790 ■ ] R.li.S * OflUDec. ?oc. loti; Av . ,1927 Sir, 1 -V d*e>atc:h Ha. ^02 und led: , 't ~ «■' 2* ^ *308 vjid 1210 T i tf eri-H©«ttr«fc ;-4. 2. 12 02 * 7• I 1.2- -21 veti -Trite >.•, * Kr J.T.^cod } .e hue be** - rointed AeceuaUnt, BeeJUteepar .ar.d *ter*ir«e; 2I' t ^TTisti Kr Slight sr regarding the 10 /' a'; ••- Vuw 6&a*vied* 6i Lie rift. I a:-v t t;..at ' i ■; .. ■ ■' - • 43" CXI- t*:a lT.ti; JcXj, fy Kr 2 viaftLi.* ;■ .L to r .Dair: s ;:use »?«r frees Kr CJrseot pending 10: Vfcod'e urrir.'l rr.u Kr Crete* till case* ir uteut the 29th, instant vxl s&ll far U*X* via lL.ntsvii«i in the •Faiklx.nl*. 3. 1309 - 3. AuetLri wcaro'c h*.a been. rsna* fsr tL„ ;■ . * V epsxee but a» eucce.se.' A precie ha* been pre; ared •*- Bnc# tli- nhele eaee and is-sent L ?-#*,< th. 4, 1308' • 4* I ncte that Llbyds nave act ee-e-u their "ii, tc fall in *ita your proposal* regarding Uio cvadv-ct of cl'--4«4 other »*..vv«jr« at ?Li* port rt present. I ; Lc. iatereeted te iceew whu.4 L-tited* tro Korxe^i. s- till ««* , 32C9 * 5. I note that the veil tie* vtli be ehipoed by v the * Isuitere6 * TL- replioe of tfc* ■ Challenge Cup for Rifle ». 1.308 • $* safwly end b&e teeo headed aver te the F.I .B.p* f\ S£t»*U< „ i-r rivet 4 for it ties* rvj / -©ter» \ - uni r n 791 .'. V * / \ HCRUr */ Xlnfilett • •■! «• de-: •: 25,# r ' «• •’ r 1 i-’i * ':■ , % £ ®Ut £ ■' : •1L4 i.Niftr; t. £ v "*&***% win go fervid *t the esst cf 6* 1509 . the sr ’'it* . l ’*7*. ujc*n 1 *'■•'*: r"‘ ’■ '■■-■' ■ ■; ',:«tusa p«< - *'■> V »x* i, * u, d V •-* ev n,V tofc, •ta* *ATe Uui V • ■ u tji# pi- • t# to 3<*. i: *• 1209 - 10. X Mve t# re5 . - «f to T.M Ihemfcc *fc ,. \ I ' * ' ..t ■;i' V--A* V- *M.-. ■ •’: -in th# l?t ‘ r ly. -T«*k fit. M*. x., : | J ■■ri ps«gx*«ft, .4 ’: 1 tSsra^i 3 ,t *--- • M1 i oxf O4 totgjMin tend I. 0 4 . 1 V •* ^ x iiQtm tiAt yau Ir * - d : .pi ■ .v.::. &f. V' ****** 01194 ft t ir ftfta#. XI. 13UD - 5 £ £3. I V;.,.v:- tel-A y. A «... ; ■ fcc ‘Jbfc fefj acst -«*«'« Mrlft t2.,- ro. 2 \ 4... -’,1- L. d/d.wO/y *.g ti". .-rdt.T V J~r „ t’v .* • • xg le-f x'i.t «r# c-t jp«>Ti*cl. ‘X.’.fc . ■ H I v 1- w hftgft. i «. tiz e_.i;<Av^ v i '. t w* fc ,! {■} .- • - - i-ly vene,.l:, vsl t.- _ czzi'c w> uut tfevrftfv?e X; C ui-T eilier rrcvigicc^. I «n flftdt to »*•:# Xr«» ttltgxais of t5j« lnst#j)t tSjftt ycu , ~ c?n : .: ■ r., Xyj r ft-il ' ;’re . tl:.t* ’Si u us f«iv ;i, .. "-31 cXi^l' v egg. I ibb co*fr g«lafc lat. r; . ligating th# ; sjr& mill -ei.tJb. tMft antttr la k# a#xt dk:-. 11* 1110 * 7* 1 to tiuuk j-«a feir tfc# Brit. Uto-.i . MI. A»fteciMiC£M ?poJc of Bale# for 19f9/50, are *... ;# iMt , c lin f-T£ r^aioul attendar;ce «a s.s,iX" md* t r'-riX'-i - hi~.s lean put formsadj -lee s. -t vhtn rwud#tlkq- 9» :l.i tlep xsttftt Is 3ttpi'ort«d by roudsor* und «jctxo.ctft >'1 - frv-. -t: ft ftJblj?f* r\ -1 ■* S. attain Rohertfi could not tgete-i.'. .. Giiiaf 15. 1310 South Oftoygla* I telesradMd yeu on the 25th. Ox fi .c«f that you get in touch «ltl Cu.-Uiri Belgau ^..1T . S ;• u t h t U■ U * L £ mbo trould . ^rht;pe hs&Xzt ua In or *.»* A ‘ . a jroruagi^- *.• r 4 792 * * t * \ 9, 3. l4, Ulo . lt * nKm - •* ’ _ J ir.-, ,• *‘*por| , t 1 * ’ 1 ^ ’ -7 C • j'-- * AattOUU, I n*t« «li you v*rii* ir- this 1 ‘“Ujr r~.lL, tt» proapooi *f dJLopssing u i« and *■^>.1 -,,abt!•** is*•:•.£ fr:- ,-au *>: -ntly \ *• *M«PU|g I have order*! r<*. ii *.? *t? .r 1/ ** C*T1 *reot r«# pvatoer.o on. - * '■'.**» rard £14*..*^ :a.t T® <lc Ik «*€,<*»Us,,; or.. nix* i, viw of thiie \nm - $7* ■$». four riveter® tc,d 4k. Conroe ocr to drtT# six ::utaK*r« 4** 40b 3f TO-Or -lUn* Skill ' ' . Sfi; ■ altti-lix; X note t xi it to sot „ o*>fcifei« as ,■ . - 4. ^tu; « to to A ■: «i ini te under Stand tx. ,-',v 'J0np&£ag eatOSM?* rp.-.aim, Wi that if can do satis ;..c* ;y u .n. : v. •''•.• hzlce* t;w nkeuld be no daubs that -x« si^ll g*t .3 .xi, ‘£r# i'vii'.iifL#*-! r«*«s for repair . ■>rk. sa*^* of no a- , eu.-r -cv& an I re-heed fro, U* •»ulk:*rd»«« cill. tfc« d . .,-; undcv.>J.»^; charge* quoted in the letter ua-ed Vt/'iXfrc■> tis.f acu--:-vcn ,aiin& f oeulir;; OoBpacy are reason v.0 - . I rob lice that if wn ®at catcher repair work it should increase our : ?f store#* provision#* coat and •••>.; . -tn t, 9 oat^iiHC *»4- Bnpnir Boynrtsnn* ©•« ^nXy ..>#sr h-» -w oti^’ J>op»rt£jnxt,» «H1 rn^ -tim ran©fit. s • X rill dttMVM ti*o ^uootion tf s booking repair skktttrioi Mr 4tt« court*, 0*«, •IWUrlird* arrive * nt jlb^kArle fleer. 10, 1^1 Q * iOUx July *nd *t Stanley or t.: <• :Xnd, South. Gnortfin ■fcjber gc4ii£. and rottumlsf aad proved Sj.o anaoufct-ii-eni bad v ex^* did not lift m many dnaso as 5?j*T total 9*xr>iAg* for tni-*. voy^.e cu;ounted Xispod f«Jf but her aah ■ wore approtira «ely - f£-2, 10* *.. « £ e>7. JO. 1C. “*>«"»•• 115 to cover dopreci&XUn and profit. hsannfi« of f leoaring a I. r v•. •*« * t A, w A 79 J ^4*-. *# t *w . 4, ***« OX *«feoeo •■< ..0l ‘ lZi- *i patent iaei i 47/ ,-iv.b l0* tu af tfc« *cl‘**» U oottofoctcxy. 1 he;, tt, **?•■«• fux tUr tjCi** lx, ®* **• thor# ie x large #*: ;k of ,£ ‘ * ■- u . 5#"th teaxgXiL, TJ^t *71# ir j i • ,3• . > __ #1 cv? t; \ IdC ***** t« tb#«# f t 4/- ml, lut t« SBOfcled t# do tbtl *iu “* f t „ lorerrj. IfAJl 61. c*;.:, ,: : ■« *t*dly ##tt4 •--* t s t*rtovlf,::E r „■ r ~itt; <J* ; . ,:e •ttggeoted i& yamr Hot « f it u (tii will ho «aat useful ltt£or-.4»kti»n *&£ -■.Ig-.t ,rcri a * ari f or " , ; -ter *hi* *ep%ix ver* 1« gleQ| ' s ^ . e»- 1 that X mmt advise you £muL4 the *tx «4 it to et&U: tore- •■* W* 1-iC * -.r,. ~ re.cii.ded Er SI# itu..: it.. .r'i \ Yx \ Bwa-oyasaK* t. uuCs,:."*.iuni that li# i* ogree&tl* t-s re ••err-i;- to the Colony el £ IS per south es long os ho roaoltn aincU# V it *1 ire .-.. ic ::,-,;.r:iu3 -peart*** &V.xiI:*fcl». 1 t-'-v t ;, ed yv> . ,.. ...cut fela oci -loo snout six addtti;r;.‘l 2 Ui-.itr wtoUife xse *l«oghtex ro^uirto. is.* liic - ass, X mete oil ;■*••> > writ# regarding the - C;» , . * Aft-orglcs" *a4 of the catch* I ■ l-'la-i t'-.J \ Saa^i . Cespocg that they su©u34 place *♦*••.# ir i course-is ( '..,,u Hr Aedorooft direct* 19. 1510 - .a* I glad that wore ofcl* to .--cWic it*-? V /r^ig ika 7.3.3r.C. in .Hr EU*r’s tiaoi. J •clsfactiOB Wish reference to copies the. tuo let tors 5V0. 1510 - ~7. the admiralty*- • ■ rrclceod ft'Cc: tfMmddd statement of rocof^te and iostje* of oil W- » sail. With regard tc the isone sent yev* W lt«t :5ual eon tc E.S*S.-WiUi Scoxeobi* ex 13th ttsofch 3f 115. aAo soiled without signing the MUfoty *ote| thio wooed into «ect hy ■:: ■ 1. A roc v«d Mi ya« since hoeu ' hi* receipts wad issues of oil ..are re^ar j ; - . hooks ote. T. ■■; r_- hut ire net kept in this Office. r.yri cu^'J > IQ? * *** 5jia. •«. UK 1 ■ :. , 4 *•■■•■' * ’. ,1 ■ •«& -:-f *U ^ •*** ta 8th Magn§,%0 tfti > * **** ^. ■!a Oil l raalaainfc ttm itnk la Oatabaj *1. *** r^ir«rc* t.o * *i • tic- * . ' » '. r- c ti r :. th#i* •Uetric 1 * ue4 at pvaaant aaiajp * i total •h-nert. i *? t** t^inlc e that U ' ■ ■ 1' • *- »*rj* v; *’4- .* ; i ty tr -■■ '■ -■■'•** "■ ?* •urr**t th - tn a*r rws plant, I thin* tl> - •. rv • ■ - ~0%*: ’ v '? “C" . ■ »<tfc nil, ,n-i -c :- at traattv? «>« CSC avr atnr *ha 1wtt«r It •>.•* Id ta tf‘T b«*l\-oe*. "■• i>t^a flUUM Ian Jul >t«c"rio 2t*ftt for tJ'aiX for »,-.*■ ti •„» If fv:.. at ". la /r. ,c»? a * ■ . - ■ _ ■• . " a , : v if y#u •••:. #anc*lvjs a list- ♦* * c .- ■•\ - ■ to ti ?§rt ■ 13aa jjlflNlull 8t-jr«, praaant that St«r«, twmamii in T Boom, faja Oatta^a* •taa&ay Sanaa aad Yha RBtcrtay re?5*.xllt. • ft* Orsatty r-vtt-* f\r* n*: (£} ar^f. r* *?on*»i: 1* - t-. •■-■-: '?) **4^*1 •« Ip latncr, ft] station •* «wa1i- daaaraUt* .,• ; ......... "V r*i :*r, estact ch#e> tar *a kart an all eareuarotica. clti ooaae-; Jta»t \l aaaila&l* at all hatur* hy hattafy ayaratad (?) 2^*- plant. ; #f neat i - A xaugb ! ■' £ £5©* r * cUtri#*, ; -axial# fitting* * !****» 100, 4*5, 1 • ' firing 100 -so* € 450.
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