to-. Ci *d.char•-;7,

*r* %hX" >3mV- e *.c 2 •. : to the ca»party f*r 4.-3»JPv **■*

X’ciut Korse altoek. -n.Robacr, ;.j olanding ..•-.i 4- •?- 3/130*

■ ' • IfWr «ft*al6#r*VL • la* -n*3^vm ;v :< si.--*. •

r.«. ^•’1 r**l»bly all to ? j,/;: >X\j* f.» : ■: ■ - jat* •

in .-. * £ '.si.* that* to aatiaty v -t ■ •'•*•''*

tJ -a* t« wkx offer v ® 25c, rata -r~: t~%*n - n ru- \ out- giving " i.~ :”. of 4; ;,UOO Wrf iiWid*-*®, i'-nt #ixth#

lii the of 2 3*5®C" thiwtlvti ar.u .'it .'- #qfg##t#i that

%r« si»r. * ;>r *r.# tl a.: *-i f :. ' w ;, v ;; - • ■ J ■ yWv ITs: fch fro-*' t.v « a for P ;ti, 7 ar.f i . .-: -. .(.•**

f \ - - »> #•* If 2V' '" ■ !<’ .oattfel .:b' * b.-t :■ * .lift Vvv**-,* xn V •'• ;'OUu--.*' -U * . ^ 1. “ ; -.t-rri s.n brevet r/'-'.t -r *•

;»#*■ I ac-c r.-/ait t eux . ay ly ■> 3... ~ fjSu-iXv' ; t ' vtr.'- :li:,ojaea f aue# for this pturru»# hat »•• uaid the-; h#f \ iip V ' ttv ’ »r $(? oen";* -tt mxst th«y *r oJw*ff ao t/( .■:Tpart'AJ.' * # 1 jc-f tioa tula r# i* i3> * 1 tiaital Kout*v*-eo r;.f: ?vb. —*•. ?

27. to#task, w* *of Pobrrta oa tfc-s V.ifv -* wr#c-' L». She'ha# ^Nl •- at low tide f*«t of h*r iltlr. *•* f c;- ,er; • : "' - ’".Si’" '-■ w*- «, pt * '«■ "* a ir - « *r* if i.\9 #^-71 ■■' th*

«... «s legs Aihox*. '■ - ■ i V *t* - Out and ^»re A • Sjetw her

cu the bsa.cl.jr of whioh V / / nbout 3>*’ i-so .... i r.u w.r - iitu -o,:d its. to I ' . f ar* without yerv groat f.ar. h*'- ••&1" h ... 1 iiO'- tbr#e cf*r to r- v,y C.7 - to aod* to li« » Wtt 1:. it: 1} souditg "?a ti^a t t#' wor*- • ▼ ••' r'C i»u it With y-* »frfi«OU •'i.d ?:ori-i3Cg

iiffic.-: 0 .. • O ,-. ■ *:; *■

#6 . > '• 1 1 ------—- 7 --- ] 874 5 i

-o » V\c • par ■ irV'h* %'J'jC. tli# c*T»«r, - 8 - ** u* ft h..-r■■-- ->r i$.cL log nkijjed cn Taoari. - Wl^ i A 4*iiwi **£«r He*&re. Dounjr, Matt 4 Diu’.acr. “n ..* *• •; ■*•-■ tt.?x tc.

.vou date! lat T.^rurur J t IjZZ, -■: 1 srqpltft iX the ‘.■noted f>i to w& jv;- *x £cot Liverpool, i-ay

*• tAkon a? a 7-tssnv val .fk t ar. sending x arm 11 - t i ve *-• *vi tc ••' -f *h*rc i» J.:\y th-.va: u-:* »cvU I* ■.:*-■.• ..;, -Li . f‘*i* riic* a*;: *

2 IT $c ▼! ..i .:•■ . I.;,-i Lv. ■ - 4 " . j wL , »T-:'...... a n rheax

■"• ■* v r'- - e F .'V"r. Cr; * & iter viv-t, T toe*:.

v :v - • L. ,r ? _ha~ 1 - t....„ L_ 'i. ?1»_. :... lift-. !*- ■ C-- ...

- - 111 7ill.-. L lir.es Aar’ 1-et.o: stent eg. ft abort visit ftf

mcTec-tici. am i i provided an opporttrnit. of akewh.*,.* h ...

sow* "■ :: 1 ....«. :v.npt otJtei’w.ae hit i-^reaoloiwi -f

Cole../ cull /ivt extend to tie iioy* iur^ ■-&.- - ■... ■-•■ •■• - • * *

” 3aap« to vi*u i the *er i ? 1.1* *; is 4u~ ? V . .s:.t,

*■' * f - . C two 7 itch , !:'•* .-.'U. ... I lojL, ' , ta

ftxcalior i r-at i'. 1 •

■K' - -i- - . • - -- -. - - : ts^-c*: , •; ■ 11 :. . .. ■ *,, —' One, 63 ft a iuo. * - - -. .-«• -** * * R ft • • • , -• it- x 1*> ins*

c.-.w iu - ecelc pitch pine - ! VTs ^ . w4 x.lfc in®* S£U&£' * i •2 a v # m j 66 ft. x 22 C » » x ia^# 0 ^3® t 7^ - fc# -i x j.i‘«sart iij 'v-t'-c. Tlaat at*e not let ko»v *fc*i C-a lou ,-;cod plica c-cold *•- *'0 .•’ ---2-’- **.• if a 5 lilceXj to -* i V. -orth whil* *biipih« thac ftW t rfce oTor-iraf t at il--"i ilv. - - - •*• -'- Gar. v.,.:.r ijXl.* r - cc-S" '// 29- *V against thi-j ; -=i* ^Cr.'cA .....ii, c: tc £ WJ : 4-*' X,.ece..c»Jfr* 140 too a of *nit to he received lor a»l«* Siiiva #lae » Wnt 2i0 B BTovar.'ber laat. There A aStifi®- ’ skiaa siiipriect. 33^ £ ki be swa-1i n£ and irOOC J of o^1 teg a •, h»Tl« Pr«»* f“ ««“in* .ftBeUriU* M.S * (ft it * reasonable offer Till V *i**°,‘ ir. v^ill he aenl to !S>c-X«aa» and \ jy.-tjc-c.lara cured •«* *

OisJ2 be «e — 1 — ] 875 W®. V Ic A‘‘r "•▼♦Ueboa* S/j/jO. ** 7 ~ 0:„ X‘- SGiLly lieWters jT stores aad fu*l to •“Able i:.,-., »wlX1jej4 aril dll c cstinve to fic «o for th* pr««e;it rc ! ;Jv »* il t; tuira. are obtained e* U -rpeois "o 'e “V"* t t*. carver :vi ii. tax ess* best Xor tL: Patent. For tid -'--s 2 :r;r ,: s r„ af> *S*12%llIa* „ protect u# ti,* asset* xer-iU o tai. .;• uoil

cuFei-e*: r.L*xe ie’iittlo Xllceliaoei that aV;e will bo .ur;..: i>;

aeal*^, ij: waiifc c-'.»e r:.. ig d'.b ' r i. c5.rvil?r:',H« refutd Xx

d^,e at the er.d of ti s »»r ‘4v&# . * rule..'

- reid'wt that •■ir* ".rr-k' 'tax.;.* cc:.. •. i.. ;.. t\ 1. * v#y

t*5 couio In, Ttii ninieiiti dm.einf Tiw da Pom*, iffeo bald She

licer.ec for ... -1 •> •*, lr« • e V* • *x.i "'tax:,"

and state Sh-.j x- u. ;-r :. . ••*rr tax

Tionluii leer e «,» ioob'm there la aon opportunity* It is '

. tl i le *e?'*ir% at h s,... ..:;. •- . ■ - *

'.' - r ' * .- :,-a 1 to Ifccau :x» xf

t:.e >rtiT1Tln IT map ii ry wm/M r«*r*: IS* a». V*Ut awacammioa ta

r:--:..: '.«■■' ;■• "t 1 ..* ■ ' -ta f . :tar -is Ttiiiy- • .•• x«c :•..., i

... • i ..'.— -i : ■ .• - -; - ■ * b:f' • :. . eeruic, it, ii/tv'-.-r ■■ ' witleir »f.^- -o^"

• Bxed eii-^t a-1 - 1 ,d«y ii* '* *iK y .-,ds preri- d lo T'-^.er, Z*2i ?c V,w^ V Vi-*--' . ff *-^ - J . >: iCIi ft'“: '■ XXDerle. *Aftergloe* tee X Jdi: - ' ■•* xj i£ iuiwicxtal i&rov.r tt ve^'txea -• locfl -iiu an! JCU i» 'jaat *• •stained 2 ■; * . • t * *• ti,.c eo?.*t-ii r*«t* 4 They- .4ts received e» ^ :ii liAlint factories 5 - u frox. » -mtcli of St 25 £> v 'u-- »e«.*©»* • ■ tae'- o2''r r-- Ar-twerv* H-.^lssarg * ^ ^ ^■|^rir ..* -r : -cttcr.V—, c*- ^ontins* to would, of course, Cli;.. • -“* tire*

iid ^u axed# to you. •* : Cmpoar a&riaa that cc** f tc-ifi* Ste*® r-- 77 . •• t j dO, 0cnt V're to lead produco, - ill I &«■?*

: a// 1 *< • r9€* 1 T 876

* ' ' ^ •#* ^ - . * w jr;..:. - 10 \ &189U 40. Lett* 44fcf- .-,..’ r> r.z^':aa: J ■fl'C:- tl » ;:.y .tt.V...:' .. ; > #>

‘ ■ ••.• - .. : jr 0 . ' .u dt, a i . * - ■ . ■

ii. ffitl nf,v^: , a,.' .* - “ >':•:•

’ -4 . * 3. -.0" ' ! IJ’, :•- U. 4 S,. ... . ■

i ."‘a-.. • - *■-.; - a ■ .. . c. ’ - ■ -

’ iA 'a' \ ti c v c;.d . - ' i;: ■ ‘

*4* .. I *....„, : m * ...... ’! .- ...

'• •>-' 1 T-'-l .on, n&z .a V-. ' a a. -'is.- *: ' • -•n

■feat 1: J-'-iT till* year. Vf Pelt a. r:.” ,..t ; «. ; i.-.T.

■*.e . - r.r-'tr„ i , : I!; - :S#c i . - .... . ■ / :.vx \.c T :.. *

T + 1 • -. -i- '• - F ».«* • J. t* Beeps h - i '-- a --a '"tiwi » ■ a.

ft 3 ae a. ~ Bit ai.V."La,.' aw ■ .*-•» a.. ' - i‘4 ‘ - } ., the v; a ■■•** will act sail vatil ’ *-»r - l©?t " •f'V . ** 1

: a1»

i ya .

,.:v . - . - -

k r

Ti 877 r *> v 'T°* , 1 , ‘Falkland* 3/V30. vir- T.:j...if, Idoj.

i* Coni'1: t* R "" r T 1 , > T!* "»• 710 M]; i -f~ per *Lc>oe 5/3/30. 2. Report * l^oident 3‘ u —^ Slaughter «» vrhile riding from Stanley „o iarwJ,.

- —.— Colonial Engineer, ferry 4 <..■«« vc Darwin and back. 4. Report* fiudii Matter V latere in cabin of Boatsv.&in of . •porved te Pol 1.e»e charge preferred again*t hist* 5* n^a-^ WLiaaheth Warranted* requires scaling .% pc.inti eg. Be not tiriak rxp-- ..00 Report * balle* t ing of *Fennia% 6» S teo”,.tr ! setier. t ,, 4

?• “Falkland* Certify tJard‘i''.vj v ...... ■ V® Floating: lock - r eport* -.'ork on first -pcr.'-r zxi ~Z-z.. coxpl.* Led.

: 10. Retail Stare - roc-2 practically eosrplete* Blaster a 4 eldest " , Report* larae quantity of glass for -1:1. :; '.rclr. ia tra^si;

11* Confirms 11 h/e looks with ire. ro fra. *1 *lr.. * Vt*Y_.er;c,

12s Rotes sale of sealsJtixr oa r Tv \ 2ncR r 04 vs.- f .< 00 7 i cr.o .la 11;':..,“' t rf > : 1 .1: 4 nr aPolIl..'

1.3a Sacloees Survey Report or- ’Falkland’s Discusses futurv r f ’Fr-Delano* s.nd Ieltvr’i t*simper -atl: suggest, 1 on st.

14. Ratproof bins in •Iberia* shed prove rrvartfM e. Concrete block Mgs hei:.^ lull*« *


, ' -i .878

: 1


~A-u7-3jAj: vD’" Ti* t'oatarldao. 3rd April, jC. 711*


1 confirm agr Despatch 'tro. 71C idled >tl *!axch -and hare

nothing frcm yrj to acknowledge.

1. a regret to iitfo'rai „ ■" that -±»u ?Ir 1 lh~ . Slough’-.; .

•v*je _ 11.,3; '. 71 Stsulsy i" l>?X'ric. o: 1 7rfi'>V -~tn uur •

after leering Bluff Core, Mr. Slaughter»s kor^e fell ■:-ni

hart tii 1 iwfct leg and ankle. He aaaaged to ride on to ~*rm

* n 1.« t and ia010r in 1 - j!'-.■ rwin • cv.ire Dec l,. v r"* 1«0*» fc.'; • 1 a v-/u \ loit® fraeture ■ f t'ie fibula just above the anile* 1: Slangb ter ar.l Doctnr ITiiaos.- i a co,.«, .J t%t ion '1 tli *.cr s. ' b :u the I arranged for Doctor Moir to go out r*- *Zlnaiv-im

’ - .lg E dd doe 3 sat iofi ed v/t fcfe t- m -: -; '- Zqtfc ifo~x* He it auita noeeueity to brink UOi coni; fur i .ore ;.*» ' a. in to the 'noiipital. Doctor** fee* '4 incurred aaouvit t»o ** ' The erpenaaa i -» Please ■»* # -. i'ota-l £43* 1* *Il*wru** <£ 3C» <£ 13- 3-* t is to be debited tc if the whole or par 1st £&* Mr. 3lsngbter. sj oz* to Stanley recently* ^is . 3le.-ug7’.ter *a* in when 3 =

Us to discus* th6 question of track# S*callancjr r «la8*tal 5- .?? acre act # 'fc iatforaai Mi* v:- Colonial of tabs track iat.re.6.4 la tu* o«npl«tior. r.^ticulekly to link up our three Stanley bat our object ®^a into i*5iJk *.,*■**- - t.

ris-1 of opinion the cost of siaking 3ections, we were 21a ia would be jhxo.Ii heavier Pleasant to Stanley fr cm amount a trad" eaapletai and we recaasaanlsd had already

1 gee tiou we Vta& the of the dif.fi cult is a to be c CCS idea of getting . . *- u ^ 'VDI d iTASlg?, THS I!*5 1 879 L YU - ' •* !.v. a< VVio - z -

0 Broome v»o>nrt b., %? i» -o o- .i"toi lorry and *.\d7xreur to r*-^lx Da- '*u "he werncr «f.~*tioa*& this and the


a* left -Tte-r.yi .■ on the return journey tfc* ;>" ' '

w-*w’* 4‘smCi.ed Tiluff Co*/* that night r*«d i« the 1st hv»t

x will s4.ri.ae you later .*/ ‘ •*» the U- Ic.oi?,!

-A&iueer^s views on tracki la lSpht ;.f tteeaxparienee gaiaed,

i 4, with reference to a* 720. li? * regret i* : hv

juu that T receiver iufarsust :.*u that » number ,?f :>t-Ur» orer*

lying about the e&bim of the Boatswain of tM *1*1M« bI»

(HeShiblenlerxf), and I therefore o* -- ■:- act ".be Belief ir t* aake

a imrah. A soaker of letters were for d, sctu* oi‘ Shea •ren«*;

and a charge has been preform agedneb .‘a *"hich cull be-

heard today.

a:.. i -i ids /:.'. ... s ■ > ;t*.;- ic. r ,,.ii r:;rk well * *ii he

will be a real loss fee mUOaal’. 'Shat make* this cas* ss

worse is that ha fare evidence for the rveseaui. >: in

thi can* gainst Bvsns» iady 31i*abath", mi* hulk require a sal*.*. 5* , not inclined so moat this expense »& ru^A palatxng buo 1 am - i, do act think the* we can ah* is surplus to requirement a,

r egular bunk or rug buslines id the future expe 2v to do »-V large stocks of A not therefore require to car,y and we shall •Great Britain* next year as will replace Goal* «psar.ias • could then he used as a co&l and *Great Britain euros 2, hulk necessity arose. hulk if the •feruiia* getting A small gang i» now working on i expact to ooasaence ballast tag eurd topaast down. her yards 75’o/iuuu tors of stone X propose to give her her Bhcr tly : I ■jjallast* Stesha* 2i0V0iUS &• t fi * \ 6 a- •> terldao Tla Port Sdgar oa ISTth f arrived from -on i ll .1- rail ares or the 24th wafeh. ailsd for i*-~C s,rtd 3 tS L ■ ------880

i\U * 71J : - ■ ' - A/ 'S'?

U‘.T. 5 i a » v. .<* .:... . ■ Art'll f c u I ; ... . <►' ,

•>» ?:r ;'. tarn 301*; Apr?*.,

to bad treatker *. n4* wse df ifc in aoapletittg

A H ,1C . *V H. 11 i.fii 12 f«r« oanoel' *1 rtbe oloaned bailors fend sailod C»rlo* iforth, Totte| sad

a •A - -

vi; the tl isjci.cs; Id-..-, if,.. * do_ ■' ... ,*d. -i

paossrifeCi ■» aaaii?: ,.d -ft, :■■.*■ *, .~ « 20 h. -

■sc - .V ■ ; ?• ...a , A — »■

•falkland* will probably bo dry doebsd at »e«$ewldeo la un«

next. \ - 1 th ' ’ , •**

' daok and to sss catcher* and?! ?« : ** «

’•x. - . ■’ J.'A. ■'-... -. -r-"A ...- h.d ■ 4 their r* • .. d v,-» . * > ■ ■■ :d ..... '...tnia

*> fe

As roqpisstod by y® ; - " '.1 ■' a...... ' • • * ■*■

■ fei ■ - o . . er 72-~~ enclc »S -r c- v el ftcata ~ : * - rsturn froa asntsrideo in Jaaasry 1929 Z'r r -L 7d.d. ..

>■; ,.ja07--vj •’ , -i* . ert1.fi r ••« : v3. i j 1:30 is thevsfore ssnt. **»■ 7 .: U tbs contrororsy .. v aov--i\..i„i.. o« t - - r if ths harbour by Mul .# and > it ^ st _-u :-7.3 cli.ii:- - -• ■ U. ‘ - 7 '.AAA- : r;»£ elc" ''.so d o « — s li^V.-viro and tbs ,-e-ad to X.»c-‘U.'d ■ -’’177, ' - i ■ t'cu ris it. 5..^

- : ■...... *- ■ ■ ' :---

• _ ; 3-s* ■*• ■ 'v ’"4 X ~i icL i ut A. At y nod left ir* 3 : - M: ;- 111 Gov vu-r-jent * a atVAA^at3 V - ..:>ffA-AAA7A ■ariv.c. - ■- r;"W

§ oa thi« subjeci. •rsetlsa snd bsltiaa up s£ ths

"J* and rlrettia* will vaxiaoftco 5. r.c:..vlet« ie v ^•at r .3 at about 4 weeks a: ss hope .his trill tivi*» few dayt tie ssooeei'U^ voi.7"v..s ia a •f« vvA; / lG i*: Ma: s to Israel, bar idorably v‘ - ■ A° 00 id-

—■ c 'i 6 ■> . s n A 881

:.r 3/4/30 - 4 -

io w TPe J * wev.r;'i*te, pucterij..? ' * »X3«D«*. ;* i >: »>’es|s • r* '• y rjr. it fcr *•’• - i -; ■ t ’ r * >4 ■*. f wr t 1 ’ 1 •. .. ' - '■rr-aurei. - M t« iafora t ^ou ‘>J»* th« glasa for &ve #syi’ v,t5

7At “7 *ht*ta v 8-t if 57 aa iclort t ■ '*• ?-r '• '?*a* -;f dam;-?

n.r* r*. •:'» '*”*•'* \»•? U" • j -• ~ - - I. e«t: —!j :------;

**e ' - ‘^ced

■ - ■’* • ■» ■ y.x~ • ■: '--Mr* n *n«s* :

Jl X ■/•• • -> - f-r - ♦ f sir ”r fr.;,.. -;r. ’ a S'

V. :J J- ~. ' 7‘ ? C* • ;*ir* II L:?. - i w«A 4 U iHa.'O :f„ "" - ’ ■ ** ;*

l not* the i hmire »cl& the eeaXeklse « the

i V# ' ' \... br.!^ *3* ** ' ‘ . a ■' . . :. v . .*

T ' . - I i -i - • n ^ Tp?--V“ : " : fa,-: i

* * - Oslo.

'V. tr s oy t: * -r' ^ , i NJ 65i« first psurcsl.

r* - t ■ ■ ©X Za&lj* will b« posted to you

1 rates of freigat oa caese paroeis -:.-e £ C. I’S* --

r-oia ,a*i .€ > ^ 1;* -* X ';;v Xt ■ Thaowos's xepart ca four 132 X., 14*... -■•s *r * ■*F iH5. U « . •pattlanl- was tuilfc In 1906 end is now 24 year, old.

2 at aonterideo is ;<■ (J 3*a^ ir?,s put •■: ?- II >.e due ft. Surrey in t?2 > ,?r- „ ,2-> at ii9i.ry cost v "u ao^Tjer attacltel He: : X • -•■' -r-.; yro-u careful str.dy of tha tjjnt it in . f ■-Xlabl3 dt>£: erratic* 4, 1 m cf tpin-oa ily, i B'-.lZV-K iu 193^ 40 « vestJO**- -0 Inside* put.: 882 * I ry ■ ' • G y ' I ^ b _ V V tn ri«w of her "■•' fti *. ■■'■-- and '• H' or. -:~-d . Udai: - :* iaourrea. whea & v«s*«i 0f -nd * ;-■■•:■ *£>* Ccaasr tc eurrey, it I t f itwd * ~tn«T3 table tl.^t •S’ ' ;; ** **quired «a* * done will be greatly i;s or kaoen the •• ‘Suaememt cf the i,r - ~ this * *rs*3 Ar ' \ r*"'hn that

«?ai»er« will quote **e.- .. price for V/Oi'd ; .,* S a *•',* that cora - ’ d d.c,’ wo; d is almost a iaiaty for wai>u •liner* mntr aoept reoairers price* ^ • definite quotation f • ' -■■■■'■■■'« . . 2 la ■ class is requ, ,i# . ro, :. ■ f ." ssarj r 'i j-- ■" be docked, L- : -l I'-itaeS . ; -r; ff » . * -- • - i«* ■ • d ?.-•• a, oil shin I- -■■ - 1 ' i v- ... . r. .: and . ■ n& . .■ " :■. ' .••n:. n; , »» requital *;• tie S’:--/«yv4B c • 1 this _u :w ‘ ' " ■ ~ .. - *' :,. - d-.: ■; ; r a vessel *'*■ -sHuard*; i^r /■• I *1..... "JWJclsnd® could

■• . . » n 1 ' d - . -a* V taking out a loti ••’ v.*;,. e yea* ly *■ r— '* vi. j.. .. -. , .Id -.•o: - -••••-• • adii *iau»l premia

■ I aal Government here would c *£5 ’ J '■•to V..:r

. ..pas St '* nd in view of the conditions encountered

■r ..... li . . ;, ' d ■ v ...... •■ v . i . „

I! It L-.^,. * ■ . " " * -e i;u y a ~ / ...i i .ddl to.be surveyed you.-r? this

fciacter hao a«v-..-d- b .. ■?vsei in conneciior- '/ltd *r--'island* but

Xea# line certificate, it ia most probable that if u'-e Q;.vr

;■; t ..d-i'ii I t , ’■ . then that #ralldL*nd* will not be surveyed, Pt.. Kte see as to the best meant af dot ling with the il',s c;u«i»tXcn v-i

...^ ira -o„ - • I ■ on, ■; v/e list -,c r , *F" lil..;.. .1. J am of or inion thti -■..*? we rfiall obtain a much better price if we eell h v»t „ In •: i-'4l« than rV-?r- tie . * . • ■ •*’ f v ■* - - ■v.d ... -'c ..... ted.*:’ In E-:rl»nd tt about I put her vain® vcri - Japued« to improve on thie if • „ c .r* .. l xicht -vo possible S ....'.'

t tc trait- unu'.r & foreign flsg. As to sell to the Co»n — —

883 1 : t ‘ v; a ■' ** \\ ! ■ 1 - • *2 ■■ ' i ,:.

thee-^ %.4*■

f ' < \ « « •- «*u* intiM 5 'V.\ 3... ?:r *» J r*7 S<*A-X v \ : u carry 120 talas eru would pro l; «r but there J • srrgi.; e-t. V3 * fp*d ^ .* . *<• -J I be a. •«*,.:< , ’ X...» ' t •satiety. I •ttiaata t::,e .." i t;, e ■ jx' * * < d •' 'nt ■W#« wnuX4 take about o ,0 8 Gi. „-JI ,,r vlleet * : * -ft _ * -• y k - would . f SO IKYl j w :c - - r traaspor : ■.< 33. - ; 'do" i tLI* course, u difficult *< -■< ■ «U„«* /1 * fa a ... . Id ■ . a i ! - educe collected * •'« iui&Li, xv xu ' ■ X I . <4 1 ; Salvador • v "ira&dolia** workin* l ex .k 13:.s the* - * »r • ... ' ^ * £( *> »V • .lie it

L. U’ f »i» W« V - w wi.v.e^ &-3 J? tteeii 9 ... / : | ah nasd is&ght -v •-- '• & . ; XilOC:; iX'Ti ... I•/ * — .. v, , L . •_ a. V *. i*. . i s1, ! ■ . f « : . -9X tc je but xriiatcror a^oco w»o found, th.«~ - . r. / the .'i.. '. «, .''... . "- j ui» 1

would ■iriouolx .affect oeTeral branches of eux* business, l,e»

Stc-'feXj, • • . ii ?! .; . .. * ,• ' :.-X :. ‘ : : l ’; i. ' '' y generally and T cannot rieoauod .ihic > solut ic a. M.4 -t>: 0 > r \ ,. (2). f-' ~ • Be: ..T of api<:■ - buats". ’ *Falkland’s» : '■ »' -*•-.-*• jkry <&. ' > -V -7’k. ■*!.■■ \ diiasi*lf '* ni sejpa . 10 to 12 years old. I am !

of eg ini oil that it ‘t^ula be' rj difficult to secure a second, u. &

hanc stiaster bid table for out brads as our requirement* are 3

■juoiiual. "la any .case, l am not in favour of buying seoend hand

• - r g* Is.us tie v. • a^. ix ..a...... an > to 7 y:frs "-u •• • - i , -j Jt '• *'o ‘ ■ then a vess x. is nsaria^ her Jr* Ho. 1 Survey (12 years) tbs. fc *r

a at of put ■’■ wo • ....■:' crpeotsd to ' > : ;.: rl. Mgp.

aid it is f-r-. : . .a that timers like to s-...' eefore

i k. I-*' 4 ...... >■

(3). r .' . 1-...a-.;. ' 33 t>- :■ >csael xuitxhlt. .• » "1 884


* nr. ■ «: . i; .;e : •.. r ' . ,1*. ’ , 3 aoi

of c tha • 4 v •3f.> 1 ’ '-v ■' 'i® .■... -; v' t i, fac_ , , ■ sc Lo

pursue, unless a suitable second band steamer* a few years old,

can be .secured*

A rtuital’s '-a -a el ■ cc . ICO ft. sc J2 ft. a 12* u* -a

woe draft IV 6*, Speed 10 knots* trial 11 knots; cubic ease

Of hclde 24, OOC KXkibt T-:::. . 1: ’bs.lla-'i. acau--.i

let olaes C - 2 berth cabins each with settee, li ting saloon

to aeeersnodat: Ik, :: ;• *"* i i- ird ;l*ee ;pen cab.:us 5;i". is i-

12 berths* lfls.il room. Shop* Anginas * I am Inclined to favour

twin ecrew Bojnosister A 'Shin Diesel sagiues, other alee single ; screw triple expane ion, but this is a question to be thrashed

out wihet you hare come to a denied on. Alee trie light* Wireless.

I understand that the present day r-:-ei of •: v* «elt ns

would be about £ 2^,000.

I hare discussed the natter Informally win

?t - -d providing we maintain a vessel approximating to .. the on* briefly detailed a bore, under take to aatar$ -yeyapa* to

1 Montevideo, end 12 separate voyageo calling at a main port Ui. West Tkl.i yearly, y te that o p* e - ■ • ‘ ‘ - : ■

e.nd ’cargo rat«« “>a t'. s .;a%2. ,, c,\:-v*l

. ; r-1- w'-j* .-v-^ia# £ f*uyt3i6r lcortiii ttunt ; and passenger fares to itontevide© and 'Licaila;u.e* « the i ••.:■ r\, c Jk'i charged by the P.S.r.Oo. 2nd class c.ad 3rd class,

Gcry*r;z*£nt - eg. r rebate on our cargo a.a passenger rates

of 2J& thty will *t*u*rt the Sucretaxy cf 3 Vate fus tv. e Ccloiy , % to their, entering, into a t year contract r.-L us, ! to agree JOO* apportioned 2*CCc *.... paying us a yearly mbs> dy of 1 *-, carriage if island mails. Ifontevidco voyage* and £ y-l

T consider that t-beea conditions axe- reasonable and .'V> i the subsidy provides cuffioient inducement .o warrant our S-tv*-*,

' this project serious consideration. The carriage of Farm stares >y ■ \ . cu.d produce -all 1c v ¥W^7. T. a .ay.' cd * to > • —- * - •r 'b Sr. A


. >-— a.>. 'smses _ —

! 885


' ■Jw, y;:x pex \ niar.** 3/V3°« - 8 -

fit* voyagee tv. Winter idea about > ncntue c.v. I I ' r-* Wft

o«n nusk© & voyage to Hfcgalleneu every IV - l3 r.>ntfcft* ?he v<»ft»*.>

vroulu tiftT if e c W'-'l •'•:• up' *• : -rsd S'.. ... :t I nut '■■■*'

outstanding is V « piovliiou of cargoes to a ad' fro-.: Montevideo.

Thi n would l,e *. si topi ft ratter if - e could ax** rely

Cft i'OO - 800 tc..i ef *ftal oil yearly but i:i vie* of *k* prefer* *

p W sit 1 vi»i cf the n th * nust be ru3 ed ou t«

h.e o :' ;e . i that v shculd retain the right to

ship about a third .of tl c .ecu; oe hai.dled V uft via r at- , 1

Mi toil- i* the .0,-s-. 2 noet a trolly re. w ~-r

** ? r /* ^ « a* m i- * w ■« an average of 2,142 tons weight cr 5.72C ton* Keaeureasu..

■•roe* r.i.i skin* ":»?. Iff '’ civs ar« tali' : - ..’.alo•»♦ A; ,-r «

two ihirift of r * u iu slapped 1-.. *1: -T,v ~i >- 1 i^rc*’ --.rgQ v * ^4 ^ * • <± & cJ tl ‘a’ 4^ ftr. beete and ~g_ proper- _ * that the July at earner should be c: r

1 . f •• ■ • t t* we «u.4u hi-„ to ahIp a total of 5,000 hales >y

sailing i- ariv .'-ifc, v..e Tess*!* arrive to lor.f R*t av^Uft* 1 T .,■ 1 r-s -r.-ft "f t: - 10th and 10th Macch in oaeh year.

■: hr ee~ quarter loud for dash v»y* - will give uft £

- to IfoativMvo a;;d '• «*■ * h the subsidy end return freight* of '

perishable cargo, csoent, heroaone and ? -• :»f* vorey, thefte

V£^'£.-,‘w • should prove- profitable. ,..V irr* -y. ' ' - - -■.;. ■■ ■> ' ' This 1 a a * w

oplaion that we have a very air- tike F,S.K,Coi'-r^ siiu I vi Vi

ProTieiC'i. lus.a Lo he aatle for the collectloc pt ogee to argue.* hand a ia view of the I ana it su«t he iu one

i - thia work devolve* on us and we liaitad a.&

OUliiVw «. ftaOUr.es sufficiently ras..:aera.tire rates to atue it worth l provide a «teener to handle produce and fare our while to ■ » 5 s&autha la each yeu; stores o«2y which provides work for 4 5 ■ I

. jtft "Y are now ssituated, we carxof afford to repliu - **dL :e l-o .ut:i r.v.t h /■> J rice, it or re-u-rves'j wF..''.i':land*/if we : A.--.*;,':;, A Ve‘ k:v...'1, :. satke ■* .'.-.p X C t :'■ •' ’ -■ -'- * ,.f chjVwS Will ru as uuu as : -'-lu it would provision v 'I ! -i-'-'.hii-e h. :.i.u to irhe shipment* not he v ... c ■■ c ^ ' - i ■ - i \ - ______■a.- , - j —

: ! 886 . arc. { ,v' • ' At * • 1 • V ■ - V*/sc, * -v ~

I ■ ■ ■ *■ c£ tile "■ 4. r;.rX * 1 ;-- - .1' v'f. ' *X * 'V .. c . — lax Iraa^ 50 JU^ce ...Jr;, theix tXxxv’ieb i*— .r. rrtfcer * ••> ir ~«*ia fair — * »• iwt ecnatitoica.

gating to aal froa t" e ay a£zor ■ « * oi

?«ule - there *.r * «® ~**Vd . f /raM i ' - letreea dfcly and Jaamegpy ether rifc l-i v .v.

Aixstr* 'ii0 ■*! 1 ;j .•-•• 'it*-.: rigovoal; OUX cannot protnat efficient uoleaa tint, ,rn d-fo. aa i«j>cot

'*'■*-’* '-•**• cf .:!. : -. i laiari W-Juunox t th*S2*tlvtl# I CJ 1.01 '.C . t\ . ,£1 t I ~r - l*£wl £ v . t *#'- T OMfc -for increamed rate* ^oap-rr:**t 1 W/ nr# ...... 'ih-ex tl;» ia»g t r cation, ,x ! ^•r **a tl *ir ! outward ffcwitfu buaiue«a rl21 act be m£t. ^C, .>A a .H 0::: i b**° to-provide two direct aailiK* iuateai of tfcret end CUX prcpoaala aai. oguarti, thea as wold. «ur ouraelvea and will : ca*t a greet taow vn i ,: * Xcdo.y. I i. < .in' iac.2*H* -‘x . i’... -v ;•.:v... m. ...,/. « .

I 3.;^ • atoppa^e of mU* boro* I enedoa* a gfrwlawiil eixo«4i« thoir

( average c i ruing* ia ooanao tiou vrilb tale Calory, QomrJtag

paaaa^e mon^ co and f 0*4 aac^oi-U #:.u .xr.-r.-, token o

■ txie pu-i. Xoui' i rnn X ■'■.* *mcunto to ^ ^kiiC per ana-..-.;, a

! very uaefu.1 addition 10 th* a-.rn.i^a t uair v^ts^t xvr.z,.

via of Miagailain Sieoe prot o*:a».- rill on!;, afitst / •' tlnan to the ere tin,i? ^K7d £■ c#oo© p«r aaaia». Ix* ; ^o,. o«a- ea v •to terzatf with .^ud ^ >u -u httiXt ' u gultabie I i ix&xoq^napd resael, X eatiaate thm azpandlture and aarain^a e«

lAside*' ; ~ .

...d, 1 I -X -. forking .euepettttcxi £ 1C,033, ZtamS froJnbt iiiol. £ occc 3$5 day 7 ® £27*10.- return oargoaa fren nAfideo* v Pu-^1 1.200 ton* 3»CC0 Product * station

■ £ 50- - to Stanley. «B

• ; • f Oi*v?W"d 13,C . v- ' I i w .. i -— mm i 4 887 1

•0. « **»- ,. ■ - . •' - y&r ? / , /■ *• * 10 - \ t orward r or w: A- ;* 13,000 Additional Insurance 1,0*70 Prop' tioa of hullc ">o Transhipment char- as ♦ ■>-«:. (new cred'd Zqq fj* J-wnt^Tii^O ts ship).

?3< ion# weight * say iVS.l'. i ..; t,iS4 ,. v'3 u-."*. Prsi-hft n^ridao -■ tr.K, *»<30$ lgr Coasting reasel) /14 tons J 23/6•_ iiSftSt. »■ i lass*-# money BALAypl to cor or 1.230 depreciation a-d .-3 profit Sv.lr? 1/ 2 f J'DC

£ 21./ lv 4 21.734 -**i -

Alie figure# i*lr:: 7 --r ii-f * ' t *.©« ' - • - ‘ 1; -lirt

earninge rre coxu-'«r rui i r*, -■* s. ~ tn,. rssael •ore rurch •.;/. th* first -ost ^rculd to •?bc-ut 13;.- *•■ : ''• a e«~. end t! ? • -j t« » wring of about £ 2,000 ' -' :* ...... •Fusl", Hulleagt Liz lose tc a cerlai'. extent bs£ this would! in sffsst shew • daring as there would he two less handlings of the *»*«,*• UAnshipyed jt . Ubaterioee, T -r# ~-.Jr! el so • .,css .f earnin'* tuuier *Agency*. As regards ♦rsntfiiiasnt of preduos at lentsridto. it c ;ld

suit c ^ e arsnisnes test if you .3said ©one : u- . . • .t •- *. I the Jfelson Line vae bare 1 i~.il r sailia s tc London ~ tills ruld, 1 - urc arrange sailings fcsnos .to connect with* the on-carrying

steamer and thus saro s cacslderubl * eneunt in ir unships# n.t charge.-.

; ******: * -®

aiargin between conference rates to Monierldfto and te Stanley to

this rout* attractire except for urgent shipmenta, : I therefore consul these proposals to your consideratiea and

in doing *0 reiterate m opinion that it would he most adrlssUe u

seriously oondidsr putting ’jRlfcland' ihroijh surrey v- in a;id that

the sooner ws replace her the better - preferably within the any

13 - 13 laodhiis.

14. With reference t© my ? 10. 19. r. • r^tproof hi., s built in

the •Sgeria* 25:ei hare nerer proved satisfactory das te laalty

design «rd construction. I hare tried every possible a8^ y. cf ! ; xauJdng it proof but without success and I therefore %tXGpo sm3 to V rebuild it with single concrete blaci* and te put this t.ori in hand a_ — 1

888 j > . ; - ■ . 11

pl*«*e aot*, ■ - • I tun,

C-:r 9

y^'" • ch?* . ...

Hi ^ ,JL-


•* . - ■£


* ‘ '




- ■ *

, ' ’

* ' -

* ■ * '




f ■


• - 2



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' 1 8B2 f •

» ' I - B


• , . ,5 * !• ox* migo-hik* « 4. f-

u * Q*m MaBH«r'« R«p*ri iVViO.

7. r°rUi -V ‘ ■> • . ! j ■ s. ?«Jk»r Gr*ek ptacy * * i*

:• c. 8t*teu»nt *f ?.3,S,-, asu-u,,,* *

li* prS.F*co. 4/s. ; v. !-.»■... i,.

■ ......

■a. - 3sp» J»*0 « 8.*Kt3i *U «s - • 1 Fsv-^'t m i!t-3k p -fctit*. - iv*. W, ^ j: 5. -

I J- 1/ - <*\ ’. , =■•%,* ’ • : - v :-

. - FI:,,;. i ® .. , . ‘

.1 /, •' .y» ,' ■ ; I?* ■-ir

SSSSlS-i... J,. -

TOQfr. .».■ - aft ; ra*A*. . .- r.. • 10 5 *.8>C >5

; ... !

■ j raaosjuu 6? ■ |

: ; 893 I

: » V ** i* ] •t

«fci *1. j»v ,» ». ..j, -~j , «.

: • . \- ; -^ ■ : r: ... ;*;Lr *X’ v !a‘wKR & 3F*p*fi0atioa : ■ v — i

*V * • :

:! i'-U , ,.c Tta. JL %»*

- *• » 'i'. 9-CZ^iii . «i

■- Store I^VC - o' ,.

r: .', '•; 5

■' ' North Art* Diary Ft'a? r;,xy ; I . -V1U. ; - «e a 7a3 leer Creek D.".. .A v -3*. t 7* West StQXC Ca«: J„U';..;

XC a *,.7...... , . . ... r v.xkll I s j a r- ‘; a

11. P*8«1'7*CL Xy ‘w * i-ah Vox*. I: 1 •

;2. ■•• ■ ■ • • -\jcteri Gs • . * . - .. , -i Of H 3* £? t# i:'* ■T • *3M»It jp

■ w — ^ 1 irl 3. *, i ff - x. •. . .• > *■ ■ o - ££ .-rt **■ J.KaBM ■ V-/ ML •' ft

. ~r Report, on Deck plating - D*W.Robe ■

i . Coastiii.- ... - a ■ ■ ,, - ""

16 e P*I.ia|g«zi'.e « /■■ -. I-, i"

: /* F.l.Gaaettee 1/3/30 (Office, aeeted, Blake & Co{ F.M.De

r Its. Photographs - Beak, *Fennla* & Retail Store.

C y ci t .... :. . .. ;.::y -,v ~;r

c: ^Qi . ., _.. v. -

ith.::. .v-o* -- -* -

!RIAiiOI>J ?.2. 133 R.B.G.

J.H. 3-SA72R X-. t

J #H. v.iedh3;ll. <



S'--- • ■ ■ .. - ■ - mmm i 8B4- ;

' ■ -r 9 . I J? * . 0.

1 H ** L 0 3 *T R 3 3

V. 1. • ' .• . . .. ¥" - *n. v wr » v. 1 : :-,n-*:s rta* 0 . ■

3. - ir ■ ■' ;■ W,

- v- it r? , •. s ■ p j . ' 'fi .

* - iiont* dated 31*t Jan. and * Tet». 1930.

i * ■i-":'- ■ .ire ?a«1hi Yoyehex - Tan.

A . • o R 1 v-*■ .... 5 .. C T5e ex» Jfcr. l ■ rwln. v 3. V. . do. T ... ' ay .

", &> 1.... dr, 0 11 ■ * (Aaaon).

*in»3 '..:. :... v ... 1 . iv.. 1 xr,.

■ 3. L. -v .1 v.„ . ./l ...... T> ■ - u «*• . d t3 ,'Jra.r.ford Rsl’l Is.O: *I,ta. •» r 3k. . c*. «**. '■ • -■ ■ ‘ * to » c- A. p.»- of Re tall St*-'* al »**« *•* An***1 atabls* r-. r:, V.-... T- V.-: V ■ F.:-V‘ ■'?i/'l£MAX~r .*

* : *: < - . * 0asse it c Is t F-* fc * ? -'I • ^ ' *

ft * hi 1 r. n "• Eolmeatr 1 Ittfthi ft Co >. 1 »

•1 t >* -*r r ** .

5i » January 1930. ■

1 r . t A *•« 1 - w -• ' : ” / '/'rC-

■•- :“0 P '. - 01-V wf w/ - J- -=

TTo* vi. ■ i.-jt; •; Afxl^eir Creek f. Fi t.-:. . "••• :. ■ • * ■

I- - .1^..... , - 191" •-• F ;-^rur r:,v rn^o. . - ■ ■ :

' '.. A-" I1. r. :U'.. r; 1130.

r*' ■ ; r •: e*' - 7 v:cj^j 1910 • -i * r\- » t*»

T. -

•• T” • ^Ltv ^ :... tSusaaary) ' 895 I

. ' O .. - .

• "! 'r ? rC ;: T x o - a «

T 31 .. "...I , K’"' -.J •» \ D.’U


- 2

, v% * / r* -a •. -u - '

L i ' . J. 3

-> 1 U2* Ti n d >:.:- 41

■T ii •r.i.r.

** £ • . t to


A ‘

■sj • ■' ■ • - :■ * i 4 S ?9 .• ■i - • i ® ie&l>? - \ ■ - XT ' vi . *. *- . -w ’ X

X / T5 - ■ •* ~

. ■ . • - • - * T .... \

- . i * * •S. 9 * o x it- »i * 0' ..... '


■ ?\ & ■ l

.&SU Tfcpt- to «i

' •-■:• xt

'*• 1- / "

«■ •A -■? 4 > :• ■ ' 9 . » / — rr

896 |! • fs . ‘ eV " !

••• e'r V :X

- l ■ ‘ ■ iiirk V- .* to? ... .. ^ V.v w ' ■7u.y

6&c a** ■’ ■/ c,: i • — Yc- - ; •r • ! *- •* Plasterlftt; of Admiralty Punzp & Boll T» • «.ut • • 1

- Bizolio 6-;.: ,‘ , ', .' . 7! \r • -• •

*: * Tz-ade Staale;- A. . 1 \'.z ■:. '■ ' 1 ®

Y- ■ i... tj i-:'. i ^ aide 3 M'J •* V- J». ’ v ^ 1 .

s'f . ■ "T; •7 r»

4 * n / r- a. Hillir-.&: cail•...• . V. • re X% Ml *44.

o ***- ■-> iuztoni'iic- .. .of "' ' ’

.0 Rapozf r. ..•f ■In trs,e zi.’-l.n*zfi •

•" 4>- 11* •Berth** meek - *r Young's proceed ,v* - O Findliz..- r\.... .: ?...- eccl 7-ss - 0.:- :•■ v*~ . ’ * >- v-

T3 0 30 ,CCC ■ ~ ’ B ■ ' * : 14. JSdvlB'.-. ■r ac z to Colon,; of

*♦1 - ii ^ «e«. .. 15. Erectic : • z ■» r'l.. ; •- . czic * 1r. 0x xin;. 1 • ...: 1 ':-k z. -

r . T- - -• •" V r '• .A ln« -! - *» -4 *- - - IS 3 Unddrs' -'M B.r»i - ^V:< ‘ .1 It,. It -if . .. 1 BaTirr;. 5*? ■* purchase of c i» a.a . - v. C *- Seal 5. *>1 Cop.

2in toea of oil t.,; ‘ i-.rt. > R&marks oii ^/i' •••

*. C.w-l.'.j. - •- • ■ .. I--"" 4 L8, r ScOX^C'rl: c T; ill. H'.' ^ -• •- - ^ '■ -'• ••• ' ir©de

*■ ■• i.w ;'0. 0 ' Hofces Aimiralij Aathcriaee AsllTery ^ IS. 1 - ^ fc .-cps^fei. ci - - - SC. JTew Stores dlocr' o.:ir^ „ - ---1: ,„.l * iroatlai ck -

to hao-G 3yiCC l-nxrip etf oool ^ skin8 to r '-'c . ': ' '>• c- Hope ; .;... - Ho SfeaUai Erqruixefc If ; " . ;_*■ *

Staemor moTaozer. .£ 4'*- 5* 897 i "BOfe ;• : U/l/30 !

? C 7 0 Tjt " s * .—w unn-r f * - “British Light” 25/11/3.3). 3 K • i*n Ht. "v lo. 6, ^ ' '<& Q » «

Star.. I . • ■ * T* - «v Rtt.rAi.-lc5 ' * 6T» Soae fcir> - Oc tober. ORLQT?x.: .

2* {?* -•* sp^'h,^ w :* 707* '• C 2 a 3-ate c*n accounts E'o* 7* | : 3. .1 Remarks on acoaimta JTo# 7.

4» Stor® Indent, No. 6?a. • S

°.o R^’nuurke on a tores' Uo* 678* .2 ; 6, ?»cal St&tanwnts November <1 December 1S39. 0. xx f F.X.Shipping Report 9A/30.

. • £r »*■* ikl auUd * 0 ” Account to 31/10/2S. <■■ t •<••... Return of iJstabXishaent & 'iuges (December %r.) Stanley. yf 30 ;» dO. (September Q,r) Darv/in

■ .1 - is. H do. Speedrall Is. Bi ‘ ■ o. Report* 13» Installatian of machinery in iJort-h Arm wool shed ] dated 31/12/23. - V •* Coasting Insurances aroyeabar % December.

■» i.-US 'j W-.^t Stare G&alx Toucher - NoYexaber* i - 7 ^ Cr:«p Onager*s Report dated 6th January, 1930.

i 16 o Lamb marking first returns - Darrin, Forth. Arm, Pitaroy, U Walker Greek & Islands.

IT* '... 0 •:. do. - final return. X 18o Diary - Forth Arm - Soy ember & December.

13. 13 - Walker Creek - Horember. -- 20. d 0 - Pitsroy - October, ' 21c - Store to±' freights For^aber/Deceaber 1929.

22. - Reports inwards 'Toys* R2 - 4.

? y> rv J&e> f> W: . pay* ii‘-i s 1.929 *

- 1929. 2

■r ,:a2ine- - December 1929 & January 1930. 2-% •• ■-» 20/3 for P.I.Coy. 26 » .Pci : •.is^ettca Fob.

■'. a. “ Holme a ted, Blake 8c Gc .Ltd, 2? ^

j w#- .« , ^______- sFk -. ~

■ i ' B38

' vi ' . <, ■f'/5 for W.M.Dean Esq ,

■ -J » j.i o:.■ ...’■ vsfc-£.■ ■',.4ezace with. Colonial Secretary re hulks and lighters* 30, Bepart orj Coo-; 3r©«« boiler * J.M.Thomson 31,12.29. 11. * a** batteries. do «“

s :p ;e c x p i c a t i o f s ,

Mi-jrk;» v«X'wJC.'.Basle. V‘‘- W.' -i> Ski.'as., Tallow. Hides. X>,H. 36'v 108

S, B 210 1? S ICE

S .X. 11 1 8

35T.A, & 1 ...LA#, 3 (repressed) / V / S 52 ? 1,00 18 16

E & B 76 17 92 i B & S 30 L 44 10 J.B. 89 5 J.L.W. 1.40 8 % r»-t 4 3 Club B «^ 1 5 - F B 51 11 3 2- 48 heart 36 ? 51 W.J.H.

o- > a • * * » ». ■» »• •


- _, .. ■<

*■ 1



*• 1 »r V r 705 per •Orlfca"<■ ♦ . • ;r . I3if i r is - ,,. d canf . r. UOo

R... v.u .1 .. » • ••• -.4 S.Brom * rill probably 5riog him ta Starii

Stores . ' .. > you U' maxrisd couple re'd’-u~

Ft TP ■■-

IT ~ ‘ • ■ " : 3. Ftp hair c‘.i •..••- - -rrplaine fir#t Z -> < ; it

*y- 2 • .T.r..;,: •', ■rM ■ ? .1.1, V ; jy-r:..

4* Talar-. txr ' ...,- ' 1 ’ \aci •/>: ln'io".'.' ;T.- . - ■ ft. Few Rato' F\00f1

c ht o , Tf'-''- - rco.v *2 -■ ' ■ '• . ; shir.. - 'C . u

Stor- .T”t T;' ‘ . C; o')-facilities no-,? provide*.

r- At; acn h-t - -d - ..il -h, h. hry -.’ - •Jjejtaiia* - rh of*

ur-Til alter ahaas-lray

a char* • c w.l 3,1 f -11 ott • 3 . «8tArra-h. - ix&QV.B&a-3 future b • i-3.%:»

- Stationery v:, Siorr-hotipiiiE rill 3. Stor j vr y'■•' ■'•**— '■"

raCTH-nsc ~ Ira Js-.tah-.LT rri, to Tarpons ctar for 1130 « i ;i,: 10* Fire I',.-!-: a- ■ . Sr.- -

! ’o. e h 3 t£ • i '■■ ■-- radio vh’irh hvra -cn.. aending me&aagea ria Bergen Ho. - a yoa are

^ ■; ■ .’• •• *•• ■ J *

- n be made at a lator data* » referone? vn C r : ,-e tvi o c tr a he difficulty in abtr ini; appro clataa yoar 0;ifi cer M F--1. IT. sx. >.B 5a Chief _ gstisnato sjuj. - ^ Plenty Still & Coy*s ...„ A

Order© sxl.Hstric liphlLng: act for end cf Horeeaber* - anticipate its coarolotion at Am wool®hect • 15. Horth supervise erection at machinery. ■»rr Thomson goes out ~o t? and eagagsmer.t ex 4 f ir , nates shipraant per "laguna pleat ins ®ocic 15. West Yard being sail by that opportunity* ' yiT-itiers who erection of ptontoona. in raad^.nesa

.5raat fctaWledS,B r6C£tpt °f #W VI* of Sheeps' back Policy* Dean & Co* Copies of uorita* transferred to Twc j.abourers ax fcc 7£r Roberts an. ■Hgr® emen ,j':’ |sun u further to report. _ nothing Sealias Conp&ny

\ -* .. v- I ------i 900

•• v TV ' t •

*■» P * C T i' r Tier* •* . Propo-t ■-■ •'•■■ h>... "a *i*a; - T'i~

* ■’ 4 v • • ■ '•'•• • 1 - ' 1 «, « • ..., . "• •• • • " :• ' . " ~ ‘ . i * T ■f.Iv.^gtr-r - - •• ?t to 0:.. TV. 'r %rr: tea ?7l.

: Sv-'?rv ' r*‘ ba» toarv ba*k«r«d» ■rr.'d for erect! cr. S':;r;h ■■. t 3entU to le rs» - ■ *7 ^ P''' • -'. • \ f ' ' ’■ .3 ;r ) -r iSitvea anginaer, Paddock® be-ng - > ... fc.r C

■*» to J.IW50U. and -V7 •'J;:: Hc-'V- - Is : v - ■ ■ - . • v?'^y* ■” XlAt/37 rs full P -v Tj - y ■; ■•" •• . ••" Qy:vo v: ■r: 1; U;v;

- - I, -• •- . - •.v- - - ., tC. :U’: , ■ 3-s G./ r • •'/ . ' ’ ^-7 ’“7 - ' ' 4 r Tlryc. "■<

s» •• " : "■ 'V l»beaarsr s ex re sent next mail, “V:. T » details ~ill ::a”' •- 7V. Yam machinery and Bodie V--- V r- : ' " r • ' ?■ * ' ' '

\ <7 » - Cavcvll Xoeting. 4 • I.: • 7: 'v' ■' ■ *. ■» 'T OOCtlCt *. X ;v.d>c;: - T.-' r-? r- r-yC" '* ' ”< •'* 7:;-.

■ ■ ■■■■ f0? tC' * , 16 26 * •:.• ~•- fro® accounts setters stations rr. £. '■» - 1 Cc;r.r Si Kr Tld' ■ ij.ii.es- annually*

-.77 from Mr Pole Bvans. Tffas ;:sndt fi v;m ••- - ■ — •• -'^Itr Sal/ -a •■■ XI andaaTOur to in Islands - ,M* » M®11--” *• n0 V / Tinder ■ .;• .7 fe Taxa ir.vsr ‘ » .cns => find out the Governor dt.ciu ss-aijtt interview • - ^ - ir-' n".-rj€:'C'Z Herd-- is addressing you direct, i Ga7i.oB.iaX Secretary

rr.d :•:■ "oaana ij rret re management 0 COIB0 definite agreement CorvT'iwr.T « mo / > to "Afterglow-". fitting of ««* -udder -y--p--' »Falkland” 3ld.ns “being mads per of seal oil and Sr:.I T.^a-' 1 •• "S&sx^ytiiw for Glasgow diroc" to canr-sot with. sulmiarged onstru-otion : r :« striking ' * 901

*-" . ■ • *

, i 3 l, i *■ t

T ■■..I * P K r

i. • •' ... • ' ^ . : ' ' ' ' ~ - r ’ T " ‘ l ■ "7 . I 1" ^ ; 1\~: ' •'n. Av ? • ■ i . ' *"• - V':: • ' ■ ii ■; \ ' ' 'T.» 7 -i; t _ ■ |\

•- > *rC*t <•■;;; hr' •• ■ V"* ■ ’ , r . . 4 V-' A '

■- i *■ * 3c : 17 ' Ok)* - r . ? > : ’

5* T-’yy':: . .V'1 > « 3?©V£er &t torne y i‘.; r ' * " 4-v

v * ?-*• r-. ••• • (original).

?. H7cs : .' :

" ■?? -7 ’■. ■ ■ Hr - ■ *> i* or- seal- «* " - :: r * <-■*

r-.. ■* ^ "V . • (r «’ *■ 7 -

” ‘ ■ ■'

- *. 0.0 L.. ':■ . f . . ■ .. . *17'T Fit j.

; r*r " ■ T •»* • r* r- . » • . ■ " ~ ■ ' . » . .-7iv» ■


.. - ' .. .. ”• . P

- -- s>

"* T »• ? :;. pan-S — »% f. +• v. T5 ■ •- >fi*. 1* 'SSfJi'r-Z. ■■

* • . ■' " ‘r--.-. ■ ;■ r: * ► w ’.P, Auc v Reports Bailing for «buX ret aril f ? -I financial rasulta op. vcp : ■ Is a C ■ ' ■ ' ■ - ■ ' '

ft f •; - #02r» -a 1A30 . •

7: . .■ . ' ■ : ■ IOC '■ ”.C rtQ.it "■■■>.! Tf:\tevi- :fu,.7 y:4. /■ . , , .... ^ -■ - ■ • : ; C' -

. ■_ •* f.-r. ■ •• ■ > - • 4 “7 .. % c ' .' '. - X . ■ . ' '• t *gs- i«0

*; r~ £. 1 '"Xr-guna^ aadllnp S' ■ ' s 7T-. - "■■ ■„ V' . not x 1 ■ l fc , r.>.-..j. ► 1. '.v.-. 7 ■ ;• * •: ^ ■ A’ ‘"'ill : ...... ' ■ •- t* / fh- .' -..r. ... :■■ ■ v • ■'■■* n a BV ’ ' ... .. "A: ■ .. - ; « "B * • - 7.T T>-.orriJn " :r.-n ■ B ......

nvttr;' 1m- >- *> ' .. *’* ■ n.r* ^ ..


aar? 902

V- ■. rv- (• i 7# ** r t T~- P- ' «

x *v 1 ? ■» . • * T - • 1

O ‘ •-< - -a C^r.. . • > ** •> i. o 'ri ir , 7»T '“I V : & ■ I -5 j •» ' * . ' : ■■> i? i {- •• T -• r...... 1 rv . K ■ ,1 *» • T - * '

■> ■-># .. ..- y rA ~ Tf:; . f T ? • i ■v t ‘P: I . .. ^ • - •• c ‘To... •t <-? V £. & . i * • c- ~ »x r. « • ■ -t n*' . ■f - •A -r r,. . "I 3 ' - a a „t .. *« •C. > -* /• 7?* :>v 3U-

V - c-; ■ * c :-o. .. ■* i •- * t * • . • t ■ V .Z"\ ■•* >• ^ * v;

V. O •• y , •• jfVi*: r -i V* V- ur a r- 7*. 0 K'r" T? ' ■ ■* c;:ai'

T- ...... ■» *- ■■ ^ m .r

?T i, v • ^ r - . * •• •- "■ r - ■- * ,r. •: ; ‘.r -r? PP T. ' **5. .. * - -1' 4 : I . 'i'. - ‘ •• *.

* .. m , * '? Q •> ■$ , ri-r:

■;T -. - - ■» . rIP" - - - -r .

i —

903 -

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> . ■ . - . :\ , 7//.":.

' ■f* .. - . <*v V r> • i-1 s. O : -. ■ . " " . .. .. no4 '

""?": 7/ ;.d* *»> • - . . • ^ -■ ■" • : 7 r o. : ' . ■ 1 ': o: ;. . . , I cU.!•*•;■- y:r r - -1 •*- V) i ~\ '’"• . .- V 0<\. T " ■X ------■ * " f BE ■ ' Ld :

■' C A ••••■ ■ J? » *T- : .... V V. - t . ’ | .. t;'

- - *r> T • I ‘ ’ 5. -C'v.T.. ; ■ ' " ' r* "■ fT— - - • ■ • a£c:-cs- • ■* ■ «. i w

. ... - _ . f-^A 5. V- v' . ' . ' '• '••;■ •, 1:77. '• - Oi ■ Qf": •r, ** •• -3 • ' to — *" r? * ■' -■ -1 will 1

*1 a V 7* - '** .V- - : ..■ " 'V 'X;

-r 4. .i r-.. — p . - - . . .. rT‘ '

• ^r ■ ■ ~ ■. • ' " 0 .. I:;:' - ' .. >* ™". "..I.:• • '■ "

: M —«•» .. T‘ —t. • J" ' I V. ”.kwt •« ---. * . i'

* -5 ■v " . ’ ■/ ' ...... - r-; :;r * ‘ • 2 Cii »*wi H . ' : -V^r' :■.« .; 0 o :•: .. : . * * ":.QrIc> c.- wj: r; 3~ C m -■ - ' • ■ ; JT. • .. — '■ ; ' ■ ■ ?.,.. v •. r-• ii re'iv...:-el or;

..V ?&CA

•f* .v • r '■... " J f; r *i ■ i ::wri-- , . > r1- ’ - I'r ^X-Oo'-v; * s. tlu?.-i3ce« -r " ,■. - - :a :iTFi.i > ? T--’4. tt: ti TiOji - - 7.7» Aiodrdl--:' ; 8°- 5-SfL*SSi»u, I 'V. ; «t'-_ 'n- : x-,. cc 11V. 71" n. • "■" • . . v-C-

. __ ■ - -rt 9U4 1

'• ' 9* ' • - * • -• m

> ♦ % 4:*

' ' -■ «■ ' - ■ v. c ■ 7 1■■ fiaiXor paeaad, suggest® it*1* removal .to •Be*1 S'. ♦ -r ■ •■■ oi l! n'^bjur-eB and -■"■1 . ‘ -f . - I. I 24 ' ■ - V. ^ : V" 1 -•

T ::: : ■ -v' ' ,. 4- >*• 25-. 3tcM.«oll return* per •Grita* .

26. t-'.tbot. Si. Ufc Wood ' " Wood gee® t* D%rw*n v»*r V ” ■■■■’« .. '':"

o. r- t.^s. "... V. . « T’ ■' ... . ; • .* ,d ..,,CCQ ■-UX 3eal£» T: t. 3 ’ ••■ - ■ '..OC ■ - 1 55.17,. ,* T ' •« .; ■ ’ y ^' ■ -1. * r+.j:*

L5 * An d' •• ‘ ro 7 ,i.c-v>„ . * '; i * .. ■ returning ! t ■£ r' ■ . - ^ " 5 k .

‘■'C •» . v . ' ■ . ’ ' - " v . :y._- ■ r 'J ■ g. - ' ■’ •"***-

As- .

r ? •■ , . . 0... ~ .** ■■ *'

• y T-. ■.■■■• ... • . ■ 'r ■ . ■’.••• * i . 4.

...... ^... ~ ,i i •- * W . % » *■ ♦ ’* * \ - -*• uH. k.'i 4 r# ‘■■ry" ^ iA.

■ ' > Wit

tf - **.t .*•• • If ‘J • i ^ ’-'.i- > J -t- -tr

A ^ ’ *{?- & • •

• ' V-ting r; T.<

V '

V g . : -* % 'I T4 v *r -*^4 ■ -- • 41 ■«.’ vi '

;o M*.r*3>l«3** ft Bent. :. . •• - tele*® WW* H*?3i ..C -iT. -’vv o.‘t s?. 11 t <£e 7u- •;

■ P=.!'.‘ •••’.' Bn,;'1 ■. * :. .1 .

.it* ftataa^e -i-ool “/ iratsf & ?ivkr-XV" ># =• V -- t f; 5 t "f*% 14® fer oesgr ^ ir',‘ Ocrt-r.

: . ' ?.■' offi®

A' 11 V-.V3 t? n?;vied in ?■ 4 . :I 9U5

• - 1 ft C 8 -vd c V' V. .V ; 1 . ?.

P R M 0 T. S* vx

* 1r.«ls y0# V'V ana c.ci:no 'ledges Ho- 1-05 end 1710* ! •* J*!b ’’V; 1a- storefcsep :r «• ap ointment noted*

■- I™;!. be, ■ *>,-: ot - “!ii3Ptirg s res} report enclosed.

■c* Ii'd'tji - tio* Lloyd* d eel-'l on as to appointment of ?.;r*/vycr.

5. N&k .Retail Swore - w«Ll tiesj notes '.ill 1c s’: ip ed "Lath arc*',

’.*« ’i: .'.; : «; t Cup f.vr Shooting - replica handed to ?«I*D*V»A£v;ce,

# TT; •*» '!. si:od - saknevls&g-s* enclosure* -1 reports part shipment to 2:*/ *

8s Doa- Brothers « ssasll shear!x? ahsd shipped out V 1 . .

-ve. ■' * £ - ' -T \o; . r ■ h:\ i . v Agreement to bend; alterations to house*

; ' r ■ " 1 ■■ 1- - ill pest once every f

IX, mm Retail Store - discusses ventilation, •' nd ill deal wit;- heating gu^eti: " ,

* A' .g r* cl&lme for red . cal attrndunce on ere1. «* '■ r<- - - -ugi'fsKts securlr .1 " c 7?— ■**»• • '-.A-A'l.,, " - toiftf ’*'T through Ca/t. 3e"Lci

*". v - to rs/ort. ... . ~ Srf ■ • ~ • : ■■ furl; if »ro?rae»

• •? cu s s e r. isArv sat t or s - i O # . .. .. ■ • •: Hack

. ■'':i - tc S.Gc:r~ia -r crums. ----- ... ' . w ^ . ■■ •: for • : ■£•■■;< c.ul:--r s re c-sso.-icli ■

Mr Henejraan and an. add i t i e nal t e ache r , a!. r-,A_- Sarcel r-netcre - re

' r *® - uoirie re Insurance - noted. Is* "iv f: rsl'-- , --n- a Cttlrront eo-is to rs hsrth 11, If ' •

aur»drir etatcnerits rent as desired* . ft* ui '' '.I T'5?ot- - ferrards suggestions re ligvting near l- ,-.cr.... 1U Li 1 '*•* Store and other Company’s huild.ngs.

- *neet*«ing* ^111 be towed to Aaaon.to *-... . U hui"ding* > 1 load the Material.

•‘F&lklend*' to mgallaass & Montevideo. - - ,r *' i •!•*'*■ H.H.S.Durban talces oil fuel* K?K.3.Caradoc rill tabs fuel*

ar r an g one nt. c far visiting England, iitv' ic'-v- * re bb.i buyingj etc.

to wool hy water & precautions .. reporto ianage •. bcitufu'- . . •.» t:~oa t%3cea« Aebe for copy °f produce Cover,

,rk delayed owing to had weather. '• •• ' irtBe-tJrtl Store - . .1 U» >* ',i/i 'v:.v& to "be lighted in future* . ligl tens - Ml m 7 9U6‘ i

j *T * n • * - •1 ■ i3C;r

<3 T> r ;;■ a T

T.O .V* - ** ■ -» ^ ■*» *»

1. ■ ''T.:;racvitc or tailB.

<3- ># * -- ': .5.1 M/.d mil •■■ Star-w ■ ci'-ntc rce>ii*od- * 3» 3c ■»..! Oil - li.: - • * ' ' .. t■ d i V •* - 'ire ;r,l to locally* V

Se-l:,:5'-,., ' * " for r?;i.'” 1 A.

Trear-aict-. !'.\f i . erV. ■' •

■' ' ?» i4 ■ rl r' ' -r & r - irsiv../:: H’ J^SfcBonaXd ftomson c^r

1, Oil • -i-l -i rl f-. 111- l-.r'-’o!’

9. 2 -.f. 1 :ifrr,...i! .

c* tTk -J c: - • ^ •'* Q " — Refcuand’s serTifOB not ntil4 l.O. J • •. • * •«>

tc S 7 ' 1 - *«. * ■•- L, i-vi., -f •'c.r; ~a 3J:.,..-3

ter ;;f---- r 1- • I';.' ' *“ -. — »«(•• '.Tarl: on *E:v.rIi." -Titty

. -■■ r. • . .. ;>,0Tr_l. 1 . C' ‘ Stu-jl.C,: . Off i .:. „ 3JD. 3 75icc.: g'. "•... ■•i •3*£ IE : ' 2 -r «► / ; v d4! - r •■ 5.- ■*.. .-1 * r ■" l" ' ~~ ..£. -• * ' c?rr ; T - 04 ?'T • . * ... .> 7.7c- ut.ur

•* ■ 1 • . • - IBs.* •Oo ad-' ... :_•... . - •* '■ ' - l* : - ■ ...--•-v' : ltr.„ ^ T -j 1?ort Lot/'-C St w - <*• -* *"■f« lr.^or* t TV • •’’• V • , - csiiivi ■ ,y^® ^. -» lrr ■'.. _ sit er.nd.3.rrtor-: iri.; R3t.il. St ora. 4.0 - O •ctafl- or at v ■ * - c> i ro plan* ReX;C- ^ ; olt ■ ini nr r ■•■ • '::-' fasllit-1 : «•» - ♦» - r- baiit at a&*rr<** C-re to ...V -* " j- 20* «► Tl'OJKi 20H ■ ^ -2 ■],o St or . 21. g-. 1. tro?iv:--. '1 lorry " . .rT Vv-lii^S^ “-Pu c.1 A-* - on unc'rltrll-n for- ne». r:: ,. . . f. r D . .> «. 0ovurnar»8 vievre r« slip^'* •

«r VPlo^iing ^ ’ — - r^&aohinory and staff required Oi.i«^rsd , Tnc~T333 Ciamo. Hei r fee ■ toe ’~r; '- Tn.:--- - to Tee under order- of e:ir.inV:r- - if r3turning .^11 - .- ■■ - * ot sd.il t? on ,.' ■ — proposal r tt;*

• •*r' . ■ \ r.r • ... •• ■ ; • . - •' 6?. ta mav H: * : -v.:d i ~r - ' oscLuirw.-, cost or c-. •• «cironte - fee lounr* 20 - in our cnarcon

2- ■ - i'.v. ' • f . • r : :- 2°- f. -'■ ’

9. ■ -■ ______.__ _ - K :x. V -r-u.; : rXXt •Sei..nia-i 1X.Xr. i ? oes future or Stanley Arne*

■ rv * **' ' ~ %ClnG esnt by *B> iiii r’X Taste rood Wing used far

t ' — ’’••'..'••i'.i'.tol.tnt8» coast! as Lon. OX* 'XX - J . x;x,. i "Tjf i

» ■ s services -ix.r.rsed v.’ith,

- £Ltx of ctero-fo eyt.oc ‘•ft.cloeed - bcildin-s numbered. ! Z*, T'- ::vr,£.r.7,--.artte mef- fb- catling; -via Bergen, rould liX . ■' 'ty X soi Clisnia* cargo gLren.- y

a?. -I-!*..; f r ci‘ Tlagata W.c-o-t (rarersty • ••■ .. xx-•-„ ,<

X •- wC ®. !35 aci-sss:.. :f c-xyrc- a-d py.as3

5-> «- » •lovernr-ier-t pay £ IOC arrears < * &e fur boatic:

4 0. Reports ■ “■ " '~r' '■ ®3i lighter* ■ --.l:; :' -- ...„ . . 4 - ■ Lrctmcti cn a. 41.. XXaX-:uy; tc o'. ’:rai.v, y-. : y,, ; ?ccl. -11 x ■ slot ’orermv-ant grant ~ 350 for "•' " . -"' i.

42. Local freight cn sealt.il - XT", x: r .4 - Xcr- : 10 1 _ -

O’ —• a X XIX'X fxx- - XxilttAte X-« agreement - r,,per Is arraaj .„nx;t'a :~XX. ley;-., tc stca'Tv-.rB rr.cTer.vfce. 44.. 54; or. in-- ires * c; uses lighter. ;>■: ••. re arc.! ,•--«• 44 . !*r- Jc.scr Hi ao an1-:; fo XuLC*! "■ In “££ on her. ••.

41, 3c-rrrr;rcnt Tluctric ..y-jrr, . - effer 1 y ...o;.nr -4*

.*.* r• 1 *. 'lr; /.tv ; •'•! alec, la l'- ;.i. . ;rl ~cX '4 xh‘r, rncX-.

45. Rx.ortr- dovenr’i.tt' hrtidlv gyamaeiun r ir b.viT s. Church 5;r;;yyar X for sit a. . 49. Reports Gorerrsneiiw propos^to ta 1 land. - ji«>e persnisaien tc se lr,.vl i.r.. John Street • .ri sn.gr'- . juilliar b- act. bcuce .r aa^iaaer*

50, S.%L« of land •?-' ■ ;4 of Jamas >xest.

x’snn: X?' dragn ashore La 54-. 51. case :>-lv.;xtenlicit-ic l.v.-;.. Hor'ila. J.ac.. 52, —- f-lr;;- brinyy a ..tv ;» ■-i..;,aof1' s-ett\rnir»c fx’orc Sov.ti'».-jar~la... 55» list Last. - onr. loading.

9 »

« » .'.•*£

; j ' - :- -.==- , 1

908 ! Mo* 701 per

P R 1 C I S .

1* Confirms stqr Mo. 700 per "Southern Bmpra*#" and ackiVv/rlciger

your Ho* 1207 par "Fleurm **.

2* Retail store assistants from U*K* not required. System of

working- Retail Store feeing tightened- up.

3. Rotes Board hare sanctioned sale of paddock it. Janee :->tre -

4. Extension at £»tty.around "Bgerla* will he. proceeded ■ ---i-

if considered desirable and warrants outlay.

5* Superintending Engineer for Stanley - lope you r.y«

secured a. good man.

6. Hiretting and. caulking or fleeting dock - notes as. much

will fee done by makers* as possible. Future/ ' , . 7. Foliar re hallo "Britain* and •Foimla* - views trim be

sent you moon*

8. Juming & Cobb’s letters passed to Sealing Co. They have 460 ready for shipment XKK barrels to sate.

9. Mates shipments of bezels for Sealing Cempany will be aside by "Bogota” an# -"Lautare* ® £2*3*«-« o;i*-

10* jtegagewent cf usarried Oarsp Storekeeper noted. He sails

•L&tttara* July. Mr E.G.Greece will be sent

Homs after hie arrival*

11. Steamer movemente. P.S.N.G»? H*M» Ships aid "Eaisaand”.

Hft dean & Stapledan that 13r Young -will fes 12. Understand from

appointed Uruguayan Consul.' Moxwegien end

Italian Consulates applied tor by him*

*» ait® now permanent. ITer. building plane IS* Slaughter House and estimates will be forwarded to you 1 ter. completed.* Capacity and. Yalue for 2J2 . Heir Patrol axed naa insurance given.

and stable being taken down. Proposal! ns to 15* jyspoii House future use will.be sent you. - asks explanation o.f Clxue g. .Xilif t hew* Agr e ement. 15, Er B * l>- bitches and pups ex "L&utcro* sent to Darrin* 17. She®P t' P a E C I 3 Conti- »

X8. Wew retail store - old. rigging left on atte sold for £35 - i

foundations .will la commenced shortly*

19. Fiisray Uorth - purchase not yet completed. Understand i I offer erf £5,00© was fr«a W. Morrison, Bluff Cota. i 20. Floating Dock ** rive tiers cannot be efcgagei from Kent -Tie.co.

Appointment of 8aei sties* *urreyor* necessary.

21. • Carriage of maf.l* j local «n* ex. orerseaa Teasels* Pe»

for years 1925, 6, V* S *•*«* ol&iraet.

newly woreIntel Stock Inspector. 22. Mr John. Morton M.R .G .V.S* , net satisfied. His «nd 23. P.SUET.G. eerri.ee « Odwtrnar

Mr Young4 s fi.ews exp'ressee re Colony'* I slc.nl transports

*111 re made in aocaresn.ee 2d. Surrey of stationary hellers T,1th Beurd ef Trade regulations.

() lotty - enquires £5. Materials for.Se.cke Bros* he carried freight free. if these can

26. Appointment •* *&&&•* * ** G*RdV)r'rte ts legt^latlre Council.

Insurance Agency , agreed* 2"* Continuance of Bcyal Idth May, XS29. Cause 28. Suiiraa House burned to ground, unknown *

. on •Falkland* *£* Insurance Policy. 29. Hole s xxo/rcotri ctf on s an drums from Sc* Goer gin. Freight agreed $ £1 _ aaks you cosaaunicate r gable charges from U.K» 30. Heavy with- Bergen Badi? Company•*.

Irforr^ti.n c. Pi«*« *« ehgin. M. cl«or. 31 « sails for Montevideo 1st June, 1929 with mails. sa* •KL^urus’ * • * a * «f a a g }

Wo. 700 pur •Southern Empress**® 3/5/29.



1- Confirms Fc, 699 mail el. r*cr * Or it a* 1/5/29*

2. Inventory of contents of Stanley House enclose!. Others to folio-??.

3. Board of Health*s r.pproval to plan of proposed Retail Store,

4* Insurance of •«s«.*reU!land,r on proposed voyage to South.Georgia for ITurns.

5, Fates silt tr*1o *9'r .violin*»

6* Hot as you. uyi u.'O.uyrcuulu; t" ~':±r drums Per •Bogota1*. Captain Rocerts ssTru'*. tc -^rvc os a director of H12La?Oc 1 Bependoacie'e Sealing Co. Insurance of » • ter stow* .

7, Lust af muling Coru u.d oaclosed. t. /.•- ••_ - f.. .•* ... •- 1, Platon on Gurdancr engine tailj crae&ed. ITer one 'l ' t. C.':. : rar*... 9, Valve casting on s.B**Fal&lsiids Broken “ being I repaired or replaced free. Montevideo.

10» *0rita*r arrived and sailec. 1st Huy, lv&9,

11. tor *Tfce Shipbuilding and Shipping Record** to be sent to Office.

Mrs Ellia proceed to tJ*K« via Montevideo X '/ 2 Mr 1 on leave/ per .s* s# ■Ronald* *'■•■

9 * * * «■ * 9 & *

■ T 911

>T'o ! • 599 per "Ortt*1 3/5/29. 1 1

? R x a x b .

1* .Confirms Fa® S96 mailed per •golstrlef" -34/4/29.

2.. Kens, gar* s House — drainage scheme completed*

3* Engineer for St^olay * notes negotiations •with.

4* F3.oa.ting doclc «• diaeassess matter generally* i

! 5. s*s.“Falkland* returns fro:: West FalJcLands. ** *ail* again about 4th prcx* for Darrin, ate.

s. a»s*’’FalKLand** ■=» fr si gilt of dfrums from South Georgia offered by jaiKLanas •*. Dependencies Sealing Co*

7* Hr H*C*Hardtng - agreement expiree. Proceeds horns 1 par “OritaH*

; 8* Mr Do’Icn.ejFr.iv.nj Go,:.f Solioolteacher 'proceeds home by *0rita*** Agreement expired 3th instant,

Th~r 9 * Furriers ** **• »0rita»*

1 & » s> <* » > *• * * • e e


k i


! 1 i :

'! ■ ! ' : % %:

... ■f' ■ .... ::.., ■ > * p - 'Tt a i s : w *0 I **'“ . ‘r . v ** pc-’ti; v.' ' e''~ - , 1 tk aonfiww Bo. 69? £ ...

- ! :.r TV"!';' ' Tits .... ’ . ; . *•> I.'-'. uuc :■ '-v - ■ • v ' ...... * ' ■ ”' ■" ■ ' - !

*■ - ' ’

it ■ : Ana Tfoolabad - *T Vvtr».r"'* ' : 6 . ghgep-Cag Mtchaft - 6 pups,

■? ’♦ mi Vc for .varied "bsxt r ■> p * v ,vlV.- -.3 COpj- Of fc -r St b cl. - .: t. ' ■ r?c . rrrwjrt f?c

. .5- *•:. *’* rap ''T~a yr" 9* MaaffcgarVB House t - . .. prc ... . Xr ttyrb T'Vl'< S--. • ' a - ;' ' •. * V Y peters* ■

‘ y *?• r -6.T • 13 - •-5 i ■ V -3 t 'frit TT' ; • r«: r ■ - v ft «. ■*• . . ■ IT * passed toy Bomo - - > f;-r T ."r 7 .l.'.i-v c* - ,'v-:. ‘ ; '•T-i.i :. r>n.

.» proposal P'H1 unci ar -* P, U . ; ;y !"T J». Jr a rsgardirs: • for ar;- ir»f t.i - *• . .... 4^ - •:

. r. *r ' " ■- :i; - f « A"•» *•

: ..-


■: .v 5

tfo» 697, 3th April* 1929.

* H SI C I B

‘ * ®^fir;a* Ha. 596 per *Lorato*,

2* Tfaruvjcjr** House - progress of Aral nag* eehevae*. - %■ J .McFicoll • ordered home for operation.

'i., "Sg-eri#* - reports further progress. * o* -Titjro; JTorth » reports progress of negotiations re purch.-

6, West Store - new "building - reports situation,

7* Chilean Consulate - closed down.

3* ‘Falkland*- medical attendance on crew .in Mcmtev:’ duo.

9. Sxtra payments to Crown Agents ~ explain* need.

10. Anson ** Manager*a House to be re-erected as cookhouse a = Titsroy. i 11. Forth Am - new Woolshed - Crawford*« tender £ 1*500. accept ■

, -4i 12. Mr H.D .Matthew* - Chief Officer ‘Falkland* - report* not euit for the work.

* 13., •Xi&e.tara* - reports Is^ia '-r.. :?

i i


irsr . r ^*•" ^ 5 per m/v HLcratc*. Ctk Msxch, 1929• 1; PRECIS*

1 1* Confirms Ho. 694 per H.M.S. "Despatch" 19/2/29.

2« Manager*s House - reports • steps taken regarding water under I the houses

3. East Jetty extension. - reports progress. r 7 - - * i : 4* Rifle Association. - Challenge Cup for 1929 won by W.Browrim-. ; ‘

5* Mr A*P•Runsores - quotes message received from Mr Pick. !.! •; 6* Estate Louis Williams - possibility of selling business* :

7, *Loretc* - exp ext s to sail 9th, March with 2550 bales.

8 . C.3?.Peters - leaves by "Loreto" 9/3/29. / > * J.Mitchell (wool classer) leaves per "Loreto" 9/3/29- 1-

1 9. Fitsroy IT - inspected by Hr Bean.



■ i i



; P R B C

Confirms Kg* <59S, and acknowledges; No. 1306,

Qlaae Titzroy Shod. -■ report -rill be sent, 3* Sheep-dog bitches * permission to import requested ::

4* Fort- Armf Wool Shed* notes will be ready shortly, ' :! Kr W.M.Dean - arrangements made for visiting Camp sts.tdon'

K .M. S. "Dee patehl - arrival, and fuel oil supplied,

?* Ri;fl* Association - Challenge Cup arrives.

3. Id

9. A*P*lfcmaeres - services dispensed -.viufe.

3.0* Stanley Land » offers to purchase block south of James St

11, P-G.Langdon - Agreement expired 1st January, 19£9.

12, *0.0*B2M •* explanation rs missing spare parts*

13*- Heating Systarns for houses - discusses li* Store • re■ ", s.::.ah;?.-?/ya of t end xe.;:* :■ ■ ;

15® Bast Jetty extension ~ reports progress.

■j ~ a •Help* - on slip? reports enclosed® 1. ^onrscoa STc

‘ £1 — 2, P*r -mklan!? ftTSfSSer® ^°3 1.1<- pi-. respectively “ri£lif2^r “osiSerattau S mail* —•ply 'being 3‘ s-»*,,PalKUnd« ~ caadltiois. of* EUtj set. - Ur Goddard going into tMe 4 * Challenge Cup CondlU^|ted bj Board to 4. Rifle ls.spcia.ti on. ““ a di;i irsaicat~i. w= « Arrival

c’i . s4 s. »*5c.3>ifc-a.tl frcE Montevideo * 5.1.29. ~ * listing i '•■2 -’i Scfc.*”(fc'iaKlcllr,* - cowmentc on vorlc don-". Case of lr “Falkland" - ■^"SoSfsrr. retura«c - B, .aast. Tatty axtensi ~on '*vcrk teing pushed, 9 * Ij-’v:.e e .Alle%f9aj.ee “ U«.3-*0l'>£ec.e - anthcriaatlcn by Mr load 12, Land Bold to B^JUSedgwick . aa reduction being made in price, • 11». Emergency calls of ▼easels ~ advice noted.

12, Mr Carter*a d?VJ;: paid before he xeii UUJLUii/* IS* ?To ta a £ cr» tr &c t h is,c ‘been placed for 500 ton floating dock. '14* P»S*ZT.C* freight contract for isgg eeaeon. 15. "iragellaR* due to gal 1 this evening, 10th January, - No. 69J>, per *Fleu.rue* via Montevideo, 26/12/28. i! !( p r s ci a . i

*• Confirms No* 691, and aoknoiflredges Suppleneatary Do cum per "Tijnea* 15/12/ !S

a* "Gwrendolin* - reports tripe made.

“ tee- deep to go alongside "Great Britain*, ■Prospects of large shipment of wool doubtful owing to "Falkland’s* delay.

4* Sast Jetty - report* progress of work.

5. Meter Winch - will be used an "Jennia**

S. "Bogota* - due to arrive on 25th December.

7. Mail closing early owing te Jfiaas holidays etc.




■ No. 691, i-'er "Pleurus* vie, Montevideo, 21 ct Bov-ember, 1928.


4.* Confirms■, Ho , 690 and acknovrledge s Ho. 1302.

Oil Fuel Barge M0,C»82tt - explains purpose of now ropes. ii 5* F & Dep; Sealing Co* - letter re shipment and sale of oil. ^ ,y» F . 1* Store 'Indents - Darwin & Forth. Arm - discusses, S

5* Timber shipments - report enclosed, ’•Bogota**.' ‘H : \ ■5* Local"Freights"Fleur-.is* rates net advanced. 1 7. •’Falkland1*' - Vc to 31/10/28■enclosed, ! 6, •’Gwandolln'1 - do, do. do. do., I 9. Vhalerc - majority'proceeded direct' to; whaling--grounds»

10. Shearing Machinery - case of shears overcarried by "Orita” l

11* Store Debtors, 30/6/28 - replies to London’s remarks. ti

12. Fitaroy ¥oolshed - reports completion; re broken glass. f1

13. East Jetty - work of sheet piling commenced. i 14, Mr Greece - visiting Camp Stores. i. 15, Few Petrol Shed, - repCl commencement of new building. ! 16. Few Millinery Store - encloses plans suggested. I

|, ri* ,>. V t-f V . *>♦ Ce 3 We * S89 and acknowledges Roe. I;’;'-- s n "* «t Richardson ~ ra furniture - aelrr. fee -c/bl 3* Bisley Team - board’s d^oisior noted. William Scoresbjrw - re Rup3ll«p of oil.

8* Brook J| * a*" 4fGr®a®a in wages tm 1927 expl^im"’ 7. A’-'^cn r??'wlns.I'^omioed by Gcverrcrnv-'. f I:: f- ■■•■ 7 ■ ■ arcr' “ Auction; re purchases f re Fordo on '.>•

8 *: . »j& t;• a s tg Ch? r £ a a & Coastal frc i gist - increases reported °* Tr;v Vfej'Tir;,. reports Applies t.’.o:. I' ■ r -7 : •••-.?;« 1C. »Falkland* - delayed at Mont-video; ro tar a f -, r'- 11. Fitsrc-y Sited - re broken glass,

12. Store Lorry - comparison of coat nth her-' y- *•••>:•■'•;

T T — V* - t Snnc-riv:~ ■-» gvn'-argrKcnti "■■•-.■ ir' •'"■•t.;.--r>

1C. * ' «ToSTiteheIlf vroo 1 c 1 r• aaer - Agreen^t to hard,

i n « W 4 Patent Puel ex "Penni&r* «* re prices and usage«

I?, -T*C.Smith., Engineer s»b, "Falkland” • re dismissal • Rotes Fiooll s-.ppointed Chief Rngino-er, •«. 17. Haval Fuel Depots remarks re unoccupied buildings.

18. Fencing - gives figures regarding cost of erection etc.

19. pGreat .Britain1* * report* compuiseFy lighting^

20. Dogs - reports new Regulations for Importation in force.

oi fV- p: t cold. tc 5 r f -

2 2. S t e.r ? e y Lan d - Conveyance Form - John Walshs

Inward Cargo - consignees no-,v to sign for their packages,

2,i. S-hour day - working satisfao.torily•

25 passage & Split Islands - purchased for MS' Hamilton for £1000

for sale ~ reported. FT . H.M.0.8."Afterglow"

27. Herbert Stuckey, Farm Labourer; da sirissed. • reports new arrangements fully. 28» F'- rffi St o res 29.'D.2.Richardson - remarks re Agreement. "Lasarto* - favourable report. 30. Timber ex «, reports special call of "Pleurus*. - si. Farm me d i e s 1 c e s reports Government scheme. »• B1SCtriC Bit,.

5„ let electrio lighting. "Falkland* “ 54. Wool Shed - reports progress. 3E, Fitzrov put into commission. "Gwendolen* 56 Island - re St or e s• t •?. i i p tics* y«y. Speed's’ll-1 c 33 I / .

• •'V: 'Pi/',, i

P R 3 Cl 3 . i

’ 1 ■

i 1* •1 ConTti z Kb. cip ^ier R.Tt.5 v5 a Hunt„*.


Reports 'Mad. lnsp«?stiom; at H f’v>l 3: by : HJ.t.S.»C«lca*c*. ! V • •■ • ! AHteiuiBftexrt of House proparty in ‘Stai&ey*

! ■ Atuc. ScM’*BeiLl'TilXa * xttam t o Stanley on 18 th. Angus t. i

5. Annual donation, to Pc.M^gone - Ms thanlcs to Board ton i &r inert

6. •Sgeria* Shad Progress Report Bo. 9 enclosed. 1 !

•*'**•■ ‘l * w ?* n&£*-:to* axrriT'OS 1st <•

w * «... i

sea «• ‘ \

t I

H*K,S**CoIomhe* via Kont-Titv.,,

Unoccupied c; lining at Camber - Government project abandoned*.

*©*C*82* »- examination of moorings*

j . A ■

> 922

« ■ /or yide© - 20th .

■ P ^ C T ■.. • ..

:■ per '•torif, .- ' ' **•> V subKhcwI edges 71 , XIM? *v ■ - " '"'-X- -

^ * Aneoxx - tx&asport of goods delayed by v>e#tl ;

3. P-1'our day - adtas r rl-s,

4* Jkimiralty - apples of Oil ‘Fuel gc this time. ** T » ... p ■ .‘ “ tructl 1b ft , f- 1 c-i ; ir-. ‘ . ” I.v, \o. • K.> 'p • ~ . ~ ' ;. ' l-: 7.' |er vjtrd 7- : ‘2...... 1,

. 7 v 7 If ". ' • -J ■:. ox • T~ 7 ' '■ r’ 1" > i!. * -•• 6 -- ' 7 * wT '7..".'. . I, ‘ ' .V ' "

IX ' lii',- I fro; K* Steel. \\ .. r*. * ■. - -r• .. •■ - . ; II /. .7.. . r. ter 7 ! i ■ •. f.i ■ s r ‘ : si. ii M li-. it / -.i r. . i 7i- ... I- , ... . , ...... • - ' • • * * ' ... I : 17,- .. .. 7 :: 7. It 14. Oil ?■ x „e C.C. &? v - I?

‘9f- . • > V . . ■*• ’ - * • • ’ . S * 16. Oil l&xge C ,. . ... - r

! ip, ; jl i 11. »Fa.iicTajad» i&iJ V Ida " -

1 . . . . ' ' ' ...-7. glass "broken.

- p■ .

* 923

'To ... 586 par auv."Loriga« 30/5/26. i


* r a ci a . jj

1. Cttnf-?. ■ 'To 684 4 685 per a.s. *S9»esa?us* ria Msmtericier 2

^1], 3Ue.L r'.*•?3»**Wiv.•’■;/’ 3 r, 2 -1 or-ocl • admir .A -y,

I 3 > ^ v--. o'-onfc ret-- lay cur* "Lagarte* - Tega (1st tags \ ':rLV-. be r-., b n >

4 j C:: Iran t. wtfil ,ed ih reapect of transfer of Anaan Far; :■ ' „-ujv-

5. Ineuran.ee of Anson Farm buildings expires June 1st presumes Cwnpany mil ire these oarered from that date. ,

6 « "Bgeria* Shed an,., Jetty - iv Vet 'b- rt anelosed,

. 7„ Hre in mheelfcsase of 3eis by ; - - .‘r,y - t to Lloyds and certificate enclose-

’s ' ■ si Htsroy Shed by Contract Mr Peters*' tender,

■ • : . . " C .V -ue i 9. m* Report an Trolling bargo "C.0.32". 10 ,jr. ? '•'• ■ urrires 26th June - expects to sail July 1st*

3f»‘rri^ra* ai1;--.'-'3'- i'1tl' J:.ric speots ;;o sail



} . ■■ ' 9.24 ■


per *SI«urua* Yia Moaievi&a ■- T-.... atsi, 1928

P R "3 C I 3 .

" * C vfirma 3'" 1 : . rstei V.

B 1 ■ " ' . - ' :• - tv re oil ?'5• of -;3..y g. U * *R 11 2.. ;,s* Accounts

■v ’.. ■;...' "'

... ;,t-= o r-v 3-; ■. v - 1 4> Pet !•' P ■' r ’ . - - of ' 3t ptiens 1 ' ' - .*■ ! er*e" ■- ; „ ' i -

3rT? tv.:.. O.'.l f ..: - - ' *'V.. / S n. Sal^i .. cf r ■ rc> v, ► •w - -•••; tf V j '.n .

Jr/vi 9th*

e *» * ? s» a *

a 1 9 2 5 *

** ’ vr y

n r- c; i

1 C.;r r.i .... ji . A •*. * IT I .ourr **,

!,r. • r:l r? -

r» .!■ 5 ■. - • . 1 -*> , r ’ f- V;

nvT T » *■ '~sri . * - •*= ' _ .U t - 7 - r?"‘ •.. r- 981 H '

vS i jj * • "> V Tx: •- *»• - — • *. ■ ki *\ . ■ ; n i sr« V, 1 r,^ ■ 1

r\ , X . *• r:i V •*j r-

' ■; ( -O - a D: p •s' •7

r i. F.-:-x P • t > J - n.. HP1* • :*rr -r ^ c t ;r t A T •' " ■ •1 -r ' • • ? 5 --r ** :'

- , rt .. V* ■ . T,cr-f S 4 " ro ,

- . r •» * T> -M - _ i c *■ "A? • or * l

f ^3 v--, 1/. - .. 7-'- . I

7 : i i - <- -• :T -» 'V • ■ A

7 r On . ’** - e « -••11 ‘0 * T * A " ‘' , 7- ■■ ' ' '•• P.T • **• - •*;

-T- rn 1 v « 5 1P3 r (...... V : . ;. '' • ' * ! v- v. -r -■ , tt - ' . •- Iv • X 7 ♦ •7' h .mi "■ v- • ; Tt - .■ -v sopies a«nt. . !4?c' ■; .

T y •• fi • n: t ■ ■■ Po 2< i .... •; ; - • f -•-: • ' • • 3 - fei 0| n tj i g .•* 21 i | . . .7.. .: 1 . . • . 0 -1 - : v. •7 <*' fP* - T!/ ('■ - ■■ - : ' - .. .f- * • ~ M 3 • - -• t -• a - ft 17* ? " * / “ - * • i . t f :


' :

I I)


»- ; ■

■ '• 926*

■Vf '

• r«i -* 1C , .... j V ••T» r* *** ■ ,r> u*

* ■■ *-«• -

i v. * vr t- no* “*• 3.71-. r 7 ,V,

*■ . m I 7 : . •: •• - *" • «rr* ■. s. ' ' -i . ^ ' . «adu«Maii £ . ari f "P -mi ■•' f ;3 .

. v ' TT: i --. v.;55 - -!*e . ,'^r • :• " , ;-v. i


- <7 . - •: "V - ' i

«*! . r^a. *»dU -R ' ’ ;■ v^r ■ iv-no vav-ol 1 ! .. •-*' -• • ...... •-> - T\. ■ ■ 4 * a • • • T f- ! - *■ •at '

* I. * •• •: • ■•■* •' . ■ J -j . * * ' - • J • » i! * V *. • .. ■ : i - v v fr 1C* ■» •' ' 4 ft ■ Sr 1 i, •n* 4. >T 74 **> ' r ■■. . •* ; ■: I "■** *£}>*• i

17 4- T? *<■ ’i 1 ' r. r.. ■'■ .■ ~ jr-t;- Pet . ' • ri' ' ‘ i £.4

■ •*r . n •. . 13r ' • : - At h : ")tr

- 14* Sscparliaental ? .V.. at Ar/..-on - ■ 1 ... ' ...... ^ - .. .. 15. Bislej rii- oct


15. ”■ -1-i ' i ... - t’c '.' • ' n ' » i -. .. . T t*. : • '" 17. l*X‘ .’G’-.t.x; ?r- -

-i, * _ n r» r -• ■ 7 '-•• 1,;- . c - 1'.:;.nd ■ ^ =>



‘ ’ l *2?


. j

:JS j . • ■|

■ 927 ~

I Wo. ' 6BS ■ per *L&gar. 7 th Apr LI s .1928,

p H 2 C I S . I!

Confirm* Uo, 632 ?«■■ "Lobog" 4/3/28. I!'. 2, Anson Tsana - reports ratter of sale by Auction. ' i 3, 3- hour ,iav .. sudde-1 institution, in the Colon/, 1:

*• V:/T installation - quotan charges*

5, "Egeria" - Progress Report iro. A, enclose*

8* v*talXic Solution for Tuel Depot ** aA-rarae Report-

S ! Dr T.G.W,Deane - leave® Colony by "Lagarto",

®* W-tzroy north - (Robson's) - may com?- into market. •I

9; "Kyinsxm aheap dip ••- reported favourably- upon. \W i 10. wFalklandengaged in sheep shifting in Sound. '

2.1* *f Greahaa - unable to sign dooiuaent*.

12« "Lagartc** arrives Co Good Triday A; works through Easier Holidays. 'I



■ ,


, 615

■>» 4 1 ‘ 1 U ■? •


* - - 1 f. ** • ' *** ? T*\ • *>* - V . . *■ . •x t *» ' •*• - V. • « J • K ' •% " f • r % * T*r\v. t 1 ••: *■ « j* % .

-r ‘ , r* - •> :nui - '4 _ ?

'4 ■:,r- -* f ff *. ■4

# •• *• * X ^ * > .- : ""i . ■ ~ '

■ •I jr 9 t *

■% M — 7 C ■ * 7 .

— “ , - sJi - V* ■ '■ i* .* V • • J ■ ■• t t • : .»» *> V r? - V ■

r- « *. - T** r c t * V. n

. t r% /’ 7 .. 7 2 ui: ~n :.rc

T -■ * ' . f r* * • ' t ’If) .; - ntfi. V f f, •-■ i kj W -* ••

V 5 , _ .* z i' *• 7~U *: ^ - * •-• * - * --. • ?„, •• c V, 0

. - 7- . f* •* vr ' *» : A " - .." V* - - ? •*"v Tv ■ ' > n i: .

■ —X -• «- i- • - : aer - ■ jr;cen if; &0 ’n

■ • n *■ , ri! 5:-’

Vju ^ T tc r . -- y*±r o* I 1 <* r- * i< rrf» . *• - ■ T '' 3 vl » - 1 :■] -•a— w* *■**•» n T* *

■ :.iat;- . r v. hi i '.

:: ■ .. lor , • • • M* £5, irtharn » «f’ f plV\, "_c. ■’ <•- ■» •- <6* ^ T> ■’ - : 1 T f;.: ^ 5 /•-., •A

’ -> * a -



______■■ ■-.,- .• ■ ;< - — 928

■ C '

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X* » ' V ... : . p? . "t ,v ri-- . -- * - -

; •. *’

’ !-7*C r •'.i . ■ - . -t. ' ' ,, - '£: - "• ' " < • - ~ . ■ r ■ i ■ cx ' .. '' ' " ' -..If?'.. ■ .; tCFi* cf 1 1v -■ *i...

3. ■ . ■. 8 ’■ ", ■ -s.\-^e&elnj, vr - - * -s. vt i •* «► E - ‘r-.. • ■ • JUjC ' 6. T ^ . "> r - : t> B ■ ■ let Jn.r. ■

"* ... • '' • ' - •' '■ ' ” / J ' '• .j~\ : . • ■■ * ' . * ,? /•* • . r i;; Rcdu s1 Loc i Tel sgr .

' ■

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■ ' . r - t. . .

\ -JTT: ".>,v *• '-‘i* — 928

r .:CM

V a* 3* i

* ■ I,/ a> :r v:.;1 rie p-, nt ~ ■ • • . T - ' UgJ-ter - o:.'; ■ \ - , • ^ >ib'« 4. *'ccl TS <• •W.. r.c ■' ■ .... t -u ■- . ■ • ' i; - * - -®*1' F V- « . sti; ... v. " r* • i « ' -V **

*•* ♦ •. * Tf : ■ • 'j '. : V 1c? r ; • J v r? -c?s . ... ■ - I.

IT ' ‘ *¥ ■» «* .j i -j •" > • • •r-' ?. v JF- v

' : .v,.' *« v- **! • ir'v mi: l-.-t Js r? -X T> - - i . • 4" • :•

r: 'V '■ -I 7 .■ ■•'

• A *, • ' *

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5 . ....V jw.>;

& - s£g*r

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‘. i .

v-.ii I,

LVi Ur. V r

¥ «• '• • • •* «T ft i.. v . - : (■■/i/OJ,.

H ? * E 0 I 8,

X ^arirm* So* ;• ■-<. ■57? * «-3ipio-7l«*d2<*y 1,187 *.n

^ $ f ©r $*, t o p o vi t i o r ■ ra 0 • it*rv- V : •;* . . ?A ««»toer shed - A.-.i„.vr con^iiercd 7«y. je Aerati ■ .Aaad.raT.tj .Sapo-b - tsviks* tf ft - •' Xjv?iA boI :I iV.-' b •- L.A.Sedgy-dak - Cojevt.;^ I'or-a.handed him.

c " JrerraiaJ’. "We f :• ;?>S ® - a-TO d s. n o t e i * •Boy Scou'^i. “■ tenders;’ >• or Bcaj’da donation-. 3 * by c-itsiaer veornl * no.ieo to c&.oXe* ■; 5i 'tez-nti & Worth .Aea » es - notes manner of dealing with, t* Aiadr Silty :b lett-rr re Store Duties Instruction# to hand. 1 t. ■ V - v d. fay Darwin *• •explain.*:, shipment of 145 tons', •fFendia* -.'.reports auetion sale of g6ar » Enclose© sundry 13, inventories.. •Brenton* - new lighter; Peport-s favburably. .1 -•-4^ "Sge.nia* pil* work - reports,

■ K

...1, amts. Tool * trouble trith. control valve. 1 id. Ire- - Lightere - pnx- ■ •. * ^herring one on slip,

17 * $u&aS,~ Arc apparatus - reports progress,

1 ° * J,J,M,bright - left the- Colony -- reports on str ••><». ousinoors : Xs Hamisn ~ir — decides no* to rema in at Darwin,

2 0 •TaZkieinZ" - accounts- enclosed-. Comments thereon,

il "Ullstad* — towed to Stanley ssith broken rudder post, re "Falkland's” services. t ££., Baval Fuel Depot rsport enclosed.

£1. "FsJJclani* - tail abaft drawn at Punt a Delgada,

24. Heating Deck - suggest ion from Mr Lars Andersen.

; Bo die Chreofc Bridge - inspected by Mr Peters.

26* "Lcriga*' arrive® 7th January. Remains in Port William to load.

07. Mr 3.W.Wiley “ returns, tc England. r

No * 677„ Pe* "Fleurue* 24th November, 1927 (via Montevideo) .

JP B «■ 0 i a , ^•*8 MB----- —^ **•* ”M **» IMI 1 • Aoloiowledge* No*, 1888,1184, 1886 & 1186 (Duplicates only Confirms No* o? NO ** 1^85») ^76 p«r "Vlrntm* * N» "Pennis** ~ final liquidation noted« 1 e&toHRa&Ao gr&* re Mr Barker — ooimonte on delate

4o Ar€aia* Agency - now transferred to Mr Diek,

Sugar from P/Artinas not insured -* further eommentt^ 6 “ ^^o^-krioklayor apprantin© ~ one taken on locally,

7 * B-Brosntng deed - documents sent direct to Solicitor.

8 * iron Lighter - hauled up on Slipway,

f 8 * Findlay Creek Bridge ~ care will bo taken of material * 0 Xo • Briquette Fuel - Captain Robert* to give it a trial«

lie “Fleurus* « describes conditions of Mail Service«

11* Machinery from gill cove - describee*

18 * "Egeria* - first pilef driven 84/11/87*

: X4 * Slipway etc - Captain Roberts will look at it * :

16* Darwin Bookkeeper & clerk etc - extract from camp Manager s letter. 16 * *Thorcy" arrives with another mail 84/11/87. \X t : 6 \ ' ' \ /V . i * \ I v & .5 : V" ~ - •■> ■■■ . ' " : ■ O i :




1 .

i i

■ ' . j • •u <• J?.

4' .

: -

- Vi ■ f i I.

i .

. ;

) 931 \

No • 676, Pe.itr "FleuruB" via Montevideo - 21st November, 1927»

P R E C I S .

* ' Confirms No. 676> per "brita" & acknowledges 1282 per "Orita" i

“ loses propeller. spare cabled for.

I j "Fennia" - notes particulars sent wore complete. • . > , y 4. Herbert Broad r - Board's decision noted. 5. Naval Fuel Depot - Statements enclosed . *; : ; •P: 6 • Slipway — Mr Glovers letter to hand; Mr Peters’s comments. M ^ V' * '' ' ‘ ’ . > **„. • , . ? • "Egeria" - structure required by March boat. li ‘ 'i • t * ‘ i 8. Fitzroy Wool-shed - should be sent at once.

t V 9. Experimental Farm discusses further position * r- . i 10. Quasi-Ax o Welding Set - report will be sent later.

.(> =\ ‘ ( \ ' < i 11. "Fennia" - as to proportion for drew of "Falkland" .

12. Smith" hulk; Mr Felton offers £ 75; how adhere in ■« ; - ; . * 13e Wireless Set ex "Fennia”, may be fitted to "Falkland" •

H - 'I i r 14. E.G.Rowe - fined 40/- for assault on Mr Vincent. .1 15. Mr Gresham - continues to sit on Executive council pro tem. ? fV i y :V 16. Dr J„I«Moir; has to return to England; details of case under i "Private" heading.

17. Mr Alex Moir Sen. Returning to England.

18. "Falkland" - voyage to Coast delayed; left finally 1st Nov *

19. Mr John Dick - Agency at Punta Arenas transferred to him.

2o* Naval Fuel Depot - painting tanks e oing.

21. import Duty - sliftfei increases on Spirits etc.

22L. "Egeria" - 8progress Report* enclosed. 23. "Fennia" - photos enclosed; furniture etc. to be auctioned. 24. Dr F.G.W.Deane - explains position regarding Writ. cable re wood from Punta Arenas •...... 25. Fitzroy Shed - - tail shaft to be drawn in Punta Arenas. 26. ••Falkland'’ - Sealing project; will call on Managing 27. Captain Christiansen Director. arriving with mail 22nd November. 28 e "Sonthom Kins" I

i :•

j * 932

8 \ ^

, 5 N61’ '&* "omtar- ~Ai*tb,eotobor, #$?. / • J

i- s P -ft- £ U X S. — '*» M •«. «6» t';'1: '<,>•. A *.•; . Vife vW ‘ . S, ft ■ a«s i. . ,

$ * CSwit Irma ^fo,^ 674 .and: aetaiosrledgoig 1281. 1 ’*feoiWR''

Baker" *- ami other craft ^ ■f- ■::">

^. ^Pc&ola’s > «P* Txfamo>rmmQv&v&&,. ~ ■•. **>£?*#£ m p®*00* fucl*

% * ^Pa-lkland' delations t or .aodbUjn^ .4m$>r.

%. -fi^C^irAa - reed* la • rr s '‘•PWHaabd* i^ioBefl-iteppjrb qp,ri)pn;jjp^. .;. (•-' * « ?«6:Mi^voot bPotoralircm' study -literature on return fMom Hill Co'0. 9 >'Xi.;- > I’’- " V'• ;- ' “ h>h ’ ■ ; , ■ -t!y ■ r ■■■)■:. -v. .. 8..0 ,0.88 — spindle for engine cannot bo undo locally, 1 y ■'■ F' ■ S-itv - yr.-t o ,, , , V . '‘Pa ikljancl1 - proceeding to Paata roms ia float Fnlklnnds. ■ f.r •:• • : ■ r- : . i". ■' . yT;i * i* •_• vsy ' vB fl„Ml«y. - Oh. off leer "Falkland" - gl 4>a ’ notice. sh r. ) : • , 11jSal eocai - romo lag material >. rom istofl*,' x. Y.-i^-sv. S S » •• jr ^|?..r- ..., ~ b X;V-. -\h ,£ . . : , A 12, thiol Engineer of "Falkland’ ~ 1st Clarr Certificate nou ~ ' *-■ k - .•••*> .^ 4:y.- " ; f: •■ S i;:i,,ne«©oca?y.

¥■ !,>?rof eeeor ■ Oxu^oll" - cairic ■ on 12th, ,0 ©tojber.

' ^14 r; ’’^rlta1 - ing l^th oetoke^ No prodaoe^ being shipped. ,:Ptl»V S'

■' QlJ*.: m(1 ^S xd k \u3£$!;v.. .idT:

r: O * r8 V-. k -• j -y. ;v, :: - J ?7 X;" V v

9 Ux ,5 .b; Di -- «go.?:sy •r.V .P '-It' !■■ -.C y... hi. •

'8<.» . v" ' P ‘ I'-Sy ^ *W3£ S

g'f . o- - s 'ifchfe i ■" f'.'.'i

‘ '■ p >V'.. ;V. £«' ■

X . u US ' Hi o 'It* >/ s. h

. ? '; ■ •- . n 1? ir ^ ]/: : -T£ .• a-^v •' zViO. J54 i-.' : W • ;:? •; 15^ . ■ • P

- ? a ' .Cl 1 •. h • 1 ■ - r;.i;. p ■". « . * , IIP I :." - S s: ;. :T, ■; so ’ • t•• . ■•*'. Ah ■ 87 > r /. > O i: .■ \ *: ^ ’ »^ hiv-n ■ l5> V ' v:rv *k Pr‘ K I ! I I


-. J * 93-3

No. *?4 pot> ''FIouiug" via Montevideo - 34th Soptombor, 1^27.

■ Precis, • i , & *"* *¥■ *»■ 1 aNo. 673 per "Iagum" - 89/8/2T. 2 Mseuaaot- now Mall Service - Stoaloy/Maato ldoo1«

i • Mr ttarkp* xoal&aiQt. Eagincor of ^Ikload"). 4. Iblklaad** - Reports will be eoafc lator* Lignum Vitae uooloae. 5 Lot 4 Wocioxn SutrtirbD - letter fro* Colonial Go 'Cmaoiit« 6. | Ilea" hoavQd down la Stanley,

7 • Hill Coe Woolohod - Potoro and Crawford propood to Hill Co o, 8. ' Egoria' pile work * reports progress. 1 9 * Agonoy la Puata xrema *- roporto matter' - of norv-incuranoo'! ' ' , 10. Exporimoatal JTarm *- furthor lowo on tho suooat. J 11. Mr Groeham - visit to Darwin *

13 . William Cmig - Dr Moir e Report regarding in uryn ! • > 1 ; 13. Doctor Moir - oubmite application for lneroaeod calary.

- 14. (P.S.j. nF< 4>gi* ia,? - re mattor of waiving claim for salvage,, r • - • r - 11. • -

'f \ I

i ■ c 1 • ■- yQ & - • £

v. ■


7f i




' J A 934 \ No, «». Par ... i 'loganft' , dated S7th August, XSI27. p „ . u-o ’•••■ tt fi C“ i g . X* AQka

S a Suburban Plot 4 '-*■ ho inf ermtion to hand yot. i

I^ porttontal Farm - lator ad ices will bo sent.

10. Ilcsn^ - ro chain ordered* i 11. Now warehouse - foundation Materials wontod Booembor.

12. Coal for Goooo Groan ~ ro 145 toms nhlppod.

13. william Craig - reports rogarding in urod foot .

14. Di or - No- experienced const met! onal workman in stanloy.

15. Matters for Despatch - notos instructionsr* . 16» Storo - matters token up with, Chiof Storakoopor.

17. Findlay Crook jBridgo - Mr SJfttt&tG? TCPert" rosarding it.

18. Falkland*' - pur oy report f ollowo next mail. ly, wolding Plant - not . uotif iod in ontailing largo axpanoo.

a. Mr J.Mitoholl - wool claooor ~ Agroomont to hand.

- notoo progrosn of case, 20 • I*Fotmia" - noton purchase from Admiralty. 21. Diving goa* Groon Wool shod - ro ventilators. 22. Goooo ro tramway. 23 . Eact Jotty I oik*40 ~ „ cprpQot to cloar Stanloy of wool & Skins. 24. •♦Laguna''


x . 935

No, t78t 1 Por MJ'> # 23rd August, 1927, / P RECis, i • . v ‘ <; / 1* Comfi iBg ■ No, dTl per ".irom1' & aoknOTlodgoo despotchon V ■ ! II i '*• 5 W per J!Lagana!‘ . i

Dopcndanoios Roaoaruh, Fund* ! BRS'Disco ory’i oto° report.?) enormous opondlturo to do>to„ • f / *r v • 3. >rPaIkln.r1if» - requirements at nort our oy° uoo of parr,-’; In, |

4. M W H Biggs* agrroaegt Sottloment roaehod •V5 i i * 5 i • * PalMand" delation during oyago’ Fho pays —- .. - . rt v:Ji> 1 * ! e . Oil Fuel Depot - roplios to Admiralty lottor 2nd May 192? , V ! : l.v* • *i i 4. 5 7« Surplus ahoop - oneuirion from Punta Aronas , i i. ■ • ! ' •;• ;. 8 • Aganto in Punta Aronao • ouggootc ohango,

y - B Brcwming docoanod - documents ro Probato enclosed,

’ { ‘ > > . 10. "Kolp” - haulod up on Wont slipway for ©loaning etc, . 11. Robbory at Fit-roy Storo - oulprlts sentenced, . i ! • V: ji: V," -I \ 12. Salo of Lond A-aoro plot L A Sodgridk* Conveyance Pom f ■r • %• ■ \ ir . v ' , a ^ *• »• onolosod,

13 . Livoly Island? approach aoundod and buoyed .

14. 0.0.” uri* - strikes ieoborg noar Palklandn, but proceeds to Bahia Blanco., * •» -'.'rf'r ' ' ' > A ‘• -t:. -r . • *-\ # . 15* Produce carrying cent mete « oniuiroG if arrangomonto anao,

t • . \9 ft ■ It. ’’Egoria now Warohouao? progroso roportod* ■ il • r' - ■ ' L - 4 17. Dr J lnnoo Moir° torminating aor ieo at and of l-9Pyaoaoon.

. s - ii ' -i- ■ ; * ■ Al 18. '’Pannia” further romarkn ,

19. Now Wfarohouoo - caliloG ro Pllo work,. . •* i •» * r 80* “laguna’* loa ing about 2fcth/27th Auguat, p4 ’-I - Vft A. ■ r‘ *

a. ; fi. . i • : ■

'i * • e • ■ t* * ; ' } . Mr ■i

. i

\ * . ;j :■ . i*:T& ■.

- • " ». i i■



i i 936

i >• ■ c. • ' i Sd* 671 i | BPJ July art 1987*

. O'* 1 •,* > •*• »•* *.« ban P ■

11. ;* > i c**tf*RM Degpatch »foA 670- 16th of June.

Acknowledges Supplementary letters 4th of jfey • /

8 • wRoeft Baker5* • ’ ’ * ; f '\ ('■. ~;claim arising through.leakage* 4* H^y ®9r tiw Kent goalrvna ■* satlif&sto’ry* ?* ^ appoars satisfactory. 6* OlliDopot - OlDBargo to bo olljipoa jia tho Spring.

ln Oil Dopqt - ro Pump Houso And Pipe Uno . < t:

i/ %* Bon^aaiiG Browning, deceased. Probate affair*.

? • : • i- i'l&rtta* ^ilMrcax UB&blfc i*aeai3t..-

Stanley land - furthor .$ aero plot sola y .a^odgwiok. ? •-**-> .»•. 10* hr Hodsonv now Governor arrives per ttjUftgartor , ? Slipway ro:

f • * I *! ’ «#*■ '• r .■ Question of alto. •.a-1'

and Shed - materials toopt apart* V

1*^ Bill tfcvo shod - Peters and^. Crawford to go out Umediately *• ■'&> t upon roooipt of materials ■? >• i ' Sr ' f*

! 18. *FannidM - a*> offers for cargo and quotation «4*o0e towage

Stanley, to Valparaiso. ! .* crcw sent hone by “Arana* '-ItM } 2 * "-*• •* 14^ Small machinery shod - creation of«

IS* WlB2aodn - de lation for urgent medical oases. Bequests

Board's ruling*

IS. HeH JR*8*owb»® appointed temporary Somber of gcoiMfcivD Council*

11, ’’Bogota" shipment of animals - Government gay compensation i to-sue John Hamilton & Sr guttata Bean, Government! saadvioo to fuller insuraaoc. i

IB. Tills Despatch writtc* at shortnotioo.

■> I

i 937


;■ JS5*jgJSTg por m »v«»Lobos*« : ;

P SR E 0 I 8 •

^mrtgltadtrog Nos - 18^7/8-. 1. OOnftnna No. 6t59»er ’•Solstriofand » -

8 • flost Yard sldpway mnnot slip>K>lPy. iron lighters to bo ?*

slipped later. * : 8. Mx Slaughter rowiadodabaut sholl deposits. 4. *EBer±a* mdxtZJBtaOL East Jotty shod. Permission to mkc concrete

piles in Camber flbod awaitod. fcgp- ...... /. ■ my Of timber for direct shipment to. West Porto . 5. Prices

6 a Boacfcing **0.

7.. Probate of late B Btcwni^ \ of draught * 8 , -Inutaro» loadod i* Port Wiliam on account

- amicable oettlonont to bo arrivod at. "Noodvillo” I da ■; j «j Muir WXight - fruit business- 10 a 11. Iljeroase in salary - MX B -BUioU * 18. ••penni*® - roport of oa«G. > Non arrival of WW fM -iagarto- • 18. ■ saile 16th taking all produce. 14. •Lobos® arrived 14th j I ..=

5 ; . s

* .

j l V

& •• \ *

5 • i

s i

s { 938

r% }■ :i ‘ No. 669,

p®»r ■ .8 ."Soletrelf” via Montevideo - 9th May* 1927* ' V. *• R E 0 I 3 *•

. t * £.<\ :• v 1 • No. 668 per "Falk”. ■V' .•r -<>v i/1 i I- . ■ •- •.-•> >

’ a-P -l W^toe - °°W of letter, of apology enclosed. 3-HtoXeM^r,- & "Om 8? - re coaling - 800 tone each* . nT ■ - .> * w. •. j-v \ i • *•?< - * 4 V -BU

•T ■ u,r * General Average adjustment - letter enclosed, Xt-; *v B J.^ -DWer, - arrives,. 6th «*. " ' ' : >. J- -..j •»; . C -.1 ‘ > i cm - actancwledgea cable of ©th May, f. •Pesrmia* - Finaiato barque making for Stanley for » 4 •. repairs

*v • a:. •V 1 ; i •- . I "tM/ !W. ■■ ■-> ! tv 1

t it f .•• <1 !«■ .‘s- •.■' . If ?•- •' *■ ..!* ; > .. •- ! { ' ;i . t : r ••;v^i. : I

• C'- V r \i -

• "? I > I -sW- #Os nu - ! I - ? - - •* d > jj r.r / x - • i cA l v*+ ■ i ' z*



\ :





- . < i

No o' : 1 \ Whaley Sid. W'. 1987, ! p » B, C X S. * *» >» ./ u*>»c . lo Gonfirms -w Wo* ' ~7- «nd acknowledges nos 1875 aM l*7r Suburban Land Go orymeht asked for explanation re plot 4,' $ o' Admiralty V replies to 'snndr?,-'miorlos enclosed*'

*• KS.N.bg tiiit of Mr M&Meakin — nriohs matters discussed. \ •' • * %' "Kia Ora* " tire on hoard *' refbirs to,4

" »' Shaw proas"- ~ r^ors to Londons letters to firau


7 s' Go ^rn&mf Experimental Farm ^ more money» rotedt f £ 7 GOG) . I "Afterglow is ■). • i -* remarks about towaro. G » ’'Egeria'* supporting plan - diseufigos -art ons detail?.- r'

l£)a Wool Clip notes there la an impro omont notic'd*' _ ** lx,. Engine at Goose Green - re trouble with oil*’ • * 1S,? T6lenw - winch cabled font ro capt*' O’Brien’s contract'*

Is-» New Shed - sundry details discussed.,'

14-* Short-shipc?.ent per "Lauf-aro*’ - matter blether discussed."

Xu» Bonthonia seed - 1 has? sent to Darwin,

1" o Coal fair whalers - further order for 000 tons cancelled J

IfHay from Now Zealand - dp tons Lueome ordered *1

18 J’ Mr Gresham leases for trip round west mlMandiS,' f i 1


1 No* ":-f, per "ortom" • gist Anfii *

P R £ 0 I S ? i lc Confirms No?. ?""r u^r ^oaada!'»

Stanlev Aiotor uoat - >r petors Report on. now online ©t«»

■3 i CfOOse uiNi 'H 6 new t'ihlmnev rar-^tnd ' 4-0\ Land sold to _,o -'rnm^nt - plana enclosed..

.f* ’•Oortesra** arri os fXot April taking «**> hnX*>2 <«howt)

r 3 ?> ■

-i ’ l

» ‘

<&•' <> *.


■ 1 ’

J i r: 941 ii 2 ■

NO.'666.'^ ■i Uth April. 1927 *'

P REG I g-:.

***» ■ •

\ 1« Confirm js>0o* 665, • w ;■ r\ So “FalMLmd- claim for damage sustained in collision®

3 o - wool being shipped to Stanley by "Gentoo"

4 o' Slipway at west Tara - cradle completed® * - -} 5 e «Loatart« short-shipment - reports steps taken.

6, «Eg©ria“ - pile drMns: plant remiirod - measurements of .« i i "Rose, Baker11 for platform.

7 f a oSo:,,WooPdlleM «. stranding and re-floating - details sent®

4 i 8o' Local emreney - shortage still apparent®...... \ 90: Coal for omen whaling Co®’ - can be supplied.

10,’ "Losada" due 11th for 1000 tons produce; "Ortega•' 21st' for;, 400 tons®



\ )


i. J


U£MI I y •» !: y ; m pat -teatwo- - M2. £sraii tm>

\ . ' *•*•*•« i .: f a : ‘e.

• *4 # '•••— - * ^llv No» 469 and €6t:aad a «? a^anina ' 1^1 , ***“

v.- ^T^***9?"*- * **» f«* **r wu; — . ** *** *■» Biw - tnable fe> ■ > diavovsr W+tmtixmttm

*. _ '.T^* ■" Of Hagtotey. I * W$m -*U*ft 1«>M ate I w »*■ r .4 ! * SUlMV IW4 - <***, Iwri, i '** i. i *' ‘to8t,ao“ - *"*> wwportiw of

: S

' : r $ i $


4» :t. 'o t ^ ‘ • *1

.• ■

‘V* . «i ■ ■ ..

. *f \V ■ ; i ■■- •■••••. - : , ..., ■ . v S ' . VV ■

. y, •••' ">’ r ■-V, 3 V i ■ f / • - r ■“ * '"5 ■ ■ •- ... '• ■::iy 4 . r* ♦ * i ■ 'i' '■ n . • ; ,;fc. ' ■t,H - • ~.V — i r* . 4 i t

’■ *■: - A*. fv* ■ v-' •• •...... V*-.- r i*-'j ■ *. - :' '' ** ■ • '' ' ' ■ • , • - - & **&&}£ V " . X:- ; * • • ■i'* '

.4 .—■A -Vi -ax; "= W ■

1 .. $4 '*1 • - / ■ . .... - . , V «* * i >->

1' •' v. - ...... - •- * **> - - i •

1°.I i 4'* r ■ ’ -r ■i * ... . i


____-r-r-"' . . ...___- ■ -x1- .- . . .. . ■- 9.44

No. A ' per orla" - 4/3/3". ,

PRECIS. - . . . i;► Confirms n\, S and ae’•norledeee Noe IS 9 and lsr-*,' *s a* "Sea * at Spootbroll - &«i!®0ee moamiroe taken • v (j.,t etc,

Sliprav at west yard ~ ro?.iA e’setch onal «©d. •' ** J r 4„ Farm stores! " srtMKs’ajepere acquainted rith ! nor rvj?to*n„ Cual « arrf al of «orla" replies to ’most! n rc‘ * "Afterelov*" ... + Pw! + > ^ R*R.S.**Disao orv«, /. wrpxor toured to panta Arena® ’ v w£,aP'arto,t

* •tPaI'ciandw *• date s^trner Report firt en*

* Shell deposits b&*(B to crusher *

Accident to M»W.H.13J^rs ^cjrreep ndonco enclosed. t- / 10* Br^poeod Shod at East .jott-v f ~ *t w £?o»e 0tatieticr'o' 11 * Mllon- ~ ovorhadLed & will go out t., speodreli imdor Alt’cen.

IS, "Falkland" - as to ©irpluyniont durlng*off*B©a0on«."

1?. Memorandum svetom - rill to discontinued!

14 f. Carpenters appronti cos • • * _ n -a™ diMJiBoeei st .ro cart h^rso HviW at Hoimt pleasant*

1£> "Capetown'’ - '4 i..ns dl fuel issued*

1' * B.BTowninj? deceased ! — as to prolate* *f JL , "Orduna* ~ dra*rs her anchor in purt william."

lp;* Acvn/T'l


I I ■

: m

945 I . •<* • *• N ■ i Per -ORIUKA'' i t. *** fclParal8«J mm * B *B c r s .

*• V v.. «!M* •**,. lvv#l *• Accent to -j 3. Slipwav -. p^i ~ - -5W2*t?f*5iB5. ! P!^ ._ JPtet©rs pjUm £ tender •»-- -

- Q«en foblahtt^e^ *• “lien" report sent. * / «• awHui^.:' enel08e<,• i I - Z#*t* rerolt «f Court owe. 7 » Seal) - still, •. D0 Slen ^ Cq"I»*^,s stations. A



I § l fi

': j i /



V 1 • .< «*» ' h : ;'; . fguppl 1 1; f-r-f u •■ u/i^r ; T/ - » •» *; . . toflpw 1 ' t» .«V;5,J i -'vr.. ,-■> ■■ •\ o. . ; j5-*: $ f ■ . pf ,,.r . ^ I ,-v ;j i" ■ ,? : /' . ■' ' ;f! 6 ■»•-•' -* 4 * f5 V .. * : * 3 v■ 1 jtfof:, ■£ *”■' 1*'&MRMP & f£gP 7 **■ ®*S ' ■ ■ -F ■• ■■ a ■■ ■''.. i . : '■' -V • *'•f V&dif.., * 8""V *I':' ^ ' ' ^ i’ y' - *. ft oil r-p./: irp - ■ v \.?r .< , 947



No*' >1, por "Lobes* - lath January . (Supplement ,

P R E C I 8,'


84.' Reports visit to Darwin and - lows upon work at Goose Green,

2-5. Epidemics in Stanley & Camp - Dr Moir’s diagnosis, . ' i ■ as. ■lien", under Capt, O’Brien arrives Stb oanuary 1-8 , •• a'7. Na al Oil Depot Report oncloscd,



; ; '



. i


} 1

P 948 No. }. / PCS* *1, p« «>/l/8 .

S: ■- • •;. ■ ‘ B S : C I 4 «

At • * :«s ;*f!- •• <>. .*»* itJKWUm, 2* ; - r«**j y , , . ,+ -,f “infl 1-on:-a-i,

. , .. * st.^ow, ~^vH;

- • i - I ' ,. *W 1 ■-■ 4, 4* - fiwto.v C lUPWGP., tfeii- --To,,, ,. ■ - sktMd. ? ■ ff*|l * £,*.>+, ... trri. •* ■ -' 7 >■■■• "■ ■ ' ,.; P. i ; ■ >? iMqpm- . 4. ■ ' ,-'';.;f'!''V^‘" ■'•■• ; >n ‘ sTjotr w'^tortr f • ^ia ?ra" ! ~ f&oop unit hot - : h *-r ;! - . <..-. ■V* **t. t&Tp ...... • . . ^ ' •n-r, ;l;od ai/11/2 .*«Bgci^Br ftm*

'"■ plfc'ie «... .■ l , >.■>&* -■ ■

; • r• " ■ ’: V;» • r ’■ ~ P.5 V» .mr-l • f.f* '' * ; i. 14 * ’-^n fc» *; - rr t, 7 vv >i;*' • >r..., ' ' : * V*« : ■■ -w* - ..... «v>.; 1 vt> . ■» IpolM,-*:. —%r.- ■■■■KBin pure*, s- *■ ' ocrittoptr.1 ’■'Wntwswte, _ , . . .j—Jj, - ~ 'lii. •■• -. •. -~

«,-a .. ■ . -V7-: ' •»

- ■ t Stanley Motor-boot “ iiivi-i • ^ . MsO,. t>!pc. tir - r&xiXrott:$iKft'.fkt,' ••••-.v.X 2 4.^ i.7 v ^‘*•1 in April. "1 * — towel t- Hnocfre Arena? t *»*■-.l ’* . " t- ■ ■-* •hGh<*" - 7 ••" ‘fh ./ftflr.&rw

S ’, ar or-w -!.T -iRitiii. .>r,v, .... the i-*}.

* . ' 949


No* 6fo por wjfia ora* - lOWi November , l$t«$.

t P B B OX S.

Confirms ^50 per "Falkland- & ac?mwledgee iro per -oropeeav fr."Stanly * Suburb** Uft ^ ^ ^ ^

Water Supply _ mipply. u prl^ h OUS60 be infer delayed. ’ *• Shed alongside ^etty - discusses sundry issues.* . -.

* Contract for wool carrying — to be obtained before shipping,’ VVA.H.Bigge - nm for xfotkx refused;

h gggfweusajt^- * iioos© Green chimney and engine fop Stanley awtor boat arrive.' 9* Slipway - lae.’c of labour Posp^lble fop its barring fire.' 1g. Insurance at personal effects %- V . TO offeel?- PMt0d ln **** ««

11* It.Williams estate — Bowe adopting insulting attitude, IB.! *110®*' - letters received from O'Brien L Pernambuco la.1 Q'&.HaJ ” «^ts Roberto5 s return before inspection. answering about *■ * * * - Id. •Qroniolin* engine - overhauled by Ar peters* re fuel & oil consumption. iSV Experimental Farm ~ onager and hand and stop* arriving by i "Xia ora*. » Seal oil - first shipment a failure* : TV Gamp ^ediaal Report enclosed.* *-• * •••- ••.. IS. *Kia Ora* - nay be delayed owing to epidemic of InflmuaC

I : , .


i I No. 65> per ■Falkland'* via P/Arenas ~ 18th October 198€? ' f

P B fi O X 6 .

■ : * v. * : 1 7* 1. Confirms No.' 658 29/9/ar. - t . 8* Dwnrin 0t

/“* •' *«\ r d , . 8. Coal - re supplies for s.o/^alicland-.

4* •Afterglow - possibility of -ialkiawl-' towing to p/Arenas? 'v ; '. 5. -Falkland- ■ i • f *• - new boiler - Seaway cm fitting/

Snell Deposits at Findlay norboiar - “ samples sent f or analysis J 7 - Goose oreon obimnegrequired as boon as possible? ■ >5- • ^ .-i •• * '■/ • . * y • y. v , I h «. ra^3igg» - no pppl teat ion ret for employment? t Stanley Buildings - plan seat (Company;*« property} /

lc. i.V.H;ttigpe - claim for compensation for imlutfr/ - •■... ,y_. - • a 3) , 11. -Falkland" leaves for Coast - I9tb October, 1986? . vr*' < ’ -. - j • - • •- * • 2- >' A • •» * 'i . .. > n \ • 'v- •" -’V -v 0 11 '• IT T ■ > *> - /* - . t <■■ ■ . • V; v" ••' y* .-•I, ■v i- . :: *■

•. .?■: • . • , ... •” 1 - ' •, y *’ ’ . - •• r» • • r:r :t r- i

•y.- % Jr-*. -- - ; • *<:t fa ■ <■ •> . r >•* •;j. * *• v * #? ; * | y ■ • s y ^ ‘i . . v-V : r V L r •• ■ r * -0 1 i.-, - 4 15\ - :'v.c . r • • • 4 JL, f . ■ :

i ■\ ,:T. V » * • ) •v; • i


: 951

No,' 658 ? P«r u/v "Loriga" , 88tfe Septemfeor 1926,

* » B c i s ;

1. Confirms No. 65? and aoknowlodges No.'. 1869,'per •Loriga*; 8» Company's Houses “ plan will bo prepared. 3. Carriage of produce ; r Contract f onts to hard. 4»‘ Fan Stores ~ ttcr vi 11 be gone into. I - • • » 5. "Gwendoline - details of repairs oont last nail, - • - - 6Ooal ~ off n't to obtain some from South Georgia,’ 4 7* "Dawson* ~ photograph will be sent. * • 9

8. "Falkland* ~ survey and report on new boiler will bo made.' ; : Wire Nottfng explain# cause of error in ordering; < 10: F.l^heopbroeders Association ~ ro endry correspondence : It: -ply*- sold for £.80; in Stanley.'

12. Oil Fuel Depot ~ re H.MJ3 •Oolonho*s~

(a^ Accident to employee j^Blggs,

. > ri f!M Iwrpootlon of Plant and A\i*> iritis T ■ s * 18 • Pilferage 8 case? sjK "L->bon« *

14. Scab - no trace now on island sheep.

' ■ ~ .>* 15. Sbocpbroodcrs Association - as to representation ofjffigQBtoo ■■ iywwjtroj» .

16. Sheop & Fodder from New isoaland ~ losing end November 19867 . - -• “ • * * '■ '■ ...... i 17. "Loriga* - arrives 84/9/ac and ships 1000 bales."

t - 7 -^v ay?i - ■ •. *

- n*-i T f V

i " ' : - raat ff

' ' V • T' 1 .'‘r V: '

: ■ - '■* 'S ■ • ::•=*•-r ■ y : "'h- &V . tf *• - 1 KU;' -V;,V In

r- * > ■ \ f" ^ V 'VJ t\ : k . A w V ' - A.';,., - " ' i \ :



'• « — _ 952 )

% No*' F57, n.M.S;' -OQIiOAiBO* vio Ponta Arenas, ISth Sopt. 1936.

I p R 8 c I s *

l.' OMrfi™ No.’ 656 «*l aetaowlodpca 1867 , and 1268. *? "Kolp- f / . , ... . " bl>llor ’’O’-Wo* satisfactorily 8 • LlRht^rs froa Punta Arc nas “ f'o«ond lighter will hut hr ", rocdy until January lag?. Admiral-h?- 7 Oil M Depot - Oil shipped & s,,uth ^ iR

1?- ' •tijlion soor. -hy V ~* ■ Tor I {

5. Coal for whalers - > as to sotrego charger . Sc C :*al - anxiety felt,about conditions at homo/ p “B . ric* ~ Petorr»e plr.a & suggestion re proposed wharf? ^8Seal oil ~ na rr>port yot as.to rosult of experimental ship­ r ' ment.' 9 ft Norman McLeod ~ '♦ -rq informed of pi ■••nr ion of £ 4-p p„ 10* S^le if ife-oero plots of land in Stanley - position explained I’ II ' ® k-* «*» U ' Britain* - 08 to altering hop mooring position.' 12. "Owendol in'*>-saile - i appear to 5c «a*nififaetpry# 13. Purchase of part Section 38 , pituroy - Crown Grant enclosed/ W. 'L*tf Ulltanr? Estate ^ result of Legal Action - JiadgniGht;4n our ■ 8 favour • ..... *• 15. cargo cs P~S*lCc. etoaaore - o “UigoJn^ aSi^t1 ro 16. ■PaThlmd* “ nGW h0il0T installed arid fittings completed? l7 > Shoariig , 1926/7 - ’ takes place at Goose Green.' ■ ; 18. Tlym* «• will he sold in Stanley for what she will fetch;1 i 19, wool ships at - ro arrival in England by lpi* Nowerttar? ' 20. Scab at Ipoodwoll - stock inspector report® f?c&b the»«r Ur * • ~ Speedwell, Sound Islands and North : Arai iri quarantine»'

3-L (l^AukV^? WdoJfc^ ^C< ^3 'V M ; i i




■ 953

& r X VI; ■ - nv....x xy, «! V”*>, fioyr- N% ]> LOBOSf V V rp • :‘1 * ’' Jxr • i n i. V *s l.

•Hf p .a k V' X 1 >y}‘ ■r«’\ •

n.-lfi : .. . "1 !;• N“-.-v ' ■]> *1 * *> * rX-\ -f .*£ »p . • *. I & v‘ K" - - .•! 8 I ■ ' 'r ••!. ..•»*• V- ■'.••••’• p h ■ w ■ ■ , ; '• •• V* "i ■ ■ ' r * : 1/ * / v‘-. S' • 'm :>r ' S: * ' ' -■? / H' ;i. ;J: |t P L k * -m, 111 •!< ' >■■ "V 5 •,0,- a..-.- V C n? / v * f:7-. ■ is *v~t, 4:i V* f "lrV . ••• G ' 4 ) ■'V • - V •. • s ¥ k :d p p ■ '“ • * •' " S Al 1 '•••• ?\ vr- ^ >' ‘"kv.v: >r'n'-' fifi n i »* / ?. sk*- . r s'■••• >■ ■■ *- ' f • ■ I* Mrrt

i r- --:r *• r Hi: • • • ■ l <■. - V ■ •A- It ;-,r- • f *

V< ■ V-"'- ‘ "V • " <1 *•? • F t.s-r v •i- v-’ r Cr- ^ • V cr • rf LJi ' T-V'-r 1 r. n -jr.

V; r: • w ::S- \ ft .. '"w; ^7*. V** '■ :/•' '* ffj#j < v- ’ ■/■ i i. 1 • ;• -V.; V- .:: V •- <»' r ^‘t’v r^p- ft V-’-vf . i f ■iyt* *■ /■•* •r- ft*. ? » ■ r i- . •>v • -V. . "\V: * Vi r- V! J M- ■): . M . •IV •

1 * =>■ ^ «r;- 6-r :v •/ . ->V *r - . • * ' i ! > ] s: :n * i ■ l ■ (


l* LI i t L jj


f 1 i - mm ' St ' -- r::. se*.. '

i\ . i V lA‘. : > J I 954

■P K 'I' S . •

**'■ * * - ■ i. Co -?i ?v •i- N",- ; if:;T k ■■ 1 ;? or\ a ' o' * Le o , - L E ^0*"} fr<. , , £- •» * ■ • * *•*

-3, to k ' ill 1 * - - - — ^ " ^‘riv ir, ro . . o . :j. do , ■

• G s r I’ - Pr ■' • ■ >. , ■ -s «* V? « rW • * XUS" W « 0 $ - P ; ■ - ^ P . L :■'« o. - -•••■?• - opi io. ;tS to ’ . 6, G ' A 7,* W to i vppi ~ p]) ov ‘ Bo i • Ol 8/ p -» l H •tnf*-? rlnn+ii 1 9 P 9 ■' •'"• " ■ ■■■- U t" H, . i. ^ - . K Li" c 1 * < V - : p - .1 I i sir T • 10. .. .a f. iv k B t tor P p- i p ' i> .. Ft a ■■:•■■ p ■■ 11. • v~ -■ ' p f* ■ G - 4 o p ’ ■■■ * S*:p'- \ - if? >•• -^on ;1r 1.o .r..) £%,. n I‘P- Cl- i •. JpAim.il' p B p VIOL * ■ • ?:• v. VA 1.0 y? ' P- it* '•■* sn- Of F k B o i f — v .1 > 0* p A * o P io , ' 1 5, K -p - B ' * l P ! R po I O' ’'S' K Ip ~ t P;. ]>’'! % > » “po ' 'lo - “ Hji Woe .. » :P LpO - ‘10- 'J..s*,ULl ' '' : - viP 18, G *’ BrS iv Pi> P i -r00. ■ % fn i. -■ ’i>- VS JT.B • - 1 ? I P ¥ • M L1 irisin M G ' 1>. 21 , B ' -p c t N •»■• 55 1 rv iOtos V' I J. U /v* l ■jo }} & pv . u !•. / L - ■> f-V, ■I n 3 - 3 ic ppli Pi ■ or? G G v, 3 - on.pl

■ *34. Co I - k ' p • to oht.'i guhr Oo 1, '35. M M P ' 1 R. po

36 » tiO 5 ; oo ' - -pio : 0 •■- i p otio to- L' ' 37. P k - ■ ’ o £ >0,

38. S' 1 ;• v. - C p ■ t o Rob ' ' * I, po lo:‘- -1 ,

39. P - . -~ . i ' - ' ■' h- ■ to i> i li.nV'VA

■10. Fi ■ No ' A. -; - PApo V

i ! . L.W.tni k ■ f • 'V - p: 0coo:;i b i -k« ■ .i ' I ■ 82, Lof vlv P oo a 1 ou 1) 9th jul 19-Jt.' FI


. I ■it- 955

- I 'No * 6*»4 per vie Montevideo, jr**.-. “*■* «__ 7th May, jLhht

P R. H 0 i S *

i, uonfi rms- fr0, pc-. Ortega'' 25/4/20. 3 • '■. >1. S‘. ” i)iQV 07 y • • dim, 3* "Or tog.

- .'.lex Moir proceed; home,'

■U Sheepbreodecv ••••■--•o-. iaiion - reports Pic t Meeting,'

5, Shipping of hoop from colony - , k v.heth. • heiling dowo or .hipping next year, 6, Kelp - billon .now '.. vO'- -uuhe - ■a-,/,citing puaah-- • with now boiler i

7, P Lkl “ ’--oad earned boil , lifted our. by 'Southern gunon-

8, Schooners from comet - .• opart' : : iv .1 of.

9* Goo.vo Green Killing - carried out expeditiously,

lo. Lam] cold to widow of P.M-Ph. r on •:.-•;•] - Bonveyanee enclosed,

'P ■ - r\ t.; 11, Sheep Jl J> sv u * New geaLaid - In ur ;a , ,.l am fur .ho ■ ■■ oh at ifed*

13, Coal for Whalers - arkn confirmation of price,’





! 956

' V . \o:> or ■ rtegu, ia4 tii rix , 1926

!■■ H B C i. S . .1 .\ V-L v • ■4r *i ' ,1'

C J. S. • ^ I. onfirausi Q. £§$ a.au ^wia? er •■ -'a.lroii

v Vi.- &t* 1$ ’ ^ i.tt fiwui ev. Va- i^ilCL omgsjiy s seoaj - J: i. X ;b S" iiisiili services dis onset* ?it,.

J. C. 4" rcuuce bj, oust schooners oiactisscs osition .- * ... V U ’ .I > 5 UXi, ..( ... i ■ ~ iKlwIlu • dev snuiisf bos. * . l ox. ofet Uxfc1.,UwiS . ..ssooiatioa. .•'•eating to of bt'lu"

Jtb .U 7 oiling down c0**1 *fcati %Q Mut; reoii cutters f f t)t* L?1 . n.\*. / V i .•i’ -o feo vi '

«/ ■ j ■■

t. ■» 1 -o - 1

i' V * \ J.

' ‘ 4 t/C bib . '*! i«~-UL-*. ■- >3i = if


f f


' ‘ !


■ : 957

I \o. 652 t Per ;fairoa 16th yril, 1926.

.t H \

i, onfirms 651 and acknowledges ;*o 1264 from bondon.

2 „ ielp • and .'.iotor boat boiler for former,, renewals may be necessary for latter. ; : • 5 ! 3 V. . iggs ,oar& s decision regarding no pension conveyed

4., lym no offers received..

5, 'uosadii shipment

6., •■..osad* & •Magellan. sht meats ail -'reduce lightered labourage c counts 7 ., TalMand’ boiler condemned disastrous position of sixij -iag occasioned boiler can be installed here. 8« •:,v- obbs ••> discusses unsatisfactory condition of genoy

y.. >aikiand < form of ontract of -.rriage discussed.

i-j bock drills for > oose *.reen considers most useful

• 71 •. tons coal asked for ✓ 11. >wendoiin new set of sails commented uon

.stimate for repairs too o timistic.

■; 12 * , ady • lihabeik and il «,rge ■ -dinted - ‘ ea^kdidc witn sneer » due 15 to zate IS. airoa from lew •ril. ? sheef will have to be landed at ..taSiS/--

; V I


...id? »> I I y, f

1 f

}I !

i i I 958

u. &O.JL p ef sfil U,';/.. V 6th &arch, 1936,

K l.i 0 I * * ~t ■** ■-

OQ£^m^ '.o„ *»4y >iM acknowledges ;o,, 1268 from onaon o

a. argo ex «••' «$•'. ■■ CSSCiS - ;r ©tenure as to Heats ' .cargo cm s a ;: ticiiig rouuee outside vessels as to chodpges. 4■• .'alp '* boiler notes that onuon wre sending new one

I 5. met breeders ssociation • awaiting 1 toting in rii. . 6« tii -twin Roberts thanks to .. oard for «.Iary wiii.it in ngland^ 7 « J lara s> eeuveii . sl&nd favourable rt ort from nm iianager o

S0 : nee sai lag from oloay difficulties of situation ex rained

9» ighters from oast will be., tcwen by alkland .

1 -» tiaaley tore stablishment re orts that no increase in numbers n^s occurred. .1 11. il large •8a - • sketca of new ■ tariing . am enclosed..

12. •oai for Whalers ■ reports dealings.

A* ie. -.» • re> orts &:...,i.iications from waaiers for more - 5 14 • dT -• gives reason^ £Q¥ negativing im ertktion from eotlancL

‘ ie-. gerin • ■ lartain Roberts s suggestions um

161 eals -• information ns to rendering down,

oose (ireen Wooisaed re; orts progress. 171 u :? y;- 18 . orman McLeod, • ne herd Record of service. •1L.L 19. S tanley and • one half aCjee sold to Redgwieka

2 .. Magellan' arrives 4.3. 26 ex eets to shi 5 ail rodnee. fi

f j

■; ' ; s

I ! i 959 vO. G49 Per .j ** I 'Srd February, 1926. ? H ;i

I ©knowledges ^aa confirms 543 . tr ogota OiiUsj • : am, i&nager informed of instructionsi . ^ uweadoiin ■:^ ■ iiS to exhaust i. e . 0 ' £]£*<*. i'««gres»' of re- «,irs C ^^tioafor vtxc*gb djuaters go lag by fterglow isi-dg*; k J && oiioe more assisting us with roi-esa 5- J .0 •JraJtg does not consider entitiea to Oiii anils Oo vaJC* new si,: xu^wises o«iready engageds but still short : Of Uiiiiflfcii HJt£i i. Oae for whalers " fears cannot oom.: ete with b orders new cabae for i'-eto-tad rices ■ •*oy ii.-.iibeth £■ 1 airy o,ddOiOli ted of onveyaace forwarded to ■■ 9* o ve mment iaikiand & : Uweadoi in ereus ■lo . c^siders it inadvisable ■w.iiw, alterations at sresent. 1 4, Falkland ■ .tairer i urvey ■ shortly wild be undertaken 1I« li^tes of freight on homeward ; reduce j0.0t6it is. Rallying re:: .lies to remarks in l;ik., 4'4-

IS. orry rtf V.*' ^ ^ " arrives by OgOtw i • • 14. ousting ,..nsuranee - not«s recaioed rats. 15 . : os&da siii ; meat ■ corn; Iett aurks not 'sax sn­

16. 'carriage of Goods >: ot, 1924 ■ discusses with 01 -'-,eoretary9

e & asks for information. 17. "Oropesa “■ arrives 3rd eb. with 3. tons * tourist arty




' ;!

sI 960

* s <■-£ <■ r ^Ip&j^3#or January,

: ( N- •

* aiHK. ,

© aie-u *>£

\ .V«3U.jU.U,Al/ iiui, a^u;?6U W .ifia e.t ' tou. ..^. ! tfi iv he., *'feVc.-.

^iiuiikg v Stic ite,tc & & ^ iU~^ u^gfcat.^ A,. -uix^u


[ I

) <


i i 961

NO. 647, rer M -,uh j 3th JanuaryP» 1916

‘ R U 'O' I s ,

lr >•; iims esaateh UO 647.

c Goose Greta vanished considerable regress already' mate 3. i xy iosxves badly in netd. of Glass "badly ‘ aoked - extensive breakages 3 A* wandoIthB •" re. airs roeeeding as fast as ossible counter frames found to be rotten

4 boms from ©w ©aland freight on

5 c flheep shi;- ments none this year

6 ighters from unto to be brought over by .-aiklandi

7 . James .lark eave this year h 8. taniey m rovement -eerne • I rogress of work sks for in instructions re 'out.any8s buildings

3 ’ x iioirds he;. ort n -r~ *sgr *-r ’ *- io ort ' ©ward at .lays caused by Air vans

li. laikland'' & ’ cmndolin' ccounts to 31st ctob«r i lie : geria asks i concrete lie a- aratus i

} 13. Slipway ■ overnor will not sell site

34. it... liken uestion of pension

15. Crown Reserve lid. acres at it roy ' orth will om any ,. urchase

■ 16. San i arlos \orth • re uest for reduction in freight 1 ry JL * McMath Gilson no use as ctore ssistont

181. •losadai due to day

.ii ■■id

! t


. % \ '• :M A, ' V : .


JA. to\, 1 . ■


i- 962 * o 646 * ©*, '! ejuoa ■ ■ . i'1 , 17 . b

ii-l; v: * «

1. ©kaoivredges ,,,9, . ■.ir.v.xvmis3.ui. returns to .o..ony 4th last

■ iui way ■utter. being taken u: vita. uoverament 3 ■' ihd-vuy - reek , ridge. .. laas. nan&ed to hr eters, Timbeirk deoMdg wIa be ordered 4 '

6 greemends i-tj -Sr . idea, to hapu

<0, r*> uiiok ties atcii given

■; ■ex; boieex ■ ressure iw, ered again. v • ** • 4 ■< Necessity for larger and more 'oaerful-. tig cm hasised

3. - hee. .'seeders ssociation formation of <

s* .axnegie nstitute gre&tfui for am any g assistance

>orem&n ar eater to be retired see «*.vso . &r .25

Manager s

id i wendo .in re airs rocfcedikdj thSt as ossibie .• 13 Stanley dm roveiaeat cneme account work done wi 1.. farrow . ! i4 ebbre siaad rams no further casualties,

i5 uikxaad robabiy sai.' for wood from oast be tember

'■ xo German. 'f-.esearch. vessel Meteor takes 113 tons coal. \ 17. ega . ot tage •• conveys Mr •* incents thanks for furaitpxe etc

W .-and 3’- tons su lied to Stanley m rovemeat Scheme.

J,4>. j,ym . card, sanction re wired to sell

20. Schooner 'Morven new ro ej.-t.wr fitted Stanley

211 ssistunt .Manager a house North rm earthenware drainage - i .es.

2a • jiams from New ; earand. Shaw Savilrfi asking increased freight 23. 'sarbo imo difficulties in. handling 24. Stanley town - lots fi,liettieff ,Iand . aid for. JS.Marsh, house com. ieted. Me herson, house building

ad- li’oreman ar’ enter retired at end of year B.Hannaford a ointed

26- - i I'eiuca late in arriving 27, Mr reeoe & i. a t Roberts asks what arrangements made re ay on leave and voyage. ' 903

r A. ** *-- -

64:5 P©r "Ororesa“s 5th. November s 1925.

r ■» g c i s .

i— confirms No* 644 & acknowledges Mo, 1260..-.

8 Carpenters - position of sir Biggs -. 14?

, ! 3. cetera & Crawford acknowledge gratuities Findlay Creek

Bridge - asks for return of y'mi and specification

4.. Outward cargo ■ remarks noted

6.. 'f^endolin •- as to claims for loss of freight .■

6 Oil Fuel ©es,-ot - asks for % telescopic 'ladders*

*i< Hulk iiire uestions as to Charging it on ‘W; tallow-

... . V?







5 964

Mo 644 ver ':'Lore4b” -- 8th October, 1925,

■ B 1 *C I $ —-n - *i

i Confirms No, 643 dud acknowledges No.. .1.853

Oil Fuel- re ot •-■ Standard Lose will be suitable.

t- 3. lubricating Gil -- -^otes it is not to be obtained fro® Arenas

4 Moksoa -* *la-son s rentioe ■greeaeat enclosed

6 ^balers Sofcl Contracts - awaits terror of Contracts for 1986

€ sfetiue Kupb's Mouse - good progress being mde-

1- Onager's Housecentral heating ap-.aJbatus installed.-

I* Stanley tar?enters • two leave, re- uests 3 to be sent out.

S:.- Block 5- f Exchange of land •• documents enclosed

38- * ©knowledges N©= 3859 per • Loreto^ 6th October.

II u "-uweMolin5' --• explains reason for lengthy message re damage

.12 e Estancia & Congo kill dings will be fosmrded complete to .destinations-

■-- •? - 13- admiralty's letter 2?ih. duly noted- e ?;



' — j — --- -I 965

No . 643, , or !rc(HBT(F via Valparaiso, 3rd Be teraber 1925

' H E 'C I S , I

1 ■ Confirms £,Q 642 per Uueades & acknowledges No • t£5V •

2 Maria© Superintendent -• & House • erection by contract

3 v. ool Shed at Boose Ureen ■ switches lor rails asked for

4<- Oil Fuel Depot -• -quarterly Return & Half- yearly Re; ort seat

5- Lloyds pgeney -• replies to question raised in I25V/13

6. Bonus ■ encloses sumuiary of rules laid down..

1 Tinplate no ofhertimity of ship leg to Montevideo

So Fire less Set reports installation in Manager s House 8h.ee > , , . . , 9 Bgns. from New yea land - confirms arrangements made by cable

10 Bwendolin Voyage U-.-v, . 3 He; orbs stranding at Sparrow

Cove, and casualty sustained in hurricane

11 scab •- reports fresh outbreak at Speedwell Island

r r . » 12. iS el'-v boiler - He ort from C- eters pressure reduced

13 : .Me5 hers on, ppensioner .deceased widow to continue with, house

14 juCVcJ&ig oagreement— terminated •

15.- "Samson conversion into higgler nearly finished 16. ,©knowledges receipt of to. 1258 by "l&garto

17. sheep- from New Zealand -• ,B & Co4s retirements increased to 35 rams»

1 / -v

I i 966

' *4 j7

Jjj f % <*49

i. ■ : >v ■* i - ■' ; .v .. *£s,->' ;•;

' " -vfc "" ■ * I--1 U ■ „w; . . .; t. .•

' • *4' *« ' £ - n. ^ I ;, » f

w V ..fcy —

/ - .i ar- i •;<*, I

\>r ; • . vrfw *.: . ■ :. iV .. i..i .

'• .-*:W i iv.'i., • iy- - ; * ■ * • iSrs.f ••. ‘ v l : fc ,r.^CW« ■'■«*' • • Kij-. „ ;•. ..„ ■. ...

•f t C ; •*.' .V ' V. J. b; . ... *.;• „ '. • • .;,t. . ;i:. t- • ......

t ! •.*•.. •:. . . ■ gv ■ . . : ■*■ . s' -:«

iA. ‘ i *;■ .. I - .:.*••/. • ?■ ; 4 ,-i ., * t.v ’%i i .1 • *- - *■■'; r t - •. & :i, «* .

• ■- ' ' ^ Ur •• :C. .i. • y *t , i^U:. :-%U* - ’' -jiir®

•> • -.si- ■ • a. . i\: ••♦•*»•

* |


.•. .1 . : I

- I l i

i ----- ; —i— . -- r-‘ - ' 967

f N * 611, p U)bo< , a, j o . I •: P R o' I ;■ .

• *■ K 6 0 ti. a< k ■■■". : i\ ' 6 i

2. M ft '■ it-m i i.• v . .49 & .p ]'i . : • I ^« :'i, ; ' ip--’ ■ ft- ■ - ... > j. ..• p.\. ,1 . *

1. ’Sp s"; l.i" ;i -• k

..ic;- fo. O.vAV ‘ -ip:

t - 6 * Tii —... ••• 4 I i I "P -■ cioj. 1. «* P . " H oj, * -f.. 7 M ft.TJ) , ~ . k hi ’ oomplal ... about mo ,or-boat.

i Se Coin - .!0i k Bt .*,• F ■f-tern 9. "Ptolkia, -V i fi v .cl > ,l

10» Gc . k - M p - a. 1 i ; o',."' ’ O.A.; k ■

11. Coal to Ih&l . •’ - ‘i u. V

1S5. K ip'-- p o,. V L oil - on- .opai

10. h, . j:" M Co * a - ... y ■■ p ■

1>. G' - .doll - h v A.i>r.v' - ,. P. - p ■

.'» M B. i P I - 4 , c M for po*i Jo h j N :.. A. -' -

1.6 ;,F« Lkla d" laid p '*■ ?L - t7 S • .plu :■ P - M ■ e B.

* Oi r IS "h t iv 2 - j, . Ack ori 1> P-- ■■el. 1256,.



i: / 4 :

___ _w,,...... —------.—,— Sc , ."r -uvrAt*)- *''' * 0 P"r -H-T ■:) !" 39Ui April, 193*. T* K jj*, (; / <5 I

Precis. i 1. (Wins No, 6$ m April

•*■' VV».. jVv. >>C : 'iV Li . >'V! > 7 C\ i

Go«v*e Greer - chirr -r v»* dam-er of col lap-jo. 4, .;Vvv rt _ . ^t - literal. \- v v oi " p • . - ii aooIo

- * •; -r k - v '• •' - !• "L-:9 ■ ’ n- m - .

Daisy Paddock - fK*verms8Bat require additional ft&lf-afcHu

Y* ’•pfelMaad* - ot Certificated Kate.

,4 r: :; ■ i-J: hx :x v-pi • £rt«« Uni EfattHu

# t

969' l

No* 689 > "LMJTABO" 16th April, 1925. i


1. Confirm-: No. 633 per "Magellan" 4-th April, 1925. ;

2. IVool^hed. - Peters & Crawford quote £ 2,700# for erecting.

3. "Gwendoline - ready for heaving down.

: 4. Naval Fuel Depot - alteration required for Boiler nmoke- ^taok.

5. iSa-pg of Company' ? land - tracings lent of surveyed area--.

6. Dairy Paddock - Government require additional half-acre. r

7. “Falkland*' - question of certificated Mate.

S. Fir^t of the whaling faetorie- arrive from South. i f i / !


. !


■ i i -i 1


"j 0 No.. i 'O Uyfaro 21st are 192i».

’ 1* R E 0 I y .

■*'1 • 1 Co -,3 i Dospatck K 637 ( G vOT; '’’.j; .. > el' 'Oivledgcs 1253. '--■V c ouniii i<{ ■ a-'73n R'* V0 & Llvoi* 7 Id an roach no or >oriunii' 3 ■■ *\c . t . vet, 1 'a I U’cia.v:. of itgh-bors from Mr Hobbs. 4. ■bU'eodft’el ] ; reports to ^ Cor^rdcd. ••'r -ss is to, at ■•• ■•‘bo roioope r f a;; ■’ o ■: i 1 liog i-o;a f o. ■. ! .6, ■ °Cl FroS ; W;S io .more iio'svs j§rom. Lansing’s, 1 ' ^ N.C. VOSSOl9 movements

8. Marl --c 'Vu.'ori itoatio' s House sold b a no /i o i, i 9. Brl ago- over M>.ur:r.U Rfvov '■'o bo constructed..

10. 'V ' Mpoedivoll'' Royers aid f;irnri git’s reports for* \.od. li. Bodl© Crenl: Irii Li p T:’0r!' '•. o:i;.n aw to .6 ly,

■']r 9• , G-oos© Ore-; ’ ool ;LoJ. ■ sketch.. for ' t. . -.inn,...... 13. North ss Ca n a ■■ ...p ’ s House or'cted, 14. bed Hhed ■- >fV.' ■ ;■ r • l [ ■■■ : s _ - - - -

15. ‘"'r slaughter V . ' o England. wftfc f n ntr.

16. Exchange o.if Land 'Grown Grant issued- •* :

17. '?jagollft&-;i arv: v; .r labor n a ^x;neirJ. el ' 12 .4

18. Coal .tor Thalers• • landing **v wii , be blf-fenl

19 I Ut F «G. lan ^dfi a as to passages hone on '-erf lation of ..... , .. Agreement.

..c. l)r Moir - informed of Board’s approval for indents.

1 21. Peight ■• xxx for Oriana shii^ent notes recovery..

:■ 2a. Calibration Tables for Admiralty Tanks - requests information. ' 23. 'H.GcC. baler - aijcrncc-’ exv/lai -

24. Hay received from Mr Cobb’s farm, per "Lagartoa,

24 „ Rams for Pebble Island - one died on voyage. !



r. ' 971

No, 636'^ ; r&r Oropesa", 1st February .; 1925,


■ r Confirms ijo, 635 per "Ballena”.

:'-x W.M.Dean’s visit ~ places visited.. and sundry reports, 3. speedwell.'’- Captain Roberta's report enclosed.

4 ■ Hides - as to shipment- of,

u* ^16ev' shipping no business decided for 1925; Company boiling down instead...

°* Wool - brought to Stanley in an uninsured o^itter/

Cadets for Earn - recommends not to employ at present,

S, Geese - G-ovorn'ieni Grant for extern!nation discontinued.

9, Block 5 ~ proposed exchanges of land between Government and Company re matter of experimental farm.

10. Passenger traffic from FalMands insufficient accommodation offered by P.S.N.G,

11. Fan Produce offers from gamsing to lift produce from the Falkland^. I 12. Bo die Bridge work ; regressing well.

IS. Mr Slaughter < proceeding on leave this year,

14, Despatch closed early.

P.S. Block 5» see under Para 9,

! I: i I

i I !


: I1 January, 1935 )

T R E C l S ,

Confirms No. 634 and acknowledges No, 1352 from London,

3. Block 5 Port Louis - matter discussed with the Governor by Mr W.M .Dean,

S eedwell ' ■ reports further accident, *• Freight on produce clients advised of rise

Wooden lifters Board*a sanction for purchase received.

6, Mr Peters may go out' to Chartres and ,

l- hr Slaughter and Captain Roberts ’• regressing favourably after 111. nes ses,

8, ■‘British Beacon” - discharges 9300 tons of oil,

9. Stanley Motor Boat - Mr Peters's report enclosed, i 10. Mr Gresham ~ visits Darwin,

11. "Ballena" arrives 30th January; lifting produce,'

13, ‘'Falkland" - Lloyds certificates of renewal of classifica­ tion enclosed.

■ A \





- . _• ...... 973

. •n , \r-. at t Witj ah B©0 ■ 3H ef.tv • r.V .

p H jE i ,1 > *•* *ifc — »*•#’ < - «*£.* V'- . - \

: ^ '■ •- V *3 - ’"S' «n f? •- k-v - Mi ' '.. -'•• ' ' ' 4 ^« M.ar;re vr> Bvin^iAar** 3 :<• ’• &6 ' V- - ; . .TV! ' ••• wet*'** 3 •* v* • -?)0'V? •- '-V'V*\irQ"-$.r;r'* •■■•4^ ■Iv\r 2

K5 v:;;-'v :*• ■<*, i rt 4 r 'Br:' t.j ■?:: ;*eaa^r ' d ' ' r • • • c^(5 ; - , ! U

? 0 V * ■:

K|* S - " ' . ■ ■ ■' -« ‘ Mp

■ ' -1 j'D y ' ;: ' ' -

'A • . fig 3S* s: •.

• A > ’ i /• :•

jp- Dr :A A V A) .‘■t • MM**.*

& /> V1 ■': . '■• msgitm ;

1 .-. 4, s.. - ■ | - ■ ..r; ■■■>•■• " ■-■. 0V f- Jf * s * - t:"' - ' .' . ?s> .

rv :, AiC. rc\ ft' / ! ■ •- ■< <> r * ; r‘ ' ; V-i € e U»p * j ■ ve'" •'. • ■ . ■*-v • *g?r5| ■ ". •*> dH.f ! . 't- itJJil;;' ;t:s ! A >■’, . ; . . ■■:•- ■■ ■ f ■- "j-i * • *. ■■ • :: tl%&

f-A':x ’iy.i .v:^nS;: ^ «i^00;.’Tit8

■ iY^ .5 ••r^. e-VV ' ’ .. - •. « rtsc<^ . ‘‘u 're re .*

" ; ? ■ ; ! -»5r r;,r ,'• ' A ■' A ■ ; 4-7, ■ ' ■ s4 y

: ' . V


N :

■0 __ Hu i 974

er ''i, V' •’ ■ ' v.'^ l'!’- ’ ■?■ 'T©nns ■ 1th hew'’1.'* > 4

1' R E CIS (c -

l.. 4?S.n.f j y. ■. .■ ££3 A aoknr* :•. 'rtjeres nc-s ’50 * 'ii!

*'■ {;- * F !(&' discharge •

*■ Materials ©to :4.’.rohaaed r. -'»vJ cn.

4 Stanley u-jprove^ent srehe © - sp! :3 to ho ex*‘©Tided

5 Tordarsj Traci er broken d'-wn • si are . arrs reqviired

• o. 'tin Roberts f- take ’©•>.ye :r?i :- s Ms iy a©

' v j,-e earn :ty f v '■'»;•

S- Mr %iiu*oss rerorfc s©'..... '-•'•nd ■ r r-veri ear..

■ Fencing -‘atari...7 shortnee ex. ; •"" r.s -:ie

W. Ex er:us*©tal Farm - block § now few nd U . 7 £40 acres

i;.. r s. v-^r er err ed ru ;•• ?- ' yy ' ,i

12 ■ir creeps ’:■•© • ri ',-r Enfant necessitated hrrvgb. n heal ..

3 0-;. r - ' ‘ Roberts*s -‘ness rad 1' j ef e " r r e ”Fa'JJcl »nd rr:i a

4 Sill- big shee; 3 y th »: e • •; b. set • Mar area '©d

r Ijontcdni'B greo ant re hand •■■ rs ■■ . oa.yges.

' it. Dr ‘ y1 r Re; c rt m©^sed

Scat ■ G' rcrr. &n a enci :'r ©s •■:; •'••■ ■ y: " V ■ ' ay y J;.;. i ■• at. l c.ni ev' de".

«. DvPeruv' - arrived on Sunday 7 th Deee-her- Ocal being worked by contract -

Red - .rifles di’lrxMty ornnlder her 3’ ft Aden t far require e ntfe.

■ y Two lighters •• requests they a;v be ordered fr- i F/ereras. ii l ■>r ., -ycol iaading eertif:ic»\tes - ftovernnenr ' wi^ic ;«d ni ' possible difficulties 2‘- Goa ling Contracts tr hand< error discovered in .'n.1r-1a ^e^’reoents. 12 - Rcdi e Bri dge - 23 yalkiand” and Dwendc U a” accounts • -4. Rowdtt Institute cable received «n report on greases.

. sails on 5th Nove let witber-t receipt for qb*o. ;| 25 -Orf * os««,€ B.,,Hens - era.* discharged, at rate of !44 tons ter hour rear

— \ \

Nc *Orcp^.,. November ■ 724 . 975 t ^ • ' r t • *■ 'X: ■• # 1: t .0. jf t

I ,'*50',!r '*'*•**8©* * 9 Rep; r dated. 5t.fi V:- wsy&r ' *)S4 . 2 Cr'a 1 Stear I ij'mae

• > 1 •'• .in* Revv v

4 oa Stores

i>V-rc* :.d«f : \/> 50 -



I /



i : ! : 1 1


: .

1 5. . .. 976 No, 682, Par "Oropesa" , Srd November, 1924-

"P: I E C l S .

1 . \cknowi e%oa Despatch No, 1249- 2, Motor Winon ~ starting device not always reliable- 3 Certificates - CKnrenuaaat s4vised re turnisiiing.

4 Stin Drying Shed - Mr Peters to attend, to It.

5 • Harbour •and Chartres River should be sow-dec

6 Munro - to visit Coast Farms

; 7 Inatruuaants for Dr Mol r - cost of uaicorsoope excessive

► Lighter* - remarks on. sultahS ity and capacity.

P S.N.C. - controversy-' re s f-w working; coal; tallying;

reports of "Magei-aa's" Captain-

:C, ttSpeedwellM - engine "served*’ -

l.i, New Charts sent by this ' < m rtunity

-fc- Shipment per "Oriana* early Apri i - reierks on P.S.N.G. *s

atti so.de,

b Fuel Depot - Contract for Supervision read etc,

*4, Telegrswas •- double check instituted

I'it ■ Carpenter * labourers for Uanrin & Sar. Carlos arrive "Ortega”.. i [ 1.6 Agreement®, Mr Harding St Mr dreamer r-c .u*nd I imaiged Flour *- samples sent- for analysis

i lb Account of "GwendoJin's1* conversion enclosed,

:g, Consol for Uruguay ~ Mr Gresham appointed

gr>, snlivaa jetty & ‘V2xe>w.i* sold f*r * 200

2i ... H.jyuffln - as to assistance in defraying passage money.

22 - wpftlirlttnii" - Survey completed

28. Mason required for Stanley.



- SL'i < 977 U V I ■ .

.. ‘P. H E C I s, * r- # 'x * -a

1 * {X°ni i'm® *, no

".;s 5,0 '-renas .'o- survey, f&rgo Spa^e bookm. 3. V-, vt- - < V.ir, ,i.ny« '. |il( k •2 . ■H° ;i0 Bridge ., '.sO 'k )

5. Fairy cove Lv Deeds «:r"lo«o:k ‘ ! G. D-. r-.;• ^ , .... j option >H h0 7* *Aw Zealand - S'-'" ’P yar.diN t . d 8, B©fur: of Export Tax. - Government. refuse.

9. ' 0 'b'.-r- * Mr Munro will, dal1 boa.;?':, Farms.

10. S w-. toy L'i7i-J -ion g: ors o 1 >:P .J-.ffialsh •

* B< tr f 9 i li ■ e eg-. •- s M •ho .- - ■

11 • "

J2< 1-0- i ar ,aA. (

13! SdJ: ;■ t foe..! 4o Jo- y ~ : M ,q 0o ’oivn’ien

i'T',1 n/n rj lv. N'-“< ; for Hams. - Paeke Brothers and

J J ' V . ‘ i }’• ' . 1 - Numhera r first sJiiprr . may be made up.

- 15. Nev Lighter - wil 1 await iastru tions.

! 18. Darwin Motor Boat - suggestions for reorganising farm boating.

. 17. Legislative - Mr H.H.R.G-resham appointed. I jjs:©. 0our -:r 1 ■ II - Geo-v- Bo-- >: ■-> l -- G-o. orarae:v agree '-.o our * barge oc £^o 1-i aO/a |! l s 18. 0 ve - ?eas - - Not aiU'' ioier.'. s :;o.rage ;-aparity. 19, coaling Whalers !;',





S [

( . __ _ _— -as-a-:. . ^ N

P- >1__ E ,. e i

U eonfiras Despatches MOs.628/9. I y

2. Naval Fuel Depot - Cost of revet dng Oil, Laying ■- i Mooring-!, & ,

‘V. : aide ms “o ■ v>°...... ]v $>, K\ T)e; o


■4. B .. 1 ~ '! ' r ' v! Po - c •“:! ,i ’O

I; . a Cor mixe r g one Crusher required.

“KgfUSftL Of fteftmd Of Expei Dfo y 1923 Clip, shipped i*n 1924. *


1 ,f 1 '

* y

' -1 1

[ J ' I.


| - . . . -—- - . -jft .... '...... 979

- 1 ■ !> U***UjOl He nl’^' ‘Ally jy, .

y ■ r* ^ * h a c i !•> - • * I'JH


{ ... fcaowlc 4■V i 3.V : ' ■:; ; ; 1

Git bG.vrgo - '* o; : :' - Jijziri : f.rng oi' S ' :.

i > ; ’■ ’■'•■'• B®wl« 1 Pension £37 >er annum.

it i?, r. ■■ Deponlen r ■>. -■ HD-11. '!'• -r .

■ 5 r’o lie Orerk Sri Lgf> - .1 m ' ibl' 3 sen.1 <

>hv - gr' :r - .. ■ r, -

? - P. §.N* C. Ve •: elr • 1 - yiqg .,& ego..

P : ova. :b /•? - replies to«

!! 9 '. 1- Me ‘TdsJ. - victory: Green site sanction

I I " 10;* salaries - readjustaaent of.

1 •- • *FaHclaa-i" ■ J .Walsh. obtains oeriv>o.mry a* :-rdi ,a ,o -- 1 S . x* .on; i ■ y f; / ha i n . cHbl \i h ied nfc e

luop 12- "Lortga" .jailing to till »ro .. •T- '? r'

1?, ]no.oar:.,::-9 o- ■ ng in ifeolsn ; • able ;en/i •. . i

g-.KK-: h- - vow % :u... aovsmo^ II

'4J- '

( \ .} 7 980

He ..<527. >■ tr 4 . 3/7/2**

JL.il E y i s:.

. ■l.^Oburi ?;Ca l^rrvi h. S26-.


w w ~ foigio#; i»*rf o:cns w- • : ^y^'- • l 3... TV'.::.-v;:ln :M' •■■;? ■ Ho ■■■ - -- M p.f>s * ' ! ■ '

- .. arrive ;i bfi- * 88vii ton* ^ . 'Talk'm 4 las t vfesage

*'ltos> 1 Bake.4' ar." . • 5* . Bulks and lighters’- "Fvo*- ;V-*H r:f

. » Pi * W ¥ ■

alvisiP. wf lil feot. ,v- 6 *14 u:!v::^:-;.-! *-• P «j3 sH »C« • *1, .•} v- V -so b( * 1

^ 1 >'• • 01 ’' :-v'

ijMta-Vgteg .. 7.. Loa-ling an'* -■- tfnri^rac' 't working'' in future. Bu;.//' >

o- • yentenood «• - B«P 8, "La feed a" •70. v I I ! ... M Pfi/ - -r ■ " ' : : s I

.... tioiivoraioii r...3 mooring * i?p;s. ewiBg,> TO’-. j! t D&rwin - oeyorls on« >w*l arTi-e-si au 1* , Ke-udi ■

,,.:wc.r5 is..- suggft^-- ••J: ' S'/‘‘ f fioKtoy 12 e ■ Par** : i 13. "Loriga *, r 1 ;.-Ate- i } r oaoBJaine t j. o, r i 14 * J -.harte l '4’14y 3 ■ - in Taraar Pass °n ir-1' ... repervi5 Tjunying "S'aJJfc*aI1' '■ 15- i ,, with 715 tons oi eargo.. : . ’»ortega 16 I *-• * iwn «•*» : *

! * is !| r. 981 >'■' l i :,,vv>- 1 - ai/a/34.

I 1. H e c i a #

I 1. UT-fi ff - ■? ^ 'acknowledger* 3>osp atohes. I :f. Fodrjor wbited f ror Chile girgertire ■ Uruguay. 1. ! Great Thioves not arrested* : . ^V 1 g • - Shod - will not be for sale. Motor wir«h or K^rt*. vp 6. ■; vnd,f - question of slipping* 7. Wool lardtr Certiiitr f*A« - r: 1 j hi ft ov ?mr - t -; -■ 0- -1 "b* 6. Bodi- C-'- i. B “ir • - J'-oofr ■ | n, 1 * Y" ,.- -■ .m '■„ ; I) *1 i V - y Malls to i .0, P.S.N.C ur»d Lighterage chargee. 10 Suburbrr l •■ ; — to 'bo ?-'tu *■?•■'* when ~x ■ ut yd,

1J. . ’ ■ ., -•■■ ...... " ■?v;i 1 r- 'o Oj j r mt poejfttion,

1 3. :?i Uf n4: ■"' Hop** :• — ‘’afov 1 to other old? of H rbour ~ rot ir favour' of. 1 i. Mj ■ - v ! > v -*. - . ': h _ i •• - will ir ’tnr-t d.Clark.

14. Hi ; e - exp] ,ire dlf. •: ,-ult ■> jfr dr- lit- with or lined oug— iv' •!- t: d. i 5. ustralian I .ter Tamr- - is ore required for I> rwin?

If; . ■1.. r it oh'v’5 - .!•' 4 wi 1 i :~xy "*irr-^+ sug.-.estod.

17. Coal for "Baold Awundsen.1' - 11 by ;

1 ■i 1.6. B 1 ’ ot > ’ a: piee«<* fror Star!oy Butchery - could rot have ! been seo-dfyRaged. 1U. ^Falkland'1 - r ports sheep shifting vov-py'-ti or- of ^■y,v i p r\ >0, 5 v iV ; ' ■ H ' - .yoy 'o - pb! ’ j r*fi'b ' " 'r’ delivered, fileloses staterent shewing profit. 1 21. Motor Winch for '’siffendolir'' found to be broker, i itv-r doll "- :;--1 .1- ' t;' n :.±0WY r;' r ;s* - 0- Up:led |r/ • engine under esxlmted by Lieait Newnan. Gw-e^do-lir-- - ti^t trip to !i* • ' Liv'le;.. Hi- i-r • .-o fi > over 'I. week ir Stanley by bad weather. ( m B<»rjs to employ.‘©s - thanks expres >d. 33. l f|.-v ^ j.ror co-.-'-t rvy b:-_ p'voh-ibit >4 . Medical Re-oprt enclosed. 2d pr.Moir'r . v-r* held. m. by ^trig.!o Y, Bdiia Blanc*-,, •jfu '^nchvfCO I- • * jfeteh 'SP c'dwel l:s safely delivered. -nva- -1 should lift all.11 prorhproduce’ce irin Stanley.Stanley,.' ^.p^llar ’ ■ i 27. Ll^-htn^^otor bo,.-! - ' -,;h-.t.;- (ora) rr,:i:-oly doliverod,.

I vr

\ 982 • ' * • vr ■ M *nt< yi 14/A / i

J, X iO’ 1 J» .


f S TtVflV’.'V >

3- ' -ptajln fioh *1 ; - ■:.-ipt-:',iailj>d 'Onv^v ^;lr

-.i: Wi.'! . - « I^vm ;» 0.«. £l ■ :i- •• •..Hn'id,

We.T B■ •? — *lij '-‘ti or o •; - : ^> .. ' ■ of 3UPv: nr* *

I •‘j TTV’. ;••} ^ * r o . Use of"•snith* should, lie i,VOj rl-: { 1 f poi libi Go '• ’ -;f •' -* t ii ' *u-s - not advlconst-ruaet In ‘Stanly

« - Motor Wirrh^o - hot tul. • on-

f Conerte piles for*

■ • ' ii - Governsient responsible for loss

! » 1:1 •Falkland* - sheep shifting trip and other Movements. 8pp ■ >.')jeiP't -

] Qirl 1 .J*D, X ; *•' f 'li %& M®t< ¥ 1 l€ i 1. i

■ - 1




/« _*«

■! 983

•4 > *'% Per • 1th ih °Pia»o •' 4 3 * 'it March, II 34-

T tt JS 0 J s .

1 Genu?} m 4 -V'^* '% i \ PeinorKS upon wool shot out p- r »TJoho7i' hoilt 160 tons coal arrives by "Lobov from Funta «.ren&s„' ■3- Cable r' ' approving proposed 3heep movements 4"' Fero Ortfero ~ r» torgerto'? - Perpetrators still undiscovered S, Local freight* - new Gutter offers fral.A* at & y per tor., 'Qwon toUn ■ ongim installed-

Uea«r$ H.C,Hardin ; <& d .1). Creamer procrctil.ne homo* . -.r :-'i hr * 1

i : /

Hi i


i « - G


\ :

: >

: • f

; • -•

t T • ) 3 ) .!> • i ■

lO t| 4.J

' ' I

u ; V ; O 5

■s» Si ■Zzvr: y ■ • »:-U fn-w* •i -• i

! i

i IM, . _____ T

984 I

*°‘ ? Per "Lotos" ? 17th March; 1934-

P M JS C I S -

^* C0**! Arms 831 and 833 and acknowledges No* 1244- 3 * Crawford, msod. - still employed at Darwin-

3. "Falkland" - raft boat. Limiter from Punta reams

4- Alfalfa - as to importation from Coast

5. Admiralty oil tanks - Stacey will be employed-

8. do. do do - notes tender for £ 550 accepted.

7 * Appreciates cables re prices of wool,

S» Stanley land - -J- acre sold to Dettleff; as to Sulivan House Jetty arid Hulk "Jheliuri"

fc- Coal for whalers - 150 tons shipped in 51 Lotos11 from P/Arenas

10. Dr Baker's Geological report - comments on it.

11. "Gwendolin" - motor installation proceeding-

13.. Merino rams - Government asked to state cause of death-

13- Mails ex P.S.N.C. vessels - matter settled.

14 Painting of whalers - no difficulties foreseen.

15. E,J.Dettleff - will havs 8 months' leave on full pay.

1“. George Bowles - leaves per "Oriana" - re pension.

17. Mr Langdon asks for form of Agreement. 18. "Falklaii" - movements of - produce lifted. 19, Mr Middleton, Stock Inspector and Stock expert^arriying by

- particulars being sent per "Oriana''. 20, Slipway

31. Passengers per "Oriana" for England- - will probably shut out a lot of cargo. 22, "Lobos" * will sail about 31st Mpreh. 23, "Lobos"


f 985

Noff «ai,

Per '"Oropesa" 8th February» 13394.

p » E C 1 S .

le 0onfiB» Despatches 613 anda MK). per "Ballena"

2 Coal supplies ~ as to shortages«. 3. Hails ex P.S.N.C, vessels — correspondence with Government* •- 4 • Freights from Bu.ot.os Aires - Gibson's circular enclosed*

5. "hobos" to be substituted for "Kenuta"* - ^ * I^n.d sold to Governaent — Conveyances enclosed,

Sheep for restocking Islands - proposed movements. Vj -X



W v ■

■ *T

W. Is n. ■■A

* ;



I I «.



H No* ^'19 p per '’Baliena" 30th January, 1984"

P RE C I S ,

1 * Confirms No o 618 and acknowledges No 1243 -

2. Articles of Association etc duly registered,

3* Tinplate etc - hopes of disposal at Montevideo.

4. Sheep shining - Uanso endeavouring to secure business.

5. "Gwend-Ioin" leach rope — hopes it has turned up.

6. Coal for Whalers and coal baskets etc - as to.

1. Posts sent to Darwin - no real cause for complaint.

8c HcC.Harding - leaves by "Oriana" on. leave 31st March.

9 c Paimr Cove land - asks for advise on completion of negotia­ tions.

10. Warehouse in front of Office — alternative schemes.__

11. J.McNicoll - appreciation of Board's decision re passages.,

12. "Falkland" - remarks on. Survey which is due.

13. ‘"Certificates of Landing" sent by this mail.

14. Alfalfa - as to obtaining from Coast. s-v»* 15. Thornycroft engine cabled t vju -

16. Rams from Australia ~ 9 dead out .of 30.

17. Grasses - Rowett Research Institute ask for samples. 18. "Laguna” and "Baliena" - as to movements. 19. Mr Gresham visits the West Falklands.


: rs Per » Ortega” , 2nd January, 1084 -

'F R E ;C i s .

1« Confirms No - 617 per '’Falkland" 2. Mk 3" and "Weddell" - whale catchers; take ,coal.

- ’ ^r£Qrie« discovered, in 3 Farm cheques,

4"’ "Gweadolin" - installation of engine commenced

°* fighters - CSapt Roberts favourably impressed with those building at T&wson 'island.-

6e Chatas ~ can. be bought for £ 95 each!

7* Sailings - delays in messages giving information,

£<■ Alfalfa from coast - unable to obtain at present,

9* "Falkland" - details of trips to Bmta Arenas ,

1CV, 'Produce - hope to have 3.800 baJ.es by end of January

Hr Export Tax - correspondence with Government re bales left ,o*er from the 1023 clip.

12, Groat Island - burglary at house there,

13. Regrets Mr Eettleff *s letter not enclosed in previous despatch.

14, "Ortega" due 3rd Jahuaiy, wo produce will be shipped by her. ■f i

i r 988


^ f ^er via pmrta Arenas- 6th December , 1923- « r

i If P R E C I S -' ;' u 1» Confirms Despatch No, 616..

S. Fairy Cove fen.ee - commenced .

£* ”Klo" - Nor whale catcher; 48 tons coal snpplit ^ ^er

4* ' "Falkland" dynamo - works satisfactorily-

5, Salvage pump ~ reports success of trials - ; $ i3~? ■

6, Motor winches - as to,

7, Naval Camber - boiler installation nearly finished-

8- "Egerla" - roofing in & decking finished-

1 ? :

ft. Ra*s from Coast - "Falkland's" g*r voyage described- .

10- "Falkland" - sailing on 7th December to ‘P/Arenas for wood 11 Wehery sheep shipped toT/Arenas from Hill Cove-

'£ transit GITS! t? tympany 12 c Beaver Island - business now

-j'„ t:

AX :

;. :

s !

i ; : ■

-.. • . —-- i=-**T ■ ------r 989

- ••

No 616 * "Falkland" v a Ptmta Arenas , 15/11/23-

F iv e ‘c X S -

-1' Confirms No.616, and a«fcn

2, "Lagarto" mil - reason of u

Hides - report received; re sau„

4, H.H.R.Gresham asked to act as representative of whaling Cos. „ arrangements 5, Coal f or 'Whalers - "business^commenced.

6. Martin Greece - arrives per "Oropesa-",

7 * "Fal-kland" accounts - going by this mail.

Sc Oil - notes Admiralty agree to our charges. acquiring equipment from S-Georgia. 9* Slipway - re possibility of

10,"Pensions ~ London's decisions noted. ~ suspension of stoppage noted. 11- "War Bonus - ,c.oal very satisfactory, 12 - ■ "Falkland" stripped for motor installation, 13, "Gwendolin" - being - Captain Boberts‘s report enclosed, 14. Lighters & Hulks v. £f "Ml (pie te d, 15- '"Kgoria" - discusses. 16. Motor boat for "FalMand'a" raft

report enclosed, ±7. r Dr Moir's - contract and price noted. 2 whaling .catchers 18- Coal for

• \r

• ». A.-

M \ ! I




Vo. 'liropesa" Roveoiber , ltt£3. Panels-

I. Confirm 614 end a, elm :>wl©d«e# 1240 -

2 * Crook Bridge - Mr Jtoa«* a^in held up in his work

Jk skins — shipaient per ^Ortanc*** -

4, "Falkland" — Board* s approei&tisi conveyed to Crpt- Roberts

5- 'Coast Rajas - pasturage etc to be debited to clients •

6* Mil11 fiery Store Accounts - *13 be kept separate.

7- Groen.shle.ld3 & Canieroji - business transferred to us.,

8 Ba.ais from Coast this yeer - amiigeaents *ia4e with E'-W

a. E.Crawford Mason. - as to his salary.

10. 1-S-Ratcliff e arrives* - ‘in* rf - .r an^ie-tanee•

II. "Gwendalin" - brief report obl 19S3 trips.

12- Blipway - London reeiarks noted. . ..

X8 speedwell Island boat - Roberts to telegraph ‘Loudon .direct

14 •^l]d»nl*e* dyoas» - report will follow.

15 . Salvage pvjap - n^tes it is b&ing sm*» .

jg„ Babeook boiler at Goose Gree* - E.W .Hobbs written t~

orders house framed. from '& inland . 17. M?rth Am - 13 xaP^tafcioo ^ stock & alfalfa - new regulations-

19. stock Inspector - outlines Govoriunesit seheoe ...... eoHMoenced rwming 80th October. - j&oveil©tits of.. 20 ^Falkland* - stoppage deferred. A.G.Bftrton. - to go to 21. Ma* Bobus prospect of redyeing at presoat- 22. Stealer «'*

fc Tax - brief statement- 24. *** wort 991 X. ■* V v " iNo, ,.i ■ 'Or • v>r; ■" t tth 0 " obe . 19V**

i* H B • 0 1 S .

l* v i) r o . '.I", per ■ to”.

V:, "Owondolln" - Mr Gresham's tr1«; : * /. - ■•rotor po!ver. ■

it- ir tp rh", j! othf • -■ o I o.

■ 0 . iti ... Bo - not i' ■' . r *■ -‘I - ■ - ' * •- ■ : • ■ c os ■ •

7. g|j£$jy - sentence'! to 9 taont-h'* h '• -'

b - '

9* I? ■ or.;. *, e .: •*.. vO7i ' "Double llOw" now used.

10 K \. .v ■ ... ; '• -

' ■/r

; « Moorings "01 Britain's"

- Mr Keo-v . 1 , • •» - » . - application for £ extra 2d s pas sag 1 ' . J .M«Ni coll 1.. Sauvple el Kero: sue ?«nt trl :-l- f 'v- ?*vB-

- GO-.-eminent Education 1 uv-r^u- i'.. «!’: • Inland" frre - ••, 1 .--00 O’ . "■ ■ ■ v'- • - . ., . oge >o ": r r -v & 1 " 'r'' ■ 1 . Sheep - telegram wool T ’1; tut-on. B nd tax to be abolltied & 19. tool Tox - _ .erst” o* * 0- -0 ■'




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•. j *

...... •' • ■ MAF »yVtTi jr------*a a * f

V a i 4

1- Cflaflms Despatch 611, acknowledges 1236/7/8.

4'* *Gw«uiolin“ ~ engine in be iiu tolled in Stanley. vo, 6lo. '• Co*’ 10,1c t- Whalers - give* price. ; "*• SulivapL §oy#e - pur*; - sanctioned*: l&i# I*itf!hf • atifrpm \ i V . , ' >* ledge i ini’vrMiti m• ' ■ ■ *y •> 5. Cool - rtfinfirkf* «o Mr Menn«agh‘a letter. '.' • ' 1 i f: . * K •' --fve-.t atrO:l !.y viPu ; 'r .. <• ■. ip'd

- M• H.C.H r-1n ■ - vii# f tea lutslfttive Council-

■ (• rt-- ') ■ f - MH r:ov:; H-y in »r>- . > r* ea

■ «■ 9* Uft r* Ifeno.^e^* Ho ' -o - on I-'-- ••• let '•••- l!.' S'r ; .• ’

:.0 R : ■ - ■ r • :. S , " . 00 , (

. :: In-, =.; r ]• . , -.ij

)i .. if-. , |j ■ .. j' . - ht.on enclosed-

"'i? iM* XU

14. Ordinance No 7 et - &ak- for doeu-ients required by 6 em uynt.

15. Plan at. Stanley * owar.lel >y tnil.

lf>. C"-^r ' . * -v *:•! '-n h'*'m! - hope'? to f ind purchaser?.

17. stall* m - r r J.ved by *1*rto".

18. Surplus sheep - notes Oospany not shipping next season.

:-r.vro;. lVnta . b* •Celia". 19. Store - « Mr Baseley's report on ffcgtnen enclosed. ■ o -ivii --a ' 1

. . ■>■ ' ■ 5. :■: ■■ ’H Y " '- 21. Forgery - asks for vacation. 22- Bel.Pet1 left r * 8 . on of broken rope -ient hone, ■;vv, A- g*3. •©•endolin." s proposed Visit to Darwin. 24. P^gex* / N'o. 611 , per "Gropes*.*, via Andes, 5/7/2 .

P R E C I vS

r<-« Oe^at.--h rro.

2* iiodie Creek Bridge - Mr .Meave to give his advice. 1 - Procb :e ~ Oropesa to take remainder OU h3n>:. -]-■"! V , l-3"< * "Lady Elizabeth’’ “ ehipring delayed owing to bad weather. -5. Coal - notes arrangement for ship*iiv 1000 tons 6. '‘Jtolliland” ~ return?? fros last trip ior 1923/: season.

■ ' Sheep i^port-ati nr, ■- P re 'ivs'f;, 1 port:'. i'-rs Imye* enr-losed. * Mil linery Store - pP es ig re ■ re pro-it or %• yea r *

3, Mil linery Horse Fire - -Jai!.;s for repairs etc forwarded.

10. Fleetwing'' - list of ate rials for conversion enclosed.

11. Mr i.G.Moir, a-nior ■ ler't - resigns.

IP. Greenshields Brothers - business now in our hands.

:j i


f 1 996


No, 610, per "La P&r*, 29th May, 192 -


1* Acknowledges Despatch No, 32 5..

*-* t "Gwendolin" as to installIing motor engine, deck cax^Oe

Speedwel1 Island ■ to be treated as a separate aceoiaat• -•

4. Nickolle *- not to be re~eng aged* 6

5. Sheep shipMemw final fibres for shirwent.

6. Mr Harley ** coal bonus.

7* snrohase by Mr Hamilton completed.

8, U&rgo stealing •* convicted '•'•an not a Company“s servant.

9. Power or titomey & yrecmient for Mr Cresha; • returned for ' correction.

10, Schweppes.t Cantrell & Cochrane agreement on otwivis ion on

11. "Celia1* «» motor vessel from Coast, willing to Make trxto Stanley* 12. di«posal - no offers yet received. 13* Wireless cox t>«ni ation established with Pent, a arenas.

• ■ as to use for coal, store for whalers* 14* “Lady Elizabeth" Last ship proceeding direct home* 15 *

(ion accepts post at Fitjsroy* ' 2>g, Mr Lang ' « will clear Stanley of produce. 20* “La Paz

. -jJ*



> V ;>o 5 a

0 3 x * 86 - ¥ I 997 No. 600 * !>er "M&udie" via Montevideo. 4th May,, l$2‘ , E n C L o s u R B S,

JSWXkLm, (Orlginaj s Per "Balk".). despatch No. sot . RemarkfJn0“ ,l£3gt8 ‘ ^tore Indent No. 58;'.

Despatch No. 609. 8* Cash Book, March. 3. Journal, March.

4-. Statementj on Accounts,

5. Remarks on Accounts.

6. Clayton’s Account (referred to in "Remarks").

7* Store Indent No. 589.

8* Cash Voucher, West Store, April.

9. Ledger Balances, 31st March, 1926. 10. Return of Camp Wages.

11 . "Falkland" freights.

••• 4- 12. Sis.,,. v J.» V r.1 Stanley Butchery.

13. Coasting Insurances - April, 1923.

14. •\d”-,1.ralty Account (Landing Charges) £ 241. 16 e 6 t

15. F.I.Gazette May, 1923.

16. P.I.Magazine , May, 1923.

17 . F.I.Sh ipp ing Rep or t,

lo1 p C Memo for B.B.Goddard Bs \. 19. Memo for W.A .Harding Bsi. of letter to Royal Insurance Co. re Fire. 20. Copy

S P e oifi cations

Wool. Skins. Hides. Tallow. Mark. 24. s ! 156. 5. 13. S & $ 356. 9. 6. T R 3* AP 61) 30) W o 6. 3‘ . P i. 26. 8 © w 1 ° F *

609 , Per "Mandie" via, Montevideo, 4th May, IS^h. «

P R 10 " •* S ..

4 ■“ :>v ■ » MtffiMMi York*?. 1. Confirms Despatch 60S ;>ei 'Y.'^lk" via Montevideo,

-« 9, .i„ -.1 Lra , -i-, r; -enter ■ as. to. pension, ieo hi< -

<• 'Obu^t Kar* -• shipped to li/ia/l iestinations.

4. "Falkland" - final trip before it •, 1 .■ ’ - V-' ' • ■ ’ W* .Ha] iii ■ . hy whaler, 28rd

(>, Pi rz at Mi .!;!?> - . tit - house - reports,

. E'.' t .-.•hery ~ statement of: .rar ■> '! Err pa ’‘a..e.

■i .


; .


A -j-



■ V vex V r ?' I f £ , i 1. . * * 999 A. 'i I V' .„• - i '■>or>. "'itom-uv#1' , lgth February , 1933.

r R E c I s V

1* IGtawml edges Despatch No, 1833. Admiralty Oil Tanks - till discuss with Mr Weave. 3 - "Falkland" Coal - Yorkshire hards being shipped.

■ - Mr Harley's coal bonus.

'i •- Haws' from Coast as to freight to be charged, l "Saras(®« &**piyrt» disposal of, i i bCaptain Roberts * •s report on "Gwendolin" sails ”* sent here-” * ; with. ** Bull van House “* refmlt of negotiations will be cabled.

v> •.iietialibs & Butchery sheepskins - as to lighterage charges,

H c- Speedwell Island $ Original of “Consent" not needed,

10, Freight on Tallow & Hides - reductions noted,

:u * “•Ouenwtew" .sailing 18th February with about 3600 bales.


i j f 1000

i ; No. 604.

Poi:s "Buendesl? $> 9th. Fefeuary , 1923*

V R E C I S try»



3* Suburban Lands - as to. 4. ; "Kelp" - propeller difficulties ~ black vami-sjf:. ■v Cutter "Exe" “ Me A.P.Cobb's Protest forwarded in 601. ;

! 6. Engineer for "Fallifend" - Mr Peters going .on leave in AP18L

7* "Falkland" - as to repairs and condition of.

S* Freights on Produce — as to P.S.N.C* reductions.

9 "Gwendoltn” ” as to motor for - freight .dapafiity eta.

10* Speedwell island - memorandum enclosed.

11. Accounts - "Falkland'’ and other coasting vessels ~ as to

.closing date

IS, Mr Vincent - Agreement to hand.

13. C.G-.a .Anson - Mortgage registered here and returned®

14 * Nieholls, foreman carpenter at Darwiiu ’Crawford, mason;

leave by the April mail - as to re-engaging..

15. Dr Herklots - agreement terminated. { a : 16. Dr Cradoock's Account - now in credit £ 134.

17. Produce - shipment of ."Duendea'l’Los&daTLa Pag" .calling. 1 3.8» Sheep selling - movements of sidey's chartered ship.

19. "Duendes” arriving 10th February.



; I y

» t


I u h . '